Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
PRICE, CHARLES (CONT.) at the Hermitage in Wapping (1700-05) and at the shop next the Fleece Tavern in Cornhill (1703-06); at their house in Whites-Alley, Coleman Street (1707-10); at the Archimedes and Globe in Ludgate Street (1710); at the Lisbon Coffee-House behind the Royal Exchange (1713-15); at the Atlas against Exeter Exchange in ye Strand (1715); at the Sign of the Mariner and Globe, Strand (1718); of Hammersmith, in Westminster Hall (1727-30); at Strand-Bridge in the Strand (1731); in the Fleet Prison (1731); all in London. Tyacke 1; J. Brown 1; Calvert 2; Wynter 1; Daumas 1; Evans 1; Taylor 1(420) & 2(104); Krogt 2; Wynter and Turner; Crawforth 6 and 8; RSW.

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