Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
FINNEY, JOSEPH 2 England; Scotland, fl.1770-1825, MIM OIM PHIM Angle Barometer = KEN; Micrometer Gauge = KEN; Elliptical Trammel = KEN; Dial Pyrometer = KEN; Stick Barometer = P.C. could be son of Joseph Finney 1; Edinburgh shop may be branch; all KEN instruments are part of George III Coll.; see Finney and Liddle. Liverpool; 5 Bank Street (1818); 3 North Bank Street, (1819-1825); both Bank Street addresses are in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1553); Daumas 1; Chaldecott 1; Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW; Tyler.

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