Webster Signature Database Search Results

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Your search for signatures starting with O yielded 128 entries. Displaying entries 1–128.
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Signature Maker Info Instruments Comments Location References Suggest Correction
O.H.P. see Ottheinrich Herzog von der Pfalz. RSW. suggest correction
O.H.P.C. Germany, marked on the back of a horary quadrant by Jacob Rabus at NUR, dedicated to Ottheinrich von der Pfalz, 1556. Zinner 1. suggest correction
O.H.S. O.h.S.; see S.h.O. Price 3. suggest correction
O.K.S.P. 1842, NIM Traverse Board, 1842 = OMM. RSW. suggest correction
O.L. Sweden, 1737, MIM Gunner's Scale, 1737 = SKO. Price 2. suggest correction
O.R.B. fl.1567-1612, mark on sand glasses; Vivielle thought they were made by Hans Ducher of Nürnberg. Vivielle 1. suggest correction
OAKES, JOHN USA, 1818-1910, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. in the New York City Directories from 1848 to 1896 as a mathematical, nautical, and philosophical instrument maker; sometimes spelled "Oaks." New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
OAKESHOTT, WILLIAM England, fl.1844-45, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 29 St. John Street, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
OAKLEY, JOHN England, c.1757, apprenticed to John Morgan 2 in the Joiners' Company on May 3, 1757. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
OAKLEY, JOSEPH England, fl.1767-77, OIM Upper Priory (1767); 79 Bull Street opposite the Saracen's Head (1770-77); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
OATES, JOHN England, PHIM Angle Barometer = X. Pump, near Halifax. Goodison 1. suggest correction
OBERHAUSER, G., ET E. HARTNACK France, fl.1847-56, MIM OIM Microscopes = Soth. 9/20/83. D.(1984). Georges Oberhauser and his nephew, Edmund Hartnack. Place Dauphine, 21, Paris. Coffeen F; RSW. suggest correction
OBERHAUSER, GEORGES Germany; France, 1798-1868, MIM OIM Microscopes = HAR, Christie 5/26/76. breveté; made jewel lenses; worked with Henri-Prudence Gambey, 1815; retired in 1856; "opticien." Germany (1798-1815); 19 Place Dauphine, Paris. Pipping 1; Ambler; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
OBERHAUSER, JOHANN Germany, fl.1759-66, MIM SIM Theodolite, 1759 = MUN; Mathematical Instrument Set, 1766 = DEU. Schwaz in Tyrol. Zinner 1; Price 2. suggest correction
OBERKAN, JOHAN HEINRICH Switzland, 1690, MIM Astrolabe, 1690 = Landesmuseum in Grand Hotel, Nancy. ICA-3202. Zurich. Price 1 and 2; ICA 2. suggest correction
OCHS, HANS MIM Diptych Sundial, gilt-bass = LIE. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
ODELEM, ANTOR Germany, 1661-1740, MIM SIM Theodolites = HAK, Braunschweig Stadt Museum; Astronomical Rings = DRE, P. & S. 3/20/96, Evans Coll.; Table Sundial, 1715 = LUN; Sundials = NOR, Triebold Coll. P. and S. and Evans Coll. astronomical rings may be one instrument. Braunschweig. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
ODELL, JOHN England; USA, fl.1800-22, MIM NIM OIM SIM worked for Spencer, Browning and Rust 1 for 20 years; came to USA in 1819; "J. Odell, Maker 1805" is found under the mirror of a Spencer, Browning and Rust octant at the Franklin Institute. London (1800-19); USA (1819-22). D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
ODELSTIERNA, CARL Sweden, 1753-95, OIM fl.1780-95; business continued by Peter Helleström. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
ODENDAL, WILHELM Germany, 1651, PHIM Money Balance, 1651 = DRE. Cologne. RSW. suggest correction
ODENDOLL, M. BERND see M. Berndt Odental. RSW. suggest correction
ODENKIRCHEN, P., AND S. BOSCH Holland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Hawden-Satter House, Nantucket, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
ODENTAL, BERNDT AND JACOB HEUSCHER Germany, 1699, PHIM Balance, 1699 = American Numismatic Society, New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
ODENTAL, M. BERNDT Germany, 1651, PHIM Money Balance, 1651 = DRE. also spelled "Odendoll." Cologne. RSW. suggest correction
ODIORNE, JOTHAM USA, c.1800, SIM Graphometer = D.(1996). may be owner. Gorham, Maine or New Hampshire. Coffeen 55. suggest correction
ODOMALCOT see Odon van Maecote. RSW. suggest correction
OEHLSCHLAGER, ADAM Denmark, 1599-1671, mathematicien; designed the Gottorp globe which was made by Busch; see Busch and Oehlschlager. Gottorp. H.C. King 2; Michel 3; Zinner 1. suggest correction
OERI Switzerland, c.1850, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Western Reserve Historical Society, Ohio. Zurich. USNM. suggest correction
OERLE, FRANCOIS VAN Holland, 1660, MIM Pocket Sundial, 1660 = AMST. "François van Oerle Fec A Bolduc ad Poli 52 Grade voor Cosyn Ambrosius Pool an 1660 November 8." Den Bosch. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
OERTLING Germany, 1758, NIM Sextant, 1758 = Soth. 5/19/60. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
OERTLING, JOHANN AUGUST DANIEL Germany, 1803-66, MIM NIM OIM SIM Dividing Engine = DEU; Sextant, No. 1859 = D.(1989). apprenticed to Karl Philipp Heinrich Pistor c.1819; started his own business in 1826 or 1827; first to build electric dividing engine; brother of Ludwig Oertling. Berlin. Pipping 1; Poggendorff; G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2; Weil and Baden; Coffeen 27. suggest correction
OERTLING, LUDWIG Germany; England, 1818-93, PHIM Laboratory Balances = KEN, Christie-SK 7/10/80. apprenticed to his brother, Johann August Daniel Oertling, in Berlin; by 1847 he was in business in London; the firm is still going; specialized in precision balances; showed at the Great Exhibition, London, 1851; worked for R.B. Bate; he was in partnership with Edward Wilds Ladd as Ladd and Oertling 1860-70. Berlin; 13 Store Street, Bedford Square, (1847-); 27 Moorgate Street (-1874); Turnmill Street near Farrington Street Station (1874-); all in London except for Berlin. G.L'E. Turner 24; Chaldecott 3; RGO; Coffeen 27; McConnell 4; RSW. suggest correction
OGDEN, F.B., AND ERICSSON England, c.1837, patented sea sounding apparatus in 1837. London. USNM. suggest correction
OGG Scotland, fl.1844-46, NIM see Ogg and M'Millan; also a watch and clockmaker. 53 Marischall Street (1844); 30 Regent Quay (1845-46); beth in Aberdeen. Bryden 3. suggest correction
OGG AND M'MILLAN Scotland, fl.1844-46, NIM also made clocks and watches; Ogg and William M'Millan. 53 Marischall Street (1844); 30 Regent Quay (1845-46); both in Aberdeen. Bryden 3. suggest correction
OGILVIE, ROBERT A. England, c.1845, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 19 Upper Wharton Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
OHREN, MAGNUS England, NIM Mariner's Compass = NOR. London. RSW. suggest correction
OKESHOTT, ROBERT England, c.1664, MIM apprenticed to Ralph Greatorex of the Clockmakers' Company on June 7, 1664. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
OLDFIELD, HENRY England, 1821, apprenticed to William George Cook; free in the Masons' Company, March 29, 1821; listed as a victualler. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
OLEARIUS see Oehlschläger. Zinner 1. suggest correction
OLING, LUCAS Holland, 1564, listed as a maker in a 1824 catalogue of books and instruments. Leeuwarden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
OLISIPONE Spain, 1590, MIM Sundial with compass, 1590 = Soth. 11/17/38. "Olisipone elaborat A.R.D." RSW. suggest correction
OLIVA, BONAVENTURA Italy, c.1782, invented philosophical instruments. Mantua. Offenbacher 22(1970). suggest correction
OLIVE, MICHAEL England, fl.1849-56, MIM NIM chronometer, watch and clock maker. Church Street, 26 Arwenack Street, Falmouth. H.M. Brown. suggest correction
OLIVER England, 1892, patented a meantime sundial in 1892. RSW. suggest correction
OLIVER, JOHN England, 1616-1701, MIM Window Sundial, glass, 1664 = ex-Rectory, North-hill, Bedfordshire. may have made the window sundial for the Weavers' Company London, c.1669. Eagle and Child, Ludgate Hill; Sign of the Ship, Great Old Bailey; both in London. Gatty; Taylor 1(186); Daniels. suggest correction
OLLAND, H. Holland, 1825-1901, NIM PHIM Pelorus = AMST. Utrect. Mörzer Bruyns 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
OLLER an elaborate script and much wear caused Engelmann to make this misreading of Coenraad Metz, on ADL-M154. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Rooseboom 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
OLLER, ANTON HENRIK Sweden, 1816-89, PHIM made physical apparatus, 1857 on. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
OLLIVIER France, c.1770, brother-in-law of Passemant; took over his workshop on Passemant's death; employed one of Passemant's workers, Nicollet. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
OLSCHLAGER see Oelschlager. RSW. suggest correction
OLSEN, CHRISTIAN D. Norway?, 1824, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1824 = OMM. RSW. suggest correction
OLSEN, G.T. England, c.1830, NIM Octant = Melun 4/24/83. O.J. Olsen? Grimsby. RSW. suggest correction
OLSEN, O.J. England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = K. & C. 6/21/75. G.T. Olsen? RSW. suggest correction
OLSEN, T. England, NIM Octant, ebony = Christie 12/8/76. Grimsby. RSW. suggest correction
OLSSON Sweden, MIM Drawing Instrument Set = GMM. Goteborg. RSW. suggest correction
ONDERDEWIJNGAART CANZIUS, JACOB HENDRIK Holland, fl.1771-1838, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Circumferentors = D., Soth. 11/1687; Telescope = Frisian Maritime Museum, Sneek; Microscope, Dellebarre-type, 1806 = KEN; Air Pump = UTR; Bathometer = APS. designed and manufactured scientific instruments; he had the first factory in Holland for this purpose, 1797; the microscope in the KEN is also marked "A. Dellebarre." Delft. Rooseboom 1; Brieux 2; Crommelin 1; Multhauf 1; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Nachet; Mörzer Bruyns 2; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
ONION, THOMAS England, fl.1767-1801, MIM rule maker; he worked in both boxwood and ivory. Brickhill Lane (1767); Lancaster Street (1787); Great Hampton Street (1797-1801); all in Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
OOSTERWIJK, SEVERIJN ADAMSON Holland, fl.1658-85, MIM OIM clockmaker; made microscopes ? The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
OOTHOUT, JONAS VOLKAT USA, 1814-60, MIM SIM in partnership with Andrew Meneely from 1836 to 1838 at which time Oothout retired. West Troy, N.Y. Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
OPP, C.H. Germany, MIM Pedometer = Evans Coll. Berlin. Evans 1. suggest correction
OPPELT, I.B. Germany, fl.1785-1800, OIM Microscopes = DEU (2), LEY. the microscopes are dated 1785 and 1800. Anspach. Daumas 1. suggest correction
OPPEN, J.F.B. Denmark?, 1795, MIM Compasses, 1795 = ROS-6886. ROS Cat.; RSW. suggest correction
OPPIN, CH see Choppin. Nachet. suggest correction
ORAM, E. USA, 1831, received a patent for a terrestrial globe, Jan. 12, 1831. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
ORDYNO, GEORGE England, c.1830, MIM OIM Middle Pavement, Nottingham. Taylor 2(1948). suggest correction
OREZ, N. fl.1633-48, MIM SIM Horizontal Sundials, 1633 and 1648 = Evans Coll; Surveying Quadrant = Drouot 4/7/87. the quadrant is marked "Factur", it has a protractor and a shadow square. Evans 1; RSW.. suggest correction
ORIGONI, JOHN England, fl.1830-47, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer maker; see Grassi, Bergna and Origoni; he was working alone by 1837. 34 Dean Street, Newcastle (1837). Taylor 2(1869) & (2195); Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORME, CHARLES England, 1688-1747, MIM PHIM Angle Barometer, three tubes, 1741 = Goodison Coll.; Angle Barometers, two tubes = Gloucester Museum (1742), Soth. 2/24/85 (1741), Auction 1954 (1740 or 42); Angle Barometers, single tube = P.C. (1738), FIT, D.(1968)(1738); Angle Barometer, 1736 = Soth. 7/19/88; Angle Barometer, 1741 = Soth. 5/14/87 ; Rule = City of Leicester Museum. author; may have invented the angle barometer. Ashby-de-la Zouch, Leicestershire. Goodison 1 & 2; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORREGGIO England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTALLY France, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1973). Rouen. RSW. suggest correction
ORTALLY, JOSH. England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Joseph Ortelli and Co. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTALY England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI 1 see Maggi and Ortelli. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI AND CO. 1 England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometers = K. & C. 9/20/71, X; Stick Barometers = Christie 12/17/75, X. the barometer sold at Christie is signed "Ortelli and Co. Macclesfield Warranted"; see P. Ortelli and Co. Macclesfield. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI AND CO. 2 England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably A. Ortelli 2 Oxford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI AND CO. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. surely Ortelli and Co. 1 or 2. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, A. (2) AND D., AND PRIMAVESI England, fl.1846-48, PHIM may be connected to Ortelli and Primavesi in London, 1848; made barometers and thermometers. 114 High Street, Oxford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, A. 1 England, c. 1800, PHIM Barometer = D.(1972); Wheel Barometers = D.(1973), X(2); Stick Barometer = X. D.(1973) signed "Ortelli Buckingham." Buckingham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI, A. 2 England, 1790-1846, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3), Christie 12/17/75. succeeded by A. (2) and D. Ortelli and Primavesi. High Street, Oxford. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI, A.M. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Gloucester Museum. Godalming. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, D. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-Pul. 3/1/83. see A. (2) and D. Ortelli and Primavesi; Defendent Ortelli? Marlborough. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI, DEFENDENT England, fl.1852-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; succeeded Peter Ortelli; see Defendent and John Ortelli. 49 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, DEFENDENT AND JOHN England, fl.1854-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers. 49 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, JOHN England, fl.1854-60, PHIM see Defendent and John Ortelli. 49 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, JOSEPH England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, JOSEPH, AND CO. England, fl.1809-18, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. 20 Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, N. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, N., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Christie SK 4/17/86. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI, P., AND CO. England, 1805, PHIM Wheel Barometer, 1805 = X; Stick Barometer, 1805 = Christie-SK 4/17/86. see Ortelli and Co. 1. Macclesfield. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI, PETER England, fl.1835-56, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; partner in Ortelli and Primavesi. 3 Leather Lane (1835-51); 49 Hatton Garden (1848-51); 15 Leather Lane (1852-56); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTIZ, IGNACIO Spain?, 1733, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1733 = D.(1986). marked on the ring is "en la puebla." Coffeen 2. suggest correction
OS, MATHIAS VON Germanyfl.1561-89, MIM Astrolabe, 1589 = HEI. ICA-597; clockmaker. Lübeck. Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
OSBORN, BENJAMIN England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 9 Northampton Square, London. Taylor 2(2196). suggest correction
OSBORN, THOMAS England, fl.1586-93, MIM SIM the maker of Thomas Fale's graphometer; Fale called him "a good workman"; invented a dialing instrument. Taylor 1(75) 2(76); Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
OSBORNE 1 England, c.1830, OIM see Ashmore and Osborne 42 Burgess Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1767) & (1949); RSW. suggest correction
OSBORNE 2 England, OIM Telescope = New London County Historical Society, Conn. London. USNM. suggest correction
OSBORNE, GEORGE England, fl.1625-28, invented a semicircular instrument. Hull. Taylor 1(151). suggest correction
OSBORNE, MURRAY Scotland, fl1776-1817, MIM apprenticed to James Watt. Gallowgate (1783-1801); 406 Gallowgate (1803-17); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
OSBORNE, THOMAS 1 see Thomas Osborn. Fale, "Horologiagraphica"; Clay and Court. suggest correction
OSBORNE, THOMAS 2 England, c.1801, MIM PHIM astronomical clock maker. Vauxhall Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
OSLER, FOLLETT England, 1845, PHIM Anemometer, 1845 = Royal Exchange, London. Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Vol. IV, p.139. suggest correction
OSTERLAND, C. Germany, c.1850, PHIM Mineralogical Kit = KEN; Mining Compass = Soth. 3/10/87. the kit marked "Mechaniker"; the compass marked "Patent." Friedberg, Saxony. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
OSTRAVSKY, JOHANNES ANTONIUS 1719, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1719 = BM. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
OSWALDUS, FRIDERICUS 1636, MIM Measuring Rod, 1636 = DRE. "inv. et fac." RSW. suggest correction
OTERSCHADEN, JOHN Belgium, fl.1580-1613, MIM Pair of Globes = NMM-Caird; Terrestrial Gores = H.P. Kraus; Pair of Gores = Hispanic Society, New York, N.Y. NMM 2; Yonge. suggest correction
OTLEY, JONATHAN England, fl.1818-28, MIM watchmaker; "ingenious mechanic." Kesick. Taylor 2(1399). suggest correction
OTTER, CHRISTIAN Germany, 1598-1660, MIM Table Sundial = Königsberg Städt Kundtsammlung. made linkage nstruments to solve geometrical problems; worked with Van Call, the clockmaker, from 1658-60. Zinner 1. suggest correction
OTTHEINRICH HERZOG VON DER PFALZ Germany, 1502-59, MIM Horizontal Sundials, gilt-brass, 1547 = ADL-M237, van Alfen Coll., D.(1969). the van Alfen and D. sundials are signed "O.H.P." (Ott Heinrich Pfalzgraf); the Adler dial is signed "M.D.Z.O.H.P." (Mit Der Zeit Ott Heinrich Pfalzgraf) and "O.H.P. Auctor" on the back; the dealer's dial is mounted on a stone base; the van Alfen dial is mounted on an ebony base; Mit Der Zeit is said to be Ottheinrich's personal motto; he bought an astrolabe, two ivory sundials and an armillary sphere from Georg Hartmann in 1544. Palatinate. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Moran; Michel 3; Holland's Glorie; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
OTTWAY, JOHN England, fl.1826-70, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = D.(1985); Wheel Barometer = X. T.C. 87 St. Johns Road (1826-33); 5 York Street, Covent Garden (1830-39); 10 King Street, Holborn (1840-41); 11 Devonshire Street, Queen Square (1842-48); 33 Upper King Street (1849-51); all in London. Taylor 2(1950); Goodison 1; Crawforth 1 & 6; RSW. suggest correction
OTTWAY, W. England, OIM Telescope, refracting = Christie-SK 6/2/83. Ealing. RSW. suggest correction
OTTWAY, W., AND CO. England, c.1850, MIM OIM SIM Telescopes, single draw = Christie-SK 3/31/83 & 4/17/86, Phillips 6/15/76; Dumpy Level = Phillips 2/22/77. Ealing, London. RSW. suggest correction
OUDRY France, c.1820, MIM Rule = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
OUGHTRED, WILLIAM England, 1575-1660, invented the double horizontal sundial, now called the Oughtred-type; invented a calculating device which he called his "circles of proportion"and a straight slide rule; author; mathematician; had William Forster as a pupil. Albury; Cambridge. Taylor 1(94); Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
OULD, HENRY England, fl.1791-94, MIM NIM apprenticed to Benjamin Cole 2 in the Merchant Taylors' Company, Nov. 7, 1759; worked for Edward Nairne; had his own business by 1794; T.C.; patented an improvement for a quadrant in 1791. Dartmouth; No.4 New Court, Great New Street, Fetter Lane, London; 59 Lower East Smithfield, London (1794). Taylor 2(1021); Crawforth 6, 7 & 8. suggest correction
OUTHIER, ABBE D.REGINALD France, 1694-1774, Abbé Outhier; invented a drive mechanism for celestial globes in 1727; invented a planetarium in 1727; both types were made by Jean-Baptiste Cattin; Outhier made improvements in odometer invented by Meynier 1. Besançon (1727); rue Genégau, Paris. Cons. Nat'l; Beckmann; RSW. suggest correction
OUVIERE France, MIM Cosmograph, copper = Drouot 4/26/67. Ouvière. Marseilles. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
OVERING, THOMAS England, PHIM Balance = Kendal Museum. T.C.; "Seller of Scales, Weights of all Measures." London. RSW. suggest correction
OWEN see Barrow and Owen. RSW. suggest correction
OWEN, BENJAMIN England, c.1687, apprenticed to Isaac Webb of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1687; turned over to William Newton 1. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
OWEN, JAMES England, c.1803, MIM apprenticed to William Evans 1 of the Grocers' Company on May 7, 1795; free of the Company Jan. 6, 1803. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
OWEN, WILLIAM England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 5/12/72. the barometers are signed "Owen Oswestry." Oswestry. Goodison 1; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
OWENS, OWEN England, fl.1794-1825, NIM OIM Sextants = NMM, PEA (1797); Octants = Saint-Brieuc 8/4/79, Christie-SK 11/2/95; Hadley's Quadrant = Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass.; Quadrant = Pugsley Sale; Telescope = BMM. the Pugsley quadrant is marked for the owner "Daniel Russell 1796"; Christie-SK is marked "Made for Bartholomew Downing ct. 21, 1794." 4 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1400); Bryden 9; Brewington 1; American Neptune, Jan. 1975; RSW. suggest correction
OXENFORD, JOHN England, fl.1713-48, MIM apprenticed to Edmund Blow in the Joiners' Company on Jan. 13, 1704; free in the Company, Dec. 1,1713; took an apprentice. Savage Garden, London (1724). Crawforth 7. suggest correction
OXLY, HENRY England, c.1780, PHIM Coin Balance = WHI. 230 Upper Thames Street, London. Olivia Brown 2. suggest correction
OXMANTOWN, LORD Ireland, fl.1830-40, made specula for microscopes and telescopes; author; F.R.S. Taylor 2(2197). suggest correction
OZANAM France, 1688-1736, author; desgned an instrument and published a book on "L'Usage de l'instrument universelle ou "pantometre"; a rectangular frame with the alidade pivoted at one corner; also published "l'Usage du compass de proportion" in 1736. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction

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