Webster Signature Database Search Results

Important note: Most of these instruments are not in the Adler collection (which you can find more information about here). We know nothing about them beyond the information returned by searching this database. You may be able to learn more by contacting the institutions in the "Instruments" column, or by consulting the "References" listed.

Your search for signatures starting with G yielded 912 entries. Displaying entries 1–912.
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Signature Maker Info Instruments Comments Location References Suggest Correction
G. Portugal, 1605, NIM Mariner's Astrolabe, 1605 (NMM-59) = Christie-NY 6/14/88 = Museu de Marinha, Lisbon. National Maritime Museum Registry of Mariner's Astrolabes; from the Atocha wreck. A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
G. AND R.G. Scotland, c.1817, MIM wrote on thermometers and hygrometers; mathematical instrument makers ? Kinross? Taylor 2(1337a). suggest correction
G.A. Gualterus Arsenius, which see; instruments sometimes signed "G.A. nepos Gemmae Frisi." Engelmann 1; Van Ortroy 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
G.A.I.G. See H.G.A.V. suggest correction
G.A.R.E. Holland?, 1569, MIM Astrolabe, 1569 = AMST. the astrolabe is also marked "P.C." Holland, Belgium or Germany. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
G.A.Z.N. Germany marked on stone sundial signed "Gottfried Abbas." N.M. Fränkel Coll. Cat, 1913. suggest correction
G.B. 1 England on nocturnals = Great Bear. RSW. suggest correction
G.B. 2 England, c.1775, NIM Backstaff = Christie-SK 7/2/81-174. "G.B. Royal Guardian", with Prince of Wales plumes; belonged to Nevil Maskylene. RSW. suggest correction
G.B.H.L. England?, NIM Nocturnal, wood = GMM. "G.B." may stand for Great Bear. RSW. suggest correction
G.C. c.1820, MIM Sundial, pocket = AMST. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
G.C.A. GermanyMIM Universal Ring Sundial = LIN-100. Zinner 1. suggest correction
G.C.K. Germany, 1768, MIM Horizontal Sundial, stone, 1768 = AUG. RSW. suggest correction
G.C.M. ItalyMIM SIM initials on surveying instrument made by Gio. Riva at VEN. RSW. suggest correction
G.C.S. Germanyc.1550, MIM Dividers with screw, iron = P.C. screw runs through both arms; engraved with the arms of Augsburg. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
G.D. England, OIM Eyepieces (3) for Refractor Telescope. George Dollond (?). Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
G.D.L.G. 1771, MIM Vertical Sundial, stone, 1771 = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88 = Chayette 12/20/88. direct south facing sundial. RSW. suggest correction
G.E. USA, 1779-99, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1779 = USNM; Horizontal Sundials, pewter, 1779 = Earle Coll., P.C.; Horizontal Sundial, pewter = Mercer Museum, Pa; Sundial Mold, stone, 1779 = D.(1985). George Ellicott (?); USNM dial is for 40°. Bucks County, Pa. Earle; Coffeen 10; RSW. suggest correction
G.E.R. D. ET L. Germany, 1691, MIM Astrolabe, wood and paper, 1691 = RAV (ICA-624). Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
G.F. USA, c.1800, NIM Marine Compass in gimbals = P.C. (1970). wooden box. Guthman 1. suggest correction
G.G. 1 Holland, 1677, PHIM Beam Balance, 1677 = LEY. Crommelin 1. suggest correction
G.G. 2 marked on Dutch, silver perpetual calendar dated 1750, WHI-1776 (FIT); with coat of arms, surely owner. Bryden 16. suggest correction
G.G.B. 1612, MIM Tide Dial = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
G.G.C. France., 17th Century, MIM Quadrant = ADL-M181. cutout monogram in center; may be owner. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
G.G.F. Germany, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = Drecker Coll. F. appears under G.G.; may be Fecit. RSW; Evans 1. suggest correction
G.G.Z. Germany?, fl.1707-15, MIM Sundial, 1707 = LIN; Sundial = KEN; Ring Sundial, 1715 = PAK-128. Beevers; RSW. suggest correction
G.H. 1 c.1530, MIM Skaphe = BMR. Lunardi. suggest correction
G.H. 2 England?, 1665, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1665 = Soth. 5/11/23 = BM. amateur work; may be George Hooper. Taylor 1(291); Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
G.H. 3 Belgium?, 1767, MIM SIM Theodolite and Surveying Instruments in box, 1767 = Soth. 4/22/65. Flanders? RSW. suggest correction
G.H.M.A.D. Germany, 1601, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1601 = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
G.H.V.K. Holland, fl.1780-1801, MIM NIM Gerard Hulst van Keulen, which see. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
G.H.W. Germany, 1730, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1730 = Drecker Coll. Eichstätt. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
G.J. England, MIM Nocturnal, boxwood = P. and S. 3/20/1896. George Johnson? London. RSW. suggest correction
G.K.B. Germany, 1587, MIM Nocturnal, 1587 = OXF. Georg Kostenbader? Josten 1; Liège; Price 2; Michel 1. suggest correction
G.K.V. Germany?, c.1600, MIM Pillar Sundial with watch in base and Instruments inside, silver and parcel-gilt = Sneyd Coll. = Keele Hall Sale, pre-July, 1928 = Soth. 7/26/28 = WEBS. signed on watch cock; tooled leather case; "London" also on watch cock, in later hand. Davis; RSW. suggest correction
G.L. 1 Germany, 1592, MIM Horizontal Sundial, string-gnomon, 1592 = NUR-WI 257. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
G.L. 2 England?OIM Microscope, Lindsay-type = Soth. 12/15/78. marked "215" RSW. suggest correction
G.M. 1 England, "G.M. 60" marked on a calculating scale signed "M. Burleigh", also marked "M.B."; the instrument is ADL-N41. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
G.M. 2 Belgium, fl.1681-83, MIM SIM Military Circumferentor = OXF. Guillaume Meuris of Brussels, which see. Brussels. Josten 1; RSW. suggest correction
G.M. 3 19th Century, MIM Drawing Instrument = Soth. 3/5/81 case signed G. Mure. RSW. suggest correction
G.M.F.C. 1743, "G. Maru fecit Caboga", on an armillary sphere at LOS. Thielmann; RSW. suggest correction
G.M.G. 1774, MIM Gauging Rod, 1774 = NYC. RSW; DES. suggest correction
G.M.M.K. Germany, MIM Rule = NYC. has scales for various cities. Drechsler 2. suggest correction
G.O.T.E. MIM Rule with various scales = VEN. RSW. suggest correction
G.R. 1 Germany, 1544, MIM Ring Sundial, 1544 = MUN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
G.R. 2 England, 1641, MIM Garden Sundial, 1641 = P.C. also marked "W.H." Minster, Kent. Strand Magazine, 1893, pp. 308-18. suggest correction
G.S. 1 1633, MIM Cube Sundial, 1633 = PRZ. RSW. suggest correction
G.S. 2 Germany, 1645, MIM Cruciform Sundial, 1645 = Meran Museum. Zinner 1. suggest correction
G.S. 3 Germany, c.1730, PHIM Nest of Weights = Koller 11/17/75. mastermark is mermaid; probably Georg Scherb. RSW. suggest correction
G.S.G. Germany, c.1730, PHIM Nest of Weights = Koller 11/17/75. mastermark is mermaid. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
G.S.P. 1643, MIM SIM Protractor with rules pivoting at mid-point, 1643 = D.(1976); Graphometer with Sundial on back, 1643 = D.(1971). RSW. suggest correction
G.V. 1 1652, MIM Vertical Sundial, 1652 = USNM. might be C.V. RSW. suggest correction
G.V. 2 MIM SIM Miner's Compass, wood and ivory = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
G.V.F. "Girolamo Vulparia fecit"; see Hieronymous Vulparia. RSW. suggest correction
G.V.K. Holland, c.1678-1726, NIM Cross-staff, 1724 = UTR. see Gerard van Keulen. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bryuns 2. suggest correction
G.W. 1 1591, MIM Artillery Level, 1591 = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
G.W. 2 c.1790, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = PEA-M2536. Brewington 1. suggest correction
G.W. 3 England, 1826, MIM Garden Sundial, 1826 = P.C. Smeeth. Strand Magazine, 1893, pp. 308-18. suggest correction
G.W. 4 England, c.1835, NIM marked on ivory scale of octant signed "Bassnet Liverpool", at PMS. RSW. suggest correction
G.W.G.J.M.H. Germany, c.1560, MIM SIM Miner's Compass, wood and ivory = ADL-M170. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
G.Z. Germany, fl.1619-20, MIM Gunner's Level, 1619 = BM; Military Architect's Instrument, 1620 = USNM. surely Georg Zorn. Augsburg. Price 2 and 3; Ward 4; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
G.Z.F. Italy, c.1840, see Giovanni Francesco Zarbula; see Z.J.F. and Z.G.F. Piedmont. Gatty. suggest correction
GA----, J. England, NIM Octant = GEL. Wapping, London. RSW. suggest correction
GABALIO England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, P.C. 3 Long Lane; 20 Cross Street, Hatton Garden; both in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GABORY England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. may be two makers. 123 Holborn; 125 Holborn; both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GABOURG, F. England, fl.1784-97, OIM PHIM Microscope = OXF (RMS). may be F.G. 2; also barometer maker. 125 High Holborn, London. Taylor 2(837); Clay and Court; Bell 2. suggest correction
GADIN France, c.1850, OIM optician. 53, Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
GAENLANSINGE, PER JAEN Holland, 17th Century, PHIM Balances = KRA. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
GAETANO, P., DI SIVA P. CAPUCCINO Italy, 18th Century, MIM Pillar Sundial, wood = NMM-D.188. NMM 2. suggest correction
GAFTL 1748, MIM Measure, 1748 = Roussel-92. RSW. suggest correction
GAFURIO, G. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 2/14/79. Chester. RSW. suggest correction
GAGETTA England, PHIM barometer maker. Manchester. Bell 2. suggest correction
GAGGIA see B. Tagliabue, Gaggia and Co. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GAGGINI ET MOISETTE France, MIM SIM Surveying Instruments = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GAGNA, F., Y CIA. Mexico, c.1855, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Level = D.(1972). "Opticos." 2a de St. Francisco N.I. (Mexico City). Moskowitz 105. suggest correction
GAGO, P. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. RSW. suggest correction
GAIFFE, A. France, c.1825?-1880?, MIM PHIM Dividing Engine = Musée Lorraine, Nancy; Electrical Instrument = D.(1975); Electromedical Apparatus = D.(1984); Induction Coil = USNM. induction coil signed :Appareil d'Induction Volta Faradique Brevetè S.G.D.G. A. Gaiffe à Paris." 40, rue St. André des Arts, Paris. Michel 14; Coffeen G; Warner 13; RSW. suggest correction
GAIGNON, NICOLAS France, 17th Century, MIM Sundial, cast iron = Prin Coll. MADEX. suggest correction
GAILSDORFER, HANS Germany, 1538, MIM compass maker; Master in 1538. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
GAILSTORFER, HANS Germany, c.1674, MIM Hans Gailstörfer, compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
GAILSTORFER, JACOB Germany, c.1674, MIM Jacob Gailstörfer, compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
GAINSBOROUGH, HUMPHREY England, 1718-76, MIM Sundial in base of clock = X. Henley-on-Thames. Beeson. suggest correction
GAITSKILL, JOHN England, fl.1793-1823, NIM Hadley's Quadrants = MYS (1793), ADL-A53 (1823), Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass., Maine Historical Soc., Portland, Stadt Museum, Aberna, Denmark, P.C.(1969); Quadrants = Marine Historical Assoc.,Conn., P.C.(1974); Octant, ebony and ivory, 1793 = Soth. 2/28/80. the octant was made for William Sanford Brown; many instruments are signed "J. Gaitskill"; ADL made for George James in 1823. 332 Wapping; 329 Wapping; both in London. Price 2; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GALANDIUS, FRANCESCUS France, MIM Astrolabe, wood and paper, brass alidade = Soth. 2/26/62. RSW. suggest correction
GALBY, PETER AND CHARLES England, fl.1832-46, PHIM barometer makers. 50 Exmouth Street, Spitalfields; Philosophical Institute, 9 Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1857); Dewhirst. suggest correction
GALE, JAMES USA, b.c.1791-1871; fl.1815-24, MIM NIM Gauges, wood, 15" and 48" (1818) = Salem Maritime National Historic Site; Tell-Tale Compass = PEA. Neptune and Water Streets, Salem, Mass. (1815-pre-1824); Haverhill, Mass. (1824-71). Brewington 1; Moskowitz 102; RSW; USNM. suggest correction
GALE, JOSEPH England, c.1830, PHIM barometer maker. 46 Knight Street, Manchester. Taylor 2(1857a); Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALEOTTI, A. Italy, c.1780, MIM Drawing Instruments = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
GALETI, ANTHONY England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = D.(1972), X. possibly Anthony Galletti. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GALETTI, ANTHONY England, fl.1830-50, MIM OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 8/20/87. sometimes spelled "Gallatti." 80 Castle Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1858); Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GALGEMAYR, GEORG Germany, c.1626, MIM designed various types of dividers; author. RSW. suggest correction
GALI, J England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Lincoln. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALILEI, GALILEO Italy, 1564-1642, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = FLO. astronomer; mathematician; invented a military sector; first used the telescope for astronomical observations. Pisa; Florence; Arcetri. DSB; Crommelin 1; Garvan; Michel 1; Bonelli; S. Drake: 51 10; etc. suggest correction
GALIMBERTI, J. England, PHIM barometer maker. Bugle Street, Southampton. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALINDEZ, MARTIN Spain, d.1627, MIM made sundials for the convent at Paular. Gatty. suggest correction
GALL AND LEMBKE USA, OIM Telescopes = Christie 5/26/76, 12/8/76 New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
GALL, JOHN Scotland, c.1837, MIM PHIM made hydrometers and saccharometers. 48 London Street, Edinburgh. Taylor 2(2132). suggest correction
GALLA, JULES-CESAR LA France, c.1625, OIM microscope maker? Nachet. suggest correction
GALLAND France, c.1810, OIM made a new type of lens for microscopes. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
GALLAND, PETRUS Italy, 17th Century, MIM Sector = ADL-M89q. "sub signo Pulcrae Virtutis in via Coronaria Roma." Engelmann 1; Daumas 1; Michel 3; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GALLEE England, PHIM barometer maker. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLENHAMP, A. England, PHIM Balance = K. and C. 5/23/73. London. RSW. suggest correction
GALLETTI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Galetti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLETTI, ANTHONI Italy Scotland, fl.1798-1858, MIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = Soth. 5/15/70; Philosophical Bubbles = D.(1985); Telescopes = RSM (2). carver and gilder; barometer maker; T.C. foot of Cannon Street, Edinburgh (1798); 21 Nelson Street (1805-28); and 10 Nelson Street (1826-28); 24/25 Argyll Arcade (1828-43); 24 Argyll Arcade (1843-50); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Bell 2; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GALLETTI, JOHN Scotland, b.c.1821-94, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = FRK = RSM; Philosophical Bubbles = OXF, KEN. carver and gilder; claimed firm started in 1789. 24 Argyle Arcade, Glasgow (1851-94). Bryden 3; Bell 2; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GALLEY Scotland, PHIM barometer maker. Glasgow. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLEY, P. may be Gally. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLI, CHARLES Scotland, fl.1821-26, PHIM Maker of Wheel Barometers ; picture merchant. Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLI, JOHANNES Italy, c.1630, MIM Sector = NMM-CI/S.10; Skaphe = NMM-D.359. Barbarini Coll.; made precision instruments. NMM 2; Michel 3; RSW; Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
GALLI, MARCO Italy, 1694, MIM designed a hodometer; author. Parma. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
GALLO, G. Germany, c.1800, MIM Floating Sundial, ivory = THO; Floating Sundial = DNM. Frankfort. RSW. suggest correction
GALLOIN France, 1801, MIM Garden Sundial, slate, 1801 = D.(1972). latitude of Paris. Roux Devilas, Cat 73. suggest correction
GALLON France, c.1680, OIM "Opticien"; thought of using a glass ball as the eyepiece in a telescope. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GALLONDE France, fl.1740-48, PHIM Assay Balance = Rovelle (pre-1780); Thermometer = SPI-2865; Astronomical Regulator = CNAM. Paris. Daumas 1; Grimaldi(968); Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GALLOW, G. Germany, PHIM Stick Barometer = K. and C. 7/13/73. Frankfort. RSW. suggest correction
GALLUCCIA, GIOVANN Italy, Cube Sundial, 1609 = ADL-A24. fake. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GALLUCIO, GIOVANNI PAOLO Italy, 1564-98, MIM Ring Sundial, 1564 = Goldschmied Coll. = NMM-Caird (fake); Universal Equatorial Sundial, paper, 1572 = NMM-D.232; Astrological Volvelle, paper, 1595 = WHI. author; also signed "Joan Paulus Gallucio" or "Galluccio." Salo; Venice. NMM 2; Daumas 1; Michel 2 and 3; Weil 2(19); Bedini 8; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GALLY 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be John Gally. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, ANDREW AND GEORGE England, c.1850, PHIM barometer makers. St. George Street, Smithfield, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. RSW. suggest correction
GALLY, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, DOMENICO England, c.1800, PHIM barometer maker. London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, G. Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, GEORGE England, c.1800, PHIM see Andrew and George Gally. London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, JOHN England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, P. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. Cambridge. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, P. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Peter Gally? Leeds. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, P. 3 England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/10/81; Wheel Barometer = Phillips 2/15/89. might be P. Gally 1 or 2. RSW. suggest correction
GALLY, P. 4 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 9/18/86. Cranbrook. RSW. suggest correction
GALLY, P., AND CO. 1 England, fl.1809-60, PHIM Peter or Paul Gally; barometer makers. Strand, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, P., AND CO. 2 England, c.1820, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 6/30/89. is "Fetchet" misreading for "fecit"?; see P. Gally and Co. 1. Fetchet? RSW. suggest correction
GALLY, PAUL AND PETER England, fl.1809-61, PHIM made barometers and thermometers. 8 Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell (1809-11); 9 Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell (1815-25); 50 Exmouth Street, Spitalfields (1826-48); 68 Hatton Garden (1849-61); 3 Upper Nth. Place, Grey's Inn Road (1852-54); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, PAUL AND PETER, AND CO. England, fl.1817-50, PHIM barometer makers. London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, PETER 1 England, PHIM see Paul and Peter Gally and Co. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, PETER 2 England, fl.1837-60, PHIM barometer maker? 89 Kirkgate (1837-60); 97 Kirkgate (1841); both in Leeds. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALMAIR, JOSEPH Germany, 1727-90, MIM Celestial Globe, 1749 = DEU; Celestial Globe with clockwork = Fugger Museum, Augsburg. made pedometer winding watch. Trabant; Munich. Maurice 1; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
GALOIS, I. France, 1548, MIM Astrolabe, 1548 = P. and S. 4/21/1898 = Hoffman Coll. = USNM (ICA-204). P. and S. say "T. Galois"; tympan for 48° = Orleans. Gunther 1; Michel 2 and 3; Evans 1; Price 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
GALOIS, L'ABBE France, fl.1766-84, MIM l'Abbé Galois; made a meridian sundial. Paris. Baillie 1. suggest correction
GALVANI, ANDREA Italy, pre-1823, MIM invented an odograph which received a gold medal at the Industrial Exposition in Venice in 1823. Pordenone. Morpurgo 1; Boffito. suggest correction
GAMAGE, BENJAMIN England, fl.1823-26?, MIM Hydrometer with Proof Rule = WHI. made Dicas' hydrometer; also appears as Gammage; son-in-law of and successor to J. Dicas; wrote a leaflet on hydrometers; T.C. 17 (or 11) Clarence Street, Liverpool; 17 Beaumont Street, Windsor. Taylor 2(1565); Calvert 2; Bryden 9. suggest correction
GAMAGE, PHILIP England, c.1694, MIM apprenticed to Peter Collins of the Clockmakers' Company on July 2, 1694. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GAMBEY France, c.1840, MIM Altitude and Azimuth Instrument = Baily Sale 4/25/1845; Borda Circles = MYS and AMST. surely Henri-Prudence Gambey; the MYS instrument is marked "No. 12"; the Baily instrument was misread as "Gambay." Paris. Mörzer Bruyns 1; Preuss and Treworgy; Chaldecott 3; RGO; RSW. suggest correction
GAMBEY, HENRI-PRUDENCE France, 1787-1847, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Sextants = SPI-2774, USNM, CNAM, Dipping Circle = Magnetic Observatory, Dublin; Borda Circles = USNM, Maritime Museum, Horten, Norway (No.123); Heliostat = USNM; Magnetometer = USNM; Dividing Engines = CNAM; Theodolites = CNAM, BRO; Artificial Horizon = CNAM; Rules = CNAM; Balance, small = Gersaint 7/20/96. Georges Oberhauser worked with him, 1815; Académie des Sciences, 1837. St. Denis, Paris. Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; USNM; Taylor 2(2133); DSB; J.A. Bennett 2; Darius 4; RSW. suggest correction
GANDOLA, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 12 Little Saffron Hill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GANDOLFI, V. France, fl.1795-1822, PHIM Weights = CNAM; Weight = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. quai de la Monnaie; 11, du quai Conti; both in Paris. Destombes 4; Cons. Nat'l 1; RSW. suggest correction
GANGUZZA, GIROLAMO Italy, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = Villa Giulia, Palermo. Gatty. suggest correction
GANSER, GEORG, DER JUNGERE Austria, MIM Instrument = TIM. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
GANTHONY, RICHARD England, fl.1794-1828, PHIM Wheel Barometers = P-B 12/3/48, X. X is signed "Ganthony London." London. RSW. suggest correction
GANTLETT, R. England, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer with Thermometer = Soth.-Bearne 4/4/78. Calne. RSW. suggest correction
GAPP, C.S. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GARAT France, c.1855, PHIM Balance = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GARDAM England; USA, c.1860, SIM Miner's Dial = D.(1994). probably W. Gardam; see W. Gardam and Son. Leeds. Garcelon 33. suggest correction
GARDAM, W., AND SON USA, c.1880, MIM Miner's Compass = D.(1991). see Gardam. 96 John Street, New York. Gemmary III. suggest correction
GARDE, ABRAHAM DE LA France, fl.1588-1621, MIM Sundials in the back covers of watches = Soth. 5/27/54, 12/9/68, and Christie 5/6/69. son of Jacques de la Garde. Paris (1591 and 1621); Blois (1600). Britten; RSW. suggest correction
GARDE, JACQUES DE LA France, fl.1551-65, MIM Armillary Clock = BM. may have made terestrial globe in Weil 2(29) and in Soth. 10/17/60 sale. Blois. Weil 2(29); Price 3; RSW. suggest correction
GARDEN England, fl.1812-16, PHIM see Accum and Garden. London. RSW. suggest correction
GARDEN, ALEXANDER England, c.1800, PHIM partner of Fredrick Accum; made and sold chemical and philosophical apparatus. Old Compton Street, Soho, London. G. L'E. Turner 24; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDENER 1 Scotland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1965). may be Gardner 5. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
GARDENER 2 see Gardner; see Gardiner. RSW. suggest correction
GARDENER AND CO. variant spelling for Gardner and Co. Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
GARDENERS variant spelling for Gardners. Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
GARDINER 1 Scotland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = D.(1975), Soth.-S 10/19/89 (satinwood and ivory). Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
GARDINER 2 variant spelling for Gardner. Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
GARDINER, HENRY L. Ireland, fl.1807-19, MIM also made clocks and watches. Fennell. suggest correction
GARDINER, JAMES England, see James Gardner. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GARDINER, PATRICK see Patrick Gardner. Bell 2. suggest correction
GARDNER 1 Scotland, c.1770, NIM Octants = NMM, PEA; Hadley's Quadrant = Mercer Museum, Pa. Glasgow. Taylor 2(1860); Brewington 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER 2 USA, fl.1823-50, MIM Pair of Globes = Winterthur Museum, Del.; Celestial Globe, 1823 = D.(1972); Terrestrial Globe, 1823 = ESS. "Gardners's Twelve-Inch Globe", published by Cummings, Hilliard and Co., Boston, Mass.; James W. Gardner, which see. Boston, Mass. Yonge; Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
GARDNER 3 Scotland, 1830, OIM Microscope = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Mich. Science, Mich. Glasgow. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER 4 Scotland, pre-1840, NIM Quadrant =X. used on whaler "Progress" in 1840. Glasgow. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER 5 Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer and Thermometer = X; Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/22/87. probably Gardner and Co. Glasgow. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER 6 Ireland, MIM NIM OIM Hadley's Quadrant = D.(1973). T.C. shows telescopes, quadrants, compasses; watch and clock- maker. 57 High Street, Belfast. RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER 7 see McGregor and Gardner. Taylor 2(1934). suggest correction
GARDNER AND CO. 1 Scotland, fl.1837-83, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescopes = FRK (4) = RSM, Christie-SK 4/14/89, D.(1972); Surveyor's Compasses = D.(1971 and 1982); Stick Barometers = X, Christie 4/28/82; Surveyor's Levels, = WHI, D.(1972)(1850); Miner's Dials = Soth. 4/7/82, FRK = RSM; Levels = WHI, FRK = RSM; Plotting Protractor = FRK = RSM; Microscope = FRK = RSM; Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 1/27/89. succeeded M. Gardner and Co.; Christie stick barometer is signed "Gardener and Co"; T.C., "established 1765." 44 Glassford Street (1837-38); 21 Buchanan Street, seventh shop from Argyle Street (1839-60); 53 Buchanan Street (1860-83); 53 Vincent Street (1883); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Frank; Goodison 1; Moskowitz 102; J.A. Bennett 2; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER AND CO. 2 Scotland, fl.1891-1920, firm run by Thomas Rankine Gardner 2 after the breakup of Gardner and Lyle. 53 St. Vincent Street (1891-99); 36 and 40 West Mile (or Nile) Street 1899-1920; both in Glasgow. Clarke et al.; WEBDB suggest correction
GARDNER AND LAURIE Scotland, fl.1792-98, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = FRK = RSM. John Gardner 1 and James Laurie. Corner of Bell's Wynd (1792), Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER AND LYLE Scotland, fl.1883-91, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Thomas Rankine Gardner 2 and James Lyle. Glasgow. Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER AND NEILL Ireland, fl.1809-18, NIM OIM Microscope, Martin-type = Soth. 5/20/74; Octant = Natural Philosophy Coll., Glasgow. Belfast. Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER OF GLASGOW Scotland, to 1921, MIM Taylor 2(592). suggest correction
GARDNER'S Scotland, post-1818, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Soth. 4/22/65. signed "Gardner's Successors to J. and J. Gardner"; may be misreading for Gardners. 43 Bell Street, Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER, HENRY Ireland, fl.1809-35, MIM OIM succeeded Job Rider in 1809; worked with R. Neill, 1809-18; watch and clock maker. 27 High Street (1809); 65 High Street (1819-20); 57 High Street (1824-35); all in Belfast. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GARDNER, J. AND J. Scotland, fl.1799-1818, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometers = D.(1973), X(2), D.(1975), Phillips 12/12/89, Christie-SK 9/11/86; Circumferentor = RSM; Hadley's Quadrant = OMM. opticians; John Gardner 1 and John Gardner 2, his son, founded firm; became Gardner, Jamieson and Co. in 1820. Bell Street (1799-1801); 43 Bell Street (1803-18); both in Glasgow. Goodison 1; Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER, J. AND S. misreading for J. and J. Gardner. Phillips 12/12/89. suggest correction
GARDNER, JAMES England, fl.1791-1830, MIM PHIM Instruments = NMM, KEN. apprenticed to Samuel Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 4, 1783; free of the Company, Jan. 6, 1791; also appears as Gardiner; probably succeeded by William Gardner 1. Meeting House Alley; 5 Somerset Place, Whitechapel; Princes Place, Cannon Street, New Road, St. George-in-the-East (1803); Wellclose Lane (1807); all in London. J. Brown 1 and 2; Taylor 2(1859). suggest correction
GARDNER, JAMES P. USA, 1846, MIM awarded a diploma at Fair of American Institute, Oct. 1846 for a sundial; W.A. Platt was his agent. Columbus, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
GARDNER, JAMES W. USA, fl.1825-30, MIM designed celestial and terrestrial globes; see Gardner 2. Boston, Mass. Yonge. suggest correction
GARDNER, JAMIESON AND CO. see Gardners, Jamieson and Co. Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, JOHN 1 Scotland, 1734-1822, MIM OIM PHIM Coin Balance = Soth. 6/16/75. journeyman for James Watts, 1769; land surveyor; founded firm of J. and J. Gardner, which see; made an "improved Bradford static balance". Crawford's Land, Bell's Wynd, Glasgow (1773-90). Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, JOHN 2 Scotland, 1765-1818, MIM OIM PHIM son of John Gardner 1; partner with him as J. and J. Gardner, 1799-1818. Glasgow. Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, JOHN 3 Scotland, fl.1820-28, MIM Sundial, 1821 = Pitcon, Dalry. listed in directories as "John Gardner Younger" with J. and J. Gardner; may have made the above sundial. Ayton Court, Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, JOHN 4 Scotland, fl.1787-1823, MIM designed celestial globes; first appeared in the 1787 directory. Glasgow. Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
GARDNER, M. AND C. surely misreading for M. Gardner and Co. Taylor 2(1860). suggest correction
GARDNER, M., AND CO. Scotland, c.1821, MIM OIM PHIM John Gardner 1 and Margaret Rankine Gardner; succeeded Gardners, Jamieson and Co.,1821; became M. Gardner and Sons, 1822-37; then Gardner and Co., 1833-83; made barometers. 43 Bell Street (1823-25); 92 Bell Street (1826-32); 44 Glassford Street (1832-37); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1860); Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, M., AND SONS Scotland, fl.1822-37), MIM OIM PHIM Margaret Rankine Gardner, Thomas Rankine Gardner 1 and William Gardner 2; made barometers; succeeded M. Gardner and Co. and were succeeded by Gardner and Co., which see. 43 Bell Street (1824-25); 92 Bell Street (1826-32); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, MARGARET RANKINE Scotland, fl.1819-49, MIM OIM PHIM widow of John Gardner 2; in firm of Gardners, Jamieson and Co., 1819-21 and in M. Gardner and Sons, 1822-37. Glasgow. Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, PATRICK Scotland, c.1812, MIM apprenticed, 1779; free of the Clockmakers' Company, 1812; watch and clockmaker. Perth (pre-1800); Edinburgh (1800-1812). Bell 2; T. Smith; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, ROBERT Scotland; England, fl.1850-92, MIM PHIM member of the family "Gardner of Glasgow" (not mentioned by Clarke et al); chronometer maker to the Admiralty and to the Council of State for India and also to the Italian Goverment; grandfather of Malcolm Gardner the late bookseller. Glasgow (-1885); Lloyd's Square, London (1892). USNM; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, T. AND T. Scotland, c.1830, MIM Sighting Compass = P.C.(1987). misreading for T.R. Gardner? Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER, THOMAS RANKINE 1 Scotland, c.1805-84, MIM OIM PHIM Clinometer = RSM. grand-son of John Gardner 1; son of John (2) and Margaret Rankine Gardner; partner first in M. Gardner and Sons and then in Gardner and Co. 1; "Optician to the Queen." Glasgow. Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER, THOMAS RANKINE 2 Scotland, fl.1883-1920, MIM OIM PHIM great-grandson of John Gardner 1; grandson of John Gardner 2 and Margaret Rankine Gardner; son of Thomas Rankine Gardner 1; in Gardner and Co. 1 before 1883; partner with James Lyle as Gardner and Lyle, 1883-91; firm then became Gardner and Co. 2. 53 St. Vincent Street (1883-99); 36 and 40 West Mile (or Nile) Road (1899-1920); both in Glasgow. Clarke et al.; WEBDB suggest correction
GARDNER, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1814, MIM apprenticed to James Gardner of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 6, 1814. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
GARDNER, WILLIAM 2 Scotland, 1809-75, MIM OIM PHIM Sector, ivory = Chevau-Légers 2/28/82; Clinometer = RSM. grandson of John Gardner 1; son of Margaret Rankine and John Gardner (2); partner in M. Gardner and Sons and later, in Gardner and Co.; worked independently, 1846 on; sector signed "W. Gardner." 3 Royal Bank Place (1846-55); 56 Gordon Street (1856-61); 134 Buchanan Street (1862-64); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Morrison-Low; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNERS Scotland, c.1822, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. opticians; succeeded Gardners, Jamieson and Co.; succeeded by M. Gardner and Co.; barometer signed "Gardeners". 43 Bell Street, Glasgow. Goodison 1; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNERS AND CO. Scotland, 19th Century, MIM SIM name on trade card in theodolite case; Gardner and Co. 1 or 2. Glasgow. Soth. 12/18/80. suggest correction
GARDNERS, JAMIESON AND CO. Scotland, fl.1819-21, MIM OIM PHIM probably John Gardner 1, Margaret Rankine Gardner and Robert Jamieson, which see; succeeded J. and J. Gardner, and became M. Gardner and Co. in 1821. 43 Bell Street, Glasgow (1820-22). Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GAREZONI see Garzoni. Bell 2. suggest correction
GARGORY 1 England, c.1820, MIM Protractor = D.(1975). different hand from that of James Gargory of Birmingham. London. RSW. suggest correction
GARGORY 2 England, c.1850, MIM SIM Compass, folding sights = Christies 11/11/70; Theodolite = Soth. 12/15/78. surely James Gargory. Bull Street, Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
GARGORY, JAMES England, fl.1835-56, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Protractors = Christie-SK 7/10/80/, D.(1975), D.(1985), Birmingham Museum of Science and Industry; Instrument = KEN; Miner's Dials = X, Soth.-Chester 6/26/85; Sector, ivory = D.(1977); Surveyor's Compasses = Soth. 12/13/65, Soth.-B. 4/7/82; Wheel Barometers = X; Stick Barometer = Capes Dunn 10/21/97; Surveyor's Level = DeLuca 8/1/87; Mining Compass = P.C.(1987). signed "James or J. Gargory." 41 Bull Street (1835); 5 Bull Street (1850-56); both in Birmingham; also in Wolverhampton. Taylor 2(1861); Goodison 2; Giordano 1; Bryden 9; RSW; Coffeen 10; ATG 10/18/97. suggest correction
GARNER, WILLIAM England, fl.1732-37, NIM Davis Quadrants = PMM (1732), NMM S.119 (1734), NMM S161 (1737) (on loan to the American Museum, Bath). apprenticed to John Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on June 18, 1713; quadrants made for George Ramsey, Oliver Thompson and Thomas White respectively. Taylor 2(261); NMM 2; J. Brown 3; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
GARNIER, PAUL, SR. France, c.1830, MIM clockmaker; finished a planetarium by Raingo. Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GAROF, P. Scotland, c.1775, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 5/7/93. Edinburgh. ATG 5/1/93. suggest correction
GAROUSTE, DE LA France, 17th Century, OIM constructed burning glasses. Spargo 1. suggest correction
GARRARD, JOHN England, c.1811, a cooper; son of Thomas Garrard 1; free of the Grocers' Company by Patrimony on April 4, 1811. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GARRARD, SAMUEL England, c.1803, apprenticed to his father, Thomas Garrard 1, of the Grocers' Company on June 2, 1803; by then Thomas Garrard 1 was listed as wine and brandy merchant at old address. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GARRARD, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1781-pre-1811, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company in 1770; free of the Company, 1781; took apprentices; by 1803 was listed as a wine and brandy merchant at same address. Old Gravel Lane, Ratcliffe Highway (1781); 174 Ratcliffe Highway (1795); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GARRARD, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1801-, MIM apprenticed to his father, Thomas Garrard 1, of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 5, 1795; free of the Company, Oct. 1, 1801. Ratcliffe Highway, London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GARRARD, WILLIAM England, fl.1781-1808, MIM T.C.; invented and patented an altimeter; author; successor to J. Bettesworth with the same London address. The Naval Academy, Ormond House, Paridise Row, Chelsea, London; Newington, Surrey. Taylor 2(838); NMM 2. suggest correction
GARRETT see Booth, Garrett and Blair USNM. suggest correction
GARTH England, NIM Sextant = MAN-124. probably Richard Garth. London. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
GARTH, RICHARD England, fl.1800-17, MIM NIM Mathematical Instrument = KEN. 376 Rotherhithe Wall (1800); Rotherhithe Street (1817); both in London. Taylor 2(1129). suggest correction
GARTNER, ANDREAS Germany, 1654-1727, MIM PHIM Double Burning Glass = DRE; Illuminated Mirror = DRE. also made clocks; author. Dresden. Grötzch 2; Drechsler 2; Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
GARUGHI see Carugi. Bell 2. suggest correction
GARY France, c.1792, MIM NIM Protractor = Musée Carnavalet; Sectors = P. and S. 4/3/1894, WRAY; Graphometer = MAS; Butterfield-type Sundials = STR, BM; Instrument Set = Soth. 11/30/59; Compass = P-B 9/24/38; Dividers = D.(1975). Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
GARZONI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/18/89. Canterbury. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GARZONUS, F.C.M. Italy, 1697, MIM Skaphe Dial, 1697 = Evans Coll. also marked "Carm F. Taurini." Turin. Evans 1. suggest correction
GASCOIGNE, RICHARD England, c.1710, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on June 5, 1710. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GASCOIGNE, WILLIAM England, 1612-38, OIM invented a micrometer for telescopes in 1638; may have been the first to put telescopic sights on a quadrant. Middleton, Yorkshire; London. Taylor 1(176); DNB; Wynter and Turner; Nachet; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Goldschmidt 70. suggest correction
GASKIN, GEORGE AUGUSTUS SAMUEL England, c.1802, MIM OIM his father was an optician; apprenticed to James Clarke 1 of the Grocers' Company, May 6, 1802; made speculum metal mirrors. London. J. Brown 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GASKIN, JOHN England, b.1785, MIM assisted by Charles Graham; he was also a weaver. Penrith. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GASPAR A MIRICA see Gaspar van der Heyden. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GASPARD France, 1753, MIM Table Sundial, 1753 = Musée Lorrain, Nancy; Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = D.(1985?), TIM. signed "Gaspard Tourner du Roy à Lunéville"; mechanical sundials almost identical to those of Gaspard Hommer, which see. rue de Viller, Lunéville. Michel 3 and 14; RSW; Coffeen 55. suggest correction
GASPART, JOSE Portugal, c.1700, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Evans Coll. Lisbon. Evans 1; USNM. suggest correction
GASTEIGER, HANS Germany, 1562, MIM Astrolabe clock, 1562 = Coll. Pringsheim, Munich. Gunther-327; reproduction at OXF. Munich. Gunther 1; Michel 2; Baillie 1; Neumann 1. suggest correction
GASTI, GIOVANNI Italy, 16th Century, MIM Sundial = Drecker-210. Florence. RSW. suggest correction
GATH, T. England, c.1850, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 7/3/70; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 6/24/88. Small Street, Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
GATINI see Copini, Gatini. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATLIN England, pre-1714, PHIM Barometer = D.(1968). RSW. suggest correction
GATTELIE(R) see Gratellie. suggest correction
GATTEY, FRANCOIS France, fl. 1798-1822, MIM François Gattey; invented a printed card slide rule in 1798 and called it "Cadran Logarithmique"; changed name to "Arithmographe" in 1810. Delehar 9. suggest correction
GATTEY, HENRY England; USA, fl.1797-1827, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Quadrant = MYS. T.C. in W. and S. Jones orrery at VCW; another T.C. is in French and English; artist; quadrant signed "H. Gattey." 274 Water Street (1797-98); 207 North Water Street near Beek'n Slip (1814-27); both in New York, N.Y. USNM; Bedini 8; D.J. Warner 10; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
GATTI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 2/22/77. Reading. RSW. suggest correction
GATTI, CHARLES England, fl.1817-22, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. spelled Gattie in directories; also Gatty. 89 Leather Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GATTI, T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 53 Gray's Inn Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY 1 England, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 7/31/70. London. RSW. suggest correction
GATTY 2 see Bapt. Ronchetti and James Gatty. RSW. suggest correction
GATTY 3 see Gatti. RSW. suggest correction
GATTY AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY AND READING England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 4/19/78. probably a misreading for Gatty at Reading. RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Fish Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY, ANDREW Ireland, fl.1796-1824, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 18 Fishamble Street (1796-98); Smock Alley (1799, 1815-17, 1819); 34 Fishamble Street (1821-22); 7 Smock Alley (1823-24); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GATTY, ANTHONY England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, VNN; Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/16/76. sometimes signed "A. Gatty". Royal Oak, Fisher Row, Reading. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, ANTHONY, AND CO. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = Phillips 9/10/86, Christie-SK 10/20/89. also made thermometers. Royal Oak, Fishers Row, Reading. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY, D. 1 England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. barometer signed "Gatty Lewis." Lewis. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, D. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY, DOMCO England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Christie 1/26/90. probably Dominico Gatty. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, DOMINIC, AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Bourne Auction, Mass. 2/11/81. London. Maine Digest, May 1981. suggest correction
GATTY, DOMINICO England, c.1826, PHIM barometer maker. 111 Broad Street, Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY, J., AND MALORIDA England, PHIM barometer makers; probably James Gatty. Holborn, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GATTY, JAMES England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = K. and C. 9/20/71, Soth. 12/17/87, Christie-SK 9/23/88, City of Gloucester Museum, X; Wheel Barometers = D.(1973), Soth. 6/27/88, P.C., Stock Exchange, London; Double Barometers = P.C., City of Gloucester Museum, Goodison. Soth. 6/27/88 has address of "237 High Holborn"; see Ronchetti and Gatty. 130 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1 and 5; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, JOHN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY, JOSEPH 1 Italy; USA, fl.1794-1800, PHIM Maximum-minimum Thermometer = Mt. Vernon, Va. bulbs missing; made barometers and philosophical instruments as well. 39 Pearl Street, New York City (1794); 79 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (1796-1800). Bedini 1 and 8; Middleton 1; Gillingham 1; USNM; Bell 2; D.J. Warner 5. suggest correction
GATTY, JOSEPH 2 Ireland, fl.1801-14, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1981). printed paper dial face; also made thermometers. 1 Smock Alley (1801-07); 25 Fishamble Street (1808); 1 Smock Alley (1809-14); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, JOSH England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATWARD, J. England, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. T.C.; sundial, clock and watch maker. Saffron Walden. Goodison 1; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GAUDIN, MARK-ANTOINE-AUGUSTE France, fl.1804-45, OIM Microscope = NAC. designed a microscope with rock crystal lenses; Pipping says that c.1870 is closer. Paris. Pipping 1; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GAUDRON France, 1674, PHIM Barometer = KAS. made air pumps; clockmaker. Faubourg Saint-Germain, rue Mazarine, Paris. Daumas 1; Estreicher 1; Middleton 1. suggest correction
GAUPP AND CO. China, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = D.(1984). Hong Kong. Moskowitz 126. suggest correction
GAUSS, KARL FRIEDRICH Germany, 1777-1855, invented a heliotrope and a bifilar magnetometer; author, mathematician and astronomer. Gottingen. DSB. suggest correction
GAUTRAU France, fl.1780-1820, NIM PHIM Marine Barometer = NMM-MT/BM.1; Compass = X. Rochefort. NMM 2; A.J.Turner X. suggest correction
GAVARD, ADRIEN France, c.1840, MIM Heliographs = CNAM; Pantograph = D; Drafting Machine = D.(1987). "Eseur du Dépôt général de la Guerre"; drafting machine marked "Par Brevet d'Iven"; patented a "perspectographe", a perspective machine. 6 rue Ventadour; Quai des Orfèvres, 70; both in Paris. USNM; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Coffeen 15; Delehar 7. suggest correction
GAY, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1676-90, OIM son of Richard Gay; apprenticed to Joseph Howe in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company, 1676; took one apprentice. Golden Spectacles, near Sun Tavern, behind Royal Exchange, London. J. Brown 1; Robischon. suggest correction
GAY, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1690-1733, OIM PHIM Barometer = X. apprenticed to Thomas Gay 1 in the Spectaclemakes' Company; free of the Company in 1690; took Matthew Loft and William Eastland 1 as apprentices; Master of the Company, 1718-20. Archimedes and Spectacles, near Sun Tavern, Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 1(327), 2(43); J. Brown 1; Goodison 1; Evans 1; Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(37); Robischon. suggest correction
GAY-LUSSAC, JOSEPH LOUIS France, 1778-1850, PHIM scientist, worked on the thermal expansion of gases, devised a new form of barometer. Middleton 1 and 4; G. L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
GAYDE France, c.1750, OIM Telescope = X. optician to the king. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GAZULUS, JOHANNES Dalmatia, 1462, MIM Ragusa. Ameisenowa. suggest correction
GEARING, FRANCIS England, c.1751, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company onOct. 15, 1751; probably related to Richard Gearing, which see. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GEARING, RICHARD England, fl.1730-70, MIM nephew and successor to John Farmer 2; T.C.; "Rule Maker"; worked in brass, ivory and boxwood; used the same trade card pattern as Fisher Combes. The Quadrant, without Newgate, facing the Old Bailey; at No. 2 Horse-shoe Court, Cook Lane, West Smithfield (after 1764); both in London. Taylor 2(179); Clay and Court; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GEARY, FRANCIS Ireland, fl.1805-12, OIM instrument maker; optician. Paul Street, Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GEBE see Hans Göbe. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GEBHARD, HANS Germany, 1568, MIM Sundial on finger ring = LIE. surely not the same as Johann Gebhard. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
GEBHARD, HEINRICH Germany, 1602-61, MIM Astrolabe Clock = STU. Strassburg. Himmerlein 2. suggest correction
GEBHARD, JOHANNE Germany, fl.1538-68, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory, = ADL-DPW21 (1546), HAK (1547), D. (1548), UTO (1550) 11/2/76, WHI (FIT) (1556), PRA (1557), EMA (1557), FIN (1557) = Soth. 7/23/62, OXF (1561), THO, ADL-T54, Ethnological Museum, Lisbon. punchmark is a six-pointed star, sometimes between "H.G."; see "H.G." (2); Lisbon instrument is upper half only; he was burger in 1538. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 1 and 3; Bryden 16; Evans 1; Tomlinson 1; Gouk 1; Coffeen 46; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GEBHARDT, JOHAN c.1900, Inclinable Sundial = ADL-T4. modern work. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GEBHART, HANS see Johann Gebhard. suggest correction
GEBLER, JOH. CHRIST. c.1750, MIM Rule = MLL; Trigonometria Anarithmetica = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
GEDDA, PETER NICLAS VON Sweden, 1737-1814, MIM physicist; skilled amateur instrument maker. Pipping 1. suggest correction
GEERTS, DION Belgium, c.1700, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = CZJ; Universal Equatorial Sundial in book-form = MERC-139 = McVitty Coll.; Universal Ring Sundial = Libert et Castor Auction, 4/28/82. Brussels. Hamilton 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
GEHLER see Gebler. suggest correction
GEISER, DAVIDE Italy, c.1840, PHIM Thrmometer, bimetallic = U. of Pavia Museum. Milan. Brenni 1. suggest correction
GEISLER, J.G. Germany, 1798, MIM Globe on clock, 1798 = Feill Coll. Sale, 1955. RSW. suggest correction
GEISSLER Germany, c.1840, PHIM Barometer = FLO. Bonn. Middleton 1. suggest correction
GEISSLER, W. Holland, fl.1846-50, PHIM Psychrometer, 1846 = RIJ; Hydrometers = Auctions, 1906 & 1910. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
GELB, JOHAN WOLFGANG Germany, 1599-1632+, MIM SIM Artillery Alidade with Inclinometer = Soth. 2/26/62 = USNM. accepted into the Guild of Smiths as a small clockmaker in 1625; last child born in 1632; instrument signed "Johan Wolf Gelb me fecit Ulm." Ulm. Bedini 4; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
GELDER, BEERT JOHANNES Holland, d.1828, MIM OIM PHIM made sundials, microscopes, telescopes, barometers, thermometers, and clocks; father of Rinse Beerts Gelder. Hallum; Beetgum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
GELDER, RINSE BEERTS Holland, 1794-1857, MIM OIM Compass, pocket = Frisian Marine Museum, Leeuwarden. son of Beerts Johannes Gelder; made telescopes; clockmaker. Beetgum; Menaldum. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
GELIN, E. France, 1603, MIM Sundial, slate, 1603 = P.C.(1964). Vallo (Vallon?). Ant. Hor. Soc. Exhib., 1964. suggest correction
GELLIBRAND, HENRY England, 1597-1636, MIM Wall Sundial = Library, Trinity College, Oxford. author; designed instruments; wrote on magnetic deviation. London; Oxford; London. Taylor 1(138); Evans 1; DNB; DSB. suggest correction
GEMINI, THOMAS Belgium; England, fl.1542-62, MIM Astrolabes = BMR (1552, ICA-450), OXF (1559, ICA-575), FLO (ICA-489), P.C. (ICA-3111), BMR (ICA-3112). family name was"Thomas Lambrit"; member of the Stationers' Company; may have worked in Gemma Frisius' workshop; ICA-450 may be one that is now in the Brussals Observatory in Uccle (1988). Lixhe; Flanders; London. Zinner 1; Taylor 1(2); Michel 1, 2, 6, 8, and 10; Gunther 1 and 5; Rooseboom 1; Maddison 1; DNB; DSB; Price 1; ICA 2; J. Brown 3; A.J. Turner 10; Darius 4; RSW. suggest correction
GEMINUS, ANTHONIO Italy; Switzerland, 1589, MIM Sundial and Nocturnal, 1589 = OXF. Rome; Geneva. Evans 1; Morpurgo 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
GEMMA FRISIUS, RAINER Belgium, 1508-55, MIM Celestial Globes, 1537 = Zerbst Schlossmuseum, NMM. doctor; mathematician; teacher at the U. of Louvain; uncle of the Arsenius brothers; invented the radio astronomico; Zerbst globe signed "Faciebant Gemma Frisius medicus ac mathematicus, Gaspar a Myrica et Gerardus Mercator Rupelmundanus anno a partu virg 1537". name means "Gemma from Friesland"; pupil of Apianus. Louvain. Zinner 1; Van Ortroy 2; Maddison 1 and 2; Michel 2 and 3; DSB; Baillie 1; Taylor 4; NMM 2; De Smet 1 & 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GEMMA, CORNELIUS 1 Belgium, 1535-79, MIM Astrolabe, 1574 = HAK. son of Gemma Frisius; astronomer and mathematician; author. Louvain. Eckardt 1; Van Ortroy 2; Michel 3; Gunther 1; RSW. suggest correction
GEMMA, CORNELIUS 2 Spain, 1630, MIM Astrolabe, wood, 1630 = MAS (ICA-472). Madrid. Garcia Franco 2; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
GENAILLE France, c.1850, MIM Perpetual Calendar = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GENERAL, JACQUES misreading for Jacques Senecal. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
GENERINI, FRANCESCO Italy, 1593-1663, MIM OIM applied the telescope to mathematical instruments, c.1630; made a planisphere in 1645. Florence. Michel 3; Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
GENNANO, ADAMS HEROLDO see Adam Heroldt. RSW. suggest correction
GENNARI, CAV. DR. ENRICO Italy, c.1850, OIM USNM. suggest correction
GENNERT AND HOLZKE USA, c.1850, MIM SIM Wye Level = D.(1994). probably William Frederick Holske, which see. New York. Garcelon 33. suggest correction
GENT, THOMAS England, c.1739, MIM apprenticed to John Tracy of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 10, 1739. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GEORGE 1 France, c.1750, MIM OIM Spy-Glasses = HAK, CNAM; Universal Ring Sundial = CNAM; Microscope = P.C.; Butterfield-type Sundials = NMM-D.120, P.and S. 2/28/1896 and 5/19/1896, Soth. 12/12/55, LIE, etc.; Sector = ADL-W125; Horizontal Sundial for 50°57' = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/23/94; Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 12/12/55. "opticien de l'Academie Royale des Sciences." Quai de Conti; ci-devant rue Dauphine présentment Quay de Conty; both in Paris. Daumas 1; Gunther 2; Michel 1, 3 and 9; Hamilton 2; Evans 1; Tardy 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GEORGE 2 see Patton and George. suggest correction
GEORGE FILS France, c.1800, OIM Microscopes = CNAM, Bernard Coll. probably the son of George 1. rue Dauphine, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GEORGE, C. England, c.1834, MIM Dip Circle = NMM-DC.1. Falmouth. NMM 2. suggest correction
GEORGE, RICHARD England, c.1709, MIM member of the Clockmakers' Company; took Bulmer Francis as an apprentice on Jan. 26, 1709; Francis was later turned over to Richard Hutchinson of the Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GEORGE, W. England, post-1834, NIM Dip Needle = KEN. introduced by R.V. Fox, 1834. RSW. suggest correction
GEORGES France, pre-1770, OIM PHIM Microscope = Doucet Coll.; Telescopes = Bourlamaque Sale, 1770, CNAM; Balance = CNAM. is he George 1? sundial maker. Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Nachet. suggest correction
GERARD France, c.1730, MIM Horizontal Sundial = D.(1976); Vertical Sundial = Koller 11/17/75. inscription on vertical dial reads "Inventé par Julien Le Roy de la Société des Arts. Fait par Gérard, Horloger à Sarrelouis". Sarrelouis. RSW. suggest correction
GERARD, WILLIAM England, c.1850, NIM Sextants = PMS, P.C. T.C.; patented composite A.R.G. (PMS). Newtons Head, 36 South Castle Street, Liverpool. NMM; RSW. suggest correction
GERBERT D'AURILLAC France, c. 930-1003, Pope Sylvester II; mathematician and astronomer; made several armillary spheres and an "oralogium", either a sundial or an astrolabe. Aurillac; Reims; Rome. Maddison 2; Michel 2; DSB. suggest correction
GERBST Russia, c.1850, OIM Transit Instruments = Harvard Observatory, Swedish General Staff, etc. technician at Pulkova Observatory; made instruments there. Pulkova. Novoshanova. suggest correction
GERECHT, MICHAEL Germany, fl.1574-80, MIM engraved calendars; examples at VIE etc. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GERET France, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = Chevau-Légers, 2/28/82-199 "opticien". Maçon. RSW. suggest correction
GERHARDUS 1715, MIM Celestial Globe, 1715 = Stedkils Museum, Leyden. Grimaldi (809). suggest correction
GERLACH, G. Poland, c.1816, MIM SIM Circumferentor; Surveyor's Compass; Calculating Machine; Rules; Drawing Instruments; Alidades; etc. all in the Technical Museum, Warsaw. Warsaw. Novokshanova; RSW. suggest correction
GERLETTI Scotland, PHIM Barometers = X(2) and Soth. 12/10/81. Dominick or John Gerletti? Glasgow. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GERLETTI, CHARLES Scotland, fl.1828-48, PHIM Barometer = D.(1972); Wheel Barometers = Soth. 2/4/77 = FRK = RSM, etc; Wheel Barometers = Soth. 12/5/85, etc. looking-glass manufacturer, dealer. 156 (1828-32), 153 (1833) and 145 (1834-39) Saltmarket; 10 Candlerigg Street (1840-48); all in Glasgow. John Bell; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GERLETTI, DOMINICK Scotland, fl.1849-58, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-G 6/3/87. barometer maker; optician. 10 Candlerigg Street (1849-55); 24 Glassford Street (1855-57); 44 Trongate (1857-58); all in Glasgow. Goodison 1; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GERLETTI, JOHN Scotland, fl.1853-58, PHIM perhaps son of Charles Gerletti; barometer maker. 95 Candlerigg Street (1853-54); 55 St. Enoch's Wynd (1854-58); both in Glasgow. Goodison 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GERONIMO, B. England, PHIM Barometer = D.(1972). Bristol. John Bell. suggest correction
GERONIMO, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GERRARD England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Eldred 7/26/73. Liverpool RSW. suggest correction
GERRARD ET CIE. France, PHIM Vacuum Pump = Christie 12/18/74. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GERRARD, ALEXANDER Scotland, 1855, MIM exhibited in the Paris Exposition of 1855. Aberdeen. Clarke et al. suggest correction
GERRARD, W. England, NIM Octant = PMS; Sextants = MYS. "Patent Composite" stamped on ivory scale of octant; sometimes signed just "Gerrard." 35 South East Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
GERRITSEN, CLAES Holland, c.1600, MIM NIM supplied compasses, sounding-lines and loadstones to van Neck's expedition. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
GERSON see Levi ben Gerson. Goldstein 1; DSB. suggest correction
GERSTEN MIM Calculating Machine = DAR. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GERVAIS France?, c.1780, MIM Armillary Sphere, Ptolemaic, cardboard = VCW. RSW. suggest correction
GERVAISE France, fl.1730-50, MIM Garden Sundial, slate, 1733 = LIE. also made octagonal moondials. Ardennes. Michel 3 and 9. suggest correction
GERVAISE, FELIX France, 1660, MIM added a string-gnomon sundial, silver, in 1660, to ADL-DPW18, an ivory diptych sundial by Jacques Senecal. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GESSLER, JOSEPH LEONHARDT Germany, 1752, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, 1752 = P.C. Wittistingen. RSW. suggest correction
GESSNER, ABRAHAM Switzerland, 1521-1636, MIM SIM Globe Chalices, silver-gilt = BASH(1571), ZUS(1600), VIE, NOR; Drake's Cup, 1571 = City Museum and Art Gallery, Plymouth; Armillary Sphere = VIE. Zinner 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
GESTRA, J., AND SCHENA England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Newport. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GEWICHT, D. PHIM Balance = MLL. RSW. suggest correction
GEWITSEN, AREIAN Holland, MIM Diptych Sundial = DRE-1926-5. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GHETALDI, MARINO Dalmatia; Italy1566-1626, PHIM Burning Mirror, speculum metal = NMM-Barbarini Coll. mathematician. Ragusa (1566-?); Rome (?-1603); Ragusa (1603-26). NMM 2; DSB. suggest correction
GIACOMINI, ANTONIO Italy, c.1820, NIM Quadrant = Garzolini Coll., Trieste. Belluno. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
GIAMIN, ANTONIUS Italy, fl.1591-99, MIM SIM Astrolabes = WHI (1592)(ICA-542), MERC-5 (1592) = P.C., ZUR (1599)(ICA-570); Radio Latino, 1591 = ADL-M117; Surveying Instrument = MUN; Pillar Sundial =DEU; Nocturnals, 1592 = ADL-M331, ROT, UTR, van Alfen Coll; Nocturnals = NMM (1596), van Alfen Coll. (1595). some of the nocturnals are very dubious; ADL-M331 is identical to a nocturnal by Gigli Mariotti at LOS. Rome. Engelmann 1; Michel 2 and 3; Price 1 and 5; ICA 2; Van Cittert; Morpurgo 1; Nachet; NMM 2; Hollands Glorie; Hamilton 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GIAMIN, IOANNIS France; Italy, c.1550, MIM Quadrans Vetus, iron = FLO. Bordeaux; Rome. Bonelli 1 and 5; Michel 2 and 3; Hahn; RSW. suggest correction
GIAMINI, ANTON see Antonius Giamin. Michel 3. suggest correction
GIANNA, L. England, c.1816, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Barometer = Henry Ford Museum, Mich. optician; often used Salop in place of Shrewsbury. Market Place, Shrewsbury. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GIANNEL Italy, MIM Armillary Sphere = Ambrosiana Library, Milan. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
GIANNOL, L. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1975). surely L. Gianna. Shrewsbury. RSW. suggest correction
GIANO, C. England, PHIM barometer maker. Leather Lane, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIBB, ISAAC England, c.1835, apprenticed to William Green 2 in the Joiners' Company, March 3, 1835. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GIBBS, BROS. USA, c.1850, PHIM Dynamometer = Illinois State Museum, Springfield. Canton, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
GIBBS, JAMES England, c.1789, apprenticed to Charles Card in the Joiners' Company on April 21, 1789. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GIBBS, ROBERT England, c.1731, MIM apprenticed to John Bellinger 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on April 15, 1731. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GIBBS, THOMAS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIBON France, c.1795, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1977). rue Richelieu, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIBSON England, NIM Sextant = AND-11/13/24. North Shields. Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GIBSON, JOHN Scotland, d.1795, MIM OIM Solar Microscope = Soth. 11/15/71. microscope signed "Gibson Kelso"; sold telescopes to the Duke of Roxburgh, etc.; watch and clockmaker. Kelso. RSW.Taylor 2(973); Dewhirst; Bryden 3; T. Smith; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GIBSON, LAWRENCE England, 1724, OIM free of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1724. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GIERDELI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 7 Brooks Market, (London?). Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIESSING, JOHANN FRIEDRICH Germany, PHIM a turner; worked with Winckler to improve the electrical machine. Leipzig. Hackmann; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GIESTRA, I. England, PHIM barometer maker. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIFFORD, A.G. New Zealand, NIM Sextant = FRK. Wellington. Frank; RSW. suggest correction
GIFFORD, JAMES Scotland, 1679, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1679 = Lennoxlove, E. Lothian. thought to be carved by Gifford. West Linton. Somerville. suggest correction
GIGLI, MARIOTTI Italy, 1591, MIM Nocturnal, 1591 = LOS. very similar to ADL-M331. Rome. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GILARDI, J. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-S 7/23/87, Christie-SK 5/15/96. possibly Gilardoni; X and Christie signed "Gilardi Bristol." Bristol. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GILARDI, JOSEPH Italy, 1755, OIM Microscope Mounting = NAC. Milan. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GILARDONI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3), 1975 Sales Cat., Bearne's 1/24/90. Bristol. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GILARDONI, B. England, c.1816?, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Fore Street(?), Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GILBERT 1 England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM instruments signed "Gilbert, London" were made by John Gilbert 1 or his descendants; they are difficult to distinguish except by style and/or date. Tower Hill; Ludgate Street; both in London. Moskowitz 103; Grötzsch 2; Taylor 2(178); Goodison 1; Coffeen C; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT 2 England, c.1813, MIM Protractor = P.C.; Gunner's Calipers = Evans Coll. mastermark is a heart with "EIC" inside and "4" above. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT 3 France, MIM OIM Butterfield-type Sundials = Christie 6/7/72 and 5/15/73; Microscope = CZJ. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT AND CO. England, fl.1794-1817, NIM OIM Octant = FIN; Hadley's Quadrant = VNN; Telescopes = D.(1974), D.(1986), X, Soth. 12/13/65, Soth.-B. 12/21/76, Phillips 2/15/89, NMM-O.201/63-22, Dukes County Historical Soc., Edgartown, Mass.; Microscope = Soth. 10/22/76; Solar Microscope = Soth. 3/25/86. William Gilbert 2 and one or more of his sons; Crawforth finds no record of this listing in the directories; Phillips telescope marked "Improved Sea Telescope"; T.C. reads "Improved Achromatic Sea Telescopes Made by Gilbert, Wright and Hooke. Opticians" plus address. 148 Leadenhall Street, London. Bell 2; Clay and Court; NMM 2; Moskowitz 109; Crawforth 6; Coffeen 12; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT AND GILKERSON England, fl.1793-1819, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Slide Rule, boxwood = Christie 5/26/76; Rule, boxwood, 1800 = OXF; Globe, 1806 = OXF; Stick Barometer = X; Octant = Christie 3/29/60; Telescopes = D.(1972), D.(1989), Christie -S.K. 2/8/79; Mining Dial = P.C.(1987); etc. William Gilbert 2 and James Gilkerson; later William Dormer Gilbert with Gikerson. Succeeded Gregory, Gilbert and Wright. 8 Postern Row, Tower Hill, London. Brown; Taylor 2(974); Goodison 1; Dewhirst ; Clay and Court ; Bell 2; Moskowitz 112; J. Brown 1; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT AND SON England, c.1810, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = NMM-S.218; Telescope = MYS. William Gilbert 2 and William Dormer Gilbert. 148 Leadenhall Street, Navigation Warehouse, London. Taylor 2(839 & 1339); NMM 2; Moskowitz 111; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT AND SONS England, fl.1806-18, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sector = P.C.; Universal Ring Sun Dials = Christie 4/3/74, Soth. 11/9/59; Hadley's Quadrant = Tait 11/22/1843; Pantograph = P.C.; Telescopes = MYS, D.(1976), Phillips 9/10/86; Stick Barometer = VNN. William Gilbert 2 and his sons, William Dormer Gilbert and Thomas Gilbert. 148 Leadenhall Street, London. J. Brown 1; Rinaldi Cat.; Bell 2; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT AND WRIGHT England, fl.1790-92, 1802-05, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sextants = NMM-S.36 (1791), MYS, P-B 9/25/69, Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96; Octant = MYS; Instrument = KEN; Telescopes = Soth. 10/15/73, DRE, CZO, D.(1974),(1978); Pantograph = Christie -SK 7/10/80; Dry Compass = NMM-C.11; Prospect Glass = D.(1978). first John Gilbert 2 and later William Gilbert 2 working with George Wright 2; sextants are marked "King's Patent"; sold Wright's new improved celestial globes. 148 Leadenhall Street, Navigation Warehouse, London. J. Brown 1; Price 2; Taylor 2(839); USNM; NMM 2; Moskowitz 109; Coffeen E; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, BARBARA England, c.1752, widow of John Gilbert 1; turned over his apprentice, John Bartlett, to John Urings 2 of the Joiners' Company; turned over apprentice Joseph Hill to John Gilbert 2 in the Grocers' Company; both on March 18, 1752. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GILBERT, CHARLES England, c.1810, MIM apprenticed to his father, William Gilbert 2, in the Grocers' Company on May 5, 1803; turned over to James Savage of the Coachmakers' Company on June 2, 1803; free of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 5, 1810. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GILBERT, ED. England, 1778, NIM Octant, 1778 = MYS. made for Will Tillock, April 28, 1778. Tower Hill, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, HENRY ROBERT England, c.1798, MIM apprenticed to his father, William Gilbert 2, of the Grocers' Company, 1798; did not finish. Tower Hill, London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GILBERT, J. can be John Gilbert 1 or 2. suggest correction
GILBERT, JOHN 1 England, fl.1717-52, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Backstaves = OXF (1745), NMM, KEN (1730); Sundial = NMM; Telescope = D.(1971). apprenticed to John Johnson 3 in the Grocers' Company, 1709 free of the Company in 1717; took apprentices; made Biester's "portatis" instrument; undated instruments could have been made by John Gilbert 1 or 2. Little Tower Hill (1717); Postern Row, Tower Hill (1718-52); both in London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(178); Brewington 1; Goodison 1; NMM 2; USNM; Moskowitz 102; Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, JOHN 2 England, 1744-91, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Backstaves = NMM (1755), Atwater Kent Museun, Philadelphia, Pa. (1770), P.C.(1774); Octants = PEA (1758, 1763, 1779), Soth. 12/3/76 (1764), NMM (1777), North Carolina State Archives (1759); Sextant, 1767 = Soth. 6/27/57); Telescopes = D.(1973) (1769), D.(1976); Cuff-type Microscope = OXF; etc. son of John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers'Company; apprenticed to him Oct. 4, 1737; free of the Grocers' Company Feb. 28, 1744; T.C.; see Gilbert and Wright. at the Mariner, Paternoster Road, Tower Hill (1763); 23 St. Paul's Churchyard, Ludgate Street (1776); 8 Postern Row, Tower Hill (1781); all in London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(595); Goodison 1; Bell 2; Moskowitz 112; NMM 2; Calvert 2; Brewington; USNM; Dewhirst; Crawforth 1; Court and von Rohr 3; OXF Exib. 1947; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, JOHN 3 England, fl.1771-91, MIM NIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to his father John Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company, April 3, 1764; free of the Company April 9, 1771; brother of William Gilbert 2. Tower Hill, London (1771). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GILBERT, M. AND T. England, NIM Sextant = Soth. 1/27/75. surely W. and T. Gilbert. London. RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, THOMAS England, fl.1809-31, MIM NIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to his father, William Gilbert 2, of the Grocers' Company in 1801; free of the Company in 1809; see W. and T. Gilbert; the "W" is William Dormer Gilbert, his brother; T.C. ; Leadenhall Street, London (1809). J. Brown 1 & 2; Taylor 2(839 & 1339); Bell 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GILBERT, W. AND J. misreading for W. and T. Gilbert. RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, W. AND S. England, c.1817, NIM Log = NMM-Lg.28. W. and T. Gilbert? London. NMM 2. suggest correction
GILBERT, W. AND T. England, fl.1819-28, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Compass and Rule, silver case, 1826 = OXF; Vernier Protractor, 1827 = D.; Compasses = NMM (1838), NMM (7); Log Glasses = NMM; Telescopes = NMM, Soth. 5/12/75, Christie 4/14/89; Microscope = Soth. 3/19/73; Surveyor's Cross = D.(1977); Stick Barometer = Phillips 12/12/89; Sextant = Christie 12/16/69. William Dormer Gilbert and his brother, Thomas, sons of William Gilbert 2; "Mathematical Instrument Makers and Opticians to the Hon. East India Compy"; also made kaleidoscopes; went bankrupt in 1828. 148 Leadenhall Street, Navigation Warehouse, London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(839); Clay and Court; Moskowitz 111; Bell 2; NMM 2; Calvert 2; Dewhirst; Evans 1; Coffeen D; Crawforth 1; McConnell 4; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, WILLIAM 1 England, 1540-1603, wrote the pioneering work on magnetism; designed a dip-needle; worked with Blundeville, Briggs and Edward Wright on the problems of navigation; physician. Colchester; Wingfield House, St. Peter's Hill, London (1596-97); Royal College of Physicians, London. Taylor 1(31); Dawson Cat.; DNB; DSB. suggest correction
GILBERT, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1776-1813, MIM NIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to his father, John Gilbert 2, July 4, 1769; turned over to Peter Dollond July 18, 1769; free of the Grocers' Conpany Aug. 1, 1776; admitted to the Spectaclemakers' Company Dec. 1, 1801 by Redemption; Master of the Spectaclemakers' Company 1807-09; see Gilbert and Wright, Gilbert and Son, Gilbert and Sons, Gilbert and Gilkerson, Gilbert and Co. Tower Hill (1776); Leadehall Street (1795-1803); both in London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(595); Brewington 1; Clay and Court; Moskowitz 109; Robischon. suggest correction
GILBERT, WILLIAM DORMER England, fl.1802-33, MIM NIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to his father, William Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company on Nov. 5, 1795; free of the Grocers' Company Dec. 2, 1802; free of the Spectaclemakers' Company Oct. 6, 1813; succeeded his father Oct. 6, 1813; worked with his brother, Thomas as W. and T. Gilbert from 1819-31; worked alone 1832-33. 148 Leadenhall Street, London. J. Brown 1; Court and von Rohr 3(237). suggest correction
GILBERT, WRIGHT AND HOOKE England, fl.1794-1805, MIM OIM Telescopes = D.(1975), D.(1979); Magnetic Compass = Christie-SK 9/11/86; Sextant = OXF. the "Gilbert" is first, John Gilbert 2, later, William Gilbert 2; the Wright is George Wright 2; sextant marked "King's Patent." 148 Leadenhall Street, Navigation Warehouse, London. Taylor 2(839); Moskowitz 109; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
GILDING, STEPHEN England, c.1675, apprenticed to Walter Henshaw in the Weavers' Company, June 28, 1675 for eight years. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GILES, EDWARD USA, fl.1839-50, MIM SIM see Blyndenburgh and Giles. Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Coffeen E. suggest correction
GILES, JAMES England, fl.1740-80, MIM Orrery, = USNM; Sundial = Milton Church. Gravesend. Taylor 2(354a); USNM 2; Bedini 6; Price 2. suggest correction
GILKERSON England, c.1800, MIM Drawing Set, case = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Tower Hill, London. RSW. suggest correction
GILKERSON AND CO. England, fl.1809-27, MIM NIM OIM SIM Sextants = DPW, NMM-S.261; Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 4/22/65; Octant = HAR; Circumferentor = D.(1978); Surveyor's Compass = ADL-W188. 8 Postern Row, Tower Hill; 148 Leadenhall Street, The Navigation Warehouse; both in London. Taylor 2(1130); NMM 2; Moskowitz 117; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GILKERSON AND MACALL England, c.1770, MIM Mathematical Instrument Set = X. Tower Hill, London. Taylor 2(716); Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
GILKISON, W.P. ScotlandPHIM sympiesometer maker Cathcart Street, Glasgow. Bell 2. suggest correction
GILL, JONATHAN England, fl. 1707-16, MIM Oughtred-type Sundial, 1716 = D.(1983) = ADL-W96. apprenticed in 1700; free of the Clockmakers' Company in 1707; sundial is signed "Jn° Gill." London. Coffeen D; Wynter and Turner; J. Brown 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GILL, SAMUEL England, PHIM barometer maker. Rye. Bell 2. suggest correction
GILL, THOMAS England, fl.1817-18, PHIM Hydrometer Slide Rule, ivory = Soth. 10/17/60. signed "T. Gill"; patented a type of hydrometer with John Ashton. 42 Greek Street, Soho, London. Taylor 2(1341); RSW. suggest correction
GILLADON, ANDREAS Switzerland?, 1690, MIM Pillar Sundial, 1690 = Chur Museum. Evans 1. suggest correction
GILLARDONI, A. see Gilardony Bell 2. suggest correction
GILLES, MATTHIAS England, 1708, NIM Nocturnal, fruitwood, 1708 = Soth. 6/21/76. RSW. suggest correction
GILLESPIE, JOHN England?, MIM Calendar, round, wood = Soth. 10/17/60. 10, Abbey Hill. RSW. suggest correction
GILLMAN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Eastbourne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GILLY France, 1777, MIM he reworked the sundial of Cadenet. Tardy 3. suggest correction
GILMAN AND JOSLIN misreading for Gilman Joslin. Rinaldi 3; RSW. suggest correction
GILMAN, BENJAMIN CLARK USA, 1763-1835, MIM NIM Compass Cards, paper = NHH, P.C.; Pedometer = Bristol Coll. clockmaker. Exeter, New Hampshire. Bedini 1; Smart 1; Spinney. suggest correction
GILMORE England, NIM Nocturnal, boxwood = Pugsley Sale. as listed in catalogue; instrument sold was unsigned. RSW. suggest correction
GILMORE, JOSEPH England, fl.1718-26, NIM invented a perpetual log, the "Navivum", and one other navigating instrument. Bath. Taylor 2(44); Bedini 8. suggest correction
GILMUR, BRYAN USA, c.1790, MIM also made clocks. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1. suggest correction
GILPIN England, 1816, MIM Celestial Globe, 1816 = ANM. London. Namur Exhib. Cat. suggest correction
GILPIN, B. England, OIM Modified-Cuff Microscope = Wellcome Coll. Newcastle. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GILRUTH BROS. Scotland, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. Dundee. RSW. suggest correction
GILTRAY, J.W. Holland, 1851-1929, MIM NIM OIM worked with A.P. Kipp; partner in the firm of P.J. Kipp en Zonen. Delft. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
GINOT-DESROIS, MLLE. France, fl.1824-26, MIM Planispheres, paper = GEP, MAS, TIM (1826); Astronomical and Perpetual Calendar = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. may be "Desrolis"; calendar marked "dedié à Charles X par Mlle. Ginot-Desrois", and was engraved by Choixegue. Chez Bachelier Libraire pour les matématiques, Quai des Augustins, 55, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIOBBIO 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 9/10/86. Devizes; Trowbridge. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GIOBBIO 2 England, PHIM barometer maker. Lampeter, Cardigan. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIOBBIO AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. Devizes. RSW. suggest correction
GIOBBIO, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIOBBIO, G.B. EnglandPHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Burnley. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIOBBIO, G.B., AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 4/28/82. see Giobbio and Co. Devizes. RSW. suggest correction
GIOBBIO, GOSVE Wales, PHIM barometer maker. Llandovery, Carmarthan. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIOIA, FLAVIO Italy, 13th Century, NIM thought by Neapolitans to have invented the magnetic compass. Naples. Magazine of Science, London, 1891; Tooley; USNM. suggest correction
GIORDANI, D.G. Italy, c.1590, MIM Astronomical Compendium, paper = Count Lamberti Coll., Rome. Venice. Chapuis. suggest correction
GIORDANI, VITALE Italy, b.1633 d.1711, MIM Armillary Sphere = Biblioteca Lancisiana, Rome. Rome. Michel 3. suggest correction
GIRACCIA, T. England, PHIM barometer maker. Lewes. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIRAR, MARC France, MIM Sundial in lid of watch = J.P. Morgan Coll. Blois. RSW. suggest correction
GIRARD France, 19th entury, MIM SIM Graphometer = Drouot 4/7/87. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIRARD ET BARRERE France, 19th Century, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 27.5 cm. = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Girard et Barrère. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIRARD FRERES France, c.1810, OIM PHIM Girard Frères; made achromatic lenses. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GIRARD, A. USA, 1849, MIM invented an altitude recorder and a sun transit instrument. Mobile, Ala. USNM. suggest correction
GIRARD, BARRERE ET THOMAS France, c.1850, MIM Globe, terrestrial = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96. Girard, Barrère et Thomas; see Girard et Barrère. RSW. suggest correction
GIRARD, E., ET A. BOITTE France, 19th Century, MIM Globe, terrestrial = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96. "éditeurs." 22 rue Cassette, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIRAUD, BENOIT France, fl.1744-1780, PHIM Thermometer on clock, 1774 = X. Rue des Orties (1774); Pl. Saint-Suplice (1780); both in Paris. Tardy 3. suggest correction
GIRAUDON France, NIM Magnetic Compass = Drouot 3/9/70. rue de la Paix, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIREARO, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 32 Ely, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIRGENSOHN, T. Russia, c.1845, PHIM Stick Barometer = Pulkowa Obs. (1845). St. Petersburg. Middleton 1. suggest correction
GIRL, MARTIN surely Martin Gizl. Taylor 2(597); Daumas 1. suggest correction
GIRLONI, D. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIROD, JEAN GASPARD Switzerland, c.1620, MIM Sundial in base of skull watch = O-F. signed "I.G. Girod"; watchmaker. Coppet; Geneva. Monreal; Baillie 1; Soth. 5/11/23; RSW. suggest correction
GIRONIMO England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. possibly Laurence Gironimo. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIRONIMO, B. 1 England, PHIM barometer maker. Bristol. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIRONIMO, B. 2 England, fl.1817-44, PHIM barometer maker. Leather Lane, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIRONIMO, LAURENCE England, fl.1845-54, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; succeeded by Felix Gugeri. 93 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GISCARA, JEREMIAH England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Giscard, misreading ? Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GISCARD England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 9/18/86. see Jeremiah Giscara, this might be a misreading. Downham. RSW. suggest correction
GITTENS, W. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Angle Barometer = X. 113 Salop, Shrewsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIUDICE, A. AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Stroud Water. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIUSANI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIUSANI, P. AND SONS England, c.1835, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Cock Street, Wolverhampton (1835); Bilston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIUSANI, S. England, PHIM barometer maker. Cock Street, Wolverhampton. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIUSTI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Italy, fl.1558-65, MIM Quadrant, 1558 = FLO; Sundials = FLO (2). also signed "Ioannes Baptista Iusti." Florence. Bonelli 5; Michel 3; Evans 1; Settle 2. suggest correction
GIZL, MARTIN Austria, 1769, MIM OIM SIM Theodolite, 1769 = BM; Horizontal Sundial, string gnomon, = Soth. 11/16/87. also spelled Cizl. Salzburg. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
GLADSTONE, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GLAISHER, JAMES England, 1809-1903, PHIM pioneer meteorologist; developed a wet-dry bulb thermometer in 1847. London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
GLASER, A. Poland, 1588, MIM designed a sundial for the Town Hall in 1588. Danzig. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GLAZEBROOK England, c.1822, MIM invented a slide rule. Taylor 2(1568). suggest correction
GLAZIER, JAMES Ireland, fl.1796-99, MIM 59 Townsend Street, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GLEAVE, J., AND SON England, MIM Rule, folding, wood = D.(1984). initial might be G. Oldham Street, Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
GLEICHEN, VAN Germany, c.1770, OIM developed a form of compound microscope. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GLOBBIO AND CO. misreading for Giobbio and Co. RSW. suggest correction
GLOCKSBERGER, JOHANN Czechoslovakia, c.1600, MIM Ring Sundial = Drecker Coll. Prague. Zinner 1; Evans 1. suggest correction
GLOVER, FREDERICK ROBERT AUGUSTUS England, c.1839, MIM patented "Glover's Sector", marked "Patent No.1." Charlton. Taylor 2(2135); Coffeen 14. suggest correction
GLOVER, HENRY England; USA, fl.1842-70, NIM OIM T.C.; apprenticed to Parkinson and Frodsham; made chronometers. London; 33 John Street, (1842-43); 29 Louis Street (1843-44); 192 Broadway (1845); 119 Broadway (1846); 5 Wall Street (1847); 115 Wall Street (1848); 119 Wall Street (1850-53); 58 South Street (1853); 154 South Street (1854); 107 South Street (1860-62); 104 South Street (1864); 20 Burling Slip (1866); 222 Water Street (1868-70); all in New York, N.Y. Brewington 1; Moskowitz 103; RSW. suggest correction
GLUCK Mexico, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = ADL-T64. "optico". Mexico City. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GLUCKSTEIN England, c.1850, PHIM barometer maker. London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GLYD, JAMES England, 1752, MIM Ring Sundial, 1752 = OXF. London. Baillie 1. suggest correction
GLYN, RICHARD surely Richard Glynne. Clay and Court; Daumas 1. suggest correction
GLYNNE, RICHARD England, 1681-1755 fl.1705-25, MIM Universal Ring Sundials over Compasses, silver = TIM, Chatsworth; Universal Ring Sundials = OXF, KEN, WHI, CZJ; Inclinable Sundials, silver = TIM, Chatsworth; Armillary Sphere = WHI; Drawing Instrument Sets = WHI, OXF, Halls 11/15/95; Orreries = OXF, NMM-P.13, Nat'l Museum, Beiping. apprenticed to Henry Wynne in the Clockmakers' Company, 1696; free of the Company, 1705; son-in-law of Philip Lea; in partnership with Anne Lea, his mother-in-law, c. 1712-25; published globes; T.C.; sometimes signed "Glyn." Cheapside (1712-16); Sign of the Hercules and Atlas, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street (1720-25); both in London. Taylor 1(500) and 2(45); Price 3; Ward 4; Chaldecott 1; RSW; Calvert 2; Michel 3; ATG 12/9/95; Gingerich 1; Tyacke 1; J. Brown 3; Bryden 16; Daumas 1; NMM 2; Sivin 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GLYNNE, RICHARD, AND HENRY WYNNE England, fl.1710-21, MIM Hercules and Atlas, Fleet Street, opposite Salisbury Court, London. Clay and Court. suggest correction
GLYNNE, ROBERT misreading for Richard Glynne. ATG 12/8/95. suggest correction
GNUTTI, GIUSEPPE Italy, c.1761, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = BRP. might be Grutti. Price 2; Bonelli 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOAT, R. misreading for R. Gout. Soth., Wilkinson and Hodge 7/20/23. suggest correction
GOATER England, fl.1776-77, NIM Hadley's Quadrants = D. Phillips 11/16/88 (1776); Octants = SPI-2775 (1777), WHI, AMST. John or Henry Goater. 141 Wapping, London Taylor 2(599); Daumas 1; Wynter and Turner; Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOATER, E. England, NIM Octant = WHI. 141 Wapping, London. RSW. suggest correction
GOATER, HENRY England, fl.1777-92, MIM NIM OIM Octants = WHI, AMST, NMM. son or nephew of John Goater. 144 (141) Wapping; New Gravel Lane, Wapping Wall; both in London. Taylor 2(717); Wynter and Turner; NMM 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
GOATER, I. see John Goater. suggest correction
GOATER, J.B. England, NIM Octant = University of Mississippi. London. Price 2. suggest correction
GOATER, JOHN England, c.1760, NIM Backstaffs = D., P.C.(1971), AMST; Hadley's Quadrant = MYS; Octants = Maine Historical Soc., Portland, P.C.(1969), AMST, NMM-S.144 (1769). all except NMM octant are signed I. or J. Goater; one instument has the mark of an anchor and also signed "late Clerty." 141 Wapping; near Union Stairs in Wapping; Execution Dock, Wapping; all in London. Taylor 2(599); Wynter and Turner; Mörzer Bruyns 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
GOATER, ROBERT England, fl.1769-97, MIM NIM Mariner's Compass = NMM-C.214. signed "R.Goater." 146 Wapping, London Taylor 2(599); NMM 2. suggest correction
GOBBI 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. Giobbio? Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GOBBI 2 England, PHIM see Macki and Gobbi; barometer makers. Swaffham. Bell 2. suggest correction
GOBBI AND CETTEA England, fl.1848-50, PHIM barometer makers. Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham. Bell 2. suggest correction
GOBBI, LAWRENCE England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 12/15/72. signed "L. Gobbi"; also known as Lorenzo Gobbi; carver, gilder. Stanley Street, Liverpool. Bell 2. suggest correction
GOBBI, P. England, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 12/13/88. Soth. barometer signed "Gobbi Stroud", spirit level signed "P. Gobbi Stroud." Stroud. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOBBI, P., AND SON England, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Stroud. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOBBY England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Chelsea Fair (1973). Hull. RSW. suggest correction
GOBBY, D. England, c.1775, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/17/74. Leather Lane, London. RSW. suggest correction
GOBE, HANS Austria ; Germanyfl.1558-74, MIM Gun Sight, 1568 = DRE. see H.G. 4. Innsbruck; Dreden. Zinner 1; Grötzsch 2; Michel 2 and 3; Drechsler 2; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
GODALLES France, 1686, MIM Sector, ivory, 1686 = Christie 10/7/82 = D.(1983) = ADL-W162. "Par le D.M.N. Godalles, Sainct Malo." Saint-Malo. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GODDARD England, fl.1838-40, OIM invented a polariscope. Gallery of Practical Science, Adelaide Street, London. Taylor 2(2136). suggest correction
GODDARD, JAMES T. England, fl.1850-57, OIM Achromatic Astronomical Telescope = X. 35 Goswell Street (1851); Jesse Cottage, Whitton, near Hounslow (1857); both in London. USNM; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
GODDART see Steel and Goddart. RSW. suggest correction
GODELAR France, c.1780, MIM OIM Protractors = D.(1971), P.C.(1968); Sector = DPW; Folding Rule = P.C. Paris. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GODELARD FILS France, MIM Sector, silver = P.C.(1973). Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GODFREY, JOHN England, fl.1818-37, OIM Cross Street (1818); 93 Coleshill, Horton (1837); both in Birmingham. Taylor 2(1863). suggest correction
GODFREY, THOMAS 1 USA, 1704-49, NIM Sextant = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.; "Improved" Backstaff, 1730 = Joshua Fisher (c.1731). glazier; invented a reflecting quadrant in 1730; in 1734 the Royal Society recognized both Thomas Godfrey (1) and James Hadley as independent inventors of the instrument. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1 & 8; Gillingham 1; DSB; Price 2; Taylor 2(262); Cecil King; A.J. Turner 10; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
GODFREY, THOMAS 2 England, PHIM barometer maker. Stony Stratford. Bell 2. suggest correction
GODIN, LOUIS France, 1704-60, MIM Rule, 1735 = POB. Trois Siècle. suggest correction
GODINEAU France, 1730-1800, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = P.C.(1969). La Rochelle. RSW. suggest correction
GODINEZ, MIGUEL Spain, 18th Century, MIM Counting Machine = X. Valencia. Nachet. suggest correction
GODWIN, S. England, 1802, MIM Astrolabe, 1802 = OXF (ICA-316). Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
GODWYN, JOHN England, fl.1597-1600, MIM said by Hopton to be the inventor of the circumferentor; designed an alidade; see John Goodwin. London. Taylor 1(98). suggest correction
GOERNER, JACOBUS Czechoslovakia, 1794, PHIM Static Electrical Machine, 1794 = PRA. "Mechanicus." Prague. Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
GOERNER, JOSEPH Czechoslovakia, 1775, OIM Microscope, 1775 = U. of Charles, Prague. Prague. Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
GOERTNER Germany, c.1680, PHIM made burning mirrors. Dresden. Nachet. suggest correction
GOES 1 Franciscus de Goes; see Gois 2. A. Stimson 3; Destombes 5. suggest correction
GOES 2 see A. Goys. A. Stimson 3; Destombes 5. suggest correction
GOES, FRANCISCO DE Portugal, c.1587, MIM NIM made sundials, sandglasses, astrolabes and compass needles; also spelled Goys. Lisbon. A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
GOES, JOAO DE Portugalc.1648, MIM NIM son of A. Goys (Agostinho de Goes Raposa); excused from military service in 1648, because he was a NIM. Lisbon. A. Stimson 3; Guedes. suggest correction
GOESTER, GYSBERT Holland, 1739-, MIM Square = UTP. ivory-turner and instrument maker. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
GOETZ, STEPHAN VON Austria, see Götz. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
GOEZ, JOH. WILH. Germany18th Century, MIM Ludwigsburg. Evans 1. suggest correction
GOFF, WILLIAM USA, 1782, NIM Octant, 1782 = D.(1957). Georgetown, South Carolina. RSW. suggest correction
GOGERTY, ROBERT England, fl.1847-56, MIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = X; Microscope = CZO. microscope is signed "Gogerty 244 Fleet Street." 32 King Street (1847); 72 Fleet Street; 244 Fleet Street; all in London. Goodison 1; O'Mara; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GOGILLA France, MIM Folding Rule = P.C.; Mathematical Instrument Set = D.(1966). Paris. Brieux 2; RSW. suggest correction
GOHIN France, c.1800, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/3/88. signed "L'Ing. Gohin opticien Breveté." 19, rue Neuve-Saint-Eustache; Rue Her. St. Eustache 24; both in Paris. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GOIS 1 Portugal, 1595, MIM NIM SIM Diptych Sundials, ivory, 1595 = P.C., D.(1976). first dial also signed "Lusitanus"; second has a polychrome compass, with an extra mark "P.E."; there may be only one instrument. Lisbon. RSW. suggest correction
GOIS 2 Portugal, fl.1608-32, NIM Mariner's Astrolabes = FLO (1608)(NMM-9), Museu Naval e Oceanographico, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1624) (NMM-49), Museo da las Casas Reales, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (1632) (NMM-42). Francisco de Goes; received his license as an instrument maker in 1587; he made sundials, sand glasses, compass needles, etc; NMM is National Maritime Museum Registry of Mariner's Astrolabe. Lisbon. Waters 1; Stimson 3; Destombes 5; Guedes. suggest correction
GOLDBACKER, MAX Germany; USA1813-71;, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. optician. Oettinger, Bavaria (1813-49); New York, N.Y. (1849-71). Smart 1. suggest correction
GOLIUNIN Russia, MIM Terrestrial Globe and Sundial = GEL. RSW. suggest correction
GONDOLA, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 12 Little Saffron Hill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GONDOLFI France, c.1800, PHIM Balances = CNAM. also made weights. Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GONICHON, JEAN-BAPTISTE-CHARLES France, fl.1733-63, OIM Reflecting Telescope = P.C.(1962). associated with the optician, Claude Paris, his brother-in-law, in 1733; later worked alone; in 1763 his widow, Marie-Michelle Paris Gonichon, took up the brevet of her brother, Claude Paris, of "marchand miroitier privilégié suivant la Cour." rue des Postes, Paris. Daumas 1; Brieux 2; Nachet; Augarde; RSW. suggest correction
GONICHON, MARIE-MICHELLE PARIS France, c.1763, MIM widow of Jean-Baptiste-Charles Gonichon; sister of Claude Paris; received his title, "marchand miroitier privilégié suivant la Cour", in 1763. Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
GONNELLA, TITO Italy, 1794-1851+, MIM Calculating Machine = FLO. showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Florence. Brenni 1. suggest correction
GOOBBI, J., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Giobbi? Goodison 1. suggest correction
GOOD, JOHN England, fl.1731-36, MIM NIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1731 = Wray Coll. (not in Wray Sale, Soth. 11/30/59); Hadley's Quadrant = OMM. mathematician; author; book was published in London; two men? Hull. Gillingham 6; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
GOODALL, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1790-1807, MIM Sundial inside watch cover = OXF (Minn Coll.). Tadcaster. Bell 2; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOODALL, GEORGE 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GOODALL, LODELL England, OIM Telescope, three-draw = Christie-SK 4/18/85. London. RSW. suggest correction
GOODDAY, B. England, fl.1723-25, NIM designed a new navigating instrument; author. Knight's Coffee-house, Essex Street, near St. Clement's Church, Strand, London. Taylor 2(179). suggest correction
GOODMAN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Pontypridd. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GOODMAN, THOMAS England, fl.1669-78, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took apprentices; Master of the Company, 1677-78). St. Bartholomews, West Smithfield, London (1671-78). Court and von Rohr 3(17); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
GOODWIN, JOHN England, fl.1580-1616, MIM Sectors = R.T. Gunther Coll., NMM-CI/S.9, D.(1986). the instrument, "D.(1986)", is signed "John Goodwin SW"; see also John Godwyn as there may be confusion. Taylor 1(98); Evans 1; Dewhirst; NMM 2; Coffeen 14. suggest correction
GOODWIN, MICHAEL, AND SON England, c.1850, PHIM barometer makers. High Street, Sunderland. Bell 2. suggest correction
GOORHAM, ISAAC Sweden?, 1763, NIM Backstaff, 1763 = P.C.(1972). in a Swedish collection. RSW. suggest correction
GOOTS, A. Holland, NIM Cross-staff = HAK. vanes lost. RSW. suggest correction
GORDON, ANDREAS Scotland, c.1745, PHIM monk; might have introduced the cylinder in the electrical machine. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GORDON, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1719-26, MIM author. at Mr. Graeme's House, The Green House, opposite the Three Pigeons, Butcherhall Lane, Newgate Street, London. Taylor 2(47). suggest correction
GORDON, GEORGE 2 England, c.1754, MIM apprenticed to Tycho Wing, a mathematical instrument maker of the Grocers' Company, Oct. 24, 1754. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GORDON, GILBERT England, 1687, NIM Nocturnal, boxwood, 1687 = NAC = D.(1976) = P.C. first name is illegible in dealer's catalogue; owner? Nachet; Brieux 3, 1976; RSW. suggest correction
GORDON, ROBERT Scotland, 1580-1661, cartographer; surveyer; owned the Fusoris astrolabe now in the RSM; two of the tympans were re-engraved for use in Edinburgh and Straloch in 1597. Straloch, Aberdeenshire. Darius 3; Poulle 1. suggest correction
GORHAM, JOTHAM ODIORNE 17th Century, MIM SIM Graphometer = Eldred 7/26/73. RSW. suggest correction
GORI Italy, 1779, MIM divided a quadrant; may be Felice Gori. Florence. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GORI, FELICE Italy, c.1809, MIM Sundial = FLO. brother of Galgano Gori; both worked for Giuseppe Pigri; sundial signed "Felice Gori inv. e fece in Firenze"; also marked "A.L." (3); mechanician; see Gori. Florence. Bonelli 9. suggest correction
GORI, GALGANO Italy, 1846, MIM PHIM Barometer, siphon-type, 1846 = FLO. brother of Felice Gori, which see; both worked for Giuseppe Pigri; also made micrometers and thermometers; mechanician. Florence. Middleton 1; Bonelli 9. suggest correction
GORING, DR. EDWIN England, fl.1819-41, developed idea of using precious stones for microscope lenses. Nachet. suggest correction
GORLAND England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London Wall, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GORNER, J. Bohemia, 1776, OIM Microscope = PRA. Narodni Museum Exhibit at KEN, Aug. 1968. RSW. suggest correction
GORSE, NATHANIEL see Nathaniel Gosse. suggest correction
GOSS, JOHN England, c.1812, MIM designed a calculating machine. Bryden 5. suggest correction
GOSSE, NATHANIEL England, fl.1620-31, MIM made Gunter's rules and other wooden instruments; spelled variously as Gos, Goss, and Gorse. Ratcliffe, London. Bryden 9; Taylor 1(141); Evans 1; Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
GOSSELIN France, c.1665-80, MIM Octant = Roussel Sale = MADEX-280 (Coll. Jules Strauss); Mural Quadrant = X. an "arquebusier"; instruments are also signed "divisé par Sevin à Paris"; Gosselin made instruments for the Paris Observatory and the Academy of Sciences; Daumas says that some instruments are at the NMM but there is no entry in the Inventory. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Wolf; NMM 2; Augarde. suggest correction
GOSSET France, c.1800, OIM optician and lens maker. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
GOTANDE Italy, 1778, MIM Hodometer, 1778 = MMT. Rome. RSW. suggest correction
GOTZ, JOH. WILH. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Instrument = DAR. signed "Götz"; Evans says "Goez." Ludwigsburg. Maddison 7; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOTZ, STEFAN VON, UND SOHNE Austria, c.1850, MIM Zappeck-type Sundials = D.(1982) = ADL-W50, PRZ, D.(1987), Pugsley Sale; Horizontal Sundial = MERC-28. the first sundial signed "St. v. Götz und Sohne", the second, "Götz und Sohne", the third, "Stefan von Götz und Sohne. Vienna. Coffeen A and 16; Maddison 7; Hamilton 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GOTZ, STEPHAN VON Austria, MIM Zappeck-type Sundial = PRZ. signed "Götz." Vienna. Maddison 7. suggest correction
GOUCHON, CHARLES France, c.1700, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = NMM-D.201. Beurelle. NMM 2. suggest correction
GOUFFE France, c.1788, MIM Gouffé was "breveté ingénieur du Roi, 1788". Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GOUGH see Walter Gough. suggest correction
GOUGH AND GEE England, c.1815, PHIM Angle Barometer = Christie 4/5/95. 21 Saddle Row, London. RSW. suggest correction
GOUGH, T.J. Water Clock, falsely dated 1673 = Museum of Science, Buffalo, N.Y. modern work; probably made by Pearson Page Ltd. of Birmingham; marked "Exeter." RSW. suggest correction
GOUGH, WALTER England, fl.1799-1810, MIM OIM PHIM Garden Sundials = The Hall, Weston, Buckland House (1793); Air Pump = AUI; Stick Barometer = Phillips 2/14/79. T.C.; last two instruments signed "Gough" and "Real Electrical Machine and Air Pump Maker"; 1793 sundial belonged to William Cowper. 21 Middle Row; 23 Middle Row; both in Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Gatty; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOUGH, WILLIAM England, fl.1808-10, OIM 23 Middle Row, Holborn, London. Taylor 2(1134). suggest correction
GOUICHON France, c.1790, OIM Telescopes = P.C., Versailles 11/19/78. Rue des Postes, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GOULD AND PORTER England, fl.1800-25, MIM OIM Charles Gould and Porter; succeeded Cary. London. Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
GOULD, CHARLES England, fl.1800-39, MIM OIM Microscope = Soth. 12/17/62. T.C.; microscope is signed "Gould's Improved Pocket Compound Microscope"; author; succeeded William Cary in 1825, perhaps as Gould and Porter. 272 Strand, London. Taylor 2(1135); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GOULD, CHESTER England; USA; England, fl.1794-1803, NIM patented a log in 1800, an improvment in 1801, and a nautical time piece in 1803, all in London; Bedini thinks Gould was still in Rome, N.Y. in 1813. 47 Walnut Street (1794); Sign of the Quadrant, 70 South Front Street (1796-98); both in Philadelphia Pa.; Rome, N.Y.(1800); "late of Rome N.Y., now of Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, London merchant"(1801). Brewington 1; Bedini 8. suggest correction
GOULD, HENRY England, 1859-?, MIM NIM succeeded John and George Cary in 1859. 181 Strand, London. Taylor 2(1290). suggest correction
GOULD, HORACE USA, 1801, NIM offered a recording log for approval to the Boston Marine Soc. Boston, Mass. Brewington 1. suggest correction
GOULD, JOHN England; USA, fl.1794-97, MIM NIM OIM succeeded by Thomas Whitney; Smart says 47 Walnut Street (1794). 47 Water Street(1794); at the Sign of the Quadrant, 70 South Front Street (1796); 46 South Fifth Street (1797); all in Philadelphia Pa. Bedini 1; Smart 1; Gillingham 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
GOULD, WILLIAM 1 USA, d.1797, MIM Smart felt that this might be an erronious entry due to a mistake in a newspaper story in 1797. Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
GOULD, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1808, MIM apprenticed to William Parson of the Grocers' Company, Jan 1, 1801, for 7 years. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
GOULIER, COLONEL France, 1818-91, MIM hydrographic surveyor; designed several instruments. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GOUMERT France, PHIM Barometer = Christie 2/10/72. Chalon. RSW. suggest correction
GOURDIN, E. "E. Gourdin Paris 1671" marked on a modern mariner's astrolabe sold at Christie 5/5/83. A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
GOURDIN, PIERRE France, fl.1775-1800, MIM SIM Graphometers = USNM (1775), KRA (1779), CNAM (1785), P.C. (1790), Libert et Castor Auction 4/28/82 (1786), etc; Surveying Instruments = FIN = D(1778), Paris 1900 Exhib.(1792), P.C. and Christie's 4/3/85; Surveyor's Cross, 1786 = P.C.; Alidade, 1787 = CNAM; Sectors = D.(1785)(2), OXF and Drouot 3/9/70 (both 1792) ; Ellipsograph, 1780 = CNAM; Protractor, 1778 = P.C.; Pantograph, 1784 = P.C.(1987); Rule = ADL-A268; Level, 1785 = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96. twice rejected as "Ingénieur du Roi"; in 1794 he was chosen to value mathematical instruments seized during the Revolution; member of "Corporation des fondeurs." au Quart de Cercle, Quai de l'horloge, Ile de la Cité, Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; USNM; Daumas 1 and 6; Augarde; Wynter and Turner; Estreicher 1; Coffeen 12 and 55; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GOURDON, L. Switzerland, c.1790, MIM OIM SIM Thermometer, horizontal = GEM; Theodolite = Christie-SK 9/29/88. the thermometer is from the de Saussure Coll. Geneva. A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
GOUT, RALPH England, fl.1770-1815, MIM Pedometers = Aubert (1806), BM (1781), Marryat College, Guildhall Museum, KEN, FIT, WHI, Fränkel Coll., OXF., TIM = Christie 4/14/88, and various sales. patented a pedometer, 1799. 6 Norman Street; Old Street; Binlin Court; all in London. Taylor 2(719); De suggest correction
GOUTERY France, MIM Sector = P. and S. 4/3/1894. Paris. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOVAERDT, H. 1607, MIM Artillery Level, 1607 = LOS. RSW. suggest correction
GOVERNA see Oratio Governa Pietro. suggest correction
GOWAN, G. England, 1753, MIM Gunner's Sector, wood, 1753 = Kenney Coll. = Soth. 4/22/65. Taylor 2(482); Exibition-Maps; RSW. suggest correction
GOWER, CAPTAIN England, NIM invented and patented a log. Taylor 2(1137). suggest correction
GOWLAND England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80. Enfield. RSW. suggest correction
GOWLAND, C. England, fl.1811-16, PHIM Marine Barometer = X. probably Clement Gowland, clockmaker on High Street. Sunderland. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GOWLAND, GEORGE England, pre-1871, NIM OIM Octants = RJK and Phillips 5/14/74; Sextants = Exhib. "1000 Years of Navigation", Brussels 1979, Dr. Livingstone; Artificial Horizon = STK. also signed "Gowland" or "G. Gowland." 76 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Bryden 9; Brewington 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
GOWLAND, JAMES England, c.1830, PHIM Marine Barometer = VNN. London. RSW. suggest correction
GOY AND CO. England, pre-1840, NIM OIM Hadley's Quadrant with vernier = NMM-S.17. T.C. 36 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(2138); NMM 2. suggest correction
GOYON FILS France, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Chevau-Légers, 2/28/82. 16 Rue Pila, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GOYS, A. Portugal, fl.1630-58, MIM NIM Mariner's Astrolabes = P.C. (1648) (NMM-25), Museu Naval e Oceanographico, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 16??) (NMM-38), Museu de Marinha, Lisbon (NMM-39). Agostinho de Goes Raposo; known to have died before 1676; received his license as an instrument maker in 1630; could make sundials, sand glasses, etc; NMM is National Maritime Museum Registry of Mariner's Astrolabes. Lisbon. A. Stimson 3; Destombes 5; Guedes. suggest correction
GOZZI Italy, 1722, OIM Microscope, 1772 = Russborough House, Blessington, Ireland. Parma. Silverman. suggest correction
GRAECIUS Italy, 1591, see F. Hieronomi Brassi. Florence? Rome? Destombes; RSW. suggest correction
GRAEVIUS, BARTHOLOMEW Belgium, c.1531, printer and bookseller; sold globes. Louvain. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GRAF, HANS Germany, fl.1563-76, MIM Miner's Compass, wood and ivory, 1564 = ADL-M169; Miner's Compass, 1576 = Michel Coll.; Sundial, wood and ivory, 1563 = BM. Gundhalbing. Engelmann 1; Michel 3 & 24; Price 3; Ward 4; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GRAF, L. Germany, c.1700, MIM Sundials = GRA, Christie 2/16/71 = 12/21/71. spelled Gräf. Frankfort-am-Main. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GRAF, STEPHANUS Germany, 1628, MIM Graphometer, 1628 = Kaiserslautren Landesgewerbeanstalt. Heidelburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GRAFF, CAROLUS Germany, Graff engraved some instruments for Michael Kauffer, which see. Augsburg. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRAFSI AND FONTANA misreading for Grassi and Fontana. Soth.-Torquay 11/26/81. suggest correction
GRAFTON, HENRY England, fl.1842-60, PHIM made barometers, thermometers, and other philosophical instruments. 80 Chancery Lane (1842-47); 36 Holborn Hill (1849-53); 7-8 Rolls Buildings (1856-60); all in London. Goodison 1; O'Mara; Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAHAM 1 c.1737, MIM Rule = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GRAHAM 2 England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer and clock = Soth. 6/27/88. No. 4181. London. RSW. suggest correction
GRAHAM AND FORSTER England, NIM Sextant = Christie 10/31/67. Liverool. RSW. suggest correction
GRAHAM AND PARKS England, NIM T.C. in Möller sextant box at American Museum, Bath. Southside Custom House, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
GRAHAM, CHARLES England, c.1850, MIM assisted John Gaskin. Penrith. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GRAHAM, GEORGE England, 1673-1751, MIM PHIM Mural Quadrant = NMM; Equatorial Sector = NMM; Tellurium = ADL-A156; Wheel Barometers = KEN, VCW, Christie 7/4/1843, Macclesfield Library Sale, 1765; Standard Yard = KEN; etc. clockmaker; apprenticed to Henry Aske of the Clockmakers' Company on July 2, 1688; free of the Company in Sept.1695; Master of the Company in 1722; partner of Thomas Tompion c. 1696-1713; married Tompion's niece in 1704; credited with the invention of the orrery; see Tompion and Graham; F.R.S. Dial and Three Crowns, Water Lane, Fleet Street; Dial and one Crown, Fleet Street, opposite the Bolt and Tun (after 1720); both in London. Taylor 1(483); DNB; DSB; Bryden 2; Baillie 1; Goodison 1; NMM 2; Hellman; Symonds; Michel 3; Maddison 1; Britten; USNM; Bedini 8; J. Brown 3; F. S. Taylor; J.A. Bennett 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GRAHAM, GEORGE, AND JONATHAN SISSON England, 1752, MIM Mural Quadrant, iron, 1752 = NMM. eight-foot radius. London NMM 2. suggest correction
GRAHAM, HARRIET England, fl.1832-33, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 25 Baldwins Gardens, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAHAM, MALCOLM USA, 1832-89, MIM SIM worked first for Young, Smith and Co.; one of the partners in Schuyler, Hartley and Graham, 1854-80; firm became Hartley and Graham, 1880-1900. 4 Maiden Lane (-1854); 13 Maiden Lane (1854); 19 Maiden Lane 1863; all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
GRANDJEAN DE FOUCHY, MR. see Fouchy Engelmann 1; Fox 1; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRANGER, THOMAS England, 1710, NIM Nocturnal, 1710 = NMM. not in NMM 2 Inventory. Taylor 1(558). suggest correction
GRANT England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GRANT AND CROSSMAN USA, 1858-61, MIM Burt's Solar Campasses = P.C., Michigan Museum of Surveying, Lansing. Michigan Museum signed "W.A. Burt Inventor / Detroit, Mich. / No. 6 / University of Michigan / Grant and Crossman / Makers." Detroit, Mich. USNM; Leiserowitz. suggest correction
GRANT, ALEXANDER England, fl.1807-22, MIM made a spiral fitting for Gower's patent log; Gower called him a "mechanist." 2 Winckworth Buildings, City Road, London. Taylor 2(1137); Dewhirst. suggest correction
GRANT, HENRY England, fl.1844-60, PHIM Sympiesometer = Soth. 12/13/88. barometer maker. Castle Street, Cardiff. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GRANT, JAMES England, c.1837, MIM NIM OIM sold maps and charts besides instruments. 40 Queen Street, Hull. Taylor 2(2139). suggest correction
GRANT, JOHN England, fl.1781-1810, PHIM clockmaker; barometer and thermometer maker. 75 Fleet Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GRANT, WILLIAM CICERO USA, 1815-83, MIM worked for Burt and Bailey, 1853-56; partner with Charles Crosman as Grant and Crosman, 1858-61; Jefferson Avenue between Bates and Randolph, Detroit, Mich. Smart 1. suggest correction
GRAS, L. Germany, Sundials = Drouot 6/16/65. see Lorenz Grässl. RSW. suggest correction
GRASI see Grassi; and Bulla, Grassi and Fontana. suggest correction
GRASSELLI, JOSE Spain, MIM Cannon Sundial = MAN. signed "José Grasselli"; for latitude 40°24'57". Madrid. RSW. suggest correction
GRASSI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80. see Grassi and Fontana. Exeter. RSW. suggest correction
GRASSI AND FONTANA England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 11/26/81; Barometer = Vermont Hist. Soc., Montpelier. see also "Bulla, Grassi and Fontani." Bartholomew Street West; 134 Fore Street; both in Exeter. Goodison 1; Bell 2; USNM. suggest correction
GRASSI, J.B. BERGNA AND JOHN ORIGONY England, c.1835, PHIM barometer makers. 34 Dean Street, Newcastle. Taylor 2(1869); Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GRASSL, LORENZ Germany, c.1740-1805, MIM Grässl made a great many Augsburg-type sundials varying greatly in quality; all parts of the dials bear a serial number indicating an assembly line operation; instruction sheets were printed in German, French and Spanish; examples of his work may be found in most museums and collections. Augsburg. Zinner 1 and 6; Bobinger 2; Baillie; Michel 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Moskowitz 104; Price 3; Ward 4; Bryden 16; ADL; Coffeen 27; RSW. suggest correction
GRATAS, E. France, MIM Sundial = Coll. G. Champagne. Tardy 3. suggest correction
GRATELLIE France, c.1695, MIM OIM Binocular Microscope, 1695 = Bonnier de la Mosson Coll.; Pair of large Globes with stands, 1695 = PBN; Universal Equatorial Sundial = MERC. the globes he constructed were engraved by Coronelli; his signature also appears as "Gatellier" or "Gatellié." Paris. Daumas 1; Gersaint; Michel 3; Nachet; Hamilton 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRATELOUP, JEAN-BAPTISTE France, 1735-1817, OIM devised a new method of joining achromatic lenses. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
GRATTE, HENRICUS England, c.1690, MIM Astrolabe Clock with Calendar = X. London. Baillie 1. suggest correction
GRAVATT, WILLIAM England, c.1830, MIM SIM developed the "Dumpy" level. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
GRAVE, DE see DE GRAVE suggest correction
GRAVES, GEORGE B. USA, 1792-1873, MIM SIM Surveyor's Vernier Compass = GUR. succeeded to Goldsmith Chandlee's business. Winchester, Va. Smart 1; Bedini 8. suggest correction
GRAVET France, c.1851, MIM SIM Mirror Level = CNAM. successor to Lenoir; made Mannheim-type slide rules; succeeded by Tavenier. 14 rue Cassette, Paris. Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Delehar 2. suggest correction
GRAVET-LENOIR France, c.1830, MIM Slide Rule = DPW. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GRAVET-TAVENIER France, MIM Sector = P.B. 10/28/63. Tavenier succeeded Gravet. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GRAY 1 England, c.1820, PHIM barometer maker. St. Neots. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAY 2 England, NIM Octant, wood and ivory = Larvik Marine Museum, Norway. possibly John Gray 2. London. RSW. suggest correction
GRAY 3 see the following, Jones, Gray and Keen, Gray and Lessell, De Mory, Gray and W.D. Alder. Brewington 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GRAY 4 Ireland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/13/88. Belfast. RSW. suggest correction
GRAY AND KEEN England, fl.1847-51, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = MYS; Sympiesometer = Phillips 2/22/77. barometer makers; John Gray (probably 3 or 4) and Robert Keen. 25-26 Strand Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1138); Bryden 9; Bell 2; Brewington 1; Chaldecott 3; RGO; RSW. suggest correction
GRAY AND LESSELL England, NIM Card on Tell-Tale Compass = PEA. Brewington says "Lissett." Liverpool. Bryden 9; Brewington 1. suggest correction
GRAY AND LISSETT misreading by Brewington for Gray and Lessell. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GRAY AND MACKAY England, c.1822, invented a new type of saccharometer, c.1822. 25 Old Burlington Street, London. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
GRAY, BENJAMIN AND WILLIAM England, fl.1835-40, PHIM barometer makers. Cheapside, Leicester. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAY, DEMORY USA, NIM Gray, De Mory; T.C. in sextant case in Antiquarian House, Plymouth, Mass. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
GRAY, JOHN 1 Scotland, 1757, MIM SIM land surveyor; designed surveying instruments. Greenock. Taylor 2(264); Bryden 3. suggest correction
GRAY, JOHN 2 England, fl.1828-38, MIM OIM PHIM proposed a small light for a sextant scale. 41 Nightingale Lane (1828); 4 Upper East Smithfield (1836); both in London. Taylor 2(1871); O'Mara. suggest correction
GRAY, JOHN 3 England, c.1709, apprenticed to John Urings 1 in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 11, 1709. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GRAY, JOHN 4 England, fl.1805-54, MIM PHIM barometer maker; victualler; see Gray and Lessels or Gray and Keen. 10 East Side, Dry Dock (1807-10 and 1813-20); 11 East Side, Dry Dock (1821); 25 and 26 Strand Street; all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1138); Bryden 9; Brewington 1; Dewhirst; Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAY, ROBERT England, 1709, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1709 = BM. Ilbert Coll; Bryden thinks he might be from Edinburgh. Price 3; Ward 4; Bryden 3; RSW. suggest correction
GRAY, STEPHEN England, fl.1694-1701 d.1736, MIM OIM PHIM Garden Sundial, 1695 = X; Microscope = KEN. also signed "Grey"; designed and made sundials and microscopes; made electrical machines; FRS. Canterbury; Charter House, London. Daumas 1; Dewhirst; Evans 1; Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Bell 2; Nachet; Taylor 1(484); Bradbury. suggest correction
GRAY, WILLIAM England, fl.1840-50, PHIM barometer maker; see Benjamin and William Gray. Cheapside, Leicester. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAYDON, LT. COL. GEORGE England, fl.1820-39, NIM Celestial Compasses = NMM, KEN. patented various navigating instruments; author. Sloane Street,Chelsea, London; Bath; Austin Friars, London. Taylor 2(1570). suggest correction
GRAYDON, THOMAS England, 1768, NIM Compass, 1768 = NMM. not in inventory RSW. suggest correction
GRAYSON, JOHN USA, c. 1797, dealer in telescopes and mathematical instruments. at the Sign of the Spectacles, New York City. Bedini 8. suggest correction
GRAZZINI, FERDINANDO Italy, fl.1744-47, MIM Protractor, 1747 = ADL-M108; Surveying Transit, 1744 = Soth. 10/23/61; Surveyor's Compass, 1747 = Pym Sale. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GREATOREX, RALPH England, 1625-1712, MIM PHIM Ring Sundial = Wisbech; Weather Glass, 1663 = Samuel Pepys; Air Pump, 1658 = Robert Boyle; Universal Ring Sundial = OXF. apprenticed to Thomas Dawson of the Clockmakers' Company; turned over to Elias Allen of the Clockmakers' Company on March 9, 1639, free of the Company on Nov. 25, 1653; probably the "R.G." 1 on compass cards; T.C. at the sign of Adam and Eve, south side of the Strand; Temple Bar; both in London. Taylor 1(218); Holbrook; DNB; Clay and Court; Bell 2; Crawforth 1; J. Brown 1; Latham and Matthews; Robischon; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GREAVE, DAVID England, c.1804, MIM apprenticed to George (Huggins) Dollond 1 of the Grocers' Company on July 5, 1804. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
GREAVES, JOHN, AND SON England, PHIM Balance, steel = Pym Sale. RSW. suggest correction
GREAVES, THOMAS England, fl.1777-1818, OIM optician. 40 Old Hinckleys (1777); Hill Street (1818); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GREBAUVAL, PIERRE France, c.1650, MIM Sundials in watches = FIN-140, Soth. 12/1/78, Clutton and Daniels. "Grébauval" or "Grébauvel"; the watches listed may be one and the same item. Rouen. Clutton and Daniels; RSW. suggest correction
GREBNER, HANNS Austria, 1576, MIM SIM Shadow-square with Alidade, 1576 = Figdor Coll. Zinner equates this man with Hans Grebner; see also H.G. 6. Sterczing. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GREBNER, HANS Germany, c.1650, MIM Artillery Quadrant = WHI. see Greber. Pope; Daumas 1. suggest correction
GREBOULT see Gueroult. RSW. suggest correction
GRECCIUS France, 1591, MIM Bonelli. suggest correction
GRECHI, C.A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Shaftsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GREEN England, c.1820?, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Grantham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GREEN, GEORGE England, c.1787, MIM apprenticed, to James Martin, a mathematical instrument maker in the Grocer's Company, on May 3, 1787. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GREEN, J. AND W. USA, c.1833, OIM PHIM opticians; James Green 2. 41 South Street, Baltimore, Md. Smart 1. suggest correction
GREEN, JAMES 1 England, fl.1722-c.42, MIM apprenticed to John Stiles of the Clockmakers' Company on April 12, 1722; shown as "finisher" in Quarterage list c. 1742. Horse Shoe Alley, Moorfields, London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GREEN, JAMES 2 England; USA., 1808-96, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Surveyor's Compass = Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (1891); Barometer = USNM; Aneroid Barometer = USNM. emigrated from London in 1833; succeeded in Baltimore by F.W. and R. King in 1851; dealt in European instruments. London (1817-23); 72 Baltimore Street (1835-36); 15 Liberty Street (1840-41); 53 South Street (1842); all in Baltimore Md.; New York, N.Y. (1849-96); 175 Grand Street, New York, N.Y. (1868). Smart 1; USNM; Middleton 1 and 4; D.J. Warner 6 and 10; RSW. suggest correction
GREEN, JOHN England?, 1751, PHIM Barometer, 1751 = X. Dewhirst. suggest correction
GREEN, SAMUEL, AND SON England, MIM made pocket compasses and sundials. 7 Helmet Street, London. USNM. suggest correction
GREEN, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1778-90, OIM designed an improved telescope; F.R.S. South Moulton Street, Hanover Square; 93 High Street, Marylebone; both in London.. Taylor 2(722). suggest correction
GREEN, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1818-56, MIM apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on June 21, 1808; first noted in 1818; took apprentices. Bartholomew Terrace, City Road (1828); 54 Rahere Street; 14 Fountain Place, City Road (1832-41); City Road (1842-56); all in London. Taylor 2(1872); O'Mara; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GREEN, WILLIAM 3 England, c.1836, apprenticed to his father, William Green 2, in the Joiners' Company on Feb. 2, 1836. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GREEN, WILLIAM 4 Scotland, 1844-48, MIM OIM PHIM 5 Franklin Street (1844-45); 87 London Street (1846-48); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GREENALL, WILLIAM WEBB England, c.1822, PHIM 31 Old Compton Street, London. Taylor 2(1571); Dewhirst. suggest correction
GREENE 1 see Pizzala and Greene. suggest correction
GREENE 2 England, PHIM see Kendall-Greene. Bell 2. suggest correction
GREENER AND CHIESA England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-K. and C. 7/21/81. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
GREENLEAF, STEPHEN USA, 1704-95, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = P.C., New Hamshire Hist. Soc., Concord. P.C. signed "Greenleaf", the other "S. Greenleaf"; made nautical compasses. Queen Street, Boston, Mass. Bedini 1; Smart; USNM; Warner 12; RSW. suggest correction
GREENOUGH AND CO. England, c.1850, NIM Sextant = D.(1975). London. RSW. suggest correction
GREENOUGH, NORMAN CUMMINGS USA, 1820-66, NIM made nautical instruments, chronometers, and watches. Newburyport, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
GREENOUGH, THOMAS 1 USA, 1710-85, MIM NIM SIM Backstaffs = X (1760), P.C. (1749), PEA (1740) (1765, incomplete), Connecticut Hist. Soc. (1745, 1755), Harvard College Observatory (1740), ADL-W207 (1753), VNN (1763); Surveyor's Compasses, wood = P.C., Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Bucks County Historical Society, Ohio State U., Old Sturbridge Village, Western Reserve Hist. Soc., South Natick Hist. Soc., Wakefield Plantation, Va., D.(1974 and 1984), ADL-W154 & W156, Ohio Historical Society, D.(1996). may have been trained by Joseph Halsey; D.(1984) has two compass cards, earlier one shows a lighthouse, later one shows a man with a Davis quadrant. near the Draw-Bridge, Boston, N. England. Brewington 1; Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz 108; Price 2; D.J. Warner 8 and 12; Coffeen 55; DATM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GREENOUGH, THOMAS 2 USA, 1738-75, MIM NIM son of Thomas Greenough 1. Boston. Smart 1. suggest correction
GREENOUGH, WILLIAM USA, c.1785, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, wood = X. succeeded his father, Thomas Greenough 1, in 1785. Boston, Mass. Bedini 1. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, CLARKE USA, 1764-1810, MIM NIM Dry Card Compass = MYS. born in Boston, Mass.; son of Isaac Greenwood 2; succeeded his brother, John, in 1788; succeeded by his brother, Isaac Greenwood 3 in 1810; Rollinson engraved the compass cards. 199 Water Street (1789); 126 Front Street (1797-98); 127 Front Street (1800-01 and 1805); 126 Front Street (1807-09); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Warner 12; RSW. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, ISAAC 1 USA, 1702-45, father of Isaac Greenwood 2; teacher of natural philosophy at Harvard College; lectured on the orrery in 1734. Boston, Mass. C. Evans (3776); Bedini 1 and 14. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, ISAAC 2 USA, 1730-1803, MIM Gunner's Quadrant = P.C. oldest son of Isaac Greenwood 1; he was also an ivory turner and dentist; the quadrant might have been made by his son Isaac Greenwood 3. next door to Dr. John Clark's at the North End, Boston, Mass. Bedini 1, 6, 8 & 14; Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, ISAAC 3 USA, 1758-1829, MIM NIM OIM SIM Hadley's Quadrants = MYS (1793), X; Gauging Rod, wood, 1819 = D.(1982); Gunner's Quadrant = Winterthur Museum, Wilmington, Del; Surveyor's Compasses = D.(1985), P.C.; Octants = MYS (1793), P.C. son of Isaac Greenwood 2; took over his brother Clarke's business at his death in 1810; see Isaac Greenwood 2 for other possible instruments; T.C., akes and imports all kinds of Mathematical Instruments"; dentist. Boston, Mass. (1781-83); New York, N.Y. (1783); Charleston, S. Carolina; Boston, Mass.; Providence, R.I. (1787-90); Newport, R.I.; Providence, R.I.; Norfolk. Conn.; Providence, R.I.; 126 Front Street (1810-1819); 130 Front Street (1819-29); last two in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Coffeen 27; Bedini 8, 14; D.J Warner 8 and 10; RSW. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, JOHN USA, 1760-1819, MIM son of Isaac Greenwood 2; born in Boston; succeeded J. Quincy in 1786; succeeded by his brother, Clarke Greenwood, in 1788; ivory turner; later became a dentist; made George Washington's false teeth. 199 Water Street, New York, N.Y. (1786-88). Smart 1; Bedini 1 and 14. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, THOMAS England, c.1840, MIM OIM optician. 10 Fetter Lane, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, TIMOTHY England, fl.1836-38, OIM 20 Little Saffron Hill, London. Taylor 2(2140); O'Mara. suggest correction
GREGG AND RUPP USA, fl.1844-53, MIM William Theodore Gregg 1 and Michael Rupp. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
GREGG, WILLIAM THEODORE 1 Ireland; USA, 1818-1897, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = P.C. (2). born in Ireland; worked with Michael Rupp from 1844 to 1853, as Gregg and Rupp; worked with his son, W.T. Gregg 2, as Gregg and Son (1873-87); son continued under the same name until 1891. Ireland (1818-41); 13 Doyers Street (1841); 318 Broadway, corner of Pearl Street (1843); 110 Wall Street (1844-87); all in New York, N.Y.; Norwich, N.Y.(pre-1857-62); Brooklyn and New York, N.Y. (1866-87). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
GREGG, WILLIAM THEODORE 2 USA, 1850-1916, MIM worked with his father, William Theodore Gregg 1 from 1873 until 1887. 110 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
GREGO, A. England, c.1817, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.- K. and C. 4/20/82; Telescope = Soth. 10/16/72. 27 Leather Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GREGOIRE, J. France, MIM SIM Circumferentor = LEY; Geometric Quadrant = LEY. quadrant is signed "I. Gregoire." Blois. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
GREGORY England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Gloucester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GREGORY AND LAWRENCE England, c.1836, MIM 19 Great Sutton Street, Goswell Street, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
GREGORY AND SON England, fl.1776-83, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Hadley's Quadrants = Maritime Museum, Hull, Soth. 3/10/87; Stick Barometer = X. Henry Gregory and son; became Gregory and Wright in 1783; T.C. 148 (Leadenhall Street), near the India House (London). Goodison 1; Moskowitz 112; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GREGORY AND WRIGHT England, fl.1783-89, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Drawing Instrument = Christie 4/3/74; Hadley's Quadrant = NMM-S.179; Universal Microscope = X; Spyglasses = Soth. 7/24/72, NMM-O.131/44; Telescope, one-draw = Phillips 7/28/82. Henry Gregory and George Wright 2; Millburn thinks he was Gabriel Wright; see Gregory, Gilbert and Wright; successors to Benjamin Martin; T.C.; telescope signed "Gregory and Wright's Improved Telescope." 148 Leadenhall Street, Navigation Warehouse, near the East India House, London. Taylor 2(842a); Daumas; Clay and Court; Calvert 2; NMM 2; Nachet; Goodison 1; Bell 2; Moskowitz 112; Millburn 11; RSW. suggest correction
GREGORY WRIGHT misreading for Gregory and Wright. RSW. suggest correction
GREGORY, DAVID Scotland ; England, 1661-1708, author; astronomer; gave the first suggestion of the achromatic telescope, 1695. Edinburgh (1683-91); Oxford (1691-1708). USNM; DNB; DSB; Dawsons 174. suggest correction
GREGORY, GILBERT AND WRIGHT England, 1789-92, MIM OIM Henry Gregory, John Gilbert 2 and George Wright 2. 148 Leadenhall Street, near the East India House, Navigation Warehouse, London. Taylor 2(839 and 909); Goodison 1; Moskowitz 112. suggest correction
GREGORY, HENRY England, fl.1750-92, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = RSM, P.C.; Sextant = STT; Divider-Sextant = ADL-DPW37; Compass Card = NMM; Backstaves = HAM, HAA, FRK, PYM; Hadley's Quadrants = COR, Soth. 6/1/88; Stick Barometers = Hist. Soc. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Soth. 7/19/88; Gunner's Calipers = KEN; Reduction Compass = AMST; Mathematical Instrument Set = NOR; Pelorus = USNM; etc. T.C.; later became Gregory and Son; the backstaff in the FRK was made for Jean Gremon; the ADL divider-sextant was made by G. F. Brander and sold by Gregory. The Azimuth Compass, near ye East India House, Leadenhall Street (1761); Francis Court, Clerkenwell; both in London. Calvert 2; Taylor 2(484); Macintyre; Brachner 1; O'Mara; BEK Exhibit, Nov.1979; Jürgen Meyer; Moskowitz 112; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Brachner; Crawforth 1; USNM; Courtenvaux; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GREGORY, J. England, PHIM Macclesfield. Bell 2. suggest correction
GREGORY, JAMES Scotland; Italy, 1638-75, invented the "Gregorian" reflecting telescope in 1661. Aberdeen; Padua; St. Andrews; Edinburgh. Taylor 1(282); DNB; DSB; Nachet; Wynter and Turner; Dewhirst; USNM; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
GREGORY, R. England, MIM T.C. in the case of a Troughton and Simms pantograph. Christie-SK 7/10/80. suggest correction
GREGORY, SAMUEL Ireland, fl.1761-62, PHIM barometer maker. Sycamore Alley, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GREGORY, THOMAS 1 England, c.1830, OIM 3 Quay Street, Manchester. Taylor 2(1873). suggest correction
GREGORY, THOMAS 2 England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Bull Street; Suffolk Street; both in Birmingham. Bell 2. suggest correction
GREGORY, W. England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope = Phillips 10/5/76. Strand, London. RSW. suggest correction
GREGORY, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1817, MIM 30 New Street Square, Shoe Lane, London. Taylor 2(1343); Dewhirst. suggest correction
GREGORY, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1830, MIM made mathematical rules. 8 Berry Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1874). suggest correction
GREIFF, G. Germany, 1689, MIM Gunner's Level, 1689 = Michel Coll. Michel ; RSW. suggest correction
GREINER, JOHANN GEORG, JUN. Germany, 1788-1860, PHIM Alcoholmeter, 1849 = D.(1971); Barometers, siphon-type = DEU (2), UTR (1834). business taken over by Fuess. Berlin. Van Cittert; Middleton 1; Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
GREISL, L. see Grassl. suggest correction
GRENET, ABBE France, c.1790, l'Abbé Grenet; invented a tellurium and a terrestrial globe, both made by Richer. Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; MADEX. suggest correction
GREPPIN ET BILLIAUX France, 1782, PHIM Electrical Machine, 1782 = P.C. Paris. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GRESEL, HANS Germany, c.1543, MIM compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
GRESEL, LINHART Germany, fl.1531-47, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1531 = KEN. one of the guardians of Hans Müller's children. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
GREUTER, MATTHIAS France; Italy1556-1638, MIM Celestial Globes, 1636 = IPA (2), D.(1982), D.(1989); Terrestrial Globe, 1632 = IPA. made fine terrestrial and celestial globes, dated from 1632 to 1638; examples may be seen at VAA, CCT, VAT, NMM, KEN, FLO, ROM, GEP, Biblioteca Comunale, Ancona, Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Ky., IPA, etc.; the IPA and D.(1989) globes are the original 1636 issue; the D.(1982) globe is a much later reissue of the 1636 state by Dominico de Rossi. Strasbourg; Lyon; Avignon; Rome (1632-36). Zinner 1; Price 2; Michel 3; Grimaldi (730); Bonelli 4; NMM 2; USNM; Stevenson; Yonge; Coffeen A; Arkway; Schmidt 1. suggest correction
GREVENBERG, CASPAR Germany, fl.174?-60, PHIM Money Balances = Lempertz, 6/14/76, Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88 (174?). father of Johann and Jacob Grevenberg Cologne. Kisch; Coffeen III; RSW. suggest correction
GREVENBERG, JACOB Germany, fl.1762, PHIM son of Caspar Grevenberg; brother of Johan Grevenberg. Cologne. Coffeen III; Kisch. suggest correction
GREVENBERG, JOHANN Germany, c.1762, PHIM Coin Balance = D. T.C.; son of Caspar Grevenberg. Cologne. Coffeen III; Kisch. suggest correction
GREY, STEPHEN see Stephen Gray. suggest correction
GREY, T. England, 1691, MIM Gunner's Calipers, 1691 = X. "Arch. Aeliana", 4th. ser., vol. 8, 1931; USNM. suggest correction
GRIBELIN France, 1589-1671, MIM Sundials in lid of pocket watches = KEN, OXF, SPI-2733. Simon (1) or Abraham Gribelin. Blois. Baillie 1; Maddison and Turner; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
GRIBELIN, ABRAHAM France, 1589-1671, MIM probably the son of Simon Gribelin; watchmaker; some watches had sundials in lid. Blois. Baillie 1; Michel 2; Gunther 2; Evans 1. suggest correction
GRIBELIN, SIMON 1 France, fl.1588-1633+, MIM probably the father of Abraham Gribelin; made sundials and astronomical watches. Blois. Baillie 1; Michel 2; Evans 1; Gunther 2; RSW. suggest correction
GRIBELIN, SIMON 2 England, fl.1686-1733, MIM from Huguenot family; member of the Clockmakers' Company 1686-1733; wrote book on ornaments for jewelers and clockmakers; may have made perpetual calendars. London. RSW. suggest correction
GRIBNER, LUDWIG Germany, c.1484, MIM compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
GRICE, THOMAS 1705, MIM Sundial, 1705 = Christie 7/12/67. RSW. suggest correction
GRICE, WILLIAM HAWKS England, fl.1815-25, MIM OIM spyglass, brass and ivory = WHI; Hodometer = X. succeeded William Fraser; appointed the mechanician and optician to their Majesties and the Royal Family. 3 New Bond Street, London. Taylor 2(1344); Dewhirst. suggest correction
GRIENDEL, JOHAN FRANZ Germany, c.1687, OIM made telescopes and microscopes; author. Aachen; may have also lived in Nürnberg. Offenbacher Cat.29, 1977; Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
GRIER, W. HAWKES misreading for William Hawks Grice. Soth. 3/25/86. suggest correction
GRIEUX, D. France, c.1775, MIM Graphometer = Spitzer Sale-2900 = Anderson-Spitzer Sale-14. Paris. Michel 3; Daumas 1; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GRIFFIN 1 England, c.1800, PHIM Air Pump = D.(1976). London. Brieux 3. suggest correction
GRIFFIN 2 England, c.1850, NIM Sextant = D.(1973). possibly John Joseph Griffin. London. Moskowitz 106; O'Mara. suggest correction
GRIFFIN AND HYAMS England, fl.1835-45, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/1/86. barometer makers; silversmiths. Cornhill, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRIFFIN, BRYAN USA, fl.1793-1803, MIM 81 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
GRIFFIN, JOHN JOSEPH Scotland; England, fl.pre-1848-50+, PHIM son of Richard Griffin; chemical instrument maker; author. Glasgow; London (1848). Bryden 3. suggest correction
GRIFFIN, JOHN JOSEPH, AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM chemical apparatus may be see in the Chemical Museum, London. London. RSW. suggest correction
GRIFFIN, RICHARD, AND CO. Scotland, fl.1820-61, PHIM philosophical and chemical instrument makers; Richard was the father of John Joseph Griffin. 75 Hutchinson Street (1820-32); 64 Hutchinson Street (1833-37); 115 Buchanan Street (1838); 24 Canon Street (1839-43); 40 Buchanan Street (1844-55); 39 and 41 West Nile Street (1855-61); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GRIFFITH AND BOWLES USA, c.1770, MIM Nathaniel Griffith was an instrument maker; Samuel (or Thomas) Bowles was a watchmaker. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Bedini 1. suggest correction
GRIFFITH, A. England, MIM Instrument = WHI. Taylor 2(1139). suggest correction
GRIFFITH, EDWARD England, c.1809, OIM Birmingham. Taylor 2(1139). suggest correction
GRIFFITH, GEORGE England, c.1708, MIM apprenticed first to William Howe, of the Grocers' Company on August 13, 1700; turned over to Mary Griffith, Broderer on April 13, 1703; free of the Grocers' Company Oct. 12, 1708; his father was a member of the Broderers' Company. East Smithfield, London (1708). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GRIFFITH, JAMES England, c.1667, MIM member of the Broderers' Company; admitted as a Brother into the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 24, 1667; may have been the father of George Griffith. London. Taylor 1(310); Clay and Court; Baillie 1; J. Brown 1 & 3. suggest correction
GRIFFITH, MARY England, c. 1703, MIM Broderer; George Griffith turned over to her as apprentice from William Howe of the Grocers' Company on April 13, 1703; her husband was probably James Griffith of the Broderers' Company. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GRIFFITH, NATHANIEL USA, c.1770, MIM worked with Samuel or Thomas Bowles as Griffith and Bowles. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Bedini 1. suggest correction
GRIFFITH, WILLIAM England, MIM T.C. No. 4 Dolphin-court, Ludgate Hill, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GRIFFITHS, J.J., AND SONS England, c.1850, PHIM Wimshurst Machine = Soth.-B. 4/7/82. RSW. suggest correction
GRIFFON England, c.1800, PHIM Air Pump = D.(1976). London. Brieux 3. suggest correction
GRIFFON, AU France, 18th Century, Folding Rule, ivory and silver = ADL-M132a. this is an address only. au Griffon, 19 de l'Horloge, Paris. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GRIGBY, GEORGE England, 1807, MIM SIM designed a combined sighting and computing surveying instument; author. London. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
GRIGGI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GRIGNION, HENRY England, c.1806, MIM apprenticed to George (Huggins) Dollond 1 of the Grocers' Company on March 6, 1806. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
GRILL, JOHANN Germany, 1798, MIM Rule, 1798 = THO. RSW. suggest correction
GRILLET, RENE France; Holland, c.1673-81, MIM PHIM SIM Calculating Machine, 1678 = CNAM; Hygrometer, 1681 = X; Graphometers = SPI-2768 (9), P.C., Drouot 4/26/67; Drawing Instrument Set = NMM-DI/ST.18; Sector = P.C.(1969); Protractor, Sector and Square = D.(1971); Set Square, with plumb-bob = Soth. 2/25/86. "Sieur Grillet Maistre Horlogeur"; mechanician; author; spelled also René Grilliet. au Cloistre S. Jean de Latran. (1673),Quai de l'Horloge, No. 49, both in Paris; Amsterdam (1681). Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Weil 19; Baillie 1; NMM 2; Nachet; Coffeen II; Spitzer 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
GRILLIET, RENE see René Grillet. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GRIMALDI, DOMINIC England, fl.1814-16, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 2/25/86, Christie 12/6/78. usualy signed "D. Grimaldi" or "Grimaldi"; the Soth. instrument was signed "D. Grimoldi, London." 82 Leather Lane,London. Taylor 2(1345); Dewhirst; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GRIMALDI, HENRY England, fl.1839-60, OIM PHIM made barometers and thermometers. 16 Brook Street (1839-42); 4 Charles Street (1844); 24 Greville Street (1843-47); 31 Brook Street (1850-60); Hatton Garden; all in London. Taylor 2(1345); Goodison 1. suggest correction
GRIMES, EDWARD England, fl. 1640-51, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Elias Allen of the Clockmakers' Company on March 15, 1640; had a dispute with him in 1651. London? J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GRIMOLDI 1 Italy; Holland, c.1840, MIM PHIM instrument and barometer maker. Amsterdam. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRIMOLDI 2 variant spelling for Grimaldi. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GRIMOLDI, H., AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 1/22/87; Marine Barometer = D.(1997). surely Henry Grimaldi; D. signed "Grimoldi and Co." Brook Street, Holborn, London. Bell 2; ATG 5/24/97. suggest correction
GRIMSHAW, JAMES England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie Feb. 1991. London. RSW. suggest correction
GRIMSHAW, JOHN England, fl.1810-29?, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. signed "Grimshaw." Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
GRIMSTEAD, VALENTINE England, T.C.; sold mathematical instruments. Delete this part of the comment, please. at the Black Swan in St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GRINDEL, CARLO Italy, 1800 -1855, MIM PHIM Dipping Needle = Institute of Geophysics, Academy of Sciences, Prague; Transit, 1827 = U. of Pavia Museum. he had the title "Macchinista" at the Brera Observatory. Milan. Brenni 1; Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
GRINDEL, FRANCESCO Italy, 1816-59, MIM PHIM son of Carlo Grindel; succeeded him as "Macchinista" at the Brera Observatory; made precision insruments. Milan. Brenni 1. suggest correction
GRINDL, JOH. FRANSISCA c.1687, OIM Clay and Court. suggest correction
GRINGALLETUS, JANUS Germany, fl.1617-20, MIM Pillar Sundial, wood, 1617 = STU. Strassburg. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRINKEN, JEREMIAH England, fl.1675-85, MIM A.J. Turner 1 and 2. suggest correction
GRINKEN, ROBERT England, c.1625, MIM Astronomical Compendium = Soth. 11/27/72. RSW. suggest correction
GRINOD, JOHN England, fl.1766-67, MIM Wolstenholme's Square, Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GRITTO, BARTOLOMEO Italy, c.1600, MIM SIM Measuring Instrument = SPI; Plane Table Compass = HAK. Padua. Baillie 1; Morpurgo 1; Rohde; Nachet; Brenni 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRIVOLAT, L. France, MIM Solar Clock = X. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
GROCE misreading or variant of Croce. RSW. suggest correction
GROCE, A. England, c.1817, PHIM barometer maker; possibly a variant of A. Croce. Leather Lane, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GROENENDAAL, H. VAN Holland, c.1809, PHIM made an electrical machine in Amsterdam in 1809. Utrecht and Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
GROENENDAAL, H.K. Holland; France, 1730, PHIM Air Pump, 1730 = UTR. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GROENENDAAL, HENDRIK Holland, fl.1781-90, MIM had schooling in Utrecht. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
GROENENDAAL, JOHANNES VAN Holland, fl.1672-1702, NIM also a sail-maker; the underside of a compass card in a crown compass by Pieter de Velder, is marked "Johannes van Groenendaal tot Rotterdam." Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
GROGER AND CO. England, NIM T.C.; also signed "late Thompson." 36 Wapping High Street, London. Soth. 3/23/70. suggest correction
GROGER, J. England, NIM Miniature Sextant, wood = Soth. 3/11/77. Wapping, London. RSW. suggest correction
GRONER Czechoslovakia, 1734, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, 1734 = Huelsmann Coll. same as A. Groner? Prague. Syndram. suggest correction
GRONER, A. Czechoslovakia, 17th Century, MIM Astronomical Ring = ROU-134 = MADEX-210. MADEX has it spelled "Gronner." Prague. Zinner 1; Nachet. suggest correction
GRONNING, BERENDT Holland, 1777, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1777 = LAW. RSW. suggest correction
GROOM, JAMES England, c.1711, apprenticed to William Roberts 1 on May 1, 1711 in the Broderers' Company. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GROOTE, A.W. Holland, c.1850, PHIM Lactometer = Auction, 1906. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
GROSSE see Croce. Bell 2. suggest correction
GROSSLIN France, c.1671, MIM made some of the first large instruments for the Paris Observatory. Paris. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
GROSSO Italy, PHIM barometer maker; glass blower; Holland? Daumas 1. suggest correction
GROU, PETER FENS Scandanavia?, 1665, MIM Gunner's Quadrant and Calipers, 1675 = Christie 12/8/76. Frederichs Ohrl. RSW. suggest correction
GROVE AND BARKER England, post-1848, MIM Francis Barker and Son's T.C. said they were "Late Grove and Barker." London. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
GROVER, GEORGE USA?, 1783, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1783 = MYS. RSW. suggest correction
GRUBB, THOMAS Ireland, 1800-1878, MIM OIM Equatorial Refracting Telescopes = Makree, Dunsink, Vienna; Reflecting Telescope = Melbourne, Australia; Telescope Mounting = NMM; etc. optician; mechanic; constructed the Armagh 15-inch reflector in 1835; assisted by his son, Howard; F.R.S. 1 Upper Charlemont Street (1838-54), Dublin; 14 Leinster Terrace (1855-58); 15 Leinster Square (1856-63); 14 Leinster Road (1864-78); last three in Rathmines. DNB; DSB; NMM 2; Taylor 2(1143); USNM; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GRUBER, HANS Germany, fl.1552-97, MIM Sundials on the side or bottom panels of table clocks = STU (1665), Soth. 6/19/72 (1568) = TIM, Drouot 2/16/49; Diptych Sundial = OXF; Equatorium, 1579 = Kenney Sale; Artillery Level = DRE (1569). clockmaker; mastermark is crossed shovels; also signed "Hanns" or "Johannes." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Drechsler 2; Michel 3; Josten; Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRUBER, SEBASTIAN Germany, 1581, MIM Instrument, 1581 = Lord Ilchester. Nürnberg. Evans. suggest correction
GRUBER, T. Czechoslovakia, c.1790, PHIM Barometer = PRA. Czeck. Inv. suggest correction
GRUMMERT c.1725, OIM made mirrors for optical instruments. Nachet. suggest correction
GRUNDY England, fl.1828-45, PHIM see Fox and Grundy; barometer makers. St. Anne's Square, Manchester. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRUNDY, JOHN C. England, fl.1830-41, PHIM barometer maker; also sold looking-glasses. 4 Exchange Street, Manchester. Taylor 2(1875); Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GRUNOW, JULIUS Germany; USA, fl.1849-92, OIM Microscope = D.(1989). came from Germany in 1849; joined by his brother, William Grunow, 1852-74; worked alone, 1874-92. Berlin (-1849); New Haven, Conn. (1849-60); New York, N.Y. (1860-92). Padgitt; Purtle; Moskowitz 132; D.J. Warner 9. suggest correction
GRUNOW, WILLIAM Germany; USA, fl.1852-74, OIM came from Germany in 1852; worked with his brother, Julius Grunow, 1852-74, when he retired; they produced microscopes. Berlin (-1852); New Haven, Conn. (1852-64); New York, N.Y. (1864-74). Padgitt; Purtle; Moskowitz 132; D.J. Warner 9; Poggendorff. suggest correction
GRUNSKLEE, P. JAN Czechoslovakia, fl.1695-97, MIM Celestial and Terrestrial Globes = Olomouc Museum. Czech. Inv. suggest correction
GRUSELL, ERIK MIM Rule = GMM. Furudals Bruk. RSW. suggest correction
GRUSL, L. for Grüsl or Grüsle see Lorenz Grassl suggest correction
GRUWER, HANS Germany, 1569, MIM misreading for Hans Gruber? Zinner 1; Drechsler 2. suggest correction
GUADAGNI, P.C. Italy, fl.1753-57, MIM Table Sundials = NMM (1753), NMM (1757), Soth. 3/17/38 (1753); Vertical Dials, 1753 = Portaluppi Coll. = MPP, WHI (861). WHI modern work and signed "P.C. Guadagni fece", also arked "Meridiana fatta nella Specola J.R. Universta Pisana"; some of the the other sundials are dubious also. Pisa. NMM 2; Portaluppi; Bryden 16. suggest correction
GUADALAX, DON DIEGO DE "por Don Diego de Guadalax en Mexico" marked on a silver pocket sundial, 1632; sold at the Pugsley sale. RSW. suggest correction
GUALTHER, PIBO see Pybe Wouters. Zinner 1; Price 1; Michel 3; Baillie 1; ICA 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
GUANELLA, A. England, c.1835, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 6/3/83, Soth-Bill. 4/21/93. the Soth. instrument (1983) is signed "Guanella Bristol." Bristol. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GUANERIO variant of Guarnerio Bell 2. suggest correction
GUANZIROLI, GIUSEPPE England, fl.1834-60, PHIM barometer maker; see Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli; see Zerboni, Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli; worked alone after 1852. 106 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GUANZIROLI, GIUSEPPE AND LUIGI England, fl.1845-52, PHIM barometer makers. 106 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUARNERIO, ANGELO England, fl.1839-50, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. jeweler and silversmith. Sheep Market, St. Ives. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GUARNERIO, PETER England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. High Street, Huntington. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GUASTAFERRI, FABRITIO Italy, c.1663, MIM OIM PHIM "Fabritio" is probably "Maker"; made armillary spheres, telescopes, levels, water pumps, etc. Rome. Offenbacher 22, 1970. suggest correction
GUDER Germany, 1532, MIM Astrolabe "Orpheus" Clock, 1532 = Georgi Coll. Bavaria. Coole and Neumann. suggest correction
GUDGEON, JNR. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Abbey Gate, Street, Bury St. Edmunds. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUDGEONE variant of Gudgeon. Bell 2. suggest correction
GUEBOULT see Gueroult. Josten. suggest correction
GUELDRE, A. DE 1626, MIM Vertical Dial, slate, 1626 = Coll. Vivielle (1936). arms of Edward the Great. Michel 1 and 3; MADEX. suggest correction
GUENAL France, c.1850, MIM Uranograph = CNAM. a Uranograph was a type of orrery introduced into England in 1859. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
GUENTER Poland, 1658, MIM Astronomical Sextant, large, = Hevelius' observatory (missing). Danzig. Ashbrook. suggest correction
GUERARD, JACQUES France, c.1660, MIM Bloud-type Sundial, ivory = Soth. 12/16/63, WHI; Bloud-type Sundials = P.C. and HAY. Dieppe. Vivielle 2; Michel 3; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
GUERICKE, OTTO VON Germany, 1602-86, PHIM Magdeburg Hemispheres, 1657 = X; Friction Electrical Machine, 1660 = X. Bürgermeister of Magdeburg; physicist, and amateur instrument maker; invented the air pump; made a water barometer, c.1654. Magdeburg. Daumas 1; DSB; G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1. suggest correction
GUERIN, LOUIS France, c.1850, MIM Cannon Sundial, miniature = Phillips 11/16/88. "Opticien." Alger. RSW. suggest correction
GUERNE France, fl.1665-80, MIM OIM "arquebusier"; involved in making instruments for the Paris Observatory and the Academy. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Augarde. suggest correction
GUEROULT France, 17th Century, MIM Pillar Sundial, ivory = Michel Coll. = OXF-B39. Dieppe. Michel 1 and 3; Josten. suggest correction
GUEVAVE, DON JOANNES DE 1752, OIM Microscope, 1752 = X. Don Joannès de Guevave. Nachet. suggest correction
GUGERI 1 England, PHIM barometer maker; see Zanfrini and Gugeri; see Belotti and Gugeri. Blandford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERI 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. possibly Andrew or Dominic Gugeri. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERI AND BELOTTI England, fl.1829-43, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), PAK, D.(1981). also made thermometers; Andrew Gugeri and Belotti; also spelled Bellotti; see also Belotti and Gugeri. 15 Union Court, Holborn Hill; 16 Charles Street, Hatton Garden; both in London. Taylor 2(2142 and 2142a); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GUGERI AND CARUGHI England, fl.1844-45, PHIM Andrew Gugeri and Paul Carughi; barometer and thermometer makers. 16 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. possibly Gugeri and Belotti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERI, ANDREW England, fl.1829-59, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers; see Belotti and Andrew Gugeri. 15 Upper Union Court, Holborn (1829); Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1830-59); both in London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GUGERI, D., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. the barometer is signed "D. Gugieri and Co.", a mis-spelling. RSW. suggest correction
GUGERI, DOMINIC England, fl.1835-42, PHIM Barometer = P-B 4/20/68; Wheel Barometers = X(5), Soth.-S 7/23/87. watch and clock maker. South End (1830s); Market Place (1842); both in Boston. Goodison 1; Baillie; Bell 2; Antique Researchers, 1985; RSW. suggest correction
GUGERI, FELIX England, fl. 1854-59, PHIM barometer maker. 93 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERI, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Boston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERT, D. misreading for D. Gugeri. Soth.-S 7/23/87. suggest correction
GUGGIARI, CHARLES 1 England, fl.1828, PHIM supplied a barometer case to A. Alberti. Church Street, Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGGIARI, CHARLES 2 England, c.1848, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 4/28/88. 25 Digbeth, Birmingham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GUGGIARI, D., AND ANZIANI England, fl.1832-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. carvers, gilders and looking-glass makers. Pelham Street, Nottingham. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2142); Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GUGGIARI, DOMINIC England, fl.1835-41, PHIM barometer maker; see D. Guggiari and Anziani. Pelham Street, Nottingham. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GUGIRE, D., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably a mis-spelling for "D. Gugeri." Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUIBOUT France, fl.1745-65, MIM SIM Measure, 1746 = CNAM; Graphometer with telescopic sights, 1753 = P.C.; Globe,Celestial, 1753 = Musée Lorain, Nancy; Sundials = MADEX (1765), Auction, Paris 3/21/79; Sector = Soth. 10/28/86; Butterfield-type Sundials = P.C. (1969). Paris. Daumas 1; Bedos de Celles; MADEX; Michel 1 & 3; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GUIDI, P. LETO Italy, 1711-77, OIM Telescope = FLO. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
GUIDOBALDI Italy, 1570, designed a form of proportional compass, made by Simone Baroccio. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GUIDOTTI, S., FIRMO Italy, MIM Armillary Sphere = Lamberti Coll. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
GUILLEMIN ET DELLEMONT France, pre-1840, MIM Terrestrial Globe, in relief = Versailles 4/17/83. after an invention by Thury. RSW. suggest correction
GUILLEMUS DE SANCTO CLODOALDO France, fl.1292-96, MIM invented the "Directorium." Paris. Michel 3. suggest correction
GUILLERMIN France, MIM made an astronomical clock. Nachet. suggest correction
GUINAND France, 1827, OIM succeeded by his grandson, Charles Feil. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
GUIOT, C. France, MIM Capuchin Sundial, printed paper, paper case = Drouot 4/7/87. Chez Baradelle, Quay de l'horloge du Palais à l;enseigne de l'Observatoire, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GUISANI, P., AND SONS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/27/88. surely Peter Guisani, which see. Wolverhampton and Bilston. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GUISANI, PETER England, fl.1847-49, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. barometer maker; carver and gilder; sometimes "Guizani." Market Place, High Green; 42 Cork Street; both in Wolverhampton. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GUITTIENNE, J. France, c.1700, MIM Sector with Protractor = D.(1987). signed "J. Guittienne Sculpsit"; also marked "A.D.A. Stein." RSW. suggest correction
GUIZONNIER France, c.1813, MIM made sundials. Bordeaux. Tardy 3. suggest correction
GULDBRANDSEN, JOH Norway, c.1850, NIM Azimuth Compass = OMM; Marine Compass = Christie-SK 11/27/86. Christiania. RSW. suggest correction
GULLANDER, NILS Sweden, fl.1775-95, MIM inventor and instrument maker at the University of Lund. Stockholm; Lund (1775-93). Pipping 1. suggest correction
GULWEIN, J.G. misreading for "J. G. Gutwein." Zinner 1. suggest correction
GUM: NOR:, MIC: Germany, 1617, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, silver, = ADL-M324; Polyhedral Sundial, wood, 1617 = Prin Coll. = P.C. (1958) = TIM. an identical sundial in silver was in the Roussel Sale, No. 228, but apparently not signed; the design is after Oronce Fine. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 1 and 3; Brieux 3; Hamilton 2; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GUNDLACH, ERNST Germany, c.1850, OIM Microscope = D.(1976); Objective = D.(1976). microscope signed "Ernst Gundlach, Berlin / C.Baker agent London." Berlin. Moskowitz 112. suggest correction
GUNNOR, MIC. see Mic. Gumnor suggest correction
GUNTER, EDMUND England, 1581-1626, Professor of Astronomy at Gresham College, London; invented a new form of cross-staff, a horary quadrant, surveying chain. the logarithmic rule (1607); author. London. Taylor 1(106); DNB; DSB; Gunther 1 and 2; Evans 1; Maddison ?; Wynter and Turner: G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
GUNTER, WOLFGANG Germany, c.1658, MIM OIM Hevilius wrote that Günter made his instruments. Michel 3. suggest correction
GUNTHER, C. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Sector with sights = PRA. possibly G.A. Günther. RSW. suggest correction
GUNTHER, G.A. Germany, 1741, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, 1741 = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Detroit. may be C. Günther. USNM. suggest correction
GURDON NIM Hadley's Quadrant = Pugsley Sale. might be Gurdon Waterman. RSW. suggest correction
GURLEY, EPHRAIM USA, fl.1811-29, MIM SIM worked for Julius Hanks (1811-13); see Hanks and Gurley; see Starbucks and Gurley; father of William and L.E. Gurley. Madison, Conn.(pre-1811); Gibbonsville, N.Y. (1811-18); southeast corner of Fifth and Grand Streets, Troy, N.Y. (1818-29). Smart 1. suggest correction
GURLEY, LEWIS EPHRAIM USA, 1826-97, MIM SIM brother of William Gurley; apprenticed to Jonas H. Phelps, 1844-45; see Phelps and Gurleys; see W. and L.E. Gurley. Troy N.Y. Smart 1; Moskowitz 110. suggest correction
GURLEY, W. AND L.E. USA, 1852-present, MIM SIM wide range of surveying instruments that may be seen in many museums; the major collection is in the Gurley Museum, Troy, New York. William and Lewis Ephraim Gurley, brothers. Fifth and Fulton Streets, Troy, New York. Smart 1; USNM; Zervas; Moskowitz 116; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
GURLEY, WILLIAM USA, 1821-87, MIM SIM Dip Needle = D.(1969). worked for Oscar Hanks, 1839-45; see Phelps and Gurley; see W. and L.E. Gurley; son of Ephraim Gurley. Fifth and Fulton, Troy, New York. Smart 1; Moskowitz 110; RSW. suggest correction
GURNEY England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Russell Baldwin and Bright 5/5/93. Bristol. ATG 4/24/93. suggest correction
GURNEY, GOLDSWORTHY England, c.1823, PHIM invented an oxygen-hydrogen blowpipe for which he recieved a gold medal from the Society of Arts in 1823. G. L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
GUSANI, P., AND SONS misreading for P. Guisani and Sons. RSW. suggest correction
GUSSEFELD, FRANZ LUDWIG Germany, 1744-1808, MIM Terrestrial Globe = New York Public Library. "Güssefeld." Nürnberg. Yonge. suggest correction
GUSTINGER, RUDOLPH Austria, 1757, MIM Horizontal Table Sundial, 1757 = Koller 11/17/75 = D.(1976). Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
GUTIERREZ, SANCHO Spain, 1516-80, NIM the mariner's astrolabe, dated 1563 at CNAM (NMM-24), was suggested by Destombes to be by Gutierrez. Destombes 3; A. Stimson 3; ICA 2. suggest correction
GUTKAES, JOH. CHRIST. FRIEDRICH Germany, c.1830, MIM Astronomical Clock = DRE. Dresden. Grötzsch 2. suggest correction
GUTLE, KONRAD Germany, c.1797, MIM Table Sundial = Drecker Coll. = P.C. signed "Gütle, mechan:." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Lunardi; RSW. suggest correction
GUTSCHOVIUS, GERARD Belgium, OIM Gérard Gutschovius helped to develop the hyperbolic lens. Nachet. suggest correction
GUTTELIE France, fl.1692-1704, MIM Coronelli Globes = PBN. Guttelié. Paris. Pognon. suggest correction
GUTTERIDGE, DOWNING AND SON England, c.1827, MIM Slide Rules with four slides, boxwood, = Soth. 12/21/76, D.(1977). one is also signed "James Galbraith, Dumbarton, 6 March, 1827." Moskowitz 114; RSW. suggest correction
GUTWEIN, J.G. Germany, 17th Century, engraved sundial at BM, made by Johann Paul Kraus, which see. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Cousins. suggest correction
GUTZ, STEFAN, UND SOHN see Götz suggest correction
GUY, WILLIAM England, c.1661, MIM apprenticed to John Blighton 1, a mathematical instrument maker in the Grocers' Company, on Dec. 5, 1661. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GUYET France, pre-1793, OIM Optical Machine = Earl of Bute Sale 2/5/1793. RSW. suggest correction
GUYMARD, P.I. France?, 1740, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1740 = NMM-D.108. NMM 2; MADEX; Nachet. suggest correction
GUYTON DE MORREAU France, fl.1784-1814, PHIM developed a platinum pyrometer, a money scale and other physical instruments. Daumas 1; Chaldecott 2. suggest correction
GYLDENSTOLKE Sweden, c.1800, see Sauter and Gyldenstolke. Stockholm. Fox 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
GYLES, HENRY England, fl.1670-1702, MIM Stained-glass Sundials = Oxford University College, Nun Appleton Hall (1670), Tong Hall. Daniels 1. suggest correction

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