Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
SCOTT, BENJAMIN England; Russia, fl.1712-51, MIM NIM OIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. apprenticed to James Anderton of the Grocers' Company on April 14, 1702; turned over to John Rowley of the Broderers' Company on April 2, 1706; free of the Grocers' Sept. 16, 1712; took apprentices; compass maker to the Russian Navy Ministry, 1733-47; scientific instrument maker to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences; see B. Scott and C. Price; see G. Lyford. Exeter Change (1712); the Mariner and Globe, Exeter Exchange Street, Strand (1715); near Exeter hange in the Srand (1731); all in London; St. Petersburg (1733-51). Taylor 1(577) & 2(116); Tyacke 1; J. Brown 1; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10; USNM; Wynter 1; Crawforth 7; Chenekal; RSW.

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