Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
SMITH AND BECK England, fl.1847-57, OIM Microscopes = Hunterian Museum, U. of Glasgow, Christie 12/8/76, Phillips 10/26/83 and 2/15/89, Soth. 2/26/68 & 2/25/86, D.(1975), D.(1985), P.C.; Binocular Microscope, No.1527 = Soth. 2/25/86; etc. James Smith 3 and Richard Beck; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; Phillips 2/15/89 was presentation gift in 1852, No. 667. 6 Coleman Street, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Nuttall 2; Moskowitz; Coffeen 9; RSW.

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