Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
KRABBE, JOHANN Germany, 1553-1616, MIM NIM Astrolabes, brass = STO (1579) (ICA-529), D.(1972), Fort Caroline Nat'l Memorial, Fla. (1582) (ICA-581) (NMM-3); Astrolabes, paper = OXF (1583) (ICA-276), LUN (1583) (ICA-612); Nocturnal, 1583 = ROM; Diptych Sundial, 1583 = ZUR; Regiomontanus Sundial, 1584 = NMM-D.228; Mathematical Instrument (1586); Globe (1583). author; he wrote that his planispheric astrolabes were intended for mariners; the Fort Caroline astrolabe is considered a mariner's astrolabe; NMM is the National Maritime Museum Registry of Mariner's Astrolabes; geometer to Henricus Julius, Bishop of Halberstadt, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg. Minden; Wolfenbüttel. Zinner 1; Michel 1, 2 and 3; Gunther 1 and 2; Price 1; ICA 2; Waters 1; NMM 2; MADEX; Stimson 3; RSW; Debeauvais 1.

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