Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
CAROCHEZ, NOEL-SIMON France, fl.1767-1813, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Folding Square = P.C.; Graphometer = Chayette 6/28/86; Telescope = Prin Coll; Angle Barometer = D.(1988). Noël-Simon Carochez; apprenticed to P. Vallée, 1759; turned over to Berin de la Croix, 1761; Master in the "Corporation des fondeurs"; "Ingénieur du Roi"; "Opticien de Monsieur"; inventoried Passsement's estate, 1769; made achromatic lenses and physical instruments, etc. Le Pont Nôtre Dame, côte de Saint-Denys-de-la-Chartre (1769); Rue de la Pelleterie (1774); Quai de l'Horloge (1789);last two on the Ile de la Cité; Place de Cambrai (1792); Place de Grève, près l'Hôtel de Ville (no date); all in Paris. Augarde; Daumas 1; Nachet.

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