Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
TROUGHTON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1764-1807, MIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to his uncle (or granduncle), John Troughton 1, on Jan. 27, 1757, in the Grocers' Company; free of the Company, July 3, 1764; became a partner in J. and J. Troughton,(1764- 70); the other J. Troughton could have been John (1) or Joseph (1); took over the business of Benjamin Cole 2 in 1782 and moved to Cole's shop at The Orrery, 136 Fleet Street, London; took his brother, Edward Troughton 2 as a partner, 1788-1804; Taylor and Wilson, Goodison and E.G.R. Taylor thought the partnership with Edward Troughton 2, came earlier. see John Troughton 2 (cont.).

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