Webster Signature Database Search Results

Important note: Most of these instruments are not in the Adler collection (which you can find more information about here). We know nothing about them beyond the information returned by searching this database. You may be able to learn more by contacting the institutions in the "Instruments" column, or by consulting the "References" listed.

Your search for signatures starting with R yielded 666 entries. Displaying entries 1–666.
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Signature Maker Info Instruments Comments Location References Suggest Correction
R. 1 Holland, 1602, NIM Mariner's Astrolabe, 1602 (NMM-56) = AMST. NMM is the Census of Mariner's Astrolabes. Mörzer Bruyns 3; A. Stimson 3; RSW. suggest correction
R. 2 MIM Barrel Measure, wood and ivory, 64 inches = Salem Maritime Nat'l Site. rule now in two pieces RSW. suggest correction
R.C. England, 18th Century, MIM Dividers, iron = Bovet Coll. = NMM. RSW. suggest correction
R.D. Germany, 1838, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
R.D.H.A.E. Germany?, 1765, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1765 = NUR. Zinner 1. suggest correction
R.E. 1 Germany, MIM Astrolabe = DEU. mastermark in shield. D. Bachman 1. suggest correction
R.E. 2 England, fl.1770-1805, MIM Sundials, vertical = the Church and a house on Thomas Street North in Monkwearmouth. schoolmaster; parish clerk. Boldon. Gatty. suggest correction
R.F. 1 Germany, 1590, marked on a stone perpetual calendar by M. Joh. Helsbeccius in the HAK museum. RSW. suggest correction
R.F. 2 France, c.1620, MIM Astronomical Compendium = Evans Coll. = OXF; Diptych Sundial, octagonal, ivory = Soth. 7/7/78 = Soth. 12/15/55-160. initials and punchmark on base of diptych, punchmark is an inverted V with a little circle above it; both instruments have paper or leather lining on 1b and 2a; Soth. has a blue lining on 1b with a list of latitudes in gold, and with a slide to set string at proper latitude. Dieppe ? Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
R.F. 3 England, 1630, initials marked on a quadrant by John Chatfield, 1630. RSW. suggest correction
R.F. 4 France, 1633, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1633 = Vivielle Coll. has a nocturnal on the cover; possibly R.F. 2. Dieppe ? Madex; RSW. suggest correction
R.G. 1 marked on the compass cards in Elias Allen's sundials, surely Ralph Greatorix; marked on paper compass card of horizontal sundial, WHI-1191, probably Ralph Greatorex; other marks on WHI sundial are "H." (4) and "C.P." (2). Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
R.G. 2 MIM Sundial in ivory sphere = Soth. 3/11/63. RSW. suggest correction
R.H. 1612, instrument maker ? Evans 1. suggest correction
R.K. Denmark, marked on 1772 compass card signed "Rasmus Koch." Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
R.L. see Richard LeKeux. Brewington 1. suggest correction
R.L.S.P., PRES. see Pres. R.L.S.P. RSW. suggest correction
R.M. 1 England, 1631, MIM Astrolabe, 1631 = BM. ICA-312. another astrolabe at KEN, 1631, signed "Richard Melbourne", which see. Price 1 & 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Taylor 1(167); Clay and Court; Evans 1. suggest correction
R.M. 2 England, 18th Century, MIM Garden Sundial = Nat'l Museum of Wales. initials added later. Wales. Peate. suggest correction
R.P. 1708, MIM Horary Quadrant, crude, 1708 = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
R.S. 1 England, fl.1631-34, MIM Astrolabe Quadrant, 1631 = Koller 11/17/75; Quadrants = BM (1632), OXF (1634). Evans 1; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Taylor 1(174); Clay and Court; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
R.S. 2 England, 1654, MIM Table Sundial, lead, 1654 = London Museum. RSW. suggest correction
R.S. 3 Germany?, 18th Century, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood = NOR (2), UTR marked "Autor"; the dials in the NOR shows a frock coated figure and a hand; the UTR dial was exhibited in the Delft sundial exhibition of 1984. de Rijk; RSW. suggest correction
R.S. 4 Germany, 18th Century, MIM Miner's Compass = Koller 11/17/75. RSW. suggest correction
R.S. 5 Robert Smith ?; Richard Saunders ? or the father of Henry Sutton ? Taylor 1(174); RSW. suggest correction
R.T. England?, 1531, MIM Pair of Dividers, 1531 = Soth. 4/18/88. RSW. suggest correction
R.V.K. owner!; the initials are on a circumferentor by D. Metz at the TIM, 1987. RSW. suggest correction
R.W. 1 England, 1617, MIM Sundial, sandstone, 1617 = The Washington House, Little Brington, Northhampton. might be Robert Washington. Earle. suggest correction
R.W. 2 MIM Garden Sundial = ADL-W150. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
R.W. 3 England, c.1840, MIM punched in middle of ivory scale on unsigned octant at PMS. RSW. suggest correction
R.Z. Germany, c.1581, marked on 1b of ADL-M258, c.1581. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RAALINI, C. England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Jared Coffin House, Nantucket, Mass., X (2), Soth.-PB pre 1980 and Soth. 12/14/89. Preston. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RABALIO, PETER Italy; England, fl.1760-89 d.1791, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Barometer, multiple tube = X; Stick Barometer = X; Barometer = Soth. 3/7/75. the wheel barometer is signed "P. Rabalio Birmingham"; most are signed simply "Rabalio"; also a thermometer maker. at the Sign of the Barometer, 18 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham; at the Sign of the Dolphin, Coventry; at the Sign of the Golden Lion, in Hamston Gate, Leicester; at Mrs. Dowee's in High Street, near the College-Gate, Worcester; all before 1789. Goodison 1; Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
RABELON, ISAAC England, 1719, PHIM Barometer, 1719 = KEN. Daumas 1. suggest correction
RABONE England, c.1900, MIM Folding Rule = P.C. marked "Warranted Boxwood"; "made in England." RSW. suggest correction
RABONE AND MASON England, fl.1834-37, PHIM barometer makers; firm later became known as "John Rabone." 61 St. Pauls Square, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1972); Goodison 1. suggest correction
RABONE, ELIZABETH England, c.1808, MIM rule maker. Water Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RABONE, EPHRAIM England, c.1818, MIM rule maker. Water Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RABONE, JOHN England, fl.1829-60, PHIM Double Folding Rule, wood = La Rochelle 7/16/83. barometer maker; probably a partner in Rabone and Mason; worked alone in 1829 and 1839-58; took his son into the firm, 1858-60. Ludgate Hill (1829); 61 St. Pauls Square (1839-60); both in Birmingham. Goodison 1; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(1972); RSW. suggest correction
RABONE, JOHN, AND SON England, fl.1858-60, MIM the Rabone firm was established in 1784; makers of boxwood and ivory rules; trade catalogue at OXF. Hockley Abbey Works, Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
RABONE, JOHN, AND SONS England, c.1860, MIM Bubble Level = P.C.; Folding Rule, wood = DRE; Rope Gauge, boxwood and brass = Soth.-WS 12/13/83; some of the instruments are signed "J. Rabone and Sons." Birmingham. Taylor 2(1942); G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
RABONE, T. England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Soth.-S 1/10/90. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RABONE, THOMAS England, fl.1829-60, MIM PHIM barometer maker. 8 Court Water Street (1824); 12 Court, Broad Street (1835); Hockley Hill (1847); 172 Hockley Hill (1849-54); Frederick Street; 63 Great Hampton Street (1858); 61 Great Hampton Street (1860); all in Birmingham. Taylor 2(1972); Goodison 1. suggest correction
RABUS, JACOB Germany, c.1556, MIM Horary Quadrants = NUR (1556), STU. the quadrant in the NUR is dedicated to Ottheinrich von de Pfalz, it is marked on the back "OHPC"; the quadrant in the STU is dedicated to Herzog Wolfgang von Bayern. Memmingen. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RABY, EDWARD England, c.1834, OIM Great Brook Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1976). suggest correction
RAD, CHRISTOPHER Germany, c.1683, MIM Orrery, 1683, was owned by Chr. Treffler in 1683, now lost. Celestial Globe = HAK. goldsmith; the globe at HAK, 54 cm. in diameter, is signed "RAD" at the south pole. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 3; Stevenson. suggest correction
RADEMACHER England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Eccles. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RADFORD England, OIM T.C. over against the East End of the New Church in the Strand, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
RADFORD, JOHN England, fl.1668-95, OIM optician. at the Golden Spectacles without Temple Bar (1668); St. Clement Danes (1695); both in London. Clay and Court; Daumas 1. suggest correction
RADSMA, TJEERD JACOBS Holland, c.1686-1790, MIM he made eight clocks with planetariums. Harlingen. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
RADULF Belgium, c.1025, MIM made a different form of astrolabe c.1025; Magister of Liège. Liège. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RAETOR, JOHN England, c.1801, MIM OIM PHIM 49 Cheapside, Deritend, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RAFFLE France, MIM Protractor = P.C.(1968). Rafflé. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
RAGGETT, JAMES England, c.1830, OIM 21 London Street, Reading. Taylor 2(1977). suggest correction
RAHNE, PETER Germany, c.1740, MIM Sectors = STU, THO. "Peter Rahne Fecit: zu Berlin." Berlin. Hambly 2; RSW. suggest correction
RAHTJEN, G. Germany, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = P.C.(1979). Bremen. RSW. suggest correction
RAIDEL, HANS FRIEDRICH Germany, c.1627, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument, incomplete, 1627 = AUG; Horary Quadrant, 1627 = AUG. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
RAILLE, H. see Evin and H. Raille. USNM. suggest correction
RAIMONDUS, PETRUS Italy, 1375, MIM Astrolabe, 1375 = A.C. Baldwin Coll. = BOS. Cumae. Exhibition of 1876, London; Thorndike; RSW. suggest correction
RAINER FRISIUS see Gemma Frisius. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RAINGO FRERES France, c.1820, MIM Orrery Clock = D.(1976). Raingo Frères; clock makers. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
RAINGO, Z. Belgium; France, c.1824, MIM Orrery Clocks = TIM (1987)(2); Royal Collction, Madrid, Windsor Castle (1824), P.C., Sloan Museum, BMR, Soth. 1/16/62 and 7/12/63, P-B 10/12/64; Planetarium = CNAM. Tournai; Paris. Pippa; Horological Journal, 1960; RSW; etc. suggest correction
RAITTENAU, AEGIDIUS EBERHARD VON Germany, 1605-75, MIM Celestial Globe, 1546 = Harburg Sammlung Hohenlohe; Sundial, triangular, 1666 = KRE; Azimuth Sundial, 1668 = KRE; Logarithmic Machine, 1670 = KRE. made other instruments, dated between 1645 and 1669, whose location is not known; author; Benedictine monk; "Mechaniker, Mathematiker und Architekt"; the globe is signed "Rabus 1546." Kremsmünster. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RAMAGE Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Barometer = D.(1968). probably John Ramage 1 or 2. Aberdeen. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RAMAGE AND CO. Scotland, fl.1837-38, OIM PHIM might have made barometers; see Smith and Ramage; see John Ramage 1 & 2. 41 St. Nicholas Street (1837); 6 St. Nicholas Lane (1838); both in Aberdeen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RAMAGE, CHARLES Scotland, fl.1845-60, NIM OIM PHIM partner in Smith and Ramage; see John Ramage 1 and 2; see Ramage and Co. 45 Regents Quay, Aberdeen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RAMAGE, JOHN 1 Scotland, fl.1806-35, OIM PHIM Telescope, single draw = Christie-SK 11/27/86. made large teescopes; probably was also a barometer maker. 85 Broad Street (1824-29); 39 Union Street (1831-35); both in Aberdeen. Taylor 2(1202); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RAMAGE, JOHN 2 Scotland, fl.1835-36, OIM PHIM might have made barometers; possibly the son of John Ramage 1; see Ramage and Co.; see Smith and Ramage. 39 Union Street (1835); 104 Union Street (1836); both in Aberdeen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RAMAS, P. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. probably P. Ramos, which see. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RAMIRES, FRANCISCO Spain?, 1853, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1853 = Soth. 5/29/61. RSW. suggest correction
RAMME, EDWARD England, c.1634, MIM apprenticed to John Blighton 1 in the Grocers' Company, June 24, 1626; free in the Company Aug. 5, 1634. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RAMMINGER, JAKOB Germany, 1594, MIM Miner's Compass, 1594 = BM; Pedometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. the compass is marked "alias Scriba"; the pedometer is signed "Jac. Ram. D. Scriba"; Ramminger invented this type of pedometer. Stuttgart. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
RAMOS, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see P. Ramas. 281 Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RAMPAART, VAN see Petrus ab Aggere. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
RAMPOLDI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 4/28/88. Huntingdon. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RAMPOLDI, J. England, fl.1851-53, PHIM barometer maker. 22 Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RAMSBECK Austria, c.1772, MIM OIM see Schreibelmayer und Ramsbeck. Vienna. Daumas 1. suggest correction
RAMSDEN, JESSE England, 1735-1800, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM one of the most famous mechanics of his time; developed one of the first dividing engines ever built; made many of the most important astronomical and surveying instruments used in England and on the continent; by 1789 he had made over 1000 sextants; his instruments are to be found in many of the principal museums. apprenticed to J. Burton, MIM, in 1758; started business in 1762; married Sarah Dollond; invented the opthalmometer; made improvements in electrostatic machines & precision balances; some of the optics for his instruments were made by his brothers-in-law Peter and John Dollond 2; made F.R.S. in 1768. 199 Piccadilly, opposite Sackville Street, London. Taylor 2(526); DNB; DSB; Maddison 1; Bryden 11; E. Hall; RSW; Goodison 1; USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Coffeen 27. suggest correction
RAMSEY, HENRY T. England, NIM Octant, case = HAM. Lowgate, Hull. RSW. suggest correction
RAND, J. England, c.1799, OIM patented a micrometrical stadimeter as a 'military and naval telescope'; author. London. Moskowitz 104; Taylor 2(1029); Dewhirst. suggest correction
RANDALL, JOHN England, fl.1689-1707, MIM apprenticed to William Howe in the Grocer' Company on Sept. 1671; free of the Company on Dec. 2, 1689; took apprentices. Great Minories, London (1693). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RANDALL, RICHARD England, c.1799, apprenticed to George Mills in the Joiners' Company, Feb. 5, 1799. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
RANDALL, WILLIAM England, c.1700, apprenticed to his father, John Randall, in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 10, 1700. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RANDOLL see Randall. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RANDOLPH, T.F. USA, c.1860, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, case = Chillicothe Museum, Ohio. 67 West 6th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
RANDOLPH, T.F., AND BRO. USA, c.1867, MIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compass = Transylvania College. 67 West 6th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
RANNOY, P. GELASIUS VISCHER Germany, 1712, MIM Sundial, stone, 1712 = DEU. Price 2. suggest correction
RANSLEY, W. England, MIM NIM Set of nine Rules, ivory = Phillips 4/20/83; Parallel Rules, wood = NMM. 4 Westminster Bridge Road; Stansgate; both in London. NMM 2; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
RAPKIN England, see Pastorelli and Rapkin. RSW. suggest correction
RAPOSA see A. Goys; see Joa~o de Goes. Stimson 3; Guedes. suggest correction
RASPAIL France, c.1770, OIM made micrscopes. Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
RASPON, RAPHAEL Italy, c.1600, MIM Compass, large, shadow square = POB. MADEX. suggest correction
RASTRELLI, AUGUSTINO Italy, 1719, MIM Reduction Compass, 1719 = FLO-1257. Florence. Michel 3. suggest correction
RATCLIFF, BENJAMIN England, fl.1743-59, MIM Sundial, 1743 = St. Mary's Church, Welshpool. father of Owen Ratcliff; clockmaker. Welshpool. Peate. suggest correction
RATCLIFF, OWEN England, fl.1776-80, MIM Sundial = Castle Caereinion, Montgomeryshire. son of Benjamin Ratcliff; clockmaker. Welshpool. Peate. suggest correction
RATH, H. Germany, c.1867, MIM Mining Gradient Level, 1867 = Christie 12/18/74. Munich. RSW. suggest correction
RATH, PETER Germany, c.1840, MIM PHIM Compass, in case = DEU; Thermometer = DEU; Barometer = DEU. Munich. Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
RATHBONE, AARON England, 1572-1618, designed a reducing ruler; author. Yorkshire. Taylor 1(91). suggest correction
RATTENBURY, WILLIAM GEORGE England, c.1816, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1976). apprenticed to James Ripley in the Grocers' Company, Oct. 3, 1816. Stratton. j. Brown 2; RSW. suggest correction
RATTKNECHT, CHRISTOPH Austria, c.1739, MIM Graphometer, 1739 = SAL. Salzburg. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
RATTKNECHT, JOHANN-CHRISTOPH Austria, c.1670, MIM Sundial = X. Salzburg. Michel 3. suggest correction
RATUS, CARL AUG., BAADEN FR. LIBE Germany, 1766, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1766 = Soth. 5/12/75. RSW. suggest correction
RAVILIUS, ALEX Italy, 1542, MIM Skaphe, ivory and brass, 1537 = OXFB; Armillary Sphere, 1542 = ADL-M2. the armillary is also marked "Io. Thomae Manfredo", probably the owner. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Yonge; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RAVIZZA, AMICINO Italy, 1799, MIM corrected a sundial made by Cocart. Cremona. Evans 1. suggest correction
RAWBENGEL, HANS Germany, 1487, MIM made sundials, 1487. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
RAXTOR, JOHN England, c.1818, MIM SIM John Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RAY England, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. possibly Daniel Ray, c.1790 or William Ray, c.1820, both came from Battle and were watchmakers. Battle. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
RAY AND CO. England, NIM Sextant = Phillips 2/14/79. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
RAY, J., AND CO. England, NIM Sextant with case = D.(1976). Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
RAY, J.W., AND CO. England, Sextants = Christie-SK 2/9/84, D.(1968). may be same as J. Ray and Co., and possibly Ray and Co. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
RAYNER, MICHAEL England, c.1717, MIM apprenticed to to John Patrick 1 in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 22, 1706; free in the Company Jan. 7, 1717. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
RAYNOLD Germany, MIM Alidade = Drouot 4/26/67. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
RAYSON, WILLIAM England, 1683, MIM Quadrant, 1683 = Soth. 7/7/55; Horary Quadrant, Sutton-type, 1683 = WHI. may be only one instrument. Leicester. Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
READ, J. England, PHIM Set of Money Balances = Soth. 11/13/64. St. Ann's Lane, Nr. Aldersgate, London. RSW. suggest correction
READ, JOHN 1 England, fl.1582-1610, MIM worked in wood; made Blagrave's staff in 1590 and Arthur Hopton's staff in 1610; made alidades, squares, compasses, etc; partner of John Thompson 1, and succeeded by him. Hosier Lane, London. Taylor 1(68); Daumas 1; Michel 3; Dewhirst; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
READ, JOHN 2 England, fl.1650, MIM presumably son or nephew of John Read 1; Taylor thought he was partner and successor of Anthony Thompson 1 of Hosier Lane, but Edward Fage could have been the successor. Hosier Lane, Smithfield, London. Taylor 1(243). suggest correction
READ, JOHN 3 England, 1688, MIM Sundial, bronze, 1688 = Soth. 12/13/71 = WHI. Bishop Stortford. Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
READ, SAMUEL England, fl.1742-78, PHIM balance maker; chosen to make étalons of weights in 1742 for comparison by the Royal Society and the French Academy; partner of Charles De Grave and succeeded by him in 1780. London. Taylor 2(398); Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
READE variant spelling for Read. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
READE, GEORGE England, c.1762, apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on June 1, 1762. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
READING, THOMAS Ireland, fl.1752-68, MIM surveyer; apprenticed to Gabriel Stokes. Georges Lane, near Stephens Street, Dublin. Bryden 9. suggest correction
REALINI, C. England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Jared Coffin House, Nantucket, Mass., X (2), Soth.-PB pre-1980, Soth. 12/14/89 and 12/14/95. Preston. RSW. suggest correction
REALINI, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). Newcastle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
REARDON, JOHN England, c.1838, OIM 42 Gaston Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(2217). suggest correction
REAUMUR, RENE ANTOINE FERCHAULT DE France, 1683-1757, Réné Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur; designed a thermometer scale, with 0° as freezing and 80° as boiling; physicist. La Bermondiere. USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Daumas 1. suggest correction
REBALLIO EN ZOON Holland, c.1800, PHIM Hydrometer and Thermometer = USNM. Rotterdam. USNM. suggest correction
REBALLIO, A. Holland, c.1790, OIM PHIM Instrument = LEY; Telescope = Christie-SK 4/14/89. Rotterdam. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
REBEIRO, IOZE GABRIEL Spain, c.1790, marked on an English octant; probably the owner. Versailles 4/17/83. suggest correction
RECH, WOLFF Germany, c.1649, MIM sandglass maker. Nürnberg. Lunardi. suggest correction
RECHBERGER, WILHELM Germany, c.1611, wrote about the astrolabe. Augsburg? Zinner 1. suggest correction
RECHTER, JAN 1 Holland, fl.1730-1801, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Planetarium = LEY; Solar Microscope = KEN; Artillery Inclinometers = ADL-M143, Soth. 10/28/63, LEY. Delft. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RECHTER, JAN 2 Holland, 1777-1801, MIM son of Jan Rechter 1. Delft. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
RECORDE, ROBERT England, c.1556, published drawings of portable and standing quadrants. Gunther 2. suggest correction
REDDING, ROSIER England, c.1769, apprenticed to Robert Taylor 2 of the Grocers' Company on July 4, 1769. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
REDMOND Universal Ring Sundial = P.C. (1976). English forgery, probably by Williams; marked "Dublin." Brieux. suggest correction
REED, JAMES USA, 1792-1878, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Alliance Historical Society, Ohio, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C., Michigan Historical Society, Lansing. the Alliance, Ohio instrument is marked "Washington, Pa.", the others "Pittsburgh Pa."; by 1850 the firm was "James Reed and Co."; the later instruments may be by "James Reed and Co." Washington, Pa. (1792-1847); Pittsburgh, Pa. (1847-78). Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
REED, JAMES, AND CO. USA, fl.1847-78, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Michigan Historical Society, Lansing, Michigan. see James Reed. Pittsburgh, Pa. Smart 1; Multhauf 1; RSW. suggest correction
REED, THOMAS, AND CO. England, NIM T.C. Sunderland. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
REEDER, R. USA, c.1847, took out a patent on a mariner's compass, 1847. Cincinnati, Ohio. UANM. suggest correction
REENS, H.A. Holland, 19th Century, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie, April 1978; Telescope = Auction, Dordrecht, June 1975. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
REES, JOHN England, c.1823, apprenticed to James Hamer in the Joiners' Company, Oct. 8, 1823. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
REEVES AND SONS England, 19th Century, MIM Drawing Instrument Set = Christie-SK 7/24/86; Sector, ivory = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96. see William Reeves and Co. London. RSW. suggest correction
REEVES, JOHN England, fl.1679-1710, OIM member of the Turners' Company; son of Richard Reeves 1; the objective lens at KEN may be by John rather than Richard Reeves 1, which see; John is probably the Reeves, Jr. mentioned by Pepys. London. Taylor 1(412); Daumas 1; Evans 1; Court and von Rohr; Latham and Matthews; Robischon 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
REEVES, RICHARD 1 England, fl.1641-89, OIM Telescope = KEN. member of the Turners' Company; made microscopes and lenses for telescopes; worked for Hooke; made a spyglass, a microscope and a scotoscope for Samuel Pepys, 1661-64; made very long telescopes; perspective glass maker to the King; made James Gregory's prototype reflecting telescope. against the Foot and Leg, Long Acre, London. Taylor 1(199); Latham and Williams; Dewhirst; Henry King 1; L. Bell; Court and von Rohr 3(I); Robischon 1; Daumas 1; A.D.C. Simson. suggest correction
REEVES, RICHARD 1 AND JOHN COX England, c.1664, OIM telescope makers. London. Henry King 1. suggest correction
REEVES, RICHARD 2 England, c.1666, OIM telescope maker; son of Richard Reeves 1? or is he the same man? London. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
REEVES, W. England, c.1840, PHIM Syke's Hydrometer = P.C. (1989). adjusted by H.R. Loftus in 1943; see William Reeves and Co. London, possibly 69 EASTCHEAP. RSW. WEBDB. suggest correction
REEVES, WILLIAM USA, 1785, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1785 = VNN. "Reeves, Thomaston, Me." is written in the case. Thomaston, Me. RSW. suggest correction
REEVES, WILLIAM, AND CO. England, c.1850, MIM Double Slide Rule = D.(1989). see Reeves and Sons. London. Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
REGHTER, DAVID Holland, fl.1780-97, PHIM Middelburg. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
REGIOMONTANUS, JOHANNES Germany, 1436-76, MIM Johannes Müller; astronomer, author, published a calendar and ephemerides; designed various astronomical instruments; Zinner attributed a ring sundial, ADL-M307, to Regiomontanus; see Johannes. Königsberg. Zinner 1; Maddison 1 & 2; Michel 3; J.A. Bennett 2; DSB; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
REGNARD FRERES France, MIM Clepsydra = CNAM. Regnard frères. Sens. Con. Nat'l 1; RSW. suggest correction
REGNAULT, HENRI VICTOR France, 1810-78, devised a hygrometer similar to Daniell's. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
REGNIER France, c.1800, MIM Meridian Sundial = CNAM. Régnier. Senaur. RSW. suggest correction
REGNIER, EDWARD France, c.1800, PHIM Dynamometers = USNM, Soth. 10/17/60. à Beau Grenelle, Banlieu de Paris. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
REHE, SAMUEL England, fl.1770-92, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Sir John Soane Museum, London. the barometer is signed "S. Rehe London"; the scale has both French and English inches; worked for John Troughton 2 in 1778; made a copy of Ramsden's dividing engine. Shoe Lane, London. Taylor 2(757); Goodison 1; Bedini 8; Daumas 1; USNM. suggest correction
REICHENBACH UND FRAUENHOFER Germany, c.1810, MIM OIM Telescope = DRE. Munich. RSW. suggest correction
REICHENBACH UND UTZSCHNEIDER Germany, fl.1804-15, MIM OIM Meridian Transit = NOR; Meridian, 1815 = Capodimonte Obs., Naples. Georg von Reichenbach and Joseph von Utzschneider. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
REICHENBACH, GEORG VON Germany, 1772-1826, MIM OIM Altazimuth Instrument, 1814 = Naples Observatory; Dividing Engines, = DEU (1804), SWE (1832); Altazimuth Telescope = PRA; Sextant = DEU; Repeating Theodolite, 1810 = DEU. worked with Joseph Liebherr, 1802-14; joined by Utzschneider in 1804; went with Ertel in 1814. Mannheim. Zinner 1; Daumas 1; Pipping 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
REICHENBACH, UTZSCHNEIDER UND LIEBHERR Germany, c.1804, MIM OIM SIM Georg von Reichenbach, Joseph von Utzschneider and Joseph Liebherr. Munich. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
REICHER, GEORG Germany, c.1674, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
REICHERT, JOHANN Germany, fl.1761-68, PHIM Nest of Weights = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. RSW. suggest correction
REICHLE, MELCHIOR Germany, fl.1568-69, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1568 = BM; Cruciform Sundial, 1569 = BM Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
REICHMANN, JOSEPH: FRAN: ANT: DE Germany, c. 1773, the name is marked on an armillary sphere made by Eiler Christian Hogh, ADL-M9; surely the owner. Engelmann 1; Yonge; Habacher; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
REID Scotland, c.1815, MIM patented a trigonometer. Aberdeen. RSW. suggest correction
REID, ADAM England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Woolwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
REID, ALEXANDER Scotland, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 12/8/76. barometer signed "Alex Reid." 66 Nicholson Street, Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
REID, JOHN England, c.1590, MIM John Blagrave referred to him as an able maker. Darius 3. suggest correction
REIFF, GOTTFRIED Germany, c.1750, MIM Pillar Sundials, wood = MERC = WHI, Soth. 4/18/88. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Hamilton 2; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
REIFFEL, C., AND N. THORN USA, c.1848, MIM patented a new form of dividers in 1848. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
REIGER, P.J. Germany, MIM Sector = Evans Coll. Augsburg. Evans 1. suggest correction
REIGNE France, 18th Century, NIM Octant, wood with silver trim = ROU-79. Marseille. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
REIMANN, I. Germany, c.1850, MIM showed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Berlin, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
REINE, R. England, fl.1673-80, OIM made optical glass. Lime Street, between Leadenhall and Fenchurch Streets, London. Taylor 1(367); Evans 1. suggest correction
REINELT, PAUL Germany, MIM Pair of Globes = Stiftsbibliothek, Braunau in Böhmen. Zinner 1. suggest correction
REINERUS GEMMA same as Gemma Frisius, which see. Baillie 1. suggest correction
REINHOLD, ERASMUS 1 Germany, 1511-55, astronomer; author. Wittenberg. Michel 3. suggest correction
REINHOLD, ERASMUS 2 Germany, c.1576, MIM Tycho Brahe used a large wooden quadrant made by Erasmus Reinhold (2), in 1576. Saalfeld and Wittenberg. Michel 2 & 3. suggest correction
REINHOLD, JOHANNES Germany, fl.1588-92, MIM Celestial Globe, with sundials on base, 1588 = CNAM; Terrestrial Globe, 1588 = NMM; Astrolabe, 1591 = HAY. clockmaker; worked with Georg Roll; see Roll und Reinhold. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Aked; Cons. Nat'l 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
REINMANN Germany, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = BASH. punchmark is a moon. Price 2. suggest correction
REINMANN, BENEDIKTUS Germany, fl.1564-75, MIM Master in 1564; made ivory diptych sundials; sometimes spelled "Reymann." Nürnberg. Michel 3; Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, GEORG 1 Germany, fl.1527-42, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood, 1531 = X; Diptych Sundials, ivory = WHI (1536). not in Bryden 16. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; Evans 1; Lunardi; Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, GEORG 2 Germany, fl.1551-71, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1551 = Wien Mobiliendepot; Diptych Sundial, wood, 1555 = NUR. Master in 1555; Gouk dated him "1555-71." Nürnberg. Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
REINMANN, GEORG 3 Germany, fl.1575-85, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, HANS 1 Germany, 1547-71, MIM Master in 1565; made sundials. Nürnberg. Michel 3; Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, HANS 2 Germany, d.1627, MIM father of Hans Reinmann 3; made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, HANS 3 Germany, d.1628, MIM son of Hans Reinmann 2; made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, HIERONYMUS Germany, fl.1554-69, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = MUN (1554), OXF (1558), NMM (1562), Beauvais Museum (1563), Koller 11/17/75 (1563), (1573), (1561 partial), Sammlung W. Lüdge, Einbeck (1565), NMM (1566), ADL-DPW28 (1569), Huelsmann Coll. (1558). became Master of the Compassmakers' Guild in 1556. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; NMM 2; Gouk 1; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
REINMANN, JORG see Georg Reinmann. Zinner 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, PAULUS Germany, 1557-1609, MIM made many ivory diptych sundials from 1575 to 1609; examples may be seen at ADL, NYM, NMM, UANM, OXF, DEU, KES, HAM, NOR, WHI, HAK, etc.; Horizontal Sundial, 1591 = Drouot 4/7/87; Artillery Levels = DRE (lost), Soth. 3/10/87 (1600). Reinmann's master mark was a crown; M. Lesel used a crown as his master mark from 1609 to 1629. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Morpurgo 2; Lunardi; Brieux 1; Chandler and Vincent; USNM; Hamilton 2; Spitzer Cat.; Bryden 16; Gouk 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
REINTHALER, CHRIST. FRIED. ERNST Germany, 1783, OIM Solar Microscope, 1783 = DRE. Leipzig. Dewhirst; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
REIS, JOSE MARIA DOS Brazil, fl.1837-73, MIM made the azimuth instrument invented by Emmanuel Liais; won medals at Exhibitions between 1861 and 1871 including first prize in the Great Exhibition of 1862 in London. Rua do Hospico, 67,69 & 71, Rio de Janeiro. RSW. suggest correction
REISCH, LEONHARD Germany, c.1701, MIM Celestial Globe, 1701 = Wien Schottenstift. clockmaker; author; the globe is signed "Leonhardus Reisch Algojus." Oberdorf. Zinner 1. suggest correction
REISSIG Germany, c.1803, MIM OIM instrument maker to the court at Kassel. Kassel. Ashbrook. suggest correction
REITA, ANTHONY MARIA VON SCHYRLE DE Germany, 1597-1660, invented a new telescope eyepiece; author. Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
REITER, M. see Prof. Bohme and M. Reiter. RSW. suggest correction
REITZEL, C.A. England?, c.1850, MIM Celestial Globe = Soth. 4/18/88. ten-inch N. Anderson globe constructed by Reitzel. RSW. suggest correction
RELTING, A. c.1760, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
RENARD 1 see Renaud. Pipping 1. suggest correction
RENARD 2 France, c.1750, MIM SIM Graphometer = Koller, May, 1972. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
RENARD, N. France, 18th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, silver = MERC; Universal Ring Sundial, gilt-brass = P-B 1/22/54. Montauban. Michel 3; Hamilton 1; RSW. suggest correction
RENAUD France; Germany, 1790, PHIM Thermometer, 1790 = GEM. Strasbourg; Berlin. Pipping 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
RENAUD, J. France, c.1700, MIM Surveying Instrument = PMM. Daumas thought it was a mariner's astrolabe, but it had been incorrectly restored. Marseilles. Daumas 1; A. Stimson 3; RSW. suggest correction
RENCH, E. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1976). Grey Inn Terrace, London. RSW. suggest correction
RENNISON England, 19th Century, NIM Quadrant = SUN. Station Road, Barry Docks, Sunderland. RSW. suggest correction
RENNISON AND SON England, 19th Century, NIM Octant = D.(1973). North Shields. RSW. suggest correction
RENNOLDSON England, c.1800, MIM Drawing Instrument Set, incomplete = Sotheby's 5/11/94. either J.A. or Isaac Rennoldson; T.C. RSW. suggest correction
RENNOLDSON, ISAAC England, fl.1822-46, MIM OIM succeeded J. Rennoldson, who could have been his father or uncle, in 1822. 5 Cambridge Place, Hackney Road, London. Taylor 2(1682). suggest correction
RENNOLDSON, J. England, fl.1817-22, MIM Sector, ivory = Cooke's Shop, CMY; Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 3/9/64. succeeded by Isaac Rennoldson, which see. 23 Camden Row, Bethnal Green Road, London. Taylor 2(1413); RSW. suggest correction
RENSBERG, NICOLAUS Germany, 1568, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1568 = WUP. the base of the compendium was curved to fit a cannon; a compass was in a Bavarian collection in 1599; mathematician; clockmaker; alternative spelling was "Rensberger." Coburg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Basserman-Jordan 1; RSW. suggest correction
RENWICK, JAMES England, fl.1844-47, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 2 Booths Place, Turnmill Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
REOHAN, THOMAS misreading for Keohan. Taylor 2(2218). suggest correction
REPETTO, M.E., Y CA. Argentina, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. Pulborough 3/1/83. dealers for Negretti and Zambra; barometer marked "Introductones." Buenos Aires. RSW. suggest correction
REPSOLD, A., UND SOHNE Germany, 1867, MIM OIM Adolf Repsold and two of his sons. Hamburg. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
REPSOLD, ADOLF Germany, 1806-71, MIM OIM worked with his brother, Georg; they succeeded their father, Johann Georg Repsold in 1830; the name was changed to A. & G. Repsold; the firm became A. Repsold und Söhne in 1867. Hamburg. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
REPSOLD, ADOLF UND GEORG Germany, fl.1830-67, MIM OIM Heliometer, 1849 = KEN; Telescopes, 1853 = Madrid Observatory. succeeded their father, Johann Georg Repsold in 1830; makers of very fine, large instruments. Hamburg. Pipping 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
REPSOLD, GEORG Germany, 1804-85, MIM OIM worked with his brother, Adolf; they succeeded their father, Johann Georg Repsold, in 1830; the firm was then known as A. & G. Repsold; Georg retired in 1867. Hamburg. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
REPSOLD, JOHANN GEORG Germany, 1771-1830, MIM OIM established his firm in 1802; made precision astronomical instruments; succeeded by his sons, Adolf and Georg Repsold in 1830. Hamburg. Daumas 1; Pipping 1; Pannekoek; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
RESCOW, JOHN England, c.1710, MIM Liverpool. Taylor 2(108); Bryden 9. suggest correction
RESEL, FRANZ Austria, 1759, MIM Table Sundial, 1759 = Linz Museum Depot Hohenfurth; Graphometer = D.(1931); Compass Sundial = MERC-100 = Soth. 12/12/55; Pocket Sundial = BM. compass sundial signed "Fr. Resel Fecit Vienne." Vienna. Zinner 1; Hamilton 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
RESI, HANS name marked on mining compass signed "H.G." (6) at GRA. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
RESLER, ANTON VON Germany, 18th Century, MIM Augsburg-type Sundials = MERC, OXF (2), NOR, Soth. 12/16/63, Munich Auction, 1965. the dial at NOR is signed "Antony Resler." Augsburg. Zinner 1; Hamilton 1; Evans 1; Bobinger 2; RSW. suggest correction
RESTELL England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 1/30/84. Croyden. RSW. suggest correction
RETTING, E. Germany, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = OXF. Zinner 1. suggest correction
REVERE, PAUL USA, 1735-1818, MIM Gunner's Calipers = Bostonian Society, Mass., Paul Revere Memorial Association, Boston, Mass.; Compass Card, 1786 = Yale U. Art Gallery; Balance, weights and case = Paul Revere Memorial Association. silversmith; Revere did the engraving for the paper compass roses for Benjamin Warren's surveying compasses. Boston, Mass. Bedini 8; Price 2; The World of Franklin and Jefferson Exhibition Cat.; Revere Cat. suggest correction
REW, ROBERT England, fl.1755-65, OIM described as one of the workmen of John Dollond 1. London. Taylor 2(528); Daumas 1. suggest correction
REYBORNE, J., AND SONS England, MIM Rule, folding, ivory = Christie-Geneva 11/20/79. RSW. suggest correction
REYMANN see Reinman. Michel 3. suggest correction
REYNERUS, GEMMA see Gemma Frisius. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
REYNOLDS England, c.1850, MIM SIM Level and Inclinometer = D.(1994). probably J.A. Reynolds of J.A. Reynolds and Co. Birmingham. Garcelon 33. suggest correction
REYNOLDS AND CO. 1 England, c.1840, NIM Pelorus = Marine Museum, Horten, Norway; Nautical Instrument = AMST. Tower Hill, London. Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDS AND CO. 2 England, MIM Surveyor's Level = Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83. see J.A. Reynolds and Co. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDS AND WIGGINS England, c.1840, NIM PHIM Sympiesometer = Soth. 12/17/87. William Reynolds and Frederick Wiggins. 82 Minories, London. Taylor 2(2273); RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, G. USA, c.1950, MIM Astrolabe, c.1950 = Pugsley Sale. chief engineer of Winchester Arms Co.; he made many reproductions of instruments for Mr. Edwin Pugsley, the C.E.O. of Winchester Arms Co. New Haven, Conn. Pugsley Sale; RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. St. Austell. Goodison 1. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, J.A., AND CO. England, MIM Rolling Rule = Christie-SK 7/24/86; Surveying Level = Christie-SK 2/8/79. see Reynolds and Co. 2. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, JOHN England, fl.1582-1636, MIM SIM made wooden plane tables, etc; probably a master gunner. Barking Churchyard (All Hallows Church), Tower Street; near Tower Hill; The Tower; all in London. Taylor 1(69); Michel 3; Gunther 4. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, JOSEPH England, c.1691, MIM apprenticed to Richard Whitehead of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 20, 1683; free of the Company, April 6, 1691. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, THOMAS England, c.1719, MIM apprenticed to James Swetman 1 in the Grocers' Company on Mar. 5, 1712; free of the Company, June 23, 1719. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, WILLIAM England, fl.1827-80, MIM merged with John Lilley and Son(s) in 1880, as Lilley and Reynolds Ltd. London. Brewington 1. suggest correction
REYNOLDSON England, c.1800, MIM OIM Mathematical Instrument Set = X.; Pantograph = Christie 4/3/85. St. John's Lane, West Smithfield, London. Taylor 2(1203); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDSON, THOS. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 7 Queen Street, Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RHODES, MANOAH England, c.1841, Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "M. Rhodes Bradford"; he was listed as a jeweler; probably a dealer in barometers. 138 Westgate, Bradford. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
RIBALDI, A. Ireland, PHIM Barometer = D.(1955). Limerick. RSW. suggest correction
RIBALDI, J. Ireland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. Limerick. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIBOLDI, JOSEPH Ireland, 1824, PHIM carver and gilder; may be the same as J. Ribaldi, which see. 122 George's Street, Limerick. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
RIBOLDI, L. Ireland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 5/8/85. Limerick. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
RIBON France, PHIM Balance, small = Chateau de Barbie, Albi. "Balancier." à l'Rue Couronné Cour St. Martin N. 8, Paris? RSW. suggest correction
RIBOUT France, MIM Architect's Scales = WHI. RSW. suggest correction
RIBRIGHT AND SON England, fl.1778-82, OIM George Ribright and his son, Thomas Ribright 2. London. Taylor 2(529)(758); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIBRIGHT, GEORGE England, 1730-90, MIM OIM Sets of Drawing Instruments = Christie-SK 4/17/86, DeLuca 8/1/87 (silver). son of Thomas Ribright 1; apprenticed in 1744; admitted as a foreign Brother to the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct. 3, 1751; took apprentices; took his son Thomas Ribright 2 as partner to become Ribright and Son, in 1788. 40 the Poultry, London (1764 1790). Taylor 2(529); Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(150); RSW. suggest correction
RIBRIGHT, THOMAS 1 England, 1712-72, MIM OIM Case of Instruments with Persective Glass = KBV; Microscope, Culpeper-type = Soth. 3/25/86. apprenticed to Thomas Sterrop 2 in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1726; free in the Company, 1734; Master in the Company, 1758-60; took apprentices; "Optician to his Royal Highness, George, Prince of Wales"; T.C.; patented an etui with a telescope in the middle. at the Golden Spectacles, the Poultry, London. Taylor 2(299); Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 & 7; Evans 1; Delehar 6. suggest correction
RIBRIGHT, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1768-1810, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = P.C. the barometer is signed "T. Ribright"; apprenticed to his father, George Ribright of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1768; free of the Company in 1775; partner with his father as Ribright and Son, 1778-82; on his own, 1783-95. 40 Poultry, London. Taylor 2(758); Goodison 1; Court and von Rohr 3. suggest correction
RICCIOLI Ireland, c.1661, MIM Rule = BRP. Price 2. suggest correction
RICE, THOMAS England, fl.1640-60, MIM gunner at the Tower; made many sundials. The Tower, London. Taylor 1(1960; Evans 1; Gatty. suggest correction
RICH, JAMES England, 1771, NIM Backstaff, wood, 1771 = D.(1973). Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
RICH, MOSES England, NIM Octant = Woodman Institute, New Hampshire. London. USNM. suggest correction
RICHARD OF WALLINGFORD England, born c.1292-1335, MIM Abbott of St. Albans; member of the "Merton School"; instrument maker and astronomer; among his inventions are the rectangulus and the albion (1326); made an astronomical clock, c. 1320. Oxford; Wallingford. Gunther 2; North 4; Michel 3 & 5; Needham 1. suggest correction
RICHARD, C.A. USA, fl.1845-60, PHIM barometer maker. High Street, next door south of Mrs. Robinson's City House, Columbus, Ohio. E.D. Beckman. suggest correction
RICHARDS, DAVID England, c.1834, OIM also made chronometers. 27 Church Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1978). suggest correction
RICHARDS, ESTHER England, fl.1801-08, MIM rule maker. 94 Lichfield Street (1801); 95 Lichfield Street (1808); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RICHARDS, JOHN 1 England, c.1802, apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 2, 1800; turned over to Charles Fairbone 2 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 8, 1802; may be the same as John Richards 2. J. Brown 1; RSW. suggest correction
RICHARDS, JOHN 2 England, c.1818, MIM rule maker; may be the same as John Richards 1. Lichfield Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
RICHARDS, WILLIAM England, fl.1787-97, MIM rule maker; worked in boxwood and ivory. 14 Lichfield Street (1787); Lichfield Street (1797); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RICHARDSON, GEORGE England, fl.1807-30, MIM NIM OIM Octant = AMST; Telescope = Christie-SK 7/10/80; Sextant = Cohasset Historical Society, Mass. apprenticed in 1784; T.C., "late foreman to Mr. Chas. Lincoln", "Real Manufacturer." 18 Leadenhall Street (1807); 7 St. Catherines Street, near the Tower (1808-17); 12 Upper East Smithfield (1821); 38 Windham Street, New Road, Marylebone (1826); all in London. Taylor 2(1205); Mörzer Bruyns 1; Crawforth 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
RICHARDSON, JOHN 1 England, fl.1797-1819, OIM held a patent on a machine to polish glasses in 1797; became Richardson and Sons by 1819. 26 Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields (1808); 1 Drury Lane (1810); 22 Little Queen Street, Holborne (1814); all in London. Taylor 2(1031). suggest correction
RICHARDSON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1801-27, OIM apprenticed to his father Winstanley Richardson in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1794; free in the Company, Jan. 15, 1801. 16 Somerset Street, Aldgate, London (1801-27). Taylor 2(1206); Court and von Rohr 3(230). suggest correction
RICHARDSON, JOSEPH USA, PHIM Gold balances (3) in case = Soth. 1/22/25. Philadelphia, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
RICHARDSON, MATTHEW England, fl.1737-52, OIM probably father of Winstanley Richardson; apprenticed to Edward Scarlett 1 of the Spectaclemakers' Company on June 10, 1730, free of the Company Dec. 27, 1737; T.C.; "Optician to his Majesty." at Sir Isaac Newton's Head and Golden Spectacles against York Buildings, in ye Strand, London. Taylor 2(400); Court and von Rohr 3(131); Calvert 2; Clay and Court; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
RICHARDSON, WILLIAM Ireland, fl.1784-86, OIM optician. 4 East Cole Alley, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
RICHARDSON, WINSTANLEY England, fl.1771-1807, OIM apprenticed to Thomas Lincoln of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct. 4, 1753; free of the Company, Sept. 30, 1773; took his son, John Richardson 2 as an apprentice. Irongate, London (1807). Court and von Rohr 3(165). suggest correction
RICHBOURG France, MIM Universal Sundial = Soth. 5/29/61. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
RICHER France, son of Jean-François Richer. Daumas 1. suggest correction
RICHER, JEAN-FRANCOIS France, 1743-1820, MIM NIM SIM Tellurium = BMR; Graphometers = P.C. (1987) (1807) (2), A-P 3/15/76 (1807), D.(1985), Versailles 11/20/83, Soth. 4/29/77; Magnetic Compass, 1807 = Picard, Drouot Richelieu, 12/11/91; Transit Circles = P.C., Ineichen 10/20/75; Sextant = Historical Society of Delaware; Y-Level = Franklin Institute Philadelphia, Pa.; Marine Compass = VNN; Terrestrial Globe = P.C.; Slide Rules = P.C.(1987), D.(1993). Jean-François Richer; all his instruments are signed simply "Richer à Paris"; scale on Mossy barometer of 1789 is marked "Divisé par Richer"; the tellurium was marked "invented by Abbé Grenet." L' Hermite, Paris. Daumas 1; USNM; Moskowitz 103; Coffeen 10 and 43; Darius 4; RSW. suggest correction
RICHER, MAISON France, OIM Telescopic Level = Versailles 4/17/83. the level is signed "Maison Richer L'Hermite Le Jars successeurs à Paris." L'Hermite, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
RICHLOT Germany, MIM Mining Set = HAK. RSW. suggest correction
RICHTER, E.O., AND CO. England, MIM Draftsman's Kit = Weschler 5/22/76. RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
RICHTER, JOHANNES see Praetorius. Michel 3. suggest correction
RICKARDS, JOSEPH England, apprenticed to William Elliot 1 in the Joiners' Company on April 30, 1816. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
RICKETT, W. England, c.1786, OIM Horary Quadrant = KEN. Taylor 2(885); Daumas 1. suggest correction
RIDEL France, NIM Marine Compass = Historical Society of Old Newbury, Mass. Nantes. USNM. suggest correction
RIDER, JOB Ireland, fl.1805-09, partner of Henry Gardner, 1805-09; watch and clock maker. Belfast. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
RIDER, WILLIAM England, fl.1832-34, MIM NIM OIM PHIM advertised sextants. 22 Ashton Street, Poplar, Borough, London. Taylor 2(1684); O'Mara. suggest correction
RIDLEY, MARK England, 1560-1624, MIM author; sundial maker. Cambridge. Taylor 1(56). suggest correction
RIEBENHAUSEN Germany, 17th Century, MIM SIM Circumferentor = Munich Geodätisches Institut. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RIEDIG, M.C.G. Germany, 1820-22, MIM Celestial Globe, 1822 = DRE; Terrestrial Globe, 1820 = DRE. Leipzig. RSW. suggest correction
RIEDIGER, ADAM Switzerland, c.1735, MIM Table Sundial, 1735 = STU; Celestial Globe = Bern Stadtbibliothek. Berne. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RIEFLER, CLEMENS Germany, fl.1841-76, MIM Ellipsograph = Christie 12/8/76. made precision clocks and drawing insruments. Nesselwang; Munich, Bavaria. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
RIEGE, GEORG Germany, c.1699, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory, = Drecker = ADL-DPW23 (1699), D.(1972). the master mark is a three-leaf clover. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 2; Gouk 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RIENKS, SYDS JOHANNES Z. Holland, 1770-1845, OIM Telescopes = AMST (1824), LEY (1825), BRO (1825), Eisinga's House, Franekar (1830); Microscopes = TEY (1825), KEN (1826), etc. worked with Argen Roelofs; worked alone by 1826. Ferwerderadeel; Leiden. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Daumas 1; Insley 1; Dewhirst 1; Clay and Court; Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIEPENHAUSEN, J.C. MIM Analemmatic Sundial = MLL. RSW. suggest correction
RIESEN, A.B. marked on a surveying instrument signed "C.T.F. Anno 1589 M.S." at DRE; it is "M.S." (5). RSW. suggest correction
RIESS, PROF. Germany, 1840, MIM Chronoscope, 1840 = WUP. Stuttgart. RSW. suggest correction
RIGAUD, DE SAINT France, c.1610, designed the capuchin sundial. Cousins. suggest correction
RIGG, CUTHBERT 1708, Instrument, 1708 = University of Miss. owner? Price 2. suggest correction
RIGGS AND BROTHER USA, c.1845, NIM Marine Compasses = MYS, D.(1970); Sextants = MYS, D.(1970). company founded in 1818 by William H.C. Riggs; the firm was also a retailer of navigating instruments; the Philadelphia Maritime Museum has a sextant made by Heather but bearing their name. 310 Market Street, Philadelphia Pa. USNM; Moskowitz 101; RSW. suggest correction
RIGGS AND BROTHERS USA, c.1840, NIM Pelorus, 1840 = Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Il.; Sextant = D.(1972). see William H.C. Riggs. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM; Moskowitz 104; RSW. suggest correction
RIGGS AND CO. USA, c.1825, NIM Marine Compass = D.(1972). Philadelphia, Pa. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
RIGGS, WILLIAM H.C. USA, fl.1818-36, NIM Box Compass, 1836 = Atwater Kent Museum, Philadelphia, Pa. maker and retailer of nautical instruments; established an observatory in 1820. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM; Moskowitz 104; RSW. suggest correction
RIJSMA, A. Holland, MIM Orrery = Phillips 5/20/75. Steijnmoller. RSW. suggest correction
RIKER, J.L. AND D.J. USA, c.1847, MIM PHIM made an orrery and other astronomical instruments; prize winning magnetic apparatus shown at the American Institute Fair, Oct. 1847. 78 Suffolk Street, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
RILEY AND STEVENS USA, PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN. New Orleans, La. RSW. suggest correction
RIMMINGTON 1 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 5/1/86. Lubenham. RSW. suggest correction
RIMMINGTON 2 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. Bradford. RSW. suggest correction
RIMONDI, CHARLES England, fl.1841-66, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3). watch and clockmaker; jeweler; made? and sold barometers; the wheel barometers are signed "C. Rimondi." 1 Union Street (1837); 8 Waterhouse Street (1850-66); both in Halifax. Goodison 1; Loomes. suggest correction
RINALDINI Italy, 17th Century, MIM Quadrant = Geographical Institute, Florence. RSW. suggest correction
RING Germany, c.1800, MIM OIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = WHI. microscope maker. Berlin. Bryden 16; Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
RINGELBERGH, JOACHIM STERCK VAN Antwerp, fl.1499-1536, MIM he was reported to have made a ring sundial. Ringelberg. Zinner 1. WEBDB. suggest correction
RINSEN, ANTHONY Hollandfl.1748-65, MIM PHIM Daumas listed him as English. Leiden. Daumas 1; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
RINSEN, J. VAN Holland, c.1750, PHIM made air pumps. Leiden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
RIPARMENTI France, c.1820, PHIM Marine Barometer = D.(1983). Bordeaux. Wynter; RSW. suggest correction
RIPLEY AND SON England, fl.1800-07, MIM NIM Quintant = X.; Octants = X, VNN, Christie 4/3/85, Christie-SK 2/8/79, Fall River Historical Society, Mass.; Hadley Quadrant = P.C. Thomas Ripley 1 and his son James Ripley; the octant offered by Christie-SK was misread as "Ripley and Sons." 364 Hermitage Bridge Road, Wapping (1797); 335 High Street, Wapping (1805); both in London. Taylor 2(760 & 1208); J. Brown 1; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
RIPLEY, JAMES England, fl.1796-1828, MIM NIM apprenticed to his father, Thomas Ripley 1, in the Grocers' Company, June 6, 1782; free in the Company April 7, 1796; partner with his father 1800-07; worked alone 1807-22; took apprentices after 1800. 15 Warkworth Terrace, Commercial Road, Limehouse; 364 Hermitage Bridge Road, Wapping (1800-05); 352 High Street, Wapping (1805-22); 335 Hermitage Bridge Road, Wapping (1828); all in London. Taylor 2(760 & 1208); J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
RIPLEY, THOMAS (1), AND CO. England, c.1790, MIM NIM may be Thomas (1) and his son, James Ripley. 364, near Hemitige Bridge, below the Tower, London. Clay and Court. suggest correction
RIPLEY, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1763-1807, MIM NIM OIM Hadley Quadrants = PEA (1773), OMM (1775 & 1779), STK (1782), FRK (1770), Soth, 3/25/86; Octants = USNM, Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa.; Telescope, four-draw = Christie-SK 11/15/79. apprenticed to John Gilbert 2 in the Grocers' Company on Dec. 5, 1755; free in the Company, April 12, 1763; took apprentices, including his son James Ripley; James was his partner from 1800 to 1807. Baker's Building, New Broad Street (1763 & 1770); at the Globe Quadrant and Sectacles, near Hermitage Bridge below the Tower, Wapping (1765); 364 Hermitage Bridge, below the Tower (1773; all in london. Taylor 2(760); J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1 & 7; Multhauf 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
RIPLEY, THOMAS 2 England, c.1778, apprenticed to Thomas Ripley 1, his father, in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 10, 1778. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RIPLEY, THOMAS 3 England, pre-1813, MIM Hakney. RSW. suggest correction
RIPLEY, THOMAS BRAND England, c.1805, apprenticed to James Ripley of the Grocers' Company in 1805; grandson of Thomas Ripley 1. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RIQUET France, MIM Wall Sundial = Cie. du Canal du Midi, Toulouse. see Maison Riguet. Boursier. suggest correction
RIQUET, MAISON France, MIM Wall Sundial = house at Echirolles (Haute Garonne). see Riquet. Boursier. suggest correction
RISE, WILLIAM England, c.1806, apprenticed to John Symons of the Grocer's Company, July 3, 1806; turned over to John Lee, April 15, 1810. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
RISSO, JOHN 1 Scotland, c.1783, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. Saltmarket, Glasgow. Bryden 3 & 10; Goodison 1. suggest correction
RISSO, JOHN 2 England, c.1805, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Lotherton Hall; Stick Barometer = Temple Newsham; both in Leeds. Leeds. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RITCHIE, ANDREW ELIOT USA, 1878-1935, MIM NIM PHIM SIM succeeded his father, Andrew Montgomery Ritchie, as head of the firm "Edward S. Ritchie and Sons", 1916-35. Brookline, Mass. (1878-1935). Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHIE, ANDREW MONTGOMERY USA, 1849-1916, MIM NIM PHIM SIM joined his father, Edward S. Ritchie and his brothers, Thomas Pope and John Ritchie in Edward S. Ritchie and Sons, 1872-1916; his son Andrew Eliot Ritchie succeeded him. New Bedford (1849); Boston (1850-86); Brookline (1886-1916); all in Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHIE, E.S., AND SONS USA, fl.1886-1953, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Edward S. Ritchie and Sons changed its name to E.S. Ritchie and Sons in 1886. Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHIE, EDWARD S., AND SON USA, fl.1866-67, MIM NIM PHIM Edward Samuel Ritchie and his son, Thomas Pope Ritchie. Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHIE, EDWARD S., AND SONS USA, fl.1867-1937, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Electrical machine = Searsport Historical Society, Me.; Liquid Compass = D.(19720. Edward S. Ritchie and his sons, Thomas Pope and John Ritchie, 1867-72; after 1872 the youngest son, Andrew Montgomery Ritchie joined the firm; in 1886 the firm became E.S. Ritchie and Sons; Andrew's son, Andrew Eliot Ritchie ran the firm from 1916-35; T.S. and J.D. Negus bought the company in 1937 and sold it to the Sherman Brothers in 1953, they moved to Pembroke, Mass. at that time. Boston (1867-86); Brookline (1886-1953); Pembroke (1953); all in Mass. Smart 1; Moskowitz 104; RSW. suggest correction
RITCHIE, EDWARD SAMUEL USA, 1814-95, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Marine Liquid Compasses = LOS, D.(1972), Maine Historical Society, Augusta, USNM. worked with Ashur C. Palmer as Palmer and Ritchie, hardware, 1839-42; in business for himself, 1842-50, as a ship's chandler; from 1850-54 he worked with Nathan B. Chamberlain as Chamberlain and Ritchie, PHIMs; worked alone, 1854-62; then took John Kehew as partner as E.S. Ritchie and Co. until 1864; by 1866 the firm was E.S. Ritchie and Son, which see; E.S. Ritchie developed a liquid compass, adopted by the U.S. Navy. Boston (1839-42), (1850-86); New Bedford (1842-49), Brookline 1886-95; all in Mass. Smart 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Bedini 8; USNM; Moskowitz 103; RSW. suggest correction
RITCHIE, JOHN USA, 1844-1902, MIM NIM PHIM SIM middle son of Edward S. Ritchie; joined his father and brother, Thomas Pope Ritchie, as Edward S. Ritchie and Sons in 1867. New Bedford (1844-49); Boston (1849-86); Brookline (1886-1902); all in Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHIE, THOMAS POPE USA, 1842-1914, MIM NIM PHIM SIM worked with his father as Edward S. Ritchie and Son, 1866-67; his brother, John, joined them in 1867; in 1872 another brother, Andrew Montgomery Ritchie, entered the firm of E.S. Ritchie and Sons. New Bedford (1842-50); Boston (1850-86); Brookline (1886-1914); all in Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHINGHAM England, c.1790, NIM OIM Sextant = NMM-S.35. London. Taylor 2(1033); NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE USA, c.1780, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = USNM could be David or Benjamin Rittenhouse. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE AND COMPY. USA, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = New Salem Park Museum, Il. Smart thought this instrument was made by David Rittenhouse, c.1782, basing his opinion on the simplicity of the compass face; Forman felt it was made by Benjamin Rittenhouse and his son, David Rittenhouse 2. Worcester Township, Pa. Smart 1; B.R. Forman. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE AND EVANS USA, fl.1798-1801, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, USNM. Benjamin Rittenhouse and Benjamin Evans, his newphew and former apprentice. Worcester Township, Pa. Bedini 8; Smart 1; Coffeen A; USNM; B.R. Forman; RSW. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE AND POTTS USA, fl.1796-98, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = D.(1982), D.(1996), APS, P.C., Winterthur Museum, Del. Benjamin Rittenhouse and William Lukens Potts. Worcester Township, Pa. Multhhauf 1; Bedini 8; Smart 1; Coffeen A and 55; USNM; B.R. Forman; RSW. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE, BENJAMIN USA, 1740-1825, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Atwater Kent Museum and the Franklin Institute (1786) of Philadelphia Pa., Buffalo Historical Society, N.Y., USNM, P.C. (1790), ADL-A26 (1790), Valley Forge Historical Society Pa. (1790), GUR, Ohio State Museum, Columbus (1787), Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn Mich, D., Michigan Museum of Surveying, Lansing, etc. brother of David Rittenhouse 1; clock and instrument maker; his dated works range from 1786 to 1792; bankrupt in 1801; see Rittenhouse and Evans. Norriton, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa. (1807-25) Multhauf 1; Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; Coffeen 14, 21 and 26; USNM; B.R. Forman; Leiserowitz; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE, BENJAMIN AND J. THOMAS USA, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = D.(1978). Antiques, June, 1978. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE, DAVID 1 USA, 1732-96, MIM OIM SIM Orreries = University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, N.J.; Astronomical Clocks = USNM, APS; Zenith Telescope = USNM; Surveyor's Compasses = USNM, New York State Library, Albany, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and the Germantown Historical Society both in Philadelphia, Pa., Historical Society of Montgomery County, Norristown, Pa., GUR; etc. astronomer, clockmaker; F.R.S.; A.P.S.; built the first American observatory; brother of Benjamin Rittenhouse; the first two surveyor's compasses listed were made for George Washington. Norriton Township, Pa. (1732-70); Philadelphia Pa. (1770-96). Multhauf 1; Smart 1; Bedini 1 & 8; USNM; Rice; B.R. Forman; RSW. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE, DAVID 2 USA, c.1800, MIM SIM probably the son of Benjamin Rittenhouse; see Rittenhouse and Compy. Worcester Township, Pa. B.R. Forman. suggest correction
RITTER, FRANZ Germany, fl.1609-40, MIM Astrolabe, wood, 1613 (ICA-611) = Lüneburg Museum; Astrolabes = MAA (ICA-465), DEU (ICA-619). author; wrote on the astrolabe; ICA-288 is a plate from Ritter's book on the astrolabe reproduced by Gunther in "Astrolabes of the World." Nürnburg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA-2; RSW. suggest correction
RITTLER, EUSTACH Germany, 1826, MIM Beam Compass, 1826 = AUG. RSW. suggest correction
RITTSON, J. England, c.1820, PHIM Stick Barometers = K. & C. 12/3//75, D.(1977). the barometer offered by the dealer is of padouk wood and was signed "Rittson." RSW. suggest correction
RIVA Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). could be A. (1), C., J., or M. Riva, which see. Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA AND BEARELLI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 1/26/90. may be F. Riva, which see. Reading. RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, A. 1 Scotland, c.1823, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Riva; carver, gilder. 70 East High Street, Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA, A. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Marlborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA, C. Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Riva and Bearelli. Reading. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, FERDINANDO England, fl.1830-34, OIM PHIM barometer maker. 7 Watson Walk, Sheffield. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1979). suggest correction
RIVA, G. AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA, GIOVANNI Italyc.1750, MIM SIM Magnetic Compasses for plane tables = P.C., P.C. (1987); Compass box, 1750 = BM. Venice. Price 3; RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, J. Scotland, OIM Refracting Telescope = FRK, P.C. RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, J. AND M. Scotland, fl.1825-60, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, D.(1976). J. and Michael Riva; probably dealers in barometers. 70 High Street (1825); 143 High Street (1826-50); 147 High Street (1850-57); 63 John Street (1857-60); all in Glasgow. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, MICHAEL Scotland, c.1827, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 2/28/80. see J. and M. Riva; the barometers are signed "M. Riva Glasgow." 143 High Street, Glasgow. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, P. Scotland, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 12/12/89. Edinburgh. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, P., AND CO. Scotland, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA, S. MIM Compass = ROM RSW. suggest correction
RIVARD France, c.1750, author; wrote on sundials. RSW. suggest correction
RIVERS, JOHN England, fl.1822-35, MIM barometer maker. Wind Street (1822); Goat Street (1830); High Street (1835); all in Swansea. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1980). suggest correction
RIVIERO, DIEGO Spain, c.1523, MIM made astrolabes, etc. Seville. Michel 3. suggest correction
RIVINGTON, JAMES USA, c.1778, advertised Peter Dollond's telescopes for sale, May, 1778. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
RIVOLTA 1 Scotland, c.1844, PHIM see Lilly and Rivolta 1; probably Stephen Lilly. Bell 2. suggest correction
RIVOLTA 2 England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1987). RSW. suggest correction
RIVOLTA AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, A. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3). might be A. (2), Alex or Anthony Rivolta as no town is given. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, A. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3), Soth. 7/21/83; Wheel Barometer, Thermometer and Hydrometer = Soth.-C 5/16/85. may be A. Rivolta 1. Chester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, ALEX England, fl.1817-19, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. signed "A. Rivolta 32 Brook Street." 11 Brook Street (1817-18); 32 Brook Street (1819); both in Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, ANTHONY England, fl.1822-61, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 1/27/89. also made thermometers and looking glasses; see A. Rivolta 1; the barometer is signed "A. Rivolta" 1 plus address. 32 Brook Street, Holborn (1822-45); 21 Lower Calthorpe Street; both in London. Goodison 1; RSW.. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, D. 1 PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be the same as D. Rivolta 2, which see. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, D. 2 Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = RSM. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, F. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Macclesfield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, F. 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, F., AND CO. England, c.1775, PHIM Wheel Barometer = 1975 Auction Cat. F. Rivolta (1) and Co. Macclesfield. RSW. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, J., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. might be F. Rivolta and Co. Macclesfield. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOTTA England, see Marzoratti and Rivotta; F. Rivolta 2 ? Bell 2. suggest correction
RIX, J. England, fl.1750-60, MIM Cometarium = USNM; Slide Rules = P.C., D.(1982); Slide Rule, 1758 = X. watch and clockmaker; slide rule signed "Rix maker 1758" and marked "For the excise." in Shrewsbury Court, in White Cross Street, near Cripplegate, London. Taylor 2(530); A.J. Turner 10; Clay and Court; Coffeen F; RSW. suggest correction
RIX, WILLIAM England, c.1740, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 1; made slide rules. at the Mariner and Globe, facing the lower End of the Old Jewry, London. Darius 2. suggest correction
RIZAUD France, instrument maker. Paris. Evans 1. suggest correction
RIZZI, A. England, PHIM T.C. on the back of a wheel barometer. RSW. suggest correction
RIZZO, DOMENICO Italy, 17th Century, MIM Boxed Magnetic Compass = ADL-M224. the name is on the lid of the box, together with the figure of a man; might well be the name of the owner. Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROACH AND WARNER USA, fl.1837-42, MIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = ADL-A118, P.C. John Roach and Henry Warner; they were partners from 1837 to 1842. 293 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROACH, JOHN Ireland; USA, 1813-91, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Mackay School of Mines, Reno, Nev., Michigan State University Museum, East Lansing, P.C.; Y-Level = USNM. worked alone in New York from 1833 to 1837 and again from 1843 to 1861; worked with Warner as Roach and Warner from 1837 to 1842; worked with Joseph Charles Sala from 1861 to 1891 when Sala succeeded him. Cork (1813-33); 116 White (1833-35); 3 Wall Street (1836-37); 293 Broadway (1837-42); 72 Nassau (1842-43); the last five all in New York, N.Y; 720 California Stret (1855-90); 429 Montgomery Street (1891); last two in San Francisco, Cal. Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
ROACH, L. USA, c.1850, PHIM Barometer = Nat'l Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
ROBB, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1776-1816, PHIM Angle Barometers = X (2), D.(1963) (2). one of the X barometers is also marked "David Milne, Carnbegg" and was possibly made by B. Knie; Robb is listed as a clockmaker. Montrose. Goodison 1 & 5; RSW. suggest correction
ROBBINS, J. AND C. England, 19th Century, OIM Microscope = Phillips 10/26/83. 9 Bartholomew Close, London. RSW. suggest correction
ROBELOU, ISAAC England, c.1719, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1719 = KEN. London. Goodison 1; McConnell 1. suggest correction
ROBEQUI, JOSEPH MARIE France, c.1775, invented a plotting protractor which was made by Jules Borromei in 1775, ADL-M98. Daumas 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT France, c.1840, PHIM Barometer = Versailles 11/20/83. signed "Robert opticien" with address. passage Saint-Pierre, N. 4, Versailles. RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT DE VAUGONDY France, fl.1645-50, MIM Planetarium, 1650 = ROU-61. author of book published in 1645; surely related to Gilles and Didier Robert de Vaugondy, which see. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, DIDIER France, 1723-86, MIM son of Gilles Robert de Vaugondy and worked with him; made armillary spheres and globes. Paris. Yonge; Michel 3. suggest correction
ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, GILLES France, 1688-1766, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1750 = CNAM; Pair of Globes = VNN. father of Didier Robert de Vaugondy who worked with him in producing maps, globes and atlases; grandson of Nicolas Sanson; the VNN terrestrial globe was corrected by Delamarche in 1787. Paris. Yonge; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT OF CHESTER England, c.1140, MIM Chester. Gunther 3. suggest correction
ROBERT, HENRI 1 France, 17th Century, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = ROU-103. Marseilles. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT, HENRI 2 see MM. de Peyronny et Henri Robert. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT, HENRY France, 1833, MIM Astronomical Demonstration Device = D.(1985); Horizontal Sundial = Wray-102; Pillar Sundials in cardboard tubes with the equation of time scales = ADL-N27, TIM, WHI(FIT), CHF, BM, NMM, CNAM, WUP, Cranbrook Institute of Science, Mich., D.(1997), Soth. 12/12/55, Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96; etc. "Horloger de la Marine, Breveté S.G.D.G"; D. pillar dial signed "Horloger de la Reine"; pupil of Breguet; advertisement in La Gazette de France (1833) (Price Coll.); Gersaint is for 46°; pillar dials sold for 5 francs au Palais Royal, No. 164 au p/er (anci/ne maison Laresche); Rue du Coq St. Honoré, No. 8; both in Paris. Bryden 16; Michel 3; USNM; MADEX; Dewhirst; NMM 2; Coffeen 56; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT, JONA FRANCIS Holland, fl.1783-86, made the ecliptic circle for the orrery by Eeckhout. Middleburg. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ROBERT, MASTER France, 1377, MIM sundial maker; made an almanac for the Duke of Burgundy in 1377. Dijon. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
ROBERT, THEODORE England, NIM Sextant = D.(1976). 34 Strand Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
ROBERTS 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Stonehouse. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROBERTS 2 England, NIM see Simpson and Roberts. 34 Strand Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
ROBERTS, EDWARD 1 England, fl.1742-85, MIM Slide Rules = P.C. (1754), (1755), Christie 12/14/89 (pre-1758). apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 1 in the Joiners' Company on April 3, 1733; free in the Company, April 6, 1742; took apprentices; Christie slide rule carries owner's name and date, "Edward Dawson. Mansfield. 1758." Old Jewry (1749-57); Dove Court, Old Jewry (1778-82); both in London. Crawforth 7; Delehar 2; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERTS, EDWARD 2 England, fl.1785-96, MIM Slide Rule, Everard-type, wood, 1791 = X; Slide Rule, three slides, wood = ADL-N37, Christie-SK 6/2/83; Gauging Slide Rule, Verie-type, wood = X; Slide Rule, four slides, wood = D.(1991). apprenticed to his father, Edward Roberts 1, in the Joiners' Company on July 19, 1763; free of the Company, May 3, 1785. (at his father's) 3 Dove Court, Old Jewry (1785); Grocer's Alley; both in London. Taylor 2(1034); Crawforth 7; Bryden 9; Clay and Court; Darius 2; Delehar 9; Gemmary III; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERTS, GEORGE England, c.1765, apprenticed to his father, Edward Roberts 1, in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 29, 1765. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROBERTS, HENRY England, c.1834, OIM 48 Inge Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1981). suggest correction
ROBERTS, JONATHAN England, fl.1681-1727, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Howe in the Broderers' Company; free of the Company, Feb. 3, 1681; took apprentices. at a Cookes against ye Red Cross in East Smithfield (1681); Fleet Street (1700); both in London. Crawforth 7; J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ROBERTS, RICHARD England, 18th Century, PHIM balance maker. Bartholomew Lane, near the Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 2(1036). suggest correction
ROBERTS, SAMUEL England, fl.1755-1800, MIM Sundials = Churchyards at Llonbrynmair, Llanfair Caereimion, and Manafan, Mont. Llanfair Caereinion. Peate. suggest correction
ROBERTS, THOMAS England, pre-1864, OIM Telescope = D.(1989). 3 Strand Street, Liverpool. Rinaldi 23. suggest correction
ROBERTS, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1700-21, MIM apprenticed to Jonathan Roberts in the Broderers' Ccompany on July 2, 1688; free in the Company, Feb. 3, 1700; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROBERTS, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1773, apprenticed to Edward Roberts 1 (his grandfather?) in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 7, 1773. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROBERTS, WILLIAM 3 England, fl.1822-41, MIM made rules of boxwood and ivory. 21 West Bar, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1686); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
ROBERTSON, DR. England, pre-1830, patented an improvement for the marine barometer; an example is in the VNN. London. RSW. suggest correction
ROBERTSON, JOHN England, 1712-76, MIM Table Sundial = Versailles 4/17/83. invented an improved slide rule; F.R.S.; author of book on mathematical instruments, London, 1775. Christ's Hospial, London (1748); Portsmouth Naval Academy (1755-66). Taylor 2(300). suggest correction
ROBERTSON, R. NIM Octant = Brown University, Providence, R.I. USNM. suggest correction
ROBERTSON, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1730-60, OIM Compound Microscopes = Clerk of Penicuik family (2), RMS, WHI, Earl of Bute (1783). the Earl of Bute's microscope was signed "Gul. R. fecit." Edinburgh. Bryden 4. suggest correction
ROBERVAL see Gilles Personne. RSW. suggest correction
ROBIJN, JACOB Holland, 1679, NIM partner with Johannes van Keulen 1 in 1679; is he the same person as Jacobus Robijn? Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ROBIJN, JACOBUS Holland, c.1649-1701, NIM made cross-staves, 1688; succeeded by Joachim Hasebroek Nieuwebrugsteeg, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ROBILOU, ISAAC England, 1719, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1719 = X. London. Tyler. suggest correction
ROBIN, ROBERT France, 1742-1809, MIM PHIM Meridian Sundial, 1789 = CNAM; Wheel Barometer, with clock = Chelsea Fair. "Horloger du Roy." au Galleries du Louvre, Paris. Ithaca; RSW. suggest correction
ROBINS, JOH. England, c.1700, MIM Compass Sundial = D.(1989) = ADL-A289. "I.R." (2) (which see) is punched into the hour scale. Coffeen 25; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROBINSON England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. see Robinson Bros. 53 Bishopsgate Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
ROBINSON AND BARROW England, fl.1842-45, PHIM Thomas Charles Robinson and Henry Barrow; Barrow bought Robinson's business in 1842, after Robinson's death. 38 Devonshire Street, Portland Place (1842); 26 Oxendon Street, Haymarket (1843); both in London. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
ROBINSON BROS. England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Telescope = Soth.-N.Y. 2/23/79. see Robinson. 53 Bishopsgate Street, London and Market Square, Shrewbury. RSW. suggest correction
ROBINSON, B.C. England, c.1854, MIM T.C.; made chronometers. Middlesborough. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
ROBINSON, BURNHAM AND CO. USA, c.1831, MIM watchmakers. Danvers, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
ROBINSON, DANIEL England, 19th Century, PHIM Money Balance = Versailles 4/17/83; Wheel Barometer = Phillips-Leeds 12/16/87. Bradford. RSW. suggest correction
ROBINSON, H. England, c.1860, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. South Shields. RSW. suggest correction
ROBINSON, HENRY England, c.1733, MIM apprenticed to Richard Hutchinson 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on March 3, 1724; free in the Company, June 4, 1733. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ROBINSON, JAMES Ireland, fl.1845-84, OIM optician; philosophical artist; firm was called James Robinson and Sons from 1885 to 1910. Museum of Curiosities, 41 Grafton Street (1845); Polytechnic Museum and Gallery of Curiosities, 65 Grafton Street (1846-55); Poltechnic Museum and Photographic Gallery (1856-84); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
ROBINSON, JAMES, AND SONS Ireland, fl.1885-1910, OIM Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
ROBINSON, JOHN 1 England, c.1743, MIM see (Thomas) Crosby and (John) Robinson (1); they split up in 1743; T.C. Dock Hed, Redriff (1743); London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
ROBINSON, JOHN 2 England, c.1761, MIM apprenticed to Henry Craford in the Grocers' Company on Oct. 4, 1753; free in the Company, Mar. 3, 1761. at Mr. Craford's, Ratcliff Highway, London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ROBINSON, JOHN 3 Ireland, fl.1791-95, MIM 4 Drogheda Street (1791-92); 21 Hawkin's Street (1794-95); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
ROBINSON, L. England, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Naval Training Center Historical Museum, Cal. Liverpool. USNM. suggest correction
ROBINSON, THOMAS CHARLES England, 1792-1841, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Mountain Barometer = X; Dip Circle = RGO; Balances = WHI, RSM, Cambridge University Mining Dept.; Theodolite, miniature = Yorkshire Museum, York; Universal Instrument, 1857 = BRO. developed a type of beam balance; made rock crystal prisms; Henry Barrow bought the business in 1842 and continued it as Robinson and Barrow. 38 Devonshire Street, Portland Place, London. Taylor 2(1687); Goodison 1; USNM; Bryden 8; G.L'E. Turner 24; Stock 1; Dewhirst; Darius 4. suggest correction
ROBINSON, THOMAS ROMNEY England, 1792-1882, Rev. Dr. Robinson; invented the windmill-type anemometer in 1846. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
ROBOTHAN, WALTER England, T.C.; sold instruments. at the Red M and Dagger in Pope's Head Alley against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
ROCCHETTI, PAOLO Italy; England, fl.1840-77; d.1897, MIM PHIM SIM Compass, 1857 = Padua University. showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Padua (Austria) (1851); London (1851); Florence (1861). G.L'E. Turner 24; Brenni 1. suggest correction
ROCHEL, HANS T. misreading for Troschel. Pugsley Sale. suggest correction
ROCHET see Rochette, Gaspard. RSW. suggest correction
ROCHETTE France, c.1820, PHIM Barometer = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. Rochette Jeune ? Quais de l'Horloge, No. 81, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROCHETTE JEUNE France, c.1820, MIM SIM Graphometers = P.C. (1979), P.C. (1987), Libert and Castor 4/28/82; Clinometer = D.(1973); Surveying Instrument = P.C. (1987); Miner's Compass = P.C. (1987). probably the son of Gaspard Rochette. au Griffon, Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Wynter and Turner; Wynter; RSW. suggest correction
ROCHETTE, GASPARD France, 1754-1805, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Circle = D.(1973); Telescopes = P.C., D.(1967; Sectors = P.C., Drouot 11/7/75; Rule = P.C.; Square, folding (metric scale) = Christie 4/3/85; Graphometer = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. probably the father of Rochette jeune; graphometer is signed "Rochet"; see Rochette père. Quay du Nord (1794); Quay de l'Horloge du Palais N.60; 49 Quay de l'Horloge (1805); all in Paris. Daumas 1; USNM; Wynter; Maddison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROCHETTE, PERE France, OIM Telescope = Versailles 11/19/78. Rochette père; may be Gaspard Rochette. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROCHON France, c.1790, MIM OIM developed a micrometer for telescopes. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
RODELLA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Italy, 1749-1834, MIM PHIM SIM Telescopic Level = ADL-M191; Alidade = NMM; Compass, 1814 = Padua University. clockmaker; appointed mechanician to the Specola di Padova, 1794-1802; the ADL instrument is marked "Regio Machinista Padua." Venice; Padua (1794). Michel 3; NMM 1; Engelmann 1; Brenni 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RODELLA, GIUSEPPE Italy, fl.1595-1620, instrument maker. Padua. Evans 1. suggest correction
RODGERSON, W. England, NIM PHIM Marine Barometer = X. T.C.; manufacturer of nautical instruments; printer. 10 St. James Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RODGERSON, WILLIAM England, fl.1835-90, MIM OIM Chathan Buildings, Liverpool. Taylor 2(2222); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
RODRIGAS Spain, OIM Telescope = Observatory, Madrid. Madrid. RSW. suggest correction
RODRIGUEZ, FULGENCIO Spain, fl.1805-06, NIM Sextant, 1805 = MAN-I 121; Sextant = MAN-I 25; Sextant, 1806 = Christie-SK 10/23/87. Ferrol. Garcia Franco 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROE 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer, with watch = Soth.-S 9/18/86. the watch movement is signed "Wm. Sharpe, London." Midhurst. RSW. suggest correction
ROE 2 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 6/27/88. Godalming. RSW. suggest correction
ROE, JOSEPH ADOLPHUS England, fl.1855-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "J. Roe Ipswich"; watch and clockmaker. Tacket Street, Ipswich. Goodison 1 suggest correction
ROELOFS AND RIENKS Holland, c.1825, MIM OIM microscope and telescope makers; Arjen Roelofs and Syds Johannes Z. Rienks. Friesland. Dewhirst. suggest correction
ROELOFS, ALBERT Holland, 1745-1809, OIM brother of Pieter and Arjen Roelofs. Hijum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ROELOFS, ARJEN Holland, 1754-1828, MIM OIM PHIM brother of Albert and Pieter Roelofs; worked with Syd Johannes Z. Rienks as Roelofs and Rienks, 1825; made microscopes and barometers, also made a cometarium and a jovilabium. Hijum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ROELOFS, PIETER Holland, 1742-1801, MIM OIM brother of Albert and Arjen Roelofs. Hijum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ROEMER, OLAUS Denmark; France, 1644-1710, MIM OIM PHIM astronomer; built one of the first transit telescopes; constructed planispheres, a saturnilabium, a jovilabium (1673), while in Paris; produced standard thermometers (1702); Copenhagen; Paris (c.1679); Copenhagen. Cohen 2; North 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10; Drekker; RSW. suggest correction
ROGER, MARK England, c.1814, developed a new slide rule for compounding interest. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
ROGERS, J. England, fl.1755-1828, OIM wrote on telescopes. Taylor 2(532). suggest correction
ROGERS, MARK England, fl.1716-37, MIM apprenticed to John Crooke 1 in the Joiners' Company on May 7, 1706; free in the Company Aug.7, 1716; took apprentices. Long Walk, London.(1737). Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROGERSON AND CO. England, NIM Octant = OMM. 11 South Lombard Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
ROGET, PETER MARK England, 1779-1869, physician and scholar; invented the log-log scale for the slide rule in 1815; F.R.S. in 1815; published the Thesaurus in 1852. Manchester (1798-1810); London. DNB; Delehar 9; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
ROHDE, F., ET FILS Russia, c.1850, MIM OIM Gunner's Square = P.C. "opticiens et mecaniciens." St. Petersburg. RSW. suggest correction
ROHLEIN, CHRISTOFF Germany, 1680, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1680 = P.C. Christoff Röhlein. Dresden. Pippa. suggest correction
ROHR, NIELS see Niels Rohr Bangs. RSW. suggest correction
ROIAS, JUAN DE Belgium; France, c.1550, pupil of Gemma Frisius; invented a new projection for the astrolabe; author of "Commentarium in Astrolabium", Lutetia, 1550. Louvain; Paris (1550). Michel 2 & 3; Maddison 1 & 7; Gunther 1; Perry. suggest correction
ROLANDS, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROLAS VAN VRIES, J. Holland, 1642, MIM Astrolabe, 1642 = X. Amsterdam. Michel 2. suggest correction
ROLFE, SAMUEL England, c.1700?, MIM Compass Sundials = OXF, ADL-W237, Christie 12/18/74 = Christie 4/9/75. the compass sundial ADL-W237 is marked "S.R." (1) at the east point of the compass rose; "1742" scratched on bottom of hour scale; see Samuel Rolt. London. Taylor 1(448); Gunther 2; Michel 3; Evans 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROLL, GEORG Germany, fl.1560-92, MIM Celestial Globe with clockwork, 1588 = VIE. made clockwork globes with Johannes Reinhold; worked for Rudolph II; see the entry for Georg Roll und Johannes Reinhold. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
ROLL, GEORG, UND JOHANNES REINHOLD Germany, fl.1584-86, MIM Celestial Globes with clockwork = VAA (1584), DRE (1586), Naples Observatory (1586), GEL; Astronomical Clocks = VAA (1576), VIE (1584). worked for Rudolph II. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Grimaldi; RSW. suggest correction
ROLOSON, WILLIAM England, c.1698, as an apprentice, turned over to Joseph Wells in the Joiners' Company from William Dixon in 1690; turned over to Michael Savage in 1696 or later; both members of the Joiners' Company; free of the Company, 1698. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROLT, SAMUEL England, c.1714, MIM apprenticed to John Johnson 3 of the Grocers' Company on June 19, 1714; probably Samuel Rolfe, which see. J. Brown 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROM:KAY:MAY: Austria, 1709, MIM Inclinometer, 1709 = VIT. Salzburg. Kirnbauer 1. suggest correction
ROMANS, BERNARD USA, fl.1720-84, made improvements to the marine compass, 1733; geographer and cartographer. Bedini 8. suggest correction
ROMLEY, CHRISTOPHER England, c.1750, founder; T.C. at the Sign of the Three Bells in Horse-Shoe Alley, Middle Moorfields, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
RON, ANDREAS Germany, 1572, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1572 = X. Augsburg. Neumann 1. suggest correction
RONCHATE, BAPTIS England, PHIM Double Barometer = OXF. probably Giovanni Battista Ronchetti, which see. Goodison 1 and 5. suggest correction
RONCHETI England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/22/87. signed "Roncheti fecit." RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETI AND GATTY England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, D.(1965), D.(1990). might have been Bapt. Roncheti or J.M. Ronketti and James Gatty; the dealer's barometer was signed "Ronchetti and Gatty." London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETI, BAPT. England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometers = X (4), Soth. 1/19/73, Daggett House, Edgartown, Mass.; Double Barometer = D.(1971); Wheel Barometers = Soth.-Bearne 4/4/78, Soth. 10/22/87. probably Giovanni Battista Ronchetti, which see; one barometer signed "B. Roncheti Manchester"; another "Bap. Roncheti, 15 High Street, Manchester"; two are signed "Bapt. Ronchetti"; Soth. 10/22/87 is signed "Bapt. Roncheti Fecit." 15 High Street, Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETI, BAPT., AND CO. England, PHIM Angle Barometer = Gloucester Museum; Stick Barometers = X (2). probably Giovanni Battista Ronchetti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETI, T. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Bristol. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. could be either Edmund or Thomas Ronchetti. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI 2 England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 4/22/88; Stick Barometer = D.(1965). could be by J. (1 or 2), John B., or Joshua Ronchetti 1; Goodison favored the latter for the X wheel barometer. 43 Market Street, Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETTI 3 see P. Martinelli, Ronchetti and Co. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI AND SON England, fl.1836-39, PHIM may be John Ronchetti and Son; succeeded by Joseph Somalvico 2 in J. Somalvico and Co. 2 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, BAPST., LOMAS AND CO. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 6/4/92. surely Baptiste Roncheti, which see. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, CHARLES JOSHUA see Joshua Ronchetti 1. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, EDMUND England, PHIM barometer maker. Waterbeer Street, Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, J. 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = RSM. optician; probably Joshua Ronchetti 1 or 2. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, J. 2 England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 12/17/89. J. Ronchetti 1 and 2 may be the same man. Victoria Street, Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, JOHN Italy; England, fl.1836-38, PHIM barometer maker. 25 Hatton Garden, London. Taylor 2(2223); Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, JOHN B. AND JOSHUA (2) England, fl.1841-51, OIM PHIM John Baptist Ronchetti and his brother, Joshua Ronchetti 2; sons of Joshua Ronchetti 1; they were succeeded by their brother-in-law, Joseph L. Casartelli in 1851. 43 Market Street, Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, JOHN BAPTIST England, 1812-80, OIM PHIM son of Joshua Ronchetti 1; he worked with his brother, Joshua Ronchetti 2 from 1841 to 1851; hydrometer and thermometer makers; they were succeeded by Joseph L. Casartelli who married their sister. 9 Cambridge Street, Golden Square; 43 Market Street; both in Manchester. Goodison 1; USNM. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, JOSHUA 1 Italy; England, fl.1817-41, MIM OIM PHIM Mathematical Instrument Set = Soth. 10/28/63; Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = VCW; Azimuth Compass = P.C. (1982). full name was Charles Joshua Ronchetti; son of Giovanni Battista Ronchetti; father of John Baptist and Joshua (2) Ronchetti. 29 Balloon Street (1817); St. Anns Passage (1829); Cateaton Street (1830); 43 Market Street (1832-41); all in Manchester. Taylor 2(1689); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, JOSHUA 2 England, fl.1841-51, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. son of (Charles) Joshua Ronchetti 1; worked with his brother John Baptist Ronchetti, 1841 to 1851. 43 Market Street, Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, THOMAS England, fl.1822-56, PHIM optician; barometer maker. New Bridge Street (1822); 4 Mount Pleasant, Black Boy Road (1830); Black Boy Road (1850-56); all in Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETY, I. AND M. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. probably John Merry Ronketti Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCORONE, FRA. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONDELET France, 1789, instrument maker at PBN. Evans 1?; RSW. suggest correction
RONDINI, JEAN England, c.1815, OIM held a patent on dioptric telescopes. London. Dewhirst. suggest correction
RONKETTI England, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1977). Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
RONKETTI AND CO. England, PHIM see John Merry Ronketti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONKETTI, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Bapt. Roncheti. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONKETTI, J. AND M. England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X.; Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/16/76. misreading for John Merry Ronketti. 6 Peter Street, Bloomsbury, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONKETTI, J.G.H. England, fl.1845-46, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = D.(1975). the stick barometer is signed "I.G.H. Ronketti, 15 Museum Street, Bloomsbury"; see John Ronketti 1 at that address. 102 St. Martins Lane (1845); 116 Great Russell Street (1845); 19 Leather Lane (1846); 15 Museum Street; all in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOHN 1 England, fl.1823-44, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; see J.G.H. Ronketti; became a partner with Henry Negretti, c.1840. 15 Museum Street, Bloomsbury, London. Taylor 2(2224); Goodison 1; Middleton 1. suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOHN 2 USA, c.1850, PHIM may be related to Joshua Ronchetti 1 or 2 of Manchester; see John George Ronketti. New York, N.Y. D.J. Warner 5. suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOHN GEORGE England; USA, fl.1820-53, MIM NIM PHIM may be John Ronketti 2, which see; New York business directory for 1852-53 showed him as an instrument maker. 8 Back Hill, Hatton Garden (1822); Leather Lane; both in London; New York, N.Y. (1852-53). Taylor 2(1690a); Goodison 1; USNM; Middleton 1. suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOHN MERRY Italy; England, fl.1790-1819, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Longleat House, X, Soth. 11/20/70 and 6/6/75; Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/6/73. 180 Holborn (1790-97); 6 Peter Street, Bloomsbury (1800-19); both in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1820-22, PHIM barometer maker. 8 Back Hill, Hatton Garden, London. Taylor 2(1690). suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1854-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 31 Northampton Road, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONKITTE, J.M. see John Merry Ronketti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONLEY, JOHN England, MIM OIM Micrometer = WHI. moving-wire eyepiece micrometer. J,A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
RONN, W. VON, UND F.A. HUHN Germany, c.1827, NIM W. von Rönn und F.A. Hühn. Schück. suggest correction
RONQUETTI France, c.1780, PHIM Barometer on clock = Soth. 10/26/73; Barometers = Soth.-Wilkinson and Hodge 6/22/23 and 7/20/23. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROOKE, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROOKER, JAMES EDWARD England, fl. approx. 1850s small pocket telescope=PC 54 Newington Causeway WEBDB suggest correction
ROOKER, JOHN A. England, fl.1810-46, MIM Slide Rule, 1810 = Evans Coll.; Pocket Calendar = Evans Coll.; Pantograph = Soth. 2/7/72. the instruments are signed "John Rooker"; apprenticed to James Martin in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 4, 1794; free in the Company, 1810; divided the log-log slide rules, invented by Peter Mark Roget and sold by Francis West. 27 Bridgewater Street, Somers Town; 49 Guildford Place, Kennington Cross; 1 Little Queen Street; 26 East Street, Lamb's Conduit Street; all in London. Taylor 2(1418); J. Brown 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Delehar 9. suggest correction
ROORISTER, C.V. Germany, c.1843, invented a computing scale made by Ertel und Sohn. Munich. Brieux 2. suggest correction
ROOSE, THOMAS England, c.1828, MIM 16 north Side, Old Dock, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1691). suggest correction
ROOSEBOOM, JAN Holland, c.1809, MIM OIM SIM made telescopes and surveying instruments. Buiksloot. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ROOSENBOOM, JN. Holland, c.1825, NIM Zak Sextant = AMST. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
ROOTS, EDWARD England, c.1728, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Macy of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 20, 1728. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ROPER, ABRAHAM Ireland, fl.1787-93, MIM listed as Abraham Rosser, 1787-88. 8 Bedford Row, Dublin (1787-93). Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9. suggest correction
RORDORF Italy, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 7/20/83. "Toledo N.286 à Naples." Naples. RSW. suggest correction
ROSA, FELIX France, Félix Rosa; worked for Vaucanson, which see. Daumas 1. suggest correction
ROSAI, F. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROSAPINI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ticehurst. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROSATTE, J. England, PHIM this name appears on a printed paper barometer scale. Leeds. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROSCOE, ROBERT England, fl.1696-1730, MIM Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
ROSE, DANIEL England, MIM Sundials = Shutts near Ashopton Hall and Derwent Churchyard, Derwent. Derbyshire. Gatty. suggest correction
ROSE, JOHN England, c.1688, apprenticed to John Toogood in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 11, 1688. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROSELL, JOSE Spain, c.1850, MIM NIM Octant = MAN-I128; Alidade with compass and case = Gersaint 7/20/96. "Gran establecimiento de instrumentos de Jose Sosee." Plaza de Palacionumero 13, Barcelona. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
ROSEN, CARL Norway, NIM Magnetic Compass = NOR. Fahlun. RSW. suggest correction
ROSENBERG, JOHAN PETTER Sweden, fl.1764-77, MIM instrument maker; apprenticed to Daniel Ekström, took over his shop; maker to the Academy, 1764-77. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
ROSENBERG, PETTER Sweden, c.1730, instrument maker to the Corps of Engineers. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
ROSENFALDT, HANS Sweden, 1567, MIM Hans Rosenfäldt made a silver astrolabe for Erik XIV, King of Sweden, for 1,200 marks. RSW. suggest correction
ROSENTALL, I. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. Pulborough 3/1/83. Burton-on-Trent. RSW. suggest correction
ROSENTHAL, GOTTFRIED ERICH Germany, c.1782, PHIM made an improvement for a portable barometer. Stuttgart. Middleton 1. suggest correction
ROSENTHAL, J.C. Germany, 1717, MIM Table Sundial, 1717 = EMA; Sundial, 1717 = Soth. 5/11/23. may be the same sundial. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROSLIN, EUSTACHIUS Germany, c.1537, Röslin wrote an explanation of the astrolabe in 1537. Frankfort. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ROSS England, c.1820, see Lewis and Ross. London. Taylor 2(1624). suggest correction
ROSS AND CO. England, c.1859, OIM Thomas Ross who succeeded his father, Andrew Ross, c.1859. London. RSW. suggest correction
ROSS, ANDREW England, 1798-1859, OIM PHIM Microscope, presentation set = D.(1989). apprenticed to John Corless in the Joiners' Company on July 20, 1813; optician; produced over four thousand microscopes; also made telescopes, stick and wheel barometers, and Wilson-type rain gauges; see Andrew Ross and Co. (1837-41). 15 St. John's Square (1830); 33 Regent Street, Piccadilly (1837); 21 Featherstone Buildings (1840-47); 2 Featherstone buildings (1848-56); all (exept for Regent Street) in Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1983); Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Morrison-Low 1; Moskowitz 132; Tesseract; Coffeen; Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
ROSS, ANDREW, AND CO. England, fl.1837-41, OIM Microscope (1839) = Soth. 7/7/78; Binoculars = D.(1984). Andrew Ross and J.S. Lister; they developed a objective lens. 33 Regent Street, Piccadilly, London. Taylor 2(1983); G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen H; RSW. suggest correction
ROSS, THOMAS England, c.1859, OIM succeeded his father, Andrew Ross, as Ross and Co. London. RSW. suggest correction
ROSS, WILLIAM England, fl.1731-65, MIM Rossisphere = P. & S. 2/28/1896 = OXF. author; invented a type of ring sundial in 1733 called a "Rossisphere"; used a pseudonym "N.A." (New Astronomer), which see. sondon. Taylor 2(222 & 301); Evans 1. suggest correction
ROSSELL, JOSE Spain, MIM NIM Sextant = BAR (2); Artificial Horizon = BAR; Octant = BAR. José Rossell; T.C. Plaza de Palacia N. 15, Barcelona. RSW. suggest correction
ROSSER, ABRAHAM see Abraham Roper. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett.. suggest correction
ROSSI, DE Italy, 1695, MIM Set of Gores for a Celestial Globe, 1695 = NMM-Caird. could be Dominico or Jacobus de Rossi. NMM 1; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
ROSSI, DOMINICO DE Germany; Italy, 1647-1719, MIM Pairs of Globes, 1695 = Hispanic Society of America, N.Y., UCLA. he altered Matthäus Greutter's 1638 globes and re-issued them. Mailand; Rome. Yonge. suggest correction
ROSSI, G. England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (5), D.(1978), Soth. 5/14/87, Ilbert Coll., Christie-SK 11/17/86. four of the barometers are signed "G. Rossi Norwich"; the barometer offered by Soth. also has a thermometer. Exchange Street, Norwich. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROSSI, GIUSEPPE DE Italy, c.1615, printed pair of globe gores by Joducus Hondius in 1615. Rome. Yonge. suggest correction
ROSSI, JACOBUS DE Italy, 1695, MIM Celestial Globe, 1695 = NYM. "----ex chalcographia Dominico Rubeis preo Jacobus de Rubeis an. 1695"; Yonge thought he was the same person as Dominico de Rossi Rome. Yonge. suggest correction
ROSSI, JOSEF DE Italy, 1615, issued globe gores, 1615; "Josef de Rubeis Mediolanensis." Mediolanus. Yonge. suggest correction
ROSSI, JOSEPH F. Sweden, PHIM Stick Barometer = NOR; Wheel Barometer = NOR. the stick barometer is signed "I. Rossi." Stockholm. RSW. suggest correction
ROSSI, P. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROSSITER England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 10/26/83. signed on the bubble level. Bridgwater. RSW. suggest correction
ROSSITER, GEORGE England, c.1773, apprenticed to John Blake in the Joiners' Company, Jan. 5, 1773. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROSTAND, ED. France, MIM Wall Sundial = Villa Ar-Naga, Cambo, B. Pyr. Cambo, Basse Pyrennées. Boursier. suggest correction
ROSTRIGA Spain, c.1780, MIM PHIM Sector, wood = MAA; Vacuum Pump, double acting = ISI. the pump may be signed "Rostriaga." Madrid. RSW. suggest correction
ROTH France, c.1825, MIM Adding Machine = X. "Roth Bte." (breveté); see Dr. Roth and M. Wertheimber. RSW. suggest correction
ROTH, DR., AND M. WERTHEIMBER France, c.1845, invented an automaton calculator. Daumas 1; Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Vol.14, pp.129-31. suggest correction
ROTHKNECHT, JOH. CHRISTOPH Austria, c.1720, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = OXF. Salzburg. Gunther 2; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROTHWELL England, c.1850, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope, Culpeper-type = Soth.2/25/86; Stick Barometer = X; Barometer = P.C.; Goniometer, stellar = Phillips 11/16/88. Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROTZ, JEAN France; England, fl.1540-80, MIM made an elaborate compass of variation for Henry VII; developed an armillary ring sundial with sights, mounted over a compass and called by him a "differential quadrant"; his father might have been a Scot. Dieppe; London; Dieppe. Taylor 1(15); A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
ROUCKLEIFFE, JOHN England, c.1722, apprenticed to Charles Crick 2 of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 29, 1722. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ROUGETTE France, MIM Miner's Compass with Level = USNM. see Rouquette. Nimes. USNM. suggest correction
ROUQUETTE France, c.1820, MIM SIM Graphometer = P.C. see Rougette. Nimes. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
ROUSSE, JACQUES France, 1691, MIM Vertical Sundial, slate, 1691 = Church, Coutures. Coutures. Gatty. suggest correction
ROUSSEAU France, c.1777, MIM Cannon Sundials = P.C., Christie 6/7/72, Ineichen 10/25/75; Sundials in Watch Cases = WRAY, MERC, HAY, Lempertz 6/14/76, McVitty Coll.; Magnetic Sundial = TIM. applied for a patent for a cannon sundial in 1777; most of his work is marked "inv. fec."; collection of material is at Chenonceaux. Price 2; Hamilton 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
ROUSSELLE France, 1741, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, 1741 = NYM. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROUSSELLE, L. France, c.1850, NIM Sextant, small = D.(1975); Marine Compass = MYS. "Opticien"; the sextant case has the trade card of Negus Co. Le Havre. RSW. suggest correction
ROUSSELOT, F. France, 1771, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1771 = P.B. 10/9/43; Protractor with arms = P.C.; Drawing Instrument Set = ADL-N36. Paris. Culver 2; Brophy; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROUSSEVILLE France, pre-1701, MIM made a dialling instrument. Portaluppi. suggest correction
ROUTLEDGE, ADAM England, fl.1828-34, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. signed "Routledge Carlisle." 32 English Street, Carlisle Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROUTLEDGE, J. England, fl.1805-32, engineer; invented a type of slide rule for engineers in 1810. Leeds. Taylor 2(1211); Moskowitz. suggest correction
ROUX France, c.1703, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, silver, 1703 = D.(1976). Tourraine. RSW. suggest correction
ROUX, JACQUES France, c.1690, MIM NIM SIM Circumferentor = Chadenet Sale. Toulon. RSW suggest correction
ROUX, JOSEPH France, 1725-93, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = VNN; Mariner's Compass = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. sur le port à Marseilles. R. Malley; RSW. suggest correction
ROUX, JOSEPH, FILS, AINE ET COMP. France, c.1760, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = PEA. Joseph Roux, Fils, Aîné et Comp. Le Port vers St. Jean, Marseilles. RSW. suggest correction
ROUY, CH. France, 1817, invented an orrery in 1817, made by Bour. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROVERELLI, ALOYS Italy, c.1770, MIM see Antoine Quinquernal and Roverelli. Florence. Michel 3. suggest correction
ROVERENUS, SEXTUS Italy, MIM Sector = VEN. Occulta. Price 2. suggest correction
ROWE, ROBERT England, fl.1703-25, invented a fluid quadrant. Taylor 2(110). suggest correction
ROWELL, JOHN England, fl.1733-34, MIM Sundials, stained glass = Arbury Hall, Warwick (1733), Purley Hall, Berks (1734). Daniels 1. suggest correction
ROWLAND, DAVID England, fl.1814-33, MIM NIM made sextants; patented improvements for sextant and quadrant circles; "an ingenious mechanic." 4 Cats Street, John Street, Edgeware Road; 68 Crawford Street (1833); both in London. Taylor 2(1420). suggest correction
ROWLAND, JOHN England, 1724, free of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1724. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROWLAND, RICHARD England, fl.1792-1819, MIM NIM Magnetic Compass, in wood box, with Sundial in cover = PAM; Marine Compass = Old Gaol Museum, York, Me; Horizontal Sundial = Christie 4/3/85. patented improvements in compasses, wheels and binnacles in 1812; made an improved sand glass in 1819; succeeded by Thomas and Edward Rowland. Quay (1793-94); 50 Broad Quay (1807-19); both in Bristol. Taylor 2(1421); Crawforth 6; Bryden 9; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
ROWLAND, THOMAS AND EDWARD England, fl.1825-30, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. succeeded Richard Rowland at this address. 50 Broad Quay, Bristol. Taylor 2(1693); Goodison 1; Bryden 9. suggest correction
ROWLEY England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/19/87. optician. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
ROWLEY, JAMES England, fl.1721-88, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Woods of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 6, 1714; turned over to James Drury of the same Company; free in the Company Feb. 5, 1721; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ROWLEY, JOHN England, fl.1691-1728, MIM NIM SIM made many, beautiful instruments, including mechanical equatorial sundials, orreries, sectors, heliochronometers, etc., dating from 1690 to 1716; examples are to be found at DEU, NMM, WHI, ADL, OXF, TIM, KEN, MAA, etc. apprenticed to Joseph Howe in the Broderers' Company on Oct. 20, 1682; free in the Company on Feb. 26, 1691; took apprentices; Master of Mechanics to George I; succeeded John Worgan; succeeded by Thomas Wright 1. Threadneedle Street, behind the Exchange (1691); Johnson's Court, Fleet Street (1710); under the Dial at St. Dunstans Church (1714-15); all in London. Taylor 1(507) & 2(111); J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7; Taylor and Wilson; Maddison 1; Gunther 2; ADL; RSW; Michel 3; Bryden 11 and 16; J.A. Bennett 2; Gingerich 2; A.J. Turner 10; Wynter. suggest correction
ROWLEY, T. AND SON England, OIM Telescopes, four-draw = Christie-SK 3/31/83, Versailles 11/20/83. probably Thomas Rowley and Son. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
ROWLEY, T., AND SONS England, OIM PHIM Telescope = K. and C. 9/20/71; Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 7/13/73. probably Thomas Rowley. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
ROWLEY, THOMAS England, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 7/13/73; Microscope, No. 198 = Soth. 12/15/78. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
ROYER, ABRAHAM see A.R. 2. Hamilton 1 and 2. suggest correction
RUBEIS see de Rossi. Yonge. suggest correction
RUBERGALL, THOMAS England, fl.1802-54, MIM OIM PHIM made many instruments including stick and wheel barometers, telescopes, sundials, etc; examples are at WHI, NOR, USNM, etc. optician to George III; optician to H.R.H. Duke of Clarence (1789-1830); optician to the Queen. 27 Piccadilly; Princes Street, Soho (1802); 27 Coventry Street 1805-23; 24 Coventry Street (1826-54); all in London. Taylor 2(1423); Goodison 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Moskowitz; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
RUBEUS, THEODOSIUS Italy, 1587, MIM Sundial, 1587 = POB. Rome. Michel 3. suggest correction
RUCKERT, THOMAS Germany; Czechoslovakia, fl. 1575-90, MIM Pedometers = DRE (1575), PRA (1581), BM (1590). may have invented the pedometer. Dresden (1575-81); Prague (1581-90). Zinner 1; Michel 3; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
RUDOLPH Germany, c.1747, MIM OIM mechanical and optical instrument maker to Count Hans Löser. Reinharz. Chaldecott 4. suggest correction
RUDOLPH, J.G. Germany, 17th Century, OIM Telescope = ADL-M446 signed on objective lens. Dresden. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RUELLE France, 1771, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1771 = ADL-M269. "gravé par Ruelle." Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RUFFO, ANDRE Spain, 1648, NIM Mariner's Astrolabe, 1648 = P.C. (NMM-64) also marked "Mel Aluresonovo", probably the owner; NMM is the National Maritime Museum Registry of Maritime Astrolabes. Stimson 3. suggest correction
RUFVEN, I. misreading for John Ruthven, which see. RSW. suggest correction
RUGENDAS Germany, MIM this is a family of sundial and clockmakers; see Nikolaus Rugendas 1, 2 and 3; their work was of the highest quality and it is difficult to differentiate between them except for the few dated instruments; examples may be seen at ADL, NMM, OXF, SAL, PAR, STU, BM, NYM, THO, LOS, AUG, DEU, UTR, HAM, WHI, etc. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Hamilton 1; USNM, deRijk; Gunther 2; Price 3; Ward 4; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RUGENDAS, NIKOLAUS 1 Germany, 1585-1658, MIM made sundials and clocks; Michel thought that Nikolaus Rugendas 1 developed the Augsburg-type sundial and its variant which has a cam to automatically set the latitude. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
RUGENDAS, NIKOLAUS 2 Germany, 1619-94, MIM Calendar Clock, 1661 = Residenz, Munich. apprenticed to his father, Nikolaus Rugendas 1; father of Nikolaus Rugendas 3; sundial and clock maker. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
RUGENDAS, NIKOLAUS 3 Germany, 1665-1745, MIM Sundial = LAW-307; Augsburg-type Sundials = ADL-W47, ADL-A96; Universal Ring Sundial = ADL-DPW44. son of Nikolaus Rugendas 2; sundial and clock maker; his work dates from 1690 to 1745. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RUGGLES, STEVEN P. USA?, 1837, MIM Terrestrial Globe (for the blind), 1837 = Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, Mass. Yonge. suggest correction
RUGHI, GAETANO Italy, fl.1820-30, PHIM made equipment for Leonardo Nobili's electro-magnetic experiments. Regio Emilia. Brenni 1. suggest correction
RUHER, HANS CAROL Germany, post-1674, MIM Rüher; made sundials after 1674. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
RUHMKORFF, HEINRICH DANIEL Germany; France, 1803-77, PHIM Electro-Medical Induction Apparatus = TEY; Eddy Current Machine = Pavia University. "Mechanicien"; succeeded by J. Carpentier. 15 Rue des Maçons Sorbonne, Paris (1840). G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
RUMBALL, SAMUEL England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 5 Crane Court, St. Peter's Hill, London. Taylor 2(2226). suggest correction
RUMPF, PHILLIPP Germany, fl.1822-27, PHIM Balance = DRE; Heliotropes, 1822, 1827 = X; Barometer, Fortin-type, 1823 = DEU. Göttingen. Middleton 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
RUPERT, PRINCE England, 1663, MIM invented a mechanical tracing device. Latham and Matthews, Vol.7 suggest correction
RUPP AND GREGG USA, 1844-53, MIM Michael Rupp and William Theodore Gregg 1. New York N.Y. Moskowitz 122. suggest correction
RUPP, MICHAEL France; USA, 1818-99, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. partner with William T. Gregg as Gregg and Rupp (1844-53); worked alone 1853-99; T.C. France (1818-29); came to USA in 1829; New York N.Y. (1844-99). Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
RUPP, MICHAEL, AND CO. USA, 1853-99, MIM Sextant = D.(1965). T.C.; chronometer maker. 39 South Street, Corner Old Slip, New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 122; RSW. suggest correction
RUSHMER England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth.-S 9/18/86, 7/23/87. Yarmouth. RSW. suggest correction
RUSHTON, WILLIAM England, fl.1801-38, MIM OIM 8 Whittal Street (1801-08); 10 Whittal Street (1818); both in Birmingham. Taylor 2(1695); Bryden 9. suggest correction
RUSPINUS, CAREL Holland, c.1760, PHIM Barometers = LEY, OMM; Thermometer, mercury, 1760 = Exposition, Leiden, 1927. op de Gr. unmonise shigs Amsterdam. Daumas 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
RUSSELL, ALEXANDER, AND CO. Scotland, 1834, MIM Sundial, 1834 = Kirkaldy Museum. "Kirkaldy Foundry." 43 High Street, Kirkaldy. Stevens and Aked. suggest correction
RUSSELL, DANIEL England, owner of a quadrant by Owens, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
RUSSELL, HENRY England, c.1827, PHIM made Taylor-type rain gauges Kings Square, Goswell Street, London. Taylor 2(1696). suggest correction
RUSSELL, JAMES England, c.1840, MIM advertised a planetarium. RSW. suggest correction
RUSSELL, JOHN 1 England, 1745-1806, MIM Selenographias = Burghley House, Soth. (1791), Phillips 2/22/77, KEN (1797), KEN. artist; amateur astronomer and mathematician; R.A.; patented the Selenographia, or moon globe, in 1796. Newman Street, London. Taylor 2(763); Dewhirst; A.J. Turner 10; Country Life, 3/16/78; Millburn 8; RSW. suggest correction
RUSSELL, JOHN 2 Scotland, c.1745-1817, PHIM Stick Barometers = P.C., X (3); Wheel Barometers = VAA, SPI-Anderson 3/25/27, Buckingham Palace (2), National Galleries of Scotland; Wheel Barometers, Royal = Christie 12/6/78, RSM, etc. "Watchmaker to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales" pre-1811; "Watchmaker to H.R.H. the Prince Regent", 1811-17; invented the 'Royal Wheel' type of barometer; made at least 23 barometers; the RSM barometer is marked "inv. et fecit." oppposite the top of Kirk Wynd, Falkirk. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RUSSELL, WILLIAM USA, c.1809, patented an improved marine compass in 1809. New Bedford, Mass. Bedini 8; USNM. suggest correction
RUST see Spencer Browning and Rust. RSW. suggest correction
RUST AND EYRE England, c.1770, MIM OIM Azimuth Compass = NMM. Richard Rust and R. Eyre were partners, as R. Eyre and R. Rust, until 1785; Rust issued a Trade Card to say that he was on his own as of that date. The Minories, London. J.A. Bennett 2; NMM 2. suggest correction
RUST, EBENEZER 1 England; Holland; England, fl.1771-1800, MIM apprenticed to his uncle, Richard Rust, in the Grocers' Company; free in the Company on Sept 4, 1777; took apprentices; partner with William Spencer 2 and Samuel Browning 2 in Spencer, Browning and Rust 1, 1784-1800. at Mr. Spencer's, 26 Wapping Street (1777), London; Amsterdam (1779-82); at Mr. Spencer's 327 Wapping Street (1782); Green Churchyard, St. Catherine's (1782); both in London; Eaton Ford, Beds. (1784); Eaton Socon, Beds.(1792); Wapping (1795); St. George's in the East (1798); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RUST, EBENEZER 2 Holland; Englandfl.1809-38, MIM apprenticed to his father, Ebenezer Rust 1, in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 3, 1795; free in the Company, June 1, 1809; a partner in Spencer, Browning and Rust 2 with William and Richard Browning, from 1819-38; optician. Amsterdam (1782); 66 Wapping; Bun Street; both in London. J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
RUST, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1785-1801, member of the Grocers' Company; took over his nephew, Joseph Rust 2, as an apprentice from his brother, Richard Rust, in 1785. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RUST, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1786-93, MIM apprenticed to his father, Richard Rust, in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 4, 1777; turned over to Joseph Rust 1, his uncle, in the Company, 1785; free in the Company on Mar. 2, 1786; took apprentices; bankrupt in 1789. St. Catherine's (1788); 15 Free School Street, Southwark (1793); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RUST, JOSEPH 3 England, fl.1809, MIM apprenticed to his father, Ebenezer Rust 1, in the Grocers' Company on Dec. 6, 1798; free in the Company, Dec. 7, 1809. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RUST, JOSEPH 4 England, fl.1811-16, NIM T.C.; worked with Thomas Jones 2 in Jones and Rust (1811-13), which see. 28 Pool Lane, Liverpool (1816). Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
RUST, MRS. MARTHA England, 1801, MIM widow of Ebenezer Rust 1; took Joseph Fox as an apprentice in the Grocers' Company Feb. 5, 1801. King Street, Sampson's Gardens, London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
RUST, RICHARD England, fl.1752-85, MIM NIM SIM Sextant = TRE; Quadrant, 1758 = Soth. 7/8/54; Octants = ADL-A52 (1770), D.(1974), etc; Universal Ring Sundial = Soth.-N.Y. 2/23/79; Circumferentor = P.C. (1987); Mining Theodolite = HAK; Backstaff = Christie-SK 4/17/86; etc. apprenticed to John Parminter 1 in the Grocers' Company, 1744; free of the Company, 1752; took apprentices; T.C.; partner with John Adams 3, c.1760; invented and made an artificial horizon. at Mr. Thos. Rust's at the Anchor and Bells in the Minories (1752); the Minories (1753); at the corner of St. Catherine Stair, near the Tower of London; St. Catherine's High Street (1781); all in London. Taylor 2(403); J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1; Calvert 2; Gunther 2; Michel 3; C.N. Robinson; Wynter 1; Clay and Court; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RUTHVEN, JOHN Scotland, fl.1819-40, PHIM Kaleidoscope = Soth. 6/23/87 = 10/3/88. T.C.; Soth. 6/23/87 was misread as "I. Rufven", the other listed as "I. Rufve." Edinburgh. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
RUTSCHMANN, JOSEPH Austria, c.1792, MIM made an astronomical clock with Pater David Cajetano, Capuc., who was Sebastian Rutschmann. Michel 3; Zinner 1. suggest correction
RUTSCHMANN, SEBASTIAN Austria, c.1790, known as Pater David Cajetano, Capuc, which see. Michel 3; Zinner 1. suggest correction
RUTT, RICHARD England; USA, 1799-1859, MIM NIM OIM made or sold nautical compasses; worked with his son, as R. Rutt and Son, 1842; worked alone, 1845-59. England (1799-1830+); 10 Thames Street, Feld's Point, Baltimore, Md. (1842-59). Smart 1; Warner 12. suggest correction
RUTT, RICHARD, AND SON USA, 1842, MIM NIM OIM T.C. 10 Thames Street, Feld's Point, Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; Moskowitz 101. suggest correction
RUTTY, THOMAS England, c.1838, MIM OIM apprenticed to Thomas Lefever in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free in the Company, 1838. 39 Hackney Road, London. Taylor 2(2227); Crawforth 7. suggest correction
RUTZIUS, JOHANN PETRUS Germany, c.1700, MIM Equatorial Sundial = OXF. Friedberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1. suggest correction
RUVOLO, FRANC. Italy?, 1687, MIM Terrestrial Globe, ivory, 1687 = Chicago Historical Society. signed "Franc. Ruvolo Fecit. Joseph Baranca Sculpsit Octob. 1687." Yonge. suggest correction
RUXTON, THOMAS Ireland, c.1817, MIM 64 Aungier Street, Dublin. Taylor 2(1424a). suggest correction
RYBURN, ARTHUR USA?, 1772, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1772 = Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. on loan to a historic house in Salem. RSW. suggest correction
RYCK, ABRAHAM DE Holland, c.1660, MIM Leiden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
RYDBECK, ANDREAS 1729, MIM Perpetual Calendar with Lunar Volvelle, 1729 = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
RYDER, J. USA, 1854, MIM Inclinable Sundial, 1854 = D.(1965). Newark, Ohio. RSW. suggest correction
RYHINER, CHARLES USA, fl.1838-39, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis. 26 Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Mo. Smart 1. suggest correction
RYLAND, THOMAS England, fl.1801-08, OIM optician. Great Charles Street (1801); Mary Ann Street (1808); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RYLEY, GEORGE England, c.1680, a Lorimer; took Jeoffrey Stagnes as an apprentice, then turned him over to Simon Chapman of the Clockmakers' Company. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
RYTER, A. misreading of Augustine Ryther. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RYTHER, AUGUSTINE England, fl.1582-95, MIM SIM Theodolite, 1590 = FLO; Equatorial Sundial = FLO; Universal Sundial, 1588 = Soth, 10/22/85 = KEN. member of the Grocers' Company by 1582; took Charles Whitwell as an apprentice in the Grocers' Company in 1582; engraved maps; the instruments at FLO were brought to Florence in 1608 by Sir Robert Dudley. a little from Leadenhall next to the Signe of the Tower, London (1590). Taylor 1(47a); J. Brown 1 & 3; Michel 3; Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction

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