Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
PIXII, NICOLAS CONSTANT France, 1776-1861, MIM PHIM Thermoscope = P.C.; Torricelli Tube, 1830 = USNM; Hygrometer = LEY; Goniometers, Wollaston-type = APS, USNM; Pyrometer = USNM; Thermometer = LEY. nephew of Louis-Joseph and Pierre François Dumotiez; one of the best and most productive makers of physical apparatus of his day; succeeded his uncles, c.1815; worked with his son, Antoine-Hippolyte, 1832-35; see Pixii Père et Fils; see Nicolas Constant Pixii-Dumotiez; U. of Georgia, Athens, bought instruments in 1819. 91 rue de Jardinet, No. 2, Paris. Daumas 1; Multhauf 1; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Warner 13; RSW.

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