Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
TUTTELL, THOMAS England, fl.1695-1702, MIM NIM PHIM SIM made a wide range of sundials, mathematical instruments, etc, including a presentation set in ivory of a cross-staff, a backstaff, and a Gunter's rule all at NMM; examples can be seen at NMM, BM, OXF, VAA, Norwich Museum, WHI, KEN, etc. apprenticed to Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company on April 2, 1688; free of the Company, July 1, 1695; took apprentices; invented a type of analemmatic sundial; Trade Cards, one in French; "Mathematical Instrument Maker to the King's most Excellent Majesty", 1700-02 (King William); Tuttell drowned in 1702 while on a marine survey. at the King's Arms and Globe at Charing Cross and at his shop facing the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, London. J. Brown 3; Taylor 1(497); Crawforth 1; Robischon; RSW; A.J. Turner 10; Michel 3; Bryden 16; Goodison 1; Stevens and Aked.

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