Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
HARRIS, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1799-1848, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = NMM-S.133; Sextant = Maine Historical Society, Portland, Me.; Goniometer made for David Brewster in 1809; Microscopes = Soth. 4/22/65 and 10/3/88, D.(1975); Beam Compass = D.(1975); Proportional Compass = Weil Cat.29; Floating Sundials = D.(1985), Soth. 5/11/23; Orrery = NMM. T.C. 47 High Holborn (1799-1812); 50 High Holborn (1812-48); both in London. Taylor 2(1151); USNM; NMM 2; Coffeen 11; RSW.

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