Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
HARRIS, T., AND SON England, 1806-46, MIM OIM PHIM many examples of telescopes, microscopes, sundials, miniature globes and other mathematical instruments which may be found in most museums including NMM, DRE, KEN, PEA, USNM, ADL, etc. T.C.; Thomas Harris 2 and son; they took over Thomas Blunt's shop in 1823; barometer makers; "Opticians and Globe Makers to the King"; "Opticians to the Royal Family"; "Opticians to H.R.H. the Duke of Kent." 140 Fleet Street (1806); 20 Duke Street (1808); 30 Hyde Street, Bloomsbury (1810-17); 52 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury (sometimes just "British Museum")(1817-46); 50 High Holborn; 144a Oxford Street; all in London; also a branch in Hamburg. Taylor 2(1150); Brewington 1; Bell 2; Calvert 2; USNM; NMM 2; Moskowitz 107; Crawforth 1; ADL; RSW.

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