Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
PALLANT, JOHN England, fl.1826-1850+, MIM OIM PHIM Meridian Telescope = D.(1987); Aneroid Barometer = Phillips 10/26/83. apprenticed to John Huggins 2 of the Grocers' Company, Dec. 7, 1826; partner with W. Muxton as "Muxton and Pallant" before 1843; on his own after that date; the telescope is signed "J. Pallant, 44 Museum Street, London"; the barometer is signed "Pallant 51 Strand, London." 44 Museum Street (before 1843); 14 Mercer Street, Long Acre (1843); 51 Strand; all in London. Moskowitz 130; J. Brown 2; RSW.

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