Webster Signature Database Search Results

Important note: Most of these instruments are not in the Adler collection (which you can find more information about here). We know nothing about them beyond the information returned by searching this database. You may be able to learn more by contacting the institutions in the "Instruments" column, or by consulting the "References" listed.

Your search for signatures starting with W yielded 741 entries. Displaying entries 1–741.
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Signature Maker Info Instruments Comments Location References Suggest Correction
W. England, 1823, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1823 = D.(1983). the barometer in signed "W" in a triangle on the scale and on the back. RSW. suggest correction
W. AND W. England, c.1725, NIM Backstaff = NMM. Taylor thought this entry might have been William Wright. Bristol. Taylor 2(220). suggest correction
W. M. F.S England, 1838, MIM Cruciform Sundial, wood, 1838 = D. "W. m. F.s Sculp. 1838"; latitude is 53° 21'; painted wood. Moskowitz 121. suggest correction
W., THOMAS England, c.1330, MIM Sundial, on the back of the Rosenwald astrolabe = USNM (ICA-2006)(ex-N. Giles Coll.). the dial is signed "Thomas * W. fecit"; for lat. 53° 15'. Price 1 & 2; ICA 2; USNM. suggest correction
W.B. 1 Germany, c.1650, MIM Artillery Level = ADL-M214. three punches in a row are assembly marks on ADL; "W.B." also marked on artillery level signed "W. Burucker" at OXF. Engelmann 1; ADL; Tarrasuk 1; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
W.B. 2 initials marked on side 1b of an Elias Allen compendium. Soth. 7/7/78. suggest correction
W.B. 3 William Brown or William Buckley; the initials are marked on a 1551 quadrant signed "T.G." in the British museum; the quadrant is also marked "J.C." (1). Price 2 & 3; Ward 4; Evans 1; Dewhirst; Taylor 1(18); Clay and Court. suggest correction
W.B. 4 England, 1781, MIM Sundial, wood, 1781 = Lancaster City Museum. a magnetic compass is inset into the cover. RSW. suggest correction
W.B.N. Scotland, PHIM Balance = K. and C. 12/15/72. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
W.C.I.V.E. Holland, MIM Perpetual Calendar on a silver writing tablet = Soth. 6/25/68. signed "W.C.I.v E." RSW. suggest correction
W.C.J. 1612, NIM Azimuth Compass, 1612 = OMM. it does not look that early. RSW. suggest correction
W.C.S. c.1850, NIM Azimuth compass = OMM. RSW. suggest correction
W.D. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Cloth Measure, wood = ADL-M489. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
W.F. 1 Germany, 1563, MIM Pillar Sundial, rock crystal and silver, 1563 = Soth. 12/8/69 = TIM. calendar on parchment inside the rock crystal cylinder; dubious. RSW. suggest correction
W.F. 2 1707, MIM Garden Sundial, 1707 = D.(1972). RSW. suggest correction
W.F. 3 England, owner's initials on a nocturnal by Humphrey Cole in the BM. Gunther 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
W.G. Holland, c.1850, NIM Log = AMST. possibly William Geissler. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
W.G.B.B.V.E. marked on a 1584 astrolabe by Jost Bürgi in the KAS. Zinner 1. suggest correction
W.H. 1 marked on a 1641 garden sundial signed "G.R." (2). Strand Magazine, 1893, pp. 308-18. suggest correction
W.H. 2 Ireland, 1741, MIM Ring Sundial, 1741 = WRAY-99. Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
W.H. AND S. Germany, MIM Ring Sundial = Soth. 7/31/67. RSW. suggest correction
W.J. MIM Dividers = ADL-M136 Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
W.O. USA, c.1780, MIM Garden Sundial, slate = American Heriage Society Auction, 1972. made for Charleston, South Carolina. RSW. suggest correction
W.O.R. 1722, MIM Pillar Sundial, wood, 1722 = Koller 11/17/75. the "W" is written as two overlapping "Vs." RSW. suggest correction
W.P. 1 Germany, fl.1591-98, MIM Mining Compasses = NUR-WI1033 and NUR-WI1149; Instrument, ivory, 1598 = NUR. made four engravings of sundials; an instrument, dated 1591, appears in a painting by von Kessel in the NUR. Nürnberg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
W.P. 2 marked on a finger ring sundial, signed "H.C." (1), at the NMM. RSW. suggest correction
W.R. 1 England, 1620, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1620 = Melun 4/24/83. fake ? RSW; Morrison-Low ? suggest correction
W.R. 2 Ireland, 1667, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, wood, 1667 = OXF. also marked "Dublini latitude 53°20'". Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; Simcock 1. suggest correction
W.R. 3 1794, OIM Telescope, 1794 = Military Museum, Warsaw. RSW. suggest correction
W.R. 4 England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. Last Acle. RSW. suggest correction
W.S. on English and German ring sundials, in most cases it stands for "Winter" and "Summer." Michel 3; Josten 1; RSW. suggest correction
W.V.S. marked on a pantograph signed "M.G.A." RSW. suggest correction
WACHANO, P., AND STOPANI Germany, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. Hamburg. RSW. suggest correction
WACHTER, ALBERT Germany?, c.1850 ?, MIM French Curve = D.(1985). Coffeen 9. suggest correction
WACHTER, EGBERT JACOBSEN Holland, c.1600, NIM delivered compasses and sounding lines to Jacob van Neck's expedition. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WADDINGTON England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
WADHAM England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bath. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WADSWORTH, HENRY USA, 1877, MIM SIM Circumferentor = MYS. patented, 1877. Duxbury, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
WAECHTLER, FERDINAND FREDERICK Germany, c.1600, MIM Celestial Globe box, silver = LAW-300; Pairs of Globes = Soth. 12/7/51, MADEX-28 (silver), (ex-Chadenat). Furth. Zinner 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
WAGENAER, MAERTEN JOOSTEN Holland, c.1617, Enkhuisen. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WAGER, R. England, 1783, MIM NIM appointed master compass-maker to the Admiralty at Deptford Docks, succeeding Samuel Saunders 3. RSW. suggest correction
WAGER, RICHARD England, fl.1728-56, MIM NIM compass maker. Naval Dockyard, Deptford. Taylor 2(216). suggest correction
WAGNER, JOHANN Germany, fl.1538-40, MIM Astrolabe, 1538 (ICA-257) = OXF; Armillary Sphere, 1540 = NUR. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Michel 1, 2 and 3; Lunardi; GHP. suggest correction
WAGNER, M. ZACH. see Georg Vogt und M. Zach. Wagner. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WAHLBOM, ANDERS Sweden, c.1755, MIM apprenticed to Daniel Eckström; worked in his shop untill 1755. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
WAIT, GREENE AND CO. USA, c.1828, sold books, globes, etc. Boston, mass. USNM. suggest correction
WAITE, JOHN England, fl.1668-95, MIM apprenticed to Walter Hayes in the Grocers' Company on Feb. 17, 1679; free of the Company on May 17, 1688; took an apprentice. at Smithfield Bar, London (1688-95). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WAKE, CHARLES England, c.1833, MIM made drawing instruments. 11 Silver Street, Golden Square, London. Taylor 2(2269). suggest correction
WAKELIN England, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Soth. 10/17/60. RSW. suggest correction
WAKELY, ANDREW England, fl.1631-65, author; advertized in 1633; Taylor lists Wakely as a member of the Joiners' Company who took James Akinson 1 as an apprentice; Crawforth found no record of this; see A.W. 1 for possible instruments. Redriff Wall, near Cherry Garden Stairs, London. Taylor 1(169); Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WAL, JACOBUS VAN DE Holland, d.1782, OIM had an observatory at Leiden and made a large telescope. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WALCHERLING, B.J.R. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundials = BRA, P.C.; Analemmatic Sundial = BRA; Horizontal Sundial and Table Sundial on square plate = BRA; Azimuth Sundial = BRA. Braunschweig. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
WALDEN, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Jersey. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WALDING, MARTIN England, c.1770, marked on a Hadley's quadrant at NMM, made by Thomas Leake, 1770. Taylor 2(738); NMM 2. suggest correction
WALDSEEMULLER, MARTIN Germany; France, c.1470-1518, MIM Terrestrial Globe Gores, 1507 = Kraus, N.Y., U. of Minnesota; Gores for Globe, 1509 = X. Waldseemüller. Rudolfzell; St. Dié; Freiburg. Edell 1; Yonge. suggest correction
WALDSTEIN, H. Austria; USA, c.1840, OIM Vienna and New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WALES, WILLIAM England; USA, fl.1850-93, OIM pupil of Smith and Beck; came to America in the late 1850's; made microscope objectives. Fort Lee, New Jersey (1891-93). USNM. suggest correction
WALFORD, JOHN GEORGE England, 1790-1832, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. clockmaker. Banbury. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
WALGRAVE, WILLIAM England, fl.1668-81, designed an artillery instrument. Two White Posts, near Little Queen Street, in Newton Street, St. Giles, London. Taylor 1(329). suggest correction
WALKER 1 Ireland, c.1799, MIM Horizontal Sundial = MERC-154; Set of Drawing Instruments = Soth. 10/27/69. Dublin. Hamilton 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
WALKER 2 England, NIM see J. and A. Walker and Walker and Son (2). Liverpool. Taylor 2(1731a); Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
WALKER 3 England, c.1800, NIM Octant = Exhibition "1000 Years of Navigation ", Brussels, 1979. RSW. suggest correction
WALKER AND SON 1 Ireland, c.1800, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. (1982); Sundial = KEN. see Walker 1. 16 1/2 Temple Bar, Dublin. Egestorff 1; RSW. suggest correction
WALKER AND SON 2 England, NIM Octant, ebony and brass = Phillips 5/20/75. see Walker 2. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, ALEXANDER England, fl.1810-47, MIM NIM OIM partner with John Walker in J. and A. Walker. 33 Pool Lane (later 34 Castle Street), Liverpool. Taylor 2(1731). suggest correction
WALKER, ALEXANDER, AND CO. England, fl.1857-79, MIM NIM OIM see J. and A. Walker. 72 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WALKER, EZEKIEL England, fl.1771-1816, OIM amateur optician, interested in telescopes and micrometers. Lynn, Norfolk. Taylor 2(781). suggest correction
WALKER, F. England, c.1820, PHIM Marine Barometer = VNN. see Francis Walker. London. RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, F., AND J. HALL England, 1834, NIM Octant, ebony, brass and ivory, 1834 = Phillips 2/2/84. London. RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, FRANCIS England, fl.1810-46, MIM PHIM see F. Walker. 35 (later 17) Wapping Wall, London. Taylor 2(1453). suggest correction
WALKER, FREDERICK Ireland, fl.1832-50, MIM 7 Trinity Place (1832-33); 31 Clarendon Street (1834-40); 29 Clarendon Street (1841-50); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
WALKER, GEORGE Ireland, fl.1841-48, MIM OIM 6 Fade Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
WALKER, J. AND A. England, fl.1823-79, MIM NIM OIM Sextant = WHI. John and Alexander Walker; could be dealers; T.C. 47 Bernard Street, London; Navigation and Stationery Warehouse, 33 Pool Lane, Liverpool (1823-27); 34 Castle Street (formerly Pool Lane), Liverpool (1837-39); 72 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1731a); Bryden 9; Moskowitz 102; Crawforth 6. suggest correction
WALKER, JOHN England, fl.1823-79, MIM NIM OIM partner with Alexander Walker as J. and A. Walker, which see. Liverpool. Taylor 2(1731). suggest correction
WALKER, JOSEPH England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 43 Skinner Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(2270). suggest correction
WALKER, MATHEW Ireland, fl.1721-22, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Georgia Historical Society, Atlanta. Dublin. USNM. suggest correction
WALKER, RALPH Jamaica; England, 1749-1824, NIM Azimuth Compass = NMM; Universal Ring Sundial, mounted over a Compass = PEA. invented a tide calculator that was made by George Adams 2, an example is at the NMM. Jamaica; London. Taylor 2(782); J.A. Bennett 2; Dewhirst; Bedini 8; Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, SAMUEL England, 1739, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1739 = The Holmes, Rotherham. RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, THOMAS England, 1805-73, NIM Harpoon Log = WHI; Patent Log = ADL-A57; Log, Model A-2 = D.(1972). nephew of Edward Massey; the A-2 model log was patented in 1866; it was marked "London." Birmingham; London. J.A. Bennett 2; Moskowitz 104; G.L'E. Turner 24; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, THOMAS FERDINAND England, fl.1861-1912, NIM son of Thomas Walker; joined the firm in 1861; made taffrail logs. Birmingham; London. J.A. Bennett 2; Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
WALKER, WILLIAM 1 Ireland, fl.1775-1819, MIM Miner's Dial, 1792 = Phillips 2/2/84; Circumferentor, 1797 = P.C.; Mathematical Instrument Set, etui, 1779 = Soth. 10/22/69. see William Walker and Son (1805-19); father of William Walker 2. 15 Temple Bar (1776-88); 17 Temple Bar (1791-1819); both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9. suggest correction
WALKER, WILLIAM 2 Ireland, fl.1805-26, MIM son of William Walker 1; see William Walker and Son. 17 Temple Bar, Dublin (1819-26). Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
WALKER, WILLIAM, AND SON Ireland, fl.1805-19, MIM Circumferentors = P.C., P.C. (1802), DUB (1807). William Walker 1 and his son, William Walker 2. 17 Temple Bar; 16 1/2 Temple Bar; both in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
WALKINS, W. misreading for W. Watkins. James Street, London. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
WALL, COL. GEORGE USA, 1788, invented "Wall's Trigonometer" in 1788. Bucks County, Pa. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WALL, THOMAS USA, 1797-1854, MIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio (1845-54). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
WALLACE, JAMES Scotland, OIM Telescope = D.(1978). Androssan. RSW. suggest correction
WALLACE, WILLIAM Scotland, 1768-1843, invented the Eidograph in 1801; professor of mathematics at Edinburgh University. Edinburgh. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WALLER 1 Germany, c.1690, OIM Double Burning Glass = DRE. Tschimhaüs. RSW. suggest correction
WALLER 2 see Woller. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WALLINGFORD, RICHARD OF see Richard of Wallingford. Michel 3; Gunther 2; North 4. suggest correction
WALLIS, JAMES England, 1790, MIM Vertical Sundial, 1790 = house in St. Ives. St. Ives. Gatty. suggest correction
WALMSLEY, W.H. USA, OIM microscope importer and dealer. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WALPOLE, CHARLES England; USA, c.1746, MIM London; Wall Street, New York, N.Y. Bedini 1. suggest correction
WALPOLE, THOMAS variant spelling for Thomas Walpool. suggest correction
WALPOOL, THOMAS England, fl.1683-1703, MIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Anderton in the Grocers' Company on March 7, 1677; free of the Company on March 7, 1683; took apprentices. at the Mariner and Compass, Minories, London (1696-1715). J. Brown 1; Taylor 1(505) & 2(128); Evans 1. suggest correction
WALTER Ireland, 1792, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, 1792 = Phillips 2/2/84. Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
WALTER, BERNHARD Germany, 1434-1504, MIM sundial maker. Nürnberg. Lunardi; Gatty. suggest correction
WALTER, JAMES England, PHIM made barometers and other weather indicators. 14 Water Street, Liverpool. USNM. suggest correction
WALTON England, wheel barometer signed "J. Browning Walton Glastonbury"; Walton was probably a dealer who carried the work of John Browning (3). Glastonbury. Soth. 7/21/87. suggest correction
WALTON, JAMES England, OIM Instrument = KEN. Taylor 2(2271). suggest correction
WALTON, JOHN England, c.1713, MIM apprenticed to John Wood in the Clockmakers' Company on July 6, 1713. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WANNCK Germany, 17th Century, MIM Table Sundial = Drouot 6/2/49. Michel 3. suggest correction
WANSCHAFF Germany, NIM Reflecting Circle = KEN-1876-998. RSW. suggest correction
WARD England, fl.1843-51, barometer maker. 79 Bishopsgate Within, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WARD AND SMITH England, c.1735, William Ward and Caleb Smith; designed a sextant in 1735 which was made by Thomas Heath 1. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARD, HENRY England, fl.1755-1820, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. watch and clockmaker; author; the barometer is signed "H. Ward Blandford." Blandford. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
WARD, JAMES 1 England, fl.1675-1711, MIM consructed sundials; engineer. Langley. Taylor 1(388). suggest correction
WARD, JAMES 2 England, c.1792, apprenticed to Ebenezer Rust 1 of the Grocers' Company on June 7, 1792. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARD, JOHN 1 England, fl.1722-55, OIM apprenticed to Timothy Brandreth of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1714; free of the Company, Jan. 11, 1722; Master of the Company from 1737 to 1744. Court and von Rohr 3(94). suggest correction
WARD, JOHN 2 England, c.1734, MIM apprenticed to James Parker in the Grocers' Company on Feb. 26, 1714; free of the Company, Jan. 22, 1735 by Mrs. Elizabeth Parker. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARD, JOHN 3 England, c.1783, apprenticed to Robert Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on July 3, 1783. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARD, MACOCK USA, 1702-83, MIM made and repaired mathematical instruments; clockmaker; loyalist. Wallingford, Conn. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WARD, WILLIAM England, c.1735, worked with Caleb Smith to design a new sextant; see Ward and Smith. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARDEN, WILLIAM England, fl.1767-70, MIM also a casemaker. High Street (1767); Market Place (1770); both in Walsall. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WARE AND HIREMAN USA, fl.1855-58, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Henry Ware and the brothers, Hy W. and John H. Hireman. 25 East 4th Street, Cincinnatti, Ohio. Smart 1. suggest correction
WARE, HENRY USA, 1810-85, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = DPW. worked alone, 1839-55; partner with Hy W. and John H. Hireman as Ware and Hireman (1855-58); alone again (1858-85); early maker of Burt's solar compass; bought a transit from Gurley in 1864. at Shawk's boards, corner of 5th and Sycamore (1839-55); 25 East 4th Street (1855-56); East Fourth Street (1858-85); all in Cincinnatti, Ohio. Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WARE, RICHARD England, c.1716, MIM apprenticed to John Crooke 1 in the Joiners' Company on July 6, 1708; free in the Company, June 5, 1716 London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WAREHAM, ROBERT England; USA, 1825-92, MIM Surveying Compass = X; Transit = X. apprenticed to Edmund Draper c.1839, and was his foreman until Draper died in 1882. England; 226 Pear (1867-90); 402 Locust (1891); both in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Miller. suggest correction
WARLTIRE England, 18th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. possibly the owner. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WARMAN, THOMAS England, c.1696, apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company, 1696. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WARMELO, JOH. Holland, 1742, NIM made cross-staffs. Utrechtschestraat, Amsterdam (1742). Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WARNER 1 England, 18th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 12/13/71. Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. RSW. suggest correction
WARNER 2 see Roach and Warner; see Henry Warner. Smart 1. suggest correction
WARNER, HENRY USA, 1810-57, MIM NIM PHIM worked alone from 1834 to 1840 and from 1846 to 1857; took John Roach as a partner, 1841-45; the firm was known as Roach and Warner. 293 Broadway (1838-42); 105 Fulton (1842-43); 68 Fulton Street; all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
WARNER, JOHN 1 England, c.1672, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Edward Fage of the Clockmakers' Company on July 4, 1672. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WARNER, JOHN 2 England, fl.1682 to + or - 1700, MIM PHIM apprenticed to Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company on March 29,1675; free of the Company, April 3, 1682; took apprentices; author; barometer maker; made improvements to the type of slide rule which he manufactured; Taylor and Goodison indicate that he was in business until 1722 but this is not confirmed. at the Sign of the King's Arms and Globe, Little Lincols's Inn Fields, end of Portugal Row, London. Taylor 1(449) & 2(129); Goodison 1; Robischon; J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WARNER, JOHN 3 England, fl.1697-1705, MIM apprenticed to Edward Norris of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company Jan. 8, 1697; may have taken Richard Hamilton as an apprentice, Sept. 1705. Lomdon. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WARNER, JOHN 4 England, c.1712, MIM apprenticed to Richard Glynne of the Clockmakers' Company on April 7, 1712; may have been turned over to Richard Hamilton of the Clockmakers' Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WARNER, JOHN 5 England, post-1856, MIM OIM PHIM 72 Fleet Street, London, E.C. USNM. suggest correction
WARRANTED used by American instrument makers to guarantee the instrument they either made or bought. Warner 14. suggest correction
WARREN, BENJAMIN USA, 1740-1825, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, wood = Streeter Coll., Yale University. compass card printed by Paul Revere. Plymouth, New Engd. (Mass). Smart 1; Price 2; Bedini 8 & 16; USNM; Warner 12. suggest correction
WARRENER, SOLOMON England, c.1787, apprenticed to John Karmock of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 6, 1787. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARRICK, ENOCH England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. RSW. suggest correction
WARRINER, CHAUNCEY USA, c.1846, MIM Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
WARRIS, WILLIAM England, fl.1804-22, OIM held a patent on a mount for opera glasses. Burgen Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1239); Dewhirst. suggest correction
WARWICK, WILLIAM England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM 16A Sloane Square, Chelsea, London. Taylor 2(2036a). suggest correction
WASH, EDWARD England, c.1801, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Mansfield of the Grocers' Company on May 7, 1801; free of the Company June 2, 1808. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
WASHBOURNE England, OIM Lucernal Microscope = Clay Coll. Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
WASHINGTON, ABRAHAM England, c.1650, MIM may be the maker of several instruments signed "A.W." (1); alternate choices would be Andrew Wakely or Abraham Watlington; the instruments are quadrants dated 1639, 1640 and 1644, also a terrestrial globe dated 1652. Taylor 1(214a); Weil 2 (17). suggest correction
WASSERLEIN, R. Germany, OIM Microscope = Christie-SK 6/2/83. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
WAST, PAULUS Holland, c.1793, MIM OIM PHIM Barometer = van Cleef en Scheurleer Auction, 1799; Plate from Thermometer = OXF; Barometer = LEY. Langebrugsteeg over O.Z. Heenenlogment, Amsterdam (1793). Mörzer Bruyns 2; van Cittert 2; Maddison 1; Daumas 1; USNM. suggest correction
WAST, PAULUS, EN ZOON Holland, c.1800, MIM OIM PHIM Barometer = Fries Museum, Leeuwarden; Triple Tube Barometer = Bonhams 9/2/77. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
WATER AND CO. England, 19th Century, MIM Sundial = Christie-SK 4/17/86. marked "Caernarvon Lat'e 53° 7', Long. 4° 15' west." Caernarvon. RSW. suggest correction
WATERMAN, GURDON see Gurdon. Pugsley Sale; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS 1 England, 1730, PHIM Angle Barometer, 1730 = VAA. London. Grimaldi. suggest correction
WATKINS 2 England, 1803, MIM Pocket Compass, 1803 = Soth. 10/21/74. could be Jeremiah or Francis (2) Watkins. Charing Cross, London. RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS 3 England, fl.1825-30, MIM Miner's Dial = D.(1967). see William Watkins 1. 16 Augustine's Parade, Bristol. Bryden 9; Dewhirst. suggest correction
WATKINS 4 England, c.1790, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM many instruments are signed "Watkins Charing Cross, London." several instrument makers named Watkins used this address, it is difficult to differentiate between them. Charing Cross, London. RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS 5 England, c.1790, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM many instruments are signed "Watkins London"; could be the same as Watkins 4; the same comments apply. London. RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS AND HILL England, fl.1819-56, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, examples at TEY, OXF, KEN, VNN, WHI, etc. the firm started as Jeremiah Watkins and a descendant of Nathaniel Hill (1819-28); their trade card says they were "Mathematical, Optical and Philosophical Instrument Makers to Their Royal Highnesses The Dukes of York and Clarence"; they succeeded J. and W. Watkins; c.1828 Jeremiah was replaced by Francis Watkins 3; MIMs to the University of London; the firm's air pump won a prize at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; they were succeeded by the Elliott Brothers, c.1857. 5 Charing Cross, London. Taylor 2(423); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Goodison 1; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Moskowitz 122; Wynter 1; Coffeen C and 43; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS AND SMITH England, 1764-77, MIM OIM PHIM Gunner's Calipers = Evans Coll.; Telescope = X; Odometer = Soth. 4/29/77; Stick Barometer = Audley End; Angle Barometers = D.(1978), KEN (1763). Francis Watkins 1 and Addison Smith. Charing Cross, London. USNM; Evans 1; Goodison 1; Middleton 1; Moskowitz 122; McConnell; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, A.W. England, c.1808, PHIM Inclined Barometer = USNM. St. James Street, London (1808). USNM. suggest correction
WATKINS, FRANCIS 1 England, before 1723-84, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Microscopes = KEN, LEY, Christie 12/17/75; Telescopes = KEN, CMY; Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 5/12/75; Circumferentor = Soth. 5/12/75; Angle Barometers = OXF, D., Christie 12/6/78 (1753), Phillips-Scot. 3/29/90; Stick Barometers = VCW, KEN; Theodolite = WHI; Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96; etc. apprenticed to Nathaniel Adams in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1737; free of the Company, 1746; took Addison Smith as an apprentice in 1750 and as a partner from 1764 to 1777; succeeded by Jeremiah and William (1) Watkins (Sons?) in 1782; balance maker; introduced the angle barometer in 1752. T.C. Sir Isaac Newton's Head, Charing Cross, London. Taylor 2(423); Crawforth 1; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Moskowitz 122; Goodison 1; Pipping 1; Court and von Rohr 3(142); Robischon; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, FRANCIS 2 England, c.1763, OIM PHIM nephew of Francis Watkins 1; apprenticed to Addison Smith in the Spectaclemakers' Company on July 6, 1763. Charing Crosss, London. Taylor 2(1733); Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3186); G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WATKINS, FRANCIS 3 England, fl.1828-35, MIM OIM PHIM replaced Jeremiah Watkins in Watkins and Hill, 1828. 5 Charing Cross, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WATKINS, HENRY M. USA, c.1847, PHIM received a diploma for his electromagnetic machines at the Fair of the American Institute, Oct., 1847. 167 William Street, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WATKINS, J. AND H. misreading of J. and W. Watkins. Cristie-SK 4/17/86. suggest correction
WATKINS, J. AND W. England, fl.1784-98, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescope = D.(1976); Solar Microscope = D.(1973); Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Ellipsograph = Phillips 9/10/86; Garden Sundial, 1785 = Soth.10/19/64; Theodolite = Soth.7/15/63; Graphometer = PEA; Hodometer = RSM. Jeremiah and Walter Watkins; they succeeded their uncle, Francis Watkins 1 in 1784; instrument makers to the Duke and Duchess of York and to the Duke of Clarence; T.C.; Taylor listed this firm as Jeremiah and William (1) Watkins. 5 Charing Cross, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1052) & (1053); Moskowitz 122; Wynter 1; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, JEREMIAH England, fl.1785-1828, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hodometer = Christie-SK 8/20/87; Hadley's Quadrant = CMY; Case of Drawing Instruments = DPW; etc. nephew of Francis Watkins 1; brother of Walter Watkins; cousin or brother of William Watkins 1; worked with his brother, Walter Watkins, from 1784 to1798, as successors to Francis Watkins 1; worked alone 1799-1819; took Hill as a partner in Watkins and Hill in 1819; T.C.; instrument makers to their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York and Clarence and to the Hone. East India Company. No. 5 Charing Cross, London. Taylor 2(1052) & (1053); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Moskowitz 122; Court and von Rohr 3(XXXV); USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, JOHN England, c.1722, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Heath 1 of the Grocers' Company on Nov.28, 1722. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WATKINS, THOMAS England, c.1746, NIM PHIM Stick Barometer = VCU. apprenticed to James Tomlinson in the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct. 2, 1746; the barometer is signed "T. Watkins." Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, WALTER England, fl.1784-1808, MIM OIM PHIM from 1784 to 1798 he was a partner with his brother, Jeremiah, as J. and W. Watkins; they succeeded their uncle, Francis Watkins 1, 5 Charing Cross, London. Goodison 1; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
WATKINS, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1784-1809, MIM OIM PHIM Hodometer = OXF; Microscope = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Telescope = Christie 12/18/74; Instrument = NMM; Sundial = ROM; Angle Barometer = USNM; Stick Barometers = Earl Spencer Coll., X. grandson of William Berry; brother or cousin of Jeremiah and Walter Watkins. 22 St. James (1784-99); 70 St. James (1800-09); both in London. Taylor 2(1053a); Middleton 1; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1825-30, MIM OIM PHIM Sundial, wooden case = OXF; Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 11/9/59; Wheel Barometer = X; Instrument = NMM; Telescope = D.(1978). 16 Augustine Parade; St. Augustine's Back; both in Bristol. Taylor 2(1734); Evans 1; Dewhirst; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WATLINGTON, ABRAHAM England, 1644, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1644 = BM. signed "Abraham Watlington fecit umbra sum"; see A.W. 1. Ward 4; Price 3; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
WATSON 1 England, c.1815, OIM Telescopes = KEN, D.(1973), Soth. 4/24/45. probably James Watson 2. 4 Saville Place, opposite Lambeth Terrace, London. Clay and Court; Dewhirst; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WATSON 2 USA, c.1856, MIM see William Burt and Watson. Detroit, Mich. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON 3 England, post-1865, PHIM Barometer and Altimeter = Christie 12/18/74. marked "invented by H.A.H., 1865." 4 Pall Mall, London. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON AND SON England, OIM Microscope, # 1273 = Christie 12/8/76. might be William Watson 1. 313 high Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, D. FRASER England, c.1905, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = Soth.- Pulborough 3/1/83. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, HENRY England, c.1860, made Armstrong's hydro-electric machine. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. USNM. suggest correction
WATSON, JAMES 1 England, c.1719, apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company in 1708; free in the Company, 1719. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WATSON, JAMES 2 England, fl.1771-1824, OIM Telescopes = P.C. (1975), P.C. (1982), KEN, Soth. 3/25/86, Christie 12/17/75, D.(1976). the telescopes are often signed "J. Watson London"; he was also a telescope maker for the trade. London. Taylor 2(1241); Moskowitz ; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, JOHN England, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Ventom in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free of the company. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WATSON, N., AND SONS LTD. misreading for W. Watson and Sons Ltd. Soth. 7/18/73. suggest correction
WATSON, R. England, MIM SIM Surveyor's Sight = Christie 7/5/71. Newcastle. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, ROBERT 1 England, c.1690, MIM apprenticed to John Warner 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 24, 1690. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WATSON, ROBERT 2 England, c.1830, MIM Level = P.C. Manchester. Delehar 4. suggest correction
WATSON, ROGER England, c.1634, apprenticed to Thomas Brown 1 in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 14, 1634. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WATSON, SAMUEL England, fl.1674-1712, MIM NIM Garden Sundial, 1688 = TIM. devised a machine to find longitude at sea; made astronomical clocks. Coventry; Long Acre, London. Taylor 1(381); Evans 1; J. Brown 3; RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, THOMAS USA, 1832-1906, MIM partner with William Burt, 1857-58, worked alone, 1859. 214 Jefferson (1857-58); 34 Montcalm (1859); both in Detroit, Mich. Smart 1. suggest correction
WATSON, THOMAS N. USA, fl.1867-70, MIM SIM partner in William J. Young and Co. with William J. Young and Charles S. Heller. 43 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
WATSON, W., AND SON LTD. England, post-1850, OIM Microscope = Phillips 2/14/79. might be William Watson 1. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, W., AND SONS England, fl.1837-99, MIM OIM Eidograph = Christie 7/23/80; Microscopes = D.(1972), Christie 12/8/76 (# 1150) & (# 2761), Christie 5/26/76 (#3380), Phillips 4/20/83 (# 1578) and 12/12/89, K. and C. 9/29/76; Sundial = Christie 12/8/76. might be William Watson 1. 313 High Holorn, London. Taylor 2(2272); RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, W., AND SONS LTD. England, fl.1900-27, MIM OIM Microscope, # 66907 = Christie 12/8/76; Binocular Microscope, # 69798 = Christie 12/8/76; Telescope, 1918 and Microscopes (3) = Christie 5/26/76; Microscopes = D.(1972, Soth. 7/18/73; Telescope = D.(1976); Oxford Astrolabes, aluminum and paper = WHI, P.C., etc. this firm may have been started by William Watson 1; the 1927 catalogue was the 41st edition; the astrolabe was designed by Jenkin. 313 High Holborn, London. Moskowitz 104; USNM; Bryden 16; Gunther 1; RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, WILLIAM 1 England, MIM OIM apprenticed to Thomas Ventom in the Merchant Taylors' Company; made free of the Company; may be the founding Watson in W. Watson and Son(s). Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WATSON, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1755, NIM Compass Card = X. T.C.; compasses and nautical instruments. Church Lane Stairs, Hull. C.N. Robinson; Bryden 9. suggest correction
WATSON, WILLIAM 3 England, d.1857, MIM Vertical Sundials (2) = Church and house in Seaton Ross, East Riding, Yorkshire. farmer. Seaton Ross, Yorkshire. Gatty; Flamank. suggest correction
WATT, JAMES Scotland; England, 1736-1819, NIM Sextant = Christie-SK 5/8/86; Sector = John Rathbone and Sons, Brmingham, 1880. apprenticed to John Morgan 2 in the Joiners' Company, c.1750-56; trained to be a rule maker; worked with Matthew Boulton in Birmingham. London. Rathbone 1; RSW. suggest correction
WATT, JAMES 1 Scotland; England, 1736-1819, MIM PHIM Sector = KEN; Stick Barometer = RSM; Set of register plates = KEN. apprenticed to John Morgan in London; returned to Glasgow in 1756; "Mathematical Instrument Maker to the College of Glasgow", 1757 to 1771; the engineer who developed the steam engine; invented several mathematical instruments; worked with Matthew Boulton in Birmingham, 1775. Greenock; London; Saltmarket, Glasgow (1759-64); Irongate, Glasgow (1764-71); Birmingham (1775); Heathfield. Taylor 2(548); Bryden 3 & 11; Goodison 1; Delehar 2; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
WATT, JAMES 2 Scotland, fl.1827-63, MIM SIM made measuring lines and survey chains. 407 Argyll Street (1827-35); 179 Argyll Street (1836); 7 South Albion Street and 179 Argyll Street (1837-40); 11 St. Enoch Square and 179 Argyll Street (1841); 3 and 11 St. Enoch Square (1842); 3 St. Enoch Square (1843-53); 16 Croy place (1854-61); 11 Turner's Court (1862-63); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
WATTLEWORTH England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Whitehaven. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WATTS England, 19th Century, MIM NIM Dip Needle = Melun 4/24/83. see E.R. Watts. London. RSW. suggest correction
WATTS, E.R. England, c.1880, MIM NIM SIM Pocket Sextant = Phillips 5/20/75; Theodolite = Auction, Honfleur 6/17/79. London. RSW. suggest correction
WATTS, E.R., AND CO. England, MIM SIM Theodolite = Soth. 1/27/75. London. RSW. suggest correction
WATTS, E.R., AND SON England, post-1850, MIM SIM Theodolites = Phillips-Leeds 6/24/87, K. & C. 4/7/76; Self-Adjusting Level = Phillips-Leeds 6/24/87; Sextant = Soth. 6/21/76. London. RSW. suggest correction
WATTS, J. USA, MIM Gauge, wood, 45" and Rule, wood, 48" = Salem Maritime Nat'l Historic Site. the gauge is shod in steel. corner of City Square and Chelsea Street, Charlestown, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
WATTS, JOHN England, c.1712, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on April 4, 1698; free of the Company, Nov.3, 1712. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WATTS, W. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WAULMAN, G.S. USA, MIM OIM PHIM T.C. 116 Fulton Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
WAUN, ABRAHAM HARTOG Holland, 1769-1833, MIM PHIM worked with his father, Hartog Waun (1802-15), and with his brother, Jacob Waun (1816-33). Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
WAUN, HARTOG Holland, fl.1769-1815, MIM PHIM worked with his son, Abraham Hartog Waun, 1802-15. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
WAUN, JACOB Holland, fl.1816-33, MIM PHIM worked with his brother, Abraham Hartog Waun, 1816-33. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
WAUQUIER France, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/15/72. the barometer is signed "Wauquier-Soleil Paris." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
WAUTHIER, JULES England, fl.1853-55, PHIM barometer maker. 45 Wilmington Square, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WAWEN, GERVAS England, c.1689, MIM apprenticed to Richard Conyers of the Clockmakers' Company on Nov. 14, 1689. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WAWRZNEIC, LAURENCE Poland, 17th Century, MIM Astronomical Clock = Polish Nat'l Collection, Montreal, Canada (1955). Thorn. Connoisseur, Sept. 1955. suggest correction
WEABER England, c.1850, OIM Cary-type Microscope = Soth. 10/3/88. London. RSW. suggest correction
WEARDEN variant of Warden. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WEATHERILL, WILLIAM USA, c.1800, mathematician. 62 Broadway, New York, N.Y. (1800). USNM. suggest correction
WEATHERSTON, JOHN England, fl.1787-1801, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. clock and watch maker. Woolmarket, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WEBB 1 England, MIM SIM Theodolite = Soth. 2/26/68. London. RSW. suggest correction
WEBB 2 see Killick and Webb. Bell 2. suggest correction
WEBB, AMBROSE England, c.1722, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 10, 1712; free of the Company, March 5, 1722. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WEBB, HENRY England. naturalist; prepared microscope slides. George Street, Balsall Heath, ca. 1858-66. USNM; WEBDB. suggest correction
WEBB, ISAAC England, fl.1669-95, MIM admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 18, 1669; took apprentices; turned Benjamin Owen over to William Newton 1. London. J. Brown 3; Clay and Court. suggest correction
WEBB, J. England, MIM Inclinable Sundial = P.C. (1982). London. RSW. suggest correction
WEBB, JOHN England, 1760-1846, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X; Theodolite = Phillips 2/2/84; Instrument = X. T.C. Old Established Shop, 408 Oxford Street; 192 Tottenham Court Road, opposite the chapel (1817); 28 Francis Street; all in London. Goodison 1; Crawforth 1; Taylor 2(665); RSW. suggest correction
WEBB, JOSEPH England, c.1751, MIM apprenticed to Joshua Bourne in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 2, 1744; made free in the Company on Christopher Stedman's report on Nov. 12, 1751. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WEBB, JOSEPH BENJAMIN England, fl.1825-28, MIM NIM PHIM 13 Charles Street, City Road, London. Taylor 2(1737). suggest correction
WEBB, RICHARD England, c.1842, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = Denton. Denton. Gatty. suggest correction
WEBB, THOMAS England, c.1793, MIM Rule, folding, wood = D.(1988). rule maker. 8 Earl Street, St. James, Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WEBBER, JOHN England, c.1800, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. clockmaker; the barometer is signed "Webber London." Woolwich. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
WEBBERS, ZACHARIAS Holland, 1639, MIM Pillar and Spherical Sundial, 1639 = SWE. the sundial is signed "Zacharias Webbers Lipsiensis ad Elavationem Poli 52 Graden Amsteldami: Anno 1639." Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
WEBSTER England, c.1835, improved the beam level; might be Henry Webster. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
WEBSTER AND HAVENS USA, c.1852, PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
WEBSTER, HENRY England, fl.1843-60, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. looking-glass, and thermometer maker. 3 Vineyard Walk, Clerkenwell (1843-46); 37 Coppice Row (1847-60); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WEBSTER, J. USA, fl.1853-56, PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
WECHIO, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WEDDERBURN, THOMAS see Adie and Wedderburn. Bryden 3. suggest correction
WEDDIGEN, H.G. Germany, c.1700, MIM Polyhedral Sundial on ivory cube = KAS. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WEDGEWOOD, JOSIAH England, 1730-95, PHIM ceramicist; introduced a pyrometer consisting of fusable clay cones in 1782. Burslem. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WEED, B. England, c.1850 z, NIM Sextant = D.(1972). Liverpool. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
WEEDEN, JOHN England, c.1822, OIM 18 Baldwyne Street, City Road, London. Taylor 2(1738). suggest correction
WEEDON, WILLIAM JOHN England, fl.1822-32, MIM OIM PHIM 7 Norman Street, St. Luke's, London. Taylor 2(1739). suggest correction
WEEKES, JOHNSON England, fl.1683-84, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Robert Cooke of the Clockmakers' Company on June 5, 1671; free of the Company Dec. 3, 1683; took an apprentice. London. J. Brown 3; Clay and Court. suggest correction
WEET, JOHN England, 1728, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1728 = BM. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
WEETS, JOHNSON misreading for Johnson Weekes. Dewhirst. suggest correction
WEGELIN, BARTHOLOMAEUS Switzerland, 1683-1750, author; wrote on cosmography and armillary spheres. St. Gallen. Michel 3. suggest correction
WEGELIN, JOSUA Germany, 18th Century, MIM Sundial on table clock = Auction, Munich 1933. Augsburg. Michel 3. suggest correction
WEHMANN, H. Germany, NIM Octants = BRE, D.(1976); Compass Card = BRE. instrument maker and dealer; the dealer's octant was marked "sold by." Vegasac. RSW. suggest correction
WEHMANN, T.E. Germany, PHIM Stick Barometer = OMM. Vegasac. RSW. suggest correction
WEICHERT, WILLIAM England, c.1830, NIM Octant = Christie pre-1987; Sextant = D.(1978). T.C. Cardiff. J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
WEICKERT 1 Germany, c.1650, PHIM Nest of Weights = DRE. Cologne. RSW. suggest correction
WEICKERT 2 Germany, c.1780, MIM Protractor = DRE. Leipzig. RSW. suggest correction
WEIGEL, ERHARD Germany, 1625-99, MIM Celestial Globes inside Armillary Spheres, 1699 = BASH, KAS, Breslau Universitäts Sternwarte, NUR, etc.; Globe, silver with coat-of-arms and weather vane = MUN; Celestial Globes, 1699 = NMM, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. (copper); Terrestrial Globe, 1699 = FLO; Celestial Globe = FLO. author; wrote on globes. Jena. Zinner 1; Price 2; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
WEILBACH, JOHAN PHILIP Denmark, c.1830, NIM Crown Compass = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. made liquid compasses. Copenhagen. J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
WEILER, J. marked later on gunner's level by Picart, at OXF. RSW. suggest correction
WEILER, MARTIN 1 Germany, 1590, MIM Astrolabe, 1590 (ICA-3025) = SKO. "Iochemus Haertsberch Lybeck.....", owner. Eisleben. Zinner 1; ICA 2; Price 2; Brieux 2; RSW. suggest correction
WEILER, MARTIN 2 Universal Ring Sundial, (falsely dated 1590) = X. fake, probably by the London forger. Brieux 2. suggest correction
WEINMANN, CHRISTOPH Germany, fl.1678-88, MIM SIM Sector, 1678 = HAK; Rules (2), 1688 = ROU; Graphometers = Schloss Moosham, Salzburg, the Königsberg Stadt. Sammlung; Artillery Level, 1685 = DRE. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Lunardi; RSW. suggest correction
WEINMAYSTER, GEORGIO astrolabe ICA-256 is inscribed "Valentinus Sonthalmer Georgio Weinmayster dono 1535"; it is also marked "H.G. 1537" (1); the long inscription is marked in the mater; the astrolabe was formerly in the Nachet Coll. Price 1; ICA 2; Gunther 1; Zinner 1; MADEX; Nachet. suggest correction
WEIR, ROBERT Ireland, fl. 1785-1846, OIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1785 = Ardrossan, Ayr. 17 Bridge Street, Coleraine. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Somerville. suggest correction
WEISS AND SON England, c.1850, PHIM showed in the Great London Exhibition of London in 1851. 62 Strand, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WEISS, GEORGE USA, fl.1853-54, MIM NIM PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WEISS, GOTFRIED Germany, c.1730, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = VIE, GRA, OXF; Equatorial Sundial = Breslau Sternwarte; Table Sundial = KEN; Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 11/16/87; Particular Sundial, with case = Soth. 4/17/61; Equatorial Sundial = GRA. Nürnberg Zinner 1; Maddison 1; Lunardi; RSW. suggest correction
WEIZSAEKER, V. France, NIM Sextant = Seamans Institute, New York, N.Y. Dunkerque. USNM. suggest correction
WELCH, BENJAMIN England, c.1700, apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 of the Joiners' Company in 1700. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WELCH, GEORGE England, c.1796, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on Jan.4, 1781; free of the Company on April 7, 1796. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WELCH, J. England, 1716, MIM Perpetual Calendar, silver, 1716 = WHI. Bryden 16. suggest correction
WELCH, WILLIAM USA, fl.1838-43, PHIM Atwood Machine = USNM. 54 Chrystie (1838-39); 43 Eldridge (1841-43); both in New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WELDON Weldon Range Finder Patent = Christie 5/26/76. RSW. suggest correction
WELDON, EDWARD England, OIM Telescope, refracting = Christie-SK 11/27/86. Tunbridge Wells. RSW. suggest correction
WELKER, JOHN USA, 1797, MIM clock, watch and instrument maker. Market Street; across from Mrs. Kimboll's Tavern, Patrick Street (1797); both in Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
WELLER England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie's 2/19/97. Littlehampton. RSW. suggest correction
WELLINGEN, H.G. Germany, MIM Ivory Sundials (2) = STU. RSW. suggest correction
WELLINGTON, ALEXANDER England, fl.1792-1825, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = D.(1978); Telescope = Phillips 2/22/77; Pantograph = Soth.-S 4/24/87; Microscope = Phillips 4/20/83; Sundial in case = Soth. 7/10/67; Drawing Instrument Sets = Soth. 5/6/69, Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88; Stick Barometer = P.C. most of his instruments signed simply "Wellington" but one of his microscopeswas signed "Alex Wellington, Mathematical Instrument Maker, Crown Court, Soho, London"; had one of the Jones' as an apprentice; joined by his son 1814-15; T.C.; succeeded by Laban Cooke in 1825. Crown Court, Abinger Street, St. Anne's, Soho, London. Taylor 2(1056); Crawforth 1; Wynter and Turner; NMM 2; ATG 1/16/93; RSW. suggest correction
WELLS AND FOSTER 1 USA, pre-1838, MIM OIM PHIM L.T. Wells and James Foster 1. Cincinnatti, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
WELLS AND FOSTER 2 USA, fl.1838-52, MIM OIM PHIM William Wells and James Foster 2. Third Street, near Sycamore (1838-); Walnut, between third and Fourth Streets (-1852); both in Cincinnatti, Ohio. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
WELLS, GRACE England, fl.1690-1708, MIM member of the Joiners' Company; widow of Joseph Wells, Joiner; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WELLS, JAMES England, c.1664, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Worral of the Joiners' Company in 1656; turned over to Richard Sanders in the Company in 1656; free in the Company, 1664; took an apprentice. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WELLS, JEREMIE England, fl.1703-35, MIM apprenticed to his mother, Grace Wells, in the Joiners' Company on Mar. 3, 1690; free of the Company, Sept. 7, 1703. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WELLS, JOHN 1 England, fl.1606-35, author; designed accurate sundials. Deptford. Taylor 1(114). suggest correction
WELLS, JOHN 2 England, fl.1682-1714, MIM "Rulemaker"; apprenticed to John White 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on March 13, 1672; free of the Company, Sept. 29, 1682; took apprentices; London? J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WELLS, JOHN 3 England, fl.1748, PHIM Angle Barometer = NMM. glass toy maker. Moor Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WELLS, JONATHAN England, c.1676, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Isaac Carver of the Clockmakers' Company on June 1, 1676. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WELLS, JOSEPH England, fl.1667-90, MIM apprenticed to John Brown 1 in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 20, 1660; free of the Company July 6, 1668; Brother in the Clockmakers' Company, 1668; succeeded by his widow, Grace Wells; took apprentices; rulemaker. London. Taylor 1(333); Clay and Court; Loomes; J. Brown 1 & 3; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WELLS, L.T. USA, pre-1838, MIM OIM PHIM partner with James Foster 1 as Wells and Foster (1). Cincinnatti, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
WELLS, NUGENT England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope = Phillips 11//16/88. Newport. RSW. suggest correction
WELLS, SAMUEL England, fl.1817-30, MIM PHIM 3 Clerkenwell Green; 139 Old Street, St. Luke's; both in London. Taylor 2(1455). suggest correction
WELLS, WILLIAM USA, fl.1838-52, MIM OIM PHIM see Wells and Foster 2; was the partner of James Foster 2. Cincinnatti, Ohio. Smart 1. suggest correction
WELPER, EBERHARD Germany, 1619, MIM Quadrant, paper on wood, 1619 = DOR. Strassburg. RSW. suggest correction
WELSH, WILLIAM USA, 1832, PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WELTIN, MELCHIOR Austria, 1744, MIM Equatorial Sundials = HAK (1744), VIE; Artillery Level = VIE. HAK has sights for gnomon. Vienna. Zinner 1; W. Eckhardt 3; Rohde; Evans 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
WELTZIEN, DANIEL Germany, fl.1754-77, MIM SIM Graphometer = HAK. Hamburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WENCKEBACH, EDUARD Holland, 1813-74, NIM Prismatic Compass, Schmalcalder-type = AMST; Azimuth Compass = NMM; Quintants = TEY (# 46), P.C. (# 27); Bearing Compasses = Auction BOM 1906 & 1910; Sextants = TEY, P.C., Christie 6/17/72; Reflecting Circles = LEY (2), UTR, Poly- technic School, Delft. Oude Teertuinen 30 (1841-42); Hoek Nieuwebrug en Nieuwe- brugsteeg (1843-52); both in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1, 2 & 5; Rooseboom 1; G.L'E. Turner 7. suggest correction
WENGEMAYER, ODDO Germany, 1622-1703, MIM Horary Quadrant, wood and paper, 1695 = KRM. Kremsmünster. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WENHAM, F.H. England, OIM Binocular Microscope = X. convertible to a single microscope. Effra Vale Lodge, Brixton. USNM. suggest correction
WENL, EMANUELL England, c.1686, MIM apprenticed to Jonathan Roberts in the Broderers' Company, July 5, 1686. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WERMELANDS BERGMASSARE CONTOIR an agency which stamped its name on a magnetic compass made by I.G.H. RSW. suggest correction
WERNER Universal Ring Sundial = D.(1971) = P.C. Diameter = 5 Rhineland inches = 14 cm.; "Werner fecit Köln"; a modern forgery. Brieux 4; RSW. suggest correction
WERNER, J. Germany, 1574, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1574 = DRE. "er J. Werner oder Hartmann"; master mark shows crossed swords on a shield. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
WERNER, JOHANNES Germany, 1468-1522, MIM Astrolabe, 1516 (ICA-551) = NUR. author; sundial maker; made improvements to the cross-staff in 1514. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; ICA 2; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Lunardi; Price 1; Behaim Cat.(1957). suggest correction
WERNHER Universal Ring Sundial = P.C. (1976). modern English forgery. Brieux 2. suggest correction
WERNLE, JOHANN GEORG Germany, c.1750, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = ADL-M297. may have been item 58 in the Puttick and Simpson Cat., 6/18/1894. Pressburg. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Fischer; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WERTHEIMER, M. France, c.1845, see Dr. Roth and M. Wertheimer. Daumas 1. suggest correction
WESE England, late 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 12/17/75. West (?). Fleet Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
WESLEAK, WILLIAM England, c.1691, apprenticed to John Patrick 1 in the Joiners' Company on Mar. 31, 1691. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WESNLE, TOH. GEORG misreading for Wernle. P. & S. 6/18/1894. suggest correction
WESSCHAGL, MANUEL Germany, d.1728, MIM Screw-Cutting Tool = USNM. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
WESSELL, I.J. Norway, NIM Traverse Board = OMM. Christianafiord. RSW. suggest correction
WESSLER INSTRUMENT CO. USA, MIM SIM Wye Level = GUR. St. Louis, Mo. USNM. suggest correction
WESSMAN, GUSTAVE USA, fl.1852-53, MIM NIM PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WEST 1 England, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = D.(1971); Stick Barometers = Christie 11/16/55, D.(1988); Surveying Instrument = ADL-T40; Universal Ring Sundial = D.(1976); Walking Stick Barometer = NMM; Microscope = Christie-SK 7/10/80. could be Charles or Francis West. London. Goodison 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WEST 2 England, Protractor = Phillips 4/20/83. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
WEST, CHARLES England, fl.1814-30, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = WHI, Phillips 2/2/84, Soth. 5/21/73, D.(1971); Stick Barometer = X. T.C.; may have been in partnership with Charles Robert West. Serle's Passage, Lincoln's Inn; 5 Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane and 83 St. James Street, Pall Mall (1814-25); all in London. Taylor 2(1456); Crawforth 1; Court and von Rohr; Goodison 1; Moskowitz 102; RSW. suggest correction
WEST, CHARLES ROBERT England, fl.1806-24, OIM Telescope = P.C. may have been associated with Charles West; worked with William Bruce on a portable telescope; received a patent on it in 1806. 78 Cornhill and Plow Court, Fetter Lane; Gateway of Lincoln's Inn and St. James, Pall Mall; all in London. Taylor 2(1242). suggest correction
WEST, FRANCIS England, fl.1828-59, MIM OIM PHIM Barometer = KEN, Meteorological Office, Bracknell; Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 2/24/83; Camera Lucida = Exeter; Adams Universal Microscope = Soth. 4/28/69; Horizontal Sundial = Pugsley Sale; Inclinable Sundial = ADL-T40; Cuff-type Microscope = Soth. 10/3/88. apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' company in 1821; free of the Company, July 8, 1828; sold the log-log slide rule for accounting, invented by Peter Mark Roget in 1815, and divided by John Rooker. 17 Rupert Court, Drury Lane; 83 Fleet Street (1830-44); 41 Strand (1844-56); 92 and 93 Fleet Street (1849-59); all in London. Taylor 2(1243); Goodison 1; Middleton 1; Court and von Rohr 3(247); Tomlinson 1; Delehar 9; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WEST, FRANCIS LINNELL England, c.1850, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer, oak = Soth. 5/1/86; Equatorial Sundial = Christie 12/17/75; Microscopes = D.(1972), Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83. 31 Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WEST, J.C., AND CO. England, NIM T.C. in octant box. RSW. suggest correction
WESTBERG, CARL HINDRIC Sweden, 1720-69, OIM Telescope = STM. instrument maker; apprenticed to Daniel Eckström; active from c.1750 untill 1763 when he retired. Stockholm. Pipping; RSW. suggest correction
WESTERMANN, B., AND CO. USA, OIM advertised a pocket microscope. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WESTERN, GEORGE England, 1812, MIM Map Meter, 1812 = X. Delehar 3. suggest correction
WESTIN, JOHANN FIEDLER VON see Johann Fiedler. RSW. suggest correction
WESTIN, LUDW. EDW. England, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = NOR. owner?; the name is stamped twice in the case for the dial. RSW. suggest correction
WESTLEY England, see Carpenter and Westley. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Coffeen B; Dewhirst. suggest correction
WESTLEY, F. England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Soth.-S 1/27/88. 27a Old Bond Street, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WESTON, W. England, c.1840, MIM Rule, 48", folding, wood = D.(1983). Coffeen C. suggest correction
WESTON, WILLIAM England, 1722, MIM Horizontal Sundial, gilt-brass, 1722 = D.(1973). for latitude 52°. RSW. suggest correction
WETELING, JAN Holland, fl.1760-71, NIM "I. Weteling" is marked on a cross-staff signed "J.V.K. 1760"; pupil in the Utrecht Society. Utrecht. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WETHERED, GEORGE England, c.1677, MIM apprenticed to Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1677. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WETHERELL, JOHN England, 1690, apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company, 1690. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WETTER, CHR. see Chr. Vetter. Hamilton 1 & 2. suggest correction
WETTES, DE Holland?, 1639, MIM Sundial, ivory, 1639 = Spitzer-47 (2806). might be a variant of Wetter or Vetter. Michel 3. suggest correction
WETTON England, c.1800, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Lempertz 6/14/76. 21 Fleet Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
WEYDMAN, LUCAS Poland, 1648, MIM Instrument, 1648 = BM. Cracow. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
WEYER, JOHN Poland, MIM Table Clock = ADL-A11. Danzig. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WEYERMAN, J.H. Germany, 1747, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1747 = OXF. Ronsdorff. Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
WEYGAND, F.J. Holland, c.1816, MIM Terrestrial Globe Gores (attached) = Free Library, Philadelphia, Pa. "Globe artificiel et méchinique à l'usage du Petit Géographer à Amsterdam." Amsterdam; The Hague. Yonge. suggest correction
WEYK, JACOBUS Holland, 1767, MIM in de Kalverstraat bij de Luciessteeg, Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WEYMAN, DE 1676, NIM Tell-tale Compass, 1676 = Christie 6/7/72. the compass is also marked "int. bos." RSW. suggest correction
WEYS see Weiss. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WHALEY England, c.1840, NIM PHIM Octant = D.; Sympiesometer = Soth. 7/19/88; Marine Barometer and Thermometer = Soth.-Bill. 4/21/93. Hartlepool. RSW. suggest correction
WHEATON, JOSEPH England, c.1717, apprenticed to Edmund Blow in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 6, 1717. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WHEATON, SETH USA, 1779, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1779 = Richard Bourne Auction 8/9/79. Providence, R.I. RSW. suggest correction
WHEATSTONE, CHARLES England, 1802-75, physicist; developed an electric telegraph in 1831; invented the stereoscope in 1832; developed the Wheatstone bridge in 1843; many other philosophical instruments. Gloucester; d. Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1. suggest correction
WHEELER England, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = La Rochelle 7/16/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
WHEELER, EDMUND England, OIM Microscopes = D.(1975), Melun 4/24/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
WHEELER, JOHN England, c.1806, apprenticed to John Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on June 5, 1806. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WHEELER, JOHN H. USA, fl.1825-36, MIM NIM OIM Octants, ebony and ivory = ADL-N55, D.(1983); Marine Compass, dry-card = PEA. T.C.; in the trade card he claimed to be a "real manufacturer" of instruments; Robert Ludlow Shaw may have been his apprentice; succeeded by Addington D. Frye and Robert Ludlow Shaw. 7 Thames (1825); 218 Water (1825-26); 220 Water (1827); 156 and 220 Water (1828); 220 Water (1829-35); 222 Water (1835-38); all in New York, N.Y. Preuss and Treworgy 2; USNM; Coffeen D; ADL; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
WHEELHOUSE AND BERCINI England, c.1860, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers; succeeded John Cetta. 40 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WHIBLIN, JOHN England, fl.1669-76, MIM carpenter; made scales, rules and models. Taylor 1(340); Evans 1. suggest correction
WHIFORD England, c.1800, MIM Rule, ivory, part of an architect's etui = Soth. 12/15/78. London. RSW. suggest correction
WHIPP, THOMAS England, c.1834, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. clockmaker; the barometer is signed "Whipp Rochdale." Yorkshire Street, Rochdale. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WHIPPLE, SQUIRE USA, 1804-88, MIM SIM made and sold surveying instruments after he moved to Albany, N.Y.; graduated from Union College in 1830. Hardwich, Mass. (1804-); Albany, N.Y. (-1888). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
WHISTON, WILLIAM England, 1667-1752, author; designed several instruments including one called the "Copernicus." Clare College, Cambridge; London. Taylor 1(461) & 2(132). suggest correction
WHITAKER England, MIM Sector, ivory & brass = ADL-W114. 12 Long Lane, Smithfield, London. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WHITALL, HENRY USA, c.1830, MIM produced a "Movable Planisphere of the Heavens." D.J. Warner 6. suggest correction
WHITBREAD AND SEELING England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM 2 King Street, St. Luke's, London. Taylor 2(2039). suggest correction
WHITBREAD, GEORGE England, fl.1828-50, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant = NMM; Artificial Horizon = NMM (2); Quintants = AMST (2); Octant, ebony = Soth. 6/19/75; Sextant, pocket = Soth. 10/20/75; Sextant, case = Soth. 10/3/88 = Soth.-C 7/25/90. apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1821; free of the Company on July 17, 1828. 11 Exmouth Street, Commercial Road, London. Taylor 2(17410; Court and von Rohr 3(248); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
WHITCOMB, RASSELAS PRINCE USA, 1808-84, MIM SIM Transit Compass = P.C.(1863). fl.1851-78; took Herman Pfister as a partner in the firm "R. Whitcomb and Co"; sold out to Pfister in 1878; 121 Walnut (1851-52); 137 W. 5th (1855); northwest corner of 5th and Plum (1856); southwest corner of 5th and Race (1857-77); 119 W. 5th, Room 6 (1877-78); all in Cincinnati, Ohio. Smart 1. suggest correction
WHITE England, MIM Analemmatic Sundial = KEN. RSW. suggest correction
WHITE AND CO. Scotland, c.1850, NIM Sextant = Soth. 3/10/87. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, JAMES Scotland, fl.1850-56, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Mining Compasses = D.(1972), D.(1974); Rolling Parallel Rule = D.(1972); Microscope = D.(1976); Altimeter and Aneroid Barometer = Christie-Geneva 11/20/79; Dry Card Compass = Maritime Museum of British Columbia. made instruments for Lord Kelvin; see Kelvin and James White Ltd. 24 Renfield Street (1850-52); 14 Renfield Street (1853-56); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Wynter and Turner; Moskowitz 112; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, JOHN 1 England, c.1670, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Loomes of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 3, 1663; turned over to Thomas Bagley of the same Company; free of the Company, Oct. 7, 1670; took John Wells 2 as an apprentice. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WHITE, JOHN 2 England, c.1668, MIM apprenticed to Humphrey Peirce of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 8, 1668. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WHITE, JOHN 3 England, 1668, admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company in 1668. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WHITE, MR. England, 1661, MIM John Brown 1 reported that White had invented a slide rule; might be John White 3. Taylor 1(407) or (489); J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WHITE, PEREGRINE USA, 1747-1834, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = P.C.(1957), P.C.(1975), USNM, Old Sturbridge Village, Mass. (2), etc; Protractor with Rule = P.C.; Surveying Instrument = Old Sturbridge Village, Mass. silversmith; clockmaker; instruments are dated from 1774-1834. Woodstock, Conn. Smart 1; Bedini 8; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, PHILIP England, c.1817, apprenticed to John Corless in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 28, 1817. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WHITE, S. England, fl.1830-38, NIM see William and S. White. 17 Anchor and Hope Alley, Wapping, London. Taylor 2(2041). suggest correction
WHITE, SAMUEL England, 1707, NIM compass maker for the Navy. Ratcliff Cross, London. Taylor 1(543). suggest correction
WHITE, THOMPSON AND CO. Scotland, NIM PHIM Mariner's Compass = Christie 7/5/71; Barometer and Sympiesometer = Soth. 7/19/88. Whyte ? Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, W. 1 England, 1839, MIM White's Plane Spherical Globe, 1839 = Phillips 9/10/86. a planisphere. 210 Brook Hill, Sheffield. RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, W. 2 England, c.1845, NIM Octant = Christie-SK 10/23/87. T.C.; "late Northen"; succeeded Richard Northen and Son, c. 1845. 50 Lowgate, Hull. RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, WILLIAM Ireland, c.1824, OIM 17 Crow Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
WHITE, WILLIAM SAMUEL England, fl.1830-38, NIM made sextants and quadrants. 17 Anchor and Hope Alley, Wapping, London. Taylor 2(2041). suggest correction
WHITEAR, T. England, 1770, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1770 = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHEAD England, 19th Century, PHIM Barometer = Phillips 11/16/88. Market Harborough. RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHEAD, CHARLES England, c.1693, MIM Gunner's Calipers = D.(1997). apprenticed to his father, Richard Whitehead, of the Clockmakers' Company on July 3, 1693; instrument signed "Cha: Whitehead Fec." J. Brown 3; Clifton 1; Coffeen 56. suggest correction
WHITEHEAD, JAMES England, c.1811, apprenticed to Joseph Fairey of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 5, 1811. J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
WHITEHEAD, RICHARD England, fl.1671-93, MIM SIM Butterfield-type Sundials = ADL-W203, P.C. (1990), Soth. 11/9/59 & 12/20/28; Sundials, silver = OXF (1671), Barrett Coll.; Circumferentor = WHI. apprenticed to Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 5, 1663; free of the Company, Sept. 29, 1671; took apprentices, including his son, Charles; his name is shown as Charles Whitehead in the apprenticeship papers; worked for George Graham. Gunpowder Alley, Shoe Lane, off Fleet Street, London. Taylor 1(300); J. Brown 3; Robischon; Evans 1; Baillie 1; Dewhirst; J. Evans 1; Clifton 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE 1 England, OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 2/9/84. London. RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 8 Coventry Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE 3 England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 1/27/89 43 Warwick Street, Pimlico, London. RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE, HON. GEORGE LEIGHTON USA, 1797-1887, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses, wood = P.C., D.(1989), P.C., D.(1983); Surveying Compass = P.C.; Magnetic Compass = Gun House, Old Sturbridge Village, Mass. land surveyor. Farmington, N.H. (1824-87). Smart 1; Coffeen C; Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE, J. England, MIM Protractor = Phillips 6/15/76. RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE, JOHN T. England, fl.1830-38, OIM 13 St. John's Lane, London. Taylor 2(2042). suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE, NATHANIEL England, fl.1825-46, OIM PHIM Telescope = D.(1974); Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. 2 Cranbourne Street, Leicester Square; 3 (1) Cross Street, Hatton Garden; 1 Castle Street, Great Newport Street; all in London. Taylor 2(1742); USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE, S. England, fl.1814-16, OIM PHIM made magnets. 3 Green Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1459). suggest correction
WHITEHURST England, c.1750, PHIM Chemical Balance = LEY. could be James Whitehurst 1 or John Whitehurst 1. Derby. Daumas 1. suggest correction
WHITEHURST AND SON England, fl.1810-34, PHIM Stick Barometers = Christie 5/5/83, Christie-SK 10/20/89, Phillips 12/12/89; Wheel Barometer = X. John Whitehurst 2 and his son, John Whitehurst 3. 22 Irongate, Derby. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHURST, JAMES England, c.1775, PHIM father of John Whitehurst 2; brother of John Whitehurst 1; clock and barometer maker. Derby. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WHITEHURST, JOHN 1 England, 1713-88, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1977); Angle Barometers, 1749,1768, 1772 = X; Angle Barometer = Hardwick Hall; Angle Barometer, 1772 = Salford City Art Museum (lost0; Wheel Barometers = Luton Hoo, D.(1988), X; Angle Barometer, 1776 = P.C. made F.R.S. in 1779; "Stamper of Money Weights" at the London Mint, 1775; probably succeeded in Derby by his brother, James Whitehurst of Derby and then by his nephew, John Whitehurst 2; clockmaker; made a member of the American Philosphical Society in 1786; friend of James Ferguson 1. 22 Irongate, Derby; 4 Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London (1776-88). Taylor 2(318); Gunther 2; Goodison 1; Symonds; R.J. Morris; DNB; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHURST, JOHN 2 England, 1761-1834, PHIM Wheel Barometers = P.C.(2), Untermyer Coll., P-B 1962; Angle Barometers = OXF, BM, X; Stick Barometer = X; Wind-vane, 1791 = X. see Whitehurst and Son; succeeded his father, James, and later his uncle, John Whitehurst 1; clockmaker; Middleton thought John Whitehurst 1 had made OXF barometer. 22 Irongate, Derby. Goodison 1; MacQuoid and Edwards; Middleton 1. suggest correction
WHITEHURST, JOHN 3 England, 1788-1855, MIM PHIM son of John Whitehurst 2; partner with his father, 1810-34; clockmaker, also made barometers, thermometers, etc. 22 Irongate; 1 Cherry Street (after 1843); both in Derby. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WHITELEY, FRANCIS USA, c.1836, MIM Surveying Instrument, No. 147 = P.C. patented a compass quadrant and protractor, Dec. 6, 1836. Standardsville, Va. Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WHITESCARVER, G.H. USA, c.1850, MIM Protractor with Rule, electrum = D.(1995). signed "G.H. Whitescarver's Calculating Protractor." Coffeen 51. suggest correction
WHITESCOVER, G.H. USA, patented a quadrant compass. USNM. suggest correction
WHITFORD, SAMUEL England, fl.1750-72, MIM OIM PHIM barometer and hygrometer maker; probably father of Thomas Whitford; T.C. Archimedes and Three Spectacles, 27 Ludgate Street, London. Taylor 2(549); Goodison 1; Coffeen 41. suggest correction
WHITFORD, THOMAS England, fl.1743-92, MIM OIM Telescope = D.(1993). apprenticed in 1736; probably related to Samuel Whitford, which see; John Bleuler succeeded him, still at the same address; T.C. 27 Ludgate Street, St. Paul's, London. Taylor 2(549); Calvert 2; Clay and Court; Crawforth 6; Coffeen 41. suggest correction
WHITING, W.G. England, OIM Telescope, four-draw = D.(1988). 6 Market Street, Manchester. Rinaldi 22. suggest correction
WHITMORE AND SON England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 11/16/88. Gold Street, Northampton. RSW. suggest correction
WHITNEY, JOHN USA, c.1801, MIM OIM succeeded Thomas Whitney, might be his son. 70 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WHITNEY, THOMAS England; USA, fl.1790-1821, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Chicago Historical Society, D.(1987) (No. 321, 1817), Franklin Institute, P.C., D.(1984) (1818), GUR (1810), P.C. (No. 63, 1810), D.(1994) (1815); Magnetic Compasses = USNM, Winterthur Museum, apprenticed to Samuel Browning 2 in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 5, 1782; free of the Company, Jan. 7, 1790; went to Philadelphia, Pa. before 1798; owned a dividing engine made by George Adams 2; took William J. Young as an apprentice in 1813 until 1820; T.C.(2)(one in 1798); succeeded John Gould. London; 72 South Front (Mr. Gould's); 74 South Front Street; North Sixth Street, continued a little above the Mill Pond; 70 South Front Street; all in Philadelphia, Pa. J. Brown 1; Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 1 & 8; J.A. Bennett 2; Coffeen I; R.W. Miller; Moskowitz 130; Garcelon 33; RSW. suggest correction
WHITON, ELIJAH USA, 1799-1871, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1824 = GUR; Instrument, No. 33 = Markle Museum, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Gurley serviced a surveying compass in 1874. Groton; Hingham; both in Mass. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
WHITSON see Melville, Dundas and Whitson. RSW. suggest correction
WHITTAKER, THOMAS USA, late 19th Century, MIM Planisphere = D.(1982). 2 and 3 Bible House, New York, N.Y. Coffeen A. suggest correction
WHITTEMORE, AMOS USA, 1759-1828, received a patent for a "nautical perambulator" in 1796; perhaps a type of patent log. Mass. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WHITTEN, D.E. USA, c.1850, NIM Mariner's Compass = D.(1971). Boston, Mass. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
WHITTON, BENJAMIN England, c.1750, T.C.; copper and brass plate maker. at the Crown in New Street, Shoe Lane, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
WHITWELL, CHARLES England, fl.1590-1611, MIM NIM Quadrant, 1595 = FLO; Astrolabe, 1595 = FLO; Nautical Hemi- spheres = FLO (2); Vertical Sundial with Perpetual Calendar, 1595 = SPI = OXF; Universal Sundial, 1606 = OXF; Astronomical Compendia = NMM (1600), WHI (1604); Diptych Sundial = BM; Drawing Instrument = FLO; Noc- turnal = FLO; Computing Instrument on a Plane Table = WHI; Compass Rose = FLO. apprenticed to Augustine Ryther of the Grocers' Company, Dec. 17, 1582; free of the Company on Nov. 10, 1590; took apprentices; engraver; cartographer; the FLO instruments belonged to Sir Robert Dudley in 1608, the astrolabe is very similar to ADL-M33; the 1593 sundial at OXF was designed by Torporley; also see C.W. (1). see Whitwell, Charles (cont.). suggest correction
WHITWELL, CHARLES (CONT.) over against Essex House (1597); Without Temple Bar, against St. Clement's Church (1598); both in London. Taylor 1(88); J. Brown 1; Hamilton 1; Price 3; Ward 4; GHP; G.L'E. Turner 26 & 29; A.J. Turner 10; J.A. Bennett 2; Evan 1; Michel 3; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
WHITWORTH AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM balance makers; awarded a prize at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WHORLETT, EDWARD England, c.1767, apprenticed to Tycho Wing of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 6, 1767. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WHYTE, THOMSON AND CO. Scotland, 19th Century, NIM PHIM Liquid Compass in Binnacle = PMS; Marine Barometer = Christie- SK 11/27/86; Compass and Aneroid Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
WHYTOCK Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Dundee. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WICKINS, JOHN England, c.1672, OIM polished mirrors for Isaac Newton A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
WIDDESFIELD USA, OIM Telescope with stand = Campobello Nat'l Monument, New Brunswick, Canada. misreading for Widdifield. Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
WIDDIFIDD AND CO. misreading for Widdifield and Co. Soth.-PB pre-1980. suggest correction
WIDDIFIELD AND CO. USA, fl.1847-68, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980; Telescopes = Eldred 10/11/75, Maria Mitchell Science Library, Nantucket, Mass. Boston, Mass. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WIDDIFIELD, D.B. USA, fl.1828-37, MIM OIM see Widdifield and Co.; see Widdesfield. Boston, Mass. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WIDDIFIELD, D.B., AND CO. USA, fl.1838-56, MIM OIM see D.B. Widdifield, Widdifield and Co., and Widdesfield. Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
WIDEMAN, JACOB Germany, c.1650, MIM Table clock = OXF. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
WIDENHAM, R. England, c.1824?, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. clockmaker; the barometer is signed "Widenham Lombard Street, London." Lombard Street, London. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
WIDERROITER, SIGMUND Germany, 1589, MIM Horizontal Sundial and Calendar, chalk stone, 1589 = MUN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WIEDHOLT Germany, 18th Century, MIM Equatorial Table Sundial = DOR. Münster. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WIEKERA, CS. VAN Holland, 1794, OIM PHIM Hygrometer, 1794 = TEY. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1; G.L'E. Turner 7. suggest correction
WIESEL, JOHANNES Germany, 1583-1660+, OIM Telescope = SKO. the telescope is also marked "I.W.A.O.F."; pupil of and instrument maker to Rheita; microscope maker; Daumas lists him as the father-in-law of Campani; refered to as an instrument maker by Bonami in 1690; variant spellings were Wiselius or Wiseling. Augsburg. Daumas 1 & 6; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
WIGGINS see Reynolds and Wiggins. RSW. suggest correction
WIGGINS, FREDERICK England, 1814-87, NIM PHIM apprenticed to Mrs. Janet Taylor; worked for Imray and Co., c.1835; partner with William Reynolds as Reynolds and Wiggins, c.1840. 102-104 Minories (Mrs. Janet Taylor's address); 102 Minories (c.1835); 82 Minories (c.1840); all in London. Taylor 2(2273). suggest correction
WIGHT, E. USA, c.1848, PHIM also listed as a machinist. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WIGHTMAN, JOSEPH MILNER USA, fl.1830-61, MIM NIM PHIM Air Pump = D.(1982). Wightman made a self-registering tide-gauge that was used by the U.S. Coast Survey c.1845; partner with Timothy Claxton as Claxton and Wightman; they made philosophical apparatus for schools; he succeeded Claxton. Boston, Mass. D.J. Warner 6; Coffeen B; USNM. suggest correction
WIGHTMAN, THOMAS USA, c.1800, "Wightman Sculp." appears on the compass cards of wooden surveyor's compasses by John Trundy 1. RSW. suggest correction
WIGLIUS, D. England, 1626, MIM Sectors = London Museum (1626), P.C. (1988). the sector in the London Museum came with a collection of Cromwelliana. Didcock 1; Brieux 2; RSW. suggest correction
WIGMORE, T. c.1900, Water Clock (falsely dated 1680) = X. surely the modern work of Pearson Page of Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
WIJBRANDTSZN, WIJBE Holland, c.1600, MIM made clocks and astronomical instruments; variant form is Vibrandi from which the name "Vebrandi" on ADL-A111, a fake, was taken. Leeuwarden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WIJK, C. VAN Holland, 1756, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1756 = Delft Exhibition of Sundials in 1984 = UTR. Utrecht. de Rijk; RSW. suggest correction
WIJK, CORNELIS VAN Holland; France, fl.1779-88, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Microscope, 1783 = UTR; Holland Circle, 1785 = UTR; Pneu- matic Pump, 1787 = UTR. Utrecht; Haarlem; Paris. Mörzer bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
WIJK, JACOBUS VAN Holland, fl.c.1750-70, MIM NIM Octant, 1763 = AMST; Azimuth Compass = ROT. Kalverstraat bij de St. Luciessteg, Amsterdam (1767). Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WIJK, JAN VAN Holland, fl.1759-85, MIM NIM SIM Octants = LEY, P.C., Göteborg Maritime Museum, Schleswig- Holstein Landesmuseum (1785); Surveying Instrument = AMST; Circumferentors = P.C. (2); Holland Circle, 1759 = Christie-SK 11/19/87. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
WIJK, JOHAN VAN Holland, 1655, OIM Huygens reported in 1655 that Jan van Wijk was grinding lenses. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
WIKBOM, STEN Sweden, 1767, MIM Elvius-type Quadrant, wood and paper, 1767 = NOR. Uppsala. RSW. suggest correction
WIKKERA, WEDUWE VAN Holland, c.1823, MIM the widow Wikkera; probably the widow of Cs. van Wiekera, which see. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WILCKENS, C.O. Germany, PHIM Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. Altona. RSW. suggest correction
WILCOX AND COYSGARNE England, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = VNN. Hermitage, London. RSW. suggest correction
WILCOX, J. England, pre-1731, MIM made? and sold Gunter's quadrants. at the Green Dragon in Little Britain, London. Leadbetter. suggest correction
WILDBOARE, TOBIAS England, c.1683, MIM Triangular Quadrant, wood = KEN. London. Taylor 1(432); Calvert 3. suggest correction
WILDER USA, PHIM Thermometer = Vermont Historical Society. Troy, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WILDER, CHARLES USA, c.1860, PHIM Stick Barometers = MYS, USNM, P.C. "Woodruff's patent, 1860." Peterboro, New Hampshire. USNM; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
WILDPRET, JACOB Austria, 1738, MIM SIM made astrolabes, quadrants, compasses, surveying instruments, etc. Lothringen; Vienna. Michel 14. suggest correction
WILHELM VON HIRSAU Germany, fl.1071-91, MIM Astronomical Teaching Device, stone = Ulrichmuseum, Regensberg. Hirsau. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WILKENS, JOHN England, 1614-72, John Evelyn stated that Wilkens devised instruments. Chester; Oxford. Taylor 1(181). suggest correction
WILKES, THOMAS see Thomas Wilks. Taylor 2(425). suggest correction
WILKINS, JOHN England, fl.1851-52, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 1 Cropley Street, Hoxton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILKINSON England, c.1824, NIM Sextant = X. London. USNM. suggest correction
WILKINSON AND SONS England, c.1830, NIM Quadrant = D.(1971). London. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
WILKINSON, ANTHONY England, fl.1774-82, PHIM Money Balances = Christie-SK 7/10/80, Christie 3/31/83, Phillips 9/10/86, Versailles 11/20/83, Soth. 4/16/56, Koller 11/17/75, D.(1985), etc. invented the folding gold balance c.1775; succeeded by Stephen Houghton and Son. Kirkby; Ormskirk. Taylor 2(1057); Coffeen 9; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
WILKINSON, JOHN England, c.1830, OIM Telescope, single-draw = Phillips 1/30/84. the telescope is signed "J. Wilkinson." 54 Briggate, Leeds. Taylor 2(2044); RSW. suggest correction
WILKINSON, THOMAS England, c.1643, devised an instrument similar in principle to an astrolabe and printed it in his almanac. Northampton. Taylor 1(207). suggest correction
WILKS, I. England, MIM Horary Quadrant = Aubury Coll. = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
WILKS, THOMAS England, fl.1725-47, MIM Sundial = OXF; Sundial, 1725 = Christie 12/12/72 Evans states that Wilks made a geared sundial for Lord Lichfield. Pebworth. Taylor 2(425); Evans 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
WILL, JOHANN Germany, fl.1731-50, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1750 = DEU; Sundial, octagonal = KEN. Heidelberg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WILL, JOHN England, 1757, MIM Rowley published "A treatise containing a description and use of a curious quadrant made by John Will", London, 1757. USNM. suggest correction
WILLANS, THOMAS England, c.1739, apprenticed to Robert Scott 1 of the Grocers' Company, on July 25, 1739. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WILLARD, AARON, JR. USA, 1786-1864, MIM Orrery, 1821 = West Chester County Historical Society, Pa. author; clockmaker; made orrery invented by John Locke and a cometarium invented by James Dean. Boston, Mass. D.J. Warner 6; Bedini 8; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WILLARD, ALEXANDER TARBELL USA, 1774-1850, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = New Ipswich Historical Society, N.H. clockmaker; also made theodolites etc. Ashburnham (1774-1800); Ashby (1800-50); both in Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
WILLARD, NICHOLAS England, 1759, MIM Slide Rule, 1759 = P.C. signed "Nick Willard 1759"; deputy searcher for the Excise. Delehar 9. suggest correction
WILLATS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Benjamin, Richard or Thomas Willats, which see. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLATS, BENJAMIN England, c.1849, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 55 Bartholomew Close, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLATS, RICHARD England, fl.1850-60, OIM PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; partner with Thomas Willats as Thomas and Richard Willats (1850-53). 98 Cheapside (1850); 28 Ironmonger lane (1851-56); 2 Church Lane, Homerton (1857-60); all in London. suggest correction
WILLATS, THOMAS England, fl.pre-1850-53, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "T. Willats"; see Thomas and Richard Willats. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLATS, THOMAS AND RICHARD England, fl.1850-53, MIM OIM PHIM barometer and thermometer makers. 98 Cheapside (1850); 28 Ironmonger Lane (1851-53); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLCOX, WALTON England, fl.1772-83, MIM apprenticed to John Urings 2 of the Joiners' Company on Sept. 3, 1765; free of the Company, Nov. 3, 1772; took apprentices; Richard Lekeux was turned over to him, Aug. 22, 1775, from Thomas Ripley 1 of the Grocers' Company. Hermitage, London. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WILLDEY, GEORGE England, fl.1702-37, OIM apprenticed to John Yarwell in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1695; free of the Company, March 26, 1702; Master of the Company in 1722 and 1733; took apprentices of both sexes; partner with Timothy Brandreth, 1707-10; partner with Charles Price 1, 1710-13; published and sold maps. at the Archimedes and Globe in Ludgate Street, the corner next to St. Paul's (1707-09); at the Archimedes and Globe next the Dog Tavern (1709-13); and at the Archimedes and Globe over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill (1711-13); at the Print Shop the corner of Ludgate Street next St. Paul's and at his Spectacle and Toy Shop next the Dog Tavern in the same street (1718-37); the West end of St. Paul's; all in London. see Willdey, George (cont.) suggest correction
WILLDEY, GEORGE (CONT.) Taylor 1(498) & 2(134); Tyacke 1; Crawforth 1 & 7; Court and von Rohr 3(70); Evans 1; Robischon; Clay and Court. suggest correction
WILLDEY, THOMAS England, fl.1739-48, MIM OIM son of and successor to George Willdey; apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1732; free of the Company on Oct. 4, 1739, by Patrimony. Ludgate Street, London. Taylor 2(319); Court and von Rohr 3(134); Crawforth 6; Robischon. suggest correction
WILLEBRAND, JOHANN Germany, fl.1682-1720, MIM Calendars = P.C., Frankfort Gewerbe Museum; Pedometers = AUG, ADL-M228; Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = OXF (2), AUG, HAK, KAS, LIE, PAM; Globe Sundial = WHI; Universal Ring Sundials = ADL-A95, ADL-DPW5, ADL-W85, AUG, OXF, BM, SAL, VIE; made many beautiful Augsburg-type sundials which may be found in most of the principal museums, one of the ones at WHI has a cam. he was one of the most accomplished instument makers of his time; step-brother of Johann Martin; probably the father of Johann Martin Willebrand. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Bobinger 2; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Monreal; Maddison 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; Wynter; USNM; Abeler 1; Bryden 16; Syndram; Coffeen 46; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WILLEBRAND, JOHANN MARTIN Germany, fl.1720-26, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = NMM, INN, STU; Equatorial Sundials = BEK, MUN; Augsburg-type Sundials = AUG (4), Evans Coll., etc; Crescent Sundial = AUG. probably the son of Johann Willebrand; Willebrand made a miniature Augsburg-type sundial in gold to fit the back of a pocket watch by Nicholas Della at TIM. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; NMM 2; Evans 1; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
WILLEMSZ., CORNELIS, JR. Germany, 1716-90, NIM Octants = KRO, Schleswig-Holstein Landesmuseum. Föhr, Schleswig-Holstein. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WILLET AND JEWEL England, c.1825, OIM Microscope = D.(1973). West Street, Gravesend, London. Moskowitz 107. suggest correction
WILLEVAUX, P. PETRUS FRAN:US DE France?, 1703, OIM Telescope, parchment, 1703 = ADL-M430. "P. Petrus Frañ:us de Willevaux; also marked "Sacerdus Capuccinus Fecit Anno. 1703." Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WILLHELIM see Haase and Willhelim. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS 1 England, c.1835, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = D.(1987). London. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = x. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLIAMS 3 USA, PHIM see Safford and Williams. USNM. suggest correction
WILLIAMS AND HAYDON England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 9/11/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, DAVID USA, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometer = Newport Historical Society, R.I. clockmaker. Newport, R.I. Newport Historical Society Bulletin, Vol. 45 # 1; RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, ED. England, c.1770, MIM Sundial in watch lid = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, GEORGE England, c.1828, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Mansfield in the Grocers' Company, Feb. 7, 1828. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, J.F. England, 1832, NIM Marine Compass, 1832 = National Museum of Canada; Octant, ebony = Christie 7/28/70. 63 Broadquay, facing the Sun Dial, Bristol. Bryden 9; USNM. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, RICE England, PHIM Barometer = X. Somerset House, by the New Church, Strand, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, SAMUEL PORTER USA, 1807-77, may have been a partner in Young and Co. was partner in Young, Smith and Co. by 1837-43;apparently worked alone as a dealer in hardware from then on. 4 Maiden Lane (1837-43); 17 Maiden Lane (1844-45); 19 Maiden Lane (1846-49); 74 Broadway (1850); 29 Maiden Lane; 15 John Street (1875); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, T.J. England, NIM Sextant, lattice framed = Christie-SK 4/14/89. chronometer maker and optican; sextant signed "T. Williams" plus address. Bute Dock, Cardiff. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, THOMAS 1 England, apprenticed to Thomas Brown 1 in the Joiners' Company, June 25, 1627. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, THOMAS 2 England, MIM "late apprentice and successor to Mr. Harrison dec'd"; T.C. J. Collins 1. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, W. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Devonport. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, W.R. England, c.1825, NIM PHIM Sextants = Phillips 4/20/83, Soth. 5/11/23, MYS, Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Pa.; Stick Barometer = MYS; Octant = MYS. 9 Dock Street, Newport, Monmouthshire. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM 1 USA, 1738-92, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Backstaff, 1768 = PEA. succeeded by Samuel Thaxter who married Williams' niece, and may have been his apprentice; advertised nautical compasses, Boston, 1770. King Street, two doors east of the Sign of Admiral Vernon, near the Head of Long Wharf, Boston, Mass; the Mathematical Shop, next door to Major Read's, opposite the Town House, Marblehead, Mass. (1774); Boston, Mass. Bedini 1 & 8; Brewington 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Price 2; USNM; D.J. Warner 8, 10 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1850, PHIM Balances = D.(1976), Soth.-C 9/22/83. T.C. 71 Cannon Street and 4 Alschurch Yard; both in London. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM 3 England, c.1801, MIM free in the Coopers' Company; reported on Thomas Bourne of the Joiners' Company with Michael Dancer of the Joiners' Company in 1801. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM PAYNE England, c.1825, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Fairey in the Grocers' Company, Oct. 6, 1825. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, AND SONS England, c.1860, PHIM William Williams (2) and Sons; balance makers; T.C. 127 Cannon Road and 4 Alschurch Yard; both in London E.C. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMSON, JOHN England, c.1777, watchmaker; noted as a mechanic a mathematician and a chemist. Cumberland. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WILLIAMSON, ROBERT England, fl.1766-69, stationer and dealer in optical, philosophical, mathematical and musical instruments. Near the Exchange, Castle Street, Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WILLING, A., AND CO. England, c.1840, NIM Sextants = DOR, D.(1976). West Hartlepool. RSW. suggest correction
WILLINGTON England, NIM Sextant = Soth. 3/24/1834. misreading for Wellington? RSW. suggest correction
WILLIS, ARTHUR USA?, 1674, MIM Plotting Rule, 1674 = Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. Price thought it might have come from Sutton's workshop. Bedini 1 & 8; Price 2; USNM. suggest correction
WILLIS, ROBERT England, c.1830, MIM Odontograph = OXF. invented an odontograph; F.R.S. Taylor 2(2046). suggest correction
WILLSMERE, JESSE England, c.1827, MIM PHIM apprenticed to James Gardner in the Grocers' Company on March 1, 1827. 2 Gloucester Terrace, London. Taylor 2(2275); J. Brown 2. suggest correction
WILLSON see Wilson. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WILLSON AND DIXEY England, c.1800, MIM OIM Telescope, pocket = Christie 4/3/85. marked "late Appre to J. Ramsden"; T.C. 9 Wardrobe Place, Doctors Commons, London. Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
WILLSON, GEORGE England, fl.1810-25, OIM Telescopes = D.(1974), Christie-SK 11/15/79, Soth. 7/23/87. "working optician" in directory; telescopes usually signed "G. Willson London." 44 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, London. RSW. suggest correction
WILLSON, JOHN England, c.1772, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Hill in the Grocers' Company on June 4, 1765; free of the Company, July 7, 1772. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WILMOT, GEORGE England, fl.1844-46, PHIM barometer maker. 46 Gee Street (1844); 14 Willow Row, Gee Street (1845-46); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILS, PIETER Holland, 1670, MIM Nocturnal with Lansberg-type Quadrant, 1670 = DRE; Astronomical Compendium, 1670 = WHI. Haarlem. Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON 1 see Christie and Wilson. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON 2 see Norie and Wilson. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON 3 USA, 1850, MIM Celestial Globe, 1850 = D.(1988); Pair of Globes = Norwich University, Conn. probably James Wilson. Albany, N.Y. Rinaldi 22; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON 4 England, OIM Telescope = Soth. 6/21/76. possibly Jac. Wilson, which see. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON AND GILLIE England, 1893-1900, NIM Sextants = D.(1971). certificates dated 1893 and 1900. Quay, North Shields. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILSON'S AND CO. USA, fl.1820-22, MIM Pair of Globes = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Michigan. James Wilson 3. Albany, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WILSON, ALEXANDER England, 1714-86, invented the use of glass beads to measure specific gravity. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WILSON, C. England, c.1850, NIM Quadrants, ebony and ivory = SUN, D.(1976). "late Norie and Wilson". London. Rinaldi 2; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, DAVID USA, pre-1833, MIM partner with his father, James Wilson 3, and his brothers, Samuel and John Wilson; globe makers; business closed in 1833. Albany, N.Y. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WILSON, G. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. 4 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, London. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, GEORGE 1 England, c.1825, NIM Binnacle = D.(1955). 20 Glasshouse Street, Picadilly Circus, London. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, GEORGE 2 England, c.1838, MIM 25 Merlin Place, Wilmington Square, London. Taylor 2(2276). suggest correction
WILSON, GEORGE W. USA, 1821-1910, MIM OIM SIM Surveying Cross = GUR; Transit, 1886 = D.(1971); Wye Level = D.(1970). Bradford, Vt.; Concord, N.H. (1864-1901). Smart 1; Moskowitz 103; USNM. suggest correction
WILSON, HUGH Scotland, MIM Sundial = Fenwick, near Falkirk. Gatty. suggest correction
WILSON, J. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Folkestone. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILSON, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Stamford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILSON, J., AND SONS USA, fl.1825-30, MIM Celestial Globes, 1826 = Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass., P.C.(1973); Terrestrial Globes, 1828 = Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass., P.C. (1973); Celestial Globe, 1831 = Nat'l Geographic Society. James Wilson 3 and his sons, David, Samuel and John (3). Albany, N.Y. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, J.G. USA, c.1830, "J.G. Wilson patent" appears on a wooden square made by Belcher Brothers. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, J.J. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88. 19 Hudson Road, Sunderland. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, JAC. England, pre-1731, OIM Telescope, wood = OXF. Orrery Coll; may be James Wilson 1 or , less likely, James Wilson 2. London. A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, JAMES 1 England, fl.1665-1723, MIM OIM Telescope, reflecting = OXF; Microscope = OXF. author; developed the screw-barrel microscope in England; a microscope at KEN, signed "I.W." (6) is by this maker. at the Sign of the Willow Tree, in Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. Taylor 1(450) & 2(137); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Daumas 1. suggest correction
WILSON, JAMES 2 England, fl.1723-59, MIM apprenticed to John Sedley of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 19, 1707; turned over to Cuthbert Lee of the same Company; free of the Company July 1, 1723; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WILSON, JAMES 3 USA, 1763-1855, MIM Pairs of Globes = New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, N.H., D.(1982); Terrestrial Globes = Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., USNM (1811). the first American globemaker, 1799; Wilson sold his first globes in 1809; dated ones range 1809-45; by 1815 the factory was in Albany, N.Y.; the firm became "J. Wilson and Sons" when his sons, Samuel, John, and David Wilson joined as partners; the direction of the business was turned over to Cyrus Lancaster, his son-in-law, after 1833; made a planetarium in 1846. Bradford, Vt.; Albany, N.Y. Bedini 1 & 8; Yonge; USNM; D.J. Warner 6; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, JAMES AND SONS USA, fl.1826-33, MIM James Wilson 3 and his sons, Samuel, David and John (3) Wilson. Albany, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WILSON, JOHN 1 England, fl.1714-59, MIM apprenticed to Richard Glynne of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 4, 1707; free of the Company, Jan. 17, 1715; took apprentices. King's Head Court, Holborn, London. J. Brown 1 and 3; Robischon. suggest correction
WILSON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1816-41, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. watchmaker. Peterborough (1816); Narrow Bridge Street; Peterborough (1830-41). Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILSON, JOHN 3 USA, d.1833, MIM globe maker; partner with his father, James Wilson 3 and his brothers, Samuel and David Wilson. Albany, N.Y. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WILSON, JOHN 4 England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 12/12/73. Appleby. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, SAMUEL USA, d.1833, MIM globe maker; partner with his father, James Wilson (3) and his brothers, John and David. Albany, N.Y. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WILSON, T. England, c.1780, MIM Gunter's Rule, boxwood = ADL-A247. marked "Navigtion Scale - improved by B. Donn." First name "Thomas". London. ADL; RSW. WEBDB suggest correction
WILSON, W.W. USA, MIM Garden Sundial = P.C. Pittsburgh, Pa. Price 2 (1965). suggest correction
WILSON, WARDEN AND CO. England, PHIM Barograph = Bearnes 12/6/71. London. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, WILLIAM England, c.1663, MIM Vertical Sundial = Moat House, Sutton Coldfield, Warwick. assistant to Christopher Wren. Gatty. suggest correction
WILTON, WILLIAM 1 England, 18th Century, MIM NIM apprenticed to Jonathan Eade in the Merchant Taylors' Company; partner with Eade and Allen, as Eade, Wilton and Allen. London. Crawforth 8; RSW. suggest correction
WILTON, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1825-66, MIM NIM SIM Surveying Instrument = Soth. 1/22/73; Miner's Level = OXF; Full Protractor = D.(1982); Dip Circle = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby; Theodolite = D.(1982). T.C.; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; clockmaker; succeeded by E.T. Newton in St. Day and also by A. Jeffery in Cambourne. St. Day and Cambourne, Cornwall. Taylor 2(1246); Coffeen B; Bryden 9; Crawforth 1 & 4; H.M. Brown; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
WIMBEE, N. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Jersey. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WIMHURST, JAMES England, 1799-1886, PHIM Electrostatic Machine = D.; Electrical Machine, belt-driven = Royal Institution. the Wimhurst Machine was invented c.1882; F.R.S. Moskowitz 104; RSW. suggest correction
WIN see Wynne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WINCH, W. England, c.1700, name marked on a quadrant signed by John Rowley; Taylor and Wilson stated that Rowley might have been Winch's apprentice, while other sources give Joseph Howe as Rowley's master; it is likely that Winch was the owner of the quadrant. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
WINCKFIELD, EDWARD England, c.1629, apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 29, 1629. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WINCKLER, JOHANN Germany, 1703-70, made improvements to electrical machines. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
WINDRED see Moss and Windred. Taylor 2(2188). suggest correction
WINEMAN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Plymouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WINEMAN, MOSES England, c.1830, OIM 38 Butcher Street, Portsea. Taylor 2(2047). suggest correction
WINFIELD, ROBERT WALKER England, fl.1829-60, PHIM Postal Balance = P.C. Birmingham. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WING, JOHN England, c.1673-1715, MIM made sundials; designed a portable plane table. Pickworth, County Rutland. Taylor 1(396). suggest correction
WING, TYCHO England, 1726-76, MIM NIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to Thomas Heath 1 in the Grocers' Company on May 27, 1741; free of the Company, Sept. 5, 1751; became Heath's partner and son-in-law c.1751; the firm continued as Heath and Wing untill 1773; see Heath and Wing. the Strand, London. Taylor 2(320); J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WINGFIELD, JOHN England, fl.1669-71, MIM instrument maker?; see I.W. (1). against St. Olaf's Church in Crutched Friars, London. Taylor 1(341). suggest correction
WINKEL, R. Germany, OIM Microscope = Phillips 2/22/77. RSW. suggest correction
WINKLER, G. Germany, c.1740, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = Drecker Coll. = DPW; Plane Table with Compass = DPW; Sundial = FIN-213. Berlin. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
WINKLER, GEORGE Austria, c.1821, developed a type of barometer. Middleton 1. suggest correction
WINNE, HENRY England, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = D., USNM. Henry Wynne? Brieux 2; USNM. suggest correction
WINSLOW, SETH E. USA, c.1840, PHIM Balance = USNM. the balance was patented by Winslow in 1840. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WINSOR AND NEWTON England, c.1850?, MIM Drawing Instrument Set = D.(pre-1982). London. Coffeen I. suggest correction
WINTER, CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH Germany, 1696-1753, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = P.C.(1903); Equatorial Sundials = MUN, OXF, KAS; Augsburg-type Sundial = MUN. goldsmith. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Evans 1; Michel 3; Abeler 1; RSW. suggest correction
WINTER, J.B. England, c.1840, MIM OIM Protractor = Versailles 4/17/83. probably T.B. Winter. Newcastle-on-Tyne. RSW. suggest correction
WINTER, J.F. Germany, 1750, MIM Equatorial Sundials = KAS (1750), OXF (1750), MUN. compassmaker. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
WINTER, T.B. England, fl.1857-78, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Garden Sundial = Wallington Museum, Northumberland; Clock and Barometer = Crayside, Rothbury, Northumberland; Sympiesometer # 2811 = Soth. 10/22/88; Level = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Surveyor's Compasses = ADL-A185, D.(1983), DPW; Sextants, miniature = D.(1983), D.(1988); Full Protractor = ADL-N48; Stick Barometers = Soth.1/19/73, Phillips 12/12/89. T.C.; "Winter late Cail." 21 Grey Street; 27 Grey Street; 55 Grey Street, corner of High Bridge; all in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Crawforth 1; Rinaldi 22; Coffeen C; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WINTER, T.B., AND SON England, c.1860, PHIM Barograph = Soth.-WS 6/21/80; Air Meter = Christie-SK 7/10/80; mining dial plate = PC. Newcastle-on-Tyne. RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
WINTER, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1797-1810, OIM 6 Brewer Street, Golden Square, London. Taylor 2(1060). suggest correction
WINTER, THOMAS 2 England, c.1810, MIM apprenticed in 1810. Clay and Court. suggest correction
WINTER, THOMAS 3 England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM may be the same as Thomas Winter 4. 4 Ebenezer Place, Commercial Road, Limehouse, London. Taylor 2(2048). suggest correction
WINTER, THOMAS 4 England, fl.1830-46, MIM OIM PHIM Instrument = WHI. 9 Wells Street, Oxford Street; 5 Market Street, Oxford Street; both in London. Taylor 2(2049). suggest correction
WINTERHALDER, J. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 4/20/83. Bishopsgate without, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WINTHROP, JAMES USA, c.1786, PHIM Barometer = X. Middleton 1. suggest correction
WINWOOD, DANIEL England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISBERG, C.H. PHIM Air Pump Frame = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
WISE England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISE, J. England, c.1900, NIM Octant = Ineichen 10/20/75. Hull. RSW. suggest correction
WISELING, JOHN see Johannes Weisel. Dewhirst. suggest correction
WISELIUS Germany, pre-1690, see Johannes Weisel. Clay and Court. suggest correction
WISEMAN England,MIM Rule, wood, square, four-foot = RSM. 81 ----------Road, London. RSW. suggest correction
WISENPAITNER, GEORG IGNATIUS Germany, 1776, MIM OIM Telescope, 1776 = NUR; Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = BM. Eichstätt. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
WISENPAITNER, JOHANN ANTON Germany, 1782, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = WUR, ROU; Pedometers = DEU, OXF (1782); Atwood Machine = DEU; Elasticity Law Machine = DEU. Eichstätt. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
WISKER England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = Christie-SK 4/17/86, X(3); Wheel Barometer = X. York. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WISKER, ELIZABETH England, fl.1822-27, PHIM barometer maker; widow of John Wisker; succeeded him and took their son, Matthias, into the firm. Spurriergate, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISKER, J.T.R. England, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "J. Wisker York." 13 Spurriergate, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISKER, JOHN England, fl.1804-22, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Garden Sundial = D.(1975). succeeded his father, Matthew Wisker; was succeeded by his widow and his son, Elizabeth and Matthias Wisker. Spurriergate, York. Goodison 1; Wynter 2; RSW. suggest correction
WISKER, MATTHEW England, fl.1777-1804, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. succeeded Berry, an optician; succeeded by his son, John Wisker. Spurriergate, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISKER, MATTHIAS England, fl.1822-51, OIM PHIM with his mother, Elizabeth Wisker, he succeeded his father, John Wisker; he worked with his mother from 1822 to 1827; he worked alone from 1827 to 1851. Spurriergate (1822-29); 13 Spurriergate (1830-51); both in York. Taylor 2(2050); Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISSKEMANN, LUDWIG Germany, fl.1800-11, MIM OIM PHIM made microscopes, telescopes and pumps; took Friedrich Wilhelm Schiek as an apprentice from 1808 to 1811; "Court Optician and Mechanic." Philippsthal. Weil and Baden. suggest correction
WISSLER USA, c.1880, MIM SIM Wye level = GUR. St. Louis, Mo. Moskowitz 104; USNM. suggest correction
WISTHOFF, JOHAN misreading for J. Wüsthof. RSW. suggest correction
WITHAM, NATHANIEL England, fl.1713-20, MIM Garden Sundial = Ripple Churchyard, Gloucestershire; Universal Ring Sundials = NMM-D223, Christie-SK 4/17/86; Sundial, gilt-brass = Soth. 11/9/59; Ring Sundial = NMM-Caird; Magnetic Compass = KEN. Chancery Lane, London. Taylor 1(568) & 2(140); Gatty; RSW. suggest correction
WITHERING, WILLIAM England, 1741-99, author; designed a folding botanical microscope. Clay and Court; Wynter and Turner; Dewhirst. suggest correction
WITHERSPOON see Holland and Witherspoon. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WITHNOLL England, see Wood and Withnoll. Delehar 2. suggest correction
WITHNOLL, T. England, c.1767, see Frost and Withnoll; Bryden lists him as William Withnoll. Birmingham. Taylor 2(591); Bryden 9. suggest correction
WITHNOLL, WILLIAM England, c.1777, MIM see Frost and Withnoll; rule makers; Taylor lists him as T. Withnoll. 20 Anne Street, on Mount Pleasant, Birmingham. Bryden 9; Taylor 2(591) & (671a). suggest correction
WITJE, JOHANNES Holland, c.1760, MIM Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WITT, SIMEON DE Holland?, 1780, MIM Astrolabe, paper, 1780 = USNM (Archives). for latitude 41° north. USNM. suggest correction
WITTEVEEN, SYBRAND Holland, 1793, NIM Crown Compass, 1793 = USNM. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; USNM. suggest correction
WOLF England, PHIM Stick Barometer in gimbals = New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, Mass. Castle Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
WOLF, ANDREAS Germany, fl.1750-1800, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument = NUR. Munich. Evans 1. suggest correction
WOLF, CARTEN Germany?, 1775, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1775 = DEU. RSW. suggest correction
WOLF, DIRK DE Holland, c.1742, NIM Mariner's Compass = Frisian Maritime Museum, Leeuwarden. Buitenkant, Amsterdam (1742). Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WOLF, EZEKIEL England, c.1854, PHIM barometer maker. 206 Sherlock Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOLF, JOHANN Germany, c.1625, MIM SIM Alidade = USNM. Ulm. USNM. suggest correction
WOLFE AND CLARK'S USA, c.1870, OIM Telescopes = St. Genévieve Museum, Missouri, D.(1989). the telescope in the St. Genévieve Museum is said to have been used to watch the race between the Natchez and the Robert E. Lee in 1870. New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 132; RSW. suggest correction
WOLFE, JOHN England, c.1729, MIM apprenticed to Edward Preston in the Clockmakers' Company; turned over to William Bennett of the same Company; free of the Company on Jan. 20, 1729. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WOLFF, HEINRICH A. Germany, 1770, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1770 = KAS. the dial is also marked "H.A.W." Lübke; RSW. suggest correction
WOLLASTON, WILLIAM HYDE England, 1766-1828, devised a logarithmic slide rule for chemical equivalents in 1814, made by William Cary; designed a goniometer in 1809; invented a form of camera lucida in 1806; first to produce a doublet lens. G.L'E. Turner 24; Multhauf -; Clay and Court; Delehar 9. suggest correction
WOLLER England, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1975); Wheel Barometer = D.(1997). could be either Charles or Matthew Woller. Birmingham. ATG 3/29/97; RSW. suggest correction
WOLLER, CHARLES England, fl.1839-58, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 63 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOLLER, MATTHEW England, fl.1809-17, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 11/27/86; Stick Barometer = X. T.C.; clock and watch maker. 51 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
WOLMESLEY, JOHN England, c.1715, MIM George Sparkes was turned over to Wolmesley by Edmund Culpeper 1 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 21, 1715. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WOLRICHE, CARYE England, c.1608, apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company on June 24, 1608. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WOLSCHOTGESWORE, J.F. Holland, 1750, PHIM Balance, 1750 = DPW. "J.F. Wolscholgeswore ycker van haere maiestyt munten en Balancan." RSW. suggest correction
WOLTHUYSEN, HENDRIK Holland, d.1797, NIM compass-maker. Foelistraat 20/21, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WOOD 1 England, NIM OIM Octants, ebony = Christie-SK 11/15/79; D.(1976); Telescope = MYS. could be Benjamin or Benjamin J. Wood. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
WOOD 2 see Horne, Thornthwaite and Wood. Taylor 2(2196a). suggest correction
WOOD AND CO. England, c.1800, OIM near the Mermaid, Hackney, London. Taylor 2(1247). suggest correction
WOOD AND LORT England, c.1767, MIM Jointed Rule with slide = OXF. "New Improved Sliding Rule"; succeeded by Frost and Withnoll in 1767. Taylor 2(553); Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD AND WITHNOLL England, c.1770, MIM Slide Rule, Coggeshall-type = P.C. Delehar 2. suggest correction
WOOD, BENJAMIN 1 England, fl.1810-45, MIM NIM PHIM Octant = Phillips 10/26/83; Wheel Barometer = X. "teacher of navigation." 41 Wapping (1810); 51 Wapping (1816); 50 Wapping (1822-32); 21 Bath Street and 49/50 Wapping (1834); all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1464); Bryden 9; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WOOD, BENJAMIN 1 AND BENJAMIN WOOD 2 England, c.1845, MIM NIM OIM Benjamin Wood and Benjamin Wood Jr. 7 Bath Street, Liverpool (1845). Taylor 2(1464); Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, BENJAMIN 2 England, fl.1834-47, MIM NIM OIM son of Benjamin Wood 1, he was known as Benjamin Wood Jr.; the entry for Benjamin J. Wood in Taylor probably refers to Benjamin Wood Jr.; see Benjamin Wood 1 & Benjamin Jasper Wood. 46 Wapping (1834); 7 Bath Street (1845-47); both in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1464); Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, BENJAMIN JASPER England, fl.1796-1828, MIM apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 2, 1788; free in the Company, Feb. 2, 1796; the London directories show him as a MIM from 1797 to 1820; the Liverpool directories show a father and son, Benjamin Wood 1 and 2 and Crawforth thought that the first one could have been B.J. Wood, but he (B.Wood 1) had started in Liverpool in 1810. 10 Pared Buildings, Leaden Hall Market, London (1797-1800); Liverpool (1828). Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
WOOD, CHAS., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOOD, E. England, OIM Microscope = Phillips 5/20/75. probably Edward George Wood. London. RSW. suggest correction
WOOD, EDWARD England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 15 King Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(2277). suggest correction
WOOD, EDWARD GEORGE England, fl.1852-93, OIM PHIM Microscope = Versailles 4/17/83; Telescopes = Phillips 10/26/83, Christie 11/15/79; Stick Barometer = Soth.-Pul- borough 3/1/83. his instruments are usually signed "E.G. Wood" with one of his addresses; was he a partner in Horne, Thornthwaite and Wood? 7 Shepperton Street, New North Road; 74 Cheapside; both in London. Taylor 2(2278); RSW. suggest correction
WOOD, GEORGE England, pre-1761, MIM rule maker; succeeded by his widow, Mary Wood. Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, HENRY England, c.1777, MIM rule maker. 29 Great Charles Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, I.V., AND SONS England, MIM Rope Gauge = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby. Might be John Wood 2. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
WOOD, JOHN 1 England, fl.1701-13, MIM apprenticed to John Nash 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 20, 1690; free of the Company on April 7, 1701; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WOOD, JOHN 2 England, c.1777, MIM rule maker. 19 Lonon'-prentice Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, JOHN 3 USA, c.1790, advertised pocket compasses, needles and magnets; probably a dealer. Philadelphia, Pa. (1790). USNM. suggest correction
WOOD, JOHN 4 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOOD, MARY England, c.1761, MIM the widow of George Wood; she continued the business under his name. Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, RICHARD England, c.1723, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company in 1711; free in the Company in 1723. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WOOD, THOMAS England, fl.1767-70, MIM rule maker. Brickhill Lane (1767); Brick-Kiln Lane (1770); both in Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOODALL, THOMAS England, c.1604, MIM free in the Grocers' Company from Charles Whitwell on April 27, 1604; never formally bound as an apprentice. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WOODE, JOHN England, c.1627, MIM Pearl Gauge = OXF. Taylor 1(158); Evans 1. suggest correction
WOODHEAD, JOSEPH England, fl.1858-60, PHIM barometer maker. 10 Little Warner Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOODROFFE, GEORGE, SEN. USA, c.1845, MIM NIM PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
WOODRUFF England, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. watchmaker; barometer dealer. High Street, Margate. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
WOODRUFF, L. USA, c.1860, patented a stick barometer made by Charles Wilder. Ann Arbor, Mich. Middleton 1. suggest correction
WOODS 1 see Pinhey and Woods. RSW. suggest correction
WOODS 2 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. London. RSW. suggest correction
WOODS, H. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Warrington. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOODS, ROBERT CARR England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Christie-SK 9/23/88, X; Barometer (incomplete) = KEN. "Meteorological Instrument Maker"; an original member of the Meteorological Society. 47 Hatton Garden, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
WOODS, THOMAS England, c.1714, clockmaker; had James Rowley (MIM) as an apprentice in the Clockmakers' Company, in 1714, but turned him over to James Drury of the same Company. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WOODSIDE, PATT. England, c.1755, MIM NIM Nocturnal, wood = D. made for Robert Jackson. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
WOODWARD 1 USA, PHIM earliest maker of philosophical apparatus in New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WOODWARD 2 England, 1846, MIM Terrestrial Globes = Soth. 2/7/72 and 5/21/73 (1846). the 1846 globe is 5" d.; see George Woodward 2. RSW. suggest correction
WOODWARD, GEORGE 1 England, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 7/6/73. 18 Leather Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WOODWARD, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1851-60, MIM PHIM made barometers, thermometers and globes; see Woodward 2. 5 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOODWARD, JOHN THOMAS England, fl.1823-56, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 1 Clements Inn Passage (1823-28); 8 Clements Inn Passage (1830-56); both in London. Taylor 2(2051); Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOOLER see Woller. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOOLEY, JAMES England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips-Guilford 8/24/93. Manchester. ATG 8/20/93. suggest correction
WOOLF England, PHIM Marine Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOOLF, LEWIS England, NIM Sextant = Eldred 10/11/75. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
WOOLMAN, G.S. USA, c.1852, MIM OIM PHIM T.C.; his instruments were sold in the U.S.A. by James W. Queen and Co. and by W. & L.E. Gurley; in Britain his agent was R. & J. Beck of London. 116 Fulton Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
WOOLY see Louis Hooly. RSW. suggest correction
WORBEY, T.G. England, c.1850, NIM Parallel Rule with Protractor = Soth. 9/20/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
WORBOYS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ashwell, Baldock. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WORGAN, JOHN England, fl.1682-1714, MIM SIM Circumferentor = OXF; Gunter's Quadrant, 1695 = OXF; Gunter's Quadrant and Sundial = ADL-W88; Sectors = Soth. 7/10/67, DPW, OXF, ADL-W246; Universal Ring Sundial = ADL-W86; Plane Table, 1696 = OXF; Box Compass, 1696 = Soth. 4/22/65 = D.(1994); etc. apprenticed to Nathaniel Anderton in the Grocers' Company on Nov.8, 1669; free of Walter Hayes of the same Company on Dec. 6, 1682; took apprentices; author; "Master of the Mechanics to King George I." Under the Dial of St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street (1688); Fetter Lane against Clifford's Inn back gate (1693); Fleet Street (1700); all in London. Taylor 1(451); J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7; Gunther 2; Michel 3; A.J. Turner 10; Taylor and Wilson; Coffeen 32 and 46; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WORKMAN, BENJAMIN England, c.1750, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Augsburg-type Sundial with cam for latitude setting = BM. "late servant to Mr. Hauksbee"; T.C. near Tom's Coffee-House in Russel Street, Covent Garden, London. Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
WORRALL, THOMAS England, fl.1634-56, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Spencer in the Joiners' Company in 1627; free in the Company in 1634; took William Sutton as an apprentice in 1642. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WORTH USA, c.1850, OIM in 1849 Worth started a shop in New York making lenses and telescopes for engineering instruments; the business was bought by a Mr. Young who moved it to Philadelphia where it continued at least until 1911 as Young and Sons; Worth broke off and started a new optical shop. New York, N.Y; Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WORTH, BENJAMIN 1794, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1794 = Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass. might be the owner. RSW. suggest correction
WORTH, E.B.S. England, c.1850, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 11/16/87. RSW. suggest correction
WORTHING England, c.1830, NIM Sextant, Ramsden-pattern = Soth. 2/25/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
WORTHINGTON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Nathaniel Worthington. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WORTHINGTON AND ALLAM England, fl.1821-46, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 7/7/55; Telescopes = Christie 5/26/76, Versailles 11/20/83; Sextants = MAN, Soth. 10/20/75; Stick Barometers = X, Christie 11/24/83; Marine Barometer = Soth.-S 1/10/90. Nathaniel Worthington and Allam; probably successors to Matthew Berge. 196 Piccadilly, London. Taylor 2(1749); Goodison 1; Garcia Franco 1; RSW. suggest correction
WORTHINGTON, NATHANIEL England, c.1838, MIM NIM OIM Sextant, # 2071 = D.(19830; Beechley's Improved Sextant, 1838 = X; Sundial = X; Inclinable Sundial = Soth. 9/20/83; Telescope = D.(1993). worked for Ramsden; successor to Berge; one sundial is marked "Explorer's dial; telescope is signed "Worthington, London." London. Taylor 2(1749); Wynter 2; Coffeen 43; RSW. suggest correction
WOUTERS, PYBE Holland, fl.1580-1635, MIM Astrolabes = GRO, Friesch Museum, Leeuwarden (1606), Eisinga's House, Franeker (1606); Globe = Franeker. Franeker astrolabe signed "P. Gualtherus Matheseos studiosi",is Louvain-type; a variant of the name is Pibo Gualtheri. Franeker; Leeuwarden (1603). Michel 3; Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
WOUTERS, REMY see Rennerus Valerius. Michel 3. suggest correction
WRAGER 1695, MIM Pedometer, 1695 = SPI-183. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
WRAY, WILLIAM England, 1829-85, OIM Telescopes = K. & C. 3/28/73, Christie 4/9/75, Phillips 6/15/73 and 11/16/88. showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; the telescopes are signed "Wray"; F.R.A.S. in 1862. 43 Havering Street, Commercial Road East, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
WREN, CHRISTOPHER England, 1632-1723, MIM Vertical Wall Sundial = All Souls College, Oxford; Reflecting Sundial, 1648 = X. Sir Christopher Wren; architect, mathematician and astronomer; invented a mechanical tracing device in 1663. London. Gatty; Latham and Mattews (vol. 7); Middleton 1. suggest correction
WRENCH'S England, MIM Pair of Globes, 6" = Phillips 4/20/85. marked "Wrench's Six Inch Globe, Constructed from the Latest Authorities, London"; probably Edward Wrench. London. RSW. suggest correction
WRENCH, EDWARD England, fl.1822-53, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Pantograph = Christie-SK 11/27/86; Telescope = Christie 12/18/74; Surveyor's Compass = D.(1973); Theodolite = Soth. 7/15/63; Wheel Barometer = D.(19760; Marine Barometer = Phillips 12/12/89; Terrestrial Globe, miniature = D(1996). globe signed "Wrench's Miniature Globe, London." 6 Gray's Inn Terrace, London. Taylor 2(2280); Wynter 2; Coffeen 55; RSW. suggest correction
WREY misreading for Wray. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT 1 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = SPI-Anderson 3/25/27, Soth. 10/19/87. Ongar. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT 2 see Gregory and Wright; Gilbert, Wright and Hooke; Gilbert and Wright; Gregory, Gilbert and Wright; Moore and Wright. Taylor 2(839); Clay and Court. suggest correction
WRIGHT 3 England, c.1760, MIM Inclinable Sundial, with case = BM. Taylor 1(96); Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
WRIGHT 4 England, post 1858, see Baxter and Wright. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT AND COLE England, pre-1748, MIM Thomas Wright and Benjamin Cole 1; see T. Wright and B. Cole; Cole succeeded Wright in 1748. London. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
WRIGHT AND HOOKE England, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. repaired by Gurley in 1930; owner lived in Roanoke, Va. Smart 1. suggest correction
WRIGHT, A. England, PHIM Barometer = P.C.(1977). Westminster, London. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, BENJAMIN 1 England, fl.1596-1613, MIM probably an instrument maker; worked for John Blagrave. Taylor 1(96); Evans 1. suggest correction
WRIGHT, BENJAMIN 2 England, c.1663, apprenticed to Henry Sutton in the Joiners' Company, March 25, 1663. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WRIGHT, DAVID England, c.1830, OIM partner in Chadburn and Wright. 94 Fargate, Sheffield. Taylor 2(2054). suggest correction
WRIGHT, E. USA, c.1850, MIM PHIM listed in the 1850 business directory. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WRIGHT, EDWARD England, 1558-1615, MIM OIM designed and made mathematical instruments using telescopic sights; made the "Celestial Automaton." Caius College, Cambridge. Taylor 1(53); Waters 2; North 2; Bedini 8. suggest correction
WRIGHT, G. see Gabriel Wright and George Wright 3. Milburn 8. suggest correction
WRIGHT, G., AND WILLIAM BARDIN England, 1782, MIM Celestial Globe, 1782 = Chicago Historical Society, Ill. "Wright's New Improved Celestial Globe, ----- G. Wright and William Bardin, London, 1782." London. Yonge. suggest correction
WRIGHT, GABRIEL England, fl.1781-1803, member of the Girdlers' Company; claimed to have worked for Benjamin Martin 1 for eighteen years; author; patented a universal gimballed compass, c.1790; invented a universal sundial in 1781. Millburn 8 and 11; Coffeen E. suggest correction
WRIGHT, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1720-39, MIM apprenticed to James Swetman 1 in the Grocers' Company on April 8, 1707; free of the Company on Jan. 21, 1720; took apprentices; turned over John Atkinson 2, an apprentice, to John Farmer 2 of the Joiners' Company on Sept. 25, 1739. Clerkenwell, London (1736). J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7; Millburn 8. suggest correction
WRIGHT, GEORGE 2 England, 1740-1805, MIM NIM Terrestrial Globes = PEA, Soth. 11/16/87; Pair of Globes = Manchester Historic Association, N.H. author; associated with W. Bardin; invented a heliochrono- meter which was made by B. Martin; possibly invented Wright's Patent Quintant but this may by another Wright; see Wright 2; see Gilbert and Wright. Mr. Martin's Fleet Street; The Navigation Warehouse, 148 Leadenhall Street; both in London. Taylor 2(909); Calvert 2; Wynter and Turner; USNM; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, GEORGE 3 a ghost; this is realy Gabriel Wright who published a paper on a universal sundial that he had invented. Millburn 8. suggest correction
WRIGHT, GEORGE E. USA, 1892, MIM Sun's Altitude Calculator, 1892 = ADL-G21. Chicago, Ill. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, JAMES England, 1808, MIM French Curve, 1808 = Phillips 11/11/81. London. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, JOHN 1 England, 1740, MIM Sundial, 1740 = Blaise Castle Folk Museum, Henbury. this might be John Wright 2 if the date on the sundial was misread. Bristol. Stevena and Aked. suggest correction
WRIGHT, JOHN 2 England, fl.1753-60, MIM possibly related to Thomas Wright 1; apprenticed to Benjamin Cole 1 in the Merchant Taylor's Company, c.1753; by 1756 he had moved to Bristol; succeeded by Joshua Springer by 1759; T.C.; see John Wright 1. London; The Sphere and Hadley's Quadrant, near St. Stephen's Church, Bristol (1756). Goodison 1; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
WRIGHT, JONAS England, MIM made a Ptolemaic armillary sphere. North 2. suggest correction
WRIGHT, R.W. England, OIM Microscope = Borough Museum, Newbury, Berks. London. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, ROBERT England, fl.1821-32, author; invented a hypsometer. Jesus College, Cambridge; Winwick, Lancashire. Taylor 2(219). suggest correction
WRIGHT, SUSAN England, c.1730, NIM Backstaff, lignum vitae and boxwood = Soth. 9/20/83. signed "Made at Sus. Wrights in Bristol"; might be the widow of William Wright. Bristol. Taylor 2(220); RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, T. c.1900, Sundial = ADL-T42. signed "T. Wright, Dublin" but is the work of D.B. Sheahan of New York, N.Y. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, T. AND COLE, B. England, fl.1740-48, MIM Grand Orrery = Dr. Coopman's house, Franeker, Holland. Thomas Wright 1 and Benjamin Cole 1. at the Orrery in Fleet Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, T. AND HUSBANDS (2) England, T.C. Calvert 2. suggest correction
WRIGHT, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1715-48, MIM OIM PHIM Wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums including grand orreries at KEN, OXF, BRM, Royal Academy, Portsmouth and Dunham Massey, Altringcham (also armillary sphere); mechanical equatorial sundials at ADL, NYM; hodometers at VCW, Longleat House; microscope at RSM. apprenticed to John Rowley in the Broderers' Company, April 13, 1707; free in the Company by testimony of Rowley and John Coggs 1, Feb. 1, 1715; took Benjamin Cole 1 as an apprentice; MIM to George, Prince of Wales; MIM to the King; took over Rowley's work shop; partner with William Wyeth and later with Benjamin Cole 1; author and publisher; Wright was succeeded by Benjamin Cole 1 in 1748; T.C.; see Thomas Wright 1 (cont.) see Wright, Thomas 1 (cont.) see Thomas Wright 1 (cont.) suggest correction
WRIGHT, THOMAS 1 (CONT.) armillary sphere has two civil calendars. at the Orrery and Globe, next the Globe and Marlborough Head Tavern, Fleet Street (1718); at the Orrery and Globe, Fleet Street, opposite Water Lane; at the Orrery and Globe, near Salisbury Court, Fleet Street; all in London. Taylor 1(552), 2(143); Goodison 1; Crawforth 1 & 7; Michel 3; Chandler and Vincent; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Price 2; Brieux 3; USNM; A.J. Turner 10; Clay and Court; Taylor and Wilson; Cajori; Royal Oak brochure; Coffeen 46 and 56; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, THOMAS 2 England, 1711-86, MIM PHIM author; trained as a philosophical instrument maker; worked at Heath's and Sisson's workshops; taught astronomy. London; Biar's Green, near Brancepeth, Durham. Taylor 2(321); Michel 3. suggest correction
WRIGHT, THOMAS 3 England, fl.1830-38, MIM Instrument = OXF. the following addresses may be for two different makers. 28 City Terrace, City Road, London; 1 Worship, Finsbury, London. Taylor 2(2055). suggest correction
WRIGHT, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1720-30, MIM NIM made a backstaff signed "W. and W." ? Bristol. Taylor 2(220). suggest correction
WRIGHT, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1797-1801, MIM rule maker. Philip Street (1797); 14 Philip Street (1801); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WRIGHTMAN, THOMAS USA, c.1800, engraved compass cards for Gedney King, Baker and Hooper, Joshua R. Lincoln, and John Trundy. Warner 12. suggest correction
WRIGHTSON, WILLIAM England, c.1593, apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 25, 1593. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WRIGLESWORTH, WILLIAM England, fl.1688-91, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1688 = WHI. sold a small astrolabe which "registered perpetual time." Rising Sun and Globe, Upper Moorfields, London. Taylor 1(462); Bryden 16. suggest correction
WULPARIA misreading for Vulparia. Gatty. suggest correction
WURDEMANN, WILLIAM Germany; USA, 1811-1900, MIM NIM OIM SIM Theodolites = P.C., Hagley Museum, Del.; Meridian Telescopes = West Point Museum, Bureau of Land Management, Dept. of the Interior; Transits = Cornell University, ADL-L31; Sextant = MYS. Würdemann; studied in Heidelberg; came to the U.S.A in 1834 and worked for the U.S. Coast Survey; on his own from 1840; made many improvements to instruments; made his own dividing engine. Bremen (1811-34); Washington, D.C. (1834-1900). Smart 1; Bedini 8; USNM; ADL; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
WURSCHING Germany, c.1790, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood & paper = ADL-A150, Phillips 2/14/79, Christie 12/18/74 & 4/9/75, X. Würsching. Furth, Bavaria. Zinner 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WURSTER, CHR. FRIEDRICH Germany, fl.1748-61, MIM Cube Sundial, 1748 = Neuenstein Schloss; Regiomontanus-type Sundial, wood = STU. pastor. Wiltendorff. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WURTZELBAU, JOHANN PHILIPP VON Germany, 1651-1725, MIM Sextant, wood, six-foot radius = DEU. he was reported to have made quadrants and rules which are now lost, as well as many astronomical instruments. Nürnburg. Zinner 1; Lunardi. suggest correction
WUSTHOF, J. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Altitude Sundial and Perpetual Calendar = ADL-A106; Perpetual Calendar = Soth.10/28/86. "J. Wüsthof fecit" signed on ADL; Soth signed :J. Wisthof." ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WUSTHOFF, CHRISTOPH Germany, 1693, MIM Augsburg type Sundials = KES (1693), HAK. Christoph Wüsthoff. Hamburg. Zinner 1; Price 2; Rohde; RSW. suggest correction
WYBARD, JOHN England, fl.1630-74, designed a surveying instrument. Taylor 1(165); Evans 1. suggest correction
WYCK, J.J. VAN Holland, OIM Dissecting Microscope = P.C. could be J. or T. van Wyck. RSW. suggest correction
WYDLER, CONRAD Germany, c.1720, MIM Pantograph = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
WYE, JOHN England, c.1704, MIM apprenticed to Jonathan Roberts in the Broderers' Company, Aug. 8, 1704. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WYET, WILLIAM England, c.1653, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1653. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WYETH, WILLIAM England, fl.1715-41, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = P.C. (1978). apprenticed to John Coggs 1 in the Pewterers' Company; free of the Company c.1715; became partner of John Coggs 1; later was partner with Thomas Wright 1; made Shirtcliffe's slide rule. Globe and Sun, near St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street; Orrery and Globe, Fleet Street; Orrery near Water Lane; all in London. Taylor 1(463) and (581), 2(144); Cajori 1; Crawforth 7; Taylor and Wilson; RSW. suggest correction
WYK, J.V. see Jan van Wijk 2. RSW. suggest correction
WYLAN, HENRY England, c.1629, MIM free in the Joiners' Company; took apprentices, c.1629. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WYLD, J. AND W. England, c.1858, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Christie-SK 11/19/87. see T. Wyld. Charing Cross, East London. RSW. suggest correction
WYLD, T. England, 1858, MIM Celestial Globe, 1858 = D.(1972). T. might have been read for J., or vice versa; see J. Wyld. Charing Cross East, London. RSW. suggest correction
WYNN AND TIMMINS England, MIM Bow Gauge = VCW. RSW. suggest correction
WYNNE, ELLIS England, 1670-1734, MIM Garden Sundial, 1711 = Welsh Folk Museum. Wales. Peate. suggest correction
WYNNE, HENRY England, fl.1662-1709, MIM PHIM Universal Ring Sundials = P.C.; Soth. 7/27/64; Sundial, silver = Soth. 12/13/71; Garden Sundials = GEL, D.(1976), Soth. 7/7/55, Windsor (near the Star "building"); Quadrants = P.C., ADL-L14 (returned); Protractor and Pantograph = Pepys (1669); Oughtred-type Sundial (1692) = Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries. apprenticed to Ralph Greatorex in the Clockmakers' Company in 1654; free of the Company in 1662 and Master in 1690; took apprentices; worked with Richard Glynne, according to Clay and Court; ADL-L14 returned to lender. near the Sugarloaf, Chancery Lane; near Searjeant's Inn; near the Rolls; at the Pope's Head, Chancery Lane; all in London. Taylor 1(266); J. Brown 3; Latham and Matthews, Vol. 9; Goodison 1; Taylor and Wilson; A.J. Turner 10; Bryden 9; USNM; Earle; Robischon; Clay and Court; ADL; RSW; Somerville. suggest correction

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