Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
VOOGHDIO, NICOLAS J. Holland, c.1684, MIM Planisphere, paper = ADL-A286. designed an astronomical quadrant, made in wood by Han a Loon; two examples at UTR; there was a wood and paper quadrant at DRE (now lost) that was said to have been designed by Vooghdio and made by Johannes van Keulen 1; ADL signed "Auct N. Vooghdio Amsterdam by Johannes van Keulen (1) met privlégie vor 15 iaaren"; also marked "C.I. Voogt Geometra't Amsterdam by Johannes van Keulen (1) boekverkooper aand i nieux Brugh in de gekroon de Lootsman." Amsterdam. Zinner 1; van Cittert 1; Michel 3; D.J. Warner 2; Krogt 2; ADL; RSW.

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