Webster Signature Database Search Results

Important note: Most of these instruments are not in the Adler collection (which you can find more information about here). We know nothing about them beyond the information returned by searching this database. You may be able to learn more by contacting the institutions in the "Instruments" column, or by consulting the "References" listed.

Your search for signatures starting with V yielded 239 entries. Displaying entries 1–239.
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Signature Maker Info Instruments Comments Location References Suggest Correction
V.A. 1519, MIM Miner's Compass, 1519 = MUN. Price 2. suggest correction
V.B. E.F. France, 1821, MIM Wall Sundial, 1821 = house in Chantignan. Berton. suggest correction
V.C. 1 England, fl.1554-57, MIM Astronomical Compendia = OXF (1554), ADL-M363 (1557). the instrument at the Adler Planetarium was previously ascribed to Humphrey Cole, but it must have been the work of the, as yet unidentified, "V.C." Engelmann 1; Gunther 2; Jane Turner; Michel 3; Dewhirst; ADL; Janin 1; RSW. suggest correction
V.C. 2 1784, MIM Dividers, 1784 = Soth. 6/23/69. RSW. suggest correction
V.G.H. 1751, MIM Ring Sundial, 1751 = LEY. Zinner 1. suggest correction
V.G.M. 1731, MIM Ring Sundial, 1731 = LEY. RSW. suggest correction
V.H.M. Germany, c.1800, MIM Table Sundial, book-form = POTS. also marked "IIII. R.G." Körber 1. suggest correction
V.K. 1 Germany, 1557, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1557 = MUN. Ulrich Klieber 3. Augsburg. Bobinger 2; Zinner 1; Price 2. suggest correction
V.K. 2 Holland?, 1777, NIM Backstaff, 1777 = LEY. could be van Keulen. RSW. suggest correction
V.K. 3 Germany, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = BASH. Augsburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
V.M.N. Germany, 1579, MIM Horizontal Sundial on finger ring, 1579 = OXF; String-gnomon Sundial, 1579 = VAA. the sundial at OXF has the arms of Franciscus Padoanis; the sundial at VAA is marked "Vergis Me in Nicht." Zinner 1; Scarisbrick. suggest correction
V.R.3 1756, marked on a Zappeck-type sundial signed "F.S.P." (1), dated 1756 at ZAG. Zinner 1. suggest correction
V.S. 1 Germany, fl.1572-88, MIM Pedometer = HAK; Horizontal Sundials = ADL-M243 (1572), DEU (1587); Diptych Sundials = HAK (1576), Soth 5/11/23 (1576), ADL-DPW9 (1577), BASH (1582), ADL-M244 (1582), Ecouen (1582), Soth. 3/27/72 (1586), DEU (1587), Christie 4/3/85 (1588), etc. Ulrich Schniep. Munich. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
V.S. 2 Germany, late 16th Century, MIM Pedometer = D.(1973). the S is twisted around the right arm of the V. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
V.S. 3 Viktor Stark, which see. Zinner 1. suggest correction
V.S.F. Germany, 1632, MIM Astrolabe, 1632 (ICA-2073) = P.C. "Viktor Stark fecit." Dresden. Zinner 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
V.S.M.F. Germany, 1635, MIM Artillery Level, 1635 = DRE. "Viktor Stark Mechanicus fecit." Dresden. RSW. suggest correction
V.S.W. Germany, c.1600, MIM Table Clock with Sundial = ADL-M379. the signature is V.S. over W., as in a fraction; the "W" may be a city. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
V.T. marked on horizontal sundial, dated 1739, signed "J.J.K.H.", at KRM. RSW. suggest correction
VACANO, JOSHUA PHIM Stick Barometer = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
VACCANO, HIACINT Germany, c.1800, PHIM Siphon Barometers = DEU (2). Munich. Middleton 1. suggest correction
VACHON, GM. VL. France, NIM Compass Roses (2) = D.(1972). Honfleur. Brieux 3. suggest correction
VAGNARELLI, LAURENTIUS Italy, 1639, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1639 = SPI-2765 = HAK. ADL-M153 is surely from Vagnarelli's workshop. Urbino. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Spitzer 1 & 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VAGO, F. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2); Soth.-S 10/19/89. Leeds. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
VAGO, F. 2 Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Sussex 9/18/86. marked "Warranted." Perth. RSW. suggest correction
VAGO, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VALE, GILBERT USA, 1788-1866, MIM Combination Terrestrial and Celestial Globe = Historic New Harmony, Indiana. combination globe patented in 1843. New York, N.Y. Bedini 8; USNM; Warner ? suggest correction
VALEE France, OIM Valée. Rouen. RSW. suggest correction
VALERIUS, JACOBUS Holland, 1558, MIM Astrolabe, 1558 (ICA-446) = BMR. signed "Jacobus Valerius Rectificata Anno XPI 1558." Oudewater; Utrecht. Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Rooseboom 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
VALERIUS, PTOLOMAUS VON Germany, c.1565, MIM Planetarium, Ptolomaic = DRE (lost). Coburg. RSW. suggest correction
VALERIUS, RENNERUS Belgium, 1607-87, Latin form of Remy Wouters; wrote a treatise on sundials. Malines. Michel 3. suggest correction
VALK EN SCHENK Holland, c.1700, MIM Southern Celestial Map = D.(1973). Gerhard Valk and P. Schenk. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
VALK, GERHARD Holland, 1650-1720, MIM Pairs of Globes = NMM-Caird (1750), D.(1973); Celestial Globe = DRE. father of Leonard Valk; worked with P. Schenk making atlases 1683-1700; see Gerhard and Leonard Valk. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; Zinner; Bagrow-Skelton; Yonge. suggest correction
VALK, GERHARD EN LEONHARDT Holland, fl.1715-50, MIM Celestial Globes = MUN, Wolfenbüttel Offentl. Biblioteck, Linz Stadtmuseum, KAS, Harburg Schloss (1715), Freiburg Museum (1715), Pommersfelden Schloss (1715), AMST (1750), LEY (1750); Pairs of Globes = NMM (one dated 1745), Hispanic Society of America, N.Y. (3) (1715, 1715, 1750), P.C. (1750); Terrestrial Globe = AMST. Leonhardt was the son of Gerhard; the terrestrial globe is the center of an armillary sphere by Covens; 1750 Hispanic Society pair marked "Revis. A. 1750" surely by Leonhardt Valk as his father had died in 1720. Amsterdam. Zinner 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Krogt 2; Edell 1; Bagrow-Skelton; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
VALK, LEENDERT Holland, fl.1804-06, NIM Compasses, 1804 and 1806 = Northern Maritime Museum, Groningen; Compass Cards = KAS, Altoona Museum. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
VALK, LEON Holland, 1742, NIM compass maker, 1742. Houttvinen, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
VALK, LEONHARDT Holland, 1675-1755, MIM globemaker; worked with his father, Gerhard Valk. Amsterdam. Zinner 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Bagrow-Skelton; Yonge. suggest correction
VALLANT, M. France, c.1590, MIM Sundial with Compass in lid of a watch case = Soth. 5/27/54. Webster Sale, part 1. RSW. suggest correction
VALLEE, P. France, 1759, MIM took Noël-Simon Carochez as an apprentice, 1759; member of the "Corporation des fondeurs." Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
VALLOT France, c.1808, MIM PHIM Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
VAN DE SYPE see Sype, Laurentz van de. ICA 2. suggest correction
VANANDETSI, LUKAS Armenia; Holland, late 17th Century, MIM made an astrolabe. Amsterdam. USNM. suggest correction
VANDERMOELEN, PH.-M.-G. Belgium, 1825-69, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 80 cm. = Congo Museum, Terruren, Belgium. Brussels. Michel 3. suggest correction
VANDOME, FILFORD AND CO. England, 19th Century, PHIM Coin Balance = Phillips 2/2/84. see Richard Vandome. Leadenhall Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
VANDOME, RICHARD England, c.1840, MIM PHIM Balances = WHI; Weights = WHI; Balance, steel = Christie-SK 8/20/87. T.C.; took apprentices. 117 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(2032); Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
VANDOME, RICHARD, AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM balance makers; T.C. 117 Leadenhall Street, London. Calvert 2; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
VANETTI AND BENZZONI England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie's 2/19/97. thermometer and hygrometer. 22 North Street, Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
VANINI AND MONTINI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Peterborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VANINO England, see Prestinari and Vanino. RSW. suggest correction
VANNINI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 25 Spring Street, Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VANNINI, ANTHONY England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). 7 Orange Street, West Street, Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VANNINI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VANTE, L. MIM Protractor = DPW. RSW. suggest correction
VANTIER ET MARC France, c.1840, MIM "Ingénieurs-Opticiens"; succeeded by A. Lefrançois, which see. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
VARA, PULGADAS Spain, 1806-07, MIM Standard Meter, 1807 = MAA; Sliding Calipers, 1806 = MAA. RSW. suggest correction
VARLEY England, c.1850, MIM Horizontal Pedestal Sundial, plaster = WHI. possibly Cornelius Varley. London. Bryden 16. suggest correction
VARLEY AND SON England, c.1850, MIM OIM showed at the Great Exhibition of London in 1851; surely Cornelius Varley and Son. 1 Charles Street, Clevendon Square, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
VARLEY, CORNELIUS England, 1781-1873, OIM "Graphic Telescope" = OXF; Telescope = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.; Microscope = Christie-SK 12/1/83. not a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took Andrew Pritchard as an apprentice and later worked with him to cut the first diamond lens; had his son as a partner, c.1851; took his father, Samuel Alfred Varley as a partner in 1862; took out a patent in 1811 for a "Graphic Telescope." Junction Place, Paddington, London. Taylor 2(1236); Chaldecott 3; RGO; G.L'E. Turner 24; Court and von Rohr 3(XXXV); USNM; RSW. suggest correction
VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED England, c.1862, PHIM Watch Wheel Depthing Tool = Soth. 10/21/74. retired in 1862 from the Electric and International Telegraph Co. to become a partner of his son, Cornelius Varley. 7 York Place, Kentish Town. Chaldecott 3; RGO; RSW. suggest correction
VARNEY, GEORGE D. USA, c.1843, MIM SIM Theodolites = D.(1971)(2). marked "Patented June 24, 1843". Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
VARTY, THOMAS England, c.1830, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Christie-SK 8/20/87. 31 Strand, London. RSW. suggest correction
VASSALI see the entries on Vassalli. suggest correction
VASSALLI, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. might be Jerome Vassalli. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VASSALLI, JEROME England, c.1841, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(4), Christie 12/16/82; Stick Barometer = Phillips 2/2/84. the barometers are variously signed "Vassalli Scarborough", "J. Vassalli Scarborough" and "Vassali Scarborough, jeweler." 49 Merchants Row, Scarborough. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
VASTENHOUT, AS. VAN Holland, fl.1783-1828, NIM Mariner's Compass = AMST; Hanging Compass = Zuiderzee Museum, Enkhuizen. the AMST compass is marked on the case "I.V.B. 1783." Haringpakkerij (1816-17); Texelse Kaai 18 (1826-28); both in Amsterdam; Oost Vriesland. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
VASTENHOUT, VAN WEDUWE Holland, c.1820, NIM widow of As. van Vastenhout. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
VASTENHOUT, VAN, EN ZOON Holland, c.1828, NIM As. van Vastenhout en Zoon. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
VASTRIK Holland, c.1705, NIM compass maker; father of Jan and Jacob Vastrik. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
VASTRIK, JACOB Holland, c.1705, NIM compass maker; worked with his father, Vastrik and his brother, Jan Vastrik. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
VASTRIK, JAN Holland, c.1705, NIM compass maker; worked with his father, Vastrik and his brother, Jacob Vastrik. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
VAUCANSON France, had Félix Rosa as a worker. Daumas 1. suggest correction
VAUGONDY, DIDIER ROBERT DE France, 1756, MIM Pocket Globe, 1756 = in a Paris museum. à la Marché, rue du Foin, Paris. Edell 1; Howse 2. suggest correction
VAULX, J. DE c.1590, MIM SIM made a form of theodolite. X. suggest correction
VAYRINGE Italy, MIM Sector = D.(1976). marked "a Florence". Brieux 3. suggest correction
VAYRINGE, PHILIPPE France, 1685-1746, MIM Tellurian = Natural History Museum, Vienna. born at Longuyon; professor of physics. Lunéville. H.C. King 2; Mucke; Michel 3. suggest correction
VEALE, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Exmouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VEBRANDI c.1900, MIM Astrolabe = ADL-A111 (falsely dated 1595). this instrument is somewhat reminescent of the astrolabes signed "Johannes Bos"; there is reference to a Vibrandi of Leeuwarden, Holland. Rooseboom 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VECCHI, GIUSEPPE Italy, 1784-1846, PHIM Instruments = Museo Civico, Modena. Modena. Brenni 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. the stick barometer is signed "Vecchi, Nottingham." Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Shaftsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 22 Union Passage, Bath. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO, DEL, AND DOTTI England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). one of the barometers is signed "del Vecchio and Dotti." Shrewsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO, J. DEL England, fl.1810-38, PHIM listed as a barometer maker in 1820-22. 26 Westmoreland Street (1810-38); 187 and 188 Great Brunswick Street (1837-38); 6 D'Olier Street (1837-38); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
VECHIO, F. SALERI, AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1972). 34 Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
VECHIO, J. SALTERY, AND CO. England, c.1820, Stick Barometer with Thermometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95. Misreading for F. Saleri Vechio and Co. 94 Holborn hill, London. RSW. suggest correction
VECTIOLI, FRANCISCUS DI Italy, 1577, MIM Astronomical Quadrant, 1577 = OXF; Square, 1577 = BMR. Michel listed the name as Vectiosi, Price showed him as di Vitioli. Gunther 2; Michel 3; Evans 1; Price 2. suggest correction
VECTIOSI see Vectioli Michel 3. suggest correction
VEDY, FELIX France, c.1850, NIM Sextants = Christie 3/9/65 Versailles 11/19/78; Quadrant, "No. 3" = D.(1988). Védy showed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; Versailles is signed "No. 911." 52 Rue de Bondy, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen 20; RSW. suggest correction
VEEN, AADRIAN see Henricus Hondius and Veen. RSW. suggest correction
VEITCH, JAMES Scotland, 1771-1838, OIM PHIM Telescopes = Schumacher, Altona (c.1830), Nisbit 4/4/1860, RSM; Stick Barometer = RSM. plowwright and telescope maker; made microscopes, clocks and jewel lenses; Inspector of Weights and Measures for Roxburgh. Inchbonny, Jedburgh. McKie; Chaldecott 3; RGO; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Clarke et al. suggest correction
VELAZQUEZ, JOAQUIN Mexico, 1732-86, MIM made astronomical instruments, c.1750. USNM. suggest correction
VELDE, JOHANNES VAN DE Holland, fl.1810-23, NIM OIM partner in the firm of Gerard Hulst van Keulen; telescope maker. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom. suggest correction
VELDER AND GROENENDAAL Holland, fl.1672-1702, NIM Crown Compass = AMST. Pieter de Velder and Joannes van Groenendaal. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
VELDER, PIETER DE Holland, 1713-84, NIM Crown Compass = AMST. the reverse side of the compass card is marked "Johannes van Groenendaal tot Rotterdam." Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
VELENNEL probably a misreading of Ve (veuve) Lennel. RSW. suggest correction
VELLINGTON misreading for Wellington. Christie-SK 1/31/85. suggest correction
VENEBRUCH Germany, pre-1859, OIM made and modified Cuff-type microscopes. Berlin. Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
VENETIANI, CAN. Italy, 1778, MIM Inclinometer, 1778 = ADL-M188. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VENEZIA, OLIVE Italy, 17th Century, OIM Telescope = Gersaint, Nantes 10/28/88. Venezia = Venice? RSW. suggest correction
VENTOM England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VENTOM, AZALIAH England, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Venton in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free of the Company. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
VENTOM, THOMAS England, MIM free of the Merchant Taylors' Company; took apprentices. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
VENTURINI, JULIANUS Italy, fl.1793-1807, MIM NIM Mariner's Compass, 1807 = Evans Coll.; Architectural Quadrant, 1793 = DPW; Gunner,s Level, 1793 = D.(1997); Dividers, 1785 = Sotheby's 5/11/94. Dividers and gunner's level signed "Julianus Venturini fecit Romae", plus dates; dividers had box. Rome. Evans 1; Coffeen 58; RSW. suggest correction
VERBIEST, FERDINAND Germany; China, 1623-88, Armillary Sphere = Museum, Beijing. Jesuit; Chinese name was Nan-Hoai-Gin; made six large astronomical instruments for the Emperor in Peking, including the one listed above, a 6' celestial globe, a quadrant, a sextant, an azimuth circle and another armillary sphere. Beijing. H.S. Jones; Hickey. suggest correction
VERDY France, c.1690, OIM Telescope = NMM. the telescope is marked "Verdy à l'Observatoire." Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
VERGA, J. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bath. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VERGA, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 7/30/25; Barometer = D.(1972). Chester. Goodison 1; John Bell. suggest correction
VERGA, J. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VERGA, J. 4 England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Exhibition, Park Street Antiques, Berkhamsted, May 8-16, 1993. ATG, 1/5/93. suggest correction
VERGA, J.L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VERGA, JOHN MARIE England, fl.1828-34, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 12/17/87. listed as a "carver, gilder"; one of the barometers is signed "J.M. Verga Macclesfield." Market Street (1828); Mill Street (1834); both in Macclesfield. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
VERGA, L. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer, mahogany = Soth.-Chester 1/31/85. RSW. suggest correction
VERGA, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Huntington. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VERICKE, C. France, OIM Microscopes = Christie-SK 6/2/83, La Rochelle 7/16/83, Christie 4/3/85 (No. 346), BIL. "Elève special de E. Hartnack, Paris"; La Rochelle signed "C. Verick." rue de la Parcheminerie N° 3, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
VERIE, MR. England, pre-1739, excise officer; modified a type of slide rule; sometimes called "Mr. Vero." Delehar 2. suggest correction
VERMUNT Holland, c.1811, MIM Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
VERNEDE France, 1777, MIM Micrometer, 1777 = ADL-M56. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Daumas 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VERNET, JEAN Germany, 1701, MIM Cruciform Sundial, silver, 1701 = KAS. mathematics teacher to the Cadet Corps in Kassel. Kassel. Zinner 1; Abeler 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
VERNEY, JOHN England, fl.1667-76, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; Master of the Company, 1671-72. London. Crawforth 6; Court and von Rohr 3(12). suggest correction
VERNIER, A. France, fl.1607-30, MIM SIM Graphometers = NMM (1607), (1630), WHI (1607). type of graphometer invented by Dulac. Hamilton 2; Whipple 1; Daumas 1; NMM 2. suggest correction
VERNIER, MICHAEL France, c.1700, MIM Horizontal Sundial = OXF. Paris. Michel 3; Nachet. suggest correction
VERNIER, PIERRE France, 1584-1630, MIM in 1631 invented a subsidiary scale to accurately subdivide the principal scale; it is still in use today; wrote a book on the quadrant. Ornans. A.J. Turner 10; Michel 3; Daumas 1. suggest correction
VERTHINGTON AND ALLAN misreading for Worthington and Allam. Christie 11/24/83. suggest correction
VERWER, G.L. Holland, 1789, MIM Gauge, 1789 = BOM Auction, 1910. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
VESDY France, c.1650, OIM Binocular Telescope = GEL; Telescope = NMM. "à l'Observatoire"; GEL is signed "Vesdi." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
VESOUL, P. THEODULE DE France, 16th Century, MIM Vertical Sundial, ivory = D.(1975). also marked "Capucin." Wynter 1. suggest correction
VETTER, CHR. Germany, fl.1630-39, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1630 = GRA; Sundials, 1639 = MERC, Christie 4/3/85; Astronomical Compendium, 1639 = Soth.-NY 10/5/83. the sundial in the Mercator Catalog was signed "Chr. Wetter." Zinner 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
VETTER, J.G. Germany, MIM SIM Graphometer = NOR. Ansbach. RSW. suggest correction
VEVIN, PIERRE misreading for Pierre Sevin. Evans 1; P. and S. 6/18/1894. suggest correction
VIAL, J. France, c.1914, OIM telescope maker; successor to Maison Bardou; Ingénieur E.C.P. 55 rue Caulaincourt, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
VIALL, NATHANIEL England, fl.1699-1730, MIM NIM Nocturnal, 1724 = PEA. Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
VIANEN 1619, MIM Globe, silver, 1619 = Trippenhuis, Amsterdam. Grimaldi(800). suggest correction
VIANI, MATTEO Italy, 18th Century, MIM Pair of Globes = ROM. Venice. Bedini 12. suggest correction
VIARD France, c.1800, PHIM Balance = DPW. "Viard Balancier Ajusteur rue des Tapissiers 21, Rouen." rue des Tapissiers 21, Rouen. RSW. suggest correction
VIBERG, A.D. Sweden, c.1850, PHIM balance maker; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Falun. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
VIBRANDI see Wijbrandtszn, Wijbe. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
VICK, CHARLEMAGNE 1 see Viet, Charlemagne 1. Evans 1. suggest correction
VIDE marked on mariner's astrolabe, NMM 39, signed "A. Goys", at Museu de Marinha, Lisbon. A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
VIDIE, LUCIEN France, 1805-66, invented the aneroid barometer, patented it in 1845; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Brewington 1; Middleton 1. suggest correction
VIEBIG, FRANCISCUS see Franciscus Fiebig. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VIERBUCHEN, J. USA, fl.1855-62, MIM worked in the Instrument Shop of the U.S. Coast Survey; listed as "master instrument maker" in 1862; surely related to P. Vierbuchen. Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
VIERBUCHEN, P. USA, fl.1855-90, MIM listed as an apprentice in 1855, and instrument maker later; employed in the Instrument Shop of the U.S. Coast Survey until 1890; surely related to J. Vierbuchen. Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
VIET, CHARLEMAGNE 1 France, fl.1673-95, MIM Sundial, 1680 = Soth. 3/14/57. Blois. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
VIET, CHARLEMAGNE 2 France, fl.1680-1720, MIM son of Charlemagne Viet 1. Blois? Michel 3; Gunther 2; Evans 1. suggest correction
VIGLOZZI, A., AND CO. England, OIM Telescope, brass and mahogany = Phillips 8/12/87. "Day or Night". London. RSW. suggest correction
VILLASANTE Spain, PHIM Barometer = MAN. Madrid. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
VILLETTE, MONSIEUR France; Belgium, c.1690, OIM "ingénieur, mecanicien"; optician to his Electoral Highness of Cologne, the Bishop and Prince of Liège; Villette's father was also known as Monsieur Villette. Lyons; Liège. RSW. suggest correction
VILLETTE, MONSIEUR [FRANCOIS] France, 1621-98, OIM Burning Glass, 34" = POB; Microscope = WHI. François Villette; microscope and telescope maker; worked with his two sons, one of whom was also known as Monsieur Villette; WHI signed "F. Villette à Liège." Lyons; Liège. Daumas 1; Spargo 1; RSW. suggest correction
VIMERCATO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Italy, 1557, designed sundials; author. Venice. Lübke. suggest correction
VIN see Joseph à Vin. Michel 3. suggest correction
VIN DROI France, c.1790, MIM Sector with caliber scales, iron points = Soth. 2/25/86. RSW. suggest correction
VINCARD France, 1783, MIM SIM Graphometers = DPW, Christie-SK = 10/24/83; Sector = P.C. (1968); Folding Square = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88; Goniometer, 1783 = X. Vinçard. à la Boussole, Paris. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
VINCENT, MR. France, c.1830, PHIM Hygrometer = P.C. thermometer maker; Bougloux was first his pupil, then his successor. Quay Pelletier, 30, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
VINCENT, SAMUEL USA?, NIM Backstaff = Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Pa. probably owner. RSW. suggest correction
VINCHS, CORNELIS Belgium; Italyfl.1599-1623, MIM Astrolabes = BM (1599) (ICA-223), BM (1600) (ICA-444), Specula Vaticana, 1616 (ICA-3029) = Johns Hopkins U.; Armillary Sphere, 1601 = OXF; Sundials = NMM (1623), LIE; Trigonometer with Sundial in handle, 1690 = ROM. the 1660 inventory of the Bishop of Toledo showed another armillary sphere; the Specula Vaticana astrolabe was given to the Space Telescope Project at Johns Hopkins U., Baltimore, Md. and is signed "Vinck"; LIE is signed "Vinckx"; the 1560 astrolabe listed by Zinner as at BM was not listed by Price 3 or Ward; Zinner thought the 1599 BM astrolabe was dated 1559. Antwerp; Naples (1601-23). Zinner 1; Gunther 1 and 2; Price 1, 2 and 3; ICA 2; Michel 3; Maddison 1; Rooseboom 1; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
VINCINO, RINALDO Italy, MIM Proportional Compass = Brescia. Price 2. suggest correction
VINCKX, L. 16th Century, MIM Sundial = X. is this a ghost? Rooseboom 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
VINER AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 23 Regent Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VINET, ELIE France, 1525, MIM Moreux. suggest correction
VION, E. France, c.1900, MIM OIM Telescope, two-draw = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79; Telescopes = D.(1977), D.(1978); Universal Equatorial Sundial = WHI. 38 Rue de Turenne, Paris (1930). Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
VIRET France?, c.1840, MIM Sector, case = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. one meter in length; "pied mètrique", "pied ancien." RSW. suggest correction
VISCHER, GELASIUS Germany, 1712, MIM Horizontal Table Sundial, chalk stone, 1712 = DEU. Raunou. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VISMARA, G.B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VISSER Holland, 1767, MIM Perpetual Calendar, copper, 1767 = P.C. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
VITALIS, P. 1753, MIM Horizontal Sundial, chalk-stone, 1753 = SAL. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VITELLI, ALESSANDRO Italy, MIM Bonelli 1. suggest correction
VITIOLI, FRANCISCUS DI see Franciscus di Vectioli. Price 2. suggest correction
VITRUVIUS Italy, fl.50-41 B.C., Marcus Vitruvius Pollio; author of the era's pricipal work on architecture and engineering in which he discussed astronomy, sundials, waterwheels, etc.; invented a hodometer. Rome. Hellemans and Bunch; Pottage. suggest correction
VITTA, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = P.C. (1978). Stafford. RSW. suggest correction
VITTORY AND DANNELLI England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
VITTORY AND LANETTI England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1990). Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
VIVIEN, NOEL France, 17th Century, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = SPI-2795. Noël Vivien. Paris. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
VIZE, JEROME France, fl.1567-86, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1567 = SPI-2906 = BM. Jérôme Vize; "Hieronimus Vize, Menusier" (woodworker). Pau; Paris. Michel 3; Evans 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
VLIET, SIEBRAND TEEKES VAN DER Holland, 1740-1806, OIM PHIM Gregorian Telescope = Eisinga's house, Franeker; Telescope = van Cleef en Scheurleer Auction, 1799. Franeker. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
VOGEL, J.H. Switzerland, "J.H. Vogel delineavit" is marked on a horary quadrant made by Johann Meylin. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VOGL., AND. see Andreas Vogler; the signatures on many of Vogler's sundials are abbreviated in this way. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VOGLEN see Vogler. Evans 1. suggest correction
VOGLER, ANDREAS Germany, fl.1766-1808, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round = OXF; Universal Ring Sundial = Linz Museum; Table Sundial, square = Zeiss Jena; Globe Sundial = STU; made many Augsburg-type sundials for the mass market, including ADL-W239. the brother of Johann Georg Vogler, took over his workshop; the instructions are in French as well as in German Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; USNM; Pipping 1; ADL; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
VOGLER, JOHANN GEORG Germany, fl.1740-65, MIM Sundial, 1740 = Würzburg Luitpoldmuseum; Equatorial Sundial, octagonal, 1750 = BM; Horizontal Table Sundials = Berne Historical Museum, Mainz Altertumsammlung; Equatorial Sundials, square = AUG, MERC; made many Augsburg-type sundials for the mass market. brother of Andreas Vogler; "Compassmacher" in 1745; many sundials are signed "I.G.V." or "J.G.V."; Ward did not list the 1750 sundial. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Hamilton 1; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
VOGLER, JOHANN MICHAEL Germany, 1719, MIM Equatorial Sundial = NMM; Astronomical Clock, 1719 = DEU; Sundial, gilt brass = Amsterdam Sale, 1933. "Uhr- und Kompassmacher." Ellingen. Zinner 1 (Nachträge); Michel 3; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOGLER, JOHN USA, c.1830, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = Old Salem, Inc., Wachovia Museum, North Carolina. Salem, North Carolina. USNM. suggest correction
VOGT, GEORG, UND M. ZACH. WAGNER Germany, 1754, MIM Azimuth Quadrant, 1754 = Breslau Sternwarte. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VOIGHT, F.W. Germany, fl.1798-1802, PHIM author; barometer maker. Jena. Middleton 1. suggest correction
VOIGHT, HENRY Germany; USA, 1738-1814, MIM OIM SIM Transit = USNM; Clock = U.S. Senate; Telescope, equal altitude = USNM. repaired an orrery by Thomas Blunt 1; associated with John Fitch 2, 1786-92; Chief Coiner at Mint, 1793-1814; clockmaker. Saxe-Gotha; Norriton, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa. (1786). Bedini 8; USNM; Wynter 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOIGHT, JOHANN HEINRICH Germany, 1613-91, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, wood and paper = MUN. Stade. Abeler 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER Austria, MIM SIM Alidade = RSM. probably Johan Christoph Voigtländer. Vienna. Darius 3. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER UND SOHN Austria, c.1850, OIM Microscope = DRE. see W. Voigtländer. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER, BRUDER Austria, c.1840, MIM SIM Mining Compasses = ADL-M176 (No. 356), ADL-M177 (No. 555); Proportional Dividers = Christie-SK 4/17/86. dividers signed "Pol. Brüder Voigtländer in Wien." Vienna. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER, FRANZ Austria, MIM SIM son of W. Voigtländer; "Mekaniker"; may have worked with his father. Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER, J.F. Austria, 1759-1839, patented double Galilean achromatic opera glasses. Dewhirst. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER, JOHAN CHRISTOPH Austria, fl.1757-79, MIM SIM Surveyor's Levels = X, Pressburg Museum; Magnetic Compasses = Christie-SK 4/17/86, UTO 9/29/75 (2), Pressburg Museum. Johan Christoph Voigtländer. Vienna. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER, W. Austria, MIM SIM Alidade Transit = Technical Museum, Warsaw. W. Voigtländer; also signed "sel sohn Franz Mechaniker." RSW. suggest correction
VOLANTERIO, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), D.(1976). one of the Xs signed only "G. Volanterio"; may be same as Joshua Volanterio, which see. Doncaster. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOLANTERIO, JOSHUA Italy; England, fl.1822-41, PHIM barometer maker. Italy; Frenchgate (1822); High Street (1834); Baxter Gate (1841); last three in Doncaster. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1730). suggest correction
VOLKMER, JOHANN GEORG Germany, 1616-93, MIM probably the son of Johann Melchior Volkmer; discovered that the magnetic variation of Nürnberg in 1677 was 5° W instead of the 8° E used since the time of Hans Reinmann; made sundials. Nürnberg. Michel 2 & 3. suggest correction
VOLKMER, JOHANN MELCHIOR Germany; Austria, fl.1634-47, MIM Sundial, square, 1634 = P.C.; Sundial, 1647 = OXF; Mathematical Set, 1642 = VIE; Astronomical Compendia = ADL-M477 (1633), Lehmann Sale (1634). goldsmith; OXF signed "Volkmair"; VIE signed "Volkmayer"; probably the son of Tobias Volkmer and the father of Johann Georg Volkmer. Nürnberg; Vienna. Zinner 1; Michel 2; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VOLKMER, TOBIAS Germany, fl.1581-1645, MIM SIM made a wide variety of mathematical instruments including astrolabes, sundials, geometrical quadrants, artillery levels, surveying instruments which date from 1582 to 1645; examples may be seen at MUN, KRE, FLO, OXF, UTR, BUD, HAK, STU, WHI, DRE, BM, MAN, etc. sometimes spelled "Volckmer"; mathmatician and goldsmith; probably the father of Johann Melchior Volkmer. Braunschweig. Zinner 1; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; Bryden 11 and 16; Garcia Franco 1; Michel 3; Hollands Glorie; de Rijk; Gunther 2; Daumas 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
VOLLAND, LIENHART Germany, c.1544, MIM "compassmacher." Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
VOLMAR, HANS Germany, 18th Century, MIM Globe Sundial = WHI. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi; Bryden 16. suggest correction
VOLONTE, C. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. Crown Inn, Devizes. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VOLPAIA 1 the colloquial Italian form of Vulparia. Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
VOLPAIA 2 see Ulpius. Yonge. suggest correction
VOLPELIUS, CASPAR see Caspar Vopel NMM 2. suggest correction
VOLTZ, JOHANN JAKOB Germany, 1621, MIM clockmaker; delivered a sextant and a clock to Philipp of Hessen-Butzbach in 1621. Butzbach. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VONCARD, V. France, 18th Century, MIM Goniometer = Lempertz 6/14/76. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
VOODT, A. VAN DER Belgium, NIM Sextant = Phillips 5/20/75. Antwerp. RSW. suggest correction
VOOGHDIO, NICOLAS J. Holland, c.1684, MIM Planisphere, paper = ADL-A286. designed an astronomical quadrant, made in wood by Han a Loon; two examples at UTR; there was a wood and paper quadrant at DRE (now lost) that was said to have been designed by Vooghdio and made by Johannes van Keulen 1; ADL signed "Auct N. Vooghdio Amsterdam by Johannes van Keulen (1) met privlégie vor 15 iaaren"; also marked "C.I. Voogt Geometra't Amsterdam by Johannes van Keulen (1) boekverkooper aand i nieux Brugh in de gekroon de Lootsman." Amsterdam. Zinner 1; van Cittert 1; Michel 3; D.J. Warner 2; Krogt 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VOOGT, CLAES JANSE Holland, fl.1684-96, "C.I. Voogt Geometra't, Amsterdam", marked on Nicolas Vooghdio's planisphere, ADL-A286. Krogt 2. suggest correction
VOPEL, CASPAR Germany, 1511-61, MIM Astrolabe, 1561 (ICA-614) = Harburg Schloss; Armillary Sphere with manuscript gores on Globe, 1543 = Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; made celestial globes, nocturnals, quadrants, etc, dating from 1532 to 1561; examples may be seen at the Köln Rheinisches Museum, KEN, USNM, NMM, SAL, DEU, BM, OXF, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., etc. globe maker; variant is Volpelius. Cologne. Zinner 1; Price 1, 2 & 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Maddison 1; Michel 3; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
VOPEL, GASPAR see Caspar Vopel. suggest correction
VOS, WEDUWE J. Holland, 1742, MIM the widow Vos. Warmoesstraat, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
VOSSIUS, ISAAC Holland, 1618-89, OIM mentioned by Bonani in 1690 as an optical instrument maker; made a microscope with a high-power single lens; Monconys also refered to him. the Hague; Leyden; Amsterdam. Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
VOSTER, ANN Ireland, 1760, MIM name known from an ad. Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
VOSTER, DANIEL Ireland, fl.1742-51, MIM Slide Rule, three-foot, 1742 = KEN; Sundial = X; Horizontal Sundial, 1751 = P.C. P.C. signed "D. Voster Corke Fet 1751 Non regio nisi regar." Cork. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett; Mollan. suggest correction
VOSTER, ELIAS Ireland, 1760, MIM Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
VREAM, WILLIAM England, fl.1710-27, MIM PHIM author; made barometers, air pumps, etc; worked for Francis Hauksbee 1. Earl Street, near the Seven Dials, within two doors of the Royal Oak, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 1(559) & 2(127); A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
VRETSCHER, MATTHIAS, P.S. Germany, 1754, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1754 = Weinmuller 10/28/70 = WUP. Mannheimer; RSW. suggest correction
VRIES, JAN ROELLAS VAN Holland, c.1641, MIM Astrolabe = Michel Coll.; Sundial = Friesch Museum, Leeuwarden; Zappeck-type Sundial, 1641 = Eisinga's House, Franeker. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
VROESEN, ADRIEN Holland, 1711, astronomical broadside at USNM; description of a 1711 planetarium. USNM. suggest correction
VRYTHOFF, LAMBERTUS Holland, c.1650, MIM Astronomical Compendium, ten centimeters square = Spaulding Coll. (pre-1929) = Lempertz 6/14/76 = D.(1976). The Hague. Hamilton 2; Brieux 2; RSW. suggest correction
VUER, JAN CORNELYZ VAN Holland, 1775, NIM Octant, 1775 = MADEX = NMM. Jan Cornelyz van Vüer; ex-Seguin Coll. Bryden 9; Rooseboom 1; MADEX; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
VUILLAUME France, c.1858, violin maker; had Karl Rudolph Koenig as apprentice until 1858, which see. Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
VULLIAMY England, c.1787, MIM PHIM Clock, 1787 = VAA; Barometer = VAA. probably Benjamin Vulliamy, which see. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VULLIAMY, BENJAMIN England, fl.1775-1820, MIM PHIM son of Justin Vulliamy and succeeded him; clockmaker to George III. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VULLIAMY, BENJAMIN LEWIS England, fl.1812-54, MIM PHIM probably son of Benjamin Vulliamy; clock and barometer maker; Richard Thomas Jump worked for him; took Joseph Jump as apprentice; clockmaker to Queen Victoria. London. Goodison 1; Britten; Middleton 1. suggest correction
VULLIAMY, JUSTIN England, fl.1730-90, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Nostell Priory, etc. father of Benjamin Vulliamy; also made clocks. Pall Mall, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VULPARIA, AMELLI Italy, fl.1580-1600, MIM Palermo. Gunther 2. suggest correction
VULPARIA, BENVENUTUS Italy, 1486-1553, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1516 = Phillips 2/22/76 = TIM. "Laurentii filius"; clockmaker; see B.V.; author Florence; Rome. Maccagni 1; Morpurgo 4; RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, CAMILLUS Italy, 1484-1560, MIM Sundial, wood, 1542 = FLO. father of Hieronymus Vulparia; clockmaker. Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Maccagni 1; Morpurgo 4; Evans 1. suggest correction
VULPARIA, EUPHROSYNUS Italy; France, b.c.1500-53+, MIM Astrolabe, 1525 (ICA-175) = BM; Nocturnals = NMM (1516), FLO (1520); Armillary Sphere, 1553 = VIE. son of Laurentius Vulparia 1; NMM nocturnal from MADEX; made map of Roman country in 1547, now in Vatican; also a geographer and clockmaker; see Ulpius. Florence; Lyon. Bonelli 1; Michel 2 and 3; Morpurgo 1 and 4; Gunther 1; Price 1, 2 and 3; ICA 2; MADEX; Maccagni 1. suggest correction
VULPARIA, EX OFFICINA Italy, MIM Nocturnal and Sundial = Paris Auction, 6/22/79. could this be misreading for Euphrosynus Vulparia? Florence. RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, GIROLAMO see Hieronymus Vulparia. RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, HIERONYMUS Italy, c.1527-1614, MIM made astrolabes, armillary spheres, planetary Ptolemaic models, and a wide range of sundials, including ADL-M4, ADL-DPW11 and ADL-W91; other examples can be seen at FLO, BMR, Perugia Museum, OXF, HAR, KEN, etc. son of Camillus Vulparia; clockmaker; author; worked in both ivory and brass; dates range from 1554-90. Florence. Bonelli 1; Maddison 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; Maccagni 1; Gatty; Yonge; ADL; Morpurgo 1 and 4; RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, HIERONYMUS CAMILLI Italy, early version of Hieronymus Vulparia; armillary sphere (KEN, 1554) and planetarium (FLO, 1557) are signed thus; see Hieronymus Vulparia. Maccagni 1. suggest correction
VULPARIA, LAURENTIUS 1 Italy, 1446-1512, MIM Nocturnal and Sundial, 1511 = FLO. father of Benvenutus and Euphrosynus Vulparia; clockmaker. Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Maccagni 1; Morpurgo 1 and 4; RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, LAURENTIUS 2 Italy, c.1500-66, MIM Pin-gnomon Skaphe, 1560 = Josten Coll. = Soth. 3/14/57 = ADL-DPW14. son of Camillus Vulparia; clockmaker. Florence; Lyon (1553). Michel 3; Maddison 3; Maccagni 1; ADL; Morpurgo 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, LORENZO see Laurentius Vulparia 1. A.J. Turner 10; Maccagni 1. suggest correction
VULPIUS see Ulpius. Yonge. suggest correction

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