Webster Signature Database Search Results

Important note: Most of these instruments are not in the Adler collection (which you can find more information about here). We know nothing about them beyond the information returned by searching this database. You may be able to learn more by contacting the institutions in the "Instruments" column, or by consulting the "References" listed.

Your search for all signatures yielded 14946 entries. Displaying entries 1–14946.
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Signature Maker Info Instruments Comments Location References Suggest Correction
A* Spain?, c.1600, NIM Mariner's Astrolabe = OXF. the star is above the "A"; ICA-319, Waters No. 6, NMM No. 6; known as the Vera Cruz Astrolabe. Price 1, 2, 4; Waters 1; ICA 2; Stimson 3. suggest correction
A. 1 1597, NIM Nocturnal, 1597 = POB. RSW. suggest correction
A. 2 Belgium?, this mark, which could stand for `anno', appears on an astronomical ring signed "Succa", which see; the ring is also marked "C.A.B." and "I.A.D." RSW. suggest correction
A. 3 England, c.1830, NIM "A" with foul anchor on ivory scale of Hadley's quadrant at PEA. Brewington 1. suggest correction
A. 4 Germany?MIM Three-legged Dividers = ADL-M72. stamped inside one leg. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
A. 5 this mark appears on a quadrant signed "H." (2), which see. RSW. suggest correction
A. AND N. / C.S.L. England, c.1850, MIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Level = Christie 10/31/67-55; Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. RSW. suggest correction
A.A.S. Germany?, MIM Diptych Sundial = NOR. also marked "I.H.S." and "$". RSW. suggest correction
A.B. 1 Italy, c.1564, MIM SIM Surveying Sector = FLO-2514. Antonio Bianchini. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
A.B. 2 Germany, 1567-73, MIM wood-cut of a full pillar dial, 1567, and sketch of an instrument showing planetary hours, 1573; both in the Munich Staatsbibliothek; see Jacques Le Tellier. Zinner 1. suggest correction
A.B. 3 Germany, MIM Andreas Becker? Abraham Bloch? Zinner 1. suggest correction
A.B. 4 Sweden, MIM Sundial = NOR. time and year's age. RSW. suggest correction
A.B. 5 marked on bottom of ivory pillar sundial signed "Jacques Le Tellier"; see A.B. 2. RSW. suggest correction
A.B.S.C. 1599, MIM Artillery Level, 1599 = Roussel-216 = Rosenheim-393 = Findlay-128. grotesque mask as decoration; Roussel mentioned leather case; Rosenheim's signed "AB.SC."; Findlay's signed "AB.SC." and marked "IMS." Michel 3; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
A.B.T.C.D. on horizontal sundial signed "Edward Low 1763" at MYS. RSW. suggest correction
A.B.V.A. 17th Century, MIM Perpetual Calendar = UTR. RSW. suggest correction
A.D. 1 Italy, 1553, MIM Sundial, 1553 = FLO-178. Naples. Michel 3; Price 2. suggest correction
A.D. 2 1604, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, 1604 = MERC-6 = McVitty Coll. Hamilton 1 and 2. suggest correction
A.D. 3 England?, 1616, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1616 = Soth. 4/18/88. RSW. suggest correction
A.D. 4 MIM Astrolabe = WHI-1462. probably a ghost; Bryden did not list it in his catalogue and it does not appear in ICA 2 or Gunther 1. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
A.D. 5 c.1900, Inclinable Sundial = ADL-T14. modern work, made by D.B. Sheahan to look like the work of Albrecht Durer. Fox 2; Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
A.D. 6 Anno Domini. suggest correction
A.D.C. Belgium, 1639, MIM Full Circle, 1639 = ANM. Antwerp. Belgian Inventory. suggest correction
A.D.G. Holland, 17th Century, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Gold, Silver and Clock Museum, Utrecht. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
A.D.G. A.A. Austria, 1734, MIM Horizontal Pin-Gnomon Sundial, 1734 = BM. probably `Ad Dei Gloriam. Admonti Abbas'; Anton von Mänersperg was Abbot of Admont, 1727-51. Admont, Styria. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
A.E. 1 Germany, c.1650, MIM String-gnomon Sundial = Huelsmann Coll. Syndram. suggest correction
A.E. 2 USA?, 1790, MIM SIM Graphometer, wood and brass, 1790 = Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison. may have been made and used by Andrew Ellicott. Bedini 8. suggest correction
A.E.G.G. 1681, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1681 = SLM. RSW. suggest correction
A.E.I.O.U. Austria, 1438-58, MIM Horary Quadrant, ivory, 1438 = VIE-166; Sundial, string gnomon, glass, 1458 = INN. cipher of Hapsburg Emperor Fredrick III; INN dial is glass window from Weiner Neustadt. Vienna. Zinner 1 (p. 608); Maurice 1. suggest correction
A.F. 1 Germany, 17th Century, MIM Architect's Rule = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
A.F. 2 Germany, 1758, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood, 1758 = POTS. Körber 1. suggest correction
A.G. 1 France, c.1650, OIM Telescope, terrestrial, vellum = ADL-M422. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
A.G. 2 France, 1843, MIM Wall Dial, 1843 = house at Pré-St.-Didier. Pré-St.-Didier. Berton. suggest correction
A.G. 3 marked on artillery level, 1688, signed "M.K." 5. Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
A.G.B.S. 1713, MIM Sandglass, quadruple, in wooden frame, 1713 = Koller 11/17/75. RSW. suggest correction
A.G.K. 1730, MIM Measure, wood, 1730 = Rosenheim-333. inlaid woods. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
A.H. 1 see Ao. H. RSW. suggest correction
A.H. 2 Holland, c.1825, MIM "A.H." is marked on the gimbals of a bearing compass signed "A.K. Lummen?" Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
A.H.Z.S. Germany, 1569, MIM Magnetic Compass, 1569 = DRE. Drechsler 2. suggest correction
A.I. 1 Germany, 1696, MIM Astrolabe with Roias projection, 1696 = DEU. Price 2. suggest correction
A.I. 2 Holland, 17th Century, these initials are marked on an Arsenius-type astrolabe at the HAK; the label reads Albert VII [?]. RSW. suggest correction
A.K. 1 Denmark, NIM Compass = KRO. Zeeland. RSW. suggest correction
A.K. 2 MIM Horary Quadrant = Soth. 12/19/66-14. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
A.K. 3 Germany?, MIM Bow Compass, brass on wood = ADL-M92. signed "A" on one leg and "K" on the other; points missing. ADL; Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
A.K. 4 Holland, c.1787, NIM Compass, wood = RIJ. also marked in 1787 crown compass signed "Ignatius Lega" and in 1799 crown compass signed "Ignatius and Gerard Petrus R. Lega." Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
A.L. 1 Germany, c.1600, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = NAC. Augsburg. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
A.L. 2 Anthony Lamb ?; the initials are marked on the sight vane of a backstaff by William Guyse Hagger. D.J. Warner 8. suggest correction
A.L. 3 Italy?, c.1800, marked on sundial by Felice Gori at FLO. Bonelli 9; RSW. suggest correction
A.M. 1 1550, MIM Astrolabe, 1550 = BAM. ICA-3201. Zinner 1; Michel 2; ICA 2. suggest correction
A.M. 2 1576, MIM Diptych Dial, hour scale only, 1576 = UTR. for latitudes 45°, 48°, and 51°; has Italian hours. Zinner 1; de Rijk. suggest correction
A.M. 3 Germany, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = KEN. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
A.M. 4 on miners' compasses; Abend and Morgen = afternoon and morning = west and east. Michel 3. suggest correction
A.M. 5 Germany, Andreas Mar? Zinner 1. suggest correction
A.M. 6 ring sundial signed "C.I.K." over "A.M." RSW. suggest correction
A.M.D.G. "Ad majorem Dei gloriam" = "To the greater glory of God." suggest correction
A.M.H. 1749, MIM Table Sundial, 1749 = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
A.M.S. 1834, MIM Sandglass, 1834 = OMM. RSW. suggest correction
A.O. England, 1556, MIM Garden Sundial, round, 1556 = National Museum of Wales, Cardiff. Penbryn, Cardigan. Peate. suggest correction
A.O.S. 1682, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1682 = NMM-Q.1. Sutton (?)-Caird Cat. Hill; NMM 2. suggest correction
A.P. 1 England, c.1560, owner's initials on ring sundial signed "E.E." at OXF, c. 1560. Earle; RSW. suggest correction
A.P. 2 Germany, fl.1590-1607, MIM Table Sundials, stone, 1601 = HAK and BM; Calendar Plate, stone, 1607 = GRA. possibly Andreas Plieninger, which see; BM dial also marked "Marcus Curtius." Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
A.P. 3 MIM possibly Andreas Plieninger. Zinner 1. suggest correction
A.P.S. 1784, MIM Quadrant, wood, 1784 = NOR. sliding scale. RSW. suggest correction
A.R. 1 c.1590, MIM Wire Gauge, iron and brass = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
A.R. 2 France, c.1670, MIM Celestial Globe = Strozzi Sale-380. Abraham Royer? Hamilton 1 and 2. suggest correction
A.R. 3 fl.1754-81, MIM Zappeck-type Sundials = Greppin Coll. (1754), GRA (1768), PRZ (1781). Przypkowski 3; RSW. suggest correction
A.R.D. see Olisipone. RSW. suggest correction
A.R.K.L.O. MIM Rule = Christie-SK 11/27/86. the A.R.K.L.O. is surmounted by a crown. RSW. suggest correction
A.R.N. France, c.1580, MIM Astrolabe, geographical = OXF. ICA-209. Gunther 1; Michel 2; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
A.S. 1 Germany, 1573, MIM Capuchin Sundial, 1573 = GEM. the sundial is for 49° lat.; Alexis Schniep ? Archinard 1. suggest correction
A.S. 2 Germany, c.1590, MIM Table Sundial, powder-horn mark = Halle Stadt Museum; Standing Clock = KAS. Zinner 1. suggest correction
A.S. 3 Germany, 1677, MIM SIM Surveyor's Level, 1677 = OXF. has a sighting tube; Andreas Sachse of Clausthal ? Zinner 1; Evans 1. suggest correction
A.S. 4 England, Abraham Sharp (1651-1742)? or Ann Shepard (fl.1676)? Taylor 1(361, 395); Evans 1. suggest correction
A.S.B. 18th Century, MIM Pedometer = X. Pipping 1. suggest correction
A.S.M. 1 Germany?, 1670, MIM Mining Instrument, 1670 = FRE. also marked "Elias Eichler, B.M.", (burgomeister). Price 2. suggest correction
A.S.M. 2 Germany, 1694, MIM Horizontal Sundial, compass, 1694 = NOR. probably for use with a surveying instrument. Zinner 1. suggest correction
A.S.O.M. MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = CLU. in spectacle case. RSW. suggest correction
A.S.S. 1566, MIM Runic Calendar, wood, 1566 = Bibliothèque St. Geneviève, Paris. Journal of Suomen Museo, Helsinki, LIX, 1952. suggest correction
A.V. MIM Rule = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
A.V.C. 1765, MIM Garden Sundial, lead, 1765 = LIE. Price 2. suggest correction
A.V.P. Holland, 1805, MIM Declinatory, 1805 = WHI. an instrument to lay out mural sundials. Bryden 16. suggest correction
A.W. 1 England, c.1640-50, MIM Horary Quadrants = WHI(FIT) (1639), NMM-Q.4 (1640); Terrestrial Globe, silver, 1652 = Weil. the WHI and NMM quadrants have de Roias projections on the reverse; they could be by Andrew Wakely, Abraham Washington or Abraham Watlington; Bryden attributes them to Watlington as they are so similar to a signed instrument in the BM. London. Michel 3; Hill; Price 2 and 3; Ward 4; Zinner 1; Weil 2(17); Taylor 1(169) & 1(214a); Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
A.W. 2 c.1700, MIM Proportional Dividers = DEU. RSW. suggest correction
A.Y. England, c.1750, PHIM Balance, steel = Soth. 4/18/88. the initials are stamped on the circular pan under a heart. RSW. suggest correction
A.Z. Germany, 1583, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood and ivory, 1583 = Soth. 11/27/72 = D.(1973) = TIM = Christie-SK 4/14/88. miner's compass marked "M.A." (morgen, abend); has two sets of rings; sundial set at slight angle to line up with compass needle when it points to red dot east of south. Wynter 1; RSW. suggest correction
AAGER, M. Germany, MIM Universal Compass Sundial, small, silver case = KEN. probably M. Hager. Chaldecott 1. suggest correction
AAKEN, VAN see van Aken. suggest correction
AB.SC. Germany?, 1599, MIM see A.B.S.C. RSW. suggest correction
ABATTE, J. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. possibly J. Abatte 2. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ABATTE, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see J. Abatte 1. Peterborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ABATTI England, see Noretti and Abatti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ABBAS, GOTTFRIDUS Germany, 1516, MIM Garden Sundial, stone, 1516 = Fränkel Coll. = P.C. also marked "G.A.Z.N." Baillie 1; N.N. Fränkel Sale, Dusseldorf, 1913; RSW. suggest correction
ABBATI, B. Italy, 1659, MIM Astrolabe, 1659 = FLO-243. ICA-488; may be owner; Bernardo Abbati. Bonelli 2; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
ABBOT England, c.1676, MIM made proportional compasses (?) for Robert Hooke and others. London. Taylor 1(389); Dewhirst; Evans 1. suggest correction
ABBOT, C. see Charles Abbott. Taylor 2(791); Dewhirst. suggest correction
ABBOT, RICHARD England, b. c.1654, MIM turned over as an appentice to Hilkiah Bedford of the Clockmakers' Company on June 1, 1668; served as an apprentice until 1675, but not freed; he may be the instrument maker consulted by Robert Hooke. J. Brown 3; Taylor 1(389); A.J. Turner 9; Loomes 2. suggest correction
ABBOTT, AMOS USA, c.1850, MIM Horometer = X. a type of planisphere invented by Abbott and shown at Fair of American Institute, New York. Manchester, New Hampshire. Scientific American, 6:34, 1850; USNM. suggest correction
ABBOTT, CHARLES England, fl.1801-27, OIM apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1794; free of the Company on Nov. 17, 1801; Taylor thought he fl.1780-1827. 6 Noble Street, Forster Lane; Angel Court at Skinners Street, Snowhill; both in London. Taylor 2(791); Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(231); Crawforth 11. suggest correction
ABBOTT, W. England, 19th Century, PHIM Money Scale = Melun 4/24/83. RSW. suggest correction
ABBOTT, WILLIAM USA, c.1874, MIM made scientific instruments. Henniker, NH. DATM suggest correction
ABEL, THOMAS England, fl.1838-41, PHIM made or sold barometers and thermometers. 55 Ray Street, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2058). suggest correction
ABEND, HANS LONHART Germany, c.1707, PHIM Nest of Weights = D.(1981). mark is stork within shield and initials L.A.; Hans Lönhart Abend. Nürnberg. Moskowitz Cat. 122. suggest correction
ABLE, PETER Germany?, 16th to 17th Centuries, MIM Horizontal Sundial, ivory = INN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ABOAB, MORDECHAI SEMAH Holland, c.1750, there are two sundials with this name but it is probable that he was the owner. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Schuhmann; MADEX; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ABRAHAM 1 England, 1818, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Level = Phillips 2/2/84; Stick Barometers = X, Christie 5/5/83; Sundial = NMM-D.215; Wheel Barometer = X; Terrestrial Globe, miniature, case = Chicago Historical Society; Compass Sundials = Cooke's Shop, CMY, WHI-1670; Telescopes = D.(1984), London Nat'l Army Museum; Spyglass = Soth. 12/3/76; Telescope in cane = SNO; Microscopes = D.(1977), London Museum of the Pharmaceutical Soc. probably Jacob Abraham; optician. Bath. Taylor 2(1068); Goodison 1; NMM 2; Bryden 9; RSW; Moskowitz Cat. 114; Coffeen F; Bryden 16. suggest correction
ABRAHAM 2 England, OIM Telescope with tripod = D.(1967). London. F. Roux-Devillas Cat. 1967; USNM. suggest correction
ABRAHAM 3 England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1978). "Optician"; may be Abrahams, which see. Exeter. RSW. suggest correction
ABRAHAM 4 England, OIM T.C.; optician; probably Jacob Abraham. Corner of an opening into Old Well Lane near Queen's Circus, Cheltenham. Calvert 2. suggest correction
ABRAHAM AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie's 2/19/97. 20 Lord Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
ABRAHAM AND CO. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Jacob Abraham; see Abraham 1. Bath. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ABRAHAM AND CO. 2 England, fl.1818-51, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Monocular Microscope = Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83; Stick Barometers = Soth. 5/21/73, Soth-S 10/19/89; Telescope = Lancaster City Museum. Abraham Abraham and Co.; had second shop in Glasgow as A. Abraham and Co., which see; opticians; succeeded by G.S. Wood; T.C. Liverpool. USNM; RSW; Bryden 3 and 9; Taylor 2(1251); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
ABRAHAM AND DANCER England, fl.1841-44, MIM OIM PHIM Map-making Instrument = Soth. 3/19/73; Induction Coil = College of Technology, Manchester; Marking Protractor = D. (1981); Mining Dial = P.C.; Monocular Microscope and Microscope, travelling = Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester. barometer makers; coil from Joule Coll; Jacob (?) Abraham and John B. Dancer; T.C. Liverpool; 13 Cross Street, King Street, Manchester (1841). Goodison 1; RSW; Lowery; Moskowitz Cat. 122; G.L'E. Turner 24; Calvert 2; Holbrook 2. suggest correction
ABRAHAM, A. England, c.1800, MIM PHIM SIM Compass = Soth. 7/27/64-200; Surveying Level = NMM-13; Mining Compass = Soth. 6/19/72; Stick Barometers = D.(1975), Soth-S 1/10/90; Surveying Compass = CMY; Theodolite = Phillips 2/14/79. see Abraham and Co. 2. Liverpool. Bryden 9; RSW; NMM 2. suggest correction
ABRAHAM, A., AND CO. England, c.1840, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. retail branch of Abraham and Co. 2 in Glasgow. 20 Lord Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
ABRAHAM, A., AND CO. 1 Scotland, fl.1838-43, MIM OIM PHIM Inclinable Sundial, portable = FRK = RSM; Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/14/89. retail branch of Abraham and Co. (2) in Liverpool; managed by S.P. Cohen, a partner, who continued the branch under his own name, 1843-60. 8 Exchange Square (1838-40); 82 Queen Street (1841-43); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
ABRAHAM, A., AND CO. 2 England, c.1840, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. surely same as Abraham and Co. 2. 20 Lord Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
ABRAHAM, ABRAHAM England, fl.1818-50, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Rule, ivory = D.(1982); Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = D.(1975), X; Spectroscope = Soth. 1960; Surveying Levels = NMM, Christie 10/31/67-52 and 2/13/68-18; Microscope = X; Pocket Compass = Phillips 4/20/83; Cuff Microscope variant = Soth. 6/23/69; Telescope as part of cane, 1839 = Soth. 2/1/79; Miner's Dials= Nat'l Museum of Wales, Cardiff and CYM; Sector, ivory = Grosvenor Mus., Chester; etc. the instruments are signed "A. Abraham Liverpool." 8 Lord Street (1818-20); 10 Lord Street (1821-22); 7 Lord Street (1823-28); 9 Lord Street (1829-34); 76 Lord Street (1835); 84 Lord Street (1837); 20 Lord Street (1839-50); all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1251); Wynter and Turner; Crawforth 6; Bryden 9; Goodison 1; NMM 2; Holbrook 2. suggest correction
ABRAHAM, ABRAHAM, AND CO. England, c.1851, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Pantograph = Phillips 10/26/83. barometer makers; pantograph signed "A. Abraham and Co. 2"; showed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Liverpool; see Abraham, Abraham for street addresses. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1251); RSW; G.L'E. Turner 24; Calvert 2; Crawforth 6 & 11. suggest correction
ABRAHAM, J. 1 England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Liskeard. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ABRAHAM, J. 2 England, fl.1805-51, MIM OIM PHIM Culpeper Microscope = Soth. 4/22/65-19; Horizontal Sundial = Christie 7/5/71. probably Jacob Abraham; optician; made globes, telescopes, barometers, etc; mathematical instrument maker to the Duke of Gloucester and to the Duke of Wellington; T.C. 7 Bartlett Street, near the Upper Rooms, Bath; adjoining Mr.Thompson's Pump Room, Cheltenham; 1 Bartlett Street, Bath (1819). Bryden 9; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
ABRAHAM, J.A. England, c.1850, PHIM invented a type of barometer shown at Great Exhibition, 1851. 87 Bold Street, Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
ABRAHAM, J.H. England, c.1827, MIM Holy Green, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1470). suggest correction
ABRAHAM, JACOB England, fl.1805-41, MIM OIM PHIM Orrery = OXF; Wheel Barometer = Bath Municipal Library; Stick Barometer = X; Microscope = VCW. T.C.; optician and mathematical instrument maker to the Duke of Gloucester and to the Duke of Wellington; see Abraham and Co. 1; see Abraham 1; see J. Abraham 2. 1 St. Andrews Terrace (1809); 7 Bartlett Street (1819); both in Bath; shop adjoining Mr. Thompson's Pump Room, Cheltenham. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1068); Moskowitz Cat. 114; Chaldecott 1; C.N. Robinson; RSW. suggest correction
ABRAHAMS England, OIM Telescope = D.(1971). may be Abraham 3. Exeter. RSW. suggest correction
ABRAHAMS, A.E. England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/19/88, Bearne's 2/17/92. "Optician" appears after the Soth. signature. Exeter. RSW. suggest correction
ABRAHAMS, JOHN England, c.1830, MIM Magnetic Compass = FIT (WHI). T.C. Montpelier Rotunda; the Shop adjoining Mr. Thompson's Pump Room; both in Cheltenham. Taylor 2(1761); Clay and Court. suggest correction
ACCUM, FREDERICK CHRISTIAN Germany; England, 1769-1828, PHIM Hygrometers = WHI, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. sold chemical apparatus; author; had a commercial partnership with Alexander Garden for a few years. Hanover (1769-93); Old Compton Street, Soho, London. Whipple 1; A.L. King; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
ACKERMAN, ANDERS Sweden, fl.1759-1804, MIM Celestial Globes = SKO (1759), Royal Library, Stockholm (1759, 1766 (2)); Terrestrial Globes = SKO (1759), Royal Library, Stockholm (1759, 1762, 1766 (2), 1779, 1804), Soth. 3/27/72 (1762). Åckerman; sometimes written Åkerman. Uppsala. Pipping 1; Price 2; Edell 1; RSW. suggest correction
ACKERMANN AND CO. England, fl.1847-52, MIM NIM Parallel Rules = DeLuca 8/1/87. 96 Strand, London. O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
ACKLAND England, MIM Time Assimilator - Sidereal/Meantime = Dept of Physics, U. of Liverpool. Hatton Garden, London. Holbrook 2. suggest correction
ADAIR, WILLIAM Ireland, 1794, MIM Sundial, slate, 1794 = Ulster Folk Museum. Clarke et al. suggest correction
ADAKYMOE, TODA M. MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = KEN; Instrument = VAA. Evans 1. suggest correction
ADAM 1 England, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Soth. 4/26/65-53. London. RSW. suggest correction
ADAM 2 England, MIM NIM Sector, ivory = COR; Sextant = COR. may be one of the Adams. London. Courtanvaux. suggest correction
ADAM, ELIAS 1 England, 1627, MIM recorded as a sundial maker in 1627; may be misreading for Elias Allen. Loomes 2. suggest correction
ADAM, ELIAS 2 England, 1750, MIM Sundial, stone, 1750 = Crisp Coll. Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
ADAM, EUGENE France, 19th Century, MIM Trimming Tool = Soth. 10/20/75. "mecanicien." Colmar. RSW. suggest correction
ADAM, J. Scotland, c.1870, PHIM Marine Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. Dundee. RSW. suggest correction
ADAM, MATHEW Scotland, fl.1822-23, NIM improved quadrants and sextants by adding artificial horizons. Inverness Academy, Inverness. Taylor 2(1471). suggest correction
ADAM, ROBERT England, post-1760, MIM sundial maker to King George III; designed sundial on wall of Turner Art Gallery, Eastbourne. Stevens and Aked. suggest correction
ADAM, U. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Wall Sundials on churches in Hartmannsweiler, Kayserberg, Kienzheim, Lautenbach, etc. Colmar. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ADAMI, CARL CHRISTIAN LUDWIG Germany, 1802-74, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1847 = New York Public Library. teacher in Berlin, 1838-52; joined firm of Dietrich Reimer 1852-74. Daberkov, Pommerania; Berlin. Yonge. suggest correction
ADAMS 1 England, OIM Telescope = NMM. "Adams' New Patent Portable Telescope"; may be John Adams 2. No. 60 Fleet Street, London. Taylor 1(478) and 2(1); NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
ADAMS 2 England, 18th Century, MIM NIM OIM SIM Inclinable Sundial = MLL; Solar Microscope = HER; Armillary Sphere = COO; Sextants = Wellesley College Observatory, Mass., Mystic Seaport, Conn.; Octant = D.(1987); Theodolite = P.C.; Telescope = Bennington Museum, Vermont; Telescope, 1810 = Christie-SK 2/8/79; Gunter's Scale = D.(1984); etc. there are many undated instruments signed "Adams"; it is impossible to tell whether George 1, George 2, or Dudley Adams is the maker in question; the ivory scale on the octant is marked "I.D.". London. USNM; RSW; Moskowitz Cat. 110; Coffeen 15; Price 3; Ward 4; suggest correction
ADAMS 3 USA, c.1835, MIM SIM see Frost and Adams. Moskowitz Cat. 115. suggest correction
ADAMS AND TAGLIABUE USA, c.1850, PHIM made barometers and thermometers, glass hydrometers. Cat. of the New York Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations, 1853. suggest correction
ADAMS, C. England, c.1790, MIM Crescent Sundial = Spitzer-Anderson sale 3/25/27. London. RSW. suggest correction
ADAMS, D. England, MIM OIM Celestial Globe = Soth. 6/27/57-133; Telescope = Christie-SK 12/1/83; Wheel Barometer and Metallic Thermometer = Woburn Abbey; Compass Rose, paper = D.(1974). surely Dudley Adams; telescope is Charing Cross; Woburn Abbey instruments are Fleet Street. Charing Cross; Fleet Street; both in London. Wynter Cat. Vol. 2, No. 2; RSW. suggest correction
ADAMS, DUDLEY England, 1762-1826, MIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. apprenticed to George Adams 2, his brother, in the Grocers' Company, 1777; free of the Company, 1788; succeeded to the family business in 1796; globe maker to the King, 1794, and mathematical instrument maker to the King, 1796; optician to the Prince of Wales by 1804; several patents; T.C. Spring Gardens, Charing Cross (1788); 53 Charing Cross (1793-1821); 6 Jewry Street, Aldgate (-1822); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(792); Chaldecott 1; USNM; Moskowitz 114; G.L'E. Turner 24; J. Brown 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Calvert 2; RSW; Crawforth 1; Court and Rohr 3(XXXII); Millburn 9; Bryden 16; Yonge. suggest correction
ADAMS, F. England, OIM Microscope = FLO. probably G. Adams. London. Italian Inventory. suggest correction
ADAMS, G. England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM many instruments signed this way; impossible to tell whether George 1 or George 2 Adams is involved except for the relevant dated instruments. 60 Fleet Street, London. USNM; Brewington 1; Bedini 1; Belgian Inv.; Price 3; Ward 4; NMM 2; RSW; Moskowitz Cat. 114; Brieux Cat. suggest correction
ADAMS, GEORGE 1 England, 1704-72, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. apprenticed to James Parker in the Grocers' Company, 1724; turned over to Thomas Heath 1, 1726; free of the Company, 1733; father of George 2 and Dudley Adams; instrument maker to the King and to the East India Company; author; difficult to tell, except by date, whether George Adams 1 or 2; T.C. Southampton; Shore Lane (1733); at Tycho Brahe's Head, corner of Racquet Court, in Fleet Street; both in London. Taylor 2(145); Chaldecott 1; Maddison 1; Bonelli 1; USNM; Brewington 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Bedini 8; J. Brown 1; RSW; Court and von Rohr 3(XVIII); Millburn 9; C.N. Robinson; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Yonge; ADL; Tyler. suggest correction
ADAMS, GEORGE 2 England, 1750-95, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. apprenticed to his father, George Adams 1, in the Grocers' Company, 1765; free of the Company, 1772, by his mother, Ann Adams, the executrix; author; instrument maker to the King; optician to the Prince of Wales; associated with Thomas Hatton in making and selling four portable instruments for checking weight of gold; stock and books bought by Jones Brothers in 1795; see George Adams, Jr. 60 Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(676); Chaldecott 1; Maddison 2; Bonelli 1; Brewington 1; RSW; Moskowitz Cats; Wynter 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10; J. Brown 1; Bedini 8; Court and von Rohr 3(XXV); Millburn 9; J.A. Bennett 2; Goodison 1; Yonge; Hillier; Syndram; Whipple 1; ADL. suggest correction
ADAMS, GEORGE 3 England, c.1811, apprenticed to Dudley Adams, his father, in the Grocers' Company, on June 16, 1811. J. Brown 1; Millburn 9. suggest correction
ADAMS, GEORGE, JR. England, 1750-95, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescope, pocket, 1774 = D.(1978); Orrery = X. telescope signed" G. Adams London" on tube; "Adams, Jr." on inside of draw tube; George Adams 2. 60 Fleet Street, London. Moskowitz 116; RSW. suggest correction
ADAMS, HANNAH England, fl.1795-96 d.1810, MIM "Mathematical Instrument Maker to the King" and supplier of instruments to the Royal Mathematical School at Christ's Hospital, after the death of her husband, George Adams 2; succeeded by William Cary in the latter post. London. Millburn 9 and 11. suggest correction
ADAMS, JAMES USA, c.1850, MIM Set of Drawing Instruments = FRK = Soth. 3/25/86. Portsmouth, Ohio. RSW. suggest correction
ADAMS, JOHN 1 England, fl.1670-96, MIM instrument designer; lawyer; surveyor. Shropshire; Tanfield Court, Inner Temple, London. Taylor 1(344). suggest correction
ADAMS, JOHN 2 England, fl.1714-38, OIM apprenticed to William Saunders 2 in 1707, in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company on July 1, 1714; perhaps maker of "Adams' New Patent Portable Telescope" at NMM; see John Adams 4; Taylor's dates are different. 60 Fleet Street, London. Taylor 1(478) and 2(1); Court and von Rohr 3(83). suggest correction
ADAMS, JOHN 3 England, fl.1759-96, MIM NIM teacher of mathematics; partner with Richard Rust; their names appear on engraved compass cards; Adams was the designer and Richard Rust the maker. Farnhill Academy, near Waltham Abbey, Essex (1773); Mathematical Academy, Brook Street, Ratcliff Cross, London (1780). Taylor 2(432); Crawforth 11. suggest correction
ADAMS, JOHN 4 England, may be John Adams 2. 60 Fleet Street, London. Taylor 1(478). suggest correction
ADAMS, NATHANIEL 1 England, 1708-43, OIM Mirror on Culpeper Microscope = X. apprenticed to Edward Scarlett in 1722, in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company in 1730; optician to Frederick, Prince of Wales, son of George II; Francis Watkins was apprenticed to him in 1737, and John Margas, pre-1742. The Golden Spectacles, Charing Cross, London. Taylor 2(146); Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Court and von Rohr 3(111); Robischon; WEBDB. suggest correction
ADAMS, NATHANIEL 2 USA, 1793, MIM SIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Shipman and Son of Norwich, Conn. in 1793. Smart 2. suggest correction
ADAMS, NATHANIEL, AND WHIPPLE USA, c.1809, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. in jewelry business. Troy, N.Y. Smart 2; RSW. suggest correction
ADAMS, W.G. England, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, alidade = P-B 9/24/38. London. RSW. suggest correction
ADAMS, WILLIAM USA, b.1801 fl.1829-62, MIM Terrestrial Globe, silver, 1841 = U.S. House of Repre- sentatives, Washington, D.C. part of a mace. 185 Church Street, New York, N.Y. (1841). J. S. Brown. suggest correction
ADAMSON England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer and Thermometer in clock = P-B 6/7/68-46; Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. Fleet Street, London. USNM; RSW; Goodison 1. suggest correction
ADAMSON AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ADAMSON, HUMPHREY England, fl.1668-82, MIM PHIM Calculating Machine = KEN; Clock, pendulum = KEN. made Morland's calculating machine; made wheel and stick barometers; member of the Clockmakers' Company; Loomes said he was not a member of the Clockmakers' Company. near the Turnstile in Holborn; at the House of Jonas Moor, Esq. in the Tower; both in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 1(326); Evans 1; Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Loomes 2. suggest correction
ADAMSON, JOHN England, c.1686, MIM made free of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1686; may have made only clocks; Loomes only mentions clocks. Clay and Court; Crawforth 11; Loomes 2. suggest correction
ADCOCK, RICHARD England, c.1659, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1652; free in the Company, 1659. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ADDISON, G., AND CO. England, c.1830, MIM Celestial Globe = GMM. London. RSW. suggest correction
ADDISON, JOHN England, c.1800, MIM Orrery = NMM; Globes, pair = MLL; Terraqueous Globe = U. of Utah, Salt Lake City. maker of globes manufactured and published by Malby and Co.; orrery signed "J. Addison"; globes say "manufactured and sold by G. and J. Cary"; made terrestrial globe on Thomas Heath orrery, ADL-DPW1; see John Addison and Co. 37 Parker Street, Little Queen Street; Regent Street; both in London. Maddison 1; RSW; NMM 2; Yonge; ADL. suggest correction
ADDISON, JOHN, AND CO. England, fl.1820-37, MIM Terrestrial Globe, twelve-inch, stand = Phillips 2/2/84; Terrestrial Globe = D.(1975); Pair of Globes = D.(1975); Terrestrial Globe, miniature = Chicago Historical Society. Phillips globe signed "J. Addison and Co., Globe Makers and by appointment to his Majesty King George IV"; others signed "J. Addison and Co. Globe makers by appointment to His Most Gracious Majesty, George IV." 9 Skinner Street (1820); 117 Regent Street, Piccadilly (1823); 7 Hampstead Road, Tottenham Court Road (1827); all in London. Taylor 2(1472); RSW; Moskowitz 118; Yonge. suggest correction
ADDISON, L. England, MIM Celestial Globe, miniature, papier-maché = Christie 7/16/68. probably John Addison. USNM; Crawforth 11.RSW. suggest correction
ADERMAN, CLAS OTTO Sweden, 1826-96, PHIM meteorological instrument maker. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
ADHEMAR France, MIM Terrestrial Globe = CNAM-7255. Adhémar. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
ADIE 1 Scotland, MIM PHIM Garden Sundial = Phillips 10/26/83; Sextant, pocket = Christie 12/21/71 = FRK = RSM; Barometer = Phillips 11/16/76; Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 3/25/86; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86; Sympiesometer No.1181 = FRK = RSM; Box Sextant = RSM. probably either Alexander or John Adie. Edinburgh. Bryden 3; RSW; Clarke et al. suggest correction
ADIE 2 England, c.1845, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Level = Christie 10/31/67-53; Sextant, pocket = D.(1967); Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86; Dumpy Level = WHI. surely Patrick Adie. 395 Strand, 5 Arthur Street West, London Bridge, London. USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
ADIE AND SON Scotland, fl.1835-80, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Barometer, travelling = Soth. 7/21/83; Thermometer, ivory = Soth. 2/8/83; Stick Barometers = X; Surveying Compass = Kenney Sale-171; Theodolite = Soth. 11/27/67-5; Sympiesometer, No. 1708 = Phillips 7/20/83; Robinson-type Balance = RSM; Telescope = Christie 5/6/69; Surveyor's Level = D.(1972); Marine Barometer = D.(1976); Mining Compass D.(1986); etc. Alexander and his second son, John; Taylor thought that the son was Richard; marine barometer is No. 89; "Instrument Makers to the Queen." 58 Princes Street (1835-43); 50 Princes Street (1844-76); 37 Hanover Street (1837-80) all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3 and 8; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2059)(2060); RSW; Moskowitz 104; G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen 13; Nuttall; Clarke et al. suggest correction
ADIE AND WEDDERBURN Scotland, 1881-99, MIM OIM PHIM Folding Gauge Rod = Kenney Sale-124 = P.C; Telescopes = Soth. 3/19/73, RSM; Barometer, portable = Soth. 5/1/86; Barograph = FRK = RSM. Thomas Wedderburn was foreman with Adie and Son. 37 Hanover Street (1881-82); 17 Hanover Street (1883-99); both in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Taylor 2(2061); Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
ADIE, A. Scotland, MIM Garden Sundial = D.(1975); Sundial = FRK = RSM; Miner's Dial = RSM; Polarizing Microscope = RSM; Surveying Compass = RSM. surely Alexander Adie. Edinburgh. Wynter Cat; Clarke et al. suggest correction
ADIE, ALEXANDER Scotland, 1774-1858, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometers = X; Sympiesometers = RSM, D.(1967), Atwater Kent Museum, Philadelphia, Pa.; Polarizing Microscope = RSM; Telescope and stand = D.(1989). apprenticed to his uncle, John Miller, 1787; was his partner, 1804-22; his second son, John, joined him in 1835 (Taylor says son Richard); invented and patented sympiesometer in 1818; other sons Richard and Patrick, which see; also see Miller and Adie; first polarizing microscope made 1823-29. 94 Nicholson Street (1804-7); 96 Nicholson Street (1807-10); 8 Nicholson Street (1811-18); 35 Princes Street (1818-34); 15 Nicholson Street (1825-26); 58 Princes Street (1830-34: all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1069); Middleton 1; USNM; RSW; Clarke et al; Rinaldi 23. suggest correction
ADIE, JOHN Scotland, fl.1835-81, MIM OIM PHIM second son of Alexander Adie; in partnership with him in 1835; see Adie and Son and Adie and Wedderburn. Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Middleton 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
ADIE, PATRICK Scotland; England, fl.1846-68, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Artificial Horizon = FRK = RSM; Current Meter = FRK = RSM; Telescope = FRK = RSM; Magnetic Variometer = RSM. youngest son of Alexander Adie; made marine barometers; business continued until 1868 at Strand address and went on to 1942; held patents on semicircle, diastameter, level, eidograph, etc.; see Adie 2. 1A Conduit Street (1846-47); 395 Strand (1848-68); both in London. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; RSW; USNM; O'Mara; Clarke et al; Middleton 1. suggest correction
ADIE, RICHARD Scotland; England, fl.1835-75, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Cometarium, 1835 = OXF; Sympiesometer = GHS. also made a steam and vacuum gauge and a double telescope; barometer signed "R. Adie Bold Street Liverpool"; was third son of Alexander Adie; Taylor thought that he was partner in Adie and Co. 26 Bold Street (1835); 28 Bold Street (1837);.55 Bold Street (1839); 4 Exchange Building (1868) and 5 Edmund Street (1870); 5 Harington Street (1872-75); all in Liverpool. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2059 and 2061); Bryden 3; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Clarke et al. suggest correction
ADMIRAL, JACOB L' Holland, 17th Century, PHIM Coin Balance = Soth. 6/23/87. mastermark of L'Admiral is stamped on the pans and the weights. RSW. suggest correction
ADRIAENSEN, JAN Holland, 1575-1654, MIM Sundial = Fry Coll. DeRijp. Michel 3; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
ADRIAENSZOON, JACOB see Jacob Metius. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
ADRIANO, P. FE. Italy, 1700, MIM Astrolabe, 1700 = BM. ICA-188; "P. Adriano Fe." Turin. Gunther 1; Price 1, 2 and 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Evans 1; Holbrook 2. suggest correction
ADZERSEN, KARL Sweden?, 1732, MIM Vertical Sundial, 1732 = USNM. Lydersholm. USNM. suggest correction
AECHERSPERG, JOHANN PETER Germany, fl.1765-86, PHIM Money Balances, 1765, 1775, undated = DRE; Balances = Köller May, 1972, 11/17/75 (1786); Gold Balances = Den Gamle By, Aarhus (1762), HAK (1773); etc. also Aeckersberg; many signed "J.P. Aeckersberg." Wichtlinghausen im Ober-Barmen. RSW. suggest correction
AEHNELT, C.G. Germany, 1782, MIM OIM Rule, 1782 = DRE; Telescope = DRE. Dresden. RSW. suggest correction
AERTRYCKE, PHILIPS VAN Holland, c.1520, NIM compass maker. Bruges; Middelburg. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
AERTS, PETRUS Belgium, 17th Century, MIM Quadrant = X. resembled Lusuerg quadrant in Michel collection. Brussels. Michel 3; Price 2. suggest correction
AFFLECK, ALEXANDER Scotland, fl.1800-02, MIM Glasgow. Taylor 2(1071). suggest correction
AGGERE, PETRUS AB see Petrus ab aggere. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
AGGERIUS, PETRUS see Petrus ab aggere. Gunther 2. suggest correction
AGGIO, PAUL England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 2/14/79, Soth. 7/21/87. Colchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
AGNELO, MICHIEL Italy, c.1545, MIM invented an ellipsograph in 1545. Arrighi. suggest correction
AGNESE Italy, 1554, MIM Compass set inside book cover, 1554 = NMM. RSW. suggest correction
AGNEW 1 England, see Zanetti and Agnew. RSW. suggest correction
AGNEW 2 England, c.1840, MIM SIM Circumferentor = P.C. Manchester. Delehar 4. suggest correction
AGNEW AND ZANETTI England, fl.1825-34, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Stick Barometers = X(2). one wheel barometer signed "Agnew and Zanetti, Exchange Street, Manchester"; others signed "Agnew and Zanetti, 18 Exchange Street, Manchester"; Thomas Agnew and Vittore Zanetti; succeeded Zanetti and Agnew, which see. 94 Market Street (1825-26); 10 Exchange Street (1826-32); 18 Exchange Street (1834); all in Manchester. Taylor 2(1473); Goodison 1. suggest correction
AGNEW, THOMAS England, 1794-1871, MIM PHIM SIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Circumferentor = P.C. apprenticed to Vittore Zanetti, 1810; partner with him, 1817; partner with his son, 1825-34; working alone by 1835; circumferentor is signed "Agnew Manchester"; also made thermometers. 94 Market Street (1810-26); 10 Exchange Street (1826-32); 18 Exchange Street (1834); 14 Exchange Street (1841); all in Manchester. Goodison 1; Delehar 4. suggest correction
AGOSTI, G. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Bearne's 5-7-96. with hydrometer, thermometer and level; may be same as I. Agosti, which see. Falmouth. RSW. suggest correction
AGOSTI, I. England, PHIM Marine Barometer = X. may be John Augustus. Falmouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
AHL, JOHAN Sweden; Denmark, fl.pre-1755-95, OIM Astronomical Quadrant, 3-foot radius = CRT. apprenticed to Eckström; partner with Steinholtz, 1755-62. Stockholm (pre-1755-62); Copenhagen (1762-95). Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
AHRENS, C.D. England, 19th Century, OIM Microscope = Phillips 12/12/89. London. RSW. suggest correction
AIANO England, fl.1790-1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = X(2), Christie 5/5/83, Soth. 2/28/80, (1800); Wheel Barometers = Phillips 10/26/83 (4). probably Charles Aiano; Phillips and one other wheel signed "Aiano Canterbury." Canterbury. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
AIANO, CARLS. England, PHIM variant spelling for Charles Aiano, which see. RSW. suggest correction
AIANO, CHARLES England, fl.1826-41, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3), Chrisrie-SK 6/30/89 = D.(1989), Soth.-S 7/17/96; Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 2/4/77; Double Barometer = X. some signed "C. Aiano" or "Chas. Aiano"; Soth. 1977 signed "Carls. Aiano." At the Sign of the Providence; 9 Northgate (1826-28); Northgate (1841); 90-1 Northgate; all in Canterbury. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
AICHINGER c.1850, MIM Equatorial Sundial with alidade = AMST. Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
AINAO, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/12/72. misreading for Charles Aiano. Northgate, Canterbury. RSW. suggest correction
AINSLEY, THOMAS L. England, fl.1858-86, MIM NIM Hadley's Quadrant = PEA-M3535; Instrument = OXF; Octant = Christie-SK 3/31/83; Sextants = Christie 12/21/7, Soth. 3/19/73 and MYS; Pelorus = MYS; Octant = Science and Engineering Museum, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; etc. Christie sextant signed "Thos. L. Ainsley" and MYS one signed "Ainsley"; second octant signed Thomas L. Ainsley; rest signed "T.L. Ainsley"; quadrant also signed "London"; first octant also signed; "Cardiff and Barry Docks"; see Bain and Ainsley. South Shields, Durham; South Shields, Tyne and Wear; Cardiff and Barry Docks; London. Brewington 1; Taylor 2(1072); Crawford 11; RSW. suggest correction
AIRES, BENJAMIN see Benjamin Ayres. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
AKEN, ABRAHAM VAN Holland, c.1760, MIM PHIM Astrolabe = BOM 3/28/06-564; Fire Engine Model = UTR-Physics Lab.; Planetaria = LEY, GEM. made planetaria and other astronomical and physical instruments; sometimes spelled van Aaken. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Brieux 3; RSW; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
AKENHEAD, ROBERT England, c.1718, T.C.; stationer and seller of instruments and spectacles. at the Bible and Crown up on the Bridge, Newcastle. Calvert 2. suggest correction
AKERBOOM, JOHANNES Holland, c.1775, NIM Mariner's Compass = Auction, 1981, Holland. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
AKERMAN, ANDREA Åkerman; variant of Anders Åckerman. Price 2; Edell 1. suggest correction
AKRELL, CARL FREDRIK Sweden, 1779-1868, MIM made and repaired globes; probably son of Fredrik Akrell. RSW. suggest correction
AKRELL, FREDRIK Sweden, 1740-1804, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1790 = NOR. renewed several Åckerman globes; worked at the Academy of Sciences; also made celestial globes. Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
AL. RI. Italy, initials on pin-gnomon sundial by Carolus Platus, 1593, at BM. Dalton. suggest correction
ALAMANNI, ANTONIO Italy, c.1641, PHIM Barometers and Thermometers = FLO. Florence. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
ALAND, JONATHAN Ireland, c.1685, designed instruments to determine longitude. Waterford. Taylor 1(438). suggest correction
ALBERTI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. probably Angelo Alberti; stick also signed "Sheffield" and its case was made by Charles Guggiari. Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ALBERTI, ANGELO England, fl.1822-25, PHIM made barometers. Fargate, Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ALBERTI, GIANBATTISTA Italy, 1688, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1688 = Brescia; Compass Instruments = Brescia-7 and -32. Michel 3; Price 2. suggest correction
ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA Italy, 1404-72, MIM made hodometers. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
ALBINO, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-N.Y. 4/19/89. the barometer listed by Goodison is signed "Albino, Cheltenham." Cheltenham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ALBINO, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 4/28/89. Cheltenham. RSW. suggest correction
ALBINO, JOHN England, fl.1839-60, PHIM made barometers. 47 St. John Street, West Smithfield (1839-49); 63 Hatton Garden (1850-60); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ALBRECHT, ANDREAS Germany, d.1628, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument, 1625 = NUR-WI 1262. compass maker; designed the theodolite and plane table made by Michael Bumel. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Weil 1; Bonelli 1; Price 2; Gouk 1. suggest correction
ALBRECHT, H. Germany, 19th Century, MIM Planetarium = Ineichen 6/5/75. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
ALCOCK, JOHN England, 1743, NIM Nocturnal, boxwood, 1743 = HAK. Rohde; RSW. suggest correction
ALDER 1 USA, NIM T.C.; see Duren and Alder, Alder and Co., Alder and Duren, Alder and Mackay, and W.D. Alder. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
ALDER 2 USA, see Choate and Alder. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
ALDER AND CO. England, NIM Octant = Christie 7/5/71. Blyth. RSW. suggest correction
ALDER AND DUREN USA, c.1850, NIM sold nautical instruments; makers? New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
ALDER AND MACKAY Scotland, c.1825, PHIM Barograph in clock = D.(1972). Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
ALDER, WILLIAM D. USA, c.1859, MIM NIM see De Mory, Gray and W.D. Alder, T.C.; successor to Duren and Alder; see Choate, Alder and Topham. New Bedford, Mass. (1859); 20 Burling Slip, New York, N.Y. D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
ALDERSON, WALTON England, fl.1823-31, MIM clockmaker; made sundials. Leyburn. Loomes. suggest correction
ALDINUS, FRANCISCUS Italy, 1660, MIM Armillary Sphere, iron, 1660 = ADL-M8. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Price 2; Yonge; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ALDRIDGE, JOHN England, c.1669, MIM OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1669. Minories, London. Court and von Rohr 3(24). suggest correction
ALDRIDGE, T. USA, NIM Navigational Rule = X. Bergen, New Jersey. RSW. suggest correction
ALDUS, THOMAS England, fl.1659-62, MIM apprenticed to Henry Sutton in the Joiners' Company, June 12, 1652; free in the Company, Mar. 5, 1659; took apprentices. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ALEA, YARWAY England, c.1661, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1654; free in the Company, 1661. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ALESSANDRI, I, AND SCATTOGLIA Italy, 1784, MIM Celestial Globe, 1784 = ROM. Venice. Bonelli 4; Bedini 12. suggest correction
ALETT, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1976). Oxford. RSW. suggest correction
ALEXANDER England, c.1790, NIM Quadrant = NMM-S.160. Yarmouth. Taylor 2(910); NMM 2. suggest correction
ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER 1 Scotland, fl.1812-20, OIM Edinburgh. Taylor 2(1254); Morrison-Low. suggest correction
ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER 2 England, fl.1812-41, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant = X; Pantograph = Christie 12/12/72; Camera Lucida = OXF. optician to the King, the Duchess of Kent and to Princess Victoria; may be same person as Alexander Alexander 1; invented Graphic Mirror (1841); T.C.; pantograph signed "A. Alexander." 6 High Street opposite Castle Street, Exeter. Taylor 2(1254); Bryden 9; RSW; G.L'E. Turner 24; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
ALEXANDER, ANDREAS 1666, MIM Sector, 1666 = NUR. Nürnberg? Evans 1. suggest correction
ALEXANDER, GEORGE Scotland, fl.1813-25, NIM watch and compass maker; held a patent for compass card suspension. 27 Timber Street; 62 Shore (1822-25); both in Leith. Bryden 3; Taylor 2(1255); Clarke et al. suggest correction
ALEXANDER, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/19/87. Norwich. RSW. suggest correction
ALEXANDER, JOHN Scotland, c.1671, MIM apprenticed to Robert Smith of the Clockmakers' Company in Dec. 1667; freed in the Company, Aug. 1671; his test pieces were one clock and one sundial. Edinburgh. Loomes 2. suggest correction
ALEXANDRE, B. France; India, MIM PHIM Thermometer = P.C.; Planetarium Clock = UTO 11/2/76; Aneroid Barometer = Phillips 11/16/88. "Opticien"; the barometer is marked "Cannes." Cannes and Luckow; Paris. RSW; Brieux. suggest correction
ALFIERI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ALFIERI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Halifax. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ALIEZER AND SON England? U.S.A.?, 1790, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1790 = P.C. USNM. suggest correction
ALIMENIUS, MATTEO CAMPANI see Matteo Campani. Daumas 1. suggest correction
ALINGHAM, WILLIAM England, fl.1694-1710, MIM advertised as making dials. Rummer Tavern, Chanel (or Cannon) Row, Westminster, London. Taylor 1(482). suggest correction
ALIOVSY, IOECHI MICUS 1591, MIM Astronomical Plate, 1591 = UTO 11/2/76. also marked "Iohannes Praetorius." RSW. suggest correction
ALLAM England, fl.1821-46, MIM see Worthington and Allam. Taylor 2(1749). suggest correction
ALLAN 1 England, NIM Sextant, pocket, with Telescope = D.(1975). could be James Allan. London. RSW. suggest correction
ALLAN 2 England, probably misreading for Worthington and Allam; see Worthington and Allam. Christie 5/26/76. suggest correction
ALLAN 3 England, c.1850, PHIM designed and made saccharometers; in competition with Gray and Mackay. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
ALLAN, ALEXANDER Scotland, fl.1806-35, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Saccarometer = RSM. instrument signed "Alexr Allan"; made Thomas Thomson's direct reading saccharometers, used by the Scottish Excise Office; succeeded by Peter Stevenson, his apprentice. Baron Grant's Close (1806-10); 9 Lothian Street (1811-35); both in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Taylor 2(1073); Goodison 1; Clarke et al; McConnell 4. suggest correction
ALLAN, JAMES England, fl.1790-1825, MIM SIM Sextants = WHI, Phillips 11/16/88; Repeating Circle, 1811 = Soth. 7/26/65 = Soth. 2/21/66. apprenticed to Fairbone (probably Charles Fairbone 2 of the Grocers' Company); instrument maker and designer; made an improved dividing engine and theodolite; author; sometimes spelled "Allen"; awarded a prize in 1820 by the Commissioners of the Board of Longitude; his son, John Allan, succeeded him in 1825. 13, Blewitt's Buildings, Fetter Lane, London. Society of Arts Transactions, 1810, 1815-16; USNM; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Taylor 2(912); Daumas 1; Moskowitz 105; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2; Coffeen 39. suggest correction
ALLAN, JOHN England; USAb.1786 fl.1810-25+, MIM NIM OIM Sextant = USNM; Sextant, miniature, with case = D.(1992). son of James Allan of London, who died in 1825; T.C. states he is son and successor to the late J(ames) Allan, sextant maker and divider; D.J. Warner lists him as "Allen" even though the USNM sextant is signed "J. Allan." Fell Street (1810); 86 Bond Street (1814-15); 1 Fell Street (1819); all in Baltimore, Md; No. 12 Blewitt's Buildings, Fetter Lane, London (after 1825). Smart 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; Coffeen 39. suggest correction
ALLARD, ABRAHAN Holland, c.1713, MIM advertised pocket globes with cases in 1713. Amsterdam. Krogt 2. suggest correction
ALLARD, KAREL Holland, c.1706, MIM advertised a pair of pocket globes in 1706. Amsterdam. Krogt 2. suggest correction
ALLEAUME, JACQUES France, c.1610-15, MIM made sectors with points; "Ingénieur du Roi"; set up by Henri IV with a workshop in the Louvre. Louvre, Paris. Daumas 1; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
ALLEN 1 Scotland, c.1820, PHIM made sets of solids. near the College, Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
ALLEN 2 USA, misreading for Allam, which see; see Worthington and Allam. Taylor 2(1749). suggest correction
ALLEN, ELIAS England, fl.1606-d.1654, MIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including a mariner's astrolabe (ICA-321) (NMM-11) and a very distinctive type of astronomical compendium. apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company in 1602; free of the Company July 7, 1612; admitted to the Clockmakers' Company Oct. 3, 1633; Master, 1636-38; took apprentices in both Companies. Blackhorse Alley, running off the north side of Fleet Street and close to the bridge across Fleet Ditch (1601-11); in the Strand (1613); Sign of the Horse Shoe, near Essex Gate, over against St. Clement's Church, Strand and outside Temple Bar (1616-53); all in London. Taylor 1(112); Coffeen 51; Ward 4; Bryden 16; A. Stimson 3; Maddison 5; J. Brown 1 and 3; Waters 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
ALLEN, HORATIO USA, MIM made earth and sun instruments; made astronomical instruments. Homewood, South Orange, New Jersey. USNM. suggest correction
ALLEN, JAMES alternate selling for James Allan, which see. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
ALLEN, JOHN 1 England, fl.1632-53, MIM Astrolabe-Quadrant, 1633 = BMR; Double Horizontal Sundial = BMR; Universal Ring Sundial on compass stand = ROM-674; Equinoctial Meridian Sundial = ROM-7768; Sector = OXF. apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company on June 25, 1617, may have been the son of Elias Allen; free of the Company Jan. 11, 1632; took Walter Hayes as an apprentice, Feb. 22, 1632; may be John Allen 2 who was a member of the Clockmakers' Company in 1653. near the Savoy, in the Strand, London. Taylor 1(171); Bonelli 1; Price 2; Michel 2; Belgian Inventaire; USNM; J. Brown 1 & 3; RSW. suggest correction
ALLEN, JOHN 2 England, MIM member of the Clockmakers' Company in 1653; may be John Allen 1. J. Brown 1, 2 and 3. suggest correction
ALLEN, JOHN 3 alternate spelling for John Allan. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
ALLEN, JOHN 4 England, fl.1842-52, MIM 35 St. Swithin's Lane (1842); 5 Three King Court, Lombard Street (1847-52); both in London. O'Mara. suggest correction
ALLEN, JOHN 5 USA, 1810-19, MIM OIM T.C. in Dollond sextant box, the sextant having Maskelyne's flap. At the Sign of the Mariner, Thames Street 15, Fells Point, Baltimore. Coffeen 43. suggest correction
ALLEN, JOSIAH BENNETT USA, 1813-70 fl.1849-70, MIM OIM made reflecting telescopes and microscopes, astronomical and musical instruments; some signed "J.B. Allen." Springfield, Mass.; Thompsonville, Conn. USNM. suggest correction
ALLEN, M.H. AND T.W. Ireland, c.1838, MIM retailers of a beam-compass invented by W. and A. Smith of London. Dame Street, Dublin. Taylor 2(2063); USNM. suggest correction
ALLEN, NATHANIEL England, 18th Century, NIM apprenticed to Jonathan Eade in the Merchant Taylors' Company; partner in Eade, Wilton and Allen. London. Crawforth 8; RSW. suggest correction
ALLEN, T. USA, NIM Sextant = USNM. is he same person as John Allen 2? Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
ALLEN, WILLIAM 1 England, 1770-1843, MIM PHIM F.R.S., 1807; may be too long a working period for one man. Plough Court, Lombard Street (1770- ); 29 Seward Street, Goswell Street; both in London. O'Mara; Taylor 2(2064). suggest correction
ALLEN, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1787, MIM PHIM No. 37 High Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
ALLESTREE, RICHARD England, fl.1643-51, MIM paper quadrant in almanac. Taylor 1(203). suggest correction
ALLFORD, JAMES England?, MIM Horary Quadrant = Soth. 12/16/63-126. RSW. suggest correction
ALLIS, J.H. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Bristol. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ALLISTER, MR. USA, misreading of McAllister, Willam Y., Versailles 11/19/78. RSW. suggest correction
ALLIZEAU France, PHIM Mineralogical Compendium = Soth. 10/28/63-20. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ALMENT, JOHN Ireland, 1740-87, MIM OIM SIM Surveying Compasses = P.C., D.(1990); Garden Sundial = D.(1989). optician; Evans also reported him as Almont; worked for John Margas before 1767. Mary's Abbey (1767-74); 34 Mary's Abbey (1775-87); both in Dublin. Bryden 9; Evans 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett; Moskowitz 132; Coffeen 30. suggest correction
ALMONT Ireland, c.1750, MIM probably John Alment, which see. Dublin. Evans 1. suggest correction
ALOTTI, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Cirencester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ALSTON AND CO. England, fl.1789-95, MIM Perpetual Calendar Volvelle = BM-1901/11/15-29. Willmore. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
ALT, ISAAC England, c.1675, member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
ALTENDER, T., AND SONS. USA, MIM made rules. Philadelphia, PA. DATM. suggest correction
ALTENEDER, T. USA, fl.1850-76, MIM NIM OIM PHIM patented a drawing instrument joint, 1850, and a telescopic range finder, 1862; made drawing instruments. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
ALTORFII, JOACHIMUS 1591, MIM Instrument = X. Evans 1. suggest correction
ALURESONOVO, MEL Spain, c.1648, this name is marked on the back of a mariner's astrolabe made by Andre Ruffo (NMM-64). A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
ALVERGNIAT France, 18th Century, PHIM Air Pumps = FLO (2). may be predecessor to Alvergniat frères, fl. 1858-90, at 10 rue de la Sorbonne, Paris. Paris? Bonelli 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
ALWORTH, THOMAS England, 1695, MIM Garden Sundial, 1695 = Phillips 2/2/84. Oxon (Oxford). RSW. suggest correction
ALZ, M. see Joao Mellorio and M. Alz. suggest correction
AMADIO England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Bearne's 2/17/92. London. RSW. suggest correction
AMADIO AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), English, Scottish and Australian Bank Ltd. Francis Amadio 1 and 2. 118 St. John Street Road, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
AMADIO, A. England, 1736, PHIM Angle Barometer, 1736 = X. in style of Charles Orme; probably repaired and re-signed by Amadio. Ashby de-la-Zouch. Goodison 1. suggest correction
AMADIO, F., AND SON England, 1840-44, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie 12/6/78, Phillips 12/2/87; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88. Francis Amadio 1 and son, probably Francis Amadio 2. 118 St. John Street Road, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
AMADIO, FRANCIS 1 England, fl.1820-44, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(6), Soth. 6/6/75, Soth.-S 9/18/86, Christie-SK 3/3/89. made other philosophical instruments; in partnership with son, 1840-44, probably Francis Amadio 2, which see; often signed "F. Amadio"; the Christie barometer is signed "E. Amadio 118 St. John Street Road, London" but the "E" might be a misreading. 10 St. John Street Road (1820-28); 118 St. John Street Road (1829-44); 2 St. John Street Road; all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1763); RSW; USNM. suggest correction
AMADIO, FRANCIS 2 England, fl.1840-60, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer with clock = X. optician; probably son of Francis Amadio 1, which see; clock is signed "Cummins." 63 Moorgate (1840-41); 35 Moorgate (1842-51); 5 Cowpers Court and 5 Birchin Lane (1852-60); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1763). suggest correction
AMADIO, J. 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. possibly the J. Amadio, optician, who was at a different address. 17a Telegraph Street, Moorgate Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
AMADIO, J. 2 England, OIM Microscope = D.(1983). 7 Throgmorton Street, London. Coffeen C. suggest correction
AMADIO, J. 3 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 10/19/87, Phillips 12/2/87. some instruments are signed "Amadio." 6 Shorters Court, City (London?). RSW. suggest correction
AMALDI, PAOLO Italy, 1844, MIM Radio Latino, 1844 = D.(1970). later catalogue calls it a goniometer. Mantua. RSW. suggest correction
AMARDIO, F., AND SON misreading for Amadio. RSW. suggest correction
AMATIUS, F., CAPUC. Italy, c.1750, MIM Regiomontanus-type Sundial, wood = Linton Coll. = Libert et Castor 10/10/80. Belluno. Moreau. suggest correction
AMBROSINI AND MANZINI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Portsea. Goodison 1. suggest correction
AMBROSONE England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Sotheby 12/15/94. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
AMELLI Italy, c.1590, MIM Skaphe Dial in gilt-brass box = Evans Coll. Palermo. Gunther 2; Price 2. suggest correction
AMERICAN SCHOOL APPARATUS CO. USA, fl.1860-65, MIM Hemisphere Globe, 5-inch = MIT. company founded by Franklin C. Brownell. 19 Murray Street, New York, N.Y. Warner 4. suggest correction
AMERLINUS, ALBERTUS c.1560-70, MIM Drawing Instrument = BM Print Room. Price 2. suggest correction
AMERLINUS, PAULUS c.1567-69, MIM Quadrant, painted = BM Print Room. Price 2. suggest correction
AMERY, LEONARD D' see Leonard D'Amery. suggest correction
AMICI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Italy, 1786-1863 fl.1811-63, MIM OIM PHIM he made a great many telescopes and microscopes; a sundial, micrometer and a spectroscope are known; dated instruments range from 1812-35. a renowned astronomer and fine instrument maker; designed a prism. Modena; Florence. Bonelli 1, 2 and 4; Pipping 1; Bryden 9; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
AMIEL England, c.1890, PHIM see Lloyd, Payne and Amiel. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
AMMON, ERHARD Germany, 1579, MIM Artillery Level, 1579 = DRE. also marked "Macht Mych." RSW. suggest correction
AMONTONS, GUILLAUME France, fl.1663-d.1705, MIM PHIM SIM made surveying and architect's instruments, and barometers; invented an air thermometer; described a form of marine barometer in 1695. Paris. Nachet; Hamilton 2; Daumas 1; USNM; Goldschmidt 70; Bedini 8; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1. suggest correction
AMSLER, C.T. Switzerland; USA, fl.1848-61, MIM OIM SIM Surveying Compasses = X, D.(1982). importer and manufacturer of mathematical and optical instruments. Philadelphia, Pa. (1848-). Smart 2; USNM; Coffeen. suggest correction
AMSLER, CHARLES F. MIM probably C.T. Amsler, which see. USNM. suggest correction
AMUEL, F. Germany, MIM Cannon Sundials = OXF, Miss Wilmott Coll., P. and S. 11/21/1894. Berlin. G.L'E. Turner 24; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
AMUEL, J. see F. Amuel. G.L'E. Turner 24; Evans 1. suggest correction
ANAAND, THOMAS England, 1683, MIM Gunter Scale, 1683 = P.C. earliest Gunter scale known to date. Delehar 9. suggest correction
ANDERSEN, NIELS Sweden, 1737, MIM Table Dial, small, 1737 = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
ANDERSON Scotland, c.1859, PHIM see Marr and Anderson; probably Robert Marr. 14 Renfield Street, Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
ANDERSON, DAVID, JR. Scotland, 1597, MIM made a town sundial in 1597. Aberdeen. Loomes 2. suggest correction
ANDERSON, F. England, 1848, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). one signed "Anderson, Registered 1586 Sept. 14, 1848 No. 183." Gravesend. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ANDERSON, J.B. Sweden, MIM Sundial = Evans Coll. owner or maker of dial. Evans 1. suggest correction
ANDERSON, JOHN England, c.1818, NIM claimed to have made an instrument for locating position at sea by observing the Pole Star. 235 High Street, Poplar, London; Liverpool. Taylor 2(1258). suggest correction
ANDERSON, N. England?, c.1850, name on a ten-inch celestial globe constructed by C.A. Reitzel. RSW. suggest correction
ANDERSON, WALTER misreading for Walter Alderson. Loomes. suggest correction
ANDERSONE, DAVID Scotland, 1597, MIM Sundial, 1597 = Tolbooth, Aberdeen. Aberdeen. Baillie 1. suggest correction
ANDERTON England, fl.1783-1810, PHIM Apothecary Balances = OXF, X (1810). probably by Anderton and Calley or Anderton, Son and Calley, as Anderton is not known to have worked alone. Birmingham. Taylor 2(1259); Gunther 2; USNM; D. Crawforth-Hitchins. suggest correction
ANDERTON, JAMES England, fl.1699-1706, MIM son of Nathaniel Anderton; admitted by Patrimony to the Grocers' Company on March 7, 1699; took apprentices. The Minories, London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ANDERTON, NATHANIEL England, fl.1669-92, MIM apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on July 5, 1661; free of the Company, May 13, 1669; took apprentices; engraved a plate of a type of quadrant in 1672 for Leybourn's book, "Panorganon." London? Leybourn; Evans 1; J. Brown 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
ANDRE, A. France, 1642, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory and silver, 1642 = Schuhmann Sale-111 = MADEX-87 = Chadenat Sale-32 = P.C.; Butterfield-type Sundials = Schuhman Sale-123, Drout-Richelieu 4/28/88. A. André. Paris. Michel 1; RSW; Price 2. suggest correction
ANDREAE, JOHAN LUDOVIC variant spelling for Johann Ludwig Andreae. Tooley. suggest correction
ANDREAE, JOHANN LUDWIG Germany, fl.1688-1726, MIM Celestial Globes = DEU (1715, 1717), NUR 1715), REG (1716), KRM (1716), GOT (1716, 1717), FRA (1717), MUN. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Tooley. suggest correction
ANDREAE, JOHANN PHILIPP Germany, fl.1721-26, MIM Pillar Dials = SLM (1721), DEU (1724); Celestial Globe, 1726 = DEU-45876. Zinner thought he was Johann Phil. Andrecein, which see. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi. suggest correction
ANDRECEIN, JOHANN PHIL. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Ring Sundial, small, with case = MERC-19 = Hamilton Coll. = Soth. 12/12/55-124. Zinner thought that he might be Johann Philipp Andreae. Nürnberg. Hamilton 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
ANDRES, JUAN Bolivia, 1699, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, silver, 1699 = ADL-A263. designed for southern latitudes; Cocart-type. La Paz. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ANDRESEN, L.I. Denmark, 19th Century, NIM Compass Card = P.C. (1972). in a dry compass. Randers. Price 2. suggest correction
ANDREWES, NATHAN England, d.1782, MIM Sundial, copper = Church, Ecclesfield. watchmaker. Sheffield. Gatty. suggest correction
ANDREWS England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. may be W.H. Andrews, c.1790, clockmaker, listed by Baillie; see also H. Andrews. Royston. Baillie 1; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ANDREWS AND SONS USA, fl.1848-93, MIM OIM Robert Fisher Andrews and his sons, Robert E. and Charles Andrews; issued a trade catalogue. Buffalo, N.Y. USNM; Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
ANDREWS, CHARLES England; USA, 1824-68, MIM OIM worked with his father, Robert Fisher Andrews and his brother Robert E. Andrews as Andrews and Sons, 1848-68. Buffalo, N.Y. and Chicago, Ill. Smart 1. suggest correction
ANDREWS, H. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 7/17/96. see Andrews and W.H. Andrews. Royston. RSW. suggest correction
ANDREWS, HENRY 1 England, 1744-1815, MIM astronomer; globe maker. Crawforth 11; Price 2. suggest correction
ANDREWS, JAMES England, MIM free of the Stationers' Company 16 years after he was bound. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ANDREWS, JOEL W. USA, 1853, PHIM Stick Barometers = VNN, Sale; Mountain Barometer, 1853 = D.(1988). the mountain barometer is signed "J. Andrews Albany, N.Y. 1855." No. 42 High Street, Albany, N.Y. Coffeen Z; MAD March, 1997; RSW. suggest correction
ANDREWS, john HENRY 2 England, c.1771, apprenticed to Edward Roberts 1 in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 10, 1771. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ANDREWS, RICHARD England, c.1730, MIM apprenticed to Fisher Combs of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 8, 1730. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ANDREWS, ROBERT E. England; USA1829-1922, MIM OIM worked with his father, Robert Fisher Andrews and his brother Charles as Andrews and Sons, 1848-93. Buffalo, N.Y. and Chicago, Ill. Smart 1. suggest correction
ANDREWS, ROBERT FISHER England; USA, 1800-68, MIM OIM the father in Andrews and Sons, which see. 14 Webster (1849-52); 171 Main (1852-67); both in Buffalo, N.Y.; also in the Chicago Ill. directories from 1857 to 93. Smart 1. suggest correction
ANDREWS, W.H. England, c.1790, clockmaker; may be Andrews and/or H. Andrews, which see. Royston. Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
ANDRIESSON, CLAES Holland, pre-1596, NIM Cross-staff (partial), 1596 = RIJ. may be the owner. Goutum. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
ANDRIVEAU, SAUVET France, c.1850, MIM Orrery = D.(1962). successor to Ch. Dien. 9 rue de Savoie, Paris. Brieux. suggest correction
ANDRONIKOS Macedonia; Greece, c.50 B.C., MIM Multiple Sundial = Archeological Museum, Tenos. designed the Tower of the Winds with its dials and waterclock in Athens. Kyrrhos, Macedonia; Athens, Greece. Price 2 and 13; Noble and Price; Gibbs. suggest correction
ANGELI, MICHAELIS Italy, 1812, MIM Horizontal Sundial, paper, wood, 1812 = P.C. "Michaelis Angeli a Nero Capuccini"; a Capuchin. Nero. Price 2. suggest correction
ANGELO, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Dangelo and Cadenazzi. Winchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ANGELO, ALBERTI England, fl.1822, PHIM made barometers. Fargate, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1475a). suggest correction
ANGENIEUX, P. France, OIM made objectives. Usines à Saint-Heand (Loire). USNM. suggest correction
ANGLICUS, GUILLELMUS France, c.1231, William the Englishman; wrote a text on the universal astrolabe. Marseilles. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
ANGLOIS, L' misreading for Langlois. suggest correction
ANICH, PETER Austria, 1723-66, MIM Floating Dials = INN(2), SLM, OBE; Polyhedral Dial = OBE; Cube Dials = INN(2), OBE; Celestial Globes, 1758 = NMM-G.133, INN, INN-Wilton(4), INN-BIB, OBE, etc.; Terrestrial Globes, 1758 = INN, INN-Wilton, INN-BIB, OBE, etc. also made wall dials and astronomical clocks. Innsbruck. Zinner 1; Britten; Baillie 1; Anich Cat.; Tooley. suggest correction
ANIL, JAMES HOLCROFT France, 1824, MIM Triangle, ivory = Phillips 10/5/76. "Engineer." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ANNABOLDI, LEWIS England, c.1830, PHIM misreading for Arnoboldi, which see. Taylor 2(1764). suggest correction
ANNIN, WILLIAM B. USA, 1791-1839, MIM fl.1813-39; globe maker; patent for artificial globe, 1826; engraved maps for Loring globes; worked with George Girdler Smith, an engraver. Boston. Vietor; Bedini 8; Yonge. suggest correction
ANONE, FRANCIS England, fl.1802-08, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). also made telescopes and thermometers; see Frans Anone. 242 High Holborn; 82 High Holborn; 26 High Holborn (1802-08); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ANONE, FRANS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be Francis Anone, which see. 51 Fetter Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ANONE, FRS. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Francis Anone. Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ANSCHEUTZ AND CO. England, c.1800, PHIM Index Balance = Christie 6/7/72; Coin Balance = Christie 4/9/75. RSW. suggest correction
ANSONIA CLOCK CO. USA, c.1922, MIM Horizontal Sundial, aluminium case = WHI, ADL. the instruction book is labled "Sunwatch"; it was made for the Boy Scouts. Bryden 16; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ANTHEAUME France, fl.1765-70, OIM made achromatic lenses. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
ANTHONY, E. AND H.T. USA, c.1850, PHIM made apparatus for ambrotype, Daguerrean and photographic business. New York. Romaine; USNM. suggest correction
ANTHONY, JACOB USA, c.1788, MIM also a turner. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 8. suggest correction
ANTHONY, JOHN England, c.1773, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Ripley 1 of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 2, 1765; free of the Company on June 3, 1773. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ANTONI, GEORGE Austria, late 18th Century, Astronomical Clock, long case = VIU. Vienna. Baillie. suggest correction
ANTONINO, P. 1744, MIM Pillar Dial, wood, 1744 = Koller 11/17/75. RSW. suggest correction
ANTONIUS, MARCUS France, 1602, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1602 = MADEX-3. signed "Marcus Antonius Marrolensis Patumum", the last two names being towns. Beauce. Michel 1. suggest correction
ANTRAM, JOSEPH England, c.1718, MIM member of Clockmakers' Company; took over an apprentice from John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers' Company, 1718; presumed to be a MIM. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ANZANI see Guggiari and Anzani; may be Anziani, which see. Pelham Street, Nottingham. Taylor 2(2142). suggest correction
ANZIANI see D. Guggiari and Anziani. Goodison 1. suggest correction
AO. H. 1748, MIM SIM Compass with sights for plane table, 1748 = P.C. signed "Ao. H." RSW. suggest correction
APELQUIST, CARL Sweden; England; Sweden, c.1794-1824, MIM studied instrument-making with Ramsden and William Fraser; ran several foundries. Norrköping; Marieberg; Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
APFELBACHER, PHILIP, B.D. Germany, 1693, MIM Bow Dividers, wood, 1693 = DEU. RSW. suggest correction
APIAN, PETER Germany, c.1495-1552, MIM Wall Dial, 1524 = castle, Trausnitz; Celestial Globes, 1541 = Charles V; Pillar Dial = Duke William IV. family name was Bennowitz; instrument designer; author; University of Ingolstadt, 1533; described the nocturnal in 1533 and the torquetum c. 1540. Ingolstadt. Michel 1; Van Ortroy 1; Wattenberg; Zinner 1; Maddison 1. Stevenson. suggest correction
APIAN, PHILIP Germany, 1531-89, MIM Astrolabe and Cosmolabe = lost; Pair of Globes, 1576 = K.B. Library, Munich. son of Peter Apian; family name was Bennowitz. Ingolstadt; Tubingen. Zinner 1; Wattenberg; Stevenson; Tooley 1. suggest correction
APPEL, ALOYSI VON Germany, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = Drecker Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
APPLEBY, JOSHUA England, 1705, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Clockmakers' Company, 1705. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
APPOLD England, c.1850, PHIM invented and/or made a "Register Hygrometer." USNM. suggest correction
APPS, ALFRED England, post-1856, MIM OIM PHIM Mathematical Drawing Instrument Set = D.(1972). optician; T.C. 433 Strand, London, W.C. Calvert 2; RSW. suggest correction
APRILE, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Braintree. Goodison 1. suggest correction
APRILE, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Stick Barometer = X. possibly Josh Aprile, which see. Goodison 1. suggest correction
APRILE, JOSH England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Sudbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
AR/CENNI Germany, 1581, MIM Navicula Sundial, 1581 = BM-1893/6/16-8. destroyed. Cologne. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
ARBON AND KRAP Holland, c.1835, NIM Octants = ANM, AMST; Sextant = ROT; Pocket Sextant = P.C. H.G. Arbon and the Widow A.H. Krap had a shop in Rotterdam, c.1835. Rotterdam. Namur Exhib. Cat; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
ARCHBUTT, J. AND W.E. England, 1867-92, MIM Sector, ivory = D.(1984); Barometer, pocket = PC. John and William Edward (son) Archbutt. 201 Westminster Bridge Road, London. RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
ARCHBUTT, JOHN, AND SONS England, fl.1864-66, MIM Sector, ivory = D.(1984). T.C. states that the firm started in 1795; J. Archbutt and Sons fl.1864-66; John and William Edward (son) fl.1867-92. 201 Westminster Bridge Road, London. Crawforth 11; Taylor 2(916); O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
ARCHIPOV Russia, see Babkov and Archipov. GEL Notes, 1973. suggest correction
ARCKEN, VAN Holland, c.1850, MIM Astronomical Instrument = BOM 1906. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ARCUTT, GEORGE England, c.1698, MIM apprenticed for eight years to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 8, 1698. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ARDUINO, GIOVANNI Italy, 1754, MIM SIM Bussola Agrimensoria, 1754 = P.C. universal surveying instrument; designer and maker. Vicenza. Brophy. suggest correction
AREIAENSEN, IAN Holland, MIM Sundial, portable = Fry Coll. could be Jan Areiaensen. Gunther 2. suggest correction
ARESSE, F. HIERONYMUS DE Spain, 1598, MIM Sundial, portable, 1598 = Evans Coll. an alternative spelling was Arresse. Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3; Earle; Price 2. suggest correction
ARGAND, JEAN France, c.1800, PHIM Thermometer, silver, case = Ineichen 5/10/76. signed "Argand." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ARGILL, THOMAS England, c.1800, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Rust 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 7, 1793; free of the Company on Mar. 6, 1800. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ARIANO, CHARLES England, c.1830, PHIM barometer maker; may be misreading for Charles Aiano, which see. 91 Northgate, Canterbury. Taylor 2(1765). suggest correction
ARIGONI misreading for Origoni in 1841. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ARLERI, FRA A. Italy, c.1780, PHIM Vacuum Pump = Municipal Museum, Modena. invented by Abbé L. Bacelli. Italian Inventory. suggest correction
ARLES DEMONTIGNY see Montigny, Arles de. Augarde. suggest correction
ARMAND, JACQUES-ETIENNE France, 1732-80, MIM Compass Dial, 1780 = NMM-D.139. apprenticed to Jacques Canivet, Nov. 26, 1747, in the "Corporation des fondeurs"; free in the "Corporation", 1755. Paris. NMM 2; Augarde 1. suggest correction
ARMSTRONG, JOHN 1 England, c.1720, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Bulkeley of the Clockmakers' Company on June 13, 1720. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ARMSTRONG, JOHN 2 England, c.1725, MIM apprenticed to James Wilson of the Clockmakers' Company on April 10, 1725. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ARMSTRONG, THOMAS, AND BROTHER England, NIM PHIM Sextant = Soth. 4/24/72; Barograph = Phillips 12/12/89; Binocular Microscope = Christie-SK 7/10/80. Manchester and Liverpool. Crawforth 11; RSW. suggest correction
ARMSTRONG, W., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 1/27/89. Chichester. RSW. suggest correction
ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM GEORGE England, 1810-1900, PHIM Electrostatic Machines = FLO, TEY. Sir William George Armstrong; electrical engineer; first to put in a domestic hydro-electric plant in Cragside in 1840. Cragside, Northumberland. Bonelli 1; G.L'E. Turner 7 and 24; RSW. suggest correction
ARNABOLDI, JARVIS USA, c.1859, PHIM New York N.Y. D.J. Warner 5. suggest correction
ARNABOLDI, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 11/16/76. Shoreditch. RSW. suggest correction
ARNABOLDI, LEWIS England, c.1835, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "Arnaboldi"; also made thermometers. Steep Hill, Lincoln. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ARNAULD, HEINRICH see Henri Arnault. Zinner 1; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
ARNAULT, HENRI Holland; France, fl. 1427-60, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1455 = Charles VII; Astrolabe = NUR (ICA-548); Orrery, 1427 = Duke of Burgundy; Sundials, 1431 = Duke of Burgundy (2). pupil of Johanne Fusoris; sometimes called Heinrich Arnold or Heinrich Arnauld; probably Henricus de Hollandia; astrolabe is signed "Henricus de Hollandia." Zwolle; Paris; Dijon. Poulle 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Zinner 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
ARNDT, J.G. Germany, fl.1718-25, MIM Sector = DRE; Triquetrum, 1718 = BRS; Pillar Dial, 1725 = DEU-63427. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
ARNOLD AND CO. USA, fl.1850-63, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, case = D.(1971). Chicago, Ill. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
ARNOLD AND DENT England, fl.1830-40, John Roger Arnold and Edward John Dent; see latter's entry; clock and chronometer makers. 84 Strand, London. Taylor 2(1310); Brewington 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
ARNOLD, C. Germany, 1731, MIM Instrument = X. Evans 1. suggest correction
ARNOLD, CHARLES WILSON England, b.1795 d.1829, NIM Octant = NMM. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
ARNOLD, JAMES England, fl.1829-36, MIM OIM PHIM 5 Union Crescent, Whitechapel, London. Taylor 2(1766); O'Mara. suggest correction
ARNOLD, JOHN ROGER England, 1769-1843, NIM Tide Gauge = AMST. clock and chronometer maker; see Arnold and Dent. London. Mörzer Bruyns 1; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
ARNOLD, THOMAS USA, c.1830, MIM NIM made quadrants and sextants. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
ARNOLDI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. see Donato Arnoldi. Gloucester. RSW. suggest correction
ARNOLDI, ARNOLDO DI Italy; Holland, c.1600, NIM Quadrant = HAK-1911/462. compass maker; the quadrant is also marked "fiamingo"; made for the Cardinal of Montalto; Amsterdam. Morpurgo 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
ARNOLDI, C.E. AND F. Germany, c.1850, MIM exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Elgersburg, Gotha, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
ARNOLDI, DONATO England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). one signed "D. Arnoldi"; see Arnoldi and Co. Gloucester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ARNOLDI, MATTHIAS Germany, 1691, MIM Diptych Dial, 1691 = MUN-33/179. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 2. suggest correction
ARNOTT, ISAAC England, c.1784, apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 5, 1784. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ARNOULT France, c.1786, OIM worked at the Observatory. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
ARNOUT 1772, MIM Vertical Pin Gnomon Dial, 1772 = DEU-62546. Price 2. suggest correction
ARONSBERG, M. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
AROSSI Sweden, PHIM Stick Barometer = NOR. owner? stormy? RSW. suggest correction
ARRESSE see Aresse. suggest correction
ARRIGHI, PAULUS-SEBASTIANUS Italy, 1747, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1747 = X. dedicated to Egnatio Danti. Florence. Michel 3. suggest correction
ARROWSMITH, AARON England, c.1840, MIM Terrestial Globe = Wotton Auction 12/30/96. had George Frederick Cruchley as an apprentice. London. Yonge; ATG 2/1/97. suggest correction
ARSANDEAUX France, c.1800, MIM PHIM Planetarium = CNAM-1446; Pyrometer = CNAM-1492. Paris. Daumas 1; Grimaldi(986). suggest correction
ARSENIO, A.F., CAPUCINORUM France, c.1853, MIM made sundials at Aix-les-Bains, Annecy, etc. Gatty. suggest correction
ARSENIUS, FERDINAND Belgium; Holland, fl.1573-1628, MIM Astrolabe, 1573 = Christie 5/18/53 = NMM; Astrolabes = MAA (1618), KEN; Tympans(2) = CNAM (913, 914). ICA 437, 464, 233; 437 owned by Thomas Whitestones, signed on back "F.A. nepos Gemma Frisi"; worked for Plantin, 1589-1628. Louvain; Antwerp (1607-1618). Gunther 1; Price 1 & 2; ICA 2; Van Ortroy 2; Zinner 1; Tooley; Michel 1 and 2; Rooseboom 1; CNAM Horloges Cat. suggest correction
ARSENIUS, GUALTERUS Belgium, fl.1554-1579, MIM his work is characterized by exceptionally handsome astrolabes, armillary spheres, astronomical rings, radii astronomici, etc; examples may be seen at ADL, KES, CLU, NMM, LEL, MAA, MAS, MUN, NOR, OXF, AUG, BM, BRC, LEY, KEN, FLO, CNAM, National Museum of History, Mexico City, etc. Arsenius was the nephew of Gemma Frisius, his work is often signed "G.A. Nepos G.F."; made a rete and a tympan for an astrolabe by Muh. bin Fattuh al Khama'iri in Seville, 1223 A.D.; Loyola U., Chicago has a throne from an 86cm. astrolabe. Antwerp; Louvain. Michel 1, 2, and 4; Van Ortroy 2; Zinner 1; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; Bonelli 1; Rooseboom 1; Garcia Franco 1; D. Rowe; Brieux 2; NMM 2; ICA 2; Gunther 1; Engelmann 1; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Syndram; ADL; Islamic Cat. 1989; RSW. suggest correction
ARSENIUS, REGNERUS Belgium, fl.1565-74, MIM Astrolabes = OXF (1565), SGS (1565), CNAM-3.907 (1569). Roussel-197 is dated 1565; ICA 229, 230, X; Oxf also marked "Nepos G.F."; nephew of Gemma Frisius; Evans thought him uncle of Gualterus Arsenius; Maddison feels he was Gualterus Arsenius and became director of the workshop in 1552 when Mercator went to Duisberg; sometimes seen as Rennerus. Antwerp; Louvain. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Van Ortroy 2; Michel 1 and 2; Price 1; ICA 2; USNM; Maddison; RSW. suggest correction
ARSENIUS, REMI see Remigius Arsenius. Michel 2 and 4; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ARSENIUS, REMIGIUS Belgium, c.1569, MIM Nautical Quadrant, 1570 = KEN; Astronomical Ring, Oct., 1569 = X; Astrolabe, Sept., 1569 = X. the astrnomical ring and the astrolabe were both bought by Plantin; this may be Regnerus Arsenius, which see. Louvain. Michel 2 and 4; Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ARSENIUS, RENIER see Regnerus Arsenius. suggest correction
ARSENIUS, RENNERUS BelgiumMIM see Regnerus Arsenius. USNM. suggest correction
ARSTALL, GEORGE England, fl.1807-16, PHIM made beam scales and Dicas hydrometers until 1816; see Mary Dicas and Arstall. Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
ARTALLI, D. England, PHIM Barometer = P.C.; Stick Barometer = X. Bath. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ARTOLET, BERTRAND France, fl.1755-80, MIM apprenticed to Jacques Le Maire in the "Corporation des fondeurs", on July 22, 1731(?); Augarde said he was born 1732, but dates don't agree. Paris. Augarde 1. suggest correction
ARTONQUELLI Italy, 1764, OIM mentioned in 1764 by Lalande as an instrument maker, probably of telescopes. Daumas 1; Dewhirst. suggest correction
ARZONI, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Soth.-S 9/18/86. Canterbury. Goodison 1; Crawforth 11; RSW. suggest correction
ARZONI, I.H. Holland, c.1800, PHIM Barometer = Fries Museum, Leeuwarden. Leeuwarden. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ARZONI, J. misreading for G. Arzoni. Crawforth 11; RSW. suggest correction
ARZT, MARCUS Germany, c.1600, MIM Astronomical Clock = MUN. Munich. RSW. suggest correction
ASABONE Scotland, c.1850, OIM Telescope = Maritime Museum of British Columbia. USNM card questions the name. Glasgow. USNM. suggest correction
ASH, JOHN see John Nash. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ASH, M. England, PHIM Stick Barometer, walnut = Soth.=S 10/19/89. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
ASHLEY, THOMAS England, c.1749, MIM T.C.; optician. at ye Ggolden Spectacles in Sidney's Alley near Leicester Fields; Cranbourne Alley, Westminster (1749); both in London. Taylor 2(327); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Holbrook; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
ASHMORE AND OSBORNE England, c.1830, OIM Spyglass = MYS. Osborne 1. 42 Burgess Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1767); RSW. suggest correction
ASHMORE, WILLIAM England, c.1825, OIM Telescope = MYS. see Ashmore and Osborn. Sheffield. RSW; Taylor 2(1767). suggest correction
ASHTON, JOHN England, c.1817, see Thomas Gill. Taylor 2(1341). suggest correction
ASINI, JOHAN BAPTISTA Italy, 1520-22, MIM NIM Sundial, 1522 = FLO-122; Compass Rose, = FLO-1293. Michel thinks he is 200 years later. Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
ASINUS, MICHAEL France, 1602, MIM Astrolabe, paper tympans, 1602 = CLU-7024 = Renaissance Museum, Ecouen. ICA-215; Bonelli shows variant dates. Caen. Bonelli 1; Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Michel 2 and 3; Nachet. suggest correction
ASKE, HENRY England, c.1688, member of the Clockmakers' Company; George Graham was apprenticed to him on July 2, 1688. London. J. Brown 3; Robischon; Loomes 2. suggest correction
ASKEY, THOMAS England, fl.1808-18, OIM optician. 77 Litchfield Street (1808); Litchfield Street (1818); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
ASLIN England, T.C.; shagreen and morocco case maker. 15 Lower Smith Street, Northampton Square, Clerkenwell, London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
ASNE, MICHAEL L' see Michael Asinus. Michel 3. suggest correction
ASPHER, PETER Italy, 1586, MIM Celestial Globe, 1586 = NMM-G.41. Padua. Tooley; NMM 2. suggest correction
ASSELINNE, DAVID France, c.1620, MIM Sundial, portable = Capt. Creagh-Osborne Coll. (1923); Diptych sundials, ivory = Findlay Sale-209 = NMM, ADL-DPW17. the ivory sundial at the ADL has been treated with acid to give it the appearance of tortoiseshell. Dieppe. Gunther 2; Michel 3; Price 2; NMM 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ASSHETON, RICHARD England, 1659, MIM Folding Rule, pear wood, 1659 = NMM. Taylor 1(279); Dewhirst; Evans 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
ASSIER-PERRICAT France, c.1800, PHIM succeeded his father, Antoine Assier-Perricat; associated himself with the widow of Betalli; made barometers and thermometers; "démonstrateur au Lycée des Arts pour la contruction des baromètres." Paris. Daumas 1; Middleton 1. suggest correction
ASSIER-PERRICAT, ANTOINE France, fl.1771-1805, PHIM Thermometer = GEM. barometer and thermometer maker; "Ingénieur et mbre. de la Société des Arts et Sciences; succeeded by his son; see Bourbon and Assier-Perricat. Rue St. Germain l'Auxerrois Place de l'Ecole, No. 14, Paris. Daumas 1; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1. suggest correction
ASTON AND MANDER England, c.1840-1915, MIM made slide rules; George Mander. London. O'Mara; Moskowitz 111. suggest correction
ASTON, ISAAC England, fl.1814-27, MIM Slide Rules, boxwood = Kenny Sale-124 = P.C. = ADL-DPW38, Soth. 5/10/76; Rules, folding = Christie 12/18/74, 4/9/75, and 12/8/76. the Kenny rule is four-sided, all are signed "I. Aston." 25 Old Compton, Soho, London. Taylor 2(1262); ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ASTON, SAMUEL England, fl.1787-1818, MIM rule maker. Cheapside (1787); 5 Water Street (1801); Birchole Street (1818); all in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
ASTON, T. 1 England, c.1840, MIM Slide Rule, ivory and electrum = P.C. marked "The Original Maker." London. Delehar 4. suggest correction
ASTON, T. 2 England, fl.1856-65, MIM Slide Rules, Routledge-Bolton-type = DEU (2). rule maker; his work is marked "Original Maker." 216 Heneage Street, Birmingham. Crawforth 5; RSW. suggest correction
ASTON, T. 3 England, c.1856, MIM rule maker. Brueton's Walk, Prospect Row, Birmingham. Crawforth 5. suggest correction
ASTON, THOMAS 1 England, c.1818, MIM made rules. Coleshill Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
ASTON, THOMAS 2 England, c.1828, MIM rule maker. 20 Bartholomew Row, Birmingham. Crawforth 5. suggest correction
ASTON, THOMAS 3 England, fl.1841-56, MIM rule maker; 25 1/2 Willis Street, Birmingham. Crawforth 5. suggest correction
ASTON, THOMAS 4 England, fl.1841-56, MIM rule maker; worked in boxwood and ivory. 17 Jenner's Row, Birmingham. Crawforth 5. suggest correction
ASTON, WILLIAM England, c.1770, MIM made wooden rules. Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
ATELIER H. MORIN ET GENSE the workshop of Henri Morin and Gense. RSW. suggest correction
ATKIN 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Alford, Lincoln. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ATKIN 2 England, pre-1871, PHIM Stick Barometer = OMM. Newcastle. RSW. suggest correction
ATKINS England, fl.1818-19, NIM patented, in 1819, a "Meridian Declination Dial for Compass Deviation." Hornsey Road, Islington. Taylor 2(1263). suggest correction
ATKINS AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 7/21/87. Fenchurch Street, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ATKINS, GEORGE, AND CO. England, fl.1817-22, OIM Tooley Street, Southwark (1817); Churchyard Alley, Boro' (1822); both in London. Taylor 2(1263). suggest correction
ATKINS, ROBERT England, c. 1802, PHIM made hydrometers; Society of Artsgave him an award for hydrometers; had Quin as a partner, pre-1802. Craven Street, Strand, London. McConnell 4. suggest correction
ATKINSON, H. England, c.1790, MIM Levelling Staff = P.C.(1987). to "T. Fenwick"; owner? RSW. suggest correction
ATKINSON, JAMES 1 England, pre-1665-1711, MIM Taylor said he was apprenticed to Andrew Wakely (of the Joiners' Company?) and succeeded him at his shop; Crawforth found no record; free of the Joiners' Company; admitted to the Clockmakers' Company as Brother in 1668; took apprentices; took his son or nephew, James Atkinson 2, as a partner. St. Savior's Dock near the Griffin (pre-1665); Redriff Wall (Rotherhithe Wall) by Cherry Garden Stairs (south bank of Thames) (1665-1711); both in London. Taylor 1(312); Evans 1; Hamilton 1; J. Brown 1 and 3; Crawforth 7; Robischon; Loomes 2. suggest correction
ATKINSON, JAMES 2 England, fl.1700-28, MIM NIM Backstaff, 1728 = X. son or nephew of James Atkinson 1; partner with him and successor; advertised Coggeshall's slide rule in 1724. St. Savior's Dock; 21 Cherry Garden Stairs, Rotherhithe Wall; both in London. Taylor (515), 2(3); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Evans 1. suggest correction
ATKINSON, JOHN 1 England, d.1673, NIM compass maker. Harwich, Essex. Taylor 1(255). suggest correction
ATKINSON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1764-95, MIM apprenticed to George Wright 1 in the Grocers' Company on May 11, 1736; turned over to John Farmer 2, a Joiner, on Sept. 25, 1739; free of the Grocers' Company on March 6, 1764; took apprentices. Whitechapel, London (1764-88). J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ATWELL, GEORGE England, 1588?-1659, MIM SIM designed and improved instruments for dialling and surveying; author. Cambridge. Taylor 1(116); DNB. suggest correction
ATWOOD, AMOS G. USA, 1841-72, MIM made spirit levels. Nashua, NH. DATM. suggest correction
ATWOOD, GEORGE England, 1740-1807, invented the Atwood Machine in 1780 to find the gravity constant; F.R.S., 1776. Cambridge. Taylor 2(565); G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
ATWOOD, WILLIAM England, c.1840, OIM Telescope = D.(1986). signed "Wm. Atwood Portable." RSW. suggest correction
AUBRIUS, I. Germany, 1605, MIM Diptych Sundial, gilt-brass, 1605 = Spaulding Coll. Trecensis. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
AUBRY, GILLES-CLAUDE France, c.1746, apprenticed to Gilbert François in the "Corporation des fondeurs" on Dec. 13, 1717; master in the "Corporation", June 30, 1746; not known to have mane instruments. Paris. Augarde 1. suggest correction
AUCH, JACOB Germany, 1765-1842, MIM Calculating machines = DRE (1790) and STU. these were a type of calculating instrument which he had invented; watch and clockmaker; pupil of Philipp Matthaus Hahn. Echterdingen (1765-87); Vaihingen an der enz and Karlsruhe (1787-98); Weimar (1798-1842). Evans 1; Friess. suggest correction
AUDEBERT, DENYS Holland, fl.1709-63, MIM made armillary spheres; granted patent for terrestrial and celestial globes in 1735. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
AUFLEGER, JOSEPH Germany, 1838, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, stone, 1838 = MUN; Cannon Sundial = DEU. see Joseph Ausfleger, surely the same. Price 2; Evans 1. suggest correction
AUGUST, ERNST FERDINAND Germany, 1795-1870, PHIM coined the word, `Psychrometer' in 1818; inventor. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
AUGUST, J., KURFURST VON SACHSEN Germany, fl.1553-86, MIM Sundials, wood, 1560 = DRE-A420 and A422; Sundial, 1569 = DRE-A424. J. August, Kürfurst von Sachsen; designed four mining compasses. Saxony. Zinner 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
AUGUSTIN MIM Universal Equinoctial Sundial = Evans Coll. Earle. suggest correction
AUGUSTUS, JOHN ANTHONY England, c.1830, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "Augustus Falmouth"; see I. Agosti. Church Street, Falmouth. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1768a). suggest correction
AUREL, P. France, MIM Universal Sundial with watch face = OXF. perhaps P. Aurelius. Vienne. Evans 1; Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
AURELIUS, PATER 1 Czechoslovakia, 1765, MIM Table Sundials, 1765 = Brünn Stadtmuseum, DEU-1697. also signed "a S. Augustino"; see Pater Aurelius (2) a San Daniele. Brünn. Zinner 1; Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
AURELIUS, PATER 2 Austria, fl.1762-70, MIM Heliochronometer, 1762 = Brünn Stadtmuseum; Astronomical Clock, 1770 = MUN. also signed "a San Daniele"; see Pater Aurelius (1) a S. Augustino. Vienna. Zinner 1; Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
AURIFABER, PETRUS see Johann Crolius. Price 2. suggest correction
AURIFEX see Bernardinus; "goldsmith." suggest correction
AURRAY, CLAUDE France, 1613, MIM Sundial, 1613 = Museum, Clermont-Ferrand. Gatty. suggest correction
AUSFELD, H. Germany, c.1850, MIM exhibited in the 1851 Great Exhibition in London. Gotha, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
AUSFLEGER, JOSEPH Germany, MIM Horizontal Dial, stone = DEU. see Joseph Aufleger, surely the same. RSW. suggest correction
AUSTEN, HENRY England, c.1712, MIM apprenticed to Richard Conyers of the Clockmakers' Company on April 18, 1700; free of the Company, Sept. 1, 1712; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
AUSTIN Ireland, OIM Telescope = D.(1976). 39 Westmoreland Street, Dublin. Rinaldi 2. suggest correction
AUSTIN, JOHN Ireland, fl.1818-20, MIM 2 Essex Quay, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
AUSTIN, SAMUEL England, c.1700, free of the Stationers' Company between 1664 and 1747. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
AUTHENRIETH Germany, MIM NIM Quadrant = HEI. Heilbron. RSW. suggest correction
AUTOR see R.S. and J. da Silva (J.S. 2); probably author or maker. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
AUZOUT, ADRIEN France, fl.1667-1729, OIM made telescopes; improved the micrometer; pioneered in metrology; author. Paris. Daumas 1; Bonelli 1; Hamilton; Stebbins; Goldschmidt 70; G.L'E. Turner 24; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1. suggest correction
AVERNIK, A.G. see Avernik Gebroeders. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
AVERNIK, GEBRS. Holland, c.1750, NIM Compass, wood, pivoted card = Soth. 3/25/86. entry says "A.G. Avernik" but card is signed "Gebrs. Avernik." Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
AVERY, JOHN USA, 1732-94, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = Western Reserve Historical Socity, Cleveland, Ohio; P.C. (1787). used by George Washington when surveying for Lord Faifax. New Preston, Conn.; Bridgewater, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 1 and 8; Guthman 1. suggest correction
AVERY, THOMAS 1 England, d.1843, PHIM balance maker; see W. and T. Avery 1. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
AVERY, THOMAS 2 England, c.1843, PHIM balance maker; see W. and T. Avery 2; son of Thomas Avery 1. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
AVERY, THOMAS C. USA, fl.1846-55, MIM NIM PHIM won a diploma in 1846 for a magnetic bath. 77 Charlton Street, New York City. USNM. suggest correction
AVERY, W. AND T. 1 England, fl.1817-43, PHIM Balances = PRM, Christie 11/22/78, D.(1977); Double Balance = K. and C. 10/8/75; Set of Coin Scales, steel = Phillips 2/14/79; Butcher's Steelyard = OXF; etc. "Late T. Beach, Patent" on D. balance; some signed "Avery"; some balances may be by W. and T. Avery 2. Digbeth, Birmingham. Giordano 1; Moskowitz 111; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
AVERY, W. AND T. 2 England, fl.1843-95+, PHIM Pocket Balance = Christie-SK 7/100/80. balance makers; William Avery 2 and Thomas Avery 2 were sons of Thomas Avery 1 of W. and T. Avery 1; they took over firm when their father died in 1843; balance is signed W. and T. Avery Ltd. Birmingham. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
AVERY, WILLIAM 1 England, PHIM balance maker; see W. and T. Avery 1. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
AVERY, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1843-, PHIM balance maker; son of Thomas Avery 1; see W. and T. Avery 2. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
AVINC, F. JOSEPH MIM Diptych Dial, ivory, large = OXF. Evans thought him "Avin." Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
AVIZARD FRERES France, c.1900, OIM PHIM Barograph, No. 237 = GEM. "Maison de l'Ingr. Chevallier Optn. Avizard Fres. Sucrs.". 21 rue Royale, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
AVRANCHES France, Pillar Sundial, wood = Soth. 2/5/53. surely made for the town of Avranches. RSW. suggest correction
AXELSON, A.J. Sweden, c.1850, PHIM Balance = STM. Målargränd 6, Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
AYBER, EGIDIUS 1566, MIM Celestial Globe, copper-gilt, 1566 = NUR. Price 2. suggest correction
AYERSCHOTTELS, GEORG Germany, 1614, MIM Astrolabe, 1614 = GEL. ICA-3102. Nürnberg. Chenekal 2; ICA 2. suggest correction
AYRES, BENJAMIN Holland, 18th Century, MIM NIM SIM Octants, wood = DOR, RIJ, AMST (partial); Sextant = TEY; Theodolite = LEY; Sun Compasses = LEY, UTR-Physics Lab., TEY; Azimuth Compass with an octant mounted on top = TEY; Vernier Calipers = UTR; Circumferentor = UTR; Set of Drawing Instruments = Burndy Library, Norwalk, Conn; Equatorial Sundial = UTR. invented the vernier calipers; also signed "Aires." Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Zinner 1; RSW; G.L'E. Turner 7; USNM; Evans 1; de Rijk; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
AYSCOUGH, JAMES England, fl.1732-62, MIM OIM PHIM Microscopes = KEN, FLO; Telescopes = KEN, Court Coll., Phillips 12/2/87; Stick Barometers = VAA, D.(1975). apprenticed to James Mann 2, in 1732, in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company in 1740; partner with Mann 2, 1740-48; James Linnell was apprenticed to him in 1754 and succeeded him; see Mann and Ayscough; T.C.; succeeded by his wife who kept his name on T.C.; Phillips marked "Inv et Fe." Archimedes and Two Pairs of Golden Spectacles, near Castle Tavern, Fleet Street (1740-48); Great Golden Spectacles and Quadrant, Ludgate Street (1740-52 or longer); 33 Ludgate Street (Taylor thinks he was alone in 1749); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(226); RSW; Calvert 2; Daumas 1; Bonelli 1; Evans 1; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Crawforth 1; Court and von Rohr 3(135); Tyler. suggest correction
AYSCOUGH, MANUEL England, OIM Microscope = WHI. Taylor 2(226). suggest correction
AYSCOUGH, MRS. JAMES England, fl.1759-66+, MIM OIM PHIM succeeded her husband, James Ayscough; kept his name on the T.C. at the Golden Spectacles and Quadrant, no. 33 in Ludgate Street, near St. Paul's, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
AYTOWN, WILLIAM Scotland, c.1631, MIM Vertical Sundials = Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh (11). Gatty. suggest correction
B. 1 1673, MIM Folding Rule, wood, 1673 = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
B. 2 1770, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1770 = Evans Coll.? Evans 1. suggest correction
B. 3 MIM Diptych Sundials = D.(1965), ADL-W195. they have fleur-de-lys marks. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
B. 4 Germany, c.1780, MIM Compass Sundials = D.(1980), OXF, ADL-W182, Christie-G. 5/13/86, Peron et Corsy in Melun, 6/10/79, etc. the "B" is punched on the hour-scale; we agree with Moskowitz who suggests that these sundials were made by David Beringer on the basis of the sundial in WHI, which is identical except that it is signed "David Beringer"; see also "D.B." Nürnberg. Evans 1; Moskowitz 132; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
B. 5 Germany, 18th Century, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood and ivory = D.(1978). decorated with three-leaf clovers; "B" stamped in compass box. Moskowitz 116. suggest correction
B. 6 c.1740, MIM Sandglass = AMST. signed on top. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
B.A. 1 Germany, 1561, MIM Astrolabe, 1561 = BASH (lost). ICA-3013. Zinner 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
B.A. 2 Germany, c.1550, MIM SIM Surveying Quadrant = BM-97/1/12-1. see Bartholomew, Abbot; see P. Ildephonsus Mahrer. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
B.A.D. see D.H.S. RSW. suggest correction
B.A.M. Germany, 1719, MIM Ring Sundial, 1719 = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
B.B. 1 France, 1655, MIM made portable sundials. Blois. Gunther 2; Hamilton 1. suggest correction
B.B. 2 Germany, c.1750, MIM made sundials. Pipping 1. suggest correction
B.B.C. Holland, c.1700, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Soth. 12/12/55. RSW. suggest correction
B.B.G. Holland, c.1590, MIM Sundial with Quadrant = Hamilton Coll. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
B.C. MIM Sandglass, double = NMM-H.12. NMM 2. suggest correction
B.D.G. France, 1595, MIM SIM Radio Latino, 1595 = Roussel-9 = NMM; Rule, gilt-brass = MADEX-457. rule is ex-Strauss Coll. Michel 3; Price 2. suggest correction
B.E. Germany, Zinner said to see "C. Fredensburg", but there is no such entry. Zinner 1. suggest correction
B.F. Germany, 1600, MIM Celestial Globe, 1600 = DRE. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
B.H. 1 Austria, fl.1583-84, MIM Astrolabe, 1583 = POB; Nocturnal with Vertical Sundial, 1584 = POB. nocturnal is MADEX-222; astrolabe is ICA-3019. Vienna. Zinner 1; Michel 1; MADEX; Price 2; M.J. Hagen; ICA 2. suggest correction
B.H. 2 England, c.1750, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 11/27/72 = D.(1974). owner?; initials in flowing script. Wynter and Turner; Wynter 1. suggest correction
B.H. 3 punchmark on Barent Hendricke compass dial at NOR. RSW. suggest correction
B.K. Germany, 1569, MIM Artillery Level, 1569 = ADL-M203. the initials are punched in a shield with crossed swords between, one of the sword points ends in a cross. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
B.M. 1772?, OIM Martin-type Barrel Microscope = Soth. 4/28/69. RSW. suggest correction
B.P. 1 1601, MIM Horizontal Sundial, stone, 1601 = X. Brieux 2. suggest correction
B.P. 2 Germany, late 18th Century, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood and paper = EMA, PTA, REG, STS, WAI, and ZIT. Zinner 1. suggest correction
B.R.H. "B." over "R.H."; marked on a silver quadrant by Richard Blaxam at the BM. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
B.S. Germany, 1562, MIM Sundial inside bottom plate of round table clock, 1562 = PIC. also marked "C.S." (2) inside lid. Pippa. suggest correction
B.T. MIM Astrological Instrument = NAC. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
B.V. Italy, MIM Dividers, in the shape of a stiletto = FLO-2515. also marked "Volentieri"; Benvenuto della Vulparia? Bonelli 1; Maccagni 1. suggest correction
BA. H.F. C. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial = WUR. Würzburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BAADEN, FR. LIBE RATUS CARL. AUG. misreading for Fr. Karl Liberatus of Augsburg and Baden. Soth. 5/12/75. suggest correction
BAAK, TOBIAS Scotland, 1695, MIM Wall Dial, 1695 = Kirkgate, Alloa. also Bachup; master mason; architect. Gatty. suggest correction
BAARDA, JOHANNES VAN Holland, b.1742-c.1810, MIM also made clocks. The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BAARDA, PETRUS JOHANNES VAN Holland, 1744-1800?, ivory turner; pupil at "Fundatie van de Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude." The Hague. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BABBAGE, CHARLES England, 1792-1871, MIM Calculating Machine = Dudley Observatory, Albany, N.Y. invented a calculator; F.R.S. in 1816. 5 Devonshire Place, Portland Place (1815-27); 1 Dorset Street, Manchester Square (1828-71); both in London. Taylor 2(1265); DNB; DSB; RSW; etc. suggest correction
BABBITT, H.M. USA, 1846, MIM Micrometer, 1846 = Fair of American Institute. Providence, R.I. USNM. suggest correction
BABINEN, GEBHART see Baeinen. Price 2. suggest correction
BABKOV AND ARCHIPOV Russia, fl.1770-80, OIM Telescope, large = GEL. worked in instrument shop attached to the Academy of Arts. RSW. suggest correction
BACCI, GIACOMO Italy, 17th Century, OIM made lorgnettes. Venice. Nachet. suggest correction
BACELLI, ABBE L. Italy, c.1780, invented a vacuum pump made by Arleri; Abbé L. Bacelli. Italian Inventory. suggest correction
BACH, L. Germany, 19th Century, OIM Telescope, three-inch = Wellesley College Observatory, Mass. "Optiker." Munich. USNM. suggest correction
BACHARD DE SARON, J.B. GASPARD France, 1730-94, MIM copied Ramsden's dividing engine, 1775. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BACHELER France, c.1625, MIM Sundial in lid of watch = Soth. 3/18/74. RSW. suggest correction
BACHELIER, DANIEL Germany, 1700, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1700 = DRE-C80. Berlin. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BACHMAYER, JOAN GEORG Germany, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, stone = ING. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BACHMAYR, GEORG JOSEF Germany, 1750, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1750 = WUR. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BACHUP see Tobias Baak. suggest correction
BACKER, JAN Johan Bacher van Call? suggest correction
BACKER, MORTIMER DE Holland, 1657, PHIM Money Scales and Weights, 1657 = FIT-135. Amsterdam. Price 2. suggest correction
BACKWELL England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometer = K. and C. 7/9/75. London. RSW. suggest correction
BACKWELL, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1780-1818, MIM compass and drawing instrument maker. 6 Tash Street, Grays Inn Lane, London. Taylor 2(794); Dewhirst; Crawforth 11. suggest correction
BACKWELL, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1818-20, OIM son of William Backwell 1. 6 Long Lane, Smithfield, London. Taylor 2(1266). suggest correction
BADDELY, J. England, c.1800, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveying Level = OXF; Telescope, stand = D.; Stick Barometer = Soth.-Chester 9/8/81. possibly Bradderley, which see. Albrighton. Taylor 2(1075a); Daumas 1; Coffeen II; RSW. suggest correction
BADDELY, JOHN England, c.1800, OIM PHIM Telescope = Soth. 2/28/80; Stick Barometer = Soth.-C 9/8/81. Albrighton. RSW. suggest correction
BADGER, JOSEPH USA, 1784, MIM Orrery, 1784 = X. New Haven, Conn. USNM. suggest correction
BADOLLET, J.J. Switzerland?, c.1815, MIM Sundial in pocket watch = MERC-9 = WHI. Hamilton thought he was G.G. Badollet and French. Geneva? Bryden 16; Hamilton 1. suggest correction
BADSEY, JOHN England, c.1738, apprenticed to John Urings 1 or 2 in the Joiners' Company on July 4, 1738. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BAEINEN, GEBHART VON Germany, 1558, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1558 = VIE-F1346. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
BAGATELLE France, c.1750, inventor or maker. Paris. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
BAHARIE, A. England, c.1840, NIM Sextants = NMM, Soth. 11/9/59-176. may be one instrument. Sunderland. Taylor 2(2067); NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
BAIJENS see Bayens. Daumas 1; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BAIJER, JOSEPHUS see Josephus Bayer. suggest correction
BAILEY 1 England, c.1791, MIM NMM 1. suggest correction
BAILEY 2 England, 19th Century, MIM Magnetic Compass = Melun 4/24/83. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
BAILEY, CHARLES England, c.1778, apprenticed to Charles Lincoln, an OIM in the Spectaclemakers' Company, on June 11, 1778. Court and von Rohr 3(211). suggest correction
BAILEY, J.W. England, fl.1850-62, MIM NIM SIM Sextant, case = P.C. sextant signed "Bailey Fenchurch Street, London"; exhibited at the 1862 Exhibition. 162 Fenchurch Street, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
BAILEY, JOHN 1 England?; USA, fl.1775-78+, MIM SIM made surveying instruments; Crawforth questioned his English origin. New York, N.Y.; Fishkill, N. Y. (1778). Bedini 1 and 8; Crawforth 11. suggest correction
BAILEY, JOHN 2 USA, 1731-1823, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, 1804 = NYS. signed "J. Bailey, Hanover, Mass."; mechanic; clockmaker. Hanover (1804); Lynn; both in Mass. Bedini 1; Smart 1. suggest correction
BAILEY, JOHN ALYESWORTH USA?, f.1850-84, MIM Burt's Solar Compass and Level = N.Y. Exhib. of the Industry of All Nations, 1853. advertised as manufacturer of Burt's Solar Compass, etc.; partner with William Burt as Burt and Bailey, 1853-56; brass founder. Detroit, Mich. Smart 1; USNM; Elgin. suggest correction
BAILEY, R. England, OIM Reflecting Telescope = Soth. 3/21/73. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
BAILEY, S. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BAILEY, T. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Stanion. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BAILI 1 France, 1663, OIM made telescopes. Paris. Daumas 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
BAILI 2 see Bayley 1. Dewhirst; Michel 3. suggest correction
BAILLE see Bayley 2. Michel 3. suggest correction
BAILLE AINE ET NEVEU France, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Bretaudiere et Raynaud, Chalon-sur-Saône 6/23/79. Baille Aîné et Neveu. RSW. suggest correction
BAILLIE, WILLIAM Scotland, 1833, PHIM spirit hyrometer maker. 19 Saltmarket, Glasgow (1833). Bryden 3. suggest correction
BAILLON, FRANCISCUS see Francus Baillou. Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
BAILLON, PIERRE Italy, see Pierre Baillou. NMM 2. suggest correction
BAILLOU, FRANCUS DE Italy, fl.1738-64, OIM Telescope, 1738 = ADL-M431; Objective Lens, 1764 = FLO-3340; Microscope, 1755 = NAC. "Francus de Baillou S.C.R. Majestatis Opticus fecit Mediolani anno 1755" on microscope. Milan. Evans 1; Bonelli 1; Nachet; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BAILLOU, PIERRE Italy, c.1721, MIM NIM SIM Plane Table Compass = X; Octant = NMM; Mining Compass, 1721 = P.C. Milan. Bryden 9; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
BAILLY, ROBERTUS DE France, fl.1525-30, MIM Terrestrial Globes, = X (1530), Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. Bailly was an engraver and metal worker; the two globes listed may be the same one. Tooley; Yonge. suggest correction
BAILY, JOEL USA, 1732-97, MIM SIM Levels = Mason and Dixon (1767); Surveyor's Compass, 1765 = X. worked as a surveyor and instrument maker for Mason and Dixon, 1764-68. West Bradford, Chester County, Pa. Bedini 8. suggest correction
BAIN AND AINSLEY England, NIM Course Correcter = ADL-A120. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BAIN, ALEXANDER Scotland; England, 1810-77, MIM apprenticed to a clockmaker in Wick; in 1827 he went to London where he was a journeyman. Wick; London (1827). Taylor 2(1769). suggest correction
BAINBRIDGE, WILLIAM OIM Telescope = Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
BAINS, ROBERT RAINS England, fl.1816-19, NIM invented a perpetual log. Myton, Kingston-on-Hull. Taylor 2(1269). suggest correction
BAIRD AND TATLOCK England, PHIM Balances = Christie 2/13/68, K. and C. 10/8/75, 7/14/76. London. RSW. suggest correction
BAIRD AND TAYLOR misreading for Baird and Tatlock. suggest correction
BAKER 1 England, c.1830, MIM NIM OIM SIM Folding Rule = DRE; Dumpy Level = AUI; Theodolite = Soth. 10/22/76; Sextant, pocket = Melun 4/24/83; Set of Drawing Instruments, rosewood case = Bearnes 12/6/71; Microscope = FLO-2651. other microscopes appear at auction; surely Charles Baker, which see. 244 High Holborn, London. Moskowitz 108; Bonelli 1; RSW. suggest correction
BAKER 2 England, c.1835?, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Shrewsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BAKER 3 England, fl.1809-11, PHIM partner with John Frodsham. London. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
BAKER 4 England, c.1880, MIM Horizontal Sundial, mahogany case = WHI. Bryden 16. suggest correction
BAKER AND HOOPER USA, fl.1822-40, MIM NIM Tell-Tale Compass, 1840 = D.(1976); Plotting Graphometer = D.(1993). David Baker and Hooper; Thomas Wightman engraved the compass cards. No. 54 Ann-Street, (on the Draw-Bridgw), Boston, Mass. D.J. Warner 10 and 12; Moskowitz; Coffeen 41. suggest correction
BAKER, CARVER AND MORRELL USA, c.1900, NIM Marine Compass = PMS. Portland, Maine. RSW. suggest correction
BAKER, CHARLES England, c.1850, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Microscopes = Christie 12/18/74, Christie-SK 12/1/83, Phillips 5/20/75, 2/14/79, 4/20/83; Stick Barometer = D.(1975); Odometers = Phillips 2/2/84, Christie-SK 12/1/83; Meridian Transit = Keighley Art Gallery and Museum. most instruments signed "C. Baker." 244 High Holborn, London. Stevens and Aked; USNM; Moskowitz 108; RSW; Coffeen A. suggest correction
BAKER, D. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Bill. 4/21/93. Billingshurst. RSW. suggest correction
BAKER, DAVID USA, b.c.1792-1856, NIM the Whaleman's List showed he was a dealer in nautical instruments; see Baker and Hooper. New Bedford, Mass. Moskowitz, 1976; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
BAKER, EDWARD England, c.1779, MIM grand-nephew of Benjamin Cole 2 and brother-in-law of John Newton; drawing instrument maker; ensign in the Militia, 1779. London. Millburn 11. suggest correction
BAKER, HENRY England, fl.1848-58, OIM PHIM optician; made barometers and thermometers; had a display in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. 90 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Bonelli 1; Moskowitz 109. suggest correction
BAKER, RICHARD England, c.1806, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Fairey of the Grocers' Company on March 6, 1806. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
BAKER, ROBERT 1 England, fl.1685-1712, MIM diallist; author; probably the designer of the "Celestial Hemisphere." The Windmill, without Temple Bar (pre-1706); the Union Coffee House, over against the Royal Exchange; both in London. Taylor 1(439); Dawson 216, 1971. suggest correction
BAKER, ROBERT 2 England, OIM Nachet thought that he might have been the first maker of a reflecting microscope; doctor. Nachet. suggest correction
BAKER, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1680, MIM Burford or Oxford. Dewhirst; Taylor 1(416); Evans 1; Gunther 2. suggest correction
BAKER, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1748, MIM apprenticed to Edmund Blow in the Joiners' Company on July 4, 1738; turned over to Thomas Cole, leatherseller, March 6,1738; turned over to Richard Hut in the Clothworkers' Company on Oct. 20, 1740; free in the Joiners' Company, Aug. 2, 1748. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BAKER, WILLIAM 3 USA, fl.1850-54, MIM NIM OIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
BAKEWELL, R. England, 18th Century, MIM Sectors = UTR (wood), DEU (ivory). London. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
BAKEWELL, RICHARD England, fl.1797-1826, MIM SIM made mining compasses, rules of ivory and boxwood, surveying tapes; succeeded by Isaac Trow. Loveday Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9; Taylor 2(1477); RSW. suggest correction
BAKKER, CLAES Holland, c.1650, MIM Astrolabe and Sundial on watch case = Michel Coll. Groningen. Michel 1. suggest correction
BALBRECK France, MIM SIM Wye Level = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
BALBRECK FILS AINE France, MIM PHIM Orographe Schrader = CNAM. Balbreck fils aîné; surveying instrument to draw elevation and location of mountains. Paris. Delehar 8. suggest correction
BALCH, JOHN USA, c.1800, MIM Almanac, rotating, 1800-1900 = D.(1995). Mass. Coffeen 51. suggest correction
BALCH, THOMAS H. USA, fl.1771-1817, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = Essex Institute, Salem, Mass.; Surveying Compasses, wood = PEA, P.C., D.(1978). Essex Institute and PEA instruments may be only one. at the Sign of the Mariner's Compass, State Street, Newburyport, Mass. Smart 1; Brewington 1; USNM; Warner 12; RSW. suggest correction
BALDANTONI, A. Italy, c.1700, MIM NIM SIM Cross-staff = KEN; Alidade = X. Ancona. Daumas 1; Holbrook; Price 2; Evans 1; Hamilton 2; USNM. suggest correction
BALDANTONI, GIUSEPPE Italy, 1784-1873, MIM Ancona; Firenze (1861). Brenni 1. suggest correction
BALDANTONI, GIUSEPPE, E FIGLIO Italy, c.1861, MIM Magnetic Compass = X. Ancona. Brenni 1. suggest correction
BALDEN, JOSEPH England, -1817, PHIM see Beach and Balden. Birmingham. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BALDOCK, RICHARD England, c.1721, MIM apprenticed to William Roberts 1 in the Broderers' Company on Nov. 8, 1705; free in the Company, Dec. 6, 1721. Next the Three Tuns in Shoe Lane, London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BALDWEIN AND BUCHER Germany, fl.1561-68, MIM Orrery Clocks = DRE, KAS. Eberhard Baldwein and Hans Bucher. Marburg. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
BALDWEIN AND DIEPEL Germany, fl.1561-63, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1561-63 = KAS. Eberhard Baldwein and Hermann Diepel. Marburg; Giessen. Lübke. suggest correction
BALDWEIN, EBERHARD Germany, fl.1558-81, MIM Quadrant, wood = lost; Armillary Sphere = KAS; Azimuth Quadrants = KAS, lost (1569); Celestial Globe = P.C. "mechanicus." Kassel; Marburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BALDWIN, JEDEDIAH USA, fl.1790-1811, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, wood = P.C. (1960). Hanover, New Hampshire. Bedini 1; Smart 1; A.L. King; Price 2; DATM. suggest correction
BALDWIN, THOMAS England, post-1713, MIM George Dennis was turned over to Thomas Baldwin as an apprentice, after 1713; Baldwin may have been a member of the Clockmakers' Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BALDWIN, WILLIAM England, c.1655, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1655. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BALE 1 England, fl.1814-15, MIM see Mitchell and Bale. Taylor 2(1389). suggest correction
BALE 2 England, c.1845, MIM Celestial Globes = X (1845), Phillips 12/2/87 (1845), Soth. 5/21/73 (1846); Terrestrial Globe, miniature = D.(1971). Soth. globe is five-inch diameter; see Bale and Woodward. Tooley; Moskowitz 102; RSW. suggest correction
BALE AND WOODWARD England, c.1845, MIM Celestial Globe = Melun 4/24/83. see Bale 2. RSW. suggest correction
BALE, THOMAS 1 England, c.1704, MIM apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company on Oct. 2, 1704. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BALE, THOMAS 2 England, PHIM Marine Barometer = X. Bristol. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BALEATO Spain, NIM Azimuth Compasses = MAN-I78 and -I90; Sextant = MAN-I123. Ferrol. Garcia 1. suggest correction
BALERNA Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80. probably Domenico Balerno. Dundee. RSW. suggest correction
BALERNA, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Goodison 1. suggest correction
BALERNA, L. England, fl.1841-53?, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 11/26/83, Soth.-Chester 6/20/85. Halifax. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BALERNO, DOMENICO Scotland, fl.1846-53, PHIM barometer maker. 14 Yeaman Shore, Dundee. Bryden 3; Goodison 1. suggest correction
BALES see Bale suggest correction
BALIE see Bayley 2. Dewhirst. suggest correction
BALL, JONATHAN USA, 1835, NIM patent for mariner's compass, 1835; example at D. with glass bowl and compass card signed "Hooker New York", surely William Hooker. Buffalo, N.Y.; Newry, Me. USNM; Bedini 8; Coffeen Comm.; Warner 12; RSW. suggest correction
BALL, THOMAS England, c.1724, MIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Smith of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 31, 1711; free of the Company, July 6, 1724. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BALLARA misreading for Ballard 1. RSW. suggest correction
BALLARD 1 England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-S 10/19/89. Cranbrook. Goodison 1; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
BALLARD 2 England, fl.1826-28?, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Lamberhurst. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BALLARD, SAMUEL USA, 1718-93, MIM Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
BALLARD, T. England, c.1805?, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London? Goodison 1. suggest correction
BALLARINI, PETER England, 1801-58, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. in partnership with Austin Cattaneo and others, pre-1838; barometer signed "P. Ballarini York." Kings Staith, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BALLESTEROS, MANUEL DE Spain, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = KEN-1938-369. RSW. suggest correction
BALLESTEROS, PEDRO Spain, 1829, Sundial, 1829 = Man-I149. invented by the Marques de Feria. Madrid. Garcia 1; RSW. suggest correction
BALLESTRE Spain, PHIM Balance, steel = Soth. 4/22/65-41. Madrid. RSW. suggest correction
BALLOCK, PHIL. England, MIM Sundial, portable = Col. Baldwin (1890). Gatty. suggest correction
BALSARY, G., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth.-C 10/9/86, New House 9/10/93. New House barometer signed "Balsary and Co.". London. ATG 8/28/93; RSW. suggest correction
BALTHASER, JOHANN Germany, 18th Century, OIM Microscope = WHI. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BALTUS, MARQUART see Marquart, Baltus. Michel 3. suggest correction
BALTZER see Baltzer Cambon. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BALY see Bayley 2. Dewhirst. suggest correction
BAMASCONI, FRANCIS misreading for Francis Barnasconi, which see. Taylor 2(1771). suggest correction
BAMBER NIM Rolling Rule = Versailles 4/17/83. RSW. suggest correction
BAMBER, JAMES Ireland, c.1820, NIM OIM invented an improved ship's log; may be Bamber, which see. Ballymoney. Taylor 2(1479). suggest correction
BAMBLER, P. MAURUS Germany, MIM Reichenbach. Evans 1. suggest correction
BAMMAN, JOHANNES Germany, fl.1484-91, MIM Astrolabes = Schweinfurt Museum (1484), KRE (1487). KRE is ICA-604, other is ICA-633; also see "H.B. 1." Smalkaldens. Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
BANCE England, c.1797?, PHIM Wheel Barometer in bookcase = J. McGarva Coll. = Soth. 11/15/63. Hungerford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BANCE AINE France, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = Soth. 10/21/74. Bance Aîné. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BANCKS 1 see Robert Bancks 2. suggest correction
BANCKS 2 England, fl.1820-27, MIM OIM PHIM son of Robert Bancks 2; referred to as Banks, Jr.; made instruments for Dr. Brewster; see Bancks and Son. 119 New Bond Street (1820-27), London. Taylor 2(921). suggest correction
BANCKS AND SON England, fl.1810-34, MIM OIM PHIM Rule, ivory = BM-1918/7/12-19; Wheel Barometers = X(2); Spyglass = Soth. 12/15/78. Robert Bancks 2 and a son; "Instrument makers and Opticians to His Majesty." 119 New Bond Street, London (1820-27). Taylor 2(921); Goodison 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
BANCKS, ANTHONY OLDISS England, fl.1792-96, MIM OIM older brother of Robert Bancks 2; apprenticed to John Kitchingman in the Turners' Company, Aug. 3, 1780; free by patrimony in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 7, 1792; took apprentices; optician. 25 Piccadilly, Strand (1794); 440 Strand (1796); both in London. Crawforth 7; Clifton 1. suggest correction
BANCKS, ROBERT 1 England, fl.1765-pre-1792, apprenticed to William Murry in the Joiners' Company, 1755; turned over to Philip Jones, member of Framework Knitters' Company in 1757; free in the Joiners' Company, 1765; may have been the father of Anthony Oldiss Bancks and Robert Bancks 2. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BANCKS, ROBERT 2 England, fl.1803-38, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including ADL; barometers, microscopes, telescopes, sextants, pantographs, sundials, etc. freed by Patrimony in the Joiners' Company, Nov. 5, 1803; instruments are signed "Bancks" or "Banks", all with same address; some may be by his son; T.C.; "Optical and Mathematical Instrument Maker to His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales"; "Instrument Maker to His Majesty"; Royal appointment to George IV (1820) and to William IV later. 440 Strand ; 441 Strand; 440-1 Strand; New Bond Street (1820); all in London. Taylor 2(921); Goodison 1; Moskowitz 110; Wynter and Turner; Wynter 1; ADL; Clay and Court; Evans 1; Bonelli 1; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 & 7; Coffeen 12; RSW. suggest correction
BANDERMAN, W. Germany, MIM Inclinometer = Soth. 11/9/59-179. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
BANFIELD England, PHIM Balance = K. and C. 12/3/75. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
BANG, T.A. Denmark, c.1812, NIM Marine Compass = Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Conn. Kiopenhavn; enlarged copy of compass card used as table top. Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
BANGS, NIELS ROHR Denmark, c.1830, NIM Azimuth Compass = OMM. Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
BANIDE France, c.1775, OIM made optical instruments for Rochon. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BANKEL Germany, c.1780, PHIM Money Balance = DRE. may be misreading for James Bankes, which see. RSW. suggest correction
BANKES 1 England, MIM SIM Theodolite = Phillips 2/2/84. surely misreading for Robert Bancks 2, which see. 441 Strand, London. RSW. suggest correction
BANKES 2 see Banks. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BANKES, JAMES England, PHIM made folding balances. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BANKS see Bancks. Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
BANKS AND HATCH USA, fl.1841-44, MIM NIM mathematical instrument makers, 1841; dealers in mathematical and nautical instruments, 1844; see Edward Prince Banks. Sign of the Quadrant and Watch, No. 6 Exchange Street (1841); 72 Exchange Street (1844)' both in Portland, Me.. Portland, Me. Business Directories; RSW. suggest correction
BANKS, EDWARD PRINCE USA, 1811-92 fl.1834-37, MIM NIM T.C.; see Banks and Hatch. two doors below Merchants Bank, Exchange Street (1834); No. 6 Exchange Street (1837); both in Portland, Me. Smart 1; Moskowitz 102; Portland, Me, Business Directories; RSW. suggest correction
BANKS, JOHN c.1900, Water Clock, 1682 = X, made by Pearson-Page Co. of Birmingham in the 20th Century. Britten 1; Darius 1. suggest correction
BANKS, JOSEPH England, c.1830, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Maritime Museum, Horten, Norway. Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society. Fleet Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
BANKS, JR. England, son of Robert Bancks; mentioned as maker by Brewster; see Bancks 2 and Bancks and Son. Clay and Court. suggest correction
BANKS, ROBERT England, see Robert Bancks. Taylor 2(921); Clay and Court; Moskowitz 110. suggest correction
BANKS, WILLIAM England, c.1734, MIM apprenticed to Fisher Combs of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 7, 1734. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BANNISTER, H. England, c.1790, PHIM Angle Barometer = P.C. stolen. Lichfield. ATG 5/8/93. suggest correction
BANNISTER, JAMES England, c.1751, apprenticed to John Sudlow of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 1, 1751. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BANYARD, THOMAS England, c.1683, apprenticed to Joseph Wells in the Joiners' Company, Nov. 6, 1683. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BARABAN France, c.1850, MIM SIM succeeded by C. Dupressoir, which see; also succeeded by L. Thomas Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BARADELLE 1 France, 1702, MIM Sundial, octagonal, gilt-brass, 1702 = Soth. 5/10/54. may be misreading of date. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BARADELLE 2 France, fl.1752-1814, MIM NIM SIM made sundials including Butterfield-type, inclining and other horizontal types; made circumferentors, globes, sectors and other drawing instruments, etc.; examples may be seen in many museums including ADL; ADL-N6, ADL-W41, ADL-W67; and octant, 1752 at PMM. could be either Jean-Louis-Jacques Baradelle or his son, Nicolas-Eloi Baradelle; see entries for them; Daumas thought that most of the undated sundials were by Jean-Louis-Jacques Baradelle. Paris. Daumas 1; Hamilton 1 and 2; Weil (2)29; NMM 2; USNM; ADL; Price 3; Ward 4; Wynter 1; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
BARADELLE FILS France, 1749-1808, Sundial = Prince de Conti Coll. (18th Century). catalogue of instruments, 1778; see Nicolas-Eloi Baradelle. Quai de l'Horloge du Palais, au Quartier Anglais, Paris. Brieux 2; Nachet; Augarde; RSW. suggest correction
BARADELLE JUNIOR France, MIM SIM Rule, ebony and ivory = MADEX-504; Graphometer = X; Set of Drawing Instruments = P.C. Baradelle Fils. Paris. MADEX; RSW; Bryden 9. suggest correction
BARADELLE L'AINE France, 1752-94, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Graphometer, 1782 = Versailles 5/6/79; Cam-type Sundial in gold watch case = D.(1985); Spherical Level = Libert et Castor 4/28/82; Equatorial Sundial, gold = NMM; Pair of Globes, wood = Schuhmann Sale-96; Surveying Cross = ADL-W193; Mining Instrument Set = P.C.; Instument Set (1788) = P.C. Baradelle L'aîné; Jean-Louis-Jacques Baradelle, fl.1774-94; Augarde thought him Nicolas-Alexandre Baradelle, c.1761; made nine nautical and mathematical instruments for Courtanvaux. Rue Dauphine, Paris. Courtanvaux; Daumas 1; NMM 2; Philips; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; Augarde; RSW. suggest correction
BARADELLE LAINE France, MIM Astronomical Ring = Drouot 4/7/87; Sundial = TIM (1987). misinscribed; should read "Baradelle L'aîné." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BARADELLE S. OZ. France, MIM Pedometer in watch case = P.C. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BARADELLE, CHEZ France, MIM Capuchin-type Sundial = ADL-A---. probably by Jacques or Nicholas Baradelle. Quay del'horloge du Palais à l'Enseigne de l'Observatoire, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BARADELLE, J.L.J. France, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Jean Louis Jacques Baradelle, which see. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BARADELLE, JEAN-LOUIS-JACQUES France, 1752-94, MIM PHIM SIM he made many instruments including sundials, sectors, globes, lodestones, artillery levels, graphometers, etc. member of Guild of "fondeurs ciseleurs"; invented a type of crescent sundial and an artillery level; most instruments signed "Jacques Baradelle"; father of Nicholas-Eloi Baradelle; see Baradelle L'aîné. Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 1; Hamilton 1 and 2; NMM 2; Augarde; Wynter 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARADELLE, NICOLAS-ELOI France, fl.pre-1774-1814, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = Cardinal de Luynes (pre-1774), NMM (1774; Analemmatic Sundial = NMM; Meridian for a globe, 1774 = CNAM-1449; Ellipse Compass = CNAM-2774; Set of Geometric Figures, wood = CNAM-3824; Sundial = NAC; etc. worked for Abbé Rochon in 1805; see Baradelle Fils; son of Jean-Louis-Jacques Baradelle. Quay de l'Horloge, Paris. Daumas 1; Maddison 1; Michel 3; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Wynter 1; Nachet; NMM 2; Augarde; RSW. suggest correction
BARADELLEN, JACQUES see Jean Louis Jacques Baradelle. suggest correction
BARANCA, JOSEPH Italy, 1687, MIM worked with Franc. Ruvolo in producing globes; a terrestrial globe is signed "Franc. Ruvolo fecit. Joseph Baranca Sculpsit Octob. 1687" is at the Chicago Historical Society. Yonge. suggest correction
BARANDELLE FILS misreading for Baradelle Fils. Lempertz 6/14/76. suggest correction
BARBA, GIOVANNI DELLA Germany, c.1525, MIM made excellent instruments, spheres, globes, astrolabes, etc. Michel 3. suggest correction
BARBA, JOSEPH FRANCOIS France, 1760, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1760 = Museum, Nancy. Joseph François Barba. Michel 14. suggest correction
BARBANTI, CARLO Italy, fl.1829-37, MIM PHIM SIM Drawing Instrument = ROM; Polariscope = FLO; Barometer, De Luc-type = FLM. machinist to the Royal Observatory in 1829 and to the Royal Academy of Sciences in 1837, both in Turin. Turin. USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARBARET, JACQUES France, MIM Sundial and Compass inside lower lid of watch = LOU. ex-Garnier Coll. Paris. Garnier Cat. suggest correction
BARBER, EDWARD England, c.1674-97, MIM apprenticed in the Joiners' Company in 1667; free of the Company in 1674; took apprentices. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BARBER, ISAAC England, c.1676, free of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1676. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
BARBER, J. England, c.1850, OIM Telescopes = PMS, Christie-SK 4/17/86. the Christie-SK telescope is signed "Barber London." London. RSW. suggest correction
BARBERIOS, FELICE Italy, 1680, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1680 = Santa Maria delle Grazie Church, Milan. Milan. Baillie 1. suggest correction
BARBIER, JEAN France, c.1720, MIM apprenticed to Jean Lefebvre 2 in the "Corporation des fondeurs" on June 27, 1720. Augarde 1. suggest correction
BARBON 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 21 Panton Street, Haymarket, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARBON 2 England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 5/14/87 & 10/22/87; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 10/20/89. see Barbon and Co. Fullwood Rents, Holborn, London; 281 Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
BARBON AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Fullwood Rents, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARBON, PETER Scotland, fl.1808-12, OIM Microscope, 1810 = RSM. microscope has 77 Princes Street, Edinburgh as the address. 4 Lothian Street; 18 Nicholson Street (1809); 77 Princes Street (1810); all in Edinburgh. Taylor 2(1076); Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Bryden 3; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
BARBON, S., AND CO. Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1076). suggest correction
BARCLAY, ADAM Scotland, d.1753, MIM OIM Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
BARCLAY, ANDREW Scotland, c.1870, OIM Telescope = D.(1976); Telescope, Gregorian = Auction, Atlanta, Ga., May, 1987 = D.(1988); Telescope with micrometer eyepiece = FRK = RSM. "engineer." Kilmarnock. Brieux 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
BARCLAY, HUGH Scotland, fl.1727-d.1749, OIM also made watches. Edinburg. Bryden 3. suggest correction
BARCLAY, W. Scotland, fl.1825-26, MIM invented instrument to measure elevations. Auldeare, near Nairn. Taylor 2(1480). suggest correction
BARCLAY, WILL. PHIM Stick Barometer, Num. 132 = Christie 12/8/76. RSW. suggest correction
BARCLAY, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1731-d.1758, OIM Edinburgh. Bryden 3 and 4. suggest correction
BARDE France, c.1850, MIM Equatorial Sundial = NYM. Bardé. Paris. Lübke. suggest correction
BARDIN 1 England, MIM Orrery = Auction, 1915. see H. Bardin. Dewhirst. suggest correction
BARDIN 2 England, MIM globe maker; either Thomas Marriot or William Bardin, which see. USNM; Yonge.. suggest correction
BARDIN 3 England?, NIM Sextant = D.(1968). RSW. suggest correction
BARDIN, G.A. England, MIM Celestial Globe = NMM-G.166. London. NMM 2. suggest correction
BARDIN, H. England, c.1780-85, MIM Tellurium = NMM. see Bardin 1. London. NMM 2. suggest correction
BARDIN, THOMAS MARRIOT England, fl.1806-27, MIM Terrestrial Globes on sta = P-B 1946 (on stand), Boston Athenaeum, Mass., Wilson Museum, Castine, Me.; Celestial Globes = Wilson Museum (1800), P.C. worked with William Bardin, his father or uncle; member of Girdlers' Company. 16 Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(1077); Crawforth 11; Yonge. suggest correction
BARDIN, W. AND T.M. England, c.1780-1819, MIM Pairs of Globes = Soth., Wilkinson and Hodge 3/23/23, P-B 10/28/44-936, USNM, APS, Adams Nat'l Historic Site, Mass, (1800, 1807); Terrestrial Globes = Hispanic Society, New York, Essex Institute, Mass. (1798), Schuyler Mansion, (1798), Dartmouth College, New Hamp. (1814), Boston Athenaem, Mass. (1817), P.C. (1819); Celestial Globes = Christie 12/8/76, Essex Institute, USNM, Boston Athenaeum. William and Thomas Marriot Bardin. 16 Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(796a, 1077); Multhauf 1; Bedini 1; RSW; USNM; Moskowitz 102; Crawforth 11; Yonge. suggest correction
BARDIN, W., AND SON England, MIM Pair of Globes = University Observatory, Coimbra. RSW. suggest correction
BARDIN, WILLIAM England, fl.pre-1780-1803, MIM Pairs of Globes = NMM-168 and -169, VCW, Longleat House; Terrestrial Globes = Archaeological Museum, Nivelles, Belgium, VCW (1782-2), Phillips 12/12/89 (1783); Celestial Globes = PEA (1782), VCW (1785). in Leathersellers' Company; in Girdlers' Company, 1776; most work signed "W. Bardin"; worked with Thomas Marriot Bardin, which see; collaborated with James Ferguson; Longleat globes are ten-inch, celestial dated "April, 1785", the other dated "1783"; PEA signed "Wright's New Improved Celestial Globe----Made and Sold by William Bardin---Jany. 1, 1782." 16 Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(796a); Belgian Inventory; Moskowitz 102; NMM 2; Crawforth 11; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
BARDON misreading for Bardou. suggest correction
BARDOU France, fl.1819-50, OIM Telescope, enameled = Soth. 122/13/65-106; Telescope = PEA. probably P.G. Bardou; he and A. Bardou shared the same address; firm established in 1819. 55, rue de Chabrol, Paris. USNM; Moskowitz 118; Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARDOU AND SON France, post-1850, OIM Telescope, 3-inch = P.C.; Telescopes = P.C.(1987), D.(1976). first P.C. (3-inch) is 38" long; second P.C. is also marked "G B" with a type of ampersand in between. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BARDOU AND SONS France, post-1850, OIM Telescope = D.(1977). may be misreading for Bardou and Son. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BARDOU ET FILS France, post-1850, OIM Telescopes = MYS. one marked "Charles Hutchinson and Son, Boston." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BARDOU, A. France, c.1850, OIM Telescopes = Christie-SK 11/19/87 (2), 8/20/87. 55, rue de Chabrol, Paris. Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
BARDOU, P.G. France, c.1850, OIM made telescopes. 55 rue de Chabrol, Paris. Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
BAREKHAN, J.R. Germany, NIM Sextant = OMM. Bremerhaven. RSW. suggest correction
BARELLA AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Newcastle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARELLA, A. Holland, PHIM Barometer, double = Christie 12/8/76. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
BARELLA, D. Holland, PHIM Barometer = Soth.-Mak van Waay April, 1978. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BARELLI England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Pulborough 3/1/83. see Josh Barelli and Co. Reading. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARELLI, JNO., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. Bath. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARELLI, JOHN England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, D.(1975); Barometer = D.(1971). may be Barelli in Della Torre and Barelli, which see; X is signed "J. Barelli"; 1971 D. signed "Jon" with little bar under the "n". London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARELLI, JOSH, AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. see Barelli. Reading. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARELLI, JUNO England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Abridge Antique and Auction 2/21/90. may be misreading for Jno. Barelli. Bath. RSW. suggest correction
BARETTA USA, c.1850?, see McAllister and Baretta. Smart 1. suggest correction
BARINE, P. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARKER 1 England, c.1736, OIM microscope maker. Nachet. suggest correction
BARKER 2 England, c.1780, MIM SIM Theodolite = D. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
BARKER 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer in door of clock = Connoisseur, July, 1911. attributed to William Barker, clockmaker, fl.1747-86. Wigan. Goodison 1; A.J. Hawkes. suggest correction
BARKER 4 England, NIM Magnetic Compass = Christie 3/9/65-3. signed "Barker's Patents 181/15"; probably Francis Barker, which see. RSW. suggest correction
BARKER AND SON England, 19th Century, NIM Compass = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. probably Francis Barker and Son. London. RSW. suggest correction
BARKER, FRANCIS England, c.1850, MIM NIM PHIM Sundials, round, slate = Christie 12/18/74 = 4/9/75, P.C. compass designer; see Barker 4. 12 Clerkenwell Road, London. NMM 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
BARKER, FRANCIS, AND SON England, 1848-to present, MIM NIM PHIM Sextant, box = Christie-SK 10/6/83; Augsburg-type Sundial = P.C.; Equatorial Sundials = Soth. 3/14/57-140, 11/9/59-174. also made aneroid barometers; firm continues to produce instruments to this day; most are signed "F. Barker and Son"; T.C. marked "Late Grove and Barker"; "17 years with and successors to J. and G. Simms." "Sundial House", 12 Clerkenwell Road; 23 Great Sutton Street, E.C. (post-1858); both in London. Moskowitz 107; RSW; USNM; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
BARKER, WILLIAM England, c.1711, MIM apprenticed to John Worgan of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 8, 1700; was turned over to William Haddon, Stationer, on Mar. 12, 1700 (os). London. Taylor 1(560); Evans 1; J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BARLACE England, c.1780, MIM Sectors = Soth. 6/23/87, Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. both sectors have twelve-inch radii. London. RSW. suggest correction
BARLING England, post-1740, MIM Soho Rule, boxwood and ivory = P.C. a type of slide rule designed by James Watt, c.1739. Limehouse Hole, London. Delehar 2 and 9. suggest correction
BARLOW, PETER England, 1776-1862, devised Barlow's Wheel, a machine which demonstrated Faraday's discovery of electro-mechanical rotation. Greenslade, Jr. 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BARLOW, THOMAS H. USA, 1789-1865, MIM Planetaria = Washington and Lee University, Lexington Va., Sayre School, Lexington Ky., University of Mississippi, University, Miss. the planetaria were very large, 13 feet in diameter; at least 11 more were made, now all lost; inventor; machinist; published a brochure for the instrument. Lexington Ky.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Langemann. suggest correction
BARLOW, WILLIAM England, 1544-1625 fl.1580-1618, MIM NIM designed instruments, including a compass with an alidade to determine variation. Winchester (1581); Salisbury (1615). Taylor 1(37); Evans 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BARNABITI Italy, c.1847, OIM made reflecting microscopes. Clay and Court. suggest correction
BARNARD, I. England, 1784, MIM Gauge, folding, for wine = X; Slide Rule, 1784 = P.C. Queries, S.I.S. Bull. 1, 1983; Delehar 9. suggest correction
BARNARDA, P. England, fl.1803-11, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. in directories as maker. 22 West Street, West Smithfield, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARNARDA, P. AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. see P. Barnarda. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARNASCHINA 1 England, OIM Telescope = D.(1973). variant spelling of Barnasconi? London. RSW; Wynter 1. suggest correction
BARNASCHINA 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. probably Francis Barnasconi. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARNASCHINA, ANTHONY England, fl.1826-28, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 7/6/73. one X is signed "A. Barnaschina." New Road, Gravesend. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARNASCHINA, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Gravesend. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARNASCHONE England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Devizes. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARNASCHONE, CHAS. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Boston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARNASCHONI AND MONTHI see Bernaschoni and Monthi. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARNASCHONI, B. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = P-B 10/24/42. RSW. suggest correction
BARNASCONE 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. possibly M. Barnascone. Leeds. Goodison 1; RSW; USNM. suggest correction
BARNASCONE 2 England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1997). Merthyr. ATG 6/14/97. suggest correction
BARNASCONE, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. could be Andrew Barnascone of Boston or A. Bernasconi of Leeds. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARNASCONE, ANDREW England, c.1822, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/19/88. signed "A. Barnascone". High Street, Boston. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARNASCONE, G.B. England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, P.C. (1972). 13 St. Michaels Square; 14 St. Michaels Square; both in Southampton. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARNASCONE, J., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARNASCONE, M. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(4). also spelled Bernasconi. Leeds. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARNASCONI, A. England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Chester 2/2/84. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
BARNASCONI, F., AND SON England, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 10/19/87. Francis Barnasconi renamed the firm to be "F. Barnasconi and Son" by 1860. Newcastle. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARNASCONI, FRANCIS England, fl.1827-58, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88. signed "F. Barnasconi, Newcastle"; also spelled Barnesconi. 34 The Side (1827-34); 16 Groat Market (1838); 28 Groat Market (1841); 29 Groat Market (1844); 20 High Bridge (1847-53); 35 High Bridge (1855-58); all in Newcastle. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1771); RSW. suggest correction
BARNASCONI, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 12/15/83. signed "L. Barnasconi Trowbridge Warranted." Trowbridge. RSW. suggest correction
BARNASCONI, LEWIS England, fl.1833-41, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). may have made barometers. 42 Burgess Street (1833-37); 233 Waingate (1834-41); 19 Waingate (1841); all in Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARNASCONI, M. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth.-Chester 5/16/85, 7/25/85. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
BARNES AND ASPINALL England, PHIM scale makers. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BARNES, WILLIAM England, c.1706, MIM apprenticed to John Johnson 3 of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 24, 1706. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BARNESCONI see Barnascone, Barnasconi and Bernasconi. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARNETT, ASHER England, fl.1770-77, OIM spectacle grinder and optician. 25 Coleman Street (1770); 25 Froggery (1777); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
BARNETT, MORRIS England, PHIM Marine Barometer = MYS. Ramsgate. RSW. suggest correction
BARNETT, THOMAS England, 1768-1816 fl.1789-1816, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. signed "T. Barnett"; T.C.; apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1782; free of the Company on Dec. 17, 1789; patented a method of aerating fluids, 1802; instrument maker to H.M. Board of Customs and Excise; advertised all kinds of barometers; made telescopes and other instruments. 21 East Street, Lambeth (1789); 61 Great Tower Street; No. 4 Mores Yard, Old Fish Street near Dockers Commons; all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(797); Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Calvert 2; Court and von Rohr 3(216); Crawforth 1. suggest correction
BARNI France, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometer, diamond-shaped = Doyle 1/24/90. Amiens. RSW. suggest correction
BARNS, DANIEL England, c.1753, apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on March 16, 1753. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BARNUKA England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BAROCCIO, AMBROGIO Italy, c.1600, MIM Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
BAROCCIO, GIAMBATTISTA Italy, may be Giovanni Battista Baroccio. Urbino. Price 2. suggest correction
BAROCCIO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Italy, 1570, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1570 = ROB. see Giovanni Maria Baroccio; Price thought he was Giambattista Baroccio. Venice; Urbino. Morpurgo 1; Michel 2; Price 2. suggest correction
BAROCCIO, GIOVANNI MARIA Italy, 1570, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1570 = ROB; Planetary Clock = Bernard Coll., Paris. must be same as Giovanni Battista Baroccio, which see; clock was for the Pope; globe maker. Urbino. Morpurgo 1; Michel 2; Baillie 1. suggest correction
BAROCCIO, SIMONE Italy, fl.1568-70, MIM son of Giovanni Maria Baroccio; clockmaker; made Commandino- and Guidobaldi-type proportional compasses. Urbino. Morpurgo 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BARON, EDMOND England, c.1693, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 7, 1693. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BARON, PATRICK Ireland, 1794, OIM optician. 83 Dame Street, Dublin (1794). Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
BARR Scotland see White and Barr. Glasgow. USNM. suggest correction
BARRAND, ROGER France, Aneroid Barometer = D.(1972). "horloger"; reproduction. rue Despiches, Orléans. RSW. suggest correction
BARRAUD England, fl.1823-45, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D. also made chronometers. 41 Cornhill, London. Wynter and Turner; USNM. suggest correction
BARRELL, JOHN England?, c.1828, NIM Sextant = Old Gaol Museum, Me. USNM. suggest correction
BARRERE France, see Girard et Barrère. Christie-SK 4/17/86. suggest correction
BARRETA, D. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, D.(1996). may be Dom Barret. 67 Holborn, London. Goodison 1; ATG 7/6/96. suggest correction
BARRETT England, NIM see Spencer, Barrett and Co. suggest correction
BARRETT, DOM England, 1783?, PHIM Angle Barometer = X. dated in pencil; may be D. Barreta. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BARRETT, ROBERT M. England, c.1850, MIM in Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; D. Primavesi was his agent in Cardiff. 4 Jamaica Terrace, Limehouse, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
BARRETT, SIMON England, c.1678, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Claxton in the Clockmakers' Company; turned over to Joseph Wells of the Joiners' Company on July 3, 1668, until 1675; free of the Clockmakers' Company, April 8, 1678; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3; Loomes 2. suggest correction
BARRINGTON, THOMAS England, c.1828, MIM 32 Wytch Street, Strand, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
BARROLL, JOHN England, c.1701, MIM apprenticed to John Wood 1 of the Clockmakers' Company for eight years on June 1, 1701. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BARROW AND OWEN England, MIM NIM OIM T.C. in marine compass box; Henry Barrow. 26 Oxenden Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
BARROW, HENRY England, 1790-1870, MIM NIM PHIM Theodolite = KEN; Telescope = KEN; Mariner's Compass = NMM; Gunner's Level = NMM; Dip Needles = USNM, Royal Greenwich Observatory, Hurstmonceaux Castle; Actinometer = KEN; Barometer, Thermometers (2) = P. & S. 2/4/1876. might have been apprenticed to either George Dollond 1 or Edward Troughton 2 as he did work for both of them before 1829; appointed MIM under the Surveyor General of India (1830-39); succeeded to the business of Thomas Charles Robinson in 1842; became "Robinson and Barrow" (1842-50); also made balances; invented a new dip needle. London (pre 1830); Calcutta (1830-39); 38 Devonshire Street, London (1842-43); 26 Oxenden Street, London (1845-64). Pipping 1; RSW; Bryden 8; Taylor 2(2069); McConnell; USNM; NMM 2; Stock 1 & 2. suggest correction
BARROW, HENRY, AND CO. England, fl.1850-69, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Thermometer = Soth. 3/11/77; Telescope, three-draw = Phillips 1/30/84; Sextant, box = Phillips 10/26/83; Protractor, full, with sights = Drouot 4/7/87. some signed "H. Barrow and Co.; one carries the East India Co. trademark; also made theodolites, magnetic compasses, etc.; see Henry Barrow. 26 Oxenden Street, London. O'Mara; RSW; USNM; Stock 1 & 2. suggest correction
BARROW, JOHN England, 1792, MIM author. London. Dawson 216, 1971. suggest correction
BARROW, W., AND W. LOVELACE England, pre-1756, PHIM T.C.; made artificial magnets; partnership broke up in 1756. at the Golden Lion in St. Martins Le-Grand, London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
BARROW, WILLIAM England, c.1756, NIM PHIM Compass, 1756 = NMM. T.C.; see W. Barrow and W. Lovelace; made artificial magnets; left London in 1756. London; Woolton near Prescott, Lancs. (1756). NMM 2; Calvert 2. suggest correction
BARRY England, c.1800, MIM NIM Telescope, pocket = Soth.-N.Y. 2/23/79; Octant = Seamans Institute, New York; Sextants = MYS, LIM, Soth. 10/17/60-157; Circular Protractor = D.(1976). probably Richard Barry, which see. London. Moskowitz, 1976; RSW; USNM. suggest correction
BARRY, JOSEPH Ireland, fl.1780-1824, MIM SIM Circumferentor = X. also a watchmaker. Cork. Mollan 1 and 2; SIS Bulletin #1, 1983; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
BARRY, M. England, fl.1815-25, MIM continued Richard Barry's business. Navigation Warehouse, Minories, London. Moskowitz 112; USNM; Brewington 1. suggest correction
BARRY, RICHARD England, fl.1799-1820, MIM NIM OIM Telescopes = PEA, P.C.(1969); Protractor, full, with arm = D. (1976); Sextant, ebony = D.(1993). sextant scale is signed "I.R." (8); T.C. 290 Wapping Street (1799-); 106 Minories; Navigation Warehouse, Minories (1810-15); all in London. Moskowitz 112; Taylor 2(925); Brewington 1; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Coffeen 43. suggest correction
BARSTON, JOHN England, fl.1738-40, patented a quadrant, 1738; Joseph Turner worked with him on the quadrant. Hatton Garden, London. Taylor 2(228); Dewhirst; Evans 1; Millburn 8. suggest correction
BART, JOHANN Germany, c.1525, MIM see Giovanni della Barba. Michel 3. suggest correction
BARTENSCHLAGER, J.C. Germany, 1713-99, MIM SIM Universal Ring Sundial = SCH-5269; Table Sundials = SCH-5268, ZUS-LM2639, and ZUR(2); Graphometer = ZUR; Surveying Instruments = SCH and ZUS; Sector = Soth. 10/17/60-132. Schaffhausen. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARTHELEMY France, c.1790, PHIM Hydrometer, silver, case = Drouot 11/7/75. "Md Orfèvre et Joailler de Lunel"; Barthélémy. dans la Grand'rue, vis-à-vis le Bureau de la Colerie, No. 346, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BARTHELMES Germany, c.1830, PHIM Barometer = DRE. Gotha. RSW. suggest correction
BARTHOLOMAEUS, S. Germany, 1736, MIM Sundial, stone and brass, 1736 = FRA. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BARTHOLOMEW, ABBOT Germany, 1550, MIM Chalice Dial, 1550 = BM-1896/12/14-1. see B.A. 2. Aldersbach. Price 3; Ward 4; Evans 1; Gatty. suggest correction
BARTLETT, JOHN 1 England, c.1754, MIM apprenticed to John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 18, 1746; turned over to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company by Barbara Gilbert, administrator, on March 18, 1752; free in the Grocers' Company, Feb. 5, 1754. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BARTLETT, JOHN 2 England, c.1900, Roman Sundials, copies = Wray Sale-78 = OXF (falsely dated 1640), ADL-T46 (falsely dated 1642). by D.B. Sheahan of New York City; address marked on sundials is "Chester." Michel 1; Dyer; Fox 2; Tomlinson 1; RSW. suggest correction
BARTLETT, MOSES England, d.1709, MIM sundial recorded. Exeter. Loomes 2. suggest correction
BARTLETT, WILLIAM England, c.1700, apprenticed to Elizabeth Toogood in the Joiners' Company, July 16, 1700. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BARTOLLA, G. England, c.1775, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/15/72. Barford. RSW. suggest correction
BARTON 1 England, 18th Century, MIM Ramsden worked under him. Nachet . suggest correction
BARTON 2 England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope, three-draw = Christie-SK 4/14/89. Strand, London. RSW. suggest correction
BARTON, JOHN England, fl.1791-1815, NIM invented a type of floating compass. 36 Old Bond Street; upper Belgrave Square, Pimlico; both in London. Taylor 2(926). suggest correction
BARTON, PETER misreading for Peter Barbon. Morrison-Low; RSW. suggest correction
BARTRAM, ABRAHAM England, c.1602, apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company on June 24, 1602. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BARTS England, MIM Sundial, portable, case = Central Museum and Art Gallery, Northampton. London. Stevens and Aked. suggest correction
BARTSCH, JACOB Holland, 1600-33, MIM Instrument, 1624 = LEY. also marked "Jac. ab Leiden." Leiden. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
BARTSCHERER, HANS Sweden, fl.1563-82, MIM Cube Dial, 1580 = STH-12580. Stockholm. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BARUCKER Germany, 18th Century, OIM made Cuff-type microscopes; optician; possibly W. Burucker, which see. Nürnberg. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
BASERGA France, c.1805, MIM succeeded by his son, A. Baserga. 54 Quai des Orfevres et 15 Place Dauphines, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
BASERGA, A. France, c.1830, MIM succeeded his father, Baserga. Paris. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
BASERGA, F., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ipswich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BASNETT early spelling for Bassnett. Moskowitz 101. suggest correction
BASS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Northampton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BASS, GEORGE England, fl.1706-69, OIM apprenticed in 1706 to Ralph Sterrop of the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company on March 28, 1716; Master of the Company in 1747; took apprentices; made early achromatic lenses in 1733 which had been invented by Chester Moor Hall. Bridewell Precinct (1733); Fleet Ditch (1764); both in London. Taylor 2(6); Daumas 1; Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(82); A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BASSANO, CHRISTOPHER Italy, fl.1700-50, MIM Sundial = E.C. Middleton Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
BASSETT USA, MIM Bassett Adder = D.(1984). Chicago, Ill. Moskowitz 127. suggest correction
BASSETT, N. USA, 1836, patented a surveying compass, 1836. Wilmington, Del. USNM. suggest correction
BASSETT, THOMAS England, c.1669, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Isaac Webb of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 18, 1669. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BASSNET, JAMES see James Bassnett. suggest correction
BASSNETT England, c.1840, NIM Quadrant = PMS; Hadley's Quadrant = PEA-M3274; Octants = PMS (2), BMM, NMM, Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass. one PMS marked "G.W." on ivory scale, the other "SBR"; surely James Bassnett. Liverpool. NMM 2; Brewington 1; RSW; Moskowitz 101; USNM. suggest correction
BASSNETT, J., AND H. DUREN England; USA, c.1850, NIM Octant = PMS. James Bassnett and his New York dealer, Henry Duren. Liverpool and New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
BASSNETT, JAMES England, fl.1829-57, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Barometer = PEA-751; Stick Barometers = PMS, VNN, MYS; Telescope = Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Ill.; Marine Barometer = MYS; Sextant = SFM; Quadrant = D.(1972). changed name from Basnet to Bassnett in 1841; spelling variants are Bassnet and Basnett; optician; watch and clockmaker; T.C.; in partnership with son, Thomas?, 1857-60. 4 Barnes Court, Shaws Brow (1829); 13 Roberts Street North (1834-37); 1 Roberts Street (1841-51); 58 Roberts Street (1857); 8 Roberts Street (1857-60); all in Liverpool. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2070); Brewington 1; Moskowitz 101; Bryden 9; USNM; Crawforth 6; RSW. suggest correction
BASSNETT, JAMES, AND SON England, fl.1855-65, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/16/76; Marine Compass = Soth.-PB pre-1980; Telescope = Christie-SK 4/14/89. opticians; probably the son was Thomas Bassnett; both barometers and telescope signed "Bassnett and Son"; compass signed "J. Bassnet and Son, Liverpool". 8 Roberts Street, Liverpool. Bryden 9; Moskowitz 104; Brewington 1; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BASSO, FRANCESCO Italy, fl.1560-70, MIM also a cartographer. Milan. Tooley. suggest correction
BASTARD, WILLIAM England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BASTICK AND DRIVER England, PHIM T.C.; scale makers; "late forman and apprentice to Mr. Vandome." No.2 Holywell Row, Worship Street, near Finsbury Square, London. Calvert 2. suggest correction
BASTIEN L'AINE France, 1842, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1842 = BOM 3/28/06-556. Bastien L'aîné. Rue St André des Arts, 60, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BAT. LUGD. 1640, MIM Diagonal Scale, 1640 = SKO. may be Lugdini for London. Price 2; Bedini 5; RSW. suggest correction
BATCH, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Chichester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BATE England, fl.1807-49, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums including a terrestrial globe on tellurian, ADL-L34, garden sundial at Washington Old Hall, Washington Village, County Durham; a wooden protractor, 1846, at BM; mountain barometer in a cane; Bate's Ready Reckoner; Thomson's Lunar Corrector (No. 209), etc. could be Robert Brettell Bate or his son; ADL tellurian is reputed to be by Sauter and Gyldenstolke. 17 Poultry, Cheapside; 20/21 Poultry, Cheapside; both in London. Taylor 2(1079); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Brewington 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Moskowitz 107; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Delehar 9; ADL; Yonge; Coffeen 35; RSW. suggest correction
BATE AND POULTRY misreading for Bate in Poultry. RSW. suggest correction
BATE AND SON England, pre-1840-49, Robert Bretsell Bate and son. London. Taylor 2(1079); Moskowitz 105. suggest correction
BATE, BARTHOLOMEW England, 1806-95, OIM apprenticed to Robert Brettell Bate, his father, of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Jan. 24, 1822, free of the Company on Jan. 27, 1829; see Bartlett Bate. Clay and Court; Taylor 2(1079); Court and von Rohr 3(249). suggest correction
BATE, BARTLETT England, c.1822, OIM PHIM optician; took out a patent for improvements in hydrometers and saccharometers; called Junior; may be Brettell or Bretsell Bate or may be confused with Bartholomew Bate; may be the son of Robert Bretsell Bate or may be a ghost except for the "Jr." of the Poultry, London. Taylor 2(1079); Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(249). suggest correction
BATE, HENRY France, c.1274, wrote a treatise on the astrolabe. Malines. Gunther 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BATE, JOHN England, 1809-40, PHIM worked with his father, Robert Brettell Bate. London. McConnell 4. suggest correction
BATE, JOHN 1 England, c.1626, MIM made gunner's scales; may be John Bates. London. Taylor 1(52); Evans. suggest correction
BATE, JOHN 2 Ireland, 1750, MIM Sundials = X (1750), Soth.-PB pre-1980. Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
BATE, JOHN 3 England, c.1832, OIM London. Taylor 2(1773). suggest correction
BATE, P. England, 18th Century, MIM Sundial = Christie-SK 11/27/86. RSW. suggest correction
BATE, PHILIP Ireland, fl.1761-62, MIM Nicholas Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
BATE, ROBERT BRETTELL England, 1782-1847, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums; they include orreries, microscopes, dials, telescopes, globes, octants, barometers, etc.; Meridian Transit = ADL-A138. T.C.;made free of the Spectaclemakers' Companyby redemption in 1814; Master of the Company, 1828-30; took his son, Bartholomew, as apprentice in 1822 and as partner before 1840; Brettell also appears as Brettel and Bretsell; some instruments are signed "R.B. Bate"; "Optician in Ordinary" to George IV in 1818, to William IV in 1830 and to Queen Victoria in 1837; also acted as dealer; T.C. 17 Poultry; 20/21 Poultry (1830); both in Cheapside, London. Taylor 2(1079); Goodison 1; Moskowitz 105; Brewington 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Price 3; Ward 4; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 & 7; Court and von Rohr 3(238); McConnell 4; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BATECIN, S. LAUR. Italy, NIM Compass in gimbals = FLO-3176. Venice. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
BATEMAN, JOSEPH England, fl.1823-40, MIM made an eight-foot slide rule. Middlesex. Taylor 2(2071). suggest correction
BATEMAN, T. England, MIM globe maker; succeeded by John Newton. at the Globe and Sun in Chancery Lane, Fleet Street, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
BATENBURG AND CO. Holland, c.1790, NIM Octants, ebony and ivory = ADL-A192, Christie 12/18/74. Rotterdam. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BATENBURGH, JAN VAN see Jan van Call. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BATERNA 1780, PHIM made barometer, c.1780; Baserga? Halifax. USNM. suggest correction
BATES England, c.1760, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Phillips 4/20/83. Kettering. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BATES, JOHN see John Bate 1. Taylor 1(52); Evans 1. suggest correction
BATES, RICHARD England, MIM T.C. at the Quadrant without Newgate facing the Old Bailey, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
BATES, THOMAS England, c.1686, apprenticed to John Worgan of the Grocers' Company on June 3, 1686. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BATH, ABRAHAM Abraham, Bath; misreading of name on globe in the Chicago Historical Society; see Abraham 1 and Jacob Abraham. Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
BATHER England, PHIM Chondrometer = Christie-SK 10/6/83. Haymarket. RSW. suggest correction
BATIS, IOANNES Italy, c.1575, MIM Horary Quadrant = FLO-2525. for latitude 42°. Bonelli 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
BATKA, WENZD Czechoslovakia, c.1850, MIM in the 1851 Great Exhibition in London. Prague (Austria). G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BATTELL, AFFABELL England, fl.1737-48, MIM apprenticed to John Potten in the Broderers' Company, Jan. 15, 1707; free in the Company, June 8, 1737; assistant compass maker at Deptford Yard, 1741-48. Beaufort Buildings in the Strand, London (1737). Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BATTEN, EDWARD England, c.1671, MIM apprenticed by turnover to John Marke of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 16, 1671. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BATTENBURG AND CO. misreading for Batenburg and Co. RSW. suggest correction
BATTENBURGH see Jan Bacher van Call. Michel 3. suggest correction
BATTI see Moretti and Batti. suggest correction
BATTINI, B. Italy, 1721, MIM Horizontal Sundial, silver and ivory, 1721 = Michel Sale-7. the bottom has an engraved cruciform motif. RSW. suggest correction
BATTISTA, B.D. England, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/27/88. Downham. RSW. suggest correction
BATTISTESSA see Zerbonie, Battistessa and Co. RSW. suggest correction
BATTISTESSA AND CO. 1 Scotland, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometers = P.C. (1974); Soth.-S 1/27/88. 8 and 9 Calton Street, Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
BATTISTESSA AND CO. 2 England, fl.1830-43, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; see Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli; see Zerboni, Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli. 13 Baldwins Gardens (1830-33); 106 Hatton Garden (1840-43); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BATTISTESSA, MOLTENI AND GUANZIROLI England, c.1834, PHIM made barometers. 13 Baldwins Gardens, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BAUDEN Belgium, c.1800, MIM Alidade = DOR. Mons. RSW. suggest correction
BAUDOU France, c.1788, PHIM made a balance barometer in 1788. Grenoble. Middleton 1. suggest correction
BAUER, CARL Germany, c.1820, MIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature, box = Soth. 6/23/87. globe marked "P.B. 5"; published a pocket globe with the celestial gores on the outside of the case. Nürnberg. Edell 1; RSW. suggest correction
BAUER, JOH. BERNARD Germany, fl.1790-1801, MIM Celestial Globe, 1792 = BAM; Terrestrial Globes = Markisches Museum, Berlin (1801), Soth. 6/9/25; Globe, 1800 = X; Planetarium, 1791 = BAM. "mechanicus"; see Klinger and Bauer. Nürnberg. RSW; Tooley. suggest correction
BAUER, JOHANN Germany, 1639, MIM Celestial Globe, 1639 = Berlin-Babelsberg University Observatory. see Jan van Call; may be same man. Callens. Zinner 1; Price 2. suggest correction
BAUER, KILIAN Germany, fl.1725-26, MIM Pillar Sundials, 1725, 1726 = WUR. Würzburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BAUER, P. Germany, 1683, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1683 = OXF. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BAUGH, JOHN England, c.1672, apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on June 24, 1672. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BAUM, J., AND CO. England, c.1875, MIM Horizontal Sundial, folding = WHI. marked "Birmingham Patent", but no patent found. Birmingham. Bryden 16. suggest correction
BAUMANN Germany, fl.1760-1830, MIM NIM SIM Circumferentor = STL; Repeating Circle = AMST. Stuttgart. Daumas 1; Evans 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
BAUMGARTINGER, JEAN ERASME Germany, 18th Century, MIM Table Sundial, octagonal = Rosenheim Sale-374; Equatorial Sundial, copper-gilt and silvered = MADEX-152 = P.C.. Mergentheim. Michel 3; MADEX. suggest correction
BAUMGARTNER, FRIEDRICH Germany, 1759-1843, Baumgärtner; wrote on new mechanical instruments. Leipzig. Michel 3. suggest correction
BAUSCH, J.J. Germany?, PHIM Microscope, pocket, wood = HAR. "Excelsior Microscope." RSW. suggest correction
BAUSSARD France?, 1790, MIM Water Clock, 1790 = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 2. suggest correction
BAUSSE, JOHANN GEORG Germany, fl.1750-84, MIM made Copernican and Tychonic planetaria, now lost. Gotha. Zinner 1; USNM. suggest correction
BAXTER USA, NIM see Nickerson and Baxter. Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
BAXTER, JOHN England, fl.1825-26, MIM 32 John Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1481). suggest correction
BAXTER, ROBERT England, c.1830, OIM Livery Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1774). suggest correction
BAXTER, WILLIAM England, c.1752, apprenticed to John Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company on Mar. 19, 1752. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BAYENS GEBROEDERS Holland, fl.1798-1850, MIM OIM SIM Microscopes = LEY (1798), LEY; Circumferentor = Christie-SK 9/11/86. Pieter and Adrianus Bayens; see Dellebarre and Bayens Gebroeders. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
BAYENS, ADRIANUS Holland, fl.1790-post-1842, MIM OIM see Bayens Brothers; see Dellebarre and Bayens Brothers. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
BAYENS, PIETER Holland, 1744-1846, MIM OIM Plane Table Alidade = Christie-SK 11/19/87. see Bayens Brothers; see Dellebarre and Bayens Brothers. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
BAYER, JOSEPH Germany, c.1771, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = Soth. May, 1903 = Evans Coll. = OXF-G.434. marked "Soc. Jesu fecit." Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Evans 1; Michel 3; Maddison 1; RSW; Gatty. suggest correction
BAYER, MARTIN Germany, c.1559, MIM clockmaker; see M.B. 3. Annaberg. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
BAYLEY 1 England, fl.1663-70, OIM Monconys called him Baili (1666); member of the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1663; optician. in St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Taylor 1(295); Daumas 1; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(III). suggest correction
BAYLEY 2 sometimes Baili, Bailie, Baly, Baylie, Baille. Michel 3. suggest correction
BAYNHAM, CHARLES England, c.1744, apprenticed to George Adams 1 of the Grocers' Company on Mar. 8, 1742; turned over to William Collier, Goldsmith, on Oct. 27, 1744. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BAYSER Germany, MIM Inclinable Sundial, case = MADEX-133 = P.C. may be Beyser. MADEX. suggest correction
BAYSER, BOE Denmark, 1735, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1735 = Drecker Coll. Price 2. suggest correction
BAZERGA, GEBROEDEN Holland, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 4/20/83. "Gebroeden Bazerga tot Rotterdam." Rotterdam. RSW. suggest correction
BAZZANTI, ISIDORUS GASPAR Italy, 1760, OIM Solar Microscope, 1760 = FLO-3229. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
BEACH AND BALDEN England, -1817, PHIM Thomas Beach and Joseph Balden; balance makers; succeeded by W. and T. Avery 1 in 1817. Birmingham. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BEACH, LEWIS USA, fl.1830-46, MIM made rules and squares. Mass.(1830-46); Bennington, Vermont (1859). DATM. suggest correction
BEACH, THOMAS England, c.1800, PHIM made balances; T.C.; was partner with Joseph Balden; succeeded by W. and T. Avery. No. 11 in Digbeth, Birmingham. Giordano 1; Calvert 2; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BEAL, JOHN England, c.1826, MIM had James Prentice as an apprentice, c.1826; was he possibly John Beale 1 or 2? London. Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
BEALE, JOHN 1 England, c.1812, MIM Middlesex. Taylor 2(1273). suggest correction
BEALE, JOHN 2 England, 19th Century, MIM OIM PHIM T.C. No. 76 Maid Lane near the Borough, London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
BEAN, FOWLER England, fl.1781-91, apprenticed to George Adams 2 of the Grocers' Company on June 18, 1773; free of the Company on March 1, 1781; described himself as "surgeon" and took his two sons as apprentices. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BEARD, CORNELIUS England, c.1670, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Edward Thorogood of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 7, 1670; turned over to James Atkinson 1 of the Clockmakers' Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BEARELLI see Riva and Bearelli. RSW. suggest correction
BEARETTI, PETER England, c.1833, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 26 Great Bath Street, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BEASARDO, P. Germany, 1553, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1553 = Drecker Coll. Price 2. suggest correction
BEATTIE see Proctor and Beattie. London. RSW. suggest correction
BEAUJEU, FRANQUE A. France, MIM Garden Sundials = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. Rhône. RSW. suggest correction
BEAUJEU, LIENARD DE Canada, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = X. "Nouvelle France." "Antiques", 1965, 87:336-7. suggest correction
BEAULIEU, A. Belgium, c.1790, OIM made optical squares; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Brussels. USNM; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
BEAUME France, pre-1782, PHIM Beaumé; invented an areometer. Courtanvaux. suggest correction
BEAUMONT, PHILIP England, c.1689, MIM apprenticed to Withers Cheney of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 15, 1689. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BEAUTEMPS DE ST.-POURCIN, P. France, c.1575, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, mounted on an atlas figure = D.(1976). signed also "Inventeur." Avergne. Brieux 3; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BEAUTIN France, c.1820, MIM Window Dial, glass, with noon cannon = Satterlee Coll. "Opticien de la Reine." Rue de Castiglione No. 8, Paris. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
BEAUVAL, FIRMIN DE France, c.1485, designed an astronomical clock. Amiens. Weil 2(23). suggest correction
BEAVER, SAMUEL England, c.1828, apprenticed to William Green 2 in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 4, 1828. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BEAVES England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Trowbridge. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BEAVISS, EDWARD England, 1760, MIM Orrery, 1760 = Soth. 12/16/63-112. RSW. suggest correction
BECHADERGUE, P. France?, 18th Century, MIM Dividers, wood = D.(1982). Coffeen A. suggest correction
BECHER, A.B. England, fl. 1836-44, invented an artificial horizon c.1843. London. McConnell 4. suggest correction
BECHLIN pre-1798, PHIM made magnets. Pipping 1. suggest correction
BECHTLER USA, MIM SIM Surveying Level, hand-held = North Carolina State Archives. Rutherford County, North Carolina. USNM. suggest correction
BECK see R.and J. Beck; see Smith and Beck. suggest correction
BECK, G. England, fl.1780-1840, NIM Quadrant = Auction, August, 1807. invented a quadrant, theodolite and protractor patented in 1780. Taylor 2(1080); KEN. suggest correction
BECK, GEORGE W. USA, c.1834, PHIM manufactured and sold electrical machinery of various kinds. Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
BECK, JOSEPH England, c.1847, OIM microscope maker; worked with his brother, Richard Beck 2, as R. and J. Beck. London. Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
BECK, R. AND J. England, fl.1847-94, OIM Microscope = D.(1989). Richard and Joseph Beck. 31 Cornhill, London. Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
BECK, RICHARD 1 England, 1637, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 of the Clockmakers' Company in 1673. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BECK, RICHARD 2 England, fl.1847-, OIM worked first with James Smith 3 as Smith and Beck; later with his brother, Joseph Beck and James Smith 3; after 1866 worked alone with Joseph Beck. London. Moskowitz 111. suggest correction
BECKEL BROTHERS USA, OIM Telescope = MYS. New York, N.Y. RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
BECKER England, PHIM Balance, case = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. probably Jecker. London. RSW. suggest correction
BECKER AND SONS USA, post-1836, MIM NIM SIM founded by Christopher Becker 2, which see. Brooklyn, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
BECKER'S SONS Holland?; USA, c.1860, PHIM Specific Gravity Balance = D.(1972). New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
BECKER, A. Germany, c.1850, PHIM Barometer = DRE. Gotha. RSW. suggest correction
BECKER, ANDREAS Germany, 1607, MIM Astrolabe, 1607 = Elblag Museum, Poland. ICA-594; offered to the Boerhave Museum, June, 1988. Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
BECKER, C. England, c.1850, PHIM Galvanometer = Royal Institution, London; Heliochronometer = D.(1987). London. Coffeen 16; RSW. suggest correction
BECKER, CHRISTOPHER 1 Holland, 1806-90, PHIM Physical Instruments = LEY, GRO. Groningen. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BECKER, CHRISTOPHER 2 Holland; USA, 1806-90, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Theodolites = P.C., Christie-Amst 10/22/81-623. made astronomical and nautical instruments; made first analytical balance in the U.S; see Becker's Sons; founded Becker and Sons in Brooklyn, N.Y. post-1836; Christie theodolite is signed "Becker Arnhem"; had display in Great Exhibition of 1851 in London as from Arnhem. Arnhem (1851); New York, N.Y. USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
BECKET, JOHN England, c.1698, MIM apprenticed to Richard Conyers of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 15, 1698. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BECKETT, BENJAMIN England, c.1767, apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on March 3, 1767. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BECKHER, JOHANN Austria, 1726, MIM Celestial Globe, 1726 = NUR-WI1212. invented by R.P. Michael Caucigh. Linz. Zinner 1; Globus Dec., 1956. suggest correction
BECKIT, ROBERTUS England, 1597, MIM Sector with bow, 1597 = P.C. = OXF. steel points. Calvert 3; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
BECKMAN, L. USA, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = Gurley Museum, Troy, N.Y. Toledo, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
BEDFORD, HILKIAH England, 1634-89, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = NMM, OXF, FLO, LAW, PAK, Foster's Sales Rooms, May, 1916, London Museum, Soth. 6/23/69; Quadrant = Soth. 10/22/76; Gunter Quadrant and Nocturnal = TIM; Dialing Rule = KEN. apprenticed to John Thompson 1 of the Stationers' Company in 1646; free of the Company in 1654; admitted to Clockmakers' Company in 1667; took apprentices. Hosier Lane (-1666); at the Sign of the Globe, near Holborn Conduit; in Fleet Street, near end of Fetter Lane (1666-89); all in London. Taylor 1(284); Maddison 1; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Michel 3; J. Brown 1 and 3; A.J. Turner 8, 9 & 10; RSW. suggest correction
BEDINGTON, JOHN England, fl.1845-52, T.C. No. 40 Digbeth, Birmingham. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
BEDOS DE CELLES France, author; designed sundials. suggest correction
BEDWELL, THOMAS 1 England, 1546-95, designed a carpenter's rule. London. Taylor 1(41). suggest correction
BEDWELL, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1825-49, MIM PHIM made barometers and thermometers. Leman Street, Goodmans Field (1825); 53 Great Alie Street (1834-45); 3-4 Little Alie Street (1846-49; all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1483). suggest correction
BEEFE, NICOLAS DE Holland, fl.1761-67, MIM The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BEELDSNIJDER, FRANCOIS Holland, 1755-1808, OIM Microscope objective, achromatic, 1791 = UTR-Physics Lab. François Beeldsnijder. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
BEELING, Z. see Boyling 2. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BEER, JOOST DE Holland, fl.1620-30, MIM Sundial, 1625 = ROM; Astronomical Compendium = LEY-A74; Dutch Box Sundial, silver and ivory = Wray Sale-38. delivered instruments for Jacob van Neck's expedition; surely the maker of a pocket sundial signed "I.B." (10) at AMST, which see; perhaps the same as Joost Peer. Amsterdam. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Price 2; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BEERS, JAMES M. USA, c.1810?, MIM Wheelbarrow Hodometer = USNM. New Haven, Conn. USNM. suggest correction
BEERS, SMITH USA, 1839, MIM held a patent on a hodometer, 1839. Waterbury, Conn. USNM. suggest correction
BEETS, CORNELLIS Germany, c.1787, NIM Compass Roses = HAM, Focke. Hamburg. RSW. suggest correction
BEHAIM, CASPAR see Chasparus Bohémus. Vincent 2. suggest correction
BEHAIM, HANS 1740, PHIM Weather Forecaster, 1740, #37 = MUN. RSW. suggest correction
BEHAIM, MARTIN Germany, 1459-1507, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1492 = NUR. the globe is of cardboard covered with vellum. Nürnberg. Behaim Cat., 1957; Crone; Winter; Culver; Candee; Stevenson; DSB; A.J. Turner 10; Yonge. suggest correction
BEHAIM, MORITZ Austria, 1559, MIM Quadrant with Sundial = FRA; Astronomical Clock, 1559 = Spitzer = Paul Garnier Coll. Vienna. Neumann 1 & 3. suggest correction
BEHAMB, MAURICUS Germany, 1558, MIM Evans thought that Behaim and Behamb were the same person; he said the town was Frankfort. Frankfort. Evans 1. suggest correction
BEHRINGER see Beringer. suggest correction
BEIGHTON, HENRY England, 1687-1743, designed and made an improved plane table; constructed an hodometer; F.R.S., 1720; engineer and land-surveyor; author. Griff, Warwickshire; Chilversloton, near Nuneaton. Taylor 1(550) and 2(9); DNB; Middleton 1. suggest correction
BEILBY 1 England, c.1810, MIM PHIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 1/22/73; Universal Ring Sundial = WHI-1661; Sundial, circular, with lid = Soth. 4/29/77; Stick Barometer = D.(1973), Soth. 5/18/89 = Soth.-S 10/19/89. see Richard Beilby; see Charles Beilby. Bristol. Bryden 9 and 16; Wynter 2; RSW. suggest correction
BEILBY 2 England, see Proctor and Beilby. Birmingham. Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
BEILBY, CHARLES England, fl.1809-19, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope, three-draw = Christie-SK 10/6/83. T.C. 2 Clare Street, Bristol (1814-19). Bryden 9; RSW; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
BEILBY, R. AND C. England, fl.1809-13, MIM OIM PHIM Richard and Charles Beilby. 2 Clare Street, Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
BEILBY, RICHARD England, fl.1809-20, MIM OIM PHIM see R. and C. Beilby. 2 Clare Street, Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
BEILLY misreading for Beilby. suggest correction
BEIPOLTH, JOHANN see Johann Deilpolth. suggest correction
BEITELROCK, JOHANN Germany, 1736, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1736 = Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague. Augsburg. Bruton. suggest correction
BEITENMAN, JOHN USA, c.1775, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = D.(1986). Coffeen 12. suggest correction
BEKA AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 3/28/73. Norwich. RSW. suggest correction
BELCHER AND BROTHERS USA, c.1830, MIM Gunter's Scales = MYS (2). misreading for Belcher Brothers. New York, N.Y. DATM; RSW. suggest correction
BELCHER BROS. USA, fl.1829-37, MIM Gunter's Scales, wood = USNM, X. New York, N.Y. Bryden 9; USNM; Philip E. Stanley. suggest correction
BELCHER BROS. AND CO. USA, c.1835, MIM Gunter's Scale, wood = D.(1972). New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 104; DATM. suggest correction
BELCHER BROTHERS USA, fl.1822-77, MIM Gunter's Scales = PEA, D.(1979); Slide Rule, folding = D. (1972); Square, wood = Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. Thomas, William and Charles Belcher. New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 103; Brewington 1; Philip E. Stanley; RSW; Bedini 8. suggest correction
BELCHER, CHARLES, THOMAS AND WILLIAM USA, fl.1837-43, MIM rule makers; T. and W. Belcher and Co. may really be Thomas and William and Charles Belcher. 17 Platt, New York, N.Y. (1837-43). USNM. suggest correction
BELCHER, T. AND J. USA, misreading, see T. and W. Belcher. DATM. suggest correction
BELCHER, T. AND W. AND C. USA, fl.1824-26, MIM Gunter Scale, wood = Maine Historical Society, Portland. Thomas and William and Charles (or is the "C" for Co.?) Belcher. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
BELCHER, T. AND W., AND CO. USA, fl.1825-26, MIM rule makers; see T. and W. and C. Belcher. 146 Division (1824); 141 Mulberry (1825-26); both in New York, N.Y. USNM; Bedini 8. suggest correction
BELCHER, THOMAS USA, fl.1823-29+, MIM rule maker. New York, N.Y. Bedini 8. suggest correction
BELCHER, ZACHARIAH England, c.1822, MIM made wood and ivory rules. 4 Knight Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1485). suggest correction
BELKMEER, PETRUS Holland, 1732, OIM Microscope, 1732 = Optical Convention Cat., Leyden? Enkhuisen. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BELL, EDMOND England, c.1704, MIM apprenticed to John Wood 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on June 5, 1704. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BELL, H., AND CO. England, PHIM balance makers. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BELL, HENRY Scotland, fl.1856-81, NIM OIM worked with Isaac Bell, 1860-62. 48 Maxwell Street (1856-57); 50 Maxwell Street (1858-59); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
BELL, I. AND H. Scotland, fl.1860-62, NIM Isaac and Henry Bell. 54 St. Enoch Square (1860-61); 70 1/2 Great Clyde Street (1862); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
BELL, ISAAC Scotland, fl.1838-59, NIM compass maker; see I. and H. Bell. Delftfield Lane (1839-44); 16 York Street (1847-48); 50 Maxwell Street (1849-57); 52 Maxwell Street (1858-59); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3.à suggest correction
BELL, JAMES Scotland, fl.1836-61, OIM PHIM after 1839 he is listed as a clock and machine maker. 54 South Bridge Street, Edinburgh (1836-38). Taylor 2(2073); Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
BELL, JOHN 1 England, c.1667, MIM admitted to the Clockmakers' Company in 1667. London. Taylor 1(310); Clay and Court; J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BELL, JOHN 2 England, c.1699, MIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Smith of the Clockmakers' Company on March 20, 1699. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BELL, JOHN 3 England, 1710, MIM may be John Bell 1. London. Evans 1. suggest correction
BELLA, DELLA England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Preston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BELLANGER, P. France, 1658, MIM Instrument, 1658 = X. Blois. Evans 1. suggest correction
BELLANI, ANGELO Italy, c.1835, PHIM Thermographs = FLO-1794 (1835), FLO-2025. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
BELLANI, ANGIOLO MARIA Italy, 1786-52, PHIM made barometers, thermometers and meteorological instruments. Monza; Milan. Brenni 1. suggest correction
BELLARMATUS, HIERONYMUS France, 1541, MIM Sundial, ivory, 1541 = Prince de Conti Coll, 1771. 7° east magnetic deviation. Blois. Evans 1; Hellman; Hamilton 2; Le Monnier; Vivielle 2. suggest correction
BELLATTI AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Newark. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BELLATTI, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Burton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BELLATTI, L. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be Louis S. Bellatti, which see. Lincoln. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BELLATTI, L. 2 England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Angle Barometers = D.(1982), D.(1973). probably Lewis Bellatti; D.(1973) is signed "Bellatti of Grantham." Grantham. Goodison 1; Antiquarian Horology, Vol. 13, No. 3, March 1982; RSW. suggest correction
BELLATTI, LEWIS England, c.1822, OIM optician; jeweler; may have sold or made barometers; see L. Bellatti 2. High Street, Grantham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BELLATTI, LOUIS S. England, c.1856, PHIM may be barometer maker; may be L. Bellatti 1. 34 Steep Hill, Lincoln (1856). Goodison 1. suggest correction
BELLEJEAN France, MIM Neuveville. Evans 1. suggest correction
BELLET France, fl.1790-1825, NIM Repeating Circle, 1805 = CNAM; Borda Circle = FGM; Surveying Compass = Melun 4/24/83. principal worker for Etienne Lenoir. Paris. Daumas 1; Italian Inventory; RSW. suggest correction
BELLETTI, PAOLO Italy, fl.1680-89, OIM Telescope, 1680 = D.(1973); Telescopes, refracting = Waddesden Manor (1682), P.C. (1689). Bologna. Rizzo/Garisenda Antiquariato; G.L'E. Turner 30; RSW. suggest correction
BELLHOUSE, E.T., AND CO. England, PHIM Force Pump = College of Technology, Manchester. Eagle Foundry. Manchester. Lowery. suggest correction
BELLI, GIUSEPPE Italy, PHIM invented and made hygrometers, electric machines, electric magnetic models; invented an improvement in the pneumatic pump. Pavia. Brenni. suggest correction
BELLIENI France, c.1812, MIM SIM Theodolite = Christie 6/7/72; Inclinometer, pocket = D.(1986); Telescopic Compass = P.C. Nancy. Coffeen 13; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
BELLIENI, SCHIOVETTI France, NIM OIM Rhumb Line Finder = P.C. optician; Belliéni. Brest. RSW. suggest correction
BELLING, J. England, 18th Century, MIM Ring Sundial = Soth. 2/28/80. Fore Street, Bodmin. RSW. suggest correction
BELLINGAM, JOHN R. England, c.1675, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took apprentices. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
BELLINGER, CHARLES England, c.1687, MIM apprenticed to John Bellinger 1 of the Clockmakers' Company from date of indenture, Sept. 29, 1686, taken with a non-member of the Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BELLINGER, JOHN 1 England, fl.1686-1720, MIM NIM Rule, 1699 = P.C; Nocturnal, boxwood = Bonhams 3/11/77; Davis Quadrants = Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass., Christie-SK 11/27/86. apprenticed by turnover to Robert Starr of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 14, 1677; free of the Company, July 5, 1686; took apprentices; rule made for Thomas Scalinger; nocturnal and quadrant signed "J. Bellinger". Taylor 1(510); J. Brown 3; RSW. suggest correction
BELLINGER, JOHN 2 England, fl.1726-32, MIM apprenticed to his father, John Bellinger 1, of the Clockmakers' Company on March 3, 1706; free of the Company, Jan. 17, 1726. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BELLINGER, JOHN 3 England, c.1730, MIM apprenticed to his father, John Bellinger 2, of the Clockmakers' Company on April 6, 1730. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BELLINGER, WILLIAM England, c.1732, MIM apprenticed to his father, John Bellinger 2, of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 9, 1732. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BELLISA, FRANCESCO Italy, MIM Calendar in clock case = TIM. Aquila. RSW. suggest correction
BELLONI, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BELLOTTI variant spelling for Belotti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BELLOTTI AND GUGERI see Belotti and Gugeri. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BELLWORTH England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 11/16/76. London. RSW. suggest correction
BELNET France, c.1861, MIM see Thuret et Belnet Dijon. RSW. suggest correction
BELOTTI England, see Gugeri and Belotti. Taylor 2(2142); Goodison 1. suggest correction
BELOTTI AND GUGERI England, fl.1829-36, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 12/14/89; Wheel Barometer = X. Andrew Gugeri; changed to Gugeri and Belotti after 1838; the stick barometer has only London as an address; the wheel barometer shows the Holborn, London address; made thermometers and looking glasses 15 Upper Union Court, Holborn (1829); 16 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1830-36); both in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BELOTTI, THOMAS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80. St. Ives. RSW. suggest correction
BELTRAMI, LUIGI Italy, c.1800, MIM made instruments devised by Carlo Castelli. Milan. Emil Offenbacher 22, 1970. suggest correction
BELTRAMI, MARTINI Holland, c.1790, PHIM Barometers = LEY; Thermometers = LEY. Leeuwarden. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BELTRAMI, MARTINI, EN COMP. Holland, c.1800, PHIM made a mercury barometer, c.1800. Leeuwarden. USNM. suggest correction
BEMBO, PIETRO Italy?, 1547, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1547 = X. Tooley. suggest correction
BEMBRIDGE, THOMAS England, c.1683, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Robert Starr of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 16, 1669; free of the Company on May 23, 1683. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BEMELMANS, NICOLAS Austria?, c.1738, MIM maker or dealer; supplied a large collection of instruments to Charles, Duke of Lorraine, Regent-Prince of Belgium. Vienna? Michel 14. suggest correction
BEMIS AND CALL CO. England, c.1850, MIM Bow Dividers, = D.(1971). "Cast Steel." Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
BEMIS, SAMUEL AMERICANUS USA, 1790-1881, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1810 and 1860 = Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn Mich. Professor of History, Yale University; made clocks and watches; dentist. Keene, New Hampshire (1806); Boston, Mass. (1817). Smart 1; Price 2. suggest correction
BENARD, F. France, c.1600, see Chauvin. Paris. Baillie 1; Britten. suggest correction
BENARD, JEHAN France, 1611, MIM Sundial in watch lid = BM. Paris. Baillie 1. suggest correction
BENBRICKE, JAMES England, c.1671, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Hilkiah Bedford of the Clockmakers' Company on June 5, 1671. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BENBRIDGE see Bembridge. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BENCI, CARLO Italy, 1616-76, MIM Pair of Globes, 1671 = X. Tooley. suggest correction
BENDON England, PHIM see Keyzor and Bendon. Bell 2; Goodison 1; Moskowitz 114. suggest correction
BENEDETTI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Italy, c.1574, MIM invented an instrument, presumably to construct sundials; author. Turin. Schatzki, 1970. suggest correction
BENEEDEN Denmark?, 1763, NIM Octant, 1763 = Roussel Sale-81. signed on front "Beneeden het Lohat" below cupid; marked "Jens Nickelsen" on mirror support; also marked "Capt. Cornelis Strop 1763." Lohat. RSW. suggest correction
BENELLI, F. Italy, 1813, PHIM Measure, 1813 = FLO-1429. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
BENER see Benner. RSW. suggest correction
BENER, PHILIPP JAKOB Germany, fl.1582-1633, MIM goldsmith; father of Johannes Benner; made pillar sundial signed "P.I.B.", 1629, at University Art Museum, Uppsala, Sweden. Augsburg. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
BENETJINK AND CO. England, c.1840, PHIM Stick Barometer = K. and C. 9/29/76. London. RSW. suggest correction
BENEVOLO France, PHIM Machine à Vapeur = D.(1966). Bénévolo. Passage de l'Hôtel Dieu 22, Lyon; Paris. RSW; Brieux 3. suggest correction
BENHAM, JOHN England, 18th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Collumpton. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
BENNECKE Germany, 1792, MIM OIM SIM Graphometer, 1792 = P.C. optician; variant spelling is Benecke. Berlin. Daumas 1; Brieux 3. suggest correction
BENNER see Bener. RSW. suggest correction
BENNER, JOHANNES Germany, 1620-59+, MIM Astrolabe Clock = Christie 6/20/74. son of Philipp Jakob Bener, which see. Augsburg. Bobinger 2; RSW. suggest correction
BENNET 1 England, fl.1785-1814, MIM SIM Theodolite = Auction, 1803. London. Taylor 2(799). suggest correction
BENNET 2 variant spelling for Bennett. suggest correction
BENNET, JOHN England, c.1710, MIM SIM Protractor = KEN; Compass = OXF; Circumferentor = NMM-T.22; Rule, ivory = Soth. 10/17/60-130. sometimes spelt "Bennett"; T.C. at BM; member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. London. Taylor 1(556); Maddison 1; Dewhirst; Evans 1; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
BENNET, NEHEMIAH USA, 1775, MIM SIM Surveying Quadrant, 1775 = D.(1992); Alidade for plane-table, 1777 = USNM - 319076. both instruments signed "N. Bennet"; see Noah Bennet. Middleboro, Mass. USNM; Bedini 1 and 8; Coffeen 36. suggest correction
BENNET, NOAH USA, 1777, MIM SIM possibly Nehemiah Bennet. Middleboro, Mass. USNM; Bedini 1 and 8; RSW. suggest correction
BENNET, THOMAS England, fl.1775-94, MIM made sandglasses. 49 Wade Street (1775); Bridewell Lane (1793-94); both in Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
BENNETT 1 Ireland, fl.1780-1800, MIM Compass Sundial = OXF. Cork. Taylor 2(1082); Michel 3; Britten; Gunther 2; Dewhirst; Evans 1. suggest correction
BENNETT 2 Ireland, PHIM Marine Barometer = GMM. see F. Bennett; see J. Bennett 2. Cork. RSW. suggest correction
BENNETT, ANTHONY England, c.1841, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer signed "Bennett" plus address. High Street, Kettering. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BENNETT, F. Ireland, c.1815, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/21/83. see Bennett 2. Cork. RSW. suggest correction
BENNETT, J. 1 England, 1775, MIM Sundial, round, 1775 = Soth. 2/28/80. London. RSW. suggest correction
BENNETT, J. 2 Ireland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1987). see Bennett 2. Cork. RSW. suggest correction
BENNETT, JOHN 1 England, fl.1712-50?, MIM SIM Theodolite = KEN. apprenticed to his father, William Bennett, of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company on Sept. 29, 1712; took apprentices. High Holborn, London. Taylor 2(10); J. Brown 3; Clay and Court. suggest correction
BENNETT, JOHN 2 England, fl.1743-68, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Circumferentors = ADL-M156, NMM-T.22, KEN, Christie-SK 3/31/83; Pantograph, 1767 = Burton Constable; Pair of Globes = Temple Newsham, Leeds; Telescope, double prism eyepiece = VCW; Theodolite = Soth. 12/19/66-67; Stick Barometer = WHI. most instruments signed "J. Bennett"; made "Fowler's Sliding Rule and Halfpenny's Tangent Rule"; "Instrument maker to their Royal Highnesses William, Duke of Gloucester, Prince Henry and Prince Frederick"; T.C.; opposed Peter Dollond's patent in 1754; not a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. The Globe, Crown Court, between St. Ann's, Soho and Golden Square, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(332); Crawforth 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; E. Hall; Calvert 2; Maddison 1; C.N. Robinson; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BENNETT, JOHN 3 England, c.1715, MIM apprenticed to Richard Bennett 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 10, 1715. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BENNETT, JOHN 4 England, c.1733, MIM apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company; turned over to Richard Bennett 2 of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company on April 2, 1733. Hatton Wall, St. Andrews Holborn, London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BENNETT, JOHN 5 England, c.1850, MIM Stick Barometers = WHI, D.(1976), Soth. 10/19/87. in the 1851 Great Exhibition, London. 65 Cheapside, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BENNETT, JOHN 6 England, fl.1731-59, MIM John Cobham turned over to him, in the Clockmakers' Company on May 6, 1732; took eleven apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BENNETT, JOSEPH England, c.1828, MIM 133 Goswell Street and 10 E. Harding Street, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
BENNETT, L. England, fl.1799-1826, MIM 26 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Taylor 2(1277); Dewhirst; Crawforth 6. suggest correction
BENNETT, RICHARD 1 England, c.1663, apprenticed to John Blighton 1 or 2 of the Grocers' Company on March 2, 1663. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BENNETT, RICHARD 2 England, fl.1715-29, MIM apprenticed to his father, William Bennett, of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1707; free of the Company, July 4, 1715; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BENNETT, THOMAS 1 Ireland, fl.1809-67, MIM NIM OIM Stick Barometer = D.(1996). T.C.; taken over by Reynolds and Wiggins, 1867. Patrick Street (1809-12); 2 Patrick Street (1820); 65 Patrick (1824); 124 Patrick Street (1844-67); all in Cork. Soth. 9/20/83-98; RSW; Morrison-Low and Burnett; AH Summer, 1996. suggest correction
BENNETT, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1832-40, MIM PHIM T.C. 162 Goswell Street, London. O'Mara; Taylor 2(1777). suggest correction
BENNETT, WILLIAM England, fl.1687-1733, MIM apprenticed by turnover to John Brown 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on April 2, 1677; free of the Company, Sept. 29, 1687; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BENOIT FILS, JEAN France, c.1800, MIM constructor, technician, clockmaker; firm founded in 1791. Besançon. USNM. suggest correction
BENSON, FREDERICK England, c.1796, apprenticed to Anthony Oldiss Bancks in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 16, 1796. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BENSON, J.W. England, PHIM Barometer, pocket = K. and C. 12/12/73. Ludgate Hill, London. RSW. suggest correction
BENSON, JOHN USA, fl.1793-98, OIM made lenses; imported telescopes. Birmingham, N.Y.; 12 Princess Street; 106 Pearl Street; 147 Pearl Street, at the Sign of the Green Spectacles; all in New York, N.Y. Bedini 1 and 8. suggest correction
BENTLEY, G. England, c.1850, MIM Engineer's Set Square = D.(1975). RSW. suggest correction
BENTLEY, THOMAS England, c.1766, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Darlington. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
BENTWICKE, JAMES England, c.1671, Bentwicke's apprentice was turned over to Hilkiah Bedford of the Clockmakers' Company on June 2, 1671. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BENZONI, A. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1976). Sheraton style. RSW. suggest correction
BERANGER, ANE. MAISON France, c.1850, PHIM Countertop Balance = Phillips 2/15/89. (Ancienne Maison Beranger); "Usines de la Mulatière"; see Joseph Beranger et Cie. Lyon. RSW. suggest correction
BERANGER, DAVID Germany, 1806, MIM Astronomical Sundial, 1806 = MERC-115; Cube Sundial = MERC-163. surely misreading for David Beringer. Hamilton 1; RSW. suggest correction
BERANGER, JOSEPH France, 1847, PHIM Béranger; invented a sensitive balance in 1847. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BERANGER, JOSEPH, ET CIE. France, c.1850, PHIM in 1851 Great Exhibition, London. 97 Rue Centrale, Lyons. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BERCINI England, PHIM see Wheelhouse and Bercini. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERENDT Holland, c.1777, MIM Perpetual Calendar = X. Groningen. Michel 3. suggest correction
BERENGER Germany, MIM Cube Sundial = Drouot 4/26/67-42. surely David Beringer. RSW. suggest correction
BERG, F.L. Germany, MIM Augsburg. Evans 1. suggest correction
BERG, FRANS JOHAN Sweden, 1825-98, MIM OIM SIM Telescopic Level, 1850 = NOR; Alidade = STM; Dumpy Level = P.C. (1987). business founded in 1850; made surveying, mining, and drawing instruments; T.C. Kammakaregaten 19 (hörnet af Drottinggaten), Stockholm. Pipping 1; Calvert 2; RSW. suggest correction
BERG, JOHANN DANIEL VOM Germany?; Belgium?, c.1795, PHIM Money Balances = Koller 11/17/75, Soth. 10/3/88; Balance = DRE. is Daniel the surname? in der Bergischen Haupstadt, Lennep, 179. RSW. suggest correction
BERGANER, MICHAEL Austria, misreading for Michael Bergauer. MADEX-64. suggest correction
BERGAUER Germany, MIM Quadrant = P.C.(1976). modern English forgery. signed Bergauer of Augsburg but was made in London. Brieux 4. suggest correction
BERGAUER, JOHANN MICHAEL Austria, fl.1716-35, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = BM-OA/384, NUR, INN, Beyer Coll., Diözesan Museum, Brixen, etc. Ward thinks c.1690. Innsbruck; Vienna. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Baillie 1; W. Eckhardt 3. suggest correction
BERGAUER, MICHAEL Austria; Germany, c.1671, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = BMR, NMM, BM, OXF, INN (1671), NUR, HEI, USNM, PRA, etc. some made in Innsbruck, others in Augsburg; probably invented this type of sundial. Innsbruck; Augsburg. Josten; Zinner 1; Michel 1; Dewhirst; Price 3; Ward 4; Bobinger 2; Chandler and Vincent. suggest correction
BERGE England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sextant = D.(1986). many instruments are signed "Berge"; some are marked "Berge London late Ramsden" it is difficult to determine whether John or Matthew Berge made them. London. Goodison 1; Bedini 5; Wynter 1; Serrio; Moskowitz 105; Coffeen 14; RSW. suggest correction
BERGE, JOHN England, 1742-1808, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = D.(c.1976); Telescope = P.C.; Mirometer = WHI-399; Sextant, box = X; etc. apprenticed to Peter Dollond of the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1756; free of the Company in 1773; worked for Dollond until 1790; Taylor and Wynter think John Berge was responsible for the instruments signed "late Ramsden"; Crawforth and Goodison think that Matthew Berge was the maker. 59 St. Paul's Churchyard (1756); Johnson Court, Fleet Street (1791); 3 Crane Court, Fleet Street (1797-1803); 26 Lower Eaton Street, Pimlico (1805-07); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(571); Dewhirst; USNM; Court and von Rohr 3(193); Crawforth 6; RSW. suggest correction
BERGE, MATTHEW England, fl.1802-51, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including sextants, surveying compasses, gunner's calipers, stick barometers, Gunter's scales, telescopes, etc. above instruments all signed "M. Berge late Ramsden"; son or nephew to John Berge, which see; also see Berge; worked for Ramsden and succeeded him; may have been apprenticed to him; T.C. 119 Piccadilly, London (c.1819). Taylor 2(1083); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Evans 1; Moskowitz 105; USNM; Crawforth 1 & 6; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
BERGEN USA, see Doty and Bergen. RSW. suggest correction
BERGER England, c.1800, "late Ramsden"; misreading for Berge. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BERGER, C.L., AND SONS USA, MIM SIM Plane Table = Mystic Seaport, Conn.; Theodolite = P.C. No. 37 Williams Street, Boston, Mass. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
BERGER, L., AND SON USA, MIM SIM Field Theodolite = Christie 12/21/71. Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
BERGER, MATTHIAS Germany, MIM Astronomical Instrument = NOR. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
BERGERE, VAN DER Holland, fl.1800-21, OIM microscopes in 1800 and 1821 catalogues. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BERGERON France, 1796, MIM Ornamental Lathe, 1796 = P.C. (1988); Set of Turning Tools = Christie-SK 5/24/90. à la Flotte d'Angleterre, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BERGNA, J. BAPTIST England, fl.1830-40, PHIM barometer maker; some barometers signed "J.B. Bergna", others "Baptist Bergna"; see Grassi, Bergna and Origoni. St. Nicholas Churchyard, Newcastle. Taylor 2(2074); Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERHAIM, MARTIN see Martin Behaim. Candee. suggest correction
BERI AND PATERA England?, c.1780, PHIM Barometer = X. Leek. USNM. suggest correction
BERI, G. England, c.1770?, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERIDGE England, c.1748, PHIM made a certain type of thermometer; watchmaker. Boston. Chaldecott 2. suggest correction
BERIGER see Beringer. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
BERINGER, A. France, MIM Sundial (dated 1708) = P.C. Bedini thinks it is by D.B. Sheahan. Dieppe. Price 2; Bedini 6. suggest correction
BERINGER, D. Germany, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument = OXF. "D. Beringer fecit"; possibly David Beringer, which see. RSW. suggest correction
BERINGER, D., AND G.P. SEYFRIED Germany, c.1800, MIM Cube Sundials , wood and paper = BRS, FLO, MUN, WUR, LIE, KAS, UTR, Soth. 2/28/75; etc; Cube Sundial, silver = ADL-M327; etc. David Beringer; the ADL sundial is mounted on a later base. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 1; Chandler and Vincent 2; Price 2; de Rijk; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BERINGER, DAVID Germany, 1756-1821, MIM many wood and paper cube and diptych sundials exist; some of the latter have two volvelles on the lid and sometimes are in French; compass sundials are at OXF, WHI and ADL, etc.; brass horizontal sundial is at OXF; a pair of globes, signed "David Beringer", are in a P.C.; we agree with Moskowitz that compass sundials signed "B." or "D.B." were made by Beringer; an artillery level is at NYC. some of the sundials are signed "D. Beringer"; wooden diptychs often signed "Verfertigt von David Beringer." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Michel 1; Bonelli 1; Moskowitz 109; Monreal; Garcia 1; Engelmann 1; Hamilton; Wynter 1 and 2; USNM; Nachet; Chandler and Vincent 2; Bryden 16; ADL; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
BERINGERUS, P. Germany, 1750, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1750 = NMM-D.1. signed "P. Beringerus Herzog Can:Soreth"; may be owner. NMM 2. suggest correction
BERKETTS see Becket. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BERLE, JEAN DE France, c.1400, MIM pupil of Johannes Fusoris. Paris. Poulle 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BERLINGER Austria, post-1769, MIM Astronomical Clock = P.C. Vienna. Tardy. suggest correction
BERNARD DE VERDUN France, c.1250, may have devised the torquetum. Verdun. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BERNARD, DESIRE F. France, c.1850, MIM Desiré F. Bernard; in the 1851 Great Exhibition, London. 30 rue des Maroursets, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BERNARDA see Cermanati and Bernarda. suggest correction
BERNARDI, DANIEL Italy, 1629, MIM Cruciform Dial, 1629 = MADEX-80 = Prin Coll. = NMM-D.44. Michel 1; Dewhirst; MADEX; NMM 2. suggest correction
BERNARDI, N. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERNARDINUS Italy, 1565, MIM Astrolabe, 1565 = Museo Civico Malatestiano, Fano. "Aurifex." Italian Inventory. suggest correction
BERNARDUS France, c.1680, MIM Astronomical Compendia = OXF-B, Evans Coll. = D.(1988). first name. Maddison 1; D. Brieux 1. suggest correction
BERNASCHONI AND MONTHI England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2); Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 2/28/80. one of the wheel barometers is signed "Barnaschoni and Monthi"; one of the stick barometers is signed "Bernaschoni and Monti." Leicester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BERNASCHONI AND MONTI Barometer=P.C. see Bernaschoni and Monthi. RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
BERNASCONE England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Merthyr. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERNASCONE, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 4/19/78. Sheffield. RSW. suggest correction
BERNASCONI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. see M. Bernasconi. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
BERNASCONI, A. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Newcastle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERNASCONI, A. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83. "Warranted." Boston. RSW. suggest correction
BERNASCONI, M. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-S 1/27/88, Soth.-S 7/17/96. variant of M. Barnasconi? Leeds. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BERNHARDUS France, c.1600, MIM Sundial = Evans Coll. = OXF? Dewhirst; Price 2. suggest correction
BERNIE France, MIM Sundial, octagonal, small = Wray Sale-62. probably Bernier. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BERNIER France, fl.1783-1820, MIM OIM SIM Pantograph = Spitzer Sale-2870; Rules = MADEX-499, WHI, Roussel Sale; Sector = Soth. 10/17/60-134; Butterfield-type Sundials = P.C., D., Drouot 4/26/67-45, Libert et Castor 4/28/82, Drouot 4/7/87; Telescopic Quadrant = NAC; Folding Square = BIR; Protractor = VCW; Graphometers = Chayette 6/28/86, P.C. probably successor to Langlois; WHI has 30 inches on one side, 80 cm. on the other. au Niveau à la Sphère; en la Cité; both in Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 1; Dewhirst; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
BERNIERES, M. France, c.1774, OIM constructed a burning glass for M. Trulaine de Montigny of the Académie des Sciences, Paris. Paris. Spargo 1. suggest correction
BEROSSUS c.300 B.C., MIM invented an early sundial, the hemicycle. Cousins. suggest correction
BERQUEZ England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer and clock = Soth.-Chester 3/9/83. Vere Street, Cavendish Square, London. RSW. suggest correction
BERQUIN, JEAN France, 18th Century, MIM Ring Sundials = WHI-733, McVitty Coll. WHI is silver, 1650?, and with leather case. Bordeaux. Bryden 16; Hamilton 2; RSW. suggest correction
BERRICK, RALPH England, c.1770, MIM rule maker. Queen Street, Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
BERRINGER England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERRINGTON, JOHN England, c.1822, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "J. Berrington, Leicester." High Street, Leicester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERRY 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Great Windmill Street, Hay Market, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERRY 2 see Newton and Berry; see Newton Son and Berry. London. RSW. suggest correction
BERRY 3 England, c.1777, OIM PHIM optician; succeeded by Matthew Wisker, a barometer maker. Spurriergate, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERRY AND BERRY England, post-1700, MIM globe makers; William and E. Berry. Holborn Court, London. Taylor 1(331). suggest correction
BERRY AND MACKAY Scotland, fl.1879-1975, NIM Octants = Christie 3/31/83, FRK = RSM. made clocks and watches; started out as James Berry and Alexander Spence Mackay, 1879-90; Mackay worked alone until his death in 1914; firm taken over in the 1940's by Walter Murray, who may have already been working for the firm; the firm closed in 1975 when Murray died. Aberdeen. Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
BERRY, A. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Bearne's 3/11/97. Hertford. RSW. suggest correction
BERRY, D. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Huntingdon. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERRY, D. 2 England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 1/13/76. Nottingham. RSW. suggest correction
BERRY, E. see William Berry. suggest correction
BERRY, G., AND SON England, NIM Sextant = Soth. 12/15/78. West Hartlepool. RSW. suggest correction
BERRY, GEORGE ALLAN Scotland, fl.1857-86, NIM son of James Berry; see James Berry and Son, 1857-64; was made a member of the Hammermen Incorporation in 1866. Aberdeen. Clarke et al. suggest correction
BERRY, J. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 5/18/89. Soth. signed "J. Berry Berwick St. John"; maybe J. Berry 2, 3 or 4 at different addresses. 16 Berwick Street, Soho, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BERRY, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be J. Berry 1, 3 or 4 at different addresses. 12 Little Chapple Street, Soho, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BERRY, J. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be same as J. Berry 1, 2 or 4 at different addresses. 78 Wardover Street, Soho, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BERRY, J. 4 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 1/26/90. may be J. Berry 1, 2 or 3 at different addresses. 17 Noel Street, Soho, London. RSW. suggest correction
BERRY, JAMES Scotland, 1808-90, NIM OIM Sextant = Christie-SK 5/17/78. apprenticed to William Spark; admitted to the Hammermen, 1837; made clocks, watches and chronometers; took his son, George Allan Berry, as a partner in James Berry and Son, 1856-64; took Alexander Spence Mackay as partner in Berry and Mackay, 1879-1890; firm lasted until 1975. 52 Castle Street (1835-52); 53 Marischal Street (1852); 88 Union Street (1853-56); all in Aberdeen. Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
BERRY, JAMES, AND SON Scotland, fl.1857-65, NIM OIM Sextant = Soth. 10/28/86. James Berry and George Allan Berry, 1857-64; son worked alone, 1866-78. 88 Union Street (1857-60); 29 Union Street (1861); 29 St. Nicholas Street (1862-64); 59 1/2 Marischal Street (1865); all in Aberdeen. Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
BERRY, JOH. England, c.1836, MIM 14 Jamaica Terrace, Limehouse, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
BERRY, JOHN England, fl.1738-65, PHIM Angle Barometer = X. The Dial near the Cross, Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BERRY, T. Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-Glasgow 5/19/82 lot #36. Aberdeen. Clarke et al. suggest correction
BERRY, WILLIAM England, 1639-1718, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Moxon of the Weavers' Company in 1656; free of the Company, 1664; globe maker; publisher; his grandson was William Watkins 1; some of the addresses probably the same place; partner with Robert Morden as Morden and Berry, (1669-70). The Blue Anchor, Middle Row, Holborn, just outside Holborn Bars (1669); The Globe near the New Exchange on the north side of the Strand (1674); at the Globe between Charing Cross and Whitehall (1680); The Globe, Craggs Court near Charing Cross (1681-1700); Holborn Court, between Holborn and Gray's Inn; Sign of the Globe, between Charing Cross and Whitehall; all in London. Taylor 1(331); Evans 1; Tooley; Tyacke 1. suggest correction
BERSELIUS, HADRIAN AMEROCCIO Italy, 1522, MIM Astrolabe, 1522 = Fry Coll. Price thought the astrolabe was c.1380; ICA-202; owner? Michel 2; Price 1; ICA 2; Gunther 1. suggest correction
BERT, PAUL France, 1767, MIM Globe Sundials, stone, 1767 = MADEX-173 & -174 = NMM-Caird; Globe Sundials, ivory, 1767 = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. Michel 1; Dewhirst; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
BERTHAUD, L'ABBE France, MIM SIM Circumferentor = P.C.(1965). l'Abbé Berthaud. RSW. suggest correction
BERTHAUX France, MIM Celestial Globe = CNAM-7432; Armillary Sphere = CNAM-7444. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
BERTHELEMY, A. France, 19th Century, MIM OIM Telescopic Level = La Rochelle 7/16/83. Berthélémy; succeeded by A. Lepetit. Paris. Christie 12/18/74; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
BERTHERAN, M. France, c.1560, MIM Sundial in base of clock = Soth.-NY 6/22/88. needle in compass box probably is a replacement. RSW. suggest correction
BERTHET France, c.1750, NIM mounted a micrometer on a quadrant. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BERTHET, ANDRE France; Portugal, 1774, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, 1774 = Ineichen 10/18/74; Heliochronometer, case = LIM. "Horloger"; see Berthet; André Berthet. Lisbon. RSW. suggest correction
BERTHOUD, FERDINAND Switzerland; France, 1729-1807, MIM NIM Tide Timer, 1788 = AMST; Celestial Globe on clock = Hertford House, London. Paris. USNM; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Grimaldi (975); Cajori; J.A, Bennett 2. suggest correction
BERTHOUD, PIERRE-FREDERIC France, c.1750, MIM Sundial = Musée de la Chaux-des-Fonds. Pierre-Frédéric Berthoud. Couvet. RSW. suggest correction
BERTHROUD France, misreading for Berthoud. Grimaldi (975). suggest correction
BERTIE, GEORGE USA, fl.1807-08, MIM Georges Street, Baltimore, Md. Smart 1. suggest correction
BERTIN, JEAN France, c.1830, PHIM Steam Apparatus = ADL-M412. "Bertin inv. No. 175." Engelmann 1; Michel 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BERTINI, D. Italy, 1796, PHIM Electric Machine, 1796 = Lycée, Lucca. Italian Inventory. suggest correction
BERTINI, MICHELE Italy, c.1780, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1780 = WHI. Bryden 16; Price 2. suggest correction
BERTOLA, ANTONIO BARTOLOMEO Italy, c.1763, MIM OIM made astronomical instruments. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
BERTONI, ANGIOLO Italy, fl.1850-61, OIM Florence. Brenni 1. suggest correction
BERUCKER Germany, c.1768, OIM made solar microscopes. Nürnberg. Clay and Court. suggest correction
BERVILLE, MATTHIEU France, c.1690, MIM Bloud-type Sundials = Wray Sale-138, D.(1964). Dieppe. Michel 1; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
BERZELIUS, JONS JACOB Sweden, 1779-1848, MIM Baron Jöns Jacob Berzelius; chemist; secretary to the Academy of Sciences; invented a slide rule for atomic weights, c.1830. Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
BESANCENOT France, 1759, MIM Sundial, oval, 1759 = NAC. Besançenot. Is-sur-Tille. Michel 3; Nachet. suggest correction
BESERGA England, see Monti and Beserga. Bell 2. suggest correction
BESNOS England, c.1849, MIM Armillary Sphere = CNAM. misreading for Desnos. Paris. Grimaldi(991). suggest correction
BESOZZI, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 10/20/89. the barometer at Christie was marked "Shaftsbury." Weymouth; Shaftsbury. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BESSARD, TOUSSAINCTS DE France, c.1574, MIM invented a canometer to find the meridian and a micrometer for directional measurements; author. Rouen. RSW. suggest correction
BESSLER, JOHANN ERNEST ELIAS Germany, 1680-1745, PHIM made a "perpetuum mobile"; called himself "Orffyrius." Kassel? USNM. suggest correction
BESSON, JACQUES France, c.1567, author; designed instruments for astronomy, surveying and navigation including the "cosmolabe." Paris. O'Neal; Poggendorf; Dawson 216, 1971. suggest correction
BEST, ROBERT USA, fl.1811-31, MIM PHIM repaired philosophical and mathematical instruments; watchmaker. Cincinnatti, Ohio. "Antiques", July, 1974. suggest correction
BESTER, OWEN HIBBARD USA, 1809-57, MIM OIM PHIM Washington, D.C. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
BETALLI France, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = CNAM. same as Christophe Bettally. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BETTALLY, CHRISTOPHE France; England, fl.1770?-88, PHIM Wheel Barometer and Thermometer = Bute Coll. (1787) = D. (1967); Stick Barometer = X; Vacuum Pump = FLO-1537. surely same as Betalli; stick barometer is signed "Bettally London"; other signed "C. Bettally fecit London 1787"; T.C.; made physical instruments in glass. Paris; 1 Charlotte Street, Pimlico (1787); 292 Oxford Street, opposite Stratford Place (1788); both in London. Goodison 1 and 5; Bonelli 1. suggest correction
BETTALLY, JOSEPHE France, fl.1768-71, PHIM Wheel Barometer, 1771 with a Thermometer, 1768 = Christie 6/22/89. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BETTESWORTH, J. England, c.1800, MIM succeeded by William Garrard. The Naval Academy, Ormond House, Paridise Row, Chelsea, London. Taylor 2(838); NMM 2. suggest correction
BETTINI, MARIO Italy, 1582-1657, MIM invented instrument for tracing the meridian. Bologna. Boffito; Michel 3. suggest correction
BETTS, JOHN England, fl.1839-63, MIM Globe, portable, 1850 = X. publisher. 115 Strand; 7 Compton Street Brunswick Square; both in London. Taylor 2(2075); Tooley. suggest correction
BETTS, THOMAS England, c.1818, MIM rule maker. Inge Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
BEUCKEL 1763, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood, 1763 = P.C. date could be 1768. RSW. suggest correction
BEUERLEIN, JOACHIM misreading for Joachim Deuerlin. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BEVAN, BENJAMIN England, fl.1804-38, MIM engineer; modified the Dunn-type accounting slide rule in 1822; invented a self-registering rain-gauge. Leighton Buzzard, Bushey Heath. Taylor 2(1084); Delehar 2 and 9. suggest correction
BEVAN, E. England, PHIM Marine Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BEVAN, SYLVANUS England, c.1817, invented an improved slide rule. Taylor 2(1279); G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BEWTON, ARNOLD England?, 1865, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1865, on stand = Lesieur et Le Bars, Le Havre 7/9/90. RSW. suggest correction
BEYER, JOHANN Germany, 1673-1751, MIM Celestial Globe, 1718 = KAS. Hamburg. Zinner 1; Tooley. suggest correction
BEYERINCK Holland, fl.1829-45, OIM Telescope = LEY. Leiden. RSW. suggest correction
BEYSER, JEAN-DAVID Germany, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = OXF, MEM; Augsburg-type Sundials = Spaulding Coll., P.B. 1/22/54-55, OXF; Sundials, horizontal = OXF, CLU, USNM, MERC-49 (silver), Schuhmann Sale-134, Lempertz 6/14/76; Perpetual Calendars = D.(1972), Soth. 3/27/72. D. calendar is in lid of case of L.T.M. sundial. Mannheim. Maddison 5; Zinner 1; Michel 1 and 3; Daumas 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; Wynter and Turner; USNM; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
BEZARD France, c.1769, OIM optician; lens maker. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris (1769). Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
BIANCHETTI, I. France, c.1850, NIM Hadley Quadrant = NMM-S.189; Octant = Christie-SK 10/23/87. T.C. 1 rue Beauvais, Marseilles. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
BIANCHI 1 Holland, fl.1740-78, PHIM made barometers and thermometers. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
BIANCHI 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. probably George Bianchi. Ipswich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BIANCHI 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BIANCHI 4 France, 18th Century, MIM SIM Graphometer = D.(1980). rue de Coq, St. Honoré 11, Paris. Coffeen I; Moskowitz 120. suggest correction
BIANCHI AND CO. Holland, pre-1793, MIM OIM PHIM made solar microscopes, pumps, etc.; by 1793 owners of a fancy-goods shop. Kalverstraat over de Gapensteeg, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BIANCHI AND PRIMAVESI Holland, PHIM Barometer = LEY. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
BIANCHI AND SONS France, 1831, MIM worked in 1831. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
BIANCHI, A., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. RSW. suggest correction
BIANCHI, B. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Portsmouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BIANCHI, B. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Tunbridge Wells. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BIANCHI, B. 3 France; Italy?, c.1820, PHIM see Fioruzzi e Bianchi. Paris; Piacenza? Brenni 1. suggest correction
BIANCHI, BARTHELEMY NIM Sextant = CNAM-6692. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
BIANCHI, CAMPORINO Belgium, NIM Spyglass, ivory = Soth. 12/13/65-95. Brussels. RSW. suggest correction
BIANCHI, F., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Leicester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BIANCHI, G. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. could be either G. Bianchi 2 or 3 or George Bianchi. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BIANCHI, G. 2 Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BIANCHI, G. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/16/76. Windsor. RSW. suggest correction
BIANCHI, GEORGE England, fl.1805-16, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 5/8/86; Stick Barometer = X. all signed "G. Bianchi Ipswich." St. Clements Street (1805-08); Westgate Street (1809-16); both in Ipswich. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BIANCHI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77. wheel marked "Lane End"; other marked "Blandford." Lane End, Blandford. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BIANCHI, PRIMAVESI AND CO. Holland, c.1771, OIM made optical instruments. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BIANCHI, V. Ireland, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, D.(1976), Christie-SK 10/20/89. the barometer at Christie's is marked "Belfast." Dublin; Belfast. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BIANCHII, FILIPPO E XAVIER DI Italy, fl.1764-66, MIM PHIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = DEU, KEN-1923/404; Equatorial Sundials = VEN (1764), Soth. 5/19/96-46 (1754); Universal Equatorial Sundial, No. 3, 1764 = P. and S. 3/20/96; Air Pump, No. 93, 1766 = PRA. "Filippo and Xavier Fratelli di Bianchii"; also spelled "Bianchy." Venice. Evans 1; Michel 3; Czech. Inventory; D. Bachman (1983); Earle; RSW. suggest correction
BIANCHINI, ANTONIO Italy, 1564, MIM SIM Surveying Sector, with dials, 1564 = FLO-2511. see A.B. 1; clockmaker. Venice. Bonelli 1; Michel 2; Price 2. suggest correction
BIANCHINI, FRANCESCO Italy, 1662-1729, MIM inventor or maker. Verona. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
BIANCHINI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1972). RSW. suggest correction
BIANCHY 1 Austria, 1767, PHIM Thermometer, 1767 = X. Vienna. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BIANCHY 2 France, 1785, PHIM made physical apparatus. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BIANCHY 3 Holland, c.1790, PHIM made barometers. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BIANCHY 4 see Bianchi. suggest correction
BIANCHY, DI MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = P.C. probably Filippo e Xavier Fratelli di Bianchii, which see. RSW. suggest correction
BIANCHY, R. France, c.1785, PHIM Barometer = CNAM. Rue St. Honoré No. 252, Paris. Middleton 1. suggest correction
BIANELI England, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 9/10/86. Ipswich. RSW. suggest correction
BICKERTON, JOHN England, c.1735, MIM Samuel How turned over to him as an apprentice; may have been a member of the Clockmakers' Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BIDAULT, C. France, 1650, MIM Equatorial Sundial, case, 1650 = Evans Coll. = OXF; Table of Latitudes = Evans Coll. au Palais des Galleries, quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Evans 1; Dewhirst; Nachet; Price 2; Britten; RSW. suggest correction
BIDAULT, JACQUES France, post-1762, MIM Garden Sundial = Picard, Drouot Richelieu, Dec. 11, 1991. perhaps related to C. Bidault, which see; apprenticed to Clerget. Quay de l'Horloge, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BIDDELL, JONAS England, c.1756, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Grocers' Company on Nov. 2, 1756. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BIDDLE USA, pre-1776, OIM repaired telescope now at Library Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
BIDDLE, OWEN USA, 1737-1799, MIM clockmaker; made a planetarium. North Ward, Philadelphia; Chester County; both in Pa. Bedini 1 and 8;; USNM. suggest correction
BIDER, FRANCIS England, 1716, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1716 = OXF-Evans. Evans 1. suggest correction
BIDLAKE, JAMES 1 England, 1767-1805, MIM also made clocks and watches. 31 Minories, (until 1782); 16 Sun Street, Bishopsgate Without (1799-1805); both in London. Taylor 2(572). suggest correction
BIDLAKE, JAMES 2 England, fl.1820-27, MIM watch and clockmaker; son of James Bidlake 1. 48 (or 8) Chiswell Street, London. Taylor 2(1489). suggest correction
BIDSTRUP, JESPER Denmark; England; Denmark, fl.1762-1802, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = ROS, Soth. 4/27/64-140, D., AUI, Videnskabs- historisk Museum, Aarhus; Mechanical Powers Apparatus = Sor° Akademi, Sor°. worked first with Nairne and Blunt, 1788; by 1793 was working by himself; had a catalogue; appointed "Royal City Mechanicus" upon his return to Copenhagen. Copenhagen; 36 St. Martin's Street, Leicester Square, London (1793); Copenhagen. Brieux 3; Chaldecott 3; Taylor 2(438); Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
BIE, C. DE Holland, c.1689, NIM Magnetic Compass = D.(1986). compass maker. The Hague. Schück; Coffeen Z. suggest correction
BIEHELER, LANDELINUS Germany, fl.1781-84, MIM Celestial Globe, 1781 = FRE; Terrestrial Globe, 1784 = FRE. Freiburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BIENNAIS, MARTIN GUILLAUME France, 1764-1843, MIM Instrument Set in travel case = Musée Carnavalet; Rule, folding, mother-of-pearl = D. "orfèvre de Leurs Majestés Imperiales et Royales"; "Me. Tabletier ébeniste"; travel case belonged to Napoleon; rule from travel case of the Duchess d'Otrante; made magnificent traveling cases. au Singe violet, rue St.-Honoré, No. 283, Paris (1809-19). "Connaissance des Arts", Oct., 1980; Versailles 11/19/78; RSW. suggest correction
BIENVENU France, c.1775, PHIM made physical apparatus. 18, rue de Rohan, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
BIETTE France, c.1820, OIM PHIM Telescope = P.C. (1973); Marine Barometer = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. Lyon. Troadec; RSW. suggest correction
BIFEZZI, G. Italy, 1835, MIM Telemeter, 1835 = FGM. Naples. Italian Inventory. suggest correction
BIGAS England, PHIM Hydrometer = A-P 3/15/76. "Patented". Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
BIGG, BENJAMIN England, c.1679, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Robert Cooke of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 3, 1679. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BIGGS, B. England, c.1800, NIM Octant = P.C.; Sextant = ADL-A249. Swansea; Cardiff. Taylor 2(1085); ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BIGGS, EDMUND England, c.1695, MIM apprenticed to John Bellinger 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 12, 1695. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BIGGS, SAMUEL England, c.1752, apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Grocers' Company on March 9, 1752. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BIGGS, THOMAS England; USA, fl.1785-1822, MIM NIM OIM SIM Hadley Quadrant, 1785 = Virgina Historical Society, Richmond, Va.; Octant, 1792 = P.C. T.C. in Adams' quadrant; apprenticed to Benjamin Condy, up to 1776; soldier, 1776-1781; worked in New York for eight years; returned to Philadelphia; succeeded Benjamin Condy in 1792; made and dealt in instruments. 32 Well-Fleet Street, London; Philadelphia, Pa.; No. 8 Water Street; 60, facing Beekman's Slip (1786); 32 Wall Street, near the Coffee House; both in New York, N.Y.; 81 South Front Street (1792); 85 South Front Street (1801-06): at the Sign of the Sextant (1815), 66 South Front Street (1807-21); all in Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1 and 8; Smart 1; Gillingham; USNM; D.J. Warner 8; DATM; RSW. suggest correction
BIGNELL England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BIGOT, E. French Guiana, MIM Cruciform Sundials = MERC-14 (176)= WHI, ADL-DPW47. may be one sundial, Bryden 16 does not show it, although Hamilton stated that it was sold to Whipple. Cayenne. Hamilton 1 and 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BIHLER, JOHANN PHILIP Germany, c.1750, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Huelsmann Coll. hour-plate is star-shaped; fitted case. Augsburg. Syndram. suggest correction
BILD, VEIT Germany, 1484-1529, MIM astronomer; sundial maker. Augsburg. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
BILDT, BAUKE EISMA VAN DER Holland, 1753-1831, OIM Telescopes = LEY, LOS, UTR, Eisinga's House, Franeker, Bom Auctions 1906 & 1910. succeeded his great-uncle, Jan van der Bildt 1, c.1791. Franeker. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; Daumas 1. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
BILDT, JOHANNES VAN DER 1 Holland, 1709-91, OIM Telescopes = ZUR, UTR; LEY, Eisinga's House, Franeker, Dr. Coopman's House, Franeker (No. 368), LOS, TEY, P.C., Frisian Maritime Museum, etc. worked with his two sons; his great-nephew, Bauke Eisma van der Bildt succeeded to the business c.1791; full name was Jan Pytters van der Bildt; taught in high school in Franeker. Franeker. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Zinner 1; G.L'E. Turner 28; Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
BILDT, JOHANNES VAN DER 2 Holland, 1736-1779, OIM Telescopes = LEY, AMST, Eisinga's House, Franeker. son of Jan van der Bildt 1. Franeker. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
BILDT, LUBBERTUS VAN DER Holland, 1738-80, OIM PHIM Instruments = LEY, UTR (Physics Dept), Eisinga"s House, Franeker. Franeker. Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
BILLAUX L'AINE France, c.1787, PHIM made physical apparatus; also spelled Billeau and Billiaux; Billaux l'Aîné. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
BILLIAUX France, c.1782, PHIM see Greppin et Billiaux. Paris. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BILLING, JOSEPH England, c.1830, OIM 14 Maryland Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1778). suggest correction
BILLING, R. England, c.1703, MIM bookseller with G. Briant, may have been instrument makers. at the King's Head, Cornhill, London. Taylor 1(536). suggest correction
BILLINGHURST, ANTHONY England, c.1672, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Hilkiah Bedford of the Clockmakers' Company on July 1, 1672. J. Brown 3; A.J. Turner 9. suggest correction
BILLON France, 1787, MIM made instrument to draw ellipses. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BINDA 1 France, MIM Cannon Sundials = NOR (2). Marseilles. RSW. suggest correction
BINDA 2 France, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Versailles 4/17/83. "Opticien". RSW. suggest correction
BINDA, GIOVANNI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1973). York. RSW. suggest correction
BINGHAM England, c.1825, Captain, R.N.; invented a perpetual log. 22 Arundel Street, Strand, London. Taylor 2(1779). suggest correction
BINGHAM, CHARLES England, fl.1808-18, MIM Table of Equation of Time, silver = BM-1897/3/15-2. signed "C. Bingham"; Price thought London and 18th Century; made sundials. Ann Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1779a); Bryden 9; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
BINGLEY, WILLIAM, AND SON England, 1808-18, PHIM made plates for batteries and piles. Bishopgate Street, Islington, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
BIOLA, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Cambridge. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BIOLO, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Norwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BION FILS France, son of Nicholas Bion. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BION, L. MIM Universal Ring Sundial, case = Soth. 5/19/86-64. possibly Nicholas Bion. RSW. suggest correction
BION, NICHOLAS France, 1652-1733, MIM his wide range of very well made instruments is illustrated in his book of 1709 on the construction and use of mathematical instruments; his production was very large and examples can be seen in numerous museums. his book was translated into English in 1723 by Stone, and into German in 1717 by Doppelmayer; "Ingénieur du Roi pour les Instruments de Mathématique"; T.C.; Lordelle was successor. quay de l'Horloge du Palais à l'enseigne du Soleil d'or (1699-1702 and 1708); au Quart de Cercle Géométrique sur le quay de l'orloge du Palais (1704); both in Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 1 and 2; Maddison 1 and 5; Josten; Bonelli 1; Price 3; Ward 4; NMM 2; USNM; Wynter 1; Hamilton 2; Tooley; Dewhirst; Moskowitz 109; Calvert 2; Engelmann 1; DSB; J.A. Bennett 2; Bryden 16; ADL; Syndram; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
BIRCH, WYRLEY England, MIM Vertical Plate Dial = Evans Coll.= OXF. Evans 1; Dewhirst. suggest correction
BIRD, JOHN England, 1709-76, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums including miniature sextant, ADL-A288, mural quadrants at Technical Museum, Milan and NMM (1750), theodolite at Palermo Observatory, meridian telescope at MLL, stick barometer and thermometer at Herschel Home Museum, Bath; etc. apprenticed to Jonathan Sisson 2 in 1740; worked for him and George Graham; author; last great instrument maker to divide his scales by hand; T.C.; opposed Peter Dollond`s patent. Durham (1709-40); Sea Quadrant, Court Gardens; Sea Quadrant near the New Exchange Buildings (1748-63); both in Strand, London. Taylor 2(232); Goodison 1; Middleton 1; Maddison 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Stimson 2; Moskowitz 4 & 7; USNM; King 1; ADL; RSW; Daniel; Pipping 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Garcia 1; DNB; DSB; J.A. Bennett 2; Crawforth 1; de Rijk; Coffeen 11; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BIRD, THOMAS England, c.1822, OIM High Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1490); Dewhirst. suggest correction
BIRDSTRUP, J. misreading for Jesper Bidstrup. Taylor 2(438); Dewhirst; Chaldecott 3; RSW. suggest correction
BIRKHEAD, JOHN England, c.1722, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Smith 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on July 2, 1722. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BIRNIE, JOHN Ireland, fl.1775-85, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = Bigger Coll. clockmaker. Templepatrick, Co. Antrim. Bigger; Baillie 1. suggest correction
BISCHOFF, J.P. Germany, fl.1780-90, MIM Heliochronometer = Huelsmann Coll.; Instrument = DEU. Ansbach. Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
BISHOP 1 England?, PHIM Wheel Barometer = APS. London? Multhauf 1. suggest correction
BISHOP 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see John Bishop. Sherborne. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
BISHOP, JAMES Scotland, c.1794?, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Christie-SK 5/15/96. clockmaker; X instrument signed "Jas. Bishop Edinburgh"; Christies signed "Jas. Bishop Musselburgh." Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
BISHOP, JOAQUIM USA, fl.1845-57, MIM NIM PHIM made philosophical and chemical instruments. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
BISS, JOHN England, c.1746, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Grocers' Company on Oct. 14, 1746. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BISSAKER, ROBERT England, fl.1642-54, MIM Slide Rule, wood, 1654 = KEN. made shipbuilder's rule. Ratcliff over against the Red Lyon Tavern, London. Bryden 9; Taylor 1(200); Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BISSEKER see Bissaker. suggest correction
BITHRAY, STEPHEN England, fl.1827-60, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 1/22/88; Stick Barometers = X, Heathcote Ball 12/14/90, Phillips 10/5/76; Telescopes = D.(1982), Soth.-West Sussex 6/21/83; Compass Sundial = KEN-1947-280; Sextant with Telescope = Soth. 11/13/61-70; Universal Equatorial Sundial, case = Soth. 3/25/86. also made microscopes; "Bithray successor to J. Smith, Royal Exchange, London." North Piazza (or North Gate), 29 Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 2(1491); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Lake Forest, Ill. Antique Show, June 1982; RSW. suggest correction
BITTERLIN Germany, MIM Compass = Strasbourg. Colmar. Evans 1. suggest correction
BIZOT, J.L. France, 1702-81, MIM Vertical Dial = House, Faubourg Tarragnoz, Besançon, 1757; Floor Dial = Madeleine Church, Besançon. Bizot was counselor to the Presidial of Besançon; vertical dial was destroyed in 1880. Besançon. Gatty; COMP Vol. 1, No. 2. suggest correction
BLACHFORD AND CO. England, NIM probably Robert and William Blachford. Minories, London. Taylor 2(1086). suggest correction
BLACHFORD AND IMRAY England, fl.1836-42, NIM OIM PHIM Gunter Rule, sliding = D.(1980); Wheel Barometer= Christie-SK 5/15/96. Robert Blachford and James Imray were partners, 1836-42. 116 Minories; Navigation Warehouse; both in London. Taylor 2(1086); Brewington 1; O'Mara; Moskowitz 120; RSW. suggest correction
BLACHFORD, ROBERT England, fl.1804-42, NIM OIM Telescope = PEA; Sextant = D.(1989). signed "Blachford"; worked with William Blachford at the Warehouse in the Minories; it was Blachford and Co. at Leadenhall Street; James Imray joined him in 1836. Navigation Warehouse, Little Tower Hill (1804-20); 137 Minories 1805; 114 Minories (1810-17); 79 Leadenhall Street (1821-25); 116 Minories (1836-40); all in London. Taylor 2(1086); Brewington 1; Moskowitz 120; O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
BLACHFORD, WILLIAM England, c.1830, OIM worked with Robert Blachford in the Minories; perhaps Blachford and Co. Minories, London. Taylor 2(1086). suggest correction
BLACKBURN England, see Moffett and Blackburn; T.C. Calvert 2. suggest correction
BLACKBURN, CUTHBERT England, fl.1847-48, PHIM see Johnson and Blackburn; barometer and thermometer maker. 34 Hatton Garden (1847-48); 7 Alfred Street, City Road (1848); both in London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
BLACKBURNE, R. England, c.1850, NIM Mariner's Journalets = P.C.(1986), D.(1986). plotting device; D. also marked "aBn.", letters being in reverse. London. Multhauf 3; Coffeen 12. suggest correction
BLACKIE England, c.1825, OIM microscope maker. Clay and Court. suggest correction
BLACKIE, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1834-38, OIM made jewel lenses for microscopes. Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
BLACKWELL, J. England, c.1820, OIM Telescope = Frau Dr. Gustav Bloch Coll., Vienna. watchmaker. 43 Plumben Street, City Road, London. Britten; RSW. suggest correction
BLACKWOOD, W. AND J.T. England, NIM Octant = Christie 3/29/60-9. North Shields. Morrison-Low 1; RSW. suggest correction
BLADEL, JOSEPH Germany?, 18th Century, MIM Crescent Sundial = ZAG. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BLADO- England, c.1800, NIM name appears on a Hadley's quadrant shown on Thomas Swann's T.C.; may be owner or maker. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
BLADON see Bleyghton. Taylor 1. suggest correction
BLAEU, WILLEM JANSZOON Holland; Italy, 1571-1638, MIM he made many celestial and terrestrial globes of different sizes including a 67.7 cm. celestial globe, 1640 = ADL-M440, a printed astrolabe, telluriums to be found at LEY, BAU, WOL, KAS and AMST, etc.; a mural quadrant at LEY. pupil of Tyche Brahe on Hven; designed a Copernican armillary sphere; dated globes range from 1602-40. Alkmaar; Amsterdam; Venice. Koman; Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Stevenson; Gunther 1; Bonelli 1; Michel 2; Daumas 1; Belgian and Italian Inventories; Millburn 5; Wynter 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; NMM 2; DSB; ADL; T. Campbell; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
BLAGRAVE, JOHN England, b.1558? d.1612, designed many fine astronomical and surveying instruments, including his Mathematical Jewel, Uranical Astrolabe, three-legged compass, running staff, armillary sphere, etc; author. Reading. Taylor 1(52); Dewhirst; Gunther 1 and 4; Michel 1, 2 and 3; Engelmann 1; D. King; DNB; ADL; John Collins; Blundeville; John Palmer; RSW. suggest correction
BLAIR USA, see Booth, Garrett and Blair. USNM. suggest correction
BLAIR, ARCHIBALD Scotland, c.1827, OIM 16 Broughton Place, Edinburgh (1827). Bryden 3. suggest correction
BLAIR, H.G., AND CO. England, fl.1829-60, NIM T.C. in OOM Hadley octant case; compass adjusters; made chronometers; opticians. Bristol (1829); 95 Bute Street, Cardiff (1860). Bryden 9; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
BLAIR, ROBERT Scotland, fl.1783-1828, invented the aplanatic telescope. Edinburgh. Taylor 2(802). suggest correction
BLAKE, JOHN England, fl.1766-1820, MIM apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company, July 23,1752; free in the Company, May 6, 1766; took apprentices. near Hermitage Bridge, near Broad Street, Ratcliff (1766-73); New Ratcliff (1774-76); near Ratcliff Cross (1801); near Brewers Meeting, Stepney (1820); all in London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BLAKELEY, BENJAMIN England, fl.1832-36, MIM PHIM 11 High Street, Lambeth, London. Taylor 2(1780); O'Mara. suggest correction
BLAKELY England, c.1780, MIM Drawing Instrument Set = NMM. London. NMM 2. suggest correction
BLAKENE England, 1342, MIM Astrolabe, 1342 = BM-1853/11/4-1. ICA-292. Gunther 1; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Michel 3; Dewhirst. suggest correction
BLAKENEY see Cameron and Blakeney. RSW. suggest correction
BLAKENEY AND CO. England, NIM Octant, brass with ivory scale = Christie-SK 10/6/83. Sunderland and Howe. Morrison-Low 1; RSW. suggest correction
BLAKENEY, J.B., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = OMM. see J.W. Blakeney and Co. South Shields. RSW. suggest correction
BLAKENEY, J.W., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN. see J.B. Blakeney and Co. Hull and Sutherland. RSW. suggest correction
BLAKEY, G.H. England, Master, R.N.; invented a stadiometer, c.1850; instrument made by W. Heath, Devonport. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BLAKSLEE, ZIBA USA, 1768-1834, MIM SIM made surveying instruments, clocks and bells. Newtown, Conn. Bedini 1; Smart 1. suggest correction
BLANC, JACQUES Switzerland, PHIM Money Balances = Stadtmuseum, Meissen. Geneva. RSW. suggest correction
BLANCHINI, ANTONIUS see Antonio Bianchini. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
BLANCKE BZ., HENDRIK Holland, fl.1816-26, NIM compass maker. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BLAND, EDWARD England, c.1668, apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 19, 1668. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BLAND, JOSEPH England, c.1700?, MIM diallist. Beeston, Nottinghamshire. Taylor 1(516). suggest correction
BLASER, JACOB Switzerland, MIM Hohenmesscheibe = Stuker 11/22/66. Berne. RSW. suggest correction
BLASET France, fl.1769-72, OIM optician. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
BLATCHFORD AND IMRAY see Blachford and Imray. O'Mara. suggest correction
BLATON see Bleyghton. Taylor 1(163). suggest correction
BLATT, I. England, 20th Century?, PHIM Stick Barometers = D.(1975), K. & C. 12/12/73. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
BLATTNER, JACOB Switzerland; USA, 1812-88, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = P.C.; Clark County Historical Museum, Vancouver, B.C., Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, D.(1990), D.(1987). Berne; St. Louis, Mo. USNM; Smart 1; Coffeen 16; RSW. suggest correction
BLAUWE, P.D. Belgium, 1777, MIM Perpetual Calendar, disc, 1777 = BM-1901/11/15-16. Gend. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
BLAVET France, 1769, OIM made lenses and mirrors. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
BLAXAM, RICHARD England, 1651, MIM Quadrant, silver, 1651 = BM-1855/5/9-1 (destroyed). also has monogram of "B." over "RH."; usually listed erroneously as "Bloxham." Price 3; Ward 4; Taylor 1(250); Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
BLAYTON, EDWARD England, c.1612, apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company on July 7, 1612. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BLENAERTS, I. France, 1770, MIM Sundial, 1770 = OXF. Malines. Michel 3. suggest correction
BLENKINSOP, JOHN England, c.1793, apprenticed to Dudley Adams of the Grocers' Company on July 4, 1793. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BLENLER misreading for Bleuler. K. and C. 3/28/73. suggest correction
BLEUBER misreading for Bleuler. Christie 2/8/79. suggest correction
BLEULER, JOCK Globe, miniature = D.(1997). misreadimg for John Bleuler. ATG 10/14/97. suggest correction
BLEULER, JOHN England, c.1757-1829, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums , including a microscope, 1788, sextants, an orrery, sundials, an ivory thermometer, a barometer, Miniature Terrestrial Globe, etc. apprenticed to Henry Raines Shuttleworth of the Spectacle- makers' Company in 1771; free of the Company, Oct. 7, 1779; Master of the Company 1792, 1795, 1811; worked with Shuttleworth until 1791; succeeded to Thomas Whitford's business, 1791; T.C., optician. Mr. Shuttleworth's, 23 Ludgate Street; 27 Ludgate Street, (1791); both in London. Taylor 2(687); Daumas 1; Brewington 1; Dewhirst; Crawforth 1; Moskowitz 105; Calvert 2; Court and von Rohr 3(200); USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; Sotheby's 5/11/94; RSW. suggest correction
BLEWLER misreading for Bleuler. Brewington 1. suggest correction
BLEYGHTON, JOHN England, fl.1630-34, MIM may be the same as John Blighton 1. near Bull Head Tavern in Tower Street, London. Taylor 1(163); Dewhirst; Evans 1; J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BLIGHTON, JOHN 1 England, fl.1620-54?, MIM apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company; free of the Company on Aug. 16, 1620; may be John Bleyghton. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BLIGHTON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1654-, MIM free of the Grocers' Company by Patrimony on Aug. 9, 1654; might mean that his father, John Blighton 1, had died and thus the last three apprentices in his father's list would have been his. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BLIGNY, AUGUST 18th Century, MIM SIM Carpenter's Square with pivoted index = LOS. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
BLISS AND CO. USA, c.1845, NIM Bearing Sight Instrument = MYS. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
BLISS AND CREIGHTON USA, c.1845, MIM NIM SIM John Bliss 1 and Creighton. New York City. USNM. suggest correction
BLISS, JOHN (1), AND CO. USA, fl.1845-78, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Marine Compasses = PMS, Nat'l Museum of Canada, D.(1978); Surveying Compass = USNM; Bliss Taffrail Log = D.(1971). log patented 1864 and 1878.; started as Bliss and Creighton; T.C. 2 Burling Slip; 128 Front Street, between Wall and Pine; all in New York, N.Y. USNM; Brewington 1; Moskowitz 132; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
BLISS, JOHN 1 USA, 1795-1857, MIM NIM SIM Surveying Compasses = D.(1960); Marine Compass = Glenbow Museum, Canada; Alidade = D.(1997). became John Bliss and Co. in 1845. 42 Fulton Street, New York, N.Y. USNM; Moskowitz 103; Brewington 1; Bedini 6; J.A. Bennett 2; MAD June 1997. suggest correction
BLISS, JOHN 2 USA, fl.1840-78, NIM New York, N.Y. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
BLISS, MOSES BRIDGMAN USA, 1798-1885, MIM Garden Sundial with compass and analemma = D.(1980). sundial registered in Maine. Mass.; Maine; Wis. Moskowitz 120. suggest correction
BLOCH, ABRAHAM Germany, 1583, MIM Calendar Plate, 1583 = MUN-1294. Bayreuth. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BLOCK, FRANCIS England, c.1689, MIM apprenticed to John Bellinger 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on July 18, 1689. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BLOCKER, SYMEN DIRCKXSEN Holland, c.1626, MIM marked on mariner's astrolabe at SKO, (NMM-13); thought to be owner; copy of it is at STK. Waters 1; A. Stimson 3; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BLOK, TJEPKE see Keimpe Zeilmaker en Tjepke Blok. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BLOMBERG, MARTINUS Sweden, c.1575, MIM Horizontal Sundial, silver = NOR-81.147. Stockholm. Swedish Exhib. Cat., 1952; RSW. suggest correction
BLOND, C. misreading for C. Bloud. Pugsley Sale. suggest correction
BLOND, C.H. misreading for C. Bloud. Stewart, et al. suggest correction
BLONDEAU France, 18th Century, MIM Square = Spitzer-2869; Level = Spitzer-2824 = And.-Spitzer Sale-5; Universal Ring Sundial = MADEX-218 = CNAM; Sector = ADL-M89. universal ring sundial had five sundials added at a later time and is signed "Blondeaux"; could be B., or Nicholas or Roch Blondeau. Paris. Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'1 1; Destombes 4; Hamilton 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BLONDEAU, B. France, 18th Century, MIM sundial maker. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BLONDEAU, NICOLAUS France; Italy, fl.1694-1706, MIM SIM Universal Ring Sundials = CNAM, Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88, D.(1986), OXF-B112, TIM, Drecker Coll.= P.C., etc.; Military Protractor = ADL-M125; Sector, 1694 = OXF; Pair of Dividers, = NMM (1694); Compass = P.C.(1965); Surveying Quadrant, 1695 = P.C.; Ellipsometer Track = HAK; Gunnery Calipers = MAA. calipers signed "N. Blondo"; OXF sector signed "Nicolaus Blondo fecit" (the final "o" has an acute accent over it); the Nouveau Drouot and D.(1986) universal ring sundials all have an inner rotating ring divided into 15-minute intervals, to give Italian or Babylonian hours as well as local suntime. Paris (1694-95); Naples (1706). Daumas 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; Josten; NMM 2; Coffeen 12; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BLONDEAU, PETRUS see Petrus Blondeus. Daumas 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
BLONDEAU, ROCH France, fl.1664-90, MIM SIM Sector, 1670 = Soth. 12/19/66-53; Rule, 1668 = CNAM; Butterfield-type Sundials = OXF-B71 and B72, WHI (silver) (1673), MADEX-91 = NMM (1670), Christie 2/13/68-38, LEY, ADL-M89; Rule, folding, silver, 1670 = A-P 3/15/76; Horizontal String-gnomon Sundial, 1667 = WHI; Pocket Sundial, 1664 = D.(1994); etc. "ingénieur du roi en instruments des mathématiques." à l'enseigne de la Boussole, Quai du Grandcours-d'Eau, Ile de la Cité, Paris (1665). Daumas 1; Michel 1; Dewhirst; Engelmann 1; Evans 1; Josten; Bryden 11 and 16; Coffeen 46; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BLONDEAUX see Blondeau. MADEX. suggest correction
BLONDEL ET MELLY Switzerland, 1840, MIM Zakhorloge, 1840 = AMST. Geneva. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
BLONDEL, HENRY 1707, MIM Sundial, copper, 1707 = P.C. for 48°. RSW. suggest correction
BLONDEUS, PETRUS France; Italy, c.1700, MIM Recipiangle = ADL-M107. the instrument is signed "Petrus Blondeus Gall. fecit Romae"; he was a Frenchman working in Rome; the invention of the recipiangle is credited to Silvius Maggirius. Rome. Engelmann 1; Daumas 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BLONDO, NICOLAUS see Nicolaus Blondeau. RSW. suggest correction
BLONO, NICOLO Italy, MIM Instrument = NMM. probably Nicolaus Blondeau. Naples. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
BLOUD many Bloud-type sundials are signed "Bloud"; could be by Charles, Charles le Jeune, Gabriel, Jacques or Jean Bloud. suggest correction
BLOUD, CHARLES France, fl.1653-80, MIM Bloud-type Sundial, large, 1653 = HAR; a great number of his portable sundials are found in numerous collections, including ADL, WHI, OXF, etc. Huguenot; he invented a magnetic azimuth sundial now known as the Bloud-type; they were usually of ivory but a few tortoise- shell ones exist; a sliding hour scale within the compass box is adjusted to the time of year by turning the volvelle on the back; when the sundial is aligned with the sun, the compass needle points to the proper hour; usually signed "Fait et Invent par Charles Bloud à Dieppe" on back plate. Dieppe. Michel 1 and 3; ADL; Syndram; Bryden 16; Daumas 1; Maddison 1 and 5; Josten; Vivielle 1; Monreal; Price 2 and 3; Ward 4; USNM; NMM 2; Tardy; Nachet; Hamilton 1; T. Murdock; RSW. suggest correction
BLOUD, CHARLES, LE JEUNE France, c.1700, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = WUP, Lempertz 4/28/61, Christie 11/24/83; Bloud-type Sundial, ivory = Soth. 11/13/61-81. Dieppe. RSW. suggest correction
BLOUD, GABRIEL France, c.1666, MIM Bloud-type Sundials, ivory = ADL-N20, MADEX-168 = Musée, Dieppe, MERC-88, PMM, etc.; Diptych Sundial, ivory = P.C. probably son or brother of Charles Bloud. Dieppe. Michel 3; Hamilton 1 and 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BLOUD, I. France, c.1670, MIM Horizontal Sundials = BM, Soth. 12/12/55/ (ivory). BM gnomon is for 50° latitude; maybe Jacques or, less likely, Jean Bloud. Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
BLOUD, JACQUES France, c.1666, MIM Bloud-type Sundial, ivory = MERC-60. possibly son or brother of Charles Bloud. Dieppe. Hamilton 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
BLOUD, JEAN France, c.1690, MIM Horizontal Sundial, ivory and silver = OXFB-201. Dieppe. Maddison 5. suggest correction
BLOUD, KAREL France, MIM Montfoort. Evans 1. suggest correction
BLOW, EDMUND England, fl.1704-38, MIM NIM Napier's Bones, 1715 = OXF; Backstaff, 1736 = WHI. apprenticed to Grace Wells in the Joiners' Company, Aug. 6, 1695; free in the Company, June 13, 1704; took apprentices; the bones were made for Mr. Julius Deeds; the backstaff was made for James M'Culloch. Golden Quadrant, Plow Alley, Union Stairs, Wapping; Virginia Street; both in London. Taylor 1(570) and 2(14); Dewhirst; Crawforth 7; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
BLOW, F. see Edmund Blow. suggest correction
BLOXAM, JAMES MACKENZIE England, 1843, invented depleidoscope in 1843, made and sold by E.J. Dent who named the instrument. Coffeen; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BLOXHAM, RICHARD misreading for Richard Blaxam. Taylor 1(250); Price 3; Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
BLOYD, C. misreading for C. Bloud. Bernal Sale. suggest correction
BLUNDY, CHARLES England; USA, fl.1753-60, PHIM made or sold thermometers. London; Church Street, Charleston, S.C. Bedini 1. suggest correction
BLUNT 1 see Nairne and Blunt. suggest correction
BLUNT 2 England, OIM Spyglass = USNM. could be Edward or Thomas Blunt. London. USNM. suggest correction
BLUNT AND CO. USA, fl.1868-78, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM George William Blunt; succeeded Blunt and Nichols. New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 103; Brewington 1. suggest correction
BLUNT AND NICHOLS USA, fl.1866-68, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Edmund Blunt 2, F.M. Nash and John H Nichols were partners in Blunt and Nichols; succeeded by Blunt and Co., in 1868; Nichols was the Blunts' uncle. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
BLUNT AND SON 1 England, 1802 and 1814, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Thomas Blunt 1 and possibly William Blunt or Thomas Blunt 2. London. Wess 1. suggest correction
BLUNT AND SON 2 England, fl.1822-24, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Thomas Blunt 1 and Edward Blunt. London. Wess 1. suggest correction
BLUNT, CHARLES 1 England, fl.1811-18, MIM NIM OIM SIM Surveying Compass = Soth. 4/22/65-53; Instrument = NMM; Alt-azimuth Quadrant = WHI; Telescope, single draw = Christie-SK 4/14/89. T.C.; made sextants, alt-azimuth circles and pocket theodolites; compass is signed "C. Blunt." Cornhill; 38 Tavistock Street (1817); both in London. Taylor 2(1281); Wess 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
BLUNT, CHARLES 2 Sir Charles Blunt; marked on a sundial, ADL-T22, which is signed "H.C. 1591"; it is the work of D.B. Sheahan of New York, N.Y. c.1900. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BLUNT, E. England or USA, OIM Telescope = MYS. could be Edmund or Edward Blunt. RSW. suggest correction
BLUNT, E. AND G.W. USA, fl.1826-66, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. Edmund (1) and George William Blunt, sons of Edmund March Blunt; manufactory at Elizabeth, N.J., listed as being formerly Hermann Wendt (1859). 149 Fly Market Street (1826); Maiden Lane; 179 Water Street, corner of Burling Slip and West Hooker Street; all in New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 103; Smart 1; Brewington 1; USNM; Bedini 8; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2; D.J. Warner 10; DATM. suggest correction
BLUNT, EDMUND 1 USA, 1799-1866, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM son of Edmund March Blunt; older brother and partner of George William Blunt; see E. and G.W. Blunt. New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Moskowitz 103; J.A. Bennett 2; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
BLUNT, EDMUND 2 USA, 1842-94, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM son of Edmund Blunt 1; partner in Blunt and Nichols with F.M. Nash and John H. Nichols, 1866-68; this firm became Blunt and Co. in 1868, and Edmund was succeeded by his brother, William Sinclair Blunt at that time; he established the New York Optical Works that same year. 16 Burling Slip, New York, N.Y. (1868-94). Smart 1 suggest correction
BLUNT, EDMUND MARCH USA, 1770-1862, MIM NIM Nautical Compass = USNM. publisher; set up chart and quadrant shop, 1812; his sons, Edmund (1) and George William Blunt, carried on the firm; Warner 12 says that son-in-law, William Hooker, took over 202 Water Street in 1819. Newburyport, Mass. (1793-1811); at the Sign of the Quadrant, 202 Water Street, corner of Beekman Slip, New York, N.Y. (1811-62). USNM; Brewington 1; Bedini 8; D.J. Warner 10 and 12. suggest correction
BLUNT, EDWARD England, c.1828, MIM PHIM Barometer = Christie 8/2/72. son of Thomas Blunt 1; could be Blunt and Son, 1822-24; free by Patrimony in 1825; took over the business; barometer is signed "E. Blunt"; spirit level signed "Pool-London." 22 Cornhill, London. O'Mara; Wess 1; RSW. suggest correction
BLUNT, GEORGE WILLIAM USA, 1802-78, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM younger son of Edmund March Blunt and younger brother of Edmund Blunt 1; see E. and G.W. Blunt. New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Brewington 1; Moskowitz 103; Bedini 8; J.A. Bennett 2; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
BLUNT, JOHN England, c.1767, NIM Sextants = Soth. 3/21/73, Christie 12/17/75. compass maker; catalogues think he is 1800 or later; may be two men. Wapping Dock, London. Taylor 2(576); RSW. suggest correction
BLUNT, ROBERT England, c.1789, MIM apprenticed to George Adams 2 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 5, 1782; free of the Company on Dec. 3, 1789. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BLUNT, T. AND T. England, c. 1822, MIM OIM PHIM Sets of Drawing Instruments = P.C., Decatur House, Washington, D.C.; Microscope = Phillips 11/16/76; Rule, ivory = P.C.; Hydrometers = X (de Luc-type), Phillips 5/20/75; Garden Sundial = D.(1975); Telescope, Gregorian = Moose Factory Museum, Ontario; Barometer = P.C. perhaps Thomas Blunt 1 and 2. 22 Cornhill, London. USNM; Delehar 3; Wess 1; RSW. suggest correction
BLUNT, T., AND SON England, c.1822, OIM Microscope = P.C.; Telescope = Christie 4/9/75. Thomas Blunt and Son; telescope signed "Blunt and Son." 22 Cornhill, London. O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
BLUNT, T.T. misreading for T. and T. Blunt? Soth. 2/8/83. suggest correction
BLUNT, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1760-1822, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including barometers, microscopes, telescopes, sundials, levels, dipping needles, orreries, etc. apprenticed to Edward Nairne of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1760; free of the Company in 1771; Master of the Company 1782-94; partner of Nairne, 1774-93; worked alone, 1793-1805; had son in business in 1805; "Mathematical Instrument Maker to His Majesty"; T.C.; see Nairne and Blunt; see T. and T. Blunt; see T. Blunt and Son; succeeded by Thomas Harris.. 22 Cornhill; 136 Minories (1814-20); both in London. Taylor 2(577); Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Symonds; Moskowitz 112; Wynter and Turner; Dewhirst; Multhauf 1; USNM; Pipping 1; Court and von Rohr 3(180); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 & 6; Wynter 1; Wess 1; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
BLUNT, THOMAS 2 England, c.1811., MIM OIM free of the Spectaclemakers' Company on March 2, 1811; may have been son in Blunt and Son 1. 18 Ivy Lane, London. Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(241); Wess 1. suggest correction
BLUNT, WILLIAM England, c.1825, MIM Rev. William Blunt, son of and apprenticed to Thomas Blunt 1 of the Spectaclemakers' Company, June 1, 1816; free of the Company on Oct. 11, 1825. Court and von Rohr 3(244); Wess 1. suggest correction
BLUNT, WILLIAM SINCLAIR USA, 1837-1903, MIM SIM in 1868 he replaced his brother, Edmund Blunt 2 in Blunt and Co. with F.M. Nash as a partner. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
BLYDENBURGH AND GILES USA, fl.1838-42, MIM SIM Transit = D.(1983). Samuel Blydenburgh and Edward Giles; also sold nautical, optical and philosophical instruments. Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM; Coffeen E. suggest correction
BLYDENBURGH AND HYDE USA, c.1847, MIM Samuel Blydenburgh and Joseph Hyde; machinists. 1 Fetter Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
BLYDENBURGH, SAMUEL USA, 1802-52, MIM see Blydenburgh and Giles; see Blydenburgh and Hyde. Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
BLYTON see Blighton. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BOARDMAN England, 1709, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1709 = D.(1975). Wynter 1. suggest correction
BOBY see Schulen and Boby. suggest correction
BOCHSEN, JOHANN CARL France, 1616, Bochsen designed an artillery level in 1616; author; in a mms. in Ulm he takes the title "Meisterey." Strasbourg. RSW. suggest correction
BOCKELTS, JAN Holland; Germany, fl.1607-40, MIM Sundials in watch lids = Mallett Coll., NYM (Morgan Coll.) the sundial in the NYM is signed "Jan Bockelts Aachen." Aachen. Vincent 2; Baillie 1. suggest correction
BOCKSTAEL, VAN France, d.1740, MIM Equatorial Sundials = Musée, Nancy (2). "Machiniste du Roy." Nancy. Michel 3 and 14. suggest correction
BODDINGTON, JOHN England, c.1734, MIM Perpetual Calendar = BM-1930/1/6-1 apprenticed to Simon Cade of the Clockmakers' Company on April 5, 1725; free of the Company, Oct. 7, 1734. Threadneedle Street, London. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
BODEUR France, 1819, PHIM Barometer, 1819 = CNAM. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. USNM; Middleton 1. suggest correction
BODIN, FRIEDRICH Germany?, 1788, MIM Lippspring. Evans 1. suggest correction
BODSON France, c.1800, OIM optician; made lenses and mirrors. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
BODUMONT, J.B.F. Belgium, 1796, MIM Sundial, slate, large = X; Tellurium = X. rue de l'Intendant, Brussels. Michel 3. suggest correction
BOEHM, ANDREAS Germany, 1720-90, OIM PHIM Geissen. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BOEKENES, P. Holland, 1707, NIM Cross-staff, three vanes, 1707 = HAK. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
BOEKMER, TOBIAS misreading for Tobias Volkmer. "Engineering", post-1944. suggest correction
BOELAU, G. Ireland?, c.1850, MIM Clinometer = D.(1972). Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
BOERNAVE, JEHAN France, 1354, MIM Astrolabe Clock = Strasbourg Cathedral. destroyed c.1550. Strasbourg. Gunther 1. suggest correction
BOETHIUS, A.M.S. fl.480-525, MIM was commissioned by Theodoric to construct a water clock and sundial for Gundibald, King of the Burgundians. Cousins. suggest correction
BOFFAT see Buffat. suggest correction
BOFFI, A. AND P. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth., 6/6/96. see P. and A. Boffi. Hastings. RSW. suggest correction
BOFFI, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Hastings. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOFFI, P. AND A. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/21/87, D.(1990). D.(1990) is signed "P.A. Boffi." RSW. suggest correction
BOFFY, L. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 4/25/91. Hastings. RSW. suggest correction
BOGGAIA, D. England, c.1839, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 29 1/2 Great Warner Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOHAIM see Behaim. suggest correction
BOHEIM, MORITZ see Moritz Behaim. Neumann 1. suggest correction
BOHEMUS, CHASPARUS Austria, 1568, MIM Astrolabe Clocks = Spitzer Sale = Chauteau d'Anet (1568), Morgan Coll. = NYM (1568). Chasparus Bohémus; alternative spelling is "Caspar Böheim." Vienna. Tardy 1; Vincent 2; Van Cittert; Neumann 1. suggest correction
BOHINI DE PORTARIS Italy, 17th Century, MIM Astrolabe = Castello Sforzesco, Milan. might be ICA-2059 or -2061. Italian Inventory; ICA 2. suggest correction
BOHLING, CHRISTIAN see Christian Boyling. Michel 3. suggest correction
BOHM, MARCUS Germany, c.1660, MIM Astrolabe Table Clock = UTR. Gunther 333; Van Cittert thought c.1600. Augsburg. Gunther 1; Michel 3; Britten; Van Cittert; de Rijk. suggest correction
BOHME, PROF., AND M. REITER Austria, MIM Starfinder, celestial globe with two telescopes = AUI. "Pat. des Prof. Bohme, etc." Innsbruck. RSW. suggest correction
BOIG, JOHN Scotland, fl.1649-d.1663, MIM Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
BOIJLING see Boyling. suggest correction
BOISSIER Germany, MIM Equatorial Sundial = HEI. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
BOITTE France, MIM see Girard and Boitte. RSW. suggest correction
BOJSI, PAUL England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Rayleigh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOKMA, ALLE JANS Holland, 1801-80, MIM Planetarium, 1841 = Eisinga's House, Franeker; Tellurium = FRI. mill maker. Workum. Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
BOLING, Z. Z. Böling; see Z. Boyling. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BOLLAND, WILLIAM PHIM Beam Balance, pocket = Christie-SK 2/9/84. RSW. suggest correction
BOLLEN, E.R. Germany, 1697, MIM Instrument, 1697 = X. Hertogenbosch. Evans 1. suggest correction
BOLLES, WILLIAM USA, 1800-67, designed a trigonometer, 1824. New London, Conn. Brewington 1; Bedini 8. suggest correction
BOLLETTI, L. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOLLING Germany, 1709, Bölling; possibly Z. Boyling. Kassel. Evans 1. suggest correction
BOLLON see Thomas Bolton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
BOLLORE, LOUIS France, NIM Marine Compass, small = Versailles 4/17/83. Concarneau. RSW. suggest correction
BOLONGARO AND SON England, fl.1848-60, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; "Printers and Publishers to the Queen"; Dominic and Peter Bolongaro. 32 Market Street (1845-54); 30-32 Market Street (1855-60); both in Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOLONGARO, DOMINIC Italy; England, 1817?-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. making barometers by 1843; his son, Peter, was partner, 1848-60; worked with Vittore Zanetti up to 1817. 2 Old Millgate (1817-30); 14 Market Street (1832-33); 32 Market Street (1834-54); 30-32 Market Street (1855-60); all in Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOLONGARO, PETER England, fl.1848-60, PHIM son of Dominic Bolongaro; see Bolongaro and Son. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOLTER, HUGH England, fl.pre-1638-72, OIM apprenticed into the Woodmongers' Company; free of the Company in 1666; transferred to the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1666; worked for Robert Hooke. Little Minories, London (1670-72). Taylor 1(275); Court and von Rohr 3(18); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
BOLTON 1 England, fl. c.1837-50, MIM Rule, ivory = Soth.-Chester 9/22/83; Sectors, ivory = Phillips 2/2/84, D.(1984); Routledge-type Slide Rule, ivory = Christie-SK 11/15/79. the rule from the Soth. Cat. is from a set of drawing instruments. RSW. suggest correction
BOLTON 2 MIM Bolton's Cypher Wheel = D.(1973). Wynter 1. suggest correction
BOLTON, D. England, c.1815, MIM Garden Sundial = BM-1926/10/16-10. made for Queen Caroline. London. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
BOLTON, FREDERICK AND HENRY England, c.1837, MIM successors of Thomas Bolton. 62 Loveday Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(2018). suggest correction
BOLTON, JOHN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Durham. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
BOLTON, THOMAS England, fl.1808-45, MIM Set of Mathematical Instruments, case = X; Garden Dial = X. Bryden says (Bollon?), 1808-18 and rule maker; Clay and Court thought instrument set c.1780; may be two makers. 6 Colmore Row (1808; Colmore Row (1818); 61 and 62 Loveday Street; all in Birmingham. Bryden 9; Taylor 2(1782); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Crawforth 6. suggest correction
BOMBARDA see Augustinus Cucco, bombarda. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BOMBELLI, BALDASSARO England, c.1830, PHIM made barometers. 6 King Street, Whitehaven. Taylor 2(1783). suggest correction
BOMBERG, CARL Germany, OIM Refracting Telescope = P.C. four-inch. Fredinau Strasse, Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
BON, JEAN France, c.1820, Jambon? Coffeen Note. suggest correction
BON, JOHN Scotland, fl.1840-46, NIM Octant = D.(1976); Marine Barometer = Soth. 4/28/88. also made chronometers and watches; succeeded by Mrs. John Bon by 1850; signature on back of compass card in azimuth cmpass by Thomas Smith. 17 Dock Street (1840); 25 Dock Street (1845); 26 Dock Street (1846); all in Dundee. Taylor 2(2082); Bryden 3; Moskowitz; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
BON, MRS. JOHN Scotland, fl.1850-53, NIM succeeded her husband after 1846; by 1853 she was no longer listed as a NIM. 24 Dock Street East, Dundee (1850). Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
BONALDO, MARCO Italy, 1677-99, MIM Pair of Globes = Widener Library, Harvard U., Cambridge, Mass. the celestial globe is dated 1677, the terrestrial, 1699. Venice. Yonge. suggest correction
BONANNI, P. PHILIPPE Italy, c.1689, OIM made microscopes; author. Daumas 1; Nachet; Price 2. suggest correction
BONAR, JOHN Scotland, fl.1623-34, MIM Equatorial Sundial, Dec. 11, 1623, slate = Dumfries Burgh Museum; Sundials, slate = Kirkcudbright (1623), Loudoun Castle (1634), Soth. 10/15/73 (1634) = Soth. 6/24/74 = D, RSM, Bangor Heritage Center. Johanne? Aerae = Ayr. Gatty; Wynter and Turner; USNM; Rohr and Somerville; RSW; Clarke et al; Somerville. suggest correction
BOND, A. England, c.1850, OIM Microscope, double pillar = D.(1981). London. Moskowitz 122. suggest correction
BOND, HENRY England, c.1600-78, developed a ship-builder's scale; may be the Henry Bond who observed variations in the compass in 1662. London. Bryden 9; Bedini 8. suggest correction
BOND, JOHN England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. one barometer is signed "Bond Okehampton", the other "John Bond." Okehampton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOND, THOMAS England, c.1685, MIM apprenticed to Withers Cheney of the Clockmakers' Company on April 30, 1685. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BOND, W. England, 1795, MIM Garden Dial, 1795 = D.(1975). RSW. suggest correction
BOND, WILLIAM USA, fl.1781-1823, MIM NIM Horizontal Sundial, 1781 = X; Octant, ebony, 1823 = UTR. apprenticed in 1769; naturalized in 1785; father of William Cranch Bond. 152 State Street, Boston, Mass. Price 2; Evans 1; Carlaw. suggest correction
BOND, WILLIAM CRANCH USA, 1789-1859, MIM PHIM astronomical and meteorological instruments, 1819; son of William Bond; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; Director of Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge (1839-). Dorchester, Mass. USNM; Bedini 8; J.A. Bennett 2; Carlaw. suggest correction
BOND, WILLIAM, AND SON USA, c.1850, MIM NIM in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Boston, Mass. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BONET see Bonetus de Latis. suggest correction
BONETUS DE LATIS France, c.1490, MIM Astrolabe on a finger ring = X. made for Pope Alexander; Gunther 172. Gunther 1; Michel 3; Bonelli 1. suggest correction
BONFA, R.P., S.J. France, fl.1672-73, MIM Wall Dial, 1672-73 = facade of the Jesuit College (now a girls' high school, Grenoble. Grenoble. Boursier. suggest correction
BONIUS, JOANNES Germany, fl.1573-91, MIM Astronomical Compendia = ADL-M366, KEN, FRA, VAA; Diptych Sun- dial, gilt-brass = LIE; Perpetual Calendar, 1591 = Rein Stift. Boone? Bamberg? Zinner 1; Michel 1 and 2; Engelmann 1; Evans 1; Rooseboom 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BONNE France, 1727-94, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1783 = CNAM-768; Celestial Globe = Dépôt de la Marine, Paris. "Ingénieur-hydrographie de la Marine." Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Michel 3; Brieux 2; Howse 2. suggest correction
BONNEAU, VINCENT France, 1574, MIM Nocturnal with Quadrant, 1574 = WHI. "Faict à Sens par Vincent Bonneau." Sens. Bryden 16; Hamilton 2; RSW. suggest correction
BONNEMAIN 1626, MIM SIM Surveying Cross, 1626 = BMR. Michel 7; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BONNES France, 18th Century, MIM Analemmatic Sundial = OXFB-237. Maddison 5. suggest correction
BONNET France, c.1850, MIM in Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. 5, Chemin de Ronde de la Barriere, Ménilmontant. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BONNEVIE, CLAUDE France, fl. 1654-87, MIM Horizontal Sundials, silver, oval = NMM-D.125 (Caird), D.(1997); Watch, enameled = Musée Paul Dupuy. NMM is ex-Bernard Coll.; watch is signed "Claude Bonnevye." Paris. Hamilton 2; Nachet; Tardy 1. suggest correction
BONONIE, PEREGRINA SPANIOLUS 1637, MIM Square, 1637 = ROM-4080. Price 2. suggest correction
BONSIGNORI, DOM STEFANO Italy, fl.1570-87, made polyhedral sundials of wood and leather; for instruments see D.S.B.F.F., D.S.F.F., D. Steph. B.F.F.; possibly D. Stephanus; sometimes spelled "Buonsignori." Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
BOOK see Boig. Bryden 3. suggest correction
BOOKER, FRANCIS AND JOHN Ireland, fl.1761-73, OIM T.C. shows microscope and telescope. Essex Bridge, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
BOOKER, JOHN Ireland, fl.1774-89, sold looking glasses; see Francis and John Booker. 6 Essex Bridge; 4 Jervis Street; both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
BOONE see Joannes Bonius. Engelmann 1; Michel 1 and 2; Rooseboom 1; RSW.. suggest correction
BOONEN, J. STAATS Holland, fl.1823-40, NIM succeeded Johannes Gerard Hulst van Keulen van de Velde in 1823; succeeded by Jacob Swart although the firm continued under the name of "Gerard Hulst van Keulen." Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BOONIUS see Bonius. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BOOSMAN, W. Holland, 19th Century, NIM Compass Rose = AMST. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
BOOSMAN, WILLEM, EN CO. Holland, 1836-1926, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Horseshoe Magnet = LEY; Compass = KRO; Instruments = ROT; Compasses = AMST (19); Sextant = AMST. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
BOOTH, GARRETT AND BLAIR USA, 1836-99, PHIM made chemical and physical instruments. 404 and 406 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
BOOZ Germany, 18th Century, MIM SIM Protractor and Compass = BAM. made geodetic instruments. Aschaffenburg. Michel 3. suggest correction
BORBIGE, CHARLES England, c.1830, MIM Wheel Barometer = X. 1 King Street, Whitehaven. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1784). suggest correction
BORCH, HANS MIM Horizontal Sundial, lead = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. RSW. suggest correction
BORDA, JEAN CHARLES, CHEVALIER DE France, 1733-99, NIM Reflecting Circles = PMM, PEA-M4082. improved the reflecting circle in 1787; author. Paris. Daumas 1; Brewington 1; Italian Inventory; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BORDER, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Sleaford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BORDES, LOUIS France, fl.1700-47, MIM inventor or maker. Lyon. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
BORDESSA AND EATON England, c.1855, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers; see Novati, Bordessa and Eaton. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BORDESSA, PIETRO England, fl.1834-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "P. Bordessa Chester"; sometimes found as Peter Bordesa. 33 Bridge Street Row, Chester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BORDOGNA Italy, 1780, MIM Instrument, 1780 = X. Milan. Evans 1. suggest correction
BORDOGNA, ANTONIO Italy, c.1810, MIM made meteorological and magnetic instruments; compasses and astronomical instruments. Milan. Brenni 1. suggest correction
BORDOLI AND CASSAROTI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Stamford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BORDOLI, BERNARD England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Marlborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BORDOLI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 22 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOREL, PIERRE France, 1620-89, OIM made a telescope for l'observatoire de Paris in 1673; member of l'Académie Royal des Sciences, 1674. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
BORELLI 1 Italy, 1608-79, OIM pupil of Galileo; made 40' and 60' telescopes. Dewhirst. suggest correction
BORELLI 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/18/89. RSW. suggest correction
BORELLI, D. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95; Thermometers = Christie-SK 11/21/95. thermometers signed "Borelli Farnham." Farnham. RSW. suggest correction
BORELLI, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BORG, ERIC fl.1737-67, MIM globe maker. RSW. suggest correction
BORGER France, 1753, NIM compass maker. Paris. Schück. suggest correction
BORGER, IVER JENSEN Denmark, fl.1755-99, MIM NIM Compasses = P.C., PEA, ADL-N50; Hanging Compasses = CRT, Soth. 11/16/87; Compass Sundial = Ineichen 10/20/75; Compass Rose, paper = GMM. compass card is one of four in a crown compass at PEA, see also Benjamin Brown. Copenhagen. Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
BORINI England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1965). Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
BORINI, P. 1 England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/16/76, X(3); Stick Barometer = X. the stick and two wheels signed "P.Borini." Bull Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BORINI, P. 2 England, c.1818, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; see Peter Borini and Co. Snowhill, Birmingham. Goodison 1; Bryden 9. suggest correction
BORINI, PETER, AND CO. England, c.1808, OIM PHIM opticians. 14 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1; Bryden 9. suggest correction
BORIUS Holland?, pre-1794, OIM telescope mentioned in catalogue of 1794. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BORLACE, J. 1724, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, silver, 1724 = P.C.(1983). RSW. suggest correction
BORNER, JOHAN HENRICH Germany, 1693, MIM Vertical Disc Sundial, 1693 = KEN-1938/337. Johan Henrich Börner; has perpetual calendar. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
BORNIER misreading for Bernier. RSW. suggest correction
BORRELLI, J. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 10/16/86. Basingstoke. RSW. suggest correction
BORRIUS see Borius. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BORROMEI, JULES 1775, MIM Plotting Protractor, 1775 = ADL-M98. instrument invented by Robequi. Daumas 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BORSARI, BONIFACIO Italy, 1760, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1760 = Modena Museum? Modena. Michel 3. suggest correction
BOS, JOHANNES Belgium, fl.1591-1623, MIM Astrolabe, 1597 = ADL-M33A; Calculating Device, 1623 = Soth. 3/11/52. son of Jacob Bos, cartographer; he made several astrolabes dated between 1591-97; some are dated "Marti 24 1597"; these last seem to be copies, in a smaller size, of ADL-M33A, including HAR, WHI, etc. Antwerp; Rome. Engelmann 1; Maddison; Price 1 and 5; Zinner 1; Michel 3; Rooseboom 1; Gunther 1; Hollands Glorie; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BOS, SALOMON EN JAN Holland, c.1799, NIM Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BOSCH, ANDREAS see Andreas Busch. Zinner 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
BOSCH, D. VAN DER Holland, fl.1821-50, MIM Rule = AMST; Parallel Rules, 1821 = RIJ. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
BOSCH, S. see P. Odenkirchen. suggest correction
BOSE, GEORG MATTHIAS Germany, c.1743, improved the electrical machine. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BOSIUS, IOANNES see Johannes Bos. Michel 3. suggest correction
BOSSAGE, NICOLAS France?, c.1790, PHIM Thermometers, mercury = GEM (2). de Saussure Coll. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BOSSI, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Hastings. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOSSI, P. England, PHIM WQheel Barometer = X. Rayleigh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOSTOCK, J. England, c.1765, OIM Microscope = D.(1983); Microscope, Watkins-type = D.(1986). London. Coffeen. suggest correction
BOSWELL, SAMUEL England, fl.1709-57, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 1 of the Joiners' Company Sept. 9, 1701; free in the Company on May 5, 1709. Spittalfields, London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BOTJES, WILDRIK Holland, 1814-74, MIM Planetariums = X(2), Eisiga's House, Franeker, (1857-58). Nieuwe Pekela. Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
BOTTA, LOUIS England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 6/6/75, 1975 Sales Cat., X. sometimes Luigi Botta. Evesham and Worcester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BOTTI, GIOVANBATTISTA AND MATTEO Italy, pre-1776, MIM SIM Sundial = FLO-2506; Graphometer = FLO-187. Bonelli 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
BOTTOMLEY England, c.1850, NIM Sextant = Christie 12/12/72. 11 Billiter Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
BOTTOMLY, J. USA, MIM Protractor = X. DATM. suggest correction
BOUCART France, MIM PHIM Cameras Lucida = Soth. 12/2/74, Christie 11/22 78; Horizontal Sundial = Chez Boucart; Cannon Sundial = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Michigan. sundial maker; "Constructeur." Quai de l'horloge 35, Paris. Boursier; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
BOUCART, MAISON France, MIM Sundial = Maison Boucart. 35 Quai de l'horloge, Paris. Boursier. suggest correction
BOUCHER ET LESNE France, c.1810, OIM Boucher et Lesné; opticians and lens makers. au Soleil et à la Gerbe d'or, 3 Quai de l'horloge, Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
BOUDHUINE France?, 19th Century, NIM Reflecting Circle = PMM. RSW. suggest correction
BOUDRY see François Ducommun-dit-Boudry. RSW. suggest correction
BOUFFLER, R. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 17 Leather Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOUFFLER, ROBERT England, c.1839, PHIM made barometers and thermometers. 7 Bell Court, Grays Inn Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOUGLOUX France, c.1830, PHIM Thermometer = Nouveau Drout 5/20/88. "élève et succ. de Mr. Vincent." Quai Pelletier No. 30, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BOUGUER, PIERRE France, 1698-1758, PHIM barometer maker; constructed the first effective photometer. Poggendorff; DSB; Wolf; Middleton 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BOUILLY France, MIM SIM Graphometer, copper = And.-Spitzer-32. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BOUJUS see Bovius. suggest correction
BOULANGER, LOUIS France, fl.1500-50, MIM Globe, 1514 = X. sometimes spelt Boulenger; astronomer and geographer. Albi. Tooley; Hamilton 2; Price 2; Gunther 2. suggest correction
BOULBY, GEORGE England?, 1813, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1813 = X. RSW. suggest correction
BOULTER, BENJAMIN England, c.1776, apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 1, 1776. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BOULTER, JAMES USA?, c.1850, MIM made mathematical drawing instruments. USNM. suggest correction
BOULTON, THOMAS England, c.1645, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1645. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BOUQUET ET GEORGES OBERHAUSER France, c.1830, OIM Microscope = NAC. Trécourt was also involved with this microscope. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
BOUR France, post-1817, MIM Orrery = VNN. invented by Ch. Rouy, 1817, Paris. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BOURBON ET ASSIER-PERRICAT France, c.1771, PHIM Thermometer = CNAM; Barometer = CNAM. André Bourbon and Antoine Assier-Perricat. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BOURBON, ANDRE France, fl.1751-71, PHIM Barometers = Lehmann Sale-31, Academy of Sciences, Paris, 1751; Thermometers = COR, Academy of Sciences, Paris, 1752. André Bourbon; took Antoine Assier-Perricat as partner, c. 1771. Paris. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
BOURBON, M. LANGE DE see Lange de Bourbon, M. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
BOURBON, MICHAEL France, fl.1735-53, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, 1735 = MERC-45 = OXFB-209; Sundial, silver, 1753 = Soth. 5/10/54-134. 1753 dial may be Butterfield-type. Paris. Maddison 5; Michel 3; Hamilton 1; F.J.B. Watson; RSW. suggest correction
BOURDIN see Bourdon. Weschler 5/22/76. suggest correction
BOURDON, EUGENE France, 1808-84, PHIM Aneroid Barometer in clock base = Weschler 5/22/76. Eugène Bourdon; invented the aneroid barometer, 1849. 74 Faubourg du Temple, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1; DSB; RSW. suggest correction
BOURET, VDA DE CH. France, c.1850, MIM label on Spanish terrestrial globe. Paris. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
BOURETTE, E.H. France, fl.1841-62, PHIM made thermometers. rue Saint-Maur, 131, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
BOURGAUD France, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = USNM (1964). Nantes. USNM. suggest correction
BOURGEOIS, JACQUES France, c.1645, OIM made mirrors and lenses. rue Saint-Denis, près Saint-Jacques, Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
BOURGOIS France, PHIM Altimeter Barometer = Phillips 2/2/84. 27 Rue des Pyramides, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
BOURIOT, L'ABBE, DE L'ETANG France, fl.1765-70, OIM L'Abbé Bouriot de l'Etang; amateur; made achromatic lens. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BOURN England, c.1839, PHIM made barometers. 40 Bull Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOURNE AND SON England, fl.1799-1802, MIM Thomas Bourne 1 and 2. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BOURNE, JOSHUA England, fl.1744-67, MIM apprenticed to John Urings 1 in the Joiners' Company on April 4, 1731; free in the Company, Oct. 2, 1744; took apprentices. Goodmans' Fields, London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BOURNE, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1767-1821, MIM apprenticed to Joshua Bourne in the Joiners' Company on June 3, 1755; free in the Company, May 5, 1767; listed as Bourne and Son, 1799-1802; may have taken apprentices. Bethnal Green Road (1803-09); Hog Row, Bethnal Green Road (1821-38); both in London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BOURNE, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1801-03, MIM younger son of Thomas Bourne 1; free in the Joiners' Company by Patrimony on March 3, 1801, on the report of William Williams 3 and Michael Dancer; the apprentices listed to him might have been his father's. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BOURNE, WILLIAM England, fl.1565-88, designed nautical instruments; wrote in 1574 a description of the log line. Gravesend. Taylor 1(38); Bedini 8; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BOUTORDO France, 18th Century, PHIM Coin Balance = Soth. 10/3/88. also marked "D.O.R." with anchor. RSW. suggest correction
BOUTY, EDOUARD France, NIM Borda Circles = D.(1967), Soth. 2/25/86. Paris. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
BOUVERI England, also spelled Bouverie; see Francis Boveri. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOVERI, FRANCIS England, fl.1830-41, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. also made thermometers. 9 Eyre Street Hill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOVIUS, FRANC. XAVER JOSEF Germanyfl.1711-19, MIM SIM Sundials, stone = AUG (1711), KEN-1880-33 (1712), GRA-7655 (1715), EIS (1716), SOL (1716), MUN (1718), FRA (1718), ADL-M286 (1719); Surveying Instrument = MOS. "Franc. Xaveri Josephus Bovius SS can. exam. et approb. Presbyter Eystettensis invent fecit"; see F.B.P. Eichstatt. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BOVOLENTA, ANTO FABRIS Italy, MIM SIM Quadrant = Christie 2/8/66-6; Alidade for plane table = ADL-M134; Rule = P.C. Fabris probably means maker; ADL is signed "Fabris Bovolenta." Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BOWDITCH, NATHANIEL USA, 1773-1838, MIM Horary Quadrant, Aug. 20, 1792 = PEA-M9819. author of "American Navigator." Boston, Mass. Bowditch; Brewington 1; Loring; Taylor 2(689); Burstyn; Bedini 8; DSB. suggest correction
BOWE, JOHN England, c.1699, apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 of the Joiners' Company in 1699. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BOWEN, EMANUEL England, fl.1720-67, MIM Planisphere = Soth. 10/17/60-148. geographer to George II, 1748-60. Taylor 2(153). suggest correction
BOWEN, RICHARD England, c.1678, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Wells of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company on Dec. 2, 1678. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BOWEN, THOMAS England, c.1830, OIM 27 Market Place, Manchester. Taylor 2(1785). suggest correction
BOWER England, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1976). "Model Barometer". St. Neats. RSW. suggest correction
BOWERMAN, R. England?, c.1770, MIM Gunter's Rule. signature stamped, may be owner, though another name is carved on the rule. Coffeen 55. suggest correction
BOWERS, JOHN England, c.1761, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on June 30, 1761. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BOWLES, DANIEL England, c.1767, apprenticed to John Atkinson 2 of the Grocers' Company on March 6, 1764; turned over to Richard Rust of the Company on March 26, 1767. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BOWLES, J.S. England, c.1830, MIM Quadrant Sundial, slate. 1830 = South Wilts. and Blackmore Museum, Salisbury. Stevens and Aked. suggest correction
BOWLES, THOMAS SALTER USA, b.c.1765-1821, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses, wood = Bedini Coll., D.(pre-1967), P.C., Streeter Coll., Yale University / Bennington Museum, Vermont; Compass Card from surveying compass = Dartmouth College Museum, Hanover, New Hamp. some compass cards engraved by Joseph Callender. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Bedini 1 and 8; Smart 1; Price 2; USNM; D.J. Warner 10 and 12; DATM; RSW. suggest correction
BOWLEY, WILLIAM England, fl.1809-16, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. barometers signed "Bowley Salop"; also made thermometers; T.C. in FIT (WHI). Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOWMAN, EDMUND USA?, 1785, MIM Sundial, 1785 = Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. USNM. suggest correction
BOWMAN, ROBERT Scotland, c.1802, OIM Calton Hill Observatory, Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
BOWSKILL England, NIM Marine Compass = Versailles 11/20/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
BOWYER, WILLIAM England, 1630, MIM Garden Sundial, copper, 1630 = Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. clockmaker. London. RSW. suggest correction
BOXER, J. England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 2/2/84. "warranted." Folkestone. RSW. suggest correction
BOY DE MORNAS, CLAUDE France, fl.1761-68 d.1783, MIM Celestial Globe = HAY. Paris; Lyon. Yonge. suggest correction
BOYER France, c.1800, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = Appay, Cannes 5/14/88. Amiens. RSW. suggest correction
BOYER, J.H. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BOYLE, ROBERT England, 1627-91, scientist; invented the hydrometer and named it; developed an air pump at Oxford with Robert Hooke. Oxford; London. G.L'E. Turner 20; Middleton 1; USNM; DNB; DSB. suggest correction
BOYLING, CHRISTIAN Germany, fl.1669-77, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1669 = GRA-7678; Artillery Levels = ROU-217 = Rosenheim-319 = ADL-M206 (1675), OXF (1677), Auction Sale, 1903 (1671); Augsburg-type Sundial, 1676 = NOR; Perpetual Calendars = Marouf III 3/27/71 (on base of sand-box), TIM = Christie 4/14/88 (on top of silver pill box, 1677). the "y" in Boyling has an umlaut over it; "Mechanicus"; silver pill box has hall-mark for 1677. Dresden. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; Evans 1; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
BOYNTON, G.W. England?, OIM Telescope = D.(1978). RSW. suggest correction
BR---- England, NIM Octant = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby. ivory scale signed "SBR", for Spencer, Browning and Rust. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
BRABY England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Tunbridge Wells. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BRACEGIRDLE England, PHIM Barometer with feet = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BRACHER, GEORGE England, fl.1826-38, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = PEA, D.(1976), Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass., Whalers' Village Museum, Lahine, Maui. made telescopes for E.A. Kutz (1), New York, City; Taylor dated him a century earlier; telescopes signed "G. Bracher." 19 King Street, Commercial Road, London. Taylor 2(1496); O'Mara; Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
BRACHER, H. England, c.1820, OIM Telescope, refracting = Soth. 10/19/87. London. RSW. suggest correction
BRACHET Germany, MIM Universal Sundial, folding gnomon = P.B. 1/22/54-28. Hannover. RSW. suggest correction
BRADBURN England, c.1840, MIM Gunter Rule, boxwood = D.(1975). Birmingham. Moskowitz 110. suggest correction
BRADBURY, A. England, c.1822, MIM 28 Hollis Street, Cavendish Square, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
BRADDERLEY England, 1760, MIM SIM Theodolite, 1760 = X. Taylor thinks may be same as J. Baddely. Daumas 1; Taylor 2(578). suggest correction
BRADEL, JOSEPH Germany, see Joseph Bradl. RSW. suggest correction
BRADFIELD, WILLIAM HENRY England, fl.1838-46, OIM 30 Royal Street, Lambeth, London. Taylor 2(2085). suggest correction
BRADFORD England, c.1820, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Octant = Bowes Museum; Hadley Quadrant = OMM; Inclinable Sundials = Soth. 3/10/87, Gilbert 8/27/76, NOR; Telescopes = Soth. 3/12/62, D.(1982); Sextants = PEA, D.(1972), Historical Society of Delaware; Circumferentor = D.(1975); Marine Barometer = Phillips 10/26/83. could be George, Isaac or John Bradford 2; all worked at same address; octant was given as a prize in 1863. 99 Minories; 136 Minories; both in London. Taylor 2(929 and 929a); Brewington 1; Moskowitz 108; Coffeen B; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
BRADFORD AND SON England, c.1825, NIM Octant = D.(1987). 136 Minories, London. Coffeen 15. suggest correction
BRADFORD, GEORGE England, fl.1817-46, MIM NIM OIM Hadley Quadrants, ebony = NMM, PEA; Sextants = PEA, Victory Museum, Portsmouth; Telescopes = PEA, P.C., HAM, Honfleur 6/17/79; Compass = AMST; Circumferentor = WHI. uncle of John Omer; T.C. 99 Minories (1817-36); near Tower Hill (1843); both in London. Taylor 2(1284); Brewington 1; Soth. 7/7/78; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Moskowitz 108; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
BRADFORD, I., AND SON England, OIM Telescope = DeLuca 8/1/87. London. RSW. suggest correction
BRADFORD, ISAAC England, fl.1795-1822, MIM NIM Mariner's Compass = Christie-SK 10 23/87. T.C.; worked with his brother, John Bradford 2; see Isaac Bradford and Co.; see Isaac and John Bradford (2). Wapping Old Stairs; 136 Minories; both in London. Taylor 2(929); Collins 1; RSW. suggest correction
BRADFORD, ISAAC AND JOHN England, fl.1795-1822, MIM NIM Isaac Bradford and his brother, John Bradford 2. 87 Bell Dock, Wapping (1795-1800); 69 Bell Dock, Wapping (1805-15); 136 Minories; all in London. Taylor 2(929, 929a). suggest correction
BRADFORD, ISAAC, AND CO. England, NIM Octant, ebony = TIM (1987). 136 Minories, London. RSW. suggest correction
BRADFORD, JOHN 1 England, fl.1654-56, MIM Taylor 1(261); Dewhirst; Evans 1; Clay and Court; Daumas 1. suggest correction
BRADFORD, JOHN 2 England, fl.1795-1822, MIM NIM worked with his brother, Isaac Bradford, 1817-22. London. Taylor 2(929a); Coffeen B. suggest correction
BRADL, JOSEPH Germany, fl.1756-70, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = AUG. Oberhausen. RSW . suggest correction
BRADLEE, J. see John Bradley. RSW. suggest correction
BRADLEY, JAMES 1 England, 1693-1762, Astronomer Royal, 1742-62; F.R.S.in 1719; made a clock-driven telescope with his uncle, James Pound in 1719; discovered the aberration of light, 1728, etc. London. Taylor 1(470)and 2(16); DNB; DSB; Dewhirst; Bedini 8. suggest correction
BRADLEY, JAMES 2 England, c.1786, MIM member of the Feltmakers' Company; took over Rowland Tiddler as an apprentice from William Morris of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 12, 1786; Tiddler became a MIM in the Grocers' Company. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BRADLEY, JOHN England; Russia, fl.1710-16, MIM Analemmatic Sundial = MLL; Universal Ring Sundial = GEL. apprenticed to John Worgan of the Grocers' Company in 1697; turned over to Jonathan Roberts, Embroiderer; free of the Grocers' Company in 1704. Navigation School, Moscow; Naval Academy, St. Petersburg (1715). Taylor 2(17); Chenekal; J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BRADSHAW, J. England, Water Clock, 1690 = Neumarkt 10/8/71. surely a modern object. RSW. suggest correction
BRAGAZZI, A. AND J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Bregazzi. Ashburn. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BRAGONZI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BRAHAM BROS. England, MIM Protractor and Parallel Rule = Christie-SK 3/31/83. Bath. RSW. suggest correction
BRAHAM, JAMES England, c.1850, MIM PHIM Compass and Thermometer on column = Soth.-Chester 6/9/83; Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = D.(1973). thermometer gives full name and address; wheel barometer signed "Braham Torquay"; "Clockmaker to the Duchess of Clarence." 8 The Strand, Torquay. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BRAHAM, JOHN England, 1797-1856, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Microscope = Wellcome Institute; Plotting Rule = OXF; Instrument = KEN; Telescope with stand = P.C.; Stick Barometers = X(2); Wheel Barometers = X(2), Christie-SK 10/20/89; Theodolite = D.(1979); Telescope, refracting = Soth. 3/10/87. P.C. telescope, rule and one wheel barometer signed "Braham Bristol"; other telescope signed "Braham Bath"; one stick barometer signed "Braham Bath and Bristol." 42 College Green, Bristol (1830); 8 Pulteney Bridge, Bath (1833); 10 St. Augustines Parade, Bristol (1833-42); 5 York Buildings, Bath (1837); 17 St. Augustines Parade, Bristol (1851-56). Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1788); O'Mara; Bryden 9; RSW; Moskowitz 119; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BRAHE, TYCHO Denmark; Czechoslovakia, 1546-1601, Pin Gnomon Sundial, 1578 = DEU. astronomer; author; teacher; designer of many important large instruments that he used in his observatories on Hven and in Prague. Hven; Prague. Brahe; Dreyer; Michel 3; Repsold; Raeder and Strömgren; Maddison; Grimaldi; Tooley; Price 2; DSB; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BRAMAN, J. England, pre-1867, MIM Instrument = Royal Institution. invented and made by J. Braman; belonged to Faraday. London. RSW. suggest correction
BRAMBANA AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 3/7/75. see P. Brambano. RSW. suggest correction
BRAMBANO, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Brambana and Co. Evesham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BRAMEN, THOMAS Holland, c.1675, MIM planetarium mentioned in 1765 collection catalogue. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BRAMER, BENJAMIN Holland; Germany; Czech., 1588-1652, brother-in-law and student of Jost Bürgi; author; architect to the Prince Elector in Marburg; may have been the father of Willem Bramer, according to Rooseboom; made improvements to some surveying instruments. Kassel (1591-1604); Prague (1604-09); Kassel (1609-12); Marburg (1612-30); Kassel (1630-34); Ziegenhain (1635-52). Zinner 1; Michel 3; DSB; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BRAMER, PAULUS Holland, 18th Century, MIM Cube Sundials = Spitzer-2852, Ken-93. may be one sundial. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
BRAMER, WILLEM Holland, fl.1686-1734, MIM clockmaker; Rooseboom thought that he might be son of Benjamin Bramer. Zwolle. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BRANCHLE, T. Germany, I. Brauchle?. Munich. Evans 1. suggest correction
BRAND FRERES Belgium, c.1800, MIM SIM Augsburg-type Sundial, case = D.(1972); Graphometer = Soth. 3/10/87. Brand Frères; "Opticiens du Roi." Brussels. Moskowitz 104; RSW. suggest correction
BRAND, G. 1 see Gerardus Brand. suggest correction
BRAND, G. 2 see Georg Brand. suggest correction
BRAND, GEORG Germany, 18th Century, MIM Ring Sundial = OXFB-34; Equatorial Sundial = OXFB-101. Zinner thought he might be Gerardus Brand. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Josten. suggest correction
BRAND, GERARDUS Holland, 1594-1659, MIM Diptych Sundials = NOR, LIN, MOS (1653); Sundial, pocket = Maritime Museum, Groningen; Equatorial Sundial = OXF; Hour Scale from Compass Sundial = NOR; Sundial, oval, in ivory box = MERC = McVitty Coll. = P.B. 1/22/54-53. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
BRAND, J. Holland, see Gerardus Brand. Hamilton 1 and 2. suggest correction
BRANDEGGER Germany, c.1800, MIM NIM Measuring Instrument = Stuker 11/22/66; Sextants = BAM, Soth. 6/23/87. Ellwangen. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
BRANDER AND CO. England, c.1760, NIM Compass in gimbals = D.(1971). signed on compass card. 82 Minories, London. Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
BRANDER UND HOSCHEL Germany, 1774-83, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Alidade, large = AUG; Reflecting Quadrant = ADL-M184; Sextants = OXF, Christie-SK 4/17/86; Theodolite = Soth. 4/22/65-49; Microscope = KEN; Meridian Compasses = D., P.C.; Instrument Set, silver = OXF; Artillery Level = BAM; Meridian Sundial = AMST; Equatorial Sundials = ADL-W228, Harburg Museum, DEU, ZUR; Protractors, full = Christie-SK 4/17/86, Huelsmann Coll. (with vernier); Compass = P.C. (1987). Georg Friedrich Brander and his son-in-law, Christof Kaspar Höschel. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Brachner; Wissner; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Engelmann 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BRANDER, C.G., AND SON England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 6/1/88. includes an "Improved Sympiesometer." London. RSW. suggest correction
BRANDER, GEORG FRIEDRICH Germany, 1713-83, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM noted prolific instrument maker; his instruments are found in many museums,the principal collection being at DEU; the quality ranges from magnificent to mediocre. pupil of J.G. Doppelmayer in Nürnberg; invented quite a few new types of instruments, star-finder and mirror dividers, etc.; took his son-in-law, Christof Kasper Höschel, as a partner, 1744-83; one of the microsopes at the DEU is signed "G. F. Brander Ratisb." (Regensburg); most of the instruments however have Augsburg as an address. Regensburg; Augsburg (1734). Zinner 1; Brachner; Wissner; Daumas 1; Maddison 5; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Price 3; Ward 4; Bonelli 1; Pipping 1; USNM; Nachet; Clay and Court; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
BRANDER, J.F. Germany, misreading for G.F. Brander. NAC. suggest correction
BRANDIS AND SONS USA, fl.1916-20, NIM Sextants = USNM, ADL-L46b, D.(1990). ADL is on loan from Navy; D. marked "No. 3227", its frame marked "Navy 845." Brooklyn, N.Y. ADL; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
BRANDIS, F.E., SONS AND CO. USA, fl.1890-1916, NIM Mechanical Navigator = USNM; Wye Level = Gurley Museum, Troy, N.Y. Brooklyn, N.Y. USNM; Smart 1. suggest correction
BRANDRETH AND WILLDEY England, fl.1711-13, MIM OIM Timothy Brandreth and George Willdey; "late servants to Mr. Yarwell and Mr. Sterrop"; produced maps; T.C. Sign of Archimedes and Globe, Ludgate Street (1711); in Exchange Alley running out of Cornhill (1712); both in London. Taylor 1(498 and 517); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Tyacke 1. suggest correction
BRANDRETH, TIMOTHY England, 1677-1714, MIM OIM apprenticed to John Yarwell and Ralph Sterrop of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1693; free of the Company, 1701; took apprentices; made instruments, as journeyman, for John Marshall; partner to George Willdey, 1707-13; made maps. Sign of the Archimedes and Globe, near Ludgate (1711); in Exchange Alley running out of Cornhill (1712); both in London. Taylor 1(517); Clay and Court; Evans 1; Tyacke 1; Court and von Rohr 3(69). suggest correction
BRANDT, G. see Gerardus or Georg Brand. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BRANHAM, JAMES England, misreading for James Braham. RSW. suggest correction
BRASELMANN, JOHANN PET. Germany, fl.1776-79, PHIM Money Scales = HAK (1779), DRE, Phillips 4/20/83; Balances = Pharmacy Museum, Cracow, Phillips 2/2/84. Wichlinghausen in Oberbarman. RSW. suggest correction
BRASHER, G. England, OIM Telescope = MYS. London. RSW. suggest correction
BRASSI, F. HIERONOMI Italy1591, MIM Azimuth Quadrant, 1591 = POB. also signed "Graecius." Destombes 1. suggest correction
BRAUCHLE, I. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = SLM, OXF. OXF is on stand with compass. Munich. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1. suggest correction
BRAUCHLER, I. surely I. Brauchle. Evans 1. suggest correction
BRAUER Germany, 19th Century, MIM Transit = KEN. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
BRAUN, ANTONIUS Czechoslovakia; Austria, 1685-1728, MIM NIM OIM Sundial, silver and brass, 1716 = OXF; Astrolabe with compass, 1716 = Lanna Coll-1220; Universal Ring Sundial on stand, 1719 = ADL-M313; Ring Sundial, 1720 = Miller Coll.; Parallel Rule, 1722 = Warren Coll. = P.B. 10/9/43-120; Telescope, parchment = DEU-34362; Astronomical Instrument = Auction Sale, 1943; Linear Rule, 1722 = D.(1987). linear rule signed "Invenit et Fecit"; Price and Daumas say the telescope was marked "de Löwenfeld"; developed a multiplying machine. Prague (1720); Vienna (1724). Zinner 1; Culver 1; Habacher; Daumas 1; Engelmann 1; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; cOFFEEN 17; RSW. suggest correction
BRAUND, J. England, c.1690, PHIM Barometer with Thermometer = Soth., Wilkinson and Hodge 2/9/23. London. RSW. suggest correction
BRAUNHOFFER, MATHIAS Germany, 1759, MIM Circle Measuring Instrument, 1759 = Pressburg Museum. Augsburg. Fischer. suggest correction
BRAUNMULLER, JOSEF ANTON Germany, 1763-1800, MIM Augsburg-type Sundials = AUG, ZUR. signed "Anton Braunmüller." Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; RSW. suggest correction
BRAUNSHARDT Germany, OIM Telescope, ivory and brass = DRE (lost). RSW. suggest correction
BRAY, JOHN England?, c.1820, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = P.C., D.(1978). Moskowitz 116; RSW. suggest correction
BREAKS, THOMAS England, 1771, improved the theodolite; author. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
BRECAZZI England, misreading for Bregazzi. RSW. suggest correction
BRECHTE, ROGER France?, 1537, MIM Vertical Sundial with Quadrant and Calendar, 1537 = OXF. Gunther 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
BRECKNEEL England, c.1850, PHIM Balance = K. and C. 7/13/73. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
BREE, CORNELIS JANSZ. DE Holland, c.1672, NIM marine compass maker; head of the compass makers guild in 1672. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BREE, WEDUWE CORN. DE Holland, c.1744, NIM compass maker; widow of Corn. de Bree. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2 & 5. suggest correction
BREED, AARON USA, 1791-1861; fl.1810-60, MIM NIM OIM SIM Surveying Compass, wood = Old Sturbridge Village Museum, Mass.; Surveying Compass, brass = Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich.; Marine Compass, dry = DeLuca Auction 3/21/81. T.C. at the Sign of the Quadrant, No. 2 Rowe's Wharf, opposite Purchase Street; No. 166 Broad, corner of Purchase Street; No. 143 Broad Street, head of India Wharf; all in Boston, Mass. Bedini 1 and 8; Smart 1; USNM; D.J. Warner; Chaldecott; DATM. suggest correction
BREEM BURGH, JAN Holland, c.1740?, NIM Compass Card = AMST. marked on the back "Iacob de Iong in Amsterdam"; Jong may be the maker. Edam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
BREESE, JAS. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. Wisbech. RSW. suggest correction
BREGAZZI 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Samuel Bregazzi, which see. Derby. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BREGAZZI 2 England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometers = D.(1970), X(2), Phillips, Son and Neall Jan. 1971. probably Innocent or Peter Bregazzi; D. and Phillips barometers signed "Breggazzi". Nottingham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BREGAZZI, INNOCENT England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Dursley. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BREGAZZI, IT. AND PR. England, fl.1825-34, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; Innocent and Peter Bregazzi, brothers; T.C. High Pavement, Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BREGAZZI, J.P. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 10/20/89. Nottingham. RSW. suggest correction
BREGAZZI, J.P. AND T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). probably Innocent and Peter Bregazzi. High Pavement, Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BREGAZZI, PETER England, fl.1825-42, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). barometers signed "P. Bregazzi"; worked with his brother, Innocent, 1825-34. Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham (1840-42). Goodison 1. suggest correction
BREGAZZI, S., AND CO. England, c.1809, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 12/17/87. Willow Row, Derby. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BREGAZZI, SAMUEL England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2); Barometer, Thermometer and timepiece in Gothic tower = John Harrison, 1830 = Bagshaws of Ashbourne Auction House, July, 1946; Angle Barometer = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. wheel barometers signed "S. Bregazzi"; one says "Darby." Queen Street, Derby. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BREGENS, BENEDICT Germany, 1690, OIM Burning Glass, 1690 = FLO-2545. Dresden. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
BREGNA see Grassi, Bregna and Origoni. Taylor 2(1869). suggest correction
BREGUET, ABRAHAM-LOUIS France, 1747-1823, PHIM Thermometers = Christie 7/16/68-173, BM; Pedometer = BM. watchmaker; invented bi-metallic thermometer, 1820. Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; C. Breguet; Ward 4. suggest correction
BREGUET, ANTOINE LOUIS France, c.1770, MIM Paris. C. Breguet. suggest correction
BREGUET, LOUIS-FRANCOIS-CLEMENT France, 1804-83, PHIM Thermometer = FLO-367; Resistor = FLO-494. Louis-François-Clement Breguet; grandson of Abraham-Louis Breguet. Paris. Bonelli 1; C. Breguet; DSB. suggest correction
BREHMER, E.F. Sweden, c.1855, MIM Kammakargatan 62; Normalmsgaten 20; both in Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
BREITHAUPT, CARL WILHELM Germany, c.1790, MIM son of Johann Christian Breithaupt; brother of Friedrich Wilhelm Breithaupt; made astronomical instruments. Kassel. J.A. Bennett 2; von Mackenson 3. suggest correction
BREITHAUPT, F.W., UND SOHNE Germany, c.1850, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Theodolites = DRE, Clock Museum, Warsaw, Christie 12/12/72; Meter = P.C.(1973); Compass = DRE. also made balances; they were in the 1851 Great Exhibition in London. Kassel, Hesse, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW; von Mackenson 3. suggest correction
BREITHAUPT, FREDRICK WILLIAM Germany, 1780-1855, MIM Artillery Level = Christie 4/9/75; Mining Compass = P.C.; Sundial, watch-type = USNM. succeeded his father, J.C. Breithaupt. Kassel. Zinner 1; Daumas 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW; von Mackenson. suggest correction
BREITHAUPT, JOHAN CHRISTIAN Germany, 1736-99, MIM OIM Ruling Engine = KAS; Mural Quadrant = KAS; Semi-Circles = KAS (2). succeeded by his son, Fredrick William Breithaupt. Kassel. Zinner 1; Kirchvogel; Daumas 1; J.A. Bennett 2; von Mackenson 3. suggest correction
BREITINGER Switzerland, PHIM Stick Barometer = DEU. Zurich. Middleton 1. suggest correction
BREMER, GABRIEL Sweden, fl.1770-90, OIM apprenticed to Henrik Holmbom. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
BRENNER see Bener. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BRENNER AND SIBE Denmark, fl.1556-1600, MIM Astronomical Clock = ROS. Copenhagen. Baillie 1. suggest correction
BRENNER, STEFFEN Denmark, fl.1556-1602, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1588 = Tihloror Museum, Lubeck. see Brenner and Sibe. Copenhagen. Baillie 1; Maurice 1. suggest correction
BRENTA, DOMINICUS Italy; Holland, fl.1760-85, PHIM Barometer = P.C. also made mirrors. Varenna (-1760); Holland. USNM. suggest correction
BRENTA, JOSEPH Holland, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 4/28/82. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
BRENTEL, GEORG Germany, fl.1573-1619, MIM Chalice Sundial, paper, 1608 = CRT. also designed various types of sundials; Price thought Brentel was from Nürnberg. Lauingen. Zinner 1; Price 2. suggest correction
BRESTBARTA, C. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth., 6/6/96. Northampton. RSW. suggest correction
BRETON France, c.1850, PHIM Thermometer = Versailles 11/20/83. RSW. suggest correction
BRETON FRERES France, c.1840, MIM OIM PHIM Model of Rack and Pinion = Soth. 11/21/74; Solar Microscope = A-P 3/15/76; Model Jack = OXF; Equatorial Sundial = Gersaint 7/20/96. Breton Frères. Rue Dauphine 23 (25), Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
BREWING misreading for Browning. Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. suggest correction
BREWSTER, DAVID Scotland1781-1868, scientist; invented the kaleidoscope; held various patents including a micrometer telescope with William Harris 1, c.1809; F.R.S. in 1815; author. Edinburgh. Taylor 2(1088); Dewhirst; G.L'E. Turner 24; DNB; DSB; Wynter 1; Morrison-Low 4; RSW. suggest correction
BREZI see Brzezi. suggest correction
BRIANT, G. England, c.1703, bookseller with R. Billing; may have been instrument makers. King's Head, Cornhill, London. Taylor 1(536). suggest correction
BRICKHEAD see Birkhead. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BRICKHILL, JAMES England, c.1688, MIM apprenticed, by turnover, to Robert Jole of the Clockmakers' Company, for eight years, on Oct. 5, 1668. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BRIDGER, RICHARD England, fl.1707-17, MIM PHIM apprenticed to Francis Hauksbee 1; carried on the business for Hauksbee's widow; see Vream and Bridger. Upper end of Hind Court, Fleet Street, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 1(551) and 2(18); Evans 1. suggest correction
BRIDGES, HENRY England, fl.1730-41, MIM Astronomical Clock, monumental = X. Waltham Abbey. Baillie 1. suggest correction
BRIDGES, THOMAS Englandc.1761, MIM apprenticed to Christopher Jacobs; ran away before 7/20/1761. Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
BRIEF, FRANCIS England?, 1575?, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = ADL-M318. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BRIERE France, 1789, MIM Sectors = Wray Sale, VCW, NYC-156-27-349; Square = D.(1964); Set of Drafting Instruments, silver, 1789 = P.C.; Graphometer = KEN. Brière; the drafting set is signed on the protractor. Paris. Industrial Museum of New York Cat.; Bedini 8; RSW. suggest correction
BRIGGS see Lewis and Briggs. Taylor 2(623). suggest correction
BRIGGS, FRANCIS England, c.1718, MIM apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on May 5, 1718. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BRIGGS, JAMES England, c.1804, apprenticed to Ebenezer Hoppé in the Joiners' Company on Jan. 10, 1804. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BRIGGS, MATTHEW England, c.1785, MIM apprenticed to Edward Roberts 1 in the Joiners' Company on June 7, 1785; made excise insruments. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BRIGGS, WILLIAM England, c.1819, MIM globe maker; worked for Thomas Marriott Bardin in 1819. London. Millburn 11. suggest correction
BRIGHTLY, CHARLES H. USA, 1816-97, MIM SIM Wye Level = Gurley Museum, Troy, N.Y. partner with Charles S. Heller in Heller and Brightly, 1870-89; initial is H. or S. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM; Smart 1. suggest correction
BRIGUET Germany, c.1800, MIM Quadrant with equation of time, silver = Evans Coll. Paris. Evans 1. suggest correction
BRIN, N. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = O-P-6. Nürnberg. Monreal. suggest correction
BRIND, WILLIAM England, PHIM T.C.; "from Mr, Reed's." at the Hand and Scales in Carey Lane in Foster Lane, Cheapside, London. Calvert 2. suggest correction
BRINK, VAN DEN Holland, c.1830, see Krap and van den Brink. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
BRINKMAN, C., AND D.B. SELTER Holland, c.1860, MIM NIM makers and repairers of instruments; T.C. in octant box at BRE. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
BRINKMAN, J.G. Germany, 18th Century, OIM Microscope = UTR. Bremen. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BRIOT, I.F. France, 19th Century, MIM Floating Sundial, paper = ADL-N10. manuscript. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BRIOYS, JEAN 1644, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1644 = DOR. RSW. suggest correction
BRISCALL England, PHIM Barometer = D.(1972). Birmingham. John Bell. suggest correction
BRISSYEUS, STEPHEN France, pre-1690, MIM OIM mentioned by Bonanni in 1690 as an instrument maker. Grenoble. Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
BRISTOW, JOHN England, fl.1775-95, MIM engine-maker (instruments). 47 Ratcliff Highway; 12 Mansion House Street; both in London. Taylor 2(691). suggest correction
BRISTOW, MARGARET AND JAMES England, c.1820, MIM probably daughter and son of John Bristow; T.C. Taylor 2(691). suggest correction
BRISTOW, MARY England, fl.1796-1805, MIM widow of John Bristow; presumably mother of Margaret and James Bristow. London.. Taylor 2(691). suggest correction
BRISTOW, MARY, AND SONS England, c.1805, MIM widow and sons of John Bristow. London. Taylor 2(691). suggest correction
BRIT, WALTER England, 1395, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1395 = OXF? Gunther 2. suggest correction
BRITTON, W. England, c.1840, OIM Goring Aplanatic Engiscope = Crisp Coll. Taylor 2(2087); Clay and Court. suggest correction
BROADBELT, MICHAEL England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Knaresborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BROADHURST, CLARKSON AND CO. England, c.1850, OIM Telescope, refracting = Soth. 6/23/87. 63 Farringdon Road, London. RSW. suggest correction
BROCI England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 10/19/87. RSW. suggest correction
BROCK, B. England, c.1753, OIM Solar Microscope = X. see G. Brock. London. Taylor 2(443). suggest correction
BROCK, G. England, c.1775, OIM Solar Microscope = X. may be same as B. Brock. London. Clay and Court. suggest correction
BROCOT Germany?, PHIM Barometer on clock = Keglemann Auctionhaus 6/8/74. RSW. suggest correction
BRODARD France, c.1800, PHIM made barometers. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BRODERICK, WILLIAM Ireland, c.1824, PHIM Barometer and Thermometer on clock = Armagh County Museum, The Mall. Dublin. Stevens and Aked; G. Fennel; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
BRODSORG, S. see S.B. 1. Gunther 1. suggest correction
BROEDE, H. Holland, c.1742, NIM compass maker. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BROEN, JOANNES DE c.1650, MIM Celestial and Terrestrial Globes = Lehmann Sale-307. only one is signed. RSW. suggest correction
BROGGI, GILLANDO England, fl.1826-28, PHIM Wheel Barometers = P.B. 5/31/39, X(6), Soth. 5/14/87 = 10/22/87; Stick Barometer = X. stick barometer signed "Broggi Chelmsford"; some wheel barometers are signed "G. Broggi", two are signed "G. Broggi Chelmsford", one is "G. Brogi", others, "G. Broggio." Maulsham, Chelmsford. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1789); RSW. suggest correction
BROGGIO, G. see Gillando Broggi. RSW. suggest correction
BROGI, G. see Gillando Broggi. RSW. suggest correction
BROKAW, ISAAC USA, c.1771, MIM may have been instrument maker; son-in-law of Aaron Miller. Philadelphia Pa.; New Jersey? Bedini 1; USNM. suggest correction
BROMAN, ANDERS Sweden, c.1816, PHIM Electrical Machine = SWE. Pipping 1. suggest correction
BROME see Broom. Taylor 1(368). suggest correction
BRONLUND, R.J. Sweden?, c.1850, NIM Marine Compass = OMM. Porsgrunn. RSW. suggest correction
BRONNE, JOHN T.C.; misreading for John Browne (3). Pearsall. suggest correction
BROOK, ABRAHAM England, c.1789, PHIM Barometer with Thermometer - USNM. devised an electrometer; barometer and thermometer signed "Brook Norwich." Norwich. USNM; Schuman Cat. XXIII, 1970. suggest correction
BROOKE England, MIM Dividers, iron = Soth. 10/15/73. Sheffield. RSW. suggest correction
BROOKE, CHRISTOPHER see Christopher Brookes. Taylor 1(230); J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BROOKE, JACOBUS England, 1698, MIM Sundial, rectangular, 1698 = Soth. 2/5/53 = P.C. (1990). RSW. suggest correction
BROOKES AND HAWKES England, NIM Binnacle Compass = Christie-SK 2/9/79. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
BROOKES, CHRISTOPHER England, fl.1649-51, MIM apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company in 1629; free of the Company, 1639; married to the daughter of William Oughtred; worked in metal; designed and made quadrants and planispheres; the name sometimes appears as Brooks. Oxford. Taylor 1(230); J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BROOKES, THOMAS England, 1695, MIM Gunner's Calipers = D.(1994). might be owner? Coffeen X (1994). suggest correction
BROOKS England, c.1850, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Microscope = Christie 5/26/76; Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/83; Augsburg-type Sundial = Soth. 3/10/87; Drum Sextant = Kelton Coll. (1990). Ludgate Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
BROOKSBY, THOMAS England, PHIM free of the Blacksmiths' Company 24 years after he was apprenticed; scalemaker. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BROOM England, c.1674, OIM glass grinder for Robert Hooke. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Taylor 1(368). suggest correction
BROSONI, M. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Brighton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BROSSET FRERES France, c.1855, MIM OIM SIM Surveying Compass = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79; Telescopic Level = D.(1975). "Brosset Frères." 22 Puedes Fianes-Bourgeois, Paris. J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
BROUGHTON, WILLIAM England, 1679, MIM Nocturnal, fruitwood, 1679 = Soth. 2/2/76. "for both Bears." RSW. suggest correction
BROURBER, ALEXANDER see Alexander Brourbrer. Michel 3. suggest correction
BROURBRER, ALEXANDER MIM Universal Ring Sundial, small = Roussel Sale-234. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
BROUSSON, MARC HENR Germany, MIM Pedometer = Evans Coll. = OXF? accent mark over `n' in Henr. Neirwied. Evans 1. suggest correction
BROUWER, REINIER Holland, c.1708, NIM Marine Compass = WMH. Hoorn. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BROWGI, GILLANDO see Gillando Broggi. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BROWN 1 England, 1792-96, NIM OIM Octant, 1792 = RSM; Hadley Quadrant, 1796 = MYS. Bristol. Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
BROWN 2 England, c.1799, OIM made telescopes. Taylor 2(930); Daumas 1. suggest correction
BROWN 3 England, c.1850, OIM Microscope = D.(1980). signed "Brown London", but might be of French origin. London. Moskowitz 121. suggest correction
BROWN 4 see Browne. suggest correction
BROWN AND CHALMERS Scotland, fl.1838-42, NIM George B. Brown or H. Brown and James S. Chalmers. 37 Bridge Street (1838-40); 48 Bridge Street (1841-42); both in Leith. Bryden 3. suggest correction
BROWN AND HEARTTE USA, fl.1830-31, MIM NIM OIM SIM Surveying Compass = GUR. John G. Brown and Isaac T. Heartte; T.C. at the Sign of the Quadrant, Baltimore, Md. (1830). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
BROWN AND HUNT USA, fl.1834-37, MIM NIM OIM Sextants = Peabody Museum, Yale University. Edmund Brown and Harvey W. Hunt; T.C. Sign of the Compass Card, 190 Water Street (1834-35); Sign of the Compass, 27 Fulton, one door from Water Street, near Holt's Hotel (1835-37); both in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
BROWN, ANDREW Scotland, fl.1817-21, MIM 100 High Street, Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
BROWN, B. Scotland, PHIM Double Barometer = P.C. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BROWN, BENJAMIN England, fl.1797-1831, MIM NIM OIM Octant = MYS; Telescope = WHI; Crown Compass = PEA. may be Brown 1 or 2; sometimes spelled Browne; T.C.; foul anchor on scale of octant; telescope signed "Browne Bristol"; the crown compass at PEA is signed "B. Browne Bristol" but has three other cards on top; see I.I. Borger, James Gale, and Gray and Lisset. the Quay (1813); Quay and 14 Wilson Street (1814-24); 2 Old Park Hill and opposite Crane No. 7 (1829-31); all in Bristol. Taylor 2(930a and 1497); Bryden 9; Brewington 1. suggest correction
BROWN, BUSH G. USA, 1820-63, MIM see E. Brown and Son. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
BROWN, D., AND SON USA, c.1833, MIM NIM owned their own dividing engine. Providence, R.I. Bedini 8. suggest correction
BROWN, DAVID STEPHENS England, PHIM made self-acting sympiesometer and barometer. Eton Lodge, Ashby Road, Islington, London. USNM. suggest correction
BROWN, E., AND SON USA, fl.1841-63, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C.; Transit = WHI; Octant = USNM; Theodolite = D.(1981). T.C. at PEA; T.C. in box of Gennert and Holzke Wye Level; Edmund Brown and Son; octant signed "E.W. Brown and Son." New York, N.Y. Brewington 1; USNM; Smart 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen H; Moskowitz 122; Garcelon 33. suggest correction
BROWN, E.W., AND SON see E. Brown and Son. suggest correction
BROWN, GEORGE Scotland, 1650-1730, MIM Rotulas Arithmetica = RSM (1699,incomplete), (1699), (1700), (1701). Rev. George Brown; patented his Rotula Arithmetica, a simple calculator, in 1698. Edinburgh. Bryden 15; Morrison-Low 1; RSW. suggest correction
BROWN, GEORGE B. Scotland, fl.1836-37, NIM H. Brown probably was his brother. 38 Shore, Leith. Taylor 2(2088); Bryden 3. suggest correction
BROWN, GEORGE G. England, c.1850, NIM Binnacle = MAN-I65. compass rose signed "Imray, Son and Co. London." London. Garcia 1. suggest correction
BROWN, H. Scotland, c.1837, NIM George B. Brown was probably his brother. 38 Shore, Leith. Taylor 2(2088a); Bryden 3. suggest correction
BROWN, H.L., AND SON England, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = D.(1976). Sheffield. RSW. suggest correction
BROWN, J., AND C.S. FRANCIS USA, c.1836, MIM OIM astronomical instrument makers. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
BROWN, JAMES Scotland, fl.1773-89, PHIM Hydrostatic Glass Bubbles = RSM (4). T.C.; made hydrostatical bubbles invented by Alexander Wilson; the business was continued by William Twadell from 1789 to 1792. Irongate, Glasgow. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN 1 England, fl.1654-97, MIM OIM PHIM Nocturnal, boxwood = Gabb Coll. = NMM-N.20; Triangular Quadrant, fragment = OXF; Quadrant, ivory = BM-1923/2/6-2; White's Rule, 1663 = Pepys; Timber Rule, small, 1663 = Pepys; Spiral Calculator, 1664 = Pepys; Telescope, 1666 = Pepys; Perspective Instrument (Wren's design), 1669 = Pepys; Vertical Sundial, boxwood = NMM-D.341. son of Thomas Brown 1; father of Thomas Brown 2; apprenticed in the Joiners' Company; free in the Company sometime between 1627 and 1654; see J.B. 2; admitted to the Clockmakers' Company in 1667 as a Brother; took apprentices; Master of the Company in 1681; T.C.; invented a triangular quadrant; see Crawforth 7 for further information. see Brown, John 1 (cont.). see Brown, John 1 (cont.). suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN 1 (CONT.) Dukes Place (1661); Sign of the Sun Dyal (later Sphere and Sun Dial or Sphere and Dial), Minories; both near Aldgate, London. Taylor 1(224); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Latham and Matthews, vols. 4,5,7,9; Price 3; Ward 4; Wynter and Turner; Daumas 1; Calvert 2; J. Brown 1 and 3; NMM 2; Clay and Court; Crawforth 7; Robischon; Rabone 1; RSW. suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN 10 Scotland, 1708, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1708 = Bowland, Galashiels. Edinburgh. Somerville. suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN 2 England, c.1654, MIM apprenticed to John Johnson 1 in the Joiners' Company, Jan. 8, 1627; free of the Company on Aug. 7, 1654; may be John Brown 1. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN 3 Englandc.1627, MIM apprenticed to William Hammond of the Joiners' Company in 1627; may be John Brown 1. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN 4 England, c.1629, MIM apprenticed to Henry Wylan in the Joiners" Company, 1629; may be John Brown 1. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN 5 England, c.1635, MIM apprenticed to Christopher Turner in the Joiners' Company, 1635; may be John Brown 1. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN 6 England, fl.1642-99, MIM had fourteen apprentices in the Joiners' Company; could have been John Brown 1-5 or another man. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN 7 England, c.1703, MIM apprenticed to Walter Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 13, 1703. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN 8 England, c.1808, apprenticed to John Corless in the Joiners' Company on May 3, 1808. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN 9 England, c.1830, OIM 51 Dean Street, Newcastle. Taylor 2(1790). suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN G. USA, 1805-post-48, MIM worked for Richard Patten for many years in New York, N.Y.; partner with Isaac T. Heartte as Brown and Heartte, 1830. New York, N.Y.; Baltimore, Md. (1830-39); Washington, D.C. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
BROWN, JOHN ROGERS USA, 1810-76, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = X. invented first automatic machine for graduating rules, 1850. Providence, R.I. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
BROWN, JOSEPH R. USA, c.1852, MIM made rules, standards. Providence, R.I. DATM. suggest correction
BROWN, M. England, c.1802, OIM made a special type of telescope. London. USNM. suggest correction
BROWN, R., AND SONS England, c.1850, PHIM balance makers. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BROWN, S.G. USA, NIM Marine Compass in binnacle = K. and C. 3/19/75. may be S.B. Brown. Watfford. RSW. suggest correction
BROWN, T. England, Water Clock, variant, 1631 = D.(1973). modern work. York. RSW. suggest correction
BROWN, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1627-53, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, circular, ivory = P.C.(1987). sometimes spelled `Browne'; father of John Brown 1; apprenticed to Launcelot Smith in the Joiners' Company; free of the Company in 1623; took apprentices; made a circular, wooden slide rule in 1631; made Napier's bones, etc. The Globe, Fenchurch Street, near Northumberland Alley, Aldgate, Minories, London. Taylor 1(154); Dewhirst; Evans 1; Clay and Court; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
BROWN, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1676-79, MIM apprenticed by turnover to his father, John Brown 1, of the Clockmakers' Company, on April 5, 1669; free of the Company, July 3, 1676; took an apprentice; "Thomas Browne" was an alternative spelling. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BROWN, W.H., AND CO. England, 19th Century, MIM Slide Rule, boxwood, with index = D.(1986). Birmingham. Coffeen 13. suggest correction
BROWN, WILLIAM England, c.1797, apprenticed to John Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on Jan. 5, 1797. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BROWNE, B. England, fl.1797-1831, MIM T.C. at PEA; see Benjamin Brown. The Quay, Bristol. Taylor 2(930a); Brewington 1. suggest correction
BROWNE, DANIEL England, fl.1614-34, MIM made brass instruments. Cricklade, London. Taylor 1(127); Evans 1. suggest correction
BROWNE, JOHN 1 England, see John Brown 1. Calvert 2; Robischon; Rabone 1; RSW. suggest correction
BROWNE, JOHN 2 England, c.1650, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company in 1650. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BROWNE, JOHN 3 England, fl.1750-75, NIM Backstaff = Soth. 1960. also made compasses; T.C. near Wapping Old Stairs; Southwark; both in London. Taylor 2(450); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
BROWNE, JOHN 4 England, c.1750, NIM compass maker. No. 5 Stoney Lane near Pickle Herring Stairs, Southwark, London. Delehar 1. suggest correction
BROWNE, ROBERT England, fl.1705-30, devised sextants and quadrants. near St Katherine's Dock, London. Taylor 1(548). suggest correction
BROWNE, WILLIAM England, c.1790, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = Soth. 3/10/87. might possibly be William Brown, which see. Wapping, London. RSW. suggest correction
BROWNELL, FRANKLIN C. USA, fl.1855-60+, educator; hired by Dwight Holbrook in 1855 as a promoter, wrote manuals; he founded the American School Apparatus Co. of New York, N.Y. in the 1860s. Hartford, Conn.; New York, N.Y. D,J. Warner 4. suggest correction
BROWNING 1 England, c.1780-1830, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Spectroscopes = OXF. probably John Browning 1; see Spencer, Browning and Rust; see Spencer, Browning and Co; see Browning and Rust. London. Taylor 2(805); Brewington 1. suggest correction
BROWNING 2 USA, c.1825, MIM NIM SIM Surveying Compasses, wood = Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich., P.C.; Octant = De Young Museum, San Francisco. P.C. and octant signed "Baltimore"; other instrument signed "Boston"; probably Samuel Browning 1. Boston, Mass.; Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM; DATM. suggest correction
BROWNING 3 USA, c.1803, MIM OIM see Newell and Browning. Merchants' Row, Boston, Mass.(1803). Smart 1. suggest correction
BROWNING AND RUST England, c.1835, NIM Octant = OMM; Sextant = PMS. London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
BROWNING AND SON USA, fl.1816-41, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = GUR, Old Sturbridge Village, Mass. Samuel (1) and Samuel S. Browning, father and son. 67 Broad Street, Boston, Mass. Smart 1; USNM; DATM; RSW. suggest correction
BROWNING, GEORGE England?, 1782, NIM Octant, mahogany, 1782 = Soth. 12/19/66-16. RSW. suggest correction
BROWNING, JOHN 1 England, fl.1782-1838, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = D.(1972); apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on March 1, 1768; free of the Company, July 4, 1782; brother of Samuel Browning 1; according to the addresses John Browning appears not to have been involved in any firm; Taylor's addresses were different. 49 Virginia Street (1782); Pennington Street, Ratcliffe Highway (1793); Prince's Square, Ratcliffe Highway (1797); 25 Prince's Square (1800); 17 Wellclose Place, New Road, St. George in the East (1803); all in London. Taylor 2(805); Moskowitz 104; Coffeen B; USNM; J. Brown 1; RSW. suggest correction
BROWNING, JOHN 2 England, fl.1803-, MIM apprenticed to his father, Samuel Browning 1, of the Grocers' Company on Sept.3, 1795; free of the Company, May 5, 1803. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BROWNING, JOHN 3 England, fl.1860-72, OIM PHIM Spectroscope, hand = D.(1991). T.C.; "Optical and Physical Instrument Maker to Her Majesty's Goverment, The Royal Observatory, Kew Observatory, etc."; probably was the successor to Spencer, Browning and Co., c.1860. 111 Minories E. (1860-72) and 63 Strand (1872); 6 Vine Street, E.C.(factory); all in London. Calvert 2; Moskowitz 4; Chaldecott 3; RGO; Gemmary III. suggest correction
BROWNING, RICHARD England, c.1818, MIM admitted to the Grocers' Company by Patrimony on Dec. 3, 1818; son of Samuel Browning 1; partner in the firm of Spencer, Browning and Rust 2 with his brother, William and with Ebenezer Rust 2 from 1819 until 1840 when the name of the firm changed to Spencer, Browning and Co. 66 Wapping (1818-39); 111 Minories (1839); also at 6 Vine Street (1848); all in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BROWNING, SAMUEL 1 USA, 1778-1864, MIM NIM see Browning 2; clockmaker; partner with Joseph Newell, as Newell and Browning, 1803; T.C. engraved by Thomas Wightman. 4 Dock Square (1805); 35 Broad Street (1809); 77 Broad Street (1816-25); 282 Washington (1829-41); all are in Boston, Mass.; Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM; Warner 12. suggest correction
BROWNING, SAMUEL 2 England, fl.1782-1819, MIM NIM Octant = VNN. brother of John Browning 1; apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 5, 1767; free of the Company, July 4, 1782; partner in Spencer, Browning and Rust 1 with Ebenezer Rust 1 and William Spencer 2. 327 Wapping Street, London (1782-83); Eaton Socon, Beds. (1786-92); Wapping, London (1795-1819). J. Brown 1; RSW. suggest correction
BROWNING, SAMUEL 3 England, c.1792, apprenticed to Samuel Browning 2, his father, in the Grocers' Company on June 7, 1792. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BROWNING, SAMUEL S. USA, c.1803-35, MIM OIM son of Samuel Browning 1. Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
BROWNING, WILLIAM England, fl.1819-40, MIM brother of Richard Browning; Spencer, Browning and Rust 2 was run by Ebenezer Rust 2 and William and Richard Browning, 1819-40, a continuation of the original firm. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BRUCE England, see Wilson and Gillie, Bruce and Son. Cardiff. suggest correction
BRUCE, J., AND SONS England, NIM PHIM Marine Compass = NOR; Marine Barometer = D.(1972). Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
BRUCE, JOHN England, fl.1865-96, NIM PHIM Sextant = Melun 4/24/83; Octant, ebony and brass = Soth. 12/8/69; Marine Barometer = DeLuca 10/21/95. octant signed "J. Bruce Liverpool"; T.C. in sextant case; also made chronometers. Wopping?, Liverpool. Bryden 9; Crawforth 1. RSW; Nautical Brass Jan/Feb, 1996. suggest correction
BRUCE, JOHN, AND SON England, NIM Sextant = Christie-SK 2/8/79; Position Indicator = Soth. 7/15/63-152. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
BRUCE, WILLIAM England, fl.1806-27, brass and optical turner; worked with Charles Robert West on a portable telescope, 1806. 16 King's Head Court, Shoe, Lane, London. Taylor 2(1092). suggest correction
BRUCKNER, G. 1842, MIM Pair of Globes, 1842 = X. Tooley. suggest correction
BRUFF, CHARLES OLIVER USA; Canada, 1735-1817, MIM loyalist. New York, N.Y.; Tarrytown, N.Y. (1777); New York, N.Y.; Shelburne, Nova Scotia (1783). Bedini 8. suggest correction
BRUGGER AND HOFFMEYER England, c.1822, PHIM made barometers and clocks. Norfolk Street, Lynn Regis. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BRUGGER AND STRAUB England, fl.1845-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers? German clock and watchmakers, 1856. 79 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BRUGGER, LORENZ AND A. England, fl.1843-44, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; see Brugger and Straub. 79 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BRULAT ET CHOARET France, 18th Century, MIM Sundial = D.(1970). Lyon. Merzbach. suggest correction
BRUMELL, G.T. England, post-1839, MIM Slide Rule, Hawthorn-type = P.C. Delehar 2 and 9. suggest correction
BRUN, J. England, 1772, OIM Microscope, 1772 = KEN. Clay and Court. suggest correction
BRUNDELL, PHILIP GEORGE England, c.1795, apprenticed to John King 2 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 5, 1795. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BRUNDL, J. Sweden?, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = NOR. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BRUNELL, J. MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = NOR. scales for 59° and 63°20'. RSW. suggest correction
BRUNER France, NIM Meridian Circle = PMM. RSW. suggest correction
BRUNER AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BRUNER, ERASMUS Germany, c.1600, MIM Instrument = DRE. there is a tower clock case at OXF signed Asmus Birin Bruner, 1577 = Mallett Coll.-120. Augsburg. Evans 1; Maddison 7. suggest correction
BRUNI Italy, 1787, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1787 = Koller 11/17/75. Bologna. RSW. suggest correction
BRUNI, POMPILIO Italy, d.1668, MIM NIM also made compasses. Urbino. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
BRUNI, THEOPHILI Italy, 1640, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1640 = Naval Museum, Venice. Venice. Italian Inventory. suggest correction
BRUNN, LUKAS Germany, fl.1598-1620, MIM Protractor = DRE; Rules = DRE(2). invented a measuring instrument with screw micrometer, made by Christoph Trechsler. Annaberg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
BRUNNER, CASPAR Germany, c.1555, MIM Rule, folding, 1555 = HAK; Artillery Level, 1556 = DRE. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
BRUNNER, IGNATIUS England, fl.1849-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. wheel signed "I. Brunner Birmingham"; stick signed "Brunner" with full address. 66 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BRUNNER, JOHANN Germany; France, 1804-62, MIM OIM SIM succeeded by his sons, Emil and Otto; perhaps worked with them, 1855 on. rue de Vaugirard, 183, Paris. Pipping 1; Poggendorff; USNM. suggest correction
BRUNTON England, NIM Sextant = MYS. London. RSW. suggest correction
BRUSH, THOMAS England, fl.1643-56, MIM made garden sundials. Taylor 1(225). suggest correction
BRUYN, WEDUWE W. Holland, fl.1826-35, MIM NIM the widow of W. Bruyn; instrument and compass maker. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BRUYNEEL, CORNELIS Holland, c.1684, NIM compass maker. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BRYAM, E.M. USA, c.1846, see Ephraim N. Byram. USNM. suggest correction
BRYAN, EDWARD England, MIM Level = Melun 2/24/83. 24 Cross Street, Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
BRYAN, THOMAS England, 1656, MIM Garden Sundial, 1656 = MYS. RSW. suggest correction
BRYANT, J. England, c.1825, MIM Garden Sundial, bronze = D.(1982). (check Pearson Page Pictures)? Coffeen A. suggest correction
BRYN see Jong and Bryn. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BRYSON Scotland, c.1830, NIM Sextant, pocket = Soth. 2/28/80. Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
BRYSON, ALEXANDER Scotland, 1816-66, MIM NIM PHIM eldest son of Robert Bryson 1; made meteorological instruments including thermometers and barometers; member of the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts in Scotland; trained in Musselburgh and London. Edinburgh (1844-66). Clarke et al. suggest correction
BRYSON, JAMES MACKAY Scotland, 1824-94, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X; Surveying Compass = Soth. 2/8/83; Microscopes = Christie-SK 7/10/80, FRK = RSM (3); Spectroscope = FRK = RSM; Scale, boxwood = RSM; Rain Gauge = RSM; Thermometer, maximum, mercury = RSM; etc. son of Robert Bryson 1; brother of Alexander and Robert (2) Bryson; worked under Repsold in Hamburg,1843, and later under Merz in Munich; set up as an optician in 1850; worked independently; member of the Edinburgh Merchant Company; instruments signed "Bryson Edinburgh." 65 Princes Street (1850-52); 24 Princes Street (1853); 60 Princes Street (1855-66); 60A Princes Street (1867-93); all in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
BRYSON, ROBERT 1 Scotland, 1778-1852, MIM PHIM a Hammerman, 1815; noted clockmaker; interested in instruments involving time pieces; made self-registering barometers and thermometers; father of Robert Bryson 2 and Alexander Bryson; founding member of the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts in Scotland; influential member of the scientific community in Edinburgh; see Robert Bryson and Son(s). The Mint, High Street (1810-15); 5 South Bridge opposite to Hunter's Square (1815-40); 66 Princes Street (1840-52). Clarke et al. suggest correction
BRYSON, ROBERT 2 Scotland, 1819-86, MIM PHIM son of Robert Bryson 1; worked with his father and brother Alexander as Robert Bryson and Son(s). Edinburgh. Clarke et al. suggest correction
BRYSON, ROBERT, AND SON(S) Scotland, 1844-86, PHIM clockmakers; also made meteorological instruments; Robert Bryson 1 and his sons Robert Bryson 2 and Alexander Bryson. 66 Princes Street, Edinburgh. Clarke et al. suggest correction
BRZEZI, STEPH A. Czechoslovakia, 1573, MIM Sandglass, four-part, 1573 = Museum Kradec Kralové, Bohemia. Brezi? Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
BUC, N. DU France, c.1666, NIM compass maker. Dieppe. Schück. suggest correction
BUCH, D. ZACCARIAS Germany, fl.1593-1633, MIM Armillary Spheres = Hamilton Coll. (1593), AMST (1633). the AMST instrument is signed "D. Zaccarias Buch. Aquensis"; the Hamilton sphere is signed "Zacharias Bucha." Aquensis. Mörzer Bruyns 1; Hamilton 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
BUCHAN, L. Scotland, c.1835, MIM PHIM Barometer, portable = RSM. Taylor thoght that he was a Scot. Manchester. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2089); Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
BUCHANAN, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BUCHANAN, JOHN England, fl.1710-11, MIM made sundials. Steeple Bumpstead, Essex. Taylor 1(557). suggest correction
BUCHART see Bucher. Baillie 1. suggest correction
BUCHART, JOHAN HEINRICH Germany, 1686, MIM Sundial, composite, 1686 = KAS; Mathematical Instrument Set, 1686 = KAS. Hamburg. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
BUCHER, HANS 1 Germany, fl.1561-79, MIM Orrery Clock = DRE; Celestial Globes, 1575, 1577 = lost. see Baldwein and Bucher. Marburg. Zinner 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
BUCHER, HANS 2 Germany, 1570, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1570 = Soth. 1/27/48-148 = 16/17/75. probably misreading for Hans Ducher. RSW. suggest correction
BUCHER, HANS 3 Germany, 1750, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1750 = Koller 11/17/75. Marburg. RSW. suggest correction
BUCK, J. England, c.1850, MIM PHIM Drawing Compass = Versailles 11/20/83; Balance, folding = DRE. "maker". New Gate Street (London?). RSW. suggest correction
BUCK, J.W. England, c.1850, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 5/31/89. "Improved Marine." 36 High Street, Wapping (London). RSW. suggest correction
BUCKHAM, A. USA, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. Smart 1. suggest correction
BUCKLEY, AND. England, fl.1716-18, MIM Perpetual Calendars = Wray Coll. (1716), BM-1901/11/15-4, Bodleian Library, Oxford. Price 3; Ward 4; Evans 1; Wray; Gunther 2. suggest correction
BUCKLEY, JOSEPH Ireland, fl.1832-59, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80; Protractor with Rule = D.(1995). optician; the barometer is signed "J. Buckley Dublin." 14 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett; offeen 51; RSW. suggest correction
BUCKLEY, WILLIAM England, 1519-71, MIM Ring Sundial, 1546 = Princess Elizabeth (1546). may be W.B. 1. Lillieshal, Shropshire; London. Taylor 1(14); RSW. suggest correction
BUCKNALL, WILLIAM England, 1731, received a patent in 1731 for an astronomical instrument. Millburn 8. suggest correction
BUDD England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Banbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BUEHLER, JAMES A. England, fl.1740-1800, MIM globe maker. Tooley. suggest correction
BUEL, ABEL USA, 1742-1822, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = Conn. Historical Society, Hartford, Conn. sometimes spelled as "Buell." New Haven, Conn. Smart 1. suggest correction
BUFFAT France, 1682, invented the sidérostat. Toulouse. Nachet. suggest correction
BUFFHAM USA, c.1850, OIM Telescope, tin and brass = D.(1988). has three- and six-inch lenses. Milburn, Lake County, Illinois. RSW. suggest correction
BUFFHAM, WILLIAM England, OIM Microscope = Phillips 6/15/76. Rochdale. RSW. suggest correction
BUFFON France, MIM Cannon Sundial = Jardin des Plantes (Jardin Royal), Paris. Paris. Boursier. suggest correction
BUHLE, GEB. Germany, 1853, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1853 = BOM 3/28/16-557. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
BUHLER, J.A. Germany, MIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature = Soth. 2/9/61. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
BUIRD, EDWARD Scotland, fl.1674-80, a sea captain; imported nautical instruments. Leith. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
BULBRECK France, c.1850, MIM made Burnier's combined compass and clinometer. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
BULFORT see Newbord and Bulfort. RSW. suggest correction
BULKELEY, THOMAS England, c.1715, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on June 11, 1707; free of the Company, Dec.17, 1715; took an apprentice. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BULL 1 England, c.1830, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = Soth. 6/9/77. 113 Upper East Smithfield, London. RSW. suggest correction
BULL 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bedford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BULL, JOHN England, c.1582, MIM made rules, compasses and geometrical instruments in metal; may have held office at the Mint. Exchange Gate, London. Taylor 1(59); Evans 1; Dewhirst; Michel 3; Gunther 4; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
BULL, WILLIAM England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Stratford, Essex. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BULLA, A. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Bulla, Grasi and Fontana. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BULLA, GRASI AND FONTANA England, c.1830, PHIM barometer makers; variant is Bulla, Grassi and Fontana; probably A. Bulla and B. Fontana. 134 Fore Street, Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BULLANT, JEAN France, fl.1561-72, MIM Armillary Sphere = X. tradition says that he made the sphere for Catherine de Medici, c.1572; wrote book on sundials, 1561. NYM Bulletin, Summer, 1966; Weil 2(19); Nachet; Price 2. suggest correction
BULLET, PIERRE France, 1639-1716, invented the "pantomètre" about which he wrote. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Price 2. suggest correction
BULLOCK England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, K. and C. 3/19/75. K. and C. has thermometer on it; X could be F. Bullock. Melkesham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BULLOCK, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Corsham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BULLOCK, JAMES England, fl.1776-94, MIM Mathematical Machine = OXF; Calculating Machines = KEN, (see Sotheby 1994 note), Aubert Sale, 1806. the calculating machine was invented by Viscount Mahon (later Lord Stanhope) in 1777; Sotheby's offered, by private treaty, a calculating machine in 1994; clockmaker; his son, Edward, was apprenticed to David Cateay in 1776. Leather Lane; Furnival's Inn; both in London. Taylor 2(807); A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
BULMAIN AND DENNIES USA, c.1799, NIM New York, N.Y. Bedini 1. suggest correction
BULMAN, HANS see Jakob Pühlmann. Zinner 1. suggest correction
BULTE, DANIEL England, c.1663, MIM apprenticed to Ralph Greatorex of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company on April 6, 1663. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BUMA SIBOUT 1747, MIM Ring Sundial, silver, 1747, with case = Soth. 12/12/55. probably not the maker's name. RSW. suggest correction
BUMEL, MICHAEL Germany, fl.1613-33, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument, 1613 = STU; Plane Table with Alidade and Sundial, 1625 = FLO-150; Pedometer, 1626 = NUR-WI1320; Graphometer, 1633 = STU-12870; Horary Quadrant = SLM. see M.B. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Price 2. suggest correction
BUNDERS, JAN Holland, 1797, MIM grandson and pupil of Jan van Deijl; see Jan van Deijl en Zoon. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BUNDERS, JAN VAN DEIJL Holland, 19th Century, OIM PHIM Barometer = X. probably great grandson of Jan van Deijl 2. made telescopes; see Jan Van Deijl Bunders en Zoon. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
BUNDERS, JAN VAN DEIJL, EN ZOON Holland, c.1850, PHIM Barometer = X. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
BUNDOCK, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer, with clock = Soth. 5/14/87. London. RSW. suggest correction
BUNTEN France, fl.pre-1828-43, NIM PHIM Barometers, Siphon-type = OXF (1840), CNAM (1841); Mountain Barometer = Nisbit 4/4/1860; Marine Compass, small = PMM. made standard thermometers. Quai Pelletier 30, Paris. Dewhirst; USNM; Chaldecott 3; RGO; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
BUNTING, THOMAS England, c.1724, apprenticed to John Crooke 1 or 2 in the Joiners' Company on May 12, 1724. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BUONSIGNORI, DOM STEPHANO see Dom Stephano Bonsignori. Bonelli 1 and 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
BURACKER MIM Floating Sundial = UTC. probably Burucker. suggest correction
BURATTINI, TITO LIVIO Italy; Poland, fl.1659=80, MIM OIM Lens = FLO (1690 inventory); Calculating Machine = FLO-3179 (?). made microscopes and telescopes; made telescopes for Hevilius; he gave a calculating machine to one of the Medici and may have been the maker. Warsaw (post-1670). Bonelli 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
BURBIDGE England, c.1820, MIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature, case = Soth. 5/21/73. London. RSW. suggest correction
BURBRIDGES see Burgoyne, Burbridges, and Squire. RSW. suggest correction
BURCKARDT, JOANN: AD: Germany, 1692, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1692 = Habsburg, Feldman S.A. Auction, Geneva 1987. solid center plate with alidade. Munich. Delehar 5. suggest correction
BURDEN, PETER England, c.1682, apprenticed to John Worgan of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 7, 1682. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BURDETT, HENRY England, c.1734, MIM apprenticed to Simon Cade of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 2, 1723; free of the Company, Oct. 7, 1734; took an apprentice, Willand Challand (Shalland), 1737/38. Crooked Lane, London. J. Brown 1; Clifton 1. suggest correction
BURDETT, WILLIAM Holland, MIM Inclinable Sundial, round, case = DRE. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
BURDON, E., ET RICHARDS misreading for E. Bourdon et Richards. Brewington 1. suggest correction
BURDY, WILLIAM England, fl.1806-23, MIM Camden Town, Middlesex; Fulham, London. Taylor 2(1094). suggest correction
BUREAU, THOMAS England, fl.1756-60, OIM Microscope = OXF; Microscope, pocket, 1756 = Crisp Coll. ownership of the OXF microscope is attributed to George III, of England. Taylor 2(452); Nachet; Gunther 2. suggest correction
BUREL, COL. c.1829, invented a plummet level, 1829. USNM. suggest correction
BURFORD, EDMUND GOODWIN England, c.1778, apprenticed to John Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company on Jan. 9, 1778. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BURGE misreading for Berge. Christie 12/18/74. suggest correction
BURGE, CALEB England, c.1682, MIM apprenticed to Simon Barrett of the Clockmakers' Company on April 13, 1682. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BURGE, JUSTE see Jost Burgi. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
BURGE, M. England, 1851, NIM Sextant, 1851 = NMM. possibly M. Berge. Taylor 2(1083); NMM 2. suggest correction
BURGER, GEORG MATHAUS Germany, 1750-1825, MIM Heliochronometers = O-F 5, Drecker Coll., Schmitt-Friderich Coll., DEU-1679, Traunstein Heimatmuseum-1344. "Mechaniker"; all signed "Mathäus Burger." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Monreal; Lunardi. suggest correction
BURGER, M. GEORG ARNOLD Germany, 1649-1712?, MIM Evans 1; Doppelmayer. suggest correction
BURGERS UND CO. Germany, MIM Sector = DRE. Cologne. RSW. suggest correction
BURGES, BARTHOLOMEW USA, 1740-1807, MIM made an orrery; lecturer. Boston, Mass. Hindle 1; Bedini 1 and 8. suggest correction
BURGESS, GEORGE JAMES England, c.1789, apprenticed to William Morris 1 of the Grocers' Company on April 2, 1789. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BURGESS, ROGER England, c.1737, MIM apprenticed to William Dean in the Broderers' Company on March 5, 1728; free in the Company, Oct. 5, 1737. Vere Street, Clare Market, London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BURGH, IAN BREEM Holland, c.1730, NIM Compass Rose = AMST. Edam. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
BURGH, JAN VAN DER Holland, 1690, NIM Parallel Rules, 1690 = AMST. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
BURGH, JUST see Jost Bürgi. suggest correction
BURGI, JOST Switzerland; Germany, 1552-1632, MIM SIM a notable maker of fine instruments, his work covered a wide range including an astrolabe (KAS), astronomical sextant (PRA), globe clocks (BASH), (GOT), (CNAM), proportional dividers (KAS), etc. Jost Bürgi; thought to have invented the proportional dividers; worked for Wilhelm IV at Kassel; see"I.B." (12). Lichtensteig; Kassel (1584-1623). Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Baillie 1; Josten; Horsky; Horsky and Skopova; Maddison 5; Daumas 1; Aked; Von Mackensen (1983); DSB; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
BURGOYNE, BURBIDGES, AND SQUIRE England, MIM 16 Coleman Street, London. USNM. suggest correction
BURI see Burry. Britten. suggest correction
BURKETT, EDWARD England, c.1700, MIM apprenticed to William Sellars of the Clockmakers' Company on April 16, 1700. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BURLEIGH, M. England, MIM Calculating Scale = ADL-N41. also marked "M.B." ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BURLESTER, E. South Africa, OIM Microscope = Christie-SK 2/9/84. see Burmester, probably the same man. Cape Town. RSW. suggest correction
BURLINI, BIAGIO see Biasio Burlini. Brieux 2. suggest correction
BURLINI, BIASIO Italy; England, 1720-60, OIM Telescope = KEN; Microscopes = LEY, NAC, Natural History Museum, Antwerp, Crisp Coll. "Prof. in Venig"; author; Crisp signed "Elaboratum a Blasis Burlini Venitiis Optico", according to Clay and Court. Venice; at Archimedes, London. Brieux 2; Daumas 1; Belgian Inventory; Nachet; Crisp Coll.; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
BURMEISTER, JOCHAM Germany, 1777, NIM Hanging Compass = NMM-C152. Lubeck. NMM 2. suggest correction
BURMESTER South Africa, OIM Telescope, single draw = Phillips 2/14/79. see E. Burlester, probably the same man. Cape Town. RSW. suggest correction
BURNABY, THOMAS England, c.1697, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Tuttell of the Clockmakers' Company on June 7, 1697. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BURNAP, DANIEL USA, 1759-1838, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, 1791 = Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. clockmaker; also made wooden and brass surveying compasses. East Windsor; Coventry; both in Conn. Bedini 1, 8 and 17; Price 2; Smart 1. suggest correction
BURNCKER see W. Burucker. Daumas 1. suggest correction
BURNELL, RICHARD England, c.1801, apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb.6, 1794; turned over to Richard Lomas of the Wheelwrights' Company on Feb.12, 1794; free of the Grocers' Company on May 7, 1801. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BURNETT 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Durham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BURNETT 2 Ireland, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 7/23/87. Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
BURNHAM USA, c.1831-42, MIM a partner in the firm of Robinson, Burnham and Co., 1831-42; probably from Essex, Mass. Danvers, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
BURNIER, CAPT. France, c.1850, MIM invented a type of compass and clinometer, 1850. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
BURNS England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Epsom. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BURNTHWAITE, GEORGE England, MIM Protractor, full = P.C. Lamonby. RSW. suggest correction
BURON France, fl.1830-51, NIM Octant, case = D.(1976). 8, rue des Trois Pavillons, Paris. Brieux 3; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BURROUGHS, ROBERT S. USA, c.1840, NIM made or sold nautical compasses. Warner 12. suggest correction
BURROW England, 19th Century, PHIM Barometer = Phillips 9/10/86. Malvern. RSW. suggest correction
BURROW AND THOMS England, c.1847, PHIM 289 Strand, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
BURROW, W. AND J. England, c.1810, MIM Slide Rule = D.(1983). 62 and 63 Great Tower Street, London. Moskowitz 125. suggest correction
BURRY, JACOB France, 1667-1722, MIM Cruciform Sundial = Feill Coll. Paris. Baillie 1; Britten. suggest correction
BURSILL AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BURT AND BAILEY USA, fl.1835-56, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = Sacramento County Historical Society, Cal. William Burt and John Aylesworth Bailey. Jefferson Avenue between Bates and Randolph (1853-54); 213 Jefferson Avenue (1855-56); both in Detroit, Mich. Smart 1; Elgin. suggest correction
BURT AND WATSON 1 USA, fl. 1857-58, MIM SIM Burt's Solar Compasses = Henry Ford Museum; Burt's Equatorial Sextant = Michigan Museum of Surveying, Lansing. William Burt and Thomas Watson. Detroit, Mich. Elgin; Leiserowitz. suggest correction
BURT AND WATSON 2 USA, 1860, MIM SIM Burt Solar Compass = Dossin Great Lakes Museum, Detroit, Mich. William Austin and John (2) Burt and Thomas Watson. Detroit, Mich. Elgin; RSW. suggest correction
BURT, J. AND W. USA, fl.1856-57, MIM John Burt 2 and his brother, William Burt; W.H. Fawcett, a MIM, worked for them. 214 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Smart 1. suggest correction
BURT, JOHN 1 England, c.1824, apprenticed to William Elliott 1 in the Joiners' Company on March 31, 1824. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BURT, JOHN 2 USA, 1814-86, MIM surveyor with his father, William Austin Burt, 1840-50; partner with his brother, William Burt in J. and W. Burt, 1856-57; also a partner in Burt and Watson, 1857-58; invented a type of lock for canals. Detroit, Mich. Smart 1. suggest correction
BURT, PETER England, fl.1813-27, devised a new binnacle, log and steering compass. 4 Providence Place, Commercial Road, Limehouse, London. Taylor 2(1286); Bedini 8. suggest correction
BURT, WILLIAM USA, 1825=98, MIM SIM son of William Austin Burt; partner with John A. Bailey, 1853-56; partner with his brother, John Burt 2 as J. and W. Burt, 1856-57; partner with John Burt 2 and Thomas Watson in Burt and Watson, 1857-58. Detroit, Mich. (1814-66); Marquette, Mich. Smart 1. suggest correction
BURT, WILLIAM AUSTIN USA, 1792-1858, MIM Equatorial Sextants = D.(1993, U.S Naval Obs., USNA. invented the solar compass in 1836, a typewriter in 1829, and the equatorial sextant c.1855; see William Burt and Watson. Petersham, Mass.; Wales Township, Erie County, N.Y. (pre-1824); Mount Vernon, Mich. (1824); Detroit, Mich. Smart 1; Bedini 8; Coffeen 43; RSW. suggest correction
BURTON England, c.1750, MIM NIM Sextant = Leigh and Soth. 4/10/1794. Ramsden started as an engraver to a Burton in 1751, perhaps Mark Burton, which see. London. Goodison 1; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
BURTON, EDWARD England, MIM OIM 47 Church Street, Minories, London. USNM. suggest correction
BURTON, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1772-1815, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Stick Barometers = Gloucester Museum, Christie-SK 9/11/86, X. "X" is signed "G. Burton"; the others signed "Burton London"; he was probably the Burton whose instruments were carried on Cook's second voyage by William Wales and another set was given to Mr. W. Gooch when he went to join Vancouver in the Pacific in 1791; it is unlikely that John Burton was the maker involved. 136 High Street Borough, Southwark, London. Taylor 2(694); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
BURTON, GEORGE 2 England, c.1830, MIM NIM PHIM 3 Devonshire Buildings, Great Dover Street, London. Taylor 2(1791). suggest correction
BURTON, JAMES England, fl.1828-46, OIM PHIM 10 Great Bell Alley (1828-29); 10 Western Street, Pentonville; 25 Pleasant Row, Pentonville; all in London. Taylor 2(1792); O'Mara. suggest correction
BURTON, JOHN England, fl.1758-75, OIM might have been the Burton who furnished instruments for Cook's second voyage but more likely it was George Burton 1; opposed Peter Dollond's patent in 1764. Johnson Court, Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(453); Court and von Rohr 3(XXVI). suggest correction
BURTON, JON. Ireland, c.1780, MIM Garden Sundial, "made for Henry Percy" = D.(1973). Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
BURTON, JOSEPH England, c.1822, OIM 15 Blackfriars Bridge, near the Magdalen, London. Taylor 2(1499); Dewhirst. suggest correction
BURTON, MARK England, fl.1730-69, d,1786, MIM OIM PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; divided scales; T.C.; possibly successor to G. Lyford; took apprentices, including Jesse Ramsden; Clay and Court thought him 20 years later. Euclid's Head, near New Church, Strand; Denmark Court, Strand (1755); Strand (1763-69); all in London. Taylor 2(454); Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Clifton 1. suggest correction
BURTON, W. England, c.1750, MIM Sector = Soth. 2/20/85 = D.(1991). Coffeen 35; Clifton 1; RSW. suggest correction
BURUCKER, W. Germany, 1728-80, MIM Pillar Sundials, wood = CNAM-13.591, Luipold Museum, Würzburg, LID-M43, Drecker Coll., STS, NUR-WI1300, BASH-1917/856, D.(1984); Sundials = AMST, Koller 11/17/75; Magnetic Compass = P.C.; Calendar, pendant = OXF; Equatorial Sundial = OXF; Horizontal Sundials = Drecker Coll.(3); Artillery Level = P. and S. 3/20/1896 = OXF. Koller sundial is polychrome paper dial in brass sphere; the OXF instrument is also marked "W.B." (1), which see. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Esdaille; Lunardi; Coffeen F; Cons. Nat'l 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
BURY see Burry. Britten. suggest correction
BUSBY, SAMUEL England, c.1811, invented a compass to show the time of longitude. Taylor 2(1287). suggest correction
BUSCH AND OEHLSCHLAGER Germany, fl.1654-64, MIM Copernican Planetaria = MLL, Frederiksborg Castle, Denmark, Andreas Busch and Adam Oehlschläger. Limburg; Gottorp. Zinner 1; Michel 3; H.C. King 2. suggest correction
BUSCH, ANDREAS Germany, fl.1654-64, MIM worked for Duke Ferdinand IV; see Busch and Oehlschläger. Limburg; Gottorp. Zinner 1; Michel 3; King 2. suggest correction
BUSCH, C.C., AND CO. USA?, PHIM Kalaidoscope = Maria Mitchell House, Nantucket, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
BUSCH, E. Germany, c.1850, OIM in the 1851 Great Exhibition, London. Rathenow, Prussia. USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BUSCH, ELIAS Germany, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = Soth. 7/23/62-10. RSW. suggest correction
BUSCHMAN, JNO. Germany, c.1692, MIM Sundial with Compass on table clock = SPI-Anderson 3/25/27. RSW. suggest correction
BUSCHMANN, CASPAR 1 Germany, c.1536-1613, MIM Calendar Clock = ADL-M378. clockmaker; signed "Cas: Bu." Augsburg. Engelmann 1; Bobinger 2 and 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BUSCHMANN, CASPAR 2 Germany, c.1563-1629, MIM Astronomical Compendium with Regiomontanus-type Sundial and a Nocturnal, 1611 = BEK; Compass and Calendar, 1628 = CLU; Astronomical Compendium = DEU; Sundial, 1628 = Middelburg Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen. signature on the 1611 sundial is "Caspar Buschman automatarius in Augusta Anno 1611." Augsburg. Bobinger 2 & 3; Zinner 1. suggest correction
BUSCHMANN, DAVID Germany, 1626-1701, MIM Vertical Sundial on a table clock = MUN; Equatorial Sundials on clocks = VIE, Feill Coll., P.C.(1918-Frankfort). VIE has a sundial and an armillary sphere on a clock. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2 and 3; Michel 3. suggest correction
BUSCHMANN, HANNS see Johann Buschmann 1. Bobinger 2 and 3. suggest correction
BUSCHMANN, JOHANN 1 Germany, c.1600-62, MIM Diptych Sundial, round = MUN-33/234; Sundial in pocket watch = SPI-2731; Planispheric Sundial = Prin Coll. = NMM; Proportional Compasses, = NUR (1635), THO. member of the Clockmakers' Guild; SPI signed "Hanns Buschmann." Augsburg. Bobinger 2 and 3; Zinner 1; NMM 2; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
BUSCHMANN, JOHANN 2 Germany, c.1632-76, MIM Magnetic Azimuth Sundial = MADEX-105 = NMM-D.60; Ring Sundial = Stuker 2/7/58-3442 = Weil = P.C.; Pin-gnomon Horizontal Sundials = MUN-33/234, Prin. clockmaker. Augsburg. Bobinger 2 and 3; Zinner 1; NMM 2. suggest correction
BUSH, JOSEPH England, c.1700, MIM free of the Stationers' Company after 1664 and before 1747. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BUSH, MARGARET England, c.1763, MIM member of the Stationers' Company for at least 15 years after William Bush's death; took apprentices. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BUSH, R., AND CO. England, c.1816, PHIM made a brass and copper still, in use for many years; seized by the I.R.S. in 1951. Bristol. USNM. suggest correction
BUSH, WILLIAM England, pre-1763, MIM free of the Stationers' Company; succeeded by his widow, Margaret Bush. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BUSHELL, EDWARD England, c.1687, MIM apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct.3, 1687. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BUSHELL, SAMUEL England, c.1690, MIM apprenticed to Withers Cheney of the Clockmakers' Company on July 12, 1690. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BUSNELL, WALTER India, 19th Century, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Phillips 10/26/83. Calcutta. RSW. suggest correction
BUSS England, MIM Slide Rule, Proof, ivory = D.(1981). 48 Hatton Garden, London. RSW. suggest correction
BUSS, THOMAS O'DEMPSEY England, 1847- 83, PHIM Saccharometer = D.(1972); Sikes' Hydrometer = Christie 5/15/73; Hydrometer Sets = Longleat House, Wilts.(2); etc. successor to R.B. Bate. 33 Hatton Garden; 3 Upper East Smithfield, Tower Hill; both in London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Moskowitz 104; RSW; Coffeen A; USNM. suggest correction
BUSS, THOMAS ODEMCY see Thomas O'Dempsey. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
BUSSY, WILLIAM England, c.1714, MIM apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct.26, 1714. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
BUSUCKER see W. Burucker. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
BUTCHER, CHAR. England, MIM Garden Sundial = Chicheley Hall, Newport Pagnell. for 52°10' latitude. Bedford. RSW. suggest correction
BUTCHER, JOHN England, c.1786, apprenticed to John Parminter 1 of the Grocers' Company on Dec.3, 1778; free of the Company on Feb.2, 1786. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
BUTERFIEL Butterfield-type Sundial = Christie-N.Y. 4/3/85 = D. naive copy of a Butterfield-type sundial. Moskowitz ; RSW. suggest correction
BUTERFIELD instruments signed this way are sometimes contemporary copies of the very popular sundials made by Michael Butterfield. Moskowitz 102; RSW. suggest correction
BUTLER England, 1630, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1630 = Christie-SK 11/15/79. London. RSW. suggest correction
BUTLER AND POWELL England, c.1818, MIM rule makers. Lionel Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
BUTLER, JAMES England, c.1765, MIM apprenticed to Francis Morgan in the Joiners' Company on November 19, 1765; listed as a MIM in the directories. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
BUTT, MR. England, c.1815, OIM made a short Cassegrain telescope. The Paragon, Kent Road, London. USNM. suggest correction
BUTTERFIELD, HORACE S. USA, c.1815, MIM made an astronomical calculator with Olof Ohlson. Portland, Oregon. A.H. Brown. suggest correction
BUTTERFIELD, MICHAEL England; France, 1635-1724, MIM OIM SIM Butterfield made a wide range of well made instruments. an Englishman who spent his working life in Paris, from before 1665 to his death in 1724; master and juror (1702-04) in the "Corporation des fondeurs"; "Ingénieur du Roi"; best known as the developer of the Butterfield-type sundial; many copies and forgeries of his work exist. England (1635-pre-1665); Aux Armes d'Angleterre, Faubourg Saint-Germain, rue Neuve-des-Fossés (1678); Quai des Morfundus, Ile de la Cité (1691); both in Paris. Daumas 1; Taylor 1(369) and 2(22); Coffeen A; Mörzer Bruyns 1; USNM; Michel 1; Dewhirst; Price 3; Ward 4; Belgian Inventory; Hamilton 2; Wynter 1; Stewart; Moskowitz 110; Lister; Engelmann 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Bryden 16; Bonelli; A.J. Turner 10; Rinaldi 23; Syndram; Augarde; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
BUTTERWORTH, JOHN England, c.1759, MIM clockmaker; engraver; may have made sundials. Bull and Bear Yard, Leeds. Loomes. suggest correction
BUTTI 1 Holland, PHIM Barometer = LEY. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
BUTTI 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Taunton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BUTTI GEBROEDERS EN STOPANNI Holland, fl.1794-1817, PHIM Barometer = WMH. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BUTTI, BARNASCHINA AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Francis Barnaschina? Newcastle-on-Tyne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
BUTTI, DONATI Italy; Holland, c.1794, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; see the Gebroeders Butti en Stopanni as well as D. Butti and Sons; partner with Solaro in 1817. Milan; Amsterdam (1794-1817). Mörzer Bruyns 2; Crommelin; Daumas 1. suggest correction
BUTTI, DTO, EN ZONEN Holland, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie April, 1978. made thermometers. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
BUTTI, L. Scotland, fl.1825-67, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. carver and gilder. 232 Cargate (1825-26); 1 and 2 Ronaldson's Buildings (1836); 2 Springfield Buildings (1848-52); all in Leith; 14 Hanover Street, Edinburgh (1853-67). Goodison 1; Morrison-Low. suggest correction
BUTTI, LOUIS JOSEPH Italy; Scotland, fl.1823-24, OIM PHIM worked with John Zenone as Zenone and Butti; dealt in telescopes and, probably, barometers. 5 Calton Street, Edinburgh. Clarke et al. suggest correction
BUTTIERI, CARLO ANTONIO Italy, OIM Telescope, cardboard = D.(1986). signed on the objective lens. Rome. Wynter 1. suggest correction
BUZZOFO, HIERONIMO DE ANTONIO Italy, 1562, MIM NIM SIM Cross-staff, wood and brass, 1562 = BM-1901/7/20-1. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
BYGRAVE, RICHARD England, c.1742, OIM apprenticed to George Bass, an OIM in the Spectaclemakers' Company, March 27, 1733; free in the Company on Feb. 28, 1742 Court and von Rohr 3(136). suggest correction
BYNTER, JORG Germany, 1485, MIM "compastmacher" in 1485. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
BYRAM, EPHRAIM N. USA, fl.1836-46, MIM NIM made a "Universal Planetarium", c.1836; received an award for an improvement in the suspension of the marine compass, c.1846. Sag Harbor, Long Island, N.Y. USNM; Warner 12. suggest correction
BYRD, JOHN England, c.1760, MIM Garden Sundial = Palacio Réal, Madrid. misreading for John Bird, which see. London. RSW. suggest correction
BYWATER AND CO. England, c.1840, NIM Quadrant = D.(1976). Liverpool. Rinaldi. suggest correction
BYWATER, DAWSON AND CO. England, c.1835, MIM NIM Octant = D.(1975); Compass, portable = Soth. 5/25/68; Marine Compass = Soth. 3/25 86. see John Bywater, Dawson and Co. No. 18 Pool Lane , Liverpool. Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
BYWATER, JOHN England, fl.1816-35, MIM NIM OIM PHIM invented a corrected compass for deviation; see John Bywater, Dawson and Co.; see Bywater, Dawson and Co; optician. 49 Gloucester Street (1816); 44 Seymour Street (1832-35); 18 Pool Lane; all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1288); Goodison 1; Crawforth 6. suggest correction
BYWATER, JOHN, AND CO. England, MIM PHIM Marine Barometer = P.C.(1976). opticians; agent for Dollond telescopes. 18 Pool Lane, Liverpool. Crawforth 6; RSW. suggest correction
BYWATER, JOHN, DAWSON AND CO. England, fl.1819-32, MIM NIM OIM agents for Adie, Dicas and Willis; T.C.; see John Bywater; see Bywater, Dawson and Co. 20 Pool Lane, Liverpool. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1288); Moskowitz 101. suggest correction
C. 1 France, 16th Century, MIM Astronomical Compendium = Koller 11/17/75. punchmark is "C." RSW. suggest correction
C. 2 c.1550, MIM Dividers = P.C.(1987). RSW. suggest correction
C. DES P. France?, MIM Sector = Drouot 4/26/67-71. RSW. suggest correction
C. KO. see C.K.F. RSW. suggest correction
C.A.B. Germany, 1600, marked on an astronomical ring, dated 1600, at OXF signed "Succa"; also marked "I.A.D." and "A." (2). Zinner 1; Hamilton 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
C.A.D. 18th Century, MIM Table Sundial, circular = Koller 11/17/75. RSW. suggest correction
C.B. England, c.1650, MIM probably Christopher Brookes; author. Wadham College, Oxford. Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
C.B.A. 1 see C.A.B. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
C.B.A. 2 Germany, MIM Rule with Level = TIM. may be scale markings. RSW. suggest correction
C.C. 1 MIM Compass Sundials, brass in round ivory boxes = NOR, OXF. punchmark on hour scale. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
C.C. 2 c.1850, PHIM Electrical Apparatus = D. Brieux 2. suggest correction
C.C., SIR England, 1667, see Sir Charles Cotterel. RSW. suggest correction
C.D. 1 16th Century, MIM Artillery Level = LOS. RSW. suggest correction
C.D. 2 MIM Compass, three legs = ADL-M72. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
C.D. 3 c.1830, MIM Cannon Sundial = Versailles 2/28/82. RSW. suggest correction
C.D.P. France, c.1800, not an instrument maker; abbreviation for "Calibre Des Pieces." Christie 4/3/85. suggest correction
C.F.Z.K. Germany, 1570, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1570 = Rosenheim Sale. may be owner; sundial also marked "V.S." RSW. suggest correction
C.G. 1 Germany, fl.1572-76, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, wood, 1572 = VIE; Horary Quadrant, 1574 = BASH. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Price 2 suggest correction
C.G. 2 Holland?, 17th Century, MIM Compass Sundial, ivory box = OXFB. Maddison 5; Evans 1. suggest correction
C.G. 3 England, c.1700, MIM Vertical Sundial, east declining = OXF. Cornwall. RSW. suggest correction
C.H. 1677, MIM Compass Sundial in bone sphere, 1677 = WRAY-85; Capuchin Sundial, wood = SLM. Zinner 1; RSW; Haupolter. suggest correction
C.H.B. Germany, MIM Vertical Sundials = P.C., Soth. 12/17/62-112. the Soth. instrument is like Roman "Ham" sundial. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
C.H.M.A.D. Germany, 1601, MIM Horizontal - Vertical Sundial, 1601 = Drecker Coll. misreading for C.T.M.F.D.? RSW. suggest correction
C.H.R.S.S. Germany?, 1596, MIM Sundial, 1596 = FLO-2511. Bonelli 1 called it a sundial but Bonelli 5 picture is of artillery level. Bonelli 1 and 5. suggest correction
C.I. Germany, 16th Century, MIM Artillery Instrument = VIE-AR3102. Zinner 4. suggest correction
C.I.K./A.M. MIM Ring Sundial, cast pewter = NOR. "C.I.K." over "A.M." (6). RSW. suggest correction
C.I.R.S.T. 1701, see C.T.P.M.A. Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
C.K. see C.K.F. RSW. suggest correction
C.K.F. Germany, fl.1631-48, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1631 = MERC-105 = Soth. 12/12/55 = 3/27/72; Artillery Level, 1648 = KES; Instrument = Koller, Nov. 1967; Astronomical Compendium = Drouot 6/16/65. Koller signed "C. Ko."; Drouot signed "C.K."; probably Christoph Köhler. Dresden. Zinner 1; Hamilton 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
C.L. 1 16th Century, MIM Artillery Level = VIE-742. Zinner 4. suggest correction
C.L. 2 17th Century, MIM Dividers = Soth.-P-B 6/14/76. fleur-de-lys under monogram. RSW. suggest correction
C.M. England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83. Portsmouth. RSW. suggest correction
C.M. DE W. Holland, 1797, MIM Horizontal Sundial, marble, 1797 = UTR. "C.M. de W. fec. et exc." Amsterdam. de Rijk; RSW. suggest correction
C.N.A.L. owner? on astrolabe at CLU, also signed "Nepos Gemmae Frisii fecit Lovani 1661"; re-engraved from 1561; ICA-234. Price 1; ICA 2; Nachet; Cluny Cat. suggest correction
C.P. 1 Germany, 16th Century, MIM Astronomical Compendium, box = P. and S. 3/20/1896. probably the owner. RSW. suggest correction
C.P. 2 England, c.1800, "C.P." is marked on the dial plate of a horizontal sundial, WHI-1191; the wind rose is marked "H." (4) and the compass card is marked "R.G." (1), perhaps Ralph Greatorex? Bryden 16. suggest correction
C.R. 1 c.1663, MIM Sundial, silver = Soth. 11/5/28-424. epact tables for 1663-1700; tide table. RSW. suggest correction
C.R. 2 France, MIM Horizontal Sundial = P.C. signed "C. deposé R." RSW. suggest correction
C.R. 3 Germany, c.1750, OIM Microscope = BIL. Nürnberg. Purtle. suggest correction
C.R.W. c.1575, MIM Astrolabe = BRN. Louvain-type. Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
C.S. 1 Germany, fl.1546-1602, MIM probably Christopher Schissler; many instruments signed this way; Zinner thought initials might also stand for Christopher Senft. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Bobinger 1; Drechsler 2; RSW. suggest correction
C.S. 2 Germany, this mark is inside the lid of a table clock signed "B.S." there is a sundial on the bottom plate of the clock. Pippa. suggest correction
C.S. 3 Germany, 1646, MIM Artillery Level, 1646 = AUG-3547. dolphin on front; Christopher Schissler der Junger? Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
C.S. 4 Germany, Astronomical Compendium, wood and silver, 1565 = Physics Institute, Padua. modern work; see Georg Hartmann for similar sundial by same maker. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
C.S. CO. USA, distributor or dealer for Stanley and Co. Pine Meadow, Conn. DATM. suggest correction
C.S.A.P. 1633, MIM Artillery Level, 1633 = HAK. also marked "Elias Innsel." RSW. suggest correction
C.S.L. MIM Full Protractor = D.1968). RSW. suggest correction
C.S.S. Germany, fl.1578-87, MIM Dividers with altimeter scale, 1578 = ZUS; Dividers with Sundials = VIG (1584), VIE (1587). may be Christopher Schissler Senior. Zinner 1; Egger; RSW. suggest correction
C.T. 1 Germany, 1534, MIM Rule, 1534 = DRE. Drechsler 2. suggest correction
C.T. 2 the initials are marked on a nocturnal with sundial; the months have Italian initials; the owner was Caesar Sambara, Bishop of Tortona; WHI-734, 1548. Hamilton 1; Whipple 1; Bryden 16. suggest correction
C.T. 3 England, 1581, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, stone, 1581 = Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Charles Turnbull, which see; author. Lincolnshire. Gatty. suggest correction
C.T.C.F. Germany, 1609, MIM Micrometer, 1609 = DRE. Christoph Trechsler or his son? Dresden. Zinner 1. suggest correction
C.T.D. Germany, 1598, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1598 = BEK. "Christoph Trechsler, Dresden." Dresden. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
C.T.D.E.M. Germany, fl.1611-24, MIM NIM SIM many instruments signed this way within this period; "Christoph Trechsler Der Elder Mechanicus." Zinner 1; Michel 15; Maddison 5; Josten; Drechsler 2; Société Belge; Czech. and Polish Inventories; Trois Siècles; Price 3; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; ADL; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
C.T.D.E.M.F. Germany, 1614, MIM Artillery Level, 1614 = DRE. "Christoph Trechsler Der Elder Mechanicus Fecit." Zinner 1. suggest correction
C.T.F. Germany, 1589, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument, 1589 = DRE. "Christoph Trechsler Fecit"; signed "C.T.F. Anno 1589 M.S."; it is "M.S." (5); also marked "A.B. Riesen." Zinner 1 and 4; Josten; Gunther 2; Kirnbauer 2; Dreschler 2; Bonelli 1; RSW. suggest correction
C.T.M. Germany, fl.1604-20, MIM Rule, 1604 = DRE; Pairs of Dividers, 1604 = OXFB, Soth, 2/15/53; Artillery Levels = HAK (1605), DRE (1609); Range Finder, wood, 1605 = DRE; Circles = P.C. (1605), DAR (1620); Level, 1608 = Soth. 12/8/69; Dividers, 1623 = HAK. "Christoph Trechsler Mechanicus." Zinner 1; Maddison 5; Drechsler 2; RSW. suggest correction
C.T.M.D. Germany, fl.1607-09, MIM Quadrant, 1607 = DRE; Artillery Level, 1609 = ADL-M200; Sundial = DRE. "Christoph Trechsler Mechanicus Dresden." Dresden. Zinner 1; Körber 1; Drechsler 2; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
C.T.M.F. Germany, fl.1603-15, MIM SIM Circle, 1603 = DEU; Nocturnal, 1603 = P.C.; Surveying Instrument, 1608 = OXF; Sector, 1615 = DRE. "Christoph Trechsler Mechanicus Fecit." Dresden. Zinner 1; Dewhirst; Gunther 2 and 6; Drechsler 2. suggest correction
C.T.M.F.D. Germany, 1609, MIM Micrometer, 1609 = DRE. "Christoph Trechsler Mechanicus Fecit Dresden." Dresden. Zinner 1. suggest correction
C.T.P.M.A. 1701, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, 1701 = Museum of Arts and Sciences, Brno. also marked "C.I.R.S.T." and "Bene Sociantur." Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
C.T.S.M. Germany, 1624, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1624 = Goteborg Museum. "Christoph Trechsler Sohn Mechanicus." Dresden. Zinner 1. suggest correction
C.T.S.M.F. Germany, 1623, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1623 = DRE-521. "Christoph Trechsler Sohn Mechanicus Fecit." Zinner 1; Drechsler 2. suggest correction
C.V. MIM Horizontal Sundial = USNM. may be "G.V." USNM. suggest correction
C.W. 1 England?, 1610, MIM Astronomical Compendium = Christie 7/16/68 = P.C.; Case of Drawing Instruments = KEN. both may be by Charles Whitwell. Taylor 1(88); Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
C.W. 2 Germany, 1694, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1694 = Koller 11/17/75. Gotha. RSW. suggest correction
C.W. 3 c.1900, Horary Quadrant = ADL-T27. the work of D.B. Sheahan but in the style of Christopher Wren. Fox 2; Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CABASSON Germany, c.1850, MIM OIM SIM Telescopic Levels = La Rochelle 7/16/83, Versailles 11/20/83; Mining Dial = P.C.(1987). the telescopic levels may be one instrument. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CABEO, NICOLO Italy, 1585-1650, S.J.; developed a compass with a dipping needle; author; recognized and described electrical repulsion; professor of mathematics at Padua when Galileo was there. Ferrara; Padua. Zeitlin and Ver Brugge Cat.; DSB. suggest correction
CABER, CHARLES, AND CO. USA, OIM Telescope = MYS. "Wanderer Telescope." New Bedford, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
CABINET DU ROY France, c.1650, Armillary Sphere = ADL-M7. an address, not a name. Versailles. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CABOGA, C. MARII see G. Maru. USNM; Thielmann; RSW. suggest correction
CABRIER Holland, c.1704, PHIM made barometers and gave them English makers' names. Amsterdam. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
CABRIER, CHARLES England, fl.1697-1724, MIM Astronomical Clock = Feill Coll. Lombard Street, London. Baillie 1. suggest correction
CADDEI, GIOVANI Italy, MIM Garden Sundial, round = Delft Sundial Exhib. (1984). RSW. suggest correction
CADE, SIMON England, fl.1688-1730, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, D.(1976), K. and C. 4/7/76. apprenticed to Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company on April 12, 1680; free of the Company, April 12, 1688; took apprentices; D. barometer is in olivewood. Charing Cross, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 1(456); J. Brown 3; Baillie 1; Dewhirst; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
CADENAZZI England, see Dangelo and Cadenazzi. Winchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CADGELL, THOMAS England, c.1682, MIM apprenticed for eight years to William Elmes of the Clockmakers' Company on June 3, 1682. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
CADOL France, 18th Century, MIM Artillery Instrument = Stuker (1961). Cadot? RSW. suggest correction
CADOT France, fl.1747-53, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, 1751 = Versailles 4/17/83; Sector, 1747 = OXF; Sundial, 1748 = McVitty Coll. = P-B 1/22/54; Graphometer, 1753 = KEN. does not appear to be Michel Cadot. Lyon. Gunther 2; Hamilton 2; RSW. suggest correction
CADOT, MICHEL France, fl.1730-53, MIM SIM made many Butterfield-type sundials (including one dated 1742 in the Huelsmann Coll and another, 1740, in Soth. 12/12/55) and mathematical instruments, including sectors, theodolites and rules; examples may be seen in many museums including the ADL, BM, OXF, etc.; Sector, 1733 and Folding Square, 1733 = HAR apprenticed to Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas Delure in the "Corporation des fondeurs, 1718; Master n the Corporation; son-in-law of Henry Macquart, 1720; see Macquart and Cadot. Quay de l'Horloge, Ile de la Cité (1730); à l'Astrolabe (1734); both in Paris. Daumas 1; Hamilton 1 and 2; Michel 1 and 3; Nachet; Dewhirst; Gunther 2; Körber 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; Syndram; Augarde; Giordano X; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CAELLINS, MARCUS ANTONIUS Italy, 1684, MIM Astronomical Instrument, 1684 = MIM-312. Caellius? Rome. Chenakal 4. suggest correction
CAESIUS see Blaeu. Zinner 1. suggest correction
CAETANI see Joseph-Maria Cavaliero, Baron of San Caetani. Gunther 2; Evans 1. suggest correction
CAFFIERI Italy; France, c.1750, OIM made the decorated brass tubes for Magny's microscopes; either Giacomo or Filipo. Daumas 1; Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
CAFFIERI, J. France, c.1710, MIM J. Caffiéri; signed on base of astronomical clock by Fardoil; also marked "A. Coypel." Trois Siècles. suggest correction
CAFSERA England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1979). Cassera? Stourbridge. Antique Collector, Oct. 1979. suggest correction
CAGNI, I. Italy, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Middleton 1. suggest correction
CAGNOLI Italy, MIM Quadrant = Bologna University Observatory. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
CAHUET France, fl.1770-72, OIM Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
CAIETANUS, P., CAPUC. see P. David a San Cajetanus, Capuc. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CAIL England, MIM NIM SIM Protractor = Phillips 10/5/76; Surveying Level = Phillips 10/26/83; Level = Soth. 10/28/86; Sextants, pocket = Christie 7/29/76, Soth.-C. 6/26/85; Mining Dial = Soth. 6/23/87; Parallel Rules = ADL-W163; Rule = ADL-W160; etc. either John or Septimus Anthony Cail. Newcastle-on-Tyne. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CAIL AND SONS England, MIM NIM Sextant, incomplete = Christie-SK 1/31/85. Newcastle. RSW. suggest correction
CAIL, JOHN England, fl.1825-65, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Stick Barometer = Soth-S 1/25/89; Theodolite = RSM; Quintant, 1825 = NMM; Octants, ebony = Rye Museum, Soth. 4/28/69; Telescope = Soth. 1/22/73; Circular Slide Rule = Cooke's Shop, CMY; Sextant, copper and wood = NMM; Circumferentor = Dean and Chapter, Durham Cathedral; Sector, ivory = ADL-W117; Protractor = ADL-W115; Parallel Rule = ADL-W163; etc. worked for Troughton in London; partner with his brother, Septimus Anthony Cail, 1851-53; T.C.; Rye octant is marked "improved." 2 New Bridge Street (1823-37); 44 Northumberland Street (1838-39); 61 Pilgrim Street (1841-53) and 45 Quay Street (1841-53); 8 Grey Street(1853-55) ; 21 Grey Street (1855-58); all in Newcastle-on-Tyne. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1500); Calvert 2; KEN; Moskowitz 115; Crawforth 1; Delehar 2; Coffeen 11; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CAIL, JOHN AND SEPTIMUS ANTHONY England, fl.1851-53, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM brothers. 45 Quay Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1095 and 1500); Moskowitz 115. suggest correction
CAIL, SEPTIMUS ANTHONY England, fl.1857-84, MIM NIM PHIM Hadley Quadrants = NMM, OMM; Sextant, ebony and ivory = ADL-W217; Octant = Glasgow Art Museum; T.C.; usually signed "S.A. Cail." Newcastle-on-Tyne. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1095); Price 2; Moskowitz 115; Crawforth 6; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CAIRNS England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Barometer = AMST; Telescope = D.(1974). probably Alexander Cairns. which see. 12 Waterloo Road, Liverpool. Goodison 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
CAIRNS, ALEXANDER England, pre-1842-c.1869, NIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Sextant = San Francisco Maritime Museum; Octant = D.(1974); Quadrant = Mystic Seaport, Conn. T.C.; optician; chronometer and watchmaker; sold nautical instruments. 12 Waterloo Road; 13 Waterloo Road (1869); both in Liverpool. Goodison 1; Moskowitz 108; RSW. suggest correction
CAJETANUS, P. DAVID A SAN, CAPUC. Austria, 1726-82, MIM Horizontal Sundials, stone = Koller 11/17/75, BEK; Sundial, 1750 = Soth. 12/12/55 = Ader Picard 3/16/81; Horizontal Sundial, brass and marble, 1742 = ADL-M282. the ADL instrument is signed "P. Caietanus Capuc." and probably was not made by David as he would have been only 16. Vienna. Zinner 1; Moreau; Price 2; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CAL, DIRCK VAN Holland, 1650, MIM made a celestial globe in 1650. Steenwijk. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CALANI AND CO. PHIM Thermometer = Soth. 10/17/60. RSW. suggest correction
CALDERA, SERAPHANO see Serafino Antonio Maria Calderara. Taylor 2(2091); Dewhirst. suggest correction
CALDERARA, S. AND A. England, PHIM Angle Barometer = Soth. 7/21/83. probably Serafino Calderara. London, Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CALDERARA, SERAFINO ANTONIO MARIA England, fl.1831-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/14/95. X is signed "S. Calderara London"; Soth. signed with address "Leather Lane, Holb., London." 16 Kirby Street (1831-33); 78 Leather Lane, Hatton Garden (1834-51); 42 Baldwins Gardens (1852-60); 2 Kings Terrace, Bagnippe Wells Road (1854-55); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2091); Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
CALDERON ES TARSA Hungary, c.1850, MIM PHIM Aneroid Barometer = Christie 5/5/70; Compass = P.C.(1987). Budapest. RSW. suggest correction
CALDINI, GIUSEPPE Italy, c.1780, PHIM Electrostatic Machine = FLO. "Mecanico." Florence. Bonelli 1; RSW. suggest correction
CALE, WILLIAM England, Water Clock, 1700 = CAS. modern work from Birmingham. London. RSW. suggest correction
CALEHOF see Kalthoff. Dewhirst. suggest correction
CALL 1 England, MIM Set of Drawing Instruments = Phillips 10/5/76. surely misreading for "Cail." Newcastle-on-Tyne. RSW. suggest correction
CALL 2 see Bemis and Call Co. suggest correction
CALL, JAN BACHER VAN Holland, fl.1644-67, MIM PHIM Nocturnal, 1647 = OXF. made sundials, clocks, pumps, etc; Zinner listed him as "Johan Bacher Van Call." Batenburg; Nijmegen. Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
CALL, JAN BECKER see Jan Bacher van Call. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CALL, JAN VAN Holland, MIM PHIM see Jan Bacher van Call. Batenburg; Nijmegen. Rooseboom 1; Gunther 2; Zinner 1. suggest correction
CALLAGHAN 1 England, c.1840, NIM OIM Hadley Quadrant = PEA; Telescope, refracting = Soth.-S 7/23/87. 45 Great Russell Street, London. Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
CALLAGHAN 2 England, c.1860, OIM PHIM Barometer = X; Barograph = Christie-SK 2/9/79; Telescopes = FRK-T42, Phillips 2/14/79; Spyglass = Christie 2/12/72. barometer signed "Callaghan." 23a New Bond Street, corner of Conduit Street, London. Goodison 1; Frank; RSW. suggest correction
CALLAGHAN AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. RSW. suggest correction
CALLAGHAN, W. England, c.1850, MIM may be the same as Callaghan 1. 45 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
CALLCOTT, JOHN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Cotton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CALLENDER, J. England, c.1820, OIM made a sea-telescope and stand. 19 Plough Court, Fetter Lane, London. Taylor 2(1501). suggest correction
CALLENDER, JOSEPH USA, 1751-1821, Compass Cards = D, Eldred 10/11/75. apprentice of Paul Revere; engraved compass cards for T.S. Bowles, Gedney King, Samuel Emery, D. Pearson, Newell and Son, etc. Boston, Mass. Brewington 1; Moskowitz 103; Bedini 8; Rudd; Warner 12; RSW. suggest correction
CALLICUM, W. England, 1598, NIM Quadrant, 1598 = D.(1965?) = Soth. 6/8/70. RSW. suggest correction
CALLOW, JOHN England, fl.1797-1808, MIM NIM also made compasses and dog collars. Ashted Row (1797); 31 Ashted Row (1801-08); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
CALLOW, MARY ANN England, c.1818, MIM NIM also made compasses and dog collars; probably the widow of John Callow. Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
CALLOW, R. England, c.1750, MIM Ring Sundial = WHI. Bryden 16. suggest correction
CALOMBO, LEONIDE USA, c.1867, PHIM New York, N.Y. D.J. Warner 5. suggest correction
CALONNE France, c.1750, MIM Architect's Etui with Instruments = Versailles 5/6/79. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CALTENBACK, FULLER AND CO. England, c.1850?, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 1/22/87. 77 Blackman Street, Borough, London. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
CALTHOFF see Kalthoff. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CALTIN, B. 1728, MIM Astronomical Clock and Sundial, 1728 = MADEX-16A = Strauss Coll. = NMM. MADEX; NMM 2. suggest correction
CALVI, DR. CARMELUS Italy, 1755, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1755 = Stucker, 1958. maker. RSW. suggest correction
CAM France, 19th Century, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Christie-SK 9/11/86. Rue de la Paix, 24, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CAM, J. England, OIM Telescope = FRK-T133. London. Frank. suggest correction
CAMBON, BALTZER 1642, MIM Astrolabe, cardboard, 1642 = LUN. ICA-613. Price 1; Zinner 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
CAMDEN, WILLIAM England, c.1710, MIM Sundial inside lid of watch = OXF. Weldon Coll. London. RSW. suggest correction
CAMENADE, CAREL ANTHONIJ Italy; Holland, 1761-1809, MIM PHIM made barometers and calipers. Milan; Delft. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
CAMERON AND BLAKENEY Scotland, fl.1853-60, MIM NIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/22/87; Sympiesometer = Soth 12/5/72; Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 1/12/83; Octant = NMM; Telescope = FRK = RSM; Azimuth Dial = FRK = RSM. Paul Cameron and John Blakeney. Glasgow. Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
CAMERON, ALEXANDER Scotland, fl.1818-48, NIM Octant, with case = Christie 2/8/66-2 = FRK = RSM. watch and clockmaker; probably only a dealer. High Street (1818-24); Overgate (1829-48); both in Dundee. Frank; Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
CAMERON, J.R. England, fl.1840-52, NIM PHIM Marine Barometer = Jared Coffin House, Nantucket, Mass.; Tell-Tale Compass = PEA; Sextants = PEA, Koller June, 1967, Soth. 12/19/66-10. T.C. in case for Chrichton octant (1852) in Kelton Coll. (1990); octant was made for A. Dobbie. 54 South Castle Street; 14 South Castle Street near the Customs House (1852); both in Liverpool. Brewington 1; Calvert 2; USNM; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
CAMERON, PAUL Scotland, 1814-70, MIM OIM PHIM Compass Card = NMM. author, 1848; took John Blakeney as his partner, 1853-60; firm became Paul Cameron and Co., 1861-64, 1866-69; firm was Houston and Cameron in 1865; exhibited at the London Exhibition of 1851. 87 London Street, Glasgow (1851-54). Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
CAMERON, PAUL, AND CO. Scotland, fl.1861-69, MIM NIM PHIM interrupted in 1865 when firm's name was Houston and Cameron. 11 and 19 Howard Street (1861-64); 25 Howard Street (1866-67); 2 York Place (1868); 178 Broomielaw (1869); all in Glasgow. Clarke et al. suggest correction
CAMILLUS Italy, 1554, MIM Armillary Sphere = VAA. could be Camillus Vulparia? Florence. Grimaldi (706). suggest correction
CAMINADA Italy; Holland, c.1790, PHIM made barometers; glass blower. Daumas 1. suggest correction
CAMINADA GEBR. Holland, c.1850, MIM Linear Dividing Machine = P.C. (1973); Dividing Circle = P.C. (1973). Rotterdam. RSW. suggest correction
CAMINADA, J. Holland, fl.1820-61, MIM PHIM made barometers and calipers. Delft. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CAMINADA, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAMINADA, P. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(4), Soth.-S 1/10/90; Barometer = Soth. 7/3/70. Taunton. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CAMMACK see Foster and Cammack. RSW. suggest correction
CAMMENADE, CAEL ANTHONY see Carel Anthonij Camenade. suggest correction
CAMOTTA, MRS. ANN England, c.1860, PHIM made barometers; probably widow of Richard Camotta. 14 Bull Green, Halifax. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAMOTTA, RICHARD England, fl.1830-41, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "Camotta Halifax." 14 Bull Close (1830); 12 Bull Green (1841); both in Halifax. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAMOZZI, CHARLES England, fl.1830-52, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3). all signed "C. Camozzi Bicester"; succeeded by his widow, Eleanor Camozzi, in 1852. Market End (1830); Market Place (1832-50); both in Bicester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAMOZZI, ELEANOR England, 1852, PHIM succeeded her husband, Charles Camozzi, in 1852; barometer maker or dealer. Bicester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAMP, ALB. U.D. Holland, c.1742, NIM Alb. u.d. Camp; compass maker. Buitenkant, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
CAMPANI, GIOVANNI Italy, see Giuseppe Campani. Baillie 1. suggest correction
CAMPANI, GIUSEPPE Italy, 1620-96, OIM a renowned maker of telescopes and microscopes; his work is found in many museums, including KEN, KAS, NAC, POB (2)(1673), FLO, Zeiss Jena (1696) etc.; dated examples range from 1669-1696; brother of Matteo Campani; author; clockmaker. Spoleto; Rome. Bonelli 1 and 4; Morpurgo 1; Daumas 1; Nachet; Paris 1900; Gunther 2; Italian Inventory; Purtle; Trois Siècles; Bryden 11; Drechsler 2; Bedini 11; DSB; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
CAMPANI, MATTEO Italy, fl.1660-80, MIM brother of Giuseppe Campani; made clocks and watches; author; devised instruments for his brother. Rome. Daumas 1; Nachet; Morpurgo 1; Baillie 1; Britten; Zeitlin No. 214; Michel 3; Bedini 11 and 14. suggest correction
CAMPBELL 1 England, PHIM Marine Barometer = D.(1989), Cardoza Auction 8/26/89. see John Campbell 2. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
CAMPBELL 2 Germany, NIM Compass Rose = HAM. Hamburg. Schück 2. suggest correction
CAMPBELL, CHARLES USA?, 1798, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1798 = X. USNM. suggest correction
CAMPBELL, J. 1 England, c.1850, NIM Octant = LIM. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
CAMPBELL, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Gatehouse (York?). Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAMPBELL, JOHN 1 England, 1720-90, improved Hadley' quadrant; devised a sextant; Vice-Admiral in the Royal Navy. Taylor 2(335); Brewington 1. suggest correction
CAMPBELL, JOHN 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Campbell 1 and J. Campbell 1. 6 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CAMPBELL, W., AND CO. Germany, NIM Sextant = X. see Campbell 2. Hamburg. Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
CAMPI, GIO. BATTA Italy, c.1750, OIM T.C.; optician. Genoa. Calvert 2; KEN. suggest correction
CAMPI, JOHN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Wolverhampton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAMPINI, JEAN-JUSTIN Italy, 1639-98, OIM lens maker; designed microscopes; author; nom de plume was Carlo di Napoli. Naples. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
CAMPIONE 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Oxford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAMPIONE 2 Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie 12/17/75. Christie signed "Campioni Edinburgh." Edinburgh. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CAMPIONI Scotland, see Campione 2. RSW. suggest correction
CAMPIONI AND CO. Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAMPONOVO, ANGELO England, c.1846, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Christie-SK 6/24/88. one X signed "Camponovo Summers Town, Oxon."; the other X and Christie-SK signed "Camponovo Oxford." St. Thomas's Parish, Oxford. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CANBY, J., AND SON England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 11/27/86. South Castle Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
CANISIUS, DANIEL Holland, 18th Century, NIM Reflecting Circle = AMST. Daniél Canisius; owner? Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
CANIVET, JACQUES France, fl.1743-74, MIM OIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including ADL; dated ones range from 1750-72. nephew, pupil of, and successor to Claude Langlois; "Ingénieur du Roi" and "Ingénieur en Instruments de Mathématique de Messieurs de l'Académie Royale des Sciences" (1756-74); Master of the "Corporation des fondeurs, 1743; took over Jean-Baptiste Lordelle's shop sign; took apprentices; made many instruments for Courtanvaux; succeeded by Lennel. Place de la Marché Neuf (1743); à la Sphère, Quai de l'Horloge (1747); both on the Ile de la Cité, Paris. Daumas 1; Brieux 3; Courtanvaux; Trois Siècles; Wynter and Turner; Coffeen 14; Michel 3; J.A. Bennett 2; Bryden 16; ADL; Augarde; RSW. suggest correction
CANNON, F.W. England, see W.F. Cannon. RSW. suggest correction
CANNON, W. England, c.1820-40, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1980). surely W.F. Cannon. Shadwell. RSW. suggest correction
CANNON, W.F. England, c.1850, NIM Sextants = Christie-SK 4/17/86, Soth. 10/28/86, MYS, Seamans Institute, New York; Marine Compass = OMM; Octants, ebony = Pugsley Sale, Christie-SK 2/9/84. compass and octant signed "W.F. Canon"; Institute sextant signed "W.K. Cannon"; surely the same man. 177 Shadwell; 175 High Street, Shadwell; both in London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
CANOVA, PETER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Halesworth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CANTERO, FRAN. DE LA FUENTE Spain, MIM Dividers = MAA. RSW. suggest correction
CANTI, C.A. 1 England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 10/26/83, Soth. 4/28/88. X has first address; Phillips has the other and may be for C.A. Canti 2. Malling, Kent; 16 Brooke Street, Holborn (London). Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CANTI, C.A. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 2/4/77. X signed "C.A. Canti, Jr." 59 Shoe Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CANTI, C.A., AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 16 Brooke Street, Holborn (London). Goodison 1. suggest correction
CANTI, E. England, c.1775, PHIM Barometer = Christie 2/19/70. Town Malling, Kent. RSW. suggest correction
CANTLEY England, c.1726, MIM sundial maker; taught James Ferguson the art. Earle. suggest correction
CANTON, J. England, 1753, PHIM Electroscope, 1753 = DEU. London. Wheatland 2. suggest correction
CANTONI, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/19/87. "Warranted." Horsham. RSW. suggest correction
CANTY, C.A. see C.A. Canti 2. London. RSW. suggest correction
CANTZLER Germany, c.1790, MIM Kantzler? Daumas 1. suggest correction
CANVA, FRANCISCO ANTON Spain, NIM Marine Compass = ROM. Barcelona. Price 2. suggest correction
CANZ, GIOVANNI Italy, MIM Sandglass = TRE; Marine Compass = TRE. Trieste. RSW. suggest correction
CANZIUS, JACOB HENDRIK ONDERDEWYNGAART see Onderdewyngaart Canzius. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1; Brieux 2; Crommelin 1; Multhauf 1; KEN; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Nachet. suggest correction
CAPADORA, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 6/6/75. may be variant spelling for "Capoduro." Cirencester. RSW. suggest correction
CAPADURO England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Deal. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAPADURO, DOMENICO England, c.1830, OIM Lombard Street, Margate. Taylor 2(1793). suggest correction
CAPELLA, J. England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1975). Coventry. RSW. suggest correction
CAPELLA, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. could be L. Casella. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CAPELLA, MICHAEL England, c.1854, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "M. Capella" with address. 53 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAPELLI England, PHIM made barometers; see Stringa and Capelli. Newport. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAPI France, pre-1782, PHIM Barometer = COR. Paris. Courtanvaux. suggest correction
CAPILUPI, GIULIO Italy, 1609, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1609 = P.C. designed a universal sundial; author. Mantua. Morpurgo 1; RSW. suggest correction
CAPO, ANTHONY Ireland, fl.1819-54, OIM PHIM Barometer, 1819 = X. spelled "Cappo" from 1839 on; optician. 154 Millfield (1819-20); 164 Millfield 1839-40); 168 Millfield (1843-46); 160 Millfield (1850-54); all in Belfast. G. Fennell; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
CAPPI, WILLIAM England, fl.1844-50, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 11 Bakers Row, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1; Dewhirst. suggest correction
CAPPO, JOSEPH 1 Ireland, fl.1835-80, PHIM weather-glass maker; philosophical and chemical instrument maker; may be related to and successor to Anthony Cappo. 168 Millfield (1835); 202 North Street (1839); 164 Millfield (1840); 147 Millfield (1856); 24 Portland Street (1858); 14 Portland Street (1860-61); 5 Portland Place (1863-80); all in Belfast. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
CAPPO, JOSEPH 2 Scotland, fl.1847-53, PHIM made hydrometers. Buchanan Court, 75 Argyll Street (1847-52); 404 Parliamentary Road (1853); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
CAPPO, JOSHUA Ireland, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Belfast. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
CAPPY France, 1767-80, PHIM Thermometers = CNAM; Barometers = CNAM. Rue et Place Royale, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
CAPPY ET MOSSY France, fl.1768-80, PHIM Aerometer = CNAM; Thermometer = CNAM; Barometer = D.(1970); Weather Instrument = D.(1970). Rue et Place Royale, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
CAPPY ET NEVEU France, 1776, PHIM Thermometer, 1776 = CNAM. Rue et Place Royale, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
CAPRA, ALLESSANDRO Italy, c.1678, invented a hodometer. Bologna. Morpurgo 1; Weil 2. suggest correction
CAPRA, BALDASSAR Italy, c.1580-1626, claimed to have been making sectors for six years in 1607. Milan. Daumas 1; DSB; Gunther 2. suggest correction
CAPRANI, G., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Norwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAPRANI, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Leicester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAPUCCINI, NETO Italy, 1812, MIM Sundial, 1812 = P.C. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
CAR. PL. see Carolus Platus. Michel 3. suggest correction
CARACIA, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Edenbridge. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CARACIA, JOSEPH England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie 1/26/90. Edenbridge, Kent. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CARAFA, GIOVANNI Italy, c.1550, MIM globe maker. Rome? Globus, Dec., 1956. suggest correction
CARCANI variant spelling for "Carcany", which see. RSW. suggest correction
CARCANO France, Carcanô; see Carcany. suggest correction
CARCANY France, c.1775, PHIM Wheel Barometers = D.(1973), BEK; Barometers = P-B 3/18/39, Koller Nov. 1968; Stick Barometer = Soth. 6/4/92. P-B signed "Carcanô"; Koller signed "Carcani"; Soth signed "Carcano." Place Dauphine No. 2, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CARD, CHARLES England, fl.1785-1820, MIM apprenticed to Robert Tangate 1 in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 3, 1776; free in the Company, Nov. 1, 1785; took apprentices. Martlett Court, Bow Street, Covent Gardens (1786); 10 Rolls Building, Fetter Lane (1788-20); both in London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CARDAN England, c.1600, MIM Gunther 2. suggest correction
CARE Italy, 1778, MIM Quadrant, 1778 = X. Venice. Daumas 1; Nachet; Hamilton 2. suggest correction
CAREY misreading for Cary. suggest correction
CAREY, J. AND W. England, misreadimg for J. and W. Cary. Soth.-Wilkinson and Hodge 11/28/24. suggest correction
CARGRAVE England, 1778, MIM Wall Sundial, 1778 = Leyburn, Yorks. also signed "J.B."; full name may be "J.B. Cargrave." RSW. suggest correction
CARINALLI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Gloucester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CARIOLI, A. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 4/17/86, 10/20/89. Whitby. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CARITAT, H. USA, c.1799, MIM astronomical instrument maker? 153 Broadway, New York. Bedini 1. suggest correction
CARK, PAUL MIM SIM Graphometer = ZUR. Zinner 1. suggest correction
CARLAW, DAVID Scotland, 1832-1907, MIM Drafting Protractor = Soth. 12/19/66-38 = FRK = RSM. apprenticed to Thomas Rankine Gardner in 1846; made instruments for Lord Kelvin. South Portland Street (1860); Sydney Court, 62 Argyle Street (1865-71); Havelock Buildings, 75 East Howard Street (1872-74); Ropewalk Lane (1875-97); Finnieston Street (1897-1907); all in Glasgow. Frank; House; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
CARLILL, JOHN England, c.1837, MIM NIM OIM Northside, Old Dock, Hull. Taylor 2(2093). suggest correction
CARLL, JOHANN Germany, 1587-1665, MIM Bow Compass = NUR WI-1532. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi; RSW. suggest correction
CARLO DI NAPOLI see Jean-Justin Ciampini. Nachet. suggest correction
CARLO, CRINDEL misreading for Carlo Grindel. Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
CARMAN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CARNIVET see Canivet. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
CARNOVA, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Charlesworth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAROANI France, c.1780, PHIM Barometer = Koller Oct. 1969. Rue et Faubourg St. Antoine, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CAROCHE, C. France, c.1792, OIM made a twenty-two-foot telescope; may be "Carochez." USNM. suggest correction
CAROCHET France, see Carochez. Nachet. suggest correction
CAROCHEZ, NOEL-SIMON France, fl.1767-1813, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Folding Square = P.C.; Graphometer = Chayette 6/28/86; Telescope = Prin Coll; Angle Barometer = D.(1988). Noël-Simon Carochez; apprenticed to P. Vallée, 1759; turned over to Berin de la Croix, 1761; Master in the "Corporation des fondeurs"; "Ingénieur du Roi"; "Opticien de Monsieur"; inventoried Passsement's estate, 1769; made achromatic lenses and physical instruments, etc. Le Pont Nôtre Dame, côte de Saint-Denys-de-la-Chartre (1769); Rue de la Pelleterie (1774); Quai de l'Horloge (1789);last two on the Ile de la Cité; Place de Cambrai (1792); Place de Grève, près l'Hôtel de Ville (no date); all in Paris. Augarde; Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
CAROCHEZ, VEUVE France, MIM Sector = Drouot 4/26/67-71. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CARON, VEUVE France, c.1770-72, OIM Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
CARONCHEZ France, 18th Century, MIM Square = P. and S. 3/8/1895. probably Carochez. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CARONNI France, PHIM made wheel barometers. Rue de Faubourg St. Antoine, à côte de la fontaine de la rue Charone, Paris. ? suggest correction
CAROUCHER France, MIM Square = Evans Coll. probably Carochez. Paris. Evans 1. suggest correction
CARPANTIER, J. France, 19th Century, MIM Level = A-P 3/15/76. possibly a misreading of J. Carpentier. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CARPENTER England, OIM Microscopes = Christie-SK 5/10/77; Soth.-S 7/23/87. made an improved compound folding microscope; surely Philip Carpenter. 24 Regent [Street], London. RSW. suggest correction
CARPENTER AND WESTLEY England, fl.1835-1900+, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Barometers = X, KEN, OXF, D.(1972); Octant with telescopic sights = P.C.; Opera Glasses = WHI; Microscopes = BIL, Soth. 12/8/69, 2/8/83 and 10/3/88; Telescope = Soth. 12/13/65; Level = P. and S. 4/21/1898; Sector, Rule with Protractor, Parallel Rule, ivory = D.(1984). Philip Carpenter; dealt also in globes; T.C. 111 New Street, Birmingham (1835); 24 Regent Street (1838); 21 Regent Street; both in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1795); Calvert 2; Dewhirst; Whipple 1; Purtle; Moskowitz 108; Coffeen B; G.L'E. Turner 24; Crawforth 1 & 6; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
CARPENTER, PHILIP England, fl.1817-38, MIM OIM Compass = WHI; Spy Glass = Susquehanna County Historical Society, Pa.; Microscopes = KEN, P.C.(3), WHI, Christie 12/17/75, Soth. 3/25/86, D.(1995); Telescope, 7-draw = D. (1997). optician; made Brewster's kaleidoscope; T.C.; see Carpenter and Westley; the London shop was called "Microcosm"; D. signed "Carpenter's Improved Microscope for Opake and transparent Objects, 24 Regent Street, London." Bath Row (1817); 111 New Street (1824); 33 Navigation Street (1829); all in Birmingham; 24 Regent Street, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1794); KEN; Calvert 2; USNM; Gunther 2; Whipple 1; Moskowitz 108; Bryden 9; Crawforth 1; Coffeen 58; RSW. suggest correction
CARPENTER, THOMAS England, c.1830, NIM compass maker. New Canal Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1794). suggest correction
CARPENTER, WILLIAM England, c.1808, OIM optician. Inge Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
CARPENTIER, J. France, c.1877, PHIM Galvanometer = D. succeeded Ruhmkorff at his death. Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; Brieux 1. suggest correction
CARPENTIERE, ANDRIES France, c.1750, MIM garden sundial at Dunham Massey attributed to him. RSW. suggest correction
CARR, GRIFFITH England, c.1718, apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company in 1718. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CARR, H. England, MIM Horary Quadrant, wood = Newcastle Science and Engineering Museum. RSW. suggest correction
CARR, JOHN England, c.1823, devised way to increase field of view of telescopes. Bristol. Taylor 2(1503). suggest correction
CARRARESI, GIOVANNI Italy, fl.1851-54, PHIM made electrical apparatus. Florence. Brenni 1. suggest correction
CARRE, E. Germany, c.1840, PHIM Electrostatic Apparatus = D. E. Carré. Brieux 3. suggest correction
CARRE, PAUL France, 1652, NIM Holland Circle, 1652 = OXF. Paul Carré; punchmark is a heart pierced by an arrow. Paris. Maison Française. suggest correction
CARREW, JOHN WILLIAM England, fl.1836-58, MIM PHIM Taylor thought he was John Carrew. 18 Wapping Lane (1836-40); 13 Wapping Lane (1842-58); both in London. O'Mara; Taylor 2(2094). suggest correction
CARRIEU France, c.1840, MIM SIM Surveying Circle = D.(1986). "Ecole de chalons." Coffeen 13. suggest correction
CARROCHEZ see Carochez. Daumas 1. suggest correction
CARROLL, NICHOLAS England, 1842, MIM Sundial, slate, 1842 = P.C. Rattoo. RSW. suggest correction
CARRON, JEAN FRANCOIS France, 1787, MIM Mathematical Instrument Set, 1787 = MADEX-473. Jean François Carron. MADEX. suggest correction
CARRY see Cary. Daumas 1; Brieux 3. suggest correction
CARSARTELLY England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably variant of "Casartelli." Goodison 1. suggest correction
CARSATELLI England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. probably a variant of "Casartelli." Goodison 1. suggest correction
CARTA, GEORGE England, fl.1839=52, OIM PHIM optician; barometer maker. 252 High Street, Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CARTAILIER France, MIM SIM Graphometers = PSH, Soth. 11/13/61 = D.(1965), Ineichen 6/7/75, 10/20/75. some may be same instrument. Avignon. Paris 1900; RSW. suggest correction
CARTARIUS see Mario Cartaro. suggest correction
CARTARO, MARIO Italy, fl.1560-91, MIM Celestial Globes, 1577 = ROM(2), FLO; Terrestrial Globe, 1577 = ROM. also signed as "Cartarius." Viterbo; Rome; Naples. Bonelli 4; Michel 3; Italian Inventory; Globus, Dec. 1956; Tooley 1; Bedini 12. suggest correction
CARTE, JOHN England, fl.1695-1703, MIM Altitude Sundials with perpetual calendars = OXF; KEN. member of the Clockmakers' Company; author; advertised a "Great Geographical Clock." Coventry; Dial and Crown near Essex Street, Strand; Lombard Street (1696); Garden Court, Middle Temple; all in London. Taylor 1(495); Dewhirst; Britten; Gunther 2 and 6; Michel 3. suggest correction
CARTER Englandc.1740, PHIM Barometer = D.(1968). Ripon. RSW. suggest correction
CARTER, FREDK. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/15/72. Hart Street, Bloomsbury, London. RSW. suggest correction
CARTER, G. England, c.1830, OIM Refracting Telescope = Bearne's 2/17/92. with stand and case. Exeter. RSW. suggest correction
CARTER, HENRY England, fl.pre-1717 to post-1724, MIM took Anthony Lamb, his nephew?, as an apprentice, 1717-24. near St. Clement's Church, Strand, London. Taylor 2(154a); Baber; Smart 1; Bedini 7. suggest correction
CARTER, J. England, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. 61 Cornhill (London). RSW. suggest correction
CARTER, N. England, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/7/86. Salisbury. RSW. suggest correction
CARTER, THOMAS England, fl.1784-1811, made instrument cases. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
CARTILLA, CARMELO Italy, 1720, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1720 = ROM. Turin. Michel 3; Tooley; Globus, Dec. 1956. suggest correction
CARTLAND, GEORGE Ireland, 1824, OIM optician. 8 Rosemary Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
CARTON, WILLIAM England, c.1721, free in the Joiners' Company in 1721; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CARTWRIGHT AND SON England, c.1840, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer with Thermometer = Soth.-Bearne 4/4/78. see C. Cartwright and Son. Preston. RSW. suggest correction
CARTWRIGHT, C., AND SON England, c.1840, OIM PHIM Student's Microscope = Soth. 6/8/70. Preston. RSW. suggest correction
CARUGHI England, see Gugeri and Carughi. suggest correction
CARUGHI, PAUL England, fl.1839-60, PHIM Wheel Barometers = D.(1976), Phillips-Leeds 12/16/87. also made thermometers; see Gugeri and Carughi; see Paul Carughi and Co.; Phillips-Leeds signed "P. Carughi, High Holborn." 15 Brook Street (1839); 128 Holborn (1841-43); 16 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1844-45); 38 Brook Street (1846-47); 139 High Holborn (1852-60); all in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CARUGHI, PAUL, AND CO. England, pre-1846, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers. London. Dewhirst. suggest correction
CARVALHO DA COSTA, ANTONIO Portugal, 1650-1714, designed a mariner's astrolabe. Lisbon. Weil 2(25). suggest correction
CARVER see Baker, Carver and Morrell. RSW. suggest correction
CARVER, ISAAC England, fl.1667-1728, MIM Sectors, ivory = KEN (1683), P.C. (1704); Everard-type Slide Rules = P.C. (1686), OXF (1688), KEN (1689); Level, 1696 = GEL; Goniometer, 1696 = GEL; Slide Rules = KEN (1700, 1713), OXF, Soth. 7/15/63; Triangular Sector, 1704 = D.(1975); Globe Sundial, 1708 = X; Log Slide Rule, wood, 1710 = P.C.; Drawing Instrument = GEL. author, 1687; T.C.; watchmaker; admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company in 1668; took apprentices. Sign of the Globe Dial, Horseley Down, Southwark, London, (1696-1728). Taylor 1(313); Wynter 1; Wynter and Turner; Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Gunther 2; Clay and Court; Evans 1; Baillie 1; Maistrov 3; Novokshanova-Soklovskaja; KEN; Crawforth 1; J. Brown 1 & 3; A.J. Turner 10; Delehar 9; RSW suggest correction
CARVER, JACOB England, c.1715, MIM son of Isaac Carver; T.C.; made slide rules and gauges. Globe Dial, Horseleydown, Southwark; Atlas and Quadrant, near Cherry-Garden Stairs on Rotherhith Wall; both in London. Taylor 2(33); Calvert 2; Clay and Court; KEN; Daumas 1. suggest correction
CARVER, SAMUEL misprint for Jacob Carver in Index. Daumas 1. suggest correction
CARWARDINE, PHILIP England, c.1674, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
CARY 1 England, 1783-1859, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including barometers, globes, sextants, microscopes, theodolites, etc. family of instrument makers; it is difficult to distinguish between the work of John (1), John (2), William, George (1), or George (2) Cary. 181 Strand; 272 Strand (1786-91); both in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(810, 935, 1290); Wynter 1; Coffeen C; Gunther 2 and 6; Moskowitz 103; Whipple 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Pipping 2; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
CARY 2 England, c.1810, PHIM Marine Barometer = VNN. Andrew Cary. London. RSW. suggest correction
CARY AND CO. England, fl.1856-1900+, MIM OIM T.C.; established in 1765; last owned by Henry Porter; "late of 181 Strand, London, W.C." 7 Pall Mall, two doors east from Waterloo Place, London, S.W. Calvert 2; Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
CARY'S England, 1811, MIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature, 1811 = ADL-W56. made by one of the Carys. RSW. suggest correction
CARY, ANDREW see Cary 2. RSW. suggest correction
CARY, FRANCIS England, 1756-1836, MIM brother of John (1), George (1), and William Cary; globemaker. London. Yonge. suggest correction
CARY, G. AND L. England, misreading for George (20) and John (2) Cary. Chenekal 3. suggest correction
CARY, GEORGE (2) AND JOHN (2) England, fl.1821-53, MIM SIM Pairs of Globes = MLL, Soth. 2/25/86; Terrestrial Globes = Soth. 9/20/83 (1821), USNM(2) (1828), USNM(2) (1838). brothers; George Cary 2 and John Cary 2; succeeded their uncle William Cary, in 1825 and their father, John Cary 1, in 1831; usually signed "G. and J. Cary." 86 St. James's ; 181 Strand (1825-56); both in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(695, 810, 1290); Chenekal 3; KEN; USNM; Moskowitz 103; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
CARY, GEORGE 1 England, d.1830, MIM brother of John (1), Francis and William Cary; globemaker. London. Yonge. suggest correction
CARY, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1821-59, MIM NIM OIM son of John Cary 1; brother of John Cary 2; see George (2) and John (2) Cary; globe maker; succeeded by George Frederick Cruchley. 86 St. James's; 181 Strand; both in London. Taylor 2(1290); KEN; Yonge. suggest correction
CARY, J. AND C. misreading for J. and W. Cary. USNM. suggest correction
CARY, J. AND W. England, fl.1780-1828, MIM NIM makers of globes and nautical instruments, their work is found in many museums. John (1) and William Cary; brothers, and father and uncle, respectively, to John (2) and George (2) Cary. 181 Strand (1780); 272 Strand (to 1820); both in London. Taylor 2(695 and 810); USNM; Chenekal 1; KEN; Catalogus der Bibliotheek; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CARY, JOHN 1 England, 1754-1835 fl.1783-1831, MIM NIM globe and map maker; worked with his brothers, William Cary and George Cary 1; retired in 1831; father of George (2) and John (2) Cary; see J. and W. Cary. 181 Arundel Street, Strand (1783); 181 Strand (1792); 85/6 St. James's Street (1821); all in London. Taylor 2(695); KEN; Price 3; Ward 4; Yonge. suggest correction
CARY, JOHN 2 England, fl.1791-1853, MIM globe maker; worked with his brother, George (2), as G. and J. Cary; son of John Cary 1. 86 St. James's; 181 Strand; both in London. Taylor 2(1290); Moskowitz 103; KEN; Yonge. suggest correction
CARY, W. AND J. England, c.1822, MIM Terrestrial (1815) and Celestial (1822) Globes on clock = Town Museum, Oslo. William and John (1) Cary; clock by James Shearer. 272 The Strand, London (1786). RSW. suggest correction
CARY, WILLIAM England, 1759-1825, MIM NIM OIM Terrestrial Globe = Custis-Lee Mansion, Arlington, Va.; Slide Rule for currency conversion, wood and paper, 1815 = OXF; Stand for Astronomical Sextant = CMY; Microscope = CMY; Meridian Telescope = DRE; Slide Rule, chemical = P.C. apprenticed to Jesse Ramsden; worked with older brother, John Cary 1, 1786; T.C.; worked alone from 1789; the name of the shop continued as William Cary until 1891; also brother of George (1) and Francis Cary. 272 Strand (1786); No.182 Strand near Norfolk Street (1794); 181 Strand (1794-1825); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(810); Maddison 1; Dewhirst; Gunther 2; Clay and Court; Wheatland 1; Daumas 1; USNM; Moskowitz 103; Pipping 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Crawforth 1 & 6; J.A. Bennett 2; Delehar 9; RSW; Yonge. suggest correction
CARZATELLI France, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Longleat House, Wilts. à la Tour d'Argent, rue et Faubourg St. Antoine, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CAS. BU. see Caspar Buschmann 1. Michel 2; Bobinger 2; Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
CASA, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CASARETELLI England, probaly the same as Casartelli. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CASARTELLI 1 England, MIM PHIM Anemometer = P.C.; Level = Phillips 10/5/76. mining instrument maker; could be Joseph or Lewis (2) Casartelli. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
CASARTELLI 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. similar to one by Charles Molliner. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CASARTELLI 3 England, c.1847, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. could be Anthony or Joseph Casartelli. Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CASARTELLI 4 England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 5/1/86. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CASARTELLI, A. 1 England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN; Wheel Barometer = X. may be Anthony Casartelli 1 or 2. Duke Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CASARTELLI, A. 2 Ireland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 2 Fade Street, Dublin. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CASARTELLI, ANTHONY (1) AND JOSEPH England, fl.1845-49, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-West Sussex 12/13/83; Marine Barometers = X(2), Soth. 6/6/75; Telescope = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/19/88. instruments signed "A. and J. Casartelli"; opticians. 20 Duke Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CASARTELLI, ANTHONY 1 England, 1802-59, PHIM optician; made barometers and thermometers; Antonio Giovanni Casartelli; worked from 1845-59. 20 Duke Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1; Moskowitz 105. suggest correction
CASARTELLI, ANTHONY 2 England, 1830-81, PHIM Giovanni Antonio Santino Casartelli; worked with Anthony (1) and Joseph Casartelli; made barometers. 11 Castle Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CASARTELLI, J., AND SON 1 England, MIM SIM Miner's Surveying Compasses = D.(1970), Christie-SK 4/17/86. surely Joseph L. Casartelli and Son. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
CASARTELLI, J., AND SON 2 England, OIM Microscope, simple = FRK-M331. Salford. Frank. suggest correction
CASARTELLI, JOSEPH L. England, 1822-1900, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/83; Rolling Parallel Rule = D.(1972); Bubble Level = D.(1973); Surveying Instruments = Soth.-NY 2/23/79, RSM; Dickinson's Anemometer = Christie-SK 5/10/77; Miner's Surveying Compass = Phillips 2/2/84; Theodolite = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Mining Dial = P.C. (1987); Soho-type Slide Rule = P.C. barometer signed "J.L. Casartelli"; the rest signed "J. Casartelli"; Giuseppe Luigi Casartelli, great-nephew of Lewis Casartelli 1; worked with Anthony Casartelli 1, 1845-49, in Liverpool; succeeded to the business of his brothers-in-law, John B. and Joshua Ronchetti (2), in Manchester in 1851; T.C. 20 Duke Street, Liverpool (1845-49); 42 Market Street, Manchester (1851-on). Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Moskowitz 105; Delehar 9; RSW. suggest correction
CASARTELLI, LEWIS 1 England; Italy, 1784-1860 fl.1810-45, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Octant = GEP; Stick Barometer = Soth.-C 10/31/90. Luigi Antonio Casartelli; succeeded by his nephew and great-nephew, Anthony Casartelli 1 and Joseph L. Casartelli; retired to Italy in 1845; also made thermometers. 37 King Street (1820-32); 39 King Street (1821, 1824, 1826); 37/8 King Street (1823); 36 King Street (1827, 1829); 30 King Street (1832); 132 King Street (1834-43); 134 Duke Street (1834); 133 King Street (1834-37); 20 Duke Street (1835-43); all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1505); Goodison 1; Moskowitz 105; Crawforth 6; RSW. suggest correction
CASARTELLI, LEWIS 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Market Street, Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CASATI Italy, c.1800, PHIM made thermometers. Daumas 1. suggest correction
CASATI, FRERES France, NIM Octant = LAS. Casati Frères. Marseilles. RSW. suggest correction
CASATI, PIERRE France, c.1750, PHIM Thermometer of Lyons = KEN. Lyon. KEN. suggest correction
CASBOIS, DOM France, c.1793, PHIM designed a new type of barometer tube. Metz. Middleton 1. suggest correction
CASE Holland, c.1685, OIM made telescopes; optician. Amsterdam. Daumas 1; Huygens. suggest correction
CASE, WILLIAM England, c.1827, MIM 22 Crown Street, Finsbury Square, London. Taylor 2(1506). suggest correction
CASELLA England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. a firm that still exists today; originated with Louis Paschel Casella. London. Price 12; Whipple 1; Gunther 2; Moskowitz 105; RSW. suggest correction
CASELLA AND CO. 1 England, post-1840, PHIM Lewis Casella; specialized in thermometers. Taylor 2(1796). suggest correction
CASELLA AND CO. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Louis Casella and Co. London. Goodison 1; Moskowitz 105. suggest correction
CASELLA AND TAGLIABUE England, fl.1846-48, PHIM Louis Casella and Caesar Tagliabue; barometer makers; succeeded Tagliabue and Casella; succeeded by Louis Casella and Co. 23 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CASELLA, C.F., AND CO. LTD. England, c.1875, MIM Alidade = ADL-W165. London. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CASELLA, LEWIS Scotland; England, fl.1833-38, MIM PHIM Diptych Sundial, boxwood = WHI. marked "Sundial and Compass"; specialized in thermometers; later became Casella and Co. 1. London. Taylor 2(1796); Bryden 16; Morrison-Low. suggest correction
CASELLA, LOUIS PASCHEL England, fl.1844-97, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including barometers, sextants, sundials, microscopes, etc. "Maker to the Admiralty"; "Maker to the Admiralty and Ordnance"; most instruments signed "Casella London" or "L. Casella London"; worked with Tagliabue from 1846-48. 23 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1796); Brewington 1; Moskowitz 108; Middleton 4; Coffeen D; Pipping 1; Price 12; Whipple 1; Gunther 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
CASELLA, LOUIS, AND CO. England, fl.1848-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1983). barometer makers; succeeded Casella and Tagliabue; "Instruments Makers to the Admiralty and Government of America", 1856; "Instrument makers to the East India Co.and Board of Trade", 1860. 23 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CASELLI, ANTONIUS Italy, c.1692, MIM Sectors = D.(1965), Musée Lombard, Geneva. the dealer's sector is signed "Antonius Caselli faciabat Luiz." Luiz. Brophy; RSW. suggest correction
CASERTELLI England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. surely one of the Casartellis. Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CASHEE, R. misreading for Richard Cushee. Christie 10/31/67; Yonge. suggest correction
CASS, DANIEL England, c.1798, MIM apprenticed to William Moris of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 2, 1794; turned over to John Fentiman, member of the Tiler and Bricklayers' Company on June 23, 1798. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CASSARD, ANDRE France, 1423, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1423 = Saint-Etienne Church, Bourges. André Cassard; worked under the direction of Johanne Fusoris. Bourges. Gunther 1. suggest correction
CASSAROTI England, PHIM see Bordoli and Cassaroti. Stampford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CASSEGRAIN, GUILLAUME France, c.1672, Sieur Guillaume Cassegrain; developed the type of reflecting telescope which carries his name. Chartres; Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; H.C. King 1; L. Bell; DSB. suggest correction
CASSELI Italy, MIM Military Compass = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
CASSELLIS MIM Universal Ring Sun Dial = SWE. mathematics and optics professor. RSW. suggest correction
CASSEVA, GENERA England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 10/26/83. Stourbridge. Taylor 2(1797); RSW. suggest correction
CASSINI, GIAN DOMENICO Italy; France, 1625-1712, OIM Cassini I; first Director of the Paris Observatory, 1669-c.1710; repaired the meridian of Bologna in 1655; designed telescopes; author; made a 136-foot telescope; made an improvement to the barometer in 1673. Bologna; Paris. Nachet; Morpurgo 1; Daumas 1; Dewhirst; Middleton 1; DSB. suggest correction
CASSINI, JACQUES France, 1677-1756, OIM Cassini II; directed the Paris Observatory from c.1710 to 1740; helped his father, Gian Domenico Cassini, in the restoration of the meridian of the Church of San Petronio in Bologna, in 1695. Paris. DSB. suggest correction
CASSINI, JACQUES DOMINIQUE France1748-1845, OIM Cassini IV; director of the Paris Observatory from 1784 to 1793; attempted to have a seven-foot quadrant cast in one piece; The DSB says that his name was Jean Dominique Cassini. Daumas 1; DSB. suggest correction
CASSINI, P. GIOVANNI MARIA, C.R.S. Italy, fl.1790-92, MIM Set of Celestial Gores, 1792 = ADL-A302; Pair of Globes = D.(1976); Celestial Globes, 1792 = ROM, etc.; Terrestrial Globes, 1790 = ROM, NMM, P.C., Bib. Mun., Ancona. ADL gores are for an 8.5 cm. globe. Rome. Bonelli 4; Daumas 1; Italian Inventory; NMM 2; Globus, Nov. 1954; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CASSON, GEORGE England, fl.1814-22, OIM George Terrace, Commercial Road, London. Taylor 2(1291). suggest correction
CASSON, RUSSELL England, 1727, MIM Sundial, 1727 = X. Evans 1. suggest correction
CASTEL, JACQUES THOMAS France, 1710-72, MIM Orrery Clock, 1763 = Christie 6/22/89; Analemmatic Sundial, 1769 = PMM; Sundial, 1769 = Lab. de Physique du Collège de France; Meridian Sundials = MADEX-176, 178 = PSH. secretary to the King, 1758-74; designed window sundial at Oxford, made by Baradelle; invented and made sundials giving true time. Rue Neuve Saint Roch (1758-71); Rue Neuve des Bons Enfants; both in Paris. Michel 1 and 3; Nachet; Paris 1900; MADEX; Gunther 6; RSW. suggest correction
CASTELLA, L. England, MIM Compass, ivory = Christie 11/8/66-11. probably misreading for L. Casella. London. RSW. suggest correction
CASTELLETTI, JOHN England, c.1841, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer signed "John Casteleti." High Street, Leicester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CASTELLI, CARLO Italy, c.1800, devised philosophical instruments. Milan. Offenbacher 22, 1970. suggest correction
CASTIGONE France, c.1831, OIM Opera Glass = WHI. Paris. Whipple 1. suggest correction
CASTLEMAINE, EARL OF England, see Roger Palmer, Earl of Castlemaine. Bryden 11; Gunther 3; Taylor 1(402, 406). suggest correction
CASWELL England, c.1690, devised a nocturnal, made by Prujean. Gunther 2. suggest correction
CATAILIER France, see Cartailier. Ineichen, 1975. suggest correction
CATALINI, SIMONE Italy, 1720, NIM Marine Compass, 1720 = GEP. Livorno. RSW. suggest correction
CATELLI AND CO. 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. may be C. Catelli and Co. or Catelli and Co. 2. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATELLI AND CO. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Worcester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATELLI, C., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, D.(1976). D. is signed "Catelli and Co. Hereford." Hereford. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CATELLI, G. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95. see C. Catelli and Co. Hereford. RSW. suggest correction
CATMUR, BENJAMIN England, fl.1838-40, MIM OIM PHIM 28 Chamber Street, Goodman's Field, London. Taylor 2(2096). suggest correction
CATON, W. England, c.1825, OIM Microscope = Clay Coll. Taylor 2(1507); Clay and Court. suggest correction
CATTANEO England, fl.1830-60, PHIM family of barometer makers including Austin, Henry, John, Joseph and Philip in various partnerships. 12 Castlegate, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANEO AND CO. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie's 2/19/97. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
CATTANEO AND CO. 1 England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Reigate. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
CATTANEO AND CO. 2 England, c.1848, PHIM made barometers, watches and clocks; partnership of Henry and Philip Cattaneo and Joseph Fattorini. 12 Castlegate, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANEO, AUSTIN England, pre-1838, OIM PHIM optician; made barometers; in partnership with Henry and John Cattaneo, Peter Ballarini and Joseph Fattorini. Kings Staith, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANEO, H., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Henry Cattaneo and Co. York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANEO, HENRY England, 1806-60, PHIM in partnership with Joseph Cattaneo, 1838-48; see Austin Cattaneo; see Cattaneo and Co. 2. Kings Staith (pre-1838); 12 Castlegate (1838-48); 2 St. Martins Lane (1851); all in York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANEO, JOHN England, pre-1838, PHIM see Austin Cattaneo. Kings Staith, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANEO, JOSEPH England, fl.1838-51, PHIM see Joseph and Henry Cattaneo; bankrupt, 1849; in business on his own, 1851. 12 Castlegate (1838); Minster Gates (1849); 1 South Entrance (1851); all in York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANEO, JOSEPH AND HENRY England, fl.1838-48, OIM PHIM opticians; made barometers. 12 Castlegate, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANEO, PHILIP England, c.1848, PHIM made barometers, clocks and watches; see Cattaneo and Co. 2. 12 Castlegate, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANIO, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 9/23/88. Worcester. RSW. suggest correction
CATTANIO, A. AND L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be Austin Cattaneo; `L' may be `H'. York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANIO, ANTHONY 1 England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X(2). also made thermometers. Blackhall Street, Kidderminster. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1801). suggest correction
CATTANIO, ANTHONY 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips-Leeds 12/16/87, Phillips 8/12/87, Christie 4/28/89. Market Place, Malton. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CATTANIO, C., AND DOTTI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Braintree. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANIO, P. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). Croyden. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANIO, P. 2 England, 18th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Chester 10/6/86. Chester. RSW. suggest correction
CATTANIO, V. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Worcester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTANO, ANTHONY England, c.1830, see Anthony Cattanio 1. Taylor 2(1801). suggest correction
CATTELY AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. stick has address. 81 Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTELY, G., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CATTENCO, A. misreading for A. Cattanio 2. Phillips 12/16/87. suggest correction
CATTIN, JEAN-BAPTISTE France, 1726, MIM Planetarium, 1727 = P.C.; Celestial Globes with clockwork = NMM-G.136 (1727), NMM-G.137 (1728), CNAM (1727), Nouveau Drouot 6/3/83 (1727), D.(1995) (1726). "Mécanicien Horloger"; the clockwork globes were invented by Abbé D.Reginald Outhier of Besançon; the D.(1995) globe was presented to the French Royal Academy of Sciences in 1727. Fort de Plasne en Franche-Comté, Jura; Paris. MADEX; NMM 2; Cons. Nat'l 1; RSW. suggest correction
CAUCHOIS France, c.1830, MIM Garden Sundial, marble = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/23/94. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CAUCHOIX, ROBERT AGLAE France, 1776-1845, OIM Lunette Murals, 1818 = USNM; Prism = USNM; Telescopes = NAC, D.; Achromatic Lens = NAC; Microscope = P.C.; Prospect Glass, with double eyepiece = D.(1976). Robert Aglaé Cauchoix; instruments signed "Cauchoix à Paris"; made telescopes for Cambridge Observatory in 1835. rue de la Loi (1803); rue des Amandiers-Sainte-Geneviève; 27 Quai Voltaire (1819); Quai Voltaire No. 17; all in Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; USNM; Gunther 3; Moskowitz 113; RSW. suggest correction
CAUCIGH, R.P. MICHAEL Austria, 1726, invented a type of celestial globe, 1726, made by J. Beckher. Linz. Zinner 1; Globus Dec., 1956. suggest correction
CAUMONT, M. France, c.1820, MIM Sundial, large = Dijon. laid out on the ground. Gatty; Earle. suggest correction
CAUS, SALOMAN DE France, 1644, MIM author; made sundials. Moreux. suggest correction
CAVAGNOLI, GIUSEPPE Italy, 1665, MIM SIM Alidade with altimeter scale, 1665 = BRP; Cicumferentor, 1665 = BRP. Piace. RSW. suggest correction
CAVALIERI Italy, c.1660, developed a type of telescope. Daumas 1. suggest correction
CAVALIERO, JOSEPH-MARIA Italy, 1770, MIM Polyhedral Sundials in shape of casket = OXF (1770), U. of Naples (1769). Baron of San Caetano; owner; U. of Naples is silver. Naples. Michel 3; Gunther 2; Regozzino and Schettino; RSW. suggest correction
CAVALLERI Italy, c.1845, OIM made reflecting microscopes. Clay and Court. suggest correction
CAVALLI, ATANAGIO Italy, PHIM made meteorological instruments. Asti; Rome. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
CAVALLO, TIBERIUS Italy; England, 1749-1809, invented an electrometer in 1777; modified the air pump; lived most of his life in England; F.R.S.; author. Naples; London. Wolf; G.L'E. Turner 24; DSB; DND; Middleton 1. suggest correction
CAVE, THOMAS Ireland, fl.1750-80, MIM SIM Compasses = X, P.C.; Butterfield-type Sundial, 1780 = WHI; Horizontal Sundial, oval = WHI; Mathematical Instrument = WHI; Circumferentors = Soth. 3/11/63-115, Soth.-PB pre-1980; Surveying Compass = D.(1982). WHI horizontal sundial probably instrument mentioned by Clay and Court. Dublin. Taylor 2(811); Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Price 12; Egestorff; Moskowitz 123; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
CAVELLATI Italy, MIM Table Sundial = POR. RSW. suggest correction
CAVENDISH, SIR CHARLES England, 1591-1652, physicist; designed lenses. London. Taylor 1(124). suggest correction
CAVENS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Carlisle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAVERHILL AND CO. Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Berwick-on-Tweed. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CAVINET France, c.1771, MIM Micrometer = X. probably Canivet; instrument maker of the Royal Academy of Sciences. Paris. Dewhirst; USNM. suggest correction
CAVOT France, 1747, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1747 = Soth. 5/10/54. surely "Cadot." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CAWDLE, W. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.S 1/27/88. Torquay. RSW. suggest correction
CAWOOD, FRANCIS England, fl.1709-12, MIM made mathematical instruments; author. Bartholomew Lane, near the Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 1(555); Dewhirst; Evans 1. suggest correction
CAYGILL, CHRISTOPHER England, 1747-1803, MIM made sundials; clockmaker. Askrigg. Loomes. suggest correction
CAYTHORP England, 17th Century, PHIM Bell Weight = Soth. 10/3/88. weighs twenty-eight pounds. RSW. suggest correction
CECH see Czech. Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
CEDEBORG, ANDREW England, c.1798, MIM St. John's Lane, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(936). suggest correction
CEDERSTEN, NILS GABRIEL Sweden, c.1770, OIM optician; apprenticed to Carl Lehnberg. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
CELEBRINI, P. Italy, c.1680, OIM Microscope = D. also made telescopes. Weil 2(19, 23). suggest correction
CELI, MARCUS ANTONIUS see Marcantonio Cellio. Clay and Court. suggest correction
CELLA, AUGUSTINUS Sweden, PHIM Stick Barometer = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
CELLA, PHILIPP Germany, 1831, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1831 = VNL. Munich. Globus, Dec. 1956, June 1962. suggest correction
CELLIO, MARCANTONIO Italy, 1685, OIM Objective Lens, 1685 = Bologna University Observatory; Microscope = D. Bologna. Bonelli 4; Nachet; Weil 2(19); Price 2; Clay and Court. suggest correction
CELLIS, M.A. see Marcantonio Cellio. Weil 2(23). suggest correction
CELSIUS, ANDERS Sweden, 1701-44, designed the centigrade scale for thermometers. G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 4; DSB. suggest correction
CELVI, DOMENICO misreading for Domenico Selva. KRE; RSW. suggest correction
CERF, H. Belgium, MIM PHIM Compass and Barometer, each in shape of watch = Soth.-NY 2/23/79. 59 Rue de la Madeleine, Brussels. RSW. suggest correction
CERI AND PINI Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Ciceri and Pini. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CERMANATI AND BERNARDA USA, c.1807, OIM PHIM T.C.; made and sold telescopes and thermometers. Essex Street, Salem; No. 2 State Street Boston (1807); both in Mass. RSW. suggest correction
CERMENATI AND MONFRINO USA, c.1810, OIM PHIM Bernard Cermenati and Monfrino; made telescopes, barometers and thermometers. No. 2 State Street, Boston, Mass. Comstock; USNM. suggest correction
CERUELLATI, LUIGI misreading for Luigi Cervellati. RSW. suggest correction
CERUTTY, JOHN England, PHIM Barometer with Thermometer = Longleat House, Wilts. At the Tuns Lodging House, Bath. RSW. suggest correction
CERVALATI, LUIGI Italy, 1572, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1572 = Stuker (1958). Jesuit. RSW. suggest correction
CERVELLARI, GUIDO Italy, 1805, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1805 = ROM. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
CERVELLATI, LUIGI Italy, c.1824, MIM Magnetic Compass, gilt, 1824 = Soth. 2/1/79; Armillary Sphere = D.(1975); Sundial, pin-gnomon, in wooden box = OXF; Table Sundial = POR. table sundial is for 44°30'; armillary sphere is marked "forma" and is of wood and paper, manuscript, Copernican. Bologna. Evans 1; Gunther 2; RSW. suggest correction
CESARINO, CESARE Italy, 1483-1543, claimed to have invented a hodometer. Milan; Ferrara. Weil 2(15). suggest correction
CESPEDES, DR. ANDRES GARCIA DE 1560-1611, MIM made reflection sundials; author. Michel 14; Zeitlin 224. suggest correction
CETTA AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably J. and J. Cetta. Stroud. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTA, G., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Dursley. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTA, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Stroudwater. RSW. suggest correction
CETTA, J. AND J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Stroud. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTA, J., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTA, JOHN England, fl.1838-60, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; took over Paul Carughi's shop at 15 Brook Street in 1839; was succeeded by Wheelhouse and Bercini at 40 Hatton Garden. 7 Union Court, Black Hill, Holborn (1838); 15 Brook Street (1839-44); 14-15 Brook Street (1845-46); 40 Hatton Garden (1847-60); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2097). suggest correction
CETTEA England, see Gobbi and Cettea. Nottingham. Bell 2. suggest correction
CETTI 1 Italy; England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Henley. Goodison 1; Morpurgo 1; NAWCC Bull. suggest correction
CETTI 2 England, c.1853, PHIM see Pastorelli and Cetti. 11 Brook Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTI AND CO. 1 England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Sotheby 12/15/94. may be same as Cetti and Co. 2, before they moved to London. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
CETTI AND CO. 2 England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Phillips 4/10/83; Soth-S 7/23/87; Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 7/21/83. probably John or Joseph Cetti. 54 Red Lion Street; 25 Red Lion Street; both in Holborn, London. Goodison 1; NAWCC, April 1969; RSW. suggest correction
CETTI, A. 1 Denmark, c.1770-80, OIM PHIM Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. T.C. in Danish and French. corner of Gothersgade and Storekongensgade No. 29, Copenhagen. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
CETTI, A. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTI, DUDLEY England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 6/6/75. RSW. suggest correction
CETTI, E. England, c.1740, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3). London. USNM; Goodison 1; "Antiques" Nov. 1942. suggest correction
CETTI, FRA Italy; Sweden, 1803-79, PHIM Stick Barometer, No. 353, 1818 = NOR; Stick Barometer = NOR; Thermometers = STM(2). Francesco Cetti; meteorological instrument maker to the Swedish Royal Academy, 1830; partner with C.E. Collin. Stockholm (1821 on). Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
CETTI, J. 1 England, PHIM physical instrument maker. Buckingham. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
CETTI, J. 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 81 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTI, J., AND CO. 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. either Joseph or John Cetti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTI, J., AND CO. 2 England, fl.1816-39, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). probably Joseph Cetti. 25 Red Lion Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTI, J., AND CO. 3 England, fl.1840-48, PHIM John Cetti and Co.; succeeded Joseph Cetti and Co. 25 Red Lion Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTI, J., AND CO. 4 England, c.1810, PHIM Marine Barometer = D.(1977). 24 Bullion Street, Holborn, London. Wynter 1. suggest correction
CETTI, JOHN England, PHIM see J. Cetti and Co. 1 and 3. RSW. suggest correction
CETTI, JOHN, AND CO. England, fl.1840-48, PHIM barometer makers; succeeded Joseph Cetti. 25 Red Lion Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTI, JOS England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. surely Joseph Cetti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTI, JOSEPH England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTI, JOSEPH, AND CO. England, fl.1802-39, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers; succeeded by John Cetti and Co. 3 Long Lane, Smithfield (1802); 54 Red Lion Street (1803-15); 25 Red Lion Street (1816-39); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CETTI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CEULEN, JAN VAN, THE ELDER Holland, fl.1682-1715, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1682 = Soth. 3/5/59; Planetarium = LEY; Clock = LEY. The Hague. Michel 3. suggest correction
CEULEN, JEAN VAN, LE JEUNE Holland, MIM Astronomical Table Clock = ADL-M390; Repetition Watch = Pierpont Morgan Coll. The Hague. Engelmann 1; Rooseboom 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CEULEN, JOHANNES VAN see Johannes van Keulen. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
CEULL, JOHANN c.1630, MIM Proportional Compass = NUR. Price 2. suggest correction
CEVIN misreading for Sevin. Soth. 7/31/58. suggest correction
CEVIN, P. misreading for "P. Sevin." Soth. 6/23/87; Christie-G 5/13/86. suggest correction
CHACOT France, c.1775, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CHADBURN 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = P.C. probably A. Chadburn, which see; see Chadburn and Co.; see Chadburn and Wright; see Chadburn Brothers. Sheffield. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
CHADBURN 2 England, c.1840, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compass = D.(1971); Microscope = Soth. 3/22/76; Telescope = Phillips 10/5/76; Proportional Dividers and Sector, ivory = Soth. 10/27/69; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 5/20/88; Wheel Barometer = New House 9/10/93. optician; "Instrument Maker to H.R.H. Prince Albert"; branch of the Sheffield business. 71 Lord Street, Liverpool. Bryden 9; ATG 8/28/93; RSW. suggest correction
CHADBURN AND CO. England, fl.1830-33, MIM OIM PHIM succeeded William Chadburn. 40 Ladys Bridge, Nursery Street (1830); 23 Nursery Street (1833); both in Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CHADBURN AND SON England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM Level = Phillips 4/20/83; Stick Barometer = Bearnes 11/12/86; Telescope = Soth. 2/8/83. "Opticians." 71 Lord Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
CHADBURN AND WRIGHT England, c.1830, OIM Achromatic Telescope = D. 40 Nursery Street; The Wicker; both in Sheffield. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1509); RSW. suggest correction
CHADBURN BROTHERS England, fl.1837-84, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometers = X(3), Soth.-C 10/9/86; Martin-type Microscope = Soth. 6/23/69; Telescopes = MIM, MLL; etc. "opticians to H.R.H., the Late Prince Consort"; T.C.; see Chadburn 1. 26 Nursery Street (1842); Albion Works, Nursery Street; both in Sheffield; 71 Lord Street; 7 Lord Street; both in Liverpool. G.L'E. Turner 24; Goodison 1; Calvert 2; Chenekal 4; KEN; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHADBURN, A. England, c.1830, PHIM Model of a Beam Engine = Levens Hall, Kendal, Cumbria. Sheffield. RSW. suggest correction
CHADBURN, CHARLES HENRY England, fl.1845-57, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 1/30/84. optician and instrument maker to Prince Albert; factory at Sheffield is now Chadburns Ltd; T.C.; barometer is signed "C.H. Chadburn Liverpool." 71 Lord Street, Liverpool; Albion Works, Nursery Street, Sheffield. Goodison 1; Calvert 2; RSW. suggest correction
CHADBURN, JOHN England, fl.1830, OIM 3 Mulberry Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1802). suggest correction
CHADBURN, WILLIAM England, fl.1816-30, PHIM made barometers; succeeded by Chadburn and Co. 81 The Wicker (1816-17); Albion Works, 27 Nursery Street, Ladys Bridge (1830); both in Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CHADBURN, WILLIAM, AND CO. England, c.1830, MIM NIM OIM PHIM sold telescopes,barometers,sextants, compasses, etc.; wholesalers. Albion Works, 27 Nursery Street, Ladys Bridge, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1803). suggest correction
CHAFFAT, ANT. DU France, Germany, fl.1720-52, MIM Graphometer, 1720 = ULM; Instrument, 1721 = P.C.; Protractors, with arms, 1732 = ULM(2); Drawing Set in etui = AUG; Sector, 1723 = Soth. 7/15/82-11; Sector and Level = HAK. various signatures, "Lieutenant", "Ingénieur Lieutenant de la Ville d'Ulm", "Capitaine", "Capitaine et ingénieur de la ville d'Ulm." Ulm; Nürnberg. Maurice 1; Zinner 1; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHAIZY misreading for Choizy. Holbrook 1. suggest correction
CHALAMONT Francec.1646, OIM made telescopes. Aix. Nachet. suggest correction
CHALKHILL, JOHN England, c.1729, MIM apprenticed to Lawrence Miles in the Joiners' Company, Feb. 7, 1720; insolvent in 1729. St. Giles in the Fields, London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CHALLAND, WILLIAM England, 1749, MIM (Shalland); apprenticed to Henry Burdett in the Clockmakers's Company, 1737/38-1749. Green Arbour Court, London, 1749. Clifton 1. suggest correction
CHALLEN, WM. England?, 1777, NIM Hadley Quadrant, 1777 = Larvik Marine Museum, Norway. RSW. suggest correction
CHALLICUM, W. England, 1598, MIM Quadrant, 1598 = D.(1965?) = Soth. 6/8/70. RSW. suggest correction
CHALLONERE, WYLLYAM England, c.1700, MIM Horary Quadrant, ivory, for 52° = P.C. London? RSW. suggest correction
CHALMEL France, 18th Century, OIM Telescope = P. and S. 5/19/1896. RSW. suggest correction
CHALMERS, JAMES S. Scotland, fl.1843-44, NIM also made clocks and atches; successor to Brown and Chalmers. 48 Bridge Street, Leith. Bryden 3. suggest correction
CHALONS, JEAN DE France, d.1414, MIM there is a circumflex over the "a" in Chalons; an associate of Johanne Fusoris. Paris. Poulle 1. suggest correction
CHAMBERLAIN AND RITCHIE USA, fl.1850-54, MIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compass = HAR. Nathan B. Chamberlain and Edward Samuel Ritchie. 313 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz, 1976. suggest correction
CHAMBERLAIN AND SON England, fl.1852-60, PHIM James Bradley Chamberlain and Son. 203 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CHAMBERLAIN, D.H. USA, c.1850, patented a type of dividers. Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
CHAMBERLAIN, JAMES BRADLEY England, fl.1830-60, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = X(2); Wheel Barometer, with clock = Soth. 5/14/87. one of the stick barometers is signed "Chamberlain"; T.C. 37 Broad Street, Bloomsbury, opposite the London and Manchester Hat Warehouse; 203 High Holborn; both in London. Goodison 1; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHAMBERLAIN, N. AND N.B. USA, fl.1841-58, MIM NIM PHIM Hygrometer, 1855 = PEA. Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
CHAMBERLAIN, N.B. AND D. USA, fl.1844-45, MIM Mechanical Orrery = USNM. Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
CHAMBERLAIN, N.B., AND SONS USA, fl.1860-84, MIM Boston, Mass. Moskowitz, 1976. suggest correction
CHAMBERLAIN, NATHAN B. USA, 1810-78, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Vacuum Pump = D.(1976). listed as a machinist in 1832; partner of Edward Samuel Ritchie, 1850-54. 9 School Street,(1832-50); 313 Washington Street (1850-54); both in Boston, Mass. Smart 1; Brewington 1; USNM; Moskowitz, 1976. suggest correction
CHAMBERLAND, CH. France, invented a universal equatorial sundial. Guyot. suggest correction
CHAMBERLIN, HENRY W. USA, 1849, SIM Chamberlin's Improved Draughting Table = D.(1996). patent model. Pittsfield, Mass. Coffeen 55. suggest correction
CHAMBERY France, 1750, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1750 = P. and S. 6/18/1894. Chambéry. Paris. Evans 1. suggest correction
CHAMPAGNE France, c.1725, MIM Amplitude Compass = NMM. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
CHAMPIO, ANDA variant spelling for Andrea Championi. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CHAMPION AND CO. Ireland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Bearnes 9/17/86. Belfast. RSW. suggest correction
CHAMPIONI, ANDREA England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometers = X (2), Soth. 7/16/76. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHAMPLIN, JOHN R. USA, 1878-93, OIM made telescopes. Lanconia, NH. DATM. suggest correction
CHAMPNESS, JAMES England, misreading for James Champneys. Clay and Court; Daumas 1. suggest correction
CHAMPNEYS see Cuthbertson and Champneys. RSW. suggest correction
CHAMPNEYS, JAMES England; Holland, fl.1764-70, MIM OIM Telescopes = Soth. 10/17/60, D.; Telescope, reflecting = Soth. 6/23/87. T.C.; member of the Stationers' Company; took John Cuthbertson as his apprentice in 1761; became his father-in-law in 1768 and his partner by 1770; opposed Dollond patent in 1764; was successfully sued for infringing it in 1766 and went bankrupt. near the Royal Exchange, Cornhill, London; Amsterdam (1770). Taylor 2(583); Rooseboom 1; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Hackmann 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHAMPNEYS, JOSEPH misreading for James Champneys. Court and von Rohr 2. suggest correction
CHANCELLOR, RICHARD England, fl.1520-56, MIM Quadrant, 5-foot = Dr. John Dee. also designed instruments. Bristol. Taylor 1(13); USNM; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
CHANDLEE AND BROTHERS USA, fl.1790-91, MIM SIM sons of Benjamin Chandlee 2. Nottingham, Md. Bedini 1. suggest correction
CHANDLEE AND HOLLOWAY USA, fl.1819-22, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C.(1993). Benjamin Chandlee 3 and Robert Holloway. Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM; Coffeen 1. suggest correction
CHANDLEE AND SONS USA, fl.1788-90, MIM SIM Benjamin Chandlee 2 and his sons. Nottingham, Md. Bedini 1. suggest correction
CHANDLEE, BENJAMIN 1 USA, c.1680, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. apprenticed to Abel Cottie, 1680; clockmaker. RSW. suggest correction
CHANDLEE, BENJAMIN 2 USA, 1723-91, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = P.C., Chester County Historical Society, Pa., Kentucky Historical Society; Circumferentor = P.C. father of Goldsmith, Isaac, and John Chandlee; clockmaker. Nottingham, Md. Bedini 1, 8 and 17; Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHANDLEE, BENJAMIN 3 USA, 1780-1822 fl.1814-22, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = Witte Memorial Museum. son of Goldsmith Chandlee; partner in Chandlee and Holloway, 1819-22; clockmaker. Winchester, Va.; Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 17. suggest correction
CHANDLEE, E. AND I. USA, fl.1797-1804, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = Chester County Historical Society, Pa. Ellis and Isaac Chandlee. Nottingham, Md. Bedini 1; Smart 1. suggest correction
CHANDLEE, ELLIS USA, 1755-1816, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. son of Benjamin Chandlee 2; made Churchman's perpetual motion machine. Nottingham, Md. Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1. suggest correction
CHANDLEE, ELLIS, AND BROTHERS USA, 1791-97, MIM SIM sons of Benjamin Chandlee 2. Nottingham, Md. Bedini 1. suggest correction
CHANDLEE, GOLDSMITH USA, 1751-1821, MIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compasses = P.C. (3), Mount Vernon, Ohio State Museum (2), GUR, Logan County Archaeological and Historical Society, USNM, ADL-W279. apprenticed to his father, Benjamin Chandlee 2; developed an improved type of surveying compass; ADL appears to be an early model, with needle lift, and without the later scales. Nottinghan, Md; Winchester, Va. Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CHANDLEE, ISAAC USA, 1760-1813, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = Ohio State Museum, P.C.(1978), P.C.(1982), George Wilson and Son, Auctioners, Chester Heights, Pa. (1984), Adena, Chillicothe, Ohio. son of Benjamin Chandlee 2. Nottingham, Chester County, Md. Bedini 1; Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHANDLEE, JOHN USA, fl.1790-97, MIM SIM son of Benjamin Chandlee 2. Nottingham, Md. Bedini 1. suggest correction
CHANDLER, ABIEL USA, 1807-81, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = D.(1984), New Hampshire Historical Society Museum, Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich.; Transit = Old Sturbridge Village. instruments signed "A. Chandler"; son of Timothy Chandler, clockmaker; DATM says he flourished 1844-50. Main Street; South Street; both in Concord, New Hampshire. Smart 1; USNM; Coffeen H; DATM; RSW. suggest correction
CHANDLER, TIMOTHY USA, 1762-1848, MIM SIM father of Abiel Chandler; clockmaker; silversmith; made Merrill's quadrant, surveying compasses and mathematical instruments. Concord, New Hampshire. Smart 1; DATM. suggest correction
CHANGEUX, P.N. France, 1740-1800, designed a barometer and a barometrograph; author. Paris. Daumas 1; Middleton 1. suggest correction
CHANIERE, LT. France, 1767, Lt. Chanière; invented a magnetometer, 1767. Paris. NMM 1. suggest correction
CHANTREY, ROBERT England, c.1716, MIM apprenticed to John Johnson 3, of the Grocers' Company on April 11, 1704; free of the Company Nov. 10, 1716; took one apprentice. Tower Hill, London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CHAPETOT misreading for Chapotot. Drechsler 2; RSW. suggest correction
CHAPIN'S SON AND CO., H. USA, 1897-1901, MIM partners were Hermon M. Chapin 2 and Frank Chapin, sons of Edward M. Chapin; Rufus E Holmes was also a partner; merged with L.C. Stephens and Co., 1901. New Hartford, Conn. DATM. suggest correction
CHAPIN, EDWARD M. USA, fl.1853-1897, MIM joined his father Hermon M. Chapin, a rule maker, c.1853; the firm changed its line of rules and its numbering system at that time; the company merged with Stephens and Co. in 1901 to become Chapin-Stephens; see H. Chapin's Son and Co. New Hartford, Conn. Philip E. Stanley; DATM. suggest correction
CHAPIN, FRANK USA, see H. Chapin's Son and Co. New Hartford, Conn. DATM. suggest correction
CHAPIN, H., AND SONS USA, fl.1860-65, MIM made rulers, planes, etc.; sons of Hermon M. Chapin 1 were Edward M., George W., and Philip E. New Hartford, Conn. DATM. suggest correction
CHAPIN, HERMON M. 1 USA, 1799-1866; fl.1835-53, MIM Folding Rule, ivory and brass, 1839 = The Hermitage, Nashville, Tenn.; Folding Rule, wood = D.(1976). the 1839 rule has an inscription about Andrew Jackson; Hermon M. Chapin's son, Edward M., joined the firm c.1853; the line of rules and the numbering system were changed at that time; see H. Chapin and Sons. Union Factory, New Hartford, Conn. Philip E. Stanley; DATM; RSW. suggest correction
CHAPIN, HERMON M. 2 USA, see H. Chapin's Son and Co. New Hartford, Conn. DATM. suggest correction
CHAPIN, HERMON. M., 2 USA, see H. Chapin's Son and Co. New Hartford, Conn. DATM. suggest correction
CHAPIN-STEPHENS USA, fl.1901-29, MIM a merger of H. Chapin's Son and Co. with Stephens and Co.; makers of wood and ivory rules. Conn. Philip E. Stanley; DATM. suggest correction
CHAPITOL misreading for Chapotot; Vienna Museum Sale-839. Christie 3/12/1860. suggest correction
CHAPITOT misreading for Chapotot. Soth.-Wilkinson and Hodge 11/28/23. suggest correction
CHAPLAIN England, c.1736, OIM made reflecting telescopes. Dewhirst; Court and Von Rohr 3(xvi). suggest correction
CHAPMAN 1 England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83. possibly W. Chapman 2, which see. Alresford. RSW. suggest correction
CHAPMAN 2 England, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = D.(1986). James Chapman 1 or 2? London. Coffeen 13. suggest correction
CHAPMAN, EDWARD England, c.1805, MIM also iron-monger. Bridge Street, Westminster, London. Taylor 2(1097). suggest correction
CHAPMAN, G. England?, OIM Telescope = ROM. may be James Chapman 2. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
CHAPMAN, GEORGE A. USA, 1768, OIM Lens, 1768 = Charleston Museum, South Carolina. New York, N.Y.. USNM. suggest correction
CHAPMAN, JACQUES England, c.1750, NIM Octant = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Mich. may be James Chapman 1; made for French market? London. USNM. suggest correction
CHAPMAN, JAMES 1 England, c.1760, NIM T.C.; father of James Chapman 2? Sign of the Hadley's Quadrant, opposite the King's Storehouse, St. Catherine's Street, London. Taylor 2(812). suggest correction
CHAPMAN, JAMES 2 England, fl.1775-1804, MIM NIM OIM Octants, ebony and ivory = PEA (1775), RSM (1788); Sextant, 1788 = X; Telescope, one draw = X; Telescopes = La Rochelle 7/16/83, CMY, ROM, D.(1988); Telescope, decahedral, wood = D.(1988). son of James Chapman 1? they may be one person; T.C. in English, French and Dutch; member of the Stationers' Company? D. telescope has a decahedral wooden tube. The Hadley Quadrant, opposite the King's Storehouse in St. Catherine's (1776); 5 St. Catherine's Street; 41 St. Catherine's Street; St. Catherines Street near the Tower; all in London. Taylor 2(812); Brewington 1; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Daumas 1; J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1; RSW; Nautical Brass, Vol. VIII, No. 3. suggest correction
CHAPMAN, JOHN England, c.1714, MIM apprenticed to John Dobson of the Clockmakers' Company on Nov. 25, 1714. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
CHAPMAN, SIMON England, fl.1675-87, MIM apprenticed by turnover to John Nash of the Clockmakers' Company on March 5, 1668; free of the Company, March 29, 1675; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
CHAPMAN, THOMAS England, fl.1659-89, MIM Sector, wood, 1689 = P.C. apprenticed to Withers Cheney of the Clockmakers' Company on June 6, 1659. J. Brown 3; Loomes 2; Waterman 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHAPMAN, W. 1 England, c.1869, OIM Microscope = Soth. 10/27/69. 21 Featherstone Buildings, Holborn, London. O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
CHAPMAN, W. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Chapman 1. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHAPOTEAU misreading for Chapotot. Gersaint. suggest correction
CHAPOTOT FILS France, fl.1690-1721, MIM OIM Butterfield-type Sundial = LOS; Microscope = NAC. son of Louis Chapotot; may be Jean Chapotot; continued his father's practice of making astronomical quadrants etc. Paris. Daumas 1; Thielmann; RSW. suggest correction
CHAPOTOT, I. France, MIM SIM Universal Ring Sundial, variant = GEL; Plane Table = GEL; Sundial = Christie 5/8/79; Butterfield-type Sundial, silver = ADL-W45. surely Jean Chapotot. Paris. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CHAPOTOT, JEAN France, fl. 1690-1721, MIM Butterfield-type Sundials, silver = NOR, WHI; Table Sundial, oval, silver = Rosenheim Sale; Telescopic Quadrant = Chevalier de Louville. may be Chapotot fils, son of Louis Chapotot; see I. Chapotot; Master in the "Corporation des fondeurs"; juryman, 1701-03; the quadrant was invented by de Louville and the lenses were made by Jean Lebas. à la Sphère, Quai de l'Horloge, Ile de la Cité, Paris (1690). Augarde; Daumas 1; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
CHAPOTOT, LOUIS France, fl.1670-1700, MIM OIM instruments mainly signed "Chapotot"; both he and his son were prolific makers and it is difficult to tell the difference; he worked for Chérubin in 1670 and there is a signed instrument dated 1688; Master in the "Corporation des fondeurs"; author. Sur le quay de l'Horloge, Ile e la Cité, à la Sphère, Paris. Daumas 1; Hamilton 1; Bonelli 1 and 4; Maistrov 2 and 3; Horsky and Skopova; Novokshanova-Soklovskaja; Michel 1, 3 and 4; Engelmann 1; Coffen 15; J.A. Bennett 2; Con. Nat'l 1.; Bryden 16; Augarde; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CHAPUZET, JEAN-CHARLES Germany, 1694-1767, MIM parents were French émigrés. Nachet. suggest correction
CHARBONNIER, PH. France, c.1630, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, with case = P.C.(1987). Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CHARDIN misreading by Engelmann of the ivory compendium, ADL-M257; it should have been read as "du Jardin." Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CHARINETTI, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Gloucester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CHARITE France, fl.1770-90, MIM OIM Charité; made astronomical instruments. à l'Observatoire, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
CHARLA, JEH France, c.1450, MIM Astrolabe = OXF (ICA-162). owner? may be fake. Gunther 1; Price 1; Poulle 6; ICA 2. suggest correction
CHARLAMONIOUS France, pre-1690, OIM mentioned by Bonani in 1690 as an instrument maker. Aix-la-Chapelle. Clay and Court. suggest correction
CHARLES, ANTHONY D. Italy, pre-1690, MIM Tortona. Bonani; Dewhirst; Price 2. suggest correction
CHARLES, JACQUES-ALEXANDRE-CESAR France, 1746-1823, OIM Jacques-Alexandre-César Charles; made achromatic lenses; physician. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
CHARLES, MR. France, OIM Microscope = NAC. No. 15; owner? Nachet. suggest correction
CHARLES, NEPHEW AND CO. misreading for Charles Nephew and Co. RSW. suggest correction
CHARLET France, c.1840, NIM T.C. Le Havre. Moskowitz 126. suggest correction
CHARLET AINE France, c.1850, NIM Octant = MYS. Charlet aîné; "Opticien." Le Havre. Preuss and Treworgy. suggest correction
CHARLTON, JOHN England, c.1771, MIM apprenticed to John Troughton 1 of the Grocers` Company on July 2, 1771. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CHARNIERES, M. DE France, pre-1782, invented a megameter. Courtanvaux. suggest correction
CHAROST France, 18th C., MIM not a member of any corporation; lived in a privileged enclave. Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
CHAROT France, c.1775, MIM SIM Magnetic Compass, wood = Soth. 3/21/73; Rules = P.C., Libert et Castor 4/28/82; Circumferentor = Christie-NY 10/24/83; Alidade = Observatory of Marseilles; Trough Compass = D.(1993). en la Cité à Paris. Daumas 1; Brieux 2; Coffeen 41; RSW. suggest correction
CHARPENTIER France, fl.1770-92, MIM Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
CHARPENTIER, G. France, c.1850, MIM Calculator = WHI; Slide Rule = Stuker (1958); Circular Slide Rule = D.(1971). circular slide rule is called a "Calculimeter"; "Breveté S.G.D.G." Whipple 1; Moskowitz 102; RSW. suggest correction
CHARPENTIER, PERE, FILS ET CIE. France, 1750, NIM Marine Compasses = GEP (1750), D.(1968). Charpentier, Père, Fils et Cie. Rareursa, Nantes RSW. suggest correction
CHARRETONII, ANT. France, owner of astrolabe by Michel Piquer, 1542. Lyon. RSW. suggest correction
CHASE, JAMES USA, 1737-1812, MIM made rules, etc. Gilmanton (later Gilford), N.H. DATM. suggest correction
CHASPAR, MICHAEL Germany, 1530-82, MIM Lunar Volvelle and Calendar, 1570 = VIE-762. also marked "M.C." Augsburg. Zinner 1 and 4; Evans 1; Michel 3; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
CHASSIGNET, DANIEL Italy, 1617, MIM Celestial Globe, 1617 = Vatican. Rome. Price 2; Globus, Dec., 1956. suggest correction
CHASSIGNET, DAVID France, 1617, misreading for Daniel Chassignet? Tooley. suggest correction
CHASSIGNET, FRANCISCUS Italy, 1622, MIM Astrolabe, 1622 = PBN. ICA-521. Rome. Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
CHATEAUNEUF France, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = La Rochelle 7/25/87. probably an address rather than a maker. Gazette 9/11/87. suggest correction
CHATFIELD, JOHN England, 1630, MIM Quadrant with Volvelle, 1630 = Soth. 7/4/66. wrote on the "Trigonal Sector" which was made by Anthony Thompson. London. Taylor 1(236); RSW. suggest correction
CHATTERTON, T. England, PHIM made barometers. 14 King's Terrace, Bagnigge Wells Road, London. USNM. suggest correction
CHAUCER, GEOFFREY England, c. 1343-1400, none author not known to have made instruments; wrote on the astrolabe and the equatorium. London. Skeat; DSB. suggest correction
CHAULNES, DUC DE France, 1714-69, Michel Ferdinand d'Albert d'Ailly, Duc de Chaulnes; designed a Cuff-type microscope; invented a dividing engine; author. Paris. American Philosophical Society Library; Clay and Court; Poggendorff. suggest correction
CHAUVET, JACQUES France, 1585, designed a "Cosmomètre", a surveying quadrant, published, 1585. Paris. Daumas 1 and 6; Dawson 207. suggest correction
CHAUVIN France, c.1600, MIM Sundial in lid of watch = NYM (Morgan Coll.). watch works by F. Benard; see Ch. Chavyn. Paris. Britten. suggest correction
CHAVE, S. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. High Street, Taunton. RSW. suggest correction
CHAVES, ALONZO DE Spain, c.1528, MIM successor to Diego Riveiro as instrument maker to the Casa de la Contratacion in Seville. Seville. Michel 3; Price 2. suggest correction
CHAVOT mis-reading for Charot. Coffeen 41. suggest correction
CHAVYN, CH. France, 1600, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1600 = LOS. Chauvin? Fountainbleau. USNM; Thielmann. suggest correction
CHEARSLEE, JOHN England, 1679, MIM Computing Rule = P.C. owner? RSW. suggest correction
CHEBICHOF Russia, MIM Leningrad. Maistrov 5. suggest correction
CHEKE, SIR JOHN England, 1514-57, designed an astronomical quadrant at the BM (1858 8/21 1). Cambridge. Taylor 1(9); Ward 4. suggest correction
CHEMIN France, c.1825, PHIM Balance = Soth.-NY 2/23/79. made pans for Fortin's balances. Paris. A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
CHENEVIE France?, MIM Rule, fruitwood = A-P 3/15/76. RSW. suggest correction
CHENEY, WITHERS England, fl.1657-95, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Elias Allen of the Clockmakers' Company on April 13, 1646; free of the Company, April 20, 1657; took apprentices; also was a wax-chandler. Fleet Street, London (1662). J. Brown 3; Loomes 2; Robischon. suggest correction
CHERUB, F. Italy, c.1597, see Franciscus Cherubini-Sandolini. RSW. suggest correction
CHERUBIN, PERE France, 1613-97, OIM Telescopes, 1681 = CNAM(2); Binocular Telescope = FLO. Père Chérubin; Michel Lasséré; author; also made microscopes and lens-grinding machines; designed a universal telescope. Orléans; Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Paris 1900; Weil 2(23). suggest correction
CHERUBINI-SANDOLINI, FRANCISCO Italy, 1597, MIM Skaphe, oval box, 1597 = CLU. designed sundials; author. Venice. Morpurgo 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHESIO, CHARLOS Spain, 19th Century, PHIM Barometer = MAN-1178. Cadiz. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
CHESNEAU, J. DE France, c.1610, MIM Sundial inside cover of verge alarm clock = O'Byrne Coll. = Christie 11/21/61; Horizontal Sundial in watch lid = D.(1964). Orléans. RSW. suggest correction
CHESNON, PIERRE France, c.1672, MIM son of Salomon Chesnon 2; became a Master in 1672; left France. Blois. Michel 3. suggest correction
CHESNON, SALOMON 1 France, 1572-1630, MIM Sundial in lid of watch = Blot-Garnier Coll.; Sundial, octagonal = Norwich; Sundial, small, silver = NMM. Norwich is either Castle or Bridewell Museum. Blois. Stevens and Akens; Michel 3; Nachet; Britten; MADEX; Baillie 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
CHESNON, SALOMON 2 France, 1639-84, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, silver = Drecker Coll. = P.C.; Horizontal Sundial = WHI. son of Salomon Chesnon 1; made especially small sundials; the sundial at the WHI is signed "S. Chesnon." Blois. Michel 3; Bryden 16; Price 12; RSW. suggest correction
CHESSE, J. CHARLES France, 1778, NIM Marine Compass, 1788 = PMM-439. La Rochelle. RSW. suggest correction
CHESTER, EDWARD England, post-1751, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Cole 2 in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free in the Company. London. Crawforth 7 and 8. suggest correction
CHESTERMAN, J. England, c.1800, SIM Chains = D.(1994); Tape = D.(1994). Sheffield. Taylor 2 (1510); Garcelon 33. suggest correction
CHEVALIER 1 France, c.1750, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = Maritime Museum of British Columbia, Vancouver; Microscopes = WHI (2); Augsburg Sundial = MAR; Hygrometer = D. Paris. USNM; Price 12; Brieux 3; RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALIER 2 England, fl.1770-91, NIM OIM Hadley's Quadrant = NMM-S174. Guernsey, Channel Islands. Taylor 2(598); NMM 2. suggest correction
CHEVALIER 3 France, MIM Sundial, round, ivory = POR. adjustable gnomon. Portaluppi; RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALIER 4 France, 1838, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer, 1838 = D.(1982); Colorimeter = STM. "Opticien du Roi"; possibly Charles-Louis Chevalier. Paris. Moskowitz 110; Antique Collector, April, 1982; RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALIER 5 England, c.1700, MIM Universal Horizontal Sundial = D.(1986). 3 latitudes, 40°, 45°, 51°30'; 11 English towns for latitude 51°, and Shrewsbury for 52°; surely the work of one of the French Chevaliers, for the English market; date is too early. Coffeen 12; RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALIER AINE France, c.1830, PHIM Dark Mirror = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. Chevalier aîné; "Ingénieur Opticien"; Vincent-Jacques-Louis Chevalier, which see; see also "Vt. Chevalier l'aîné." No. 69 Quai de l'Horloge au miscroscope achromatique, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALIER L'AINE PERE ET FILS, VINCENT France, c.1830, MIM Drawing Set = D.(1997). Vincent Chevalier l'aîné père et fils; son was Charles-Louis Chevalier; T.C. Au Microscope Achromatique, No. 69 Quai de l'Horloge à Paris. Coffeen 56. suggest correction
CHEVALIER L'AINE, VINCENT France, 1770-1841, Beam Compass Set = D.(1997). Vincent Chevalier l'aîné; see Vincent-Jacques-Louis Chevalier; sometimes signed "Vt. Chevalier l'aîné" or "Vinc't Chevalier l'aîné." Paris. Moskowitz 119; Coffeen 58. suggest correction
CHEVALIER MAISON France, 19th Century, OIM PHIM Thermometer = Versailles 4/17/83; Telescope = D.(1982). "Ingénieur Opticien." 4 Place de la Bourse, Paris. Moskowitz 105; RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALIER, ARTHUR France, fl.1859, OIM Telescope, with stand = D.(1978); Microscopes = AMH, D.(1989). Dr. Arthur Chevalier; son of Charles-Louis Chevalier; author; T.C.; "Ancienne Maison Chevalier Ingénieur de pere et fils depuit plus d'un siècle, seul successeur"; "opticien"; "Officier de l'Académie"; see A. Chevallier. Palais Royal 158, Paris. Belgian Inventory; Richardson Cat.; Calvert 2; Moskowitz 132; RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALIER, CHARLES France, c.1750, father of Louis-Vincent Chevalier. Paris. Daumas. suggest correction
CHEVALIER, CHARLES-LOUIS France, 1804-59, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Microscopes = NAC, UTR(2), AMH, KEN(6), BIL, Yale U., Cranbrook Institute of Sciences, Mich., etc.; Surveying Level = D.(1975); Solar Microscope = X; Objective Lens = KEN; Cannon Sundial = O-F; Opera Glass = WHI; Camera Lucida = P.C.; etc. son of Vincent-Jacques-Louis Chevalier; succeeded him in 1841; T.C.; "Ingénieur"; Transylvania College has several philosophical instruments. Palais Royal 163 (1845); factory at Cour des Fontaines No.1 bis; Palais Royal 158; all in Paris. Daumas 1; USNM; Dewhirst; Whipple 1; Calvert 2; KEN; Monreal; Nachet; Brieux 3; Moskowitz 110; Purtle; G.L'E. Turner 24; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALIER, L'INGR. France, MIM Cannon Sundial = Soth.-LA 6/7/76. "Opticien du Roi"; possibly Vincent-Jacques-Louis Chevalier, who patented this type, which see. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALIER, LOUIS France, c.1780, OIM oldest son of Louis-Vincent Chevalier; brother of Vincent- Jacques-Louis Chevalier; optician. Quai de l'Horloge 31, Paris. Nachet; Moskowitz 119. suggest correction
CHEVALIER, LOUIS-VINCENT France, 1734-1804, OIM father of Louis, Vincent-Jacques-Louis and Nicolas-Marie Chevalier; T.C.; mirror maker; son of Charles Chevalier, which see. Quai de l'Horloge 31, Paris (1765). Nachet; Moskowitz 119; Daumas 1; Warner 13. suggest correction
CHEVALIER, NICOLAS-MARIE France, d.1807, OIM youngest son of Louis-Vincent Chevalier. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
CHEVALIER, VICTOR England, MIM Cannon Sundial = Maidstone Museum; Time Clock Sundial = NMM-D.375. cannon sundial signed "Ingr. Brevt. Quai de l'Horloge 77 à Paris"; probably misreading for Vincent Chevalier. Quai de l'Horloge 77, Paris. Strand Magazine, 1893, pp. 308-18. suggest correction
CHEVALIER, VINCENT ET CHARLES France, c.1828, OIM Microscopes = CRI, UTR, KEN; Camera Lucida = USMA. Louis-Vincent and Charles-Louis Chevalier. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Gunther 2; Van Cittert 3; KEN; Warner 13. suggest correction
CHEVALIER, VINCENT-JACQUES-LOUIS France, 1770-1841, MIM OIM SIM Compass = D.(1979); Microscopes = Faculté des Sciences, Paris (1820, 1823), KEN(2), NAC, BIL, etc.; Graphometer = P.C.; Surveyor's Compass with telescope = P.C.(1987). middle son of Louis-Vincent Chevalier; brother of Louis Chevalier; father of Charles-Louis Chevalier; did research on the achromatic microscope; called himself Chevalier l'aîné after death of Louis Chevalier; compass is signed that way; title was "Ingénieur Opticien Breveté"; patented cannon sundial. 21, 67 and 69 (1830) Quai de l'Horloge, at the Sign of the Achromatic Microscope, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; USNM; Purtle; KEN; Moskowitz 119; Paris 1900; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALLIER 1 France, c.1800, MIM Sector = D.(1985). "Ingr. Opticien de S.M le Roi de Westphalie"; probably Jean-Gabriel-Augustin Chevallier. Paris. Coffeen 11. suggest correction
CHEVALLIER 2 France, c.1830, MIM OIM Butterfield-type Sundial = ADL-A97; Opera Glass= Soth. 3/25/86; Graphometer with two telescopes = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/23/94. "L'Ingr. Chevallier Breveté du Roi"; "Opticien du Roi"; probably J.-G.-A. Chevallier but the address is unique to these instruments. vis-a-vis le Marché aux Fleurs No. 1 à Paris. Rinaldi 23; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALLIER, A. France, c.1830, MIM Sundial = CLO. probably misreading for Arthur Chevalier, which see. Paris. Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHEVALLIER, JEAN-GABRIEL-AUGUSTIN France, 1778-1848 fl.1796-1840, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Theodolite = Versailles 4/17/83; Barometer = D.(1969); Sundials = CLO, Soth. 5/10/54; Microscopes = OXF, BIL, MIM; Surveying Compass = Drouot 4/26/67; Hygrometer = Drouot 3/9/70; Cannon Sundials = ADL-W104, VNN; Sandglass = NAWCC Museum, Pa.; Sundial = Capt. Hallett House, Mass.; etc. theodolite is signed "l'Ingénieur Chevallier Place de Pont Neuf 15, Paris"; its telescope is signed "Réparée par l'ingénieur Chevallier opticien du Roi à Paris"; author; last four instruments signed "L'Ing. Chevallier Place de Pont Neuf 15, Paris." coin de Quai de l'Horloge (1796); Place de Pont Neuf 15; both in Paris. Daumas 1; Purtle; Nachet; Brieux 3(1967); Moskowitz 105; RSW; Kosobutsky; G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen 11; ADL. suggest correction
CHEVALLIER, MAISON DE France, 1900, OIM Telescope, with stand = D.(1989). "Maison de l'Ingr. Chevallier Optn"; succeeded by Avizard Frères. Place de Pont Neuf 15; 21 Rue Royal; both in Paris. Moskowitz 132; RSW. suggest correction
CHEVILLE France, c.1796, PHIM Money Balance = Versailles 11/19/78, 4/17/83. 1978 instrument signed "Cheville Père marchand balancier ajusteur poids des espèces d'or et d'argent"; 1983 signed "Cheville Marchand balancier, ajusteur" plus address. à l'I courronné, rue St. Denis, vis à vis la rue des Lombards No. 341, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CHEZY, ANTOINE DE France, 1718-98, MIM Instruments, 1751 = Trudaine (1751); Level = CNAM. perfected levels by smoothing the inside of the tube. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
CHIARANDA, J.P. Italy, c.1701, Father J.P. Chiaranda; designed sundials; author. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
CHICKERING, NATHANIEL USA, 1750-1837, MIM records at the South Natick, Mass. Historical Society Museum show that he made "a compass" in 1780. Dover, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
CHICKIE, FRANCIS Scotlandfl.1827-29, PHIM barometer maker. 127 Broad Street (1827); 127 Gallowgate (1828); 48 Broad Street (1829); all in Aberdeen. Bryden 3. suggest correction
CHIDGOR Russia, MIM Sundial = GEL. instrument maker to the Chamber of Instruments. RSW. suggest correction
CHIESA see Greener and Chiesa. suggest correction
CHIESA, JOS. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Macclesfield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CHIESA, JOSH England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). one signed "J. Chiesa Manchester"; the other "Josh Chiesa Manchester." Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CHILD, HENRY England, fl.1832-68, MIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to James Gardner of the Grocers' Company, March 5, 1807 for 7 years. 3 Barnet Street, Lambeth; 66 Vauxhall Walk; both in London. J. Brown 2; Taylor 2(1804); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
CHILD, JOHN USA, MIM Astronomical Clock = Library Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
CHILDREY, JOSHUA England, 1623-70, claimed to have designed three telescopes; Faversham, Kent. Taylor 1(209); Dewhirst; Evans 1. suggest correction
CHILMEAD, JOHN England, c.1695, MIM globe maker. London. Globus, June, 1963. suggest correction
CHILTON, GEORGE England USA, fl.1800-36, MIM PHIM invented a rain-gauge, barometer, hygrometer, etc.; made astronomical instruments. New York, N.Y. (1800). USNM; D.J. Warner 6. suggest correction
CHIPLEY, S.E. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CHIQUET, JEAN-BAPTISTE NOEL France, 1722-c.1794, OIM Microscope, rosewood, 1788 = D.(1968). Jean-Baptist Noël Chiquet; "Breveté Ingénieur du Roi" in 1791; succeeded by Jacquet 1. rue du Haut Moulin près le Pont Nôtre-Dame, Paris. Daumas 1; Brieux 2; Nachet. suggest correction
CHIRIGI, RAFAELLO Italy, 1812, MIM Celestial Globe, 1812 = ROM. Naples. RSW. suggest correction
CHISHOLM, W.F. USA, NIM T.C. 101 Main Street, Gloucester, Mass. Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
CHISLETT, A. England, fl.1850-56, MIM NIM OIM SIM Dumpy Level = D.(1984); Marine Compass, 1854 = NMM. T.C. see A. Chislett and M'Call. 27 Greenfield Street, Commercial Road (East), London. Moskowitz 127; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
CHISLETT, A., AND M'CALL England, c.1850, NIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 10/20/89. "late Gilkerson"; John M'Call shared Gilkerson address. 8 Postern Row, Tower Hill, London. RSW. suggest correction
CHIZHER, D. NICHOLAS Russia, c.1750, MIM Sundials = MLL(2), GEL. also designed sundials. Chenekal 1. suggest correction
CHLASNER, O. Austria, 1567, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1567 = Capodimonte Observatory, Naples. Innsbruck. RSW. suggest correction
CHOARET France, 18th Century, see Brulat et Choaret. Merzbach. suggest correction
CHOATE AND ALDER USA, c.1857, NIM Tell-Tale Compass = MYS; Marine Compass = MYS. see Choate, Alder and Topham. New Bedford, Mass. D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
CHOATE, ALDER AND TOPHAM USA, c.1859, NIM George Choate and William D. Alder. New Bedford, Mass. D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
CHOATE, GEORGE W. USA, fl.1845-56, NIM T.C.; in instrument case at Mystic Seaport, Conn.; repaired instruments for Charles Taber and Co., 1856; see Choate, Alder and Topham. New Bedford, Mass. D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
CHOISY see Choizy. suggest correction
CHOIX, SAUTOUT France, see Sautout-Choizy. Evans 1. suggest correction
CHOIXEGUE France, c.1830, engraved an astronomical and perpetual calendar made by Mlle. Ginot Desrois. RSW. suggest correction
CHOIZI France, c.1740, MIM Sundial, oval, silver = D. Choizy? Paris. Weil 2(25). suggest correction
CHOIZY 1 France, 1667, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1667 = Landau = NMM; Sundials, silver = Bernard = NMM, AND-SPI; Sundials = OXF, P.C., D.(1976); Butterfield-type Sundials = OXF, P.C.; Circumferentor = Huelsmann Coll. may appear to be signed "Choisy." Paris. Daumas 1; MADEX; Nachet; USNM; Gunther 2; Brieux 3; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
CHOIZY 2 France, see Sautout-Choizy. suggest correction
CHOIZY, F.V. France, c.1750, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = FIN-156, OXF; Sundial = AND-SPI-19; Compass and Quadrant = Soth. 6/9/39. Paris. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
CHOIZY, J. France, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, oval, case = Phillips 10/26/83. Evans and Nachet list him as "J. Choisy." Paris. Nachet; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
CHOPPIN France, 18th Century, OIM Microscope = X. may be Ch. Oppin. Nachet. suggest correction
CHOQUART France, c.1770, OIM microscope maker. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
CHOREZ, DANIEL France, fl.1616-25, MIM OIM Henrion-type Sectors = X (1616), Royal Institute of British Architects. also designed a binocular telescope; made telescopes and microscopes; "Opticien." rue de Périgueux de Marais; l'isle Nôtre Dame at the Sign "Au Compas"; both in Paris. Daumas 1; Boffito; Nachet; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
CHORLEY, T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CHOULE, ROBERT see Robert Jole. Taylor 1(334); Dewhirst; Evans 1. suggest correction
CHOUR, FERRER ARVERNA France, pre-1690, OIM mentioned by Bonani in 1690 as an instrument maker. Paris. Clay and Court. suggest correction
CHOVIN MIM Rule, meter, walnut = Christie-SK 2/9/84. emblem of clasped hands. RSW. suggest correction
CHRICHTON 1 England, c.1795, NIM Quadrant, ebony = MYS. London. RSW. suggest correction
CHRICHTON 2 England, c.1820, MIM NIM OIM Microscopes = Soth. 9/20/83, Christie-SK 11/15/79; Protractor = East India Company; Protractor and Rule = Soth. 11/1/65; Sextant = McKee Museum, Florida; Artillery Calipers = Snowshill Manor; Octants = SPI-2776, RJK, D.(1985); Gunter Rule = D.(1985). calipers also signed "E.I.C.; could be John Crichton 2 or Joseph Crichton. London. Dewhirst; Coffeen 11; RSW. suggest correction
CHRICHTON 3 see Crichton. suggest correction
CHRICHTON, JAMES Scotland, fl.1785-1835, PHIM Grammer School Wynd (1785); 129 allowgate (1789); Charlotte Street (1790-1811); 5 Charlotte Street (1812) (1826-35); 2 Charlotte Street (1813-18) (1820-25); 9 Charlotte Street (1819); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
CHRICHTON, JOHN see John Crichton 2. Coffeen 10; RSW. suggest correction
CHRISTENSEN, H.P. Denmark, PHIM Stick Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus; Marine Barometer = Heathcote, Ball and Co. 2/1/90. Randers. RSW. suggest correction
CHRISTIAENSEN, CHRISTIAEN MIM Compass, ivory box = BMR; Compass Sundial, ivory box = P.C. BMR compass card is pivoted. Price 2. suggest correction
CHRISTIAENSON, GERRIT MIM Compass Sundial, ivory box = TIM. round. RSW. suggest correction
CHRISTIAN, GEORGE England, NIM Sextant = MYS; Octant = FRK-OC2. Liverpool. Frank; RSW. suggest correction
CHRISTIAN, JOHN England, c.1772, MIM apprenticed to John Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company on July 7, 1772. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CHRISTIAN, THOMAS England, fl.1790-1820, MIM NIM Octant = NMM. 102 Strand, London. Taylor 2(939); NMM 2. suggest correction
CHRISTIE, ELIZABETH England, c.1838, MIM OIM PHIM 32 Warner Street, New Kent Road, London. Taylor 2(2099). suggest correction
CHRISTIE, GEORGE England, fl.1794-1837, MIM OIM Leigh on Mendip, near Frome; 11 Strand, Liverpool. Taylor 2(940). suggest correction
CHRISTMANN, JAKOB Germany, 1554-1613, NIM OIM made telescopes, Jacob's staves, sextant; said to be first to apply telescopes to instruments. Heidelberg. Zinner 1; Goldschmidt 66. suggest correction
CHRISTON France, 1743, proposed inverted Celsius scale for thermometer. Lyon. RSW. suggest correction
CHRISTOPH, ANTHON 1772, MIM Instrument, 1772 = GIM. Maistrov 4. suggest correction
CHRISTOPHER, WILLIAM England, owner; marked on a Hadley's quadrant signed "William Scatcliff 1759." RSW. suggest correction
CHRYSOLGUE, NOEL ANDRE France, 1778, MIM Pair of Celestial Planispheres, 1778 = D.(1978). "par le R.R. (Noël André) Chrysolgue deGry en Franche-Comté, Capuchin 1778." Franche-Comté. Moskowitz 116. suggest correction
CHURCHILL, GARDNER ASAPH USA, 1839-96, MIM SIM see Loring and Churchill. Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
CHURCHMAN, JOHN USA, 1753-1805, MIM the third John Churchman in his family; surveyor; produced a perpetual motion machine operated by magnetic power; made for him by Ellis Chandlee c.1785. Nottingham, Md. Bedini 8. suggest correction
CIATTI, PIETRO Italy, 1798, MIM Rule, wood, 1798 = FLO-529. invented and made it. Bonelli 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
CICERI AND PINI Scotland, fl.1850?-58, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(4), RSM, D.(1997). all the recorded barometers except the D. one, show the Calton Street address; the firm was succeeded by P.D. Torre and Co. 8-9 Calton Street; 81 Leith Street (1852-58); both in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Clarke et al; ATG 3/29/97. suggest correction
CICERI, C., ET CIE. France, c.1800, PHIM Pyrometer = CNAM. sold instruments by English makers. rue Saint-Honoré; rue du Faubourg-Saint-Martin; both in Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
CICERI, J. AND J., MANTICA AND TORRE Scotland, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/18/89. succeeded by P.D. Torre and Co. which also succeeded Ciceri and Pini. Edinburgh. Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
CICERI, P. AND A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CICERINI AMD PINI misreading for Ciceri and Pini. ATG 3/20/97. suggest correction
CIMBERLINUS see Cimerlinus. suggest correction
CIMERLINUS, ALBERTUS Austria?, fl.1560-70, instrument drawings in BM Print Room. Vienna? Evans 1. suggest correction
CIMERLINUS, JOANNES PAULUS Italy, fl.1560-66, MIM Nocturnals, paper, 1565 = P.C., Munich State Library; Quadrants, printed = BM Print Room; Astrolabe, printed = NUR. engraved world map, 1566; J.P. Zimmerlin? Verona. Michel 14; Evans 1; Weil 2(25). suggest correction
CIMOLIN, P. GASPAR Italy, c.1700, MIM Pillar Sundial, wood = VEN. for 45°. Venice. Price 2; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
CINDEN, G. see P. Gaspar Cimolin. Evans 1. suggest correction
CINGELING, HK. VAN Holland, c.1805, MIM Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CINGELING, WEDUWE HK. VAN Holland, c.1809, MIM succeeded her husband, HK. van Cingeling. Achterburgwal, vis-à-vis le Bloemmarktsteeg, Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CINISELLI, LUIGI Italy, 1803-78, PHIM made electrical apparatus. Pavia (1803); Cremona. Brenni 1. suggest correction
CIOVINO, ANT. Holland, c.1750, PHIM made very large mercury thermometers. Amsterdam. USNM. suggest correction
CIQUINO, ANTHONIO Holland; England, c.1750, OIM PHIM T.C.; made barometers and thermometers; sold lenses. Le Nes, allée Lombaert, Drie Veerglazen, Amsterdam; London. Daumas 1; USNM; Taylor 2(457); Van Cittert 3. suggest correction
CIRILLO, JOSEPH Italy, 1789, MIM Alidade with Rule, 1789 = D.(1997). "Joseph Cirillo fecit"; rule signed "Due palmi Napolitani." Naples? Coffeen 56. suggest correction
CITTELI, PASQUALE Italy, fl.1832-42, MIM PHIM SIM Cannon Sundial, 1832 = PRA; Plane Table Alidade = P.C.; Rule = Soth. 10/17/60-132. instruments signed "Citteli Milan." lungo il Naviglio, alla sinistra del Ponte di Porta Tosa, Terza Porta, No. 300, Milan. Horsky and Skopova; Brenni 1; RSW. suggest correction
CIZL, MARTIN see Martin Gizl. Zinner 1. suggest correction
CLAGGETT, WILLIAM USA, 1684-1749, NIM made marine compasses; devised electrical machines. Boston, Mass. Champlin. suggest correction
CLAP, THOMAS USA, 1703-67, president of Yale University; constructed an orrery in 1743. New Haven, Conn. Bedini 8. suggest correction
CLARCKSON England, MIM SIM Theodolite, case = Drouot 6/15/65. London. RSW. suggest correction
CLARE, PETER 1 England, fl.1764-1811, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. may be by Peter Clare 2, his son; Taylor thought that they were the same person. Manchester. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(699); Baillie 1. suggest correction
CLARE, PETER 2 England, 1781-1851, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. may be by Peter Clare 1, his father; Taylor thought that 1 and 2 were the same person. Manchester. Goodison 1; Baillie 1; Taylor 2(699). suggest correction
CLARK 1 Ireland, c.1820, PHIM made sets of solids; probably Edward Clark. Sackville Street, Dublin. Bryden 9. suggest correction
CLARK 2 USA, pre-1870, see Wolfe and Clark's. suggest correction
CLARK 3 England, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. 20 Old Bond Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
CLARK AND SON Scotland, c.1850, PHIM Barometer = Soth.-S 7/23/87. Greenock. RSW. suggest correction
CLARK, ALVAN USA, 1804-87, OIM the most notable American telescope maker of the nineteenth century; many of his lenses are still in use in modern mountings; tube and mounting 18.5" (1863) = ADL-G33 & L35. Prospect Street (pre-1860); Henry Street (1860); both in Cambridge , Mass. D.J. Warner 1; DSB; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CLARK, ALVAN GRAHAM USA, 1832-97, OIM son of Alvan Clark; worked with his father and brother, George Bassett Clark; did the optical work. Cambridge, Mass. D.J. Warner 1: DSB. suggest correction
CLARK, ALVAN, AND SONS USA, c.1850-97, OIM Telescope, 1896 = ADL-A206. Alvan Clark and his sons, George Bassett and Alvan Graham Clark. Cambridge, Mass. D.J. Warner 1; DSB; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CLARK, E.M. England, c.1835, see E.M. Clarke. London. KEN. suggest correction
CLARK, FREDERICK HARVEY USA, 1811-66, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. New York, N.Y.(1829-34); Memphis, Tenn. (1849-66). Smart 1. suggest correction
CLARK, GEORGE BASSETT USA, 1827-91, OIM son of Alvan Clark; worked with his father and brother, Alvan Graham Clark; did the mechanical work; see Alvan Clark and Sons. Cambridge, Mass. D.J. Warner 1; DSB. suggest correction
CLARK, HORATIO USA, 1772-1833, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. clockmaker. Bennington, Vermont. Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 17. suggest correction
CLARK, J. Scotland, fl.1751-76, OIM Magnifying Instrument Set = LAW; Microscopes,= WHI (1751), KEN (1776). James 1 or John 3 Clark. Edinburgh. Whipple 1; Clay and Court; Morrison-Low. suggest correction
CLARK, JACOB 1 Scotland, 18th Century, MIM Double Horizontal Sundials = Phillips 12/2/87, RSM. Phillips also marked "TH MD" and a Scottish thistle; see Jacob Clark 2. Edinburgh. Somerville; RSW. suggest correction
CLARK, JACOB 2 Scotland, c.1800, MIM OIM Microscope = CRI. Dundee. Gunther 2; Bryden 3. suggest correction
CLARK, JAMES 1 Scotland, fl. 1756-74, OIM Microscope, 1774 = WHI. may have been apprenticed to John Yeoman. Edinburgh. Taylor 2(458) & 2(675a); Daumas 1; Whipple 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
CLARK, JAMES 2 England, c.1822, OIM 13 Smith Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1511). suggest correction
CLARK, JOHN 1 England, fl.1667-72, OIM free of the Spectaclemakers' Company, c.1667; took apprentices. Leadenhall Street, London. Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(19). suggest correction
CLARK, JOHN 2 England, 1742, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1742 = ex-Salford Priory; Perpetual Calendar = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Mich. Petworth. Gatty; Evans 1; USNM. suggest correction
CLARK, JOHN 3 Scotland, fl.1749-96, OIM Microscopes = P.C., KEN(3), EMA, CRI, WHI, OXF, KEN (1776), OXF (1773, 1774, 1776), RSM (1749, 1751, 1775, 1776), P.C. (1774), etc. goldsmith; designed a simple microscope in 1754. at James Gilliland's, Jeweller, upper-end of the Luckenbooths (1749); Parliament Close (1751-55); Sir Isaac Newton's Head, a little above the Guard, north side of the High Street (1773-82); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3 & 4; Taylor 2(700); Nachet; Clay and Court; KEN; Morrison-Low 1; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
CLARK, JOHN 4 USA, c.1839, MIM son of William Clark. 122 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
CLARK, JOHN 5 England; USA, 1815-90, MIM Washington, D.C. Smart 1. suggest correction
CLARK, JOHN 6 England, PHIM Angle Barometer = X. Chester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CLARK, LATIMER England, c.1845, PHIM Galvanometer = P.C. also marked "Muirhead and Co. Ltd." Westminster, London. RSW. suggest correction
CLARK, MATHEW England, c.1752, OIM apprenticed to George Bass, OIM, in the Spectaclemakers' Company on Sept. 30, 1742; free of the Company on Oct. 5, 1752. Court and von Rohr 3(148). suggest correction
CLARK, PETER England, c.1693, MIM apprenticed to John Worgan of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 4, 1693. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CLARK, ROBERT 1 England; USA, c.1785, MIM OIM PHIM also made clocks. London; 5 1/2 Church Street, Tradd and Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina (1785). Bedini 1; Smart 1; Britten; USNM; Baillie 1. suggest correction
CLARK, ROBERT 2 England, fl.1836-45, PHIM made barometers and thermometers. 2 Whartons Place, High Holborn (1836); 27 Brook Street, Holborn Bars (1838-45); both in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2100). suggest correction
CLARK, THOMAS 1 England, c.1697, MIM apprenticed to Charles Crick 1 of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 1, 1692; turned over to John Nash 2, a member of the Clockmakers' Company, on July 16, 1697. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CLARK, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1846-57, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 20 Kirby Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CLARK, WILLIAM USA, fl.1837-60, MIM OIM PHIM SIM see William Clark and Son. 122 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
CLARK, WILLIAM, AND SON USA, fl.1837-46, MIM NIM OIM SIM Surveying Compasses = P.C.(2). son was John Clark 4, which see; may have dealt in those instruments labeled "Warranted." 122 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM; Warner 14; RSW. suggest correction
CLARKE 1 England, c.1830, OIM Microscope = ESS; Electrical Apparatuses = D., Dr. Pearson sale, c.1848. London. USNM; Brieux 3; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
CLARKE 2 England, see Husbands and Clarke. Bristol. suggest correction
CLARKE 3 England, pre-1825, designed "Clarkes Improved Hydrometer" before 1825, they were made by Dring and Fage. London. Moskowitz 103; Coffeen 27. suggest correction
CLARKE AND SON England, fl.1822-34, NIM William Clarke 2 and Son. 13 Wapping Wall, London. Taylor 2(942). suggest correction
CLARKE, C.F. England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 2/2/84. St. Ives. RSW. suggest correction
CLARKE, E., AND CO. Ireland, fl.1823-33, MIM PHIM see Edward Clarke. 83 Dame Street, Dublin. Bryden 9. suggest correction
CLARKE, EDWARD 1 Ireland, fl.1810-32, MIM OIM PHIM Compass Sundial = P.C.(1982); Sundial, portable = EGE; Inclinable Sundial = Soth. 7/26/65 = D.(1965); Microscopes = EGE, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland; Theodolite = P.C. see Spear and Clarke; see E. Clarke and Co. 18 Lower Sackville Street (1810-12); 10 Lower Sackville Street (1819-21); 84 Dame Street (1830); 83 Dame Street (1832); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Moskowitz 106; Egestorff; Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
CLARKE, EDWARD 2 England, c.1833, PHIM Magnetic Induction Machines = D.(1971), KEN. worked for Watkins and Hill, 1833. Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
CLARKE, EDWARD MARMADUKE England, fl.1804-50, OIM PHIM Hydrometers = U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., Auction (1804), Soth.(1960); Electro-magnetic Apparatus = KEN; Air Pump = Soth.-B 4/7/82. most writers refer to him as "Edward Montague Clarke"; made polariscopes, microscopes; T.C.; "Optician and Magnetician"; "Philosophical Instrument Maker by appointment to the Royal University of Christiana, Sweden and to the Zoological Society of London." 11 Lowther Arcade, Strand; 9 Agar Street, West Strand; 428 Strand and Rodney Iron Works, Battersea, Surrey (1847); all, except Surrey are in London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Taylor 2(1099); Calvert 2; USNM; Crawforth 1; Chaldecott 3; Ragozzino and Schetino; RSW. suggest correction
CLARKE, EDWARD MONTAGUE see Edward Marmaduke Clarke. Chaldecott 3. suggest correction
CLARKE, J. England, Water Clock = D.(1969). modern copy. Devonport. RSW. suggest correction
CLARKE, JAMES 1 England, fl.1792-1808, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on June 4, 1779; free of the Company, Dec. 6, 1792; took apprentices; sometimes spelled "Clerk." No. 28 Ratcliffe Highway (1792); No. 7 Jealous Row, New Road (1802); Goodman's Fields (1808); all in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CLARKE, JAMES 2 England, c.1836, MIM 103 York Street, Commercial Road, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
CLARKE, JOHN 1 Scotland, 1776, OIM Microscope, 1776 = RSM. Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
CLARKE, JOHN 2 see the John Clarks. Dewhirst. suggest correction
CLARKE, MARK England, c.1720, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on March 7, 1720. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
CLARKE, ROBERT England, c.1662, apprenticed to William Howe in the Grocers' Company in 1662. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CLARKE, STEPHEN England, c.1653, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company in 1646; free in the Company in 1653. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CLARKE, THOMAS USA, engraved compass cards for William Davenport. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 8. suggest correction
CLARKE, W. England, c.1850, NIM Octant, ivory scale and vernier = D.(1972). Lowestoft. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
CLARKE, WILLIAM 1 England, 1743, NIM Backstaves = P.C. (1743), U.S. Naval Academy Museum, Annapolis, Md. Union Stairs in Wapping, London. RSW. suggest correction
CLARKE, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1797-1822, NIM made quadrants and compasses. 13 Wapping Wall, London. Taylor 2(942). suggest correction
CLARKSON England, OIM Telescopes = D.(1969), D.(1970), Christie 7/28/70. made refracting telescopes; see Broadhurst, Clarkson and Co. 63 Farringdon Road, London. RSW. suggest correction
CLARKSON, A. England, OIM Microscope = Soth. 10/22/76. London. RSW. suggest correction
CLATHOUT USA, see Meneely and Clathout. West Troy, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
CLAUDET, ANTOINE FRANCOIS JEAN England, 1797-1867, OIM Reflecting Stereoscope = KEN. Antoine François Jean Claudet. 18 King William Street; 107 Regent Street (1851); both in London. KEN. suggest correction
CLAUDIUS, RICHARD c.1646, MIM Astrolabe, wood = MAS; Celestial and Terrestrial Planispheres = MAS. ICA-571; brass rule on astrolabe. Price 1; ICA 2; Garcia Franco 2; RSW. suggest correction
CLAVIUS, CHRISTOPHER Germany, 1537-1612, worked on dividing an arc; designed sundials and astrolabes; author. Bamberg. Zinner 1; Daumas 1; Boursier; DSB. suggest correction
CLAXTON AND MORTON England, c.1842, MIM 27 Harrington Street, Hatton Garden, London (1842). O'Mara. suggest correction
CLAXTON AND PROTHERO England, c.1847, MIM 27 Harrington Street, Hatton Garden, London (1847). O'Mara. suggest correction
CLAXTON AND WIGHTMAN USA, c.1835, PHIM Timothy Claxton and Joseph M. Wightman; made philosophical apparatus for schools. Boston, Mass. (1835). USNM; D.J. Warner 6. suggest correction
CLAXTON, TIMOTHY England; USAfl.c.1825-50, PHIM founded the Mechanical Institution in London; invented an air pump and produced many of them; took Joseph Milner Wightman as a partner in Claxton and Wightman; made philosophical apparatus for schools. Boston, Mass. D.J. Warner 6. suggest correction
CLAY England, c.1675, MIM Sundial once owned by Robert Hooke. Taylor 1(382); Evans 1. suggest correction
CLAY, C. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Pickford, Hertford 4/10/97. Messingham. ATG 4/5/97. suggest correction
CLAY, JAMES England, c.1772, apprenticed to Joseph Hill of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 4, 1772. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CLEARS, J. England, c.1753, OIM apprenticed to John Cuff in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company in 1753. Fleet Street, London. Robischon. suggest correction
CLEAVER, SAMUEL England, fl.1845-49, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "Cleaver London"; also made thermometers. 30 Theobalds Road, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CLEAVES, NATHANIEL USA, c.1839, MIM PHIM Hydrometer, silver = Salem Maritime Nat'l Historic Site, Mass.; Slide Rule = MYS. invented a silver hydrometer; successor to J.W. Harris, Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
CLEEVE, JOH. England, d.1813, MIM Globe, Celestial, wood = VAA; Globe, Celestial and Planisphere = WHI. wooden globe signed "Cleeve." Price 12; Grimaldi. suggest correction
CLEMENS, FR. Italy, fl.1638-40, MIM Pillar Sundial, ivory, 1638 = VEN; Nocturnal, with shadow square, 1640 = VNM. pillar sundial is for 45°. Venice. RSW. suggest correction
CLEMENT, JOSEPH England, pre-1819, invented an ellipsograph. Gunther 8; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
CLEMENT, WILLIAM England, fl.1677-99, MIM admitted as Brother in the Clockmakers' Company in 1677; Master of the Company, 1693. Evans 1; Robischon. suggest correction
CLEMENTS see Joseph Clement. suggest correction
CLENCH, J. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 9/28/95. London. RSW. suggest correction
CLEPHIN, JOHN England, c.1790, apprenticed to John Blake in the Joiners' Company, Sept. 24, 1776; free in the Company on Jan. 12, 1790. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CLERET France, c.1720, PHIM Barometer and Thermometer = Bonnier de la Mosson Coll. Sometimes C. Leret a Rouen Nachet; Gersaint. WEBDB. suggest correction
CLERGET France, c.1750, MIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including a graphometer at Musée Loraine, Nancy marked "L'Appartien à Jean de St. Loire Architect du Feu, Roy de Pologne." some appear to be signed "C. Lerget" [?]. au Butterfield, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Michel 3; Price 12; Gunther 3; Bryden 9; Moskowitz 103; Coffeen B; Trois Siècles; Paris 1900; RSW. suggest correction
CLERGUET misreading for "Clerget." Nachet; Coffeen B. suggest correction
CLERK, JAMES see James Clarke 1. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CLERKE, GILBERT England, 1626-97?, MIM made sundials to order; author. Cambridge; Luffenham. Taylor 1(220). suggest correction
CLERTY England, c.1760, succeeded by John Goater, c.1760. RSW. suggest correction
CLIFFORD, ED. England, c.1840, MIM PHIM 42 Old Bond Street, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
CLIFFORD, WHYNOT WILLIAM England, c.1741, apprenticed to Henry Craford in the Grocers' Company in 1741. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CLIFT, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 3 New Inn Yard, Shoreditch. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CLINNICK, WILLIAM England, c.1840, MIM PHIM 34 York Street, City Road, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
CLOCHE, A LA France, 17th Century, Sundial with Italian hours = MADEX-97. this is surely an address, "à la Cloche." MADEX. suggest correction
CLOESE, BERNARD VAN DER Holland, fl.1688-1712, MIM Sphere = LEY. clockmaker; father of Jacob van der Cloese; member of the Clockmakers' Guild. The Hague. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Price 2. suggest correction
CLOESE, JACOB VAN DER Holland, 1690-1766, MIM PHIM Pedometer = LEY; Heliostats = LEY, The Hague. also made clocks and pyrometers; son of Bernard van der Cloese; made a garden sundial, designed by P. de Laraux, in 1711. The Hague; Leiden (1718-66). Rooseboom 1; Crommelin; USNM; Daumas 1. suggest correction
CLOESEN see Cloese. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CLOOTE Holland, MIM globe maker. Globus, June, 1963. suggest correction
CLOUGH, JERE USA, 18th Century, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, wood = Streeter Coll., Yale University. Boston, Mass.? RSW. suggest correction
CLUSKEY, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Boston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COAD England?, c.1850, patented a graduated galvanic battery. Antique Show, Boston, 1969. suggest correction
COAKE England, c.1671, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
COALLY AND CO. England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = K. and C. 10/8/75. London. RSW. suggest correction
COATSFIELD, JOHN England, c.1682, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Robert Starr of the Clockmakers' Company on May 18, 1682. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COBHAM, JOHN England, c.1737, MIM apprenticed to Richard Bennett 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 29, 1729; turned over to John Bennett 6 of the Clockmakers'Company on May 16, 1732; free of the Company, Oct. 10, 1737; took apprentices. Scroop's Court, Holborn, London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COBHAM, STOCKLEY England, fl.1737-87, MIM apprenticed to James Wilson of the Clockmakers' Company on July 4, 1723; free of the Company, Oct 10, 1737; took apprentices. Scroop's Court, Holborn, London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COBURN, J. England, 1756, MIM Sundial, 1756 = Christie-SK 2/2/77. London. RSW. suggest correction
COCART, JUANIN Spain; Belgiumfl.1596-1600, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundials = KEN (1596), OXF (1596), VIE (1598), MAN (1599), Christie 4/3/85 (1599), POB (1600), P.C. (1600); Diptych Sundial, 1600 = D.(1986). clockmaker to Charles V; Christie and D.(1986) sundials made in Madrid. Madrid (1599); Brussels. Guye et Michel; Michel 3 and 14; Garcia Franco 1; Garcia Diego; Trois Siècles; Ward 3; Baillie 1; Zinner 4; KEN; Queries, SIS Bull. No. 12; RSW. suggest correction
COCER Austria, MIM Horizontal Sundial = P. and S. 3/8/1895. Vienna. Evans 1. suggest correction
COCHRAN, JOHN England, c.1773, apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 in the Grocers' Company on Jan. 7, 1773. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
COCK England, c.1800, MIM Gauger's Slide Rule and Rod = KEN; Measuring Rod, boxwood and brass = Soth.-Chester 6/26/85. "Cock, maker London." London. KEN; RSW. suggest correction
COCK AND HUGHES England, c.1790, MIM Dipping Measure, wood = D. "Makers to the Excise." London. RSW. suggest correction
COCK AND REEVES England, post-1650, OIM Daumas 1. suggest correction
COCK, CHRISTOPHER angland, fl.1660-97, OIM Objective Glass, 1668 = WHI; Telescope, 1673 = KEN; Microscope = WHI. apprenticed to Richard Reeves 1 in the Spectaclemakers' Company; admitted as Brother to the Company in 1680; free of the Turners' Company in 1697; had worked with Reeves 1; employed by Hooke, Newton, Flamsteed and Gregory. Long Acre, London (1673). Taylor 1(285); Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 17; KEN; Evans 1; USNM; Dewhirst; Price 12; Clay and Court; Court and Von Rohr 3 & 4; Robischon; RSW. suggest correction
COCK, JOHN England, fl.1710-11, OIM glass grinder; son of Chistopher Cock?; free of the Turners' Company before 1710; not a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; made perspective glasses.. Coach and Garter, Long Acre, London. Taylor 1(452); Dewhirst; Evans 1; Court and Von Rohr 3(VII); Robischon. suggest correction
COCK, THOMAS England, c.1750, MIM Instrument = WHI. mathematical teacher. Cirencester. Taylor 2(459). suggest correction
COCKE see Cock. suggest correction
COCKER England, c.1664, MIM arithmetician; writing master; engraved a silvered small rule, made by John Brown 1, for Samuel Pepys. London. Rabone 1. suggest correction
COCKEY, EDWARD England, c.1790, MIM Astronomical Clock = Longleat House, Wilts. Warminster. Britten; RSW. suggest correction
COCKNEY, EDWARD Edward Cockey? Britten. suggest correction
COCKS see Cox; see Cock. Taylor 1(285). suggest correction
COCQUART, JENNIN see Juan Cocart. Michel 14. suggest correction
COCQUER, JUAN see Juan Cocart. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
CODART France, c.1580, MIM globe maker. Globus, Dec., 1958. suggest correction
CODDINGTON, H. England, c.1830, Rev. H. Coddington; designed a thick single lens microscope which was made by William Cary. Nachet; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
COE, GEORGE England, c.1786, apprenticed to John Karmock in the Grocers' Company on Dec. 7, 1786. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
COECIUS Italy?, 1622, MIM Globe, Celestial, 1622 = Doge's Palace, Venice. Caecius = Blaeu. Grimaldi(727); Price 2. suggest correction
COENRAEDT, JAN Holland, c.1742, MIM Amstelstraat, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
COFFEY, J., AND J. SMITH England, c.1850, MIM 4 Providence Row, Finsbury, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
COFFIN England, fl.1672-74, OIM made telescope and microscope tubes; carpenter or joiner; worked for Robert Hooke. Taylor 1(355). suggest correction
COFFIN, JAMES H. USA, c.1837, PHIM Wind Vane = USNM. made meteorological instruments. Ogdensburg, N.Y. USNM; Middleton 4. suggest correction
COFFIN, R. England, 18th Century, MIM Vertical Declining Sundial = D.(1980) = ADL-W95. for 50°31'. Oxon. Moskowitz 121; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
COFFIN, T. USA, c.1825, MIM SIM Wine Gauging Rod, wood = D.(1981); Surveying Compass, wood = D.(1980). Newburyport, Mass. Moskowitz 117. suggest correction
COFSA probably misreading for Cossa. RSW. suggest correction
COGGER England, 18th Century, MIM Garden Sundial = D.(1969). Maidstone. RSW. suggest correction
COGGESHALL, HENRY England, 1623-90, MIM Coggeshall Rule = KEN. invented a slide rule with a Gunter-type logarithmic scale, 1677; author; developed a hinged slide rule with girt line for calculating timber in 1682. Suffolk. G.L'E. Turner 24; Taylor 1(210); KEN; Delehar 2 and 9.; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
COGGS, I. England, MIM NIM PHIM Universal Ring Sundials = Snowshill Manor, D.(1969); Compass Sundials = VCW, P.C.; Holland Circle = Libert et Castor 4/28/82; Compass = D.(1985); Circumferentor = P.C.. may be John Coggs 1 or 2. Fleet Street, London. Coffeen 9; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
COGGS, I., AND N. HILL England, post-1730, MIM Terrestrial Globe, stand = Christie 5/5/83. may be later label? John Coggs 1 or 2 with Nathaniel Hill. The Globe and Sun near St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(25 and 242); RSW. suggest correction
COGGS, JOHN 1 England, fl.1715-40, MIM PHIM Universal Ring Sundials = FIN, Kenny, Soth. 7/15/63, and 11/16/87; Sundial, circular = Soth. 6/9/77; Compass Sundials = OXF(2); Table Sundial = FIN;; Ellipsograph = Soth. 10/17/60; Butterfield-type Sundial, silver = Soth. 3/27/72. freeman of the Pewterers' Company 1712; barometer maker; had worked with John Rowley; T.C.; some of these instruments may have been made by John Coggs 2; took William Wyeth, a former apprentice as a partner. Globe and Sun, near St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street; 136 Fleet Street; both in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 1(463), 2(25); Michel 3; USNM; Gunther 2 and 6; Dewhirst; Coffeen 9; Crawforth 1, 6 & 7; RSW. suggest correction
COGGS, JOHN 2 England, c.1757, MIM PHIM apprenticed in 1757 to Benjamin Cole 2 in the Merchant Taylors' Company; may have been free by patrimony in another Company; it is hard to distinguish the instruments made by John Coggs 1 from those of John Coggs 2. Globe and Sun, between St. Dunstan's Church and Chancery Lane, Fleet Street; 136 Fleet Street; both in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(242); Clay and Court; Coffeen 9; RSW; Crawforth 6, 7 and 8. suggest correction
COGGS, JOHN 3 England, c.1759, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Cole 2, 1759; may be son of John Coggs 2. opposite Water Lane, London. Taylor 2(463). suggest correction
COGGS, JOHN, AND WILLIAM WYETH England, c.1740, MIM made rules based on Shirtcliffe's design. St Dunstan's Church in Fleet Street, London. Gunther 2. suggest correction
COGWELL, H.S. Canada, OIM Telescope = D.(1989). Halifax, N.S. RSW. suggest correction
COHEN England, c.1830, NIM Octant, ebony = Melun 4/24/83. probably David Cohen. Newcastle. RSW. suggest correction
COHEN, DAVID England, fl.1821-58, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). see Cohen; optician; T.C. 5 Collingwood Street (1821-37); 1 Grey Street (1838-44); 76 Grey Street (1847-51); 30 Mosley Street (1853); 9 Mosley Street (1855-58); all in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1807); Crawforth 1. suggest correction
COHEN, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 7/21/87. Louth. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
COHEN, S.B. misreading of Simon Phineas Cohen. Bryden 3; RSW. suggest correction
COHEN, S.C. misreading of Simon Phineas Cohen. Bryden 3; RSW. suggest correction
COHEN, SIMON PHINEAS Scotland, fl.1838-53, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope, refracting = Phillips 10/26/83; Hydrometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Protractor = Christie 10/31/67; Protractor, Simson-type = FRK. managed the Glasgow branch of A. Abraham and Co. of Liverpool, 1838-43; took over the firm in 1844 and changed the name to his own; some of his instruments seem to be signed "S.B. Cohen" or "S.C. Cohen." 8 Exchange Square (1838-40); 82 Queen Street (1841-44); 105 Buchanan Street (1845-49); 121 Buchanan Street (1850-51); 51 St. Vincent Street (1852); 136 Buchanan Street (1853); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
COIFFIER, A. France, c.1830, OIM Telescope = Soth. 7/26/65-105; Telescopes, refracting = Soth-PB pre-1980-Phillips 12/12/89. "Ingénieur Opticien." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
COIGNIET, GILLES Belgium, 1557, MIM Astrolabe, 1557 = Ecouen (Cl.9149). made spheres; was he Aegidius Coigniet? Anvers (Antwerp). Rooseboom 1; Michel 12; RSW. suggest correction
COIGNIET, MICHAEL Belgium, fl.1572-1618, MIM SIM Astrolabes = BEK (1572), MAN (1598), LEY (1601), MNN (1618); Armillary Sphere, 1591 = ADL-M5; Circumferentors = Drouot 4/7/87, Ecouen-Cl.12016 (1600), P.C. (1602), ADL-M149 (1606), CNAM (1606), BMR; Graphometer, 1606 = CNAM; Nocturnal = OXF; Table Sundial, 1604 = POTS; Compass = P.C.; Polyhedral Sundial = Christie-SK 1986. MAN astrolabe is ICA-467, LEY is ICA-533, MNN is ICA-464, BEK is ICA-564; author and instrument designer; improved the cross-staff. Anvers (Antwerp). Price 1; ICA 2; Gunther 1; Garcia Franco 2; Michel 3; Daumas 6; Engelmann 1; Veltman; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
COL. R.I. MIM Sundial = NMM-Caird. RSW. suggest correction
COLBY, HALL USA, fl.1847-70, MIM NIM SIM Altimeter = P.C. Rochester, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
COLE 1 England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM it is very difficult to distinguish between the work of Benjamin Cole 1 and 2 except for the few dated pieces; usually signed "B. Cole London" or "Cole Maker London." London. Taylor 1(492) and 2(336); etc. suggest correction
COLE 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Borough Museum, Newbury, Bucks. Newbury. RSW. suggest correction
COLE AND SON England, T.C.; Benjamin Cole 1 and his son, Benjamin Cole 2. Calvert 2. suggest correction
COLE, B., AND SON England, fl.1751-66, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescope, reflecting = D.(1979); Grand Orrery, 1763 = Queen's College, Oxford; Camera Obscura, book-form, 1757 = Burton Constable. Benjamin Cole 1 and his son, Benjamin Cole 2; T.C.; succeeded by Edward Troughton. at the Orrery next the Globe Tavern, in Fleet Street, London. Oxford 1; Gunther 2; Taylor and Wilson; Moskowitz 119; Crawforth 1; E. Hall. suggest correction
COLE, BENJAMIN 1 England, 1695-1766, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Sundial, 1721 = Wadham College, Oxford; Davis Quadrant, 1746 = ADL-A137; Compass Sundial = ADL-W62; Octant = D.(1995); also a wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. apprenticed to Thomas Wright 1; free in the Merchant Taylors' Company; succeeded Wright about 1748; see Wright and Cole; see B. Cole and Son. author; T.C.; invented a "Seamans' Quadrant". Royal Exchange; Poppins Court, Fleet Street (c. 1735); Ball Alley going out of George-Yard into Lombard Street (-1748); at the Sign of the Orrery, next the Globe Tavern, Fleet Street 1748-66), this became 136 Fleet Street c.1760; 200 Fleet Street; all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 1(492); Price 3; Ward 4; ADL; RSW; Taylor and Wilson; KEN; Moskowitz 106; E. Hall; Coffeen 11 and 51; Calvert 2; H.C. King 2; Crawforth 1, 6 & 7; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
COLE, BENJAMIN 2 England, 1725-1813, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Hadley Quadrants,= NMM (1760), OMM (1779); Telescope = USNM; Lodestone = D.; Drawing Instrument Set = Phillips 12/12/89. apprenticed to his father, Benjamin Cole 1 in 1739 in the Merchant Taylors' Company; made free in the Company; took apprentices; became a partner in 1751; see B. Cole and Son; the difference in the two men's work is very hard to distinguish ; they made many examples of a wide range of instruments; the OMM quadrant is also marked "Ole Jensen"; T.C.; John Troughton 2 took over the firm in 1782. Fleet Street, London. Taylor 1(492) and 2(336); Bedini 1; Calvert 2; Moskowitz 106; Brieux 3; Goodison 1; Taylor and Wilson; Eden; Crawforth 6 & 7; J.A. Bennett 2; E. Hall; RSW. suggest correction
COLE, BENJAMIN 3 England, pre-1813, MIM son of Benjamin Cole 2; trained as a MIM in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free in the Company. Crawforth 6 & 7. suggest correction
COLE, BENJAMIN 4 England, 17th Century, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = D. engraved on this sundial was a notice to return it to the owner who was also the maker; this Cole does not seem to be connected with the London family. Oxford. Moskowitz 6. suggest correction
COLE, HUMPHREY England, b.1530?-d.1591MIM NIM SIM one of England's earliest and most skillful instrument makers; he is noted for his beautiful astrolabes, astronomical compendia, sundials, armillary sphere, etc. sometimes spelled "Humfray Coolle" or "Coole"; member of the Goldsmiths' Company; made a map of the Holy Land in 1572; two instruments that had been attributed to Humphrey Cole, have been found to be by an earlier maker, "V.C.", who has not as yet been identified, which see. Great North Door of St. Paul's, London. Taylor 1(21); Belgian Inventory; Gunther 1, 2, 4, and 8; Italian Inventory; Michel 1 and 3; Jane Turner; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Perry; Société Belge; Maddison 1; Price 3 & 11; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; Daumas 1; J.A. Bennett 2; J. Brown 3; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
COLE, ISAAC England, c.1753, apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on Feb. 3, 1753. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
COLE, JOHN, JUNIOR England, 1691, MIM Triangular Quadrant, 1691, boxwood, 36" = D.(1994). John Brown's (1) triangular quadrant made for the latitude of London; signed "John Cole Junior of Kingston, June ye 26, 1691." Kingston. Coffeen 46. suggest correction
COLE, M., CO. MIM NIM Protractor = MYS; Course Plotter = MYS. RSW. suggest correction
COLE, NIC., ESQ. England, 1705, MIM Garden Sundial, 1705 = OMM. probably the owner. RSW. suggest correction
COLE, RICHARD England, c.1815, MIM Sundial in watch back cover = OXF. Cornhill, Ipswich. RSW. suggest correction
COLE, ROBERT 1 England, c.1737, MIM free in the Stationers' Company c.1737; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
COLE, ROBERT 2 England, c.1835, apprenticed to William Elliott 1 in the Joiners' Company on July 7, 1835. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
COLE, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1725-40, MIM Perpetual Calendars = BM (1725),(1735), WRAY (1735). leatherseller; took apprentices including William Baker from Edmund Blow c.1738. London. Price 3; Ward 4; Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
COLE, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1840-69, MIM NIM Compass Corrector = Soth. 6/23/87; Plotting Compass = Soth. 2/25/86. 21 Hannibal Road, Mile End, Stepney, London. O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
COLE, UMFREDUS England, MIM father of Humphrey Cole? Latinization of Humphrey Cole? Gunther 2. suggest correction
COLE, WILLIAM England, fl.1780-1805, MIM OIM Reflecting Telescope = Ineichen 10/20/75; Pedometer = BM; Ring Sundial = X. last two instruments signed "W. Cole"; clockmaker. Gutter Lane, London. Taylor 2(815); Clay and Court; Britten; RSW. suggest correction
COLEMAN England, PHIM Barometer = P.C.; Marine Barometer = D.(1972). Newbury. RSW. suggest correction
COLEMAN, ANN England, fl.1832-33, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; succeeded Charles Coleman. 11 Vineyard Walk, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COLEMAN, CHARLES England, fl.1823-29, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 7 Dorrington Street, Clerkenwell; 11 Vineyard Walk, Clerkenwell; both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COLEMAN, EBEN USA, c.1855, MIM made compasses. Wolfeboro, N.H. DATM. suggest correction
COLEMAN, JOHN England, c.1803, MIM apprenticed to William Morris of the Grocers' Company, May 3, 1796; free of the Company May 5, 1803. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
COLEMAN, STEPHEN England, c.1704, MIM apprenticed to John Bellinger 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on July 3, 1704. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COLEMARE, J. England, 1737, student; "J. Colemare, 1737 Soph. at St. John's Cambridge" is marked on a universal ring sundial, WHI-1091. Price 12; Gunther 3; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
COLES, CHRISTOPHER England, c.1664, MIM Slide Rule = KEN. Taylor 1(302); Evans 1. suggest correction
COLESON, JOHN England, c.1699, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Tuttell of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 28, 1699. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COLL England, c.1730, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 5/19/88. "Coll Fecit." RSW. suggest correction
COLLADO, LUDOVICUS Spain, 1584, MIM Bow Compass, gilt-brass, 1584 = VIE. Michel 3; Price 2. suggest correction
COLLE, HUMFRAY see Humphrey Cole. Gunther 4; NMM 2. suggest correction
COLLEIE, THOMAS Belgium, fl.1721-22, MIM Horizontal Sundial in snuff box, 1722 = OXFB; Horizontal Sundials = X (1721), (1722). may be Colley. Liège. Michel 3; Taylor 2(156). suggest correction
COLLES, CHRISTOPHER USA, fl.1774-89, MIM PHIM Hydrometer = Winterthur Museum, Delaware; Sundial, octagonal = NYS. invented an hodometer for carriages; author. 42 Pearl Street, New York, N.Y. N.Y. Historical Society, 1945; USNM; Hindle. suggest correction
COLLET France, 1760, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1760 = OXF. Paris. Evans 1; Gunther 2. suggest correction
COLLET, TIMOTHEE France, 1652-59+, MIM Butterfield-type Sundials = NMM, D.(1994); Sundials, 1659 = Michel Coll., LIE and P.C. (1663). Timothée Collet; D. signed "Orlogeur à Paris" and has a lunar volvelle on the back; watchmaker. Nantes; Rouen (1652-59); Paris. Michel 1, 3, and 9; Nachet; MADEX; Tardy; Coffeen 46. suggest correction
COLLEY, THOMAS England, fl.1765-80, MIM George Graham's successor. Fleet Street, London. Josten; Britten. suggest correction
COLLIBER, THOMAS England, c.1736, MIM Abraham Lorkin turned over to him as an apprentice on Feb. 20, 1736 by James Wilson 2; may have been a member of the Clockmakers' Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COLLIER England, c.1720, MIM Protractors = PYM, D., D.(1987). Coffeen 17; RSW. suggest correction
COLLIER, BENJAMIN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COLLIER, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1712-45, MIM SIM Sector, 1730 = OXF, Sector,ivory = D.(1986); Compass = OXF; Universal Ring Sundial = NYM; Circumferentors = PYM, Soth. 10/22/76; Sundial = P.B. 9/24/38. apprenticed to Thomas Tuttell of the Clockmakers' Company on April 3, 1699; may be same as William Collier 2; some instruments signed "W. Collier"; T.C.(1731). the end of Wood Street, facing Cripple Gate,(1731); at ye Atlas next the Fountain Tavern without New Gate; both in London. Bryden 9; Taylor 1(564); Chandler and Vincent; Lubke; Dewhirst; Evans 1; Baillie 1; Gunther 2 and 6; Crawforth 1; J. Brown 3; Coffeen 12; RSW. suggest correction
COLLIER, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1744, MIM member of the Goldsmiths' Company; had apprentice turned over to him from the Grocers' Company; may be same man as William Collier 1. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
COLLIN France, 1809, NIM Compass Rose, 1809 = PMM. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
COLLIN, AXEL H. Sweden, c.1830, OIM younger son of Gabriel Collin. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
COLLIN, CARL ERIC Sweden, 1791-1852, OIM older son of Gabriel Collin; took over the shop in 1825. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
COLLIN, CARL GUSTAF Sweden, 1830-1900, OIM Telescope = Hammer Sale. son of Carl Eric Collin; worked in his father's shop until 1852, when he succeeded him; the telescope is signed "Collin Stockholm." Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
COLLIN, GABRIEL Sweden, 1761-1825, OIM PHIM Balance = Berzelius Museum (SWE). head of optical shop at Swedish Royal Academy from 1793. Uppsala; Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
COLLINGS, C.W. England, fl.1845-58, PHIM made barometers and philosophical instruments. 16 Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square (1845-46); Royal Polytechnic Institute (1847); both in London. Goodison 1; O'Mara. suggest correction
COLLINGS, JAMES England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM Instrument = WHI. Skinner Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1808). suggest correction
COLLINS 1 England, c.1710, MIM globe maker. London. Globus, June, 1963. suggest correction
COLLINS 2 England, OIM probably Charles Collins, which see. London. RSW. suggest correction
COLLINS, CHARLES England, fl.1850-80, OIM Webster Condenser = WHI; Binocular Microscopes = Soth. 6/23/87 (2); Microscopes = BIL, P.C., Christie-SK 4/17/86, various auctions; Binocular Microscope = Versailles = 11/19/78; etc. optician; some instruments are signed "Collins" or "C. Collins"; retailer of R. & J. Beck microscopes. 157 Great Portland Place; 77 Great Titchfield Street, Portland Place; Polytechnic Institute; all in London. Price 12; Moskowitz 104; O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
COLLINS, J. England, c.1750, MIM designed or made quadrants. London. Weil 2(2). suggest correction
COLLINS, JAMES England, c.1827, PHIM balance maker. Birmingham. Christie-SK 4/17/86. suggest correction
COLLINS, JOHN 1 England, 1625-83, MIM maker of the Royal sundials; designed a quadrant made by Prujean; author; possibly J. Collins with a wrong date; F.R.S., 1667. Oxford; near the Three Crowns, Bloomsbury; next the Adam and Eve in Petty France; Garlick Hill; the last three in London. Taylor 1(215); Gunther 2. suggest correction
COLLINS, JOHN 2 England, c.1726, MIM apprenticed to his father on Jan. 14, 1716; turned over to John Wilson of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 1, 1718; free of the Company, April 4, 1726. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COLLINS, PETER England, fl.1687-99, MIM apprenticed by turnover to James Atkinson 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 19, 1680; free of the Company, Sept. 29, 1687; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COLLINS, ROBERT Scotland, PHIM Barometers = D.(1972), Christie-G 4/30/1986-40. Paisley. J. Bell; Morrison-Low. suggest correction
COLLIS, W.H. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bury St. Edmunds. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COLLISON, JOHN England, c.1793, apprenticed to Rowland Tidder in the Grocers' Company on July 6, 1793. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
COLLOT FRERES France, c.1851, MIM PHIM Standard Meter, folding = D.(1997). Collot Frères; T.C.; successors to M. Hirbict; scale makers; surely E. et A. Collot, one of whom was listed as a glassmaker and thermometer maker in Paris in the 1820's. 41 Rue de l'Ecole de Médicine; (formerly the rue des mauvais Garçons), Paris. Calvert 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen 58. suggest correction
COLLOT, A. France, 1827-1900, PHIM Paris 1900. suggest correction
COLLOT, E. ET A. France, c.1848, PHIM made precision balances. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
COLLYER, W. England, c.1850, NIM Sextant = ADL-A167. used by Comdre. Robert E. Peary in 1893, on an Arctic expedition; carries Lloyd's Indent 0005 over 39. Commercial Docks, London. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
COLMAR see Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
COLOM, JACOB ARNOLD Holland, fl.1628-42, MIM Terrestrial Globes = NMM-G.170,- G.171. also signed "Colum"; possibly Columb, which see; Price reported them as a "Pair of Globes." NMM 2; Globus, Dec., 1957; Price 2. suggest correction
COLOMBA AND HARE England, fl.1844-46, PHIM Andrew Colomba and Hare; made barometers and thermometers. 37 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1844-46); 89 Chancery Lane (1846); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COLOMBA, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Salisbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COLOMBA, ANDREW England, fl.1842-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/27/88. made barometers and thermometers; worked with Hare, 1844-46. 37 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1842-59); 89 Chancery Lane (1846); 16 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1860); all in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
COLOMBI France, c.1850, MIM OIM SIM succeeded by Schiavetti-Bellini; breveté; see Colombi Fils; may be son or firm of Cles. Colombi; T.C.; "Opticien de la Marine de S.A. Mgr. le Prince de Joinville." Brest, St.Malo and Paris. Calvert 2; RSW. suggest correction
COLOMBI FILS France, c.1848, MIM SIM Colombi (C.) Fils; probably son of Cles. Colombi. Quai Conti, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
COLOMBI, CLES. France, fl.pre-1844-50, MIM NIM OIM Telescope = P.C.(1958); Marine Compass in wooden box = Drouot 4/26/67-56; Spyglass = D.(1985). T.C.; "Breveté Opticien de la Marine." Brest et St. Malo. G.L'E. Turner 24; Calvert 2; Coffeen 10; RSW. suggest correction
COLTI, DI GIO. BARTOL. Italy, 1788, MIM Bow Compass Sector, 1788 = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
COLTON, LEVI USA, 1803-85, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = Connecticut Historical Society, P.C.(2), D.(1984), Soth. N.Y. 3/16/83, D.(1977), USNM (2). worked for Richard Patten; fl.1846-54; three compasses repaired by Gurley Co., 1885-1921; probably imported some of the instruments he sold. New York, N.Y.; New Haven, Conn.; Boston, MA.; Utica, N.Y.; Hartford, Conn. (1854). Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz 127; Coffeen D; Rudd; Giordano (1977); Warner 14. suggest correction
COLUM see Colom. suggest correction
COLUMB Holland, MIM Floating Sundial = Snowshill Manor. possibly Coulomb. RSW. suggest correction
COMBES, FISHER England, fl.1728-37, MIM NIM SIM Circumferentor = Snowshill Manor. apprenticed to Simon Cade of the Clockmakers' Company on June 5, 1721; free of the Company Oct. 7, 1728; T.C.; the name sometimes is spelled Coombs or Combs. at ye Mariner and Globe in Broad Street, near ye Angel and Crown Tavern, behind ye Royal Exchange, London. Bryden 9; Calvert 2; Clay and Court; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
COMBRET, PIERRE France, fl.1592-1622, MIM Sundial inside bottom lid of watch = Soltykoff Coll. = Garnier Coll. = LOU; Astronomical Watch = NYM. Lyon. Baillie 1. suggest correction
COMBS, OLIVER England, fl.1693-1747, OIM T.C.; optician; journeyman to Mr. Scarlett; admitted to the Spectaclemakers' Company as a foreign brother on Jan.11, 1728. Leadenhall Street (1693); at the Spectacles, ye second house from Essex Street; at the Spectacles, St. Martin's Court, Lincoln Fields (1740); at the Spectacles, the Strand, near Temple Bar (1747); all in London. Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Evans 1; KEN; Crawforth 1; Court and Von Rohr 3(66). suggest correction
COMETTI England, 1722, MIM Garden Sundial, 1722 = Soth.-Chester 9/8/83. RSW. suggest correction
COMILLI England, Wheel Barometers = D.(1975); Soth.-Chester 5/16/85. modern reproductions. London. RSW. suggest correction
COMITTI England, PHIM Barometer = D.; Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
COMITTI, JOS. Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Banff. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COMMANDINO, FEDERICO Italy, c.1600, MIM also made clocks. Urbino. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
COMMESSARI, EGIDIO Italy, 18th Century, MIM Astrolabe = FLG. ICA-495; owner? Bonelli 4; Price 1; ICA 2; Italian Inventory; Righini 1; RSW. suggest correction
COMOLI AND CO. Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COMOLI AND NOZZI Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably J. Comoli 2. 82 St. Mary's Wynd, Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COMOLI, ANDREW England, c.1830, see Peter Comoli. Dudley. Taylor 2(1809). suggest correction
COMOLI, J. 1 Scotland, fl.1825-26, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 82 St. Mary's Wynd, Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1513). suggest correction
COMOLI, J. 2 Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Aberdeen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COMOLI, J. AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COMOLI, J., NOLLI AND CO. Scotland, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth., 6/6/96. see S. Nolli, Comoli and Co. 82 St. Mary Wynd, Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
COMOLI, JOHN England, c.1830, PHIM see Peter Comoli. Dudley. Taylor 2(1809). suggest correction
COMOLI, PETER England, c.1830, PHIM made and/or sold barometers; Andrew and John Comoli in shop too. High Street, Dudley. Taylor 2(1809). suggest correction
COMOLI, PETER, AND CO. England, fl.1817-30, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer signed "P. Comoli and Co"; spelled "Curmoli" in Directory. High Street, Dudley. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COMOZZI, C. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. Aylesbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COMOZZI, C. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably C. Comozzi 1. Buckingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COMPANIE DES INDIES China., c.1800, Horizontal Sundials = CNAM, P.C. surely the firm that commisioned the sundials. Canton. Cons. Nat'l 2; Société Belge. suggest correction
COMYNS, HENRY England, fl.1830-45, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 9/18/86. 15 Asylum Terrace (1836); 14 Asylum Terrace (1838); 7 King's Road; 5 Hereford Terrace, King's Road (1845); all in Chelsea, London. O'Mara; Taylor 2(1810); RSW. suggest correction
CONDOLE, VULLY DE France, 1831, MIM Planetarium, 1831 = POB. RSW. suggest correction
CONDY, BENJAMIN USA, fl.1756-98, MIM NIM Backstaff, 1761 = P.C.; Octants = Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia (1763), Franklin Institute, Philadelphia (1765) = X. 81 South Front Street (1791); Fromberger's Court (1798); both in Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; USNM; Gillingham 1; Price 2; D.J. Warner 8 and 10. suggest correction
CONDY, BENJAMIN, AND SONS USA, c.1785, MIM NIM Front Street between Chestnut and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
CONEY, AMBROSE England, c.1676, OIM free in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1676. London. rawforth 6. suggest correction
CONGERS England, c.1674, probably John Conyers. Evans 1. suggest correction
CONICHON France, c.1750, OIM Gregorian Telescope = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. rue des Postes, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CONNELL England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Cheapside, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CONNER see Potter and Conner. American Philosophical Society. suggest correction
CONNETTE, MICHEL France, c.1626, invented a pantometer; author. Paris. Wheatland 2. suggest correction
CONNOLLY, GEORGE Ireland, fl.1835-45, OIM optician. 45 Grangegorman Lane, Dublin (1835-45). Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
CONRAD, ANDREAS Germany, fl.1734-39, MIM SIM Graphometers = DEU (1734), BRE, DEU; Sectors = ANM, BM (1739) Huelsmann Coll. (1739); Table Sundial = LAW = Soth. 5/10/54; Universal Ring Sundial, 1738 = WHI; Square = STU; Equatorial Sundials = GRE, Koller 11/17/75; Armillary Sphere = D.(1965); Rule = ULM. Ulm. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Price 3; Ward 4; Daumas 1; Evans 1; Whipple 1; Belgian Inventory; Wheatland 2; Bryden 16; RSW; Syndram. suggest correction
CONRADI c.1710, OIM microscope maker. Clay and Court. suggest correction
CONRADIAT, ANDREAS misreading for Andreas Conrad. suggest correction
CONSTANTIN AND HUYGENS Italy, c.1685, OIM Objective Lenses = BMR(3). surely Constantine Huygens. The Hague. Belgian Inventory. suggest correction
CONTARINI, SAC. PAOLO Italy, fl.1820-44, MIM Horizontal Sundial, cardboard, 1820 = P.C.; Pillar Sundial, 1844 = FLO; Horizontal Pin Gnomon Sundial = NYM. Netini. Bonelli 1; RSW. suggest correction
CONTI, THOMAS Germany, 1711, MIM Cannon Sundial, 1711 = P.C. Mulhausen. Rohr 2. suggest correction
CONTINHO, D. MARTINHO DA FRANCA Portugal, MIM PHIM Lisbon. USNM. suggest correction
CONTURIES France, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1978). rue de Bercy No. 6, Faubourg St. Antoine, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
CONYERS, JOHN England, fl.1673-79, MIM amateur instrument maker; author. Holborn Bridge, London. Taylor 1(371). suggest correction
CONYERS, RICHARD England, fl.1689-1708, MIM apprenticed to John Cooke 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 30, 1672; free of the Company, Nov. 4, 1689; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COOBEROW, MATTHEW England, fl.1690-1716, OIM apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1683; free of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1690; took James Mann 2 and Thomas Lincoln as apprentices. Angel Street, London. Robischon; Court and von Rohr 3(58). suggest correction
COOCKE mis-spelling for Cooke. suggest correction
COOK 1 England, 18th Century, NIM Octants = BAR, POR, New Hampshire Historical Society, TRE, GEP, Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass.; Sextants = WHI, GEP; Hadley Quadrant = OMM. London. USNM; Price 12; Italian Inventory; RSW. suggest correction
COOK 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COOK 3 England, see Laban Cooke. RSW. suggest correction
COOK 4 see Cooke. suggest correction
COOK AND SON England, c.1820, NIM Octant = D.(1972). surely William and George Cook. 178 Shadwell High Street, London. Taylor 2(1104); RSW. suggest correction
COOK, ALBERT, AND CO. USA, c.1850, MIM NIM PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
COOK, BENJAMIN E. USA, fl. 1827-34+, MIM SIM partner with Nathan Storrs as Storrs and Cook, 1827-34; he succeeded Storrs in 1834. Shop Row, Northampton, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
COOK, FRANCIS see Francis Cooke. Daumas 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
COOK, GEORGE England, c.1822, NIM Octants = FRK, D.(1982), D.(1984). D.(1984) has anchor on scale; all signed "G. Cook"; also made compasses; probably son of William Cook. 178 Shadwell High Street, London. Taylor 2(1104); Frank; Coffeen; RSW. suggest correction
COOK, J. England, PHIM made spring balances. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
COOK, THOMAS England, fl.1693-1709, MIM Slide Rules = D.(1693), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (1709). took apprentices; "Gauging Instrument Maker to the Excise Office for more than 40 years"; 1709 instrument signed "Thomas Cooke"; T.C. by the Excise Office in the Old Jury, London. Calvert 2; KEN; Evans 1; Britten; Darius 2.. suggest correction
COOK, W.C. England, 19th Century, MIM Sector = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. Devonport. RSW. suggest correction
COOK, WILLIAM England, fl.1806-20, NIM quadrant and compass maker; probably father of George Cook. 178 Shadwell High Street, London. Taylor 2(1104). suggest correction
COOK, WILLIAM GEORGE England, c.1814, MIM may have been a member of the Masons' Company; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
COOKE 1 England, 19th Century, MIM OIM Magnetic Compass = Versailles 11/20/83; Telescopic Level = Versailles 4/17/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
COOKE 2 England, OIM Equatorial Telescope = Teramo Observatory. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
COOKE AND KELVEY India and England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope, case = Soth. 2/28/80. Calcutta and Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
COOKE AND SON England, c.1910, OIM Telescope, refracting = Soth. 6/23/87. RSW. suggest correction
COOKE AND SONS England, pre-1837-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Telescope, refracting, stand = Soth. 6/23/87. probably Thomas Cooke 3. Micklegate; 50 Stonegate (1837-38); 12 Coney Street (1843-51); 26 Coney Street (1860); all in York. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
COOKE, B., AND SON England, NIM Binnacle = Tower of Gold, Seville. Hull. RSW. suggest correction
COOKE, FRANCIS England, fl.1590-96, NIM made backstaves; author. Mark Lane, London (1596). Taylor 1(81); Daumas 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
COOKE, FREDERICK England, 1835-98, MIM son of Thomas Cooke 3; brother of Thomas Cooke 4; firm of T. Cooke and Sons. York. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
COOKE, GEORGE 1 England, c.1635, apprenticed to Elias Allen in the Grocers' Company in Aug. 1635. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
COOKE, GEORGE 2 England, c.1694, MIM apprenticed to William Sellars of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1694. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COOKE, JOHN 1 England, c.1649, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Isaac Lowe of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 18, 1640; free of the Company on April 2, 1649. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COOKE, JOHN 2 England, c.1662, MIM apprenticed by turnover to William Dobb of the Clockmakers' Company on Nov. 16, 1655; free of the Company, Dec. 1, 1662; took an apprentice. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COOKE, LABAN England, fl.1825-33, MIM Slide Rules = OXF, D.(1976). also made gauges; "Maker to the Honble Board of Excise"; "late Wellington", D. signed "Cook, ----." 21 Crown Court, Soho, London. Taylor 2(1514); O'Mara; Moskowitz 118. suggest correction
COOKE, ROBERT England, fl.1668-79, MIM citizen; free of the Weavers' Company; admitted as a Brother in the Clockmakers' Company in 1668; took apprentices in the Clockmakers' Company, including Johnson Weekes. London. Taylor 1(493); Clay and Court; Baillie 1; J. Brown 1 & 3. suggest correction
COOKE, T., AND SON England, MIM T.C.; surely misreading for T. Cooke (3) and Sons. York? Soth. 10/27/69-31. suggest correction
COOKE, T., AND SONS England, fl.1856-1922, MIM OIM SIM Thomas Cooke 3 and his sons, Frederick and Thomas Cooke 4 became partners, c.1856; from 1868-94, Frederick and Thomas Cooke 4 carried on the firm; in 1894 Frederick Cooke retired in favor of Alfred Taylor and his brother Dennis Taylor who continued the firm; Dennis Taylor had headed the optical shop; the name was changed to T. Cooke and Sons Ltd. in 1897; Vickers Ltd. acquired the firm in 1916 and merged it with Troughton and Simms Ltd, to form Cooke, Troughton and Simms Ltd. in 1922. York. Taylor and Wilson; Goodison 1. suggest correction
COOKE, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1690-1742, MIM apprenticed to John Toogood in the Joiners' Company on April 4, 1682; free in the Company on June 3, 1690; took apprentices. Old Jewry; Threadneedle Street; both in London. Taylor 1(493); Crawforth 7. suggest correction
COOKE, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1690-1718, free in the Joiners' Company; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
COOKE, THOMAS 3 England, 1807-68 fl.1837-68, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescope = Soth. 10/27/69; Striding Level = KFR 12/3/64. mechanical engineer and builder of steam engines; also an instrument maker; worked alone from 1837 to c.1856; took his sons Frederick and Thomas Cooke 4 as partners to form T. Cooke and Sons; the sons continued the firm after his death. Allerthrope (1807-29); Micklegate (1832); 50 Stonegate (1837); Coney Street (c.1838); all in York. Taylor 2(1515); Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
COOKE, THOMAS 4 England, 1839-1919, MIM OIM brother of Frederick Cooke; son of Thomas Cooke 3; about 1856 he and his brother joined their father to found the firm of T. Cooke and Sons. York. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
COOKE, THOMAS 5 England, see Thomas Cook. suggest correction
COOKE, TROUGHTON AND SIMMS LTD. England, 1922-, MIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. in 1922 the firms of Troughton and Simms Ltd. and T. Cooke and Sons Ltd. merged into Cooke, Troughton and Simms Ltd.; Vickers Ltd. acquired control of T. Cooke and Sons Ltd. in 1916 and that of Troughton and Simms Ltd. a few years later; the company is now known as Vickers Instruments Ltd. York and London. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
COOKE, WILLIAM D. USA, c.1850, MIM Terrestrial Globe, for the blind = New York Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, 1853. USNM. suggest correction
COOLE, HUMFRAY England, 1568, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1568 = OXF. Humphrey Cole. Gunther 4. suggest correction
COOLLE, HUMFRAY England, c.1580, MIM Gunner's Combination Dividers, 1580 = BM-1878/11-1 114. see Humphrey Cole. Price 3; Ward 4; Gunther 2 and 4. suggest correction
COOMBE, OLIVER see Oliver Combs. Dewhirst. suggest correction
COOMBES 1 see Cox and Coombes. RSW. suggest correction
COOMBES 2 England, MIM NIM OIM see J. Coombes. Devonport. RSW. suggest correction
COOMBES, D. England, 19th Century, NIM Borda Circle = Saint-Brieuc 8/4/79. Devonport. RSW. suggest correction
COOMBES, J. England, c.1850, MIM NIM OIM Sextants = FRK (2), Soth. 10/31/66-83, 10/27/69, Soth. N.Y. 2/23/79, D.(1976), etc.; Telescope = D.(1971); Rolling Rule = Phillips 2/14/79; Rule, ivory = X. "Optician and Admiralty Agent, Devonport"; some may be too late for this Index; some instruments signed "Coombes Devonport." 87 Fore Street, Devonport. Frank; Bryden 9; DATM; RSW. suggest correction
COOMBS 1 see King and Coombs. Moskowitz; Coffeen C. suggest correction
COOMBS 2 see Combs. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COOMBS 3 see Combs. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COOMBS, FISHER England, c.1728, see Fisher Combs. Clay and Court. suggest correction
COOPER 1 USA, c.1839, PHIM made a baroscope in 1839. USNM. suggest correction
COOPER 2 1830, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1830 = Cromarty. may have made dial. Somerville. suggest correction
COOPER, C.T. England, c.1850, MIM Ham's Ullaging and Proof Rules = NMM, KEN. London. NMM; KEN. suggest correction
COOPER, C.T., AND SONS England, MIM Gunnery Scales, boxwood = Soth. 7/27/64-200. London. RSW. suggest correction
COOPER, JAMES C. England, 18th Century, MIM Manchester. Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
COOPER, S. England, 1836, MIM Engineer's Rule, 1836 = D.(1971) = P.C. Miller Street, Shidehill, Manchester. Moskowitz 102; RSW. suggest correction
COOPER, THOMAS England, 1701, NIM Nocturnal, wood, 1701 = X. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
COOPER, W. Scotland, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer with clock = Christie-SK 4/17/86. the combined clock and barometer dial is signed "W. Cooper Hamilton"; the thermometer is signed "Wm. Ticadell? Glasgow", which see. Hamilton. RSW. suggest correction
COOPER, W.C. England, 1842, PHIM Electrometer = Christie-SK 8/20/87. RSW. suggest correction
COOPER, W.G. England, c.1830, MIM Berzelius-type Slide Rule = Berzelius Museum (Swedish Academy of Sciences). 44 Union Street, Plymouth. RSW. suggest correction
COPE see Molyneux and Cope. RSW. suggest correction
COPERNICUS, NICHOLAS Poland; Italy; Poland, 1473-1543, MIM Wall Sundial, pre-1512 = Olsztyn Castle. author; noted astronomer who proposed a heliocentric theory; he also made an armillary sphere and a quadrant. Torun. Zinner 1; Polish Inventory; DSB; etc. suggest correction
COPINI, GATINI England, fl.1832-49, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95. barometer and thermometer maker; barometer signed "Copini London." 217 High Street, Shoreditch (1832-41); 280 High Holborn (1839-41); Norton Folgate (1842-49); all in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
COPLAND, PATRICK Scotland, fl.1775-1822, MIM Rule, 12-inch, silvered brass = Natural Philosophical Museum, Dept. of Physics, U. of Aberdeen. professor of natural philosophy; the rule used Troughton's five-foot standard-rule as a model. Aberdeen. J.S. Reid; Clarke et al. suggest correction
COPLEY, CHARLES USA, c.1852, MIM Globe, 1852 = D.(1966). made terrestrial and celestial globes. New York, N.Y. USNM; Vietor. suggest correction
COPODURO, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Gloucester Museum. address spelled "Cerincester." Cirencester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COPP, JOHANN Poland, fl.1524-84, Dr. Johann Copp; designed an astrolabe; author. Breslau. Price 2; Zinner 1; Weil 2(25). suggest correction
COPP, PHILIP 1703, MIM Astronomical Instrument, 1703 = GEL-TX898. Chenekal 4. suggest correction
COPPIN, EDOUARD France, post-1827, MIM NIM OIM SIM made surveying instruments, sextants and microscopes; succeeded his father, M. Coppin in the firm Maison Hue-Coppin. 56, rue de Turbigo, Paris, 3e. RSW. suggest correction
COPPIN, M. France, post-1827, MIM NIM OIM SIM made surveying instruments, sextants and microscopes; succeeded Hue to form the firm Hue-Coppin; he was succeeded by his son Edouard Coppin; the "M" in M. Coppin is probably Monsieur Coppin. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
COPPLE, RICHARD England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Sankey. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORBETTA, I. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 11 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORBINO, VINCENZO Italy, 18th Century, NIM Plate for Compass Rose = P.C. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
CORBY, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORDERO, T. Italy, OIM Telescope = Technical Museum, Milan. RSW. suggest correction
CORDEROY, WILLIAM England, c.1650, MIM worked with Caspas Kalthoff and Johannes Digges. London. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CORDETT, RICHARD England, c.1765, apprenticed to Charles Lincoln, an OIM in the Spectaclemakers' Company, Oct. 3, 1765. Court and von Rohr 3(193). suggest correction
CORELAND, J. USA, MIM made compasses. DATM. suggest correction
CORLESS, JOHN England, fl.1806-38, MIM PHIM Balance = Chemical Laboratory Inventory, 1823, Oxford. apprenticed to Robert Tangate in the Joiners' Company, May 4, 1773; listed as a MIM in the directories; took apprentices; the balance was signed "Corless." 19 Newcastle Street, Strand, London (1828). Baillie 1; O'Mara; Gunther 2; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CORNEL, ANTONIO F. MIM Rule, ivory = LOS. "Antonio F. Cornel" over "H." RSW. suggest correction
CORNELISZ, JAN Germany, fl.1760-84, NIM Octants = HAA (1777), DRE, BRE, FLE, AMST; Sextant = LUB. sometimes spelled Corneliss. Föhr Island, Schleswig-Holstein. Zinner 1; Basserman-Jordan 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
CORNELIUS, VON Germany, 19th Century, MIM Artillery Level = BRE. Bremerhaven. RSW. suggest correction
CORNELL England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. c.1820? Royston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORNELL, SILAS USA, c.1845, MIM made an "improved terrestrial globe." New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
CORNELLI, GEMMAE Spain, 1630, MIM see Cornelius Gemma 2. Garcia Franco 2; Price 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
CORNIQUET, PHILIPPE JACQUES France, fl.1785-1813, MIM Astronomical Clock = X. Paris. Baillie 1. suggest correction
CORNISH, W.H. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Okehampton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORNITTI, O., AND SON England, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 9/10/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
CORONELLI, P. MARCO VINCENZO MARIA Italy, 1650-1718, MIM Celestial Globe Gores, 1693 = ADL-A159 & -W258; Celestial Globe Gores = New York Public Library (2); Pair of Globe Gores, 1697 = ADL-A303; Terrestrial Globe Gores = Library of Congress (1688), New York Public Library (1697). the Louvre owns the plates for the 1693 gores and occasionally restrikes them; ADL-W258 is one of those restrikes; the 1693 gores make a globe of 108 cm. in diameter; ADL-A303 would have a diameter of 8.5 cm. Ravenna; Venice. Bonelli 1, 4 and 8; Michel 1 and 3; Nachet; Italian and Belgian Inventories; Société Belge; Stevenson; Globus Nov. 1954; Grimaldi (732); DSB; Yonge; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CORONTE, A. France, 1787, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1787 = D.(1958). Metz. RSW. suggest correction
CORPA Holland, c.1795, OIM made a microscope with W. Eisland. The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CORRALL, WILLIAM England, fl.1822-41, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Church Street, Lutterworth (1835-41). Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORRAZINI, F. Italy, 1747, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1747 = P. and S. 4/3/1894. Evans 1; Gunther 2. suggest correction
CORSAN, ROBERT see Robert Corson. Bryden 9. suggest correction
CORSAN, THOMAS England, c.1770, MIM rule maker. Queen Street, Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
CORSON, L.H., M.A. USA, c.1840, invented a type of perpetual calendar, engraved by Doty and Bergen. Christie 4/3/85. suggest correction
CORSON, ROBERT England, fl.1767-70, MIM Rule, wood = P.C. rule maker; sometimes spelled "Corsan." Berry Street, Wolverhampton. Bryden 9; Crawforth 10. suggest correction
CORSS, JAMES Scotlandc.1650, MIM maker and seller of scientific instruments; publisher of the "Edinburgh Almanack." Edinburgh. Bryden 15. suggest correction
CORT AND CO. England, pre-1846, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Leicester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORT, L.E. VAN England, OIM Telescope = D.(1989). RSW. suggest correction
CORTE, JAS. Scotland, c.1790, PHIM Stick Barometer, yew = Soth. 2/4/77; Hydrostatic Bubbles = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
CORTI AND SON England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer, satinwood = D.(1989). London. RSW. suggest correction
CORTI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. 7 Greville Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORTI, ANTONI Scotland, fl.1833-45, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = Soth. 2/28/80, Christie-SK 1/22/87. the wheel barometer is signed "A. Corti, Glasgow"; the stick barometer from Christie is signed "A. Cortie" plus the address. 97 Nelson Street, Glasgow. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CORTI, B. Scotland, PHIM Barometer = D.(1972). Glasgow. J. Bell. suggest correction
CORTI, ENRICO Italy, 19th Century, PHIM Balance = A-P 3/15/76. "successore a Orlandi." RSW. suggest correction
CORTI, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Newcastle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORTI, G.A. Scotland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/17/87. Inverness. RSW. suggest correction
CORTI, J. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Colchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORTI, J. 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORTI, J. NO. England, c.1775, PHIM Stick Barometer = Chelsea Fair Cat., 1973. probably Jno. Corti. RSW. suggest correction
CORTI, J.B. Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORTI, JNO. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = X(2), Soth. 12/14/95; Wheel Barometers = X(2). one wheel barometer signed "J. Corti" but shows the same address; Soth. signed "Jno. Corti Fecit." 94 Holborn Hill, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CORTI, JOHN England, fl.1815-34, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Phillips 2/15/89; Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. supplied the trade; instruments signed "J. Corti, London" except Phillips which is signed "John Corti Fecit"; may be by Jno. Corti. 27 Leather Lane (1815-25); 35 Eyre Street, Hatton Garden (1826-34); Union Court, Hatton; all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1516); RSW. suggest correction
CORTI, JOS. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ipswich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORTI, PAUL England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(5). may be father of Paul Courti. 5 Market Street, Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORTI, PETER England, fl.1845-50, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 30 Eyre Street Hill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CORTILO, CARMELO AND FRANCALANCIO Italy, 1720, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1720 = ROM-7780. Turin. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
CORTS, J. PHIM Spring Balance = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
CORTY, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see John Corti. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COSENS, NICHOLAS England, fl.1638-54, MIM hour glass maker; also spelled "Cussans." York. Loomes; Baillie 1; Britten. suggest correction
COSIMO, BERNARDINUS Italy, 18th Century, MIM Table Sundial = Stuker (1958). "di casa Bernardini Cosimo." RSW. suggest correction
COSLE France, invented a horizontal sundial made by Menant. Wheatland 2. suggest correction
COSSA England, 18th Century, PHIM Barometer = D.(1971). Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
COSSA, P. Scotland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 7/20/83. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
COSSINET, FRANCIS England, c.1659, sold navigational instruments and globes; maker? at the Sign of the Anchor and Mariner, Tower Street, Mincing Lane, London. Taylor 1(281). suggest correction
COSTA, ANTONIO CARVALHO DA see Carvalho. Weil 2(25). suggest correction
COSTA, ANTONIUS Italy, fl. 1670-76, MIM Sectors = ROM (1675), FLO; Armillary Spheres = NMM-Sp.11 (1676), D. (1670). Italian Inventory says the sectors are 1679; the NMM armillary sphere is signed "Antonius Costa Mirandulanus fecit in Fere 1676"; armillary sphere, 1670, is 15 inches high. Mirandolana; Fera. Price 2; Italian Inventory; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
COSTA, CESAR Italy, fl.1690-1715, MIM Squadra Mobile, 1712 = D.; Sliding Gauge, 1690 = ADL-M114; Graphometers = BM (1692) (1715), P.C.(1965); Sectors, 1699 = VEN, NYC. ADL was stolen, 1964, while on loan; the BM graphometer of 1692 is lost. Mirandolana. Bonelli 4; Price 2 and 3; Michel 3; Daumas 1; Engelmann 1; Brieux 2; Ward 4; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
COSTA, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO Italy, d.1773, MIM Celestial Globe, 1754 = ROM. Venice. Bonelli 4; Italian Inventory; Globus, Dec. 1956. suggest correction
COSTA, JOSEPH DE MIRANDA Portugal, 1711, NIM Mariner's Compass, 1711 = WHI. RSW. suggest correction
COSTENBADR, GEORG Germany, c.1583, MIM Astrolabe Clock = Soth. 5/21/53-103. see Kostenbader. RSW. suggest correction
COSTER, D. Italy, 1715, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1715 = LIE. The Hague. Michel 3 and 9. suggest correction
COSTER, SALOMON Holland, d.1659, MIM with Steven Thrasi built a "magnificent planetarium known as the `Leidse sphera'"; clockmaker. Rotterdam. Daumas 1; Rooseboom 1; Price 2. suggest correction
COSTERE, JACOBUS DE Holland, 1618, MIM Astrolabe, 1618 = MAA. ICA 464; designed by Michael Coignet and engraved by Ferdinand Arsenius. Rooseboom 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Michel 3 & 16; RSW. suggest correction
COSTIGAN USA, post-1836, NIM T.C. 74 South Street, New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
COTES, ROGER USA, c.1716, invented a meridian telescope which was made by Voight. Boston Mass. Bedini 1. suggest correction
COTTA Germany, PHIM Electrical Instrument = X. Leipzig. Hackmann. suggest correction
COTTAM AND HALLEN England, c.1820, MIM Level = D.; Hodometer = Soth. 7/15/63-148. Winsley Street, London. Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
COTTE, LOUIS France, 1740-1815, invented or perfected meteorological instruments; author. Paris. Goldschmidt and Co. Cat. suggest correction
COTTEL, TIMOTHEE France, c.1620, MIM Timothée Cottel or possibly Timothée Collet, which see. Paris. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
COTTEREL, CHARLES England, c.1667, Sir Charles Cotterel invented a form of Napier's Rods. Taylor 1(314); Dewhirst; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
COTTIE, ABEL USA, 1680, MIM had Benjamin Chandlee 1 as an apprentice, 1680; clockmaker? RSW. suggest correction
COTTON, EDWARD England, fl.1818-23, MIM made dividers, protractors, etc. Boston. USNM. suggest correction
COTTON, L. USA, c.1850, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = P.C., D.(1969), USNM. New York, N.Y. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
COTY France, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = Christie 7/5/71. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
COUCHMAN, PETER England, c.1682, apprenticed to Nathaniel Anderton in the Grocers' Company on Dec. 6, 1682. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
COUDRAY, JULIEN France, fl.1504-30, MIM Astrolabe, 1507 = Blois Chateau; Astronomical Clock = Tours. also made armillary spheres; he may have repaired the astrolabe. Blois. Michel 3; Baillie 1; Price 2. suggest correction
COULDRY, JOSEPH England, fl.1819-51, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. also made thermometers and saccharometers. Church Passage, Tooley Street (1819-29); 4 Churchyard Passage (1828); 26 St. Thomas Street, East Borough (1838-51); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1297); O'Mara. suggest correction
COULOMB France, 17th Century, MIM Floating Sundial, round, ivory = MERC-87. Columb? Hamilton 1 and 2. suggest correction
COULOMB, CHARLES AUGUSTIN France, 1736-1806, PHIM devised a torsion balance electrometer in 1785. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
COULSELL, ELIZABETH England, c.1838, MIM OIM PHIM probably widow of Thomas Coulsell. 153 Union Street, Borough, London. Taylor 2(2104). suggest correction
COULSELL, ELIZABETH AND MATHILDA England, c.1836, MIM OIM PHIM widow and daughter? 153 Union Street, Borough, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
COULSELL, JOHN England, c.1830, MIM 7 Wooten Street, Cornwall Road, London. Taylor 2(1813). suggest correction
COULSELL, THOMAS England, fl.1810-29, MIM made ivory and box rules; Elizabeth Coulsell his widow? 29 Union Street; 41 Union Street (1822); 153 Union Street (1828-29); all in Southwark, London. Taylor 2(1299); O'Mara. suggest correction
COULSELL, WILLIAM England, 1815-58, MIM 9 Castle Street, Southwark, London. Taylor 2(1300); O'Mara. suggest correction
COULSELL, WILLIAM, AND SON England, MIM 4 Salmon Lane, Limehouse, London. Taylor 2(1300). suggest correction
COULSON, DANIEL England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 58 Charles Street, City Road, London. Taylor 2(2105). suggest correction
COULSON, S. England, c.1825, engineer; devised a type of slide rule. Redcar. Delehar 2. suggest correction
COUNSEL England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 10/19/87. Farringdon. RSW. suggest correction
COUPPEY, JEAN ANDRE France; Austria, fl.1764-73, MIM Jean André Couppey; made several astronomical clocks. Paris; Vienna. Baillie 1; Britten. suggest correction
COUR, DE LA see Delacour. suggest correction
COURT, WILLIAM, AND MARMADUKE HODGESON England, c.1690, T.C.; sellers of books and mathematical instruments. at the Mariner and Anchor on little Tower Hill, London. Calvert 2. suggest correction
COURTANVAUX, MARQUIS DE France, pre-1782, invented the gnomograph to calculate sundials; one of the great eighteenth century collectors. Paris. Courtanvaux. suggest correction
COURTI, PAUL England, 1856-57, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 10/19/87, Bearne's 2/12/92. probably son of Paul Corti; Soth. barometer signed "Courti Exeter"; Bearne's signed P. Courti, Exeter." 38 1/2 South Street (1856); 7 High Street (1856-57); both in Exeter. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
COURTI, PH. France, 19th Century, MIM Cannon Sundial = Drouot 4/26/67-36. Mulhouse. RSW. suggest correction
COURVOISIER ET HOURIET France, fl.1775-1804, MIM David Courvoisier et Jacques Frédéric Houriet; made astronomical clocks. Le Locle. Britten. suggest correction
COUSENS AND CO. England, NIM T.C. 20 Wind Street, Swansea. RSW. suggest correction
COUT surely Gout. Koller, May 1966. suggest correction
COUTTS, I.P. misreading for "I.P. Cutts." RSW. suggest correction
COVAGNOLI, GIUSEPPE Italy, 1665, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1665 = Brescia Museum-56. Price 2. suggest correction
COVELL, THOMAS England, c.1787, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Ripley 1 of the Grocers' Company on July 5, 1787. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
COVENS, CORNELIS Holland, fl.1792-1803, MIM Terrestrial Globe = AMST(2), BOM 3/28/06 (1803); Celestial Globe, 1803 = AMST; Armillary Sphere = AMST. succeeded the Valk Brothers. Amsterdam. Cat. der Bibliotheek, AMST; Krogt 2; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
COVENTRY, JOHN England, fl.1790-1816, MIM made glass micrometer scales and designed a hygrometer. Southwark, London. Taylor 2(1107); Chaldecott. suggest correction
COVERI, STEFANO Italy, fl.1660-80, OIM made telescopes. Livorno. Daumas 1. suggest correction
COWAN, HENRY England?, c.1850, PHIM Gold Balance = D.(1970). Boston. Moskowitz 101. suggest correction
COWIE, A. England, NIM Sextant, case = Eldred 10/11/75. Grangemouth. RSW. suggest correction
COWLAND, W. England, MIM Gunter Quadrant = Libert et Castor 4/28/82-89. RSW. suggest correction
COWLEY, J. England, fl.1739-46, MIM Celestial Globe, glass, 1739 = KEN. engraved the glass globe of the "Powderham sphere", c.1740; appointed Geographer in ordinary to his Majesty (George II) in 1741. KEN; Millburn 9. suggest correction
COWLEY, MISS Englandc.1787, invented a cardboard pocket armillary sphere, c.1787, "Miss Cowley's Pocket Sphere"; published by Jno. Marshall and Co., which see; example is ADL-W246. London? ADL; RSW. suggest correction
COWLEY, W.H. England, NIM Sextant with platina scale = Soth. 5/21/71. Milford Haven. RSW. suggest correction
COX 1 see Cock. Taylor 1(285); Daumas 1. suggest correction
COX 2 England, c.1750, OIM Telescope = PEA. London. Taylor 2(701); Brewington 1. suggest correction
COX 3 England, 18th Century, MIM NIM Sextant = D.(1972); Protractor = WHI; Pantograph = OXF; Sundials = NMM(2); Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. may be more than one person; barometer signed "Cox" on the level. London. Taylor 2(816); Whipple 1; Gunther 2; RSW. suggest correction
COX 4 England, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Marine Barometers = NMM-B.12, Soth.-S 7/23/87; Stick Barometer =X; Protractor = Phillips 4/20/83; Theodolite = Soth. 2/2/70; Garden Sundial = D.(1973). either William Charles Cox or William Cox 3; "Optician." Devonport and Plymouth. Goodison 1; Wynter 1; RSW. suggest correction
COX 5 England, 1838, MIM Pocket Globe, 1838 = Soth. 12/19/66-19; Compass Sundial = NMM-Caird. globe signed "Cox's Second Edition of 1838." RSW. suggest correction
COX 6 England, NIM Nautical Sextant = Exhibition-Maps. probably William Charles Cox; see entry for instruments. Exhibition-Maps. suggest correction
COX AND COOMBES England, NIM Sextants, ebony and ivory, cases = Chicheley Hall, Newport-Pagnell, Christie-SK 4/17/86. the name is in an ivory circle on the Chicheley Hall sextant. Devonport and Plymouth. RSW. suggest correction
COX AND FARQUAHSON England, fl.1775-91, glass workers. Glasshouse, near Falcon Stairs, Southwark, London. Taylor 2(701). suggest correction
COX AND SON England, MIM Protractor = NYM. probably William Cox 2 and Son. London. RSW. suggest correction
COX, ANNE AND ROGER England, c.1808, MIM rule makers. Suffolk Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
COX, ARTHUR England, c.1754, apprenticed to Edward Roberts 1 in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 6, 1754. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
COX, BENJAMIN England, c.1733, MIM apprenticed to John Bennett 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 5, 1726; free of the Company, March 4, 1733. Green Arbour Court, Little Old Bailey, London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
COX, DANIEL England, post-1780, OIM Glasshouse, Falcon Stairs, Southwark, London. Taylor 2(701). suggest correction
COX, E. England, 19th Century, MIM Rule, folding, fruitwood = A-P 3/15/76. 15 Great Queens, London. RSW. suggest correction
COX, F. England, MIM OIM Tablet Sundial, wood = Soth. 12/16/63; Microscope = Phillips 9/10/86. 100 Newgate Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
COX, FRANCIS B. England, c.1860, MIM Slide Rule, carpenter, boxwood = OXF. "late Thomas Cox and Co"; also worked in ivory. 50 Camden Street, Birmingham. G.L'E. Turner 24; USNM; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
COX, G. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 5/5/83. George Cox 2? see James Cook 2. 5 Barbican, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1815); RSW. suggest correction
COX, GEORGE 1 England, c.1818, MIM maker of boxwood and ivory rules. Navigation Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
COX, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1830-36, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveying Beam Level = D.(1972); Instrument = WHI; Sector, ivory = P.C. P.C. has a small rosette at beginning of Numbers line; D. marked "Webster's Improved Beam Level, G. Cox." 128 Holborn Hill, London (1830-36). Moskowitz 104; Taylor 2(1815); Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
COX, I.S. England, 1833, MIM Pair of Globes, miniature = Phillips 11/16/88. terrestrial globe is dated 1833; 2nd edition; see James Cox 2. RSW. suggest correction
COX, J. England, c.1840, NIM Octant, ebony, brass and ivory = D. London. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
COX, JAMES 1 England, c.1780, OIM Telescope with watch on hinged lens cover = Wilsdorf Coll. (1976) = UTO 11/2/76 = TIM. photogragh caption says "William Cox"; see William Cox 2. London. Country Life, June 3, 1976, pp. 1486, 1488. suggest correction
COX, JAMES 2 England, fl.1811-57, MIM OIM PHIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature, with cases = H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Coll. (1835), Phillips 12/2/87 (1835), Soth. 12/19/66-19 (1838); Wheel Barometer = X. the globe from Phillips is signed "Cox Barbican, London, 1835" on a label pasted over the original signature which was "Lane's Improved Globe, London"?; Soth. globe is signed "Cox's Second Edition of 1838"; succeeded Joseph Cox; T.C; "Working Optician"; see I.S. Cox. 51 Banner Street, St. Luke's; 5 Barbican, Aldersgate Street (1830-51); 85 Lombard Street (1839); all in London. Wynter and Turner; Wynter 1; Goodison 1; Brewington 1; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
COX, JOHN 1 England, c.1664, see Reeves and Cox. suggest correction
COX, JOHN 2 England, fl.1732-64, OIM apprenticed to Thomas Lincoln of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Sept. 30, 1724; free of the Company on June 29, 1732; John Margas turned over to him, after 1735; T.C. at the Cock and Garter in Long Acre, London. Court and von Rohr 3(112); Crawforth 1; Robischon. suggest correction
COX, JOHN 3 England, c.1759, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Hill of the Grocers' Company on July 19, 1759. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
COX, JOSEPH England, fl.1790-1835, NIM OIM Borda Circle = KEN. succeeded William Cox 2. 3 Barbican (1798-1817); 5 Barbican (1820-35); both in London. Taylor 2(816); Brewington 1; KEN. suggest correction
COX, ROGER England, see Anne and Roger Cox. Bryden 9. suggest correction
COX, S.W. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Market Harborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
COX, SAMUEL England, c.1820, MIM Hour Circle, pewter = Soth. 10/21/74. RSW. suggest correction
COX, THOMAS England, c.1797, MIM rule maker; continued as Thomas Cox and Co? Hill Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
COX, THOMAS, AND CO. England, pre-1860, MIM rule makers; succeeded by Francis B. Cox. Birmingham. G.L'E. Turner; RSW. suggest correction
COX, W. England, OIM PHIM Telescope = Christie 12/17/75; Stick Barometer and Sympiesometer = X. William Cox 3 or William Charles Cox? Devonport. RSW. suggest correction
COX, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1727-44, OIM apprenticed to William Johnson in the Spectaclemakers' Company; turned over to Jane Sterrop, widow of Thomas Sterrop 1, of the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company, 1727; took his son as an apprentice in 1744. London. Robischon; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
COX, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1774, OIM Telescope, two-draw = Bearnes 3/30/88. apprenticed to Charles Lincoln in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company, 1774; see James Cox 1 re: telescope with watch. 3 Barbican, London. Taylor 2(816); Brewington 1; Robischon; RSW. suggest correction
COX, WILLIAM 3 England, c.1806, MIM NIM PHIM Marine Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. supplied nautical instruments to the Naval College. Plymouth Dock, Devon. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1108); Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
COX, WILLIAM CHARLES England, fl.1822-57, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Barometer = NMM; Stick Barometer = X; Marine Barometer = X; Protractors = WRAY, USNM, Soth. 3/21/73 (silver); Sextants = Soth. 11/9/59 and 7/15/63; Electrometer = KEN; Theodolite = Soth. 2/2/70; Beam Compass = NMM; Surveying Compass = D.(1975); Watch Counter = D.(1982); Telescope = D.(1992). T.C.; some instruments signed "Wm. Cox" and could be by William Cox 3. 86 Fore Street, Plymouth Dock (1822-39); 89 Fore Street (1852-56); 24 Southside Street (1856); 83 Fore Street (1857); all in Devonport; in Plymouth also. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1517); USNM; Moskowitz 107; Bryden 9; Coffeen B and 39; RSW. suggest correction
COX, WILLIAM, AND SON England, fl.1786-1838, OIM William Cox 2 and Son. 3 (later 5) Barbican, London. Taylor 2(816). suggest correction
COYPEL, A. France, c.1710, signature on case of astronomical clock by Fardoil; also signed "J. Caffieri." Trois Siècles. suggest correction
COYSGARNE England, see Wilcox and Coysgarne. RSW. suggest correction
CR. R.B.F. Germany, c.1700, MIM Horizontal Sundial = STU. Zinner 1. suggest correction
CRABBE, GEORGE England, c. 1850, Rev. George Crabbe; made a cheap meridian instrument that showed time at noon to within one second. Merton Rectory, Thetford. USNM; London Internat'l Exhibition of 1862. suggest correction
CRAFORD, HENRY England, fl.1737-61, MIM apprenticed to John Gilbert 1, Grocers' Company, Dec. 15, 1724; free of the Company Jan. 19, 1737 (OS); took apprentices; sometimes spelled "Crawford." Denmark Street, Ratcliffe Highway (1737); Ratcliffe Highway (1741); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CRAIG, JAMES Scotland, c.1760, MIM made an astronomical clock. Glasgow. Baillie 1. suggest correction
CRAMER, GERNARD Holland?, 1714, MIM Polar Sundial, 1714 = P-B 10/28/63. "sculpsit"; Gerrit Cramer? RSW. suggest correction
CRAMER, GERRIT Holland, fl.1729-55, MIM OIM Equatorial Sundial = LIE; Microscopes = CRI, UTR, BM, GRO; Telescope = LEY; Sundial = P.C.; Parallactic Machine = LEY. Groningen. Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Nachet; Daumas 1; Gunther 2. suggest correction
CRANE, AARON D. USA?, c.1850, MIM made astronomical clock. USNM; N.Y. Exhib. of the Industry of all Nations, 1853. suggest correction
CRANENDONCK, I. DE, M.F.A. 1607, MIM Radio Latino, 1607 = Christie-SK 4/17/86. RSW. suggest correction
CRANEVELT, JOHN England?, c.1730, NIM Backstaff = Soth. 6/25/68-19 = D.(1982). could be Middelburg, Holland; Moskowitz thinks he is owner, and that instrument was made in England. Middelbur-; Middelburg? Moskowitz 123; RSW. suggest correction
CRASSIER, G. DE Germany, MIM Quadrant, folding, wood and paper = ADL-W129. probably owner. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CRAWFORD, HENRY see Henry Craford. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CRAWHAL, T.W. England, c.1850, MIM Drawing Instrument Set, case = Ineichen 5/10/76. RSW. suggest correction
CRAWLEY, THOMAS England, fl.1676-1702, OIM instrument maker for Robert Hooke. Gresham House, London. Taylor 1(391); Evans 1. suggest correction
CRAWLEY, WILLIAM England, fl.1828-46, OIM may have been partner with or successor to Thomas Jones. 6 Castle Street, Leicester Square (1828-29); 21 Oxenden Street, Piccadilly (1836-38); both in London. O'Mara; Taylor 2(2107). suggest correction
CRAYLE, WILLIAM England, c.1595, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
CREED, ROBERT England, c.1700, apprenticed to Thomas Tompion in the Clockmakers' Company. Robischon. suggest correction
CREEK see Crick. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CREMENSIS, FRANCISCUS see Franciscus of Cremona. suggest correction
CREMER, GERHARD 1 see Gerardus Mercator. Osley; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CREMER, GERHARD 2 Germany, 1714, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1714 = D. "Gerhard Kloppenburgh Invenit et Delineavit Gerhard Cremer Sculpsit 1714." Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
CREMER, J.D. Holland, c.1750, MIM Sundial = P.C.(1798). Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CREMON, JOSEPH, AND CO. c.1780, PHIM Barometer = D.(1969). RSW. suggest correction
CREMONINI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bilston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CREMONINI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CREMONINI, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CREMSDORFF France, c.1720, MIM Butterfield-type Sundials, silver = OXFB, NMM, FIN-172, MERC-41 (oval), Soth. 7/31/58 and 6/25/68 (ex-Chester Beatty Coll.), MADEX, P-B 2/22/54, LIE. Paris. Michel 1, 3, 9 and 15; Nachet; Zinner 1; Josten 1; MADEX; Hamilton 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
CREMSTORFF see Cremsdorff. Soth. 6/25/68. suggest correction
CRENTZIN, CHRISTIAN Germany, 18th Century, MIM SIM Table Sundials = DEU, NUR; Graphometers = DEU-10499, DEU; Equatorial Sundial = SPI-166; Instrument = MUN-33/283. some instruments listed as `C. Creutzin', and of the 17th century. Munich. Zinner 1; Price 2; Evans 1; Michel 3; Ernst. suggest correction
CRENY, ANTHOINE DE France, c.1660, MIM Sundial, silver and ivory = Soth.-N.Y. 2/23/79. may be Bloud-type. Dieppe. RSW. suggest correction
CRESCENZIO, BARTOLOMEO Italy, c.1607, MIM made magnetic compasses; designed a mariner's astrolabe; author; Price said that he was not an instrument maker. Rome. Boffito; Michel 3; Price 2. suggest correction
CREUTZIN, C. Germany, see Christian Crentzin. RSW. suggest correction
CRICHTON England, c.1830, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octants = PMS, RSM, GEP, Kelton Coll. (1990), Soth. 4/29/77; Sextants = ADL-A178, Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass., Soth. 5/12/75, K. and C. 7/14/76; Gunter Rule = Christie 11/22/78; Artificial Horizon = D.(1981); Parallel Rules, ivory = NMM; Thermometers = CNAM (Lavoisier Coll.); Quadrant = SUN; Microscope = Christie-SK 8/20/87; etc. PMS octant made for Alder and Duren, New York; surely John 2 or Joseph Crichton; Kelton octant made for A. Dobbie, surely James Crichton 2. 112 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(1518), (2108); Michel 3; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Frank; Moskowitz 122; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CRICHTON BROS. England, fl.1820?-1872, MIM NIM PHIM Rule, ivory = Soth. 10/17/60; Octant = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Sextant = Phillips 11/16/76; Sympiesometer = Christie 12/8/76; Rule with Protractor = D.; Stick Barometer, 1872 = D.(1976). most instruments may be very late. 11 Billiter Street, London. Taylor 2(2108); Moskowitz 122; RSW. suggest correction
CRICHTON, J. England, c.1825, OIM Microscopes = P.C., Soth. 11/9/59, 6/8/70; Monocular Microscope = Soth.-B 9/15/76. either John 2 or Joseph Crichton. 112 Leadenhall Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
CRICHTON, JAMES 1 Scotlandc.1817, MIM PHIM Barometer = RSM; Magnetometer, Air Pump, Compass Variation Needle = University of Strathclyde. also a balance maker. Glasgow. Taylor 2(1301); Fiona Wilson. suggest correction
CRICHTON, JAMES 2 England, c.1845, NIM Octants, ebony = Soth. 4/29/71 and 10/28/86. made instruments for A. Dobbie. London. Clarke et al. suggest correction
CRICHTON, JOHN 1 England, c.1826-32, MIM 32 Fore Street, Limehouse, London. Taylor 2(1518). suggest correction
CRICHTON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1846-51, MIM NIM Octant, ebony = Soth. 3/10/87. showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; T.C. reads "Manufacturer of Mathematical, Optical and Nautical Instruments to the Honorable East India Company and to the Honorable Corporation of the Trinity House." 112 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(2108); Nachet; G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen 10; RSW. suggest correction
CRICHTON, JOSEPH England, f.1838-51, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = X. 112 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(2108); Goodison 1. suggest correction
CRICK, CHARLES 1 England, fl.1689-97, MIM apprenticed to William How, of the Grocers' Company, on Nov. 7, 1679; free of the Company Dec. 2, 1689; took apprentices; also spelled "Creek." London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CRICK, CHARLES 2 England, fl.1722-38, MIM admitted to the Grocers' Company by Patrimony on Aug. 29, 1722; "Rulemaker"; son of Charles Crick 1; took an apprentice; also spelled "Creek." East Smithfield, London. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CRICK, JAMES England, fl.1733-54, MIM son of Charles Crick 1; admitted to the Grocers' Company by Patrimony on Oct. 10, 1733; took an apprentice; also may be spelled "Creek." near the Maypole, in East Smithfield, London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CRICK, THOMAS England, c.1737, MIM son of Charles Crick 1; admitted to the Grocers' Company by Patrimony on Jan. 19, 1737 (OS). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CRICKMORE, T. England, c.1825, OIM Compound Microscope = Wellcome Institute, London. Ipswich. Bryden 9. suggest correction
CRIGHTON, J. see J. Crichton. suggest correction
CRINDEL see Carlo Grindel. Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
CRISTEL, CONRAD Germany, 1484, MIM "compastmacher" in 1484. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
CRISTIN, JEAN PIERRE France, 1683-1755 tuv, redesigned the Celsius scale to the modern centigrade scale for thermometers. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
CRITCHLEY AND MATHER England, fl.1822-24, MIM Critchley and John Mather; opticians. 3 North Side, Old Dock, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1520); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
CROCE USA, PHIM Barometer = VCW. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
CROCE, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Lewis. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CROCE, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CROCE, J. England, 1789, PHIM Stick Barometers = X (3); Wheel Barometers = X. probably Joshua Croce 1 or Joseph Croce; see William Peacock 2, who was probably his dealer; one of the stick barometers is dated "1789." York. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CROCE, JOSEPH England, c.1847, PHIM barometer maker; son of Joshua Croce 1? York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CROCE, JOSHUA 1 England, fl.1823-41, PHIM barometer maker; father of Joseph Croce? 15 Grape Lane, York (1823-30). Goodison 1. suggest correction
CROCE, JOSHUA 2 England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometers = Christie-SK 2/26/88, Soth.-S 1/25/89. the barometers are signed "Josh. Croce 212 Holborn." 212 Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
CROFLER, CRISTOFO Germany, MIM may be a ghost. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
CROGER, J. England, fl.1830-50, NIM Sextant, ebony, miniature = Soth. 11/9/70. London. RSW. suggest correction
CROIX, BERIN DE LA England, 1761, MIM Noël-Simon Carochez turned over to him by P Vallée in 1761; member of the "Corporation des fondeurs"; possibly Lacroix, which see. Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
CROLIUS, JOHANN Denmark, fl.1575-91, MIM collaborator of Tycho Brahe; goldsmith; instrument maker. Hven. Michel 3; Price 2. suggest correction
CROLL, L. c.1650, MIM Equatorial Sundial = BUR. L. Cröll. USNM. suggest correction
CROMER, GERRIT see Gerrit Cramer. suggest correction
CRONMIRE, J.M. AND H. England, c.1850, MIM Drawing Instruments = Soth. 11/9/70. Soth. says 18th century. 10 Bromehead Street, Commercial Road East, London. London Intern'l Exhib., 1862; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
CROOKE, JOHN 1 England, fl.1693-1758, MIM apprenticed to John Toogood in the Joiners' Company; freed in the Company by Elizabeth Toogood, July 4, 1693; took apprentices. Without Newgate, London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CROOKE, JOHN 2 England, c.1722, apprenticed to his father, John Crooke 1, in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 1, 1713; free in the Company, April 3, 1722. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CROOKE, RICHARD England, c.1715, son of John Crooke 1; apprenticed to his father in the Joiners' Company, April 12, 1715. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CROOKES, JOHN England, MIM Quadrant, surveying = Musée Lombard, Geneva; Surveying Instrument= D.(1994). D. signed "Jno. Crookes Fecit Leeds". Leeds. Coffeen X (1994); RSW. suggest correction
CROOKES, WILLIAM England, 1832-1919, PHIM invented and made a wide range of philosophical instruments, including Crooke's radiometer; F.R.S. London. DSB; DNB; Zeitlin Cat. suggest correction
CROOME, ROBERT England, c.1764, free in the Joiners' Company; testified for Francis Morgan, July 3, 1764. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CROSA, ANTONIUS Italy, 1573, MIM Astrolabe, 1573 = D. "Antonius Crosa De Castronovo Genve Elaborabat Anno Salatis Domini MDLXXIII." Genoa. Brieux 2. suggest correction
CROSBY AND ROBINSON England, pre-1743, T.C.; Thomas Crosby and John Robinson 1; sold all sorts of instruments; split up in 1743. at the lower end of Fair-street, "upon Horse-ly-down", in Southwark, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
CROSBY, DANIEL Ireland, fl.1783-1804, PHIM Balances = D., WHI. 36 Pill Lane, Dublin. Coffeen III; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
CROSBY, JOHN England, c.1675, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company, c.1675. London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
CROSMAN, CHARLES USA, 1830-1907, MIM worked for Burt and Bailey, 1853-56; worked with Burt and Watson, 1857-58; partner with William Cicero Grant as Grant and Crosman, 1858-61. Jefferson Avenue, between Bates and Randolph, Detroit, Mich. Smart 1. suggest correction
CROSSE, JAMES England, c.1688, MIM apprenticed to John Brown 1 with effect from March 25, 1688. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
CROSTA AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CROSTHWAITE, JOHN Ireland, fl.1787-95, MIM also made watches. Dublin. Taylor 2(818). suggest correction
CROTCHIE, CHAS. Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Inverness. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CROUCH, HENRY England, c.1850+, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 1/27/89; Microscope, binocular = D.(1997). London. Coffeen 56; RSW. suggest correction
CROUCHER, JOSEPH England, c.1800, MIM also made a marine time-keeper. 27 Cornhill, London. Taylor 2(1111). suggest correction
CROUCHLEY, G.F. misreading for George Frederick Cruchley. suggest correction
CROW, FRANCIS England, 1780-1832 fl.1813-32, NIM PHIM Octant, 1832 = NMM; Compass, liquid filled = RSM; Wheel Barometer = X; Box of Magnetic Recreations = Museum, Wallington, Northumberland. patented liquid compass and Crow's seaman's octant in 1813. Faversham, Kent (1780-95); Gravesend; 37 Windsor Terrace, City Road, London. Taylor 2(1302); Goodison 1; NMM 2; USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; Hill and Padget-Tomlinson; McConnell (1984); Bedini 8. suggest correction
CROW, GEORGE USA, fl.1725-71, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, 1754 = P.C. several other instruments survive; clockmaker. Wilmington, Del. Bedini 1 and 17; Smart 1. suggest correction
CROW, T. England, 1801, MIM Garden Sundial, 1801 = NMM. Wateringbury. RSW. suggest correction
CROWDER, JOHN England, c.1836, MIM Providence Place, Tash Street, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
CROWDER, JOHN PETER England, c.1795, apprenticed to William Spencer 1 of the Grocers' Company on Nov. 5, 1795; he may be the same as John Crowder. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CRUCHLEY, GEORGE FREDERICK England, fl.1822-75, MIM Terrestrial Globes = Stuker (1958), P.C., Larvik Marine Museum, Norway (1853).; Pair of Globes = P-B 4/28/39, etc. apprenticed to Aaron Arrowsmith, c.1840; "Map-Seller, Globe Maker and Publisher"; took over Cary firm and plates in 1850 and added his own name. 64 and 81 Fleet Street, London. Lister; Moskowitz 123; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
CRUCIFIX, NICOLAS France, MIM Bloud-type Sundials, ivory and silver = D.(1976) & D.(1986). probably the same sundial. Dieppe. Coffeen Z; RSW. suggest correction
CRUISE, JOHN Ireland, 1843, MIM Garden Sundial, slate, 1843 = D.(1989). gnomon stamped "Yeates/Dublin." Castletown, Kilpatrick. Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
CRUNDWELL England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. High Street, Tunbridge Wells. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
CRUNKLES, JAN AND FERDINAND NABOTH Czechoslovakia?, fl.1695-97, MIM Pair of Globes = Museum, Olomuc, Czech. Naboth was painter; Crünkles was the constructer. Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
CRUQUIUS, NICOLAUS SAMUEL Holland, 1678-1754, MIM Astronomical Quadrant = LEY. surveyor;, expert on water-works. Delft; Spaarndam. Michel 3; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CRUS, JOZE DA Portugal, c.1808, MIM NIM Compass = LIM. compass signed "Joze da Crus, a Fez." Lisbon. RSW. suggest correction
CRYER, THOMAS England, fl.1754-1801, MIM apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on June 7, 1748; listed as a Householder from 1754 to 1801. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CUBITT, WILLIAM England, 1817, devised an "Ellipsifex" in 1817. Ipswich. Delehar 7. suggest correction
CUCCO, AUGUSTINUS Italy, 1596, MIM Artillery Instrument, 1696 = ADL-M100. "Bombarda er aris cent°." Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CUFF, JOHN England, 1708-72, OIM PHIM Microscopes = CRI (No. 1), EGE, OXF, FLO, BIL, KEN (6), UTR, WHI, MAS, AMH, RSM, etc.; Telescopes = NMM, OXF, MLL, etc.; Stick Barometer = D.(1977); Angle Barometer = X; etc. apprenticed to James Mann 2 of the Spectaclemakers' Company on April 13, 1722; free of the Company on Jan. 8, 1730; Master of the Company, 1748-49; took apprentices; T.C.; author. at the Sign of the Reflecting Microscope and Spectacles, opposite Serjeant's Inn Gate, Fleet Street (1742-54); Salisbury Court, Fleet Street (1758); from opposite Shoe Lane (1759); of the Parish of St. Dunstan's in the West (1760); all in London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Taylor 2(158); Goodison 1; Whipple 1; Bonelli 1; Chaldecott 1; Belgian Inv.; Egestorff; Gunther 2 & 6; Chenakal 4; KEN; Daumas 1; Nachet; Purtle; Coffeen 58; RSW. suggest correction
CUFF, WILLIAM England, c.1720, MIM Sundial = Bishop's Palace, Wells. Shepton Mallet. Britten. suggest correction
CUINET, AEGIDIUS variant spelling of Coignet, which see. RSW. suggest correction
CUINIET, GILLES variant spelling for Coignet, which see. Michel 12; Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
CULLOCK, M. England, c.1787, invented a new azimuth compass. 38 Minories, London. NMM. suggest correction
CULLS, J.P., TOMS AND SUTTON misreading for J.P. Cutts, Sons and Sutton. Soth.-B 9/15/76. suggest correction
CULMER, C. England, 18th Century, NIM Hadley Quadrant = D.(1993). mispelling of J. Culmer? London. MAD, Aug. 1993. suggest correction
CULMER, J. England, c.1700?, NIM Octant = Marine Historical Assoc., Conn.; Hadley's Quadrant = Mystic Seaport, Conn. Josiah Culmer? Wapping New Stairs, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
CULMER, JOSIAH England, fl.1770-1810, NIM Sextant, 1786 = Robert Watt (1786); Octants = Liverpool Museum (1786), Marine Historical Association, Conn.; Hadley's Quadrant = Mystic Seaport, Conn. apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 2, 1770; listed as a MIM in the directories. 130 (later 126) Wapping Stairs, London. Taylor 2(820); Dewhirst; Clay and Court; NMM 1; Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
CULPEPER AND SCARLETT England, OIM Microscope = CRI. London. Gunther 2. suggest correction
CULPEPER, EDMUND 1 England, 1660-1738 fl.1713-38, MIM NIM OIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including microscopes, various types of sundials, grapho- meters, circumferentors, sectors, etc; (see Coffeen 46.) apprenticed to Walter Hayes in the Grocers' Company, Sept. 6, 1684; free of the Company on Mar. 4, 1713; took over Hayes' shop before 1700; took one apprentice; sometimes spelled `Culpepper"; gave his name to a type of microscope but it is not certain that he was the inventor; T.C. also lists telescopes; some instruments signed "E.C" which see. Cross Daggers, Moorfields (the Old Mathematical Shop); Black and White Horse, Middle Moorfields; under the Piazza at the Royal Exchange; all in London. Taylor 1(422), 2(31); Bryden 11 & 16; J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1; Calvert 2; Moskowitz; Coffeen 46; Price 3; Ward 4; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
CULPEPER, EDMUND 2 England, fl.1758-59, MIM admitted to the Grocers' Company by Patrimony, Oct. 3, 1758; son of Edmund Culpeper 1; took his son as as apprentice. Mile End in Stepney Parish; Mare Street, Hackney (1759); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CULPEPER, EDWARD clergyman; not an instrument maker; father of Edmund Culpeper 1. Court and von Rohr 3(IV); Taylor 1(307 and 422); J. Brown 1; Crawforth 6. suggest correction
CULPEPER, JOHN CHANDLER England, c.1759, apprenticed to his father, Edmund Culpeper 2, in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 6, 1759. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CULPEPPER see Culpeper. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CULPER, E. England, MIM Ring Sundial, large = MERC-23. probably E. Culpeper. Hamilton 1. suggest correction
CUMBERLAND, RICHARD England, 1631-1718, MIM Dr. Richard Cumberland; constructed an orrery, pre-1700. Stamford; Peterborough. Milburn 5; Gunther; Taylor and Wlson; USNM. suggest correction
CUMMING, ALEXANDER Scotland; England, fl.1773-1814, MIM PHIM Clock Barographs = Buckingham Palace (1765), Cumming (1766); Luke Howard (1814) = KEN, Lowther Castle = P.C. = VAA (loan); Microtome = KEN. clockmaker; author; F.R.S.; Philosophical Society of Edinburgh; sometimes spelled ~Cummings"; in 1781 he was made an Honorary Freeman of the Clockmakers' Company. Edinburgh; 12 Clifford Street, Bond Street (1785); 75 Fleet Street; Pentonville; all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(462); Britten; Boffito; Baillie 1; Chaldecott 1; Cosh 2; Middleton 1. suggest correction
CUMMINS, ALEXANDER England, c.1840, clock and chronometer maker; held patents for improvements in barometers and sympiesometers. Leadenhall Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CUNAEUS, ANDREAS Holland, c.1755, devised, independently, the Leyden jar. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
CUNIGHAM, JACOB England, 1661, OIM Telescope, 1661 = NMM. maker or owner? Cuningham? earliest dated telescope known. NMM 2; Daumas 1; Taylor 1(289); London Illustrated News, 4/10/37. suggest correction
CUNINGHAM, WILLIAM England, 1531-86, designed mathematical instruments including a new quadrant and an astronomer's ring. Norwich; Cambridge; Colman Street, London. Taylor 1(22); Gunther 2; Evans 1. suggest correction
CUNLY, ETHAN USA?, 1804, MIM Horizontal Sundial, slate, 1804 = Mercer Museum, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
CUNN, SAMUEL England, fl.1714-22, designed a new sector. Litchfield Street, London. Taylor 1(572). suggest correction
CUNO, COSMUS CONRADUS Germany, 1652-1745, OIM Microscope, simple, wood and ivory, case, 1692 / Christie-SK June/1996. optician; made fine microscopes. Augsburg. Nachet; Daumas 1; Price 2; Zahn; Clay and Court; ATG June, 1966. suggest correction
CUNO, JAKOB Germany, fl.1561-79, MIM made astronomical clock for Strasbourg Cathedral. Frankfort. Zinner 1. suggest correction
CUPER France, MIM Sundial in lid of watch = Ineichen 5/3/74. Blois. RSW. suggest correction
CURMOLI England, mis-spelling in directory for Comoli. Dudley. Goodison 1. suggest correction
CURSOR, PAPIRIUS Italy, MIM Sundial = Rome. Rome. Randall 1. suggest correction
CURTAIN, WILL. Ireland, 1748, watchmaker; perhaps the same as Curtin in Tipperary. Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
CURTIN Ireland, MIM Garden Sundial, slate = P.C. Tipperary. RSW. suggest correction
CURTIS, JOHN England, c.1715, MIM apprenticed to William Sellars of the Clockmakers' Company on May 24, 1715. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
CURTIS, SAMUEL England, c.1695, apprenticed to John Patrick 1 in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 6, 1695. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
CURTIS, WILLIAM 1795, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1795 = DeLuca Auction 3-21-81; Sextant, ebony, ivory and brass, 1795 = Soth.-PB pre-1980. RSW. suggest correction
CURTIUS, JACOB Germany, c.1580-90, invented a geographical-astronomical disc. Senstenar. Zinner 4. suggest correction
CURTIUS, MARCUS Germany, 1601, MIM Sundial, honestone, 1601 = BM; Astrolabe Clock = Ilbert. sundial also marked "A.P. 1601"; Britten thought clock was c. 1665 and from Bohemia. Price 2 & 3; Ward 4; Daumas 1; Britten. suggest correction
CUSA, NICOLAUS DE see Nicolaus de Cusa Zinner 1; Weil 2(6); Hartmann; DSB. suggest correction
CUSHEE England, MIM made orreries according to J. Harris.; probably E. Cushee. RSW. suggest correction
CUSHEE, E. England, fl.1729-68, MIM globe maker; probably Elizabeth, wife/widow of and successor to Richard Cushee; associated with Thomas Wright; associated with Benjamin Cole from 1757 on. Globe and Sun, between St. Dunstan's Church and Chancery Lane, Fleet Street (after 1741); The Orrery, Water Lane, Fleet Street (pre-1768); both in London. Goodison 1; Wynter and Turner; Taylor 2(247); Globus, Dec. 1957; Wynter 1; Yonge. WEBDB. suggest correction
CUSHEE, LEONARD England, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature, with cases = Soth. 2/28/80, 6/25/68; Pannett Park Museum, Whitby; Globe, 12-inch = X. brother of E. Cushee; son of Richard Cushee. Wynter 1; Krogt 2; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
CUSHEE, RICHARD England, fl.1708-34, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature, with cases = Soth. 11/6/87 (1731), OXF, P.C., KEN, D.(1983), Soth. 3/9/64, 10/31/67, 7/29/69, etc.; Celestial Globe = Soth. 3/13/67; Pairs of Globes = Physics Academy, Sor°, Denmark (1720), D.(1977) (1730); Terrestrial Globes = Burton Constable, OXF (on Wright"s orrery). worked with Thomas Wright (1731-34); father of Leonard and E. Cushee, the latter succeded him; T.C; surveyor; the celestial gores in the cases use a geocentric projection. Globe and Sun, between St. Dunstan's Church and Chancery Lane, Fleet Street, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(33); Calvert 2; Gunther 2; Globus, Dec. 1957 and 1968; KEN; Wynter and Turner; Wynter 1; E. Hall; Crawforth 1; Krogt 2; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
CUSHIN, JEDIDIA England, c.1672, apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on April 26, 1672. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CUSHING, ABBY C. USA, 1822-1907, succeeded her husband, Samuel Thaxter Cushing, in 1892, as head of S. Thaxter and Son; sold company to Herbert Risteen Starret in 1905; he had been with the company since 1884. 125 State Street, Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
CUSHING, SAMUEL THAXTER USA, fl.1843-99, NIM owner of Samuel Thaxter and Son, 1843-99; "Grandson of Samuel Thaxter"; on T.C. of Samuel Thaxter and Son; succeeded by Abby C. Cushing, his widow, in 1882. 125 State Street, Boston, Mass. Bedini 1; Brewington 1; Smart 1. suggest correction
CUSIN, NOEL France, c.1675, MIM Sundial in lid of watch = LOU. Noël Cusin. Autun. RSW. suggest correction
CUSSANS see Cosens. Loomes. suggest correction
CUTBUSH, ROBERT England, 1656, MIM Quadrant on lid of tobacco box, 1656 = OXF. Clay Coll. RSW. suggest correction
CUTHBERT 1 England, c.1800, MIM SIM Theodolite = Chayette 6/28/86. either John Cuthbert 2 or T. Cuthbert. St. Martin's Lane, London. RSW. suggest correction
CUTHBERT 2 England, OIM made catoptric microscopes; could be any of the Cuthberts. London. Nachet. suggest correction
CUTHBERT, CHARLES England, fl.1830-47, MIM OIM PHIM 88 1/2 Gernault Place, Spitalfields, Clerkenwell (1836-40); 9 Clerkenwell Green (1842-47); both in London. O'Mara; Taylor 2(1820). suggest correction
CUTHBERT, J. England, fl.1829-35, OIM Gregorian Telescope = Wellesley College Observatory, Mass.; Microscope, 1829 = CRI. probably James Cuthbert or John 2. London. USNM; Gunther 2. suggest correction
CUTHBERT, JAMES England, fl.1820-35, OIM Reflecting Microscope = KEN. also made Gregorian telescopes. 445 Strand, London. Taylor 2(1523); Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
CUTHBERT, JOHN 1 England, fl.1783-1810, OIM Microscope = WHI; Instrument = KEN; Telescope, reflecting = WHI. T.C. Taylor 2(822); Whipple 1; Price 12; Gunther 3; Purtle; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
CUTHBERT, JOHN 2 England, fl.1817-52, OIM PHIM Microscope, reflecting, 1829 = KEN; Telescopes. Gregorian = Soth. 3/10/87, BIR (1840), KEN (1852); Microscope, 1828 = Christie-SK 12/1/83. T.C. (c.1839). 113 St. Martin's Lane (1817); Westminster Road (1821); 16 Paradise Street, Lambeth (1822); 58 (inked out and 84 inserted) Brook Street, West Square, Lambeth; all in London. O'Mara; KEN; RSW. suggest correction
CUTHBERT, JOHN 3 England, OIM Magic Mirror = Soth. 10/31/66-78. could be John Cuthbert 1 or 2. London. RSW. suggest correction
CUTHBERT, T. England, fl.1815-22, MIM OIM 113 St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross, London. Taylor 2(1303); USNM; RSW. suggest correction
CUTHBERTSON AND CHAMPNEYS England; Holland, c.1770, MIM OIM PHIM Universal Ring Sundial = Drecker Coll. = P.C.; Air Pumps = UTR, LEY; Telescopes, reflecting = FRK, Christie-SK 11/19.87. John Cuthbertson and his father-in-law, James Champneys. London; Amsterdam. Hackmann 1; Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Frank; RSW. suggest correction
CUTHBERTSON, I., AND CO. Holland, post-1768, PHIM Air Pump, double-barrelled = LEY. see John Cuthbertson and Co. Amsterdam. Hackmann 1. suggest correction
CUTHBERTSON, JOHN England; Holland; England, 1743-1821, MIM OIM PHIM Air Pumps = LEY (1789, 1790), GRO, KEN, TEY; Electrical Machines = TEY (1784), LEY (1788), UTP, KEN; Microscope = UTP; Twin-Plate Electrical Machines, 1799 = RIL, Inverness Museum; etc. apprenticed to James Champneys of the Stationers' Company in 1761; later married his daughter; invented new form of air pump; did a lot of work in Amsterdam for Van Marum; see Cuthbertson and Champneys; see I. Cuthbertson and Co. Amsterdam (1768- post-1793); Poland Street West (1796); 53 Poland Street (1798-99); 54 Poland Street (1800-); all three in London. Hackmann 1; Rooseboom 1; G.L'E. Turner 7 & 24; Taylor 2(340); Crommelin; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; USNM; Clay and Court; KEN; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
CUTHBERTSON, JOHN, AND CO. England, MIM OIM PHIM later than Cuthbertson and Champneys; see I. Cuthbertson and Co. London. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Hackmann 1. suggest correction
CUTHBERTSON, JONATHAN England; Holland, 1744-1806, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Circumferentor = Auction, 1906; Thunder House = LEY. brother of John Cuthbertson; made an instrument, a `distance measurer', similar to Hadley's quadrant; designed and made air pumps and solar microscopes; made instruments for Teyler Museum. Rotterdam (1773-1806). Mörzer Bruyns 2; Hackmann 1; G.L'E. Turner 7; Rooseboom 1; Taylor 2(340a); Daumas 1. suggest correction
CUTHBERTSON, MR. England, c.1777, see Walter Field. Price 3. suggest correction
CUTLER, EDWARD England, c.1821, apprenticed to George (Huggins) Dollond 1 in the Grocers' Company, Sept. 6, 1821; no further record available to date. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
CUTLER, J. USA, 1777, MIM Sundial, pewter, 1777 = D.(1982). Salem, Mass. Coffeen A. suggest correction
CUTLER, JAMES England, c.1796, apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company on April 7, 1796. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
CUTLER, NATHANIEL England, c.1631, T.C; teacher of mathematics; seller of mathematical and nautical instruments. near Wapping Dock, London. KEN; Calvert 2. suggest correction
CUTS, J.P. England, OIM Microscope = K. and C. 4/7/76. misreading for Cutts. Sheffield. suggest correction
CUTTS England, OIM Telescope = DRE. surely J.P. Cutts. London. RSW. suggest correction
CUTTS, E.A. USA, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = D.(1969). New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
CUTTS, I.P. England, 1825-60, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = VNN; Spyglass = D.(1980); Microscopes = Christie 4/3/85, Soth. 3/23/70 and 7/21/75. see J.P. Cutts. Sheffield. Moskowitz 121; RSW. suggest correction
CUTTS, I.P., SUTTON AND SON see J.P. Cutts, Sutton and Son. suggest correction
CUTTS, I.P., SUTTON AND SONS see J.P. Cutts, Sutton and Sons. suggest correction
CUTTS, J.P. see John Priston Cutts. suggest correction
CUTTS, J.P., AND SONS England, c.1830, OIM PHIM Telescope = Christie 7/28/70; Microscope = D.(1975). "Opticians to Her Majesty"; microscope signed "J.P. Cutts and Son." Sheffield. RSW. suggest correction
CUTTS, J.P., SONS AND SUTTON England, fl.1845-60, OIM PHIM Telescopes = PEA, D.1978). "Opticians to Her Majesty." 43 Division Street, Sheffield. Goodison 1; Brewington; RSW. suggest correction
CUTTS, J.P., SUTTON AND SON England, fl.1835-60, NIM OIM Telescopes = D.(1972), Soth. NY 2/23/79, Soth. 1/22/73; Octant = Detroit Historical Society; Microscope = D.(1989). "Opticians to Her Majesty" (which Queen?); trademark is an anchor and "Try Me"; Soth. telescope and the octant are signed "I.P. Cutts, Sutton and Son." Sheffield and London. Coffeen 27; RSW. suggest correction
CUTTS, J.P., SUTTON AND SONS England, fl.1845-82, NIM OIM Ship's Log = D.; Harpoon Logs = D.(1975), D.(1976). harpoon logs also signed "J.P. Cutts' Patent Dolphin Log No. 2"; one of the harpoon logs is called a taffrail log in catalogue and is signed "I.P.Cutts, Sutton and Sons." London. Moskowitz 111; Rinaldi; RSW. suggest correction
CUTTS, JOHN P., SUTTON AND SON England, 1845-, OIM PHIM sometimes seen as J.P. Cutts, Sutton and Sons. 43 Division Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1821); USNM. suggest correction
CUTTS, JOHN PRISTON England, fl.1825-60, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Telescope = USNM; Microscopes = Soth. 12/8/69 and 3/23/70; Marine Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X; etc. instruments signed "J.P. Cutts" or "John P. Cutts"; see T.P. Cutts; see I.P. Cutts; see J.P. Cutts Sons and Sutton; see J.P. Cutts, Sutton and Son; T.C.; "Optician to Her Majesty." 58 Norfolk Street (1825); 43 Division Street, near the National School (1826-60); both in Sheffield; London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1821); Calvert 2; USNM; Nachet; KEN; Moskowitz 111; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
CUTTS, T.P. England, c.1822, OIM Telescope = K. and C. 12/15/72. misreading for J.P. Cutts. 58 Norfolk Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1524); RSW. suggest correction
CUVIERE France, c.1850, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Drecker. Cuvière. RSW. suggest correction
CUZZETTI, FABIANI Italy, 1699, MIM Table Sundial, soapstone, 1699 = WHI. from the bell tower of Waltham Abbey Church; signed "Ex Operib, Presbyt: Fabiani Cuzzetti." Whipple 1; Bryden 16. suggest correction
CZADECKY, FERDINAND Czechoslovakia, fl.1690-1710, OIM Telescope = Museum, Komarov. Zabrdovice. Czech. Inv. suggest correction
CZECH, JOSEF Czech; Italy; Austria, fl.1710-30+, MIM NIM OIM SIM Table Sundial = P.C.; Universal Ring Sundials = P. and S. 11/21/1894 and Phillips 2/2/70; Clock = X; Graphometers = P.C. (1965), Gottingen Heimatmuseum-119; Compass in gimbals = P.C. one graphometer also marked "W.D. Scheefer"; came into power as co-assistant to Antonius Braun, court optician; succeeded him at the court of Bohemia. Prague; Milan; Vienna. Zinner 1; Michel 1 and 3; Brieux 3; Habacher; RSW. suggest correction
CZERNY, JOSEF Austria, fl.1825-38, MIM Celestial Globes = Mechitharistenkloster, Vienna. Globus, Nov. 1954, Dec. 1956. suggest correction
D'AMERY, LAMBERT Belgium, fl.1600-14, MIM Astrolabe, 1614 = BMR (ICA-451); Astrolabe = LIE (ICA-459). father of Leonard D'Amery. Liège. Price 1; ICA 2; Michel 1, 3, 9, 10, 13, 16; Belgian Inventory; Zinner 1; Société Belge; Art. suggest correction
D'AMERY, LEONARD Belgium, 1607-40, MIM NIM SIM Circumferentors = ADL-M150 (missing, never shipped by Mensing who thought this was a double entry), ADL-M151, BMR, Michel Coll., Rosenheim; Holland Circle = ROU. signed himself as a `mathematician'; son of Lambert D'Amery. Brussels. Michel 3, 9, 10; Price 2; Engelmann 1; Zinner 1; Belgian Inventory; Daumas 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
D'ANNONE, NIKLAUS Switzerland, fl.1678-1703, MIM Astronomical Clock = BASH. Basle. Baillie 1; Britten. suggest correction
D. AND F. England, c.1810, NIM PHIM Hydrometer = D. Dring and Fage. RSW. suggest correction
D. AND S. USA, -1866, MIM Triangular Plotting Scale = P.C. Darling and Schwartz. Bangor, Maine. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
D. JAC. Italy?, 1658, MIM Plate for Equatorial Sundial, 1658 = NAC. "D. Jac. in ordine cart. fecit anno 58." Michel 3. suggest correction
D.A.V.M. MIM Universal Ring Dial = P.C. bridge replaced by wire; similar instrument in Landau Coll. RSW. suggest correction
D.B. 1 David Beringer; see also D.B.F. RSW. suggest correction
D.B. 2 Bobinger thought this was David Buschmann. Evans 1; Bobinger 4. suggest correction
D.B. PAT. Germany; Austria, PHIM Barometer, diagonal, No. 46 = GMM. Munich; Innsbruck. RSW. suggest correction
D.B.F. MIM Sundial, oval, portable = VNN; Compass Sundials = ADL-M263, Drouot 4/7/87, etc. "D.B.f."; D.B. fecit; surely David Beringer, although Bobinger lists this as David Buschmann. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
D.D. Germany?, 1674, MIM Sandglass, four-part, geared, 1674 = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
D.F. England, c.1825, NIM scale on an octant is marked "D.F." with a fouled anchor, Dring and Fage. London. Brewington 1. suggest correction
D.G. 1573, MIM Pillar Sundial, ivory, 1573 = STS. Zinner 1. suggest correction
D.G.B.F. Italy, 1641, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1641 = Drecker Coll. = DPW. the dial has a cardboard lunar volvelle. RSW. suggest correction
D.H.S./B.A.D. 1693, MIM Garden Sundial, stone, 1693 = NOR. "D.H.S." over "B.A.D." RSW. suggest correction
D.I.V. 1692, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1692 = Soth. 3/17/38 = Kenney Sale = DPW. Kenney gives "I.D.V." but Exhibition-Maps gives "D.I.V." Exhibition-Maps; RSW. suggest correction
D.K. 1 Germany, fl.1707-13, MIM Table Sundial, stone 1707 = MUN; Vertical Sundial, stone, 1713 = Landshut Isar Museum. Zinner 1. suggest correction
D.K. 2 France, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, paper dial plate, in boxwood case = Lausanne Palais Rumine. Strasbourg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
D.K. 3 see the entry "I." (2). RSW. suggest correction
D.N. France, 17th Century, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. "D.N." is punchmark on back. RSW. suggest correction
D.N.J. 1693, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1693 = DEU-26897. RSW. suggest correction
D.N.S. see "DNS." Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
D.P. Germany?, 1664, MIM Cruciform Sundial, 1664 = White Coll. = WHI (FIT). Bryden 16; Evans 1. suggest correction
D.Q. 1754, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1754 = USNM. Capuchin sundial on reverse. USNM. suggest correction
D.R.P. Italy?, PHIM Barometer = FLM. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
D.S. see Dom Stefano Bonsignori. Michel 3. suggest correction
D.S.B.F.F. Italy?, MIM Sun and Moon Dial = FLO-2499. for 40°30'; Don Stephano Buonsignori? Florence? Bonelli 1. suggest correction
D.S.F.F. Italy?, 1587, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1587 = FLO-2456. Don Stephano Buonsignori? Florence? Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Italian Inventory; A.J. Turner 10.. suggest correction
DABNEY, JOHN, JR. England; USA, fl.1739-43, MIM apprenticed to Jonathan Sisson; came to Boston, Mass. in 1739; met Rowland Houghton; repaired instruments for Harvard College. Mr. Rowland Houghton's Shop, the north side of the Town House (1739-43); Milk Street (1743); both in Boston, Mass. (1743). Bedini 1, 8 & 13; USNM. suggest correction
DAFFNAY, JOANNES 1743, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1743 = BMR. RSW. suggest correction
DAGGER, D.D. FRANCISCUS LEONARDUS Austria, 1729, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1729 = SLM. Zinner 1; Haupolter. suggest correction
DAGLISH, R. England, c.1780, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. Orell near Wigan. RSW. suggest correction
DAGUET, THEODORE Switzerland, b.1795, OIM made optical lenses. Solothurn. USNM; Exhibition of the Industries of the World, N.Y., 1853. suggest correction
DAKIN, JONATHAN USA, c.1745, PHIM balance maker. Sign of the Hand and Beam, Boston, Mass. Bedini 1. suggest correction
DALE, E.R. England, c.1770, NIM Backstaff = Phillips-NE 7/19/93. may be owner. ATG 7/10/93. suggest correction
DALE, JOHN England, 1661, MIM set up two sundials in the quadrangle of St. John's College, Oxford in 1661; he was a fellow there. Oxford. Beeson. suggest correction
DALE, THOMAS England, MIM Sundial = Museum of Science and Industry, Oslo. Bath. Dr. Johan Knap, Antiquarian Horology, Sept. 1970. suggest correction
DALES, CHARLES England, MIM Heliochronometer = Soth. 7/10/67. signed "optician"; perhaps only a dealer. Bournemouth. RSW. suggest correction
DALLAND England, OIM Telescope = OMM. misreading for Dollond. London. RSW. suggest correction
DALLAWAY 1 England, MIM Compass Sundial = Soth. 2/9/56; Map Measurer = Phillips 4/20/83. see Joseph James Dallaway. London. RSW. suggest correction
DALLAWAY 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. could be Dallaway 3 or 4. Goodison 1; RSW.. suggest correction
DALLAWAY 3 England, c.1775, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 1/19/73. optician. Cheltenham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
DALLAWAY 4 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 5/26/76. Bath. RSW. suggest correction
DALLAWAY, I. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. Wilkinson and Hodge 12/18/24. Stroud. RSW. suggest correction
DALLAWAY, JOSEPH JAMES England, fl.1799-1809, MIM OIM apprenticed to Edward Troughton in the Grocers' Company on June 4, 1789; free of the Company on May 2, 1799; optician; T.C.; invented a map pedometer. 4 George Lane, Botolph Lane (1802); 147 Tottenham Court Road (1805-09); both in London. Goodison 1; J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
DALLMEYER, JOHN HENRY England, c.1850, OIM Telescope, 4-draw = FRK-T92; Telescopes = Christie 12/17/75, Phillips 2/14/79. issued a catalogue as late as 1865. London. Frank; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
DALTON, JOHN England, c.1850, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = PEA. Hartlepool. Brewington 1. suggest correction
DAM, JAN VAN DEN Holland, fl.1738-73, MIM Orrery, 1756 = AMST. Michel thought this orrery was at the University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
DAME, RICHARD USA, c.1840, MIM made rulers. Hanover, N.H. DATM. suggest correction
DAMERIN, MAISON Belgium, MIM SIM Graphometer = Auction, Chartres 6/10/79. House of Damérin. Brussels. RSW. suggest correction
DAMMESTARRE Holland?, MIM Planetarium Clock = LEY. RSW. suggest correction
DANBY, JOHN England, c.1737, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on Feb. 14, 1737. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DANCE, J.B. misreading for John Benjamin Dancer. RSW. suggest correction
DANCER 1 England, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer, with Thermometer = K. and C. 12/3/75; Optical Square = OXF. Abraham or John Benjamin Dancer. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
DANCER 2 see Abraham and Dancer. suggest correction
DANCER AND ABRAHAM England, c.1843, surely Abraham and Dancer. Manchester. Alker. suggest correction
DANCER AND SONS England, fl.1800-10, MIM OIM Michael Dancer and his sons. 55 Great Sutton Street; 53 Red Lion Street; both in Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1112). suggest correction
DANCER, ABRAHAM England, fl.1838-42, OIM probably Abraham and Dancer. 13 Cross Street, King Street, Manchester. Taylor 2(2110); Clay and Court. suggest correction
DANCER, E.E., AND CO. England, fl.1878-1900, OIM daughter of J.B. Dancer; succeeded him in 1878 when he retired; firm was taken over in 1900 by Richard Suter. Manchester. Soth. 3/25/86. suggest correction
DANCER, J.B., AND CO. England, fl.1883-1884, MIM OIM PHIM John Benjamin Dancer and Co. Manchester. Alker and Osborne. suggest correction
DANCER, JOHN BENJAMIN England, b.1812 d.1887 fl.1835-81, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including a microscope, balance and rule, all in silver, at College of Technology, Manchester, thermometers at Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, and 2 microscopes at KEN, etc. his father, Josiah, and his grandfather were instrument makers; partner of Abrahah Abraham in Manchester (1841-44); made instruments for Joule; T.C.; also signed " J.B. Dancer"; "Optician"; "By appointment to Her Majesty's Commissioners." Liverpool; 13 Cross Street, King Street (1835-45); 43 Cross Street, King Street (1848-81); both in Manchester. Taylor 2(1525); Calvert 2; Clay and Court; Lowery; Ashworth; Alker and Osborne; Goodison 1; KEN; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW; Coffeen B; Bryden 9; Collins 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
DANCER, JOSIAH England, fl.1810-35, OIM father of John Benjamin Dancer who succeeded him in 1835. Liverpool. Taylor 2(1304); Clay and Court. suggest correction
DANCER, MICHAEL England, fl.1776-1810, MIM apprenticed to Robert Tangate 1 in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 2, 1766; free in the Company, Sept. 3, 1776; took apprentices. Bride Lane (1776); Bangor ourt, Shoe Lane, Holborn (1781); New Street Square (1788); Blewitt's Buildings, Fetter Lane (1793); Rosomond Street, Clerkenwell (1796-1800); Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell (1801); 55 Great Sutton Street, Clerkenwell (1810); all in london. Taylor 2(947); Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DANCKERTS, JUSTUS Holland, 1635-1701, MIM Globe, glass = VIE. globemaker, engraver, map seller; also see Justinius Dankerts. Calverstraat, Amsterdam. Michel 3; Alker; Tooley; Globus, Dec. 1956; RSW. suggest correction
DANESI, PIETRO PAOLO Italy; Paraguay, 1719-69, MIM made sundials in Paraguay. Babuco, Italy. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
DANFRIE, PHILIPPE France, 1525-1608, MIM SIM Astrolabe = BM; Astrolabes, wood and paper = PSH (1578); Astrolabes, 1584 = OXF, P. and S. 11/21/1894, Soth. 10/31/66, Soth. 6/2/87; Graphometers = P.C., Soth. 6/23/87, D.(1970), Prin Coll. = NMM; Theodolite (incomplete) = ADL-M187; Trigonometers = BMR, MAD, NMM; Armillary Spheres = MADEX (1602), OXFB; Sundial, silver-gilt = Evans Coll.; Circumferentors = HAK (1608), WHI; etc. invented the graphometer; author; Jehan Moreau reprinted the paper astrolabe of 1584 in 1622, which see. à l'Enseigne du Mirouer, rue des Carmes, Paris; Rouen (1608). Daumas 1; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Gunther 1 and 6; Michel 1 and 3; Engelmann 1; Josten; Belgian Inv.; Nachet; USNM; Hamilton 2; Whipple 1; MADEX; Paris 1900; Société Belge; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Gibbs 2; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DANGELO AND CADENAZZI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Winchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DANGELO, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Basingstoke. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DANIEL, HENRY England, c.1687, apprenticed to Thomas Walpole in the Grocers' Company on April 4, 1687. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
DANIEL, JOHANN Germany, 178?, PHIM Balance = Christie-SK 12/1/83; Coin Balances = D. and D.(1986). in der Bergischen Hauptstadt, Lennep. Coffeen II; Wynter 1; RSW. suggest correction
DANIELL, EDWARD England, c.1686, MIM apprenticed by turnover to James Atkinson of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 6, 1686. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
DANIELL, JOHN FREDERICK England, 1790-1845, PHIM Hygrometer = WHI. inventor of the Daniell cell, the register pyrometer and the Daniell hygrometer; first professor of chemistry at King's College, London.. London. USNM; Whipple 1; Middleton 1; Coffeen 56. suggest correction
DANIELL, WILLIAM England, fl.1632-70, MIM Quadrant Sundial, 1665 = OXF; Horary Quadrant, 1663 = X. member of the Clockmakers' Company, 1632; also made watch cases. Sign of the Golden Ball, Ivy Bridge, Strand, London. Taylor 1(172); Michel 3; Evans 1; USNM; Gunther 6. suggest correction
DANIELS, AUGUSTUS Austria, c.1765, MIM Sundial = P.C. Vienna. USNM. suggest correction
DANKBAAR Holland, 1789, NIM Cross-staff, 1789 = BMR. see L. Dankbaar. Belgian Inventory; Société Belge; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
DANKBAAR, L. Holland, fl.1783-98, MIM NIM Instrument = Schloss near Feidestock; Cross-staves = Haeberlin-Friesen Museum (1783), Heimatmuseum, Bremen-Schönebeck (1790), OMM (1798). see Dankbaar. Fiedestock. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
DANKERTS, JUSTINUS Holland, 1616, NIM Compass Rose, 1616 = Hamburg State Archives. may be related to Justus Danckerts, which see. Amsterdam. Schück 2; RSW. suggest correction
DANNELLI England, c.1850, PHIM see Vittory and Dannelli. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
DANNER, JACOB USA, 1765-1850, MIM probably father of Jacob Sensensy Danner, which see; also clock maker and silversmith. Middletown, Va. Smart 1. suggest correction
DANNER, JACOB SENSENSY USA, 1807-77, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = USNM, Winchester-Frederick Historical Society, Va. probably son of Jacob Danner; type invented by S. Kern. Middletown, Va. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
DANTI DEL RINALDI, PIERVINCENZO see Pier Vincenzo Danti. suggest correction
DANTI, EGNATI Italy, 1747, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1747 = VNN. probably a fake. RSW. suggest correction
DANTI, F. EGNAZIO Italy, 1537-86, MIM Astrolabe, 1568 = GEP; Astrolabes = DRE (ICA-181), NMM (ICA-427), Roussel = OXF (ICA-180); Armillary Sphere and Horary Quadrant = Santa Maria Novella, Florence; Terrestrial Globe = Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. see "F.E.D.P.F." Perugia; Florence (1562); Bologna (1573); Alatri (1583). Bonelli 1, 6 and 7; Gunther 1 and 6; Price 1; ICA 2; Italian Inventory; Michel 1 and 3; Nachet; Morpurgo 1; Globus, June 1963; Settle 1; DSB; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
DANTI, GIROLAMO Italy, c.1550, MIM brother of Egnazio Danti, helped him with the maps in the Vatican. Perugia. Michel 3. suggest correction
DANTI, GIULIO Italy, 1500-73, MIM son of Pier Vicenzo Danti and father of Egnazio Danti; goldsmith and architect. Perugia. Michel 3. suggest correction
DANTI, PIER VINCENZO Italy, fl.1488-1522, MIM Astrolabe = HAK (ICA-171). grandfather of Egnazio Danti; the astrolabe in the Adler planetarium, ADL-DPW51, is a copy of the instrument in HAK. Perugia. Price 1; ICA 2; Gunther 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DANTIS, EGNAZIO Cube Sundial, 1665 = BAR. fake. Pisa. Catalogo Generale; RSW. suggest correction
DANTIS, G.B. Italy, MIM Compass with handle = BAR. fake? Pisa. RSW. suggest correction
DANVER, I.L. USA, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = Winchester-Frederick Historical Society, Va. Middletown, Va. USNM. suggest correction
DANVERS USA?, 1775, MIM Horary Quadrant, wood, 1775 = PEA. RSW. suggest correction
DARDENNE France, c.1750, NIM Octant = PMM. Nantes. Daumas 1; MADEX; Paris 1900; RSW. suggest correction
DARKER, C. England, PHIM Light Defractor = P. and S. 6/18/1894. Lambeth (London). RSW. suggest correction
DARKER, C. AND F. England, PHIM Kaleidoscope = WHI. Whipple 1. suggest correction
DARKER, W.H. England, c.1850, Pyrometer = D. Paradise Street, Lambeth (London). Weil 2(23). suggest correction
DARLET, THOMAS England, 1769, NIM Octant, 1769 = MYS. Price 2. suggest correction
DARLEY, JOHN USA, 1721, NIM Backstaff, 1721 = Auction, Honfleur 6/17/79 = D.(1983) = D.(1988). M.A.D., Nov. 1983; Rinaldi 22; RSW. suggest correction
DARLEY, THOMAS 1769, NIM Backstaff, 1769 = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
DARLING AND SCHWARTZ USA, -1866, MIM made rules; see D. and S. Bangor, Maine. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DARLING, BROWN AND SHARPE USA, MIM made rules, squares, etc. Providence, R.I. USNM. suggest correction
DARLING, SAMUEL USA, c.1833, MIM rule maker; see Darling, Brown and Sharpe. Portland, Me. Bedini 8. suggest correction
DARLOT France, c.1865, OIM succeeded Maison Jamin, pre-1865. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
DASYPODIUS, KONRAD France, 1531-c.1583, MIM Celestial Globe = STR; Wall Sundial = Giebelfeld. made a planetarium and an astronomical clock in 1574; nom de plume of Konrad Hasenfratz. Strasburg. Zinner 1; Boffito; Baillie 1; Globus, Dec. 1956; Dawson 217, (1971); Tooley; DSB. suggest correction
DATHEE, ALEXANDRE ET JEAN France, fl.1769-72, OIM Alexandre et Jean Dathée. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
DAUTHIAU France, fl.1735-67, MIM Astronomical Clock with Armillary Sphere, 1749 = X. designed by Passement. Paris. Baillie 1; Bertele 2. suggest correction
DAVANS see Dawans. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
DAVENPORT, ANTHONY USA, fl.1823-38, MIM NIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. T.C. Sign of the Quadrant and Compass, 10 Jones Row, Exchange Street, Portland, Maine. Bowditch; USNM; Wind Rose Vol. 18, No.2, April, 1987; D.J. Warner 7 & 10. suggest correction
DAVENPORT, J. USA, fl.1856-57, MIM NIM PHIM may be James M. Davenport; may be J. Davenport in S. and J. M. Davenport, which see. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
DAVENPORT, JAMES M. USA, fl.1835-37, MIM 144 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
DAVENPORT, QUINCY AND CO. USA, c.1846, were agents for James McCoskrie. 81 John Street, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
DAVENPORT, ROBERT England; Scotland, fl.1635-c.1650, MIM Oughtred Double Horizontal Sundial with Circles of Proportion on reverse = Christie 12/12/72 = RSM. apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company on March 25, 1623; free of the Grocers' Company on Nov. 25, 1635; he received permission to settle in Edinburgh in 1647. London (1635); Edinburgh (1647). J. Brown 1; Bryden 15; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
DAVENPORT, S. AND J. see S. and J.M. Davenport. suggest correction
DAVENPORT, S. AND J.M. USA, fl.1830-38, MIM OIM SIM Plane Table Azimuth Compass, case = P.-B. 9/24/38. shop called "William Davenport, sign of the Quadrant; S. and James M. Davenport; probably sons of William Davenport. Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM; Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
DAVENPORT, STEPHEN 1 England, fl.1720-37, MIM PHIM made air pumps, barometers, etc.; T.C.; author; may be same man as Stephen Davenport 2. against the Distillery, High Holborn, near Drury Lane; Smarts Building, Cole Yard in High Holborn near Drury Lane; both in London. Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Taylor 2(160); Calvert 2; Daumas 1; Crawforth 1 and 7. suggest correction
DAVENPORT, STEPHEN 2 England, fl.1725-57, MIM apprenticed to John Hodgkin in the Joiners' Company, Sept. 6, 1715; free in the Company, Sept. 7, 1725; may be same as Stephen Davenport 1. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DAVENPORT, WILLIAM USA, 1778-1829, MIM NIM SIM Artillery Instrument = D.; Magnetic Compass = Old Gaol Museum, York, Maine; Surveying Compasses = PEA, GUR, Michigan State U. Museum, Lansing, Old Gaol Museum, York, Maine, Mercer Museum, Pa. apprenticed to William Dean; made nautical compasses. 43 South Front Street (1802-03); 45 South Front Street (1805-14); 25 South Front Street (1816-29); all in Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; USNM; Brewington 1; D.J. Warner 10 and 12; DATM; RSW. suggest correction
DAVEY England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/19/87. Lewes. RSW. suggest correction
DAVID, I. Poland, 1638, MIM Sectors = Museum, Torun (1638), SWE (1640); Protractor = Museum, Torun. Gdansk. Polish Inventory. suggest correction
DAVID, J. England, MIM see John Davis 3. Windsor. Taylor 2(1823); Daumas 1. suggest correction
DAVID, JACOB Holland, b.1607 fl.1637, MIM son of Jan David. Leyden. Rooseboom 1; Pipping 1. suggest correction
DAVID, JAN Holland, fl.1640-50, MIM SIM Astrolabes = Auction, 1799; Circumferentors = SWE (1640), SKO (1640, 1641), P.C., West Friese Museum, Hoorn; Marine Compass = Auction, 1981; Sector = SWE. father of Jacob David; made sectors, including one for Hevelius. Leiden. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; Pipping 1; Hollands Glorie; Price 2; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
DAVID, PATER CAJETANO CAPUC. Austria, 1726-96, MIM Table Sundials, stone = SLM (1735), MUN (1737), ADL-M282 (1742), SLM (1750), DEU, Soth. 12/12/55 (1750), SLM(3), Berchtesgarden, ROU; Astronomical Clock = Schwartzenberg Coll. alias for Sebastian Rutschmann; worked with Joseph Rutschmann. Lembach; Vienna. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Britten; Haupolter; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DAVIDSON, D. England?, 1781, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, stone, 1781 = EMA. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIDSON, F., AND CO. England, OIM PHIM Telescope, refracting = FRK-T181; Telescope, sighting = Christie-SK 11/15/79; Barometer, Liègeois = P.C. 29 Great Portland Street, London. Frank; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
DAVIDSON, GEORGE USA, 1825-1911, NIM Octant = USNM. moved to Washington, D.C. in late 1840's; sextant mentioned in Journal of Franklin Institute, 1866. Philadelphia, Pa; Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
DAVIDSON, H. USA, c.1864, MIM made rules; "H. Davidson Maker/N.Y." N.Y. DATM. suggest correction
DAVIDSON, THOMAS Scotland, fl.1836-45, MIM OIM see Thomas Davidson and Co; worked for John Davis 5, 1836-38 and for Robert Bryson 1, c.1838. 12 Royal Exchange (1840-43); 63 Prnces Street (1844); 67 Canongate (1845); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
DAVIDSON, THOMAS, AND CO. Scotland, fl.1848-53, OIM see Thomas Davidson. 29 Haddington Place (1848-49); 187 High Street (1850-51); 4 Infirmary Street (1852-53); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
DAVIES England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Edward or James Davies? Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DAVIES AND CO. England, MIM Universal Ring Dial, on tripod = Christie 7/28/70. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIES AND MERRILL see Merrill and Davis. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
DAVIES, ALFRED, AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN. London. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIES, D. Scotland, fl.1823-32, MIM OIM 110 Nelson Street (1823-25); 98 Trongate (1826-32); both in Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
DAVIES, EDWARD England, c.1835, OIM PHIM optician; barometer maker? 65 Bold Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DAVIES, GABRIEL England, fl. pre-1822-53, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. also made hydrographical instruments. Sadley Street, Durham City; 20 Boar Lane (1822); 34 Boar Lane (1826-53); last two both in Leeds. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1527). suggest correction
DAVIES, J. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1996). London. ATG 6/22/96. suggest correction
DAVIES, JAMES 1 England, fl.1787-99, MIM Perpetual Calendar Discs, 1789, 1792-95, 1799 = BM (11); Perpetual Calendar Disc, 1787 = P.C. Birmingham. Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
DAVIES, JAMES 2 England, c.1835, OIM PHIM optician; barometer maker? 51 Paradise Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DAVIES, JOHN 1 England, c.1773, apprenticed to Tycho Wing in the Grocers' Company on Feb. 4, 1773; may be same as John Davies 2. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
DAVIES, JOHN 2 England, fl.1818-27, OIM may be same as John Davies 1. 10 High Street, Marylebone, London. Taylor 2(1307); J. Brown 1. suggest correction
DAVIES, JOHN 3 England, c.1825, PHIM Barometer = Nat'l Museum of Wales. also made long case clocks. St. Harmons, Radnor. Peate. suggest correction
DAVIES, JOHN 4 Scotland, "optician"; see John Davis 5. Edinburgh. Clarke et al. suggest correction
DAVIES, M. England, c.1820, OIM 101 High Street, Marylebone, London. Taylor 2(1307). suggest correction
DAVIES, OWEN England, c.1835, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Long Bridge?, Llanidloes. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DAVIES, WILLIAM England, 1670, MIM Sundial, 1670 = X. see Davys. Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 1(392). suggest correction
DAVIES, WILLIAM C. misreading for William C. Davis. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. H. Davis? David Davis? London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DAVIS 2 England, OIM Telescopes, refracting = FRK-T169,T170. probably John Davis 2. Derby. Frank. suggest correction
DAVIS 3 England, c.1830, OIM PHIM Telescope = Cheltenham Museum; Telescope, miniature = DeLuca 8/1/87; Cary-type Microscope = Wellcome Institute; Wheel Barometer = X; Microscope, Carpenter-type = D.(1987). optician; T.C.; may be Edward Davis; see Messrs. Davis. Cheltenham; 6 Bold Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1; Bryden 9; Coffeen 15; RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS 4 USA, c.1836, see Merrill and Davis. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS 5 see Syeds and Davis. suggest correction
DAVIS AND SON England, fl.1840-1850+, MIM PHIM SIM Protractors, full = D.(1975), Christie-SK 6/2/83; Hedley Mining Compass = D.(1983); Surveying Instrument = Soth.? 12/8/69; Mining Anemometer = Phillips 2/2/84. see John Davis 2. London and Derby. Coffeen D; Moskowitz; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS AND SONS England, PHIM Barometer = Christie-SK 12/1/83. see John Davis 2. Derby. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS BROS. England, fl.1820-60, MIM OIM Walking Stick Telescope = Soth. 7/22/68. T.C.; John 4 and ? Davis; sometimes written Davis' Brothers. 33 New Bond Street (1820); manufactory, 209 High Holborn (1820); both in London; 1 Lower Terrace, Islington (1838). Taylor 2(2113); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
DAVIS, A. England, OIM T.C.; spectacle maker. 29 Warner Street, Portland Place, New Kent Road, London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
DAVIS, ALBERT England, Clepsydra, 1671 = P.C. modern work? Norwich. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, ARI USA, 1811-85, MIM NIM PHIM SIM also a watchmaker and inventor; took Elias Howe as an apprentice from 1837-44 in Boston. Princeton, Mass.; 87 Washington (1834); 11 Cornhill; 19 Court Square 75 Court (1839-45); all in Boston, Mass.; Lowell, Mass., (1845-85). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
DAVIS, CLARA England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM 12 South Finsbury, London.. Taylor 2(1824). suggest correction
DAVIS, D. 1 England, c.1765, OIM Cuff-type Microscope = FRK-M42. London. Frank. suggest correction
DAVIS, D. 2 Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DAVIS, DANIEL, JR. USA, 1813-87 fl.1834-49, MIM NIM PHIM brother of Ari Davis; worked with him from 1834-49; succeeded by Palmer and Thomas Hall, 1849; made electrical apparatus. Princeton, Mass. (1813); 11 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. (1834-52). USNM; Romaine; D.J. Warner 6. suggest correction
DAVIS, DAVID England, fl.1822-28, OIM Microscope = Melun 4/24/83. successor to H. Davis; signed "D. Davis"; see D. Davis 1. 9 Macclesfield, Soho (1822-23); 28 Bury Street, St. Mary Axe (1828); both in London. O'Mara; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1529); RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, E. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. optician. Shrewsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DAVIS, EDWARD England, fl.1833-42, MIM OIM PHIM optician; see Davis 4; see Messrs. Davis. 171 High Street (1833); 101 High Street (1842); both in Cheltenham; 65 Bold Street, Liverpool (1842). Bryden 9. suggest correction
DAVIS, ELIZABETH England, c.1830, MIM perhaps widow of David Davis, which see. 9 Macclesfield Street, London. Taylor 2(1529). suggest correction
DAVIS, G. 1 England, c.1790, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescopic Level = Phillips 2/2/84; Hadley Quadrant = NMM; Pantograph = American Art Galleries 3/18/75; Wheel Barometers = Bolling Hall, Bradford, Soth. 1/10/90; Etui of Drawing Instruments = Christie-SK 2/9/84; Garden Sundial = NYM; Drafting Instrument = Burndy Library; Surveying Instrument = Soth. 10/27/69; Stick Barometer = Phillips-Leeds 6/24/87. some sources thought he might be Gabriel Davies but this is improbable. Leeds. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1527); USNM; RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, G. 2 England, c.1800, MIM London. Evans 1. suggest correction
DAVIS, G. AND E. England, 19th Century, MIM SIM Drawing Instrument Set, case = Soth.-B 9/15/76; Protractor, full, geared = Christie 4/3/85; Protractor, full = P.C.; Surveying Cross = Phillips 2/2/84. see G. Davis 1. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, G.D. England, 19th Century, MIM Protractor with pivoted arm = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, GABRIEL see Gabriel Davies. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DAVIS, H. England, fl.1799-1822, OIM succeeded by David Davis. 8 Macclesfield Street, Soho, London (1799-1817). Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1309). suggest correction
DAVIS, I. 1 England, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 7/15/66. optician. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, I. 2 see John Davis 3. Chaldecott 1; KEN. suggest correction
DAVIS, J. 1 England, MIM SIM Theodolites = Soth. 7/7/78 and 6/23/87; Prismatic Compasses = Soth. 4/22/65, Exhibition-Maps; 3-draw telescope=PC. Cheltenham. RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
DAVIS, J. 2 see John Davis 3. Taylor 2(1823); Chaldecott 1; RSW; Daumas 1. suggest correction
DAVIS, J. 3 England, c.1830, MIM Microscope = Soth. 3/10/87. "Improved Compound Microscope"; see Davis 4, Messrs. Davis and Edward Davis. 65 Bold Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, J., AND SONS England, c.1850, MIM NIM Marking Protractor = D.(1991). probably John Davis 2. Derby. Gemmary III. suggest correction
DAVIS, JAMES England, 1783, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1783 = RSM. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, JOHN 1 England, 1552-1605, invented the Davis quadrant, or backstaff, in 1590; arctic explorer. Sandridge, Devon. Taylor 1(46); USNM; Daumas 1; Evans 1; Michel 3; King; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DAVIS, JOHN 2 England, fl.1830-51, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Theodolite = Soth. 7/12/71; Anemometer = WHI; Microscope = Soth. 3/13/67; Telescopic Levels = D.(1969), Versailles 11/20/83; Miner's Surveying Compass = Phillips-Leeds 12/16/87. optician; in 1851 Exhibition; signed "Davis, Derby" or "J. Davis, Derby." 14 Iron Gate, Derby. Bryden 9; Price 12; Taylor 2(1825); RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, JOHN 3 England, c.1690, MIM Odometer = Guildhall Exhibition, Windsor; Plummet Inclinometer = KEN; Horizontal Sundial = Soth. 12/8/69. see I. Davis 2 and J. Davis 3; inclinometer is from George III Collection. Windsor. Chaldecott 1; Taylor 2(1823); Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, JOHN 4 England, fl.1820-42, MIM OIM 33 New Bond Street, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
DAVIS, JOHN 5 Scotland, fl. 1836-42, MIM OIM PHIM Inclinable Sundials = FRK = RSM, Ships of the Sea Museum, Savannah, Ga.; Telescope = EGE; Stick Barometer = Phillips-E 7/25/86; Sympiesometer = X; Thermometer = Phillips-E 2/24/89. usually signed "J. Davis Edinburgh"; barometer signed "J. Davis, Optician Edinburgh"; was he only a dealer? 64 Princes Street (1836-40); 78 Princes Street (1841-42); both in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Egestorff; Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, JOHN 6 England, c.1752, OIM apprenticed to Edward Scarlett 2 in the Spectaclemakers' Company; admitted as a brother to the Company, 1752. at Mr Scarlett's, the Archimedes and Globe, near Soho Square, London. Robischon. suggest correction
DAVIS, JOHN 7 England, 1685, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Clockmakers' Company, 1685; is he the same as John Davis 3. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
DAVIS, JOHN, AND SON England, c.1850+, MIM PHIM SIM Barometer = D.(1972); Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 1/27/88; Psychrometer = USNM; Compass = Phillips 4/20/83; Theodolite = Phillips 4/20/83. T.C.; see John Davis 2. London and Derby. Middleton 4; RSW; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DAVIS, MESSRS. England, c.1842, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope, six-draw = KEN. T.C.; see J. Davis 2, Davis 4 and Edward Davis. 65 Bold Street, Liverpool and 101 High Street, Cheltenham. Calvert 2; KEN. suggest correction
DAVIS, SAMUEL England, c.1770, MIM rule maker. Burry Street, Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
DAVIS, WILLIAM 1 Ireland, c.1790, MIM SIM Circumferentor = Soth. 3/10/87. No. 7, Portland Row, Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
DAVIS, WILLIAM 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Shiffnall. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DAVIS, WILLIAM C. USA, 1813-79 fl.1835-79, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compasses = GUR, P.C., New York State Museum, Historical Society of Plainfield, N.J., D.(1972), D.(1994). all instruments signed "W.C. Davis"; partner of Merrill; see Merrill and Davis. 36 Oak Street (1835-36); 157 South Street (1836-37); 255 Front Street (1837-38); 196 Water Street (1841-42); 302 Pearl Street (1878-79); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Brewington 1; Moskowitz 104; Garcelon 33; RSW. suggest correction
DAVISON, THOMAS England, c.1832, OIM made a new form of reflecting telescope. Taylor 2(1826). suggest correction
DAVY, MICHAEL England, c.1674, MIM made gauges. Evans 1. suggest correction
DAVYS England, fl.1676-77, MIM OIM made instruments for Robert Hooke including a pole-telescope (partly made by Christopher Cock), a compass, rulers and telescope tubes; he may be same as William Davies, which see. London. Taylor 1(392). suggest correction
DAWANS, HENRIJ Holland, fl.1758-69, MIM The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
DAWES England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DAWKINS, HENRY USA, c.1740, worked for Anthony Lamb as an engraver. New York, N.Y. Bedini 8. suggest correction
DAWSON 1 Scotland, c.1790, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 10/20/89. Perth. RSW. suggest correction
DAWSON 2 see Bywater, Dawson and Co.; see Dawson and Melling. RSW. suggest correction
DAWSON AND CO. see Bywater, Dawson and Co. Taylor 2(1288). suggest correction
DAWSON AND MELLING England, fl.1837, MIM OIM agents for R.B. Bate. 20 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(2114); Crawforth 1. suggest correction
DAWSON, ALEXE Ireland, OIM in telescope case; owner? Dublin. NMM 2. suggest correction
DAWSON, GEORGE England, c.1722, apprenticed to Mark Rogers in the Joiners' Company on June 19, 1722. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DAWSON, M. England, post-1780, MIM Quadrant = KEN. invented by G. Beck, patented in 1780. KEN. suggest correction
DAWSON, NATHAN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DAWSON, THOMAS England, c.1650, NIM turned over his apprentice, Ralph Greatorex, to Elias Allen. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
DAWSON, WILLIAM England, c.1818, MIM rule and bed screw maker. Hill Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
DAY England, c.1840, PHIM Thermometer = PEA. Brewington 1. suggest correction
DAY, FRANCIS England, c.1810, MIM OIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature, case = Soth. 7/31/67-2; Microscopes = FRK (2), Soth. 10/27/69, 3/23/70 and 10/28/86; Parallel Rule = D.(1970). also signed as "F. Day." 37 Poultry, London. Frank; Moskowitz 101; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
DAY, I. England, OIM Telescope, 4-draw = FRK-T156. Frank. suggest correction
DAY, ISAAC England, c.1690, MIM NMM 1. suggest correction
DAY, JACOB England, c.1694, MIM son of Isaac Day. NMM 1. suggest correction
DAY, JOHN England, c.1783, apprenticed to John Blake in the Joiners' Company on May 20, 1783. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DAY, W. USA, 1850, OIM patented a submarine telescope, 1850. Brooklyn, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
DAY, WILLIAM England, see A. Martinelli and William Day and Co. RSW. suggest correction
DAYE England?, 1678, MIM Sector, boxwood, 1679 = HAR. name is stamped; there is a perpetual calendar; might be owner. Giordano X. suggest correction
DCC DVVV DIXVV 1736, Chalice Sundial, glass, 1736 = SLM. chronogram. RSW. suggest correction
DE BIE, C. see Bie, C. de. suggest correction
DE DIN, PHILIS France, 1595, MIM Astrolabe, 1595 = P. and S. 6/18/1894 = OXF. ICA 211; "Ich Toebehorre Philis de Din." Lille. Price 1; ICA 2; Gunther 1, 2 and 6; Evans 4. suggest correction
DE GRAGE AND CO. misreading for De Grave and Co. Christie-SK 10/6/83. suggest correction
DE GRAVE England, PHIM Balances = K. and C. 10/8/75, Versailles 11/20/83. could be either Charles De Grave 1 or 2. London. RSW. suggest correction
DE GRAVE AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Coin Balance, Avery-type = Soth. 6/23/87; Set of Balances, case = Phillips 2/14/79. London. RSW. suggest correction
DE GRAVE AND SAWGOOD England, post-1821, PHIM balance makers. London. Taylor 2(841). suggest correction
DE GRAVE AND SON England, c.1799, PHIM Diamond Balance = D.(1985). probably Mary De Grave and her stepson, Charles De Grave 2; "Scale Makers." corner of St. Ann's Lane, Aldersgate, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen 9. suggest correction
DE GRAVE, CHARLES 1 England, fl.1767-99, PHIM Balances = D.(1981); Diamond Balance = Pym Sale. partner with and successor to Samuel Read in 1780; T.C. "Scale maker to His Majesty"; "20 August 1789"; see De Grave; succeeded by his wife, Mary. 59 (later 16) St Martin-Le-Grand, the corner of St Ann's Lane, Aldersgate, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Taylor 2(841); Moskowitz 126; RSW. suggest correction
DE GRAVE, CHARLES 2 England, c.1844, PHIM maker of weights and balances; son of Mary and Charles De Grave 1; succeeded his mother in 1844; firm finally became De Grave, Short and Fanner; in 1920 the firm was taken over by W. and T. Avery. London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DE GRAVE, CHARLES, AND SON England, fl.1793-1821, PHIM Diamond Balance = D.(1985); Balances = OXF, KEN, WHI, etc. one of the balances is dated 1821. 59 (later 16) St Martin le Grand, corner of St. Ann's Lane, Aldersgate, London. Coffeen 9; Taylor 2(841); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
DE GRAVE, MARY England, fl.1800-16, PHIM Balance = X; Gold Balance = HAK. succeeded her husband, Charles De Grave 1 in 1799; signed her balances "Widow of Charles De Grave"; see De Grave and Son. No. 59 St. Martin Le Grand, corner of St. Anns Lane, Aldersgate, London. Taylor 2(841); G.L'E. Turner 24; Crawforth 6; RSW. suggest correction
DE GRAVE, SHORT AND CO. England, c.1900, PHIM Apothecary's Balance = Soth. 6/23/87. continuation of the De Grave family business into the twentieth century. RSW. suggest correction
DE GRAVE, SHORT AND FANNER England, pre-1859-1962, MIM PHIM Standard Yard = Christie 2/13/68. Charles De Grave 2; firm taken over in 1920 by W. and T. Avery though old name lasted until 1962; made beam balances. London. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
DE JONG EN BRUYN Holland, c.1850, NIM Azimuth Compass = AMST. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
DE L'ISLE, GUILLAUME France, see "Isle, Guillaume de l'." RSW. suggest correction
DE LA COUR England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/19/87. 327 and 59 High Street, Chatham. RSW. suggest correction
DE LUC, JEAN ANDRE Switzerland; England, 1727-1817, Jean André De Luc; invented the first portable barometer, c.1750, and a type of hygrometer; author. Geneva; Windsor. Middleton 1 & 4; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
DE MORY, D. USA, NIM Octant = VNN. 62 South Street, New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
DE MORY, GRAY AND W.D. ALDER USA, NIM Sextant = D.(1981). T.C.; successors to George C. Baker; also made chronometers. No. 62 South Street, near Wall, New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
DE NEGANI origin of Denegan, Donegan? Bedini 1. suggest correction
DE PALMA, FILIPPO Italy; France; Austria1813-73, MIM PHIM made a dividing engine and electrical apparatus. Naples (1813); Florence (1861); Paris (1867); Vienna (1873). Brenni 1. suggest correction
DE SAUSSURE, HORACE BENEDICK Switzerland, 1740-99, Horace Bénédick De Saussure; invented a type of hygrometer; suggested many improvements for meteorilogical instruments; professor of philosophy at Geneva; author; his collection of instruments is in the Museum of the History of Science, Geneva. Geneva. G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10; USNM. suggest correction
DE STEUR, JACOBUS Holland, c.1675, MIM NIM SIM Holland Circle = X; Circumferentor = D.(1960). Leiden. Bryden 9; Price 2. suggest correction
DE. D.S. ERG. C.H. 1571, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1571 = VIE-AR2655. Zinner 4. suggest correction
DEACON 1 England, c.1834-35, MIM made model of part of Babbage's computing machine. Beaufort House, Strand, London. Taylor 2(1828). suggest correction
DEACON 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometers = Leicester Museum, X; Wheel Barometer = SPI-Anderson 3/25/27. could be Frederick or J. Deacon. Leicester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
DEACON, FREDERICK England, c.1822, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. barometer signed "F. Deacon, Leicester"; watch and clockmaker. Market Place, Leicester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DEACON, J. England, fl.1795-1835, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Leicester Museum; Sundial = Phillips 7/17/85. see Deacon 2. Leicester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
DEACON, SAMUEL England, 1746-1816, PHIM Stick Barometer = Heathcote Ball and Co. 2/13/97. brass plate to print barometer paper plates signed "S. Deacon Barton" in Leicester Museum; made barometers, clocks and watches. Barton-in-the-Beans (1771+). Goodison 1; Daniell; ATG 2/6/97. suggest correction
DEAMER, JAMES USA, fl.1823-28, MIM OIM PHIM made, sold and repaired cases of mathematical instruments, barometers, thermometers, telescopes, microscopes, etc.; successor to J. Anderson, whipmaker. 38 Maiden Lane, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
DEAN, JAMES USA, c.1830, professor at the University of Vermont; invented a cometarium which was made by Aaron Willard, Jr. D.J. Warner 6. suggest correction
DEAN, JOHN England, c.1828, MIM 6 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
DEAN, PETER England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM Bear Yard, Lincoln's Inn, London. Taylor 2(1531). suggest correction
DEAN, WILLIAM USA, fl.1778-97, MIM NIM OIM SIM Surveying Compass = Clark County Historical Society, Ohio. succeeded in business by William Davenport. 43 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1; Smart 1; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
DEANE England, c.1730, NIM Compass Rose = Soth. 6/1/88. "Deane fecit"; possibly Ino. Deane. RSW. suggest correction
DEANE, DAVID England, fl.1735-77, OIM apprenticed or turned over to Matthew Loft in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1728; free of the Company in 1735; Master of the Company, 1760-61; signed the petition against Peter Dollond. Smithfields, London (1764). Taylor 2(161); Court and von Rohr 3(113); Robischon. suggest correction
DEANE, INO. England, 1742, NIM Backstaff, 1742 = D.(1974). "Ino. Deane May 20 1742 IP." Wynter 1. suggest correction
DEANE, WILLIAM England, fl.1718-48, MIM SIM Hodometer = WHI; Horizontal Sundials = KEN (1718),(stone), OXF, NMM, P.C., WHI; Universal Ring Sundials = VCW, NUR, KENNEY-140, BM, DEU, ROU-73; Sectors = ADL-M90, OXF; Gunners' Calipers = P.C. (1982), EGE, Christie-SK 4/17/86; Gunner's Scale = NMM; Gunter Quadrant with Sundial = WHI; etc. apprenticed to John Rowley of the Broderers' Company, July 28, 1710; free in the Company Feb. 4, 1718; Master of the Company, 1747; took an apprentice; MIM to the Office of Ordnance. Garden House, Crane Court, Fleet Street (1712); Golden Sphere in three Crane Court, Fleet Street; both in London. Taylor 1(464) and 2(34); Bryden 16; Price 3 and 12; Ward 3 and 4; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Engelmann 1; Gunther 2 and 6; Nachet; Egestorff; KEN; Crawforth 6 & 7; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DEANS, JOHN England, PHIM Thermometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. on barometer by Lennie. RSW. suggest correction
DEARBORN, WARREN USA, 1802-63, MIM made rulers, etc.; Dearborn and Skinner, cabinetmakers and planemakers. Sandwich, N.H. DATM. suggest correction
DEBOMBOURG, I. France, c.1725, MIM Protractor = D.(1993). see Pierre Debombourg. Lyon. Coffeen 43. suggest correction
DEBOMBOURG, PIERRE France, 18th Century, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = LOU; Butterfield-type Sundial = LOU; Compass Sundial, square = Ernst Coll.(HAR); Horizontal Sundial = P.C. see I. Debombourg. Lyon. Wheatland 2; Coffeen 43; RSW. suggest correction
DEBONNAIRE, MR. 1647, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1647 = ADL-M271. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DECHALES, CLAUDE FRANCOIS MILLIET France; Italy, 1621-78, MIM Claude François Milliet Dechales; compass maker; author. Paris; Turin. Schück; DSB. suggest correction
DECK England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. see I. Deck. Leamington. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
DECK, I. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. may be same as Deck of Leamington. Cambridge. RSW. suggest correction
DECOOL, J.F. Belgium, c.1805, MIM Astronomical Clock = P.C. = BMR. Namur. Société Belge; ART. suggest correction
DEE, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Skipton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DEEMS misreading for Deens. Daumas 1. suggest correction
DEENS, INDOCUS misreading for Jodocus Deens. P. and S. 4/3/1894. suggest correction
DEENS, JODOCUS Belgium; Austria, c.1682, MIM SIM Graphometers = KEN (1682), VIT; Universal Ring Dials = VIU, P. and S. 4/3/1894, Soth. 10/17/60. graphometers made in Vienna; Daumas thought it was "Deems". Louvain; Vienna. Daumas 1; Evans 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; Kirnbauer 2. suggest correction
DEFORGES L'AINE France, 1744, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, marble, 1744 = ADL-M328. "Deforges l'aîné fecit." tools, stars, comet, etc, carved in relief and colored, on the sides; owned by Heilbronner. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DEGENAUR, PIETER DIRCKZ Germany?, NIM Compass Rose, paper = GMM. RSW. suggest correction
DEGERMAN, O.N. Holland, 1756, OIM Solar Microscope, 1756 = CRI-345 = KEN. Rooseboom 1; Nachet; KEN. suggest correction
DEGREZ Sundial = Drouot 11/14/68. probably misreading for "degrees." RSW. suggest correction
DEICHMANN, L. Germany, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = Geographische Institut, Hamburg; Tellurian = DEU. sundial is for 51°19'. Kassel. RSW. suggest correction
DEIJL, HARMANUS VAN 1 Holland, 1705, OIM Telescope, 1705 = LEY. son of Jan van Deijl 1 and father of Jan van Diejl 2; Mörzer Bruyns thought he lived c.1775. Leiden. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
DEIJL, HARMANUS VAN 2 Holland, 1738-1809, OIM Achromatic Microscopes = LEY, UTP, UTR, BIL, TEY. son of Jan van Deijl 2. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1 and 2; van Cittert 3; Daumas 1; Purtle; G.L'E. Turner 24; Evans 1. suggest correction
DEIJL, JAN VAN (2), EN ZOON Holland, fl.1769-75, OIM Telescopes = STROZZI, KEN, AMST (1769 and 1775), DEU, PMM, Auctions, 1906 (1769) and 1910 (1769). son was Harmanus van Deijl 2; see Jan Bunders and Jan van Deijl Bunders. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Hamilton 2; KEN; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
DEIJL, JAN VAN 1 Holland, 1704, OIM Telescope, 1704 = UTP. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
DEIJL, JAN VAN 2 Holland, 1715-1801, OIM Telescopes and Microscopes = TEY, LEY, Museum of Education, The Hague; Achromatic Telescope, pasteboard = DEU. father of Harmanus van Deijl 2; DEU telescope signed "Jan van Deylen Zoon" (c. 1765). Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Council of Europe 1; Wheatland 2; Price 2. suggest correction
DEIMAN PHIM made potentiometers. McConnell (1984). suggest correction
DEINERT, PAULUS see Deivert; see P.D. suggest correction
DEIPHOLTH, JOHANN Germany; Holland, c.1750, MIM Table Sundial = MADEX-107; Crescent Sundial = Bernal Coll. = BM. Baillie thought him 17th century; Price thought him `Beipolth'; table sundial is signed "Augsburg", the other "Haag." Augsburg; The Hague. Whipple 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Baillie 1. suggest correction
DEIVERT, PAULUS Germany, 1758, PHIM Money Balance, 1758 = DRE. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
DEKANG, JANA Poland, 1643, MIM Artillery Instrument, 1643 = Military Museum, Warsaw. Lesznic. RSW. suggest correction
DEKKER, R. Holland, c.1791, MIM NIM Nautical Rule = RIJ; Azimuth Compass = RIJ; Log = RIJ. requested a patent in 1791. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
DEL VECCHIO, J. see Vecchio, J. del Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
DEL VECCHIO, JAMES Ireland, fl.1833-38, looking-glass and frame maker. 15 Lower Abbey Street (1833-35); 68 Dame Street (1836-38); both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
DELACOUR, L. France, c.1730, MIM SIM Cicumferentor = SPI-2763 = AND-SPI-30. Dunkerque. Daumas 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
DELAGRAVE France, 19th Century, MIM Magnetic Compass = Versailles 4/17/83. RSW. suggest correction
DELAGRAVE, CH. France, MIM Terrestrial Globe = CNAM-12852. CNAM 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
DELAHAYE France, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 5/18/89. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
DELALANDE France, fl.1775-79, MIM Celestial Globes = Roussel (1779), Auction, Paris 6/15/79 (1779), GEL (1775), BMR (1777), Palermo Observatory. Paris. Serrio (1983); Chenekal 3; Belgian Inv.; RSW. suggest correction
DELAMAIN, RICHARD England, fl.1610-45, MIM designed and made instruments for Charles I; author; designed a circular slide rule in 1632-33. Drury Lane, upper part of Chancery Lane, London. Bryden 15; Taylor 1(122); Gunther 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
DELAMARCHE 1 see Charles François Delamarche. suggest correction
DELAMARCHE 2 France, fl.1821-57, MIM Terrestrial Globes = A-P 3/15/76 (2), FLO (1821); Planetarium, mechanical, 1839 = Soth. 12/15/78. son of Charles François Delamarche. 12, rue du Jardinet; rue du Battoir (1839-57); both in Paris. Moskowitz 122; RSW. suggest correction
DELAMARCHE, C.F., ET MESSIER, C. France, c.1780, MIM Terrestrial and Celestial Globes = NMM-Caird. Paris. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
DELAMARCHE, CHARLES FRANCOIS France, 1740-1809, MIM made many terrestrial and celestial globes, planetariums and armillary spheres (wood and paper); dated ones range from 1780-1808. Charles François Delamarche; "Geographer"; successor to Sanson and Robert de Vaugondy. chez Delamarche, 12 rue du Jardinet (1780); Géog., Rue de Foin St. Jacques au Collège de Mtre. Gervais (1783-91); both in Paris. Moskowitz 122; Nachet; Price 2; USNM; Brewington 1; Bonelli 1; Brieux 2; Syndram; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
DELAMARCHE, FX. France, 1831, MIM Terrestrial Globe, wood and paper, 1831 = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. "Succ. de Robert de Vaugondy, 1831"; "Ingen-Mécan. pour les globes et sphères." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
DELAMARCHE, FX., ET CHLES. DIEN France, 1816, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1816 = Melun 4/24/83. "dressée ordre du Roi par le S. Robert de Vaugondy"; surely a misreading of the date. rue du Jardinet N°13, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
DELAMARCHE, MAISON France, c.1860, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. the house of Delamarche. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
DELAMARRE, CHOLLET France, NIM Repeating Circle = USNM. Rue de Fourcy St. Antoine 6, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
DELANDER, DANIEL England, 1674-1733, PHIM Barometer = D.(1962); Stick Barometer = Clumber Park = P.C. apprenticed to Charles Halsted of the Clockmakers' Company in 1692; free of the Company, 1699; journeyman assistant to Tompion; also made clocks; bill for another barometer is known. Devereux Court; Temple, Fleet Street, London (1712 on). Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
DELANDER, R. England, c.1620, MIM Sundial inside back cover of watch = Soth. 12/1/78. RSW. suggest correction
DELCANO, JUAN SEBASTIAN Spain, fl.1520-26, MIM Delcaño; globe maker. Globus, Dec. 1956. suggest correction
DELCOMINETE France, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = Auction Sale, Paris 11/24/79. Moreau; RSW. suggest correction
DELEUIL, JEAN-ADRIEN France, 1820-94, MIM OIM PHIM Cannon Sundial = CNAM; Meter Rod = FLM; Barometer = FLO-1144; Wind Instrument = PMM; Electrical Apparatus = D.; Photographic Barograph = USNM; Meridian Instrument = D.; Microscope = D.(1976). Rue des Fourneaux 42, Paris. CNAM 2; USNM; Paris 1900; Belgian Inv.; Brieux 1; Middleton 4; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DELEUIL, L.J. France; England, c.1850, PHIM made air pumps, etc.; son of Jean Adrien Deleuil. 8 rue du Pont-le-Lodi, Paris and 7 Althorpe Street, Grey's Inn Lane, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DELHEUX, JEAN Belgium?, 1814, MIM Vertical Sundial, pewter, 1814 = LIE. RSW. suggest correction
DELL'ACQUA, CARLO Italy, 1806-75, PHIM Barlow's Globe = Pavia University; Magnetic Sparkler = Pavia University. Milan. G.L'E. Turner 24; Brenni 1. suggest correction
DELLA TORRE, J. Scotland, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Carter's Grove, Va., Soth. 2/4/77, Christie-SK 1/22/87. Perth. RSW. suggest correction
DELLA TORRE, T. Scotland, PHIM Barometer = Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich. may be J. Della Torre. Perth. RSW. suggest correction
DELLEBARRE Holland, OIM microscope maker; may be A. or Louis François Dellebarre. Nachet. suggest correction
DELLEBARRE EN BAYENS GEBROEDERS Holland, c.1800, OIM Microscope = LEY. Delft. Daumas 1. suggest correction
DELLEBARRE EN CANZIUS Holland, fl.1798-1806, OIM Microscopes = LEY(1798), CRI(1806), UTP, LEY, DEU. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Gunther 2. suggest correction
DELLEBARRE, A. Holland, c.1797, OIM Microscope = BIL; Dellebarre-type Microscope, 1788 = Soth. 4/18/88 = Soth. 10/3/88. Soth. signed on microscope tube; marked on microscope at KEN, made by Onderdewijnwgaart. Leiden. Purtle; RSW. suggest correction
DELLEBARRE, LOUIS FRANCOIS Holland; France, 1726-1805, OIM Microscopes = CNAM(1771), WHI(1785), NAC(1789, 1793), KEN(1793), DEU, OXF, UTR, BIL, LEY, UTP; Compound Microscopes = X, GEM (1788). Louis François Dellebarre; see Dellebarre and Canzius, Dellebarre and Bayens. Leyden (pre-1776); rue Saint-Jacques (after 1776); rue Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois (1793); both in Paris. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Nachet; Whipple 1; Purtle; KEN; Bryden 9; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
DELLEMONT France, pre-1840, see Guillemin and Dellemont. RSW. suggest correction
DELLER, COMP. P. AEMILIANUS Germany, 1786, MIM Quadrant, 1786 = DEU. also marked "Ben. Prist." RSW. suggest correction
DELLING, P. AEMILIANUS Austria, 1699-1746, MIM may be "P.AE.D.P.K." signed on horizontal sundial at KRM. Rabenalt. suggest correction
DELMOTTE, J. Belgium, c.1800, PHIM Money Balance = Koller 11/17/75. Brussels. RSW. suggest correction
DELURE, CLAUDE France, c.1723, MIM son (?) of Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas Delure; apprenticed to him in 1723 in the "Corporation des fondeurs." Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
DELURE, JEAN-BAPTISTE-NICOLAS France, fl. 1695-1736, MIM SIM Butterfield-type Sundials = ADL-DPW3, USNM, P.C., MAD, MAN, ANM, MERC, OPM, LIE, WHI (silver) (2), WRAY, etc.; Universal Ring Dials = MADEX, PEA, NMM, WRAY, MERC; Sectors = VEN, NAC; Graphometers = USNM, D.; Artillery Level = ROU; Analematic Sundial = ADL-DPW3; Drawing Instrument = WHI; Rapporteur = Drouot 11/14/68; Compass = NMM; Sundial = ADL-L3; etc. father-in-law of Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas Bion; master and juror in the "Corporation des fondeurs"; "Ingénieur du Roi";took apprentices; worked for Abbé Nollet. à l'Image Nostre-Dame, Place de Marché Neuf (1700); Quaide l'Horloge (1707); both on Il de la Cité, Paris. Daumas 1; Bryden 16; Michel 1, 3, and 9; Hamilton 2; Nachet; Brieux 1; USNM; Price 12; Chenekal 1; MADEX; Augarde; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DELUREX France, misreading for Delure. Gilbert 8/27/76. suggest correction
DELVEDEZ France, c.1800, OIM Full Circle with Telescope = D. Clermont. Brieux files. suggest correction
DELVEDEZ AINE France, c.1810, NIM Holland Circle = P.C. Delvedez Aîné. Clermont. Brieux 1; Wheatland 3. suggest correction
DEMAINBRAY, STEPHEN CHARLES TRIBOUDET England; Scotland, 1710-82, designed a microscope; collected instruments for George III. Westminster, London; Edinburgh; Kew, London. Chaldecott 1; Taylor 2(248); Gunther 6; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DEMEURIE France, c.1820, NIM Mariner's Compass = D. Brest. Brieux 1. suggest correction
DEMONGENET, FRANCISCUS France; Italyfl.1552-1590, MIM Pairs of Globes, 1552 = Drecker, ROM; Terrestrial Globe with Sundial and watch inside, 1552 = UTC; Gores for both a Celestial and Terrestrial Globe = ADL-A. Vesow; Venice. Stevenson; FOX; Yonge; Karrow 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DENCH, THOMAS England, c.1795, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Rust 2 of the Grocers' Company on March 6, 1788; turned over to Thomas Lorkin, member of the Wheelwrights' Company, on March 16, 1789; free of the Grocers' Company, Oct. 1, 1795. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
DENEGAN, JOHN Italy; USA, c.1785, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; succeeded by Alloysius Ketterer. Race and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1 & 8; USNM; Middleton 1. suggest correction
DENEGAN, JOSEPH Italy; USA, c.1785, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; may be same as John Denegan, which see. Philadelphia, Pa. (1785). D.J. Warner 5. suggest correction
DENGG, P. JOSEPHUS Germany, 1752, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, 1752 = NUR-WI 1228. Mondsee. Zinner 1; Evans 1. suggest correction
DENISOR, FEDOR Russia, 1789, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1789 = MOS-18463. Chenekal 1. suggest correction
DENN, WILLIAM England, c.1695, apprenticed to John Waite of the Grocers' Company on May 6, 1695. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
DENNERT AND PAPE England, c.1850, MIM Instrument? = Soth. 10/4/77. RSW. suggest correction
DENNEWALT, GERHART Germany, 1681, PHIM Gold Balance, 1681 = HAM. Hamburg. RSW. suggest correction
DENNIS England, OIM Telescope, refracting = FRK-T 163. London. Frank. suggest correction
DENNIS, GEORGE England, c.1713, MIM apprenticed to John Bennett 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 21, 1713; turned over to Thomas Baldwin. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
DENNIS, J.C. England, c.1845, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Calling card; see John Charles Dennis. Bristol. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
DENNIS, JOHN CHARLES England, fl.1825-61, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = KEN; Artificial Horizon = KEN; Microscope = CRI. T.C.; made sextants with Becher's artificial horizon; the microscope is signed "Dennis 118 Bishopsgate Street, London"; some instruments signed "J.C. Dennis", which see; calling card has "Bristol" as an address. 118 Bishopsgate Street (1839-49); 122 Bishopsgate Street (1850-61); both in London; Bristol. Taylor 2(1534); KEN; Goodison 1; Chaldecott 3 & 4; RGO; Gunther 2; McConnell 4. suggest correction
DENNIS, JOHN WILLIAM England, c.1816, MIM apprenticed to John Holyman of the Grocers' Company, April 4, 1816. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
DENNS, J. 1679, MIM Sundial, circular, 6 annular rings, 1679 = Soth. 3/17/38 = P-B 10/31/52 = Koller 11/17/75. may be Jodocus Deens. RSW. suggest correction
DENORRY France, 1588, professor of mathematics; invented a "Compas Optique", a form of Radio Latino, with optical sight attached to one leg. Paris. Kraus Catalogue. suggest correction
DENT England, PHIM Depliedoscope = UTR; Altimeter and Aneroid Barometer = Christie-Geneva 11/20/79. surely E.J. Dent. 33 and 34 Cockspur Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
DENT, E., AND CO. England, c.1820, NIM Magnetic Compasses = Christie 7/16/68 (2), 10/8/68. 61 Strand and 4 Royal Exchange, London. RSW. suggest correction
DENT, E.I. England, see Edward John Dent. suggest correction
DENT, EDWARD JOHN England, 1790-1853, MIM NIM PHIM Dipleidoscopes = HAY, ADL-W189, P.C., WHI (5), Soth. 11/9/59, Ineichen 5/3/74, etc.; Barometers with Thermometers = Soth. 7/26/65, K. and C. 3/19/75; Compass = Christie 7/28/70. maker of "Big Ben"; named and made "E.I. Dent's Patent Meridian" which he called the dipleidoscope; author; a dipleidoscope shows the moment when the sun crosses the meridian; "Chronometer Maker to the Queen"; also invented a new magnetic compass and a chronograph. 82 Strand and 33 Cockspur Street; 34 Royal Exchange; 61 Strand (post-1851); all in London. Taylor 2(1310); Bryden 16; Brewington 1; Calvert 2; Whipple 1; Namur; Moskowitz; ADL; RSW; G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
DENT, J. England, c.1845, PHIM see Edward John Dent. Particular Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Vol. IV, ppp. 100-01. suggest correction
DENTON England, invented a level made by W. and S. Jones. Whipple 1. suggest correction
DENTON AND CO. England, 1809, MIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature, case, 1809 = Soth., Wilkinson and Hodge 11/16/22. London. RSW. suggest correction
DENTON, JOSEPH England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DENTZEL, JOHANN Germany, 1572-1625, painter; devised a variant type of graphometer in 1616 with his brother, Melchior Dentzel. Ulm. Bedini 3. suggest correction
DENTZEL, MELCHIOR Germany, 1585-1635, MIM SIM Graphometer = Soth. 2/26/62 = USNM. apprenticed to Michael Pauly Schmid, a master goldsmith, in 1599; passed his examination as a goldsmith in accessories in 1611; invented this type of graphometer in 1616 with his brother, Johann Dentzel; original case also includes some drawing instruments; author. Ulm. USNM; Price 2; Bedini 3; RSW. suggest correction
DEPAGNET France, c.1650, OIM Dépagnet; made telescopes. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
DEPARCIEUX, ANTOINE France, 1703-68, MIM made sundials, instruments and watches; invented a lens-polishing machine; author. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Moskowitz 130. suggest correction
DEPETRIS, I., S.J. France, 1753, MIM Sundial, 1753 = ADL-A100. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DEPEUILLE France, 1786, PHIM Thermometer on Barometer, 1786 = Drouot 11/19/70. RSW. suggest correction
DEPOUILLY France, fl.1683-92, OIM Microscopes = BIL, KEN (CRI). see Depovilly and J. Pouilly; Coffeen thinks Pouilly and Depouilly are the same maker; Nachet thought it was Depovilly as the "u" is engraved as a "v". Paris. Nachet; Purtle; KEN; A.J. Turner 10; Nachet; Coffeen 46. suggest correction
DEPOVILLY France, see J.Pouilly and Depouilly. Paris. Nachet; Purtle; KEN; A.J. Turner 10; Coffeen 46; RSW. suggest correction
DERBY, EDWARD England, PHIM T.C.; "Successor to the Ingenious Mr. Joseph Hickman." Union Court, facing St. Andrews Church, Holborn, London. Calvert 2. suggest correction
DEREGNI, ANGELO Italy, 18th Century, OIM Telescopes, pasteboard and horn = ADL-M449, P.C., Soth. 10/28/86; Telescope, vellum and paper = D. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW; Brieux 2. suggest correction
DEREPAS France, c.1850, OIM Achromatic Spyglass = WHI; Reflecting Telescope = Hérmes Museum, Paris; Spyglasses = Soth. 12/13/65, FRK = Soth. 3/25/86. Palais Royal 23 (25), Paris. Dewhirst; Whipple 1; Frank; RSW. suggest correction
DERG, CAREL GUST. Sweden, 1768, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1768 = NOR. Stockholm. RSW. suggest correction
DERHAM, WILLIAM England, 1657-1735, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1678 = OXF; Wall Sundials = St. George's Chapel, Windsor (1723), Lincoln Chapel (1723), St. Laurence Church, Upminster. quadrant signed "W. Durham", early form of his name; owner/maker?; designer of clocks and instruments; author. Upminster. Aked; Chamberlain. suggest correction
DERING, G. 1791, PHIM Lodestone, 1791 = P.C. Wheatland 3. suggest correction
DERNER, I.M. misreading for Dorner. Lagos and Jozsef; Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
DEROGY France, OIM made optical instruments. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
DERRIEN ET LEPRIEUR France, NIM Sextants = MYS (3). Derrien et LePrieur. RSW. suggest correction
DERRY, CHARLES England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 6 Leigh Street, Barton Crescent, London. Taylor 2(2115). suggest correction
DERVIE, DE France, pre-1690, OIM mentioned by Bonani in 1690 as an instrument maker. Lyon. Clay and Court. suggest correction
DES BORDES & P.D.J.E. France, c.1780, MIM Surveyor's Square = P.C.(1987). RSW. suggest correction
DESAGNEAUX France, c.1809, invented a rapporteur, made by Marchois. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
DESAGULIERS, JOHN THEOPHILUS England, 1683-1744, MIM made and designed instruments. Westminster; Plough Court, Fetter Lane; both in London. Taylor 1(545); Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DESARGUES, GERARD France, 1593-1661, OIM Gérard Desargues; worked on objective lenses; author. Paris. Nachet; Daumas 1. suggest correction
DESCARTES, RENE France, 1596-1650, René Descartes; scientist and philosopher; designed microscopes; first to design scale for barometers; author. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Middleton 1 & 4; DSB. suggest correction
DESCOMBES, MAL(COLM) England, NIM Octant = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
DESCRIVANI Italy, c.1832, designed a planetarium, made by Pierret and at CNAM. Morpurgo 1; CNAM 2. suggest correction
DESCROIZILLES, FRANCOIS ANTOINE HENRI France, 1751-1825, François Antoine Henri Descroizilles; chemist; invented a still for wine analysis, 1810. Rouen. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DESCROLIERES, ADRIEN Italy; Belgium; France, fl.1571-80, MIM Astrolabes = VEN (1571)(ICA-503), GRE (1577)(ICA-455), TPD (1579)(ICA-525), SPI-2782 = BM (1580)(ICA-208), TIM (157?) = Christie-SK 4/14/88 = P.C.; Rule, folding with three legs, 1579 = OXF. Adrien Descrolières. Venice; Mantua (1577); Antwerp (1579); Paris (1580). Michel 1 and 3; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; Gunther 1 and 2; Nachet; Belgian Inv; Italian Inv; Ernst; Maison Française; A.J. Turner 8; RSW. suggest correction
DESHARYS, JEAN France, c.1790, instrument maker? Nachet. suggest correction
DESILVA, WILLIAM England, c.1850, NIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = PMS (3); Octant = USNM; Compass = D.(1965); Sextants = Maritime Museum, Philadelphia, Pa., MYS; Stick Barometer = VNN; Wheel Barometer = Soth.-C 10/9/86. barometer signed "Desilva." 37 Bath Street, Princes Dock and 126 Duke Street; 250 Great Howard Street; 38 Regent Street (1857); all in Liverpool. USNM; Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
DESLINCOURT, JEAN FRACTORENSIS France, c.1680, MIM Skaphe, 1680 = CNAM-929. copy of a classic skaphe; Fractorensis may be a town. CNAM 2. suggest correction
DESNOS, LOUIS-CHARLES France, fl.1753-82, MIM SIM Circumferentor = Mariner's Museum, Newport News, Va.; Carte Odagraphique, 1763 = Balzekas Museum, Chicago; Sector = ADL-M89; Folding Square = USNM; Celestial Globes = LNB (1758), P.C. (1770); Butterfield-type Sundials = P. and S. 2/28/1896, FRY; Armillary Spheres = CNAM (1757), (1768), X (1754), DEU (2), Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88; Terrestrial Globe Clock, 1782 = DRE; Terrestrial Globes, 1757, 1772 = CNAM (2). "on trouve chez Desnos toutes sortes D'instruments de Mathématiques"; son-in-law of Nicholas Hardy ? Beauvais (1754); Chez Desnos, ingénieur géographe, rue St. Jacques St Severin à l'enseigne du Globe; rue St. Julien le pauvre, Quartier de la Place Maubert; both in Paris. Michel 3; Engelmann 1; USNM; Nachet; Chenekal 3; Drechsler 2; Globus, Nov. 1954, June 1963; Pastoreau; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DESNOS, V.T. France?, 1850, MIM Goniometer, 1850 = MOS. designed by Douglas. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja. suggest correction
DESPAGNET see Dépagnet. Nachet. suggest correction
DESROLIS see Mlle. Ginot-Desrois. RSW. suggest correction
DESUOS France, MIM Goniometer = Koller, May 1962. probably Desnos. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
DETOUCHE France, MIM Pliers, engraved, iron = ROU-306; Planetarium = CNAM. Sedan. Michel 3. suggest correction
DETOUCHE ET HOUDIN France, c.1850, MIM in the Great Exhibition, 1851, London. 228 and 230 Rue St. Martin, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DETURE France, cadran solaire de poche fin 18ème Delure, fabriquant Paris Pugsley Sale. Corpechot. suggest correction
DEUCHAR, JOHN Scotland, fl.1815-33, PHIM made chemical apparatus. Lothian Street, Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
DEUERLIN, JOACHIM Germany?, fl.1619-33, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1619 = OXFB; Drawing Compasses, 1633 = DRE (2). one compass has micrometer divided by letters. Zinner 1; Maddison 5; Evans 1; Gunther 2; Drechsler 2; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
DEUR, JOHANNES Holland, fl.1702-14, MIM Terrestrial Globes, cases = KRA, LEY. engraved maps. Amsterdam. Globus, Dec. 1956; Krogt 1; Edell 1. suggest correction
DEVACHT, FRANCOIS USA, c.1792, MIM François Devacht; made sundials, compasses, etc.; worked with his brother, Joseph. Gallipolis, Ohio. Bedini 1. suggest correction
DEVACHT, JOSEPH USA, c.1792, MIM made sundials, compasses, etc.; worked with his brother, François. Gallipolis, Ohio. Bedini 1. suggest correction
DEVASTON, J. England, 1790, MIM Pantograph, 1790 = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
DEVAULX France, 1583, MIM Astrolabe, geographical, paper, 1583 = Giraudon. Reichen. suggest correction
DEVINPORT, ROBERT variant of Robert Davenport. Bryden 3. suggest correction
DEVOT France, NIM Dry Card Compass = MYS. Le Havre. RSW. suggest correction
DEW, SAMUEL USA, 1822, patented nautical compass, 1822. Romney, Va. USNM. suggest correction
DEWAR, SIR JAMES England, 1842-1923, see Liveing and Dewar. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DEWILDE, JOHN England, c.1735, apprenticed to John Patrick 1 in the Joiners' Company on Nov. 6, 1722; free in the Company, Mar. 23, 1735. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DEWRY England, 1693, zodiac band engraved on Coronelli globe by Dewry. Grimaldi. suggest correction
DEXTER, GEORGE USA, 1846, PHIM 57 State Street, Albany, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
DEYERLIN England, 1819, see Holtzapffel and Deyerlin. RSW. suggest correction
DEYL see Deijl; also found as Deyle. suggest correction
DHIDERIC, MISER Germany, c.1200, MIM Sundial on pillar of church = Niederurff. "Dhideric Miser Fecit." Niederurff. Zinner 1. suggest correction
DIAKOFF, GEORGE Russia, MIM made a new type of arithmometer. St. Petersburg. USNM. suggest correction
DIAS, JOAO Portugal, fl.1614-38, Joa~o Dias; thought to be the maker who signed mariner's astrolabes as "Y°. Dyas", which see; astrolabes dated 1614, 1619, and 1628; listed as astrolabe maker and examiner of Agostinhode Goes in 1630. Lisbon? A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
DIBBLEY England, fl.1560-70?, MIM also clock maker. Taylor 1(28); Evans 1. suggest correction
DIBOLD, JOH. CHRISTOPH Germany, 1780, MIM Celestial Globe, 1780 = Baden-Baden Neues Schloss-6897. Durlach. Zinner 1. suggest correction
DICAS 1 England, c.1790, PHIM Hygrometer = KEN; Proof Slide Rule, ivory = ADL-161. see John Dicas who patented an accurate hygrometer; the slide rule at the ADL is marked "Dicas Patentee Liverpool." Liverpool. Wheatland 1; KEN; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DICAS 2 England, c.1800, MIM Slide Rules, ivory = BM, NMM-Gabb Coll., KEN (2). London. Price 3; Ward 4; KEN; RSW. suggest correction
DICAS AND ARSTALL England, c.1807, PHIM Mary Dicas and George Arstall; patent hydrometer makers. 8 North Side Old Dock, Liverpool (1807). Bryden 9. suggest correction
DICAS, ANN England, fl.1797-1822, PHIM Hygrometer = Soth. 10/17/60. made patented hygrometers sold by John Bywater and Co.; Turner thinks she was daughter and successor to John Dicas. 83 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1535); RSW; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DICAS, I. England, MIM Compass = Christie-SK 3/31/83. may be related to Ann Dicas; see John Dicas. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
DICAS, JOHN England, fl.1774-97, MIM PHIM Hydrometer, No. 986 = HAR. patented Dicas Alcohol Hydrometer, June 1780; succeeded by his daughter, Mary Dicas, in 1797; T.C.; Turner thinks that Ann Dicas was his daughter; see Dicas 1. Navigation Shop, 29 Pool Lane (1790); 27 Pool Lane (1796); both in Liverpool. Bryden 9; Calvert 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
DICAS, MARY England, fl.1797-1806, MIM PHIM succeeded her father in 1797; made hydrometers. 27 Pool Lane (1800); 7 North Side Old Dock, Strand Street (1803); 7 North End Old Dock (1804-5); all in Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
DICEY misreading for Dixey. Soth.-S 10/19/89. suggest correction
DICK, ALEXANDER Scotland, fl.1827-74, MIM SIM made surveying chains; surveyor. 101 Bridgegate (1827-32); Buchanan Court, 105 Stockwell (1833-74); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
DICK, WILLIAM England, c.1723, MIM apprenticed to John Dobson of the Clockmakers' Company, June 3, 1723. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
DICKENS, JOHANNES Holland, c.1740, NIM Reflecting Circle = AMST. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
DICKENS, JOHN England, c.1648, apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 12, 1648. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
DICKINSON, EDMUND USA, c.1772, MIM made dip needles. Williamsburg, Va. Bedini 8. suggest correction
DICKINSON, S. England, 1808, NIM Compass Rose, 1808 = X. Schück. suggest correction
DICKMAN, JOHN 1 Scotland, 1794-1855, NIM OIM nautical instrument maker to Queen Victoria, 1845; made clocks, chronometers, telescopes, etc. Kirkgate (1794-96); Bernard Street (1797-1813); 33 Shore (1814-40); all in Leith; 142 George Street (1841-42); 91 Princeses Street (1843); both in Edinburgh; 6 Charlotte Place (1844-48); 4 Charlotte Place (1849-54); both in Leith. Bryden 3; Taylor 2(1829); USNM; Clarke et al. suggest correction
DICKMAN, JOHN 2 England, pre-1830, MIM see John Dickman and Son. Quayside, West Shore, Sunderland. Taylor 2(1829)(1829a). suggest correction
DICKMAN, JOHN, AND SON England, c.1830, MIM John Dickman 2 and his son. Quayside, West Shore, Sunderland. Taylor 2(1829a). suggest correction
DICKSON AND CARGILL Ireland, OIM Student Microscope = P.C. optician. Belfast. RSW. suggest correction
DIDDERICHSEN, JACOB Denmark, MIM Magnetic Compass, box = FRE. cast pewter or tin. Copenhagen. Price 2. suggest correction
DIEBOLDT France, MIM Drawing Instruments = LEY; Instrument = DEU. Strasbourg. RSW. suggest correction
DIEGHEM, FRAN DE Belgium, MIM SIM Circumferentor = D.(1960); Quadrant = VEN. sometimes signed "F.R. van Dieghem." Brussels. Bonelli 4; RSW. suggest correction
DIEM, JAKOB Germany, fl.1586-89, MIM Astronomical Clock = Old Town Hall, Esslingen. Esslingen. Zinner 1. suggest correction
DIEN, CHARLES 1 1740, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1740 = P.C. Globus, Dec. 1957. suggest correction
DIEN, CHARLES 2 France, 1809-70, MIM Celestial Globes = MOS (1831), VNL (1840), MOS, Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79; Globe = D.; Terrestrial Globe, 1844 = Versailles 4/17/83. "géographe"; see Delamarche et Dien. rue Hauteville N. 13; Rue du Foin St. Jacques au Collège de Mtre. Gervais; both in Paris. Chenakal 3; Globus, June 1962, Dec. 1957; Brieux 3; Tooley; RSW. suggest correction
DIENERT, PAULUS PHIM balance maker; see "P.D." (1); may be Dierert. RSW. suggest correction
DIEPEL, HERMANN Germany, fl.1558-77, MIM Celestial Globes = KAS (1563), DRE. Kassel. Zinner 1. suggest correction
DIETA France, PHIM Barometer = Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Strasbourg. optician. Strasbourg. RSW. suggest correction
DIETHELM, ABBOT Switzerland, 1549, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1549 = St. Gallen. "Abbot Diethelm u St. Gallen, 1549." St. Gallen Abbey. RSW. suggest correction
DIETRICH, HANS Austria, c.1628, MIM see Johann Dietrich 1. Zinner 1. suggest correction
DIETRICH, JOHANN 1 Czechoslovakia, 1611, MIM Bow Compass, 1611 = Polytecnic Institute, Prague. Cenipo. Czech. Inv. suggest correction
DIETRICH, JOHANN 2 Switzerland, fl.1751-55, MIM Basle. Evans 1. suggest correction
DIETRICHSTEIN, VON Germany, 1647, MIM Cube Sundial, 1647 = BM. owner; the dial is also marked "S.L.G.V.D." with the "G" raised slightly above the other initials. Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
DIETSCHI, PANCRATZ Germany, fl.1584-94, MIM made an astronomical clock; "Passerace Troche" is alternative name. Fribourg. Baillie 1. suggest correction
DIETTE France, c.1800, OIM Telescope = Stuker, 1958. Lyon. RSW. suggest correction
DIEU, FRANCISCUS LE Holland, b.1700 fl.1726, MIM also made clocks. Leiden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
DIGBY, CHARLES England, fl.1729-67, MIM NIM Backstaff, 1749 = Bowes Museum. apprenticed to Benjamin Macy of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 12, 1721; T.C.; took over John Henshaw's shop. The Globe, near Hermitage Stairs, Wapping, London. Taylor 2(465a); J. Brown 3; Weil 2(23); Crawforth 1. suggest correction
DIGEON see Pigeon. CNAM 2. suggest correction
DIGGES, JOHANNES Holland, c.1650, MIM worked with William Corderoy and Caspar Kalthoff. Dordrecht. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
DIGGES, LEONARD England, 1510-58, devised a theodolite and other instruments; author. Barham, East Kent. Taylor 1(4); Daumas 1; Michel 3; Gunther 6; DSB; DNB. suggest correction
DIGGES, THOMAS England, 1531-95, son of Leonard Digges; designed instruments; author. Daumas 1; DSB; DNB; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
DIGUE France, MIM SIM Level = Soth. 6/9/39; Surveying Instrument = P.C. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
DIJK, VAN DEN see Petrus ab Aggere. Michel 3. suggest correction
DIJON France, c.1781, MIM won a prize from the Royal Academy of Sciences, 1781; possibly Pigeon. Daumas 1. suggest correction
DIKAUF, JOHANN Germany?, c.1600, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = WUR. Zinner 1. suggest correction
DILLER, BALTHASAR Germany1780, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1780 = STU-8446. Mergentheim. Zinner 1. suggest correction
DILLON England, c.1742, OIM T.C.; optician. in Long Acre, next door to the White Hart, London. Calvert 2. suggest correction
DILLON AND TUTTLE USA, fl.1820-40, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1980). T.C.; formerly Kline and Co. 74 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
DIMMOCK England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ryde. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DINGLEY, JAMES England, c.1770, apprenticed to Joseph Edwards; ran away May 11, 1770. Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
DININCKOFF, BERNARD England, 1585, MIM Sundial, stained-glass, 1585 = Gilling Castle, Yorkshire North. Daniels 1. suggest correction
DIONYSODORUS Greece?, c.100 B.C., invented the conical sundial. Amisus. Cousins. suggest correction
DIPHOP Russia, 1775, MIM Sundial, 1775 = GMELV-IM 3035. Chenekal 1. suggest correction
DIRCK, JOHAN Germany, 1653, NIM Compass Rose, 1653 = X. Hamburg. Schück 2. suggest correction
DIRCKXSEN, SYMEN see Symen Dirckxsen Blocker. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
DIRICKSEN, DI Germany, 1644, NIM Compass Rose, 1644 = X. Hamburg. Schück 2. suggest correction
DISMORR, J. England, MIM Slide Rule = Soth. 10/28/86. 42 Russell Street, Rotherhithe, London. RSW. suggest correction
DIVINI, EUSTACHIO Italy; France; Italy, 1620-95, OIM Telescopes = ROM (1663), FLO (1664 and 1674), POB (1673), BM; Oculars = FLO (1665 and 1666); Microscopes, 1668 = ROM, BIL; etc. developed a micrometer; tried fitting telescopic sights to surveying instruments in 1664. Bologna; Paris; Rome. Bonelli 1 and 4; Purtle; Michel 3; Dewhirst; USNM; Nachet; Gunther 2; Italian Inv.; Daumas 1; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
DIVIS, P. 1754, PHIM made a thunder house (Paratonnerre). ? suggest correction
DIVISIOLI, G. AND F. see Giovannes Franciscus Divizioli. Forti. suggest correction
DIVITIOLO, GIOAN. FRANCESCHO see Giovannes Franciscus Divizioli. Brieux 2. suggest correction
DIVIZIOLI, GIOVANNES FRANCISCUS Italy, fl.1593-1612, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1593 = Cabinet de physique du "Lycée d'Etudes Classiques Daniel Manin"; Reduction Compass with Protractor, 1612 = D.(1981). Cremona. Italian Inv.; Brieux 2. suggest correction
DIX, HENRY England, c.1716, apprenticed to Mark Rogers in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 7, 1716. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DIXEY 1 England, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Barometer in clock = Soth. 12/15/83; Telescope, single-draw = Phillips 4/20/83; Telescopes = D. (1976)(2); Stick Barometer = D.(1977). probably Charles Wastell Dixey; the clock is inscribed "Luke Briggs, Wisbeach 144". New Bond Street, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
DIXEY 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Norwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DIXEY 3 England, OIM PHIM Microscope = Phillips 6/15/76; Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. see L. Dixey; Soth.-S marked "from London and Brighton." Brighton; London. RSW. suggest correction
DIXEY 4 see Willson and Dixey. RSW. suggest correction
DIXEY AND SON England, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN; Proportional Dividers = Christie-SK 7/10/80. surely Charles Wastell Dixey and Son. 552 Oxford Street; Bond Street; both in London. RSW. suggest correction
DIXEY, C.W., AND SON England, c.1845, MIM PHIM Barographs =Christie 6/7/72, Phillips 10/26/83; Aneroid Barometer = D.(1976). Charles Wastell Dixey; later became "C.W. Dixey and Sons"; "Opticians to the Queen." 3 New Bond Street, London. Gatty; RSW. suggest correction
DIXEY, CHARLES WASTELL England, 1798-1880, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1842 = NMM; Telescope = KEN; Barometers = X (4); Wheel Barometer = Buckingham Palace; Barograph = Melun 4/24/83; Microscope = Christie-SK 2/9/84; Stick Barometer and Thermometer = Longleat; Garden Sundial = Harlestone House, Northampton.; Sector, ivory = P.C.; Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80; Spirit Level = Soth. 7/21/87; etc. T.C.; "Optician to the Queen and to H.R.H. Prince Albert"; Taylor thought he was successor to George and Charles Dixey; generally signed "C.W. Dixey." 335 Oxford Street (1821); 78 New Bond Street (1822-23); 3 New Bond Street (1825-60); all in London. Taylor 2(1536)(1537); Calvert 2; KEN; Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Earle; RSW. suggest correction
DIXEY, EDWARD England, 1757-1838, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/14/89. apprenticed to George Linnell of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1771; free of the Company in 1778; succeeded Fraser and Son in 1817; was succeeded by George and Charles Dixey, sons or nephews. 335 Oxford Street (1782); 370 Oxford Street (1808); 335 Oxford Street (1822); all in London. Taylor 2(703); Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(202); RSW. suggest correction
DIXEY, G. England, 19th Century, OIM Telescopes = D.(1987), Gersaint 7/20/96. could be George Dixey 1 or 2; D. signed "Improved day or night." London. RSW. suggest correction
DIXEY, G. AND C. England, fl.1821-38, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = CRI; Pedometer = Koller Oct. 1970; Beam Compass = WHI; Mathematical Instrument Set = Soth. 6/23/64; Ellipsograph = WHI; Spy Glass, 1821 = D.(1972); Marine Barometer = VNN; Pocket Compass = Christie 12/18/74; Hodometer = Soth., Wilkinson and Hodge 12/5/24 = Soth. 2/6/25; Telescope = KEN; etc. T.C.; George and Charles (Wastell?) Dixey, which see; "Opticians to the King"; twin sons and successors to Edward Dixey; signed as "Late Fraser"; "Mathematical Instrument Makers to the King." 335 Oxford Street (1821); 78 New Bond Street (1822-23); 3 New Bond Street (1825-28); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1536, 1537); Whipple 1; Price 12; Gunther 2; KEN; Moskowitz 104; RSW; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
DIXEY, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1810-32, OIM Telescope, 1825 = D. may be connected with Charles and George Dixey 2. 20 Vine Street, Picadilly, London. Taylor 2(1311); Coffeen II. suggest correction
DIXEY, GEORGE 2 England, 1798-1838, MIM OIM PHIM twin brother of Charles Wastell Dixey? father of L. Dixey; optician to the Royal Family; T.C. Bond Street, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1536)(1537); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
DIXEY, GEORGE AND CHARLES England, fl.1825-38, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = CRI; Pedometer = Koller Oct. 1970; Beam Compass = WHI; Mathematical Instrument Set = Soth. 6/23/64; Ellipsograph = WHI; Spyglass = Soth. 12/13/65;Telescope = KEN; Thermometer = KEN; Opera Glasses = KEN (2). George Dixey 2 and Charles Wastell Dixey; "Opticians to the King"; successors to Edward Dixey; signed as "Late Fraser"; see G. and C. Dixey. 3 New Bond Street (1825-38); 335 Oxford Street; 78 New Bond Street; all in London. Taylor 2(1536)(1537); Whipple 1; Price 12; Gunther 2; KEN; RSW. suggest correction
DIXEY, L. England, fl.1843-60, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer and Thermometer with clock = K. and C. 5/6/75. optician; T.C.; son of George Dixey 2; see Dixey 3. Bond Street, London; 62 Kings Road (1843); 21 Kings Road (1860); last two in Brighton. Calvert 2; KEN; RSW; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
DIXON England, instrument maker. NMM 1. suggest correction
DIXON AND PICKERING PHIM Stick Barometer = Salem Maritime Nat'l Historic Site, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
DIXON, HUGH England, c.1785, OIM patented improvements of optical instruments; made telescopes, microscopes, etc. St. James's, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(827); Dewhirst. suggest correction
DIXON, JOHN England, c.1822, MIM 93 Newman Street, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
DIXON, WILLIAM England, fl.1688-90, MIM member of the Joiners' Company; turned over William Roloson to Joseph Wells in 1690. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DNS Germany, 1562, Ring Sundial, 1562 = ADL-M308. marked "Anno Dns 1562"; "Dns" has a bar over the "ns"; shorthand for "Dominus." Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DO France, c.1691, enameler who sold barometers. rue du Harley, Aux Armes de France, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
DO---- England, NIM Compass Card = NMM. Minories, London. RSW. suggest correction
DOBBIE, ALEXANDER Scotland, 1815-87, NIM OIM Sextants = PEA, FRK(2) = RSM(1); Octant = Phillips 5/20/75; Telescopes = MYS, FRK = RSM(2); Chronometer = FRK = RSM. also made watches; T.C.; retailed Chrichton octants. 20 Clyde Place (1844-56); 24 Clyde Place, south side of Quay (1857-72); 24 and 25 Clyde Place (1873-85); all in Glasgow. Brewington 1; Bryden 3; Frank; Clarke et al. RSW. suggest correction
DOBBIE, ALEXANDER, AND SON Scotland, fl.1886-1900+, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Compass Rose = AMST; Stick Barometer = P.C. son was John Clark Dobbie. 24 & 25 Clyde Place (1886-88); 18 & 19 Clyde Place (1889-91); 44 & 45 Clyde Place (1893-95); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
DOBBIE, JOHN CLARK Scotland, fl.1817-96, MIM NIM OIM PHIM son of Alexander Dobbie; carried on the firm after his father's death in 1887; designed nautical instruments. Glasgow. Clarke et al. suggest correction
DOBBIE, RICHARD England, NIM repaired Bianchetti sextant. RSW. suggest correction
DOBBIE, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1821-45, PHIM made two barometers in 1845. Falkirk. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DOBERSCHITZ, LAUR. Austria, 1734-99, MIM Lunar Volvelle = KRM-FS32; Sector = KRM. cleric. Kremsmünster. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
DOBINSON England, c.1780, PHIM Angle Barometer = P.-B. 4/28/39. Wolsingham. RSW. suggest correction
DOBLER, EUGENIUS Austria, fl.1746-62, OIM Gregorian Telescope = KRM. Kremsmünster. Zinner 1. suggest correction
DOBLER, J.M. Germany, fl.1690-1730, OIM Telescopes = Gel-TX895, DRE; Binocular Telescopes = DRE (1730), MOS (2). "opticus fecit." Berlin. Chenekal 4; Drechsler 2; RSW. suggest correction
DOBROMIL Germany, 18th Century, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Drecker. RSW. suggest correction
DOBSON 1 USA, c.1798, MIM Philadelphia, Pa. Encyclopedia of Arts and Sciences, Vol. IX, Philadelphia, Pa. 1798. suggest correction
DOBSON 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DOBSON AND BAKER England, NIM Quadrant = P.C. London. USNM. suggest correction
DOBSON, F. misreading for J. Dobson 1. RSW. suggest correction
DOBSON, GLOVER AND CO. England, c.1780, NIM OIM Quadrant, case = D.(1983); Telescope = Portland Museum of Art, Me. telescope marked "Improved Day or Night." 144 Leadenhall Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
DOBSON, J. 1 England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 10/22/87. Finsbury Street, Finsbury Square, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
DOBSON, J. 2 see John Dobson. suggest correction
DOBSON, JAMES England, 1794, MIM Chart Globe, 1794 = X. based on Halley's observations. Tooley. suggest correction
DOBSON, JOHN 1 England, fl.1714-23, MIM apprenticed to John Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 15, 1698; free of the Company, Nov. 1, 1714; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
DOBSON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1828-46, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. apprenticed to Thomas Lefever in the Merchant Taylors' Company; made free in the Company. 4 Great Suffolk Street (1828-29); 13 Newington Causeway (1830); 54 Newington Causeway (1836-46); all in London.. Taylor 2(1830); Goodison 1; O'Mara; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DOBSON, LEONARD England, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Lefever in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free in the Company. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DOD, DANIEL USA, 1778-1823, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compendium = Fort Laramie Nat'l Monument, Wyoming; Surveying Compass = ADL- son of Lebbeus Dod. Mendham, New Jersey. Smart 1; Bedini 8. suggest correction
DOD, LEBBENS see Lebbeus Dod. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
DOD, LEBBEUS USA, 1739-1816, MIM SIM Parallel Rule and Protractor = Guthman Coll.; Drafting Instrument = P.C.; Drawing Instrument Set = P.C. sometimes signed "Lebbus Dod"; surveyor. Mendham, New Jersey. Smart 1; Guthman 1; USNM; Bedini 8. suggest correction
DODASNE, DOMINIQUE Belgium, 1697, OIM Telescope, 1697 = Tomba. Brussels. RSW. suggest correction
DODD Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Andrew Dodd? Glasgow. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
DODD, ANDREW Scotland, fl.1837-47, MIM OIM PHIM 70 Hutcheson Street (1837-38); 36 Glassford Street (1838-47); 88 Glassford Street 1847-48; all in Glasgow. Goodison 1; Bryden 3. suggest correction
DODD, S. USA, 19th Century, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = New Haven Colony Historical Society, Conn. USNM. suggest correction
DOERRETY England, 1727, PHIM Barometer, 1727 = D.(1971). London. RSW. suggest correction
Dolberg & Hannay Rostock, Germany Octants see Dolberg, Adolf Rostock suggest correction
Dolberg & Petri Rostock, Germany, c. 1858 Theolodites see Dolberg, Adolf Rostock suggest correction
Dolberg, Adolf Rostock, Germany, 1848-1863 Octants, reflecting circle, chemical balances continued as Dolberg & Petri, Dolberg & Hannay Rostock, Munich, Stralsund, Greenwich Hamel, Juergen, in Beitrag zur Astronomiegeschichte, Band 10 (2010) suggest correction
DOLL, JOHAN GEORG Germany, 1739, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1739 = OXF. Evans 1; Esdaille. suggest correction
DOLLAND many optical and philosophical instruments signed "Dolland" are to be found; some are surely misreadings but others are deliberately mis-signed to take advantage of the great popularity of the Dollond name and avoid any legal action. RSW. suggest correction
DOLLARD England, PHIM Pocket Barometer = K. and C. 7/9/75. misreading for Dollond? London. RSW. suggest correction
DOLLON England, c. 1780, NIM Sextant = MOS. probably Dollond. London. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja. suggest correction
DOLLOND England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM a great many instruments are signed just "Dollond"; they could have been made by John 1, John 2, Peter or George (Huggins) (1) Dollond and covered a long period of time. London. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DOLLOND AND SON England, c.1752, MIM OIM Orrery = Morrison Planetarium, San Francisco, Cal.; Telescopes = Soth. 10/17/60, D.(1972)(1977); Microscope = WHI. John Dollond 1 and Peter Dollond. London. Whipple 1; RSW; O'Mara; Wynter 1. suggest correction
DOLLOND, GEORGE (HUGGINS) 1 England, 1774-1856, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope, case = D.(1983); Microscope = Soth. 7/29/69; Instruments = OXF, WHI, NMM; Stick Barometers = City of Gloucester Museum, Erddig Park, Wrexham; etc. born George Huggins 1, son of John Huggins 1; changed name 1805-06; nephew of Peter Dollond; apprenticed to him in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1788; turned over to Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company in 1788; turned over to Charles Fairbone 2 in the Company in 1802; admitted to the Spectaclemakers' Company by redemption in 1807; optician to William IV, Queen Victoria and the Honble. Board of Customs; F.R.S., 1819; author; succeeded Peter Dollond in 1820. see Dollond, George (Huggins) 1 (continued). suggest correction
DOLLOND, GEORGE (HUGGINS) 1 (CONTINUED) 28 New Surrey Street, Blackfriars Road; 59 St. Paul's Churchyard (1804-54); 61 Paternoster Row (1854-56); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(955), (992a); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; J. Brown 1 and 2; NMM 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Court and von Rohr 3(223); Robischon; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
DOLLOND, GEORGE (HUGGINS) 2 England, fl.1827-64, MIM OIM born George Huggins 2; apprenticed to George (Huggins) Dollond 1 (who was probably his father) in the Grocers' Company on Feb. 6, 1817; free of the Company on April 5, 1827; took name of Dollond in 1852 as George (Huggins) Dollond 2; succeeded George (Huggins) Dollond 1 in 1856; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 2; Robischon. suggest correction
DOLLOND, J., AND SON England, c.1752, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = Soth. 10/17/60, D.(1973); Microscope = WHI; Octant, wood, with Telescope = P.C.(1978). John Dollond 1 and son, Peter. London. Whipple 1; RSW. suggest correction
DOLLOND, JOHN 1 France; England, 1706-61, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. French silk weaver; joined his son, Peter, in 1752; first to commercially produce achromatic lenses; F.R.S.; invented the splt objective micrometer; received the Copley medal. Spitalfields (1750-52); Golden Spectacles and Sea Quadrant, Exeter Exchange, Strand (1752); both in London. Taylor 2(164); Michel 3; Price 5; Dewhirst; Brewington 1; Daumas 1; Nachet; Gunther 6; G.L'E. Turner 24; Multhauf 1; Court and von Rohr 3(XX); J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Robischon; RSW. suggest correction
DOLLOND, JOHN 2 England, 1740-1804, MIM NIM OIM PHIM son of John Dollond 1; younger brother of Peter Dollond; admitted to the Spectaclemakers' Company on March 26, 1767 by redemption ; Master of the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1790 and 1792; partner of Peter Dollond from 1766 on; see Peter and John Dollond. 59 St. Paul's Churchyard (1766); Haymarket (1795); both in London. Daumas 1; Nachet; Clay and Court; J. Brown 1; Bedini 8; Court and von Rohr 3(181); Robischon. suggest correction
DOLLOND, P. AND J. England, fl.1766-1820, MIM OIM PHIM Orreries = P.C., Christie 5/7/63;; Eckardt's Rolling Rules = Soth. 10/17/60, P.C. (1968); Telescopes = OXF (2); etc. Peter and John 2 Dollond; sons of John Dollond 1; "Opticians to His Majesty"; also made barometers. 59 St. Paul's Churchyard (1766); 35 Haymarket (1795); both in London. Taylor 2(469); Evans 1; RSW; Nachet; Daumas 1; Gunther 2; Goodison 1; suggest correction
DOLLOND, PETER England, 1730-1820, MIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including telescopes at RSM (1765), VCW, ARM (Kew mural quadrant and equatorial); barometers = Earl of Bute (1793) and English, Scottish and Australian Bank Ltd., London, etc.; sundial at MOS; compass at NMM; mariner's astrolabe at Gold and Silver Museum, Schoonhoven (NMM-53). oldest son of John Dollond 1; admitted as a foreign Brother to the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1755; took over William Gilbert 2 as an apprentice, July 4, 1769; in business for himself 1750-52 and 1761-66; "Optician to His Majesty and to His Royal Highness the Duke of York", 1763; his father joined him, 1752-61; see Dollond, Peter (continued). suggest correction
DOLLOND, PETER (CONTINUED) nephew, George (Huggins) Dollond 1 was a partner, 1804-20, and succeeded him; T.C.; author; Warden of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1772; Master of the Company in 1774, 1778 and 1799; took apprentices; John Dollond 2 was partner, 1766-1804. Vine Street, Spitalfields (1750); Golden Spectacles and Sea Quadrant, near Exeter Exchange, Strand (1752-63); at the Sign of the Prisms (1763); 59 St. Paul's Churchyard (1769-1820); 35 Haymarket (1784); all in London; Richmond Hills, Surrey. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(469); Brewington 1; Calvert 2; Nachet; Clay and Court; Chenekal 1; Chaldecott 1; Bryden 9; RSW; Crawforth 1; Purtle; Gunther 6; J. Brown 1; Court and von Rohr 3(155); J.A. Bennett 2; Robischon; A.J. Turner 10; A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
DOLLOND, PETER AND GEORGE England, 1804-20, MIM OIM PHIM T.C. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
DOLLOND, THOMAS England, c.1770, NIM Compass = NMM. name covered by P. Dollond mark. RSW; NMM 2. suggest correction
DOLLOND, WILLIAM England, post-1852, MIM NIM OIM Sextant = Soth. 2/25/86-123. instrument signed "Dollond London"; T.C.; "Mathematical and Optical Instrument Maker to Her Majesty"; perhaps son (or son-in-law, having changed his name) of George (Huggins) Dollond 1. 59 St.Paul's Churchyard, London. Moskowitz 2; RSW. suggest correction
DOLLORD England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 3/19/75. misprinting for Dollond. London. RSW. suggest correction
DOLON England, c.1780, OIM Telescope = ADL-M436. signed "Dolon à Londres"; probably a contemporary forgery. London. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DOLOND England, OIM Telescope = Maria Mitchell Science Library, Nantucket, Mass. imitator of Dollond; "Day or Night." Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
DOMBEY AND SON England, 19th Century, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = WHI. could be retailers; arm marked "W. and T. Gilbert, London." London. Fitzgerald; Gunther 3; RSW. suggest correction
DOMENECUS, M. Holland, 1770, MIM Napier's Bones, 1770 = P.C. sometimes spelled "Dominicus." Amsterdam. Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
DOMET DU MONT France, fl.1801-23, OIM amateur maker of achromatic lenses. Nachet. suggest correction
DOMINUIS, C.D. Holland, 18th Century, PHIM Barometer = Christie April, 1978. oak. The Hague. Mörzer Bruyns 2 suggest correction
DONALDSON AND SONS Scotland, c.1829, MIM Pair of Globes, 1829 = Phillips 11/16/88. published by Donaldson and Sons; engraved by W. and A.K. Johnston. South Niddry Street, Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
DONALDSON, ALEXANDER Scotland, fl.1799-1830, MIM toolmaker; made globes. Cowgate (1799); South Niddry Street (1818-30); both in Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
DONALDSON, ALEXANDER, AND SON Scotland, fl.1831-55, MIM Alexander and his son John; globe makers and toolmakers. South Niddry Street, Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
DONALDSON, JOHN Scotland, c.1850, MIM son of Alexander Donaldson. South Niddry Street, Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
DONAUER see Donaverus. Zinner 1. suggest correction
DONAVERUS painter Hans Danauer; on stone calendar by Andreas Pleninger. Zinner 1. suggest correction
DONCKER, HENDRIK Holland, 1626-99, MIM NIM Cross-staff, 1698 = D.(1986). also made protractors; hydrographer. in de Nieuwbrugh Street, in't Stuurmans gereetschap, Amsterdam (1651-99). Rooseboom 1; Tooley; Wynter 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
DONDI, GIOVANNI DI Italy, 1318-80, MIM made the astrarium (astronomical clock); author; several models of the astrarium have been made, examples are at KEN, TIM, USNM, etc. Padua. Maddison and Bedini; Morpurgo 1 and 2; Baillie 1. suggest correction
DONEGAN variant spelling for "Denegan". Bedini 1. suggest correction
DONEGAN AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 94 Holborn Hill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DONEGAN CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. London. RSW. suggest correction
DONEGAN, F. England, c.1775, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/15/72. Leicester. RSW. suggest correction
DONEGAN, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be Joseph Donegan. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DONEGAN, JOSEPH England, fl.1830-35, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Lad Lane, Newcastle-under-Lyme. Taylor 2(1831); Goodison 1. suggest correction
DONEGAN, L., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 3 Long Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DONEGAN, PETER England, c.1805, PHIM probably seller of barometers. 7 Union Court, Holborn, Lomdon. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DONEGAN, PETER, AND CO. England, c.1805?, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X(2); Barometers = X. one stick barometer is signed "Peter Donegan and Co."; others signed "P. Donegan and Co."; may be dealer only. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DONEGANI England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DONEGANI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. perhaps Joseph Donegan. Newcastle-under-Lyme. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DONEGANI, SANTINO Italy, 18th Century, PHIM Barometer = FLO. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
DONEGANY, JOSEPH Italy; USA, c.1785, PHIM made barometers and thermometers. Philadelphia, Pa.; 54 Smith Street, New York, N.Y. Bedini 1 & 8. suggest correction
DONEVAN, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Donegan? London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DONI, CARLO Italy, pre-1761, MIM SIM Graphometer = FLO-619. Bonelli 1; Italian Inv. suggest correction
DONKIN, B. England, 1768-1855, MIM Slide Rule = KEN; Rule = KEN. London. KEN. suggest correction
DONN, BENJAMIN England, 1729-98, MIM NIM Gunter's Scales = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby, D.(1995). designed an improved Gunter's scale pre-1764 and wrote booklet about it; scales signed "Navigation Scale improved by B. Donn." Bideford (until 1766); The Library House, King Street, Bristol; The Academy, Kingston (1774). Taylor 2(470); Bryden 9; Moskowitz 103; Coffeen 51; RSW. suggest correction
DONNAGE France, c.1810, PHIM Barometer, stick = D.(1996). Paris. AH Vol. 23. suggest correction
DONNIGAN AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Chester 2/2/84. RSW. suggest correction
DONOSTADIUS see Simon Tunsted. Michel 3. suggest correction
DOOLITTLE, ENOS USA, 1751-1806, MIM NIM SIM Circumferentor = P.C. made surveying and mariner's compasses; nephew of Isaac Doolittle 1. Chapel Street, Hartford, Conn. Bedini 1; Smart 1. suggest correction
DOOLITTLE, ISAAC 1 USA, 1721-1800, MIM SIM made surveying instruments, etc; Bedini lists some of the family as clockmakers. New Haven, Conn. Bedini 1, 8 & 17; Smart 1. suggest correction
DOOLITTLE, ISAAC 2 USA, 1759-1821, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Vermont Historical Society. 46 North Haven, New Haven, Conn. Bedini 1; Smart 1. suggest correction
DOOLITTLE, JAMES USA, fl.1802-39, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Chester Count Historical Society. son of Enos Doolittle. Hartford, Conn. Smart 1. suggest correction
DOPPELMAYR AND PUSCHNER Germany, 1730, MIM Celestial Globe, 1730 = DRE. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
DOPPELMAYR, JOHAN GABRIEL Germany, 1671-1750, MIM Celestial Globes = WOL (1718), Würzburg University (1720), PRA (2)(1728), DRE (1736), DEU, NMM (2), Innsbruck Stift, Wilton, KRO; Terrestrial Globes = NMM, DRE (1730, 1736), Soth. 3/10/87 (1728); Terrestrial and Celestial Globe Gores, 1728 = Drouot 12/19/66; Pair of Globes = D.(1989); etc. "Mathem. Prof. Publ. Norib. exhibentur, concinnatus a Joh. Georg Puschnero Chalcographo Norib."; published a celestial atlas; translated Bion's book on instruments into German in 1717; had Georg Friedrich Brander as a pupil. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Horsky and Skopova; Stevenson; Drechsler 2; Globus Nov. 1954 and June 1962; NMM 2; A.J. Turner 10; Antiwue Collector May, 1989; RSW. suggest correction
DORAL, D. ANTONIO Spain, c.1850, NIM Sighting Circle = MAN-I82. Garcia Franco 2. suggest correction
DORING, HANS Poland, 1463-1470, MIM Astronomical Clock = Marien Church, Danzig. Danzig. Zinner 1. suggest correction
DORMER, ROBERT see Dorner. Michel 3. suggest correction
DORN, HANS Austria, c.1430-1509, MIM Astrolabes = BM (1491) (ICA-250), FLO (1483), KRA (1486) (ICA-642); Diptych Sundials = STU (1476), ADL-M288 (1476), OXF (1481), HAK; Celestial Globe, 1480 = KRA; Torquetum, 1486 = KRA. Dominican friar; studied with Peurbach in Vienna; BM astro- labe has nocturnal, compass on the back, it is the only signed instrument; the others are identified because of the delicate, intricate strap-work decoration; BM & FLO astro- labes were divided by transversal lines; KRA instruments were left to the University by Martin Bylica, an alumnus. Vienna. Zinner 1; Amiesenowa; Przypkowski 2; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; Maddison 1; Gunther 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; Fox 1 and 2; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DORNER, I.M. Germany, MIM Horizontal Sundial = BUD; Floating Sundial = Drouot 4/7/87. Zinner 1; Lajos and Jozsef; RSW. suggest correction
DORNER, P. AEGIDIUS Austria, 1652-1727, MIM may be "P.AE.D.P.K." signed on horizontal sundial at KRM. Rabenalt. suggest correction
DORNER, ROBERT England; Italy, 1715, MIM Sundial, slate, 1715 = FLO. Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
DORNSTRAUCH, ADAMAS Germany?, 1677, MIM Mining Compass and Sundial, 1677 = P.C. (1677). it is also marked "M.F. 1677." RSW. suggest correction
DORRINGTON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Truro. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DORSEY, PHILIP USA, fl.1793-1802, MIM NIM OIM Sign of Hadley's Quadrant and Compass-Card, corner of Queen and Thames Streets (1793); Fell's Point, 20 Queen Street; both in Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 8; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
DORSMAN, SALING Holland, 1750-1825, NIM Compass = AMST. Hoorn. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
DOTTI, G. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bath. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DOTTI, G. 2 England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Pulborough 3/1/83. Carlisle. RSW. suggest correction
DOTY AND BERGEN USA, c.1840, MIM Perpetual Calendar, volvelles = X. engraved calendar devised by L.H. Corson. 120 William Street, New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
DOU, JAN PIETERSZ. Holland, fl.1612-20, invented the Holland circle in 1612. Amsterdam. Bryden 9; Zinner 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
DOUBLET England, OIM Telescope, tripod = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. see T. and H. Doublet. London. RSW. suggest correction
DOUBLET, HANNAH England, c.1830, MIM NIM PHIM 14 Shepperton Place, New North Street, London. Taylor 2(1833). suggest correction
DOUBLET, T. AND H. England, c.1830, MIM NIM OIM Transit Theodolite = Phillips 11/16/88; Telescope = Phillips 2/14/79; Microscope = Phillips 2/14/79; Pair of long Rules in cane = Soth.-B. 9/26/73; Magnetic Compass = Christie 12/16/69; Rule, ivory = D.; Rule = P.C.; Sextant = Bearnes 1/24/90. Thomas and Henry or Thomas and Hannah Doublet; sextant marked "for W. and E. Seagrove Portsea." 6 Moorgate Street, Bank; 48 City Road; Finsbury Square; all in London. RSW. suggest correction
DOUBLETT, HENRY England, MIM may be the H. Doublett in T. and H. Doublett. London. Gilliland. suggest correction
DOUBLETT, THOMAS England, c.1830, MIM see T. and H. Doublett. London. Gilliland. suggest correction
DOUBLOTT, HANNAH see Hannah Doublet. Gilliland. suggest correction
DOUGALL, J. Scotland, c.1778, MIM Kirkaldy. Evans 1; Bryden 3. suggest correction
DOUGHTY England, PHIM Thermometer = TIM. on ivory base. 431 West Strand, London. RSW. suggest correction
DOUGLAS, HOWARD England, c.1811, Sir Howard Douglas; patented a protractor for plane table use in 1811. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
DOUGLAS, J. England, 1724, designed a surveying instrument called "The Infallible", in 1724. Gunther 2. suggest correction
DOUGLAS, JAMES Scotland, fl.1788-93, OIM grandson and successor to Thomas Short. Calton Hill Observatory, Edinburg. Bryden 3. suggest correction
DOULLON imitator of Dollond. Daumas 1. suggest correction
DOULLY, JACQUES-ANTOINE CARLIER 1755, MIM Horizontal Sundial, slate, 1755 = X. Namur. suggest correction
DOVER, A.W. England, fl.1890-1918, NIM Dip Needle Compass = Gilbert 8/27/76; Inclinometers = USNM (5). son of John Dover; T.C. Westwich Road, Charlton, Kent. Multhauf and Good; McConnell 3; RSW. suggest correction
DOVER, JOHN England, 1824-81, NIM PHIM Inclinometer = USNM; Magnetometer = USNM; Dip Needle = Royal Greenwich Observatory, Cambridge. father of A.W. Dover; apprenticed to Thomas Charles Robinson; balance maker; exhibited a balance at the Great Exhibition of 1851, in London. 14 Little Street, London; Charlton, Kent. Multhauf and Good; Bryden 8; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
DOVIKH, FEDOR see Fedor Dowich. Chenakal 1. suggest correction
DOWICH, FEDOR Russia, fl.1788-95, MIM SIM Sundials = MOS (1795), MOS (2); Circumferentor, 1788 = MOS. Tula. Chenakal 1; Novokshanova-Soklovskaja. suggest correction
DOWLER, D.T. England, NIM Sextant = D. RSW. suggest correction
DOWLING England, c.1826, MIM tried to punch graduations and numerals on rules in one operation; probably William Dowling; which see. Delehar 9. suggest correction
DOWLING, MICHAEL USA, 1790-1853, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. 158 Market Street, Newark, New Jersey. Smart 1. suggest correction
DOWLING, ROBERT Ireland, fl.1830-33, OIM optician. 21 Lower Sackville Street (1830-31); 8 George's Quay (1832-33); both in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
DOWLING, WILLIAM England, fl.1822-29, MIM OIM PHIM Sundial = Soth. 12/8/69; Spyglass = D.(1968). T.C.; "working optician." Serle's Passage, West Gate, Lincoln"s Inn, London. Taylor 2(1538); Calvert 2; Clay and Court; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
DOWNIE, J. Germany, c.1780, NIM Octant = FRK. Hamburg. Frank. suggest correction
DOWNIE, THOMAS Germany, c.1827, NIM OIM PHIM Telescope = HAM; Marine Compass = HAM; Thermometer = MYS; Barometer = MYS. telescope marked `Day or Night'; T.C. in box of ADL-A168. No. 9 (or 19) Stebbinhur (or Stubbenhuk); Stuchvenhuk No. 9; both in Hamburg. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DOWNING England, see Kull and Downing. RSW. suggest correction
DOWNING, SAMUEL England, c.1829, MIM rule maker; devised punch to mark gradations and numbers. Delehar 2. suggest correction
DOYLE, WILLIAM England, 1815, MIM Stained-glass Sundial, 1815 = Blackheath, London. Daniels 1. suggest correction
DRAGSTEDT, GUSTAF Sweden?, c.1775, MIM Pipping 1. suggest correction
DRAKE, O.P. USA, fl.1846-55, MIM NIM PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
DRAKEFORD, DAVID England, c.1716, OIM apprenticed to George Bass in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company, 1716; worked with George Bass. Fleet Ditch, London. Robischon. suggest correction
DRANCHIJ, FILIPPO AND DE HAVERI Italy, PHIM Pneumatic Machine = FLO-831. see Bianchi. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
DRAPER AND KNOX USA, fl.1837-38, MIM SIM Edmund or George (his brother) Draper and Joseph Knox. 60 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Miller. suggest correction
DRAPER, E.A. USA, see Edmund Draper. Miller. suggest correction
DRAPER, EDMUND USA, 1805-82, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Talbot County Historical Society, Md., P.C., USNM, William Penn Memorial Museum, Ohio Historical Society, Transit = P.C. first was partner with Benjamin Stancliffe as Stancliffe and Draper, 1830-33; worked alone 1833-38; thn he took Joseph Knox as a partner, see Draper and Knox; the Gurley Co. has repaired over thirty of his instruments; made his own dividing engine; T.C.; some of his small compasses were signed "E.A. Draper." 80 South Third Street (1833-37); 25 Pear Street, near Third below Walnut Street (1839-50); 22 Pear Street (1850-82); all in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 8; Miller; RSW. suggest correction
DRAPER, EDWARD USA, fl.1838-53, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM possibly Edmund Draper. 25 Pear Street, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
DRAPER, GEORGE USA, c.1844, MIM brother of Edmund Draper who refused to recommend him for a job with the Coast Survey in 1844; may have been the Draper in Draper and Knox, 1837. 60 Dock, Philadelphia, PA. Miller. suggest correction
DRAPER, MURRAY AND FAIRMAN USA, pre-1827, MIM Gideon Fairman. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1. suggest correction
DRAYCOTT, RICHARD England, c.1727, MIM apprenticed to John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 1, 1727. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
DREBBEL, CORNELIUS JACOBSZ Holland; England, 1572-1633, MIM OIM Globe, 1621 = James I of England; Microscope, 1619 = X. scholar who made a wide range of original instruments; invented baroscope; author; came to England in 1604-05 and was instrument maker to James I; made planetarium, etc; "Cor Drebel 1579" marked on diptych sundial, ADL-W236. Alkmaar; Eltham, Ipswich. Taylor 1(90); Rooseboom 1; Nachet; Zinner 1; Daumas 1; Dawson 207; Tooley; Michel 22; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DRECHSEL, CHRISTOPH Germany, 1611, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1611 = DRE. surely Christoph Trechsler. Dresden. Lübke. suggest correction
DRECHSLER Germany, c.1850, MIM Celestial Globe = DRE. date on label wrong for Trechsler. Dresden. RSW. suggest correction
DRECHSLER, E. Austria, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1975). Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
DRECHSLER, GEORG Germany, fl.1775-82, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, case = PMM; Bloud-type Sundial = PMM. installed Herschel telescopes at Lilienthal, 1782. Hannover. Zinner 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
DREEVEN, J.J. VAN Holland, OIM Microscope, base only = UTR. Nijmegen. Van Cittert 3. suggest correction
DRESCHER, LOUIS USA, c.1850, MIM NIM PHIM New York. USNM. suggest correction
DRESSLER Czechoslovakia, c.1841, PHIM Barometrograph = KEN. the barometrograph was designed in 1841 by Karl Kreil of Prague and used at the Kew Observatory in 1845. Prague. KEN; Middleton 1. suggest correction
DREUX, S.T. France, c.1585, see Thibault. Higgens 3. suggest correction
DREW, HENRY Scotland, fl.1730-38, MIM clockmaker. Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
DRIELENBURG, JACOB Holland, 1656, PHIM Coin Balance, box, 1656 = Soth. 4/18/88. many weights stamped "I.D." (2). Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
DRIESSENS, P. France, 1828, MIM Tellurian, 1828 = Yale U., New Haven, Conn. Paris? Yonge. suggest correction
DRING AND FAGE England, fl.1790-1940, MIM NIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including PEA, WHI, NMM, KEN, RSM, etc. T.C.; John Dring and William Fage; used fouled anchor with D and F on either side as mark on ivory scales; "Hygrometer Makers to His Majesty's Honourable Board of Excise." 6 Tooley Street, London Bridge, Borough, Southwark (1792-96); 248 Tooley Street, Southwark (1796-1804); 20 Tooley Street, Southwark (1804-44); 19-20 Tooley Street, Southwark (1846-60); 145 The Strand (1883-1902); 56 Stamford Street, S.E. (1903-38); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(958); Calvert 2; Brewington 1; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Price 12; Whipple 1; NMM 2; Brieux 3; KEN; Crawforth 1; RSW; Moskowitz 103; Coffeen 58; Clifton 1. suggest correction
DRING AND FAGE AND CO. England, c. 1850, PHIM Edward Hall and Edward Jenkin; appointed Hydrometer and Saccharometer Makers to the Board of Inland Revenue, 1850. 19 and 20 Tooley Street, London Bridge, Londn. McConnell 4. suggest correction
DRING, JOHN England, fl.1784-90, MIM freed by Patrimony, 1780, possibly in the Feltmakers' Company; worked with William Fage, 1790 on, as Dring and Fage, which see; produced ivory scales for octants, etc.; signed "I.D." (2), which see. 4 Albion Place, Walworth (1784-90); Gracechurch Street; both in London. Mörzer Bruyns 1; Moskowitz 122; Coffeen 15; Clifton 1; RSW. suggest correction
DRING, THOMAS England; USA; England, fl.1786-98, MIM NIM PHIM Barometer, 1796 = Chester County Historical Society, Pa. optician; clockmaker. West Chester, Pa. (1786-98). Bedini 1 & 8. suggest correction
DRIVER England, PHIM balance maker; apprenticed to Mr. Vandome; see Bastick and Driver. Calvert 2. suggest correction
DROOGTE, GROOTE Holland, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/17/87. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
DROSCHEL see Troschel; another variant is Droschell. Gouk 1. suggest correction
DRUNCKER, H. Germany?, 1611, MIM Diptych Sundial, oval, ivory, 1611 = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
DRURY, JAMES England, c.1714, member of the Clockmakers' Company; James Rowley (MIM) was turned over to him by Thomas Woods in 1714. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
DRURY, JEREMIAH England, c.1616, MIM he and John Harper worked with William Pratt to obtain a patent for Pratt's 'Arithmeticall Jewell', in 1616. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
DRURY, STEPHEN USA, fl.1788-1809, MIM also made clocks; took David Moritz as an apprentice, c.1802. Huntingdon County, Pa. James W. Gibbs. suggest correction
DRURY, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1761, MIM apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 18, 1761; might be William Drury 2, which see. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DRURY, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1769-74, MIM may be the same as William Drury 1, which see. Dale Street (1769); North Side Old Dock (1772); both in Liverpool. Bryden 9; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DRYANDER, JOHANNES Germany, c.1500-60, expert instrument designer; "Cylindri usus et canones", 1543, is first known description of a portable cylinder sundial; Johann Eichmann, M.D. RSW. suggest correction
DRYDEN, JOHN England, Water Clock = X; Garden Sundial, 1677 = D.(1996). water clock is modern work; sundial looks like Pearson Page work, has long motto. Coventry. MAD, April, 1996; RSW. suggest correction
DRYER, C. USA, c.1850, PHIM made thermometers and clocks. Louisville, Ky. USNM. suggest correction
DU BOIS, A. Belgium, NIM T.C. in sextant box, OMM. Antwerp. RSW. suggest correction
DU BUC see Buc, du. suggest correction
DU PONT France, 1580, MIM Horizontal Sundial inside watch lid = P.C.; Sundial in watch = Bernal Sale. Baillie thought about 1650. Castres. Benson; Baillie 1. suggest correction
DUBARY France, c.1810, MIM PHIM SIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/83; Graphometer = P.C. barometer signed "Dubarry Selon Toricelli". Dijon. Brieux 2; RSW. suggest correction
DUBAS France, c.1850, NIM Octant, night = NMM-S.84; Octant = PMM; Sextant = D.(1985). "breveté." Nantes. Coffeen 11; RSW. suggest correction
DUBINI 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 8 North Place, Brunswick Place (London). Goodison 1. suggest correction
DUBINI 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 25 Little College Street, West Camdentown (London). Goodison 1. suggest correction
DUBINI, L. England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/17/87. Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. RSW. suggest correction
DUBINI, PETER England, fl.1832-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. also spelled Duhum and Dulbini (?). 11 Beauchamp Street (1832-33); 12 Beauchamp Street (1836); both in Leather Lane; 47 Red Lion Street (1853-60); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DUBOIA France, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = OXF. possibly owner, engraving is different; may be misreading for Dubois. Paris. RSW; Soth. 2/28/80. suggest correction
DUBOIN France, 18th Century, see Dubois. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
DUBOIS France, fl.1771-74, MIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including ADL, ROM, FLO, COR, NMM, etc. Aux Génies, Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 3; Bonelli 1 and 4; Nachet; Italian Inv.; Frank; Wynter 1; Courtanvaux; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DUBOIS, FREDERIC WILLIAM Switzerland, 1811-69, MIM Frédéric William Dubois; made several astronomical clocks. Le Locle. Baillie 1. suggest correction
DUBOIS, HENNON France, c.1800, invented a type of surveying instrument for triangulation; it was made by Charles Mercklein. Libert et Castor 4/28/82; RSW. suggest correction
DUBOSCQ, JULES France, 1817-86, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Heliostats = WHI, Versailles 11/20/83, USNM; Microscopes = AMH, UTR, Versailles 11/20/83; Prism = La Rochelle 7/16/83; Goniometer = Soth. 3/10/87; Polariscope = USNM; etc. "ingénieur, gendre et successeur de Soleil, opticien du Roy", 1849; "Appareil Breveté S.G.D.G."; also pupil and son-in-law of Soleil; traded as Duboscq- Soleil, which see; T.C.; took Ph. Pellin as a partner in 1883, until 1886 when Pellin took over. 21, rue de l'Odéon au fond de la Cour, Paris (1849-83). USNM; Calvert 2; Bonelli 1; Brieux 3; Fitzgerald; Paris 1900; Belgian Inv.; Van Cittert 3; G.L'E. Turner 24; Warner 13; RSW. suggest correction
DUBOSCQ, L.J. France, c.1850, OIM perhaps related to Jules Duboscq. 21 Rue de l'Odéon, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
DUBOSCQ, TH. AND A. France, c.1883, PHIM J.W. Queen announced they were sole agents for the above; may have been disgruntled sons of Jules Duboscq. Paris. Warner 13. suggest correction
DUBOSCQ-SOLEIL, J. France, 1851-75, PHIM Solar Polariscope and Fresnel Press = Brown U., Providence, RI.; Saccharimeter = College of Charlston, SC; Fresnel Press = U. of Virginia; Cyanopolarimeter = Columbia College (University); etc. "J. Duboscq-Soleil Brete S.G.D.G." Paris. Warner 13. suggest correction
DUBOSE France, MIM SIM Graphometer = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
DUBOSQ, G. France, c.1831, PHIM Polaiscope = FRK-M328. polariscope; possibly J. Dubosq. Paris. Frank; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DUBOSQ, PROSPER EDMOND France, MIM SIM Surveying Square = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
DUBOSQ-SOLEIL, J. France, c.1850, OIM Microscopes = UTR, STM. surely Jules Duboscq. 35 Rue de l'Odéon, Paris. Van Cittert 3; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
DUBY, C. France, 1724, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round, lead, 1724 = Schuhmann Sale. Estavage. RSW. suggest correction
DUCHAFFAT, A. see Chaffat, a. du. RSW. suggest correction
DUCHASSAR, A. see Chaffat, a. du. RSW. suggest correction
DUCHEMIN, EMILE France, 19th Century, NIM Compass Rose = AMST. Paris. Mörzer Bruyns. suggest correction
DUCHER alternative spelling is Tucher. suggest correction
DUCHER, CHRISTOPH Germany, 1582-1632, MIM member of the compass makers' guild; became a pedlar. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
DUCHER, H. Germany, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, octagonal, compass on top = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
DUCHER, HANNS Germany, fl.1600-09, MIM Sundial in watch case, 1600 = ADL-M287; Mining Compass, 1609 = ADL-M173. ADL-M173 is signed "hanns ducher faci eh badt 1609"; ADL-M287 is signed "hanns ducher 1600"; punchmark is orb; Zinner confused him with Hans Ducher (Tucher), the ivory diptych sundial maker. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DUCHER, HANS 1 Germany, fl.1537-50, MIM made ivory diptych sundials; Master in 1537; Ducher used a serpent as a mastermark; one of his sundials, signed "H.D." (2), is at OXF. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1. suggest correction
DUCHER, HANS 2 Germany, fl.1557-1615, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = OXF (1560, 1567), MERC-68 (1576) = Soth. 12/12/55. became master in 1557; made ivory diptych sundials dating from 1560-97; hard to tell his work apart from Hans Ducher 3, his son, when their dates overlap; see H.D. 2. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Gouk 1; Hamilton 1 and 2. suggest correction
DUCHER, HANS 3 Germany, 1549-1632, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = P.C. (1569), ADL-W20, ADL-DPW30, BM (5), UTO 11/2/76, Christie-G 5/3/86, WHI (1567), OXF (1578), (1588), Huelsmann Coll. (1580); Cube Sundial, brass, 1581 = WHI. son of Hans Ducher 2; Master in 1580; made ivory diptych and brass sundials dating from 1569-1621; some of the dials prior to 1597 may be by Hans Ducher 2; used both plain and spotted snakes as mastermarks; sometimes signed "H.D." (2), or "Hans Tucher" (OXF, 1588, signed as the latter), which see; see H.T. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Bryden 16; Price 3; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; Gouk 1; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DUCHER, HANS CHRISTOPH Germany, 1584-post-1656, MIM member of Compassmakers' Guild; became a city wait. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
DUCHER, JORG Germany, c.1490, MIM became Master compass maker in 1490; probably made ivory diptych sundials. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1. suggest correction
DUCHER, JOSEF Germany, 1614-44, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory, = STU (1641), OXF (1642), OXF, WHI, Drecker Coll. = DPW. bird flying to left was his punchmark; several sundials with this punchmark are in the Huelsmann Coll. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1; Syndram; Bryden 16. suggest correction
DUCHER, JOSEPH PLUMEN Germany, 1642, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1642 = Phillips 10/20/82. "Angst und Kumer ist aler menschen Driwsal"; probably same as Joseph Ducher. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
DUCHER, KATHARINA Germany, fl.1530, MIM compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
DUCHER, THEODOR Germany, c.1600, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1600 = X. compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
DUCHER, THOMAS 1 Germany, 1590-1645, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = OXF (1620), HAK. son of Hans Ducher 2; Master in 1613; a snake is the mastermark; see T.D.; HAK is signed "Thomas Tucher"; Bryden thinks there are two unsigned diptych sundials at WHI by this maker. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1; Syndram; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
DUCHER, THOMAS 2 Germany, 1683, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1683 = NOR. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
DUCOMMUN, FRANCOIS France, 1763-1839, MIM Tellurian Clocks = CHF (1817), MIS, P.C., D.(1965); Universal Ring Sun Dials = P.C. (2). François Ducommun-dit-Boudry. La Chaux-de-Fonds. NMM 2; RSW. Britten; Baillie 1; Musée d'Horlogerie. suggest correction
DUCOMMUN-DIT-BOUDRY see François Ducommun. suggest correction
DUCOMMUN-DIT-TINNON, DANIEL France, 1728, wrote of making sundials, 1728. La Chaux-de-Fonds. RSW; DRE Notes, 1973. suggest correction
DUDIER, HANS Germany, 1578, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1578 = BASH. the cover is 14th century work. Augsburg. Tardy. suggest correction
DUDLEY England, PHIM Barometer = D.(1970). RSW. suggest correction
DUDLEY, JOHN England, c.1731, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company, Dec. 14, 1731. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
DUDLEY, ROBERT England; Italy, 1573-1649, Sir Robert Dudley; author, invented several instruments including a mariner's astrolabe (1596), an azimuth sundial, etc.; examples are in BM and FLO; exiled from England and went to Florence. London; Florence. Taylor 1(92); Bonelli 1; Michel 3, Boffito; Price 3; Italian Inv.; Ward 4; A. Stimson 3; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DUDMAN, T. England, NIM Sextant, ebony and ivory = Star of India Maritime Museum, San Diego, Cal. London. RSW. suggest correction
DUDUICT, JACQUES France, fl.1599-1645, author; invented a sciatere (quadrant) to lay out sundials. Blois. Baillie 1; Zeitlin and Ver Brugge 219. suggest correction
DUFFEY, JAMES P. USA, fl.1844-57, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM also made chemical and engineering instruments. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
DUFOUR France, MIM Terrestrial Globe = P. and S. 11/21/1894. Paris. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
DUFOUR, H. France, 18th Century, MIM Sundials, oval, silver = OXF, Strozzi; Butterfield-type Sundial, silver = Drouot 2/18/23; Sundial = AMST. Blois. Evans 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
DUGGLEBY, W. England, c.1850, PHIM barometer maker. Kirkby Moorside. Loomes 1. suggest correction
DUGLAS, JACQUES France, NIM Compass Rose = D.(1972). Honfleur. Brieux 3. suggest correction
DUGUE France, c.1620, MIM Sundial in watch = Ilbert Coll. Dugué; Duguet? Paris. Baillie 1. suggest correction
DUHAMEL 1 France, 18th Century, MIM OIM Sectors = Soth. 12/12/55, Huelsmann Coll., Koller May, 1966; Sundial = Drouot 11/14/68; Folding Rule = Koller May, 1966; Set of Drawing Instruments, case = DEU. made lenses and Butterfield-type sundials. Paris. Michel 1 and 3; Evans 1; Nachet; Wheatland 2; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
DUHAMEL 2 Germany, MIM De Roias Sundial = DEU-1695. DuHamel. Munich. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
DUHAMEL, CLEMENT France; USA, 1818-86, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C.; Augsburg-type Sundials = P.C., D.; Telescope = USNM. optician. 111 Canal Street, New Orleans, La. Smart 1; USNM; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
DUHIM England, c.1832-33, see Dubini. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DUHRE, GABRIEL OSTEN Sweden, fl.1763-81, MIM apprenticed to C.H. Westberg. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
DUJARDIN, FELIX France, 1801-68, designed a microscope. Nachet. suggest correction
DULAC France, c.1607, invented a protractor with sundial and two movable arms; made by Vernie. Hamilton 2; Whipple 1. suggest correction
DULBINI England, c.1836, see Dubini. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DULNIG, J. Germany, c.1820, MIM Astrolabe = Bleiberg. Bleiberg. Kirnbauer 2. suggest correction
DULOULIN France, 1845, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, glass and metal, case, 1845 = Cincinnati Museum of Natural History. "Cadran solaire analemmatique", 15"X12". RSW. suggest correction
DULTON AND SMITH England, 1828, PHIM Set of Inspector's Standard Weights and Measures, 1828 = Phillips 10/26/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
DUMAYNE CADET Switzerland, NIM Mariner's Compass = Koller May, 1966. Lausanne. RSW. suggest correction
DUMONT D'URVILLE France, c.1830, NIM Artificial Horizon = PMM. RSW. suggest correction
DUMOTIEZ France, c.1780, MIM OIM PHIM Sector = PEA; Barometers = FLO (2); Microscope = CNAM; Augsburg-type Sundial = P. et J. Martin, Versailles 11/18/79; Electrometer = GEM. one or the other of the Dumotiez frères. Rue du Jardinet, no. 2; Rue Saint-André-des-Arts, both in Paris. Brewington 1; Bonelli 1; Daumas 1; Moreau; A.J. Turner 10; USNM. suggest correction
DUMOTIEZ FRERES France, fl.1784-1815, PHIM Hydrostatic Balance = P.C.; Air Pump = USNM. Dumotiez Frères were Louis Joseph and Pierre François; succeeded by Nicholas Constant Pixii, 1815. Rue du Jardinet; St André-des Arts; both in Paris. Multhauf 1; USNM; Brewington 1; Daumas 1; Brieux 3; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
DUMOTIEZ, LOUIS JOSEPH France, b.1757; fl.1784-1815, PHIM see Dumotiez Frères. Rue du Jardinet, Paris (1784). Daumas 1; NMM 2; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DUMOTIEZ, PIERRE FRANCOIS France, fl.1784-1815, PHIM Pierre François Dumotiez; see Dumotiez Frères. Rue du Jardinet, Paris (1784). Daumas 1; NMM 2; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
DUNBARR USA, 1795, MIM Philadelphia, Pa. or Maryland or South Carolina. Prime; USNM. suggest correction
DUNCAN 1 Scotland, see William Duncan. suggest correction
DUNCAN 2 England, c.1781, MIM Zakhorloge = X. might be John Duncan 1. London. Mörzer Bruyns; Clarke et al. suggest correction
DUNCAN, JOHN 1 England, fl.1828-34, OIM 4 King David Lane, London. Taylor 2(1835); O'Mara. suggest correction
DUNCAN, JOHN 2 Scotland, pre-1856, OIM Microscope = D.(1981). Aberdeen. Moskowitz 122. suggest correction
DUNCAN, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1841-49, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Microscope = CRI = RSM; Level = RSM. microscope signed "W. Duncan, Aberdeen"; barometer signed "Duncan 92 Union Street, Aberdeen." 46 Dee Street (1841); 92 Union Street (1842-49); both in Aberdeen. Goodison 1; Bryden 3; Nachet; Gunther 2; Clarke et al. suggest correction
DUNDAS see Melville, Dundas and Whitson. suggest correction
DUNGAN, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. Newcastle. RSW. suggest correction
DUNKEN, THOMAS England, c.1830, MIM apprenticed to William Gilbert of the Grocers' Company, March 4, 1830. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
DUNN 1 England, pre-1794, NIM Sextant, rosewood = Leigh and Soth. 4/10/1794-65. possibly Samuel Dunn. RSW. suggest correction
DUNN 2 Scotland, PHIM Marine Barometer = X; Theodolite = FRK = RSM. may be John 2 or Thomas Dunn. Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
DUNN, JOHN 1 England, c.1758, MIM apprenticed to John Parminter 1 of the Grocers' Company on May 17, 1751; free of the Company on June 6, 1758. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
DUNN, JOHN 2 Scotland, fl.1824-43, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Level = RSM; Theodolite = Soth. 6/23/87; Graphometer, 1827 = Soth. 2/25/86 = RSM; Pyrometer = RSM; Magnetic Survey Compass = RSM; Transit for chronometer adjustment = RSM. T.C.; made an improved air pump; older brother of Thomas Dunn; protractor, thermometer and telescope = Nisbet 4/4/1860; probably made barometer signed "Dunn Edinburgh"; RSM graphometer also marked "invt et fecit." 7 West Bow (1824); 25 Thistle Street (1825-27); 52 Hanover Street (1828-31); Sign of the Gilded Globe, 50 Hanover Street 1832-42; all in Edinburgh; 157 Buchanan Street (1840); 28 Buchanan Street (1841); both in Glasgow. Goodison 1; Calvert 2; Bryden 3; Taylor 2(1542); Clay and Court; Darius 3; Chaldecott 3; RGO; R.G.W. Anderson 1; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
DUNN, MICHAEL 1813, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
DUNN, SAMUEL England, 1723-94, MIM NIM designed an orrery within an armillary sphere, pre-1780; improved azimuth compass and Hadley's quadrant. Crediton, Devon (-1751); Ormond House, Chelsea; Brompton Park, near Kensington (1763); 6 Clement's Inn, near Temple Bar (1774); 8 Maiden Lane, Covent Garden (1774); 1 Boar's Head Court, Fleet Street (1780-94); all in London. Taylor 2(348); RSW. suggest correction
DUNN, THOMAS Scotland, fl.1818-67, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Pantograph = Soth. 7/4/66; Telescopic Levels (2) = RSM; Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77; Box Sextant, 1842 = Exhibit,"1000 Years of Navigation", Brussels, 1979; Calendar, elapsed-time, circular = P.C.; "Improved Pantograph" = RSM; Theodolite = P.C.(1987); Surveyor's Compass = P.C.(1987); Transit, incomplete = RSM. worked with his brother, John Dunn 2, 1825-43; succeeded him, 1843-67; T.C.; in the London Exhibition of 1851; RSM transit marked "Edinburgh"; designed an accounting slide rule in 1818. Glasgow (c.1818); 50 Hanover Street, Edinburgh (1843-67). Taylor 2(1542); Goodison 1; Bryden 1; Delehar 2 and 9; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
DUNNETT see Jack Dunning. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
DUNNING, JACK England, fl.1674-78, MIM OIM may have been an apprentice of Richard Reeves 1; member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; a Turner; had John Marshall 2 as an apprentice in the Turners' Company; made tubes for telescopes. Charing Cross, London. Taylor 1(373); Evans 1; Crawforth 6; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
DUNOD, CLAUDE France; Germany, 1672-1716, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = HAK (1711 1713 1714), DUS (1714), MERC = WHI (1713), NYM (1714), OXF (1716), NYC, KRM, Freiburg i Breisgau Museum, KRE, etc. of French origin; an early maker of the mehanical equatorial sundial; some of these dials have cams to set the latitude. Burgundy; Munich (1678-95); Düsseldorf (1711-16). Zinner 1; Bryden 16; Michel 1 and 3; Nachet; Whipple 1; Art.; Chandler and Vincent; Gunther 6; Rabenalt; Belgian Inv.; Brieux 3; RSW; W. Eckhardt 3. suggest correction
DUNSCOMBE AND HUSBANDS England, pre-1876, MIM OIM PHIM SIM M.W. Dunscombe and H. Husbands. Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
DUNSCOMBE, M.W. England, c.1855, MIM OIM PHIM SIM apprenticed to John Braham in 1855; succeeded him. Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
DUNSFORD, JAMES N. England, c.1830, OIM Fore Street, Devonport. Taylor 2(1836). suggest correction
DUNSTON, PAUL England, c. 1695, MIM apprenticed to Simon Chapman of the Clockmakers' Company on June 24, 1687 for eight years. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
DUPEE, JOHN USA, 1729-1773, MIM NIM SIM Backstaves 1764 = X (1753), Kelton Coll. (1764)(1990); Octants = PEA (1755), X (1760); Surveyor's Compasses, wood = Bostonian Society, South Natick Historical Society, P.C., Andover Historical Society, Mass., etc. father was a French Huguenot; PEA quadrant made for Patrick Montgomerie; made nautical compasses. North Side of Swing Bridge, Boston, New Eng. Bedini 1; Smart 1; Taylor 2(472); USNM; Brewington 1; Price 2; American Neptune, Jan. 1975; D.J. Warner 8, 10 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
DUPRA France, c.1770, PHIM worked 18 years for the Abbé Nollet. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
DUPRESSOIR, C. France, c.1850, MIM SIM Mining Compass, box = P.C.(1987). succeeded Baraban. rue St. Honoré, 175, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
DUPRESSOIR, J.P.H. France, MIM Planetarium on clock = MLL. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
DUPUIS, JEAN France, 17th Century, MIM SIM Theodolite, wood = ROU-207; Theodolite, elaborate = CNAM; Astronomical Clock = ROU-260. Paris. Michel 3; Nachet. suggest correction
DUQUET France, c.1733, devised a water clock. Baillie 1. suggest correction
DUREN USA, see Henry Duren, Alder and Duren, Bassnet and Duren, Duren and Alder, Duren and Castigan, Duren and Mediger. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
DUREN AND ALDER USA, T.C.; dealers in nautical instruments. 20 Burling Slip, New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
DUREN AND CASTIGAN USA, NIM Sextants = Mystic Seaport, Conn.(2). New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
DUREN AND MEDINGER USA, c.1850, T.C.; dealers in chronometers. 20 Burling Slip, New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
DUREN, HENRY USA, fl.1852-61, MIM NIM PHIM Quadrants = P.C., MYS; Octants = Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass., Newport Historical Society, R.I.; Sextants = MYS (2). "S.B.R." signed on ivory scale of P.C. quadrant; "Importer"; may have made some instruments; machinist, 1860; nautical instrument maker, 1861; name stamped on a Spencer & Co. sextant at ADL; American agent for James Bassnett. 39 Burling Slip, opposite Fulton Ferry, one door from South Street, New York, N.Y. Brewington 1; USNM; Moskowitz 104; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DUREN, T. USA, c.1860, NIM Octant, ebony, case = D. probably a misreading; H. Duren T.C. in lid of box. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
DURER, ALBRECHT Germany, 1471-1528, Altitude Sundials, round = WRAY, NYM, ADL-T4. the sundials listed are all modern work, probably by D.B. Sheahan; Dürer designed sundials which are shown in his book on perspective; artist; author. Nürnberg. Lübke; Zinner 1; Baillie 1; Kurz; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
DURHAM, W. see William Derham. Aked. suggest correction
DURINGER see Döring. Evans 1. suggest correction
DURKEE, C.D., AND CO. USA, NIM Boxed Dry Compass = MYS. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
DURN see Duru. Evans 1. suggest correction
DUROD, CLAUDE see Claude Dunod. Smith. suggest correction
DURONI AND CO. Italy, MIM Set of Drawing Instruments = Christie-SK 12/1/83. German work, so Duroni and Co. probably dealers. Milan. RSW. suggest correction
DURRAN, JAMES HOPKINS England, fl.1832-54, PHIM advertised thermometers and barometers. Banbury. Beeson. suggest correction
DURROCH, W.F. England, c.1850, OIM Microscopes = Christie-SK 3/4/82, Soth. 9/20/83. Soth. one signed "H. Durroch." 28 St. Thomas's Street, Borough, London. RSW. suggest correction
DURU France, 1717, MIM Sundial, in wooden box, 1717 = P. and S. 3/20/1896 = P. and S. 5/19/1896. might be Durn. RSW. suggest correction
DURU, L., ET FILS France, OIM Telescopic Level = Melun 4/24/83. Bordeaux. RSW. suggest correction
DUTCH, HENRY D. USA, fl.1841-42, MIM NIM PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
DUTRO France, c.1850, MIM SIM Y-Level = P.C. (1987); Mining Dial = P.C. (1987). the instruments are signed "Dutro Fabt." Bould. St. Germain, 94, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
DUTTON AND SMITH England, c.1815, PHIM Apothecary Balance = D. "Scale Makers, late apprentice and foreman to Vincent and Co., London Bridge." 248 Tooley Street, near London Bridge, London. Coffeen II. suggest correction
DUTTON, HENRY England, c.1666, misreading for Henry Sutton? Evans 1. suggest correction
DUTTON, MATTHEW England, fl.1779-1800, MIM free of the Clockmakers' Company in 1779; Master of the Company, 1800. London. Robischon. suggest correction
DUTTON, RICHARD England, fl.1663-82, MIM probably a sundial maker. Sign of the Dial, Holborn, London. Taylor 1(296); Evans 1. suggest correction
DUVAHN, CARL Sweden; Denmark; Sweden, fl.1845-86, MIM Lund (1845-49); Copenhagen (1849-); Lund (-1886). Pipping 1. suggest correction
DUVAL France, c.1680, MIM NIM Horizontal Sundial = SPI; Marine Compass, 1680 = SPI. made table sundials with bubble levels; Pierre Duval? Paris. Michel 3; Nachet; Ernst. suggest correction
DUVAL, PIERRE France, 1618-83, wrote treatise on the sphere. Michel 3. suggest correction
DUYSTER, J.J. Holland, 1761-1813, MIM Rotterdam (c.1806). Daumas 1. suggest correction
DWELLE, E. USA, c.1832, MIM OIM USNM. suggest correction
DWYER, R.O. Canada, c.1790, NIM Sextant = Royal Ontario Museum. St. Johns, Newfoundland. USNM. suggest correction
DYAS, Y°. Portugal, fl.1614-28, NIM Mariner's Astrolabes = Museo de las Casas Reales, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (16?9) (NMM-40), Dept. of Culture, St. John's, Newfoundland (1628) (NMM-44), Christie-NY 6/14/88 (Atocha)(1614)(NMM-60) = Museo de Marinha, Lisbon. thought to be Joa~o Dias; the small "o" is directly over the "Y"; NMM is the National Maritime Museum Registry of Mariner's Astrolabes. Stimson 3. suggest correction
DYER, SAMUEL England, c.1696, MIM apprenticed to Walter Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on March 3, 1696. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
DYSON, JOHN England, c.1695, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Peter Collins of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 25, 1687; free of the Company, April 1, 1695. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
E. Germany, C.1700, MIM Compass Sundial, bone and brass = D.(1991). signed on the brass chapter ring. Coffeen 35. suggest correction
E.A. 1 Germany, 1580, MIM Gun Sight, 1580 = DRE-546. Drechsler 2. suggest correction
E.A. 2 MIM Vertical Sundial, silver = LOS. in the shape of a cross; pin missing; also marked "Crux Victoria" and "SCT II ODA RKI". RSW. suggest correction
E.A.M. Germany, 1718, MIM Ring Sundial, 1718 = Gymnasium, Linz. Zinner 1. suggest correction
E.B. * N.L. 1732, MIM NIM Cross-staff, 1732 = Mystic Seaport, Conn. marked on one side only. RSW. suggest correction
E.B. 1 England, 1625, MIM Sector, 1625 = BM-1880/8/20-17. Taylor 1(150); Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
E.B. 2 MIM Cube Sundial, stone = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
E.B. AND R. France, c.1849, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = PEA. E. Burdon and Richards. Paris. Brewington 1. suggest correction
E.C. England, 1701, MIM OIM Compass Sundial, ivory, 1701 = D.(1984); Compass Sundial, brass, 1701 = ADL-W255; Microscopes = D.(pre-1950), Soth. 10/3/88. compass papers printed " E.C. fecit 1701"; surely Edmund Culpeper 1; Soth. microscope has shagreen case. Moskowitz 130; Clay and Court; Weil 2(2); ADL; RSW. suggest correction
E.E. England, c.1560, MIM Ring Sundial = Evans Coll. = OXF. probably Epiphanius Evesham; seal has pineapple and "A.P." Earle; RSW. suggest correction
E.F. England, MIM Napier's Bones, wood = OXF. perhaps Edward Fage. RSW. suggest correction
E.F.H. England, 1735, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, 1735 = Soth. 10/27/69. RSW. suggest correction
E.H. 1 France, 1659, MIM Astrolabe, 1659, steel = NMM-Caird. Michel 3; MADEX. suggest correction
E.H. 2 see Erasmus Habermel. suggest correction
E.I. England, MIM Gunter's Quadrant = P.C. lunar volvelle and calendar. RSW. suggest correction
E.I.C. England, MIM Gunter's Scale = ADL-W146. East India Company; marked "4 E.I.C."; see Chrichton 2. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
E.J. OIM Spyglass, miniature = FRK. Frank. suggest correction
E.L.B. PHIM Spring Balance = Soth. 7/29/69. RSW. suggest correction
E.M.G. OIM Telescope = Ships of the Sea Museum, Savannah, Ga. owner? RSW. suggest correction
E.M.P. Germany, 1630, MIM Table Sundial, 1630 = INN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
E.P. England, pre-1800, NIM Octant = MYS. the scale on the octant is signed " E.P." with an anchor; this probably is Edward Parker. London. RSW. suggest correction
E.P.G. "Elevati Poli Gradus." RSW. suggest correction
E.R.L. MIM Gunner's Quadrant = SKO; Instrument = SKO. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
E.V.Z. Germany, 1568, MIM Artillery Rule, 1568 = DRE. may be same as E.Z. Drechsler 2; RSW. suggest correction
E.Z. Germany, 1568, MIM Erhard Zimmermann; see E.V.Z. Drechsler 2; RSW. suggest correction
EADE, JONATHAN England, 18th Century, MIM NIM Ship's Compasses = NMM-C145, Soth. 10/17/60; Slide Rule, ivory and silver = P.C. (Christie 5/5/70). member of the Merchant Taylors' Company; took apprentices. Wapping, London. NMM; Crawforth 8; RSW. suggest correction
EADE, WILTON AND ALLEN England, 18th Century, NIM Ship's Compass = Soth. 10/17/60. Jonathan Eade, William Wilton 1 and Nathaniel Allen. London. RSW. suggest correction
EAGLAND, JOSEPH England, fl.1856-59, PHIM barometer maker. 3 Wellington Row, Bethnal Green, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EAMES England, 19th Century, OIM T.C. in the lid of a microscope box reads "By Eames Optician." RSW. suggest correction
EAMES, JAMES USA, c.1835, MIM SIM Theodolite = Cyr Auction, May, 1997. patented a wooden theodolite, Feb, 11, 1835; signed "Eames Improved Patent Compass, Newry, Me." Newry, Maine. USNM; Coffeen B; MAD June 1997. suggest correction
EARLE, CHRISTOPHER England, MIM Magnetic Compass = Evans Coll. Gunther 2. suggest correction
EARNSHAW, THOMAS England, 1749-1824, MIM Astronomical Clock = Skinner and Dyke, 2/5/1793-204. the catalogue of the Earl of Bute's Coll. lists him as "L. Earnshaw"; watch and clockmaker noted for his chronometers. 119 High Holborn (1791-1806; Chenies Street, Bedford Square; both in London. Taylor 2(705); J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
EASLING see Johann Ernst Essling. Evans 1; P. & S. 4/3/1894; RSW. suggest correction
EAST INDIA COMPANY England, Horizontal Sundial = CNAM. oriental; see E.I.C.; see Chrichton 2. RSW. suggest correction
EASTLAND AND CO. England, OIM Compound Microscope = UTR. see William Eastland 2. Taylor 2(166 & 349). suggest correction
EASTLAND, WILLIAM 1 England, 1704-68, OIM apprenticed to Thomas Gay 2 of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1718; turned over to Thomas Lincoln in the Company in 1726; free of the Company in 1726; Assistant in the Company in 1737; father of William Eastland 2. Clerkenwell, London (1764). Taylor 2(166); Court and von Rohr 3(102); Robischon. suggest correction
EASTLAND, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1747-80, OIM apprenticed to his father, William Eastland 1, c.1761, in the Spectaclemakers' Company; turned over to Henry R. Shuttleworth in the same Company in 1762; free of the Company, c.1768; Robischon thought he was free in 1773; some of his microscopes are signed "Eastland and Co." London. Taylor 2(349); Court and von Rohr 3(182); Robischon. suggest correction
EASTLANDT Holland, c.1785, OIM telescope maker. The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
EASTMOND England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 4/28/89. Redhill. RSW. suggest correction
EASTON, EDWARD England, c.1708, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on March 3, 1701; free of the Company, April 5, 1708. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
EASTON, JAMES England, 1731, MIM SIM Backstaff, 1731 = DNM. made for Francis Harrison. RSW. suggest correction
EATON England, PHIM see Bordessa and Eaton; also see Novati, Bordessa and Eaton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EATON, A.K. USA, c.1854, OIM in partnership with Charle A. Spencer for a few years c.1854. Canastoga, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
EATON, JOHN England, c.1658, MIM apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on July 2, 1651; free of the Company on July 7, 1658. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
EBERBACH AND SON CO. INC. USA, c.1843, PHIM made physical, chemical and physiological apparatus. Ann Arbor Mich. USNM. suggest correction
EBERHARD, J.G. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = D. Zinner 1. suggest correction
EBERHARD, J.P. Germany, c.1700, MIM Equatorial Sundial = DEU. this may be a misreading for J.G. Eberhard. RSW. suggest correction
EBERHARD, P. AEGID Germany, 1688, MIM Azimuth Sundial, 1688 = KRM. Raittenau. Rabenalt. suggest correction
EBERHART, PHILLIPP Switzerland, c.1602, MIM designed a surveying instrument with Leonhart Zubler. Zurich. Dawson 216, 1971. suggest correction
EBERSPERGER, JOH. GEORG Germany, c.1729-1755, MIM SIM Circumferentor = Bernhard Canzler in 1750; Graphometer, 1729 = NUR-WI 252; Compass, 1737 = NUR-WI 697; Quadrant, steel with wooden tripod, 1739 = NUR-WI 207; Quadrant, 1751 = NUR-WI 584; Graphometer, 1755 = DEU-2893; Rule = ADL-M133; Alidade with Compass = NUR-WI 1268. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
EBLE c.1850, NIM Sextant, primitive = UTR. Ellwangen RSW. suggest correction
EBMER, SEBALD Germany, b.1580-d.1613, MIM amateur mathematician & instrument maker; a friend of F. Ritter. Nürnberg. Michel 3. suggest correction
EBSWORTH, GEORGE RICHARD England, c.1827, OIM optician. 54 Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(1320); O'Mara. suggest correction
EBSWORTH, RICHARD England, fl.1815-29, MIM OIM PHIM Tellurians, miniature = HAY, ADL-W51, D.(1983); Drawing Instrument Set = Christie 5/6/69; Telescope, refracting = X; Telescope, reflecting = X; Microscope = Soth. 12/8/69; Astronomical Quadrant, miniature = D.(1983); Floating Sundial = Soth.-S 1/26/88. T.C.; the telescopes and the microscope are signed "Ebsworth." 68 Fleet Street and 41 Fleet Street, both in London. Taylor 2(1320); Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Goodison 1; Coffeen; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ECCLES, D. England, Water Clock, dated 1697 from the town of Salisbury = Hindley Shop, CMY. modern work by Pearson Page of Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
ECCLESTON England, c.1750, OIM made Newtonian telescopes. London. Taylor 2(473a); Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
ECHEVERRIA Spain, MIM Squadra Mobile = P.C. (1976). Bilbao. RSW. suggest correction
ECHO AND BARGOS Spain, 18th Century, MIM Armillary Sundial = P. & S. 4/21/1898. RSW. suggest correction
ECKERT Germany, c.1850, MIM Nürnberg. USNM. suggest correction
ECKHARDT, A. GEORGE Holland; England, fl.1770-99, MIM Dividers = Auction, 1799; Parallel Rules = Auction, 1799; Graphometer, mahogany = Auction, 1799. A. George Eckhardt, junr. invented a rolling parallel rule in 1770 which was made by Dollond; held fifteen patents; F.R.S. Taylor 2(706); Mörzer Bruyns 2; Millburn 8. suggest correction
ECKHARDT, DR. CHRISTIAN LEONHARD PHILIPP Germany, 1784-1866, MIM Globes = X. Tooley. suggest correction
ECKHARDT, H.E. England, see A. George Eckhardt. Soth. 7/27/64. suggest correction
ECKLING, JOHANN M. Austria, c.1820, MIM NIM Sextant = NMM-S.115; Sextant and an unidentified Instrument = MOS; Goniometer = P.C.(1979). Vienna. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja; Maistrov 4; RSW. suggest correction
EDELMANN Germany, MIM Wiedemann-type Galvanometer = WHI. Price 12. suggest correction
EDEN, ALFRED England, c.1830, OIM Achromatic Microscope = WHI. pupil of Pritchard. 6 Langham Place, Regent Street, London. Taylor 2(1838); Clay and Court; Whipple 1. suggest correction
EDEN, WILLIAM England, fl.1818-27, OIM apprenticed, c.1811, in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company in 1818; pupil of Andrew Pritchard 1, 1818-27; optician. 30 Castle Street, Holborn, London. Taylor 2(1321); Court and von Rohr 3(243). suggest correction
EDGECUMBE England, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. Plymouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EDGEWORTH, HENRY England, 1779, NIM Octant, 1779 = NMM-Caird; Octant = Drouot 3/9/70; Compass = D; Wooden Magnetic Compass = P.C. 51 on the Key, Bristol. Taylor 2(707); Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
EDGINGTON England, fl.1810-13, OIM apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1803; free of the Company, 1810. 7 Charterhouse Lane, London. Taylor 2(828); Court and Rohr 3(236). suggest correction
EDKINS, JAMES 1 England, c.1721, apprenticed to Mark Rogers in the Joiners' Company, Jan. 9, 1721. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
EDKINS, JAMES 2 England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Kensington, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EDKINS, SAMUEL SABINE England, c.1838, MIM Terrestrial Globes = Melun 4/24/83, Bearnes 11/12/86. signed "S.S. Edkins", son-in-law of, and successor to, William Bardin. 16 Salisbury Square, London. Taylor 2(2117); Hamilton 2; RSW. suggest correction
EDWARDS AND HUNTER England, PHIM Marine Barometer = Gloucester Museum. Cornhill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EDWARDS AND KILBINGTON England, c.1789, NIM compass makers. Wapping, London. Taylor 2(831). suggest correction
EDWARDS, FREDERICK England, fl.1838, MIM 2 Hackney Road, London. Taylor 2(2118). suggest correction
EDWARDS, JOHN 1 England, fl.1781-1803, MIM OIM made mariner's compasses and position instruments; made improvements on reflecting telescopes. Ludlow and Bristol. Taylor 2(830). suggest correction
EDWARDS, JOHN 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be the same as John Edwards 1. Menai Bridge. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EDWARDS, JOSEPH England, fl.1767-77, MIM rule maker; had James Dingley as an apprentice. Bull Street (1767); 46 Worcester Street (1770-77); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
EDWARDS, M. Scotland, MIM OIM Pantograph = FRK = RSM. 209 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. Frank; Clarke et al. suggest correction
EDWARDS, MATTHEW England; USA, c.1850, MIM "skilled instrument maker"; author. Boston, Mass. D.J. Warner 6. suggest correction
EDWARDS, THOMAS England, fl.1667-92, MIM designed astrolabes, double horizontal dial with analemma; author. Oxford. Taylor 1(315); Gunther 2; Dawsons 204. suggest correction
EDWARDS, WILLIAM England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 5/1/86. "Warranted." Bishops Castle. RSW. suggest correction
EECKHOUT, JOSEPH VAN DEN Holland, fl.1782-87, MIM Grand Orrery = Zeeuws Museum, Middelburg. Middelburg. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
EEDT, CORNELIUS VAN DEN Holland, 1586, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, round, 1586 = BM (ex-SPI 2799). compass markings are in English and Italian. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Nachet; BM-1895; Ernst; Michel 3. suggest correction
EEKSTROOM, JOHANNES Holland, 1750, NIM Backstaff = Dundee City Museum and Art Gallery. marked "opt Schip de Swarte." Adelaar. RSW. suggest correction
EFLING Germany, 18th Century, MIM SIM Graphometer = DEU-16613. Berlin. Zinner 1. suggest correction
EGER, G.K. Holland, c.1840, MIM Quadrant = Auction, 1906. Utrecht. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
EGGERICH, JOH. Holland, c.1660, MIM Sector = DRE (lost). Leyden. RSW. suggest correction
EGGERICH, JOHANNES Germany, c.1725, MIM Calculating Instrument = GEL; Drawing Instruments = HAK. see Johann Eggerich Frers; drawing instruments signed "Johannes Eggrich". Berlin. Maistrov 2; RSW. suggest correction
EGGERT AND SON USA, fl.1848-50, NIM PHIM Marine Barometer = D.(1971); Dry Card Compass = Mystic Seaport, Conn. chronometer makers; Dominick Eggert and Son. 239 Pearl Street, New York, N.Y. Brewington 1; Moskowitz 103; RSW. suggest correction
EGGERT'S, D., SONS USA, c.1850, NIM Chronometer = New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
EGGERT, CHARLES USA, fl.1850-51, NIM associated with John and Dominick Eggert. New York, N.Y. Brewington; Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
EGGERT, D., AND SON USA, fl.1850-59, MIM PHIM Quadrant, ebony and ivory = D.1976). "S.B. and C." stamped on the inside of the mirror housing. New York, N.Y. Moskowitz, Special Cat. 1. suggest correction
EGGERT, DOMINICK USA, fl.1834-51, MIM PHIM watch, chronometer and barometer maker. 239 Pearl Street, New York, N.Y.(1841-42). Brewington; Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
EGGERT, JOHN USA, fl.1850-51, NIM associated with Charles and Dominick Eggert. New York, N.Y. Brewington; Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
EGIDI, DOMENICO Italy, MIM Horary Quadrant, marble = X. Ancona. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
EGRET, MARTIN France, 1713, MIM Sundial, pottery, 1713 = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
EHLING, LEOPOLD England, 1847, MIM 151 St.George Street, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
EHRARD Germany, OIM constructed burning glasses; succeeded Hoesen. Dresden. Spargo 1. suggest correction
EHREN, FRIED HALB Germany, 1762, maybe town, Ehrenfriedhal; marked on wooden diptych sundials, WHI-773 and one from DPW Coll., both dated 1762; WHI marked "EHREN/FRIED/HAL." Whipple 1; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
EHRENBERG see Ney and Ehrenberg. Kosobutsky. suggest correction
EICHEL, JOHANN CHRISTOPH Germany, 18th Century, MIM Dividers with pen points = AUG. RSW. suggest correction
EICHENS, WILLIAM Germany; France, 1818-1884, MIM OIM naturalized Frenchman; associate of Marc Secretan; established his own shop in 1866. Paris. Paris 1900; Daumas 1. suggest correction
EICHMANN see Dryander. suggest correction
EICHNER, L.C. USA, 1900-1967 ?MIM NIM OIM PHIM engineer; made reproductions of many historic instruments, all signed and dated by him. 437 Bloomfield Avenue, Bloomfield, New Jersey. RSW. suggest correction
EICKERT, JOHAN Germany, c.1588, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1588 = SPI = VIE. signed also "I.E."; see I.E. 1. Zinner 1. suggest correction
EIGHERT, W. England, c.1800, PHIM Marine Barometer = West of England Auctions 12/31/90. Cardiff. RSW. suggest correction
EIMMART, GEORG CHRISTOPH 1 Germany, 1638-1705, MIM OIM PHIM Celestial Globes, 1705 = VNL, NMM, ROM, P.C.; Planetarium, 1680 = NUR.; Terrestrial Globe, 1705 = VNL, NMM, P.C. etc. apprenticed to J. von Sandrart, an engraver; made a wide range of instruments including sundials, armillary spheres, telescopes, and other astronomical items; had J. Ludtring as an assistant. Regensburg (1638-60); Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Bonelli 4; Stevenson; Globus, Nov. 54 and June 62. suggest correction
EIMMART, GEORG CHRISTOPH 2 Germany, c.1680, MIM Armillary Sphere = NUR. called "der Junger." Nürnberg. Lunardi. suggest correction
EINDE, C.K. Holland, MIM Vertical Sundial = P.C. Hollands Glorie. suggest correction
EISINGA, EISE Holland, 1774-1818, MIM Planetarium built into the ceiling of Eisinga's house in Franeker; Wall Sundial, 1801 & Demonstration Planetarium, 1818 = Eisinga's house; Vertical Sundial, stone, 1801 = 'tCoopmanshus, Franeker. Franeker. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
EISINGA, JELTE STEPHANUS Holland, 1789-1812, MIM astronomical clock maker; brother of Eise Eisinga. Dronrijp Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
EISLAND perhaps the same as Eastlandt. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
EISLAND, W., AND CORPA Holland, c.1790, OIM Microscope = P.C. (1798). Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
EIVILLIM (?), WILLIAM England, c.1632, MIM apprenticed to John Blighton 1 of the Grocer's Company on April 10, 1632. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
EJSER France, MIM Rule = Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Strasbourg. Strasbourg. RSW. suggest correction
EKLING same as Eckling. Maistrov 4. suggest correction
EKSTROM, DANIEL Sweden, 1711-55, MIM NIM Equatorial Sundial = SWE; Hadley's Quadrant = SWE Ekstrôm was apprenticed to Peter Rosenberg in 1727; he was sent to Englnd and France to study instrument-making in 1740. Stockholm. Pipping 1; Arvet; RSW. suggest correction
ELCKNER SENIOR Germany, c.1780, MIM PHIM SIM Balance = DRE; Graphometer = P.C.(1987). RSW. suggest correction
ELDRED, JOSEPH E. USA, 1831, MIM SIM patented a surveying level with plumb 8/25/1831. Rochester, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
ELEKES, FERENC Hungary; Austriac.1835, MIM globe maker. Vienna. Globus June, 1963. suggest correction
ELEKES, FRANZ V. fl.1825-44, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1831 = P.C. Globus Nov., 1954 and Dec., 1956. suggest correction
ELEY, HODSON England, fl.1856-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer, = X. clock and watch maker; the barometer is signed "H. Eley." Wide Bargate, Boston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ELFIMOV, P.A. Russia, fl.1841-42, MIM published globes. Chenakal 3. suggest correction
ELFORD, JAMES M. USA, fl.1816-39, NIM Mariner's Compass = Huntington Historical Society, N.Y. at the Sign of the Quadrant, 119 East Bay, Charleton, S.C. Bowditch; USNM; Bedini 8; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
ELFORD, JAMES M., AND SON USA, c.1835, NIM Crown Compass = Philadelphia Maritime Museum, P.A. Charleston, S.C. RSW. suggest correction
ELIAS, P. Holland, 1804-78, designed a galvanometer which was made by W.M. Logeman of Haarlem and which is now in Teyler's Museum; lawyer and amateur scientist. G.L'E. Turner 7 & 24. suggest correction
ELIOT, THOMAS England, c.1686, free in the Joiners' Company, c.1686; reported on John Patrick 1 on July 6, 1686. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ELIOT, WILLIAM see William Elliott. Taylor 2(1548). suggest correction
ELKINGTON, GEORGE R. England, 1801-65, OIM 44 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham; 11 Berners Street, London (1836). Taylor 2(1547); O'Mara. suggest correction
ELKINGTON, J. England, fl.1808-18, OIM St. Paul's Square, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
ELKNER 18th Century, MIM Rapporteur = Drouot 11/14/68. RSW. suggest correction
ELLA, WILLIAM England, 1711, MIM Astronomical Quadrant, 1711 = Soth. 7/26/65. RSW. suggest correction
ELLDING, THOMAS England, 1733, NIM Backstaff, 1733 = Musée Lombard, Geneva. RSW. suggest correction
ELLICOTT England, pre-1794, MIM Pyrometer, Thermometer = Christie 12/12/1794. probably John Ellicott 2. RSW. suggest correction
ELLICOTT, A., AND B. RITTENHOUSE USA, c.1770, MIM Surveyor's Compass = USNM. Andrew Ellicott and Benjamin Rittenhouse. USNM. suggest correction
ELLICOTT, ANDREW USA, 1754-1820, MIM SIM Transit, 1789 = USNM; Telescopic Quadrant = USNM; Surveying Compass, 1790 = State Historical Society of Wisconsin; etc. noted American surveyor, fl.1774-1789; he was responsible for the mapping of Washington, D.C.; clockmaker. 16 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. and Ellicott Mills, Md. Bedini 1, 8 and 17; Smart 1; Gillingham 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; USNM. suggest correction
ELLICOTT, BENJAMIN USA, 1765-1827, MIM SIM Transit and Level = Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society. brother of Andrew Ellicott; surveyor. Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
ELLICOTT, GEORGE USA, MIM USNM. suggest correction
ELLICOTT, JOHN 1 England, fl.1696-1733, MIM admitted to the Clockmakers' Company in 1696; succeeded by his son, John Ellicott 2. Bodmin; London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(167). suggest correction
ELLICOTT, JOHN 2 England, 1706-72, MIM PHIM Pyrometer, 1736 = X; Astronomical Clock = X; Wheel Barometers in clocks = P.C. and VAA; Wheel Barometer, 1740 = P.C.; Variation Compass = Skinner and Dyke Auction, May 14-16, 1791. succeeded his father, John Ellicott 1 in 1733; took his son as a partner in 1769; clockmaker to George III; invented a compensated pendulum; author; he was made an F.R.S. in 1738. 17 Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(167); RSW. suggest correction
ELLICOTT, JOSEPH USA, 1732-80, MIM Orrery in tall-case clock, 1769 = P.C. mill builder; father of Andrew Ellicott. Buckingham, Bucks County, Pa. and Ellicott's Lower Mills, Baltimore, Md.(1774). Baillie 1; Britten 1; Mones and Jones. suggest correction
ELLINETT, THOMAS England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. T. C. inside the door of the John Ellicott 2 clock with barometer at the VAA; barometer signed "Ellinett." Boston and Charing Cross, Norwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ELLIOT BROS. misreading for Elliott Bros. suggest correction
ELLIOT, JOHN England, fl.1846-48, PHIM barometer and philosophical instrument maker. 14 Stacy Street, Soho, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ELLIOTT 1 England, c.1850, MIM Wheatstone's Heliochronometers = KEN, WHI. 30 Strand, London. Bryden 16; G.L'E. Turner 24; Dewhirst; Whipple 1; Ward 3. suggest correction
ELLIOTT 2 England, c.1840, OIM sold instruments to Mrs. Janet Taylor. Stepney, London. Taylor 2(1325). suggest correction
ELLIOTT 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be William Edward Elliott. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ELLIOTT AND SON 1 England, PHIM Barometer = Gunston Hall, Lorton, Va. Ashford. USNM. suggest correction
ELLIOTT AND SON 2 England, c.1880, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 7/20/83. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
ELLIOTT AND SONS England, fl.1840-55, MIM NIM OIM Pocket Sextant = DPW; Microscope = FRK; Architect's Rule, boxwood = ADL-W122. William Elliott 2 and Sons, also known as Elliott Sons. 50 and 56 Strand, London. Frank; DPW 3; Coffeen A; Moskowitz 104; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ELLIOTT BROTHERS England, 1840-now, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. sons of William Elliott, they took over Watkins and Hill in 1857; T.C.; opticians to the Admiralty; sometimes signed "Elliott Bros." 56 Strand (1840-58) and 5 Charing Cross (1856-58); 30 Strand (1858-60); 449 Strand; 101 St. Martin's Lane (c.1861); all in London. Taylor 2(2121); Calvert 2; Price 12; Fitzgerald; Moskowitz 104; Coffeen G; G.L'E. Turner 24; Chaldecott 3 and 4; RGO; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
ELLIOTT SONS England, see William Elliott and Sons. RSW. suggest correction
ELLIOTT, CLARK USA, 1732-93, MIM NIM SIM Backstaves = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. (1764), Cranbrook Institute (1753), P.C. (4) (1761, 1762, 1765, 1768), MYS (1765), New London County Historical Society (1780), Wadsworth Athenaeum (1761); Octant, 1765, for Mr. Asa Waterman = MYS; Surveyor's Compass = X. apprenticed to Thomas Greenough 1 in Boston to 1767; made 403 backstaffs; compiled almanacs. Boston, Mass.; New London, Conn. Price 2; USNM; Smart; Bedini 1 and 8; D.J. Warner 8; RSW. suggest correction
ELLIOTT, T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 20 Haberdashers Walk, Hoxton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ELLIOTT, W. England, fl.1815-18, MIM Ivory Rule = Ships of the Sea Museum, Savannah, Georgia; Set of Drawing Instruments = Soth. 5/21/73; Architect's Rules = ADL-W120 (boxwood), ADL-W211 (ivory), ADL-N42 (ivory). the drawing instrument set is marked "Elliott." 20 Wilderness Road, Goswell Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1324); Price 12; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ELLIOTT, WILLIAM (2), AND SONS England, pre-1849, MIM Architect's Rule, boxwood = ADL-W121; Drawing Instrument Sets = Christie-SK 4/17/86, Phillips 12/12/89. the rule at the Adler is signed "W. Elliott and Sons." 56 Strand, London. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ELLIOTT, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1795-1835, MIM freed by patrimony in the Joiners' Company on the report by Charles Snart and William Medland in 1795; took apprentices. 51 Artichoke Lane (1800); 19 Jane Street, Commercial Road; 3 Wright's Row, Pell Street, Ratcliff Highway (1830); all in London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ELLIOTT, WILLIAM 2 England, fl. 1821-53, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Circumferentor = Kenny; Surveying Compass = Soth. 4/22/65; Dynamometer, Pantograph, Drawing Instrument Sets = KEN, Christie-SK 4/17/86; Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 11/22/65; Box Sextant = Brussels 1979. 21 Great Newport Street (1821-25); 277 High Holborn (1825-33); 268 High Holborn (1834); all in London. Taylor 2(1325 & 1548); Clay and Court; Exhibition-Maps; KEN; Moskowitz 104; RSW; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ELLIOTT, WILLIAM EDWARD England, fl.1825-72, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Clinometer = VNN; Sextant, ebony, ivory = D.(1981). 19 Upper Smithfield (1832); 36 Foxes Lane, Lower Shadwell (1836-40); 139 Shadwell High (1847-72); all in London. Taylor 2(1549); O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
ELLIOTTI, VINC. Italy, 1733, MIM Azimuth Sundial, 1733 = ROM. RSW. suggest correction
ELLIS, HENRY England, fl.1748-49, NIM devised an artificial horizon. Taylor 2(254). suggest correction
ELLIS, JOHN England, c.1755, improved the pocket aquatic microscope which was made by P. and J. Dollond; modified the Cuff-type microscope; F.R.S. Wynter and Turner; Moskowitz; Soth. 4/29/77; RSW. suggest correction
ELLISON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ELLISON, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 6/8/72; Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer at the unknown location is signed "Ellison." Norwich. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ELLISON, T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 4 Little Bath Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ELMER, THEOBALD England, c.1685, apprenticed to Joseph Wells in the Joiners' Company, April 3, 1677; free in the Company, Mar. 2, 1685. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ELMER, W. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ELMES, JOSEPH England, c.1673, MIM apprenticed by turnover to William Elmes of the Clockmakers' Company on July 7, 1673. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ELMES, WILLIAM England, fl. pre-1668-82, MIM Ring Sundial, 1667 = X; Ring Sundials = NMM, LAW; Astrolabe = NMM. rulemaker; member of the Woodmongers' Company; one of 19 instrument makers admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 24, 1668; took apprentices. Moorfields, London. Taylor 1(316); J. Brown 1 & 3; Clay and Court ; Dewhirst; Baillie 1; Michel 3; NMM 2. suggest correction
ELMSDEN, EDMUND England, c.1764, OIM Telescope = OXF. Lynn, Norfolk. Taylor 2(585). suggest correction
ELSGREN, J. Sweden, MIM Diptych Sundial = NOR. Ganef ? RSW. suggest correction
ELTON England, 1817, MIM Orrery, transparent, miniature, 1817 = OXF; Orrery, transparent = D.(1985). Princes Street, Cavendish Square, London. Taylor 2(1326); G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen 11. suggest correction
ELTON, ANDREW England?, MIM Gunner's Calipers = D. (1994) could be owner. Coffeen X (1994). suggest correction
ELTON, JOHN England, fl.1728-32, NIM designed a new quadrant for which he received a patent in 1728; devised a new artificial horizon in 1732. Taylor 2(255); Gunther 2; Bedini 8; Millburn 8; RSW. suggest correction
ELTON, THOMAS England, 1819, MIM Astrarium, 1819 = Soth. 11/27/72. RSW. suggest correction
ELVIUS, JOHAN Sweden, c.1775, MIM studied instrument-making in London. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
ELVIUS, PETRO Sweden, fl.1695-1708, MIM Horary Quadrant, wood and paper, 1695 = NOR; Horary Quadrant, 1708, wood and paper = SWE. a mathematics professor who invented this particular form of instrument; author. Uppsala. RSW. suggest correction
EMANUEL France, 1666-1738, author who published several papers on instruments and on the calendar; may be the same as C. Emanuel. Toulouse. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
EMANUEL, C. France, c.1727, MIM Planisphere = Spitzer-2839 = ADL-M464. may be the same as "Emanuel"; Michel thought the name was Emmanuel. Paris. Michel 3; Nachet; Ernst; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
EMANUEL, E. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Peterborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EMANUEL, E. AND B. England, PHIM Marine Barometer = X. probably Ezekiel and Emanuel Emanuel. Portsmouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EMANUEL, EZEKIEL AND EMANUEL England, c.1850, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Ivory Sector = NMM; Quintant = NMM; Tide Gauge = AMST; Spy Glass = Soth. 10/31/66; Barometer = DeLuca 10/24/87; Telescope, German silver = P.C. (1975) = PMS Auction June, 1989 = P.C.; Marine Barometer = Christie's 2/19/97. "Goldsmiths and Jewellers to Her Majesty"; barometer makers; mostly signed "E. and E. Emanuel"; PMS marked "By appointment to Her Majesty","No. 5169" and "R.G." 3 Common Hard; 3 The Hard; both in Portsea; Portsmouth. Taylor 2(1550 & 1550a); Goodison 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
EMANUEL, H.M. England, OIM Refracting Telescope = FRK. Frank. suggest correction
EMANUEL, M. AND E. England, fl.1820-25, MIM 1 Bevis Marks, St. Mary Axe (1820). Taylor 2(1550). suggest correction
EMANUEL, M., AND CO. England, c.1825, MIM 9-10 Bevis Marks, St. Mary Axe. Taylor 2(1550). suggest correction
EMBERSON, THOMAS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer signed "T. Emberson" = X. made and sold barometers and thermometers; T.C. Long Sutton, Lincs. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EMBREY, WM. England, c.1700, MIM Artillery Quadrant, wood and brass = P.C. repaired crudely; scales run 0°-90° and 0-12. Moskowitz 6. suggest correction
EMDEN, ABRAHAM VAN Holland, 1794-1860, MIM OIM PHIM Thunder House = LEY; Air Pump = LEY; Microscopes =LEY; Thermometers = TEY; Compass Rose = AMST; Barometer = AMST; etc. T.C. in de Kalverstraat No. 55, Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Crommelin; Belgian Inv.; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; G.L'E. Turner 7; P.R. de Clerq 1. suggest correction
EMDEN, JOHANN VAN c.1590, collaborator of Tycho Brahe; architect. Michel 3. suggest correction
EMERSON, WILLIAM England, d.1782, MIM made sundials; mathematician; author. Hurworth, County Durham. Gatty. suggest correction
EMERY, SAMUEL USA, 1787-1882, NIM Mariner's Compasses = PEA, BMM, Hart Nautical Museum, Cambridge, Mass.; Compass Card = PEA; Sextant = Old Gaol Museum, Maine. T.C. in the case of a quadrant by Spencer and Co. (sold by H. Duren), ADL-A257; Joseph Callender engraved compass cards. 12 Water Street (1809-); 162 Derby Street (1864); both in Salem Mass. Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; Brewington 1; Huber; Moskowitz 104; D.J. Warner 10 and 12; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
EMMANUEL, EMMANUEL England, 1851, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. also "Emanuel." Upper Hill Street, Wisbech. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EMMER, JOHN H. USA, c.1847, awarded a Diploma for "an ingenious galvanometer" at the Fair of the American Institute, Oct. 1847. 61 Nassau Street, Albany, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
EMMERICH Holland, OIM Microscope = UTR. Delft. Van Cittert 3. suggest correction
EMMOSER, GERHARD Germany; Austria, fl.1562-83, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1566 = BUD; Vertical Sundial and Nocturnal, 1571 = NUR; Celestial Globe, 1579 = NYM. Gebhardt Von Baeinen is a misreading for Gerhard (Emmosser) Von Raeinen. Augsburg; Vienna. Zinner 1; Neumann 1 & 2; Council of Europe 2; Chandler and Vincent 3; RSW. suggest correction
EMOTT, BENJAMIN England, fl.1667-69, MIM apprenticed to Henry Sutton in the Joiners' Company on Feb. 6, 1659; turned over to John Marke in the Joiners' Company in Feb. 1667; free in the Company Dec. 2, 1667; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ENBEECO England, OIM Refracting Telescope = FRK. N.B. Co.? London. Frank. suggest correction
ENDERLEIN, GEORG Switzerland, 17th Century, MIM Equatorial Sundial, octagonal = BASH. Basle. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
ENDERS Enderesch. Evans 1; Globus, Dec. 1956. suggest correction
ENDERSBEE, WILLIAM England, fl.1810-38, MIM may be William Endersby, which see. 1 Little Tower Street, Tower, London. Taylor 2(1328). suggest correction
ENDERSBEE, WM., AND SON England, fl.1810-38, MIM NIM PHIM Octant, ebony and ivory = D.(1970); Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 7/16/76. London dealers for J.M. Kleman en Zoon; see William Endersbee. 335 High Street, Wapping, London. Taylor 2(1328); Goodison 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
ENDERSBY, WILLIAM England, c.1781, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Garrard 1 in the Grocers' Company on Dec.6,1781. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ENDERSCH, JOHANN FRIEDRICH Germany, 1705-69, MIM Pillar Dial, wood = ELB; Equatorial Sundial = HAK; Celestial Globes, 1740 = ELB, DEU, DAN; Celestial Globe = Konigsberg Wallenrodt Bibliothek; Terrestrial Globes = AOV. engraved portrait. Elbing. Zinner 1; Rohde; Evans 1; Schück 1; Chenakal 3; Globus, June 1962, Dec. 1956, June 1963; RSW. suggest correction
ENDICOTT, JOHN England, fl.1832-50, PHIM made barometers and thermometers. 10 Norwich Court, Fetter Lane (1832-33); 23 Little Saffron Hill (1844-50); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ENEFER, ROBERT England, c.1778, apprenticed to Thomas Ripley 1 of the Grocers' Company on June 4, 1778. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ENGELBERT Czechoslovakia, MIM Sundial, square = Hammer. probably Engelbrecht. Braune. RSW. suggest correction
ENGELBRECHT, ANTON Czechoslovakia, fl.1825-29, MIM Analemmatic Sundials = D.(1825), CZJ (1829); Inclinable Sundial, 1825 = PRA. Melnik. Horsky and Skopova; Zinner 1; Fischer 2; RSW. suggest correction
ENGELBRECHT, JOHANN 1 Czechoslovakia, fl.1680-1702, MIM Nocturnals = SPI (1684), HAK; Analemmatic Sundials = LIE (1680), Weimar Schloss Museum (1680); Azimuth Sundials = SPI (1681) = PRN, SPI (1684) = PRN; Table Sundials = ROU (1683) = VIE, LIN; Horizontal Sundials = P.C., SPI, MIL; Astronomical Clock = HAM. Price thought there might be only one Johann Engelbrecht. Brünn. Zinner 1; Price 2; Fischer 2; Michel 1 and 3; Horsky and Skopova; Nachet; Ernst. suggest correction
ENGELBRECHT, JOHANN 2 Czechoslovakia, fl.1776-1804, MIM made many brass horizontal, inclinable sundials dating from 1776 to 1804; examples may be seen at DEU, TGM, NUR, DRE, ADL, NYC, ZAG, PRA, MUN, STU, KEN, WHI, OXF, POTS, RSM, LIE, Huelsmann Coll., etc. many of the instruments listed above have a notch in the gnomon to show the time of year; he is thought to have invented this type. Brünn. Zinner 1; Basserman-Jordan 1; Fischer 2; Horsky and Skopova; Price 3 and 12; Ward 3 and 4; Whipple 1; KEN; Chenekal 1; Coffeen G; Bryden 16; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ENGELBRECHT, P. Czechoslovakia, 1791, MIM Armillary Sphere Clock, 1791 = PRA. Seige. Czech. Inv. suggest correction
ENGELHARDT, JOHANN Germany, MIM Sundial, portable = FIT. Zinner 1; Gunther 3. suggest correction
ENGELL, LEONHART CHRISTIAN VON Germany, 1688, MIM Squadra Mobile = FRA. RSW. suggest correction
ENGELMANN, G. Germany, 1696, MIM Celestial Globe = ZIT. Meffersdorf. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ENGELS Holland, MIM Rule = MLL. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
ENGELSE, VAN Holland, MIM Horizontal Sundial = UTR; Magnetic Azimuth Sundial = UTR. de Rijk. suggest correction
ENGILL MIM Horizontal Sundial, equation of time = Kolding Castle Museum, Denmark. RSW. suggest correction
ENGLAND, J. England, c.1835, OIM Optical Instrument = WHI. probably the son of Moses England. Walsall, Lancs. Taylor 2(1840). suggest correction
ENGLAND, JOHN England, fl.1698-1730, MIM NIM Garden Sundial, 1703 = Trinity College, Cambridge; Sector, 1703 = Trinity College, Cambridge = WHI; Universal Ring Sundials = OXF, Trinity College, Cambridge = WHI; Analemmatic Sundial = WHI. apprenticed to Robert Jole of the Stationers' Company on Aug. 4, 1690; made free in the Company; took apprentices; had a contract with the Navy to make compasses, from 1704 on. Charing Cross, London. Taylor 1(475); Gunther 2 and 3; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Price 12; Tyacke 1; Crawforth 6 & 7; Bryden 16. suggest correction
ENGLAND, MOSES, AND SONS England, fl.1830-34, OIM Lower Russell Street, London. Taylor 2(1840). suggest correction
ENGLEFIELD, HENRY C. England, fl.1778-1818, PHIM Sir Henry Englefield; devised a mountain barometer in 1808. Taylor 2(710); McConnell 1. suggest correction
ENGLISH AND SONS England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Brighton and Lewes. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ENGLISH, NATHAN FREDERICK USA, 1828-c.1904, OIM made microscopes and telescopes, worked with his sons. Hartland, Vermont. USNM. suggest correction
ENGLISH, W., AND SON England, OIM Telescope = D.(1973). Exchange, Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
ENOCK AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 7/16/76. Norwich. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ENTWISTLE, JAMES England, c.1801, apprenticed to Thomas Bourne 1 or 2 in the Joiners' Company, Mar. 17, 1801. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
EPISCHOFER, JOHANNES Germany, 1580, MIM Artillery Level, 1580 = VIG. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
EPRY, CHARLES ET JACQUELIN France, post-1855, OIM made telescopes; successors to the "Ancienne Maison Lerebours et Secretan, Fondée en 1789." 18 Place de Pont-Neuf; 20 Blvd. St.Jacques; both in Paris. USNM; Bulletin Soc. Astronomique de France, vol. 28, 1914. suggest correction
EPSWORTH, R. misreading for Richard Ebsworth. Taylor 2(1552). suggest correction
ERBEN, JOSEF Czechoslovakia, 1830-1910, MIM globe maker. Prague. Globus, June 1963; Tooley. suggest correction
ERFINDER, STREBIN UND FERCHEL Erfinder means inventor; see Strebin und Ferchel. RSW. suggest correction
ERHARD, JOSEFO Germany, MIM Proportional Compass = DEU. RSW. suggest correction
ERHARD, MATTHIAS Germany, 17th Century, MIM Astrolabe Clock = P.C. Augsburg. Polish Inv. suggest correction
ERICSON, HAROLD USA, 20th Century, MIM Cross-staff = X. reproduction. Noank, Conn. RSW. suggest correction
ERICSSON, JOHN USA, fl.1835-51, Rangefinder of sextant design = D. (1994). Signed"Inventor"; patented a type of sounding device; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. J.A. Bennett 2; Coffeen X (1994). suggest correction
ERIGNON, MAJ. Belgium, 1822, MIM Rule, folding, 1822 = P.C. (1988). hollow square tubes. Louvegné. RSW. suggest correction
ERKSTROM c.1774, MIM Quadrant = Greiswalde Observatory. "Erkström." Daumas 1. suggest correction
ERNLE, THOMAS England, 17th Century, MIM Azimuth Compass = MAN-I52. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
ERNST France, fl.1830-50, NIM PHIM Sextants = MOS, Ecole d'application de Fontainebleau; Stick Barometer = USNM; Marine Barometer = Meteorological Office,Bracknell. rue de Lille 11, Paris. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja; Paris 1900; Middleton 1 and 4. suggest correction
ERNST, HANS Germany, c.1570, MIM globe maker. Globus, June 1963. suggest correction
ERNST, PETER Sweden, 1714-84, MIM Astronomical Clock = Ventenskap Observatory; Pedometer = GOT. Väuxjö and Stockholm. Britten; Baillie 1. suggest correction
EROKHIN Russia, c.1850, PHIM Barometer = MOS. St.Petersburg. Maistrov 4. suggest correction
ERSKINE, THOMAS England, 1764, MIM Octant, wood, 1764 = EMA. may be owner. RSW. suggest correction
ERST, HANS Germany, 1546, MIM Celestial Globe, painted, 1546 = STR. Bertele 1. suggest correction
ERTEL Germany, c.1850, MIM OIM SIM Meridian Telescope = MLL; Theodolite = DRE; Rule = P.C.(1987). probably Georg or Gustav. Munich. RSW. suggest correction
ERTEL SOHN Germany, MIM Theodolite = MOS. either Georg or Gustave Ertel. Munich. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja. suggest correction
ERTEL UND SOHN Germany, fl.1834-58, MIM OIM Transit Instrument and Mural Circle of the U.S. Naval Observatory, 1845; Naval Theodolite = ADL-L28; Plotting Scale = ADL-M133; Sextant = DEU; Computing Rule, 1843 = P.C.; Altazimuth Instrument = WHI; Level = WHI; Theodolites = KEN, P.C.(1987). T.L. and Georg Ertel; sometimes spelled "Ertell"; trade catalogue, 1847. Munich. Engelmann 1; USNM; Italian Inv.; Chaldecott 3; RGO; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2; ADL. suggest correction
ERTEL, GEORG Germany, 1813-63, MIM worked with his father, T.L. Ertel, 1834-58. Munich. USNM; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
ERTEL, GUSTAV Germany, b.1829, MIM son of T.L. Ertel. Munich. USNM. suggest correction
ERTEL, TRAUGOTT LEBRECHT Germany, 1778-1858, MIM OIM Repeating circles, 12" and 6" (1836) for Chas. Wilkes, for use on U.S. Exploring Expedition; Level = FLM; Theodolite, 1835 = Observatory of Kazan worked with Reichenbach 1814-26; father of Georg and Gustav Ertel. Munich. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja and Horsky; Italian Inv.; Pipping 1; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
ERTLING, L. England, c.1850, PHIM Hydrometer = Phillips 10/26/83. may be L. Oertling. London. RSW. suggest correction
ERVEN VAN HENDRICK MOOY see Mooy. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ESCHSOUX France, c.1840, MIM Surveyors' Y-Level = DPW. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ESLING, JOHAN ERNST Germany, MIM see Johan Ernst Essling. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
ESPERANCE, A L' France, MIM Sectors = ADL-M89i, ADL-W124. this is not a name but is an address, "à L'esperance." Paris. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ESPLIN, E. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Christie 4/28/89. Wigan. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ESSEN, CHRISTIAAN PAULUS VAN Holland, 1771-1840, MIM Delft. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ESSEN, HUGO Holland, b.1798, MIM Delft. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ESSER, HERMAN USA, 1845-1908, see Keuffel and Esser. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
ESSER, L. Switzerland, MIM Protractor = FLO. see Hommel and Esser. Aarau. suggest correction
ESSEX, CHARLES, AND CO. England, fl.1824-28, MIM Floating Sundials = D.(1824); Christie 4/3/85 (1826) = Kelton Coll. (1990) (wood), Soth. 11/13/61 (1828), EGE, WHI, ADL-W191, etc. patented this type of sundial, 1824; in round ivory or wooden boxes; Kelton has logo of "S" superimposed on "X" on label in lid of box which is also marked "Pantochronometer 1826." London. Whipple 1; Bryden 16; RSW; Price 12; Egestorff. suggest correction
ESSLING, JOHANN ERNST Germany, 1716, MIM Sectors = P. and S. 4/3/94, 6/18/1894; Compass Sundial, 1716 = Soth. 2/5/53; Sundial = GOL; Augsburg-type Sundial, 1716 = Soth. 5/9/60; Universal Equatorial Sundial = GEL. Berlin. Chenekal 1; RSW. suggest correction
ESSLING, T.E. Germany, misreading for J.E. Essling. Soth. 5/19/60. suggest correction
ESTEVENIOT France, 1768, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1976). Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ESTEVERY France, 18th Century, MIM Sector = D.(1970). Merzbach. suggest correction
ESTON, EDWARD see Edward Easton. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ETANG, CHARLES FRANCOIS, GOUVERNEUR L' France, fl.1739-87, OIM Gouverneur Charles François L'Etang; an amateur constructer; made achromatic lenses. rue du Colombier, No. 1341, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
ETHERET France, c.1792, MIM Daumas 1. suggest correction
ETSLAUB, JOHAN Germany, 1599?, MIM Mining Compass = FLO. RSW. suggest correction
ETTRICK England, fl.1836, MIM NIM proposed improvements to the astronomical clock and the mariner's compass. Taylor 2(2122). suggest correction
ETZ, HY USA, c.1840, OIM made telescope mirrors and cameras. Baltimore. USNM. suggest correction
ETZLAUB, ERHARD Germany, fl.1484-1532, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood, 1511 = NUR-WI28; Dyptych Sundial, wood, 1513 = Drecker = ADL-DPW22. the dials are not signed but are ascribed to Etzlaub on the basis of the map and the early date; cartographer; sundials were much sought after. Erfurt; Am Laufer Schlagturm, Nürnberg (1484). Zinner 1; Michel 1 & 3; M. Behaim Cat. Nür. 1957; Willebois; Evans 1; A.J. Turner 10; Gouk 1; Schnelbögl; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
EUDRISCH, NIKOLAUS Germany, fl.pre-1528, MIM compass maker Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
EULER, JOHANN ALBRECHT Germany, c.1775, MIM designed sundials. Chenakal 1. suggest correction
EULER, LEONARD France, 1707-83, OIM worked on developing the achromatic lens. Daumas 1; Nachet . suggest correction
EUPORUS, M. ANTISTIUS Italy, 1st Century A.D., MIM Pelikinon Sundial, monumental = Archaeological Museum, Aquileia. horizontal sundial with a wind rose. Aquileia. Kenner; Gibbs 1; Price 2; Portaluppi. suggest correction
EUSTACHI, BARTOLOMEO Italy, c.1510-74, MIM Oddi mentions a "Geometricus Gnomon" designed by Eustachi. Urbino. Belloni. suggest correction
EUSTACHIO Italy, OIM reputed to have made an eye-piece for a telescope. Naples. Dewhirst. suggest correction
EVA, RICHARD England, fl.1755-80, MIM Planetarium on a clock = X. Falmouth. Britten. suggest correction
EVAIN, A. France, c.1850, MIM OIM T.C.; advertsed telescopes, compasses and chronomerers. Rule Ville-ez-Martin, St. Nazaire. Christie_SK 11/19/87. suggest correction
EVANS 1 England, c.1790, MIM Inclinable Sundial = Soth. 4/18/88. London. RSW. suggest correction
EVANS 2 England, MIM Compass Sundial = Christie-SK 6/2/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
EVANS, A.G., AND CO. see Goy Evans and Co. RSW. suggest correction
EVANS, BENJAMIN USA, 1776-1836, MIM nephew, apprentice and partner of Benjamin Rittenhouse; see Rittenhouse and Evans. Norriton, Pa. (1791); Worcester Township, Pa. (1798-1800). Bedini 1 and 8; B.R. Forman. suggest correction
EVANS, FREDERICK England, fl.1830-38, MIM OIM PHIM 12 Denzell Street, London. Taylor 2(1841). suggest correction
EVANS, GEORGE England; USA, fl.1796-98, MIM PHIM London; 33 North Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (1796). Bedini 1; Smart 1. suggest correction
EVANS, GOY, AND CO. England, c.1825, NIM Octant, ebony, ivory and brass = Soth.-B 3/2/79. catalogue says A.G. Evans and Co. London. RSW. suggest correction
EVANS, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. probably John Evans 1 or 2. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
EVANS, JAMES England, c.1749, MIM apprenticed to John Wilson 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 5, 1736; free of the Company, May 1, 1749. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
EVANS, JOHN 1 England, c.1809, MIM apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on June 3, 1759; free in the Company, June 12, 1768; "Rule Maker." Sharrat Street, Golden Square (-1801); 8 Dean Street, Fetter Lane, (1809); both in London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
EVANS, JOHN 2 England, c.1809, OIM "Optician". 88 Bishopsgate Within, London. Taylor 2(1118); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
EVANS, REV. LEWIS England, c.1824, MIM Geometrical Curves = OXF; Mathematician's Tobacco Box, 1824 = OXF. F.R.S.; ancestor of Lewis Evans who gave his collection of scientific instruments to OXF. Gunther 2; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
EVANS, THOMAS 1 Ireland, c.1825, PHIM Barometer = X. also a clockmaker. Usk. Peate. suggest correction
EVANS, THOMAS 2 England, c.1825, MIM Sundial inside lid of box = OXF. London. RSW. suggest correction
EVANS, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1792-1805, MIM apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company in 1765; free of the Company in 1792; took one apprentice. Hand Court, Holborn (1792); 58 Rosomon Row, Clerkenwell (1795); 48 Rosomon Street, Clerkenwell (1805); all in London. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 6; Baillie 1; Taylor 2(1842). suggest correction
EVANS, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1805, MIM 10 Dean Street, Fetter Lane, London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
EVE, CLOVIS England, c.1630, OIM made astronomical telescopes. Engelmann 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
EVE, GEORGE FREDERICK England, fl.1851-60, PHIM made barometers, etc. 4 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1851-53); 90 1/2 Holborn Hill (1854-60); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EVERARD, H.A. England, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 10/18/71. replica. London. RSW suggest correction
EVERARD, P. AEGID. Austria?, MIM Horizontal Sundial = KRM. RSW. suggest correction
EVERARD, THOMAS England, fl.1683-84, MIM designed a new pattern of slide rule for the excise in 1683-4; duty was first charged on alcohol in 1643. The Excise (London). Taylor 1(429a); Whipple 1; Gunther 2; Evans 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Delehar 2 and 9; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
EVEREST, GEORGE England, 1790-1866, Surveyor-General of India; designed and gave his name to a type of plain theodolite. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
EVERINGHAM, RICHARD England, c.1784, MIM apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 in the Grocers' Company in 1773; free of the Company in 1784. London. J.Brown 1. suggest correction
EVESHAM, EPIPHANIUS England, 1589, MIM Sundial, 1589 = X. Taylor 1(80); Michel 3; USNM. suggest correction
EVIN AND H. RAILLE misreading for Ewin and H. Raille, which see. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
EWART, HENRY England, 1828, OIM Refracting Telescope, 1828 = Soth.-Chester 6/26/85. Tweedsmouth. RSW. suggest correction
EWART, J. England, c.1850, designed "The Cattle Gauge and Key to weighing machine arranged by J. Ewart"; made by James Tree of London. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Coffeen h. suggest correction
EWESTASCE, RICHARD England, c.1688, MIM apprenticed to Withers Cheney of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 18, 1688. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
EWIN AND H. RAILLE USA, c.1840?, MIM PHIM Surveyor's Compass = Illinois State Museum, Springfield. Baltimore, Md. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
EWIN, JOHN USA, fl.1840, MIM 23 Thames Street (1840-41); 71 Thomas Street (1845-48); both in Baltimore, Md. Smart 1. suggest correction
EWIN, WILLIAM USA, fl.1833-42, MIM NIM OIM Surveyor's Compass = D.(1982). Ewin and Heartte, 1833-36; in business by himself, 1836-42; may have had access to a dividing engine. 3 Commerce Street (1833); at the sign of the Quadrant, 53 South Street (1836-42); both in Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; Coffeen B; USNM; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
EWIN, WILLIAM, AND ISAAC HEARTTE USA, 1833-36, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant = P.C.; Surveyor's Compass = P.C. at the Sign of the Quadrant, 53 South Street, Baltimore Md. (1833-35). Smart 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
EWING, JOHN USA, 1732-1802, NIM described and illustrated an improvement of Godfrey's quadrant; provost of the College of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pa. Cajori; USNM; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
EWINGTON, HENRY England, c.1812, invented and patented a navigational charting device, made by Still, Old, and Co. of Bristol. Bath. Coffeen 55. suggest correction
EYK, ISAAC VAN Holland, c.1821, MIM Amsterdam? Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
EYN DE PUESS, FRANS VAN DEN Holland?, MIM Sundial = WHI. not listed by Bryden. Whipple 1; Bryden 16. suggest correction
EYRE, R., AND R. RUST England, c.1785, NIM Azimuth Compass = NMM-Gabb Coll. Ye Minories, London. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
EYRE, THOMAS England, fl.1723-25, MIM made hodometers. Kettering, Northamptonshire. Taylor 2(170). suggest correction
EYRE, W. England, 1680-81, NIM Compass Plate, brass, 1680 = D.(1994). reverse side is a mirror image, including the signature with the date of 1681; this side could have been used to print compass cards. Coffeen 46. suggest correction
EYSENBROEK see Isenbroek. RSW. suggest correction
EZEKIEL England, c.1780, PHIM Barometer = D.; Stick Barometers = X(2), Christie 4/19/78, Winterton's, 7/13/94. probably Abraham Ezekiel or Cath and America Ezekiel. Exeter. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
EZEKIEL, ABRAHAM England, c.1791, PHIM made or sold barometers. Fore Street, Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EZEKIEL, AMERICA England, see Cath and America Ezekiel. Goodison 1. suggest correction
EZEKIEL, CATH AND AMERICA England, fl.1809-30, PHIM made or sold barometers? Fore Street (1809-30); 179 Fore Street (1828); both in Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
F. 1 may be "fecit". suggest correction
F. 2 England, c.1790, NIM Hadley's Quadrants = PEA(2). F with a fouled anchor; Fage? Brewington 1. suggest correction
F. ICW. 1613, MIM Regiomontanus-type Sundial on lid of box, 1613 = GHS. Archinard 1; RSW. suggest correction
F.A. 1 Germany, 1728, MIM Table Sundial, 1728 = KLA-4464. Zinner 1. suggest correction
F.A. 2 1765, MIM Zappeck-type Sundial, 1765 = LJU. for 46°. RSW. suggest correction
F.A. 3 1766, MIM Altitude Sundial, 1766 = FIN-113. with a combined nocturnal and sundial. RSW. suggest correction
F.A. 4 Denmark?, 1770, MIM Sundial, stone, 1770 = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. RSW. suggest correction
F.A. 5 MIM Garden Sundial, marble = TIM. square. RSW. suggest correction
F.A.B. see F.A.R. Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
F.A.J.C.P.S.R.C. 1715, MIM Sundial, stone, 1715 = P. and S. 2/9/1897. RSW. suggest correction
F.A.R. Germany, fl.1768-74, MIM Vertical Sundial, pin-gnomon, small, 1768 = GRA; Zappeck-type Sundial, 1774 = Koller 11/17/75. Zinner 1; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
F.AE.G. Austria?, MIM Ring Sundial = KRM. Rabenalt. suggest correction
F.B. c.1900, Capuchin Sundial = ADL-T20. probably made by D.B. Sheahan. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
F.B.F. Germany, 1752, MIM Azimuth Sundial, 1752 = Landsberg a. Lech Heimatmuseum. "F.B. Fecit"? Zinner 1. suggest correction
F.B.G. MIM Full Protractor = P.C. (1982). owner? two odd scales. RSW. suggest correction
F.B.P. Germany, fl.1743-55, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, 1743 = CLU; Table Sundials, stone = TRA (1753), ADL-M279 (1755), Soth. 12/19/66. Michel thought he might be Franz Bovius Presbyter. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
F.C. 1701, MIM Table Sundial, 1701 = Phillips 2/3/68. "F.C. fecit, 1701". RSW. suggest correction
F.C.R. Germany, OIM Nürnberg-type Microscope = NAC. Daumas 1. suggest correction
F.D.I. Germany, 1774, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1774 = Huelsmann Coll. Syndram. suggest correction
F.E.D. 1542, MIM Astrolabe, May, 1542 = P.C. Brieux 2. suggest correction
F.E.D.P.F. Italy, 1568, MIM Instrumentum Primi Mobilis, 1568 = FLO. "Frater Egnatius Dantes Praedictatorum Faciebat." Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Italian Inv. suggest correction
F.F.B. 1705, MIM Ring Sundial, 1705 = BUD. Zinner 1. suggest correction
F.F.C.D.F. 1697, MIM Pillar Sundial, 1697 = Mercator Museum. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
F.F.F. 1 1629, MIM Artillery Level, silvered brass, 1629 = OXF. Evans 1; Gunther 2 and 6; RSW. suggest correction
F.F.F. 2 1774, MIM Astronomical Compendium, wood, bone, brass, 1774 = Koller 11/17/75 (Linton Coll.) = Libert et Castor 10/10/80. RSW. suggest correction
F.G. 1 Holland, 1714, NIM Cross-staff, 1714 = AMST. might be owner. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
F.G. 2 England, c.1784, NIM Octant = NMM-S.127. may be F. Gabourg or F. Goater. Taylor 2(837); Clay and Court; NMM 2. suggest correction
F.G.P. 1659, MIM Protractor, 1659 = Soth. 5/24/71. "Anno DNI 1659." RSW. suggest correction
F.H. Germany?, c.1600, MIM Gunner's Scale = ADL-M122a. also marked "553" and "I W.W.B." with the first "W" over the recumbant "B"; see "I.W.W.B." Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
F.I. Germany, MIM Table Sundial, stone = Neuenberg-Schweiz, Museum. Zinner 1. suggest correction
F.I.S. 1781, MIM Gauging Rod, 1781 = NYC. RSW. suggest correction
F.I.V. Germany, 1698, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1698 = FIN-115 = P.C. Zinner says 1766. Zinner 1; Weil. suggest correction
F.J.F. 1775, MIM Horizontal Sundial, stone, 1775 = P. & S. 11/21/1894 = 2/28/1896. RSW. suggest correction
F.J.K.S.J. Austria, 1729, MIM Table Clock, 1729 = Linz Stadt Gymnasium. Franz Jakob Knittl, Society of Jesus, which see. Linz. Zinner 1. suggest correction
F.K. Germany?, 18th Century, MIM Ring Sundial = MADEX-211. RSW. suggest correction
F.L. 1779, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1779 = SLM. RSW. suggest correction
F.M. England?, c.1750, OIM Refracting Telescope, three-draw = D. Brophy. suggest correction
F.M.B. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Dialing Instrument = ADL-M323. the copper instrument is in the form of an anchor and is misdescribed by Engelmann as an Instrumentum Primi Mobilis. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
F.N. 1 France, c.1820, MIM Rule, gold = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
F.N. 2 England, 19th Century, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood = GEP; AMST; P.C.(3). All the dials include American cities in the latitude tables. Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
F.P. 1657, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1657 = Soth. 7/29/69. RSW. suggest correction
F.P.B. 1 1743, MIM Astrolabe, 1743 = CLU. Cluny. suggest correction
F.P.B. 2 MIM Diptych, wood = LID-M186. Zinner 1. suggest correction
F.P.G.P. Germany, 1787, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1787 = PRA. the F. is placed above the initals P.G.P.; the whole signature is surrounded by three decorative lozenges; a Penther-type sundial. Horsky and Skopova. suggest correction
F.P.O.M. Germany, 1676, MIM Ring Sundial, 1676 = HAK. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
F.R. 1 Spain, 1585, MIM Dividers, one-handed, 1585 = P.C./owner. signed "F.R." with an anchor in between; marked with four dots and a circle, arranged with the circle at the top with three dots underneath and a single dot,in the middle, at the bottom. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
F.R. 2 Germany, 1683, MIM Vertical Sundial, 1683 = OXF. Zinner says 1863. Zinner 1; Evans 1. suggest correction
F.S. 1 Germany, c.1580, MIM Surveyor's Cross, in the form of an astrolabe = ADL-M43. the dorsum has the form of an astrolabe but the face has two sighting tubes forming a surveyor's cross; misdescribed by Engelmann as an astrolabe. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Gunther 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
F.S. 2 Germany, 1762, MIM Bow Calipers, iron, 1762 = ADL-M80. marked "Jesus Maria Joseph." Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
F.S. 3 MIM Level = A.M. Earle Coll. Earle. suggest correction
F.S. 4 MIM Ring Sundial, expanded hour scale = DEU. RSW. suggest correction
F.S.F. Germany?, 1757, MIM Sundial with Calendar, 1757 = X. Evans 1. suggest correction
F.S.L. Germany, 1656, MIM Pillar Sundial, 1656 = MUN. Munich. Zinner 1. suggest correction
F.S.P. 1 Germany, fl.1756-61, MIM Zappeck-type Sundials = ZAG (1756), BUD (1761), BASH, SPL, LJU. the 1756 dial is also marked "V.R." (3). Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
F.S.P. 2 Germany, 1757, MIM Table Sundial, 1757 = OXF. chronogram; Frater Sebastian Prebyter? perhaps Sebastian Rutschmann. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Gunther 6. suggest correction
F.S.P. 3 Germany, 1797, MIM Sundial, 1797 = X. Michel 3; Evans 1. suggest correction
F.S.P.O.M.R. Germany, 1759, MIM Zappeck-type Sundial, silver, 1759 = LJU. for 46°10' latitude; the gnomon is geared and set by a pointer on a calendar scale. RSW. suggest correction
F.T.A.B.C.R. France, 1846, MIM Wall Sundial, 1846 = farm at Clappey. Clappey. Berton. suggest correction
F.T.D. Germany?, 1836, NIM Octant, 1836 = HAA. RSW. suggest correction
F.V. 1 Germany, 1699, MIM Table Sundials, stone = PRA (1699), VIE, D., NUR; Calendar, stone = P.C. Zinner 1 and 4; Michel 3; Horsky and Skopova. suggest correction
F.V. 2 MIM Dividers, iron = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
F.V.V. 1698, MIM Sundial, stone, 1698 = P. and S. 3/8/1895. RSW. suggest correction
F.V.V.F. 1550, MIM Azimuth Sundial, 1550 = KRM. Rabenalt. suggest correction
F.W. H.Z.S. marked on 1599 artillery level with vertical sundial, by Paulus Reinman, Spitzer 2820 (61). RSW. suggest correction
FABER, SAMUEL Germany, 1657-1726, MIM Celestial Globe, 1705 = VNL; Globes = TSUMM-30535, TSUMM-8984, etc.; Terrestrial Globe, 1705 = P.C. Zinner 1; Chenekal 3; Globus, Nov. 1954, June 1962. suggest correction
FABRE ET KUNEMANN France, c.1860, PHIM Papin Digester = USNM. "Fabre et Kunemann Succrs de Pixii." Paris. Warner 13. suggest correction
FABRE LAGRANGE France, c.1857, PHIM Olivier Geometric Models = Mathematical Cabinet at Harvard U., 1857. successor to Jean-Baptiste-François Pixii; see also Fabre et Kunemann. Paris. Warner 13. suggest correction
FABRI, OTTAVIO Italy, c.1598, designed a surveying instrument, "squadra mobile"; author. Padua. RSW. suggest correction
FABRICIUS, PAUL Austria, 1519-88, MIM Astrolabe, paper = X; Pillar Sundial = ZIT; Rete on Astronomical Clock = Museum, Olomuc, Czechoslovakia. Vienna. Zinner 1; Morpurgo 1; Czech. Inv. suggest correction
FABRIQUE DE PARIS France, Sundials, tin = P. and S. 4/3/1894 and 2/28/1896. "made in Paris." RSW. suggest correction
FABRIS, ANTONIO Italy, c.1800, MIM SIM Quadrant = Christie 2/8/66; Sundial = Specola di Padova. surveyor; mechanician; made the instruments necessary for his work. Bovolenta. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
FACCINI see Facini. suggest correction
FACCIOLI, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO Italy, 1774, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1774 = X. Vicenza. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
FACE misreading for Fage. Soth. 2/4/77. suggest correction
FACINI AND CORONELLI Italy, 1697, MIM Goniometer, 1697 = GEL. invented and made by Bernardus Facini and Vincentius Coronelli. Venice. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja. suggest correction
FACINI, BERNARDUS Italy, 1665-1731, MIM SIM Plane Table Compasses = Michel (1704), Christie-NY 10/24/83 (1708), Koller 11/17/75 (1704); Perpetual Horometer, 1727 = MERC = Constantini Coll. = OXF; Circumferentor, 1704 = Michel; Set of miniature Surveying Instruments, 1710 = ADL-W82; Spiral Slide Rule, 1714 = ADL-A225; Astronomical Clock, 1725 = Vatican; Graphometer, 1694 = VNM; Alidade, 1698 = VEN; Quadrant, 1701 = UTO 9/29/75; etc. set of miniature instruments made for Frederick William I of Prussia before he succeeded his father; the two instruments reported by Michel may be one. Venice; Piacenza. Learner; Bonelli 4; Hamilton 1; Michel 1 and 3; Price 2; Italian Inv.; Nachet; Morpurgo 1; Britten; Société Belge; Bedini 10; Righini 2; G. e M.L. Righini; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FACIOLI, NICOLA Italy, c.1780, MIM Goniometer, Rule = Museo Torricelliano, Faenza. Milan; Rome. Italian Inv. suggest correction
FACY, RICHARD England, c.1850, MIM Wapping Wall, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
FAGE see Dring and Fage. suggest correction
FAGE, EDWARD England, fl.1667-73, MIM either he or John Read 2 succeeded Anthony Thompson 1; one of nineteen instrument makers admitted to the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 24, 1668. Sign of the Sugar Loaf, Hosier Lane, West Smithfield, London. Taylor 1(317); Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Gunther 2; J. Brown 1 & 3. suggest correction
FAGE, M. England, c.1828, MIM PHIM 20 Tooley Street, London (1828). O'Mara. suggest correction
FAGE, WILLIAM England, c.1838, MIM PHIM see Dring and Fage. 10 Great Dover Street, Borough, London; Coffeen reported a finding of "10 Gridover Street, Boro." Taylor 2(958),(2123); Coffeen 27. suggest correction
FAGERIO, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 4 Cross Street, Hatton Garden (London). Goodison 1. suggest correction
FAGIOLI England, c.1835, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 5/12/72, 5/4/87. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
FAGIOLI AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see D. Fagioli and Son. 3 Great Warner Street, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FAGIOLI AND SONS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19 89. Great Warner Street, Clerkenwell (London). RSW. suggest correction
FAGIOLI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 1/26/90. 68 Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell (London). RSW. suggest correction
FAGIOLI, D., AND SON England, fl.1840-54, PHIM Wheel Barometers, = Soth.-S 9/18/86 and 10/19/89, Soth. 7/21/87, Larvik Marine Museum, Norway, USNM, X(7), Soth. 5/12/72, D.(1972), (1983), Bearnes 9/16/87; Barometer = Christie 2/5/70; Barometer with clock = Phillips 4/16/88. Dominic and J. (3) Fagioli. 3 Great Warner Street (1840-51); 10 Great Warner Street (1851-54); both in Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1; Middleton 4; RSW; John Bell. suggest correction
FAGIOLI, DOMINIC England, fl.1836-54, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(5), D.(1970). partner with his son J. Fagioli 3, 1840-54; X barometers are signed "D. Fagioli, Clerkenwell." 3 Great Warner Street (1836-51); 10 Great Warner Street (1851-54); both in Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2124); RSW. suggest correction
FAGIOLI, J. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 5/15/96. could be J. Fagioli 2 or 3. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
FAGIOLI, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 5 Union Terrace, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FAGIOLI, J. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably son of Dominic Fagioli. 30 Great Warner Street, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FAGLIABUE, A. misreading for A. Tagliabue. RSW. suggest correction
FAHLMER France, c.1725, MIM OIM SIM Alidade = P.C.; Protractor = BAR; Double Protractor = BAR; Telescopic Alidades = WHI, P.C., D.; Dip Level = DeLuca 10/21/95. WHI telescopic level also marked "Dépot de la Diron. de la Rochelle." Strasbourg. Price 12; RSW; Brieux 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
FAHRENHEIT, DANIEL GABRIEL Poland; Holland, 1686-1736, OIM PHIM Mercury Thermometer = LEY; Alcohol Thermometer, 1727 = LEY. also made barometers, anemometers, etc.; invented a scale for thermometers; first to use mercury in thermometers, 1717; developed the solar microscope. Danzig; Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Crommelin; USNM; Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
FAHRR, P. Germany, 1744, NIM Compass Rose, 1744 = X. P. Fährr. Schück 1. suggest correction
FAIRBONE, CHARLES 1 England, fl.1765-1802, MIM OIM SIM apprenticed to Tycho Wing of the Grocers' Company in 1753; free of the Company, 1765; by 1780 he was a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took apprentices in both Companies. Princes Court, Westminster (1765); St. Martin's Lane (1766); New Street, Shoe Lane (1773-1802); all in London. J. Brown 1; Court and von Rohr 3(185). suggest correction
FAIRBONE, CHARLES 2 England, fl.1786-1810, MIM OIM SIM Set of Surveying Instruments = WHI-204. apprenticed to his father, Charles Fairbone 1, in the Grocers' Company, 1781; free of the Company, 1802; took over his father's last two apprentices in 1802, and took others later. 20 Great New Street, Shoe Lane, Fetter Lane, London. Taylor 2(832); J. Brown 1 and 2; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
FAIRBONE, HENRY England, c.1794, apprenticed to his father, Charles Fairbone 1, in the Grocers' Company in 1794. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FAIRBONE, ISAAC England, c.1783, apprenticed to his uncle, Charles Fairbone 1, in the Grocers' Company, 1783. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FAIRBONE, JOHN England, c.1786, OIM son of Charles Fairbone 1; apprenticed to John Dollond 2 in the Spectaclemakers' Company; admitted as Brother to the Company in 1786. Court and von Rohr 3(220); Robischon. suggest correction
FAIRBONE, TIMOTHY England, c.1789, apprenticed to his father, Charles Fairbone 1, in the Grocers' Company, 1789. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FAIRCLOTH, WILLIAM England, c.1748, MIM apprenticed to John Gilbert 1 in the Grocers' Company, 1740; free of the Company in 1748. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FAIREY, JOHN, AND SON England, c.1823, MIM OIM PHIM may be a misreading for Joseph Fairey and Son. 22 Ratcliff Highway, London. Taylor 2(964); RSW. suggest correction
FAIREY, JOSEPH England, fl.1800-1829, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Quadrant = NMM; Octant = D.; Sextant = BMR. apprenticed to Samuel Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 1, 1796; free of the Company on Nov. 3, 1803; took apprentices after 1800. 15 Fair Street, Horseleydown (1803); 150 Tooley Street (1806-11); 20 Ratcliffe Highway (1811-29); 8 Northumberland Place, Commercial Road East; all in London. Taylor 2(964); J. Brown 1 and 2; Belgian Inv.; RSW. suggest correction
FAIREY, JOSEPH, AND SON England, c.1845, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = Soth. 7/21/83; Octant, ebony and brass = D.(1976). Joseph Fairey and his son, Richard Fairey. Commercial Road, London. Taylor 2(964a); RSW. suggest correction
FAIREY, RICHARD England, c.1829, MIM apprenticed to his father, Joseph Fairey, in the Grocers' Company on March 5, 1829. J.Brown 2. suggest correction
FAIREY, RICHARD AND JOSEPH England, fl.1790-1846, MIM NIM OIM PHIM 150 Tooley Street, Borough, London. Taylor 2(964). suggest correction
FAIRFAX, WILLIAM England, c.1685, MIM apprenticed to John Warner 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 2, 1685 for nine years. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FAIRMAN, GIDEON USA, 1774-1827, MIM partner in the firm of "Hooker and Fairman" in Newburyport, pre-1810; later moved to Philadelphia and became a partner in the firm of "Draper, Murray and Fairman." Newburyport, Mass.; Albany, N.Y.; Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1; Gillingham 3. suggest correction
FALCIOLA, B., AND CO. England, fl.1839-43, PHIM barometer makers. 53 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FALCIOLA, I. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 12/15 83. Nottingham. RSW. suggest correction
FALCK Falck = Falconus? Michel 3. suggest correction
FALCO Italy, MIM Horary Quadrant with volvelle = BRP. for 45° Lat.; signed, "Opus Falco"; Bedini thinks it is a fake. Bedini 14; RSW. suggest correction
FALCON, A. England, OIM Spyglass = D.(1968). RSW. suggest correction
FALCONER, G. China, NIM Sextant = FRK-54. Hong Kong. Frank. suggest correction
FALCONER, WILLIAM England, c.1750, NIM compass maker. London. Schück 1. suggest correction
FALCONI 1 Italy, fl.1503-07, MIM Astrolabe, 1505 = Lasotovich Coll., Venice = P.C. (ICA-3032); Astrolabe, 1507 = P. and S. 4/3/1894 = BM (ICA 251); Quadrants = BM, USNM. goldsmith; quadrants for 45° are signed "Opus Falconi Bergomei Valensis"; BM one is lost. Bergamo; Venice. Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; Morpurgo 1; Gunther 1; Michel 3; ICA 2; Bedini 14; RSW. suggest correction
FALCONI 2 Italy, 1586, MIM Nocturnal, 1586 = NMM-Caird. ex-Goldschmied Coll.; Bedini thinks it is a fake. Bedini 14; NMM. suggest correction
FALE, G. England, 1796, NIM Octant, rosewood, 1796 = RSM. RSW. suggest correction
FALE, THOMAS England, fl.1586-93, designed a sundial and a graphometer made by Thomas Osborn; author. Cambridge. Taylor 1(75) 2(76); Weil 2(25). suggest correction
FALEIRO, RUY Spain, 1519, MIM made one wooden astrolabe and six wooden quadrants for Magellan. Waters 1. suggest correction
FALES, JAMES 1 USA, fl.1820-30+, NIM T.C.; had "Little Navigator" as shop sign; also made clocks and watches; father of James Fales 2. 91 Water Street, Newport, R.I.; New Bedford, Mass. (by 1830). Bedini 8; RSW. suggest correction
FALES, JAMES 2 USA, -1888, NIM figure of midshipman for shop sign, now in New Bedford Whaling Museum; son of James Fales 1. New Bedford, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
FALES, MARTHA USA, NIM compass maker. Newburyport, Mass. American Neptune, 1968; Bull. Maritime Museum, British Columbia, 1968. suggest correction
FALIGUM Austria, 1721, MIM Azimuth Sundial, 1721 = ADL-M266. Graz. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; USNM; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FALLER see Kaltenback, Faller and Co. Bell 2. suggest correction
FALLON, THOMAS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FALLOW, JOSEPH England, fl.1827-29, PHIM barometer maker. 127 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FAMADIO PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 9/20/71. RSW. suggest correction
FANNER see DeGrave, Short and Fanner. suggest correction
FANZAGO, PIETRO Italy, 1583, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1583 = Palazzo, Clusone. Clusone. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
FARADAY, MICHAEL England, 1791-1867, invented the electro-magnetic generator. G.L'E. Turner 24; DSB. suggest correction
FARBINGER Germany, c.1700, MIM Pocket Calendar = Soth. 2/21/66. RSW. suggest correction
FARDOIL, P. France, fl.1684-1722, MIM Astronomical Clock = POB. also signed "J. Caffiéri et A. Coypel" on case. Paris. Trois Siècles. suggest correction
FARELLI, C. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = P-B 4/28/39. Northampton. RSW. suggest correction
FAREY, JOHN, JNR. England, fl.1791-1851, MIM NIM Ellipsograph = Christie-SK 2/2/77 = RSM; Sextant = RSM. invented a perspective machine in 1807; invented an ellipsograph in 1810; ellipsograph signed "Invented and Made by John Farey, Jnr"; suggested inverting the slide on the Soho slide rules in 1827. Westminster, London. NMM 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Delehar 9; RSW. suggest correction
FARFLER, STEFAN Germany, c.1655, MIM sandglass and clock maker. Nürnberg. Lunardi. suggest correction
FARIMA, VINCENZO Italy, MIM Universal Sundial = NMM-D.75. NMM 2. suggest correction
FARLAM, EBENEZER England, c.1707, MIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Smith of the Clockmakers' Company on May 5, 1707. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FARMADIE England, PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN. 2 St. John's Street Road (London?). RSW. suggest correction
FARMER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Christchurch. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FARMER, F.C., AND SON England, c.1840, MIM Slide Rule for publicans, boxwood = D.(1987). Waterloo, Liverpool. Coffeen 15. suggest correction
FARMER, JAMES England, fl. 1672-1708, MIM free of the Grocers' Company by Patrimony in 1672; took apprentices. Well Street near Well Close, London (1701-08). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FARMER, JOHN 1 England, c.1708, MIM apprenticed in the Masons' Company in 1708; made free in the Company. Crawforth 6 & 7. suggest correction
FARMER, JOHN 2 England, fl.1731-77, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 1 in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 4, 1722; made free of the Company Dec. 7, 1731; took over John Atkinson 2 as an apprentice from George Wright 1 of the Grocers' Company in 1739; uncle of Richard Gearing who succeeded him; made slide rules. Cateaton Street (1731); St. Anns Lane near Aldersgate (1739); Lothbury; Dove Court, upper end Old Jewry, Wood Street; Whitefriars (1743); Pye Corner (1751); all in London. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1, 6 & 7; Darius 2; RSW. suggest correction
FARMER, THOMAS England, c.1703, MIM apprenticed to James Farmer of the Grocers' Company in 1703. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FARMER, WILLIAM England, c.1750, NIM Mariner's Compass = NMM-Gabb Coll. may be man who was apprenticed to his father, James Farmer, in 1708. near the Limekiln, Horsley Down, London. Taylor 2(476); J. Brown 1; RSW; Evans 1; May. suggest correction
FARNGREN, JOHAN AUGUST Sweden, 1811-60, MIM Pantograph = NOR. Färngren; T.C. No. 9 Smala gränden, Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
FARONE England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-C 10/9/86. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
FARONI, G. England, PHIM Barometer = KOT. Hull. RSW. suggest correction
FARR, JOSEPH USA, 1775-1845, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = P.C., D.(1986), Buffalo Historical Society, N.Y., Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich. the last instrument is numbered "85." Cunningham, Mass. (1775); Manlius Village, N.Y. Smart 1; Coffeen 12. suggest correction
FARRAR, THOMAS England, c.1677, apprenticed to Walter Hayes in the Grocers' Company in 1677. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FARRELL, J. England, c.1850, OIM Telescope = D.(1981). Manchester. Moskowitz 122. suggest correction
FARRER, JOHN England, c.1728, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Harrison in the Grocers' Company in 1713; turned over to Thomas Franklyn, Stationer, in 1716; free of the Grocers' Company in 1728. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FARROW AND JACKSON England, c.1825+, MIM PHIM Syke's Hydrometers = Phillips 2/14/79, Christie-SK 5/10/77, P.C.; Slide Rule, double, ivory = D.(1972); Bung Stick, wood = BIR; Slide Rule, double, wood = ADL-W144. the Adler rule is marked "Farrow and Jackson Makers Ltd., London." London. Moskowitz 103; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FARTHING, I.H. England, post-1799, MIM T.C. on polygraph invented by Marc Brumel in 1799, patent number 2305. Cornhill, London. RSW. suggest correction
FASANA England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X(2). one signed "Fasana Bath"; the other gives the street address as well. 35 Milsom Street, Bath. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FASCUA, F. England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 1/30/84. Bath. RSW. suggest correction
FASOLDT, CHARLES USA, c.1850, MIM made mechanical instruments, watches and clocks. Rome; Albany; both in New York. Harrold. suggest correction
FASSANO, JOS. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FASTRE France, PHIM Fastré; barometer maker. Paris. Ashworth. suggest correction
FASTRE AINE France, 1849, PHIM Barometer, Fortin-type = CNAM. Fastré aîné. Quai des grands Augustins 63, Paris. Middleton 1. suggest correction
FATIGET c.1600, MIM SIM Trigonum (surveying rule) = P.C. "Fatiget non Rapiat"; a motto, not a maker. RSW. suggest correction
FATORINI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Antonio Fattorini. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FATORINI, M. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Chichester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FATORINI, M. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Polesden Lacey. 24 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FATTON, FREDERICK LOUIS France; England, c.1822, patented an astronomical clock, 1822. Paris; New Bond Street, London. Britten. suggest correction
FATTORINI AND SONS England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/14/89. Skipton and Bradford. RSW. suggest correction
FATTORINI, ANTONIO England, c.1831, pedlar of clocks and barometers; see also "Fatorini." Como House, Harrowgate. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FATTORINI, JOSEPH England, pre-1838-48, PHIM barometer maker; in partnership with Henry Austin and John Cattanes, and Peter Ballarini before 1838; partner with Henry and Philip Cattanes in Cattanes and Co. (1848). King's Staith (pre-1838); 12 Castlegate (1848); both in York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FAULHABER, JOH. Germany, c.1600, MIM invented a surveying instrument. Ulm. Weil 2(4). suggest correction
FAULKINGHAM England, 1672, sold faulty rules made by John Nash 1. under the south east Corner of the Royal Exchange, London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FAULKNER, JOHN, AND SON England, c.1850, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument = OXF. for measuring altitudes; has a water level. RSW. suggest correction
FAURAY France, c.1800, MIM "Opticien"; TC in architect's etui of instruments. Quai de l'Horloge à Paris. Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/23/94. suggest correction
FAURE France, 1724, MIM Sundial, 1724 = Villeneuve, Hautes Alpes. Villeneuve. Gatty. suggest correction
FAUTH AND CO. USA, MIM SIM Theodolite = P.C. Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
FAUTOUT-CHUIZY see Sautout-Choizy. Weil 2(4). suggest correction
FAVA, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FAVER England, c.1838, mis-spelling of Fayrer? London. Taylor 2(2125). suggest correction
FAVERIL, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/18/89. Lincoln. RSW. suggest correction
FAVERIO, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 11/16/76. Lincoln. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
FAVERIO, J. England, c.1830, PHIM Barometer = Soth. Wilkinson and Hodge 11/30/23; Wheel Barometers = Soth.-Sussex 9/18/86, D.(1972). some of these barometers are signed "Faverio Andover." Andover. RSW. suggest correction
FAVRAY France, 18th Century, MIM OIM SIM Microscope = OXF or KEN; Theodolite = Weschler 5/22/76; Telescope = A-P 3/15/76. à la Ville de Genève, 69 (or 79) Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
FAWCETT, JOHN Ireland, fl.1775-93, OIM optician and watchmaker. 34 Dame Street (1775-86); 3 Grafton Street (1787-92); 133 Capel Street (1793); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett; G. Ferrel. suggest correction
FAWCETT, W.H. USA, fl.1856-57, MIM worked for J. and W. Burt. 24 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Smart 1. suggest correction
FAY, J.G. England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = La Rochelle 7/16/83. Southampton. RSW. suggest correction
FAY, S., AND SON England, c.1825, NIM Marine Compasses = Longleat House(2). Cowes, Isle of Wight. RSW. suggest correction
FAYER England?, pre-1845, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = S. Leigh Soth. 4/24/1845-38. RSW. suggest correction
FAYRER England, c.1830, MIM OIM Orrery = OXF; Telescope = Soth. 9/20/83. either James or John Fayrer. 41? White Lion Street, Pentonville, London. Taylor 2(2125); RSW. suggest correction
FAYRER AND SONS England, c.1825, PHIM Marine Barometer = VNN. London. RSW. suggest correction
FAYRER, J. England, fl.1826-70, MIM NIM OIM Circle = PEA-4530; Equatorial Telescope = D.(1986). either James or John Fayrer. 40 White Lion Street; 66 White Lion Street; both Pentonville, London. Brewington 1; Wynter 1. suggest correction
FAYRER, JAMES England, fl.1838, MIM PHIM "Faver" in the directories may be a misspelling of this name; Taylor said that he and his brother, John Fayrer, divided some of Troughton's instruments; made instruments for the East India Company. 40 White Lion Street, Pentonville, London. Taylor 2(2125); Brewington 1; Wynter 1. suggest correction
FAYRER, JOHN England, c.1838, MIM PHIM see James Fayrer; made instruments for the East India Company. 40 White Lion Street, Pentonville, London. Taylor 2(2125); Brewington 1; Wynter 1. suggest correction
FAYTHURNE England, c.1609, OIM made perspective machines. London. Latham and Matthews, Vol. 9. suggest correction
FAYVER England, MIM SIM Theodolite = Phillips 11/16/76. London. RSW. suggest correction
FAZZI, SAMUEL Italy, 1760, PHIM Thermometer, 1760 = SPI-2866. Michel 3; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
FEATHERS, P., AND CO. Scotland, c.1850, NIM Sextant = FRK-S6 = RSM. Dundee. Frank; Clarke et al. suggest correction
FEATHERS, P.C. Scotland, NIM Sextant = Dundee City Museum and Art Gallery. surely Peter Arith Feathers. Dundee. RSW. suggest correction
FEATHERS, PETER ARITH Scotland, fl.1842-73, NIM OIM Octants, ebony, ivory = D.(1982), FRK = RSM, Soth. 3/10/87. T.C.; took his son as a partner in 1874. 73 High Street (1842); No. 10 Dock Street (1845-50); 26 Dock Street (1853-68); 40 Dock Street (1869-73); all in Dundee. Bryden 3; Coffeen A; Frank; Moskowitz 102; Clarke et al. suggest correction
FEATHERSTON, JOHN England, fl.1650-68, MIM Wall Sundials, 1650 = Packwood House, Hockley Heath (3); Polyhedral Garden Sundial, 1668 = Packwood House, Hockley Heath. Hockley Heath. RSW. suggest correction
FEATON, JOHN England, c.1733, MIM apprenticed to Simon Cade of the Clockmakers' Company on March 5, 1733. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FEAU, NICOLAS France, c.1625, MIM Astrolabe Table Clock = Petit Palais, Paris. Féau. Marseilles. Baillie 1. suggest correction
FECHTER Switzerland, 18th Century, MIM SIM Plane Table with fixed and movable alidades = BASH; Quadrant = Stuker Auction 1958. Basle. RSW. suggest correction
FECIOLUS, IO. DOM. Germany, 1558, MIM Astrolabe, 1558 = OXF. gift of Mrs. Billmeir, 1973. Trent. RSW. suggest correction
FEELING, T. THOMAS France, 1734, MIM Garden Sundial, slate, 1734 = P.C. Abbé de Meldon (Meudon?); Teeling? Keeling? Meldon (Meudon). Chew. suggest correction
FEHRENBACK see Stratz and Fehrenback. John Bell. suggest correction
FEHRENS AND ALBRECHT USA, fl.1852-65, MIM NIM PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
FEIL, CHARLES France, post-1827, OIM grandson of Guinand; "Ancienne maison Ch. Feil"; succeeded his grandfather; succeeded by Mantois. USNM. suggest correction
FEILDER, THOMAS England, fl.1687-1720, MIM apprenticed to Withers Cheney of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 9, 1678; free of the Company on Sept. 9, 1687; Master of the Company, 1715; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FELD see Felt. Michel 3. suggest correction
FELDT see Felt. Michel 3. suggest correction
FELKL, J., AND SON Czechoslovakia, c.1850, MIM Terrestrial Globe = DNM. made for Croatia. Prague. RSW. suggest correction
FELKL, JAN Poland; Czechoslovakia, 1817-88, MIM globe maker. Rostock; Prague. Globus, June 1963. suggest correction
FELKL, L. Poland; Gemany; Czech; Holl, 1817-87, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1850 = VNL; Planetarium, Ptolemaic = Birmingham Public Library, Alabama. Rostock; Leipzig; Prague; Groningen. Globus, Dec. 1957, June 1962; Yonge. suggest correction
FELL, ABRAHAM England, fl.1740-70, MIM made a new gnomon for the Ulverston church sundial in 1763. Ulverston Britten. suggest correction
FELLATA France, c.1820, PHIM Stick Barometer = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. Place du Colège Royal, Lyon. RSW. suggest correction
FELLWOCK, JOHANN GEORG Germany, fl.1762-83, MIM Quadrant, 1766 = PRA; Azimuth Quadrant, 1768 = DEU; Astronomical Clock, 1768 = Würzburg University Library; Planetarium, 1772 = BAM. Johann Georg Fellwöck, globe maker. Würzburg. Zinner 1; Horsky 2; Daumas 1; Wheatland 2; Czech. Inv.; Narodni; Globus, June,'62 and '63. suggest correction
FELT, D., AND CO. USA, MIM Rule and Rectangular Protractor, ivory = D.(1993). New York, N.Y. Coffeen 41. suggest correction
FELT, DAVID USA, MIM Terrestrial Globe, stand = Soth.-PB pre-1980. New York, N.Y. and Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
FELT, EBERHARD Germany, d.1600, MIM made diptych sundials; probably the son of Hans Felt; the name is also written "Feld." Nürnberg. Michel 1 & 3; Baillie 1; Gouk 1. suggest correction
FELT, HANS Germany, fl.1561-77, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1566 = Drecker-110 = DPW = ADL-DPW20; Diptych Sundial, ivory = P.C.; Sundial = Evans Coll. Master in 1564; the maker's mark is a fool's head; probably the father of Eberhard, Marx and Martin; the name is also spelled "Feld." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Gunther 2; Baillie 1; Gouk 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FELT, MARTIN Germany, d.1602, MIM made ivory diptych sundials; probably the son of Hans Felt; sometimes spelt "Feldt." Nürnberg. Michel 1 & 3; Baillie 1; Gouk 1. suggest correction
FELT, MARX Germany, d.1602, MIM made ivory diptych sundials; probably the son of Hans Felt. Nürnberg. Michel 1 & 3; Baillie 1; Gouk 1. suggest correction
FELT, WOLF Germany, c.1682, MIM compass maker; made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
FENDERICH, CHRISTIAN Germany?, MIM Ring Sundial = ZUR. Zinner 1. suggest correction
FENET, LEON France, c.1890, MIM Celestial Planisphere = Versailles 11/20/83. done under the direction of Camille Flammarion. RSW. suggest correction
FENIG England, 1795, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1795 = P. & S. 11/21/1894; Celestial Globe = P. & S. 11/21/1894. RSW. suggest correction
FENING c.1750, MIM Armillary Sphere = WHI. may be Fenig Price 12. suggest correction
FENN England, c.1850, MIM Triangular Rule, ivory = D.(1976). Newgate Street, London. Moskowitz. suggest correction
FENN, DANIEL England, c.1780, MIM Wheel-Cutting Machine = OXF; Hodometer works with compass = BM. London. Taylor 2(965); Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
FENN, ISAAC England, fl.1765-68, MIM Hodometer = Christie 12/12/1794. T.C.; invented a hodometer, patent granted in 1765. at the Sign of the Measuring Wheel, near the corner of Bond Street in Oxford Street, London. Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
FENN, J. England, c.1850, MIM Watchmaker's Rule, ivory = D.(1976). London. Moskowitz. suggest correction
FENTIMAN, JOHN England, c.1798, MIM a member of the Tiler and Bricklayers' Company; he took over Daniel Cass as an apprentice on June 23, 1798 from William Morris of the Grocers' Company. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FENTON AND SONS England, MIM T.C. in a box for an equatorial sundial. 11 New Oxford Street, London. Wheatland 2. suggest correction
FENWICK, T. probably the owner; marked on a levelling staff by H. Atkinson. RSW. suggest correction
FER, A. DE France, 1670, Drawings of Quadrant, Cylinder Sundial, and Regiomontanus Sundial, 1670 = PBN-GED12781, -82, -83. L'Isle du Palais sur le quai de l'Horloge, à la Sphère Royale, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
FERARI France, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1975). Lille. RSW. suggest correction
FERARI, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ipswich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FERAT France, c.1750-1802, MIM PHIM SIM Levels with sights = La Rochelle 7/16/83, P.C.(1987); Graphometers = P.C., Christie 3/21/91 (with case); Horizontal Sundial in watch case = O-F; Circumferentor, telescopic sights = D.(1965); Protractor for prisms = D.(1969); Goniometers = P.C., STT; Miner's Compass = P.C. (1987); Folding Rule, ebony and silver = D.(1989); Stick Barometer, 1802 = Leeds Castle = Christie 12/12/96. Férat; Ferrat? level signed "Ecole imperial de Chalons"; rule is in "decimètres" and has silver numerals set into the ebony; barometer is signed "Chalons-sur-Marne." opposite the Palais Marchand, Paris. Monreal; Nachet; Brieux 3; Pipping 2; MAD march, 1997; RSW. suggest correction
FERCHEL see Strebin und Ferchel. RSW. suggest correction
FERCHEL, JOSEPH Germany, fl.1841-47, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Drecker; Sundial, 1847 = DEU; Instrument = NYM; Geared Sundial = P. and S. 5/19/1896 = OXF. geared sundial invented by A. Zimmerman (P. and S.); Gunther said the opposite; may be the Ferchel in Strebin und Ferchel, which see. Evans 1; Gunther 6; RSW. suggest correction
FERCHNER, ANDREAS Austria, c.1750, MIM Celestial Globe on clock = WUP. copy of Roll clock in VIE. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
FERDINAND II, GRAND DUKE OF TUSCANY Italy, c.1660, invented the sealed, alcohol thermometer. Middleton 4. suggest correction
FERDINAND, SIGNIFER Spain, 1633, MIM SIM Plane Table Compass and Circle, 1633 = D.(1968). Valencia. RSW. suggest correction
FEREARIUS see Ferrerius. suggest correction
FEREIUS see Ferrerius. suggest correction
FEREMITE, ANTOINE France, c.1620, MIM Antoine Férémité. Paris. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
FERENC, ELEKES Hungary, c.1850, MIM globe maker. Tooley. suggest correction
FERGUSON Cruciform Sundial = UTR. probably modern. RSW. suggest correction
FERGUSON, DANIEL Scotland; England, c.1771, apprenticed to George Linnell of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1771. Edinburgh. Court and von Rohr 3(201). suggest correction
FERGUSON, JAMES 1 Scotland; England, 1710-76, MIM OIM made orreries, miniature globes with cases, "Astronoma Rotula" = RSM; several types of sundials, telescopes, etc; may be seen at the Banff Museum, KEN; FLO, NMM, NYM, ADL, RSM, VCW, etc. astronomer; lecturer; F.R.S., 1763; author; taught by Cantley. Banff; Edinburgh; Mortimer Street, London. Taylor 2(258); Calthrop; Ward 3; Wynter and Turner; NMM 2; DNB; DSB; H.C. King 2; Wynter 1; Stevenson; Yonge; Krogt 2; Clarke et al; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FERGUSON, JAMES 2 Scotland; England, c.1765, son of James Ferguson 1; apprenticed to John Troughton 1 in the Grocers' Company in 1765. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FERICHEL, JOSEPH MIM Sundial in watch, copper = P. and S. 4/21/1898. may be Ferchel. RSW. suggest correction
FERIEUS see Ferrerius. suggest correction
FERIEUS, JO. PAULUS see Gio. Paolo Ferreri. suggest correction
FERIGNY, J.F. 1736, MIM Inclinable Sundial, 1736 = FRA. amateurish. RSW. suggest correction
FERIN, AUGUSTO Portugal, MIM T.C. 70 Rua Nova do Almada, Lisbon. RSW. suggest correction
FERINA, VINCENZO Italy, pre-1765, MIM Horologium, wood pedestal = Goldschmied Coll. = NMM-Caird. initials P.G. added later. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
FERONI, ALEXANDER Ireland, fl.1809-10, PHIM barometer maker; 1809 directory showed his name as "Ferony." 49 Fleet Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
FERRARI, LORENZO Italy, fl.1813-24, MIM Astronomical Clock = X; Cannon Sundial = P. and S. 6/18/1894. also marked "Laurent". Parma. Morpurgo 1; Evans 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
FERRARI, LUIGI Italy, MIM Magnetic Compass = ADL-M467. Fox 1; RSW. suggest correction
FERRAT, JEAN BAPTISTE PIERRE FRANCOIS France, c.1750, MIM NIM Level = CNAM; Repeating Circle = ECO. Jean Baptiste Pierre François Ferrat; possibly same as Ferat. Cloître Nôtre-Dame, Paris. Daumas 1; Paris 1900. suggest correction
FERREIRA, MANOEL Portugal, fl.1748-71, NIM Marine Compass, wood and paper, 1771 = HAA; Instrument, 1748 = PMM. HAA is in an octagonal, wooden painted box. Lisbon. Schück 2; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
FERRERI, GIOVANNI PAOLO Italy; France, fl.1600-24, MIM Armillary Spheres = LEY (1600), NMM (1602, 1624). LEY has star points; NMM are from the Barbarini Coll.; also signed as "Jo. Paulus Ferrerius", "Jo. Paulus Ferieus", "Paolo Ferrero." Rome; Paris. Michel 3; NMM 2; USNM; Morpurgo 1; RSW; Globus, Dec. 1956 and 1957. suggest correction
FERRERIUS, JO. PAULUS see Giovanni Paulus Ferreri. suggest correction
FERRERO, PAOLO see Giovanni Paulus Ferreri. suggest correction
FERRET France, fl.1770-89, OIM lens maker; considered as a candidate for honor by the Royal Academy of Sciences. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
FERRIER France, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial base = Soth. 12/19/66; Sundial Plate = Koller June 1967. aux Galeries, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
FERRIER, ANTOINE France, c.1820, PHIM Money Scales = La Rochelle 7/16/83, Versailles 4/17/83. "Balancier ajusteur". rue St. Roch n° 6 près la Fontaine, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
FERRIER, ANTOINE DU France, fl.1600-22, MIM Pocket Calendars, 1607 = P.C.; Sundial, silver, 1616 = NMM-Caird; Sundial in watch = BM; Astronomical Compendium, 1607 = van Heusen Coll. = LOS. set up by Henri IV in his workshop in the Louvre; clockmaker to Louis XIII; 1616 sundial modified by Butterfield; see Le Sieur de Ferrier; the center section of the compendium has been incorrectly reassembled. au Louvre, Paris. Michel 1 and 3; MADEX; USNM; RSW; Daumas 1; Nachet; Baillie 1; Thielmann. suggest correction
FERRIER, GUILLAUME France, fl.1620-22, MIM OIM Magnetic Azimuth Sundial = OXF; Sundial = Soth. 1/27/48. son of Antoine du Ferrier; worked for Descartes in an attempt to produce hyperbolic lenses. à la Gallerie, Paris. Michel 1 and 3; Daumas 1; Josten; Société Belge; Maison Française; RSW. suggest correction
FERRIER, JEAN France, c.1641, MIM OIM Quadrant = Académie royale des Sciences, Paris. in the 1641 inventory of the Académie; made microscopes with hyperbolic lenses. Paris. Daumas 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
FERRIER, LE SIEUR DE France, 1611, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1611 = Warren Coll. (1928) = Soth. May, 1974 = D.(1976). Antoine du Ferrier?; dated "Nov. 21, 1611". Culver 1; Brieux 3. suggest correction
FERRIER, THORNTON England, fl.1817-23, PHIM barometer maker? father of William Thornton Ferrier? 34 Blackfriargate (1817); Queen Street (1822-23); both in Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FERRIER, WILLIAM THORNTON England, fl.1826-51, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. signed "W.T. Ferrier." 11 Queen Street (1826-42); 5 Nelson Street (1846-51); both in Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FERRIG 1795, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1795 = X. surely Fenig. Evans 1. suggest correction
FERRIS, T. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Poole. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FES, JOZE DA CRUS A see Crus. RSW. suggest correction
FESTE, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FETTANI, T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FEUCHERE, C.G. France, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1989). RSW. suggest correction
FEVONY see Alexander Feroni. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
FEYHEL, MARTIN Germany, fl.1578-80, MIM Hodometer, 1580 = DRE. Nürnberg; Augsburg; Dresden. Michel 3; Rohde; Nachet; Baillie 1; Beckmann; RSW. suggest correction
FEYKES, B. Holland, fl.1826-57, MIM Compass = WHI. Oude Teertuinen 42 (1826-52); Oude Teertuinen 133; both in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
FICK, A. Russia, 1829-1901, MIM Myograph = GMT. Maistrov 4. suggest correction
FICKLER Germany, c.1568, invented an astronomical compendium made by Nicholaus Rensberg. Basserman-Jordan 1. suggest correction
FIDLER, ROBERT England, fl.1805-13, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Mean Motion Orrery, 1813 = KEN; Orrery, 1805 = Dr. Pearson (1805); Sextant = DRE; Balances = KEN, Royal Institution; Barometer = X. 32 Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square, London. Taylor 2(1332); Daumas 1; KEN; Goodison 1; Britten; RSW. suggest correction
FIEBIG see Viebig. Zinner 1. suggest correction
FIEBIG, FRANCISCUS Germany; Hollandfl.1633-47, MIM Artillery Level, 1633 = BEK; Circumferentors = HAK, Königsberg Staat Kunstsammlung (1647), DEU, NUR; Graphometers = D.(1969), Copenhagen Rundturm; Celestial Globe, 1633 = BEK; Instrument, 1642 = P.C.; Geometry Set = KAS; Theodolite = D.(1969). Arnstadt; Cologne; The Hague. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Rizzi; RSW. suggest correction
FIEDLER, JOHANN, VON WESTIN Germany, 1752, MIM Protractor, 1752 = Christie 5/7/63-9. Dresden. RSW. suggest correction
FIELD AND CO. England, fl.1830-80?, MIM OIM PHIM Microscopes = Wellcome Museum, Phillips 4/20/83; Microtome = Phillips 11/16/88. probably the firm of first Robert and then George Field. New Street; Suffolk Street; both in Birmingham. Taylor 2(1845); Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
FIELD, CAPT. England, see Robert Field. RSW; Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
FIELD, GEORGE, AND CO. LTD. England, post-1850, NIM Compass in gimbals = FRK-N21. probably succeeded Robert Field. Birmingham. Frank. suggest correction
FIELD, JAMES England, 1805, MIM OIM billhead dated 1805. 2 Bond Street, Bath. Bryden 9. suggest correction
FIELD, JOHN England, fl.1787-1830, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = X; Telescope = Soth. 4/22/65. T.C.; apprenticed to Edward Nairne in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1779; freed in 1787; worked at the Royal Mint, 1804-1830; Master of the Company, 1799-1801, 1820-22. 74 Cornhill, (1791); His Majesty's Mint (1817-27); both in London. Taylor 2(833); Calvert 2; Clay and Court; Evans 1; Dewhirst; Crawforth 1; Court and von Rohr 3(213). suggest correction
FIELD, ROBERT England, c.1800, MIM OIM SIM Microscopes = WHI, Cranbrook Institute of Science, Mich.; Parallel Rules = SPL, OMM; Surveying Compass = Melun 4/24/83. parallel rules marked "Capt. Field's improved rule" and "Field Improved." 33 Navigation Street; 111 New Street, both in Birmingham. Bryden 9; Moskowitz 104; RSW; USNM; Taylor 2(1845). suggest correction
FIELD, ROBERT, AND SON England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Microscopes = FRK, CMY, P.C., Phillips 2/14/79, Christie 2/2/77; Surveyor's Compasses = Snowshill Manor, D.; Magnetic Compass = Versailles 11/20/83; Protractors = Soth. 12/13/65 and Christie 12/21/71; Stick Barometer = Phillips 9/10/86. often signed "R. Field and Son." 113 New Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9; G.L'E. Turner 24; Frank; USNM; Moskowitz 103; RSW. suggest correction
FIELD, W. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88. Aylesbury. RSW. suggest correction
FIELD, WALTER England, 1777, MIM Slide Rule, boxwood, 1777 = BM. also marked "Mr. Cuthbertson" and "J. Sutton." Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
FIELD, WILLIAM England, c.1662, apprenticed to Thomas Aldus in the Joiners' Company on July 1, 1662. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
FIELOT, R., AND SON OIM Compound Microscope = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. probably a misreading of "R. Field and Son." Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
FIERET France, c.1620, MIM Sundial in lid of watch = X. Montpelier. Baillie 1. suggest correction
FIERI Portugal; England, c.1790, MIM see Magellan and Fieri. Lisbon; London. RSW. suggest correction
FIEUSET France, 18th Century, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = Soth. 7/31/58; Mathematical Instrument Set = P.C.(1970). rue Grenetta, Paris. Troadec; RSW. suggest correction
FIGATELLI, G.M. Italy, c.1675, instrument designer. Weil 2(23). suggest correction
FILBRI, GERARD BERNARD ANTON Hollandfl.1769-1830, MIM Level, 1769 = LEY. made instruments for O. Canzius. Delft. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
FILBRI, GERARD BERNARD HENDRIK Holland, 1811-83, OIM Lens, 1753 = DEU. 1753 entry must be a mistake. Delft. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
FILBY, D. 1 Germany, fl.1750-60, NIM PHIM Sextants = Cabrillo Marine Museum, Long Beach, Cal. (1750, 1760), HAM; Octants = HAM, Soth.-B 3/2/79; Barometer = HAA; Compass Rose = Staatl. Navigationsschule, Hamburg. Hamburg. USNM; Schück 2; RSW. suggest correction
FILBY, D. 2 Germany, c.1840, NIM Sextant = P.C. O'Mara. suggest correction
FILFORD see Vandome, Filford and Co. suggest correction
FILIBERTO, EMANUELE Italy, fl.1570-75, MIM globe maker. Rome. Globus, Dec. 1956. suggest correction
FILINGER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ely. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FILIPPO E HOVER Italy, c.1764, MIM Higgens 3. suggest correction
FINCH England, MIM SIM Circumferentor, case = P-B 9/24/38. may be I. Finch. which see. RSW. suggest correction
FINCH, I. England, c.1750, MIM Sector = Soth. 2/8/83. RSW. suggest correction
FINCH, JACOB England, c.1686, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Isaac Carver of the Clockmakers' Company on May 3, 1686. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FINE, FRANCOIS France?, c.1500, MIM François Finé. Maddison 6. suggest correction
FINE, ORONCE France, 1494-1555, MIM Navicula, ivory, 1524 = POR = MPP; Astronomical Clock, 1553 = Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Paris. Oronce Finé; instrument designer and maker; author; navicula signed "Op. Orontii F. 1524." Briançon; Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 3; Nachet; Poulle 2; Moreux; Brusa 1; Portaluppi Cat.; RSW. suggest correction
FINLAY, ROBERT Scotland, fl.1846-50, MIM OIM PHIM 46 John Street (1846-47); 225 George Street (1848); 87 London Street (1849-50); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
FINLAY, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1820-22, MIM 65 George Street, Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
FINLAYSON, JOHN Scotland, 1743, MIM OIM SIM Compound Microscopes = RSM (1743), OXF; Telescopic Level, double = Soth. 10/5/90. Jacobite; Burgess and Guild Brother, 1743; may have been a Hammerman. Edinburgh. Bryden 3 & 4; Nichols; RSW. suggest correction
FINNEY AND LIDDLE Scotland, fl.1826-27, OIM Joseph Finney 2 and William Liddle. 3 North Bank Street, Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
FINNEY, JOSEPH 1 England, 1708-72, PHIM Angle Barometers = X, Christie-G 6/30/92, KEN; Pyrometers = X(2); Metallic Thermometer = Burton Constable. Freeman of Liverpool, 1733; also made hygrometers and clocks; Christie barometer signed "J. Finney, Liverpool", walnut case; Joseph Finney 2 is probably son. Liverpool. D.N.B.; Antiquarian Horology, Sept. 1976; Fairclough; Elizabeth Hall; McConnell 1; RSW. suggest correction
FINNEY, JOSEPH 2 England; Scotland, fl.1770-1825, MIM OIM PHIM Angle Barometer = KEN; Micrometer Gauge = KEN; Elliptical Trammel = KEN; Dial Pyrometer = KEN; Stick Barometer = P.C. could be son of Joseph Finney 1; Edinburgh shop may be branch; all KEN instruments are part of George III Coll.; see Finney and Liddle. Liverpool; 5 Bank Street (1818); 3 North Bank Street, (1819-1825); both Bank Street addresses are in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1553); Daumas 1; Chaldecott 1; Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW; Tyler. suggest correction
FIORA, J. England, fl.1814-15?, PHIM Barometer = D.(1970); Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 12/17/87. Signed "J. Fiora Nottingham"; the name also appears on clocks. Long Row?, Nottingham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
FIORENZA, FRANCISCO Italy, set of ivory tablets with designs of a fortress. Peter Brophy thinks the work is Flemish or Dutch. Milan. Brophy. suggest correction
FIORINI, MATTEO Italy, 1827-1901, MIM Terrestrial and Celestial Globes = Museo della Societa Geografica Italiana, Rome. Bologna. Maddison 7; Globus, Dec.1956. suggest correction
FIORINO, S.D. c.1835, PHIM Barometer = KAS. von Mackensen 1. suggest correction
FIORUZZI E BIANCHI Italy; France?, c.1820, PHIM Galvanometer = Dept. of Physics, U. of Parma. A. Fioruzzi and B. Bianchi 3 of Paris collaborated on this instrument used in Macedonio Melloni's lab. Piacenza; Paris? Brenni 1. suggest correction
FIORUZZI, A. Italy; France?, c.1820, PHIM see Fioruzzi e Bianchi. Piacenza. Brenni 1. suggest correction
FISCHER 1 England, 1783, MIM patented a pedometer in 1763. London. Baillie 1. suggest correction
FISCHER 2 USA, c.1850, MIM Hydrometer Set = Soth.-N.Y. 2/23/79. 58 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
FISCHER, JOHANN PAUL Germany, c.1840, MIM Heliochronometers = PRA, Soth. 11/16/87. Nürnberg? Zinner 1; Horsky and Skopova; RSW. suggest correction
FISCHER, N.C. Germany, 1781, MIM Mining Compass, 1781 = P.C.(1987). Saalfeld. RSW. suggest correction
FISCHER, PETRUS Denmark, 1591, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1591 = ROS-66. pupil of Tycho Brahe. Rosenborg Castle Cat. suggest correction
FISH, ASA USA, MIM Gunter Scale = Streeter Coll. = MYS. Mystic, Conn. RSW. suggest correction
FISHER USA, c.1823, PHIM Barometer = Athenaeum of Philadelphia, Pa. may be Martin Fisher; also made thermometers and other philosophical instruments. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
FISHER, EBENEZER England, c.1725, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Smith 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on March 4, 1717 for eight years; free of the Company on Oct. 4, 1725. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FISHER, JAMES USA, fl.1846-53, PHIM also made chemical apparatus. 58 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
FISHER, JOHN 1 England, c.1776, apprenticed to Richard Rust in the Grocers' Company in 1776. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FISHER, JOHN 2 USA, c.1790, MIM made an astronomical clock in 1790. Yorktown, Pa. Prime; USNM. suggest correction
FISHER, JOSEPH USA, fl.1849-53, MIM PHIM Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
FISHER, MARTIN USA, c.1791, PHIM made glass instruments, barometere, thermometers, etc; succeeded Alloysius Ketterer; see Fisher. Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Middleton 1; Bedini 1 and 8; USNM. suggest correction
FISHER, THOMAS USA, c.1846, MIM made an astronomical device; won an award for it in 1846. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
FISHWICK, C. England, c.1839, MIM NIM OIM Naval Quay, Hull. Taylor 2(2127). suggest correction
FITCH, JOHN 1 England?, c.1770, MIM Protractor = X. Haviland. Price 2 (1964). suggest correction
FITCH, JOHN 2 USA, c.1793, improved the traverse board with "The Columbian Ready Reckoner", 1793. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 8. suggest correction
FITCHETT, EDWARD England, c.1804, apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on Nov. 20, 1804. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
FITTON, ALEXANDER Ireland, fl.1780-87, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1780 = P.C. worked with Francis Fitton. 36 Grafton Street; 60 Paul Street (1787); both in Cork. Taylor 2(834); Brewington 1; Jannasch; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
FITTON, ALEXANDER AND FRANCIS Ireland, fl.1784-87, MIM NIM 36 Grafton Street, Cork. Taylor 2(834). suggest correction
FITTON, FRANCIS Ireland, fl.1784-87, MIM NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1784 = PEA. worked with Alexander Fitton. 36 Grafton Street (1784); 36 Paul Street (1787); both in Cork. Taylor 2(834); Brewington 1; NMM 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
FITZ, HENRY, JR. USA, 1803-63, OIM Lens, ten-inch, achromatic = ADL-A207; twelve-inch Objective = P.C.; Refracting Telescopes = USNM, U. of Michigan, Allegheny Observatory. first important telescope maker in the U.S.A. 508 Fourth Street, New York, N.Y. USNM; Howell; Multhauf 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FITZGERALD, KEANE England, fl.1765-75, PHIM Metallic Thermometer = X. designed a new wheel barometer; author. Taylor 2(478); Chaldecott 4; Middleton 1. suggest correction
FITZGERALD, MICHAEL Ireland, c.1820, MIM Sullivan's Quay, Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
FITZGERALD, WILLIAM England, c.1801, NIM invented a marine level instrument. Grey's Inn, Middlesex, London[?]. Taylor 2(1122). suggest correction
FITZROY, ADMIRAL ROBERT England, 1805-65, designed a new scale for barometere and a new shock-proof barometer for naval ships, both after 1850. London. Goodison 1; Middleton 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
FIXLMILLNER, PLACIDUS Austria, 1721-91, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1766 = KRM. Kremsmünster. Zinner 1; Rabenalt. suggest correction
FLACK, RICHARD England, c.1749, apprenticed to Edward Roberts 1 in the Joiners' Company on May 2, 1749. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
FLAMENT France, 19th Century, MIM Set of Drawing Instruments = Christie-NY 10/24/83. the French curve is marked "3614 Bte. S.G.D.G." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
FLAMSTEED, JOHN England, 1646-1719, MIM Mural Quadrant (with Abraham Sharp), 1688-1689 = NMM. The first Astronomer Royal; author. Greenwich. Taylor 1(318); Daumas 1; Nachet; Howse 1. suggest correction
FLANAGAN, PATRICK Ireland, 1824, MIM 13 Fishamble Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
FLANTIN, ETIENNE France, c.1608, MIM instrument maker to Henry IV. au Louvre, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
FLECHET, P. France, MIM Heliochronometer = Musée Lombard, Geneva. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
FLECHET, P.,ET CIE. France, c.1850, MIM Heliochronometer = USN. "Ingénieur". 5 Rue Nve. Pr. Augustin, Paris. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
FLECHEUX, ABBE France, c.1780, MIM Tellurium = DPW; Loxocosme = P.C. Abbé Flecheux; invented the "Loxocosme" to demonstrate the motions of the earth. Brieux 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
FLEETWOOD, RICHARD England, c.1793, MIM apprenticed to John Browning 1 in the Grocers' Company on Mar. 7, 1793. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FLEMING, JOHN England, 1842-47, MIM 41 Brick Lane (1842); 191 St. George Street (1847); both in London. O'Mara. suggest correction
FLETCHER Scotland, MIM Pair of Globes, small = D.(1983) = RSM. "Fletcher's Celestial Globe" also appears on a globe made by W. and A.K. Johnston. Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
FLETCHER, J., AND SON England, OIM T.C.; opticians; made chronometers and watches. 148 Leadenhall Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
FLETCHER, M., AND SON England, c.1850, PHIM Marine Barometer = VNN; Stick Barometer = Hutchinson-Scott Auctioneers, 6/14/94. Stick barometer signed "Fletcher and Son, London." 95 Leadenhall Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
FLIEGER, KASPAR Germany?, c.1750, MIM Pair of Globes = Prague Observatory. Society of Jesus. Zinner 1; Globus, June 1963. suggest correction
FLINDELL, JOHN England, c.1782, OIM was turned over to George Ribright of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1775; free of the Company in 1782. Court and von Rohr 3(206). suggest correction
FLINT, HENRY England, c.1701, MIM apprenticed to Walter Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 3, 1701. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FLINT, THOMAS England, fl.1826-48, MIM NIM OIM Octant = KEN. 9 High Street (1826-31); 31 Whitefriars Gate; 34 Whitefriars Gate (1835-48); all in Hull. KEN; Taylor 2(2128). suggest correction
FLOCKHART, ANDREW England, fl.1811-23, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. barometer signed "Flockhart Covent Garden, London." 5 King Street, Covent Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FLORENT, ARNOLD see Langren. ART. suggest correction
FLORENT, ARNOLD, FILIUS see Langren. Belgian Inv. suggest correction
FLORENT, JACOB see Langren. Belgian Inv.; Globus, Dec. 1957. suggest correction
FLORIANUS, ANTONIUS Italy, fl.1545-55, MIM Terrestrial Globe Gores, 1555 = N.Y. Public Library. Udine. Yonge. suggest correction
FLOTTMAN Germany, c.1700, MIM Protractor = Soth. 10/4/77 = P.C. Berlin. A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
FLOUTRIERES, PIERRE DE France, c.1619, Floutrières; designed sundials; author. Paris. Goldschmidt Cat. suggest correction
FLOWER, CHRISTOPHER 1 England, c.1650, MIM successor to Thomas Flower. in the Bulwarke by the Tower, London. Taylor 1(237); NMM 1. suggest correction
FLOWER, CHRISTOPHER 2 England, 1653-93, MIM OIM employed by William Spencer 1 in early 1671; apprenticed, 1671, in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company, 1678. Bishopsgate Street, London (1693). Taylor 1(237); Evans 1; Dewhirst; NMM 1; Court and von Rohr 3(43). suggest correction
FLOWER, GEORGE England, c.1682, MIM apprenticed by turnover to James Atkinson 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on July 4, 1670; free of the Company, July 3, 1682. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FLOWER, JOHN England, fl.1712-57, MIM OIM son of Christopher Flower 2; free of the Spectaclemakers' Company by Patrimony, 1712; Master of the Company in 1735. NMM 1; Court and von Rohr 3(81). suggest correction
FLOWER, MARY England, fl.1693-97, MIM OIM widow of Christopher Flower 2; mother of John Flower; managed husband's shop. Bishopsgate Street, London. Court and von Rohr 3(68). suggest correction
FLOWER, SAMUEL England, MIM made small Gunter's quadrant. Taylor 1(217). suggest correction
FLOWER, THOMAS England, 1642-97, MIM succeeded by Christopher Flower 1; engraved scales; his sign suggests that he made sundials. Sign of the Dyall in the Bulwarke by the Tower, London. Taylor 1(201); Evans 1. suggest correction
FLOWER, W. England, c.1646, MIM made gunnery instruments described in William Eldred's book. The Bulwarke by the Tower, London. Taylor 1(217). suggest correction
FLOWER, WILLIAM England, c.1768, clergyman; invented a type of slide rule; author, 1768; John Bennett 2 made the slide rule. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
FLUDD, ROBERT England, 1574-1637, designed instruments including a geometrical staff and combination barometer and thermometer. Oxford; London. Taylor 1(93); Weil 2; Gunther 2. suggest correction
FOBIS, PIERRE DE France, fl.1535-65, MIM Armillary Sphere with clock = VIE; Astronomical Clock, 1535 = X. globe maker. Lyon. Michel 3; Bertele 1; Globus, June 1963; Brieux 2. suggest correction
FOCARD, JACQUES France, c.1546, designed astrolabes; author. Lyon. Weil 2(27). suggest correction
FOCINI, BERNARDO see Bernardus Facini. suggest correction
FOEF MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = Pugsley Sale. "No. 5." RSW. suggest correction
FOEHR, JAN CORNELISZ VON Holland?, 1770, NIM Octant, 1770 = HAK. RSW. suggest correction
FOERING see Pleis, Foering and Thudium. suggest correction
FOGGED, LUCAS USA, c.1850, OIM Telescope = Maritime Museum of British Columbia. USNM. suggest correction
FOIRET France, c.1850, OIM Parabolic Reflector = D. Paris. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
FOKKENBERG, J.D. Holland, 1777, OIM Microscopes = KEN (1777), CRI. Utrecht. Rooseboom 1; Gunther 2; KEN. suggest correction
FOLE, ROBERT 1 England, c.1667, MIM one of nineteen instrument makers admitted to the Clockmakers' Company in 1668. J. Brown 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
FOLE, ROBERT 2 misreading for "Jole." Clay and Court. suggest correction
FOLETTI, MICHAEL England, fl.1844-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 88 Curtain Road (1844-46); 4-5 Bateman's Row (1847-49); 64 Banner Street (1851-52); 89 Old Street (1853-60); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FOLGER, GIDEON USA, OIM Spyglass = Maria Mitchell Science Library, Nantucket, Mass. Nantucket, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
FOLGER, WALTER, JR. USA, 1765-1849, MIM OIM Astronomical Clock, Mariner's Compasses, Telescope = Foulger Museum, Nantucket, Mass. scientist, astronomer, philosopher, Member of Congress, State Senator. Nantucket, Mass. Bedini 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
FOLIE, A.P. 1796, MIM Garden Sundial, small, 1796 = D. RSW. suggest correction
FOLKES, MARTIN England, 1690-1754, OIM designed a Cuff-type microscope with a micrometer. Nachet. suggest correction
FOLLI, P. FRANCESCO Italy, 1624-85, PHIM Hygrometer = FLO-2434. Poppi. Bonelli 1 & 5. suggest correction
FOND, SIGAUD DE LA France, 1730-1810, worked on the plate electrical machine, 1771. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
FONDRINIER see Fourdrinier. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
FONETES MIM Pillar Sundial, wood = DPW. RSW. suggest correction
FONTAINE, DE England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. RSW. suggest correction
FONTAINEMOREAU, PIERRE ARMAND Scotland, c.1844, Le Comte de Fontainemoreau; he invented a new type of barometer. Skinner's Place, Sise Lane, Edinburgh? Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Vol.IV, p.56. suggest correction
FONTANA 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Wycombe. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FONTANA 2 England, see B. Fontana; Bulla, Grassi and Fontana; Grassi and Fontana. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FONTANA, B. England, fl.1830-56, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "B. Fontana Exeter". Cowick Street, St. Thomas, Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FONTANA, B. AND J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Kettering. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FONTANA, E. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-S 4/24/87. High Wicombe. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
FONTANA, FELICE Italy, 1730-1805, OIM PHIM Balance Barometer = FLO. earliest known director of Grand Duke Léopold's Museum which is now the Museo di Storia della Scienza in Florence; used spider silk for cross lines in a level with two telescopes that he built; also made thermometers. Florence. Bonelli 5; Michel 1 & 3; Daumas 1; Morpurgo 1; Boffito; Italian Inv.; Bedini 8; Knoefel; Middleton 1. suggest correction
FONTANA, FRANCESCO Italy, fl.1580-1656, OIM claimed to have invented a telescope in 1608, and a microscope in 1618; author; mentioned by Bonani in 1690 as an instrument maker. Naples. Offenbacher 22; Nachet; Weil 2(19); Clay and Court. suggest correction
FONTANA, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. see Fontana 1 and E. Fontana. High Wycombe. RSW. suggest correction
FONTANA, G.B. Italy, c.1590, MIM Celestial Globe = Schloss Ambras, Innsbruck. Globus, Nov. 1954. suggest correction
FONTANI see Fontana. Bell 2; Goodison 1. suggest correction
FONTANI, M. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 9/10/86. High Wycombe. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
FONTEYNE, LA France, 1645, MIM Sundial, compass in butt of pistol = Wallace Coll.-A1182, London. Mourgues. Cousins. suggest correction
FONZONOLE, ROUX France, OIM Microscope = D. Paris. Brieux 3. suggest correction
FOORD, RICHARD England, c.1660, MIM apprenticed to Walter Hayes in the Grocers' Company; free of the Company in 1660. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FOPPES, WYTZE Holland, 1707-78, MIM NIM OIM Trigonometric Instruments = P.C. (1751), LEY (1757); Telescope, Gregorian = Eisinga's house, Franeker; Reflecting Circle = AMST; Telescopes, reflecting = Auctions, 1906 and 1910. Rooseboom puts "Dongjuma" in parentheses after the surname; also made microscopes. Leeuwarden. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
FORBIN see Fortin. Gunther 2. suggest correction
FORD, GEORGE 1 England; USA, fl.1811-42, MIM NIM SIM Hadley's Quadrant = D.(1970). either he or his son, George Ford 2, was a clockmaker. West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Bedini 1 and 17; Smart 1; Moskowitz 101. suggest correction
FORD, GEORGE 2 USA, c.1842, MIM NIM SIM succeeded his father, George Ford 1, in 1842. Lancaster, Pa. Bedini 1 and 17; Smart 1. suggest correction
FORD, HENRY England, c.1724, free in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1724. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
FORD, J. England, c.1800, NIM Sextant = Soth. 2/1/79; Octant = OXF; Hadley's Quadrant = PRA. may be John Ford, which see. London. Taylor 2(1123); Horsky and Skopova; RSW. suggest correction
FORD, JOHN England, c.1813, MIM apprenticed to John King 2 in the Grocers' Company, 1802; turned over to John Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company in 1805; free of the Company in 1813. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FORD, ROBERT England, c.1730, MIM apprenticed to Simon Cade of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 7, 1730. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FORDHAM, THOMAS England, c.1776, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer signed "Fordham." Bishops Stortford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FOREST, J. France, c.1850, MIM Terrestrial Globes = Versailles 11/20/83 (3), Melun 4/28/83, Soth.-B 9/12/73, D.(1972), Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96; Celestial Globe = D.(1972); Terrestrial Globe, miniature = Versailles 4/24/83. some of the globes are marked "Trazada por J. Forest Ingenioro Geografo." Paris. Moskowitz 104; RSW. suggest correction
FOREST-DUCHESNE, NICOLAS France, 1639, designed a sector with sights and socket, 1639; author. Daumas 1. suggest correction
FORIANO, FRA FRANCESCO DE Italy, 1743, OIM Microscope, 1743 = ROM. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
FORLANI, PAOLO DI see Paulus de Furlanis. Woodward 1; RSW. suggest correction
FORNELLI see Mastaglio, Fornelli and Molteni. Taylor 2(2179); Goodison 1. suggest correction
FORNETH England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95. Sheffield. RSW. suggest correction
FORRE AND CO. England, c.1790, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1970). London. RSW. suggest correction
FORREST England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FORSTER see Graham and Forster. suggest correction
FORSTER, CLEMENT England, fl.1682-94, MIM PHIM Sector = D.(1994). apprenticed to Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 29, 1670; free of the Company, July 3, 1682; took apprentices; barometer maker. at Mr. Davis's, near Painter's Coffee House, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London (1694). J. Brown 3; Taylor 1(345); Goodison 1; Coffeen X (1994). suggest correction
FORSTER, DANIEL England, 1733, NIM Davis Quadrant, 1733 = Versailles 11/19/79. Wapping, London. RSW. suggest correction
FORSTER, HANS Germany?, MIM Dividers = NUR-WI242. RSW. suggest correction
FORSTER, SAMUEL England, designed an equatorium, made by Anthony Thompson. North 2. suggest correction
FORSTER, WILLIAM England, fl.1630-74, MIM Calendar = NMM-Gabb Coll. pupil of William Oughtred in 1630; designed a protractor. Red Bull over against St. Clement's Churchyard, outside Temple Bar, London. Taylor 1(164); Rabone 1. suggest correction
FORSTHOFF, JOHANN WILHELM Germany, c.1700, PHIM Money Balance = Soth. 6/25/68. RSW. suggest correction
FORSYTH, WILLIAM England, MIM Slide Rule, single, wood = RSM. RSW. suggest correction
FORTIER France, fl.1725-60, MIM Astronomical Clocks with Armillary Spheres = Wallace Collection (1763), Getty Museum, P.C. Paris. Connaissance des Arts, 1975. suggest correction
FORTIN ET HERMANN France, c.1830, PHIM Pneumatic Apparatus = USNM; Hygrometer = USNM; Porosity Apparatus = USNM. Nicolas Fortin. Paris. USNM; Middleton 4; Daumas 1. suggest correction
FORTIN, AUGUSTIN France, fl.1768-80, MIM Astronomical Clock = NMM; Terrestrial Globes = Schuhmann-96 (1770), CNAM (1769, 1770, 1780), NMM (1770)(2); Celestial Globes = ADL-A262 (1780), CNAM (1770, 1780), Drouot 11/6/67; Pair of Globes, 1780 = D.(1970); Armillary Spheres = D.(1974), VEO, Hispanic Society, New York, N.Y.; Planispheres = P.C., ADL-DPW53 (1768); Planetarium = D.(1974). "Ingénieur pour les globes et sphères"; Yonge gave first address. Mouchy-la-V. (Oise); chez le S. Fortin, rue de la Harpe, Paris. Brieux 3; Bonelli 4; Italian Inv.; Daumas 1; Nachet; MADEX; Wynter 1; Stevenson; Yonge; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FORTIN, ETIENNE France, c.1785, MIM OIM made large astronomical instruments. Paris. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
FORTIN, JEAN NICHOLAS France, 1750-1831, MIM NIM PHIM Barometers = CNAM, FLG, GMT; Air Pump, 1780 = FLO; Air Pump = CNAM; Spherometer = CNAM; Repeating Circle = CNAM; Balance = WHI. the foremost precision instrument maker in Paris of his era, he made chemical apparatus and precision balances for Antoine Lavoisier; developed a portable cistern barometer; Yonge thought he made the Hispanic Society armillary sphere. rue Saint Honoré; rue de la Sorbonne; rue de la Montagne-Sainte Geneviève; all in Paris. Daumas 1; Brewington 1; Bonelli 1 & 4; Maistrov 4; Brieux 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Italian Inv; J.A. Bennett 2; Middleton 1; Yonge. suggest correction
FORTIN, LE SIEUR see Augustin Fortin and Jean Nicholas Fortin as both used this title. Daumas 1. suggest correction
FORTIN, LOUISE France, c.1793, MIM worked with her father, Augustin Fortin; globe maker. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
FOSANELLI, PETER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bishops Castle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FOSSE-E-O MIM Proportional Dividers, wood and metal = USNM. the hyphens indicate illegible letters. USNM. suggest correction
FOSSELL, DAVID England, PHIM Angle Barometer = X. Hinckley. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FOSTER England, 19th Century, MIM Floating Sundial, ivory = P.C. marked "Magnetic Sun Dial." RSW. suggest correction
FOSTER AND CAMMACK England, OIM Telescope, 4-draw = FRK-TL98. Liverpool. Frank. suggest correction
FOSTER, CHARLES England, PHIM Angle Barometer = Christie 12/8/76. Halifax. RSW. suggest correction
FOSTER, CLEMENT see Clement Forster. suggest correction
FOSTER, DANIEL England, NIM a copy of a mariner's compass signed "Daniel Foster" was made and signed by L.C. Eichner of New Jersey, for the Mayflower II. near Wapping Old Stairs, London. Taylor 1(351); RSW. suggest correction
FOSTER, EDWARD England, fl.1777-85, MIM Planetarium, 1777 = X. also a clock maker. Carlisle. Bryden 9. suggest correction
FOSTER, JAMES 1 USA, pre-1838, MIM OIM PHIM partner with L.T. Wells as Wells and Foster 1. Cincinnatti, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
FOSTER, JAMES 2 USA, 1814-73, MIM PHIM SIM Solar Compass = Oregon State Logging Museum, Klamath Falls.; Surveyor's Compasses = Abraham Lincoln Museum, Springfield, Il., D.(1978). see also "Wells and Foster" 2 and "James Foster Jr. and Co." Fifth and Race Street, Cincinnatti, Ohio. (1852-73). Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
FOSTER, JAMES, JR. AND CO. USA, 1814-73, MIM PHIM SIM Transit = Ohio State Museum, Columbus; Surveying Chain= D.(1991). James Foster 2. Baltimore, Md (1814-38); Cincinnati, Ohio (1838-73). Smart 1; Coffeen 35. suggest correction
FOSTER, JOHN 1 England, c.1690, MIM apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 of the Clockmakers' Company in 1680; free of the Company on Jan. 20, 1690. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FOSTER, JOHN 2 Englandc.1693, MIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Smith of the Clockmakers' Company on May 3, 1693; free of the Company, April 4, 1726. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FOSTER, JOHN 3 England, c.1726, MIM apprenticed to his father, John Foster 2 (or 1) of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 1, 1726. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FOSTER, JOHN 4 England, c.1797, apprenticed to Joseph Stutchbury in the Joiners' Company on July 4, 1797. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
FOSTER, JOHN 5 England, fl.1830-37, MIM NIM OIM Sextant, ebony = Soth. 10/28/86. T.C. 70 Sparling Street; 43 Sparling Street; 33 Strand Street. all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1849); Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
FOSTER, JOSEPH England, c.1728, MIM apprenticed to his father , John Foster 2 (or 1), of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 6, 1728. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FOSTER, ROGER 1 England, c.1650, MIM Horary Quadrant = D.(1969). this instrument was later modified with a radius arm to serve as a surveying quadrant; it was used for survey work in New England, c.1750. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
FOSTER, ROGER 2 France?, c.1790, MIM Horary Quadrant = Soth. 3/10/87. RSW. suggest correction
FOSTER, SAMUELL England, fl.1619-52, designed a type of sector that was made by Anthony Thompson 1; designed and made other instruments and sundials; professor of Astronomy at Gresham College; author; see S.F. Coventry. Calvert 2; Taylor 1(139); Weil 2(15); Brusa 1. suggest correction
FOSTER, W. England, fl.1685-90, MIM Perpetual Calendars = BM(3) one dated 1685, OXF (1690). Gunther 2; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
FOSTER, W.T. England, NIM Octant = Christie 12/17/75. Ramsgate. RSW. suggest correction
FOUCALT, JEAN BERNARD LEON France, 1819-68, OIM PHIM Philosophical Instrument = POB; Telescope = Observatoire de Marseilles (2). Jean Bernard Léon Foucalt; designed microscopes for daguerreotypes; designed pendulum to show motion of the earth; invented a gyroscope in 1852. Paris. Nachet; Trois Siècles; G.L'E. Turner 24; Maynent. suggest correction
FOUCHE see Fourché. suggest correction
FOUCHY, MR. GRANDJEAN DE France, fl.1732-69, invented the micrometer scale which was added by Le Maire Fils in 1741 to the telescopic quadrant, ADL-M186, which had been made by Philippe Claude Lebas, c.1675; Fouchy was a member of the Académie Royal des Sciences. Paris. Engelmann 1; Fox 1; Ronfort 1; Daumas 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FOUCQUIER, ANTHOUNE France, fl.1587-89, MIM SIM Sundial, ivory, 1587 = Peyrot Coll.; Circumferentor, 1589 = DEU. Evans 1; Price 2. suggest correction
FOUITIE, MME. DE France?, OIM Telescope, 4-draw = FRK-T154. Frank. suggest correction
FOULLON France, 18th Century, MIM Rule, folding, ivory = Koller 11/17/75. RSW. suggest correction
FOULLON, ABEL France, 1513-65, invented the holometer for surveying; author; director of the Mint for Henri II. Paris. Michel 3; Boffito; Weil 2. suggest correction
FOURCHE France, fl.1780-1810, MIM Measures = CNAM; Money Balance = TPD. Fourché; measures marked "l'an V". rue de la Ferronnerie, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
FOURDRINIER France, pre-1672, MIM SIM Graphometer = FIN-240 = ADL-N33; Gnomonic Instrument = X. Paris. Nachet; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FOUX Holland, 1752, MIM SIM made surveying instruments; went to Leyden in 1752. De Clerq. suggest correction
FOWLER, F. England, MIM Table Sundial = Musée Lombard, Geneva. London. RSW. suggest correction
FOWLER, JOHN 1 England, c.1709, OIM apprenticed to John Yarwell in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company, 1709. The Globe, Sweetings Alley, London. Robischon. suggest correction
FOWLER, JOHN 2 England, fl.1720-39, MIM PHIM SIM Universal Ring Sundials = P.C., D.(1964), Soth. 11/23/59; Azimuth Compass = NMM; Sundial, 1737 = OXF; Sundial = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Protactor = D.(1996); Universal Sundial = D.(1995). apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 1; T.C.; made slide rules, thermometers, etc. at the Globe in Swithin Alley by the Royal Exchange; at the Globe in Sweeting's Alley by the Royal Exchange (1737); both in London; [may be one address]. Taylor 2(174); Calvert 2; Dewhirst; Evans 1; Baillie 1; RSW; Gunther 2; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; NMM 2; J.A. Bennett 2; Coffeen 49 and 55. suggest correction
FOWLER, JOHN WILLIAM England, c.1753, apprenticed to John Morgan 2 in the Joiners' Company on Jan. 9, 1753. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
FOWLER, T. England, c.1700, MIM Azimuth Compass = SWE. Royal Exchange, London. RSW. suggest correction
FOWLER, WILLIAM England, 1738, NIM Backstaff, 1738 = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
FOWLES England, c.1676, MIM made Townley-type micrometer which Flamsteed gave to Gian Domenico Cassini, c.1676. London. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
FOWLT, JOHN England, c.1737, apprenticed to Robert Cole 1 in the Stationers' Company; turned over to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company, June 7, 1737. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
FOX England, PHIM Dip Circles = X. Cornwall. McConnell (1984). suggest correction
FOX, E. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be Edmund Fox or earlier E. Fox recorded by Baillie; barometer signed "E. Fox Ely and Soham." Ely and Soham. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
FOX, EDMUND England, c.1850, PHIM barometer maker? see E. Fox. Broad Street, Ely. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
FOX, H. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1975). scale plate etched (?). Wakefield. RSW. suggest correction
FOX, JOSEPH England, c.1801, apprenticed to Mrs. Martha Rust in the Grocers' Company, 1801. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
FOX, ROBERT WERE England, fl.1831-48, designed a dipping needle and a terrestrial magnetism measuring instrument. Falmouth, Cornwall. Taylor 2(1850). suggest correction
FOXON, WILLIAM England, 1772, invented a hydrometer, or mechanical log, 1772. Deptford. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
FOY France, OIM Spyglass = FRK. optician. Galerie Vivienne No. 59A, Paris. Frank. suggest correction
FPLEGER, CHRISTOPH HUDIER 1629, MIM Protractor, 1629 = STU. RSW. suggest correction
FRADER, DIDAE, SATDAN 1511, MIM Vertical Sundial, 1511 = P. and S. 2/9/1897. RSW. suggest correction
FRAENKEL, H.H. Holland, 19th Century?, PHIM Stick Barometer = Auction, 1975. Groningen. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
FRAGET, F. Francec.1850, MIM Theodolite = P.C. (1987). marked "Constucteur." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
FRAIDEL see Raidel. suggest correction
FRAMBOTTI, PAOLO Italy, c.1649, MIM Sector = X. Padua. Nachet. suggest correction
FRAN:US, P. PETRUS, DE WILLEVEAUX see Willeveaux, P. Petrus Fraa~:us de. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FRANCESCO DI PADUA Italy, owner of many fine instruments made for him by Erasmus Habermel; badge was three rose bushes. RSW. suggest correction
FRANCHETTA England, MIM Alidade = CYM. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
FRANCIS, BULMER England, fl.1731-74, MIM apprenticed to Richard George on April 5, 1709; turned over to Richard Hutchinson, of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FRANCIS, E.G. England, fl.1836-42, OIM Microscope = CRI. Gunther thought it was 92 Berwick Street. 82 Berwick Street, Soho, London. O'Mara; Gunther 2. suggest correction
FRANCIS, GEORGE England, fl.1828-42, MIM OIM PHIM 103 Regent Street (1828-29); 93 Berwick Street; both in London. O'Mara; Taylor 2(1851); Nachet. suggest correction
FRANCIS, JM. USA, c.1820, PHIM Stick Barometer, mahogany = Sack. 13 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I. Sack Brochure 29, 10/1/76. suggest correction
FRANCIS, LAWRENCE C. USA, fl.1844-83, PHIM Barometers = Soth.-PB pre-1980, Atwater Kent Museum and Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.; Stick Barometer = Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Pa.; Barometer and Thermometer = D.(1957). signed "L.C. Francis." Fetter Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
FRANCISCI D'ESPANA Spain, 1692, MIM Astrolabe, 1692 = ROM. Francisci d'España; ICA-501. Bonelli 4; Price 1; ICA 2; Bedini 12; RSW. suggest correction
FRANCISCI DI VECTIOSI Italy, 1577, MIM Astrolabe-Quadrant, 1577 = P. and S. 6/18/1894-34 = BMR; Quadrant, 1577 = OXF. P. and S. signed "Opus." Gunther 6; RSW. suggest correction
FRANCISCUS DE SALUIS Italy, 1682, MIM Drawing Compass, 1682 = ADL-M75. "Franciscus de Saluis Roman. fecit Neap. 1682." Rome; Naples. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FRANCISCUS DI CREMONA Italy, 1638, MIM Dividers, 1638 = Istituto di Fisico, Padua. Cremona. Italian Inv. suggest correction
FRANCISCUS DI VITIOLI see Francisci di Vectiosi. Société Belge; Belgian Inv. suggest correction
FRANCK, CAROLUS Austria, 1732, MIM Horizontal Sundial = ADL-M256; Universal Ring Sundial, 1732 = ADL-DPW45. Zinner and Michel thought he was c.1680. Vienna. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FRANCK, JOHAN FREDERICK 1643, MIM SIM Protractor with sights = SKO; Surveying Instrument Set = SKO; Horizontal Sundial, 1643 = SKO. sundial is for 50° latitude. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
FRANCO, CARLO Italy, c.1653, MIM SIM Horizontal Sundial = LIE; Graphometer = X. Milan. Michel 3. suggest correction
FRANCOIS France, c.1750, MIM Carpenter's Square = ADL-M99. "François." Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FRANCOIS, A. LE France, MIM Instrument = KEN. "A. Le François." 174 Galerie de Valois, Palais Royal, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
FRANCOIS, GILBERT France, pre-1767, OIM Microscope, silver = Davila Sale 11/12/1767, Paris. François. Frick Library, New York City; RSW. suggest correction
FRANCONE, JOANNES 1779, MIM Nachet. suggest correction
FRANK, HEI Germany, c.1830, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = Lempertz 4/28/61; Diptych Sundial, wood, leather and paper = WHI. only initial of first name can be read on WHI. Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
FRANKE Austria, MIM made various mathematical instruments. Vienna. USNM. suggest correction
FRANKE, JOHANN FRIDERICH Germany, fl.1640-43, MIM Proportional Compass, 1640 = VIE; Graphometer, 1642 = VIE; Set of Surveying Instruments, 1643 = SKO; Mining Compass = P.C. the 1640 octant also shows the name "Benjamin Bramer"; Franke was the Warden of the Castle and the Commandant of Plassenburg. Plassenburg bi Kulmbach. Zinner 1; Price 2; Michel 3 & 14; RSW. suggest correction
FRANKEN, JOHANN FRIEDRICH see Johann Friderich Franke. suggest correction
FRANKHAM AND WILSON England, fl.1856-60, PHIM barometer makers; see Richard and Henry Frankham. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FRANKHAM, RICHARD AND HENRY England, fl.1829-55, PHIM Marine Barometer = Gloucester Museum; Barometer = Soth. 7/15/66. also made thermometers; see Frankham and Wilson. 12 Wilson Street, Grays Inn Road, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
FRANKIN, THOMAS see Thomas Franklyn. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
FRANKLIN 1 England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. St. Anne's Place, Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
FRANKLIN 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. 44 High Street, Bloomsbury. RSW. suggest correction
FRANKLIN AND CO. England, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. T.C. N°. 20 St.Ann's Square, Manchester. Calvert 2; RSW. suggest correction
FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN USA, 1706-90, MIM PHIM Electrical Machine = Library Company, Philadelphia; Lodestone, 1729 with Franklin's name = Soth. 12/8/69. scientist, author, diplomat; he invented many philosophical instruments. Boston, N.E.; Philadelphia, Pa. RSW; etc. suggest correction
FRANKLYN, THOMAS England, fl.1716-19, MIM member of the Stationers' Company; he took over John Farrer and James Howell as apprentices in 1716 and 1719, respectively, from Joseph Harrison of the Grocers' Company. London. J.Brown 1. suggest correction
FRANKS, A. England, 19th Century, OIM Microscope, compound binocular = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Manchester, Southport and Hull. RSW. suggest correction
FRANKS, ABRAHAM England, c.1830, OIM Hick Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme. Taylor 2(1852). suggest correction
FRANSZ, PIETER Holland, c.1629, MIM Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
FRANZ, JOH. GEORG Germany, fl.1790-1808, MIM Celestial Globes = Eisenach Thüring Museum (1790), Gotha Landsbibliothek (1804), VNL, DEU, Regensburg Hofbibliothek, VIT; Terrestrial Globe, 1808 = NUR. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Globus, Nov. 1954, June 1962. suggest correction
FRANZ, JOSEPH, S.J. Czechoslovakia, 1756, developed a precision rule in 1756. Czech. Inv. suggest correction
FRANZ-LX, IORGE Belgium?, 1593, MIM Sundial, 1593 = LIE. Michel 9; Belgian Inv. suggest correction
FRANZEL, FERD. RUDOLF Germany, 1749, MIM Celestial Globe, 1749 = Schiller's House, Weimar. Zinner 1. suggest correction
FRANZI, FELIX Holland, 18th Century, PHIM Barometer, walnut = Christie April, 1978. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
FRASCATORO, GIROLAMO Italy, made a Copernican equatorium. North 2. suggest correction
FRASCOLI, ANTONIO Italy, 1866, PHIM Wheel Barometer, 1866 = Linceo Giulio Beccaria, Milan. Milan. Middleton 1. suggest correction
FRASER England, fl.1789-1815, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums including sextants, barometers, telescopes, various types of sundials, pedometers, a magnetic compass dated 1789, etc. William Fraser or perhaps his son; see Fraser and Son; "Optician to His Majesty." 3 New Bond Street, London. Taylor 2(835); Goodison 1; Evans 1; Whipple 1; Gunther 6; RSW; G.L'E. Turner 24; Wynter and Turner; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW; Coffeen 14; Bryden 16. suggest correction
FRASER AND SON England, 1799-1815, MIM PHIM SIM Box Sextant = Christie 2/16/69; Theodolites = D.(1972), Soth. 11/9/70; Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 7/21/87. William Fraser and his son; taken over by Hawks Grice, 1815, and by Edward Dixey in 1817. New Bond Street, London. Taylor 2(835); Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Dewhirst; RSW; Clay and Court; Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
FRASER, A. AND H. England, c.1825, MIM OIM Spyglass, six-draw = Soth. 11/9/70; Sundial = Chriatie-SK 11/19/87. London. RSW. suggest correction
FRASER, ALEXANDER Scotland, fl.1840-70, MIM Garden Sundial, 1840, stone = Bredisholm. sundial maker; mason. Gatty; Somerville. suggest correction
FRASER, J.G. England, owner; "J.G. Fraser, R.N." marked on a sextant in the Frank Coll. RSW. suggest correction
FRASER, JOHN England, c.1681, MIM Equatorial Sundial = SPI-2818. apprenticed to Edward Eyston in the Clockmakers' Company, 1681. London. Taylor 1(528); Michel 3; Ernst; Evans 1; Britten; RSW. suggest correction
FRASER, W.M. England, c.1775, MIM sold Wright's celestial globes; probably a misreading for Wm. Fraser. New Bond Street, London. Soth. 11/20/70. suggest correction
FRASER, WILLIAM England, fl.1785-1815, MIM OIM Spyglass = KEN; Balance = Wallington Museum, Northumberland; Hodometer = Chelsea Fair (1973); Air Pump = P.C.; Level = X; Circular Slide Rule = P.C. T.C.; instrument maker to King George III; "Optical and Mathematical Instrument Maker to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales"; see "Fraser" and "Fraser and Son." Ferguson's Head, 3 New Bond Street; 31 New Bond Street; both in London. Taylor 2(835); Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Crawforth 1; RSW; Moskowitz 103; Delehar 9. suggest correction
FRASI, FREDERICK MIM Sun Compass = NMM-D.22. NMM 2. suggest correction
FRASSY England? France?, c. 1850, MIM Sector, wood = ADL-M498. in centimeters. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FRATELLI, BIANCHY see Bianchy. suggest correction
FRAUENHOFER, JOSEPH VON Germany, 1787-1826, OIM Telescopes = STT, VIT, DRE; Spectroscope = DRE; Transit = STT. made the most important telescopes of his era; joined Reichenbach and Liebherr in 1807; firm was Reichenbach, Utzschneider und Liebherr, 1807-14; was Utzschneider und Liebherr 1814-24; was Utzschneider und Frauenhofer, 1824-26; Frauenhofer built his own optical glass factory in Benedictbeuren Stift; his greatest contributions were in the field of spectroscopy. Munich; Benedictbeiren. Daumas 1; Nachet; Drechsler 2; Pipping 1 & 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Repsold; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
FRAZER 1 England, fl.1785-88, MIM Pedometers = CLO, P.C. might be William Fraser. London. Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
FRAZER 2 England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-Sussex 9/18/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
FRAZER, WILLIAM England, c.1825, OIM 94 Wardour Street, London. Taylor 2(1557). suggest correction
FREAUN, A.R. France, 1842, MIM Celestial Globe, 1842 = MAN-I164. Paris. Garcia Fraanco 1. suggest correction
FRECOT France, c.1780, PHIM Barometer = Museum of Natural History, Paris. Frécot. 89 rue de la Harpe, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
FREDENSBURG, C. Germany, this entry does not appear in Zinner, although the entry "B.E." says "see C. Fredensburg." Zinner 1. suggest correction
FREEMAN England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. 25 Great Warner Street, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FREEMAN AND NEW England, PHIM T.C.; scalemakers. Leadenhall Street, London. Calvert 2. suggest correction
FREEMAN, HENRY England, fl.1817-38, MIM OIM PHIM Taylor 2(1336a). suggest correction
FREEMAN, HENRY WILLIAM England, fl.1828-40, MIM 3 Curtain Road (1828-29); 3 New Inn Yard, Curtain Road (1840); both in London. O'Mara; Crawforth 6. suggest correction
FREEMAN, S. England, c.1900, Water Clock, 1642 = MYS. surely modern, by Birmingham firm. Gloucester. RSW. suggest correction
FREEMAN, T.G. England, NIM Sextant = Soth. 6/8/70. RSW. suggest correction
FREEMAN, THOMAS England, c.1698, MIM apprenticed to Cornelius Harbert of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 6, 1686; turned over to Thomas Meades, also of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company, July 4, 1698. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
FREER, JOHN England, 1646, MIM Garden Sundial, 1642 = D.(1979). London. RSW. suggest correction
FREMINVILLE France, c.1790, OIM Telescope, wood = A-P 3/15/76. Fréminville; made telescopes for the army. rue du Bacq, No. 628; Gros Caillou (c.1790); both in Paris. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
FREMOY, C.G. DU Austria, 18th Century, MIM Equatorial Clock, geared = SLM. also signed "Frenoy." Salzburg. Evans 1. suggest correction
FRENCH, JAMES England; USA, 1788, NIM Davis Quadrant, 1788 = MYS. brother of Samuel French; may have been owner. Providence, R.I. USNM; Price 2; D.J. Warner 8; RSW. suggest correction
FRENCH, SAMUEL c.1788, brother of James French. RSW. suggest correction
FRENCH, SANTIAGO JAMES MOORE England, fl.1810-44, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X; Stick Barometer = X. instruments signed "French Royal Exchange." 14-15 Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange (1822-39); 80 Cornhill (1840-44); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FRENOY see Fremoy. suggest correction
FRERSZ, JOHANN EGGERICH Germany, 1666, MIM SIM Case of Instruments, 1666 = KAS; Theodolite = BER; Cicumferentor = KAS. Zinner thought him Frers; may be same as Johann Eggerich, which see. Gottigen; Cologne. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
FRESNEL, AUGUSTIN JEAN France, 1788-1827, developed new microscopes; invented a special lens for lighthouse lamps; author. Nachet; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
FREY, FRANZ 1757, MIM Sundial, square, 1757 = P. and S. 6/8/1894. RSW. suggest correction
FREY, MARTIN Germany, c.1590, MIM the inscription, "Martin Frey Regenpure 1590", appears on a universal equinoctial hanging sundial c.1480 at OXF. Regensburg. Maddison 6; Evans 1; Gunther 1 and 6. suggest correction
FRIC, JOSE AND JAN Czechoslovakia, c.1850, MIM SIM Theodolite = MOS. Prague. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja; Hynie. suggest correction
FRIED, GEY see Seyfried. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
FRIEDRICH Germany, MIM SIM Circumferentor = P. and S. 4/3/1894; Alidades = P. and S. 11/12/1894(2). Evans 1 listed him as Friedrichy. Berlin. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
FRIEHER, JOH. GEORG Germany, c.1600, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument = LUN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
FRIEND England, c.1850, MIM River Current Meter = P.C.; Depth Sounder, No. 322 = D.(1987). sounder marked "Patentee." Southampton. Coffeen 15; RSW. suggest correction
FRIES, A. Italy, OIM Telescope = Christie 12/16/69. "Ottica." RSW. suggest correction
FRIES, FREDERIC Holland, fl.1791-92, PHIM made philosophical instruments for van Marum. Haarlem. G.L'E. Turner 7 and 24. suggest correction
FRIESE, H. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Sundial, wood = BEK. Berlin. Evans 1. suggest correction
FRIESSFELDT, HANS Germany, c.1555, MIM Diptych Sundial = Liegnitz Stadtmuseum. compass maker; Master in 1555; sundial signed "HANS FR__ NFELT NERMBERG FACIEBAT"; Zinner spelt him as Frueinsfeldt. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1. suggest correction
FRIEZ, JULIEN P., AND SON USA, c.1900, MIM Compass, with sights = Michigan Historical Society, Lansing, Mich. also marked "Delagrave et Cie. Editeur, Paris." Belfort Observatory, Baltimore, Md. RSW. suggest correction
FRIGERIO, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80. may be same as J. Frigerio. 281 High Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
FRIGERIO, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FRISI, GEO. L. Italy, 1794, MIM Quadrant, ivory, 1794 = OXF. latitude 45°28'. Evans 1; Gunther 2. suggest correction
FRISIUS, GEMMA Gemma Frisius (Gemma of Friesland). RSW. suggest correction
FRISIUS, NEPOS GEMMAE see Gualterus Arsenius, nephew of Gemma Frisius. USNM; RSW; van Ortroy 2. suggest correction
FRIST 1578, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1578 = MUN. "Frist, Kurlze dout ewigist Bedenck das end zeit laub't behend." RSW. suggest correction
FRISY see Gemma Frisius. suggest correction
FRITH England, post-1826, OIM Telescope, two-draw = FRK-T134. see Peter Frith and Co. London. Frank. suggest correction
FRITH, PETER England, fl.1820-62, OIM Microscope, drum = D.(1986). signed "P. Frith." London. Coffeen 13. suggest correction
FRITH, PETER, AND CO. England, fl.1820-c.66, MIM OIM SIM Telescope, post-1826 = PEA. also made microscopes; T.C. Sheffield; 28 Cursitor Street (1826); 5 Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn (1866), factory; both in London. Taylor 2(1557a); Brewington 1; USNM; Calvert 2; Coffeen 13. suggest correction
FRITZ, KARL Germany, c.1750, PHIM Steelyard = USNM. Bonn. USNM. suggest correction
FROBERG, SVEN Sweden, 1782, MIM Fröberg. Uppsala. Sidenbladh. suggest correction
FRODSHAM England, 19th Century, MIM Map Measurer = KEN. Kingsgate Street, Red Lion Square, London. KEN. suggest correction
FRODSHAM AND BAKER England, fl.1809-49, PHIM John Frodsham and Baker. Kingsgate Street (1809-23); 33 Gracechurch Street (1823-); both in London. Britten. suggest correction
FRODSHAM AND KEEN England, c.1840, MIM NIM Sextant = Soth. 6/16/75. T.C.; chronometer and watch makers. 9 St. George Crescent; 17 South Castle Street and East Side Salthouse Dock; all in Liverpool. Brewington 1. suggest correction
FRODSHAM, CHARLES England, 1811-70, MIM PHIM Barometer = K. and C. 5/14/75. apprenticed to his father, William James Frodsham, in the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company in 1845; F.R.S.; successor to Arnold (1843) and to B.L. Vulliamy (1854); brother of John and Henry Frodsham. London. Poggendorff; USNM; Pipping 1; Britten; Clifton 1. suggest correction
FRODSHAM, G. England, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometers = X and K.and C. 5/14/75. 84 Strand, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
FRODSHAM, HENRY, JR. England, fl.1835-56, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Telescope = MYS; Octant = WHI; Stick Barometers = Soth. 2/19/87, VNN; Marine Barometer = NOR; Sympiesometer = D.(1961); Sextants = D.(1976), D.(1997). his instruments are often signed "H.Frodsham"; brother of Charles and John Frodsham. 38 Castle Street, Liverpool; Change Alley, Cornhill, London. Taylor 2(1558); Price 2; Bryden 9; Clifton 1; Coffeen 56. suggest correction
FRODSHAM, JOHN England, 1785-1849, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. member of the Clockmakers' company, 1822; livery of the company in 1830; partner with Baker, 1809-49 as Frodsham and Baker. Kingsgate Street (1809-23); 33 Gracechurch Street (1823-); both in London. Goodison 1; Baillie 1; Britten. suggest correction
FRODSHAM, WILLIAM JAMES England, fl.1800-38, MIM OIM see Parkinson and Frodsham. Taylor 2(1403). suggest correction
FROGGATT, SAMUEL England, fl.1827-46, MIM OIM PHIM still listed as "Optician" in the 1846 Directory. 14 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden (1822-29); 27 Bridgehouse Place, Newington Causeway and 13 Charterhouse (1840); all in London. Taylor 2(1559); O'Mara. suggest correction
FROGGATT, THOMAS England, fl.1822-30, OIM Walkmile, Pickle; Savile Street; both in Sheffield. Taylor 2(1560). suggest correction
FROLANDER, ANDERS Sweden, b.1733, MIM Frölander was apprenticed to J.Z. Steinholtz in 1760. Pipping 1. suggest correction
FROMENT, PAUL GUSTAVE France, 1815-64, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Microscope = BIL; Surveying Instrument, 1850 = P.C.; Electrical Machine = D.; Marine Compass = D. student at the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris (1835-37); showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. 5 rue Ménil/Montant, Paris. Poggendorff; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Brieux 2; Purtle; Paris-1900; J.A.Bennett 2. suggest correction
FROMOND 1784, OIM Microscope, small, 1784 = Liceo Ginnasio D. Manin, Cremona. Italian Inv. suggest correction
FROST England, c.1777, MIM rule maker; may be W. Frost. Great Charles Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
FROST AND ADAMS USA, 1835-1935, MIM SIM Transit-Level = P.C. founded in 1835; incorporated in 1895; the Makepeace Company bought Frost and Adams in 1931; artists' supplies; sold surveying instruments under the name of Frost and Adams; successors to Whipple; see Frost and Adams Co; the transit-level was marked "Yankee No. 155." Boston, Mass. Smart 1 and 2; Bedini 6; RSW. suggest correction
FROST AND ADAMS CO. USA, MIM Rule, wood = ADL-W119. see Frost and Adams. Boston, Mass. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FROST AND WITHNOLL England, fl.1767-70, MIM W. Frost and T. Withnoll; successors to Wood and Lort; rule makers; authors. Litchfield Street (1767); 14 Litchfield Street (1770); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9; Taylor 2(591). suggest correction
FROST BROS. England, c.1850, MIM Rope-maker's Gauge = OXF. patent rope-makers. London. RSW. suggest correction
FROST, NOAKES AND CO. England, PHIM Frost, J. Noakes and Co. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FROST, W. see Frost and Withnoll. Taylor 2(591). suggest correction
FROTHERINGHAM, SAMUEL England, d.1745, invented a metallic thermometer. Holbeach, Elloe Holland, Lincolnshire. Chaldecott 2; Britton. suggest correction
FROWD England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Hemel Hempstead. Goodison 1. suggest correction
FRUEINSFELDT, HANS see Hans Friessfeldt. Zinner 1; Gouk 1. suggest correction
FRUTOLF Germany, d.1103, MIM Benedictine monk; made sundials. Bamberg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
FRY, J. England, 1742, MIM Slide Rule, boxwood, 1742 = Soth. 2/2/76. in the Old Bailey, London. RSW. suggest correction
FRYE AND SHAW USA, fl.1837-45, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Marine Barometer = MYS; Stick Barometer = John C. Freeman (1845); Marine Compasses = PMS, D.(1983); Octants = P.C.(2); Surveying Compasses = Huntington Historical Society, N.Y., D.(1935), Skinner 6/28/83; Theodolite = P.C. (1987). Addington D. Frye and Robert Ludlow Shaw; USNM entry says that Huntington instrument is dated 1780. 222 Water Street, New York, N.Y. USNM; Smart 1; Coffeen D; Hague; Warner 12; RSW. suggest correction
FRYE, ADDINGTON D. USA, fl.1836-48, MIM NIM see Frye and Shaw. 222 Water Street (1836-37); 33 Pike (1844-48); both in New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
FRYE, JOSEPH USA, 1712-94, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = USNM. this instrument was used by Frye and may have been made by him. Fryeburg, Me. Smart 1; Bedini 8. suggest correction
FUCHS Germany, 1577, MIM Astrolabe, 1577 = Gillingham Coll. = P.C. ICA-273; for 50° latitude. Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
FUCHS, M. Germany, c.1817, PHIM Barometer = DRE; Electrical Machine, 1817 = DRE. Leipzig. Drechsler; RSW. suggest correction
FUCHS, M.C.B. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Celestial Globe = MUN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
FUCHS, THOMAS Germany; Sweden, fl.1706-45, MIM Gunner's Scale, 1706 = STT. Uppsala. Pipping 1 & 2. suggest correction
FUGGER Germany, MIM Pillar Sundial, "rock crystal" and silver, 1560 = TIM. the sundial has a parchment calendar inside; the instrument may not be as old as the marked date would indicate. RSW. suggest correction
FUHRMANN, ELIAS ADAM Germany, 1750, MIM Sundial, stone, 1750 = P. & S. 11/21/1894. Evans 1. suggest correction
FULBY, P. Germany, NIM Octant = De Young Museum, San Francisco, Ca. probably D. Filby. Hamburg. USNM. suggest correction
FULIGATTI, GIULIO Italy, c.1617, MIM S.J.; designed sundials; author of "De gli Horivoli a sole", dedicated to Don Cosmo II Gran Duca di Toscana IIII, Ferrara, 1617. Cesena. RSW. suggest correction
FULLER 1 England, c.1820, OIM made a microscope in the form of a book. Norwich. Taylor 2(1561); Nachet; Clay and Court. suggest correction
FULLER 2 England, PHIM see Caltenback, Fuller and Co. 77 Blackman Street, Borough, London. RSW. suggest correction
FULLER, J. England, MIM Level = Soth. 7/15/63. Ipswich. RSW. suggest correction
FULLER, JOHN E. USA, fl.1845-47, MIM Time Telegraph, with Calculator, 1845 = WHI; Circular Slide Rule, Palmer-Type = P.C. invented a circular slide rule, "The Time Telegraph" to figure the number of days between any two dates; patented in 1845; bought out Aaron Palmer and improved Palmer's slide rule by adding his rule to the back of the instrument in 1847; Delehar thought he was George Fuller. Boston, Mass. G.L'E. Turner 24; Delehar 9; RSW. suggest correction
FULLER, JOSEPH England, fl.1832-34, MIM PHIM 2 St.James' Walk, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1856); O'Mara. suggest correction
FULLER, MR. England, fl.1678-85, MIM invented "a little Cross-Staff." A.J. Turner 1 & 2. suggest correction
FULLER, SAMUEL Ireland, c.1732, wrote a book on globes. Dublin. Clay and Court. suggest correction
FULLONE see Foullon. suggest correction
FULLWOOD, BARBON England, c.1785, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 3/7/75. Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
FULTON, J. USA, MIM Garden Sundial = Atwater Kent Museum, Phiadelphia, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
FULTON, J.L., AND CO. USA, PHIM Scale, beam = Soth.-PB pre-1980. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
FUNCK, CHRISTLIEB BENEDICT Germany, 1736-87, MIM Globe, paper covered, 1780 = SLM; Terrestrial Globe, 1785 = DRE. Christlieb Benedict Funck von Hartenstein, professor of physics. Leipzig. Grötzsch 1; RSW. suggest correction
FUNCK, JOH. MICHAEL Germany, 1725, MIM Diptych Sundial, cardboard, 1725 = BAU. Erfurt. Zinner 1. suggest correction
FUNCKLER, F.W. Holland, fl.1849-60, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = TEY. won a gold prize at the 1849 Paris Exposition; see Logeman en Funckler. Haarlem. G.L'E. Turner 7 and 24. suggest correction
FURLANIS, PAULUS DE Italy, c.1590, MIM Terrestrial Globe, silver = WHI. map maker; sometimes signed "Paolo Forlani"; engraved plate of quadrant for Fabritio Mordente's book. Verona. Whipple 1; O. Brown 3; Woodward 1; RSW. suggest correction
FURST, PAULUS Germany, c.1622, engraving of an astrolabe signed "M. Francisci Ritteri Noribergensis Paulus Fürst excudit" = OXF (Gunther 288); Fürst also designed a horizontal sundial. Nürnberg. Price 1; Gunther 1; Lunardi. suggest correction
FURSTALLER, JOSEF JAKOB Austria, 1730-75, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Studienbibliothek, Salzburg. Fürstaller. Bramberg and Salzberg. Globus, Oct. 1953, Nov. 1954, Dec. 1956, June 1963. suggest correction
FURSTLE Fürstle; see Johann Paul Kraus. Zinner 1. suggest correction
FURTENBACH, MARTIN Germany, 1535, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1535 = Raymond Fugger (1535). Zinner 1. suggest correction
FURTTENBACH, JOSEPH Germany, pre-1771, MIM Fürttenbach; invented and made skaphe sundials (drawing). Portaluppi; Nedoluha. suggest correction
FUSARIUS, FRANCISCUS Italy, 1637-1638, MIM Sectors = OXF (1638), ADL SD-2 (1637). ADL one (viewed by RSW in P.C. 1977) is Guidobaldo-type; OXF has steel points. Cremona. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
FUSELLI Italy, NIM Compass in gimbals = D.(1976). Genoa. RSW. suggest correction
FUSORIS, JOHANNE France, c.1365-1436, MIM Astrolabes = OXF (ICA-192, 194, 196), CNAM-19544, NOR, BAR, GIL, DPW (ICA-193b), RSM-1947/27, ADL-M27 (ICA-199), FIN (ICA-193) = Landau = ADL-W264, ANM (ICA-460), BRS (ICA-568), NMM (ICA-337), University of Wroclaw, D.(1993); Mars plate for Equatorium, 1400, = P.C. Fusoris astrolabes, though not signed, are so well documented by Poulle that identification is certain. Giraumont; Paris. Poulle 1 & 6; Michel 2; Price 1; Gunther 1; Simoni; Polish Inv.; A.J. Turner 10; DSB; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
FUSS, NICHOLAS Germany, c.1774, designed a microscope. Nachet. suggest correction
FUSSEN Germany, Füssen. Bobinger 5. suggest correction
FUSSES, NIZZAER Germany, c.1600, MIM Rule = DRE. Nürnberg. Drechsler. suggest correction
FUTTEL, THOMAS see Thomas Tuttell. Daumas 1. suggest correction
FYFE, S.H. Scotland, NIM Compass in gimbals = FRK-N3 = RSM. Glasgow. Frank; Clarke et al. suggest correction
FYOT, F.M. England, c.1785, invented a "cyclometer" and a graphometer. 33 Compton Street, Soho, London. Taylor 2(836). suggest correction
G. Portugal, 1605, NIM Mariner's Astrolabe, 1605 (NMM-59) = Christie-NY 6/14/88 = Museu de Marinha, Lisbon. National Maritime Museum Registry of Mariner's Astrolabes; from the Atocha wreck. A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
G. AND R.G. Scotland, c.1817, MIM wrote on thermometers and hygrometers; mathematical instrument makers ? Kinross? Taylor 2(1337a). suggest correction
G.A. Gualterus Arsenius, which see; instruments sometimes signed "G.A. nepos Gemmae Frisi." Engelmann 1; Van Ortroy 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
G.A.I.G. See H.G.A.V. suggest correction
G.A.R.E. Holland?, 1569, MIM Astrolabe, 1569 = AMST. the astrolabe is also marked "P.C." Holland, Belgium or Germany. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
G.A.Z.N. Germany marked on stone sundial signed "Gottfried Abbas." N.M. Fränkel Coll. Cat, 1913. suggest correction
G.B. 1 England on nocturnals = Great Bear. RSW. suggest correction
G.B. 2 England, c.1775, NIM Backstaff = Christie-SK 7/2/81-174. "G.B. Royal Guardian", with Prince of Wales plumes; belonged to Nevil Maskylene. RSW. suggest correction
G.B.H.L. England?, NIM Nocturnal, wood = GMM. "G.B." may stand for Great Bear. RSW. suggest correction
G.C. c.1820, MIM Sundial, pocket = AMST. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
G.C.A. GermanyMIM Universal Ring Sundial = LIN-100. Zinner 1. suggest correction
G.C.K. Germany, 1768, MIM Horizontal Sundial, stone, 1768 = AUG. RSW. suggest correction
G.C.M. ItalyMIM SIM initials on surveying instrument made by Gio. Riva at VEN. RSW. suggest correction
G.C.S. Germanyc.1550, MIM Dividers with screw, iron = P.C. screw runs through both arms; engraved with the arms of Augsburg. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
G.D. England, OIM Eyepieces (3) for Refractor Telescope. George Dollond (?). Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
G.D.L.G. 1771, MIM Vertical Sundial, stone, 1771 = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88 = Chayette 12/20/88. direct south facing sundial. RSW. suggest correction
G.E. USA, 1779-99, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1779 = USNM; Horizontal Sundials, pewter, 1779 = Earle Coll., P.C.; Horizontal Sundial, pewter = Mercer Museum, Pa; Sundial Mold, stone, 1779 = D.(1985). George Ellicott (?); USNM dial is for 40°. Bucks County, Pa. Earle; Coffeen 10; RSW. suggest correction
G.E.R. D. ET L. Germany, 1691, MIM Astrolabe, wood and paper, 1691 = RAV (ICA-624). Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
G.F. USA, c.1800, NIM Marine Compass in gimbals = P.C. (1970). wooden box. Guthman 1. suggest correction
G.G. 1 Holland, 1677, PHIM Beam Balance, 1677 = LEY. Crommelin 1. suggest correction
G.G. 2 marked on Dutch, silver perpetual calendar dated 1750, WHI-1776 (FIT); with coat of arms, surely owner. Bryden 16. suggest correction
G.G.B. 1612, MIM Tide Dial = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
G.G.C. France., 17th Century, MIM Quadrant = ADL-M181. cutout monogram in center; may be owner. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
G.G.F. Germany, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = Drecker Coll. F. appears under G.G.; may be Fecit. RSW; Evans 1. suggest correction
G.G.Z. Germany?, fl.1707-15, MIM Sundial, 1707 = LIN; Sundial = KEN; Ring Sundial, 1715 = PAK-128. Beevers; RSW. suggest correction
G.H. 1 c.1530, MIM Skaphe = BMR. Lunardi. suggest correction
G.H. 2 England?, 1665, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1665 = Soth. 5/11/23 = BM. amateur work; may be George Hooper. Taylor 1(291); Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
G.H. 3 Belgium?, 1767, MIM SIM Theodolite and Surveying Instruments in box, 1767 = Soth. 4/22/65. Flanders? RSW. suggest correction
G.H.M.A.D. Germany, 1601, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1601 = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
G.H.V.K. Holland, fl.1780-1801, MIM NIM Gerard Hulst van Keulen, which see. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
G.H.W. Germany, 1730, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1730 = Drecker Coll. Eichstätt. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
G.J. England, MIM Nocturnal, boxwood = P. and S. 3/20/1896. George Johnson? London. RSW. suggest correction
G.K.B. Germany, 1587, MIM Nocturnal, 1587 = OXF. Georg Kostenbader? Josten 1; Liège; Price 2; Michel 1. suggest correction
G.K.V. Germany?, c.1600, MIM Pillar Sundial with watch in base and Instruments inside, silver and parcel-gilt = Sneyd Coll. = Keele Hall Sale, pre-July, 1928 = Soth. 7/26/28 = WEBS. signed on watch cock; tooled leather case; "London" also on watch cock, in later hand. Davis; RSW. suggest correction
G.L. 1 Germany, 1592, MIM Horizontal Sundial, string-gnomon, 1592 = NUR-WI 257. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
G.L. 2 England?OIM Microscope, Lindsay-type = Soth. 12/15/78. marked "215" RSW. suggest correction
G.M. 1 England, "G.M. 60" marked on a calculating scale signed "M. Burleigh", also marked "M.B."; the instrument is ADL-N41. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
G.M. 2 Belgium, fl.1681-83, MIM SIM Military Circumferentor = OXF. Guillaume Meuris of Brussels, which see. Brussels. Josten 1; RSW. suggest correction
G.M. 3 19th Century, MIM Drawing Instrument = Soth. 3/5/81 case signed G. Mure. RSW. suggest correction
G.M.F.C. 1743, "G. Maru fecit Caboga", on an armillary sphere at LOS. Thielmann; RSW. suggest correction
G.M.G. 1774, MIM Gauging Rod, 1774 = NYC. RSW; DES. suggest correction
G.M.M.K. Germany, MIM Rule = NYC. has scales for various cities. Drechsler 2. suggest correction
G.O.T.E. MIM Rule with various scales = VEN. RSW. suggest correction
G.R. 1 Germany, 1544, MIM Ring Sundial, 1544 = MUN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
G.R. 2 England, 1641, MIM Garden Sundial, 1641 = P.C. also marked "W.H." Minster, Kent. Strand Magazine, 1893, pp. 308-18. suggest correction
G.S. 1 1633, MIM Cube Sundial, 1633 = PRZ. RSW. suggest correction
G.S. 2 Germany, 1645, MIM Cruciform Sundial, 1645 = Meran Museum. Zinner 1. suggest correction
G.S. 3 Germany, c.1730, PHIM Nest of Weights = Koller 11/17/75. mastermark is mermaid; probably Georg Scherb. RSW. suggest correction
G.S.G. Germany, c.1730, PHIM Nest of Weights = Koller 11/17/75. mastermark is mermaid. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
G.S.P. 1643, MIM SIM Protractor with rules pivoting at mid-point, 1643 = D.(1976); Graphometer with Sundial on back, 1643 = D.(1971). RSW. suggest correction
G.V. 1 1652, MIM Vertical Sundial, 1652 = USNM. might be C.V. RSW. suggest correction
G.V. 2 MIM SIM Miner's Compass, wood and ivory = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
G.V.F. "Girolamo Vulparia fecit"; see Hieronymous Vulparia. RSW. suggest correction
G.V.K. Holland, c.1678-1726, NIM Cross-staff, 1724 = UTR. see Gerard van Keulen. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bryuns 2. suggest correction
G.W. 1 1591, MIM Artillery Level, 1591 = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
G.W. 2 c.1790, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = PEA-M2536. Brewington 1. suggest correction
G.W. 3 England, 1826, MIM Garden Sundial, 1826 = P.C. Smeeth. Strand Magazine, 1893, pp. 308-18. suggest correction
G.W. 4 England, c.1835, NIM marked on ivory scale of octant signed "Bassnet Liverpool", at PMS. RSW. suggest correction
G.W.G.J.M.H. Germany, c.1560, MIM SIM Miner's Compass, wood and ivory = ADL-M170. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
G.Z. Germany, fl.1619-20, MIM Gunner's Level, 1619 = BM; Military Architect's Instrument, 1620 = USNM. surely Georg Zorn. Augsburg. Price 2 and 3; Ward 4; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
G.Z.F. Italy, c.1840, see Giovanni Francesco Zarbula; see Z.J.F. and Z.G.F. Piedmont. Gatty. suggest correction
GA----, J. England, NIM Octant = GEL. Wapping, London. RSW. suggest correction
GABALIO England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, P.C. 3 Long Lane; 20 Cross Street, Hatton Garden; both in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GABORY England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. may be two makers. 123 Holborn; 125 Holborn; both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GABOURG, F. England, fl.1784-97, OIM PHIM Microscope = OXF (RMS). may be F.G. 2; also barometer maker. 125 High Holborn, London. Taylor 2(837); Clay and Court; Bell 2. suggest correction
GADIN France, c.1850, OIM optician. 53, Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
GAENLANSINGE, PER JAEN Holland, 17th Century, PHIM Balances = KRA. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
GAETANO, P., DI SIVA P. CAPUCCINO Italy, 18th Century, MIM Pillar Sundial, wood = NMM-D.188. NMM 2. suggest correction
GAFTL 1748, MIM Measure, 1748 = Roussel-92. RSW. suggest correction
GAFURIO, G. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 2/14/79. Chester. RSW. suggest correction
GAGETTA England, PHIM barometer maker. Manchester. Bell 2. suggest correction
GAGGIA see B. Tagliabue, Gaggia and Co. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GAGGINI ET MOISETTE France, MIM SIM Surveying Instruments = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GAGNA, F., Y CIA. Mexico, c.1855, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Level = D.(1972). "Opticos." 2a de St. Francisco N.I. (Mexico City). Moskowitz 105. suggest correction
GAGO, P. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. RSW. suggest correction
GAIFFE, A. France, c.1825?-1880?, MIM PHIM Dividing Engine = Musée Lorraine, Nancy; Electrical Instrument = D.(1975); Electromedical Apparatus = D.(1984); Induction Coil = USNM. induction coil signed :Appareil d'Induction Volta Faradique Brevetè S.G.D.G. A. Gaiffe à Paris." 40, rue St. André des Arts, Paris. Michel 14; Coffeen G; Warner 13; RSW. suggest correction
GAIGNON, NICOLAS France, 17th Century, MIM Sundial, cast iron = Prin Coll. MADEX. suggest correction
GAILSDORFER, HANS Germany, 1538, MIM compass maker; Master in 1538. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
GAILSTORFER, HANS Germany, c.1674, MIM Hans Gailstörfer, compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
GAILSTORFER, JACOB Germany, c.1674, MIM Jacob Gailstörfer, compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
GAINSBOROUGH, HUMPHREY England, 1718-76, MIM Sundial in base of clock = X. Henley-on-Thames. Beeson. suggest correction
GAITSKILL, JOHN England, fl.1793-1823, NIM Hadley's Quadrants = MYS (1793), ADL-A53 (1823), Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass., Maine Historical Soc., Portland, Stadt Museum, Aberna, Denmark, P.C.(1969); Quadrants = Marine Historical Assoc.,Conn., P.C.(1974); Octant, ebony and ivory, 1793 = Soth. 2/28/80. the octant was made for William Sanford Brown; many instruments are signed "J. Gaitskill"; ADL made for George James in 1823. 332 Wapping; 329 Wapping; both in London. Price 2; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GALANDIUS, FRANCESCUS France, MIM Astrolabe, wood and paper, brass alidade = Soth. 2/26/62. RSW. suggest correction
GALBY, PETER AND CHARLES England, fl.1832-46, PHIM barometer makers. 50 Exmouth Street, Spitalfields; Philosophical Institute, 9 Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1857); Dewhirst. suggest correction
GALE, JAMES USA, b.c.1791-1871; fl.1815-24, MIM NIM Gauges, wood, 15" and 48" (1818) = Salem Maritime National Historic Site; Tell-Tale Compass = PEA. Neptune and Water Streets, Salem, Mass. (1815-pre-1824); Haverhill, Mass. (1824-71). Brewington 1; Moskowitz 102; RSW; USNM. suggest correction
GALE, JOSEPH England, c.1830, PHIM barometer maker. 46 Knight Street, Manchester. Taylor 2(1857a); Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALEOTTI, A. Italy, c.1780, MIM Drawing Instruments = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
GALETI, ANTHONY England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = D.(1972), X. possibly Anthony Galletti. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GALETTI, ANTHONY England, fl.1830-50, MIM OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 8/20/87. sometimes spelled "Gallatti." 80 Castle Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1858); Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GALGEMAYR, GEORG Germany, c.1626, MIM designed various types of dividers; author. RSW. suggest correction
GALI, J England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Lincoln. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALILEI, GALILEO Italy, 1564-1642, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = FLO. astronomer; mathematician; invented a military sector; first used the telescope for astronomical observations. Pisa; Florence; Arcetri. DSB; Crommelin 1; Garvan; Michel 1; Bonelli; S. Drake: 51 10; etc. suggest correction
GALIMBERTI, J. England, PHIM barometer maker. Bugle Street, Southampton. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALINDEZ, MARTIN Spain, d.1627, MIM made sundials for the convent at Paular. Gatty. suggest correction
GALL AND LEMBKE USA, OIM Telescopes = Christie 5/26/76, 12/8/76 New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
GALL, JOHN Scotland, c.1837, MIM PHIM made hydrometers and saccharometers. 48 London Street, Edinburgh. Taylor 2(2132). suggest correction
GALLA, JULES-CESAR LA France, c.1625, OIM microscope maker? Nachet. suggest correction
GALLAND France, c.1810, OIM made a new type of lens for microscopes. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
GALLAND, PETRUS Italy, 17th Century, MIM Sector = ADL-M89q. "sub signo Pulcrae Virtutis in via Coronaria Roma." Engelmann 1; Daumas 1; Michel 3; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GALLEE England, PHIM barometer maker. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLENHAMP, A. England, PHIM Balance = K. and C. 5/23/73. London. RSW. suggest correction
GALLETTI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Galetti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLETTI, ANTHONI Italy Scotland, fl.1798-1858, MIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = Soth. 5/15/70; Philosophical Bubbles = D.(1985); Telescopes = RSM (2). carver and gilder; barometer maker; T.C. foot of Cannon Street, Edinburgh (1798); 21 Nelson Street (1805-28); and 10 Nelson Street (1826-28); 24/25 Argyll Arcade (1828-43); 24 Argyll Arcade (1843-50); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Bell 2; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GALLETTI, JOHN Scotland, b.c.1821-94, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = FRK = RSM; Philosophical Bubbles = OXF, KEN. carver and gilder; claimed firm started in 1789. 24 Argyle Arcade, Glasgow (1851-94). Bryden 3; Bell 2; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GALLEY Scotland, PHIM barometer maker. Glasgow. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLEY, P. may be Gally. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLI, CHARLES Scotland, fl.1821-26, PHIM Maker of Wheel Barometers ; picture merchant. Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLI, JOHANNES Italy, c.1630, MIM Sector = NMM-CI/S.10; Skaphe = NMM-D.359. Barbarini Coll.; made precision instruments. NMM 2; Michel 3; RSW; Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
GALLI, MARCO Italy, 1694, MIM designed a hodometer; author. Parma. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
GALLO, G. Germany, c.1800, MIM Floating Sundial, ivory = THO; Floating Sundial = DNM. Frankfort. RSW. suggest correction
GALLOIN France, 1801, MIM Garden Sundial, slate, 1801 = D.(1972). latitude of Paris. Roux Devilas, Cat 73. suggest correction
GALLON France, c.1680, OIM "Opticien"; thought of using a glass ball as the eyepiece in a telescope. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GALLONDE France, fl.1740-48, PHIM Assay Balance = Rovelle (pre-1780); Thermometer = SPI-2865; Astronomical Regulator = CNAM. Paris. Daumas 1; Grimaldi(968); Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GALLOW, G. Germany, PHIM Stick Barometer = K. and C. 7/13/73. Frankfort. RSW. suggest correction
GALLUCCIA, GIOVANN Italy, Cube Sundial, 1609 = ADL-A24. fake. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GALLUCIO, GIOVANNI PAOLO Italy, 1564-98, MIM Ring Sundial, 1564 = Goldschmied Coll. = NMM-Caird (fake); Universal Equatorial Sundial, paper, 1572 = NMM-D.232; Astrological Volvelle, paper, 1595 = WHI. author; also signed "Joan Paulus Gallucio" or "Galluccio." Salo; Venice. NMM 2; Daumas 1; Michel 2 and 3; Weil 2(19); Bedini 8; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GALLY 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be John Gally. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, ANDREW AND GEORGE England, c.1850, PHIM barometer makers. St. George Street, Smithfield, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. RSW. suggest correction
GALLY, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, DOMENICO England, c.1800, PHIM barometer maker. London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, G. Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, GEORGE England, c.1800, PHIM see Andrew and George Gally. London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, JOHN England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, P. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. Cambridge. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, P. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Peter Gally? Leeds. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, P. 3 England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/10/81; Wheel Barometer = Phillips 2/15/89. might be P. Gally 1 or 2. RSW. suggest correction
GALLY, P. 4 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 9/18/86. Cranbrook. RSW. suggest correction
GALLY, P., AND CO. 1 England, fl.1809-60, PHIM Peter or Paul Gally; barometer makers. Strand, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, P., AND CO. 2 England, c.1820, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 6/30/89. is "Fetchet" misreading for "fecit"?; see P. Gally and Co. 1. Fetchet? RSW. suggest correction
GALLY, PAUL AND PETER England, fl.1809-61, PHIM made barometers and thermometers. 8 Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell (1809-11); 9 Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell (1815-25); 50 Exmouth Street, Spitalfields (1826-48); 68 Hatton Garden (1849-61); 3 Upper Nth. Place, Grey's Inn Road (1852-54); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALLY, PAUL AND PETER, AND CO. England, fl.1817-50, PHIM barometer makers. London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, PETER 1 England, PHIM see Paul and Peter Gally and Co. Bell 2. suggest correction
GALLY, PETER 2 England, fl.1837-60, PHIM barometer maker? 89 Kirkgate (1837-60); 97 Kirkgate (1841); both in Leeds. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GALMAIR, JOSEPH Germany, 1727-90, MIM Celestial Globe, 1749 = DEU; Celestial Globe with clockwork = Fugger Museum, Augsburg. made pedometer winding watch. Trabant; Munich. Maurice 1; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
GALOIS, I. France, 1548, MIM Astrolabe, 1548 = P. and S. 4/21/1898 = Hoffman Coll. = USNM (ICA-204). P. and S. say "T. Galois"; tympan for 48° = Orleans. Gunther 1; Michel 2 and 3; Evans 1; Price 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
GALOIS, L'ABBE France, fl.1766-84, MIM l'Abbé Galois; made a meridian sundial. Paris. Baillie 1. suggest correction
GALVANI, ANDREA Italy, pre-1823, MIM invented an odograph which received a gold medal at the Industrial Exposition in Venice in 1823. Pordenone. Morpurgo 1; Boffito. suggest correction
GAMAGE, BENJAMIN England, fl.1823-26?, MIM Hydrometer with Proof Rule = WHI. made Dicas' hydrometer; also appears as Gammage; son-in-law of and successor to J. Dicas; wrote a leaflet on hydrometers; T.C. 17 (or 11) Clarence Street, Liverpool; 17 Beaumont Street, Windsor. Taylor 2(1565); Calvert 2; Bryden 9. suggest correction
GAMAGE, PHILIP England, c.1694, MIM apprenticed to Peter Collins of the Clockmakers' Company on July 2, 1694. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GAMBEY France, c.1840, MIM Altitude and Azimuth Instrument = Baily Sale 4/25/1845; Borda Circles = MYS and AMST. surely Henri-Prudence Gambey; the MYS instrument is marked "No. 12"; the Baily instrument was misread as "Gambay." Paris. Mörzer Bruyns 1; Preuss and Treworgy; Chaldecott 3; RGO; RSW. suggest correction
GAMBEY, HENRI-PRUDENCE France, 1787-1847, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Sextants = SPI-2774, USNM, CNAM, Dipping Circle = Magnetic Observatory, Dublin; Borda Circles = USNM, Maritime Museum, Horten, Norway (No.123); Heliostat = USNM; Magnetometer = USNM; Dividing Engines = CNAM; Theodolites = CNAM, BRO; Artificial Horizon = CNAM; Rules = CNAM; Balance, small = Gersaint 7/20/96. Georges Oberhauser worked with him, 1815; Académie des Sciences, 1837. St. Denis, Paris. Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; USNM; Taylor 2(2133); DSB; J.A. Bennett 2; Darius 4; RSW. suggest correction
GANDOLA, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 12 Little Saffron Hill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GANDOLFI, V. France, fl.1795-1822, PHIM Weights = CNAM; Weight = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. quai de la Monnaie; 11, du quai Conti; both in Paris. Destombes 4; Cons. Nat'l 1; RSW. suggest correction
GANGUZZA, GIROLAMO Italy, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = Villa Giulia, Palermo. Gatty. suggest correction
GANSER, GEORG, DER JUNGERE Austria, MIM Instrument = TIM. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
GANTHONY, RICHARD England, fl.1794-1828, PHIM Wheel Barometers = P-B 12/3/48, X. X is signed "Ganthony London." London. RSW. suggest correction
GANTLETT, R. England, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer with Thermometer = Soth.-Bearne 4/4/78. Calne. RSW. suggest correction
GAPP, C.S. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GARAT France, c.1855, PHIM Balance = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GARDAM England; USA, c.1860, SIM Miner's Dial = D.(1994). probably W. Gardam; see W. Gardam and Son. Leeds. Garcelon 33. suggest correction
GARDAM, W., AND SON USA, c.1880, MIM Miner's Compass = D.(1991). see Gardam. 96 John Street, New York. Gemmary III. suggest correction
GARDE, ABRAHAM DE LA France, fl.1588-1621, MIM Sundials in the back covers of watches = Soth. 5/27/54, 12/9/68, and Christie 5/6/69. son of Jacques de la Garde. Paris (1591 and 1621); Blois (1600). Britten; RSW. suggest correction
GARDE, JACQUES DE LA France, fl.1551-65, MIM Armillary Clock = BM. may have made terestrial globe in Weil 2(29) and in Soth. 10/17/60 sale. Blois. Weil 2(29); Price 3; RSW. suggest correction
GARDEN England, fl.1812-16, PHIM see Accum and Garden. London. RSW. suggest correction
GARDEN, ALEXANDER England, c.1800, PHIM partner of Fredrick Accum; made and sold chemical and philosophical apparatus. Old Compton Street, Soho, London. G. L'E. Turner 24; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDENER 1 Scotland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1965). may be Gardner 5. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
GARDENER 2 see Gardner; see Gardiner. RSW. suggest correction
GARDENER AND CO. variant spelling for Gardner and Co. Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
GARDENERS variant spelling for Gardners. Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
GARDINER 1 Scotland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = D.(1975), Soth.-S 10/19/89 (satinwood and ivory). Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
GARDINER 2 variant spelling for Gardner. Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
GARDINER, HENRY L. Ireland, fl.1807-19, MIM also made clocks and watches. Fennell. suggest correction
GARDINER, JAMES England, see James Gardner. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GARDINER, PATRICK see Patrick Gardner. Bell 2. suggest correction
GARDNER 1 Scotland, c.1770, NIM Octants = NMM, PEA; Hadley's Quadrant = Mercer Museum, Pa. Glasgow. Taylor 2(1860); Brewington 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER 2 USA, fl.1823-50, MIM Pair of Globes = Winterthur Museum, Del.; Celestial Globe, 1823 = D.(1972); Terrestrial Globe, 1823 = ESS. "Gardners's Twelve-Inch Globe", published by Cummings, Hilliard and Co., Boston, Mass.; James W. Gardner, which see. Boston, Mass. Yonge; Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
GARDNER 3 Scotland, 1830, OIM Microscope = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Mich. Science, Mich. Glasgow. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER 4 Scotland, pre-1840, NIM Quadrant =X. used on whaler "Progress" in 1840. Glasgow. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER 5 Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer and Thermometer = X; Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/22/87. probably Gardner and Co. Glasgow. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER 6 Ireland, MIM NIM OIM Hadley's Quadrant = D.(1973). T.C. shows telescopes, quadrants, compasses; watch and clock- maker. 57 High Street, Belfast. RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER 7 see McGregor and Gardner. Taylor 2(1934). suggest correction
GARDNER AND CO. 1 Scotland, fl.1837-83, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescopes = FRK (4) = RSM, Christie-SK 4/14/89, D.(1972); Surveyor's Compasses = D.(1971 and 1982); Stick Barometers = X, Christie 4/28/82; Surveyor's Levels, = WHI, D.(1972)(1850); Miner's Dials = Soth. 4/7/82, FRK = RSM; Levels = WHI, FRK = RSM; Plotting Protractor = FRK = RSM; Microscope = FRK = RSM; Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 1/27/89. succeeded M. Gardner and Co.; Christie stick barometer is signed "Gardener and Co"; T.C., "established 1765." 44 Glassford Street (1837-38); 21 Buchanan Street, seventh shop from Argyle Street (1839-60); 53 Buchanan Street (1860-83); 53 Vincent Street (1883); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Frank; Goodison 1; Moskowitz 102; J.A. Bennett 2; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER AND CO. 2 Scotland, fl.1891-1920, firm run by Thomas Rankine Gardner 2 after the breakup of Gardner and Lyle. 53 St. Vincent Street (1891-99); 36 and 40 West Mile (or Nile) Street 1899-1920; both in Glasgow. Clarke et al.; WEBDB suggest correction
GARDNER AND LAURIE Scotland, fl.1792-98, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = FRK = RSM. John Gardner 1 and James Laurie. Corner of Bell's Wynd (1792), Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER AND LYLE Scotland, fl.1883-91, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Thomas Rankine Gardner 2 and James Lyle. Glasgow. Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER AND NEILL Ireland, fl.1809-18, NIM OIM Microscope, Martin-type = Soth. 5/20/74; Octant = Natural Philosophy Coll., Glasgow. Belfast. Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER OF GLASGOW Scotland, to 1921, MIM Taylor 2(592). suggest correction
GARDNER'S Scotland, post-1818, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Soth. 4/22/65. signed "Gardner's Successors to J. and J. Gardner"; may be misreading for Gardners. 43 Bell Street, Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER, HENRY Ireland, fl.1809-35, MIM OIM succeeded Job Rider in 1809; worked with R. Neill, 1809-18; watch and clock maker. 27 High Street (1809); 65 High Street (1819-20); 57 High Street (1824-35); all in Belfast. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GARDNER, J. AND J. Scotland, fl.1799-1818, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometers = D.(1973), X(2), D.(1975), Phillips 12/12/89, Christie-SK 9/11/86; Circumferentor = RSM; Hadley's Quadrant = OMM. opticians; John Gardner 1 and John Gardner 2, his son, founded firm; became Gardner, Jamieson and Co. in 1820. Bell Street (1799-1801); 43 Bell Street (1803-18); both in Glasgow. Goodison 1; Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER, J. AND S. misreading for J. and J. Gardner. Phillips 12/12/89. suggest correction
GARDNER, JAMES England, fl.1791-1830, MIM PHIM Instruments = NMM, KEN. apprenticed to Samuel Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 4, 1783; free of the Company, Jan. 6, 1791; also appears as Gardiner; probably succeeded by William Gardner 1. Meeting House Alley; 5 Somerset Place, Whitechapel; Princes Place, Cannon Street, New Road, St. George-in-the-East (1803); Wellclose Lane (1807); all in London. J. Brown 1 and 2; Taylor 2(1859). suggest correction
GARDNER, JAMES P. USA, 1846, MIM awarded a diploma at Fair of American Institute, Oct. 1846 for a sundial; W.A. Platt was his agent. Columbus, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
GARDNER, JAMES W. USA, fl.1825-30, MIM designed celestial and terrestrial globes; see Gardner 2. Boston, Mass. Yonge. suggest correction
GARDNER, JAMIESON AND CO. see Gardners, Jamieson and Co. Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, JOHN 1 Scotland, 1734-1822, MIM OIM PHIM Coin Balance = Soth. 6/16/75. journeyman for James Watts, 1769; land surveyor; founded firm of J. and J. Gardner, which see; made an "improved Bradford static balance". Crawford's Land, Bell's Wynd, Glasgow (1773-90). Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, JOHN 2 Scotland, 1765-1818, MIM OIM PHIM son of John Gardner 1; partner with him as J. and J. Gardner, 1799-1818. Glasgow. Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, JOHN 3 Scotland, fl.1820-28, MIM Sundial, 1821 = Pitcon, Dalry. listed in directories as "John Gardner Younger" with J. and J. Gardner; may have made the above sundial. Ayton Court, Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, JOHN 4 Scotland, fl.1787-1823, MIM designed celestial globes; first appeared in the 1787 directory. Glasgow. Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
GARDNER, M. AND C. surely misreading for M. Gardner and Co. Taylor 2(1860). suggest correction
GARDNER, M., AND CO. Scotland, c.1821, MIM OIM PHIM John Gardner 1 and Margaret Rankine Gardner; succeeded Gardners, Jamieson and Co.,1821; became M. Gardner and Sons, 1822-37; then Gardner and Co., 1833-83; made barometers. 43 Bell Street (1823-25); 92 Bell Street (1826-32); 44 Glassford Street (1832-37); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1860); Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, M., AND SONS Scotland, fl.1822-37), MIM OIM PHIM Margaret Rankine Gardner, Thomas Rankine Gardner 1 and William Gardner 2; made barometers; succeeded M. Gardner and Co. and were succeeded by Gardner and Co., which see. 43 Bell Street (1824-25); 92 Bell Street (1826-32); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, MARGARET RANKINE Scotland, fl.1819-49, MIM OIM PHIM widow of John Gardner 2; in firm of Gardners, Jamieson and Co., 1819-21 and in M. Gardner and Sons, 1822-37. Glasgow. Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, PATRICK Scotland, c.1812, MIM apprenticed, 1779; free of the Clockmakers' Company, 1812; watch and clockmaker. Perth (pre-1800); Edinburgh (1800-1812). Bell 2; T. Smith; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, ROBERT Scotland; England, fl.1850-92, MIM PHIM member of the family "Gardner of Glasgow" (not mentioned by Clarke et al); chronometer maker to the Admiralty and to the Council of State for India and also to the Italian Goverment; grandfather of Malcolm Gardner the late bookseller. Glasgow (-1885); Lloyd's Square, London (1892). USNM; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GARDNER, T. AND T. Scotland, c.1830, MIM Sighting Compass = P.C.(1987). misreading for T.R. Gardner? Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER, THOMAS RANKINE 1 Scotland, c.1805-84, MIM OIM PHIM Clinometer = RSM. grand-son of John Gardner 1; son of John (2) and Margaret Rankine Gardner; partner first in M. Gardner and Sons and then in Gardner and Co. 1; "Optician to the Queen." Glasgow. Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNER, THOMAS RANKINE 2 Scotland, fl.1883-1920, MIM OIM PHIM great-grandson of John Gardner 1; grandson of John Gardner 2 and Margaret Rankine Gardner; son of Thomas Rankine Gardner 1; in Gardner and Co. 1 before 1883; partner with James Lyle as Gardner and Lyle, 1883-91; firm then became Gardner and Co. 2. 53 St. Vincent Street (1883-99); 36 and 40 West Mile (or Nile) Road (1899-1920); both in Glasgow. Clarke et al.; WEBDB suggest correction
GARDNER, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1814, MIM apprenticed to James Gardner of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 6, 1814. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
GARDNER, WILLIAM 2 Scotland, 1809-75, MIM OIM PHIM Sector, ivory = Chevau-Légers 2/28/82; Clinometer = RSM. grandson of John Gardner 1; son of Margaret Rankine and John Gardner (2); partner in M. Gardner and Sons and later, in Gardner and Co.; worked independently, 1846 on; sector signed "W. Gardner." 3 Royal Bank Place (1846-55); 56 Gordon Street (1856-61); 134 Buchanan Street (1862-64); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Morrison-Low; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNERS Scotland, c.1822, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. opticians; succeeded Gardners, Jamieson and Co.; succeeded by M. Gardner and Co.; barometer signed "Gardeners". 43 Bell Street, Glasgow. Goodison 1; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GARDNERS AND CO. Scotland, 19th Century, MIM SIM name on trade card in theodolite case; Gardner and Co. 1 or 2. Glasgow. Soth. 12/18/80. suggest correction
GARDNERS, JAMIESON AND CO. Scotland, fl.1819-21, MIM OIM PHIM probably John Gardner 1, Margaret Rankine Gardner and Robert Jamieson, which see; succeeded J. and J. Gardner, and became M. Gardner and Co. in 1821. 43 Bell Street, Glasgow (1820-22). Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GAREZONI see Garzoni. Bell 2. suggest correction
GARGORY 1 England, c.1820, MIM Protractor = D.(1975). different hand from that of James Gargory of Birmingham. London. RSW. suggest correction
GARGORY 2 England, c.1850, MIM SIM Compass, folding sights = Christies 11/11/70; Theodolite = Soth. 12/15/78. surely James Gargory. Bull Street, Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
GARGORY, JAMES England, fl.1835-56, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Protractors = Christie-SK 7/10/80/, D.(1975), D.(1985), Birmingham Museum of Science and Industry; Instrument = KEN; Miner's Dials = X, Soth.-Chester 6/26/85; Sector, ivory = D.(1977); Surveyor's Compasses = Soth. 12/13/65, Soth.-B. 4/7/82; Wheel Barometers = X; Stick Barometer = Capes Dunn 10/21/97; Surveyor's Level = DeLuca 8/1/87; Mining Compass = P.C.(1987). signed "James or J. Gargory." 41 Bull Street (1835); 5 Bull Street (1850-56); both in Birmingham; also in Wolverhampton. Taylor 2(1861); Goodison 2; Giordano 1; Bryden 9; RSW; Coffeen 10; ATG 10/18/97. suggest correction
GARNER, WILLIAM England, fl.1732-37, NIM Davis Quadrants = PMM (1732), NMM S.119 (1734), NMM S161 (1737) (on loan to the American Museum, Bath). apprenticed to John Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on June 18, 1713; quadrants made for George Ramsey, Oliver Thompson and Thomas White respectively. Taylor 2(261); NMM 2; J. Brown 3; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
GARNIER, PAUL, SR. France, c.1830, MIM clockmaker; finished a planetarium by Raingo. Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GAROF, P. Scotland, c.1775, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 5/7/93. Edinburgh. ATG 5/1/93. suggest correction
GAROUSTE, DE LA France, 17th Century, OIM constructed burning glasses. Spargo 1. suggest correction
GARRARD, JOHN England, c.1811, a cooper; son of Thomas Garrard 1; free of the Grocers' Company by Patrimony on April 4, 1811. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GARRARD, SAMUEL England, c.1803, apprenticed to his father, Thomas Garrard 1, of the Grocers' Company on June 2, 1803; by then Thomas Garrard 1 was listed as wine and brandy merchant at old address. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GARRARD, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1781-pre-1811, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company in 1770; free of the Company, 1781; took apprentices; by 1803 was listed as a wine and brandy merchant at same address. Old Gravel Lane, Ratcliffe Highway (1781); 174 Ratcliffe Highway (1795); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GARRARD, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1801-, MIM apprenticed to his father, Thomas Garrard 1, of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 5, 1795; free of the Company, Oct. 1, 1801. Ratcliffe Highway, London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GARRARD, WILLIAM England, fl.1781-1808, MIM T.C.; invented and patented an altimeter; author; successor to J. Bettesworth with the same London address. The Naval Academy, Ormond House, Paridise Row, Chelsea, London; Newington, Surrey. Taylor 2(838); NMM 2. suggest correction
GARRETT see Booth, Garrett and Blair USNM. suggest correction
GARTH England, NIM Sextant = MAN-124. probably Richard Garth. London. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
GARTH, RICHARD England, fl.1800-17, MIM NIM Mathematical Instrument = KEN. 376 Rotherhithe Wall (1800); Rotherhithe Street (1817); both in London. Taylor 2(1129). suggest correction
GARTNER, ANDREAS Germany, 1654-1727, MIM PHIM Double Burning Glass = DRE; Illuminated Mirror = DRE. also made clocks; author. Dresden. Grötzch 2; Drechsler 2; Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
GARUGHI see Carugi. Bell 2. suggest correction
GARY France, c.1792, MIM NIM Protractor = Musée Carnavalet; Sectors = P. and S. 4/3/1894, WRAY; Graphometer = MAS; Butterfield-type Sundials = STR, BM; Instrument Set = Soth. 11/30/59; Compass = P-B 9/24/38; Dividers = D.(1975). Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
GARZONI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/18/89. Canterbury. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GARZONUS, F.C.M. Italy, 1697, MIM Skaphe Dial, 1697 = Evans Coll. also marked "Carm F. Taurini." Turin. Evans 1. suggest correction
GASCOIGNE, RICHARD England, c.1710, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on June 5, 1710. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GASCOIGNE, WILLIAM England, 1612-38, OIM invented a micrometer for telescopes in 1638; may have been the first to put telescopic sights on a quadrant. Middleton, Yorkshire; London. Taylor 1(176); DNB; Wynter and Turner; Nachet; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Goldschmidt 70. suggest correction
GASKIN, GEORGE AUGUSTUS SAMUEL England, c.1802, MIM OIM his father was an optician; apprenticed to James Clarke 1 of the Grocers' Company, May 6, 1802; made speculum metal mirrors. London. J. Brown 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GASKIN, JOHN England, b.1785, MIM assisted by Charles Graham; he was also a weaver. Penrith. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GASPAR A MIRICA see Gaspar van der Heyden. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GASPARD France, 1753, MIM Table Sundial, 1753 = Musée Lorrain, Nancy; Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = D.(1985?), TIM. signed "Gaspard Tourner du Roy à Lunéville"; mechanical sundials almost identical to those of Gaspard Hommer, which see. rue de Viller, Lunéville. Michel 3 and 14; RSW; Coffeen 55. suggest correction
GASPART, JOSE Portugal, c.1700, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Evans Coll. Lisbon. Evans 1; USNM. suggest correction
GASTEIGER, HANS Germany, 1562, MIM Astrolabe clock, 1562 = Coll. Pringsheim, Munich. Gunther-327; reproduction at OXF. Munich. Gunther 1; Michel 2; Baillie 1; Neumann 1. suggest correction
GASTI, GIOVANNI Italy, 16th Century, MIM Sundial = Drecker-210. Florence. RSW. suggest correction
GATH, T. England, c.1850, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 7/3/70; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 6/24/88. Small Street, Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
GATINI see Copini, Gatini. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATLIN England, pre-1714, PHIM Barometer = D.(1968). RSW. suggest correction
GATTELIE(R) see Gratellie. suggest correction
GATTEY, FRANCOIS France, fl. 1798-1822, MIM François Gattey; invented a printed card slide rule in 1798 and called it "Cadran Logarithmique"; changed name to "Arithmographe" in 1810. Delehar 9. suggest correction
GATTEY, HENRY England; USA, fl.1797-1827, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Quadrant = MYS. T.C. in W. and S. Jones orrery at VCW; another T.C. is in French and English; artist; quadrant signed "H. Gattey." 274 Water Street (1797-98); 207 North Water Street near Beek'n Slip (1814-27); both in New York, N.Y. USNM; Bedini 8; D.J. Warner 10; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
GATTI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 2/22/77. Reading. RSW. suggest correction
GATTI, CHARLES England, fl.1817-22, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. spelled Gattie in directories; also Gatty. 89 Leather Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GATTI, T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 53 Gray's Inn Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY 1 England, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 7/31/70. London. RSW. suggest correction
GATTY 2 see Bapt. Ronchetti and James Gatty. RSW. suggest correction
GATTY 3 see Gatti. RSW. suggest correction
GATTY AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY AND READING England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 4/19/78. probably a misreading for Gatty at Reading. RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Fish Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY, ANDREW Ireland, fl.1796-1824, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 18 Fishamble Street (1796-98); Smock Alley (1799, 1815-17, 1819); 34 Fishamble Street (1821-22); 7 Smock Alley (1823-24); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GATTY, ANTHONY England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, VNN; Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/16/76. sometimes signed "A. Gatty". Royal Oak, Fisher Row, Reading. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, ANTHONY, AND CO. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = Phillips 9/10/86, Christie-SK 10/20/89. also made thermometers. Royal Oak, Fishers Row, Reading. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY, D. 1 England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. barometer signed "Gatty Lewis." Lewis. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, D. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY, DOMCO England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Christie 1/26/90. probably Dominico Gatty. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, DOMINIC, AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Bourne Auction, Mass. 2/11/81. London. Maine Digest, May 1981. suggest correction
GATTY, DOMINICO England, c.1826, PHIM barometer maker. 111 Broad Street, Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY, J., AND MALORIDA England, PHIM barometer makers; probably James Gatty. Holborn, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GATTY, JAMES England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = K. and C. 9/20/71, Soth. 12/17/87, Christie-SK 9/23/88, City of Gloucester Museum, X; Wheel Barometers = D.(1973), Soth. 6/27/88, P.C., Stock Exchange, London; Double Barometers = P.C., City of Gloucester Museum, Goodison. Soth. 6/27/88 has address of "237 High Holborn"; see Ronchetti and Gatty. 130 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1 and 5; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, JOHN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATTY, JOSEPH 1 Italy; USA, fl.1794-1800, PHIM Maximum-minimum Thermometer = Mt. Vernon, Va. bulbs missing; made barometers and philosophical instruments as well. 39 Pearl Street, New York City (1794); 79 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (1796-1800). Bedini 1 and 8; Middleton 1; Gillingham 1; USNM; Bell 2; D.J. Warner 5. suggest correction
GATTY, JOSEPH 2 Ireland, fl.1801-14, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1981). printed paper dial face; also made thermometers. 1 Smock Alley (1801-07); 25 Fishamble Street (1808); 1 Smock Alley (1809-14); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
GATTY, JOSH England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GATWARD, J. England, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. T.C.; sundial, clock and watch maker. Saffron Walden. Goodison 1; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GAUDIN, MARK-ANTOINE-AUGUSTE France, fl.1804-45, OIM Microscope = NAC. designed a microscope with rock crystal lenses; Pipping says that c.1870 is closer. Paris. Pipping 1; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GAUDRON France, 1674, PHIM Barometer = KAS. made air pumps; clockmaker. Faubourg Saint-Germain, rue Mazarine, Paris. Daumas 1; Estreicher 1; Middleton 1. suggest correction
GAUPP AND CO. China, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = D.(1984). Hong Kong. Moskowitz 126. suggest correction
GAUSS, KARL FRIEDRICH Germany, 1777-1855, invented a heliotrope and a bifilar magnetometer; author, mathematician and astronomer. Gottingen. DSB. suggest correction
GAUTRAU France, fl.1780-1820, NIM PHIM Marine Barometer = NMM-MT/BM.1; Compass = X. Rochefort. NMM 2; A.J.Turner X. suggest correction
GAVARD, ADRIEN France, c.1840, MIM Heliographs = CNAM; Pantograph = D; Drafting Machine = D.(1987). "Eseur du Dépôt général de la Guerre"; drafting machine marked "Par Brevet d'Iven"; patented a "perspectographe", a perspective machine. 6 rue Ventadour; Quai des Orfèvres, 70; both in Paris. USNM; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Coffeen 15; Delehar 7. suggest correction
GAY, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1676-90, OIM son of Richard Gay; apprenticed to Joseph Howe in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company, 1676; took one apprentice. Golden Spectacles, near Sun Tavern, behind Royal Exchange, London. J. Brown 1; Robischon. suggest correction
GAY, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1690-1733, OIM PHIM Barometer = X. apprenticed to Thomas Gay 1 in the Spectaclemakes' Company; free of the Company in 1690; took Matthew Loft and William Eastland 1 as apprentices; Master of the Company, 1718-20. Archimedes and Spectacles, near Sun Tavern, Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 1(327), 2(43); J. Brown 1; Goodison 1; Evans 1; Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(37); Robischon. suggest correction
GAY-LUSSAC, JOSEPH LOUIS France, 1778-1850, PHIM scientist, worked on the thermal expansion of gases, devised a new form of barometer. Middleton 1 and 4; G. L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
GAYDE France, c.1750, OIM Telescope = X. optician to the king. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GAZULUS, JOHANNES Dalmatia, 1462, MIM Ragusa. Ameisenowa. suggest correction
GEARING, FRANCIS England, c.1751, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company onOct. 15, 1751; probably related to Richard Gearing, which see. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GEARING, RICHARD England, fl.1730-70, MIM nephew and successor to John Farmer 2; T.C.; "Rule Maker"; worked in brass, ivory and boxwood; used the same trade card pattern as Fisher Combes. The Quadrant, without Newgate, facing the Old Bailey; at No. 2 Horse-shoe Court, Cook Lane, West Smithfield (after 1764); both in London. Taylor 2(179); Clay and Court; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GEARY, FRANCIS Ireland, fl.1805-12, OIM instrument maker; optician. Paul Street, Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GEBE see Hans Göbe. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GEBHARD, HANS Germany, 1568, MIM Sundial on finger ring = LIE. surely not the same as Johann Gebhard. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
GEBHARD, HEINRICH Germany, 1602-61, MIM Astrolabe Clock = STU. Strassburg. Himmerlein 2. suggest correction
GEBHARD, JOHANNE Germany, fl.1538-68, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory, = ADL-DPW21 (1546), HAK (1547), D. (1548), UTO (1550) 11/2/76, WHI (FIT) (1556), PRA (1557), EMA (1557), FIN (1557) = Soth. 7/23/62, OXF (1561), THO, ADL-T54, Ethnological Museum, Lisbon. punchmark is a six-pointed star, sometimes between "H.G."; see "H.G." (2); Lisbon instrument is upper half only; he was burger in 1538. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 1 and 3; Bryden 16; Evans 1; Tomlinson 1; Gouk 1; Coffeen 46; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GEBHARDT, JOHAN c.1900, Inclinable Sundial = ADL-T4. modern work. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GEBHART, HANS see Johann Gebhard. suggest correction
GEBLER, JOH. CHRIST. c.1750, MIM Rule = MLL; Trigonometria Anarithmetica = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
GEDDA, PETER NICLAS VON Sweden, 1737-1814, MIM physicist; skilled amateur instrument maker. Pipping 1. suggest correction
GEERTS, DION Belgium, c.1700, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = CZJ; Universal Equatorial Sundial in book-form = MERC-139 = McVitty Coll.; Universal Ring Sundial = Libert et Castor Auction, 4/28/82. Brussels. Hamilton 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
GEHLER see Gebler. suggest correction
GEISER, DAVIDE Italy, c.1840, PHIM Thrmometer, bimetallic = U. of Pavia Museum. Milan. Brenni 1. suggest correction
GEISLER, J.G. Germany, 1798, MIM Globe on clock, 1798 = Feill Coll. Sale, 1955. RSW. suggest correction
GEISSLER Germany, c.1840, PHIM Barometer = FLO. Bonn. Middleton 1. suggest correction
GEISSLER, W. Holland, fl.1846-50, PHIM Psychrometer, 1846 = RIJ; Hydrometers = Auctions, 1906 & 1910. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
GELB, JOHAN WOLFGANG Germany, 1599-1632+, MIM SIM Artillery Alidade with Inclinometer = Soth. 2/26/62 = USNM. accepted into the Guild of Smiths as a small clockmaker in 1625; last child born in 1632; instrument signed "Johan Wolf Gelb me fecit Ulm." Ulm. Bedini 4; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
GELDER, BEERT JOHANNES Holland, d.1828, MIM OIM PHIM made sundials, microscopes, telescopes, barometers, thermometers, and clocks; father of Rinse Beerts Gelder. Hallum; Beetgum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
GELDER, RINSE BEERTS Holland, 1794-1857, MIM OIM Compass, pocket = Frisian Marine Museum, Leeuwarden. son of Beerts Johannes Gelder; made telescopes; clockmaker. Beetgum; Menaldum. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
GELIN, E. France, 1603, MIM Sundial, slate, 1603 = P.C.(1964). Vallo (Vallon?). Ant. Hor. Soc. Exhib., 1964. suggest correction
GELLIBRAND, HENRY England, 1597-1636, MIM Wall Sundial = Library, Trinity College, Oxford. author; designed instruments; wrote on magnetic deviation. London; Oxford; London. Taylor 1(138); Evans 1; DNB; DSB. suggest correction
GEMINI, THOMAS Belgium; England, fl.1542-62, MIM Astrolabes = BMR (1552, ICA-450), OXF (1559, ICA-575), FLO (ICA-489), P.C. (ICA-3111), BMR (ICA-3112). family name was"Thomas Lambrit"; member of the Stationers' Company; may have worked in Gemma Frisius' workshop; ICA-450 may be one that is now in the Brussals Observatory in Uccle (1988). Lixhe; Flanders; London. Zinner 1; Taylor 1(2); Michel 1, 2, 6, 8, and 10; Gunther 1 and 5; Rooseboom 1; Maddison 1; DNB; DSB; Price 1; ICA 2; J. Brown 3; A.J. Turner 10; Darius 4; RSW. suggest correction
GEMINUS, ANTHONIO Italy; Switzerland, 1589, MIM Sundial and Nocturnal, 1589 = OXF. Rome; Geneva. Evans 1; Morpurgo 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
GEMMA FRISIUS, RAINER Belgium, 1508-55, MIM Celestial Globes, 1537 = Zerbst Schlossmuseum, NMM. doctor; mathematician; teacher at the U. of Louvain; uncle of the Arsenius brothers; invented the radio astronomico; Zerbst globe signed "Faciebant Gemma Frisius medicus ac mathematicus, Gaspar a Myrica et Gerardus Mercator Rupelmundanus anno a partu virg 1537". name means "Gemma from Friesland"; pupil of Apianus. Louvain. Zinner 1; Van Ortroy 2; Maddison 1 and 2; Michel 2 and 3; DSB; Baillie 1; Taylor 4; NMM 2; De Smet 1 & 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GEMMA, CORNELIUS 1 Belgium, 1535-79, MIM Astrolabe, 1574 = HAK. son of Gemma Frisius; astronomer and mathematician; author. Louvain. Eckardt 1; Van Ortroy 2; Michel 3; Gunther 1; RSW. suggest correction
GEMMA, CORNELIUS 2 Spain, 1630, MIM Astrolabe, wood, 1630 = MAS (ICA-472). Madrid. Garcia Franco 2; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
GENAILLE France, c.1850, MIM Perpetual Calendar = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GENERAL, JACQUES misreading for Jacques Senecal. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
GENERINI, FRANCESCO Italy, 1593-1663, MIM OIM applied the telescope to mathematical instruments, c.1630; made a planisphere in 1645. Florence. Michel 3; Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
GENNANO, ADAMS HEROLDO see Adam Heroldt. RSW. suggest correction
GENNARI, CAV. DR. ENRICO Italy, c.1850, OIM USNM. suggest correction
GENNERT AND HOLZKE USA, c.1850, MIM SIM Wye Level = D.(1994). probably William Frederick Holske, which see. New York. Garcelon 33. suggest correction
GENT, THOMAS England, c.1739, MIM apprenticed to John Tracy of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 10, 1739. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GEORGE 1 France, c.1750, MIM OIM Spy-Glasses = HAK, CNAM; Universal Ring Sundial = CNAM; Microscope = P.C.; Butterfield-type Sundials = NMM-D.120, P.and S. 2/28/1896 and 5/19/1896, Soth. 12/12/55, LIE, etc.; Sector = ADL-W125; Horizontal Sundial for 50°57' = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/23/94; Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 12/12/55. "opticien de l'Academie Royale des Sciences." Quai de Conti; ci-devant rue Dauphine présentment Quay de Conty; both in Paris. Daumas 1; Gunther 2; Michel 1, 3 and 9; Hamilton 2; Evans 1; Tardy 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GEORGE 2 see Patton and George. suggest correction
GEORGE FILS France, c.1800, OIM Microscopes = CNAM, Bernard Coll. probably the son of George 1. rue Dauphine, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GEORGE, C. England, c.1834, MIM Dip Circle = NMM-DC.1. Falmouth. NMM 2. suggest correction
GEORGE, RICHARD England, c.1709, MIM member of the Clockmakers' Company; took Bulmer Francis as an apprentice on Jan. 26, 1709; Francis was later turned over to Richard Hutchinson of the Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GEORGE, W. England, post-1834, NIM Dip Needle = KEN. introduced by R.V. Fox, 1834. RSW. suggest correction
GEORGES France, pre-1770, OIM PHIM Microscope = Doucet Coll.; Telescopes = Bourlamaque Sale, 1770, CNAM; Balance = CNAM. is he George 1? sundial maker. Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Nachet. suggest correction
GERARD France, c.1730, MIM Horizontal Sundial = D.(1976); Vertical Sundial = Koller 11/17/75. inscription on vertical dial reads "Inventé par Julien Le Roy de la Société des Arts. Fait par Gérard, Horloger à Sarrelouis". Sarrelouis. RSW. suggest correction
GERARD, WILLIAM England, c.1850, NIM Sextants = PMS, P.C. T.C.; patented composite A.R.G. (PMS). Newtons Head, 36 South Castle Street, Liverpool. NMM; RSW. suggest correction
GERBERT D'AURILLAC France, c. 930-1003, Pope Sylvester II; mathematician and astronomer; made several armillary spheres and an "oralogium", either a sundial or an astrolabe. Aurillac; Reims; Rome. Maddison 2; Michel 2; DSB. suggest correction
GERBST Russia, c.1850, OIM Transit Instruments = Harvard Observatory, Swedish General Staff, etc. technician at Pulkova Observatory; made instruments there. Pulkova. Novoshanova. suggest correction
GERECHT, MICHAEL Germany, fl.1574-80, MIM engraved calendars; examples at VIE etc. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GERET France, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = Chevau-Légers, 2/28/82-199 "opticien". Maçon. RSW. suggest correction
GERHARDUS 1715, MIM Celestial Globe, 1715 = Stedkils Museum, Leyden. Grimaldi (809). suggest correction
GERLACH, G. Poland, c.1816, MIM SIM Circumferentor; Surveyor's Compass; Calculating Machine; Rules; Drawing Instruments; Alidades; etc. all in the Technical Museum, Warsaw. Warsaw. Novokshanova; RSW. suggest correction
GERLETTI Scotland, PHIM Barometers = X(2) and Soth. 12/10/81. Dominick or John Gerletti? Glasgow. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GERLETTI, CHARLES Scotland, fl.1828-48, PHIM Barometer = D.(1972); Wheel Barometers = Soth. 2/4/77 = FRK = RSM, etc; Wheel Barometers = Soth. 12/5/85, etc. looking-glass manufacturer, dealer. 156 (1828-32), 153 (1833) and 145 (1834-39) Saltmarket; 10 Candlerigg Street (1840-48); all in Glasgow. John Bell; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GERLETTI, DOMINICK Scotland, fl.1849-58, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-G 6/3/87. barometer maker; optician. 10 Candlerigg Street (1849-55); 24 Glassford Street (1855-57); 44 Trongate (1857-58); all in Glasgow. Goodison 1; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GERLETTI, JOHN Scotland, fl.1853-58, PHIM perhaps son of Charles Gerletti; barometer maker. 95 Candlerigg Street (1853-54); 55 St. Enoch's Wynd (1854-58); both in Glasgow. Goodison 1; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GERONIMO, B. England, PHIM Barometer = D.(1972). Bristol. John Bell. suggest correction
GERONIMO, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GERRARD England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Eldred 7/26/73. Liverpool RSW. suggest correction
GERRARD ET CIE. France, PHIM Vacuum Pump = Christie 12/18/74. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GERRARD, ALEXANDER Scotland, 1855, MIM exhibited in the Paris Exposition of 1855. Aberdeen. Clarke et al. suggest correction
GERRARD, W. England, NIM Octant = PMS; Sextants = MYS. "Patent Composite" stamped on ivory scale of octant; sometimes signed just "Gerrard." 35 South East Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
GERRITSEN, CLAES Holland, c.1600, MIM NIM supplied compasses, sounding-lines and loadstones to van Neck's expedition. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
GERSON see Levi ben Gerson. Goldstein 1; DSB. suggest correction
GERSTEN MIM Calculating Machine = DAR. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GERVAIS France?, c.1780, MIM Armillary Sphere, Ptolemaic, cardboard = VCW. RSW. suggest correction
GERVAISE France, fl.1730-50, MIM Garden Sundial, slate, 1733 = LIE. also made octagonal moondials. Ardennes. Michel 3 and 9. suggest correction
GERVAISE, FELIX France, 1660, MIM added a string-gnomon sundial, silver, in 1660, to ADL-DPW18, an ivory diptych sundial by Jacques Senecal. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GESSLER, JOSEPH LEONHARDT Germany, 1752, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, 1752 = P.C. Wittistingen. RSW. suggest correction
GESSNER, ABRAHAM Switzerland, 1521-1636, MIM SIM Globe Chalices, silver-gilt = BASH(1571), ZUS(1600), VIE, NOR; Drake's Cup, 1571 = City Museum and Art Gallery, Plymouth; Armillary Sphere = VIE. Zinner 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
GESTRA, J., AND SCHENA England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Newport. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GEWICHT, D. PHIM Balance = MLL. RSW. suggest correction
GEWITSEN, AREIAN Holland, MIM Diptych Sundial = DRE-1926-5. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GHETALDI, MARINO Dalmatia; Italy1566-1626, PHIM Burning Mirror, speculum metal = NMM-Barbarini Coll. mathematician. Ragusa (1566-?); Rome (?-1603); Ragusa (1603-26). NMM 2; DSB. suggest correction
GIACOMINI, ANTONIO Italy, c.1820, NIM Quadrant = Garzolini Coll., Trieste. Belluno. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
GIAMIN, ANTONIUS Italy, fl.1591-99, MIM SIM Astrolabes = WHI (1592)(ICA-542), MERC-5 (1592) = P.C., ZUR (1599)(ICA-570); Radio Latino, 1591 = ADL-M117; Surveying Instrument = MUN; Pillar Sundial =DEU; Nocturnals, 1592 = ADL-M331, ROT, UTR, van Alfen Coll; Nocturnals = NMM (1596), van Alfen Coll. (1595). some of the nocturnals are very dubious; ADL-M331 is identical to a nocturnal by Gigli Mariotti at LOS. Rome. Engelmann 1; Michel 2 and 3; Price 1 and 5; ICA 2; Van Cittert; Morpurgo 1; Nachet; NMM 2; Hollands Glorie; Hamilton 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GIAMIN, IOANNIS France; Italy, c.1550, MIM Quadrans Vetus, iron = FLO. Bordeaux; Rome. Bonelli 1 and 5; Michel 2 and 3; Hahn; RSW. suggest correction
GIAMINI, ANTON see Antonius Giamin. Michel 3. suggest correction
GIANNA, L. England, c.1816, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Barometer = Henry Ford Museum, Mich. optician; often used Salop in place of Shrewsbury. Market Place, Shrewsbury. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GIANNEL Italy, MIM Armillary Sphere = Ambrosiana Library, Milan. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
GIANNOL, L. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1975). surely L. Gianna. Shrewsbury. RSW. suggest correction
GIANO, C. England, PHIM barometer maker. Leather Lane, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIBB, ISAAC England, c.1835, apprenticed to William Green 2 in the Joiners' Company, March 3, 1835. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GIBBS, BROS. USA, c.1850, PHIM Dynamometer = Illinois State Museum, Springfield. Canton, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
GIBBS, JAMES England, c.1789, apprenticed to Charles Card in the Joiners' Company on April 21, 1789. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GIBBS, ROBERT England, c.1731, MIM apprenticed to John Bellinger 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on April 15, 1731. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GIBBS, THOMAS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIBON France, c.1795, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1977). rue Richelieu, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIBSON England, NIM Sextant = AND-11/13/24. North Shields. Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GIBSON, JOHN Scotland, d.1795, MIM OIM Solar Microscope = Soth. 11/15/71. microscope signed "Gibson Kelso"; sold telescopes to the Duke of Roxburgh, etc.; watch and clockmaker. Kelso. RSW.Taylor 2(973); Dewhirst; Bryden 3; T. Smith; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GIBSON, LAWRENCE England, 1724, OIM free of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1724. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GIERDELI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 7 Brooks Market, (London?). Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIESSING, JOHANN FRIEDRICH Germany, PHIM a turner; worked with Winckler to improve the electrical machine. Leipzig. Hackmann; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GIESTRA, I. England, PHIM barometer maker. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIFFORD, A.G. New Zealand, NIM Sextant = FRK. Wellington. Frank; RSW. suggest correction
GIFFORD, JAMES Scotland, 1679, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1679 = Lennoxlove, E. Lothian. thought to be carved by Gifford. West Linton. Somerville. suggest correction
GIGLI, MARIOTTI Italy, 1591, MIM Nocturnal, 1591 = LOS. very similar to ADL-M331. Rome. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GILARDI, J. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-S 7/23/87, Christie-SK 5/15/96. possibly Gilardoni; X and Christie signed "Gilardi Bristol." Bristol. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GILARDI, JOSEPH Italy, 1755, OIM Microscope Mounting = NAC. Milan. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GILARDONI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3), 1975 Sales Cat., Bearne's 1/24/90. Bristol. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GILARDONI, B. England, c.1816?, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Fore Street(?), Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GILBERT 1 England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM instruments signed "Gilbert, London" were made by John Gilbert 1 or his descendants; they are difficult to distinguish except by style and/or date. Tower Hill; Ludgate Street; both in London. Moskowitz 103; Grötzsch 2; Taylor 2(178); Goodison 1; Coffeen C; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT 2 England, c.1813, MIM Protractor = P.C.; Gunner's Calipers = Evans Coll. mastermark is a heart with "EIC" inside and "4" above. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT 3 France, MIM OIM Butterfield-type Sundials = Christie 6/7/72 and 5/15/73; Microscope = CZJ. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT AND CO. England, fl.1794-1817, NIM OIM Octant = FIN; Hadley's Quadrant = VNN; Telescopes = D.(1974), D.(1986), X, Soth. 12/13/65, Soth.-B. 12/21/76, Phillips 2/15/89, NMM-O.201/63-22, Dukes County Historical Soc., Edgartown, Mass.; Microscope = Soth. 10/22/76; Solar Microscope = Soth. 3/25/86. William Gilbert 2 and one or more of his sons; Crawforth finds no record of this listing in the directories; Phillips telescope marked "Improved Sea Telescope"; T.C. reads "Improved Achromatic Sea Telescopes Made by Gilbert, Wright and Hooke. Opticians" plus address. 148 Leadenhall Street, London. Bell 2; Clay and Court; NMM 2; Moskowitz 109; Crawforth 6; Coffeen 12; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT AND GILKERSON England, fl.1793-1819, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Slide Rule, boxwood = Christie 5/26/76; Rule, boxwood, 1800 = OXF; Globe, 1806 = OXF; Stick Barometer = X; Octant = Christie 3/29/60; Telescopes = D.(1972), D.(1989), Christie -S.K. 2/8/79; Mining Dial = P.C.(1987); etc. William Gilbert 2 and James Gilkerson; later William Dormer Gilbert with Gikerson. Succeeded Gregory, Gilbert and Wright. 8 Postern Row, Tower Hill, London. Brown; Taylor 2(974); Goodison 1; Dewhirst ; Clay and Court ; Bell 2; Moskowitz 112; J. Brown 1; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT AND SON England, c.1810, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = NMM-S.218; Telescope = MYS. William Gilbert 2 and William Dormer Gilbert. 148 Leadenhall Street, Navigation Warehouse, London. Taylor 2(839 & 1339); NMM 2; Moskowitz 111; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT AND SONS England, fl.1806-18, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sector = P.C.; Universal Ring Sun Dials = Christie 4/3/74, Soth. 11/9/59; Hadley's Quadrant = Tait 11/22/1843; Pantograph = P.C.; Telescopes = MYS, D.(1976), Phillips 9/10/86; Stick Barometer = VNN. William Gilbert 2 and his sons, William Dormer Gilbert and Thomas Gilbert. 148 Leadenhall Street, London. J. Brown 1; Rinaldi Cat.; Bell 2; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT AND WRIGHT England, fl.1790-92, 1802-05, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sextants = NMM-S.36 (1791), MYS, P-B 9/25/69, Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96; Octant = MYS; Instrument = KEN; Telescopes = Soth. 10/15/73, DRE, CZO, D.(1974),(1978); Pantograph = Christie -SK 7/10/80; Dry Compass = NMM-C.11; Prospect Glass = D.(1978). first John Gilbert 2 and later William Gilbert 2 working with George Wright 2; sextants are marked "King's Patent"; sold Wright's new improved celestial globes. 148 Leadenhall Street, Navigation Warehouse, London. J. Brown 1; Price 2; Taylor 2(839); USNM; NMM 2; Moskowitz 109; Coffeen E; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, BARBARA England, c.1752, widow of John Gilbert 1; turned over his apprentice, John Bartlett, to John Urings 2 of the Joiners' Company; turned over apprentice Joseph Hill to John Gilbert 2 in the Grocers' Company; both on March 18, 1752. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GILBERT, CHARLES England, c.1810, MIM apprenticed to his father, William Gilbert 2, in the Grocers' Company on May 5, 1803; turned over to James Savage of the Coachmakers' Company on June 2, 1803; free of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 5, 1810. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GILBERT, ED. England, 1778, NIM Octant, 1778 = MYS. made for Will Tillock, April 28, 1778. Tower Hill, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, HENRY ROBERT England, c.1798, MIM apprenticed to his father, William Gilbert 2, of the Grocers' Company, 1798; did not finish. Tower Hill, London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GILBERT, J. can be John Gilbert 1 or 2. suggest correction
GILBERT, JOHN 1 England, fl.1717-52, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Backstaves = OXF (1745), NMM, KEN (1730); Sundial = NMM; Telescope = D.(1971). apprenticed to John Johnson 3 in the Grocers' Company, 1709 free of the Company in 1717; took apprentices; made Biester's "portatis" instrument; undated instruments could have been made by John Gilbert 1 or 2. Little Tower Hill (1717); Postern Row, Tower Hill (1718-52); both in London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(178); Brewington 1; Goodison 1; NMM 2; USNM; Moskowitz 102; Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, JOHN 2 England, 1744-91, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Backstaves = NMM (1755), Atwater Kent Museun, Philadelphia, Pa. (1770), P.C.(1774); Octants = PEA (1758, 1763, 1779), Soth. 12/3/76 (1764), NMM (1777), North Carolina State Archives (1759); Sextant, 1767 = Soth. 6/27/57); Telescopes = D.(1973) (1769), D.(1976); Cuff-type Microscope = OXF; etc. son of John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers'Company; apprenticed to him Oct. 4, 1737; free of the Grocers' Company Feb. 28, 1744; T.C.; see Gilbert and Wright. at the Mariner, Paternoster Road, Tower Hill (1763); 23 St. Paul's Churchyard, Ludgate Street (1776); 8 Postern Row, Tower Hill (1781); all in London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(595); Goodison 1; Bell 2; Moskowitz 112; NMM 2; Calvert 2; Brewington; USNM; Dewhirst; Crawforth 1; Court and von Rohr 3; OXF Exib. 1947; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, JOHN 3 England, fl.1771-91, MIM NIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to his father John Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company, April 3, 1764; free of the Company April 9, 1771; brother of William Gilbert 2. Tower Hill, London (1771). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GILBERT, M. AND T. England, NIM Sextant = Soth. 1/27/75. surely W. and T. Gilbert. London. RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, THOMAS England, fl.1809-31, MIM NIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to his father, William Gilbert 2, of the Grocers' Company in 1801; free of the Company in 1809; see W. and T. Gilbert; the "W" is William Dormer Gilbert, his brother; T.C. ; Leadenhall Street, London (1809). J. Brown 1 & 2; Taylor 2(839 & 1339); Bell 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GILBERT, W. AND J. misreading for W. and T. Gilbert. RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, W. AND S. England, c.1817, NIM Log = NMM-Lg.28. W. and T. Gilbert? London. NMM 2. suggest correction
GILBERT, W. AND T. England, fl.1819-28, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Compass and Rule, silver case, 1826 = OXF; Vernier Protractor, 1827 = D.; Compasses = NMM (1838), NMM (7); Log Glasses = NMM; Telescopes = NMM, Soth. 5/12/75, Christie 4/14/89; Microscope = Soth. 3/19/73; Surveyor's Cross = D.(1977); Stick Barometer = Phillips 12/12/89; Sextant = Christie 12/16/69. William Dormer Gilbert and his brother, Thomas, sons of William Gilbert 2; "Mathematical Instrument Makers and Opticians to the Hon. East India Compy"; also made kaleidoscopes; went bankrupt in 1828. 148 Leadenhall Street, Navigation Warehouse, London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(839); Clay and Court; Moskowitz 111; Bell 2; NMM 2; Calvert 2; Dewhirst; Evans 1; Coffeen D; Crawforth 1; McConnell 4; RSW. suggest correction
GILBERT, WILLIAM 1 England, 1540-1603, wrote the pioneering work on magnetism; designed a dip-needle; worked with Blundeville, Briggs and Edward Wright on the problems of navigation; physician. Colchester; Wingfield House, St. Peter's Hill, London (1596-97); Royal College of Physicians, London. Taylor 1(31); Dawson Cat.; DNB; DSB. suggest correction
GILBERT, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1776-1813, MIM NIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to his father, John Gilbert 2, July 4, 1769; turned over to Peter Dollond July 18, 1769; free of the Grocers' Conpany Aug. 1, 1776; admitted to the Spectaclemakers' Company Dec. 1, 1801 by Redemption; Master of the Spectaclemakers' Company 1807-09; see Gilbert and Wright, Gilbert and Son, Gilbert and Sons, Gilbert and Gilkerson, Gilbert and Co. Tower Hill (1776); Leadehall Street (1795-1803); both in London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(595); Brewington 1; Clay and Court; Moskowitz 109; Robischon. suggest correction
GILBERT, WILLIAM DORMER England, fl.1802-33, MIM NIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to his father, William Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company on Nov. 5, 1795; free of the Grocers' Company Dec. 2, 1802; free of the Spectaclemakers' Company Oct. 6, 1813; succeeded his father Oct. 6, 1813; worked with his brother, Thomas as W. and T. Gilbert from 1819-31; worked alone 1832-33. 148 Leadenhall Street, London. J. Brown 1; Court and von Rohr 3(237). suggest correction
GILBERT, WRIGHT AND HOOKE England, fl.1794-1805, MIM OIM Telescopes = D.(1975), D.(1979); Magnetic Compass = Christie-SK 9/11/86; Sextant = OXF. the "Gilbert" is first, John Gilbert 2, later, William Gilbert 2; the Wright is George Wright 2; sextant marked "King's Patent." 148 Leadenhall Street, Navigation Warehouse, London. Taylor 2(839); Moskowitz 109; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
GILDING, STEPHEN England, c.1675, apprenticed to Walter Henshaw in the Weavers' Company, June 28, 1675 for eight years. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GILES, EDWARD USA, fl.1839-50, MIM SIM see Blyndenburgh and Giles. Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Coffeen E. suggest correction
GILES, JAMES England, fl.1740-80, MIM Orrery, = USNM; Sundial = Milton Church. Gravesend. Taylor 2(354a); USNM 2; Bedini 6; Price 2. suggest correction
GILKERSON England, c.1800, MIM Drawing Set, case = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Tower Hill, London. RSW. suggest correction
GILKERSON AND CO. England, fl.1809-27, MIM NIM OIM SIM Sextants = DPW, NMM-S.261; Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 4/22/65; Octant = HAR; Circumferentor = D.(1978); Surveyor's Compass = ADL-W188. 8 Postern Row, Tower Hill; 148 Leadenhall Street, The Navigation Warehouse; both in London. Taylor 2(1130); NMM 2; Moskowitz 117; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GILKERSON AND MACALL England, c.1770, MIM Mathematical Instrument Set = X. Tower Hill, London. Taylor 2(716); Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
GILKISON, W.P. ScotlandPHIM sympiesometer maker Cathcart Street, Glasgow. Bell 2. suggest correction
GILL, JONATHAN England, fl. 1707-16, MIM Oughtred-type Sundial, 1716 = D.(1983) = ADL-W96. apprenticed in 1700; free of the Clockmakers' Company in 1707; sundial is signed "Jn° Gill." London. Coffeen D; Wynter and Turner; J. Brown 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GILL, SAMUEL England, PHIM barometer maker. Rye. Bell 2. suggest correction
GILL, THOMAS England, fl.1817-18, PHIM Hydrometer Slide Rule, ivory = Soth. 10/17/60. signed "T. Gill"; patented a type of hydrometer with John Ashton. 42 Greek Street, Soho, London. Taylor 2(1341); RSW. suggest correction
GILLADON, ANDREAS Switzerland?, 1690, MIM Pillar Sundial, 1690 = Chur Museum. Evans 1. suggest correction
GILLARDONI, A. see Gilardony Bell 2. suggest correction
GILLES, MATTHIAS England, 1708, NIM Nocturnal, fruitwood, 1708 = Soth. 6/21/76. RSW. suggest correction
GILLESPIE, JOHN England?, MIM Calendar, round, wood = Soth. 10/17/60. 10, Abbey Hill. RSW. suggest correction
GILLMAN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Eastbourne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GILLY France, 1777, MIM he reworked the sundial of Cadenet. Tardy 3. suggest correction
GILMAN AND JOSLIN misreading for Gilman Joslin. Rinaldi 3; RSW. suggest correction
GILMAN, BENJAMIN CLARK USA, 1763-1835, MIM NIM Compass Cards, paper = NHH, P.C.; Pedometer = Bristol Coll. clockmaker. Exeter, New Hampshire. Bedini 1; Smart 1; Spinney. suggest correction
GILMORE England, NIM Nocturnal, boxwood = Pugsley Sale. as listed in catalogue; instrument sold was unsigned. RSW. suggest correction
GILMORE, JOSEPH England, fl.1718-26, NIM invented a perpetual log, the "Navivum", and one other navigating instrument. Bath. Taylor 2(44); Bedini 8. suggest correction
GILMUR, BRYAN USA, c.1790, MIM also made clocks. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1. suggest correction
GILPIN England, 1816, MIM Celestial Globe, 1816 = ANM. London. Namur Exhib. Cat. suggest correction
GILPIN, B. England, OIM Modified-Cuff Microscope = Wellcome Coll. Newcastle. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GILRUTH BROS. Scotland, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. Dundee. RSW. suggest correction
GILTRAY, J.W. Holland, 1851-1929, MIM NIM OIM worked with A.P. Kipp; partner in the firm of P.J. Kipp en Zonen. Delft. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
GINOT-DESROIS, MLLE. France, fl.1824-26, MIM Planispheres, paper = GEP, MAS, TIM (1826); Astronomical and Perpetual Calendar = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. may be "Desrolis"; calendar marked "dedié à Charles X par Mlle. Ginot-Desrois", and was engraved by Choixegue. Chez Bachelier Libraire pour les matématiques, Quai des Augustins, 55, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIOBBIO 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 9/10/86. Devizes; Trowbridge. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GIOBBIO 2 England, PHIM barometer maker. Lampeter, Cardigan. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIOBBIO AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. Devizes. RSW. suggest correction
GIOBBIO, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIOBBIO, G.B. EnglandPHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Burnley. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIOBBIO, G.B., AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 4/28/82. see Giobbio and Co. Devizes. RSW. suggest correction
GIOBBIO, GOSVE Wales, PHIM barometer maker. Llandovery, Carmarthan. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIOIA, FLAVIO Italy, 13th Century, NIM thought by Neapolitans to have invented the magnetic compass. Naples. Magazine of Science, London, 1891; Tooley; USNM. suggest correction
GIORDANI, D.G. Italy, c.1590, MIM Astronomical Compendium, paper = Count Lamberti Coll., Rome. Venice. Chapuis. suggest correction
GIORDANI, VITALE Italy, b.1633 d.1711, MIM Armillary Sphere = Biblioteca Lancisiana, Rome. Rome. Michel 3. suggest correction
GIRACCIA, T. England, PHIM barometer maker. Lewes. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIRAR, MARC France, MIM Sundial in lid of watch = J.P. Morgan Coll. Blois. RSW. suggest correction
GIRARD France, 19th entury, MIM SIM Graphometer = Drouot 4/7/87. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIRARD ET BARRERE France, 19th Century, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 27.5 cm. = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Girard et Barrère. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIRARD FRERES France, c.1810, OIM PHIM Girard Frères; made achromatic lenses. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GIRARD, A. USA, 1849, MIM invented an altitude recorder and a sun transit instrument. Mobile, Ala. USNM. suggest correction
GIRARD, BARRERE ET THOMAS France, c.1850, MIM Globe, terrestrial = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96. Girard, Barrère et Thomas; see Girard et Barrère. RSW. suggest correction
GIRARD, E., ET A. BOITTE France, 19th Century, MIM Globe, terrestrial = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96. "éditeurs." 22 rue Cassette, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIRAUD, BENOIT France, fl.1744-1780, PHIM Thermometer on clock, 1774 = X. Rue des Orties (1774); Pl. Saint-Suplice (1780); both in Paris. Tardy 3. suggest correction
GIRAUDON France, NIM Magnetic Compass = Drouot 3/9/70. rue de la Paix, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GIREARO, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 32 Ely, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIRGENSOHN, T. Russia, c.1845, PHIM Stick Barometer = Pulkowa Obs. (1845). St. Petersburg. Middleton 1. suggest correction
GIRL, MARTIN surely Martin Gizl. Taylor 2(597); Daumas 1. suggest correction
GIRLONI, D. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIROD, JEAN GASPARD Switzerland, c.1620, MIM Sundial in base of skull watch = O-F. signed "I.G. Girod"; watchmaker. Coppet; Geneva. Monreal; Baillie 1; Soth. 5/11/23; RSW. suggest correction
GIRONIMO England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. possibly Laurence Gironimo. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIRONIMO, B. 1 England, PHIM barometer maker. Bristol. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIRONIMO, B. 2 England, fl.1817-44, PHIM barometer maker. Leather Lane, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIRONIMO, LAURENCE England, fl.1845-54, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; succeeded by Felix Gugeri. 93 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GISCARA, JEREMIAH England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Giscard, misreading ? Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GISCARD England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 9/18/86. see Jeremiah Giscara, this might be a misreading. Downham. RSW. suggest correction
GITTENS, W. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Angle Barometer = X. 113 Salop, Shrewsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIUDICE, A. AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Stroud Water. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIUSANI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIUSANI, P. AND SONS England, c.1835, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Cock Street, Wolverhampton (1835); Bilston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GIUSANI, S. England, PHIM barometer maker. Cock Street, Wolverhampton. Bell 2. suggest correction
GIUSTI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Italy, fl.1558-65, MIM Quadrant, 1558 = FLO; Sundials = FLO (2). also signed "Ioannes Baptista Iusti." Florence. Bonelli 5; Michel 3; Evans 1; Settle 2. suggest correction
GIZL, MARTIN Austria, 1769, MIM OIM SIM Theodolite, 1769 = BM; Horizontal Sundial, string gnomon, = Soth. 11/16/87. also spelled Cizl. Salzburg. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
GLADSTONE, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GLAISHER, JAMES England, 1809-1903, PHIM pioneer meteorologist; developed a wet-dry bulb thermometer in 1847. London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
GLASER, A. Poland, 1588, MIM designed a sundial for the Town Hall in 1588. Danzig. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GLAZEBROOK England, c.1822, MIM invented a slide rule. Taylor 2(1568). suggest correction
GLAZIER, JAMES Ireland, fl.1796-99, MIM 59 Townsend Street, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GLEAVE, J., AND SON England, MIM Rule, folding, wood = D.(1984). initial might be G. Oldham Street, Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
GLEICHEN, VAN Germany, c.1770, OIM developed a form of compound microscope. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GLOBBIO AND CO. misreading for Giobbio and Co. RSW. suggest correction
GLOCKSBERGER, JOHANN Czechoslovakia, c.1600, MIM Ring Sundial = Drecker Coll. Prague. Zinner 1; Evans 1. suggest correction
GLOVER, FREDERICK ROBERT AUGUSTUS England, c.1839, MIM patented "Glover's Sector", marked "Patent No.1." Charlton. Taylor 2(2135); Coffeen 14. suggest correction
GLOVER, HENRY England; USA, fl.1842-70, NIM OIM T.C.; apprenticed to Parkinson and Frodsham; made chronometers. London; 33 John Street, (1842-43); 29 Louis Street (1843-44); 192 Broadway (1845); 119 Broadway (1846); 5 Wall Street (1847); 115 Wall Street (1848); 119 Wall Street (1850-53); 58 South Street (1853); 154 South Street (1854); 107 South Street (1860-62); 104 South Street (1864); 20 Burling Slip (1866); 222 Water Street (1868-70); all in New York, N.Y. Brewington 1; Moskowitz 103; RSW. suggest correction
GLUCK Mexico, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = ADL-T64. "optico". Mexico City. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GLUCKSTEIN England, c.1850, PHIM barometer maker. London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GLYD, JAMES England, 1752, MIM Ring Sundial, 1752 = OXF. London. Baillie 1. suggest correction
GLYN, RICHARD surely Richard Glynne. Clay and Court; Daumas 1. suggest correction
GLYNNE, RICHARD England, 1681-1755 fl.1705-25, MIM Universal Ring Sundials over Compasses, silver = TIM, Chatsworth; Universal Ring Sundials = OXF, KEN, WHI, CZJ; Inclinable Sundials, silver = TIM, Chatsworth; Armillary Sphere = WHI; Drawing Instrument Sets = WHI, OXF, Halls 11/15/95; Orreries = OXF, NMM-P.13, Nat'l Museum, Beiping. apprenticed to Henry Wynne in the Clockmakers' Company, 1696; free of the Company, 1705; son-in-law of Philip Lea; in partnership with Anne Lea, his mother-in-law, c. 1712-25; published globes; T.C.; sometimes signed "Glyn." Cheapside (1712-16); Sign of the Hercules and Atlas, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street (1720-25); both in London. Taylor 1(500) and 2(45); Price 3; Ward 4; Chaldecott 1; RSW; Calvert 2; Michel 3; ATG 12/9/95; Gingerich 1; Tyacke 1; J. Brown 3; Bryden 16; Daumas 1; NMM 2; Sivin 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GLYNNE, RICHARD, AND HENRY WYNNE England, fl.1710-21, MIM Hercules and Atlas, Fleet Street, opposite Salisbury Court, London. Clay and Court. suggest correction
GLYNNE, ROBERT misreading for Richard Glynne. ATG 12/8/95. suggest correction
GNUTTI, GIUSEPPE Italy, c.1761, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = BRP. might be Grutti. Price 2; Bonelli 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOAT, R. misreading for R. Gout. Soth., Wilkinson and Hodge 7/20/23. suggest correction
GOATER England, fl.1776-77, NIM Hadley's Quadrants = D. Phillips 11/16/88 (1776); Octants = SPI-2775 (1777), WHI, AMST. John or Henry Goater. 141 Wapping, London Taylor 2(599); Daumas 1; Wynter and Turner; Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOATER, E. England, NIM Octant = WHI. 141 Wapping, London. RSW. suggest correction
GOATER, HENRY England, fl.1777-92, MIM NIM OIM Octants = WHI, AMST, NMM. son or nephew of John Goater. 144 (141) Wapping; New Gravel Lane, Wapping Wall; both in London. Taylor 2(717); Wynter and Turner; NMM 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
GOATER, I. see John Goater. suggest correction
GOATER, J.B. England, NIM Octant = University of Mississippi. London. Price 2. suggest correction
GOATER, JOHN England, c.1760, NIM Backstaffs = D., P.C.(1971), AMST; Hadley's Quadrant = MYS; Octants = Maine Historical Soc., Portland, P.C.(1969), AMST, NMM-S.144 (1769). all except NMM octant are signed I. or J. Goater; one instument has the mark of an anchor and also signed "late Clerty." 141 Wapping; near Union Stairs in Wapping; Execution Dock, Wapping; all in London. Taylor 2(599); Wynter and Turner; Mörzer Bruyns 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
GOATER, ROBERT England, fl.1769-97, MIM NIM Mariner's Compass = NMM-C.214. signed "R.Goater." 146 Wapping, London Taylor 2(599); NMM 2. suggest correction
GOBBI 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. Giobbio? Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GOBBI 2 England, PHIM see Macki and Gobbi; barometer makers. Swaffham. Bell 2. suggest correction
GOBBI AND CETTEA England, fl.1848-50, PHIM barometer makers. Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham. Bell 2. suggest correction
GOBBI, LAWRENCE England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 12/15/72. signed "L. Gobbi"; also known as Lorenzo Gobbi; carver, gilder. Stanley Street, Liverpool. Bell 2. suggest correction
GOBBI, P. England, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 12/13/88. Soth. barometer signed "Gobbi Stroud", spirit level signed "P. Gobbi Stroud." Stroud. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOBBI, P., AND SON England, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Stroud. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOBBY England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Chelsea Fair (1973). Hull. RSW. suggest correction
GOBBY, D. England, c.1775, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/17/74. Leather Lane, London. RSW. suggest correction
GOBE, HANS Austria ; Germanyfl.1558-74, MIM Gun Sight, 1568 = DRE. see H.G. 4. Innsbruck; Dreden. Zinner 1; Grötzsch 2; Michel 2 and 3; Drechsler 2; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
GODALLES France, 1686, MIM Sector, ivory, 1686 = Christie 10/7/82 = D.(1983) = ADL-W162. "Par le D.M.N. Godalles, Sainct Malo." Saint-Malo. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GODDARD England, fl.1838-40, OIM invented a polariscope. Gallery of Practical Science, Adelaide Street, London. Taylor 2(2136). suggest correction
GODDARD, JAMES T. England, fl.1850-57, OIM Achromatic Astronomical Telescope = X. 35 Goswell Street (1851); Jesse Cottage, Whitton, near Hounslow (1857); both in London. USNM; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
GODDART see Steel and Goddart. RSW. suggest correction
GODELAR France, c.1780, MIM OIM Protractors = D.(1971), P.C.(1968); Sector = DPW; Folding Rule = P.C. Paris. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GODELARD FILS France, MIM Sector, silver = P.C.(1973). Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GODFREY, JOHN England, fl.1818-37, OIM Cross Street (1818); 93 Coleshill, Horton (1837); both in Birmingham. Taylor 2(1863). suggest correction
GODFREY, THOMAS 1 USA, 1704-49, NIM Sextant = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.; "Improved" Backstaff, 1730 = Joshua Fisher (c.1731). glazier; invented a reflecting quadrant in 1730; in 1734 the Royal Society recognized both Thomas Godfrey (1) and James Hadley as independent inventors of the instrument. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1 & 8; Gillingham 1; DSB; Price 2; Taylor 2(262); Cecil King; A.J. Turner 10; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
GODFREY, THOMAS 2 England, PHIM barometer maker. Stony Stratford. Bell 2. suggest correction
GODIN, LOUIS France, 1704-60, MIM Rule, 1735 = POB. Trois Siècle. suggest correction
GODINEAU France, 1730-1800, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = P.C.(1969). La Rochelle. RSW. suggest correction
GODINEZ, MIGUEL Spain, 18th Century, MIM Counting Machine = X. Valencia. Nachet. suggest correction
GODWIN, S. England, 1802, MIM Astrolabe, 1802 = OXF (ICA-316). Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
GODWYN, JOHN England, fl.1597-1600, MIM said by Hopton to be the inventor of the circumferentor; designed an alidade; see John Goodwin. London. Taylor 1(98). suggest correction
GOERNER, JACOBUS Czechoslovakia, 1794, PHIM Static Electrical Machine, 1794 = PRA. "Mechanicus." Prague. Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
GOERNER, JOSEPH Czechoslovakia, 1775, OIM Microscope, 1775 = U. of Charles, Prague. Prague. Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
GOERTNER Germany, c.1680, PHIM made burning mirrors. Dresden. Nachet. suggest correction
GOES 1 Franciscus de Goes; see Gois 2. A. Stimson 3; Destombes 5. suggest correction
GOES 2 see A. Goys. A. Stimson 3; Destombes 5. suggest correction
GOES, FRANCISCO DE Portugal, c.1587, MIM NIM made sundials, sandglasses, astrolabes and compass needles; also spelled Goys. Lisbon. A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
GOES, JOAO DE Portugalc.1648, MIM NIM son of A. Goys (Agostinho de Goes Raposa); excused from military service in 1648, because he was a NIM. Lisbon. A. Stimson 3; Guedes. suggest correction
GOESTER, GYSBERT Holland, 1739-, MIM Square = UTP. ivory-turner and instrument maker. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
GOETZ, STEPHAN VON Austria, see Götz. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
GOEZ, JOH. WILH. Germany18th Century, MIM Ludwigsburg. Evans 1. suggest correction
GOFF, WILLIAM USA, 1782, NIM Octant, 1782 = D.(1957). Georgetown, South Carolina. RSW. suggest correction
GOGERTY, ROBERT England, fl.1847-56, MIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = X; Microscope = CZO. microscope is signed "Gogerty 244 Fleet Street." 32 King Street (1847); 72 Fleet Street; 244 Fleet Street; all in London. Goodison 1; O'Mara; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GOGILLA France, MIM Folding Rule = P.C.; Mathematical Instrument Set = D.(1966). Paris. Brieux 2; RSW. suggest correction
GOHIN France, c.1800, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/3/88. signed "L'Ing. Gohin opticien Breveté." 19, rue Neuve-Saint-Eustache; Rue Her. St. Eustache 24; both in Paris. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GOIS 1 Portugal, 1595, MIM NIM SIM Diptych Sundials, ivory, 1595 = P.C., D.(1976). first dial also signed "Lusitanus"; second has a polychrome compass, with an extra mark "P.E."; there may be only one instrument. Lisbon. RSW. suggest correction
GOIS 2 Portugal, fl.1608-32, NIM Mariner's Astrolabes = FLO (1608)(NMM-9), Museu Naval e Oceanographico, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1624) (NMM-49), Museo da las Casas Reales, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (1632) (NMM-42). Francisco de Goes; received his license as an instrument maker in 1587; he made sundials, sand glasses, compass needles, etc; NMM is National Maritime Museum Registry of Mariner's Astrolabe. Lisbon. Waters 1; Stimson 3; Destombes 5; Guedes. suggest correction
GOLDBACKER, MAX Germany; USA1813-71;, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. optician. Oettinger, Bavaria (1813-49); New York, N.Y. (1849-71). Smart 1. suggest correction
GOLIUNIN Russia, MIM Terrestrial Globe and Sundial = GEL. RSW. suggest correction
GONDOLA, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 12 Little Saffron Hill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GONDOLFI France, c.1800, PHIM Balances = CNAM. also made weights. Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GONICHON, JEAN-BAPTISTE-CHARLES France, fl.1733-63, OIM Reflecting Telescope = P.C.(1962). associated with the optician, Claude Paris, his brother-in-law, in 1733; later worked alone; in 1763 his widow, Marie-Michelle Paris Gonichon, took up the brevet of her brother, Claude Paris, of "marchand miroitier privilégié suivant la Cour." rue des Postes, Paris. Daumas 1; Brieux 2; Nachet; Augarde; RSW. suggest correction
GONICHON, MARIE-MICHELLE PARIS France, c.1763, MIM widow of Jean-Baptiste-Charles Gonichon; sister of Claude Paris; received his title, "marchand miroitier privilégié suivant la Cour", in 1763. Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
GONNELLA, TITO Italy, 1794-1851+, MIM Calculating Machine = FLO. showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Florence. Brenni 1. suggest correction
GOOBBI, J., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Giobbi? Goodison 1. suggest correction
GOOD, JOHN England, fl.1731-36, MIM NIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1731 = Wray Coll. (not in Wray Sale, Soth. 11/30/59); Hadley's Quadrant = OMM. mathematician; author; book was published in London; two men? Hull. Gillingham 6; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
GOODALL, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1790-1807, MIM Sundial inside watch cover = OXF (Minn Coll.). Tadcaster. Bell 2; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOODALL, GEORGE 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GOODALL, LODELL England, OIM Telescope, three-draw = Christie-SK 4/18/85. London. RSW. suggest correction
GOODDAY, B. England, fl.1723-25, NIM designed a new navigating instrument; author. Knight's Coffee-house, Essex Street, near St. Clement's Church, Strand, London. Taylor 2(179). suggest correction
GOODMAN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Pontypridd. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GOODMAN, THOMAS England, fl.1669-78, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took apprentices; Master of the Company, 1677-78). St. Bartholomews, West Smithfield, London (1671-78). Court and von Rohr 3(17); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
GOODWIN, JOHN England, fl.1580-1616, MIM Sectors = R.T. Gunther Coll., NMM-CI/S.9, D.(1986). the instrument, "D.(1986)", is signed "John Goodwin SW"; see also John Godwyn as there may be confusion. Taylor 1(98); Evans 1; Dewhirst; NMM 2; Coffeen 14. suggest correction
GOODWIN, MICHAEL, AND SON England, c.1850, PHIM barometer makers. High Street, Sunderland. Bell 2. suggest correction
GOORHAM, ISAAC Sweden?, 1763, NIM Backstaff, 1763 = P.C.(1972). in a Swedish collection. RSW. suggest correction
GOOTS, A. Holland, NIM Cross-staff = HAK. vanes lost. RSW. suggest correction
GORDON, ANDREAS Scotland, c.1745, PHIM monk; might have introduced the cylinder in the electrical machine. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GORDON, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1719-26, MIM author. at Mr. Graeme's House, The Green House, opposite the Three Pigeons, Butcherhall Lane, Newgate Street, London. Taylor 2(47). suggest correction
GORDON, GEORGE 2 England, c.1754, MIM apprenticed to Tycho Wing, a mathematical instrument maker of the Grocers' Company, Oct. 24, 1754. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GORDON, GILBERT England, 1687, NIM Nocturnal, boxwood, 1687 = NAC = D.(1976) = P.C. first name is illegible in dealer's catalogue; owner? Nachet; Brieux 3, 1976; RSW. suggest correction
GORDON, ROBERT Scotland, 1580-1661, cartographer; surveyer; owned the Fusoris astrolabe now in the RSM; two of the tympans were re-engraved for use in Edinburgh and Straloch in 1597. Straloch, Aberdeenshire. Darius 3; Poulle 1. suggest correction
GORHAM, JOTHAM ODIORNE 17th Century, MIM SIM Graphometer = Eldred 7/26/73. RSW. suggest correction
GORI Italy, 1779, MIM divided a quadrant; may be Felice Gori. Florence. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GORI, FELICE Italy, c.1809, MIM Sundial = FLO. brother of Galgano Gori; both worked for Giuseppe Pigri; sundial signed "Felice Gori inv. e fece in Firenze"; also marked "A.L." (3); mechanician; see Gori. Florence. Bonelli 9. suggest correction
GORI, GALGANO Italy, 1846, MIM PHIM Barometer, siphon-type, 1846 = FLO. brother of Felice Gori, which see; both worked for Giuseppe Pigri; also made micrometers and thermometers; mechanician. Florence. Middleton 1; Bonelli 9. suggest correction
GORING, DR. EDWIN England, fl.1819-41, developed idea of using precious stones for microscope lenses. Nachet. suggest correction
GORLAND England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London Wall, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GORNER, J. Bohemia, 1776, OIM Microscope = PRA. Narodni Museum Exhibit at KEN, Aug. 1968. RSW. suggest correction
GORSE, NATHANIEL see Nathaniel Gosse. suggest correction
GOSS, JOHN England, c.1812, MIM designed a calculating machine. Bryden 5. suggest correction
GOSSE, NATHANIEL England, fl.1620-31, MIM made Gunter's rules and other wooden instruments; spelled variously as Gos, Goss, and Gorse. Ratcliffe, London. Bryden 9; Taylor 1(141); Evans 1; Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
GOSSELIN France, c.1665-80, MIM Octant = Roussel Sale = MADEX-280 (Coll. Jules Strauss); Mural Quadrant = X. an "arquebusier"; instruments are also signed "divisé par Sevin à Paris"; Gosselin made instruments for the Paris Observatory and the Academy of Sciences; Daumas says that some instruments are at the NMM but there is no entry in the Inventory. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Wolf; NMM 2; Augarde. suggest correction
GOSSET France, c.1800, OIM optician and lens maker. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
GOTANDE Italy, 1778, MIM Hodometer, 1778 = MMT. Rome. RSW. suggest correction
GOTZ, JOH. WILH. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Instrument = DAR. signed "Götz"; Evans says "Goez." Ludwigsburg. Maddison 7; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOTZ, STEFAN VON, UND SOHNE Austria, c.1850, MIM Zappeck-type Sundials = D.(1982) = ADL-W50, PRZ, D.(1987), Pugsley Sale; Horizontal Sundial = MERC-28. the first sundial signed "St. v. Götz und Sohne", the second, "Götz und Sohne", the third, "Stefan von Götz und Sohne. Vienna. Coffeen A and 16; Maddison 7; Hamilton 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GOTZ, STEPHAN VON Austria, MIM Zappeck-type Sundial = PRZ. signed "Götz." Vienna. Maddison 7. suggest correction
GOUCHON, CHARLES France, c.1700, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = NMM-D.201. Beurelle. NMM 2. suggest correction
GOUFFE France, c.1788, MIM Gouffé was "breveté ingénieur du Roi, 1788". Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GOUGH see Walter Gough. suggest correction
GOUGH AND GEE England, c.1815, PHIM Angle Barometer = Christie 4/5/95. 21 Saddle Row, London. RSW. suggest correction
GOUGH, T.J. Water Clock, falsely dated 1673 = Museum of Science, Buffalo, N.Y. modern work; probably made by Pearson Page Ltd. of Birmingham; marked "Exeter." RSW. suggest correction
GOUGH, WALTER England, fl.1799-1810, MIM OIM PHIM Garden Sundials = The Hall, Weston, Buckland House (1793); Air Pump = AUI; Stick Barometer = Phillips 2/14/79. T.C.; last two instruments signed "Gough" and "Real Electrical Machine and Air Pump Maker"; 1793 sundial belonged to William Cowper. 21 Middle Row; 23 Middle Row; both in Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Gatty; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOUGH, WILLIAM England, fl.1808-10, OIM 23 Middle Row, Holborn, London. Taylor 2(1134). suggest correction
GOUICHON France, c.1790, OIM Telescopes = P.C., Versailles 11/19/78. Rue des Postes, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GOULD AND PORTER England, fl.1800-25, MIM OIM Charles Gould and Porter; succeeded Cary. London. Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
GOULD, CHARLES England, fl.1800-39, MIM OIM Microscope = Soth. 12/17/62. T.C.; microscope is signed "Gould's Improved Pocket Compound Microscope"; author; succeeded William Cary in 1825, perhaps as Gould and Porter. 272 Strand, London. Taylor 2(1135); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GOULD, CHESTER England; USA; England, fl.1794-1803, NIM patented a log in 1800, an improvment in 1801, and a nautical time piece in 1803, all in London; Bedini thinks Gould was still in Rome, N.Y. in 1813. 47 Walnut Street (1794); Sign of the Quadrant, 70 South Front Street (1796-98); both in Philadelphia Pa.; Rome, N.Y.(1800); "late of Rome N.Y., now of Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, London merchant"(1801). Brewington 1; Bedini 8. suggest correction
GOULD, HENRY England, 1859-?, MIM NIM succeeded John and George Cary in 1859. 181 Strand, London. Taylor 2(1290). suggest correction
GOULD, HORACE USA, 1801, NIM offered a recording log for approval to the Boston Marine Soc. Boston, Mass. Brewington 1. suggest correction
GOULD, JOHN England; USA, fl.1794-97, MIM NIM OIM succeeded by Thomas Whitney; Smart says 47 Walnut Street (1794). 47 Water Street(1794); at the Sign of the Quadrant, 70 South Front Street (1796); 46 South Fifth Street (1797); all in Philadelphia Pa. Bedini 1; Smart 1; Gillingham 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
GOULD, WILLIAM 1 USA, d.1797, MIM Smart felt that this might be an erronious entry due to a mistake in a newspaper story in 1797. Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
GOULD, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1808, MIM apprenticed to William Parson of the Grocers' Company, Jan 1, 1801, for 7 years. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
GOULIER, COLONEL France, 1818-91, MIM hydrographic surveyor; designed several instruments. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GOUMERT France, PHIM Barometer = Christie 2/10/72. Chalon. RSW. suggest correction
GOURDIN, E. "E. Gourdin Paris 1671" marked on a modern mariner's astrolabe sold at Christie 5/5/83. A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
GOURDIN, PIERRE France, fl.1775-1800, MIM SIM Graphometers = USNM (1775), KRA (1779), CNAM (1785), P.C. (1790), Libert et Castor Auction 4/28/82 (1786), etc; Surveying Instruments = FIN = D(1778), Paris 1900 Exhib.(1792), P.C. and Christie's 4/3/85; Surveyor's Cross, 1786 = P.C.; Alidade, 1787 = CNAM; Sectors = D.(1785)(2), OXF and Drouot 3/9/70 (both 1792) ; Ellipsograph, 1780 = CNAM; Protractor, 1778 = P.C.; Pantograph, 1784 = P.C.(1987); Rule = ADL-A268; Level, 1785 = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96. twice rejected as "Ingénieur du Roi"; in 1794 he was chosen to value mathematical instruments seized during the Revolution; member of "Corporation des fondeurs." au Quart de Cercle, Quai de l'horloge, Ile de la Cité, Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; USNM; Daumas 1 and 6; Augarde; Wynter and Turner; Estreicher 1; Coffeen 12 and 55; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GOURDON, L. Switzerland, c.1790, MIM OIM SIM Thermometer, horizontal = GEM; Theodolite = Christie-SK 9/29/88. the thermometer is from the de Saussure Coll. Geneva. A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
GOUT, RALPH England, fl.1770-1815, MIM Pedometers = Aubert (1806), BM (1781), Marryat College, Guildhall Museum, KEN, FIT, WHI, Fränkel Coll., OXF., TIM = Christie 4/14/88, and various sales. patented a pedometer, 1799. 6 Norman Street; Old Street; Binlin Court; all in London. Taylor 2(719); De suggest correction
GOUTERY France, MIM Sector = P. and S. 4/3/1894. Paris. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
GOVAERDT, H. 1607, MIM Artillery Level, 1607 = LOS. RSW. suggest correction
GOVERNA see Oratio Governa Pietro. suggest correction
GOWAN, G. England, 1753, MIM Gunner's Sector, wood, 1753 = Kenney Coll. = Soth. 4/22/65. Taylor 2(482); Exibition-Maps; RSW. suggest correction
GOWER, CAPTAIN England, NIM invented and patented a log. Taylor 2(1137). suggest correction
GOWLAND England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80. Enfield. RSW. suggest correction
GOWLAND, C. England, fl.1811-16, PHIM Marine Barometer = X. probably Clement Gowland, clockmaker on High Street. Sunderland. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GOWLAND, GEORGE England, pre-1871, NIM OIM Octants = RJK and Phillips 5/14/74; Sextants = Exhib. "1000 Years of Navigation", Brussels 1979, Dr. Livingstone; Artificial Horizon = STK. also signed "Gowland" or "G. Gowland." 76 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Bryden 9; Brewington 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
GOWLAND, JAMES England, c.1830, PHIM Marine Barometer = VNN. London. RSW. suggest correction
GOY AND CO. England, pre-1840, NIM OIM Hadley's Quadrant with vernier = NMM-S.17. T.C. 36 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(2138); NMM 2. suggest correction
GOYON FILS France, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Chevau-Légers, 2/28/82. 16 Rue Pila, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GOYS, A. Portugal, fl.1630-58, MIM NIM Mariner's Astrolabes = P.C. (1648) (NMM-25), Museu Naval e Oceanographico, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 16??) (NMM-38), Museu de Marinha, Lisbon (NMM-39). Agostinho de Goes Raposo; known to have died before 1676; received his license as an instrument maker in 1630; could make sundials, sand glasses, etc; NMM is National Maritime Museum Registry of Mariner's Astrolabes. Lisbon. A. Stimson 3; Destombes 5; Guedes. suggest correction
GOZZI Italy, 1722, OIM Microscope, 1772 = Russborough House, Blessington, Ireland. Parma. Silverman. suggest correction
GRAECIUS Italy, 1591, see F. Hieronomi Brassi. Florence? Rome? Destombes; RSW. suggest correction
GRAEVIUS, BARTHOLOMEW Belgium, c.1531, printer and bookseller; sold globes. Louvain. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GRAF, HANS Germany, fl.1563-76, MIM Miner's Compass, wood and ivory, 1564 = ADL-M169; Miner's Compass, 1576 = Michel Coll.; Sundial, wood and ivory, 1563 = BM. Gundhalbing. Engelmann 1; Michel 3 & 24; Price 3; Ward 4; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GRAF, L. Germany, c.1700, MIM Sundials = GRA, Christie 2/16/71 = 12/21/71. spelled Gräf. Frankfort-am-Main. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GRAF, STEPHANUS Germany, 1628, MIM Graphometer, 1628 = Kaiserslautren Landesgewerbeanstalt. Heidelburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GRAFF, CAROLUS Germany, Graff engraved some instruments for Michael Kauffer, which see. Augsburg. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRAFSI AND FONTANA misreading for Grassi and Fontana. Soth.-Torquay 11/26/81. suggest correction
GRAFTON, HENRY England, fl.1842-60, PHIM made barometers, thermometers, and other philosophical instruments. 80 Chancery Lane (1842-47); 36 Holborn Hill (1849-53); 7-8 Rolls Buildings (1856-60); all in London. Goodison 1; O'Mara; Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAHAM 1 c.1737, MIM Rule = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
GRAHAM 2 England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer and clock = Soth. 6/27/88. No. 4181. London. RSW. suggest correction
GRAHAM AND FORSTER England, NIM Sextant = Christie 10/31/67. Liverool. RSW. suggest correction
GRAHAM AND PARKS England, NIM T.C. in Möller sextant box at American Museum, Bath. Southside Custom House, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
GRAHAM, CHARLES England, c.1850, MIM assisted John Gaskin. Penrith. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GRAHAM, GEORGE England, 1673-1751, MIM PHIM Mural Quadrant = NMM; Equatorial Sector = NMM; Tellurium = ADL-A156; Wheel Barometers = KEN, VCW, Christie 7/4/1843, Macclesfield Library Sale, 1765; Standard Yard = KEN; etc. clockmaker; apprenticed to Henry Aske of the Clockmakers' Company on July 2, 1688; free of the Company in Sept.1695; Master of the Company in 1722; partner of Thomas Tompion c. 1696-1713; married Tompion's niece in 1704; credited with the invention of the orrery; see Tompion and Graham; F.R.S. Dial and Three Crowns, Water Lane, Fleet Street; Dial and one Crown, Fleet Street, opposite the Bolt and Tun (after 1720); both in London. Taylor 1(483); DNB; DSB; Bryden 2; Baillie 1; Goodison 1; NMM 2; Hellman; Symonds; Michel 3; Maddison 1; Britten; USNM; Bedini 8; J. Brown 3; F. S. Taylor; J.A. Bennett 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GRAHAM, GEORGE, AND JONATHAN SISSON England, 1752, MIM Mural Quadrant, iron, 1752 = NMM. eight-foot radius. London NMM 2. suggest correction
GRAHAM, HARRIET England, fl.1832-33, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 25 Baldwins Gardens, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAHAM, MALCOLM USA, 1832-89, MIM SIM worked first for Young, Smith and Co.; one of the partners in Schuyler, Hartley and Graham, 1854-80; firm became Hartley and Graham, 1880-1900. 4 Maiden Lane (-1854); 13 Maiden Lane (1854); 19 Maiden Lane 1863; all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
GRANDJEAN DE FOUCHY, MR. see Fouchy Engelmann 1; Fox 1; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRANGER, THOMAS England, 1710, NIM Nocturnal, 1710 = NMM. not in NMM 2 Inventory. Taylor 1(558). suggest correction
GRANT England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GRANT AND CROSSMAN USA, 1858-61, MIM Burt's Solar Campasses = P.C., Michigan Museum of Surveying, Lansing. Michigan Museum signed "W.A. Burt Inventor / Detroit, Mich. / No. 6 / University of Michigan / Grant and Crossman / Makers." Detroit, Mich. USNM; Leiserowitz. suggest correction
GRANT, ALEXANDER England, fl.1807-22, MIM made a spiral fitting for Gower's patent log; Gower called him a "mechanist." 2 Winckworth Buildings, City Road, London. Taylor 2(1137); Dewhirst. suggest correction
GRANT, HENRY England, fl.1844-60, PHIM Sympiesometer = Soth. 12/13/88. barometer maker. Castle Street, Cardiff. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GRANT, JAMES England, c.1837, MIM NIM OIM sold maps and charts besides instruments. 40 Queen Street, Hull. Taylor 2(2139). suggest correction
GRANT, JOHN England, fl.1781-1810, PHIM clockmaker; barometer and thermometer maker. 75 Fleet Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GRANT, WILLIAM CICERO USA, 1815-83, MIM worked for Burt and Bailey, 1853-56; partner with Charles Crosman as Grant and Crosman, 1858-61; Jefferson Avenue between Bates and Randolph, Detroit, Mich. Smart 1. suggest correction
GRAS, L. Germany, Sundials = Drouot 6/16/65. see Lorenz Grässl. RSW. suggest correction
GRASI see Grassi; and Bulla, Grassi and Fontana. suggest correction
GRASSELLI, JOSE Spain, MIM Cannon Sundial = MAN. signed "José Grasselli"; for latitude 40°24'57". Madrid. RSW. suggest correction
GRASSI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80. see Grassi and Fontana. Exeter. RSW. suggest correction
GRASSI AND FONTANA England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 11/26/81; Barometer = Vermont Hist. Soc., Montpelier. see also "Bulla, Grassi and Fontani." Bartholomew Street West; 134 Fore Street; both in Exeter. Goodison 1; Bell 2; USNM. suggest correction
GRASSI, J.B. BERGNA AND JOHN ORIGONY England, c.1835, PHIM barometer makers. 34 Dean Street, Newcastle. Taylor 2(1869); Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GRASSL, LORENZ Germany, c.1740-1805, MIM Grässl made a great many Augsburg-type sundials varying greatly in quality; all parts of the dials bear a serial number indicating an assembly line operation; instruction sheets were printed in German, French and Spanish; examples of his work may be found in most museums and collections. Augsburg. Zinner 1 and 6; Bobinger 2; Baillie; Michel 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Moskowitz 104; Price 3; Ward 4; Bryden 16; ADL; Coffeen 27; RSW. suggest correction
GRATAS, E. France, MIM Sundial = Coll. G. Champagne. Tardy 3. suggest correction
GRATELLIE France, c.1695, MIM OIM Binocular Microscope, 1695 = Bonnier de la Mosson Coll.; Pair of large Globes with stands, 1695 = PBN; Universal Equatorial Sundial = MERC. the globes he constructed were engraved by Coronelli; his signature also appears as "Gatellier" or "Gatellié." Paris. Daumas 1; Gersaint; Michel 3; Nachet; Hamilton 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRATELOUP, JEAN-BAPTISTE France, 1735-1817, OIM devised a new method of joining achromatic lenses. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
GRATTE, HENRICUS England, c.1690, MIM Astrolabe Clock with Calendar = X. London. Baillie 1. suggest correction
GRAVATT, WILLIAM England, c.1830, MIM SIM developed the "Dumpy" level. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
GRAVE, DE see DE GRAVE suggest correction
GRAVES, GEORGE B. USA, 1792-1873, MIM SIM Surveyor's Vernier Compass = GUR. succeeded to Goldsmith Chandlee's business. Winchester, Va. Smart 1; Bedini 8. suggest correction
GRAVET France, c.1851, MIM SIM Mirror Level = CNAM. successor to Lenoir; made Mannheim-type slide rules; succeeded by Tavenier. 14 rue Cassette, Paris. Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Delehar 2. suggest correction
GRAVET-LENOIR France, c.1830, MIM Slide Rule = DPW. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GRAVET-TAVENIER France, MIM Sector = P.B. 10/28/63. Tavenier succeeded Gravet. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GRAY 1 England, c.1820, PHIM barometer maker. St. Neots. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAY 2 England, NIM Octant, wood and ivory = Larvik Marine Museum, Norway. possibly John Gray 2. London. RSW. suggest correction
GRAY 3 see the following, Jones, Gray and Keen, Gray and Lessell, De Mory, Gray and W.D. Alder. Brewington 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GRAY 4 Ireland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/13/88. Belfast. RSW. suggest correction
GRAY AND KEEN England, fl.1847-51, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = MYS; Sympiesometer = Phillips 2/22/77. barometer makers; John Gray (probably 3 or 4) and Robert Keen. 25-26 Strand Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1138); Bryden 9; Bell 2; Brewington 1; Chaldecott 3; RGO; RSW. suggest correction
GRAY AND LESSELL England, NIM Card on Tell-Tale Compass = PEA. Brewington says "Lissett." Liverpool. Bryden 9; Brewington 1. suggest correction
GRAY AND LISSETT misreading by Brewington for Gray and Lessell. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GRAY AND MACKAY England, c.1822, invented a new type of saccharometer, c.1822. 25 Old Burlington Street, London. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
GRAY, BENJAMIN AND WILLIAM England, fl.1835-40, PHIM barometer makers. Cheapside, Leicester. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAY, DEMORY USA, NIM Gray, De Mory; T.C. in sextant case in Antiquarian House, Plymouth, Mass. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
GRAY, JOHN 1 Scotland, 1757, MIM SIM land surveyor; designed surveying instruments. Greenock. Taylor 2(264); Bryden 3. suggest correction
GRAY, JOHN 2 England, fl.1828-38, MIM OIM PHIM proposed a small light for a sextant scale. 41 Nightingale Lane (1828); 4 Upper East Smithfield (1836); both in London. Taylor 2(1871); O'Mara. suggest correction
GRAY, JOHN 3 England, c.1709, apprenticed to John Urings 1 in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 11, 1709. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GRAY, JOHN 4 England, fl.1805-54, MIM PHIM barometer maker; victualler; see Gray and Lessels or Gray and Keen. 10 East Side, Dry Dock (1807-10 and 1813-20); 11 East Side, Dry Dock (1821); 25 and 26 Strand Street; all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1138); Bryden 9; Brewington 1; Dewhirst; Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAY, ROBERT England, 1709, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1709 = BM. Ilbert Coll; Bryden thinks he might be from Edinburgh. Price 3; Ward 4; Bryden 3; RSW. suggest correction
GRAY, STEPHEN England, fl.1694-1701 d.1736, MIM OIM PHIM Garden Sundial, 1695 = X; Microscope = KEN. also signed "Grey"; designed and made sundials and microscopes; made electrical machines; FRS. Canterbury; Charter House, London. Daumas 1; Dewhirst; Evans 1; Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Bell 2; Nachet; Taylor 1(484); Bradbury. suggest correction
GRAY, WILLIAM England, fl.1840-50, PHIM barometer maker; see Benjamin and William Gray. Cheapside, Leicester. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRAYDON, LT. COL. GEORGE England, fl.1820-39, NIM Celestial Compasses = NMM, KEN. patented various navigating instruments; author. Sloane Street,Chelsea, London; Bath; Austin Friars, London. Taylor 2(1570). suggest correction
GRAYDON, THOMAS England, 1768, NIM Compass, 1768 = NMM. not in inventory RSW. suggest correction
GRAYSON, JOHN USA, c. 1797, dealer in telescopes and mathematical instruments. at the Sign of the Spectacles, New York City. Bedini 8. suggest correction
GRAZZINI, FERDINANDO Italy, fl.1744-47, MIM Protractor, 1747 = ADL-M108; Surveying Transit, 1744 = Soth. 10/23/61; Surveyor's Compass, 1747 = Pym Sale. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GREATOREX, RALPH England, 1625-1712, MIM PHIM Ring Sundial = Wisbech; Weather Glass, 1663 = Samuel Pepys; Air Pump, 1658 = Robert Boyle; Universal Ring Sundial = OXF. apprenticed to Thomas Dawson of the Clockmakers' Company; turned over to Elias Allen of the Clockmakers' Company on March 9, 1639, free of the Company on Nov. 25, 1653; probably the "R.G." 1 on compass cards; T.C. at the sign of Adam and Eve, south side of the Strand; Temple Bar; both in London. Taylor 1(218); Holbrook; DNB; Clay and Court; Bell 2; Crawforth 1; J. Brown 1; Latham and Matthews; Robischon; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GREAVE, DAVID England, c.1804, MIM apprenticed to George (Huggins) Dollond 1 of the Grocers' Company on July 5, 1804. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
GREAVES, JOHN, AND SON England, PHIM Balance, steel = Pym Sale. RSW. suggest correction
GREAVES, THOMAS England, fl.1777-1818, OIM optician. 40 Old Hinckleys (1777); Hill Street (1818); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GREBAUVAL, PIERRE France, c.1650, MIM Sundials in watches = FIN-140, Soth. 12/1/78, Clutton and Daniels. "Grébauval" or "Grébauvel"; the watches listed may be one and the same item. Rouen. Clutton and Daniels; RSW. suggest correction
GREBNER, HANNS Austria, 1576, MIM SIM Shadow-square with Alidade, 1576 = Figdor Coll. Zinner equates this man with Hans Grebner; see also H.G. 6. Sterczing. Zinner 1. suggest correction
GREBNER, HANS Germany, c.1650, MIM Artillery Quadrant = WHI. see Greber. Pope; Daumas 1. suggest correction
GREBOULT see Gueroult. RSW. suggest correction
GRECCIUS France, 1591, MIM Bonelli. suggest correction
GRECHI, C.A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Shaftsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GREEN England, c.1820?, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Grantham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GREEN, GEORGE England, c.1787, MIM apprenticed, to James Martin, a mathematical instrument maker in the Grocer's Company, on May 3, 1787. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GREEN, J. AND W. USA, c.1833, OIM PHIM opticians; James Green 2. 41 South Street, Baltimore, Md. Smart 1. suggest correction
GREEN, JAMES 1 England, fl.1722-c.42, MIM apprenticed to John Stiles of the Clockmakers' Company on April 12, 1722; shown as "finisher" in Quarterage list c. 1742. Horse Shoe Alley, Moorfields, London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GREEN, JAMES 2 England; USA., 1808-96, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Surveyor's Compass = Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (1891); Barometer = USNM; Aneroid Barometer = USNM. emigrated from London in 1833; succeeded in Baltimore by F.W. and R. King in 1851; dealt in European instruments. London (1817-23); 72 Baltimore Street (1835-36); 15 Liberty Street (1840-41); 53 South Street (1842); all in Baltimore Md.; New York, N.Y. (1849-96); 175 Grand Street, New York, N.Y. (1868). Smart 1; USNM; Middleton 1 and 4; D.J. Warner 6 and 10; RSW. suggest correction
GREEN, JOHN England?, 1751, PHIM Barometer, 1751 = X. Dewhirst. suggest correction
GREEN, SAMUEL, AND SON England, MIM made pocket compasses and sundials. 7 Helmet Street, London. USNM. suggest correction
GREEN, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1778-90, OIM designed an improved telescope; F.R.S. South Moulton Street, Hanover Square; 93 High Street, Marylebone; both in London.. Taylor 2(722). suggest correction
GREEN, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1818-56, MIM apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on June 21, 1808; first noted in 1818; took apprentices. Bartholomew Terrace, City Road (1828); 54 Rahere Street; 14 Fountain Place, City Road (1832-41); City Road (1842-56); all in London. Taylor 2(1872); O'Mara; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GREEN, WILLIAM 3 England, c.1836, apprenticed to his father, William Green 2, in the Joiners' Company on Feb. 2, 1836. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GREEN, WILLIAM 4 Scotland, 1844-48, MIM OIM PHIM 5 Franklin Street (1844-45); 87 London Street (1846-48); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
GREENALL, WILLIAM WEBB England, c.1822, PHIM 31 Old Compton Street, London. Taylor 2(1571); Dewhirst. suggest correction
GREENE 1 see Pizzala and Greene. suggest correction
GREENE 2 England, PHIM see Kendall-Greene. Bell 2. suggest correction
GREENER AND CHIESA England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-K. and C. 7/21/81. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
GREENLEAF, STEPHEN USA, 1704-95, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = P.C., New Hamshire Hist. Soc., Concord. P.C. signed "Greenleaf", the other "S. Greenleaf"; made nautical compasses. Queen Street, Boston, Mass. Bedini 1; Smart; USNM; Warner 12; RSW. suggest correction
GREENOUGH AND CO. England, c.1850, NIM Sextant = D.(1975). London. RSW. suggest correction
GREENOUGH, NORMAN CUMMINGS USA, 1820-66, NIM made nautical instruments, chronometers, and watches. Newburyport, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
GREENOUGH, THOMAS 1 USA, 1710-85, MIM NIM SIM Backstaffs = X (1760), P.C. (1749), PEA (1740) (1765, incomplete), Connecticut Hist. Soc. (1745, 1755), Harvard College Observatory (1740), ADL-W207 (1753), VNN (1763); Surveyor's Compasses, wood = P.C., Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Bucks County Historical Society, Ohio State U., Old Sturbridge Village, Western Reserve Hist. Soc., South Natick Hist. Soc., Wakefield Plantation, Va., D.(1974 and 1984), ADL-W154 & W156, Ohio Historical Society, D.(1996). may have been trained by Joseph Halsey; D.(1984) has two compass cards, earlier one shows a lighthouse, later one shows a man with a Davis quadrant. near the Draw-Bridge, Boston, N. England. Brewington 1; Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz 108; Price 2; D.J. Warner 8 and 12; Coffeen 55; DATM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GREENOUGH, THOMAS 2 USA, 1738-75, MIM NIM son of Thomas Greenough 1. Boston. Smart 1. suggest correction
GREENOUGH, WILLIAM USA, c.1785, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, wood = X. succeeded his father, Thomas Greenough 1, in 1785. Boston, Mass. Bedini 1. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, CLARKE USA, 1764-1810, MIM NIM Dry Card Compass = MYS. born in Boston, Mass.; son of Isaac Greenwood 2; succeeded his brother, John, in 1788; succeeded by his brother, Isaac Greenwood 3 in 1810; Rollinson engraved the compass cards. 199 Water Street (1789); 126 Front Street (1797-98); 127 Front Street (1800-01 and 1805); 126 Front Street (1807-09); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Warner 12; RSW. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, ISAAC 1 USA, 1702-45, father of Isaac Greenwood 2; teacher of natural philosophy at Harvard College; lectured on the orrery in 1734. Boston, Mass. C. Evans (3776); Bedini 1 and 14. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, ISAAC 2 USA, 1730-1803, MIM Gunner's Quadrant = P.C. oldest son of Isaac Greenwood 1; he was also an ivory turner and dentist; the quadrant might have been made by his son Isaac Greenwood 3. next door to Dr. John Clark's at the North End, Boston, Mass. Bedini 1, 6, 8 & 14; Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, ISAAC 3 USA, 1758-1829, MIM NIM OIM SIM Hadley's Quadrants = MYS (1793), X; Gauging Rod, wood, 1819 = D.(1982); Gunner's Quadrant = Winterthur Museum, Wilmington, Del; Surveyor's Compasses = D.(1985), P.C.; Octants = MYS (1793), P.C. son of Isaac Greenwood 2; took over his brother Clarke's business at his death in 1810; see Isaac Greenwood 2 for other possible instruments; T.C., akes and imports all kinds of Mathematical Instruments"; dentist. Boston, Mass. (1781-83); New York, N.Y. (1783); Charleston, S. Carolina; Boston, Mass.; Providence, R.I. (1787-90); Newport, R.I.; Providence, R.I.; Norfolk. Conn.; Providence, R.I.; 126 Front Street (1810-1819); 130 Front Street (1819-29); last two in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Coffeen 27; Bedini 8, 14; D.J Warner 8 and 10; RSW. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, JOHN USA, 1760-1819, MIM son of Isaac Greenwood 2; born in Boston; succeeded J. Quincy in 1786; succeeded by his brother, Clarke Greenwood, in 1788; ivory turner; later became a dentist; made George Washington's false teeth. 199 Water Street, New York, N.Y. (1786-88). Smart 1; Bedini 1 and 14. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, THOMAS England, c.1840, MIM OIM optician. 10 Fetter Lane, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
GREENWOOD, TIMOTHY England, fl.1836-38, OIM 20 Little Saffron Hill, London. Taylor 2(2140); O'Mara. suggest correction
GREGG AND RUPP USA, fl.1844-53, MIM William Theodore Gregg 1 and Michael Rupp. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
GREGG, WILLIAM THEODORE 1 Ireland; USA, 1818-1897, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = P.C. (2). born in Ireland; worked with Michael Rupp from 1844 to 1853, as Gregg and Rupp; worked with his son, W.T. Gregg 2, as Gregg and Son (1873-87); son continued under the same name until 1891. Ireland (1818-41); 13 Doyers Street (1841); 318 Broadway, corner of Pearl Street (1843); 110 Wall Street (1844-87); all in New York, N.Y.; Norwich, N.Y.(pre-1857-62); Brooklyn and New York, N.Y. (1866-87). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
GREGG, WILLIAM THEODORE 2 USA, 1850-1916, MIM worked with his father, William Theodore Gregg 1 from 1873 until 1887. 110 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
GREGO, A. England, c.1817, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.- K. and C. 4/20/82; Telescope = Soth. 10/16/72. 27 Leather Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GREGOIRE, J. France, MIM SIM Circumferentor = LEY; Geometric Quadrant = LEY. quadrant is signed "I. Gregoire." Blois. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
GREGORY England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Gloucester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GREGORY AND LAWRENCE England, c.1836, MIM 19 Great Sutton Street, Goswell Street, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
GREGORY AND SON England, fl.1776-83, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Hadley's Quadrants = Maritime Museum, Hull, Soth. 3/10/87; Stick Barometer = X. Henry Gregory and son; became Gregory and Wright in 1783; T.C. 148 (Leadenhall Street), near the India House (London). Goodison 1; Moskowitz 112; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GREGORY AND WRIGHT England, fl.1783-89, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Drawing Instrument = Christie 4/3/74; Hadley's Quadrant = NMM-S.179; Universal Microscope = X; Spyglasses = Soth. 7/24/72, NMM-O.131/44; Telescope, one-draw = Phillips 7/28/82. Henry Gregory and George Wright 2; Millburn thinks he was Gabriel Wright; see Gregory, Gilbert and Wright; successors to Benjamin Martin; T.C.; telescope signed "Gregory and Wright's Improved Telescope." 148 Leadenhall Street, Navigation Warehouse, near the East India House, London. Taylor 2(842a); Daumas; Clay and Court; Calvert 2; NMM 2; Nachet; Goodison 1; Bell 2; Moskowitz 112; Millburn 11; RSW. suggest correction
GREGORY WRIGHT misreading for Gregory and Wright. RSW. suggest correction
GREGORY, DAVID Scotland ; England, 1661-1708, author; astronomer; gave the first suggestion of the achromatic telescope, 1695. Edinburgh (1683-91); Oxford (1691-1708). USNM; DNB; DSB; Dawsons 174. suggest correction
GREGORY, GILBERT AND WRIGHT England, 1789-92, MIM OIM Henry Gregory, John Gilbert 2 and George Wright 2. 148 Leadenhall Street, near the East India House, Navigation Warehouse, London. Taylor 2(839 and 909); Goodison 1; Moskowitz 112. suggest correction
GREGORY, HENRY England, fl.1750-92, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = RSM, P.C.; Sextant = STT; Divider-Sextant = ADL-DPW37; Compass Card = NMM; Backstaves = HAM, HAA, FRK, PYM; Hadley's Quadrants = COR, Soth. 6/1/88; Stick Barometers = Hist. Soc. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Soth. 7/19/88; Gunner's Calipers = KEN; Reduction Compass = AMST; Mathematical Instrument Set = NOR; Pelorus = USNM; etc. T.C.; later became Gregory and Son; the backstaff in the FRK was made for Jean Gremon; the ADL divider-sextant was made by G. F. Brander and sold by Gregory. The Azimuth Compass, near ye East India House, Leadenhall Street (1761); Francis Court, Clerkenwell; both in London. Calvert 2; Taylor 2(484); Macintyre; Brachner 1; O'Mara; BEK Exhibit, Nov.1979; Jürgen Meyer; Moskowitz 112; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Brachner; Crawforth 1; USNM; Courtenvaux; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GREGORY, J. England, PHIM Macclesfield. Bell 2. suggest correction
GREGORY, JAMES Scotland; Italy, 1638-75, invented the "Gregorian" reflecting telescope in 1661. Aberdeen; Padua; St. Andrews; Edinburgh. Taylor 1(282); DNB; DSB; Nachet; Wynter and Turner; Dewhirst; USNM; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
GREGORY, R. England, MIM T.C. in the case of a Troughton and Simms pantograph. Christie-SK 7/10/80. suggest correction
GREGORY, SAMUEL Ireland, fl.1761-62, PHIM barometer maker. Sycamore Alley, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GREGORY, THOMAS 1 England, c.1830, OIM 3 Quay Street, Manchester. Taylor 2(1873). suggest correction
GREGORY, THOMAS 2 England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Bull Street; Suffolk Street; both in Birmingham. Bell 2. suggest correction
GREGORY, W. England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope = Phillips 10/5/76. Strand, London. RSW. suggest correction
GREGORY, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1817, MIM 30 New Street Square, Shoe Lane, London. Taylor 2(1343); Dewhirst. suggest correction
GREGORY, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1830, MIM made mathematical rules. 8 Berry Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1874). suggest correction
GREIFF, G. Germany, 1689, MIM Gunner's Level, 1689 = Michel Coll. Michel ; RSW. suggest correction
GREINER, JOHANN GEORG, JUN. Germany, 1788-1860, PHIM Alcoholmeter, 1849 = D.(1971); Barometers, siphon-type = DEU (2), UTR (1834). business taken over by Fuess. Berlin. Van Cittert; Middleton 1; Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
GREISL, L. see Grassl. suggest correction
GRENET, ABBE France, c.1790, l'Abbé Grenet; invented a tellurium and a terrestrial globe, both made by Richer. Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; MADEX. suggest correction
GREPPIN ET BILLIAUX France, 1782, PHIM Electrical Machine, 1782 = P.C. Paris. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GRESEL, HANS Germany, c.1543, MIM compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
GRESEL, LINHART Germany, fl.1531-47, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1531 = KEN. one of the guardians of Hans Müller's children. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
GREUTER, MATTHIAS France; Italy1556-1638, MIM Celestial Globes, 1636 = IPA (2), D.(1982), D.(1989); Terrestrial Globe, 1632 = IPA. made fine terrestrial and celestial globes, dated from 1632 to 1638; examples may be seen at VAA, CCT, VAT, NMM, KEN, FLO, ROM, GEP, Biblioteca Comunale, Ancona, Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Ky., IPA, etc.; the IPA and D.(1989) globes are the original 1636 issue; the D.(1982) globe is a much later reissue of the 1636 state by Dominico de Rossi. Strasbourg; Lyon; Avignon; Rome (1632-36). Zinner 1; Price 2; Michel 3; Grimaldi (730); Bonelli 4; NMM 2; USNM; Stevenson; Yonge; Coffeen A; Arkway; Schmidt 1. suggest correction
GREVENBERG, CASPAR Germany, fl.174?-60, PHIM Money Balances = Lempertz, 6/14/76, Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88 (174?). father of Johann and Jacob Grevenberg Cologne. Kisch; Coffeen III; RSW. suggest correction
GREVENBERG, JACOB Germany, fl.1762, PHIM son of Caspar Grevenberg; brother of Johan Grevenberg. Cologne. Coffeen III; Kisch. suggest correction
GREVENBERG, JOHANN Germany, c.1762, PHIM Coin Balance = D. T.C.; son of Caspar Grevenberg. Cologne. Coffeen III; Kisch. suggest correction
GREY, STEPHEN see Stephen Gray. suggest correction
GREY, T. England, 1691, MIM Gunner's Calipers, 1691 = X. "Arch. Aeliana", 4th. ser., vol. 8, 1931; USNM. suggest correction
GRIBELIN France, 1589-1671, MIM Sundials in lid of pocket watches = KEN, OXF, SPI-2733. Simon (1) or Abraham Gribelin. Blois. Baillie 1; Maddison and Turner; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
GRIBELIN, ABRAHAM France, 1589-1671, MIM probably the son of Simon Gribelin; watchmaker; some watches had sundials in lid. Blois. Baillie 1; Michel 2; Gunther 2; Evans 1. suggest correction
GRIBELIN, SIMON 1 France, fl.1588-1633+, MIM probably the father of Abraham Gribelin; made sundials and astronomical watches. Blois. Baillie 1; Michel 2; Evans 1; Gunther 2; RSW. suggest correction
GRIBELIN, SIMON 2 England, fl.1686-1733, MIM from Huguenot family; member of the Clockmakers' Company 1686-1733; wrote book on ornaments for jewelers and clockmakers; may have made perpetual calendars. London. RSW. suggest correction
GRIBNER, LUDWIG Germany, c.1484, MIM compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
GRICE, THOMAS 1705, MIM Sundial, 1705 = Christie 7/12/67. RSW. suggest correction
GRICE, WILLIAM HAWKS England, fl.1815-25, MIM OIM spyglass, brass and ivory = WHI; Hodometer = X. succeeded William Fraser; appointed the mechanician and optician to their Majesties and the Royal Family. 3 New Bond Street, London. Taylor 2(1344); Dewhirst. suggest correction
GRIENDEL, JOHAN FRANZ Germany, c.1687, OIM made telescopes and microscopes; author. Aachen; may have also lived in Nürnberg. Offenbacher Cat.29, 1977; Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
GRIER, W. HAWKES misreading for William Hawks Grice. Soth. 3/25/86. suggest correction
GRIEUX, D. France, c.1775, MIM Graphometer = Spitzer Sale-2900 = Anderson-Spitzer Sale-14. Paris. Michel 3; Daumas 1; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GRIFFIN 1 England, c.1800, PHIM Air Pump = D.(1976). London. Brieux 3. suggest correction
GRIFFIN 2 England, c.1850, NIM Sextant = D.(1973). possibly John Joseph Griffin. London. Moskowitz 106; O'Mara. suggest correction
GRIFFIN AND HYAMS England, fl.1835-45, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/1/86. barometer makers; silversmiths. Cornhill, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRIFFIN, BRYAN USA, fl.1793-1803, MIM 81 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
GRIFFIN, JOHN JOSEPH Scotland; England, fl.pre-1848-50+, PHIM son of Richard Griffin; chemical instrument maker; author. Glasgow; London (1848). Bryden 3. suggest correction
GRIFFIN, JOHN JOSEPH, AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM chemical apparatus may be see in the Chemical Museum, London. London. RSW. suggest correction
GRIFFIN, RICHARD, AND CO. Scotland, fl.1820-61, PHIM philosophical and chemical instrument makers; Richard was the father of John Joseph Griffin. 75 Hutchinson Street (1820-32); 64 Hutchinson Street (1833-37); 115 Buchanan Street (1838); 24 Canon Street (1839-43); 40 Buchanan Street (1844-55); 39 and 41 West Nile Street (1855-61); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
GRIFFITH AND BOWLES USA, c.1770, MIM Nathaniel Griffith was an instrument maker; Samuel (or Thomas) Bowles was a watchmaker. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Bedini 1. suggest correction
GRIFFITH, A. England, MIM Instrument = WHI. Taylor 2(1139). suggest correction
GRIFFITH, EDWARD England, c.1809, OIM Birmingham. Taylor 2(1139). suggest correction
GRIFFITH, GEORGE England, c.1708, MIM apprenticed first to William Howe, of the Grocers' Company on August 13, 1700; turned over to Mary Griffith, Broderer on April 13, 1703; free of the Grocers' Company Oct. 12, 1708; his father was a member of the Broderers' Company. East Smithfield, London (1708). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GRIFFITH, JAMES England, c.1667, MIM member of the Broderers' Company; admitted as a Brother into the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 24, 1667; may have been the father of George Griffith. London. Taylor 1(310); Clay and Court; Baillie 1; J. Brown 1 & 3. suggest correction
GRIFFITH, MARY England, c. 1703, MIM Broderer; George Griffith turned over to her as apprentice from William Howe of the Grocers' Company on April 13, 1703; her husband was probably James Griffith of the Broderers' Company. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GRIFFITH, NATHANIEL USA, c.1770, MIM worked with Samuel or Thomas Bowles as Griffith and Bowles. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Bedini 1. suggest correction
GRIFFITH, WILLIAM England, MIM T.C. No. 4 Dolphin-court, Ludgate Hill, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GRIFFITHS, J.J., AND SONS England, c.1850, PHIM Wimshurst Machine = Soth.-B. 4/7/82. RSW. suggest correction
GRIFFON England, c.1800, PHIM Air Pump = D.(1976). London. Brieux 3. suggest correction
GRIFFON, AU France, 18th Century, Folding Rule, ivory and silver = ADL-M132a. this is an address only. au Griffon, 19 de l'Horloge, Paris. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GRIGBY, GEORGE England, 1807, MIM SIM designed a combined sighting and computing surveying instument; author. London. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
GRIGGI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GRIGNION, HENRY England, c.1806, MIM apprenticed to George (Huggins) Dollond 1 of the Grocers' Company on March 6, 1806. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
GRILL, JOHANN Germany, 1798, MIM Rule, 1798 = THO. RSW. suggest correction
GRILLET, RENE France; Holland, c.1673-81, MIM PHIM SIM Calculating Machine, 1678 = CNAM; Hygrometer, 1681 = X; Graphometers = SPI-2768 (9), P.C., Drouot 4/26/67; Drawing Instrument Set = NMM-DI/ST.18; Sector = P.C.(1969); Protractor, Sector and Square = D.(1971); Set Square, with plumb-bob = Soth. 2/25/86. "Sieur Grillet Maistre Horlogeur"; mechanician; author; spelled also René Grilliet. au Cloistre S. Jean de Latran. (1673),Quai de l'Horloge, No. 49, both in Paris; Amsterdam (1681). Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Weil 19; Baillie 1; NMM 2; Nachet; Coffeen II; Spitzer 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
GRILLIET, RENE see René Grillet. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GRIMALDI, DOMINIC England, fl.1814-16, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 2/25/86, Christie 12/6/78. usualy signed "D. Grimaldi" or "Grimaldi"; the Soth. instrument was signed "D. Grimoldi, London." 82 Leather Lane,London. Taylor 2(1345); Dewhirst; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GRIMALDI, HENRY England, fl.1839-60, OIM PHIM made barometers and thermometers. 16 Brook Street (1839-42); 4 Charles Street (1844); 24 Greville Street (1843-47); 31 Brook Street (1850-60); Hatton Garden; all in London. Taylor 2(1345); Goodison 1. suggest correction
GRIMES, EDWARD England, fl. 1640-51, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Elias Allen of the Clockmakers' Company on March 15, 1640; had a dispute with him in 1651. London? J. Brown 3. suggest correction
GRIMOLDI 1 Italy; Holland, c.1840, MIM PHIM instrument and barometer maker. Amsterdam. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRIMOLDI 2 variant spelling for Grimaldi. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GRIMOLDI, H., AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 1/22/87; Marine Barometer = D.(1997). surely Henry Grimaldi; D. signed "Grimoldi and Co." Brook Street, Holborn, London. Bell 2; ATG 5/24/97. suggest correction
GRIMSHAW, JAMES England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie Feb. 1991. London. RSW. suggest correction
GRIMSHAW, JOHN England, fl.1810-29?, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. signed "Grimshaw." Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
GRIMSTEAD, VALENTINE England, T.C.; sold mathematical instruments. Delete this part of the comment, please. at the Black Swan in St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
GRINDEL, CARLO Italy, 1800 -1855, MIM PHIM Dipping Needle = Institute of Geophysics, Academy of Sciences, Prague; Transit, 1827 = U. of Pavia Museum. he had the title "Macchinista" at the Brera Observatory. Milan. Brenni 1; Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
GRINDEL, FRANCESCO Italy, 1816-59, MIM PHIM son of Carlo Grindel; succeeded him as "Macchinista" at the Brera Observatory; made precision insruments. Milan. Brenni 1. suggest correction
GRINDL, JOH. FRANSISCA c.1687, OIM Clay and Court. suggest correction
GRINGALLETUS, JANUS Germany, fl.1617-20, MIM Pillar Sundial, wood, 1617 = STU. Strassburg. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRINKEN, JEREMIAH England, fl.1675-85, MIM A.J. Turner 1 and 2. suggest correction
GRINKEN, ROBERT England, c.1625, MIM Astronomical Compendium = Soth. 11/27/72. RSW. suggest correction
GRINOD, JOHN England, fl.1766-67, MIM Wolstenholme's Square, Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
GRITTO, BARTOLOMEO Italy, c.1600, MIM SIM Measuring Instrument = SPI; Plane Table Compass = HAK. Padua. Baillie 1; Morpurgo 1; Rohde; Nachet; Brenni 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRIVOLAT, L. France, MIM Solar Clock = X. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
GROCE misreading or variant of Croce. RSW. suggest correction
GROCE, A. England, c.1817, PHIM barometer maker; possibly a variant of A. Croce. Leather Lane, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
GROENENDAAL, H. VAN Holland, c.1809, PHIM made an electrical machine in Amsterdam in 1809. Utrecht and Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
GROENENDAAL, H.K. Holland; France, 1730, PHIM Air Pump, 1730 = UTR. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
GROENENDAAL, HENDRIK Holland, fl.1781-90, MIM had schooling in Utrecht. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
GROENENDAAL, JOHANNES VAN Holland, fl.1672-1702, NIM also a sail-maker; the underside of a compass card in a crown compass by Pieter de Velder, is marked "Johannes van Groenendaal tot Rotterdam." Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
GROGER AND CO. England, NIM T.C.; also signed "late Thompson." 36 Wapping High Street, London. Soth. 3/23/70. suggest correction
GROGER, J. England, NIM Miniature Sextant, wood = Soth. 3/11/77. Wapping, London. RSW. suggest correction
GRONER Czechoslovakia, 1734, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, 1734 = Huelsmann Coll. same as A. Groner? Prague. Syndram. suggest correction
GRONER, A. Czechoslovakia, 17th Century, MIM Astronomical Ring = ROU-134 = MADEX-210. MADEX has it spelled "Gronner." Prague. Zinner 1; Nachet. suggest correction
GRONNING, BERENDT Holland, 1777, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1777 = LAW. RSW. suggest correction
GROOM, JAMES England, c.1711, apprenticed to William Roberts 1 on May 1, 1711 in the Broderers' Company. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
GROOTE, A.W. Holland, c.1850, PHIM Lactometer = Auction, 1906. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
GROSSE see Croce. Bell 2. suggest correction
GROSSLIN France, c.1671, MIM made some of the first large instruments for the Paris Observatory. Paris. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
GROSSO Italy, PHIM barometer maker; glass blower; Holland? Daumas 1. suggest correction
GROU, PETER FENS Scandanavia?, 1665, MIM Gunner's Quadrant and Calipers, 1675 = Christie 12/8/76. Frederichs Ohrl. RSW. suggest correction
GROVE AND BARKER England, post-1848, MIM Francis Barker and Son's T.C. said they were "Late Grove and Barker." London. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
GROVER, GEORGE USA?, 1783, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1783 = MYS. RSW. suggest correction
GRUBB, THOMAS Ireland, 1800-1878, MIM OIM Equatorial Refracting Telescopes = Makree, Dunsink, Vienna; Reflecting Telescope = Melbourne, Australia; Telescope Mounting = NMM; etc. optician; mechanic; constructed the Armagh 15-inch reflector in 1835; assisted by his son, Howard; F.R.S. 1 Upper Charlemont Street (1838-54), Dublin; 14 Leinster Terrace (1855-58); 15 Leinster Square (1856-63); 14 Leinster Road (1864-78); last three in Rathmines. DNB; DSB; NMM 2; Taylor 2(1143); USNM; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
GRUBER, HANS Germany, fl.1552-97, MIM Sundials on the side or bottom panels of table clocks = STU (1665), Soth. 6/19/72 (1568) = TIM, Drouot 2/16/49; Diptych Sundial = OXF; Equatorium, 1579 = Kenney Sale; Artillery Level = DRE (1569). clockmaker; mastermark is crossed shovels; also signed "Hanns" or "Johannes." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Drechsler 2; Michel 3; Josten; Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
GRUBER, SEBASTIAN Germany, 1581, MIM Instrument, 1581 = Lord Ilchester. Nürnberg. Evans. suggest correction
GRUBER, T. Czechoslovakia, c.1790, PHIM Barometer = PRA. Czeck. Inv. suggest correction
GRUMMERT c.1725, OIM made mirrors for optical instruments. Nachet. suggest correction
GRUNDY England, fl.1828-45, PHIM see Fox and Grundy; barometer makers. St. Anne's Square, Manchester. Bell 2. suggest correction
GRUNDY, JOHN C. England, fl.1830-41, PHIM barometer maker; also sold looking-glasses. 4 Exchange Street, Manchester. Taylor 2(1875); Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GRUNOW, JULIUS Germany; USA, fl.1849-92, OIM Microscope = D.(1989). came from Germany in 1849; joined by his brother, William Grunow, 1852-74; worked alone, 1874-92. Berlin (-1849); New Haven, Conn. (1849-60); New York, N.Y. (1860-92). Padgitt; Purtle; Moskowitz 132; D.J. Warner 9. suggest correction
GRUNOW, WILLIAM Germany; USA, fl.1852-74, OIM came from Germany in 1852; worked with his brother, Julius Grunow, 1852-74, when he retired; they produced microscopes. Berlin (-1852); New Haven, Conn. (1852-64); New York, N.Y. (1864-74). Padgitt; Purtle; Moskowitz 132; D.J. Warner 9; Poggendorff. suggest correction
GRUNSKLEE, P. JAN Czechoslovakia, fl.1695-97, MIM Celestial and Terrestrial Globes = Olomouc Museum. Czech. Inv. suggest correction
GRUSELL, ERIK MIM Rule = GMM. Furudals Bruk. RSW. suggest correction
GRUSL, L. for Grüsl or Grüsle see Lorenz Grassl suggest correction
GRUWER, HANS Germany, 1569, MIM misreading for Hans Gruber? Zinner 1; Drechsler 2. suggest correction
GUADAGNI, P.C. Italy, fl.1753-57, MIM Table Sundials = NMM (1753), NMM (1757), Soth. 3/17/38 (1753); Vertical Dials, 1753 = Portaluppi Coll. = MPP, WHI (861). WHI modern work and signed "P.C. Guadagni fece", also arked "Meridiana fatta nella Specola J.R. Universta Pisana"; some of the the other sundials are dubious also. Pisa. NMM 2; Portaluppi; Bryden 16. suggest correction
GUADALAX, DON DIEGO DE "por Don Diego de Guadalax en Mexico" marked on a silver pocket sundial, 1632; sold at the Pugsley sale. RSW. suggest correction
GUALTHER, PIBO see Pybe Wouters. Zinner 1; Price 1; Michel 3; Baillie 1; ICA 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
GUANELLA, A. England, c.1835, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 6/3/83, Soth-Bill. 4/21/93. the Soth. instrument (1983) is signed "Guanella Bristol." Bristol. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GUANERIO variant of Guarnerio Bell 2. suggest correction
GUANZIROLI, GIUSEPPE England, fl.1834-60, PHIM barometer maker; see Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli; see Zerboni, Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli; worked alone after 1852. 106 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GUANZIROLI, GIUSEPPE AND LUIGI England, fl.1845-52, PHIM barometer makers. 106 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUARNERIO, ANGELO England, fl.1839-50, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. jeweler and silversmith. Sheep Market, St. Ives. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GUARNERIO, PETER England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. High Street, Huntington. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GUASTAFERRI, FABRITIO Italy, c.1663, MIM OIM PHIM "Fabritio" is probably "Maker"; made armillary spheres, telescopes, levels, water pumps, etc. Rome. Offenbacher 22, 1970. suggest correction
GUDER Germany, 1532, MIM Astrolabe "Orpheus" Clock, 1532 = Georgi Coll. Bavaria. Coole and Neumann. suggest correction
GUDGEON, JNR. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Abbey Gate, Street, Bury St. Edmunds. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUDGEONE variant of Gudgeon. Bell 2. suggest correction
GUEBOULT see Gueroult. Josten. suggest correction
GUELDRE, A. DE 1626, MIM Vertical Dial, slate, 1626 = Coll. Vivielle (1936). arms of Edward the Great. Michel 1 and 3; MADEX. suggest correction
GUENAL France, c.1850, MIM Uranograph = CNAM. a Uranograph was a type of orrery introduced into England in 1859. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
GUENTER Poland, 1658, MIM Astronomical Sextant, large, = Hevelius' observatory (missing). Danzig. Ashbrook. suggest correction
GUERARD, JACQUES France, c.1660, MIM Bloud-type Sundial, ivory = Soth. 12/16/63, WHI; Bloud-type Sundials = P.C. and HAY. Dieppe. Vivielle 2; Michel 3; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
GUERICKE, OTTO VON Germany, 1602-86, PHIM Magdeburg Hemispheres, 1657 = X; Friction Electrical Machine, 1660 = X. Bürgermeister of Magdeburg; physicist, and amateur instrument maker; invented the air pump; made a water barometer, c.1654. Magdeburg. Daumas 1; DSB; G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1. suggest correction
GUERIN, LOUIS France, c.1850, MIM Cannon Sundial, miniature = Phillips 11/16/88. "Opticien." Alger. RSW. suggest correction
GUERNE France, fl.1665-80, MIM OIM "arquebusier"; involved in making instruments for the Paris Observatory and the Academy. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Augarde. suggest correction
GUEROULT France, 17th Century, MIM Pillar Sundial, ivory = Michel Coll. = OXF-B39. Dieppe. Michel 1 and 3; Josten. suggest correction
GUEVAVE, DON JOANNES DE 1752, OIM Microscope, 1752 = X. Don Joannès de Guevave. Nachet. suggest correction
GUGERI 1 England, PHIM barometer maker; see Zanfrini and Gugeri; see Belotti and Gugeri. Blandford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERI 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. possibly Andrew or Dominic Gugeri. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERI AND BELOTTI England, fl.1829-43, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), PAK, D.(1981). also made thermometers; Andrew Gugeri and Belotti; also spelled Bellotti; see also Belotti and Gugeri. 15 Union Court, Holborn Hill; 16 Charles Street, Hatton Garden; both in London. Taylor 2(2142 and 2142a); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GUGERI AND CARUGHI England, fl.1844-45, PHIM Andrew Gugeri and Paul Carughi; barometer and thermometer makers. 16 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. possibly Gugeri and Belotti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERI, ANDREW England, fl.1829-59, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers; see Belotti and Andrew Gugeri. 15 Upper Union Court, Holborn (1829); Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1830-59); both in London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
GUGERI, D., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. the barometer is signed "D. Gugieri and Co.", a mis-spelling. RSW. suggest correction
GUGERI, DOMINIC England, fl.1835-42, PHIM Barometer = P-B 4/20/68; Wheel Barometers = X(5), Soth.-S 7/23/87. watch and clock maker. South End (1830s); Market Place (1842); both in Boston. Goodison 1; Baillie; Bell 2; Antique Researchers, 1985; RSW. suggest correction
GUGERI, FELIX England, fl. 1854-59, PHIM barometer maker. 93 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERI, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Boston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGERT, D. misreading for D. Gugeri. Soth.-S 7/23/87. suggest correction
GUGGIARI, CHARLES 1 England, fl.1828, PHIM supplied a barometer case to A. Alberti. Church Street, Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUGGIARI, CHARLES 2 England, c.1848, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 4/28/88. 25 Digbeth, Birmingham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
GUGGIARI, D., AND ANZIANI England, fl.1832-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. carvers, gilders and looking-glass makers. Pelham Street, Nottingham. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2142); Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GUGGIARI, DOMINIC England, fl.1835-41, PHIM barometer maker; see D. Guggiari and Anziani. Pelham Street, Nottingham. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GUGIRE, D., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably a mis-spelling for "D. Gugeri." Goodison 1. suggest correction
GUIBOUT France, fl.1745-65, MIM SIM Measure, 1746 = CNAM; Graphometer with telescopic sights, 1753 = P.C.; Globe,Celestial, 1753 = Musée Lorain, Nancy; Sundials = MADEX (1765), Auction, Paris 3/21/79; Sector = Soth. 10/28/86; Butterfield-type Sundials = P.C. (1969). Paris. Daumas 1; Bedos de Celles; MADEX; Michel 1 & 3; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
GUIDI, P. LETO Italy, 1711-77, OIM Telescope = FLO. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
GUIDOBALDI Italy, 1570, designed a form of proportional compass, made by Simone Baroccio. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
GUIDOTTI, S., FIRMO Italy, MIM Armillary Sphere = Lamberti Coll. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
GUILLEMIN ET DELLEMONT France, pre-1840, MIM Terrestrial Globe, in relief = Versailles 4/17/83. after an invention by Thury. RSW. suggest correction
GUILLEMUS DE SANCTO CLODOALDO France, fl.1292-96, MIM invented the "Directorium." Paris. Michel 3. suggest correction
GUILLERMIN France, MIM made an astronomical clock. Nachet. suggest correction
GUINAND France, 1827, OIM succeeded by his grandson, Charles Feil. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
GUIOT, C. France, MIM Capuchin Sundial, printed paper, paper case = Drouot 4/7/87. Chez Baradelle, Quay de l'horloge du Palais à l;enseigne de l'Observatoire, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
GUISANI, P., AND SONS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/27/88. surely Peter Guisani, which see. Wolverhampton and Bilston. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GUISANI, PETER England, fl.1847-49, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. barometer maker; carver and gilder; sometimes "Guizani." Market Place, High Green; 42 Cork Street; both in Wolverhampton. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
GUITTIENNE, J. France, c.1700, MIM Sector with Protractor = D.(1987). signed "J. Guittienne Sculpsit"; also marked "A.D.A. Stein." RSW. suggest correction
GUIZONNIER France, c.1813, MIM made sundials. Bordeaux. Tardy 3. suggest correction
GULDBRANDSEN, JOH Norway, c.1850, NIM Azimuth Compass = OMM; Marine Compass = Christie-SK 11/27/86. Christiania. RSW. suggest correction
GULLANDER, NILS Sweden, fl.1775-95, MIM inventor and instrument maker at the University of Lund. Stockholm; Lund (1775-93). Pipping 1. suggest correction
GULWEIN, J.G. misreading for "J. G. Gutwein." Zinner 1. suggest correction
GUM: NOR:, MIC: Germany, 1617, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, silver, = ADL-M324; Polyhedral Sundial, wood, 1617 = Prin Coll. = P.C. (1958) = TIM. an identical sundial in silver was in the Roussel Sale, No. 228, but apparently not signed; the design is after Oronce Fine. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 1 and 3; Brieux 3; Hamilton 2; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
GUNDLACH, ERNST Germany, c.1850, OIM Microscope = D.(1976); Objective = D.(1976). microscope signed "Ernst Gundlach, Berlin / C.Baker agent London." Berlin. Moskowitz 112. suggest correction
GUNNOR, MIC. see Mic. Gumnor suggest correction
GUNTER, EDMUND England, 1581-1626, Professor of Astronomy at Gresham College, London; invented a new form of cross-staff, a horary quadrant, surveying chain. the logarithmic rule (1607); author. London. Taylor 1(106); DNB; DSB; Gunther 1 and 2; Evans 1; Maddison ?; Wynter and Turner: G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
GUNTER, WOLFGANG Germany, c.1658, MIM OIM Hevilius wrote that Günter made his instruments. Michel 3. suggest correction
GUNTHER, C. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Sector with sights = PRA. possibly G.A. Günther. RSW. suggest correction
GUNTHER, G.A. Germany, 1741, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, 1741 = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Detroit. may be C. Günther. USNM. suggest correction
GURDON NIM Hadley's Quadrant = Pugsley Sale. might be Gurdon Waterman. RSW. suggest correction
GURLEY, EPHRAIM USA, fl.1811-29, MIM SIM worked for Julius Hanks (1811-13); see Hanks and Gurley; see Starbucks and Gurley; father of William and L.E. Gurley. Madison, Conn.(pre-1811); Gibbonsville, N.Y. (1811-18); southeast corner of Fifth and Grand Streets, Troy, N.Y. (1818-29). Smart 1. suggest correction
GURLEY, LEWIS EPHRAIM USA, 1826-97, MIM SIM brother of William Gurley; apprenticed to Jonas H. Phelps, 1844-45; see Phelps and Gurleys; see W. and L.E. Gurley. Troy N.Y. Smart 1; Moskowitz 110. suggest correction
GURLEY, W. AND L.E. USA, 1852-present, MIM SIM wide range of surveying instruments that may be seen in many museums; the major collection is in the Gurley Museum, Troy, New York. William and Lewis Ephraim Gurley, brothers. Fifth and Fulton Streets, Troy, New York. Smart 1; USNM; Zervas; Moskowitz 116; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
GURLEY, WILLIAM USA, 1821-87, MIM SIM Dip Needle = D.(1969). worked for Oscar Hanks, 1839-45; see Phelps and Gurley; see W. and L.E. Gurley; son of Ephraim Gurley. Fifth and Fulton, Troy, New York. Smart 1; Moskowitz 110; RSW. suggest correction
GURNEY England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Russell Baldwin and Bright 5/5/93. Bristol. ATG 4/24/93. suggest correction
GURNEY, GOLDSWORTHY England, c.1823, PHIM invented an oxygen-hydrogen blowpipe for which he recieved a gold medal from the Society of Arts in 1823. G. L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
GUSANI, P., AND SONS misreading for P. Guisani and Sons. RSW. suggest correction
GUSSEFELD, FRANZ LUDWIG Germany, 1744-1808, MIM Terrestrial Globe = New York Public Library. "Güssefeld." Nürnberg. Yonge. suggest correction
GUSTINGER, RUDOLPH Austria, 1757, MIM Horizontal Table Sundial, 1757 = Koller 11/17/75 = D.(1976). Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
GUTIERREZ, SANCHO Spain, 1516-80, NIM the mariner's astrolabe, dated 1563 at CNAM (NMM-24), was suggested by Destombes to be by Gutierrez. Destombes 3; A. Stimson 3; ICA 2. suggest correction
GUTKAES, JOH. CHRIST. FRIEDRICH Germany, c.1830, MIM Astronomical Clock = DRE. Dresden. Grötzsch 2. suggest correction
GUTLE, KONRAD Germany, c.1797, MIM Table Sundial = Drecker Coll. = P.C. signed "Gütle, mechan:." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Lunardi; RSW. suggest correction
GUTSCHOVIUS, GERARD Belgium, OIM Gérard Gutschovius helped to develop the hyperbolic lens. Nachet. suggest correction
GUTTELIE France, fl.1692-1704, MIM Coronelli Globes = PBN. Guttelié. Paris. Pognon. suggest correction
GUTTERIDGE, DOWNING AND SON England, c.1827, MIM Slide Rules with four slides, boxwood, = Soth. 12/21/76, D.(1977). one is also signed "James Galbraith, Dumbarton, 6 March, 1827." Moskowitz 114; RSW. suggest correction
GUTWEIN, J.G. Germany, 17th Century, engraved sundial at BM, made by Johann Paul Kraus, which see. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Cousins. suggest correction
GUTZ, STEFAN, UND SOHN see Götz suggest correction
GUY, WILLIAM England, c.1661, MIM apprenticed to John Blighton 1, a mathematical instrument maker in the Grocers' Company, on Dec. 5, 1661. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
GUYET France, pre-1793, OIM Optical Machine = Earl of Bute Sale 2/5/1793. RSW. suggest correction
GUYMARD, P.I. France?, 1740, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1740 = NMM-D.108. NMM 2; MADEX; Nachet. suggest correction
GUYTON DE MORREAU France, fl.1784-1814, PHIM developed a platinum pyrometer, a money scale and other physical instruments. Daumas 1; Chaldecott 2. suggest correction
GYLDENSTOLKE Sweden, c.1800, see Sauter and Gyldenstolke. Stockholm. Fox 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
GYLES, HENRY England, fl.1670-1702, MIM Stained-glass Sundials = Oxford University College, Nun Appleton Hall (1670), Tong Hall. Daniels 1. suggest correction
H. 1 Germany?, 1609, MIM Sundial on Sector = PRA. Zinner 1. suggest correction
H. 2 17th Century, MIM Quadrant = Christie 12/17/75. marked "A" on reverse. RSW. suggest correction
H. 3 England, c.1850, NIM hidden mark on ebony quadrant; possibly Hughes or Heath. Moskowitz 122. suggest correction
H. 4 marked on horizontal sundial, WHI-1191, H [.], on the paper wind rose; sundial plate marked "C.P." (2) and compass card marked "R.G." (1). Bryden 16. suggest correction
H.A. 1 c.1625, MIM SIM Graphometer = Chevau-Légers 2/28/82; Set-square = Christie 4/3/74. Hugé. Versailles. RSW. suggest correction
H.A. 2 see "H.A. K.M." RSW. suggest correction
H.A. K.M. Germany?, 1576, MIM Artillery Level and Square, 1576 = DRE; Artillery Level = DRE. the "H.A." is "H.A." 2; the "K.M." is "K.M." 2. Drechsler 2; Grötzsch 2; RSW. suggest correction
H.A.S.V.W. 1675, MIM Quadrant, ivory, 1675 = WHI-689. 90 mm radius; not in Bryden 16. Whipple Cat. 1933. suggest correction
H.A.W. marked on an alidade signed "Heinrich A. Wolff 1770" at KAS. Lübke; RSW. suggest correction
H.B. 1 Germany, 1490-91, MIM Astrolabe, 1490 (ICA-248) = OXF; Astrolabe, 1491 (ICA-540) = OLD; Astrolabe, 1491 (ICA-249) = MUN. see also Johannes Bamman (Smalkaldensis); Michel thought he was Bonetus. Zinner 1; Michel 2 and 3; Price 1; Evans 1; Rohde; Gunther 1; ICA-2. suggest correction
H.B. 2 Germany, c.1600, MIM Diptych Sundial = P.C. marked "H.L." (1), owner? RSW. suggest correction
H.B. 3 Germany, c.1700, MIM Equatorial Sundial = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
H.B. 4 England, c.1760, marked on the needle clamp of a circumferentor signed "J.A. Spineux." RSW. suggest correction
H.B. 5 c.1900, Universal Equatorial Sundial = ADL-T19. made by D.B. Sheahan. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
H.B.S. 1 1609, MIM Calendar Stick, 1609 = Evans Coll. Simpson; RSW. suggest correction
H.B.S. 2 MIM Ring Sundial with seal = NOR. probably owner. RSW. suggest correction
H.C. 1 Switzerland, fl.1568-91, MIM Sundials with compasses on finger rings = NMM-D.99/36-71C, WHI-1714 (FIT) (1568). inside lid of NMM sundial is marked "MIMR" and "W.P." 2; WHI is marked with "MIMR" and "H.R." 1. Bryden 16; NMM 2. suggest correction
H.C. 2 Equatorial Sundial, marked 1591 = ADL-T22. the work of D.B. Sheahan of New York, N.Y., c.1900; marked "Sir Charles Blunt." Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
H.C. 3 Italy?, c.1580, MIM Magnetic Azimuth Sundial = WHI-1709. is this the same as H.C. 1.? Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
H.D. 1 Germany, 1519, MIM Diptych Sundial, gilt-brass, 1519 = Soth. 6/18/62. RSW. suggest correction
H.D. 2 Germany, fl.1590-1601, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = LOU (1590), MERC-75 (1590), MERC-56, Palazzo Madonna, Turin (1595), NMM (1597), ADL-DPW29 (1597), SPL (1601), OXF (1600), OXF, OXF (1595), WRAY, ROM, KEN, BM, Koller 11/17/75, Huelsmann Coll., Bearne's 2/12/92, etc. the snake was the mastermark of Hans Ducher 2 and 3; the OXF dial and some others also have a distinctive thrush; see Hans Ducher 2 and 3. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 2 & 3; Ward 1 & 4; NMM 2; Michel 3; Gouk 1; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
H.D. 3 Germany, 1595, MIM Skaphe Sundial, ivory, 1595 = Koller 11/17/75. RSW. suggest correction
H.D. 4 1770, MIM Calipers, 1770 = Metalwork Museum, Rouen. D'Allemagne. suggest correction
H.D. 5 c.1900 / z, Inclinable Sundial = ADL-T66. the work of D.B. Sheahan, c.1900. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
H.D.F. Germany, fl.1618-19, MIM Cruciform Sundial, 1618 = OXF-G500; Cruciform Sundial, 1619 = VIE-709. the OXF dial has figures of father time. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
H.E. initials on quadrant signed "John Chatfield, 1630." suggest correction
H.E.S. Germany, fl.1569-71, MIM Drawing Instruments, Quadrant and case, 1569 = BEK; Horary Quadrant, 1571 = NUR-WI 12. Zinner thinks it is Erasmus Hornung; BEK set signed "H. ES." Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
H.F. 1 Germany, c.1550, MIM Polyhedral Sundial in the shape of a star = BM. Augsburg? Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
H.F. 2 England?, 1669?, MIM Gunter's Quadrant and nocturnal, 1669? = Christie 11/8/66, = Soth. 6/24/74 = Haifa Maritime Museum. Janin 3; RSW. suggest correction
H.F.V.K. see H.G.A.V. suggest correction
H.G. 1 Germany, 1537, "H.G. 1537" is marked on an astrolabe, ICA- 256 (formerly in the Nachet Coll.), which also carries the inscription "Valentinus Sonthalmer Georgio Weinmayster dono 1535." Gunther 1; Michel 2 and 3; Price 1; ICA 2; MADEX; Nachet. suggest correction
H.G. 2 Germany, fl.1562-96, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1562, = LIE; Diptych Sundials = MUN, INN, Soth. 11/21/60. see Hans Gebhart; mastermark is a star; the MUN dial is also signed "H.S.D.L."; "H.G. 1596" is marked on an ivory diptych sundial signed "Johann Gebhart", ADL-DPW21. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 9; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
H.G. 3 Germany, 1567, MIM Sundial and Compass on inside panel of clock, 1567, = Christie 7/5/66. RSW. suggest correction
H.G. 4 Germany, fl.1569-71, MIM NIM Calendar Plate, 1569 and Hanging Compass, 1571 = DRE; Calendar Plate = HAA. Hans Göbe? Zinner 1; Grötzsch 2; Körber 1; Rohde; Michel 3; Drechsler 2. suggest correction
H.G. 5 Austria, 1575, MIM Stand for Armillary Sphere, 1575 = KRM. also signed "Hannss -------DCZINGCK"; surely Hanns Greber of Sterczing. Zinner 1. suggest correction
H.G. 6 Germany, fl.1586-95, MIM SIM Mining Instrument, wood, inlaid with ivory, 1586 = ROU = GRA; Folding Square, ivory and wood, 1587 = BEK; Protractor, wood, 1595 = Leoben Montan Hochschule. the 1586 instrument is also marked "Hans Resi." Zinner 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
H.G. 7 Germany, 1621, MIM Artillery Sight, 1621 = LEY; Artillery Level = BASH. Hans Gruber?; 1621 instrument also marked "J.U.H.Z.E." Zinner 1. suggest correction
H.G. 8 MIM Horizontal Sundial, ivory = DRE. Grötzsch 2. suggest correction
H.G. 9A 1617, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, silver, 1617 = X. Evans 1. suggest correction
H.G. 9B Germany, 1667, MIM SIM Circumferentor with Sundial, wood, 1667 = BM. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
H.G.A.V. MIM Horizontal Sundial = P.C. also marked "M.G.G.F.G.", "H.F.V.K." & "G.A.I.G." RSW. suggest correction
H.G.H. Germany, 1648, MIM SIM Sector, 1648 = ADL-M90; Graphometer = Christie 12/18/74 = 4/9/75 =12/17/75; Nocturnal = LUN. see Hans Georg Hertel. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Bobinger 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
H.G.V.B. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, string-gnomon, in the form of a finger ring, gold = BM. Ward did not mention the initials. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
H.G.V.G. misreading for H.G.V.B. Zinner 1. suggest correction
H.H. 1 Germany, 1601, MIM Table Sundial, 1601 = D.(1976). RSW. suggest correction
H.H. 2 Germany, 1615, MIM Rule, iron, 1615 = MADEX. Nürnberg. MADEX. suggest correction
H.H. 3 Germany, c.1750, marked on the gnomon of compass sundial in ivory barrel at WHI, made by "M.V." Bryden 16. suggest correction
H.I. Germany, c.1700, MIM Sundial in ring = D.(1976). probably owner. Brieux 3, 1976. suggest correction
H.I.S. 1581, MIM Rule, 1581 = FLO. Bonelli 5. suggest correction
H.J. 1595, MIM Horizontal Sundial, circular, with compass, 1595 = D.(1974). the hour scale is incorrect. RSW. suggest correction
H.K. 1 Germany, fl.1567-78, MIM Horizontal Table Sundial, 1567 = OXF; Polyhedral Sundial, 1578 = MUN; Sundial, book-form, 1580 = Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Hans Koch; clockmaker; the 1578 sundial has 25 faces. Munich. Michel 1 and 3; Price 2; Zinner 1; Uhren Feb., 1990; RSW. suggest correction
H.K. 2 Germany, 1589, MIM Celestial Globe Chalice, 1589 = NMM. Frankfort. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
H.K. 3 Germany, fl.1591-96, MIM Table Clocks with Sundials = MUN (1591), Michel Coll. (1592), HAK (1596); Sundials in watches = X (1592), Koller 11/17/75 (1592), F. Mallet Coll. all the sundials, except for the one in the Mallet Coll. are also marked "M.P." (2). Michel 1 and 3; Evans; RSW. suggest correction
H.K. 4 England, c.1677, MIM Gunter's Quadrant = P.C.(1971); Quadrants = ZUS, Soth. 6/9/77. the quadrant in the private collection has a radius of 3", the initials seem to have been added later, possibly by the owner. Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
H.K. 5 possibly H. Keining or Hans Koch. RSW. suggest correction
H.K.R. Germany?, 1583, MIM Sundial on Table Clock, 1583 = DRE. 51° latitude. RSW. suggest correction
H.L. 1 the mark appears on ivory diptych sundials signed "H.B." (2). RSW. suggest correction
H.L. 2 1685, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1685 = WHI. Bryden thought it might be Heinrich van Lennep. Bryden 16. suggest correction
H.L. 3 Germany, 1742, OIM "H.L." (3) is marked on a 1742 telescope at DRE made by J.S. Merklein and J.G. Zimmer; also see Hans Löser. Reinhartz. Zinner 1. suggest correction
H.M. 1 1507, MIM Rete of Astrolabe, 1507 = VIE (ICA-599); Astrolabe = BRE (ICA-590). Zinner 1; Price 1; Michel 3; ICA-2. suggest correction
H.M. 2 Germany, fl.1595-97, MIM Gunner's Compass with Sundial, 1595 = Rosenheim Sale = FIN; Rule, 1597 = AMST. the signature on the gunner's compass may be "M.H." (1). Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
H.M. 3 Germany, 1616, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1616 = Wunsiedel Fichtelgebirgmuseum. mastermark is a fleur-de-lys; also marked "P.K." Zinner 1; Gouk 1. suggest correction
H.M. 4 Germany, 1744, MIM Hour Glass, four flasks, 1744 = ADL-M359. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
H.N.I. see I.N.H. RSW. suggest correction
H.O. Germany?, 1477, MIM Pillar Sundial, ivory, 1477 = MUN. possibly the initials of the owner. RSW. suggest correction
H.P. Holland, 1677, NIM Cross-staff, 1677 = P.C. (1971). also marked "4" or "7." Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
H.R. 1 Germany?, 1568, marked on finger ring sundial at WHI signed "H.C." (1) and dated 1568; WHI also marked "MIMR." Bryden 16. suggest correction
H.R. 2 Germany, 1686, MIM Artillery Level, 1686 = OXF. the "H." and "R." are conjoined; also marked "M.E." (1), with a crown over the "M". Maddison 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
H.S. 1 Germany, 1560, MIM Horizontal Sundial, gilt-brass, 1560 = PBN. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
H.S. 10 could be Henry Sutton, Henry Sneewins or Johann Sommers. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
H.S. 2 Germany, c.1583, MIM Sundial in lid of book-shaped box wih watch inside = NYM. Hans Schniep? Baillie 1. suggest correction
H.S. 3 1587, MIM Nocturnal, gilt = X. Van Damme, 10/10/95. suggest correction
H.S. 4 Germany?, 1641, MIM Dividers,three-legged, 1641 = NUR; Dividers, one-handed = NUR. RSW. suggest correction
H.S. 5 Holland?; Germany?, 1642, MIM Compass Sundial, in ivory barrel, 1642 = OXF. Sneewins? Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; RSW. suggest correction
H.S. 6 c.1650, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = X. Henry Sutton? Evans 1. suggest correction
H.S. 7 Germany?, MIM Protractor, wood and ivory = KRE; Diptych Sundial, wood and ivory = NOR. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
H.S. 8 MIM Expanded Ring Sundial = Wray-99. RSW. suggest correction
H.S. 9 Austria or Germany, c.1690, MIM Gunnery Level, with case = D.(1993). Coffeen 43. suggest correction
H.S.D.L. this mark appears on an ivory diptych sundial at MUN; see "H.G." 2. Zinner 1; Price 2; Michel 2. suggest correction
H.T. Germany, 1588-1614, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = Koller 11/17/75 (1588), RSM (1612), MUN (1614), WUR (1614), BM, ADL-W35 (1611); Diptych Sundial, ivory and brass = OXF. Hans Ducher 2 or 3; both used the serpent as a punchmark. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 2 and 3; Ward 4; Gouk 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
H.T.R. Germany, c.1600, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood, brass and ivory = OXF. Zinner 1. suggest correction
H.W. 1 Germany?, 1673, MIM Sandglass, silver, 1673 = NUR? Lunardi. suggest correction
H.W. 2 England, fl.1645-89, MIM Miner's Compasses and accessories = NMM (1645), OXF (1689). Henry Wynne? Taylor 1(266); NMM 2; Maddison 1; RSW. suggest correction
H.W. 3 Germany?, 1743, MIM Quadrant, wood and paper, 1743 = HAK. RSW. suggest correction
H.W. 4 MIM Sundial = Christie-SK 11/27/86. letters stamped. RSW. suggest correction
H.W./W. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Vertical Sundial, oval = BM. silver volvelle; the dial is marked "H.W." over "W." Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
H.Z.S. see "F.W. H.z.s." RSW. suggest correction
HAAG France, 1824, MIM Wall Sundial, 1824 = Saverne. Saverne. Rohr 2. suggest correction
HAALSTATT UND TSCHLER Germany, 1763, PHIM Hydrometer, 1763 = KRA. Wagrechteberg. RSW. suggest correction
HAAN, FRIEDRICH GOTTLOB Germany, 1820, MIM Terrestrial Globes, 1820 = DRE (2). Grötzsch 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
HAAS Switzerland, 19th Century, MIM Magnetic Compass = Koller 11/17/75. RSW. suggest correction
HAAS AND CO. England, pre-1800, MIM OIM PHIM Steam Jet Cart = University of Pavia. Jacob Bernard Haas. London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
HAAS AND HURTER England, fl.1792-95, PHIM Barometer = DEU; Hydrometer = RSM; Balance = TEY. Jacob Bernard Haas and Johann Heinrich Hurter; Haas probably worked for Hurter from about 1783, and became a partner in 1792. Soho, London. Turner 7; Taylor 2(843a); USNM; Bell 2; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
HAAS, JACOB BERNARD Germany; England; Portugal, fl.1783-1840, MIM NIM PHIM Electric Machines = TEY, CNAM; Philosophical Instruments = WHI, OXF; Sextant = X; Clinometers = P.C. and Soth. 6/25/68; Protractor = P.C.; Hygrometer and Thermometer = TEY; Ruling Engine, 1798 = DEU; Plane Table, 1806 = COO; Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1809 = COO; Solar Quadrant, 1828 and Universal Ring Dial, 1828 = COO; Solar Microscope, 1840 = TEY; Barometers = COO, DAR; Hygrometer = WHI. the solar quadrant is for 40° 12'; also made air pumps. born in Swabia; London (1783-1800); Lisbon (1800-40). Taylor 2(843a); Daumas 1; Portuguese Inv.; Bell 2; G.L'E. Turner 7 & 24; Middleton 1; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
HAAS, JOAO FREDERICO Portugal, fl.1828-65, OIM Solar Microscope, 1840 = TEY. Joa~o Frederico Haas; son of Jacob Bernard Haas. Lisbon. G.L'E. Turner 7 and 24. suggest correction
HAASE AND WILLHELIM MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Weschler 5/22/76. RSW. suggest correction
HAASE, JOHANN GOTTFRIDT Germany, c.1675, MIM Astrolabe Clock = Christie 12/5/95. rete has 16 stars; double rule; tympan; lot no. 83. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
HAASEBROEK, GERRIT Holland, 1765, MIM NIM Cross-staves, 1765 = Streekmuseum, Gornedijk, Eisinga's House, Franeker. made protractors; name sometimes spelt "Hasebroek." Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
HABERMEL, ERASMUS Germany; Czechoslovakia, c.1538-1606, MIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums; these include; astrolabes; globes; sundials; calendars and surveying instruments; the dated instruments range from 1576-1600. often signed "E.H." the instruments are so famous that they have been often copied; there are many fakes! Prague (1576-1606). Eckhardt 3; Michel 1, 3, 4 and 6; Hamilton 1; Maddison 1; Bedini 6; Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Grötzsch 2; Körber 1; Sticker and Kirchvogel; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; NMM 2; USNM; Drechsler 2; Trois Siècles; Brieux 3; Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; Engelmann 1; J.A. Bennett 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HABERMEL, JOSHUA Germany; Czechoslovakia, fl.1565-81, MIM SIM Torquetum, 1576 = DRE; Proportional Compasses, 1577 = PRA; Graphometer = FLO; Diptych Sundial = OXF; Astronomical Compendia = Carl Rolas du Rosey Coll. = TIM, P.C. (2); etc. see J.H. 1; he was the father of Erasmus Habermel. Regensburg; Prague. Zinner 1; Evans; Michel 1, 2, and 3; Gunther 2; Drechsler 2; Rohde; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
HABERMEL, MARTIN see M.H.F. Evans 1. suggest correction
HABRECHT AND HEYDEN France, c.1625, MIM Pair of Globes = PRA. Isaac Habrecht 2 and Jacob Heyden Strasbourg. Horsky and Skopova; RSW. suggest correction
HABRECHT, ABRAHAM France, 1654-1728, MIM Astrolabe Clock = Kunstgewerbemuseum, Strasbourg. Strasbourg. Zinner 1; Maurice 1. suggest correction
HABRECHT, ISAAC 1 France, 1544-1620, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1578 = TOU; Globe, Celestial, 1574 = STR; Gores for a Terrestrial Globe = STR. noted clock maker; see J.H. 2. Strasbourg. Zinner 1; Baillie 1; Gélis; RSW. suggest correction
HABRECHT, ISAAC 2 France, 1589-1633, MIM Celestial Globes, 1621 = KAS, KRM, STU, ZUR, NUR, AMSTS, etc; Celestial Globe = KRA; Planiglobiums = LID (1628), DEU (1628), ADL-A304A; Pair of Globes = Drouot 3/8/63; Terrestrial Globes = P.C. (1620), NMM (1625), NYH. son of Isaac Habrecht 1; ADL planiglobium is a signed manuscript instrument for 50° with parts sewn together. Strasbourg. Zinner 1; Yonge; NMM 2; Estreicher 1; RSW. suggest correction
HABRECHT, ISAAC 3 France, 1611-86, MIM Celestial Globe with clockwork, 1646 = NMM; Terrestrial Globe = NMM. Strasbourg. Zinner 1; NMM 2; Tardy 3; RSW. suggest correction
HABRECHT, JOSIAS France, 1552-75, MIM Mechanical Armillary Sphere, 1572 = ROS. brother of Isaac Habrecht 1. Strasbourg. Zinner 1; Von Bertele 1; Tardy 3. suggest correction
HACHARD France, 18th Century, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 5/25/68; Augsburg-type Sundial = P.C.(1971). might be one dial. Besançon. RSW. suggest correction
HACKELMAN, G. Germany, NIM Compass = LIE. Hamburg. Michel 3 and 9. suggest correction
HACKER, A. Czechoslovakia, 18th Century, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = N.N. Frankel Coll.; Table Sundial = P.C. Prague. Baillie 1. suggest correction
HADDARD, W.D. England, 1846, designed a protractor. London. Price 3. suggest correction
HADDOCK, CHARLES England, c.1737, MIM apprenticed to Fisher Combs of the Clockmakers' Company on May 2, 1737. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HADDOCK, JOHN England, c.1722, MIM apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 23, 1722. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HADDON, C.W., AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM barometer makers. King Street, Liverpool. Bell 2. suggest correction
HADDON, WILLIAM England, fl.1700-13, MIM member of the Stationers' Company; had William Barker, Worgan's last apprentice, turned over to him on March 12 1700. Giltspur Street, near Newgate Street, London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 1(567); Clay and Court ; Daumas 1; Evans 1; Dewhirst; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HADEN, WILLIAM England, 1790, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Ripley 1 of the Grocers' Company, January 7, 1790. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HADERBECK, JOHANN PETER Germany, 1697, MIM Artillery Level, 1697 = Huelsmann Coll. signed "Johannes Petrus Haderbeck me Fecit A. 1697"; also marked "1050" on banner. Syndram. suggest correction
HADLEY, GEORGE England, c.1731, NIM brother of John Hadley; he is supposed to have made an example of Hadley's quadrant in 1731. Bedini 8. suggest correction
HADLEY, HENRY England, c.1731, NIM brother of John Hadley; made some of his reflecting quadrants, 1731. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
HADLEY, JOHN England, 1682-1744, designed a telescope, 1719-20; best known for his invention of the relecting quadrant (octant) in 1731, for which he received a patent in 1734 which ran until 1745; a similar instrument was independently invented, about the same time, by Thomas Godrey 1 in Philadelphia, Pa.; Hadley licensed Joseph Jackson 1 to be the sole maker; designed a bubble level in 1734. Enfield Chase near East Barnet. Taylor 1(538); Taylor 2(56); DNB; DSB; USNM; Bedini 8; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10; Millburn 8. suggest correction
HADNOT, JOHN England, c.1808, MIM apprenticed to John Symons of the Grocers' Company 1801-08. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
HAECKE, H. Germany, 1816?, NIM Octant, 1816 = Christie 6/7/72; Sextants = X, Kelton Coll. (1990). Kelton sextant has micrometer and is W.W. 1 era, marked "No. 9693"; may be two makers or a misreading of the Christie date. Neukölln; Berlin. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
HAEFELZ, JOHANNES FRIDERICUS Germany, 1784, MIM Horizontal Table Sundial, 1784 = THO. Braunschweig. RSW. suggest correction
HAERING France, MIM OIM PHIM T.C.; optician; made physical instruments. à l'Aigle d'Or, No.63 Palais du Tribunat, près le Café de Foi, Paris. Calvert 2. suggest correction
HAFENRETTER, SAMUEL H. Germany, 1587-1660, author; designed an astrological instrument with a sundial. Tübingen. Zeitlin Cat. 1974. suggest correction
HAGER Germany, 1696, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1696 = Soth.-SB pre-1980. probably Johann Melchior Hager or Michael Tobias Hager. RSW. suggest correction
HAGER, DIEDERICH PETER Germany, 1674-1745, MIM Calendar, large, 1710 = Anton-Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig. Wolfenbüttel. Buchler. suggest correction
HAGER, JOHANN MELCHIOR Germany, 1642-1713, MIM Ring Sundials = MERC, Koller 11/17/75; Equatorial Sundials, silver = ADL-M296, BS-WB; Table Sundial = Düsseldorf (1976). Engelmann read the ADL sundial as Johann Melchior Sager. Frankfort. Zinner 1; Buchler; Engelmann 1; Hamilton 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HAGER, JOHANN MICHAEL Germany, 1684-1765, MIM Horizontal Sundial with cam, 1705 = BM; Horizontal Sundials = OXF; Nocturnal = Drouot 2/18/60. the dial at the BM is signed "I.M. Hager"; the nocturnal is signed "J.M. Hager." Frankfort and Braunschweig. Zinner 1; Buchler; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
HAGER, M. Germany, MIM Augsburg-type Sundials = KEN, D.(1976); Nocturnal = BM (lost). surely Michael Tobias Hager; Chaldecott lists an "M. Aager." Arnstadt. Chaldecott 1; Price 2 & 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
HAGER, M.I. see M.T. Hager. Gunther 2; Evans 1; Price 3. suggest correction
HAGER, MICHAEL TOBIAS Germany, 1639-1694, MIM Astronomical Compendia = LIE, MUN, LOU, NUR; Pedometer, 1690 = BM; Table Sundials = Koller 11/17/75, OXF, BS-WB; Sundial, 1681 = Arnstadt Rathaus. "Mechanikus." Arnstadt; Wolfenbüttel. Zinner 1; Gunther 2; Evans 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Michel 3; Hamilton 1; Belgian Inventory; Wynter and Turner; Buchler; RSW. suggest correction
HAGER, N. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Compass with Perpetual Almanac = Bernal Sale No.3955; Universal Equatorial Sundial, with latitude cam = D.(1974). probably a misreading for M.T. Hager. Arnstadt. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Price 2; Wynter 1; RSW. suggest correction
HAGER, WOLFGANG Germany, 1643-1705, MIM Sundials = Cologne Museum (1687), NMM, TIM, BS-WB; Nocturnals = Cologne Museum (1681),KES (1692); Pedometers = SPI-2829 (1695), BS-WB (1696); Sundial in silver box, 1693 = OXF. "Hofmechanikus." Wolfenbüttel. Buchler; Zinner 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
HAGGER AND BRO. USA, 1842-59, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass with vernier = School of Civil Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca N.Y.; Stick Barometer = D.(1980). John W. Hagger and William G. Hagger; barometer signed "Hagger and Brother." corner of Pratt Street and Spear's Wharf, Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; Coffeen 27; RSW. suggest correction
HAGGER AND SON 1 USA, 1795, MIM NIM William Guyse Hagger and Benjamin King Hagger; advertised nautical compasses, 1795. 2 doors south of the Draw-Bridge, Boston, Mass. Brewington 1; Warner 12. suggest correction
HAGGER AND SON 2 USA, 1830, MIM OIM PHIM Benjamin King Hagger and his son, John W. Hagger; ad in Baltimore paper in 1830. at the Sign of Dr. Franklin, Baltimore, Md. D.J. Warner 11. suggest correction
HAGGER BROTHERS USA, c.1850, MIM Magnetic Compass = Maine Historical Society. Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
HAGGER, BENJ. K., AND SON USA, fl.1827-38, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compass = USNM. made and imported instruments; Benjamin King Hagger and John W. Hagger. 72 Baltimore Street (up to 1830); at the Sign of Dr. Franklin, 57 South Street (1830- 38); both in Baltimore, Maryland. Smart 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 11 suggest correction
HAGGER, BENJAMIN KING USA, 1769-1834, MIM NIM OIM SIM Graphometer, wood = P.C.; Surveyor's Compasses = U. of Maryland, P.C., Rio Grande County Museum, Del Norte, Cal.; Sextant, 1825 = P.C. son of William Guyse Hagger. Newport, R.I.; Ann Street (1789); Prince Street near Snow Hill Street (1793); North Street (1795); Ann Street (1798); all in Boston, Mass.; at the sign of Dr. Franklin; 57 South Street (1816); at the Sign of Hadley's Quadrant, 72 Baltimore Street (1824); all in Baltimore, Maryland. Brewington 1; Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; USNM; Price 2; D.J. Warner 10 and 11; RSW. suggest correction
HAGGER, C.E.E. USA?, instrument maker; possibly the grandson of B.K. Hagger. Brewington 1. suggest correction
HAGGER, JOHN W. USA, 1805-58, MIM the son of Benjamin King Hagger; see Benj. K. Hagger and Son; his brother was William G. Hagger; see Hagger and Bro.; he apparently continued his father's firm at least until 1842. 57 South Street, Baltimore, Md. (1833-38). Smart 1; Brewington 1; USNM. suggest correction
HAGGER, WILLIAM USA, 1760, NIM Backstaffs = MYS, USNM. he was the father of William Guyse Hagger; partner of Benjamin King 1. Newport, Rhode Island. Smart 1; Bedini 1; USNM. suggest correction
HAGGER, WILLIAM GUYSE USA, 1748-1832, NIM Backstaffs = Rhode Island Historical Soc., Providence, R.I. (1768), PEA (1775), MAR (1775), VNN (1775), R.I. Historical Society = USNM (1776), D.(1777); Surveyor's Compass = Hist. Soc. of St. Marys and Benzinger Township, Pa. the father of Benjamin King Hagger; there is a listing of an address at Cranston, R.I. in 1774; Joseph Callender made the compass cards. Newport, R.I. (1766-88); near the Draw-Bridge, Ann Street, Boston, Mass. (1789). Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; Brewington 1; USNM; Price 2; D.J. Warner 8 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
HAHN, A.H. Germany, PHIM Thermometer = DRE. Dresden. RSW. suggest correction
HAHN, GOTTFRIED Germany, MIM Heliochronometer = STU. RSW. suggest correction
HAHN, P.M., UND J.C. SCHUSTER Germany, c.1780, MIM Astronomical Clock = DRE; Quadrant Scale = DRE. Phillip Mattäus Hann and Joh. Christ. Schuster. Kornwesteim. Grötzsch 2. suggest correction
HAHN, P.M., UND P.G. SCHAUDT Germany, c.1775, MIM Clock with Globe on top = DAR. Philipp Mattaüs Hahn and Philipp Gottfried Schaüdt. Kornwestheim and Onsmettingen. Uhren Feb., 1990. suggest correction
HAHN, PHILIPP MATTAUS Germany, 1739-90, MIM Astronomical Clocks = STU, DRE, GOT, FUR, NUR; Heliochronometers = BASH,(1782), HEI, DEU, KRA, KRM; Wall Sundial = Balinger Kirchturm; Planetariums = NUR, FUR. Philipp Mattäus Hahn; astronomer; author; the instrument in the Basle Historical Museum is signed simply "Hahn"; devised a multiplying machine, 1774; worked with Schuster and Schaudt. Kornwestheim; Erfurt; Württemberg. Zinner 1; Taylor 2(601); Grötzsch 2; Baillie 1; Engelmann 1; USNM; Deutche Uhrmacher-Zeitschrift, Aug. 1965; Neue Uhrmacher-Zeitung Ulm, Nov.30, 1964; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
HAIDEN AND CO. England, late 19th Century, MIM SIM Theodolite = Soth.-PB pre-1980. this may be a misreading for Halden. Manchester and London. RSW. suggest correction
HAIJE, WM. DE LA Holland, fl.1764-65, OIM made lenses and mirrors. The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
HAIJES, WALTER Holland, c.1750, MIM PHIM Ring Sundial = STT. Amsterdam. Pipping 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
HAILES, THOMAS England, fl.1687-95, OIM apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1680; free of the Company on March 31, 1687. Sign of the Spectacles and Perspective Glass (later the Telescope and Spectacles), corner of Cannon Alley, over against the great North Door of St. Paul's Church, London. Taylor 1(454); Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Evans 1; Court and von Rohr 3(55). suggest correction
HAINTZ, MATTHAEUS see Mattheus Heintz Zinner 1; Horsky and Skopova. suggest correction
HAIR, JOHN England, 1782, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1782 = D.(1989). extra dial is semi-circle at top of instrument. RSW. suggest correction
HAIR, WILLIAM EVITT England, fl.1842-50, PHIM made barometers, clocks and watches. High Street, Boston. Bell 2. suggest correction
HAKES, W. England, c.1850, NIM Sextant with tangent screw = Seamans Institute of New York. Hull. USNM. suggest correction
HALAICHER, MATTHAUS Germany, 1671, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1671 = Hessischen Landesmuseum, Darmstadt. Augsburg. Engroff. suggest correction
HALBAUR Germany?, MIM Compass Sundial in gimbals = MUN. Zorge. RSW. suggest correction
HALDEN, I. see J. Halden. RSW. suggest correction
HALDEN, J. England, fl.1845-53, MIM Rule, ivory = D.(1969); Protractor, full = Christie-SK 7/10/80. became J. Halden and Co. after 1850; J. Halden and Co. Ltd. as late as 1930. Albert Square, Manchester; London. Moskowitz 109; RSW. suggest correction
HALDEN, J. AND CO. England, c.1850, MIM SIM Dumpy Level = Phillips 7/28/82; Eidograph = D(1974). Manchester and London. Moskowitz 109; RSW. suggest correction
HALER, MUMENT Switzerland, 1773, OIM Solar Microscope, 1773 = X. successor to Passemant. Nachet. suggest correction
HALES variant spelling for Hailes, Hale. Court and von Rohr 3(55). suggest correction
HALES, STEPHEN England, 1677-1761, MIM designed and built an orrery, 1705; F.R.S. London. North 2; Millburn 5; Gunther; DSB. suggest correction
HALEWYCK, F.M. VAN Holland, 1653, MIM Sundial and Nocturnal, 1653 = LIE. Michel 1, 3 and 9; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
HALFPENNY, WILLIAM England, fl.1722-48, MIM devised a tangent rule. Bristol? Taylor 2(182). suggest correction
HALL England, c.1820, OIM optician. Nachet. suggest correction
HALL AND HAWKS England, 1840, MIM 10 Duke Street, Borough; also Topping's Wharf, London Bridge; both in London. O'Mara. suggest correction
HALL BROS. England, MIM Theodolite = Soth. 1/27/75. Croyden. RSW. suggest correction
HALL, A.J. England, MIM Machine for describing ellipses and curves = X. 2 William Street, Clerkenwell, London. USNM. suggest correction
HALL, ASA USA, c.1790, clockmaker; worked on an orrery built by Caleb Leach. Boston, Mass. Bedini 8. suggest correction
HALL, B.J. England, MIM Reduction Compass = Chevau-Légers 2/28/82. RSW. suggest correction
HALL, BRADFORD England, OIM Binocular Microscope = D.(1970). RSW. suggest correction
HALL, CHESTER MOOR England, 1703-71, invented the achromatic lens, 1733; lawyer. More Hall, Sutton, Essex. Wynter and Turner; Taylor 2(183); DNB; Dewhirst. suggest correction
HALL, EDWARD England, c.1850, PHIM partner with Edward Jenkin in Dring and Fage and Co.; made hydrometers and saccharimeters. 19 and 20 Tooley Street, London Bridge, London. McConnell 4. suggest correction
HALL, FRANCIS Belgium; England, 1595-1675, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1669 = Whitehall Garden, London. also known as Francis Line; Jesuit; author; experimented with the motion of mercury in the barometer c.1660. Liège, (1630-58); London (1658-70); Liège (1670-75). Gatty; Reilly; Taylor 1(133); Baillie 1; Middleton 1. suggest correction
HALL, J. England, OIM Telescope with stand = D.(1976). Bradford. RSW. suggest correction
HALL, JOHN 1 England, 1698, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1698 = VEN. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
HALL, JOHN 2 England, 1840-50, PHIM barometer maker. Northgate, Sleaford. Bell 2. suggest correction
HALL, MARTIN VON Austria, fl.1438-d.1466, designed wall sundials. Tirol. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HALL, S.W. USA, 1848, PHIM philosophical and chemical instrument maker. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
HALL, THOMAS USA, fl.1849-78, PHIM Palmer and Hall (1849-57) succeeded Daniel Davis, Jr.; Hall on his own after 1857; made electrical apparatus. Boston, Mass. USNM; Romaine. suggest correction
HALLAM AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 6/30/89. Nottingham. RSW. suggest correction
HALLAYCHER, MATTHEUS Germany, 18th Century, MIM Watch in a Globe = Spitzer-186. Augsburg. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
HALLEN England, c.1820, MIM see Cottam and Hallen Winsley Street, London. Wynter and Turner; Kenney Cat. suggest correction
HALLENSEN, J.A. Germany, 1748, MIM Rule and Plotting Scale, 1748 = OXF. Wolfenbüttel. RSW. suggest correction
HALLEY, DR., AND CO. a frequent misreading for 'Dr. Halley, etc.' found on pocket globes. RSW. suggest correction
HALLEY, EDMOND England, 1656-1742, Dr. Edmond Halley, second Astronomer Royal, 1720; worked out the eliptical orbits of comets including the one of 1758, named for him; author; designed a large astronomical sextant; F.R.S., 1678; charted magnetic deviation isogomes in the Atlantic; etc. London. Taylor 1(401), 2(57); DNB; DSB; USNM; Hoskins. suggest correction
HALLIFAX, GEORGE England, 1725-1811, PHIM Wheel Barometers = P.C. fourth son of John Hallifax; clockmaker. Doncaster (1750-1811). Goodison 1. suggest correction
HALLIFAX, JOHN England, 1694-1750, PHIM Wheel Barometers = P.C. (4), VAA (2), D.(1966), D.(1973), Soth. 7/16/76, etc; Stick Barometer = D.(1989). the wheel barometers are signed "J. (or John or Johannes) Hallifax Inv & Fect."; stick barometer has two silver dials, one of which has an interesting degree scale; clockmaker; succeeded by his fifth son, Joseph. Barnsley. Goodison 1; Symonds; Tyler; Banfield 1; RSW. suggest correction
HALLIFAX, JOSEPH England, c.1750, PHIM barometer maker; fifth son of John Hallifax; succeeded him. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HALLIFAX, THOMAS England, c.1750, PHIM barometer maker; third son of John Hallifax; Bell thinks he succeeded his father rather than Joseph. Barnsley. Bell 2. suggest correction
HALSAY, DANIEL see Daniel Halsy Moskowitz 2. suggest correction
HALSE also see Jacob and Halse. suggest correction
HALSE, E., AND SON England, 18th Century, MIM Sector, wood = WRAY; Sector, ivory = ADL-W116; Drawing Instrument Sets in etuis = Soth. 7/20/70, Newcastle Science and Engineering Museum. Newcastle sector and rectangular protractor signed and in green shagreen etui; may be only one set. London. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HALSE, W.H. England, PHIM T.C.; made galvanic apparatus; called himself "Professor of Medical Galvanism." 22 Brunswick Square, London. Calvert 2. suggest correction
HALSEY also see Halsy. suggest correction
HALSEY, I. USA, 1702, NIM probably John or Joseph (1) Halsey; sometimes spelt "Halsy." RSW. suggest correction
HALSEY, JAMES 1 USA, fl.1669-96, NIM Backstaff, 1676 = PEA. "Mathematician"; this is one of the earliest instruments made in the Colonies. Fish Street, Boston, New England. Brewington 1; Bedini 1 & 8; American Neptune Jan.,1975; D.J. Warner 8 and 12. suggest correction
HALSEY, JAMES 2 USA, 1695-1767, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses, wood = PEA, X, P.C.; Backstaves, 1739 = Maine Historical Society, Portland, Me., P.C. nephew of Joseph Halsey 1; sometimes spelt Halsy. near ye drawbridge, Boston, Mass. Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; USNM; Brewington 1; Bryden 12; D.J.Warner 8; RSW. suggest correction
HALSEY, JOHN USA, fl.1700-50, MIM brother of Joseph Halsey?; sometimes spelt "Halsy." Green Street, Boston, Mass.; Madagascar. Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1. suggest correction
HALSEY, JOSEPH 1 USA, 1675-1745, MIM NIM Backstaff, 1702 = P.C. (1971); Surveyor's Compass, wood = New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord; Compass Card = Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. nephew of James Halsey 1; sometimes spelt "Halsy"; sometimes signed "Joseph Halsey, Jun."; may have been first American to make octants; backstaff also marked "Made for Andrew Gray." Boston, New England. Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; Brewington 1; D.J. Warner 8, 10 and 12; Brophy; RSW. suggest correction
HALSEY, JOSEPH 2 USA, b.1699, fl.1731-62, NIM Surveying Compass, 1747 = P.C. (1974). son of Joseph Halsey 1; advertised as making Hadley's quadrants in 1738; grand-nephew of James Halsey 1. Fish Street, Boston, Mass. Bedini 1 & 8; Brewington 1; Guthman 1; Warner 12; RSW. suggest correction
HALSKE Germany, 1814-90, PHIM Dynamometer = Barris-Holley Engineering Bldg., Brown University, Providence, R.I. apprenticed to Karl Philipp Heinrich Pistor, c.1830; see Siemins and Halske. Berlin. G.L'E. Turner 24; Weil and Baden; RSW. suggest correction
HALSY USA, see Halsey. Bedini 8; D.J. Warner 8 and 10. suggest correction
HALSY, DANIEL USA, 1777, MIM warrant issued for his arrest on Jan. 16, 1777; also listed as Daniel Halsay in the warrant. Boston, Mass. Moskowitz 2. suggest correction
HALTON, IMMANUEL England, 1628-99, MIM Vertical Sundials on Wingfield Manor House, Derbyshire (2). astronomer, mathematician and diallist; designed a large quadrant and a type of triquetum, c.1652. Wingfield Manor House, Derbyshire; Gray's Inn, London. Taylor 1(231); Evans 1; Gatty; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
HAM, ANTHONY USA?, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. (1976). RSW. suggest correction
HAM, ERASMUS England, c.1736, MIM apprenticed to George Adams 1, of the Grocers' Company on April 21, 1736. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HAM, JAMES 1 USA, fl.1754-64+, NIM Backstaff, 1759 = TIM. father of James Ham 2; the instrument at the Time Museum was stamped "I.H./No.151." (I.H.) 3; advertised nautical compasses for sale in New York, 1754 and in Philadelphia in 1761. at the house wherein the Widow Ratsey lately lived, near the Old Dutch Church, Smith Street, New York (1754); at the sign of Hadley's Quadrant at Front and Water Streets, Phiadelphia, Pa. (1759). Bedini 1; Gillingham 1; Moskowitz 114; USNM; D.J. Warner 8, 10 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
HAM, JAMES 2 USA, fl.1780-81, NIM OIM Backstaff, 1781 = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. = X. James Ham, jr.; son of James Ham 1; advertised nautical compasses, 1780. Hadley's Quadrant at Front and Water Streets; below the Draw Bridge in Water Street; between Spruce and Pine Streets; all in Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1; Gillingham 1; D.J. Warner 8, 10 and 12. suggest correction
HAMANN ET HEMPEL France, pre-1842, MIM Elliptical Compass = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
HAMBERG, O.P. Sweden, 1849, MIM OIM Microscope, 1849 = X. also made scales. Pipping 1. suggest correction
HAMBLER, W.H. USA, c.1850?, MIM Quadrilateral Rule, boxwood = D.(1984). 51 Nassau Street, New York, N.Y. Coffeen II. suggest correction
HAMBLETON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HAMELIN France, 183?, PHIM Balance Set = D. "Balancier-Méchanicien, Adjusteur, Verificateur." à L'H Couronné, Rue Saint-Denis, No. 78, près celle des Lombards, Paris. Coffeen 36. suggest correction
HAMER, JAMES England, c.1823, MIM apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on Jan. 8, 1800; listed in 1823; took an apprentice. 12 Hosier Lane, West Smithfield, London. Crawford 7. suggest correction
HAMILTON, DR. HUGO England, 1796, PHIM Barometer, 1796 = X. RSW. suggest correction
HAMILTON, HENRY ROBERT England, c.1838, OIM 16 Queen Street, Goswell Street, London. Taylor 2(2144). suggest correction
HAMILTON, JAMES 1 Scotland, 1686, MIM Cube Sundials, 1686 = Kinross House, Kinrossshire (2). mason; servitor to James Smith, overseer at Kinross House and son-in-law to Robert Mylne. Somerville. suggest correction
HAMILTON, JAMES 2 England, c.1742, MIM apprenticed to John Parminter 1, Grocers' Company, Aug.4, 1742. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HAMILTON, JOHN Scotland, 1686, MIM Vertical Stone Sundials, 1686 = Kinross House (2). mason. Kinross. Gatty. suggest correction
HAMILTON, RICHARD England, c.1705, MIM apprenticed to John Warner 2 or 3 of the Clockmakers' Company in Sept., 1705; may have been free of the Company by 1712. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HAMILTON, T. FENTON, AND CO. USA, pre-1842, MIM OIM PHIM mostly made meteorological instruments. Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
HAMILTON, WILLIAM FRANCIS England, c.1814, OIM patented improvements for optical instruments. Asylum Buildings, Westminster Road, Surrey. Taylor 2(1348); Dewhirst. suggest correction
HAMLIN England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Mallams, Oxford 4/30/97. too late for William Hamlin 2. London. ATG 4/26/97. suggest correction
HAMLIN, RICHARD ELY USA, 1814-80, OIM made reflecting telescopes; lottery ticket signed "R.E. Hamlin's Reflecting Telescope"; ticket also marked "W. Hamlin Scs."; see William Haklin 1. Preuss 1; RSW. suggest correction
HAMLIN, WILLIAM 1 USA, 1772-1869, MIM NIM OIM Magnetic Compasses = MYS, P.C. apprenticed to Samuel Canfield, Middleton, Conn.; came to Providence by 1795; listed as MIM and engineer by 1824; T.C.; see Richard Ely Hamlin who succeeded him. North Main Street, next north of St. John's Church (pre-1806); 11 Cheapside, next door north of Messrs. Blodget and Powers (1806); opposite the Baptist Meeting House (1809); Sign of the Quadrant, 131 South Water Street, in the store of Benjamin Clifford (pre-1819); at the sign of the Quadrant, 135 South Main Street (1823); all in Providence, R.I. Bedini 1 & 8; Price 2; USNM; Lane; Evans 1; Smart 1; Coffeen C; Eldred 10/11/75; Preuss 1; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
HAMLIN, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1792-1814, MIM SIM Instrument = WHI; Surveyor's Compasses = NMM, DeLuca 8/1/87; Magnetic Compass = Soth. 2/7/72; Surveyor's Level = Weschler 5/22/76; Compass, pocket = D.(1997). there is some thought that William Hamlin 1 and 2 were the same man, but the American apprenticeship and addresses of Hamlin 1 would appear to preclude this idea; the last two instruments are signed "Hamlin, London", which see. 111 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(983); NMM 2; Preuss 1; D.J. Warner 10; MAD June, 1997; RSW. suggest correction
HAMMERR see Starke and Hammerr. suggest correction
HAMMERSLEY England, MIM OIM Surveyor's Level and a Telescope = Christie 2/4/69; Islington, London. RSW. suggest correction
HAMMOND, J. England, MIM Garden Sundial = LIE. Ken(sington), London. Michel 9. suggest correction
HAMMOND, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1620, free of the Joiners' Company; took apprentices. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HAMMOND, WILLIAM 2 England, pre-1782, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Cole 2 in the Merchant Taylors' Company; made free in the Company. Crawforth 8. suggest correction
HAMON France, 1637, NIM Cross-staff, 1637 = KEN. St. Malo. Daumas 1; Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
HAMPSON, THOMAS England, fl.1728-55, MIM Sundial = Llandderfel Churchyard, Merioneth. clockmaker. High Street, Wrexham (1728-48). Peate. suggest correction
HAMPTON, JOHN England, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = TRE. this might be the name of the owner. RSW. suggest correction
HAMSTRA PZ, P. Holland, c.1850, NIM Crown Compass = P.C. Harlingen. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
HAN Holland, c.1650, MIM Astronomical Quadrants, wood and paper = UTR-A9, UTR-OBS-192. designed by Vooghdio. Loon. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Van Cittert 1. suggest correction
HANACZIK Austria, PHIM Hydrometer = KRA. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
HANBURYS England, see Alan and Hanburys. London. suggest correction
HANBY England, c.1768, see Tappenden and Hanby. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
HANCOCK, HANNAH England, c.1830, OIM widow of William Hancock? 7 Waingate, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1877). suggest correction
HANCOCK, JOHN 1 England, c.1740, MIM Ring Sundials = OXF, FIN, EMA, Dundee City Museum and Art Gallery. some are signed "Hancock", some "J. Hancock." Stevens and Aked; Michel 3; Taylor 2(359); RSW. suggest correction
HANCOCK, JOHN 2 England, c.1840, MIM OIM Instrument = OXF. 30 City Road, Finsbury, London. Taylor 2(2145). suggest correction
HANCOCK, MALAHOL England, c.1668, apprenticed to Benjamin Emott in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 7, 1668. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HANCOCK, WILLIAM England, c.1822, OIM 24 Waingate, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1575). suggest correction
HANDASYDE Scotland1698, MIM Cube Sundial, 1698 = Keir House, Dunblane. Somerville. suggest correction
HANDASYNE, ARCH. Scotland, 1732, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, stone, 1732 = Cramond near Edinburgh. Gatty. suggest correction
HANDEL, JOHANN GEORG Germany, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = OXF. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HANDLEY, JAMES USA, fl.1865-73, NIM partner of Charles R. Sherman in C.R. Sherman and Co. 49 North Water Street, New Bedford, Mass. Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
HANDMAN, I. MIM Terrestrial Globe, gilt-brass = BASH. RSW. suggest correction
HANDSCOMB, EBENEZER England, fl.1764-91, PHIM Barometer = Luton Art Gallery. Woburn. Bell 2. suggest correction
HANDSFORD, JOHN England, c.1780, MIM Orrery = Soth. 11/23/59 = Iparmüvészeti Museum, Budapest. may be two instruments. Bristol. Globe Exhibition, Budapest, 1990; RSW. suggest correction
HANIN France, fl.1785-88, MIM PHIM Balance = CNAM; Manometer = D.(1990). manometer is steel dividers with brass scale (in shape of quadrant), to compare measurements in meters with old foot, English, Castille, Vienna, Brussels, and St. Petersburg style. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; RSW. suggest correction
HANIN FILS France, c.1750, MIM Proportional Compass, iron = PRIN = NMM-DI/DP.2. St. Romain. NMM 2; MADEX. suggest correction
HANKS USA, c.1790, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses, wood = Deerfield Museum, Mass. and the Suffield Historical Society, Conn. either Col. Benjamin Hanks or Horatio Hanks, both lived in Mansfield at that time. Mansfield, Conn. Smart 1. suggest correction
HANKS AND GURLEY USA, fl.1818-21, MIM SIM Alpheus and Truman Hanks and Ephraim Gurley; they also ran an iron foundry. Troy N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
HANKS AND SON USA, c.1808, MIM Benjamin Hanks and Truman Hanks; also clockmakers. Mansfield and Litchfield, Conn. Bedini 1; USNM. suggest correction
HANKS, A. AND T. USA, fl.1830-34, MIM SIM Alpheus Hanks was a brother, and Truman Hanks was a son of Benjamin Hanks; they succeeded Julius Hanks. Elbow and Fifth Streets, Troy, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
HANKS, BENJAMIN USA, 1755-1824, MIM SIM apprenticed to Thomas Harland; made surveying instruments, clocks, bells, etc.; called himself Col. Windham, Conn.(1777-80); Litchfield, Conn.(1780-90); Mansfield, Conn.(1790); Gibbonsville, N.Y.(1808); Gibbonsville is now Watervliet and may have been West Troy. Bedini 1, 8 and 17; Smart 1; O.B. Frye. suggest correction
HANKS, BENJAMIN AND JULIUS USA, fl.1808-10, MIM SIM made vernier surveying compasses; perhaps succeeded Adams and Whipple. West Troy, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
HANKS, HORATIO USA, 1790-1838, MIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Vernier Compass = P.C.; Surveyor's Cross = P.C. fourth son of Benjamin Hanks; both instruments made in Auburn. Mansfield, Conn. (1790-1816); Gibbonsville, N.Y. (1816-20); Auburn, N.Y. (1820-26); Troy, N.Y. (1826-28); New York, N.Y. (1828-33); New Bern, N. Carolina (1833-36); Cincinnati, Ohio (1836-38); Vicksburg, Miss. (1838). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
HANKS, JULIUS USA, 1784-1857?, MIM SIM Surveyor's Vernier Compasses = State Education Bldg.,Albany, N.Y., Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich., Summit County Historical Society, Akron, Ohio, P.C. third son of Benjamin Hanks; worked with his father 1808-10. Gibbonsville, N.Y. (1808-24); Fifth Street, Troy, N.Y. (1825); Fifth and Elbow Streets, Troy, N.Y. (1829-38); Troy, N.Y. (1841-47); Chicago, Ill. (1852-57). Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
HANKS, OSCAR USA, 1810-83, MIM SIM Hoop Compass = GUR; Transit = GUR; Surveyor's Compasses = P.C., State Historical Society, Madison, Wis. son of Julius Hanks; succeeded A. and T. Hanks in 1834. William Gurley worked for him between 1839-45. Troy, N.Y. (1831-46); Chicago Ill. (1856-60); Cincinnatti, Ohio (1876-83). Smart 1; USNM; Coffeen I. suggest correction
HANKS, TRUMAN USA, fl.1808-34, MIM SIM son of Benjamin Hanks; see Hanks and Son; see A. and T. Hanks; see Hanks and Gurley. Mansfield and Litchfield, Conn.(1808-); Troy, N.Y.(1818-34). Bedini 1; Smart 1. suggest correction
HANNAEUS, I.D. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = KRO. Meldorf. Zinner 1. suggest correction
Hannay, Heinrich fl. 1866-1872 See Dolberg, Adolf suggest correction
HANNAY, JOHN Scotland, 1815, MIM Stone Sundial, 1815 = Wigtown County Museum, Stranraer. for latitude 54° 41'. Stevens and Aked. suggest correction
HANNES, J.O. England, MIM Perpetual Calendar = OXF. London. Evans 1; Gunther 2. suggest correction
HANNIN, SIEUR France, pre-1782, PHIM Dynamometer = COR. Courtanvaux. suggest correction
HANSEN, ANDRES Germany, 1709, MIM Vertical Sundial, copper, 1709 = FLE. Flensburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HANSFORD, JOHN England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 6/24/88. Ilminster. RSW. suggest correction
HANSON England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 12/13/88. probably William Hanson, clockmaker. Windsor. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HANSON, JOHN England, fl.1850 - 56, MIM PHIM instrument and barometer maker 29 Hope Street; Hackney Road N.; both in London. Bell 2; O'Mara. suggest correction
HANZELET, JEAN APPIER France, c.1630, MIM engraved plates for printed dials; "math. et graveur"; Hanzelet might be the name of a town. RSW. suggest correction
HAPPACHER, A. Austria, MIM Sundial on plinth = P. & S. 5/20/1895. RSW. suggest correction
HAPPACHER, PHILIP Germany, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, gold case = ADL-A104. gold case has perpetual calendar on cover. Fridborg. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HAR see Han. Michel 3. suggest correction
HARBERT, CORNELIUS England, c.1686, MIM took Thomas Freeman as an apprentice on Sept. 6, 1686; may have been member of the Clockmakers' Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HARDENBERG Holland, fl.1816-32, MIM compass maker; the full name is listed as Hardenberg (d'Erve). Op de Binnenkant voor Kraansluis (1816); Texelse Kaai bij de Raamskooi 16 (1826-32); both in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
HARDER, JOHANN Germany, c.1657, MIM compass maker; is he the same as Johannes Harder of St. Gallen? Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
HARDER, JOHANNES Switzerland, 1657, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood, 1657 = Palais Rumine, Lausanne. is he the same as Johann Harder of Germany? St. Gallen. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HARDING, JOHN England, c.1809, MIM apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1, of the Grocers' Company, on June 4, 1801; turned over to Charles Fairbone 2, of the Grocers' Company, on February 8, 1802; free of the Company, Dec. 7 1809. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HARDOUIN France, 18th Century, MIM Planetarium = CNAM. RSW. suggest correction
HARDY 1 France, 1693, made the frame for a Coronelli celestial globe, 1693. rue St. Julien le pauvre, Paris.. Destombes 5. suggest correction
HARDY 2 France, fl.1738-79, MIM Globe for Armillary Sphere, 1779 = NMM-Sp.13; Globe, Celestial, 1738 = NMM-G.147. probably Jacques Hardy. NMM 2. suggest correction
HARDY 3 Germany, 1795, OIM microscope maker Cologne. Daumas 1. suggest correction
HARDY 4 England, PHIM Farenheit Thermometer = Kirk Coll.,Castle Museum, York. York. Bryden 9. suggest correction
HARDY, J. AND I. England, c.1795?, MIM NIM SIM Octants = BAR, PEA, Cohasset Historical Society, Mass.; Soth. 10/21/74; Quadrant = P.C.; Borda Circle = P.C.; Sextant = PEA; Surveyor's Compasses = PEA, Soth. 6/14/82; Hadley's Quadrant = Fall River Marine Museum, Mass. the Soth. items are misread as J. and J. Hardy and J. and T. Hardy in the order listed; the Fall River quadrant is misread as J. and F. Hardy. London. Brewington 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
HARDY, JACQUES France, fl.1737-87, MIM Armillary Spheres = Drouot 3/8/63 (1737), NMM (1779); Terrestrial Globes = CNAM (1742), Gotha, P.C.; Celestial Globes = X (3); Instrument = LIM. St.-Jean-le-pauvre, en face de Nôtre Dame, Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Grimaldi (954); Pastoreau; RSW. suggest correction
HARDY, JOHN England, 1774, NIM Hadley's Quadrants, 1774 = D.(1988), no date = D.(1996). Ratcliff, London. Coffeen 21 and 55. suggest correction
HARDY, JOHN, AND SONS England, c.1825, NIM OIM Sextant and Telescope = Pacific House, Monterey, Cal.; Telescope = PEA. London. Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
HARDY, L.G. England, c.1790, NIM Octant =D.(1973). London. RSW. suggest correction
HARDY, NICHOLAS France, c.1770, MIM son of Jacques Hardy; globemaker. Paris. Pasroreau; RSW. suggest correction
HARE 1 see Colomba and Hare. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HARE 2 England, c.1800, PHIM Guinea Balance = BM. London. Price 3. suggest correction
HARE, ROBERT USA, 1781-1858, PHIM Chemical Apparatus = USNM. chemical apparatus inventor and maker. Pennsylvania. USNM. suggest correction
HARGRAVE, JOHN England, 1638, MIM Altitude Sundial, 1638 = Christie 2/17/69. dubious. RSW. suggest correction
HARGRAVES England, c.1785, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Skipton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HARGRAVES, THOMAS England, fl.1790-1834, PHIM barometer maker; sometimes spelled Hargreaves. Settle. Baillie 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
HARGROVE, RICHARD England, c.1688, MIM apprenticed to Isaac Carver of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 3, 1688. J.Brown 3. suggest correction
HARING France, c.1800-25, MIM PHIM Sector = X; Stick Barometer = D; Mathematical Instrument Set = D.(1985). Häring; "Opticien de sa Majesté le Roi de Württemburg." Palais Royal No. 63, Paris. Michel 3; Brophy; Coffeen 10. suggest correction
HARKER England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 12/6/78. London. RSW. suggest correction
HARLAND, THOMAS England; USA1735-1807, MIM SIM made surveying instruments; clockmaker; took Benjamin Hanks as an apprentice. Norwich, Conn. Bedini 1; O.B. Frye. suggest correction
HARLING, W.H. England, late 19th Century, MIM Protractor, Aidie-type = Soth. 2/25/86. 47 Finsbury Pavement, London. RSW. suggest correction
HARMAN, WILLIAM England, fl.1832-34, MIM PHIM 1 Halfman Crescent, White Conduit Fields, London (1832-34). Taylor 2(1576); O'Mara. suggest correction
HARMATS, HARMAN Holland, 1606, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1606 = BM. in the form of a knife, the ivory handle contains a miniature universal equatorial sundial and various calendars; Evans read the first name as Herman. Neukirck. Evans 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
HARPER England, OIM Telescope, three-draw = Christie 7/10/80. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
HARPER, JOHN England, c.1616, associated with William Pratt and Jeremiah Drury in the patent for Pratt's Arithmeticall Jewell, in 1616. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
HARRI, LEENDERT JOHANNES Holland, 1801-75, NIM Crown Compass = AMST; Octants = AMST (No. 436), Koller 11/17/75; Sextants = OMM, Amst; Mariner's Compasses = Auctions, 1906, 1910, 1913; etc. some instruments signed "L.J. Harri." Oude Teertuinen bij de Schreijerstoren 446 (1836-52); Oude Teertuinen M.133 (1853-69); Kamperhoofd M.131 (1870-75); all in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
HARRIMAN, JOHN England, fl.1839-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 58 Church Street (1839-49); 60 Church Street (1854); 100 Pritchett Street (1858-60); all in Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HARRIMAN, THOMAS England, c.1818, MIM rule maker. Loveday Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
HARRIOT, THOMAS England, 1560-1621, designed telescopes and perspective glasses; author; sometimes spelled "Hariot". London. North 1; Taylor 1(55); DNB. suggest correction
HARRIS 1 England, c.1820, MIM NIM OIM Brewster-type Micrometer on a Tulley Telescope = NMM. probably William Harris and Co. London. NMM 2. suggest correction
HARRIS 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 5/26/76. Southampton. RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS 3 England, c.1855, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 7/23/87. Witney. RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS 4 England, c.1840, MIM Sundial with compass = Soth.-PB pre-1980. London. RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS 5 England, 1836, MIM Celestial Globe, 1836 = Walton Auction 12/30/96. probably William Harris 1. ATG 2/1/97. suggest correction
HARRIS AND CO. 1 England, c.1848, MIM OIM Compasses = HAY, NMM; Terrestrial Globes = SOTH. 7/10/67 and 6/19/72; Orrery = North Carolina U.; Pantograph = D.(1974); Telescopes = PEA, D.(1975); Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 10/20 75; Surveying Cross = D.(1983); Theodolite = D. (1983). probably William Harris 1. 50 Holborn, London. Price 2; Brewington 1; NMM 2; Moskowitz 109; RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS AND CO. 2 England, c.1814-, MIM NIM OIM Octants, ebony = Soth. 10/18/71 and 10/21/74. Swansea. Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS AND SON England, c.1812-54, MIM NIM OIM Telescopes = P.C. (1854), DRE, P.C.(1987), Soth.-S 5/19/88, Universita Osservatorio Astronomico,Bologna, D.(1973); Terrestrial Globe, 1812 = Soth. 10/17/60; Microscope = D.(1973); Miniature Sextant = X; Quadrant, ebony and ivory = SUN; Octant, ebony and brass = Christie-SK 7/10/80. probably William Harris 1. 50 Holborn, London. Grötzsch 2; Bonelli 4; RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, DANIEL England, 1737-75, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, wood = ADL-DPW41; Horizontal String Gnomon Sundial = OXF. apprenticed to Edmund Blow in the Joiners' Company on June 25, 1723; turned over to Thomas Cooke of the same Company, Sept. 14, 1725; free of the Company, Nov. 4, 1735; the horizontal dial is marked "Londres." Christ's Church, London. Taylor 2(488); Evans 1; Crawforth 7; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, G. England, c.1800, MIM Copper Plates for printing paper scales for sliding Gunter rules = NMM-CI/SR.5. No. 31 Shoe Lane, London. NMM 2. suggest correction
HARRIS, GEORGE 1 England, 1733, MIM NIM OIM Quadrant, 1733 = X.; Sextant, 1733 = X. quadrant might be a Davis Quadrant. Taylor 2(267); Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
HARRIS, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1815-25, OIM see George and Henry Harris. 6 Curtain Road, London. Taylor 2(1350). suggest correction
HARRIS, GEORGE AND HENRY England, fl.1815-25, OIM 6 Curtain Road, London. Taylor 2(1350 and 1351). suggest correction
HARRIS, H., AND SON England, c.1811, MIM OIM Patent Telescope = WHI. 50 High Holborn, London. Taylor 2(1352); Dewhirst. suggest correction
HARRIS, HENRY England, fl.1815-25, OIM see George and Henry Harris; see H. Harris and Son. 6 Curtain Road, London. Taylor 2(1351). suggest correction
HARRIS, J. Microscope = Christie 12/18/74. misreading for T. Harris. suggest correction
HARRIS, J.C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 12/6/78. Spalding. RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, J.W. USA, c.1838, MIM PHIM succeeded by Nathaniel Cleaves. Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, JOHN 1 England, 1630, MIM Table Sundial, 1630 = Soth. 1/22/73 = 7/23/73. signed "John Harris in the Strand." London. RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, JOHN 2 England, fl.1719-22, MIM Instrument = WHI. son of John Harris 1; called himself the partner of John Senex. Bullhead Court, Newgate Street, London. Taylor 2(59). suggest correction
HARRIS, JOHN 3 England, c.1746, MIM apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on Nov. 11, 1746, made free in the Company. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HARRIS, JOHN 4 England, c.1822, OIM 22 Hyde Street, Bloomsbury, London. Taylor 2(1578); Dewhirst. suggest correction
HARRIS, JOHN 5 England, c.1818, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Fairey of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 3 1818; he may be the same as John Harris 4. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
HARRIS, JOHN T. England, c.1823, apprenticed to William Elliott 1 in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 23, 1823. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HARRIS, JOSEPH 1 England, 1702-64, MIM designed a new cross-staff which was made by Thomas Heath 1 in 1730, and a new azimuth compass; author; Master of the Mint, 1748. Talgarth,Wales; London. Taylor 2(185); DNB; J. Brown 1; Moskowitz 109. suggest correction
HARRIS, JOSEPH 2 England, 1797, MIM apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1, of the Grocers' Company, on June 1, 1797. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HARRIS, MICHAEL England, c.1800, MIM mechanician to Edgerton Smith 1. Liverpool. Taylor 2(1148); Bryden 9; Goodison 1. suggest correction
HARRIS, R. England, 1745, MIM Universal Ring Dial, 1745 = Ecole Polytechnique, Paris. Guernesey, Channel Islands. Taylor 2(360); Daumas 1. suggest correction
HARRIS, RICHARD England, 1806-10, OIM 404 Strand, London. Taylor 2(1149). suggest correction
HARRIS, T., AND SON England, 1806-46, MIM OIM PHIM many examples of telescopes, microscopes, sundials, miniature globes and other mathematical instruments which may be found in most museums including NMM, DRE, KEN, PEA, USNM, ADL, etc. T.C.; Thomas Harris 2 and son; they took over Thomas Blunt's shop in 1823; barometer makers; "Opticians and Globe Makers to the King"; "Opticians to the Royal Family"; "Opticians to H.R.H. the Duke of Kent." 140 Fleet Street (1806); 20 Duke Street (1808); 30 Hyde Street, Bloomsbury (1810-17); 52 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury (sometimes just "British Museum")(1817-46); 50 High Holborn; 144a Oxford Street; all in London; also a branch in Hamburg. Taylor 2(1150); Brewington 1; Bell 2; Calvert 2; USNM; NMM 2; Moskowitz 107; Crawforth 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, THOMAS 1 England, pre-1782, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Cole 2 in the Merchant Taylors' Company; made free of the Company. Crawforth 8. suggest correction
HARRIS, THOMAS 2 England, 1767-1827, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = Victory Museum, Portsmouth, D.(1971), D.(1975); Microscope = D.(1976). apprenticed to George Linnell of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Sept.4, 1767; free of the Company by service in 1804; patented an astronomical ring; optician and barometer maker; took his son as a partner in 1806. 140 Fleet Street and 30 High Street, Bloomsbury; Great Russell Street (1817); 52 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury (1822); 47 High Holborn; all in London. Taylor 2(1150); Pipping 1; King 1; J. Brown 1; Bell 2; Michel 3; Court and von Rohr 3(194); RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, W. England, c.1850, MIM NIM OIM Telescope = RSM; Microscope = P.C.; Theodolite = X. London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, W. AND H. England, OIM Solar Microscope = X. Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
HARRIS, WILLIAM (1), AND CO. England, fl.1813-1839, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Parallel Rule = Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass.; Proportional Compasses = NMM-DI/DP.5, P.C.; Sextants = COO, PEA; Hodometers = KEN, D.(1969); Borda Circle = COO; Telescopes = KEN, NMM; Telescope with micrometer = D.(1973); Telescope, miniature, with case = ADL-N60; Theodolite = D.(1989); etc. T.C.; barometer makers; globe makers; usually signed "W. Harris and Co."; "Manufacturers of Optical, Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments." 47 High Holborn (1799-1812); 50 High Holborn, corner of Baywater Street (1813-48); corner of Brownlow Street (1836); all in London; and in Hamburg. Taylor 2(1151); Goodison 1; NMM 2; Portuguese Inventory; Dewhirst; Calvert 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Wynter 1; Crawforth 1; J. Collins 1; Moskowitz 132; Bryden 9; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, WILLIAM (1), AND SON England, fl.1839-, PHIM Sympiesometer = Christie 4/28/82; Barometer = Soth. 10/28/86. T.C.; "Harris's Patent Compensating Portable Barometer." 50 High Holborn, Corner of Brownlow Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1799-1848, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = NMM-S.133; Sextant = Maine Historical Society, Portland, Me.; Goniometer made for David Brewster in 1809; Microscopes = Soth. 4/22/65 and 10/3/88, D.(1975); Beam Compass = D.(1975); Proportional Compass = Weil Cat.29; Floating Sundials = D.(1985), Soth. 5/11/23; Orrery = NMM. T.C. 47 High Holborn (1799-1812); 50 High Holborn (1812-48); both in London. Taylor 2(1151); USNM; NMM 2; Coffeen 11; RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1820, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = NMM-O.213/65-12; Marine Barometers = Soth. 5/12/72 (2). signed "Harris, Optician to the King, 22 Cornhill". 20 and 22 Cornhill, London. Taylor 2(1353); Goodison 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
HARRIS, WILLIAM 3 England, 1797-1846, OIM Instrument = WHI. apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1811; free of the Company on Feb. 12, 1818. Great Russell Street and 63 King William Street, both in London. Taylor 2(1152); Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(242). suggest correction
HARRIS, WILLIAM SNOW England, 1791-1867, Sir William Snow Harris; invented a variation of Lind's anemometer and a new steering compass; F.R.S. 1831. G.L'E. Turner 24; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
HARRISON 1 England, PHIM Balance = Royal Institution; Coin Balance = Soth. 10/17/60. John or Thomas Harrison. RSW. suggest correction
HARRISON 2 England, fl.1838-c.1910, NIM Sextant = ADL-A168. No. 6 Dock Street, Hull. Aymar; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HARRISON 3 England, c.1780, OIM worked for Jesse Ramsden. London. Clay and Court. suggest correction
HARRISON AND CO. Canada, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. Montreal. RSW. suggest correction
HARRISON, C. England, 1725-1810, MIM Compass Sundial, silver, 1810 = OXF; Instrument = WHI; Compass Sundial, latitude 52°16' = D.(1983). Taylor 2(361); Dewhirst; Baillie 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; Coffeen D; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
HARRISON, CHARLES Ireland, 1766-1810, MIM Horizontal Sundial = Christie 7/5/71; Sundial =X. the dial at Christie is signed "Harrison." Limerick. Fennell; RSW. suggest correction
HARRISON, EDWARD England, fl.1686-1700, claimed to have designed an improved quadrant and to have invented a new instrument. Taylor 1(442). suggest correction
HARRISON, JOHN England, 1693-1776, MIM PHIM Chronometer No.1 (1735), No.2, No.3 (1759) and No.4 = NMM. invented and developed the chronometer, which proved to be the first practical way to measure longitude; made a precision balance and other instruments; clockmaker. Barston-on-Humber; Orange Street, London; Red Lion Square, London. Taylor 2(60); DNB; Evans 1; Andrewes; G.L'E. Turner 24; NMM 2; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
HARRISON, JOHN AND WILLIAM England, 1761, NIM Octant, commemorative, 1761 = NMM. "H.M.S. Deptford, Jhn. and Wm. Harrison... Nov. 15, 1761." NMM 2. suggest correction
HARRISON, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1711-1719, MIM apprenticed to John Johnson 3 in the Grocers' Company, October 10, 1704; free of the Grocers' Company, November 10, 1711,(o.s.) Bishopsgate Street (1711); Crooked Lane (1714); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HARRISON, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1734 - 1776, sea captain; may have devised an azimuth compass. Taylor 2(268); Bedini 8. suggest correction
HARRISON, M. invented the "New Era or Patent Coast Navigator." Christie 10/31/67. suggest correction
HARRISON, MR. England, fl.1838-1910?, NIM trade sign; see Harrison 3. Aymar. suggest correction
HARRISON, SAMUEL England, c.1830, PHIM Coin Balance = OXF. Birmingham. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
HARRISON, THOMAS England, c.1760, PHIM Balance = THO. Cannon Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
HARRISON, WILLIAM England, c.1676, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
HARROCH, G.V. Germany, c.1700, MIM Table Sundials = STS, Melk Stift. the work resembles that of Ulrich Harvolk. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HART 1 England, c.1800, MIM SIM Theodolites = Soth. 3/19/73, D.; Surveyor's Level = D.(1971). Birmingham. Bryden 9; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
HART 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HART 3 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 1/22/88. Devizes. RSW. suggest correction
HART, JOSEPH England, fl.1787-1801, OIM optician. 5 Digbeth, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
HART, N. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Woolwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HART, NAPHTALY England, 1801, patented a goniometer, 1801. Pimlico, London. Taylor 2(1153). suggest correction
HART, WILLIAM USA, 1734-1812, MIM NIM SIM Backstaves = ADL-A170 (1763), Bourne 11/155/89 (1767); Surveyor's Compass, 1801, and Graphometer, 1753 = New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord. loyalist; Bourne backstaff made of holly and mahogany. Portsmouth, N.E. (New Hampshire). Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 8; Moskowitz 110; D.J. Warner 8; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HARTAULT ET MAGNY France, 1769, OIM Nachet. suggest correction
HARTENSTEIN, CHRISTLIEB BENEDICT FUNCK Germany, MIM Christlieb Benedict Funck von Hartenstein; see Funck; globe maker. Grötzsch 1; RSW. suggest correction
HARTING-BANK, H.J. Holland, MIM scientific instrument maker. Utrecht. USNM. suggest correction
HARTLEY, J.G. Scotland, fl.1820-23, MIM compass maker. Newhaven, near Leith. Taylor 2(1579). suggest correction
HARTLEY, MARCELLUS USA, 1828-1902, MIM SIM first worked for Francis Tomes and Co.; worked for Young, Smith and Co. until 1854; then joined Schuyler, Hartley and Graham to 1880; from 1880 to 1900 the firm was known as Hartley and Graham; it was the M. Hartley Company in 1900-02. 6 Maiden Lane; 2 and 4 Maiden Lane (-1854); 13 Maiden Lane (1854-55); 19 Maiden Lane (1863-64); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
HARTMANN, GEORG Germany, 1489-1564, MIM prolific maker of very fine instruments including astrolabes, sundials, etc.; examples may be seen at ADL, PBN, OXF, UTR, NMM, VIE, DRE, PRN, NUR, KES, LIE, FLO, TIM, etc; the dated instruments are from 1524 on. designer; author; the astronomical compendium at the Adler Planetarium, ADL-A7, is a fake; the rete of the ADL astrolabe is an abberant type. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi; Price 1 and 3; Michel 1 and 2; Hamilton 1; Czech Inventory; Engelmann 1; NMM 2; ICA 2; Maddison 1; Falcke; Van Cittert 1; Behaim Cat.; DSB; Ward 4; de Rük; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Gouk 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HARTMANN, LEONHARDUS Switzerland, fl.1642-48, MIM SIM Circumferentor and Sundial, 1642 = WUR; Nocturnal, 1648 = ZUR; Proportional Dividers = LID. St. Gallen. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HARTNACK, EDMUND France; Germany, 1826-91, OIM Microscopes = Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, LEY, Phillips 11/16/88. Dr. Edmund Hartnack; pupil and partner of Georges Oberhauser, his uncle; see G. Oberhauser and E. Hartnack; joined the firm in 1857; took over the business in 1860; took A. Prazmouski as a partner, 1865-70; went to Potsdam in 1870; Prazmouski stayed in Paris; the firm continued past 1900. Place Dauphine 21, Paris (1857-70); Potsdam (1870-91). Pipping 1; Fürst; van der Star 1; G.L'E. Turner 27; Moskowitz 132; RSW. suggest correction
HARTSOEKER, NICOLAAS Holland; France; Germany, 1656-1725, MIM OIM SIM Leveling Instrument = KAS; Lens, 1688 = LEY; Lens = UTP; Microscope, ivory = KAS. also made telescopes. Paris (1678-79); Rotterdam (1679-84); Passy, Paris (1684-96); Düsseldorf (1704-16); Utrecht until 1725. Rooseboom 1; Evans 1; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Offenbacher; USNM; Daumas 1; Nachet; Clay and Court. suggest correction
HARTSTON, JAMES Ireland, c.1760, MIM Theodolite = P.C.(1987). Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
HARVEY AND LEWIS CO., THE USA, c.1850, the name appears on a telescope signed "Bardou and Son, Paris." Hartford and New Haven, Conn., and Springfield, Mass. Eldred 10/11/75. suggest correction
HARVEY AND PEAK England, c.1850, PHIM Leiden Jar = WHI. London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
HARVEY, THOMAS England, fl.1657-63, designed a stereographic quadrant. Taylor 1(269). suggest correction
HARVOLK, ULRICH Austria, 1685, MIM Skaphe, 1685 = Graz Sternwarte; Table Dial = OXF; Ring Dial = VIE. Vienna. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
HARVOLKH, HANS ULRICH MIM Rule, four sided = VEN. RSW. suggest correction
HASEBROEK, JOACHIM Holland, 1672-1756, NIM Cross-staves, = HAK (1734), Northern Marine Museum, Groningen (1752), Admiralty House, Dokkum (1753). the name is sometimes spelt "Haasebroek"; the instrument in the HAK is the staff only, no vanes; succeesor to Jacobus Robijn?; Hasebroek bought a set of copper plates for printing nautical charts at the sale of Isaac Swigler's business in 1750. Nieuwebrugsteeg, Amsterdam (1742). Mörzer Bruyns 2 & 4; RSW. suggest correction
HASENBANCK, JOHANN OTTO Germany, b. 1682; fl.1715-51, MIM NIM Magnetic Compass, 1751 = X; Sectors = HAK, X (1715), P.C.; Protractor = D.(1997). 1751 date for magnetic compass seems to be too late, perhaps a misreading; P.C. and D. signed "Hasenbanck Hamb: Fec:", with the "b" having a cross bar like a "t." Hamburg. Schück 2; Rohde; Coffeen 56; RSW. suggest correction
HASENFRATZ, KONRAD see Konrad Dasypodius. Tooley; Globus, Dec., 1956. suggest correction
HASERT, PROF. BRUNO USA, 1851, OIM Microscope = CZJ. Cincinnati, Ohio. RSW. suggest correction
HASHAM, STEPHEN see Stephen Hassam. Smart 1. suggest correction
HASLAM, HENRY England, fl.1668-1675, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company by 1668; had Gregory Tengay as an apprentice, 1668-1675; Master as proxy for Turlington, Jan.1668-69; his widow carried on as owner after July 1675. St. Clement Danes, London (1670). Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(15); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
HASLAM, MRS. England, c.1675, OIM the widow of Henry Haslam; she took over Gregory Tengay as an apprentice, he was made free of the Spectaclemakers' Company on July 1, 1675. London. Court and von Rohr 3(15); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
HASSALL AND CO. England, c.1797, MIM rule makers. Bull Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
HASSAM, STEPHEN USA, c.1788, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1788 = Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich. clockmaker. Charlestown, New Hampshire. Smart 1; Bedini 17. suggest correction
HASSELSTROM, JOHAN GUSTAF Sweden, 1747-1812, MIM OIM SIM Instruments (9) = STT; Microscope = Physics Institute, Uppsala University; Universal Equatorial Sundial = SWE; Surveying Instrument = NOR; Transverse Scale = STM. Johan Gustaf Hasselström, apprenticed to G.O. Duhre; in business alone in 1775; brief partnership with Johan Ihrmark; instrument maker to the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, 1777-1812; taught by J.P. Rosenberg; signed some instruments "I.G.H." (3), which see. Stockholm. Pipping 1; Fürst; Coffeen 9; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HASSENFRATZ, J.H. France, c.1805, PHIM Barometer, siphon-type, 1805 = CNAM. scale marked "Divisé et Gravé par Lorichon, floreal an 13", (April, 1805). Middleton 1. suggest correction
HASSLER, FERDINAND RUDOLPH Switzerland; USA, 1770-1843, MIM PHIM Balance = USNM; Repeating Circle = USNM. first superintendent of the Coast Survey, 1817-43; worked with Benjamin Stancliff in 1834. Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
HASSLER, IZAAC USA, 1848, OIM manufactured all kinds of optical glass. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
HATCH, JOHN England, c.1693, MIM apprenticed to Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company on April 6, 1685; free of the Company on July 3, 1693. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HATFIELD, A.L. USA, c.1830, MIM Adding Machine = P.C. "Inventor and Manufacturer." Lewisburg, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
HATFIELD, JOHN England, c.1676, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
HATTON, EDWARD England, c.1721, author; invented a diagonal circular instrument to convert measurements, weights, etc. into decimal units. Mancevice 8. suggest correction
HATTON, JOHN 1 England, c.1700, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
HATTON, JOHN 2 England, c.1779, won an award on how to obtain an invariable measure of length. London. Taylor 2(728). suggest correction
HATTON, THOMAS England, fl.1740-74, MIM PHIM made slide rules for hydrostatic balances, also various other rules and balances. Lancashire (pre-1766); London (by 1772). Taylor 2(362); Bryden 9. suggest correction
HAUER, JOH. Germany, 1617, MIM Celestial Globe Goblet on Atlas, 1617 = Albertinum, Dresden. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
HAUG, G. FR. Germany, 18th Century, NIM Sextant, wood = BAS. Stuttgart. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HAUKSBEE, FRANCIS 1 England, b.1666 fl.1700-13, PHIM Air Pump = Longleat House, Wilts.; Balance = OXF. invented a double barrel air pump; "Operator to the Royal Society"; F.R.S.; uncle to Francis Hauksbee 2; author. Giltspur Street, without Newgate; Wine Office Court, Fleet Street; Hind Court, Fleet Street; all in London. Taylor 1(519); Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; DNB; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1. suggest correction
HAUKSBEE, FRANCIS 2 England, 1687-1763, OIM PHIM Stick Barometers = P.C.(2), K.and C. 4/7/76; Electrical Machine = KEN; Thermometer = X. T.C.; designed a telescope with John Hadley; nephew of and apprenticed to Francis Hauksbee 1; made telescopes. near St. Dunstan's Church, Crane Court, Fetter Lane, London. Taylor 1(553); Taylor 2(63); Goodison 1; DNB; Calvert 2; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; USNM; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1. suggest correction
HAULL, AREVIDSSEN Norway, OIM Telescope = OMM. RSW. suggest correction
HAUPOIX, JEAN France, b.1761 fl.1786-95, MIM Micrometer, 1795 = CNAM; Micrometers = CNAM; Equatorial Instrument, incomplete = CNAM; mounting for Dollond Telescope = NMM. invented a complicated equatorial instrument. 6 rue Bourg-l'Abbé, Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Daumas 1; Nachet; NMM 2; USNM. suggest correction
HAUSELEY, WILLIAM England, c.1720, apprenticed in 1706 to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company; may be "Houlsey"; free in the Company, 1720. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HAUSER Astronomical Ring, silver, marked "Hauser Augsburg" = Soth. 7/12/71 = P.C.; Universal Ring Sundial marked "Hauser Wein" = P.C. both of these instruments are modern English forgeries, probably by Williams. Brieux 4; RSW. suggest correction
HAUSER, MATHIAS Austria, c.1728, invented a form of universal ring sundial, which was made by Bernard Polanski, which see. Vienna? Zinner 1; MADEX; NMM 2; Roussel Coll. suggest correction
HAUTEFEUILLE, ABBE JEAN DE France, OIM Abbé Jean de Hautefeuille; made a microscope with a micrometer. Nachet. suggest correction
HAUTPOIS variant spelling for Haupoix. USNM. suggest correction
HAUTSCH, VAL. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Equatorial Table Sundial = LIN; Horizontal Sundial = Koller 11/17/75 Heidelberg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
HAUXLEY, EDWARD England, fl.1736-46, claimed to have designed an improved azimuth compass; author. London. Taylor 2(270). suggest correction
HAVART, WILLIAM Scotland, c.1662, MIM Horizontal Sundial, bronze, 1662 = RSM. Bryden 3; Morrison-Low. suggest correction
HAVARTI, GUGLIELMUS England, see William Howard. Somerville. suggest correction
HAVARTO, GULIEMO Italy; Scotland?, c.1660, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1660 = Fife Folk Museum, Ceres; Garden Sundial = RSM. "authore"; "Cello Cuthberti"; "mathematicko"; the garden dial is for the latitude of Edinburgh. Edinburgh? Bryden 3; RSW. suggest correction
HAVEAS, THEODORUS Holland, c.1576, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Cleves. Gatty. suggest correction
HAVET Belgium?, 1795, MIM Garden Sundial, slate, 1795 = LIE. Michel 9. suggest correction
HAVILAND, WILLIAM England, 1718-84, Col. William Haviland; invented a military slide rule called the Haviland, made by Anthony Lamb in 1760. Bedini 8. suggest correction
HAWES 1 England, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 2/21/66. London. RSW. suggest correction
HAWES 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometers = Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight, Soth.-S 10/19/89; Baroeter = Soth.-S 10/19/89. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HAWES, JOHN England, fl.1670-78, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took apprentices. Creechurch (1670); Little Eastcheap (1672); both in London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
HAWIS England, c.1850, OIM Telescope = Chevau-Légers 2/28/82. perhaps a dealer; signed also "from Dollonds." 79 Lidenhall Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
HAWKES 1 England, c.1755, MIM developed an orrery. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
HAWKES 2 England, see Brookes and Hawkes Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
HAWKES, STEPHEN England, fl.1852-74, MIM 17 Great Sutton Street, Clerkenwell (1852-56); 22 Great Sutton Street (1868-74); both in London. O'Mara. suggest correction
HAWKINS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Southampton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HAWKINS, JOHN ISAAC USA, c.1801, invented the "Physiognotrace", a machine to draw silhouettes. Bedini 8. suggest correction
HAWKINS, THOMAS England, fl.1820-36, MIM PHIM 16 Perry (or Percy) Street, King's Cross, London. Taylor 2(1582); O'Mara. suggest correction
HAWKS see Hall and Hawks. suggest correction
HAWKSBEE misreading for Hauksbee. suggest correction
HAWNEY, WILLIAM England, fl.1710-50, MIM author of "The Complete Measurer" (1717); supplied sundials and quadrants. Lydd, Kent. Taylor 2(64); Evans 1. suggest correction
HAWTHORN, ROBERT England, c.1832, civil engineer; devised a hinged, engineering slide rule in 1832, made by G.T. Brumell. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Delehar 9. suggest correction
HAWTHORNE, E. England, OIM Telescope = D.(1971). London. RSW. suggest correction
HAY Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1972). Regency. Aberdeen. RSW. suggest correction
HAY AND LYALL Scotland, MIM Surveyor's Compass = D.(1972). 2 Market Street, Aberdeen. RSW. suggest correction
HAY, CMDR. England, c.1840, Protractor with pointers = P.C. probably the owner; the insciption includes "invented instrument - J.R. Stebbing, F.R.A.S." Southampton. RSW. suggest correction
HAYCOCK, SAMUEL England, fl.1770-1818, MIM apprenticed to John Mansell, ran away May 16, 1770; made surveyor's tapes, etc. Bagot Street; Woodcock Street; both in Birmingham. Taylor 2(2147); Bryden 9. suggest correction
HAYDEN, JOHN USA, PHIM Stick Barometer = BMM. "improved marine barometer." Bath, Me. RSW. suggest correction
HAYDON England, fl.1825-40, PHIM see Williams and Haydon; barometer makers. Aldermanbury, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
HAYE France, c.1716, MIM SIM Butterfield-type Sundials = ADL-A3, ADL-A242, NMM, FLO, Schuhmann Coll., P.C.(1969), Christie 4/3/85; Inclinable Sundial = ADL-DPW2; Universal Ring Sundials = SPI-2840, Soth. 12/12/55; Horizontal Sundial = D.(1976); Proportional Dividers = NMM; Sectors = NMM-DI, BRP; Set of Astronomical Instruments = MERC = Constantin Coll. = Soth. 7/5/55 = OXF; Compass = PAC; Graphometer = P.C.; Horizontal Sundial, with movable hour plate = WHI; etc. "Ingénieur"; surely Thomas Haye; devised "La Règle Horaire" and wrote a book about it, 1716. Paris. Daumas 1; NMM 2; Michel 3; Brieux 2; Pippa; MADEX; Nachet; Hamilton 1; Maddison 5; A.J. Turner 10; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HAYE, THOMAS France, 18th Century, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = Soth. 4/16/56. the sundial is signed "T. Haye". Paris. Evans 1. suggest correction
HAYES, JAMES England, fl.1785-96, MIM NIM Octant ,"made for Thomas Spencer" = Liverpool Museum. Old Dock No.63 then No.67 and later No.57, Liverpool. Taylor 2(846). suggest correction
HAYES, NICHOLAS misreading for W. Hayes on ADL-T28. Dyer. suggest correction
HAYES, W. Nocturnal = ADL-T28; Sundials = ADL-T34 and ADL-T36. the nocturnal and the sundials are modern instruments made by D.B. Sheehan, New York, c.1900. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HAYES, WALTER England, fl.1642-92, MIM Astrolabe = BM (ICA-445); Panorganons = ADL-T35, SAN, GEL; sundials, rules and sectors may be found in ADL, OXF, NMM, KEN, Newbury Museum, BMR, BM, NYM, etc. apprenticed to John Allen 1, of the Grocers' Company, on Feb. 22, 1631; free of the Company, June 14, 1642; admitted to the Clockmakers' Company in 1667; Master of the Clockmakers' Company in 1680; he was one of the most skillful instrument makers and engravers of the period; T.C. Birchin Lane, Cornhill; Sign of the Cross Daggers, next the Pope's Head Tavern, Moorfields; both in London. Taylor 1(251); J. Brown 1 & 3; Michel 3; NMM 2; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Price 1, 2 and 3; ICA-2; Belgian Inventory; Calvert 2; Ward 4; Baillie 1; Nachet; Crawforth 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Leybourn; Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HAYMAN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Launceston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HAYNES, ROBERT England, c.1779, apprenticed to John Blake in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 28, 1779. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HAYTON, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/20/88. Hereford. RSW. suggest correction
HAYWARD England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ashford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HAZARD, E.M. c.1780, NIM Octant = Mystic Seaport, Conn. might be the owner. The Log of Mystic Seaport, Summer, 1941. suggest correction
HAZELZET, JOS. Holland, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-A June, 1977. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
HEADLAM England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 4 Silver Street, Stockton-on-Tees. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HEADY, GEORGE England, c.1675, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Clockmakers' Company, 1675. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HEALD, ALFRED England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. watch and clock maker, optician, barometer maker, sometimes signed "Heald" or "A. Heald." High Street, Wisbech. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
HEALY, JOHN Ireland, fl.1806-12, PHIM made electrical machines. 43 Jame's Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
HEALY, SAMUEL Ireland, fl.1795-1839, MIM PHIM sometimes spelled Healey; made electrical machines; electrician; chandler. 43 James's Street, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
HEARN, C. Scotland, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/16/86. Montrose. RSW. suggest correction
HEARNE AND HARRISON Canada, MIM SIM surveying and other instruments. Montreal. USNM. suggest correction
HEARNE, GEORGE England, fl.1705-55, MIM OIM Telescope, 1690 = DRE; Telescopes = DRE, LEY, MLL, P.C.; Micrometer = DRE; Instrument Etui = RSM. apprenticed to Edward Barber of the Joiners' Company, Feb 1, 1697; free of the Company, Sept. 4, 1705; took an apprentice; sometimes spelled "Hearn"; he made a zenith sector with George Graham; made early, large reflecting telescopes; rectangular protractor in RSM etui is signed. Dogwell Court, White Friars, Fleet Street (1737-41); Sign of the Sphere, Sergeant's Inn, Chancery Lane; both in London. Taylor 2(185a); Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Grötzsch 2; Drechsler 2; Crawforth 7; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
HEARNE, JOHN England, c.1741, apprenticed to his father, George Hearne of the Joiners' Company on Jan. 9, 1732; free of the Company, Jan. 12, 1741. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HEARTTE, ISAAC T. USA, 1785-1836, sea captain; published "Heartte's Lunar Tables"; partner of John G. Brown (1830-31), see Brown and Heartte; partner of William Ewin from 1833 until Heartte's death in 1836, see Ewin and Heartte; probably only his partners were instrument makers. Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; Coffeen B; USNM. suggest correction
HEATH 1 England, pre-1793, OIM Compound Microscope = Earl of Bute Sale, 2/5/1793. G.L'E. Turner 2. suggest correction
HEATH 2 England, c.1850, MIM OIM PHIM Binocular Microscope = D.(1972); Rule, ivory, = Soth. 10/15/73; Stick Barometer = X; Telescope = Frank Coll. "Optician"; probably Thomas C. Heath or William Heath 2. Plymouth. Roux-Devilas Cat. No. 73; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HEATH AND CO. England, fl.1845-1910, NIM 2 Tower Royal, Cannon Street; Crayford (1905); New Eltham, S.E.9; all in London. Brewington; RSW. suggest correction
HEATH AND CORNISH England, fl.1850-52, MIM OIM PHIM William Heath and Thomas Cornish; barometer and instrument makers. 46 Fore Street, Devonport (1850-52). Goodison 1. suggest correction
HEATH AND WING England, 1751-73, MIM NIM OIM PHIM they made a wide range of instruments,including grand orreries, sundials, barometers, hodometers, pantographs, sextants, microscopes, etc.; examples may be seen at OXF, NMM, WHI, CNAM, USNM, ADL, Cooke's Shop in CMY, Castle Howard, etc. T.C.; Thomas Heath 1 and Tycho Wing; Wing was apprenticed to Heath, his father-in-law, on May 27, 1741 and became free of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 5 1751; Thomas Newman took over the firm in 1773. Hercules and Globe, Fountain Tavern, Exeter Exchange, in ye Strand, (1759), London. Taylor 2(362a); USNM; Goodison 1; Nachet; Baillie 1; Bryden 9 and 16; J.Brown 1; Calvert 2; Wynter 1 and 2; Crawforth 1; Hillier; Court and von Rohr 3(XXIV); ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HEATH, F. 1 England, c.1900, MIM Water Clock, dated 1675 = Sussex Archaeological Museum, Lewes. made by Pearson Page and Co., Birmingham. Devonport. Stevens and Aked; RSW. suggest correction
HEATH, F. 2 England, MIM Equatorial Ring Sundial = NAC. London. Nachet. suggest correction
HEATH, G. England, c.1850, NIM Octants = Ladd Observatory, Brown U., Providence, R.I., ADL-W166. Erith, Kent. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HEATH, J. 1 England, c.1740, MIM Universal Ring Dial with Compass = Evans Coll.; Equatorial Sundial = Wray-80. Gatty; RSW. suggest correction
HEATH, J. 2 England, c.1820, MIM Astrolabe, 1820 = Buffalo Museum of Science, N.Y. London. USNM. suggest correction
HEATH, J. 3 c.1890, MIM Equatorial Sundial = P.C. may have been made by D.B. Sheehan, New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
HEATH, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1720-73, MIM NIM PHIM SIM he made a wide range of instruments including grand orreries, sundials, barometers, hodometers, surveying instruments, a quadrant designed by Isaac Newton, etc.; examples of his work are at ADL, APS, OXF, CNAM, USNM, KEN, PAC, NMM, WHI, etc. T.C.; he was apprenticed to Benjamin Scott of the Grocers' Company, 1712; free of the Company, 1720; took Tycho Wing, his son-in-law, as a partner, 1751; Master of the Company, 1773. London; near the Fountain Tavern in the Strand (1720); at the Hercules and Globe, next the Fountain Tavern, near Exeter Exchange, Strand (1729); Hercules and Globe near Beaufort Buildings in the Strand (1734-73). Taylor 1(575) & 2(66); Goodison 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Calvert 2; J. Brown 1; Michel 3; USNM; Crawforth 1; Bryden 16; Multhauf 1; Maddison 3; G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HEATH, THOMAS 2 England, 1746, apprenticed to his father, Thomas Heath 1, of the Grocers' Company on June 6, 1746. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HEATH, THOMAS C. England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Telescope, eight draw = DeLuca 8/1/87. optician; barometer maker; watchmaker; the telescope was signed "Heath, 24 George St. Plymouth;" see Heath 2. 24 George Street, Plymouth. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
HEATH, THOMAS CORNISH see Heath and Cornish. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HEATH, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1850-57, MIM OIM PHIM Theodolites = P.C. (1968), Christie 4/3/85; Stadiometers = OXF, Christie 7/12/67. often signed "W. Heath"; worked with Thomas Cornish in 1850; "Optician." 46 Fore Street (1850-52); 116 Fore Street (1857); both in Devonport. Taylor 2(1879a); Goodison 1; Bell 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
HEATH, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1850, MIM PHIM SIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/28/72; Theodolite = Ineichen 10/20/75; Microscope - Christie 11/22/78. see Heath 2. 24 George Street, Plymouth. RSW. suggest correction
HEATHCOTE, P. England, PHIM barometer maker. Burnley. Bell 2. suggest correction
HEATHER, NICHOLAS England, c.1700, apprenticed to Thomas Tompion in the Clockmakers' Company. Robischon. suggest correction
HEATHER, WILLIAM England, fl.1763-1815, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = OMM; Reflecting Circle = NMM; Sextants, ebony and ivory = P. & S. 4/3/1894, Philadelphia, PA. Maritime Museum, P.C. T.C.; some instruments signed "Heather"; succeeded by J.W. Norie and Co.; sold charts, books, instruments, etc. The Navigation Warehouse, 157 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(604); Calvert 2; Brewington 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
HEATING see Straub and Heating. RSW. suggest correction
HEBAN France, c.1785, MIM Héban; he made the frame for the large quadrant at the Paris Observatory. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
HEBERT France, PHIM Hébert; designed a variant of the zograscope; an example may be found at Colonial Williamsburg, Va. RSW. suggest correction
HEBRAEUS, BENEDICT c.1643, independently invented the Vernier scale. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
HEBRAEUS, LEO see Levi ben Gerson. Michel 3. suggest correction
HECKER, ARNOLD Germany, 1678, MIM Theodolite, 1678 = BRE-234. Leostein. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HECKINGER, DANIEL Germany, fl.1640-55, MIM Armillary Sphere = P.C.(1969); Universal Ring Sundial = DRE (lost). Augsburg. Bobinger 2; Zinner 1; Guye and Michel; RSW. suggest correction
HEDGE, L. USA, c.1850, MIM Gunter Rule, boxwood = D.(1995). see Lemuel Hedge. Hartford, Con. Coffeen 51. suggest correction
HEDGE, LEMUEL USA, 1827, invented a machine for dividing scales, patented in 1827; see L. Hedge and Son. Windsor; Brattleboro; both in Vermont. Bedini 8; Coffeen 51. suggest correction
HEDLEY, JOHN England, c.1849, Inspector of Mines; invented a form of a miners' surveying compass, c.1849. Coffeen D; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
HEEBER, C.G. Holland, fl.1826-29, MIM instrument and compass maker. Ould Waal 11 (1826-27); Buitenkant, 2nd house off the Kalkmarkt (1828); both in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
HEEMSTEDE, BARON VAN UTENHAVE VAN Belgium, marked on vertical sundial, 1831, at UTR. Jutphaas. deRijk. suggest correction
HEERDEN, JAN VAN Holland, c.1742, MIM instrument maker, 1742. Warmoesstraat, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
HEGGENAUR, JOHANN BALTHASAR Germany, 1713-79, MIM sundial maker; see I.B.H. Augsburg. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
HEGGIN, FRANCIS VAN Scotland, c.1669, MIM submitted a sundial as proof of his competence, to the Incorporation of Hammermen of Canongate, 1669. Edinburgh. Bryden 15. suggest correction
HEIDANUS, PIETER SIERDS Holland, 19th Century, OIM Telescope = FRI. Hallum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
HEIDEN, CHRISTIAN Germany, 1526-76, MIM Astrolabe, 1552, (ICA-553); Globes, Sundials, Quadrants, Pillar Sundials, Diptych Sundials, Skaphes, etc.; examples may be seen at OXF, DRE, NUR, KAS, KEN, VIE, etc. invented a new form of level. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gunther 1 and 2; Abeler 1; Michel 1 and 2; Baillie 1; Drechsler 2; Behaim Cat.; Lubke; ICA 2; Price 1; Maurice; Lunardi; Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
HEIDEN, JOANNES-PAULINUS Germany, 1577, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1577 = NMM-D.269. might be the son of Christian Heiden. Nürnberg. Michel 1, 2 and 3; NMM 2. suggest correction
HEIGHMORE, NATHANIEL England, 1613-85, MIM Quadrant with Nocturnal = Ilbert Coll. may be dated 1633. Dorsetshire; London. Taylor 1(178); Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
HEIGHWAY England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Cambridge. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HEILMANN, C.W. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = WHI. Bryden 16. suggest correction
HEIN, HANNS Germany, 1555, PHIM Balance with Level, 1555 = DRE. Drechsler 2. suggest correction
HEINING, CHRISTIANUS Germany, c.1650, PHIM Sand Glass with four flasks = BASH. Leipzig; Thurm. RSW. suggest correction
HEINLEIN, JOHANN JAKOB Germany, 1623, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial, incomplete, 1623 = Art Institute, Chicago, Ill. this is made up from parts of two different sundials; signed "Johann Jakob Heinlein fecit Februarius, 1623 Nürnberg"; the signature, "And. Vogler" appears on another part. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
HEINRICH, JOHAN Germany, 1590, MIM Astrolabe Plate, 1590 = Landesmuseum, Zurich. calendar on the back. Ober Kan. RSW. suggest correction
HEINTZ, MATTHAUS Germany, 1631, MIM Circumferentor, 1631 = DRE (damaged during the war); Astronomical Compendium = PRA. Zinner lists the PRA instrument under "Haintz." Zwickaw; Leipzig. Zinner 1; Grötzsch 2; Horsky and Skopova; Drechsler 2; Evans 1; Czech Inventory. suggest correction
HEINTZ, MICEL Germany, MIM Artillery Level = STU. RSW. suggest correction
HEINZE Denmark, PHIM Sympsiometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
HEISELY AND SON USA, fl.1811-pre1843, MIM Surveyor's Compass = Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich. Frederick Heisely and his son George Jacob Heisely; also listed as clockmakers. Harrisburg, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
HEISELY, FREDERICK USA, 1759-1843, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Ohio State Museum, Columbus/ Audubon Shrine, Audubon, Pa./ William Penn Memorial Museum, Harrisburg, Pa./ P.C. (2)/ USNM. apprenticed to George Hoff; see Hoff and Heisely; also made clocks. Fredericktown, Md. (1783-93) and (1798-1811); Lancaster, Pa. (1793-98); Harrisburg, Pa. (1811-43). Smart 1; Bedini 1 and 17; USNM. suggest correction
HEISELY, FREDERICK AUGUSTUS USA, 1792-1875, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = GUR, Blair County Historical Society, Altoona, Pa. son of Frederick Heisely and brother of George Jacob Heisely. Harrisburg, Pa. (1815?-1836); 6 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1837-71). Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
HEISELY, GEORGE JACOB USA, 1789-1880, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Campus Martius, Marietta, Ohio/ William Penn Memorial Museum, Harrisburg, Pa. son of Frederick Heisely and probably apprenticed to him; partner with him as Heisely and Son, from 1811 until Frederick Heisely retired; he was the brother of Frederick Augustus Heisely; he was also listed as a clockmaker. Fredericktown, Md.; West Corner of Second and Walnut Streets, Harrisburg, Pa.(1838-80). Bedini 1 and 17; Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
HEISS, CAROLUS ANSELMUS Austria, 1749, MIM Pedometer, 1749 = ADL-M232. he described himself as a "Geometrica." Linz. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HELDEN, ONESIPHORUS Germany, fl.1632-48, MIM Sundial = Christie 10/16/62. RSW. suggest correction
HELFFRICHT, CHARLES F. Germany; USA, 1816-63, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, 1853 = GUR; Surveyor's Compass = D.(1972). made or sold nautical compasses; joined his brother, William Helffricht, in 1841; the name is sometimes spelled Helffrecht or Helfbright. 54 Vine Street (1841); Sign of the Quadrant, 122 South Front Street, between Walnut and Dock Streets (1849-57); 140 South Sixth Street (1859); all in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 10 and 12.; RSW. suggest correction
HELFFRICHT, WILLIAM Germany; USA, 1807-76, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, D.(1971), X; D.(1986). T.C.; settled in Philadelphia in 1825; succeeded William Davenport in 1838; brother of Charles F. Helffricht who joined him in 1841. at the old established stand of the late William Davenport, Sign of the Quadrant, No. 25 South Front Street (1829); Sign of the Quadrant, 240 South Front Street; both in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Moskowitz 103; USNM; D.J. Warner 10 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
HELIG, JOHN USA, 1765-1841, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Weschler Auction 5/22/76. clockmaker, silversmith. Germantown, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
HELLEMANS, PETRUS Austria; Italy, 1706, OIM Lens, 1706 = DEU. "opticus." Rome from 1706 on. Pipping 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
HELLER AND BRIGHTLY USA, 1870-1912, MIM SIM Transit = D.(1994). Charles S. Heller and Charles H. Brightly were partners from 1870 to 1889 when Brightly retired; Heller continued the firm until he died in 1912. Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Garcelon 33. suggest correction
HELLER, CHARLES S. USA, 1839-1912, MIM SIM worked for William J. Young, 1855-67; partner in William J. Young and Co. with William J. Young and Thomas N. Watson, 1867-70; formed a partnership with Charles H. Brightly in 1870 as Heller and Brightly; the firm continued until Heller's death in 1912. Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
HELLERMAN misreading for Hellemans Daumas 1. suggest correction
HELLESTROM Sweden, OIM Telescope = SWE. Peter or Carl Peter Helleström. Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
HELLESTROM, CARL PETER Sweden, 1792-1853, OIM son of Peter Hellestrom; sometimes spelled Hellström. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
HELLESTROM, PETER Sweden, 1758-1826, OIM Set of Telescopes for the optical telegraph, 1810 = X; Microscopes = SWE. carried on Carl Odelstierna's shop from 1795 on; sometimes spelled Hellström. Stockholm. Pipping 1 and 2. suggest correction
HELLIER, JAMES England, fl.1793-1807, PHIM made sand glasses for the Navy. London. Taylor 1(988). suggest correction
HELLMUTH, CHARLES GABRIEL England, 1786, MIM apprenticed to William Morris of the Grocers' Company, Dec. 7, 1786. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HELLYER, THOMAS England, 1774, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory, 1774 = RSM. London. RSW. suggest correction
HELMSLEY, JOSHUA see Thomas and Joshua Helmley. Taylor 2(1583). suggest correction
HELMSLEY, THOMAS England, fl.1819-46, MIM NIM Gunter's Scale = PEA; Hadley's Quadrants = VNN, X. he was joined by his brother, Joshua, in 1826; joined by his son in 1837. 11 King Street, (Litle) Tower Hill (1836) and 4 King Street, London. Taylor 2(1354) & (1583); Coulson; Brewington 1. suggest correction
HELMSLEY, THOMAS AND JOSHUA England, fl.1826-36, MIM OIM Instrument = X. 11 King Street, Tower Hill, London. Taylor 2(1583); Brewington 1. suggest correction
HELMSLEY, THOMAS, AND SON England, c.1837, NIM OIM Sextant = Soth. 6/16/75; Octant = VNN. T.C. 4 King Street, Tower Hill, London. Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
HELSBECCIUS, M. JOH. Germany, fl.1590-99, MIM Perpetual Calendars, stone, 1590 = HAK, DEU. the calendar in HAK is also marked "R.F." (1); a STU Catalogue of 1913 shows a clockmaker named Helsbeccius in 1599. Zinner 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
HELVELIUS, HOWEKLE Holland, c.1700, MIM Celestial Globe = NMM-Caird. Amsterdam. NMM 2. suggest correction
HELY, ALFRED AUGUSTUS England, c.1850, OIM Pocket Reflecting Telescope = X. 26 Upper Albany Street, Regent's Park, London. USNM. suggest correction
HELYE France, 18th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, with case = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
HEMINGWAY, ROBERT England, fl.1848-49, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 18 Brook Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HEMPEL France, c.1842, PHIM Balance = CNAM. see Hamann et Hempel. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
HEMPLER, H.H. USA, 1790-1873, MIM OIM PHIM patented a pocket sundial July 18, 1865. Washington, D.C. (1868-73). USNM. suggest correction
HEMPSTEAD, G. USA, 18th Century, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, wood = D.(pre-1983). Walpole, Mass. Price 2. suggest correction
HEMSLEY England, c.1800-1860, OIM Telescopes = D.(1974), DeLuca 10/24/81. London. RSW. suggest correction
HEMSLEY, HENRY 1 England, fl.1786-89, OIM PHIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took over Thomas Hemsley 1 as an apprentice from James Martin in 1789. 85 Fleet Street, London. J. Brown 1; Millburn 11. suggest correction
HEMSLEY, HENRY 2 England, fl.1828-56, NIM OIM PHIM SIM Octants = FRK, Atwater Kent Museum, Phila. Pa., Soth. 3/19/73; Marine Barometers = X, Phillips 11/16/88. 135 Ratcliff Highway (1828-45); 140 St.George Street (1846); 140 Ratcliff Highway; 140 St. George Street, East: all in London. Taylor 2(2148); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HEMSLEY, J., AND SON England, OIM Telescope = Soth.-B 3/2/79. 4 King Street, Tower Hill, London. RSW. suggest correction
HEMSLEY, RICHARD JOHN England, c.1850, NIM Sextant = New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord. London. USNM. suggest correction
HEMSLEY, THOMAS 1 England, c.1801, MIM OIM apprenticed to James Martin of the Grocers' Company on June 3, 1784; turned over to Henry Hemsley 1, of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Feb. 14, 1789; free of the Grocers' Company on May 7, 1801. J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
HEMSLEY, THOMAS 2 England, c.1836, NIM Compass = AMST. might be same as Thomas Helmsley. London. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
HEN, HENDRIK Holland, 1770-1819, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Microscope, 1807 = ANH (1891 exhibit); Electrical Machine = University Museum, Groningen; Thermometer = LEY; Burning Glass = TEY; Solar Microscopes = Museum voor het Onderwijs, the Hague, LEY. also made octants and telescopes. Kalverstraat bij de R.C. Kerk de Papegaai 35, Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; van der Star 1; Crommelin 1; Daumas 1; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 7 & 24; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
HENDER, EDMUND England, fl.1820-47, PHIM barometer maker. Fore Street, Bodmin. Bell 2. suggest correction
HENDERSON invented a surveying instrument called a hypthonite; possibly Ebenezer or William Henderson. Soth. 7/7/78. suggest correction
HENDERSON, EBENEZER England, 1809-79, MIM mechanician; author; invented and constructed a three-wheel orrery before 1841; made an astronomical clock. London. DNB; Magazine of Science, London, 1841. suggest correction
HENDERSON, THOMAS Ireland, 1750, MIM Sundial, slate, 1750 = Evans Coll. Dublin. Evans 1. suggest correction
HENDERSON, WILLIAM England, 1826, MIM Kylephemeris, cardboard, 1826 = D.(1988). patented Jan., 1826. RSW. suggest correction
HENDRICK, BARENT Holland, c.1590, MIM Compass Sundials, in ivory barrels = ADL-M367, NOR; Sundial = FRY Coll. the dial in NOR is punchmarked "B.H." Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Gunther 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HENDRICKSON, D. Holland, 1650, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1650 = D.(1981). Wynter 1 (1981). suggest correction
HENLEY England, c.1770, designed an electrometer; F.R.S. Courtanvaux; Moskowitz 107; suggest correction
HENLEY, WILLIAM THOMAS England, fl.1844-48, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 28 Hayden Street, Minories, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HENNEQUIN France, 18th Century?, MIM Graphometer, very large = D.(1976). Caen. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
HENNESSY, B.H. England, c.1800, MIM Sextants = Soth.12/2/74 and Christie 10/6/76; Circumferentor = Kenny sale; Comet Seeker = Bar at 2121 P Street, N.W. Washington D.C. T.C. in octant box = NMM-S.193/59-3; the instruments are often signed just "Hennessy." 5 Wind Street, Swansea. Taylor 2(1155); USNM; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
HENNING, VIET BALTHASAR Germany, 1707-62, MIM Sundial with Perpetual Calendar = DEU. gnomon missing; photograph in Lübke. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lübke. suggest correction
HENRI France, c.1850, "Oculiste, Opticien"; his name appears on a telescope signed "J.G. Hofmann, Paris." rue de Rivoli, 188, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
HENRICK, PETER Germany, 1612, MIM Astrolabe, 1612 = X. not in Price 1 or ICA 2. Strahlendorf. Nachet. suggest correction
HENRICUS DE HOLLANDIA surely Henri Arnault, which see. Zinner 1; Behaim Cat.; Price 1; ICA 2; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
HENRION, DENIS France, fl.1584?-1640, pseudony for Clément Cyriaque de Mangin; author; wrote on the sector. Rouen. Nachet; Daumas 1. suggest correction
HENRITSON, J. England, c.1780, OIM Microscope = D.(1975). owner? Hewitson? Newcastle-on-Tyne. Moskowitz 111. suggest correction
HENRY 1 England, c.1775, MIM PHIM T.C.; made balances and gauges. 54 Paternoster Row, London. RSW. suggest correction
HENRY 2 England, c.1830, PHIM Barometer with clock = Soth. 12/14/89. London. RSW. suggest correction
HENRY, JOSEPH USA, 1797-1878, PHIM Electromagnet = USNM. this instrument was reportedly made by Henry for Parker Cleaveland; Henry invented an electro-dynamic engine in 1830; he was the first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1846-78. Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
HENRY, M. France, 1850+, OIM T.C.; optician. 21, Passage Delorme and Rue de Rivoli 12, Paris. Calvert 2. suggest correction
HENSHALL, WALTER misreading for Walter Henshaw. Clay and Court. suggest correction
HENSHAW England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HENSHAW, JOHN England, fl.1696-1726, MIM apprenticed to his father, Walter Henshaw, of the Clockmakers' Company on April 18, 1689; free of the Company on April 16, 1696; took apprentices; also a watchmaker; Charles Digby took over his shop in 1726. The Globe, East Smithfield, near the Hermitage, Wapping, London. Taylor 1(502) and 2(67); Evans 1; Crawforth 1; J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HENSHAW, WALTER England, fl.1660-1711, MIM NIM Universal Ring Dial = PEA; Backstaff, 1711 = Dreweatt-Neate 3/30/94, D.(1994). apprenticed to Thomas Brown 1 in the Joiners' Company, Dec. 2. 1650; freed by Patrimony in the Weavers' Company; brother in the Clockmakers' Company, 1667, Master of the Company in 1695; took apprentices in both the Weavers' and the Clockmakers' Companies; may be two backstaves, Dreweatt-Neate made for John Lock. at the sign of the Globe, East Smithfield, near the Hermitage, Wapping; at the sign of the Globe in the Hermitage, Morefields; both in London. Taylor 1(319); Brewington 1; Baillie 1; Daumas 1; USNM; J.Brown 1; Crawforth 7; Robischon; Coffeen 46; ATG 3/19/94; RSW. suggest correction
HENTZSCHELL, JOHANN ERHARDT Germany, 1698, MIM Astrolabe, 1698 = KAS (ICA-3024). Marburg. Baillie 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
HERB, W.A. Germany, PHIM Baroscope = DRE. Pulsnitz. RSW. suggest correction
HERBAGE France, fl.1787-88, OIM Telescope = POB (1787). worked for Rochon; "Breveté d'Ingénieur", 1788. Paris. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
HERBERT AND CO. India, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = Soth.P-B,11/10/81. may be dealer. Forbes Street, Bombay. RSW. suggest correction
HERBERT AND SON England, PHIM Apothecary Balance = Christie-SK 1/8/79. RSW. suggest correction
HERBERT, L. MIM Sector, wood = Soth.1/15/63. signed on the brass joint "L. Herbert Invenit et Fecit." RSW. suggest correction
HERBERTS, A.W. England, c.1750, PHIM Gold Balance = Soth. 10/28/86. see also John William Herberts. London. RSW. suggest correction
HERBERTS, JOHN WILLIAM England, 18th Century, PHIM Balances = Christie 10/31/67, Soth. 7/23/73, PYM sale; Money Scale = Hitchin Museum. the name is sometimes seen as I.W. Herbertz; see also A.W. Herberts; the instrument in the PYM sale was signed just "Herbert." London. RSW. suggest correction
HERBERTZ, JOHANN PHILLIPP Germany, 1772, PHIM Money Balance, 1772 = DRE; Balance and Weights = Cambridge Archaelogical Museum. the balance in the Cambridge museum is signed "Herberz." Solingen. Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
HERBOTH, G.F. Germany, MIM Table Sundial = Halberstadt Museum; Full Circle = DEU. DEU has no sights. Braunschweig. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
HERDFRITZ, JOH. PHIL. Germany, 1757, PHIM Balance, 1757 = Soth. 6/8/70. perhaps a misreading for Johann Phillipp Herbertz. Schlingen (Solingen?). RSW. suggest correction
HERGET, JOHANN ADOLF Germany, fl.1721-50, MIM Inclinable Sundial, 1721 = KAS; Nocturnals, 1723 and 1737 = KAS; Universal Instrument, 1727 = KAS; Table Sundial, 1742 = KAS; Drawing Instruments = KAS; Circumferentor = KAS. Kassel. Zinner 1; Lübke; Michel 3. suggest correction
HERGHAMER, HANNS Germany, 1492, MIM Astrolabe, vellum, 1492 = OXF (ICA-403). Price 1; Weil 2(19); ICA 2. suggest correction
HERKENROY, NICOLAUS 1543, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1543 = ADL-M236. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HERKUNFT 18th Century, OIM Microscope = CZJ. RSW. suggest correction
HERMAN AND SIMMONS England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/14/95. Truro. RSW. suggest correction
HERMAND France, 18th Century, MIM Azimuth Sundial = CNAM. "ingénieur du Roi." Rohr; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
HERMANN Austria, 18th Century, MIM Protractor with case = ROU-187. Neuhaus in Vienna. Michel 3. suggest correction
HERMANN, J. Holland?; Russiac.1716, improved Amonton's air thermometer; author; disciple of Jacques Bernoulli. St. Petersburg. Goldschmidt 70; Weil 2(19). suggest correction
HERMANNUS CONTRACTUS Germany, 1013-54, author; wrote on the astrolabe and the pillar dial; clockmaker; Michel called him "Hermann Le Boiteux." Reichenau. Michel 3; Gunther 1; Cousins. suggest correction
HERN AND CO. England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Sales Cat.(1975). Swansea. RSW. suggest correction
HERNE, JOHN 1 England, fl.1650-78, MIM sundial maker; author; father of John Herne 2. London. Taylor 1(238). suggest correction
HERNE, JOHN 2 Ireland, 1670-85, MIM sundial maker; son of John Herne 1. Dublin. Taylor 1(347). suggest correction
HERO Egypt, fl.50-120, author; book on pneumatics described hydraulic devices; invented a hodometer. Alexandria. RSW. suggest correction
HEROLDT, ADAM Germany; Italy, fl.1616-49, MIM Table Sundial, slate, 1615 = MADEX; Astronomical Quadrant, 1622 = P.C.; Armillary Spheres = KEN (1648), ROM (1649); Recipiangle = Soth. 3/17/38; Sector = NUR. the quadrant is signed "Adams Heroldo Gennano 1622". Rome. Zinner 1; Michel 3; MADEX; Price 2; USNM; Bedini 12; RSW. suggest correction
HERON AND CO. Scotland, fl.1834-36, NIM David Heron; ship chandlers and nautical warehouse. 128 Broomielaw, Glasgow. Clarke et al. suggest correction
HERON AND JOHNSTONE Scotland, 1844, NIM David Heron and Johnstone. 212 Broomielaw, Glasgow (1844). Bryden 3; Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
HERON AND MCGREGOR Scotland, c.1836, NIM David Heron and Duncan McGregor. 1 William Street, Greenock. Clarke et al. suggest correction
HERON, DAVID Scotland, fl.1815-63, NIM OIM Telescopes = ADL-M448, FRK = RSM; Hadley's Quadrant = VNN; Octant = Town Docks Museum, Hull. the Adler instrument is signed "D. Heron"; the one at the VNN is signed "Heron"; octant is signed "Heron Greenock." Greenock (-1827); 128 Broomielaw (1834-36); 212 Broomielaw (1836-47); 4 Carrick Street (1849-63); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HERON, DAVID, AND CO. Scotland, fl.1836-40, NIM 212 Broomielaw, Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
HERON, JAMES 1 Ireland, c.1800, T.C.; retailer; signed "Jas. Heron Clock and Watch Maker in Newtown." Newtown. Soth. 2/25/86. suggest correction
HERON, JAMES 2 Scotland, c.1836, MIM probably son of John Heron and brother of David Heron; clockmaker. 1 William Street, Greenock. Clarke et al. suggest correction
HERON, WILLIAM Scotland, Octant, ebony and ivory = RJK; Sympiesometer = RSM. retailer. Greenock. Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
HERRING, AMOS BUTTLE England, 1782, MIM apprenticed to Ebenezer Rust 1 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 5, 1782. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HERSCHEL, ALEXANDER England, fl.1774-1800?, OIM brother of William and Caroline Herschel; made telescopes, zone clocks, etc; see William and Alexander Herschel. Germany; Bath; Slough. NMM 2; H.C. King 1. suggest correction
HERSCHEL, SIR JOHN FREDERICK WILLIAM England, 1792-1871, son of Sir William Herschel; astronomer; noted for his work on the stars of the southern hemisphere; F.R.S.; he made the mirrors for his own telescopes. Observatory House, Slough; Collingwood, Hawkhurst, Kent (1840-71). H.C. King 1; DNB; DSB; etc. suggest correction
HERSCHEL, SIR WILLIAM Germany; England, 1738-1822, OIM He made a wide range of fine telescopes; examples may be found many museums including ADL, KEN, NMM, RSM, DRE, VIT, OXF, Helsingfors Observatory, TEY, University Observatory of Göttingen, etc. noted astronomer who discovered the planet Uranus; F.R.S. in 1781; musician. Hanover; Bath; Observatory House, Slough. Taylor 2(490); Hoskins; DNB; DSB; Maurer; Grötzsch 2; NMM 2; Drechsler 2; Sticker and Kirchvogel; G.L'E. Turner 7; Pipping 1; H.C. King 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HERSCHEL, WILLIAM AND ALEXANDER England, OIM Mirrors and Eyepieces = NMM. Alexander was William's younger brother. Slough. NMM 2; DSB. suggest correction
HERSCHEL, WILLIAM AND JOHN England, OIM Objective Mirrors = NMM. Slough. NMM 2. suggest correction
HERTEL UND HORN DER ALTER Germany, 1674, MIM Theodolite, 1674 = KES. Hans Georg Hertel (Augsburg) and Julius von Horn der alter (Braunschweig). see above. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
HERTEL, CHRISTIAN GOTTLIEB Germany, c.1716, OIM made microscopes; author. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HERTEL, HANS Germany, 1667, MIM Level, 1667 = DOR. may be Hans Georg Hertel. RSW. suggest correction
HERTEL, HANS GEORG Germany, 1626-98, MIM SIM Wall Sundial, 1659 = Braunschweig Cathedral; Graphometer, 1667 = DOR; Astronomical Compendium, 1678 = OXF; Diptych Sundial = GEL; Theodolite = P.C.(1987). see H.G.H., J.G.H. 1, and I.G.H. 1. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Evans 1; Lübke; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
HERTEL, JOHANN CHRISTIAN Germany, 1739, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1739 = ROU. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Nachet. suggest correction
HERVAIS France, fl.1818-25, MIM made pedometers. Paris. Baillie 1. suggest correction
HERZOG, JULIUS Germany, 1528-89, MIM Astrological Disk, 1579 = Helmstedt Museum. Braunschweig. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HESELTINE, CHARLES England, fl.1822-38, MIM OIM PHIM Taylor spelled the name "Hezeltine." 5 Robert Street, Bedford Row (1822-29); 5 Robert Street, Gray's Inn Lane (1830-38); London. Taylor 2(1883); O'Mara. suggest correction
HESKETT, JAMES England, T.C.; "Map, print & chart seller. Globes & mathematical instruments." No. 13 Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange, London. Calvert 2. suggest correction
HESS, KARL Germany, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = P.C.(1968). Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
HESSLER, JOHANN WENDELIN Italy1669, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1669 = Drecker Coll. = P.C. Rome. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
HETZEL France, c.1750, MIM Plane Table Compass with Protractor = STR. Strasbourg. RSW. suggest correction
HETZEL, CHRIST. LUDWIG Germany, c.1700, MIM Protractor = DRE. Halle. Grötzsch 2; RSW. suggest correction
HEUBDER, PETRUS DE Belgium, c.1625, MIM SIM Circumferentor = PRA. the instrument has a bail, and a foot for a plane table. Antwerp. Zinner 1; Horsky and Skopova; Czech. Inventory. suggest correction
HEUSCHER, JACOB Germany, 1699, PHIM balance maker; see Odental and Heuscher Cologne. RSW. suggest correction
HEUSTER, JACOB VON Germany, 1662, PHIM Balance, 1662 = Adelmann Sale 4/26/27. signed "Jacob von Heuster Plückhoff." Cologne. RSW. suggest correction
HEVELKE, JOH. see Johann Hevelius. Zinner 1; Przypkowski 3. suggest correction
HEVEN, JOSHUA Germany, 1578, MIM Table Dial, 1578 = MUN. Evans 1. suggest correction
HEVER, H. Germany, c.1850, PHIM globe maker. Eberfeld. Tooley. suggest correction
HEWER AND LEAHY England, NIM Sextant = Chevau-Légers 2/28/82. Cardiff. RSW. suggest correction
HEWES, E. USA, fl.1841-56, MIM NIM sometimes known as E.J.Hewes or E.J.Hews. Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
HEWISSON, JOHN England, c.1775, MIM Mining Surveyor's Compass = Chayette 6/28/86. 29 Market Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. RSW. suggest correction
HEWIT, SAMUEL England, c.1822, MIM famous for making very accurate rules. 123 Dale Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1585); Dewhirst. suggest correction
HEWITSON England, c.1770, MIM NIM SIM Hadley Quadrant = VNN; Surveying Compass = D.(1971). Newcastle-upon-Tyne. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
HEWITSON, J. England, c.1838-58, MIM OIM PHIM Miner's Dial = Phillips 5/14/74; Dry Compass Card = NMM. also a barometer maker. Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Bryden 9; Bell 2; NMM 2. suggest correction
HEWITSON, JOHN England, c.1828, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Fairey of the Grocers' Company, on May 1, 1828. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
HEWITT AND SON USA, fl.1850-53, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compasses, with Vernier = P.C., D.(1972). Thomas Hewitt and Horatio T. Hewitt. 180 Water Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Moskowitz 105. suggest correction
HEWITT, HORATIO T. USA, fl.1850-53, MIM NIM PHIM SIM son of Thomas Hewitt; see Hewitt and Son. 180 Water Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
HEWITT, JOHN England, fl.1651-81, MIM Instrument = KEN. calculated a pillar dial. London. Taylor 1(245). suggest correction
HEWITT, T. England, 1654, MIM Protractor, 1654 = NMM-DI/PR-S.7. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
HEWITT, W. England, fl.1820-33, R.N.; designed a new surveying instrument. London. Taylor 2(1586). suggest correction
HEWLINGS, JOSEPH c.1794, MIM Clay and Court. suggest correction
HEWOOD England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HEWSON, JOHN England, fl.1699-1726, apprenticed to John Seller 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Nov. 5, 1683; free of the Company on July 3, 1699; took one apprentice. London. Taylor 1(511). suggest correction
HEY, C. V.D. Holland, c.1772, MIM Celestial Globe = AMST. published by Covens and Mortier and Covens, Jr., 1772; "signature" is on the meridian ring; possibly the owner. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
HEYBECH, NIKOLAUS VON Germany, fl.1389-1444, MIM Astrolabe = X (ICA-2070). Zinner states that Heybech made three instruments for Nikolaus of Cues, a torquetum, a celestial globe and an astrolabe. Erfurt; Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Baillie 1; ICA 2; Lunardi. suggest correction
HEYDEN see Heiden. Baillie 1. suggest correction
HEYDEN, GASPARD VAN DER Belgium, c.1496-post-1549, MIM made globes and other instruments for Gemma Frisius, c.1536; worked with Gerard Mercator. Mirica; Louvain (1536). Michel 3; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
HEYDEN, JAKOB VON Germany, 1628, MIM Pair of Globes, 1628 = AMST. see Joh. Christopher Weigel and Jacob Heyden. Strassburg. NMM 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
HEYRICKE, SAMUELL England, 1687, MIM Cube Sundial, wood, 1687 = City of Leicester Museums. Daniell. suggest correction
HICKETTS, JOHN England, c.1674, had James Mann 1 turned over to him by Thomas King 1 in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1674. Angel Street, London. Robischon. suggest correction
HICKMAN 1 see Hickson. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HICKMAN 2 mistake by the G.P.O. Directory in 1834; see John Hicks. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
HICKMAN, JOSEPH England, PHIM succeeded by Edward Derby. London. Calvert 2. suggest correction
HICKS, ADRIAN BK. USA, fl.1797-1807, MIM Surveyor's Compass, wood = P.C. 82 Wall Street (1797-1801); 132 Front Street (1805); 118 Front Street (1807); all in New York, N.Y. USNM; Warner 12. suggest correction
HICKS, G.E. England, OIM Telescope = STK. 44 Southside Street, Plymouth. RSW. suggest correction
HICKS, GEORGE 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. sometimes signed "G. Hicks." 42 Upper North Place, Gray's Inn Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HICKS, GEORGE 2 England, c.1811, PHIM barometer maker. 43 Shoe Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HICKS, GEORGE 3 Ireland, fl.1824-35, MIM 64 City Quay (1824); 68 Marrowbone Lane (1835); both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
HICKS, GEORGE 4 England, OIM apprenticed to Joseph Morrice, an ivory turner, in the Merchant Taylors' Company. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HICKS, J. 1 England, c.1780-1820, PHIM Wheel Barometers = K.and C. 12/3/75, DeLuca 8/1/87; Fortin-type Barometer, # 963 = D.(1975); Stick Barometers = Soth. 2/4/77, X. Goodison gives the address as 98 and 10 Hatton Garden. 8, 9, and 10 Hatton Garden, London. O'Mara; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HICKS, J. 2 Ireland, fl.1817-26, MIM probably John Hicks, which see. 11 Camden Street (1817-19); 13 Lower Camden Street (1820-22); 13 Peter's Place, Lower Camden Street (1823-24); 64 City Quay (1825-26); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
HICKS, JAMES J. England, fl.1874-1952, PHIM firm was originally James Joseph Hicks until 1874. 8 Hatton Garden, London E.C. Middleton 1. suggest correction
HICKS, JAMES JOSEPH England, b.1829-74? yz, PHIM bought barometers for resale under his name; the firm became James J. Hicks in 1874. 8, 9, and 10 Hatton Garden, London. Bell 2; Middleton 1. suggest correction
HICKS, JOHN Ireland, fl.1832-48, MIM NIM 48 City Quay (1832-34); 18 City Quay (1834); 20 City Quay (1835-48); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
HICKS, JOSEPH England, fl.1814-22, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveying Instrument = P.C.(1972); Alidade, wood & brass = D.(1984). barometer maker; alidade signed "J. Hicks." 11 Brook Street (1814-16); 17 Lambeth Walk (1817); 19 Kirby Street (1817-20); 117 Bishopsgate without (1820-22); all in London. Taylor 2(1358); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HICKS, LANGSTON, AND CO. England, fl.1822-23, MIM OIM 94 Cheapside, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
HICKS, THOMAS Ireland, fl.1784-1825, MIM NIM Mariner's Compass = NMM; Crown Compass = NMM. 40 Poolbeg Street (1784-90); 20 Hawkins Street (1791-99); both in Dublin. NMM 2; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
HICKSON, WILLIAM England, c.1708, MIM apprenticed to William Sellars of the Clockmakers' Company on June 11, 1708. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HIDER, EDWARD WALTER England, c.1806, apprenticed to John Corless in the Joiners' Company, June 3, 1806. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HIEMER, CARL 1773, MIM Plate for Table Sundial, 1773 = Portaluppi Coll. RSW. suggest correction
HIGGINBOTTOM, WILLIAM England, c.1722, MIM apprenticed to William Sellars of the Clockmakers' Company on June 4, 1722. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HIGGINS England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 16 Saffron Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HIGGINS, THOMAS England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer, Thermometer and clock = SPI-Anderson 3/25/27. London. RSW. suggest correction
HIGGINSON, FRANCIS England, c.1828, NIM Mechanical Log = NMM-Lg.15. invented a registering log; signed "Higginson's Log." 38 Monkwell Street, Wood Street, London. Taylor 2(1588); NMM 2. suggest correction
HIGGISON England, MIM Folding Rule, ivory = Soth. 3/21/75. RSW. suggest correction
HIGGS, JAMES England, c.1718, MIM apprenticed to Richard Glynne of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 20, 1718. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HIGGS, JOHN England, c.1727, MIM apprenticed to John Hutton of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 4, 1727; may have been the clockmaker in Wallingford. J. Brown 3; Christie-SK 5/20/88. suggest correction
HIGHMORE, NATHANIEL see Nathaniel Heighmore. suggest correction
HIGLEY, SAMUEL England, 1790, MIM apprenticed to William Spencer 1 of the Grocers' Company on April 1, 1790. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HILARI 1556, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood and brass, 1556 = DRE (lost). Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
HILDEYARD, FATHER THOMAS England, 1690-1746, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1725 = Palacio Real, Madrid. London. "Relojes del Patrimonio Naçional", Barcelona, 1965; DNB; RSW. suggest correction
HILFUNS, MARIA not an instrument maker; "Mary help us"; this appears on an equatorial sundial dated 1479 (ADL-M288), surely by Hans Dorn. Fox 1 & 2; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HILL 1 England, fl.1782-1808, MIM descendant of Nathaniel Hill; see Watkins and Hill. 5 Charing Cross, London. Chaldecott 1; Daumas 1; Goodison 1. suggest correction
HILL 2 Swedenc.1820, MIM Pipping 1. suggest correction
HILL 3 England, PHIM Barometer = D.(1968). Colchester. RSW. suggest correction
HILL 4 Scotland, c.1813, OIM probably Peter Hill, which see; miocroscope maker; made jewel lenses for Sir David Brewster. Edinburg. Clay and Court. suggest correction
HILL 5 see Watkins and Hill. RSW. suggest correction
HILL AND PRICE 1 England,NIM OIM Telescope, wood, 5-draw = Christie 5/15/73; Marine Compass = Christie-SK 7/24/86/ Broad Quay, Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
HILL, CATHERINE England, c.1840, MIM OIM optician. 25 Goodmans Yard, Minories, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
HILL, G.T. misreading for Gilbert, Tower Hill. Belgian Inventory. suggest correction
HILL, JOHN England, fl.1671-1712, MIM Drawing Compass, 1680 = BM. John Yarwell worked for him, 1671-85; made instruments for Will Fortin; Robischon said he died in 1685. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Taylor 1(566); Price 3; Ward 4; Evans 1; Daumas 1; Robischon. suggest correction
HILL, JOSEPH England, fl.1759-72, MIM apprenticed to John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 16, 1747; turned over to John Gilbert 2 in the Company on March 18, 1752; free of the Company on July 3, 1759. Hand and Pen Court, Great Tower Hill (1759); Great Tower Hill (1760-72); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HILL, MATHAW England, 1658, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
HILL, NATHANIEL England, fl.1708-64, MIM NIM PHIM SIM made miniature terrestrial globes, many of them in shagreen cases with celestial gores as a lining; some are dated 1754; examples may be found at ADL, BM, PBN, KEN, PRM, NMM, Coll. of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, New York Public Library, etc. apprenticed to James Farmer of the Grocers' Company on March 11, 1701; free in the Merchant Taylors' Company in 1708; T.C. showed mathematical and navigating instruments, and barometers. The Globe and Sun, in Chancery Lane, Fleet Street; opposite Serjeants Inn, Chancery Lane; both in London. Taylor 2(363); Goodison 1; Chaldecott 1; Stevenson; NMM 2; Clay and Court; Calvert 2; Wynter and Turner; Yonge; C.N. Robinson; J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1 & 7; Wynter 1 & 2; Krogt 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HILL, P. England, PHIM Barometer = D.(1989). RSW. suggest correction
HILL, PETER Scotland, 1778-1845, MIM OIM PHIM Pantograph = FRK = RSM; Refracting Telescope = FRK = RSM; Stick Barometers = X, Phillips 1/26/83. made jewel lenses; worked for Brewster. Richmond Street (1801-03); East Richmond Street (1804-06); 7 East Richmond Street (1806-11); 9 East Richmond Street (1811-12); 6 Union Place (1813-22); 7 Union Place (1823-24); 2 Greenside Place (1825-28); 13 Abbey (1836-40); 12 Richmond Place (1845); all in Edinburgh. Taylor 2(1589); Bryden 3; USNM; Clarke et al. suggest correction
HILL, S. Scotland, c.1820, MIM Sighting Compass = P.C.(1987). Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
HILL, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1635-36, MIM made sundials; had four seized and destroyed because of poor quality. by the Tower, London. Taylor 1(183); J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HILL, THOMAS 2 England, c.1734, MIM designed an improved slide rule. Taylor 2(272). suggest correction
HILLAR 1556, MIM Instrument, 1556 = DRE. Evans 1. suggest correction
HILLEPRAND, FERDINAND 1586, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, 1586 = PRA. Horsky and Skopova; Czech. Inventory; RSW. suggest correction
HILLER, GILBERT TOWER misreading for Gilbert, Tower Hill. Belgian Inventory. suggest correction
HILLIARD, J. England, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
HILLOCK, JAMES England, c.1850, PHIM barometer maker or seller. Hyde Park Corner, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
HILLS, JNO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Bury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HILTON, JOHN England, c.1700, apprenticed to Thomas Tompion in the Clockmakers' Company. Robischon. suggest correction
HILTON, THOMAS England, c.1674, MIM apprenticed by turnover to John Marke of the Clockmakers' Company on July 6, 1674. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HILTUM, JOSEPH England, c.1838, OIM father of Richard Hiltum? 109 Bishopsgate Within, London. Taylor 2(2149). suggest correction
HILTUM, RICHARD England, c.1847, OIM carried on Joseph Hiltum's business. 109 Bishopsgate Within, London. Taylor 2(2149). suggest correction
HINCHLIFFE, G.W. England, OIM Telescope = D.(1973). London. RSW. suggest correction
HINDE, JOHN England, 1767, MIM his five sons were all instrument makers; see Roger Hinde. London. Baillie 1. suggest correction
HINDE, ROGER England, fl.1820-34, MIM son of John Hinde? 70 Noble Street, Falcon Square, London. Taylor 2(1591); O'Mara. suggest correction
HINDLEY AND SON England, fl.?-1771, MIM OIM PHIM Henry and Joseph Hindley. York. Taylor 2(186). suggest correction
HINDLEY, HENRY England, 1701-71, MIM OIM PHIM Pyrometer = KEN; Dividing Engine = X; Telescope = KEN; Garden Sundial = Hindley Shop, CMY. noted clockmaker. York. Taylor 2(186); Daumas 1; Law; Setchell 1 and 2; DNB; RSW. suggest correction
HINDLEY, JOSEPH England, d.1774, MIM OIM PHIM son of Henry Hindley; apprenticed to his father; took over the shop from 1771-74. York. Taylor 2(186); Setchell 1 and 2. suggest correction
HINSANT France, 1769, OIM made telescope mirrors. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
HINTON, WILLIAM England; USA, c.1772, MIM NIM advertised nautical compasses, 1772. at "Hadley's Quadrant and Spyglass, facing the East Side of the New Coffee House", Beekman's Slip, New York, N.Y. Bedini 1 & 8; D.J. Warner 8, 10 and 12. suggest correction
HINTZMAN, JOSEPH England, fl.1839-50, PHIM sometimes spelled "Hitzman." Rose Crescent, Cambridge. Bell 2. suggest correction
HIPPOLITO 1646, OIM telescope maker; Mariani? Nachet. suggest correction
HIREMAN, HY W. AND JNO. H. USA, fl.1855-56, MIM OIM PHIM partners with Henry Ware as Ware and Hireman. 25 East 4th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Smart 1. suggest correction
HIRSCH OG SAMSON Norway, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Folk Museum, Oslo. Trondheim. RSW. suggest correction
HIRSCH, OTT Germany, c.1487, MIM compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
HIRSCHMANN, SENIOR see Pistor and Hirschmann. Weil and Baden. suggest correction
HIRSCHVOGEL, AUGUSTIN Germany, 1503-53, MIM Surveying Instruments in wooden box = X. made for the city of Vienna and delivered in 1594. Nürnberg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HITCH England, 1797, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HITZMAN see Hintzman. Bell 2. suggest correction
HOARE England, 19th Century, MIM Double Slide Rule = OXF. signed "Hoare's improved double Slide Rule." 12 Billiter Square, London. RSW. suggest correction
HOBBS, JAMES USA, 1796, MIM Old Town, South Green Street, Baltimore, Md. Smart 1. suggest correction
HOBBY, JONATHAN T. USA, 1813-83, MIM NIM PHIM Transit (post-1869) = GUR. see Sawyer and Hobby (1840-54). 86 Forsyth, New York (1837); 156 Water Street, New York (1840-69); Hemstead, Long Island, N.Y. (1872-73). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
HOBCRAFT, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1830-47, MIM OIM called himself "Sr." by 1846. 18 Barbican; 38 Prince's Street, Leicester Square (1846); 14 Great Turnstile (1847); all in London. Taylor 2(1885); O'Mara. suggest correction
HOBCRAFT, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1846, MIM OIM son of William Hobcraft 1. London. Taylor 2(1885). suggest correction
HOBDAY England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Tetsworth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HOBDELL England, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 12/12/89. Oxford. RSW. suggest correction
HOCKER, G. USA, fl.1838-44, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
HODGE, ARTHUR England, c.1822, MIM NIM invented a perpetual log. Twelve Bells, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(1591a). suggest correction
HODGESON, MARMADUKE England, c.1690, T.C.; see Court and Hodgeson. Calvert 2. suggest correction
HODGKIN, JOHN England, c.1715, free in the Joiners' Company; took apprentices, c.1715. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HODGKINSON, J. England, c.1822, OIM 24 Coppice Row, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1592); Dewhirst. suggest correction
HODGKINSON, THOMAS England, c.1696, MIM advertised a new type of horizontal dial. Sign of the Cradle, Knight Rider Street, near Doctor's Commons, London. Taylor 1(503); Evans 1. suggest correction
HOE, R.M. c.1838, got a patent in New York for an invention by Sherwood for finding latitude at sea. Taylor 2(2150). suggest correction
HOEG, HARALD Denmark, PHIM Stick Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. RSW. suggest correction
HOELDRICK, T.N. Germany, misreading for "Holderich." Augsburg. P. and S. 11/21/1894. suggest correction
HOERSCHEL misreading for "Höschel." RSW. suggest correction
HOESCHEL variant for Höschel. RSW. suggest correction
HOESEN Germany, OIM constructed burning glasses; succeeded by Ehrard. Dresden. Spargo 1. suggest correction
HOEVENAER, ANTONY Holland, fl.1654-92, MIM PHIM Circumferentor = Geodätisches Institut, Munich, UTP; Sectors = Wray, P.C., LEY, Stedelijk Museum; Sundial = UTP. made philosophical instruments for Burchardus de Velder, professor of physics. Leyden. Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Daumas 1; de Rijk; RSW. suggest correction
HOEVENAER, SIMON Holland, c.1720, PHIM son of Antony Hoevenaer; made physical instruments. Leyden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
HOF, JACOB AUCH Germany, c.1800, MIM Calculating Machine, 1800 = Madex-655. invented this machine. Weimar. Madex. suggest correction
HOFF AND HEISELY USA, 1793-1801, MIM Surveying Compass, 1795 = William Penn Memorial Museum, Harrisburg, Pa. John George Hoff and Frederick Heiseley, his ex-apprentice; also made clocks. Lancaster, Pa. Smart 1; Bedini 1 and 17; USNM. suggest correction
HOFF, JOHN USA, 1776- 1819, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, and in a private collection. worked with his father, John George Hoff, and took over the business; clockmaker. Lancaster, Pa. Smart 1; Bedini 17. suggest correction
HOFF, JOHN GEORGE Germany; USA., 1740-1816, MIM Frederick Heisely was first his apprentice and later his partner, from 1793 to 1801. Lancaster, Pa. Smart 1; Bedini 1, 8, and 17. suggest correction
HOFFINGER, THOMAS Instrument = Salzburg? Evans 1. suggest correction
HOFFMANN, C.G. Germany, fl.1772-76, PHIM Barometers and Thermometers = DRE (1772) and (1776). claims to have improved Huygen's barometer. Waldheim, Saxony. Grötzsch 2; RSW. suggest correction
HOFFMANN, CASPAR Germany, c.1650, MIM Astrolabe Clock = Soth. 5/21/73. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
HOFFMANN, JOHANN Germany, 1620, MIM cast a quadrant in 1620. Frankfort. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HOFFMANN, SAMUEL GOTTLIEB Germany, c.1772, OIM microscope maker; announced one with six lenses in 1772. Hanover. Clay and Court; Nachet. suggest correction
HOFFMEYER see Brugger and Hoffmeyer. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HOFFMEYER, J. England, c.1840, PHIM barometer maker. Cambridge. Bell 2. suggest correction
HOFFVENIUS, JOHAN Sweden, fl.1648-85, MIM worked in Uppsala University workshop, (1648-63); held exclusive rights as instrument maker in Uppsala and Stockholm in 1663. Uppsala and Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
HOFGREN, JOHAN Sweden, 1778-1832, MIM OIM globe and instrument maker to the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, 1816-32; flourished 1810-32; see J.H. 4. Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
HOFMANN, DR. H.C. France, OIM Spectroscope = Soth. 4/8/74. "construit à l'Institut d'Optique du Dr. H.C. Hofmann à Paris." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
HOFMANN, HEINRICH Germany, 1576-1652, designed an octant;, an example of the instrument made by Christopher Trechsler is at the ADL; author. Jena. Zinner 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HOFMANN, J.G. France, fl.1850-62, OIM Telescopes with micrometers = KEN, WHI, D.(1973); Philosophical Instruments = TEY; Spectroscope = TEY. rue de Bucy, 3, Paris. Dewhirst; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 7 & 24. suggest correction
HOFMANN, JAKOB Germany, fl.1597-1616, MIM Polyhedral Sundials = ZUR (1597), HAY (1616), KAS (1616). Schwabisch. Zinner 1; Lübke; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
HOGBEN, HENRY England?, MIM Set of Surveying Instruments = Pym Sale. "Surveyor"; probably the owner. RSW. suggest correction
HOGBEN, THOMAS England, c.1730, MIM OIM Telescopic Level = D. "Surveyor." Smarden. Wynter and Turner; Bryden 9. suggest correction
HOGENBERG, REMIGIUS c.1572, MIM Humphrey Cole may have studied under him. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
HOGENDOORN, J. Holland, fl.1761-63, PHIM sometimes spelled "Hoogendoorn." The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
HOGG, WILLIAM England, c.1802, NIM OIM Sextants = RJK, P.C.; Octant = THO; Telescope = Bearnes 11/12/86. the sextant in the private collection was found in a Florida Keys shipwreck together with several 1802 coins. 388 Platform, Rotherhite Wall, London. Taylor 2(1886); USNM; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
HOGH, EILER CHRISTIAN Denmark; Austria, d.1773, MIM PHIM Armillary Sphere = ADL-M9; Universal Ring Sundial = NYS = Christie 4/9/75. Högh; worked in the Court in Vienna; the ADL instrument has "Danicus" as part of the signature and is also marked "Joseph: Fran: Ant: de Reichmann." Copenhagen; Vienna. Habacher; Engelmann 1; USNM; Yonge; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HOGLUND, PER AUGUST Sweden, c.1850, MIM Surveying Instrument = STT; Pantograph = STM. Höglund; T.C. Norra Tullportsgatan 65, Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
HOGSON, THOMAS England, c.1699, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company in 1699. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HOHENFELDER, LUDWIG Germany, 1596, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1596 = STU. Höhenfelder. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HOHLFIELD Germany, 1711-71, MIM made an odometer. Berlin. Beckmann. suggest correction
HOHNBAUM Germany, 1831, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1831 = NMM-MT/BM.34. Hanover. NMM 2. suggest correction
HOING, A. HEINRICH Hanseatic League, fl.1598-1600, MIM Astrolabe, 1598 = DEU-35858 (ICA 3026); Sundial, 1600 = DAN. Höing. Danzig. Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
HOIS see Hoyss. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HOJER, ERIK Sweden, d.1774, OIM sometimes "Högger." Pipping 1. suggest correction
HOLBECHE, JOHN England, fl.1720-50, MIM NIM Backstaffs, 1738 = PYM = ADL-A171, USNM. apprenticed to Benjamin Macy of the Clockmakers' Company on July 9, 1713; took over the shop; T.C.; the Adler instrument is marked "for Ino. Cunninghame"; the one at the USNM "for Capt. Jos. Swan"; Bedini listed him as "Holbecher." the corner of the Hermitage Bridge, London. Bedini 1; Crawforth 1; J. Brown 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HOLBECK see Holbeche. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HOLBEIN, HANS Germany; England, 1465-1524, designed sundials; painter and engraver. London. Chapuis. suggest correction
HOLBORN, ROBERT England, 1771, MIM Compass Sundial, 1771 = Soth.-S 1/26/88. South Cavel. RSW. suggest correction
HOLBROOK AND CO. USA, c.1840, MIM Terrestrial Globes = D.(1968), P.C.; Tellurian = USNM. Alfred and Dwight Holbrook. Berea, Ohio. Yonge; Warner 4. suggest correction
HOLBROOK APPARATUS MANUFACTURING CO. USA, c.1856, MIM Hemispheric Globe = Beinecke Rare Book Library, Yale U. Wethersfield, Conn. Beinecke Cat. suggest correction
HOLBROOK MANUFACTURING CO. USA, c.1856, MIM Terrestrial Globe = P.C.(1968); Hemispheric Globe, 3" = ADL-W168. Wethersfield, Conn. Yonge; Warner 4; Moskowitz 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HOLBROOK SCHOOL APPARATUS CO. USA, fl.1855, MIM Terrestrial Globes = Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kan., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. founded by Dwight Holbrook in 1850; the manufacturing was done by Holbrooks' Apparatus Mfg. Co. Hartford, Conn., Chicago, Ill. and New York, N.Y. Yonge; Warner 4. suggest correction
HOLBROOK, ALFRED USA, fl.1837-85+, partner with his brother, Dwight Holbrook, 1837-50 in manufacturing scientific equipment for schools. Berea, Ohio. Warner 4. suggest correction
HOLBROOK, ALFRED AND DWIGHT USA, fl.1837-50, MIM moved to Ohio and started a new factory to make scientific school apparatus; including globes. Berea, Ohio. Warner 4. suggest correction
HOLBROOK, CHARLES W. USA, c.1890, MIM Globe, Terrestrial, with case = D.(1997). son of Dwight Holbrook. Coffeen 56. suggest correction
HOLBROOK, DWIGHT USA, fl.1837-, MIM Hemispheric Globe = Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kan. worked with his brother, Alfred, in Berea, Ohio, 1837-50, manufacturing globes and scientific equipment for schools; moved to Connecticut in 1850, establishing the Holbrook School Apparatus Co. in Hartford, Conn.; branches in Chicago and New York; production was done in Weathersfield, Conn.; see Holbrook Apparatus Mfg. Co. for other globes. Boston, Mass.; Berea, Ohio (1837-50); Wethersfield, Conn. (1850-57?); Windsor Locks, Conn. Yonge; Warner 4. suggest correction
HOLBROOK, JOSIAH USA, 1788-1854, MIM PHIM studied at Yale University; science teacher; made globes and philosophical apparatus for schools, 1828-54; his sons, Alfred and Dwight started their own businesses. Darby, Conn.; Boston, Mass.; Washington, D.C.(1847-54). Baillie 8; Warner 4 & 6. suggest correction
HOLCOMB, AMASA USA, 1787-1875, MIM OIM PHIM Level = Amasa Maynard Holcomb Collection (1962); Reflecting Telescope = USNM; Transit = USNM. Southwick, Mass. Multhauf 2; Bedini 2; Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
HOLDEN, MOSES England, 1777-1864, MIM astronomer; constructed a large orrery and a magic lantern. Preston. DNB. suggest correction
HOLDER, J.N. MIM Equatorial Sundial = P.C. probably J.N. Hölderich. RSW. suggest correction
HOLDER, T.N. probably a misreading for Hölderich. Hamilton 1; Findlay Coll. suggest correction
HOLDERICH, JOHANN NORBERT France, 1749-1806, MIM Augsburg-type Sundials = Lüneburg Museum, OXF, DRE, HAIFA, KAS, P.C., etc. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
HOLDSWORTH, JOHN owner; see Mole. RSW. suggest correction
HOLEWEYN Germany, 1590, MIM Sundial, 1590 = ROM-R-7761. Freiberg. RSW. suggest correction
HOLLAND AND WITHERSPOON England, c.1848, PHIM barometer makers; possibly William Holland. 24 Brook Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HOLLAND, GABRIEL England, PHIM Angle Barometers, 2, = Phillips 11/16/76. Coventry. RSW. suggest correction
HOLLAND, GEORGE England, c.1790, OIM Telescope, astronomical = Christie 2/13/68. RSW. suggest correction
HOLLAND, JOHN England, fl.1646-53, MIM Oughtred's Double Horizontal Dial and Spiral Calculator, 1650 = WHI. the dial is for the latitude of Cambridge, it is also marked "1667." Trinity College, Cambridge; Gloucestershire. Taylor 1(136); Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
HOLLAND, WILLIAM England, fl.1849-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; possibly the Holland of Holland and Witherspoon. 14 Greville Street (1849-51); 20 Greville Street (1852-59); 17 Greville Street (1860); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HOLLANDIA, HENRICUS DE see Henri Arnault. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
HOLLBUSCH, F. VITUS France; Germany, 1699, MIM Vertical Sundial, Stone, 1699 = Harburg Schloss. French monk. France; Ottingen. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HOLLIDAY, JOHN England, c.1825, MIM apprenticed to James Ripley of the Grocers' Company, Oct. 6, 1825. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
HOLLINGSWORTH, ALFRED J. England, NIM Sextant = Christie 12/16/69. Southampton. RSW. suggest correction
HOLLIWAY, ROBERT USA, fl.1822-23, MIM see Chandlee and Holliway. Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
HOLLIWELL England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1989). Derby. RSW. suggest correction
HOLLIWELL BROS. England, fl.1849-62, MIM NIM OIM sons of William Holliwell. Liverpool. Brewington 1. suggest correction
HOLLIWELL, WILLIAM England, fl.1795-1849, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sextant = 1795 sale in Salem Mass. U.S.A. T.C.; also a barometer maker. London; then 13 North Side, Salthouse Dock; 14, North Side, Salthouse Dock; 5 Bromfield Street, West End Dock; 79 West End, Old Dock, all in Liverpool Taylor 2(989); Calvert 2; Brewington 1; Bell 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
HOLLIWELL, WILLIAM, AND SON England, 1829-49, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hurst Street (1829); 7 Salthouse Dock East (1835); both in Liverpool. Taylor 2(989); Brewington 1; Bell 2; Bryden 9. suggest correction
HOLLOWAY, ROBERT USA, fl.1819-22, MIM SIM worked with Benjamin Chandlee 3 as Chandlee and Holloway, 1819-22, which see. Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
HOLLOWAY, THOMAS England, c.1816, MIM apprenticed to John Simpson of the Grocers' Company on Jan.4, 1816. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
HOLLOWAY, WILLIAM 1 England, 1709, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, boxwood, 1709 = Soth. 6/27/57. All Cannings, Wiltshire. RSW. suggest correction
HOLLOWAY, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1731-67, MIM surely the son of William Holloway 1; apprenticed to William Carton in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 8, 1721; free in the Company, March 7, 1731. Drapers' Court, Lothbury, London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HOLLRICH Germany, c.1790, MIM Heliochronometer = MAI. Mainz. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HOLM Sweden, c.1790, OIM apprenticed to Henrik Holmbom. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
HOLM, P. Holland, 1753, NIM see Pieter Holm. RSW. suggest correction
HOLM, PETTER Denmark, 1794, NIM Marine Compass, 1794 = OMM. surly a misreading of Pieter Holm. Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
HOLM, PIETER Sweden; Holland, fl.1696-1776, MIM NIM Tide Table, Perpetual Calendar and log-timer table on tobacco boxes = RSM, PEA, Rotterdam Maritime Museum, Reykjavik Museum (1729), Middleburg Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen; Backstaff, 1753 = BRP-64; Octants = AMST (1752), NMM (1753); Logs, 1729, 1754, 1765, 1774 = AMST. 20 of these tobacco boxes were known to Dr. Crone pre-1953; the backstaff and the octants are signed "P. Holm" they were sold by Holm as he ran a navigation school; he may have been a dealer only. Amsterdam. Crone; Brewington 1; Price 2; NMM 2; Daumas 1; Wynter and Turner; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
HOLMBOM, HENRIK Sweden, 1752-93, optician to the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, 1775-93. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
HOLMES England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HOLMES, ALFRED England, c.1820, NIM Sextant, coromandel wood and ivory = D.(1983). London. Coffeen D. suggest correction
HOLMES, J.W. USA, MIM Theodolite = P.C. Batavia, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
HOLMES, JOHN 1 England, c.1732, MIM apprenticed to John Wilson of the Clockmakers' Company on April 3, 1732. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HOLMES, JOHN 2 England, c.1800?, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HOLMES, JOHN WILLIAM England, fl.1822-29, OIM 14 Red Cross Square, Aldersgate, London. Taylor 2(1594); O'Mara. suggest correction
HOLMES, MARY ANN England, fl.1836-40, OIM perhaps the widow of John William Holmes. 14 Red Cross Square, Aldersgate, London. Taylor 2(1594); O'Mara. suggest correction
HOLMES, MATHEW England, c.1647, MIM apprenticed to John Blighton 1 (Bleghton?), of the Grocers' Company, c.1640; free of the Grocers' Company, May, 1647. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HOLMES, SAMUEL England, 1767, MIM apprenticed to Tycho Wing of the Grocers' Company on Nov.3, 1767. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HOLROYD, GEORGE England, fl.1730-86, MIM invented a form of reflecting quadrant. York (c.1750); Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. (1776). Taylor 2(492). suggest correction
HOLSKE, WILLIAM FREDERICK Germany; USA, 1822-81, MIM Wye Level = P.C.; Transit = P.C. Germany (1822-54); New York, N.Y. (1854-80); St. Louis, Mo. (1881). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
HOLST, N.E. Denmark, PHIM Stick Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. Aarhus. RSW. suggest correction
HOLT, J. AND W. England, fl.1781-1808, PHIM Balance = OXF. Taylor gives a date of 1725. 51 Hay Market, St. James's, London. Taylor 2(365); G.L'E. Turner 24; Crawforth 6. suggest correction
HOLT, RICHARD England, 1827, NIM submitted a new quadrant to the Board of Longitude, 1827. Taylor 2(848). suggest correction
HOLTON, COB England, c.1718, MIM apprenticed to John Bennett 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 1, 1718. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HOLTUM, CHRISTOPHER England, c.1711, MIM member of the Clockmakers' Company. London. Taylor 1(561); Evans 1. suggest correction
HOLTZAPFFEL England, c.1825, MIM Vernier Calipers = BIR; Set of Turner's Tools = D.(1974). either Charles or John Holtzapffel, the Holtzapffel firm was famous for its lathes and lathe tools. London. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
HOLTZAPFFEL AND CO. England, fl.1851-94, MIM Slide Rule, George Ram-type = P.C; T-Square = D.(1971); Protractor and Rule = BIR; Sector, ivory = OXF; Screw Calipers = BIR; Gauging Calipers = BIR; Drawing Instrument Sets = Christie 7/5/71, Soth. 11/1/65; Protractors = Phillips 11/16/76, D.(1972). "established A.D. 1794." 64 Charing Cross, London; Manufactory at 127 Long Acre; London (1855). O'Mara; Moskowitz 102; G.L'E. Turner 24; Delehar 2; RSW; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
HOLTZAPFFEL AND DEYERLIN England, fl.1826-51, MIM Clement Ellipsograph = OXF; Depth Gauge = D.(1973). Charles Holtzapffel; predecessor to Holtzapffel and Co. 64 Charing Cross, London. Moskowitz 107 ; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
HOLTZAPFFEL, CHARLES England, 1806-47, MIM son of John Holtzapffel; succeeded his father in 1844. London. Taylor 2(1157); Moskowitz 102; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
HOLTZAPFFEL, JOHN England, 1802-44, MIM Instrument = OXF; Depth Guage = D.(1971); Lathe = Aubert Coll.(1806). father of Charles Holtzapffel; succeeded by him in 1844. 118 Long Acre, London. Taylor 2(1157); Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
HOLTZHEY, JOHANN KONRAD Germany, fl.1719-31, MIM Sundial Plate and Universal Sundials = Uffenbach Coll., U. of Göttingen. one of the universal sundials is of cardboard and is inscribed "Heliotropicum gnomonicum, Ulm, 1720"; author; designer. Ulm. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HOLTZMAN Austria, c.1850, PHIM Thermometer = KRA. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
HOLWELL, JOHN England, fl.1649-96, MIM dialist. east side of Spitalsfield Churchyard, near the Red Lion, over against Dorset Street, London. Taylor 1(232). suggest correction
HOLWELL, WILLIAM see William Holliwell. Brewington 1. suggest correction
HOLYMAN, JOHN England, fl.1808-30, MIM NIM apprenticed to Ebenezer Rust 1, of the Grocers' Company, on Sept. 2, 1784; free of the Grocers' Company, July 7, 1808; took an apprentice. 5 Newmarket Street, Wapping, Lomdon. Taylor 2(1889); J. Brown 1 & 2; Dewhirst; O'Mara. suggest correction
HOLYMAN, MARTHA England, fl.1868-72, MIM NIM widow of William Holyman. 27 Sydney Place, Commercial Road East, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
HOLYMAN, WILLIAM England, 1846-67, MIM NIM son of John Holyman? 27 Sydney Place, Commercial Road, London. Taylor 2(1889); Dewhirst; O'Mara. suggest correction
HOLYOKE, EDWARD USA, 1718, Edward Holyoke was president of Harvard College and the owner of a cross-staff marked "Edward Holyoke, 1718" and signed "I.L. Kai...?, 1668." Cambridge, Mass. USNM; Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
HOLYWOOD, JOHN OF see Sacrobosco. suggest correction
HOLZKE, WILLIAM F. see Holske. USNM. suggest correction
HOMANN, FR. GOTFRIED Germany, 1737, MIM Cube Sundial, stone, 1737 = DEU. Weiring. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTISTE Germany, 1664-1724, MIM Celestial Globes = VIE, DRE, Weimar Landesbibliothek; Terrestrial Globes, miniature, with Armillary Spheres inside and cases with celestial gore linings = DRE, NUR, NOR, Soth. 10/22/81, and Soth. 10/22/82; etc. author. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Grötzsch 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
HOMBERG, GUILLAUME Batavia; Italy; France, 1652-1715, OIM made lenses for telescopes and microscopes. Rome; Paris (c.1691). Nachet. suggest correction
HOMELIUS Germany, may have invented the diagonal scale.??? Leipzig. Fox 1. suggest correction
HOMEN, LUPO Portugal, fl.1517-65, MIM NIM instrument maker and cartographer. A.Stimson 3. suggest correction
HOMHART, J.J. Germany, c.1700, MIM Pillar Sundial = ZUS. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HOMMEL, F. AND ESSER L. Switzerland, c.1840, MIM Circle = DRE. Aarau. Grötzsch 2. suggest correction
HOMMEL, JOHANN Germany, c.1556, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Lunardi. suggest correction
HOMMEMA, ROELOF HESSELS Holland, 1791-1854, OIM Telescope = Friesch Museum, Leeuwarden; Microscope = LEY. Berlicum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
HOMMER, GASPARD France, 1748, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, 1748 = RSM; Equatorial Sundial = P. & S. 6/18/1894 and 11/21/1894. see Gaspard; RSM sundial has a micrometer. Lunéville. Evans 1; Coffeen 12; Darius 3; RSW. suggest correction
HONDIUS Holland, 1587-1638, MIM Celestial Globe, 1615 = ROM. Henricus Hondius or Jodocus Hondius 2. Bedini 12. suggest correction
HONDIUS, HENRICUS Holland, 1580-1644, MIM Celestial Globe = BASU. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HONDIUS, HENRICUS, EN ADRIEN VEEN Holland, 1572-1613, MIM Terrestrial and Celestial Globes, 1613 = BASH. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
HONDIUS, JODOCUS 1 Holland, 1567-1611, MIM Celestial Globes = KAS, NUR, D.(all 1592), NMM, BASU, P.C., AMST (all 1600), KRM, Mailand Museum (all 1601); Terrestrial Globes = D.(1600), NMM and D.(1601); Sundial on world map, 1593 = Triebold Coll.= Newberry Library, Chicago. father of Jodocus Hondius 2; in 1600 made some globes and universal "catholic" astrolabes for the van Neck expedition. Wacken; London (1585-92); Amsterdam (1593-1611). Zinner 1; NMM 2; DNB; Yonge; Stevenson; RSW. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
HONDIUS, JODOCUS 2 Holland, fl.1613-40, MIM Celestial Globes = FLO, NMM, Linz Studienbibliothek, ZUR, etc. (all 1613), Magdeburg Kulturhistor. Museum, Weimar Landesbibliothek (both 1623), Linköping Stiftsbibliothek, Stockholm Frimuraremuseet (both 1640); Terrestrial Globes = BASH, NYH (1618), P.C.; Pairs of Globe Gores, 1615 = Library of Congress, N.Y. Public Library. N.Y. Public Library set ptinted by Giuseppe de Rossi in Rome. Amsterdam. Zinner 1; Price 2; NMM 2; Yonge. suggest correction
HONE, JOSEPH England, fl.1664-1704, MIM made ship builder's scale; designed and made mathematical instruments in brass and wood; "Instrument Maker to the Board (of Surveyors)"; may have succeeded Christopher and Henry Flower. in the Bulwark, Tower Wharf near the Tower, London. Taylor 1(348); Evans 1. suggest correction
HONEMANN Germany, c.1750, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, silver = KEN. also spelled "Honnemann." Clausthal. Zinner 6; Chaldecott 1; RSW. suggest correction
HONEYBONE England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. Rugby. RSW. suggest correction
HONOR, WILLIAM England, c.1724, MIM apprenticed to John Wilson of the Clockmakers' Company on June 1, 1724. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HOOD, J. England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometers = D.(1975), X. Cupar. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HOOD, JOHN England, 1720-83?, MIM invented "Hood's" compass theodolite. DNB. suggest correction
HOOD, THOMAS England, fl.1577-96, MIM NIM designed instruments including a new sector and a cross-staff known as "Hood's Bow"; author. Abchurch Lane; between the Sign of the Red Lion and the Elm Tree, Minories, London. Taylor 1(48); Evans 1. suggest correction
HOOFT Holland, 15th Century, MIM Astrolabe = Caius College, Cambridge,(ICA-197). not in Bryden 16. Rooseboom 1; Gunther 1 and 3; Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
HOOGENDIJK, STEVEN Holland, 1698-1788, MIM PHIM Pedometers = OXF, deLeth 8/21/1758. clockmaker; made physical instruments and pyrometers. Rotterdam. Rooseboom 1; Evans 1; Baillie 1; Crommelin 1; Michel 3; Daumas 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
HOOGER, HIER DOOR TOT Holland, 1786, MIM Drawing Instrument Set, 1786 = USNM. Rotterdam. USNM. suggest correction
HOOGHENDORP, PIETER VAN Holland, 1572, MIM Ring Sundial, 1572 = Gold and Silver Museum, Utrecht. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
HOOK, J. England, c.1725, MIM Wheel-cutting Engine = OXF. London. Taylor 2(366). suggest correction
HOOKE 1 see Gilbert, Wright and Hooke. suggest correction
HOOKE 2 see Wright and Hooke. Smart 1. suggest correction
HOOKE, BENJAMIN England, c.1802, MIM OIM Microscopes = Soth. 2/2/70 and 10/28/86; Steelyard = Royal Institution. steelyard signed "B. Hooke Fleet Street London." 159 Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(1158); RSW. suggest correction
HOOKE, JOHN England, fl.1660-77, NIM compass maker. Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. Taylor 1(402); Evans 1. suggest correction
HOOKE, ROBERT England, 1635-1702, MIM OIM PHIM invented the wheel barometer and devised and made many new instruments; author; Curator of Experiments for the Royal Society, (1662-1702); architect; Operator to the Royal Society; etc. Gresham College, London (1664-1702). DNB; DSB; Taylor 1(270); Daumas 1; Wolf; Evans 1; Bell 2; Goodison 1; Middleton 1 and 4; Earle; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
HOOKER AND FAIRMAN USA, pre-1810, MIM William Hooker and Gideon Fairman. Newburyport, Mass. Bedini 1; Gillingham 3. suggest correction
HOOKER, WILLIAM USA, fl.1803-46, MIM NIM Compass card in J. Ball Patent compass = D. (1992). T.C.; son-in-law of Edmund Blunt; see Hooker and Fairman; repaired J. Quincy's octant; dealer. Philadelphia, Pa. (1803-04); Newburyport, Mass. (1805-11); 202 Water Street, New York, N.Y. (1811-46). Bedini 1 & 10; Smart 1; Brewington 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; Coffeen Comm. suggest correction
HOOLY, LOUIS England, NIM Sextant = P.C. name partly obliterated might be "Wooly"; see Lucas Hooly. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
HOOLY, LUCAS England, NIM Sextant = D.(1972). see Louis Hooly. RSW. suggest correction
HOOPER see Baker and Hooper. suggest correction
HOOPER, GEORGE England, 1640-1727, MIM designed a dialing scale; see G.H. 2. Oxford; London. Taylor 1(291); Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
HOOPER, W. England, c.1850, NIM Compass, crown = Soth. 2/25/86. Portsmouth. RSW. suggest correction
HOOPER, W.W. England, post-1856, NIM Magnetic Compass = ADL-W187. "School Board for London." Bow, London E. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HOPE, PETER England, c.1840, MIM Slide Rule = P.C. 64 Seel Street, Liverpool. Delehar 4. suggest correction
HOPE, THOMAS CHARLES England, 1766-1844, devised a type of eudiometer; example at OXF. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
HOPKIN, LEWIS England, ?1708-71, MIM Sundial, 1749 = Caerlan, Tonynefail, Glamorgan. also a clockmaker. Wales. Peate. suggest correction
HOPKINS 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HOPKINS 2 England, c.1815, MIM London. Taylor 2(1360). suggest correction
HOPKINS, W.R. USA, 1841, PHIM patented a barometer, 1841. Geneva, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
HOPKINSON, FRANCIS USA, 1737-91, designed a mechanical log in 1783; amateur; Admiralty Judge. Pennsylvania. Taylor 2(849); Bedini 8. suggest correction
HOPKINSON, J. England, MIM "Richard's" Pressure Indicator = Phillips 11/16/76. Huddersfield. RSW. suggest correction
HOPMAN Holland, 1807, PHIM Electrical Machine = 1807 Catalogue. Haarlem. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
HOPPE, E. England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometers = X (2), Soth.5/4/73; Barometer = Soth. 7/3/70. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HOPPE, EBENEZER England, fl.1801-22, MIM NIM OIM Sextants = STR, FRK = Soth. 3/25/86, Christie 4/9/75; Double Sextant = HAR. apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company, May 7, 1793; free in the Company on March 3, 1801; took apprentices; T.C.; invented a `double' sextant in 1804; the Christie instrument is signed "Hoppé's Improved Sextant"; those in the STR and the FRK are signed "Hoppé Real Maker". 51 Church Street, Little Minories (1801) and (1803); Edward Street, Limehouse Fields (1802) and (1809); all in London. Taylor 2(1159); Frank; Crawforth 1 & 7; RSW. suggest correction
HOPPERS, PR. Holland, 1791, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1791 = P.C. Rotterdam. RSW. suggest correction
HOPPERT misreading for Hoppers. Evans 1. suggest correction
HOPPERT, SIR G. England, c.1710, MIM Odometer = Evans Coll. Norby. Evans; RSW. suggest correction
HOPTON, ARTHUR England, fl.1588-1614, author; designed surveying and other instruments, including a sector and staff; the later made by John Read 1 in 1610. London. Taylor 1(118); Evans 1. suggest correction
HOPWOOD, R. England, Water Clocks =TIM (1682), Franklin Institute, Phiadelphia, Pa. modern; made in Birmingham by Pearson-Page Ltd., c.1900. (London). Price 1; RSW. suggest correction
HORATT, OVE 1799, PHIM Lodestone, 1799 = NMM-M.15/. NMM 2. suggest correction
HORN, J.P. Germany, 1794, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1794 = Bayreuth Museum. Plassenburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HORN, JULIUS VON, DER ALTERE Germany, 1674, MIM see Johann Georg Hertel und Julius von Horn der altere. Braunschweig. Zinner 1. suggest correction
HORN, WILLIAM England, c.1777, MIM 148 Moor Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
HORNBLOW, JOHN England, c.1797, MIM apprenticed to William Spencer 1, of the Grocers' Company, April 6, 1797. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HORNBY, RICHARD England, fl.1798-1849, MIM NIM Octant = X. Last will & testiment copy Chester. Liverpool. Taylor 2(991). suggest correction
HORNBY, RICHARD, AND SON England, c.1851, NIM T.C. in S.B.R. octant case = Victory Museum, Portsmouth. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
HORNCASTLE, SAMUEL England, fl.1832-40, MIM made drawing instruments, etc. 22 St. Anne's Street, Limehouse, London. Taylor 2(1890); O'Mara. suggest correction
HORNE AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 11/16/88. 123 121 Newgate Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
HORNE AND THORNTHWAITE England, fl.1854-86, OIM PHIM Prism, refracting, glass = Soth. 6/23/87. T.C.; first formed in July, 1854 out of Horne, Thornthwaite and Wood; took Wood back as a partner, 1886-93; merged with Dollond and Co. Ltd. in 1913; W.H. Thornthwaite received a prize at the Great Exhibition of London in 1857. 121, 122 and 123 Newgate Street (1857-66); 122 and 123 Newgate Street (1867-74); 3 Holborne Viaduct, E. (1875); 416 Strand (1876-1912); all in London. Crawforth 1 & 6; Chaldecott 3; RGO; RSW. suggest correction
HORNE, THORNTHWAITE AND CO. England, 1847-87, MIM OIM PHIM Microscopes = LEY, Soth.10/18/71 and 12/13/71. made barometers and thermometers also; "By appointment to her Majesty the Queen"; also signed "Horne and Thornthwaite". 122 and 123 Newgate Street, London. Taylor 2(2196a); Dewhirst; O'Mara; Calvert 2; Goodison 1; van der Star 1. suggest correction
HORNE, THORNTHWAITE AND WOOD England, fl.1846-54 and 1886-94, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = D.(1986). T.C.; succeeded Edward Palmer at the first address below, c. 1846; catalogue published in 1848; firm disolved in 1854; see Horne and Thornthwaite; final break-up of the firm was in 1894. 103 Newgate Street; 121 and 123 Newgate Street (1852); 123 Newgate Street (1853-56); 416 Strand, W.C. (1886-87); 416 Strand and 74 Cheapside (1886-93); all in London. Taylor 2(2196a); Dewhirst; O'Mara; USNM; Quaritch 961; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 & 6; Coffeen 12; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
HORNER Germany, c.1799, PHIM designed a barometer. Middleton 1 and 4. suggest correction
HORNER, CHRISTOFFER Sweden, fl.1714-62, MIM Hörner; instument maker to the U. of Uppsala,(1722-60); also a clockmaker. Dalarna (1714-17); Uppsala (1722-60). Pipping 1; Sidenbladh. suggest correction
HORNER, W.G. England, c.1834, PHIM developed the Zoëtrope in 1834. Bristol. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
HORROD AND BUNDOCK England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 4/28/88. Bündock. Silver Street 2, Clerkenwell, London. RSW. suggest correction
HORROD, C.W. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see William Horrod at the same address. 37 Laystall Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HORROD, WILLIAM England, c.1811, PHIM Wheel Barometers = P.C.(1968),and X. sometimes signed "W. Horrod"; see also C.W. Horrod. 37 Laystall Street, Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1 and 5. suggest correction
HORROD, WILLIAM THOMAS England, fl.1832-34, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 1 Bakers Row, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HORSEMAN, STEPHEN England, fl.1702-24, MIM Plotting Scale, case = OXF; Sundials = X. apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Clockmakers' Company, 1702; free in the Company. King's Arms, Exchange Alley, off Lombard Street, London. Taylor 1(533), 2(69); Michel 3; Evans 1; Gunther 2; J. Brown 3; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
HORSFALL, MATTHEW England, fl.1765-75, MIM sand glass maker. of the Locks, Leeds. Loomes. suggest correction
HORSPOOLE, ABEL England, c.1673, apprenticed to John Brown 6 of the Joiners' Company, 1660, free in the Company, 1673. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HORTON, E. England?, MIM Folding Rule, wood with brass slides = MAA. has scales for ship builders. RSW. suggest correction
HORTON, WILLIAM England, c.1842, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 12 Barbican, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HOSCHEL, CHRISTOF KASPAR Germany, 1744-1829, MIM OIM PHIM Christof Kaspar Höschel; son-in-law of Georg Friedrich Brander; was his partner from 1774 to 1783; succeeded him in 1783; see Brander and Höschel. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Wissner; Daumas 1; Brachner; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
HOSCHEN, BOLUS Germany, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = P.C. Höschen. Freyberg. RSW. suggest correction
HOSE, PETER Germany, c.1700, PHIM Burning Glass, large = DRE. signed as "Mechanikus." Dresden. Grötzsch 2; RSW. suggest correction
HOSMER, JOHN England, 1839, invented a slide rule for measuring timber; surveyor. Delehar 9. suggest correction
HOST, L' see L'Hoste. suggest correction
HOTCHKIN see Hutchin. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HOUDIN FILS France, c.1780, MIM Astronomical Compendium, silver = Soth-P.B. 2/17/77. Blois. RSW. suggest correction
HOUGHAM, JOHN SCHERER USA, 1821-94, MIM PHIM SIM Burt's Solar Compasses = Elgin Coll., P.C. advertised as mathematical and philosophical instrumnt maker; signed both instruments as "Maker." Franklin, Indiana. Elgin. suggest correction
HOUGHTON England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Gloucester Museum. plates signed "Entwhistle Sculp., Bolton." Farnworth, near Warrington. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HOUGHTON, ROWLAND USA, 1678-1744, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = USNM. this may be his "New Theodolate" patented in 1735, with a sundial on the outer ring; also listed as a wooden pump maker; may have worked with John Dabney. north side of the Town House, Boston, Mass. Bedini 1, 8 & 13; Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
HOUGHTON, STEPHEN, AND SON England, fl.1821-68, MIM PHIM Coin Scales (5) = Phillips 7/28/82. "Successors to A. Wilkinson"; Wilkinson was a balance maker. Ormskirk; Liverpool. Taylor 2(1161); G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
HOULISTON, JAMES England, fl.1839-58, OIM PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; see Houlston. 3 St. Albans Terrace, Kennington Road (1839); 33 New Bond Street (1843-50); 85 New Bond Street (1851-58); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HOULSTON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably James Houliston. New Bond Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HOUSEMAN see Horseman. Dewhirst; Michel 3. suggest correction
HOUSSET France, OIM Spyglass = Soth. 12/3/76. "opticien." Rue Neuve de Monmorency, No.3, (Paris?). RSW. suggest correction
HOUSTON AND CAMERON Scotland, c.1865, MIM NIM PHIM Paul Cameron; firm lasted only a brief time. Glasgow. Clarke et al. suggest correction
HOVEDEN, JOHN England, c.1580, author of "Practica Chilindri"; chaplin to Queen Elizabeth 1. London. Gunther 2. suggest correction
HOVEMAN, S. England, 1707, MIM Plotting Scale = Christ Church, Oxford. probably a misreading for Stephen Horseman. Evans 1. suggest correction
HOVIL, WILLIAM England, c.1811, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Fairey of the Grocers' Company on Feb.7, 1811. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
HOW see Howe. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HOW, JAMES England, fl.1842-62, MIM PHIM worked for George Knight and Sons from 1842 to 1862; purchased the business in 1862. 2 Foster Lane, Cheapside, London. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
HOW, SAMUEL England, c.1735, MIM apprenticed to James Rowley of the Clockmakers' Company on March 28, 1727; turned over to John Bickerton (may have been a member of the Clockmakers' Company); free of the Company on July 7, 1735. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HOWARD, CHARLES England, c.1718, MIM SIM Surveying Instruments = KEN; Theodolite = KEN. successor to John Howard? Charing Cross, London. Taylor 1(71); Clay and Court. suggest correction
HOWARD, G. England, MIM SIM Circumferenter = KEN. Charing Cross, London. RSW. suggest correction
HOWARD, JOHN 1 England, c.1694, MIM Circumferentors = KEN; Proportional Compass = D.(1966). the proportional compass is signed "J. Howard." Charing Cross, London. Taylor 1(485); Evans 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
HOWARD, JOHN 2 England, c.1727, apprenticed to Jonathan Roberts in the Broderers' Company, June 1, 1715; free of the Company April 12, 1727; may be the same as John Howard 1. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HOWARD, RICHARD England, fl.1715-18, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1715 = X. might be Richard Howd, which see; apprenticed to Daniel Delaundre, clockmaker. London. Taylor 2(72); Clay and Court. suggest correction
HOWARD, THOMAS England, fl.1767-93, MIM NIM Octants = OXF (1769), NYC, OXF; Backstaff, 1780 = VNN. the VNN backstaff is marked "made for Jas. Borrowdale Feb.3, 1780." Temple Bar (1767-72); 2 Temple Bar (1774); both in Liverpool. Taylor 2(606); USNM; Crawforth 7; Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
HOWARD, WILLIAM England, fl.1660-62, MIM Horizontal Sundials = Ceres Folk Museum, Fife (1660), RSM (1662). also called "Guglielmus Havarti." Lindisfarne? Somerville. suggest correction
HOWARTH variant of Howorth. Bell 2. suggest correction
HOWD, RICHARD England, 1715, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1715 = NMM-Q.20. may be Richard Howard, which see. NMM 2. suggest correction
HOWE, ELIAS USA, 1819-67, MIM apprenticed to Ari Davis, (1837-44); inventor. Cambridge (1837); Boston (1837-on); both in Mass. USNM; Smart 1. suggest correction
HOWE, JOHN (2) AND ROBERT England, fl.1735-49, OIM succeeded their father, John Howe 1; members of the Spectacle -makers' Company. London. Taylor 2(73); Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(116 & 117). suggest correction
HOWE, JOHN 1 England, fl.1699-1733, OIM Refracting Telescopes = KEN, NMM. apprenticed to his father, Joseph Howe, in the Spectacle- makers' Company; admitted to the Company, by patrimony, on March 30, 1699; took apprentices; father of John 2 and Robert Howe; lived ten miles from London in 1710. Threadneedle Street, by the Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 1(466) and 2(73); Evans 1; Dewhirst; NMM 2; Clay and Court ; Daumas 1; Court and von Rohr 3(64); Robischon. suggest correction
HOWE, JOHN 2 England, fl.1733-54?, OIM apprenticed to his father, John Howe 1, of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1725; free of the Company on March 29, 1733; Master of the Company, 1749-50; he and his brother, Robert, succeeded their father in 1733; partnership lasted until 1749; see John (2) and Robert Howe. London. Court and von Rohr 3(116), (117); Taylor 2(73). suggest correction
HOWE, JOHN 3 England, fl.1768-86, OIM apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1761; free of the Company by patrimony Dec. 29, 1768; took an apprentice. Court and von Rohr 3(183). suggest correction
HOWE, JOSEPH England, fl.1667-1710, MIM OIM Telescopes = KEN (1710), AMST. father of John Howe 1; member of the Broderers' Company; member of the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1667; took apprentices in both companies; in the Livery of the Broderers' Company, 1679; Master of the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1672 and 1695. Threadneedle Street, behind the Royal Exchange, London (1670-1695). Taylor 1(320); Evans 1; Clay and Court; Daumas 1; J. Brown 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Court and von Rohr 3(16); Crawforth 6 and 7; Robischon. suggest correction
HOWE, ROBERT England, fl.1733-49+, OIM apprenticed to his father, John Howe 1, of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1725; free of the Company in 1733; he and his brother, John Howe 2, succeeded their father in 1733; went abroad March 30, 1749. London. Court and von Rohr 3(117). suggest correction
HOWE, WILLIAM England, fl.1662-1703, MIM apprenticed to John Blighton 1 of the Grocers' Company, August 23, 1654; free of the Company, Nov. 4, 1662; admitted to the Clockmakers' Company in 1667; took apprentices; sometimes spelled "How". Tower Hill, London (1700). J. Brown 1 and 3; Taylor 1(320); Baillie 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
HOWEL, F. England, c.1780, OIM Reflecting Telescopes = D., Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. Francis Howell ? London. Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
HOWELL, FRANCIS England, 1732, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Heath 1 of the Grocers' Company on July 19, 1732; see F. Howel. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HOWELL, JAMES England, c.1719, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Harrison of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 5, 1714; turned over to Thomas Franklin of the Stationers' Company on April 23, 1718 or 1719. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HOWELL, JAMES, AND CO. England, Aneroid Barometer, pocket = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Regent Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
HOWELL, WILLIAM M. England, c.1829, apprenticed to William Elliott 1 in the Joiners' Company on June 2, 1829. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HOWORTH, CHARLES England, fl.1823-52, PHIM Stick Barometers = D.(1969), D.(1988), X, Capes Dunn 6/12/90; Angle Barometers, twin-tube = OXF(2), NMM(Gabb Coll), Bolling Hall Museum, Bradford (4), Christie 4/5/95; Angle Barometers = P.B. 6/7/68, Christie-SK 4/17/86, Christie-SK 5/15/96, left-handed example = D.(pre-1964). a modern copy of one of his stick barometers was shown at the Chelsea Fair, 1973; the 1986 Christie-SK barometer is marked "Scott Sculp"; two angle barometers stolen from Bolling Hall, Sept., 1990. Ireland Farm, near the Industrial School; Pump Hill, Shibden; both near Halifax, Yorkshire; Halifax (1996 Christie-SK). Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1162); Middleton 1; USNM; ATG 9/15/90; RSW. suggest correction
HOYAU France, 1816, MIM "mechanicien"; invented and made a type of slide rule made on a round, plastic box, called either "boite à calculer" or "boite d'Hoyau." Paris. Delehar 9. suggest correction
HOYEZ France, fl.1830-40, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = Chayette 12/20/88 = Chayette-Calmels 7/4/89; Sundial = X. clockmaker; Chayette-Calmels 7/4/89 gives date as c.1780. Amiens; Cambray. RSW. suggest correction
HOYEZ, J. France, 18th Century, NIM Marine Compasses = NMM-Caird, DIE. marked "Poulieur" or rope-maker. Dieppe. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
HOYSS, LEOPOLD Austria; Germany, 1713-97, MIM Sundials = BAM, FIN, Ellbogen in Böhmen Museum. born in Vienna; the dial in Ellbogen is signed "Leopold Hois." Bamberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
HOYT, T.R. JR. USA, 1831, MIM Globe, small, on stand, 1831 = N.Y. Antique Show, March, 1965. Golfstown, New Hampshire. RSW. suggest correction
HUBE France, c.1810, NIM Sextant = NMM-S.114. "Mechanicien." Rue Basse Riche No. 6, Brest. NMM 2. suggest correction
HUBE FRERES France, c.1830, NIM Artificial Horizon = Gersaint 7/20/96. Hubé Frères; T.C. in box at RSM. Rue de Siam (T.C.); rue Basse Richer No. 6; both in Brest. RSW. suggest correction
HUBEE, MARY England, fl.1830-33, OIM 31 Crown Street, Soho, London. Taylor 2(1891). suggest correction
HUBER France, c.1690, MIM Sector = ADL-M89-l. in Michel 3 a sector is atributed to Jean Huber (c.1760) of Geneva but this may be a confusion with the Huber of Paris. the Adler instrument is signed "Huber à Paris." Paris. Engelmann 1; Daumas 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HUBER, JEAN Switzerland, c.1760, MIM Sector = X. Geneva. Michel 3. suggest correction
HUBERT France, possibly Huber. Paris. Evans 1. suggest correction
HUBERT, ETIENNE, LE FILS France, fl.1656-89, MIM Sundial = X. signed "E. Hubert le fils - Rouen." Rouen. Tardy 3. suggest correction
HUBIN, LE SIEUR England; France, fl.1673-99, PHIM enameler; pioneered in developing the barometer commercially; made barometers, thermometers, air pumps, etc.; born in England; author. Rue St. Martin, face à la rue aux Ours, Paris. Taylor 1(363a); Daumas 1; Middleton 1 and 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
HUBRECHTSZ., HUIJGH Holland, 1628, MIM NIM made compasses and nautical instruments for the Dutch East India Company, 1628. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
HUCHASON see Hutchinson. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HUDD, JEAN Holland, 1633-1704, OIM sometimes spelled "Hudde"; made very small lenses for microscopes; may have also made microscopes; Seigneur de Waweren; Dewhirst says "de Hudd." Amsterdam. Nachet; Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
HUDDE, M. Holland, 1633, OIM made microscopes. Amsterdam. Daumas 1. suggest correction
HUDDLESTON, J.S.F. USA, fl.1841-1900, MIM NIM PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
HUDDY, FRANCIS England, fl.1824-58, MIM Dukes Street, Smithfield (1842); Red Lion Street, Holborn (1856-58); both in London. O'Mara. suggest correction
HUDSON 1 England, fl.1700-15, MIM made the "Copernicus", an astronomical instrument designed by William Whiston and engraved by John Senex. Sign of the Globe, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London (this was also the address of John Senex). Taylor 1(520); Daumas 1; Evans 1. suggest correction
HUDSON 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HUDSON 3 England, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Prismatic Compass = Phillips 11/16/76; T.C. in microscope box = Soth. 3/16/67. Greenwich. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HUDSON 4 England, c.1858, T.C. No. 26 Charing Cross nearly opposite the Admiralty, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
HUDSON AND SON England, c.1810, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Orrery = NMM-P.20. opticians; see Hudson 3; see William Hudson. Greenwich. Goodison 1; NMM 2. suggest correction
HUDSON, JOHN 1 England, MIM Magnetic Compass = P.C.(1969). Workington. RSW. suggest correction
HUDSON, JOHN 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ottley. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HUDSON, JOHN 3 England, fl.1795-1836, MIM OIM PHIM T.C.; spectaclemaker. 7 Orange Street, Leicester Square; No. 112 Leadenhall Street, near St. Mary Axe and No. 9 St. Martin's Court, Leicester Square; all in London. Taylor 2(1362); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
HUDSON, JOHN THOMAS England, fl.1830-38, MIM OIM PHIM Garden Dial = D.(1971). dial is signed "J.T. Hudson"; he also made barometers. 17 Ryder's Court, Leicester Square; 96 (99) High Street, Marylebone; both in London. Taylor 2(1893); Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
HUDSON, SARAH England, 1838, MIM OIM PHIM widow of John Hudson 3? St. Martin's Court, Leicester Square, London (1838). Taylor 2(1362). suggest correction
HUDSON, WILLIAM Scotland; England, fl.1714-46, MIM PHIM made orreries; see Hudson and Son. Edinburgh; London. Baillie 1. suggest correction
HUE France, c.1827, MIM NIM OIM SIM made surveying instruments, sextants and microscopes; he was succeeded by M. Coppin. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
HUE-COPPIN France, post-1827, MIM NIM OIM SIM Coppin succeeded Hue and kept the name; Coppin was succeeded by his son, Edouard Coppin. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
HUE-COPPIN, MAISON France, post-1827, MIM NIM OIM SIM Edouard Coppin succeeded his father, M. Coppin, the name was changed from Hue-Coppin to Maison Hue-Coppin. 56 rue de Turbigo, Paris 3e. RSW. suggest correction
HUET DE SOURDON France, c.1800, MIM Generic Orrery = X. author; orrery demonstrated all sorts of heliacal motions; off-center gilt, prolate sun; long description on paper on base. RSW. suggest correction
HUET ET CIE. France, 19th Century, OIM Lorgnette = X. Palais Royal, No.6, Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
HUET, LOUIS France, 1756-1805, OIM optician; made mirrors for navigating instruments; made the first achromatic French microscope. Rennes (1756); Nantes (1793-1805). Daumas 1; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
HUET, PIERRE DANIEL France, c.1722, suggested a new type of anemometer; meteorologist. Middleton 4. suggest correction
HUETTE France, fl.pre-1839-41, MIM successor to Canivet? succeeded by Loiseau in 1841. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
HUGE France, 18th century, MIM Graphometer = Chevau-Légers 2/28/82; Set-square = Christie 4/3/74. "Hugé." Versailles. RSW. suggest correction
HUGGEFORD, COSMOS THOMAS Italy, 1714, MIM Pin-gnomon sundial, with case, 1714 = OXF. Michel said 1724. Florence. Gunther 2; Evans 1; Michel 3; Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
HUGGINS, GEORGE 1 see George (Huggins) Dollond 1. Taylor 2(955) & (992a); Clay and Court; J. Brown 1 & 2; Court and von Rohr 3(223). suggest correction
HUGGINS, GEORGE 2 see George (Huggins) Dollond 2. J. Brown 2; Robischon. suggest correction
HUGGINS, J. England, c.1830-40, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 5/17/74, X, D.(1993). D.(1993) barometer is signed "Huggins Colchester", rare, reverse dial. Colchester. Goodison 1; Ant. Hor. Summer, 1993; RSW. suggest correction
HUGGINS, JOHN 1 England, c.1778, MIM father of George (Huggins) Dollond 1; apprenticed to Peter Dollond in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1778; free of the Grocers' Company. London. Robischon. suggest correction
HUGGINS, JOHN 2 England, 1812, MIM apprenticed to George (Huggins) Dollond 1 of the Grocers' Company in 1805; free of the Company on Dec. 3, 1812; may have been son of George (Huggins) Dollond 1. London. J. Brown 1 & 2; Robischon. suggest correction
HUGGINS, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1800-22, MIM OIM Beam Compass = Larkin Sale (1800). may be same as William Thomas Huggins, which see. 7 Little Knightrider Street, London. Taylor 2(1163); Dewhirst; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HUGGINS, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1844, apprenticed to his father, George (Huggins) Dollond 2, in the Grocers' Company in 1844. Robischon. suggest correction
HUGGINS, WILLIAM THOMAS England, c.1793, apprenticed to Anthony Oldiss Banks on Nov. 19, 1793, in the Joiners' Company; may be the same as William Huggins 1. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HUGHES 1 England, fl.1820-60, NIM OIM Octants = PEA, LIM, GEP, BAR, OMM, Milan Science Museum,P.C. Sextants = PEA, LIM, RJK, KOT; Telescope = CZO. London. Brewington 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
HUGHES 2 see Cock and Hughes. Pym Sale. suggest correction
HUGHES 3 Ireland, NIM Octant, ebony and box wood = D.(1972). Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
HUGHES AND SON England, c.1850, NIM Mariner's Compass = MAN-163. surely Henry Hughes and Son. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
HUGHES AND SONS England, NIM Sextant = K.and C. 10/8/75. probably a misreading for Hughes and Son. London. RSW. suggest correction
HUGHES, ALEXANDER England, post-1840, MIM son of Henry Hughes. London. Taylor 2(1894); Moskowitz 122. suggest correction
HUGHES, HENRY England, fl.1830-40, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sextants = KOT, VNM, NMM, WHI; Box Compass = Snowshill Manor; Telescope = Soth. 10/15/73; Corn Balance = Soth. 10/15/73; Octant = Soth. 10/15/73; Marine Barometer = VNN, Christie-SK 6/24/88; Wheel Barometer = X. Established a Navigation Warehouse; many of the instruments are signed "H. Hughes." Commercial Road (1835); 120 Fenchurch Street (1840); 59 Fenchurch Street; all in London. Taylor 2(1894); Brewington 1; USNM; Moskowitz 122; Goodison 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
HUGHES, HENRY, AND SON England, c. 1844-1940, MIM NIM OIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums and which often appear at dealers or in auction catalogues. the "son" was Alexander Hughes; the firm continued as Henry Hughes and Son Ltd. until the middle of the 20th Century. 59 Fenchurch Street, London. USNM; Moskowitz 122; NMM 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Mörzer Bruyns 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
HUGHES, HENRY, AND SONS England, c.1840, MIM NIM Reflecting Circle = AMST. may be misreading for Henry Hughes and Son. London. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
HUGHES, J. England, c.1820, NIM PHIM Hanging Compass = NMM; Marine Compass, porcelain = Christie 10/19/90; Marine Barometer = Soth.-S 7/23/87; Barometer = DEU; Octants = NMM-S.110, Fall River Historical Society, Mass.; Sextants = SMM, VNM, BAR, Snowshill Manor, etc. this could be either James Hughes or Joseph Hughes 2; the trade card reads "Real Manufacturer of sextants, quadrants, compasses and telescopes"; marine compass marked "Keen's Patent." 16 Queen Street, Ratcliffe Cross; Ratcliff; both in London. NMM 2; Calvert 2; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
HUGHES, J.J. misreading for J. Hughes. Bell 2; Middleton 1. suggest correction
HUGHES, JAMES England, fl.1817-22, NIM OIM made sextants, octants, quadrants, compasses and telescopes. 16 Queen Street, Ratcliff Cross, London. Taylor 2(1363); Dewhirst. suggest correction
HUGHES, JOHN England, NIM Octant = ADL-A54. London. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HUGHES, JOHN M. USA, fl.1838-50, MIM NIM OIM PHIM made telescopes, microscopes, meteorological and surveying instruments, thermometers, etc. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
HUGHES, JOSEPH 1 England, c.1800, MIM OIM father of Henry Hughes of Fenchurch Street, London. Limehouse, London. Taylor 2(1164); Dewhirst; Brewington 1; Moskowitz 122. suggest correction
HUGHES, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1822-75, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Instrument = WHI. son of Joseph Hughes 1; successor or partner of James Hughes (1822). 16 Queen Street, Ratcliff Cross (1835); Minories; Bickley Row, Rotherhithe and 38-40 Queen Street, Rotherhithe (1868-75); all in London. Taylor 2(1598); Brewington 1; USNM. suggest correction
HUGHES, RICHARD England, c.1815, MIM apprenticed to John Browning 1 or 2 of the Grocers' Company on Jan. 5, 1815. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HUGHES, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1787-97, MIM rule maker. 26 Duke Street (1787); Colmore Row (1797); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
HUGHES, THOMAS 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Oxford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HUGHES, WILLIAM 1 England, 1719, MIM apprenticed to John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers' Company on May 5, 1719. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HUGHES, WILLIAM 2 England, 1790, NIM OIM Octant, 1790 = NMM. NMM 2 has no entry for William Hughes. Limehouse, London. Taylor 2(994). suggest correction
HUGUET, NICOLAUS France, 18th Century, MIM SIM Circumferentor = P. & S. 5/19/1896; Graphometers = P. & S. 2/28/1896, Graz Univ. Sternwarte; Butterfield-type Sundial = UTO 11/2/76. some of the instruments are signed "Hugueth." Paris. Zinner 1; Evans 1. suggest correction
HUHN, F.A. Germany, c.1827, NIM see W. von Rönn und F.A. Hühn. Schück 2. suggest correction
HUISEN, JACOB Holland, fl.1739-92, OIM Microscope = UTP. sometimes spelled "Huijsen." Utrecht. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
HUISINGA, T.F. Holland, pre-1832, OIM telescope maker. St. Jacobi Parochie. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
HULETT, JOHN England, 1630, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1630 = D.(1973). Oxford. G.L'E. Turner 16; Wynter and Turner; Wynter 1. suggest correction
HULL, HARRISON England?, NIM Sextant = ADL-A168. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
HULL, J.B. England?, c.1830, MIM Sector = P.C. owner? RSW. suggest correction
HULL, NATHANIEL misreading for Nathaniel Hill. C.N. Robinson. suggest correction
HULOT France, pre-1780, MIM Dividing Engine = COR. Paris. Courtenvaux; RSW. suggest correction
HULSE see Jacob and Hulse. Soth. 5/2/66. suggest correction
HULSIUS, LEVINUS Belgium; Germany, fl.1590-1606, MIM Sector = Pommerische Kunstschrank, Berlin (1905); Planimeter = NUR. author; instrument designer and maker. Ghent; Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Bezold; Weil 2(19); Lunardi. suggest correction
HULST VAN KEULEN, GERARD Holland, fl.1756-1801, MIM NIM Backstaves = AMST (1791), P.C. (1791), LEY, Northern Marine Museum, Groningen ; Cross-staves = AMST (1791), LEY (1788), Leiden Obs., P.C. (1793); Sextants = AMST, LEY, TEY, (1790); Protractor = RIJ; Octant, 1790 = TEY; Azimuth Compass = Leiden Obs.; Sundial = LEY; Reflecting Circle = LEY; Compass Card = LEY; etc. grandson of Johannes van Keulen 3; the sextants and the octant in the AMST and the TEY are marked "Divided cum privilegio"; many of the instruments from this shop are signed "G.H.v.K.; his widow succeeded in 1801. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; G.L'E. Turner 7; Rooseboom 1; J. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
HULST VAN KEULEN, WEDUWE GERARD Holland, c.1801, NIM Octant = AMST; Compass Card = AMST; Compass = AMST; Engraved Plates, brass, for printing compass roses = AMST. the widow of Gerard Hulst van Keulen was born Anna Hendrika Calkoen; she was probably succeeded by Johannes Gerard Hulst van Keulen van de Velde; succeeded her husband in 1801; a compass plate signed "Johannes van Keulen [(3) en Zoonen] * Wed. G. Hulst van Keulen" exists. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
HULTBERG, OLOF Sweden, fl.1708-43, PHIM made an air pump and a hydrostatic balance for Martin Triewald. Stockholm; Uppsala (1723). Pipping 1. suggest correction
HUMBERT AND KNIGHT USA, fl.1836-37, PHIM made a large electrical machine. 14 Roosevelt Street, New York, N.Y. Ames, "Industry of New York", Oct.-Sept. 1836-37. suggest correction
HUME, JANE England, 1836, MIM 10 High Street, Wapping, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
HUMPHREY England, c.1775, PHIM Level Gauge on a Banjo Barometer = Soth. 1/19/73; Wheel Barometer = X. may be Thomas Humphreys. Barnards Castle. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HUMPHREYS, CHARLES Englandfl.1846- 56, MIM 136 Pennington, St. George Street, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
HUMPHREYS, THOMAS England, PHIM see Humphrey. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HUMPHREYS, WILLIAM England, b.1812 fl.1838-50, PHIM made barometers and clocks. Hartlepool. Bell 2. suggest correction
HUND, G. England, MIM T.C.; made or engraved rules. Calvert 2. suggest correction
HUNDTERPFUNDIN, MARGAREDA WILHELM Germany?, 1617, MIM Measure, copper, 1617 = Madex-555 (P.C.). MADEX. suggest correction
HUNNEX, JOSHUA England, fl.1810-36, MIM apprenticed to Ebenezer Hoppé in the Joiners' Company, March 17, 1801; free in the Company. 6 Crown and Shears Place, Sparrow Corner (1810); 27 opposite the one mile stone, Mile End Road; Spencer Street, Goswell Street Road (1836); all in London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HUNT Ireland, c.1815, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = D.(1971); Inclinable Sundial = D.; Equatorial Sundial = P.C.; Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. telescope is marked "Day or Night"; Thomas Hunt 2 ? Cork. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HUNT, EBENEZER England, c.1804, apprenticed to his father, John Hunt 2, of the Grocers' Company, on Oct. 4, 1804. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
HUNT, GEORGE England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Overton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HUNT, HARRY England, b.1635 fl.1673-1713, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Hooke (1679); Marine Barometer = Royal Society (1695). assistant to Robert Hooke until 1676; Operator to the Royal Society, where he succeeded Richard Shortgrave; sometimes listed as "Henry Hunt"; made meteorological instruments. Gresham House, Broad Street, London. Taylor 1(364); Goodison 1; Evans 1; Dewhirst 1; Daumas 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
HUNT, HARVEY W. USA, 1796-1850+, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Surveyor's Vernier Compass = P.C. was with Richard Patten (1823-34); see Brown and Hunt (1834-37). 78 Wall Street (1821); 190 Water Street (1834); 27 Fulton Street (1835-37); all in New York, N.Y.; Granby Street between Gay and Exeter, 60 South Street, Baltimore, Md. (1840-42); Washington, D.C. (1846-50+). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
HUNT, HENRY England, c.1850, NIM T.C. in octant case, octant signed "Crichton" (Soth. 10/18/71). Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
HUNT, JOHN 1 England, pre-1777, MIM not in the Grocers' Company; father of John Hunt 2 and grand- father of Ebenezer Hunt, both in the Grocers' Company. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HUNT, JOHN 2 England, fl.1788-1812, MIM OIM son of John Hunt 1; apprenticed to William Spencer 1 of the Grocers' Company on May 1, 1777; free of the Company on June 5, 1788. 6 Dog Row, Bethnal Green, London. J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
HUNT, THOMAS 1 England, c.1696, apprenticed to Grace Wells in the Joiners' Company on July 28, 1696. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HUNT, THOMAS 2 Ireland, fl.1792-1812, MIM OIM PHIM Instrument = X.; Wheel Barometer = X; Marine Barometer = X. the marine barometer is signed "T. Hunt Cork"; see Hunt. Patrick Street, Cork. Taylor 2(1164a); Goodison 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
HUNT, THOMAS 3 Ireland, fl.1820-24, MIM Thomas Hunt, Jr.; optician; probably the son of Thomas Hunt 2. 37 Patrick Street (1820); 65 Patrick Street (1824); both in Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
HUNT, THOMAS 4 USA, 1799-1878, MIM fl. 1851-1871. 53 Fulton Street, New York, N.Y. (1853-54). Smart 1. suggest correction
HUNT, WILLIAM England, fl.1673-98, invented a slide rule. Taylor 1(365). suggest correction
HUNTER England, see Edwards. Cornhill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HUNTER AND SANDS England, c.1850, OIM Monocular Microscope = Christie. 6/7/72. 20 Cranbourn Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
HUNTER, EDWIN Ireland?, c.1800, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 2/25/86. signed "Edn. Hunter Fecit"; T.C. in the lid of the case shows "Jas. Heron clock and watchmaker in Newtown." RSW. suggest correction
HUNTER, JAMES England, fl.1813-18, invented the "Nautical Indicator"; may be Mr. Hunter of Edinburgh. Leicester Street, Leicester Square, London. Taylor 2(1364). suggest correction
HUNTER, JOHN England, "conversant in the mathematical and clockway"; a journeyman? London. Bryden 9. suggest correction
HUNTER, MR. Scotland, 1817, NIM invented or made a navigation instrument. Edinburgh. Taylor 2(1364). suggest correction
HUNTINGTON, GURDON USA, fl.1763-1804, MIM Surveying Compass, wood = P.C. also a clockmaker and a goldsmith. Windham, Conn.(1763-89); Walpole, New Hampshire (1789-1804). Bedini 1, 8 and 17; Smart 1. suggest correction
HUNTLEY, J. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth.-S 5/19/88 and 5/18/89. see John Huntly. City Road (London?). RSW. suggest correction
HUNTLEY, ROBERT England, fl.1805-38, OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = VNN; Lucernal Microscope = WHI; Jones type Microscope = USNM; Culpeper type Microscope = CZJ; Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X; Level with Compass = WHI; Telescope = Soth.3/25/86. the barometer in the VNN is signed "Huntley, 53 Holborn." 1 Plummer's Row, City Road and 53 High Holborn (c.1817); 294 or 244 Regent Street; 118 Oxford Street (1830); all in London. Taylor 1(1365); Dewhirst; USNM; Goodison 1; Clay and Court; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
HUNTLY, JOHN England, c.1825, OIM 16 Brownlow Street, Holborn, London. Taylor 2(1600). suggest correction
HURD, NATHANIEL USA, 1729-77, engraved the compass cards for surveyor's compasses by Andrew Newell and Thomas Greenough 1. Boston, Mass. Bedini 1 & 8; Price 2; Rudd; Warner 12. suggest correction
HURLIMANN, A. France, c.1873, MIM NIM OIM Sextants = Dartmouth College, USA, USNM, Nouveau Drouot 10/16/88 ; Telescope, 1873 = La Rochelle 7/16/83. succeeded Lorieux; the sextant at the Nouveau Drouot was also marked "1384." Paris. Calvert 2; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
HURLOCK, JONAS England, c.1699, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1699. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HURST, JOSEPH misreading for Hurt. Taylor 2(273). suggest correction
HURT, JOSEPH England, fl.1729-48, OIM PHIM Telescopes = KEN, WHI, NMM; Stick Barometer = X. apprenticed to Ralph Sterrop of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Aug. 5, 1729; free in the Company in 1736; successor of Ralph Sterrop; T.C. shows that he was also a thermometer maker; the barometer is signed "I. Hurt." at the Sign of Archimedes and Three Golden Spectacles, Ludgate Street, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(273); NMM 2; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Crawforth 1 & 7; Court and von Rohr 3(128); Robischon. suggest correction
HURTER 1 England, c.1830, MIM Telescope, three-draw = Christie-SK 4/17/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
HURTER 2 see also Haas and Hurter suggest correction
HURTER AND HAAS England, 1785-95, MIM PHIM Balance, 1793 = X.; Barometer, 1787 = X. London. Taylor 2(853); G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
HURTER, JOHANN HEINRICH England, fl.1750-87?, MIM PHIM Air Pump = STT; Barometer = GEM (1786); Hygrometer = DRE; Borda Circle = GEM. GEM are the de Suussure Coll. London. Taylor 2(853); Pipping 1; Goodison 1; Daumas 1; Drechsler 2; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1. suggest correction
HURTER, JOHN England, fl.1791-93, PHIM may be J.H. Hurter. Marlborough Street, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
HURTIN, CHRISTIAN USA, 1743?-1830, MIM Surveying Compasses = P.C. (1788)( # 7), P.C. (1788)(# 8), P.C. (1811)(# 39), VCW (1794). came from a Huguenot family of La Rochelle, France in the early 18th Century; watchmaker ; the VCW instrument is marked "No.18." New York, N.Y.; Goshen, N.Y. (1788). Smart 1; USNM; Rudd; RSW. suggest correction
HUSBANDS 1 England, OIM Microscope = Soth. 10/27/69; Henderson-type Hypthonite = Soth. 7/7/78. may be Henry Husbands, see also H. Husbands; hypthonite was a surveying instrument. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
HUSBANDS 2 see T. Wright and Husbands. Calvert 2. suggest correction
HUSBANDS AND CLARKE England, fl.-1862-1870, OIM Refracting Telescope = Soth. 12/19/60; Theodolite = P.C.(1987); Telescope = Christie-SK 11/2/95. Denmark Street, Bristol. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
HUSBANDS AND SONS England, Bristol. Soth. 11/9/70. suggest correction
HUSBANDS, H. England, pre-1876, see M.W. Dunscombe and Husbands. Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
HUSBANDS, H.Y. England, c.1850, NIM OIM PHIM optician; manufacturer of microscopes, surveying and nautical instruments; see H. Husbands and Henry Husbands. 8 St. Augustine's Parade, corner of Denmark Street, Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
HUSBANDS, HENRY England, MIM T.C., in the case for a telescopic level by Hyde of Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
HUSSEY, JAMES England, c.1747, MIM Set of Drawing Instruments = P.C. apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company, March 1, 1747; the set of drawing instruments is signed "Hussey London." London. Taylor 2(496); Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HUSSEY, WILLIAM England, fl.1739-97, MIM apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on May 8, 1739; rule maker. London. Crawforth 6 & 7. suggest correction
HUTCHIN, HENRY England, c.1712, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 14, 1712. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HUTCHINS AND HUTCHINS USA, fl.1786-1807, MIM Levi and Abel Hutchins; clockmakers. Concord, New Hampshire. Smart 1. suggest correction
HUTCHINS, I. England, 18th Century, NIM Backstaff = PEA. St. Catherine's, London. Brewington 1. suggest correction
HUTCHINS, LEVI USA, 1761-1855, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, 1804 = DATM. apprenticed to Simon Willard; surveying instrument maker; clockmaker; see Hutchins and Hutchins. Concord, New Hampshire. Smart 1; DATM. suggest correction
HUTCHINSON 1 England, c.1850, MIM Capuchin Sundial, paper = CMY. RSW. suggest correction
HUTCHINSON 2 England, fl.1847-50+, PHIM barometer maker; watchmaker. Church Street, Sunderland. Bell 2. suggest correction
HUTCHINSON AND SON Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HUTCHINSON, CHARLES C. USA, 1832-1913, MIM NIM OIM Telescope with tripod = Bourne 3/20/84; Wye Level = D.(1993). 1/21/93; Sextant, miniature = D.(1996). Sextant, 6 inch radius, Yale (2007). apprenticed to F.W. Lincoln 2 pre -1853; in business by 1853; partnership with Lincoln, 1858-83; succeeded him as C.C. Hutchinson, 1883-1913; T.C. 136 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass; 152 State St Boston, Mass. Smart 1; Brewington 1; Garcelon 33 and 34; Coffeen 55; RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
HUTCHINSON, RICHARD 1 England, 1781, MIM apprenticed to William Spencer 1 of the Grocers' Company on July 12, 1781. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
HUTCHINSON, RICHARD 2 England, fl.1702-36, MIM apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company for eight years on June 26, 1694; free of the Company on July 6, 1702; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HUTCHINSON, THOS. England?, MIM Sector, ivory = Christie 7/29/76. RSW. suggest correction
HUTT, RICHARD England, c.1740, member of the Clothmakers' Company; William Baker turned over to him on Oct. 20, 1740, but was freed in the Joiners' Company in 1748. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HUTTON, JOHN 1 England, fl.1724-27, MIM apprenticed to Joseph South of the Clockmakers' Company for eight years on June 4, 1716; free of the Company on Oct. 5, 1724; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
HUTTON, JOHN 2 England, c.1850, NIM Sextant, with double frame = Soth. 3/10/87. 10 Park Lane, London. RSW. suggest correction
HUX, ELIZABETH England, PHIM scale and weightmaker; widow of Thomas Hux; she ran the business and took apprentices for 26 years; T.C. Ye Three Cocks at Holborn Conduit, London. Crawforth 7; J. Collins 1. suggest correction
HUX, THOMAS England, PHIM scale maker; succeeded by his wife, Elizabeth Hux. Ye Three Cocks at Holborn Conduit, London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
HUYGENS, CHRISTIAAN Holland; France, 1629-95, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope objective Lenses = BRO(2). author; invented the pendulum clock and a micrometer; identified polarized light; invented and supervised the construction of two planetariums made by the clockmaker Van Ceulen. The Hague; Paris. Michel 14; Rooseboom 1; North 2; Daumas 1; Nachet; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1; Darius 4. suggest correction
HUYGENS, CHRISTIAAN AND CONSTANTIN Holland, 1656, OIM made a 23-foot telescope in 1656. Offenbacher Cat.29, 1977. suggest correction
HUYGENS, CONSTANTIN Holland, c.1686, OIM Object Glasses, 1686 = BM, BRO. brother of Christiaan Huygens; lens of 123-foot focal length lens at the Royal Society in 1723. The Hague. Rooseboom 1; USNM; Nachet; Daumas 1; Dewhirst; A.J. Turner 10; Darius 4. suggest correction
HUYS Holland, c.1800, NIM Mariner's Compass = AMST. signed "---t oude Kompasmakers Huys." Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
HYAMS see Griffin and Hyams Bell 2. suggest correction
HYDE, J. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably John Hyde, watch and clockmaker, fl.1835-41. Sleaford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
HYDE, J.M. England, fl.1841-52, MIM NIM OIM Octant = PEA; Microscope = D.(1981); Sextant = P.C.(1984); Telescopic Level = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Stick Barometer = GMM; Compound Microscope = Wellcome Institute. level and barometer signed "Hyde Bristol"; barometer also marked "Optician." 1 Broad Quay, Bristol. Brewington 1; Moskowitz 122; Lockhart 1; Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
HYMAN England, fl.1812-50, PHIM made barometers, watches and jewelry. Cornwall Street; Parade; Treville Street; Bedford Street; George Street; all in Plymouth. Bell 2. suggest correction
HYNES, J. England, c.1830?, NIM OIM PHIM Mariner's Compass = D.(1971); Wheel Barometer = X. quadrant maker; possibly John Hynes, optician (c.1830); there is a compass signed "Hynes." Lynn. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
HYRNE, HENRY England, c.1652, John Herne 1 sent letters to the Royal Society which were entered as having come from Henry (Harry) Hyrne. London. Taylor 1(238). suggest correction
HYRONS, GEORGE England, fl.1780-87, MIM 82 Queen Street, Park, Southwark. Taylor 2(854). suggest correction
HYVEE, ROGER England, fl.1703-04, designed instruments for lunar observations. Taylor 1(539). suggest correction
I. 1 Portugal, 1616, NIM Mariner's Astrolabe, 1616 (NMM-58) = Christie-NY 6/14/88 = ADL-A275. National Maritime Museum Registry of Mariner's Astrolabe; from the Atocha wreck. A. Stimson 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I. 2 Germany, c.1702, MIM Terrestrial Globe = ADL-M14. also marked "D.K." and "T.P."; the "D.K." is D.K. 3 and the "T.P." is T.P. 2. Augsburg. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.* K. Germany, MIM Gunner's Calipers = ADL-W128. the * is either a T with a downward hook on the end of the crossbar or a P with an extended shaft. RSW. suggest correction
I.3 K. Germany, fl.1636-48, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = Drecker Coll. (1636), X (1644), NMM, NYC, PRA, ZUR, WHI, NUR, DRE, DEU, OXF, STU, ADL, Huelsmann Coll. (2), etc. Jacob Karner; some other dials are just marked "3". Nürnberg. Zinner 1; NMM 2; Gouk; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.A.D. see Succa. RSW. suggest correction
I.A.M. 1 Germany, fl.1688-1708, MIM Ring Sundials = BM (1688), MER (1693), ZAA (1695), PRA (1695, 1696), Drecker = ADL-DPW4 (1699), UTR (1701), HAK (1704), Düsseldorf (1705), GRA (1708). Zinner 1 and 6; Evans 1; Price 3; Ward 4; de Rijk; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.A.M. 2 England, 1695, MIM Ring Sundials = PAK-125 (1695), KEN. "The Master I.A.M. 1695" on PAK. Beevers. suggest correction
I.A.M. 3 Germany, MIM Horizontal Sundial, stone = BUD. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.B. 1 1547, MIM Astrolabe, 1547 = UTR-3425 (ICA 539). appears to be c.1400; perhaps owner; may be fake; rete is Fusoris-type. Van Cittert; Michel 3; Price 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
I.B. 2 Germany, 1592, MIM Nocturnal, 1592 = Rosenheim = FIN = Soth. 11/1/65 = UTO 11/2/76. RSW. suggest correction
I.B. 3 16th Century, MIM Jacob's Staff, with gilt-brass cross = FLO-411. Michel 3. suggest correction
I.B. 4 1663, MIM Volvelle on box, 1663 = D.(1969). RSW. suggest correction
I.B. 5 1780, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1780 = BASH. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.B. 6 Germany?, MIM Horizontal Sundial, wood base = MUN; Compass, wood base = MUN. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
I.B. 7 NIM Backstaff = WHI. RSW. suggest correction
I.B. 8 MIM Sundial, ivory = Fry Coll. RSW. suggest correction
I.B. 9A Germany, marked on printed paper compass rose in ADL-M477, cut down to fit smaller compass. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.B. 9B Holland, c.1625, MIM Sundial, pocket = AMST. see Joost de Beer. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
I.B. 9C Jost Bürgi? Ioannes Bos? Ioannes Bosius? Ioannes Batis? RSW. suggest correction
I.B. 9D Germany, c.1620, MIM Proportional Dividers = DEU. Jost Burgi; marked "Infentor et fecit." RSW. suggest correction
I.B.F. Italy?, MIM SIM Trigonometer = FLO-2530. Price 2. suggest correction
I.B.H. Germany, 1713-79, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = CZJ. Johann Balthasar Heggenauer. Augsburg. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
I.C. 1 1577, MIM Astronomical Compendium, round, 1577 = Soth. 5/16/57-125. RSW. suggest correction
I.C. 2 Scandanavia, 1660, MIM Clog Almanac, 1660 = OXF. Maddison 1. suggest correction
I.C. 3 England, c.1650, NIM Lodestone, silver-mounted = Christie 4/3/85. master mark "I.C." has mullet below; also on London caudle cup, 1659. London. RSW. suggest correction
I.C.E. Germany?, 1704, MIM Vertical Sundial, round, copper, 1704 = MUN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.C.P. Germany, MIM Horizontal Table Sundial = Eisenach Museum. 48° latitude. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.C.R. 1 Germany, 18th Century, OIM Nürnberg-type Microscopes, wood and paper = P.C., etc. the mark I C over R within a circle is burned into the base; these microscopes were produced by toy makers rather than by optical instrument makers. Nürnberg. G.L'E. Turner 16; RSW. suggest correction
I.C.R. 2 Germany, fl.1795-1807, MIM Sundials, 1795, 1798, 1807 = DRE. Körber 1; RSW. suggest correction
I.C.S. Germany, 1771, MIM Measuring Stick, wood, 1771 = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
I.D. 1 1622, MIM Diptych Sundial, gilt-metal, 1622 = Soth. 5/10/54. signed "I.D.f." RSW. suggest correction
I.D. 2 Holland, c.1656, marked on weights with coin balance by Jacob Drielenburg. RSW. suggest correction
I.D. 3 England, c.1790, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = D.(1989). the initials "I.D.", with an anchor between the letters, appear on the ivory scale; probably John Dring, which see; Coffeen thought the initials might possibly stand for John Dollond but more likely to be those of John Dring. Moskowitz 122; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Coffeen 27. suggest correction
I.D.F. 1621, MIM Gunnery Sight, 1621 = OXF. Price 2. suggest correction
I.D.V. see D.I.V. suggest correction
I.E. 1 Germany?, 1584-88, MIM Diptych Sundial, gilt-brass, 1584 = OXFB. see Johan Eickert. Zinner 1; Michel 1. suggest correction
I.E. 2 1668, MIM Perpetual Calender on box, 1668 = Christie 10/12/65. RSW. suggest correction
I.E. 3 1796, MIM Pocket Sundial, 1796 = SLM. RSW. suggest correction
I.E.V. 18th Century, MIM Equatorial Sundial, hexagonal = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
I.F. 1 Italy, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial with Nocturnal = MADEX = NMM-D.73. gilt-brass. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
I.F. 2 1636, MIM Rule, ebony and ivory, 1636 = MADEX. RSW. suggest correction
I.F. 3 England, c.1864, MIM Sundial, 1684 = Christie 9/11/86. signed "I.F. Fecit Aprill the 18th 1684." RSW. suggest correction
I.F. 4 England, 1746, NIM Backstaff, 1746 = Snowshill Manor, Glouc. also marked "Thos. Dutch, Jan. 20, 1746." RSW. suggest correction
I.F.B. MIM Sundial = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
I.F.F. see J.F. Kynast. suggest correction
I.F.I. 1771, PHIM Money Scales, 1771 = P-B 10/28/63 (3). RSW. suggest correction
I.F.K. Germany, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = ULM, Vogel, March, 1973. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
I.G. 1 c.1600, MIM Gunner's Level = ADL-M216. fleur-de-lys between the initials. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Tarrasuk 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.G. 2 Germany?, 1665, MIM Quadrant and Sundial, wood, 1665 = Soth. 12/9/68 = ADL-N26. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.G. 3 Germany, 1755, MIM Vertical Sundial, round, 1755 = Galerie am Neumarkt 10/19/72. RSW. suggest correction
I.G. 4 Germany?, NIM Lodestone, small, silver-bound = Kelton Coll. (1990). RSW. suggest correction
I.G.H. 1 Germany, 1650, MIM see J.G.H. 1. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.G.H. 2 England, c.1725, MIM Sector = Christie 4/3/85. English sector. RSW. suggest correction
I.G.H. 3 Sweden, c.1775, MIM OIM Horizontal Sundial = SWE; Magnetic Compasses = NOR (2), D. (1985); Sectors = NOR, ADL-A346; Telescopic Alidade = NOR; Mining Compass with Sundial = STM. Johan Gustaf Hasselström, which see. Stockholm. Zinner 1; Coffeen 30; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.G.H. 4 18th Century, MIM Table Sundial, cover = Ineichen 10/18/74. RSW. suggest correction
I.G.H. 5 MIM Horizontal Sundial, stone = P-B 5/16/53. RSW. suggest correction
I.G.M. c.1750, MIM Horizontal Sundial, stone = Koller 11/17/75. RSW. suggest correction
I.G.V. see Johann Georg Vogler; many of Vogler's Augsburg-type sundials are signed this way; another variant is "J.G.V.", which see. Zinner 1; Körber 1; Bobinger 2; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
I.H. 1 England, 1720, MIM Sundial, 1720 = Nottingham Museum; Ring Sundial = OXF. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
I.H. 2 England, fl.1742-44, NIM Nocturnals, wood = Melun 4/24/83 (1744), PMM (1742). "I.H." with a star in between and the date underneath; "both bears." RSW. suggest correction
I.H. 3 marked on a James Ham 1 backstaff. suggest correction
I.H. 4 crudely scratched on back of artillery calipers, ADL-W128. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.H. 5 letters conjoined; marked on dividers signed "J. Marcelli. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
I.H.K. Germany, 1723, MIM Ring Sundial, 1723 = MUN-33/193. Zinner 1; Price 2. suggest correction
I.H.S. "In Hoc Signo." RSW. suggest correction
I.K. 1 c.1610, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = ADL-DPW25, PRA, Christie 11/24/83; Drouot 4/7/87. the dial in Prague is also stamped "3", the mastermark of Jakob Karner. Nürnberg. Horsky and Skopova; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.K. 2 Germany, 1639, MIM Instrument, 1639 = Drecker. RSW. suggest correction
I.K. 3 MIM Compass Sundial = NOR. punchmark on brass hour scale. RSW. suggest correction
I.K. 4 Germany, MIM Sector on Gunner's Calipers = ADL-W128. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.K. 5 France?, 1825, MIM Gunners' Level, 1825 = Soth. 2/25/86 = D.(1987). Coffeen 15; RSW. suggest correction
I.K.L. Germany, c.1680, MIM Ring Sundial = WHI-688. Bryden thought it possible that it might be J.K. Landeck; we know of Andreas Landeck and of Johann Melchior Landeck. Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
I.L. Sweden?, c.1725, MIM Compass = X. Pipping 1. suggest correction
I.L.E. MIM Compass Sundial, boxwood, barrel = ADL-A1. letters combined on the east line of compass card. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.L.M. 1702, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1702 = P.C. Moskowitz. suggest correction
I.M. 1 1609, MIM Vertical Sundial with sights, 1609 = STR. RSW. suggest correction
I.M. 2 MIM Table Sundial, round, pewter = ADL-T71. modern copy; marked "42°" for latitude. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.M. 3 Germany, c.1791, OIM Microscopes, wood and paper = D.(1982), Prin Coll., CZJ, NOR, Soth. 3/25/86, P.C., Phillips 11/16/88, etc. Junker of Magdeburg, 1791. Nürnberg. Coffeen A; G.L'E. Turner 16; Daumas 1; Weil 2(6); Oxford Exhibition, 1947; Moskowitz 112; RSW. suggest correction
I.M. 4 MIM made instruments with a fleur-de-lys as the punchmark. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.M. 5 Germany, c.1800, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = DeLuca 8/1/87. silver inlays and fittings. RSW. suggest correction
I.M.E. Germany?, MIM Rule, wood and ivory = ULM. "I.M." over "E." RSW. suggest correction
I.M.H. 1760, MIM Horizontal Table Sundial, stone, 1760 = LEI. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.M.M. Germany?, 1696, MIM Ring Sundial, 1696 = GRA-01901. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.M.S. 1 Germany, 1518, MIM Tympan for computing unequal hours = OXF. Johannes Stöffler Mathematicus. Oppenheim. RSW. suggest correction
I.M.S. 2 see A.B.S.C. RSW. suggest correction
I.M.V.F. 1651, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument, 1651 = PRN. looks like an astrolabe. Czech. Inv. suggest correction
I.M.X.R. MIM Universal Ring Sundial = THO. the "X" is really a V overlapping an A or an inverted V. RSW. suggest correction
I.M.Z.R. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Sundial = ZUR. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.N.H. Germany, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = MUN. could be read H.N.I. RSW. suggest correction
I.N.R.I. "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum." suggest correction
I.N.W. MIM Dividers = ADL-M136i. I.N. over W. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.P. 1 1612, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1612 = Soth. 4/13/54. RSW. suggest correction
I.P. 2 Germany, 1622, MIM Diptych Sundial, gilt-bronze, 1622 = D.(1931). Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.P. 3 England, c.1670, MIM Gunter's Quadrants = NMM-Q.12; Christie-SK 4/17/86. John Prujean; also marked "OXO." Oxford. Macintyre; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
I.P. 4 Germany, NIM Octant, brass and wood = BRE-B144. master mark of anchor; another octant with only anchor mark = BRE-B300. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.P. 5 Backstaff = PEA. "I.P." (5) is marked on the vane of of the PEA backstaff and on a "In° Deane 1742" backstaff. Wynter 1; Brewington 1. suggest correction
I.P. 6 Coignet-type Nautical Hemisphere = P.C.(1976). modern English forgery. Brieux 4. suggest correction
I.P.G. 1627, MIM Pillar Sundial, ivory, 1627 = FLO-1286. Michel thought it might be Gueboult of Dieppe. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
I.P.M. Germany, may be owner; these initials appear on the Soth. pair of dividers signed "C.T.M." (Christopher Trechsler Mechanicus). RSW. suggest correction
I.P.R. Sweden, c.1770, MIM Variation Compass = D.(1991). Johann Petter Rosenberg, which see. Stockholm. Coffeen 35. suggest correction
I.R. 1 Germany, c.1567, MIM Cube Sundial = NUR-L100. Evans 1 (?). suggest correction
I.R. 2 c.1660, MIM Compass Sundials, round = X, P.C., Evans Coll. ADL-A289 compass sundial is signed "Joh. Robins" and marked "I.R." (2) on the hour scale; Evans Coll. is signed on hour scale and compass card. Evans 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.R. 3 c.1700, MIM Clinometer = WHI. Olivia Brown; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
I.R. 4 Germany, 1764, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1764 = SLM. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.R. 5 Poland, 1756, MIM Astronomical Ring, 1756 = TIM. signed "I.R. fecit TLVMATSNAY 1756." Tlumatsnay, Gallicia (Poland 1756). RSW. suggest correction
I.R. 6 England, c.1700, NIM Nocturnal, boxwood = P.C. marked "Samuel Mason is a Knave." RSW. suggest correction
I.R. 7 Germany, 16th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, wood = Museum of London-A3891. embossed on brass gnomon, "I.R.", I has horizontal line through it about a third of the way up; acorn incised on base. Nürnberg? Gouk 1. suggest correction
I.R. 8 on ivory scales with fouled anchor, it indicates that Jesse Ramsden had divided them. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
I.R. 9 USA, 1776, owner's initials marked on a William Guyse Hagger backstaff at Rhode Island Historical Society, after original owner's name had been rubbed out. D.J. Warner 8. suggest correction
I.S. 1 1554, MIM Ring Sundial, with expanded scale, 1554 = MUN-33/787. the initials are within a heart. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
I.S. 2 Germany, 1584, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1584 = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
I.S. 3 Italy, c.1650, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = Christie 6/7/72. RSW. suggest correction
I.S. 4 Germany, 1768, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1768 = ING; Table Sundial, stone = VIE; Universal Ring Sundial, 1768 = GRA. Zinner 1. suggest correction
I.S. 5 1801, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = D.(1983). name almost obliterated by later name. Coffeen C. suggest correction
I.S.A. on lid of Hans Troschel sundial; probably owner. Pugsley Sale; RSW. suggest correction
I.S.B. 1727, MIM Bullet Calipers, 1727 = LEY. RSW. suggest correction
I.S.D.S.M. 1531, MIM Astrolabe, 1531 = X (ICA-578). Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
I.T. France, 18th Century, MIM Compass Sundials, ivory and brass = NMM-D.84, THO. NMM 2; MADEX; RSW. suggest correction
I.T.P.K. Germany, MIM Gunners' Calipers with Sector = ADL-W128. the T and P are overlaid to form a combined letter; there are fleur-de-lys between the letters; "I.H." (4) is crudely engraved on the other side; steel points. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.T.S. Europe, 18th Century, MIM SIM Surveying Compendium, case = Phillips 2/14/79. RSW. suggest correction
I.V.K. Holland, MIM NIM "I.v.K." used by Johannes van Keulen 1 (1700-15), by Johannes van Keulen 3 (1725-56), by Johannes van Keulen 4 (1776-78) and by Johannes van Keulen (3) en Zoonen (1756-99); unless signed instruments are dated within one of the working periods listed above , it is difficult to assign a particular maker; see alao "J.v.K." Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
I.W. 1 England, 1665, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1665 = OXF; Nocturnal, 1665 = OXF. John Wingfield? Taylor 1(341). suggest correction
I.W. 2 Germany, 1672, MIM Vertical Sundials, = Drecker Coll. (1672) = DPW, Soth. 3/25/86 (1680); Sundial = HAK. the Sotheby dial shows a crown over the initials. Zinner 1; RSW.. suggest correction
I.W. 3 England, 1687, MIM Pillar Sundial, 1687 = Churchyard, Areley Kings, Worc. may have been man called "the Wizard." Gatty. suggest correction
I.W. 4 c.1800, MIM Garden Sundial, pewter = P.C. also marked "John Liscomb", who may have been the owner. Antique Collector's Calendar, 1974; RSW. suggest correction
I.W. 5 MIM Rule, folding, wood and brass = FLO. RSW. suggest correction
I.W. 6 England, c.1711, OIM Microscope, ivory, screw-barrel = KEN. made by James Wilson 1. Clay and Court. suggest correction
I.W. 7 France, c.1750, MIM Drafting Set, with case = D.(1993). signed "IW" under a heart. Coffeen 43. suggest correction
I.W.A.O.F. "Johannes Wiesel Augsburg Opus (?) fecit"; see Johannes Wiesel. RSW. suggest correction
I.W.W.B. Germany, c.1600, MIM Gunner's Scale = ADL-M122b. also marked "403" and in the initials the first W is over a recumbant B; see "F.H.", which carries the same mark. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.Z. 1 c.1600, MIM Ring Sundial = Soth. 2/13/58. RSW. suggest correction
I.Z. 2 MIM Level = ADL-M215. signed on bottom of base. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
I.Z.K. Germany, c.1650, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = Soth. 12/12/55. may be misreading for I.3 K., which see. RSW. suggest correction
IANBOMUS, GUILLERMO Spain?, 1617, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1617 = MAN-I62. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
IANCELLUS CREMONENSIS Italy, c.1565, MIM Gianello Torriano; instrument maker to Charles V; made planetary automata. Cremona. North 2. suggest correction
ICW., F. see F. ICW. RSW. suggest correction
IGNATIUS Germany, 1777, PHIM Pneumatic Pump, 1777 = X. cited by Bernoulli. Daumas 1. suggest correction
IGNELL, ERIK Sweden, c.1763, MIM took over Westberg workshop, 1763. Pipping 1. suggest correction
IHLDER, W., AND CO. Germany, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = D.(1972). Bremenhaven. RSW. suggest correction
IHRMARK, JOHAN Sweden, fl.1740-81, MIM apprenticed to C.H. Werberg and Rosenberg; partner of Hasselström, 1777-81. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
IIII. R.G. marked on table sundial at POTS signed "V.H.M." Körber 1. suggest correction
IJZER, M. AND L.D. VAN Holland, c.1850, MIM Rule, folding, wood = BOM Auction, 1906. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
IL SILIPRANDI see Siliprandi, Il. RSW. suggest correction
ILENSA AND SON England, c.1785, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 3/7/75. 5 Greville Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
ILES, JAMES FREDERICK England, c.1836, MIM 30 Jamaica Street, Commercial Road, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
ILES, JOHN England, 1725, MIM Garden Sundial, 1725 = APS. London. Multhauf 1; RSW. suggest correction
ILLINGER, JOHANNES Austria, 1733-1800, MIM OIM made telescopes and an azimuth quadrant for the Kremsmünster Observatory. Kremsmünster. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ILLINGWORTH, JOHN England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, D.(1979). Halifax. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ILOTT, THOMAS England, PHIM barometer maker. Bell 2. suggest correction
IMISON, JOHN England, fl.1783-1808, MIM OIM author. Manchester. Taylor 2(855). suggest correction
IMMISCH England, PHIM thermometer maker; see Moritz and Immisch. London. RSW. suggest correction
IMMSER, PHILIPP Germany, fl.1538-58, MIM Sundial inside base of table clock, 1554 = BM; Astronomical Clock = VIT. mathematician; clock designer; see Emmoser. Tübingen. Zinner 1; Mucke 2; Vincent 1. suggest correction
IMPAY SON AND CO. see Imray Son and Co. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
IMRAY see Blachford and Imray. suggest correction
IMRAY AND CO. England, c.1835, NIM OIM PHIM James Imray; Frederick Wiggins worked for the firm, c.1835. London. Taylor 2(2273). suggest correction
IMRAY AND SON England, c.1850, NIM PHIM Stick Barometer = GMM. James Imray. 102 Minories, London. RSW. suggest correction
IMRAY SONS AND CO. England, c.1860, PHIM Marine Sympiesometer = Soth.-SK 7/23/87. 89-102 Minories, London. RSW. suggest correction
IMRAY, JAMES England, fl.1836-42, NIM Sextant, incomplete = Soth. 10/27/42. joined with Robert Blachford in 1836. Navigation Warehouse, 102 Minories, London. Taylor 2(2151); Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
IMRAY, SON AND CO. England, c.1850, NIM OIM PHIM Telescope = D.(1974); Octant, ebony brass and ivory = Phillips 2/15/89. T.C.; "inventors of the metal quadrant with ivory arch", James Imray; by 1937 the firm had become Imray, Laurie, Norie and Wilson Ltd. at 123 Minories, London. 89 and 102 Minories, London. Brewington 1; Moskowitz 108; Witt; RSW. suggest correction
IMSS, PHIL. see Philipp Immser. Vincent 1. suggest correction
INDERWICK, J. England, fl.1825-27, OIM also an ivory turner. 58 Prince's Street, Leicester Square, London. Taylor 2(1601). suggest correction
INDGE, T.C. England, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 5/19/88. Chard. RSW. suggest correction
INGENHOUSZ, JOHANN Austria, 1730-99, devised apparatus to show heat conductivity of various materials; first suggested a liquid compass; developed early model of the plate-type electrical machine, 1760. Vienna. KEN; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
INGHAM, NORTH England; USA, fl.1725-35, MIM Magnetic Compasses, wood = Massachusetts Historical Society, PEA. apprenticed to James Anderton in the Grocers' Company in 1700; in Boston by 1720, when two daughters were christened. North Boston, New England. J. Brown 1; Smart 1; Bedini 8; Brewington 1; Warner 12. suggest correction
INGOLD, PIERRE FREDERICK England, c.1843, watchmaker; held patent for improvements in machinery for making parts of mathematical, optical, astronomical and navigating instruments. Dean Street, Soho, London. Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Dec. 1843. suggest correction
INGRAM, JOHN England, c.1748, PHIM made Fotheringham's thermometer; watchmaker and white-smith. Spalding. Chaldecott 2. suggest correction
INGRAM, L. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Laceby Ingram, watch and clock maker. Lincoln. Goodison 1. suggest correction
INNES Scotland, PHIM Dynamometer = D.(1969). Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
INNSEL, ELIAS see C.S.A.P. RSW. suggest correction
INSLEY see Watson and Insley. RSW. suggest correction
INTERVINE see Introvino. Bell 2. suggest correction
INTROFISI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
INTRONINI see Introvino. Goodison 1. suggest correction
INTRONINI, GASPAR see Gaspar Introvini. Taylor 2(1602). suggest correction
INTRONINO AND CO. England, c.1775, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 1/19/73. RSW. suggest correction
INTROSS AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM barometer makers; became P. Intross and Co. after 1850. 5 Sims's Terrace, Chatham. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
INTROSS, A. (3), AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 8/12/87. see A. Intross 3. Stroud. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
INTROSS, A. 1 England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-West Sussex 6/21/83. see Intross and Co. Chatham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
INTROSS, A. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. Rochester Bridge. Goodison 1. suggest correction
INTROSS, A. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 1/26/90. see A. Intross and Co. Stroud. RSW. suggest correction
INTROSS, P. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Chatham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
INTROSS, P. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. Rochester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
INTROSS, W. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X. Rochester Bridge. Goodison 1. suggest correction
INTROVINE see Introvini. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
INTROVINI, ANTHONY AND GASPAR England, fl.1816-17, PHIM barometer makers. Thomas Street, Manchester. Bell 2. suggest correction
INTROVINI, ANTHONY, AND CO. England, fl.1814-15, PHIM barometer makers. Thomas Street, Manchester. Bell 2. suggest correction
INTROVINI, GASPAR England, fl.1820-45, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 4/17/86. also a picture frame maker and gilder; see Anthony and Gaspar Introvini; the Christie barometer is said to be signed " Jantrovino", a misreading. 43 Thomas Street (1822-26); 88 St. George Street (1841); Foundry Road; No. 49 Thomas Street; all in Manchester. Taylor 2(1602); Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
INTROVINO see Introvini. suggest correction
IOAN ET PAURUS Italy, c.1690, MIM Graphometer = P.C. Venice. RSW. suggest correction
IOHA, M. Poland, 1637, MIM Wall Sundial, 1637 = Church, Wodzislaw. Wodzislaw. Polish Inventory. suggest correction
IRELAND England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
IRELAND, DANIEL England, c.1724, MIM turned over as an apprentice to John Bennett 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 5, 1724. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
IRVINE, ELZABETH England, c.1838, OIM succeeded John Irvine. London. Taylor 2(1896). suggest correction
IRVINE, I. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. see J. Irvine. London. RSW. suggest correction
IRVINE, J. England, fl.1817-22, MIM OIM 5 Queenhithe, London. Taylor 2(1367); Dewhirst. suggest correction
IRVINE, JOHN G. England, fl.1830-37, OIM 32 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, London. Taylor 2(1846). suggest correction
IRVINE, THOMAS AND PETER England, fl.1838-42, MIM PHIM 19 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Taylor 2(2152 & 2152a); O'Mara. suggest correction
IRVING, ALEXANDER England, 1695, MIM apprenticed to John Wells 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1688; free of the Company, Sept. 30, 1695; an alternative spelling was "Irwing." London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
IRWIN, CHRISTOPHER England, c.1759, designed an instrument to find longitude. London. Dawson 216, 1971. suggest correction
ISELI France, c.1830, MIM Surveyor's Y-Level = P.C. 149 Boulevard St.Germain, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ISENBROEK see Ysenbroek. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ISLE, GUILLAUME DE L' France, fl.1675-1725, MIM Terrestrial Globe = CNAM-3851; Terrestrial Globes, 1700 = CNAM-763 and NMM-G146; Celestial Globe, 1700 = FLO. Celestial & Terrestrial Globes = Bonnier de la Mosson, 1774; Celestial & Terrestrial Globes = Hendrik de Leth auction, Aug. 21, 1758. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
ISLE, J.N. DE L' France, c.1700, physicist; invented a new scale for thermometers. Daumas 1. suggest correction
ISMAY England, c.1850, OIM Telescope, single draw = Christie-SK 10/23/87. Pier, Dover. RSW. suggest correction
ISOARD France, 19th Century, MIM Depth Gauge = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
ITEBTING misreading for Heating. RSW. suggest correction
IUSTI, JOANNES BAPTISTA Italy, fl.1555-65, MIM Horary Quadrants, 1555 and 1558 = FLO; Nocturnal and Horary Quadrant, 1565 = Christie 11/21/61. D.J. Price showed the quadrants in Florence as 1565 & 1568. Florence. Bonelli 1; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
IVEN, W.H. Germany, NIM Compass Rose = X. Hamburg. Shück 2. suggest correction
J. AND B. Ireland, c.1750, OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Belfast. RSW. suggest correction
J. AND R.D. England, MIM Rule, folding = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. "Danish Inches." Sheffield. RSW. suggest correction
J.A. USA?, c.1830, "J.A." with anchor, stamped on ivory scale of Richard Patten's octant at MYS. D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
J.A.B. AND CO. England, post-1856, MIM Scale, ivory = CMY. Callen Street, West, London. RSW. suggest correction
J.A.M. 1 misreading for "I.A.M." 1, which see. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
J.A.M. 2 MIM Garden Sundial, stone = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
J.B. 1 see I.B. 1. van Cittert. suggest correction
J.B. 2 England, see John Brown 1. Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
J.B. 3 1761, MIM Calipers, iron and steel, 1761 = D.(1969) = VCW. RSW. suggest correction
J.B. 4 see Cargrave. RSW. suggest correction
J.B. 5 England, MIM Sector, ivory = P.C. Hull. RSW. suggest correction
J.B. 6 MIM Drawing Instruments = Christie 11/22/78. RSW. suggest correction
J.B.A.D.B. c.1650, MIM Dividers, iron = NMM-D1/D.23. NMM 2. suggest correction
J.B.A.R.L. France, 1785, MIM Garden Sundial, marble, 1785 = P. and S. 2/9/1897. RSW. suggest correction
J.B.H. Germany, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = CZJ. Augsburg. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
J.B.W. 1760, MIM Horizontal Sundial, honestone, 1760 = P. and S. 3/20/1896. RSW. suggest correction
J.BF. c.1800, MIM Table Sundial, silvered brass = Koller 11/17/75. signed "J.Bf." RSW. suggest correction
J.C. 1 England, Sir John Cheke, marked on quadrant at BM dated 1551 and signed "T.G." and also marked "W.B." (3). Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
J.C. 2 England, see John Chatfield. RSW. suggest correction
J.C. 3 Germany, c.1725, MIM Equatorial Sundial = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
J.C. 4 England, see James Chapman 2. Brewington 1. suggest correction
J.C. 5 England, c.1750, MIM Compass Sundial = Christie-SK 11/19/87. RSW. suggest correction
J.C. DE W. Holland, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, marble = UTR. also marked "fec. et exsc." de Rijk. suggest correction
J.C.C. Germany, MIM Horizontal Sundial, stone = Kreis Mosbach in Baden Museum, Amtshaus. Zinner 1. suggest correction
J.C.L. Germany, 1716, MIM Rules, 1716 = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
J.C.V. MIM Horizontal Sundial = P. and S. 5/19/1896. RSW. suggest correction
J.D. England?, c.1750, MIM Slide Rule, circular = BM. may be "T.D." 2; also marked "T.E." Price 3; Ward 4; Gunther 2. suggest correction
J.D.C. marked on universal equatorial sundial, WHI-575; Bryden thought it a monogram, not a maker's name. Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
J.D.Z. Germany, 1765, NIM Cross-staff, wood, 1765 = Hamburg Seemannsschule. Zinner 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
J.E. MIM Rule, folding, ivory = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
J.E.C. Germany, MIM Sundial = MUN. invented this type of sundial. Haugis. RSW. suggest correction
J.E.V. 1756, MIM Garden Sundial, 1756 = LIE. Michel 9. suggest correction
J.F. Italy, c.1700, MIM Horizontal Sundial and Nocturnal = MADEX = NMM-D.110. MADEX; NMM 2. suggest correction
J.F.F. Germany, c.1790, OIM Nürnberg-type Drum Microscopes, wood = P.C., Prin Coll.(2), NAC(2), Pharmacy Museum, Kracow, Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88, etc. J.F. over F., inside a heart; branded into base of the microscopes. Daumas 1; Polish Inv.; RSW. suggest correction
J.G. France, c.1600, MIM Artillery Level = ADL-M216. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
J.G.H. 1 Germany, 1650, MIM Sundial, wood and paper, 1650 = Wolfenbüttel Bibliothek. Bobinger thought he was (Johann?) Georg Hertel. Augsburg. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
J.G.H. 2 see "I.G.H." 3. Zinner 1. suggest correction
J.G.S. Germany, MIM Horizontal Sundial, hexagonal, copper = Breslau Schlesisches Museum für Kunst und Altertümer. Zinner 1. suggest correction
J.G.S.J. Germany, 1692, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1692 = REG. "S.J." may be Society of Jesus. Zinner 1. suggest correction
J.G.V. Germany, MIM Augsburg-type Sundials = BM, DEU, Soth 12/15/58, P. and S. 3/20/1896, 5/19/1896, etc. Johan Georg Vogler, which see; see also "I.G.V." Augsburg. Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
J.G.V.L. Germany?, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial = VIT. Zinner 1. suggest correction
J.H. 1 1575, MIM Astrolabe, 1575 = NUR (ICA-556). Joshua Habermel? Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
J.H. 2 France, 1583, MIM Moon Globe on clock, 1583 = Altdorf. Isaac Habrecht 1. Strasbourg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
J.H. 3 1716, MIM Dividers, wood, 1716 = VCW. RSW. suggest correction
J.H. 4 1824, MIM OIM SIM Telescopic Alidade, 1824 = NOR. J. Hofgren, which see. RSW. suggest correction
J.H. 5 1826, MIM Protractor, 1826 = D.(1991). base line divided into 60 parts; one semicircular scale runs from 0-90 and is not a true semicircle; possibly J. Hofgren? Coffeen 32. suggest correction
J.H.B. MIM Diptych Sundial = OXF. "H." is formed by a bar between the "J." and the "B." Evans 1. suggest correction
J.H.B.P. Germany?, 1655, MIM Instrument, 1655 = STU. RSW. suggest correction
J.H.S. 1 1810, MIM Magnetic Compass, wood and brass, 1810 = Milwaukee Public Museum, Wis. RSW. suggest correction
J.H.S. 2 misreading for "I.H.S." Körber 1. suggest correction
J.J.K.H. 1739, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1739 = KRM. also marked "V.T." Zinner 1. suggest correction
J.K. MIM Ring Sundial, expanded = SLM. Zinner 1. suggest correction
J.K.S. c.1650, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = DEU. RSW. suggest correction
J.M. MIM Sundial with silver hour scale = FIN-175. RSW. suggest correction
J.M.C. Belgium, 1775-1836, MIM Vertical Sundial, 1831 = UTR. also marked "baron van Utenhave van Heemstede, Jutphaas." Antwerp. de Rijk. suggest correction
J.M.K. AND Z. NIM Octant, wood and ivory, No. 481 = Larvik Marine Museum, Norway. RSW, suggest correction
J.M.S. Switzerland?, 1689, MIM Celestial Globe, 1689 = ZUR. astronomy student. Zinner 1. suggest correction
J.R.C. Germany, OIM Microscope, Nürnberg-type = CZJ. RSW. suggest correction
J.R.M. England, 1688, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1688 = OXF. "J.R.M. fecit." Taylor 1(412); Evans 1. suggest correction
J.S. 1 Germany, MIM Vertical Sundial = Ulrichmuseum, Augsburg; Horizontal Sundial, stone = VIE. Bobinger 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
J.S. 2 Portugal, late 19th Century, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood = RSM, Ethnological Museum, Lisbon (2). Joao da Silva, which see; marked "autor." RSW. suggest correction
J.S.M. England?, c.1800, MIM Gunter's Rule, boxwood = D.(1975). owner? Moskowitz. suggest correction
J.U.H.Z.E. see H.G. 7. Zinner 1. suggest correction
J.V.K. Holland, MIM NIM "J.v.K." used by Johannes van Keulen 1 (1700-15), by Johannes van Keulen 3 (1725-56), and by Johannes van Keulen (3) en Zoonen (1756-99); unless signed instruments are dated within one of the above listed working periods, it is difficult to assign a particular maker; see also "I.v.K." Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
JAC., D. 1658, MIM Garden Sundial, 1658 = NAC. "anno 58." RSW. suggest correction
JACK, RICHARD Scotland, c.1750, mathematics teacher; patented a sea quadrant and refracting telescope with George Adams 1, in 1750. Edinburgh. J. Brown 1; Bryden 3; Dewhirst. suggest correction
JACK, ROBERT MIM Pelorus = D.(1965). Pittenweem. RSW. suggest correction
JACKS, JAMES USA, c.1780-97, MIM NIM SIM sometimes spelt Jack; sold mathematical, nautical and surveying instruments; maker? clockmaker. Charleston, S. Car. (in 1780's); Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (?-1797). Bedini 1; USNM. suggest correction
JACKSON 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
JACKSON 2 England, 1736, MIM made Mortimer's thermometer. Chaldecott 2. suggest correction
JACKSON 3 see Farrow and Jackson. suggest correction
JACKSON 4 England, 17th Century, MIM Sector, with steel points = P.C. London. RSW. suggest correction
JACKSON, BENJAMIN England, fl.1701-14, MIM NIM invented a new quadrant in 1703. Taylor 1(532). suggest correction
JACKSON, CHRISTOPHER England, fl.1590-1616, MIM SIM specialized in surveyor's chains; refered to by Eric Rathbone. Sign of the Cock, Crooked Lane, Eastcheap, London. Taylor 1(83); Evans 1; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Darius 3. suggest correction
JACKSON, HENRY England, fl.1707-27, MIM invented a new quadrant, the "nocturnal quadrant", and a planisphere. Taylor 2(75). suggest correction
JACKSON, I. England, 19th Century, MIM Rules, ivory = Phillips 1/30/84. may be James Jackson. RSW. suggest correction
JACKSON, J. 1 England, MIM Sector, ivory = P.C. London. RSW. suggest correction
JACKSON, J. 2 England, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = LAW and CZJ; Clinometer = KEN. probably Joseph Jackson 1. London. Taylor 2(275); Chaldecott 1; RSW. suggest correction
JACKSON, JAMES 1 England, fl.1750-85, PHIM Coin Balance = Soth. 2/19/66; Hydrostatical Coin Balance = P.C. Assay Master for Birmingham. Birmingham. D. Crawforth-Hitchins; RSW. suggest correction
JACKSON, JAMES 2 England, fl.1820-22, MIM OIM PHIM Instrument = KEN. 16 Knightsbridge, London. Taylor 2(1603). suggest correction
JACKSON, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1730-70, MIM NIM OIM SIM Elliptical Trammel = OXF; Sextants = OXF, Soth. 3/10/87, P.C.; Universal Ring Sundials = NMM-D.222, LAW-287, OXF (1740), KEN; Surveying Level = KEN; Telescope, Gregorian = KEN; Sundial = KEN; Sector = NMM. licensed by John Hadley to make his quadrant in 1734; some of the above instruments may have been made by Joseph Jackson 2; Joseph Jackson 1 and 2 could be the same man; the sextant at Soth. was marked "N.82." London. Bedini 8; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; NMM 2; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
JACKSON, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1735-60, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Heath 1 in the Grocers' Company on Oct. 10, 1723; free of the Company on May 13, 1735; took apprentices; may be same as Joseph Jackson 1. Opposite Exeter Change, Strand (1735); Angel Court in the Strand (1736); near Surrey Street in the Strand (1739); Angel Court in the Strand (1760); all in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
JACKSON, JOSEPH 3 England, fl.1745?-70, MIM OIM apprenticed to Thomas Yorke, c.1738. Angel Court, Strand, London. Taylor 2(275); NMM 2; Michel 3; Chaldecott 1; Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
JACOB AND HALSE England, fl.1809-19, MIM Globes, miniature, with cases = Soth. 5/2/66 (1809) and 5/7/56 (1819); Terrestrial Globes, miniature, with case, 1809 = Soth. 5/10/76, D.(1994). London. ATG 8/13/94; RSW. suggest correction
JACOB, A. England, c.1830, OIM St.Ann's Place, Manchester. Taylor 2(1898). suggest correction
JACOB, CHRISTOPHER England, fl.1761-1770, MIM rule maker; he had Thomas Bridges, Jos. Timmins and William Stringer as apprentices. Bilstone Street, Wolverhampton (1761); Snowhill (1761); Smallbrook Street (1767); Chapel Row (1770); the last three in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
JACOB, ISAAC England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 33 Castle Street, Swansea. Goodison 1. suggest correction
JACOB, WILLIAM England, c.1770, MIM rule maker. 29 Smallbrook Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
JACOBI France, 1765, OIM Microscope with case, 1765 = NAC. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
JACOBI AB HEYDEN MIM Terrestrial Planisphere = MUN. is Heyden a place? RSW. suggest correction
JACOBS ZN, CHRISTIAAN Holland, 1564, MIM NIM compass maker. Veere; Middelburg (1564). Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
JACOBS, CONRAD Holland, c.1610, MIM Sundial in watch lid = BM. Leeuwarden. Baillie 1. suggest correction
JACOBS, LEWIS England, c.1823, PHIM watchmaker and silversmith; barometers. Totnes. Bell 2. suggest correction
JACOBS, WOLFF England, fl.1830-38, MIM OIM PHIM 36 Great Saffron Hill, London. Taylor 2(1899). suggest correction
JACOPI, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Salop. Goodison 1. suggest correction
JACQUELIN, GABRIEL France, c.1760, NIM Compass = X. Rochefort. A.J.Turner X. suggest correction
JACQUELIN, JEAN France, c.1760, NIM Compass = X. Rochefort. A.J.Turner X. suggest correction
JACQUERY, D. England, c.1829, apprenticed to Robert Bancks 2 on Dec. 1, 1829, in the Joiners' Company. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
JACQUET 1 France, c.1790, OIM successor to Jean-Baptiste Noël Chiquet. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
JACQUET 2 France, c.1810, OIM made telescopes and microscopes. rue du Haut-Moulin, Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
JACQUINET France, MIM Armillary Ring Sundial = Soth. 12/13/71 = P.C. Rue St. Honoré, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
JACQUINOT, DOMINIQUE France, 1545, author; designed an astrolabe, Gunther 203; Nachet thought date was 1619. Champagne. Gunther 1; Michel 2 & 3; Nachet. suggest correction
JAMBON, R.F. France, c.1828, MIM devised "le machine geocyclique", a type of orrery; author. a la Portée des gens du monde, Paris. Baillie 1; H.C. King 2; Coffeen 12. suggest correction
JAMES England, c.1850, PHIM barometer maker; jeweler. Saffron Waldon. Bell 2. suggest correction
JAMES AND SON England, pre-1784, PHIM Barometer = USNM. London. USNM; Middleton 4. suggest correction
JAMES, GEORGE name of owner on a Hadley quadrant by John Gaitskill, 1823, ADL-A53. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
JAMES, GRAY AND KEEN misreading for Jones, Gray and Keen. RSW. suggest correction
JAMESON, GEORGE see George Jamieson 1. H.C. King 2; Bryden 3. suggest correction
JAMESON, JAMES England, c.1761, OIM apprenticed to John Margas in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free in the Company in 1761. West Smithfield, London. Robischon. suggest correction
JAMIESON Scotland, c.1840, MIM Percussion Machine = RSM. Adam Square, Edinburgh. Morrison-Low. suggest correction
JAMIESON, GEORGE 1 Scotland, fl.1729-55, MIM Orrery = RSM; Garden Sundials = EMA, X (1735). orrery signed "George Jameson"; made brass plates for sundials. Hamilton. Taylor 2(188); Bryden 3; RSW. suggest correction
JAMIESON, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1786-1810, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). clock and watch maker; chronometer maker to the Navy; one of the barometers is signed "George Jamison." 33 Charing Cross, London (1800-05); High Street, Portsmouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
JAMIESON, ROBERT Scotland, c.1820, MIM PHIM Marine Thermometer, case = Captain Livingstone (pre-1820). probably the Jamieson in Gardner, Jamieson and Co., which see. Glasgow. Taylor 2(1604); Clarke et al. suggest correction
JAMIESON, ROBERT, AND CO. Scotland, fl.1819-25, MIM 31 Brunswick Place (1822); 8 Nelson Street (1823-25); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
JAMIN, MAISON France, 1822-pre-1865, OIM succeeded by Darlot, pre-1865. 14 rue Chapon, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
JAMISON, GEORGE see George Jamieson 2. Goodison 1. suggest correction
JAMNITZER, J. MIM Mining Compass = DRE (lost). RSW. suggest correction
JAMNITZER, WENZEL Germany, 1509-86, MIM PHIM Astrolabe, 1578 = DRE (lost); Sundials with shadow squares, 1578 = POB, DRE; Terrestrial Globe = NUR; Altitude Instrument, 1585 = DRE; Compasses, Rules and Wind Vanes = DRE; Measuring Rod, metal = BASH; Specific Gravity Measure = HAK. author; painting showing HAK measure is at BASH. Nürnberg. Engelmann 3; Perry; Zinner 1; Michel 1, 2 and 3; Drechsler 2; Trois Siècles; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
JANEN, PIETER JACOBSZE VAN DEN Holland, NIM Marine Compass = P. and S. 4/3/1894. Rotterdam. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
JANETTI France, c.1795, MIM cast official measures; worked for Fortin. Marseilles. Daumas 1. suggest correction
JANSE, JAN Holland, 18th Century, NIM Cross-staff = Noordelijk Scheepvaart Museum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
JANSEN, ANDRIES Holland, 1600, MIM NIM made universal astrolabes, cross-staves and quadrants for the van Neck expedition in 1600. Amsterdam? Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
JANSEN, HANS Holland, fl.1611-19, OIM may have been the inventor of the microscope with his son, Zacharias, 1611-19; made microscopes. Zeeland. Daumas 1; Nachet; Michel 3; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
JANSEN, WILLEM JANS Holland, c.1826, MIM made a planetarium as planned by Eisinga. Dongjum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
JANSEN, ZACHARIAS Holland, 1588-1632, OIM spectacles, microscope and telescope maker; associated with the development of the refracting telescope in 1608; may have been the inventor of the microscope with his father, Hans Jansen. Middelburg. Rooseboom 1; Nachet; Wynter and Turner; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10; Michel 3. suggest correction
JANSON, JOHANNES Holland, fl.1620-48, MIM Quadrant, wood, 1628 = LUN; Pairs of Globes, 1623 = DRE and Weimar Landesbibliothek; Celestial Globe, 1623, Terrestrial Globe, 1636 = Landesbibliothek, Berlin; Pair of Globes, 1645 = Heimatmuseum, Waldenburg; Celestial Globe, 1648 = LUN; Terrestrial Globe, 1620 = NMM. son-in-law of Hondius. Amsterdam. Zinner 1 & 6; Grötzsch 1 & 2; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
JANSON, WILLEM Holland, MIM instrument maker for Adriaan Metius. Michel 2. suggest correction
JANSONIUS, JACOBUS Holland, 1694, MIM Universal Sundial, 1694 = ROT. may be the same as Jacob Janszoon, which see. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
JANSSEN, EGBERT Holland, 18th Century, MIM Circumferentors = UTR and Geodätisches Institut, Munich; Graphometer = BAU; Square = UTP. Amsterdam. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
JANSZOON, CORNELIS Holland, fl.1568-80+, NIM marine compass maker. Harlingen; Emden (1568-80); Middelburg. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
JANSZOON, JACOB Holland, 1674, NIM cross-staff maker in 1674; see Jacobus Jansonius. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
JANTROVINO misreading for Gaspar Introvini. RSW. suggest correction
JANVIER FILS France, ? St. Claude. Gélis. suggest correction
JANVIER, ANTIDE France, 1751-1835, MIM Armillary Sphere with clockwork,1774 = P.C.; Planetaria on Clocks = TOU (1773), TIM(2), Drouot 10/12/75, UTO 11/2/76, P.C.; Thermometers = CNAM (3). clockmaker and author. Paris. Daumas 1; Baillie 1; Tardy 3; Guye and Michel; RSW. suggest correction
JANZOONS, ZACHARIUS see Zacharius Jansen. suggest correction
JARDIN 1 England, MIM Level = D. (1973); Tension gauge = D. (1973). London. Wynter 1; RSW. suggest correction
JARDIN 2 France, c.1800, MIM OIM Drawing Instrument Set = UTO; Folding Square = Christie 6/7/72; Telescopic Rule, with silver mounts = SPI-11 (2770) = SPI-Anderson-26; Protractor = D.(1984); Sector = Saint-Brieuc 8/4/79. "Opticien." quay de l'Horloge, Paris. Nachet; Coffeen F; RSW. suggest correction
JARDIN, DU, PIERRE, LE JEUNE France, c.1640, MIM Diptych Sundial = LEI. Paris. A.J. Turner X. suggest correction
JARDIN, GEORGE Scotland, fl.1737-70, MIM Miner's Dial, 1770 = Kirkcaldy Museum. blacksmith. Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
JARDIN, JEAN DU France, c.1700, MIM Horizontal Sundial = Christie 12/18/74 and 4/9/75. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
JARDIN, PIERRE DU France, 1594-1645, MIM Astronomical Compendia = Soth. 12/12/55-113 = P.C. (1614), P.C. (1620), ADL-M257 (1627), MAN-I159 (1645), OXF, D.(1975), Ecouen (CLU). ivory or ivory and wood; colored paper or tooled leather applied to 1b and 2a sides; the ADL instrument was misread as "du Chardin"; P.C. 1614 is ivory on pearwood with silver. Paris. Nachet; Brieux 3; Garcia Franco 1; Engelmann 1; Evans 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
JARDINE France?, PHIM Balance = Martin Sale 3/8/178? RSW. suggest correction
JARMAIN, T. England, c.1759, NIM made marine compasses. London. Bryden 3. suggest correction
JARMAN, THOMAS England, c.1735, MIM apprenticed to George Wright 1 in the Grocers' Company, 1728; turned over to James Swetman 1 of the Grocers' Company in 1729; free of the Company in 1735. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
JARVIS, F.W. England, 18th Century, OIM Telescope = D.(1985). may be the owner. Coffeen 10. suggest correction
JASOND, IMAMFI Nocturnal, 1589 = A-P 3/7/77. misreading for initials of month scale. RSW. suggest correction
JAY, DANIEL USA, 1764, MIM Sundial, 1764 = P.C. made for James Pemberton; latitude 40°. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1. suggest correction
JAYNE, JOHN USA, 1784-1813, MIM NIM Rule, 1805 = Essex Institute; Rods, 1806 = Essex Institute (2). apprenticed to Benjamin King 2; T.C. in Hadley quadrant case. at the Sign of Hadley's Quadrant; Essex Street (1805); Water Street (1807); Derby Street, opposite Union Wharf (1811); all in Salem, Mass.; Marblehead, Mass. Brewington 1; Bedini 1 and 8; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
JAZEPH, JAMES England, fl.1807-17, OIM 24 Well Street, Cripplegate; 15 Nichols Street, Aldersgate; both in London. Taylor 2(1165); O'Mara. suggest correction
JAZEPIE, J. England, 1807-17, OIM probably James Jazeph. 15 Castle Street, Aldersgate, London (1817). O'Mara. suggest correction
JAZIOLI England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope, wood, 5-foot = Cardoza Auction 8/26/89. London. RSW. suggest correction
JEACOCK, JAMES England, fl.1836-72, MIM PHIM 32 Fore Street (1836-42), (1852); 96 Fore Street (1847); both in Limehouse, London. Taylor 2(2155); O'Mara. suggest correction
JEARDEIN, DU France, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, oval = Soth. 2/1/79. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
JEAURAT France, 1780, MIM Star Guide, 1780 = CNAM. member of Académie Royale des Sciences; invented an iconantidiptic telescope; author. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Courtanvaux; RSW. suggest correction
JECKER France, c.1800, NIM PHIM SIM Sextant, No. 101 = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88; Stick Barometer = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88; Theodolite = FRK = Kelton Coll. (1990); etc. probably François-Antoine-Jacob Jecker. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
JECKER FRERES France, c.1820, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Jecker frères; François-Antoine Jecker and his brothers, Laurenz J. Jecker and perhaps A. Jecker. 32, rue de Bondy, Paris. Nachet; Daumas 1. suggest correction
JECKER, A. France, 18th Century, OIM Telescope = A-P 3/15/76. may be brother of François-Antoine Jecker. RSW. suggest correction
JECKER, FRANCOIS-ANTOINE France; England; France, fl.1790-1820, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM made many balances, Borda circles, telescopes, microscopes, theodolites, elevation finders, barometers, etc; examples can be seen in NMM, CNAM, NAC, ROU, VNN, LAW, Schuhmann, etc. François- Antoine Jecker; worked with Ramsden in London for five years; later had workshop with his brothers; signed "Jecker à Paris"; organized quantity production. 20 rue des Marmousets; 110 rue des Douze-Portes, au Marais; 32 rue de Bondy (1819); all in Paris. Daumas 1; NMM 2; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Wynter and Turner; J.A. Bennett 2; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
JECKER, LAURENZ J. France, 1769-1834, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM brother of François-Antoine Jecker. 32, rue de Bondy, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
JEEYES, SAMUEL England, c.1670, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Philip Smith of the Clockmakers' Company on July 4, 1670. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
JEFFERSON, THOMAS USA, 1743-1826, statesman; third President of the United States; was very interested in science and its application to people and to the United States; invented many labor- and time- saving devices including a pantograph for signatures; invented the wind directional machine at Monticello. Virginia; Washinton, D.C.; Monticello, Va. Bedini 8 and 11; DAB; etc. suggest correction
JEFFERSON, WATERMAN USA, 1840, SIM Surveying Compass/Inclinometer = D.(1996). signed on pewter compass face; may be owner. Douglas, Mass. Coffeen 55. suggest correction
JEFFERY, A. England, fl.1862-89, MIM Mining Theodolite, Lean-type = P.C. watch and clockmaker; succeeded William Wilton 2 in Camborne. Market Place, Camborne, Cornwall. Crawforth 4. suggest correction
JEFFREYS England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 4/7/76. Dudley. RSW. suggest correction
JEFFREYS AND SON England, post-1850, PHIM watch and clockmakers; made barometers; see John Jeffreys. Market Place, Biggleswade. Bell 2. suggest correction
JEFFREYS, J. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Gorringe's, Lewes 4/28/92. mahogany and rosewood; could be Jeffreys or John Jeffreys, which see. London. RSW. suggest correction
JEFFREYS, JAMES England, fl. c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM 132 St. John Street, Smithfield, London. Taylor 2(1900). suggest correction
JEFFREYS, JOHN England, fl.1823-50+, PHIM watch and clockmaker; made barometers; see Jeffreys and Son. Market Place, Biggleswade. Bell 2. suggest correction
JEFFREYS, WILLIAM England, fl.1830-46, MIM OIM PHIM 26 Wilderness Row, Goswell Street, London. Taylor 2(1901). suggest correction
JENIG, PAUL Germany, 1792, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1792 = DRE. Nürnberg. Grötzsch 2. suggest correction
JENIN, PIERRE France, 1614, MIM Wall Sundial, 1614 = Saint-Blaise Church, Neuchatel. Neuchatel. RSW. suggest correction
JENKIN England, 1925, designed the Oxford Astrolabe in 1925, made by W. Watson and Sons Ltd; wrote short paper on it. Bryden 16; Gunther 1; RSW. suggest correction
JENKIN, EDWARD England, c.1850, PHIM Partner with Edward Hall in Dring and Fage and Co.; made hydrometers and saccharimeters. 19 and 20 Tooley ST., lONDON bRIDGE, lONDON. mCcONNELL 4. suggest correction
JENKINS, DAVID England, fl.1828-29, MIM 32 Whynot Street, Clerkenwell, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
JENKINS, HENRY England, fl.1757-78, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. author; clockmaker. 46 Cheapside (1774); 68 Aldersgate Street (1778); both in London. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
JENKINSON, JOHN England, fl.1644-69, OIM member of Spectaclemakers' Company by 1644; took an apprentice. Bishopsgate, London. Court and von Rohr. suggest correction
JENNER, ANSELM England, fl.1685-92, MIM made the "Encyclogium" with Walter Hayes. Bristol. Taylor 1(440). suggest correction
JENNINGS, HENRY CONSTANTINE England, 1731-1820, MIM NIM Instruments = NMM, John Ross (1819). patented an insulated compass and a mercurial log glass. Shiplake; Lindrey Row, Chelsea; 39 Carbuton Place, Fitzroy Square, Marylebone; 75 Great Titchfield Street, Portland Place; all in London. Taylor 2(499). suggest correction
JENNINGS, THOMAS England, fl.1844-46, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. T.C. on back of E. Hoppe barometer. Tacket Street. Ipswich. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
JENSEN, GUSTAVO Cuba, PHIM Marine Barometer and Sympiesometer = Christie 4/3/74. Habana. RSW. suggest correction
JENSEN, IVER Denmark, c.1790, NIM Crown Compass = NMM. Copenhagen. Bedini 8. suggest correction
JENSEN, OLE Norway?, 1779, marked on a "Cole, London" (Benjamin Cole 2) Hadley's quadrant, 1779 at OMM. RSW. suggest correction
JENTILL, EDMUND England, 1594, devised a pair of compasses which could draw a number of geometrical and spiral lines, 1594. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
JERAK, FRANZ Czechoslovakia, c.1850, MIM showed in the Great Exhibition in London, 1851. Prague (Austria). G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
JEREMIASZ see Meyjes Jeremiasz, Johannes or Franz. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
JEROME, JEWEL AND CO. USA, 1847-49, NIM Noble Jerome, Lyman Jewel and David Mathews; clock makers; also made marine compasses. Antiquarian Horology, June, 1983. suggest correction
JEROME, NOBLE USA, c.1847, see Jerome, Jewel and Co.; was with the firm from 1847-49. Antiquarian Horology, June 1983. suggest correction
JERVIS, E. 1752, MIM Drawing Instrument Set, silver, etui, 1752 = P.C. possibly owner. Antiques, July 1925. suggest correction
JERVIS, FRANCIS England, c.1656, MIM apprenticed for 8 years to Ralph Greatorex of the Clockmakers' Company on June 2, 1656. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
JETINSKY 1725, MIM Hodometer in cart with organ, 1725 = GEL. RSW. suggest correction
JEVVITT AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer with Thermometer = K. and C. 10/8/75. may be misreading for "Jewitt and Co." Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
JEWEL England, OIM see Willett and Jewel; microscope makers. RSW. suggest correction
JEWEL, PIETER Holland, OIM Microscope = Crisp Coll. Middelburg. Rooseboom 1; Gunther 2. suggest correction
JEWITT AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM see Jevvitt and Co. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
JEWITT, W. NIM T.C.; sextant maker according to label on Bradford sextant in Victory Museum, Portsmouth. RSW. suggest correction
JEWSBURY, J. England, c.1870, marked on a sundial signed "Moody Birmingham", which see; a large firm known as Pearson Page, Jewsbury in the 1950's. Birmingham. Evans 1; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
JEZEPH, JAMES misreading for Jazeph. Taylor 2(1165); O'Mara. suggest correction
JOACHIMICUS, JOHANN PRATORIUS see Johann Praetorius. Drechsler 2. suggest correction
JOANIDES, JOHN Holland?, pre-1690, MIM son of Zachariah Ioanides; mentioned by Bonani in 1690 as an instrument maker. Middelsburg. Clay and Court. suggest correction
JOB, C.H., AND CO. England, c.1790, MIM Pantograph = D.(1976). London. Moskowitz 110. suggest correction
JOBLOT, LOUIS France, 1647-1723, OIM invented several types of microscopes; author. Daumas 1; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
JOBSON, BENJAMIN England, 1680, MIM Gunner's Sector, wood, 1680 = X. Queries, S.I.S. Bull. 1, 1983. suggest correction
JOEL, MR. England, fl.1675-85, MIM Jole? Choule? London. A.J. Turner 1 and 2. suggest correction
JOHAN Germany, MIM Equatorial Sundial, plate and scale only = Soth. 12/16/63. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
JOHANNES Germany, 1462, MIM Astrolabe, 1462 = Hardcastle Coll. (ICA-640) = NMM (loan) = Christie-SK 9/28/89 = P.C. early astrolabe, back plate, with inscriptins, may be later; thought to be by Johannes Regiomontanus, which see. NMM 2; Price 1 & 6; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
JOHANNESEN, H.A. England, c.1850, NIM Marine Compass = OMM. Grimsby. RSW. suggest correction
JOHANNSON, A., AND CO. England, NIM T.C. in octant box. 150 Minories, London. RSW. suggest correction
JOHN OF HARLEBEKE England, 14th Century, wrote on a globe, a wooden sphere with brass meridian. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
JOHN OF HOLYWOOD England, see Sacrobosco. RSW. suggest correction
JOHN OF LIGNERES France, c.1310, wrote a text on the universal astrolabe, 1310. Lignères. A.J. Turner 10; Poulle 2 and 3. suggest correction
JOHN OF MONTPELIER France, c.1276, worked out quadrant sundial; Johannes Anglicus de Montpelier; is he the same as Guillelmus Anglicus of Marseilles? author. Montpelier. Gunther 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
JOHN, PETER 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Lynn. Goodison 1. suggest correction
JOHN, PETER 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). Wisbech. Goodison 1. suggest correction
JOHN, THOMAS England, c.1838, OIM 8 Clement's Inn Passage, London. Taylor 2(2157). suggest correction
JOHNHRRIS England, mark of John Harris 1. RSW. suggest correction
JOHNSON see Long and Johnson. suggest correction
JOHNSON AND BLACKBURN England, fl.1847-48, PHIM William Johnson 3 and Cuthbert Blackburn; barometer and thermometer makers. 34 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
JOHNSON AND MATTHEY England, c.1850, MIM showed in the Great Exhibition, 1851, London. 79 Hatton Garden, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
JOHNSON, C. England, c.1860, OIM Telescope on stand = P.C. 2 optics marked "1860." Aldersgate Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
JOHNSON, GEORGE England, see "G.J." Evans 1. suggest correction
JOHNSON, HENRY England, c.1802, invented a device for tracing spiral curves; devised deep sea pressure gauges and deep sea thermometers. 39 Crutched Friars, London. USNM. suggest correction
JOHNSON, ISAAC England, c.1723, MIM apprenticed to Richard Glynne of the Clockmakers' Company on June 1, 1713; free of the Company, Oct. 7, 1723. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
JOHNSON, J.B. USA, fl.1846-80, MIM NIM PHIM also made meteorological instruments; see J.B. Johnson and Co. Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
JOHNSON, J.B., AND CO. USA, c.1848, PHIM made barometers and thermometers. Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
JOHNSON, J.N. England, c.1827, designed a new sextant. Southampton. Taylor 2(1605). suggest correction
JOHNSON, J.P. see J.B. Johnson. USNM. suggest correction
JOHNSON, JOHN 1 England, fl.1627-54, MIM free in the Joiners' Company; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
JOHNSON, JOHN 2 England, 1679-1736, NIM OIM PHIM Nocturnal, 1723 = BM; Wheel Barometer = D.(1975). apprenticed to Thomas Sterrop 1 or 2 in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1693; free of the Company in 1700; took apprentices. London. Taylor 2(76); Price 3; Ward 4; Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(67); RSW. suggest correction
JOHNSON, JOHN 3 England, fl.1689-1718, MIM apprenticed to William Howe in the Grocers' Company, 1675; free of the Company, 1689; took apprentices. Little Tower Hill (1704); near the Postern on Tower Hill (1709); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
JOHNSON, SAMUEL England, fl.1745-72, OIM PHIM Telescopes = OXF, Soth. 7/22/68, 2/2/76, P.C (1976); Stick Barometer = X; Microscope, 1751 = Clay Coll.; Microscope = Christie 6/7/72. apprenticed to James Mann 2 in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1738; free of the Company in 1745; succeeded James Mann 2 in 1760; T.C.; advertised barometers and thermometers. at the Sign of Sir Isaac Newton and Two Pairs of Golden Spectacles, near the West end of St.Paul's & 23 Ludgate Street; both in London. Taylor 2(371); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Goodison 1; Wynter; Clay and Court ; Court and von Rohr 3(143); Robischon; RSW. suggest correction
JOHNSON, T. USA, 1760, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, 1760 = P.C. Bedini 1. suggest correction
JOHNSON, W. AND A.K. misreading for Johnston. Christie-SK 4/17/86; Nat'l Antiques Review, July 1975. suggest correction
JOHNSON, WILLIAM 1 England, 1690, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Clockmakers' Company, 1690. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
JOHNSON, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1715-45, OIM apprenticed to James Mann 1 in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company, 1715; took an apprentice. London. Robischon. suggest correction
JOHNSON, WILLIAM 3 England, fl.1830-60, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-Pulborough 3/1/83. in partnership with Cuthbert Blackbourn (1847-48). 19 Cross Street, Hatton Garden (1830); 20 Cross Street, Hatton Garden (1831-33); 29 Kirby Street (1834-40); 34 Hatton Garden (1841-60); all in London. Taylor 2(2159); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
JOHNSON, WILLIAM 4 England, fl.1830-60, OIM PHIM Thermometer = NMM-MT/TH.13. T.C.; "Optician and Spectacle Maker." 188 Tottenham Court Road, London. Calvert 2; NMM 2. suggest correction
JOHNSTON c.1850, MIM Celestial Globe, miniature = Soth. 2/4/74; Celestial Globe, 12-inch = Phillips 1/13/76. "Johnston's New Celestial Globe", on miniature globe; possibly Ward or Alexander Keith Johnston. RSW. suggest correction
JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER KEITH Scotland; England, c.1826, MIM globe maker; partner of William Johnston, his brother; see W. and A.K. Johnston. Edinburgh; London (1851). Lister; Morrison-Low; A.D.C. Simpson; RSW. suggest correction
JOHNSTON, W. AND A.K. Scotland; England, fl.1826-1900+, MIM Celestial Globes = ADL-A173 (1879), ADL-A47, RSM (2); Terrestrial Globes = Christie-SK 4/17/86 (2), Folio Sale, 1975. William and Alexander Keith Johnston; both ADL celestial globes marked "Ltd."; one of the terrestrial globes dated 1888. Edinburgh (1826-51); London (1851-). Lister; DNB; Morrison-Low; A.D.C. Simpson; RSW; Nat'l Antiques Review, July 1975, Portland, Me.; ADL. suggest correction
JOHNSTON, WARD see W. and A.K. Johnston. RSW. suggest correction
JOHNSTONE, H.J. NIM Sextant = D.(1965). RSW. suggest correction
JOHNSTONE, JOHN Scotland, fl.1774-76, MIM Carruber's Close, Edinburgh (1774-76). Bryden 3. suggest correction
JOLE, ROBERT England, fl.1664-1702, MIM Abacus = Soth. 10/27/69; Cotterel-type Napier's Bones, wood = OXF. apprenticed to Hilkiah Bedford in the Stationers' Company, June 1, 1656; free in the Company, June 6, 1664; admitted as a Brother in the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 24, 1667; took apprentices; also made gauging rods. Sign of the Crown, over against Durham Yard, the Strand; Sign of the Globe, Fleet Street; both in London. Taylor 1(334); Baillie 1; Clay and Court; Evans 1; Bryden 9; J. Brown 3; A.J. Turner 9; Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
JOLE, THOMAS England, c.1680, MIM apprenticed by turnover to his father, Robert Jole, of the Clockmakers' Company on April 5, 1680. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
JOLIFFE see Joloffe. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
JOLIVALD, ABBE France, c.1850, MIM Perpetual Calendar = CNAM. Abbé Jolivald. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
JOLLAIN, GERARD France, c.1666, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1666 = X. cartographer; produced map gores and globes. Karrow 1. suggest correction
JOLOFFE, WILLIAM England, c.1806, MIM apprenticed to Rowland Tidder in the Grocers' Company in 1799; free of the Company in 1806. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
JONAS France, c.1840, OIM Monocular = D.(1983). au Théatre Royal de Feydeau, Paris. Coffeen D. suggest correction
JONAS, W. AND S. misreading for W. and S. Jones. Gillingham 6. suggest correction
JONES 1 England, c.1780, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM may be David Jones or Thomas Jones 1; many instruments are signed only "Jones Charing Cross London", including telescopes, hygrometers, octants, circumferentors, sundials, etc. Charing Cross, London. NMM 2; Evans 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Tomlinson 1; RSW. suggest correction
JONES 2 England, c.1850, NIM Octant = PEA. could be Charles, Davis, or Thomas (2) Jones. Liverpool. Brewington 1. suggest correction
JONES 3 England, MIM OIM Universal Ring Sundial = NMM; Telescope, Gregorian = Brown U., R.I.; Instruments = X. could be John Jones 2 or William Jones 2. Holborn, London. Taylor 2(612); NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
JONES 4 England, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 10/26/83. "Optician." 201 Strand, London. RSW. suggest correction
JONES 5 see Daniel and Jones. RSW. suggest correction
JONES 6 England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope, single draw = D.(1989). "Day or Night"; could be John Jones 2, Thomas Jones 1 or 2, or William Jones 2. London. Rinaldi 23. suggest correction
JONES AND CO. 1 England, c.1825, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Octant = NMM-S.157; Telescope = Christie 5/26/76. London. Goodison 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
JONES AND CO. 2 England, c.1839, PHIM barometer makers. Toxteth Park, Liverpool. Bell 2. suggest correction
JONES AND RUST England, fl.1811-13, NIM Mariner's Compass = PEA. probably Thomas Jones 2 and Joseph Rust 4. 29 Pool Lane (1811); 31 Pool Lane (1813); both in Liverpool. Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
JONES AND SON England, fl.1785-95, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = VCW; Theodolite = P.C.; Telescope = Soth-S 7/23/87. John Jones 2 and his son William Jones 2. 135 Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
JONES, CHARLES England, fl.1821-40, MIM OIM PHIM Octant, ebony and ivory, for Josiah Hewitt = D.(1984). T.C. 57 Stanley Street, East Side, Dry Dock; 25 Strand; both in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1606); Moskowitz 101; Bell 2; Coffeen H. suggest correction
JONES, DAVID England, fl.1770-90, OIM PHIM Telescopes = KEN, Soth. 2/8/83, D.(1972); Stick Barometer = X; Instrument = WHI. apprenticed to Benjamin Martin in the Goldsmiths' Company, June 3, 1766; T.C.; father of Thomas Jones 1; many of his instruments are signed "D. Jones London." 35 Charing Cross (1791); 65 Charing Cross; both in London. Taylor 2(996); Clay and Court; Calvert 2; Goodison 1; Court and von Rohr 3(XXXIII); Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
JONES, DAVIS England, c.1830, MIM OIM 110 Richmond Row; 70 Great George's Street; both in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1903). suggest correction
JONES, EDWARD 1 England, fl.1780-1800, OIM Microscopes = WHI, DEU. developed an "improved" microscope. 14 Somerset Place, New Road, Commercial Road, London. Taylor 2(857); Clay and Court; Daumas 1. suggest correction
JONES, EDWARD 2 England, c.1792, PHIM balance maker. Wolverhampton. D. Crawforth-Hichins. suggest correction
JONES, GRAY AND KEEN England, fl.1830-50, NIM PHIM Marine Barometer = VNN; Sextant = Soth. 1/27/75; Octants = D.(1973), Christie-SK 11/27/86. Charles Jones?, Gray and Robert Keen. Strand, Liverpool. Bell 2; Brewington 1; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
JONES, HENRY 1 England, fl.1663-95, PHIM apprenticed in 1654; made free of the Clockmakers' Company in 1663; Master of the Company in 1691; clockmaker; made barometers. Inner Temple, London. Goodison 1; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1. suggest correction
JONES, HENRY 2 England, c. 1796, OIM 36 Ludgate Street, London. Taylor 2(997). suggest correction
JONES, INIGO England, architect; designed a sundial for New Square at Lincoln's Inn, London. London. Gatty. suggest correction
JONES, J. England, MIM Compass, Planisphere map on card = P.C. may be John Jones 2. London. RSW. suggest correction
JONES, J., AND SON England, fl.1784-88, MIM OIM PHIM John Jones 2 and William Jones 2; also made barometers. 135 near Furnival's Inn, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
JONES, JAMES 1 England, c. 1715, MIM apprenticed to John Bellinger 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 10, 1715. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
JONES, JAMES 2 England, c.1787, MIM OIM optician. 92 Snow Hill, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
JONES, JAMES WILLIAM England, fl.1838-46, MIM OIM PHIM 87 Goswell Street, London. Taylor 2(2160). suggest correction
JONES, JOHN (2), AND SONS England, pre-1793, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Rochon Micrometer Telescope = X. John Jones 2 and his sons, William (2) and Samuel Jones. 135 Holborn, London. Brewington 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
JONES, JOHN 1 England, c.1725, MIM apprenticed to James Rowley of the Clockmakers' Company on Nov. 1, 1725. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
JONES, JOHN 2 England, fl.1758-84; d.1808, MIM OIM Orreries, wood and paper = Soth. 6/16/75, Bagshaws, Uttoxeter 3/26/93; Microscope = Pym Sale. apprenticed in 1751 to Leonard Ballet in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company, 1758; "Wm. Jones new Portable Orrery made by John Jones"; William (2) and Samuel Jones were sons of John Jones 2; see W. & S. Jones; Clifton calls him John Jones 1 and says he was also member of the Fishmongers'Company, (1779). at the Sign of Archimedes and the Golden Spectacles, the corner of the Bell and Crown Inn, Holborn; 135 near Furnival's Inn, Holborn, both in London. Taylor 2(612); Clay and Court; Goodison 1; Brewington 1; Court and von Rohr 3(161); RSW; Morrison-Low 6; Clifton 1; ATG 5/8/93. suggest correction
JONES, JOHN 3 USA, fl.1847-60, MIM OIM PHIM Barometer = D.(1971). No. 18 South Street, Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; Antiques, Jan. 1971. suggest correction
JONES, JOHN SIDNEY USA, fl.1838-39, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
JONES, MARY England, fl.1829?-40, OIM succeeded Owen Jones. 241 Oxford Street, London. Taylor 2(2161); O'Mara. suggest correction
JONES, MR. England, c.1820, MIM NIM Dipping Needle = Peter Barlow (1820). mathematical instrument maker to the Ordnance; probably either John Jones 2 or William Jones 2. Taylor 2(1166). suggest correction
JONES, OWEN England, fl.1820-29, OIM succeeded by Mary Jones. 11 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square (1820-22); 241 Oxford Street (1822-29); both in London. Taylor 2(1607); O'Mara. suggest correction
JONES, PHILIP England, c.1757, member of the Framework Knitters' Company; Robert Bancks 1 (MIM), turned over to him by William Murry, of the Joiners'Company, in 1757. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
JONES, ROBERT England, 1692, MIM Sector, wood, 1692 = D. (1992). Coffeen Comm. suggest correction
JONES, SAMUEL England, c.1794, MIM NIM OIM PHIM son of John Jones 2; brother of William Jones 2; got the freedom of the Spectaclemakers' Company but was never formally apprenticed; see W. and S. Jones. London. Morrison-Low 6; RSW. suggest correction
JONES, SAMUELL England, 1690, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1690 = Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter. RSW. suggest correction
JONES, T. AND S. England, fl.1805-06, MIM hard to say who these are, unless the entry is a misreading for T. Jones and Son or W. and S. Jones, but the address does not agree with either nor the date with the former. 30 Marylebone Street, London. Taylor 2(1166); RSW. suggest correction
JONES, T., AND SON England, c.1835, PHIM barometer makers; Thomas Jones 1 and son (could be Samuel?). Charing Cross, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
JONES, THOMAS (1), AND SONS England, fl.1790-1850, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Plotting Protractor and Sextant = Libert et Castor 4/28/82; Microscope = Frank Coll; Altazimuth Instrument = WHI. 62 Charing Cross, London. J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
JONES, THOMAS 1 England, 1775-1852, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including KEN, OXF, Longleat House, Pannett Park Museum, Whitby, RSM, MAN, STT, NMM, USNM, Kelton Coll., etc. son of David Jones; apprenticed to Ramsden in 1789; patented a dividing engine in 1811; T.C.; F.R.S. in 1835; instrument maker to H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence. 120 Mount Street, Berkeley Square (1806); 21 Oxenden Street, Piccadilly (Hay Market) (1811-14); 62 Charing Cross (1816-50); 4 Rupert Street, Coventry Street; Cockspur Street (c.1819); 13 Ponton Street, Haymarket; all in London. Taylor 2(998); J.A. Bennett 2; Middleton 1 and 4; Wynter 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; USNM; Garcia 1; Coffeen 14; RSW; DNB; Pipping 1; NMM 2; Goodison 1; Multhauf and Good. suggest correction
JONES, THOMAS 2 England, c.1800-22, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octants, ebony = PEA, D.(1989), Pugsley Sale; Sextants = PEA, Soth. 10/24/60; Ring Sundial = OXF; Hadley's Quadrant = PEA; Marine Barometer = VNN; Telescope = Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Conn. T.C.; "Maker of Sextants, Quadrants, Compasses and Telescopes"; partner with Joseph Rust 4 in Jones and Rust, fl.1811-13, which see. 4 Harrington Street; 5 Harrington Street; Castle Street, near the Exchange; all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1608); Gunther 2; Michel 3; Brewington 1; Dewhirst; Evans 1; NMM 2; Rinaldi 23; RSW. suggest correction
JONES, W. AND S. England, fl.1790-1840, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including ADL, OXF, KEN, RSM, Snowshill Manor, Frank, BM, COO, VNN, PEA, SWE, STM, LEY, VCW, NMM, MAR, PMS, USNM, WHI, Hawick Museum, APS, Bolling Hall, Bradford, etc. William (2) and Samuel Jones, sons of John Jones 2; T.C.; some of their globes were engraved by George Wright 2. 135 Holborn Hill, near Furnival's Inn (1794-95); at the Archimedes, No. 30 Lower Holborn, nearly opposite Furnival's Inn (1795-1822); both in London. Taylor 2(858); Goodison 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Wynter 1; Bedini 8; DNB; Multhauf 1; Hamilton; Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Chaldecott 1; RSW; USNM; Moskowitz 104; NMM 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Hillier; Coffeen 15; Court and von Rohr 3(XXXIV); Collins 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Bryden 16; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1; ADL; Yonge. suggest correction
JONES, W., AND SON England, OIM Microscope = VCW. William Jones 2 and Son. Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
JONES, W.S. England, misreading for W. and S. Jones. London. Soth. 2/1/79; USNM; A-P 3/15/76. suggest correction
JONES, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1760, proposed a new method for finding the longitude at sea and an instrument to use in the process. London. USNM. suggest correction
JONES, WILLIAM 2 England, 1763-1831, MIM OIM PHIM Orreries, wood and paper = ADL-W83, PEA, SWE, DEU, VCW, KEN, USNM, NMM, Pym sale, Koller 11/17/75, Soth. 10/17/60, Ader Picard Tajan 3/15/76, Soth. 3/10/87, P.C. (1794), etc. apprenticed to his father, John Jones 2, in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1776; free of the Company in 1794; brother of Samuel Jones; pupil of Bejamin Martin; employed by G. Adams 2; partner with his father, John Jones 2, by 1784 as "Jones and Son" and "J. Jones and Son"; wrote on a new portable orrery in 1782 "invented and made by W. Jones"; a partner with his brother by 1794, as "W. and S. Jones." Holborn, London. Taylor 2(858); Wynter 1 & 2; Dewhurst; Brewington 1; NMM 2; Coffeen 9; Goodison 1; H. King 2; Court and von Rohr 3(207); J.A. Bennett 2; Yonge; ADL; Clifton 1; RSW. suggest correction
JONES, WILLIAM 3 USA, c.1846, MIM exhibited an "Astral Chrometer" at the fair of the American Institute, Albany N.Y. in 1846 winning a silver medal; he also invented a portable sundial. 275 Spring Street, New York, N.Y. Bedini 6; USNM. suggest correction
JONES, WILLIAM 4 England, 1775-1852, MIM Gunter's Rule = NMM; Rule = D.(1988). made "Soho" slide rules; signed "late Wellington." Crown Court, Soho, London Cajori; Wynter and Turner; NMM 2. suggest correction
JONES, WILLIAM 5 England, PHIM barometer maker. Whitford. Bell 2. suggest correction
JONG, J. DE Holland, fl.1816-17, NIM son of Jacobus de Jong?; compass maker. in de Oude Teertuinen bij de o.z. Kapelsteg, Amsterdam? Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
JONG, J. DE, AND BRUYN Hollandfl.1800-66, NIM OIM Microscope = Leeuwarden Museum; Compass = X; Crown Compass = AMST; Azimuth Compass = AMST; Dry Card Compass = Frisian Marine Museum, Leeuwarden. sometimes spelt "Jongh." Oude Teertuinen bij de Kapelsteeg 13 (1836-52); Oude Teertuinen bij de Kapelsteeg 166 (1853-66); both in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
JONG, JACOB DE Holland, fl.1740-1808, NIM Compass Card = AMST; Marine Compass, 1788 = P.C.; Compasses = P.C. (2). sometimes spelt "Jongh"; compass maker. teertuinen (1742); Oude Teertuinen (1767); both in Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
JONG, P. DE Holland, 1742, NIM compass maker. Droogbak, Amserdam (1742). Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
JONNARD c.1630, MIM Calipers, iron = D. maker or owner. RSW. suggest correction
JOOS FILS France, NIM Dry Card Compass = MYS. Dunkerque. RSW. suggest correction
JOOSTING, JOHANNES HENDRICK Holland, 1817, member of the Felix Meritis Society in Amsterdam, 1817; may be brother of Pierterz. Dirk Joosting; instrument maker? Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
JOOSTING, PIETER Holland, 1742, NIM compass maker in 1742; by 1767 the firm was Joosting en Zoon. Martelaarsgracht, Amsterdam (1742). Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
JOOSTING, PIETER, EN ZOON Holland, c.1767, NIM compass makers. Texelse Kay (Konigsstraat), Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
JOOSTING, PIETERZ. DIRK Holland, 1816, member of the Felix Meritis Society in Amsterdam in 1816; may be descendant of Pieter Joosting; may be brother of Johannes Hendrick Joosting; instrument maker? Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
JOPLING England, c.1840, MIM Pantograph = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. designed a curve instrument; pantograph signed "Jopling's Double Cranks." 24 Somerset Street, Portman Square, London. Gregory Sale 3/17/1842; RSW. suggest correction
JORDAN, T.B. England, c.1838, invented the first photographic sun recorder. Penzance. Middleton 4. suggest correction
JORDAN, THOMAS England, 1840, MIM NIM Dipping Needle = Ross and Sullivan (1840). Falmouth. Taylor 2(1905). suggest correction
JORDAN, WILLIAM England, c.1649, apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company, 1649. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
JORDISON England, PHIM Angle Barometer = P-B 3/4/39. Middlesboro. RSW. suggest correction
JOSEPH A VIN France, MIM Sundial, ivory = X. Joseph à Vin. Michel 3. suggest correction
JOSEPH, D:, NOTO: see D. Joseph Noto. RSW. suggest correction
JOSEPH, F. Italy, MIM Floating Sundial, ivory = Evans Coll. Vincenza. Dewhirst. suggest correction
JOSLIN, GILMAN USA, fl.1837-54+, MIM Pairs of Globes = Sleepy Hollow Restorations, Tarrytown, N.Y. (1839), Phillips 12/12/89 (1840, 1846); Terrestrial Globes = Heritage Foundation, Deerfield, Mass. (1840), Birmingham Public Library, Ala. (1846), P.C. (1846), D.(1968) (1846), D.(1989); Tellurium, 1854 = D.(1975). made Loring's globes in 1846; made several sizes of globes. Boston, Mass. Yonge; USNM; Moskowitz 122; Coffeen C; Bedini 8; D.J. Warner 6; Rinaldi 3; RSW. suggest correction
JOSLIN, GILMAN, AND SON USA, c.1850, MIM Celestial Globes = Wellesley College, Mass., P.C., Soth-PB pre-1980. Boston, Mass. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
JOUGHIN, FREDERICK England, c.1864, NIM Octant = Phillips 10/5/76. 17 Upper Eastsmithfield, London. O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
JOUGHIN, GEORGE England, 1856, MIM 14 Rutland Street, Mile End, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
JOULE AND SCORESBY England, 1845, PHIM Magnetic Electric Machine, 1845 = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby. James Prescott Joule and William Scoresby. London. RSW. suggest correction
JOULE, JAMES PRESCOTT England, 1818-89, PHIM scientist; designed experimental apparatus, copper calorimeter, etc.; worked with William Scoresby, 1845, as Joule and Scoresby, which see; showed conservation of energy, 1847. London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
JOURDAN France?, MIM Heliograph = LIE. Michel 9. suggest correction
JOUVENET France, c.1760, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = OXF; Sector = THO; Protractor = THO; Universal Ring Sundial with alidade = TIM. TIM instrument is forgery. Paris. RSW; Brieux 5. suggest correction
JOY, ALFRED England, MIM Hodometer = Phillips 2/22/77. Chichester. RSW. suggest correction
JOYCE, J.B., AND CO. England, 1697, MIM see William Joyce. Baillie 1. suggest correction
JOYCE, WILLIAM England, 1724, MIM Sundial on church = Cockshutt? may be founder of J.B. Joyce and Co., 1697. Cockshutt. Baillie 1. suggest correction
JOYEUX, BERNARD France, pre-1787, MIM Astronomical Clock = Musée Lorrain, Nancy. Paguy. Michel 14. suggest correction
JUAN DE ----- Spain?, 1622, MIM Terrestrial Globe, pocket, 1622 = Ineichen 10/20/75. last name not clear. RSW. suggest correction
JUDAEUS, LEO see Levi ben Gerson. Michel 3. suggest correction
JUDSON, THOMAS England, fl.1830-38, MIM OIM PHIM 26 Waterloo Road, Lambeth; 11 Alfred Street, Newington Causeway; both in London. Taylor 2(2163). suggest correction
JUGAN France, MIM Square, silver = P.C. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
JULIUS HERZOG Germany, see Herzog, Julius. Zinner 1. suggest correction
JULLIEN France, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Versailles 11/20/83. "Opticien." 86, rue des Carmes, Rouen. RSW. suggest correction
JUMP England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer in regulator clock = X; Chronometer = NMM. possibly Richard Thomas Jump; clock by Vulliamy. London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1167). suggest correction
JUMP, JOSEPH England, fl.1827-54, PHIM clockmaker; apprenticed to Benjamin Lewis Vulliamy in 1827; with him until 1854; son of Richard Thomas Jump; see Jump. London. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
JUMP, RICHARD THOMAS England, 1812-64, PHIM Clockmakers' Sector = P.C. (1935). clockmaker; apprenticed to Benjamin Lewis Vulliamy on Nov 7, 1825; grandson of Thomas Jump; father of Joseph Jump. 24 Marsham Street, Westminster, London (home). Goodison 1; Baillie 1; V. Mercer. suggest correction
JUMP, THOMAS England, fl.1785-1803, MIM Clockmaker's Sector = X. may be inventor of this type of sector; clockmaker. Prescot. V. Mercer. suggest correction
JUNG Germany, 1770, MIM PHIM Thermometer, 1770 = X. cited by Bernoulli. Uffenheim. Daumas 1. suggest correction
JUNGERS, PROF. E. Denmark, 19th Century, MIM SIM Theodolite = Rasmussen, Jan, 1968. Prof. E. Jüngers' Mechaniske Etablissement. Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
JUNGHANS, C. Germany, MIM Horary Quadrant, wood = LUN. Jena. Zinner 6. suggest correction
JURGENSEN'S SONS Denmark, c.1850, PHIM Jürgensen's showed in the Great Exhibition, London, 1851. Copenhagen. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
JURGENSEN, LOUIS URBAN Denmark, c.1800, PHIM Thermometer, No. 841 = Soth. 7/26/65. Jürgensen. Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
JURGENSEN, URBAN Denmark, c.1843, MIM PHIM Thermometers = Den Gamle By, Aarhus, Ineichen 5/10/76; Metallic Thermometer, 1843 = BM. Urban Jürgensen. Copenhagen. Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
JURIN England, 1684-1750, doctor; mathematician; worked on optics. Nachet. suggest correction
JUSTER, JAMES England, c.1782, apprenticed to Ebenezer Rust 1 in the Grocers' Company, 1782. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
JUSTI, JOANNES BAPTISTA see Giovanni Baptista Giusta. Michel 3. suggest correction
JUSTICE, JOHN Scotland, 1717, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1717 = Inverleith Terrace, Edinburgh. originally at Woodhall House. Somerville. suggest correction
JUTTNER, JOSEPH Czechoslovakia, c.1828, MIM Armillary Spheres, Copernican, 1828 = PRA, KRA; Armillary Sphere, Ptolomaic, 1828 = PRA; Celestial Globes = PRA (2), KRA; Terrestrial Globe = PRA. Joseph Jüttner. Prague. Estreicher; Horsky and Skopova; RSW. suggest correction
K. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood = Larvik Marine Museum, Norway, POTS. the mark is a crown over "K." Körber 1; RSW. suggest correction
K.F. Traverse Board = OMM. RSW. suggest correction
K.K. 1 17th Century, MIM Navicula-type Sundial = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
K.K. 2 Germany, 18th Century, MIM Quadrant and Level, mining-type, ivory = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
K.L.C. 1 c.1790, MIM SIM Cartographic Surveying Rule = Christie-SK 11/27/86. under a crown; also marked "N.G.H." RSW. suggest correction
K.L.C. 2 MIM Rule, silver, in etui = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
K.M. 1 Germany, 16th Century, MIM Dividers with Sundial and Compass = FIN = EMA. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
K.M. 2 see H.A. K.M. suggest correction
K.S. 1723, MIM Bow Compass, 1723 = D.(1987). Coffeen 15. suggest correction
KACHLER Germany, 19th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial = UTR. Stuttgart. de Rijk. suggest correction
KADAUER see Kodauer. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KAERIUS, P. 1614, MIM Pair of Globes, 1614 = NMM-G.108, 109. ex-Mensing Coll. NMM 2. suggest correction
KAETHOFF, CASPAR Holland, see Caspar Kalthoff. Daumas 1. suggest correction
KAI?___, I.L. 1666, NIM Cross-staff, 1666 = PEA. also marked "Edward Holyoke 1718." Brewington 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
KAKELAAR, HENDRIKUS Holland, fl.1783-86, NIM marked on compass card in Joseph van den Eeckout's grand orrery in Zeeuws Museum, Middelburg. Middelburg. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
KALABERGO, G. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95. possibly misreading for John Kalabergo, which see. Banbury. RSW. suggest correction
KALABERGO, JOHN England, 1812-52, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (4), Phillips 9/10/86; Soth. 1/27/88. the barometers at Phillips and Soth. were read as "G. Kalabergo Banbury." Market Place (1830-32); Bridge Street North (1832-52); both in Banbury. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
KALLER France, c.1760, NIM Octant = POB. also marked "ETS." Paris. Trois Siècles. suggest correction
KALTENBACK, FALLER AND CO. see Caltenback, Fuller and Co. Bell 2. suggest correction
KALTHOFF, CASPAR Holland; England, fl.1628-64, MIM excellent instrument maker; worked with Johannes Digges and William Corderoy. Dordrecht; London. Rooseboom 1; Dewhirst; Evans 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
KAMPE, FRANZ LEBRECHT Germany, 1712-85, MIM Quadrant on stand = Universtätssternwarte, Göttingen. made astronomical instruments and clocks. Göttingen. Zinner 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
KAMPF, JOHANN Germany, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round = ZUR. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KAMPMAN, J. Holland, c.1770, MIM PHIM Level, wood = TEY; Philosophical Instruments = TEY. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; G.L'E. Turner 7. suggest correction
KAMPMAN, J., AND ADAM STEITZ Holland, c.1770, PHIM Parabolic Trajectories = TEY (2); Rebound Trajectory = TEY; Projectile Trolley = TEY; Cycloidal Tracks = TEY (2); Inclined Planes = TEY; etc. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; G.L'E. Turner 7. suggest correction
KANDEL, JOHAN GEORG Switzerland, MIM Sundial = X. Constanz. Evans 1. suggest correction
KANTER, J. DE, PH.Z. Holland, 1762-1841, MIM SIM Pocket Solarium, paper and wood, 1788 = AMST. author. Wissekerke; Middelburg. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
KANUMAK, PIOMA Russia, NIM Sextant = Central Naval Museum, Leningrad. RSW. suggest correction
KARL Germany, 17th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial = P. and S. 2/9/1897. Munich. RSW. suggest correction
KARL, F. LIBERATUS Germany, 1766, MIM Horizontal Sundial, case, 1766 = P. and S. 3/8/1895. Baden. Evans 1. suggest correction
KARL, GEORG Germany, 1598, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1598 = OXF. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Dewhirst; Michel 3; Gunther 2; Baillie 1. suggest correction
KARMEYER Germany, c.1650, MIM Astrolabe Table Clock = X. Marienburg. Baillie 1. suggest correction
KARMOCK, JOHN England, fl.1782-87, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Ripley 1 of the Grocers' Company in 1773; free of the Company in 1782; took apprentices. 35 Wapping Street (1782-86); 302 Bell Dock, Wapping (1787); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
KARMOCK, STEPHEN England, c.1783, apprenticed to his brother, John Karmock, of the Grocers' Company, 1783. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
KARNER, ALBRECHT Germany, 1619-87, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = BUD (1655), Fränkel Coll. (1655), D.(1985) (1655), GRA (1658), BAM (1661), BM (1661), St. Gallen Altertums-Sammlung (1661), MEM (1662), WUP (1667), Michel Coll. (1668), ADL-DPW26 (1668), Hübner Coll., Vienna (1688), MUN, GRA, etc. son of Conrad Karner 2; fl.1655-87; master mark is hunting horn; 1688 instrument probably misreading of date. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 1 and 3; Gunther 2; Dewhirst; Price 3; Ward 4; Baillie 1; Gouk 1; Coffeen 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KARNER, ANDREAS Germany, 1620-82, MIM compass maker; son of Hans Karner 1 or 2; Gouk's text does not agree with her chart. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
KARNER, CASPAR Germany, 1542-pre-90, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = OXF. Master in 1564. Nürnberg. Michel 1 and 3; Baillie 1; Gouk 1. suggest correction
KARNER, CONRAD 1 Germany, fl.1567-71, MIM compass maker; father of Conrad Karner 2. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
KARNER, CONRAD 2 Germany, 1571-1632, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = D.(1619), ADL-W21 (1621), BM (1622), LIE (1622), WHI (1623), Palazzo Madama, Turin (1623), MUN (1628), Huelsmann Coll. (1628), BASH (1629), OXF (1630), GEP (1631), NYS (1632), STU, National Museum, Helsinki, OXF, etc. master mark is hunting horn. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; USNM; Gunther 2; Josten 1; Price 2 and 3; Ward 4; Michel 3; NMM 2; Baillie 1; Bryden 16; Gouk 1; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KARNER, ELISABETH Germany, fl.1564-90, married Caspar Karner in 1564, had eight children; married Albrecht Lösel in 1590 and had one son, Michael Lesel, which see. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
KARNER, ERASMUS Germany, 1614-51, MIM compass maker; son of Conrad Karner 2. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
KARNER, GEORG Germany, b.1648 fl.1679, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = MUN (1679), P.C., OXF, UTR, etc.; Diptych Sundial, ivory, lower leaf = Landshut in Niederbayern Museum. master mark is jumping horse; the UTR dial has only the master mark; Georg was Melchior Karner's brother and son of Albrecht Karner. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 2; Evans 1; De Clerque 1; Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
KARNER, HANS 1 Germany, fl.1588-1632, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = D.(1983), ADL-W136. the ADL sundial has two Maltese crosses in compass box. Nürnberg. Coffeen E; Gouk 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KARNER, HANS 2 Germany, 1597-1676, MIM compass maker; son of Hans Karner 1. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
KARNER, HANS 3 Germany, 1650-1716, MIM compass maker; son of Albrecht Karner. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
KARNER, HANS PAULUS Germany, 1606-27, MIM son of Hans Karner 1; compass maker; did not make ivory diptych sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1; RSW, suggest correction
KARNER, JACOB Germany, 1612-48, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = DEU (1599), WHI (1639), WHI (1648), WHI (3), NYC (incomplete). master mark is "I.3 K.", which see; WHI (1648) is signed "3", other WHI, undated, are signed "I.3 K." and "3"; some of the rest of these sundials are signed thus or with a "3"; son of Conrad Karner 2; DEU (1599) diptych must be a misreading of the date. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Bryden 16; Price 2; Gouk 1; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
KARNER, JACOB FRIEDRICH Germany, 1640-86, MIM compass maker; son of Jacob Karner and grandson of Conrad Karner 2. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
KARNER, LEONHARD ANDREAS Germany, 1682-1733, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = Heidelburg Museum (1732). master mark was glove with cuff; see "L.K." 1 and "L.A.K." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Gunther 2; Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
KARNER, MARTIN Germany, 1606-32, MIM compass maker; son of Conrad Karner 2. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
KARNER, MELCHIOR Germany, 1642-1707, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = Geneva Mus. of Horology (1665), LIN and KLA (1685), OXF and PAK (1690), P.C. (1687), etc. master mark is 4; see "M.K." 3; Melchior was the son of Albrecht Karner; Gouk thought that the small, ivory on wood, diptych sundials stamped with mark of a mitten were his. Arnstadt. Zinner 1; Gunther 2; Evans 1; USNM; Dewhirst; Baillie 1; Gouk 1; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
KARRATT, S. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Newcastle-under-Lyme. Goodison 1. suggest correction
KARRENO 1786, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1786 = SPI-2841; Sundial, 1786 = Bourgeois Sale. might be the same dial. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
KARSENO see Karreno. Evans 1. suggest correction
KARTARO, MARIO see Mario Cartaro. Tooley. suggest correction
KASNER AND MOSS Australia, MIM Compass, pocket = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Melbourne. RSW. suggest correction
KASPAR, MICHAEL see Michael Chasper. suggest correction
KASSELMAN, HENDRIK A. Germany, c.1750, NIM Octant = HAA. Michel 1. suggest correction
KATER, HENRY England, 1777-1835, with the Royal Engineers in India; improved geodetic instruments; invented a reversible pendulum to find the value of gravity; designed a hygrometer; Royal Society medal in 1817; F.R.S. Taylor 2(999); McConnell (1984); G.L'E. Turner 24; DNB; RSW. suggest correction
KAUFFER, MICHAEL Germany, c.1655-1730, MIM Astrolabe, 1681 = STU (ICA-571); Calendar, 1685 = STU; Quadrant, 1685 = STU; Astronomical Table = STU. Kauffer "sculpsit" and Carolus Graff "delineavit" the instruments. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Himmerlein 1; Price 1; ICA 2; suggest correction
KAUFMANN, C. Germany, MIM Polymeter = DEU. Kreuzlingen. RSW. suggest correction
KAUKOL, D.K. Germany, 1708, MIM Globe Sundial, 1708 = REG. Altenbuch. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KEAPPOCK, JAMES USA, c.1753, NIM Octant, 1753 = P.C. Philadelphia, Pa. D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
KEATOR, FRED W. USA, 20th Century, MIM Mariner's Astrolabe = MYS. modern reproduction. RSW. suggest correction
KEEGAN, MICHAEL England, c.1840, MIM OIM 2 Phoenix Street, Soho, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
KEEN England, MIM OIM see Frodsham and Keen; Gray and Keen; and Jones, Gray and Keen. Liverpool. Bell 2; Soth. 6/16/75. suggest correction
KEEN AND FRODSHAM England, c.1840, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = Nat'l Museum of Canada; Marine Barometer = X; Sextant = Soth. 12/10/73; Compass = Drouot 11/7/67. Robert Keen and Charles Frodsham. 17 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
KEEN, P.I. England, NIM Octant = Soth. 10/15/73. probably a misreading of R.I. Keen; Robert John Keen. Postern Row, Tower Hill, London. RSW. suggest correction
KEEN, ROBERT England, fl.1845-54, MIM see Frodsham and Keen; Jones, Gray and Keen; Gray and Keen. Liverpool. Brewington 1. suggest correction
KEEN, ROBERT JOHN England, fl.1838, OIM 8 Postern Row, Tower Hill, London. Taylor 2(2164). suggest correction
KEENE, ARTHUR B. Ireland, c.1854, Pair of Globes, 17" dia. = D.(1971). agent for Thomas Maltby of London. 4 Kildare Place, Dublin. Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
KEHEW, JOHN USA, 1818-1889, MIM NIM OIM Marine Compass = Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass.; Octant, ebony = D.(1992). nephew of Samuel Emery; partner of Edward Samuel Ritchie in E.S. Ritchie and Co., Boston, 1862 on; T.C.(1841-56); dealer. 69 North Water Street (1841-56); 49 North Water Street, corner of William Street (1859); both in New Bedford, Mass.; Boston, Mass. (1862). Brewington 1; Price 2; Smart 1; D.J. Warner 10; Coffeen 36; RSW. suggest correction
KEILL, SIMON England, 1657, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1657 = FLO-1294. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
KEITH, ALEXANDER Scotland, c.1795, designed a self-registering maximum-minimum thermometer and a surveying level. Edinburgh. Taylor 2(678 & 1000). suggest correction
KEITH, GEORGE Scotland?, d.1812, PHIM made clocks, watches, and barometers. Strathaven. Bell 2. suggest correction
KEIZER, LAWRENCE England, c.1841, PHIM made barometers and looking glasses. Great Charlotte Street, Liverpool. Bell 2. suggest correction
KELHAM, ROBERT England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Amersham Auction 3/3/97. Chelmsford. ATG 4/12/97. suggest correction
KELLER France, c. 1750, MIM NIM made octants and other instruments. Paris. Nachet; Daumas 1. suggest correction
KELLER, J. CO. Switzerland, "J. Co. Keller Sculpsit" marked on horary quadrant by Johann Meylin. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KELLER, JOHANN CHRISTOF Austria, c.1600, MIM Horizontal Sundials = P.C., OXF (2), ADL-M293, Burndy Library, Conn., P. and S. 6/18/1894, P-B 1/22/54. mathematician. Linz. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; USNM; Baillie 1; Maddison 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KELLNER, KARL Germany, c.1849, OIM Microscope = LEY. started Optical Institute in Wetzler in 1849. Wetzler. van der Star 1; RSW. suggest correction
KELLY, ELIZABETH England, c.1838, OIM optician. 22 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
KELSON, JONAS England, 1648, MIM Perpetual Calendar, oval, 1648 = OXF. Simpson; RSW. suggest correction
KELVEY India; England, 19th Century, OIM see Cooke and Kelvey. Calcutta and Liverpool. Soth. 2/28/80. suggest correction
KELVIN AND JAMES WHITE LTD. SCOTLAND, PHIM Marine Barometer and Sympiesometer = Soth. 7/19/88. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
KELVIN AND WHITE USA, NIM Nautical Rule = Drouot 11/30/70. Boston, Mass.; New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
KELVIN, BOTTOMLEY AND BAIRD LTD. Scotland, c.1870, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/19/88. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
KELVIN, LORD William Thomson, which see. G.L'E. Turner 24; Burnett (1984). suggest correction
KEMEL, DE Belgium, NIM Sextant = DNM. Antwerp. RSW. suggest correction
KEMM, E. England, post-1776, MIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature, with celestial lining in fishskin case. signed "A new GLOBE of the EARTH from the best Authorities by E. Kemm"; shows Cook's voyages in 1775 and 1776. RSW. suggest correction
KEMP AND CO. Scotland, fl.1835-99, PHIM Thermometer = RSM; Meteorological Equipment (incomplete) = RSM; Disc Electrical Machine = RSM; Henley's Discharging Table = RSM; Furnace Cylinder = RSM; etc. made chemical apparatus; founded by Kenneth Treasurer Kemp in 1835; he was joined by his brothers, James and Alexander Kemp, which see; firm was continued after 1864 by unidentified relatives from Glasgow. 7 South College Street (1835-38); 53 South Bridge (1839-44); 12 and 13 Infirmary Street (1845-87); all in Edinburgh. Taylor 2(2165); Bryden 3; Morrison-Low 2; Dewhirst. suggest correction
KEMP, ALEXANDER Scotland, 1822-54, PHIM with Kemp and Co. from 1841-54, with his older brothers, James and Kenneth Treasurer Kemp, which see; author; made chemical equipment. 53 South Bridge (1841-44); 12 and 13 Infirmary Street (1845-54); both in Edinburgh. Morrison-Low 2. suggest correction
KEMP, JAMES Scotland, 1802-64, PHIM elder brother of Kenneth Treasurer Kemp; joined Kemp and Co. between 1841 and 1851; worked with his younger brother, Alexander Kemp; made chemical apparatus. 12 and 13 Infirmary Street, Edinburgh (1845-64). Morrison-Low 2. suggest correction
KEMP, JOHN England, c.1825, PHIM Barometer = P.C.; Wheel Barometer = Phillips 2/14/79; Stick Barometer = Soth. 5/1/86. Wakefield. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
KEMP, KENNETH TREASURER Scotland, 1805-42, PHIM Galvanic Battery, 1828 = RSM; Experimental Galvanic Battery, 1830 = RSM; Liquified Gases = RSM (4); Blowpipe, 1829 = RSM. apprenticed to Drs. John and Thomas Johnstone Aitken, surgeon-apothecaries, in 1832 for five years; chemical apparatus maker from 1829 on; founded Kemp and Co. in 1835, which survived him until 1899; main interest was chemical electricity; author. Surgeon Square, Edinburgh (1829-36). Bryden 3; Morrison-Low 2. suggest correction
KEMPSON AND KINDEN England, fl.1803-09, MIM Perpetual Calendar Discs = BM (1803 and 1809). Birmingham. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
KEMPSON AND SON England, 1826, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1826 = D.(1985). perhaps P. Kempson and Son. Birmingham. Coffeen 9; RSW. suggest correction
KEMPSON, P. England, fl.1797-98, MIM Perpetual Calendar Discs = BM (1797 and 1798). Birmingham. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
KENDALL, EDWIN USA, 1812-63?, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = USNM. second son of Thomas Kendall, Jr.; made thermometers and mercurial barometers by 1844; by 1858 he was making aneroid barometers. New Lebanon, N.Y. (1844-58); Great Barrington, MA. (1858-59); New Lebanon Spa, N.Y. (Lebanon Springs, N.Y.) (1859-63). S.C. Turner. suggest correction
KENDALL, JOHN USA, 1810-92, PHIM son of Thomas Kendall, Jr.; trained by his father; continued his father's shop, 1831-92; renaming it John Kendall and Co.; took Edward C. Clark as partner;; thermometer maker. New Lebanon, N.Y. Smart 1; S.C. Turner. suggest correction
KENDALL, JOHN, AND CO. USA, 1832-92, PHIM made thermometers; John Kendall and Edward C. Clark. New Lebanon, N.Y. S.C. Turner. suggest correction
KENDALL, THOMAS, JR. USA, 1786-1831, MIM PHIM invented a linear dividing engine (Universal Graduator [Gradienter]) to mark thermometer tubes in 1817; made a great many thermometers; T.C.; had three sons, John, Edwin and David, which see. Millbury, Mass. (pre-1817-20); New Lebanon, N.Y. (1820-31). Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 8; S.C. Turner. suggest correction
KENDALL-GREEN, R.B. England, PHIM barometer maker. Deddington; Oxford. Bell 2. suggest correction
KENDRICK, ARCHIBALD England, fl.1791-1820, PHIM made weights. London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
KENDRICK, ARCHIBALD, AND CO. England, fl.1820-28, PHIM made weights. London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
KENDRICK, ARCHIBALD, AND SON England, 1828-30, PHIM weight makers; the firm became "Archibald Kendrick and Sons" (1830-79) and "Archibald Kendrick and Son Ltd" (1879-1986). London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
KENDRICK, CHARLES England, c.1850, PHIM barometer maker. Evesham Street, Alcester. Bell 2. suggest correction
KENEY, VINCENT England, c.1530, MIM sundial maker? London. Baillie 1. suggest correction
KENINGHAM see Cuningham. P.J. Wallis; Taylor 1(22). suggest correction
KENNARD, JOHN USA, 1782-1861, MIM SIM Quadrants with sights and compasses, wood = Dartmouth College Museum, Hanover, N. H./ Currier Gallery of Arts, Manchester, N.H., D.(1993). compass card and dial of Dartmouth instrument made by Thomas Salters Bowles; D. signed "Newmarket"; made Phineas Merrill-type quadrant; Newmarket is now Newfields. Portsmouth; Nashua; Concord; Newmarket; all in New Hampshire. Bedini 1; Smart 1; Price 2; MAD, May, 1993. suggest correction
KENNY, M.J. USA, OIM Telescope = USNM. "inventor and builder." Buffalo, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
KENRICK, W. Holland, c.1800, MIM Magnetic Compass = TEY. Amsterdam. G.L'E. Turner 7. suggest correction
KENT, CHARLTON England, NIM Dip Needles = USNM (2); Kew Magnetometer = USNM. Dover. USNM. suggest correction
KENT, DAVID NIM Liquid Compass = D.(1975). RSW. suggest correction
KENTISH, THOMAS England, fl.1839-47, MIM Slide Rule, wood = D. designed a type of slide rule which had gauge points printed on a paper strip for the fourth side; author. Taylor 2(2166); Delehar 9; RSW. suggest correction
KENVYN, G. see James Kynfin. Michel 2; Taylor 1(73); Price 1. suggest correction
KENVYN, JAMES see James Kynfin. RSW; Michel 2. suggest correction
KENYON, HENRY England, c.1840, MIM OIM 126 High Street, Wapping, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
KEOHAN, THOMAS England, fl.1816-40, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = PEA; Quadrant, ebony and brass = D.(1976); Telescope = D.(1972); Sextants = Seamans Institute of New York, Fall River Marine Museum, Mass.; Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. apprenticed to William Elliott 1 in the Joiners' Company, Dec. 17, 1816. 1 Arbour Terrace (pre-1836); 33 Upper Smithfield; 53 John Street; 2 Arbour Terrace, Commercial Road East; all in London. Bell 2; USNM; Brewington 1; Taylor 2(2218); Moskowitz 104; O'Mara; Rinaldi 2; Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
KEPLER, JOHANN Germany, 1571-1630, astronomer; worked for Tycho Brahe and then for Rudolph II; author; developed the Keplerian telescope; determined the elliptical orbits of the planets. Dreyer; etc. suggest correction
KEPPELER, JOHAN NEPOMUK Germany, 1834, MIM Horizontal Sundial, honestone, 1834 = P. and S. 3/20/1896. RSW. suggest correction
KERBY, FREDERICK England, c.1840, MIM PHIM Platt Terrace, Kings Cross, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
KERLING, H.J. WAT Germany, MIM SIM Circumferentor = DEU. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KERN, J. Switzerland, c.1850, MIM Set of Drawing Instruments = Koller May, 1972. Kern had a display in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Aarau. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
KERN, S. USA, c.1846, invented a surveying compass made by Jacob Sensensy Danner, which see. Strasburgh, Va. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
KERNER, MELCHER Germany, surely Melchior Karner. Soth. 12/8/69. suggest correction
KERR, ALEXANDER Scotland, c.1820, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. clockmaker. Annan. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
KESER, HANS Germany, c.1528, MIM compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
KESSEL Germany, 1742, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, marble, 1742 = ADL-M483. similar sundial at STU. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KESSLER, FRANZ Zinner 1; Vey. suggest correction
KETTERER, ALOYSIUS England; USA, fl.1789-90, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; succeeded John Deregan; succeeded by Martin Fisher. at the Sign of the Seven Stars, Race and Fourth Streets (1789); in house of Nicholas Hess on Race Street, opposite the German church (1790); both in Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1 and 8; Gillingham 1. suggest correction
KETTERRER England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-Chester 3/9/83. 99 Queen Street, Portsea. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
KETTLE, NATHANIEL England, c.1754, apprenticed to George Adams 1 of the Grocers' Company in 1754. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
KETTLEWELL, C.J. England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = Phillips 2/2/84. also marked "Patent Composite Arc." RSW. suggest correction
KEULEN, ABRAHAM VAN Holland, 1697, MIM Globe, 2-inch diameter, leather case = D.(1990). advertised a pocket globe in 1697; leather case has signed, celestial lining. Amsterdam. Edell 1; Krogt 2; RSW. suggest correction
KEULEN, CORNELIS BUYS VAN Holland, fl.1756-78, NIM partner in Johannes van Keulen (3) en Zoonen, 1756-78. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
KEULEN, GERARD HULST VAN see Hulst van Keulen, Gerard. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
KEULEN, GERARD VAN Holland, c.1678-1726, NIM also signed "G.v.K."; cross-staff signed that way at UTR; took Johannes van Keulen 3 as partner in 1725. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
KEULEN, JAN VAN Holland, 1724, NIM Cross-staves = UTR (1724), UTR. RSW. suggest correction
KEULEN, JOHANNES VAN (3), EN ZOONEN Holland, fl.1756-1801, NIM made many cross-staves and octants; dates ranged from 1758-80; examples can be seen at ADL, AMST, Groningen Museum, PMM, UTR, Fishery Museum, Vlaardingen, etc; many signed "I.v.K." or "J.v.K." Gerard Hulst van Keulen, partner in 1756-79; Cornelis Buys van Keulen, partner in 1778-79; Johannes van Keulen 4 was partner in 1778. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KEULEN, JOHANNES VAN 1 Holland, 1654-1715, MIM NIM Planetaria = LEY (2); Cross-staves = AMST (1700), HAM (1701), School of Navigation, Altona (1701), P.C. (1702), UTR; Bearing Compass = AMST; Astrolabe, paper (in book) = BAR; Roemer's Jovilabe and Saturnilabe = lost. planetaria made to Huygens' design; cross-staves signed either "I.v.K." or "J.v.K."; associated with Jacob Robijn in 1679; also made clocks. Amsterdam (1682); The Hague. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; Daumas 1; Rooseboom 1; H.C. King 2. suggest correction
KEULEN, JOHANNES VAN 2 Holland, fl.1684-99, published books and sea charts; published planisphere by Nicolas J. Vooghdio, Amsterdam, ADL-A286. Amsterdam. Krogt 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KEULEN, JOHANNES VAN 3 Holland, fl.1725-56, MIM NIM Cross-staves = HAM (1733), P.C. (1736), P.C. (1740), P.C. (1751), Municipal Museum, Westterschelling (1755); Azimuth Compasses = RIJ (2); Bearing Compass = RIJ; Pleinschaal = RIJ. two cross-staves signed "I.v.K." and three signed "J.v.K."; compass brass plate signed "Johannes van Keulen * Wed. G. Hulst van Keulen"; Weduwe Gerard van Keulen was partner, 1726-31; Weduwe Johannes van Keulen 1 was partner, 1755-56; pleinschaal is a form of Gunter rule. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1, 2 and 4; Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Cowan; Engelsman. suggest correction
KEULEN, JOHANNES VAN 4 Holland, fl.1776-78, NIM Cross-staff, 1776 = PMM. cross-staff signed "I.v.K. 1776 Amsterdam"; partner in Johannes van Keulen (3) en Zoonen in 1778. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
KEULEN, WEDUWE GERARD VAN Holland, fl.1726-31, NIM partner with Johannes van Keulen 3 in 1726-31. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
KEULEN, WEDUWE JOHANNES VAN Holland, 1755-56, NIM she was widow of Johannes van Keulen 1; partner with Johannes van Keulen 3 in 1755-56. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
KEUZEKAMP, F. Holland, 1799, PHIM Electrical Machine, 1799 = Frans Pasteur (1799). Delft. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
KEWLEY, JOHN England, 1774, MIM Sundial = Ballafreer Farm, Braddan, Isle of Man; Instrument, 1774 = Evans Coll. Gatty; Evans 1. suggest correction
KEWLEY, THOMAS England, c.1816, PHIM devised an improved thermometer. Aldersgate Street, London. Taylor 2(1312). suggest correction
KEYL, JULIUS Germany, c.1850, MIM Mining Compass = DRE. Zwickau. RSW. suggest correction
KEYNON England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-C 6/6/85. Stockport. RSW. suggest correction
KEYS, HENRY England, c.1716, apprenticed to Robert Chantrey of the Grocers' Company, 1716. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
KEYZOR AND BENDON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Keyzor and Bendon were brothers born Abraham and George Bandan. Their parents were Moses Bandan (later Bendon) and Alice Kyezor (aka Keyzor). Abraham changed his surname to Keyzor when he went to work with his Uncle Michael Keyzor in Norfolk in 1847. They started out as Opticians. When Abraham returned to London in 1855 he took over the business established by William Harris & Son at 50 High Holborn and originally called it Keyzor & Co. His younger brother George, then known as George Bendon joined him prior to 1861. They operated the business under the name Keyzor and Bendon until Abraham's death in 1873. 50 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2; WEBDB. suggest correction
KIBBLE England, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometers = D.(1976), D.(1988). Greenwich. RSW. suggest correction
KIBBLE, JOHN England, fl.1824-37, MIM made drawing instruments. 81 Highfield Street and 27 Great Crosshall Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1614); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
KIDD England, PHIM Stick Barometer = CMY. Malton. RSW. suggest correction
KIENING, CHRISTOPH Germany, 1582, MIM Sundial, stone, 1582 = MUN. from the Bassermann-Jordan Coll. Füssen. Bassermann-Jordan 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
KIENING, HANS Germany, fl.1575-78, MIM Book-form Clocks with Sundials in lids = OXF (1575), X; Astronomical Clock, 1578 = VIE. Füssen. Zinner 1; Baillie 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
KIENING, ISAAK Germany, fl.1568-76, MIM Horizontal Sundials = MUB (1568), AUG (1569), VIE (1569), St.Gallen Altertumssammlung (1576), Bebenhausen Schloss (1576), Christie 3/29/90 (1570). the sundials in AUG and Christie are made of stone. Isny. Zinner 1; Price 2; Evans 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
KIESTRA, JOH. Holland, 1821-1906, OIM Lens for telescope = Eisinga's house, Franeker. Herbagum. RSW. suggest correction
KILBINGTON England, c.1789, MIM compass maker; see Edwards and Kilbington. Wapping, London. Taylor 2(831 & 860). suggest correction
KILLICK England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be James Killick. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
KILLICK AND WEBB England, c.1850, PHIM barometer makers. Opposite the Albert Gate, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
KILLICK, JAMES England, fl.1839-50, PHIM barometer maker; see Killick; silversmith. St. George's Place, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
KILNER, THOMAS England?, 1649, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1649 = PRZ. RSW. suggest correction
KILPATRICK, ALEXANDER Scotlandfl.1820-32, PHIM maker of chemical apparatus; started as a tinsmith before 1820. 14 Crosscauseway (1826-32); 1 Hope Street (1832); both in Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
KILPATRICK, JOHN Scotland, fl.1833-36, PHIM chemical apparatus maker. 14 Crosscauseway and 1 Hope Street (1833); 1 Hope Street (1834-36); both in Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
KIMBELL, ISAAC England, fl.1775-1828, OIM 21 Dean Street, Fetter Lane; London. Taylor 2(737); Clay and Court; Crawforth 6. suggest correction
KIMBELL, JOHN England, fl.1817-29, MIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to Benjamin Martin in the Goldsmiths' Company on April 4, 1763. 21 Dean Street, Fetter Lane; London. Taylor 2(1372); Dewhirst; Crawforth 6. suggest correction
KINDLER, E. USA, 19th Century, MIM Circular Slide Rule = ADL-G5. Chicago, Ill. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KINDON England, see Kempson and Kindon. Birmingham. Price 3. suggest correction
KINDON, JAMES England, 1771, MIM Rule, boxwood, 1771 = Lunar Society Exhibition, 1966. Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
KING 1 Scotland, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1973). 45 Baldwin's Green, Leith; Lanark. Morrison-Low; RSW. suggest correction
KING 2 England, c.1822, MIM NIM Octant, ebony = Soth. 11/9/70; Equatorial Sundial = Christie 12/12/72. John King 2 (?). Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
KING 3 England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer with clock = Christie-NY 10/26/87. has thermometer and hygrometer. London. RSW. suggest correction
KING 4 England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. could be G.B. King, John King 2 or Thomas D. King. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
KING AND COOMBS England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Prism, Amici-type = D.(1983). 2 Clare Street, Bristol. Coffeen C. suggest correction
KING AND HAGGER USA, fl.1759-62, MIM NIM Benjamin King 1 and either William Hagger or William Guyse Hagger. near the Sign of Mr. Pitt, Newport, R.I. Bedini 1. suggest correction
KING AND SON England, OIM Microscope, botanical = Christie-SK 11/19/87. probably J. King and Son, which see. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
KING, ALEXANDER Scotland, c.1840, NIM 37 High Street, Dundee. Bryden 3. suggest correction
KING, BENJAMIN 1 USA, 1707-86, MIM NIM Backstaves = New Bedford Whaling Museum (1758 & 1785), P.C. (1760, 1763, 1764), Duke's Cty. Hist. Soc. (1754), MYS (1758 & 1762), Shelburne Mus. (1762), Phillips House, Wickford (1762), R.I. Historical Society (1762), Newport Historical Society (1771 & 1785), Fall River Marine Museum, Mass. (1758), etc.; Octant, 1767 = Soth. 5/21/73; Caleb Smith-type Hadley Quadrants = J.C. Brown Library, Brown U., X (1769). brother of Daniel King; father of Samuel King; partner of Hagger; in business for himself before 1760. Salem, Mass.; at the Sign of the Mathematical Instruments, next to the Golden Eagle on Thames Street, Newport R.I. (1742-64); Charleston, S. Car. (1765). Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; Brewington 1; Evans 1; USNM; Moskowitz 102; D.J. Warner 8, 10 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
KING, BENJAMIN 2 USA, 1740-1804, MIM NIM Backstaff, 1770 = DeLuca 8/1/87 = D.(1989); Backstaff, 1775 = PEA; Marine Compass = PEA; Octant, 1767 = Soth. 1973. apprenticed to his father, Daniel King; nephew of Benjamin King 1; succeeded by his son-in-law, Capt. Jonathan Mason. Court Street; Lynde Street; both in Salem, New England. Bedini 1 & 8; Brewington 1; Bryden 9; Smart 1; D.J. Warner 8, 10 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
KING, CHARLES GEDNEY USA, 1808-72, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveying Crosses = ESS(2); Transit = GUR; Surveying Compasses = Old Gaol Museum, Maine, DeLuca 8/1/87. son of Gedney King; see Gedney King and Son.; T.C.; most instruments signed "C.G. King." No. 7 Broad Street, third store from State Street (1839-58); Washington Street (1858-72); both in Boston, Mass. Brewington 1; Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz 103; RSW. suggest correction
KING, DANIEL USA, 1704-90, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compass, wood, 1744 = P.C.; Graphometer, wood, 1767 = PEA; Backstaff, 1766 = R.L. Foster, Jr. Auction, 8/1/86 = Foster, Jr. Auction 8/1/88 = Maine Maritime Museum; Electrostatic Machine = X. brother of Benjamin King 1; father of Benjamin King 2 and had him as an apprentice; the 1744 compass card is marked with a tide table; backstaff made for Nicholas Gifford, March 24, 1766, "scrimshawed." Salem, New England. Bedini 1, 8 and 14; Smart 1; Brewington 1; D.J. Warner 8 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
KING, F.W. AND R. England; USA, fl.1849-75, MIM NIM SIM Surveying Compasses = GUR, P.C., D.(1983); Level Holder = USNM. Frederick W. and Richard King; successors to James Green 2 (pre-1851); succeeded by Edward Meister in 1876; T.C. London; 13 Nassau Street, New York, N.Y. (1849-50); 33 South Street (1851-); 226 Baltimore Street; both in Baltimore, Md. Smart 1. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
KING, FREDERICK W. USA, 1821-89, MIM NIM PHIM SIM see F.W. and R. King. New York, N.Y.; Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
KING, G.B. England, fl.1821-50+, PHIM made barometers. College Green, Bristol. Bell 2. suggest correction
KING, GEDNEY USA, 1777-1839, MIM NIM Marine Compasses = PEA (2), D.(1974). father of Charles Gedney King; apprenticed to his uncle, Benjamin King 2; Joseph Callender and Thomas Wightman produced his compass cards; T.C.; see Gedney King and Son. Fore Street, near foot of Cross Street (1800); No. 8 North Row, Fish Street (1803); 10 North Row, Fish Street (1805); 29 State Street (1820); 113 State Street (1826); 118 State Street (1827); 7 Broad Street (1831); 95 State Street; all in Boston, Mass. Smart 1; Brewington 1; Moskowitz 108; Bedini 8; USNM; D.J.Warner 10 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
KING, GEDNEY, AND SON USA, fl.1832-39, MIM NIM son was Charles Gedney King; T.C. 7 Broad Street, Boston, Mass. Brewington 1; Smart 1; Coffeen H. suggest correction
KING, GEORGE England, fl.1802-09, MIM clock and watch maker; repaired and sold mathematical instruments. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
KING, GREGORY England, fl.1628-82, MIM a diallist. Lichfield. Taylor 1(161). suggest correction
KING, H.J., AND CO. Scotland, c.1850, MIM Micrometer = BIR. engineers. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
KING, I. England, c.1775, OIM Microscope, improved compound = Soth. 12/10/73. John King 3? RSW. suggest correction
KING, J., AND SON England, fl.1823-31, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), Soth. 6/27/88. opticians; John King 3 and John King 4. 2 Clare Street, Bristol. Bryden 9; Goodison 1; Bell 2; Taylor 2(1615); RSW. suggest correction
KING, JOHN 1 Scotland, c.1780, PHIM also made clocks. Aberdeen. Bryden 3; J.S. Reid; suggest correction
KING, JOHN 2 England, fl.1788-1805, MIM apprenticed to William Spencer 2 in the Grocers' Company in 1781; free of the Company in 1788; took apprentices. Greenfield Street, Whitechapel (1788); No. 1 Prince's Street, Ratcliffe Highway (1795); Thomas Street, Whitechapel (1802); all in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
KING, JOHN 3 England, c.1822, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Microscope, compound = Soth. 7/23/73; Theodolite = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Surveying Level = Soth. 7/15/63 = P.C.; Marine Barometer = Soth.-S 9/18/86. optician; made barometers; father of John King 4; see J. King and Son; sometimes signed "J. King"; barometer from Soth.-S is signed on paper scale. 2 Clare Street (1822); J. Stone Summer Hill Academy; both in Bristol. Bell 2; Bryden 9; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
KING, JOHN 4 England, c.1839, MIM OIM PHIM optician; barometer maker; son of John King 3; see J. King and Son. Clare Street, Bristol. Bell 2. suggest correction
KING, JOHN 5 England, c.1830, MIM PHIM 13 Goswell Street, London. Taylor 2(1908). suggest correction
KING, JOHN 6 England, c.1830, MIM PHIM 6 Cannon Street, St.George's End, London. Taylor 2(1909). suggest correction
KING, JOHN 7 England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM 112 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(1910). suggest correction
KING, JOHN 8 England, c.1700, apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
KING, JOHN SUMNER England, c.1782, apprenticed to John Karmock of the Grocers' Company in 1782. London. J.Brown 1. suggest correction
KING, MRS. THOMAS England, c.1677-79, OIM widow of Thomas King 1. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
KING, PETER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Southwark, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
KING, RICHARD England; USA, 1823-1905, MIM NIM see F.W. and R. King. London; New York, N.Y.; Baltimore, Md. Smart 1. suggest correction
KING, ROBERT England; USA, c.1789-1868, MIM NIM T.C.; made or sold nautical compasses. 82 Duane (1812); 16 Elm Street (1814-15); 108 Orchard (1823-24); 19 Lombardy (1827-30); 19 Monroe (1831-32); 18 Monroe (1832-37); 219 Fourth (1837-38); 212 Front Street (1838-43); all in New York, N.Y.; New Orleans (1822-23). USNM; Smart 1; Moskowitz 101; D.J. Warner 10 and 12.. suggest correction
KING, SAMUEL USA, 1748-1819, MIM NIM son of Benjamin King 1; succeeded his father in 1786. at the Sign of the Mathematical Instruments, on Thames and Pelham Streets, Newport, R.I. Bedini 1 and 8; Brewington 1; Smart 1. suggest correction
KING, STEPHEN 1793, NIM T.C. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
KING, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1669-76, MIM OIM sometimes spelt "Kinge"; apprenticed to Ralph Greatorex of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan.13, 1657; free in the Clockmakers' Company, April 15, 1669; in the Spectaclemakers' Company by 1669; probably OIM as two of his apprentices were Thomas Sterrop 1 and James Mann 1. Little Britain?, London. Court and von Rohr 3(21); Clay and Court; J. Brown 3; Crawforth 6; Robischon. suggest correction
KING, THOMAS 2 USA, c.1815, MIM 21 Elm, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
KING, WILLIAM Ireland, fl.1767-84, MIM NIM Hadley Quadrants = Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass.; P.C.(1784); D.(1771), (1997). Temple Bar, Dublin (1767-72). Morrison-Low and Burnett; Coffeen 58; RSW. suggest correction
KINGE, THOMAS see Thomas King 1. Robischon. suggest correction
KINNY, BALTASAR Scotland, see Balthazar Knie. Bryden 10. suggest correction
KINSNATTER, GEORG Germany, 16th Century., MIM Astrolabe Clock = TIM. RSW. suggest correction
KINZELBACH Germany, c.1850, MIM showed in the London Great Exhibition of 1851. Stuttgart, Württemburg. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
KIPP EN ZONEN GILTRAY Holland, fl.1864-1929, MIM NIM OIM Telescope, binocular = AMST. A.P.Kipp and J.W. Giltray, 1864-1916; Giltray alone, 1917-29. Delft. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
KIPP, A.P. Holland, 1834-1916, MIM NIM OIM son of P.J. Kipp; member of the firm 1864-1916. Delft. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
KIPP, P.J., EN ZONEN Holland, fl.1864-1917, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Laboratory Apparatus = TEY; Naval Telescopes = TEY; Binocular Telescope = AMST; Pyrometers, clay = X; Sextants = AMST, Royal Dutch Meteorological Office. A.J. and W.A. Kipp are the sons. Delft. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Rooseboom 1; G.L'E. Turner 7 and 24; USNM. suggest correction
KIPP, P.J., EN ZOON Holland, c.1854-64, MIM NIM OIM PHIM P.J. Kipp and A.P. Kipp, his son. Delft. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
KIPP, PETRUS JOHANNES Holland, 1801-64, PHIM scientist; designed and made scientific apparatus including a carbon dioxide generator; there is an example at Cragside (1982); see P.J. Kipp en Zoon; see P.J. Kipp en Zonen; A.J. and W.A. Kipp were his sons. Oulde Delft. Rooseboom 1; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
KIPP, W.A. Holland, fl.1864-, MIM NIM OIM son of P.J. Kipp; partner in P.J. Kipp en Zoon with his brother, A.J. Kipp. Delft. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
KIRBY, JAS. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Baillie has watchmaker by that name in St Neots, c.1795. St. Neots. Greppin 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
KIRBY, JOHN JOSHUA England, 1716-74, MIM Protractor with pivoted rule, silver = OXF; Sector, ivory and silver, 1765 = Soth. 3/10/87. invented this type of protractor; F.R.S.; "Designer in Perspective to His Majesty, George III"; surely same as Joshua Kirby; wrote on archetectonic sector. Ipswich. Taylor 2(373); A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
KIRBY, JOSHUA England, see John Joshua Kirby. Taylor 2(373). suggest correction
KIRCH, HENRICUS Germany, 1749-81, PHIM Coin Balance = D.(1986). the balance is signed "Meister Henricus Kirch." Cologne. Wynter 1. suggest correction
KIRCH, JOHANNES Germany, c.1750, PHIM Coin Balance = Soth. 10/3/88. Cologne. RSW. suggest correction
KIRCHER, ATHANASIUS Germany; Italy, 1602-80, MIM Reckoning Machine = DRE (lost); Wall Sundials = Heiligenstadt (1624), Koblenz (1623). author; designed a new type of astrolabe (Gunther 187) and a pantometrium. Geyssen, Germany; Rome. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Michel 2 and 3; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
KIRCHER, R.P. 1646, MIM may be Athanasius Kircher. Moreux. suggest correction
KIRCHNER pre-1814, MIM Measuring Instrument = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
KIRKE, FRANCIS England, 1723, NIM Backstaff, 1723 = Christie-SK 11/27/86. RSW. suggest correction
KIRKPATRIC, D. England, fl.1812-26, devised an artificial horizon. 16 Cornwallis Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1374). suggest correction
KIRKWOOD 1 Scotland, fl.1804-28, MIM Celestial Globe, 1810 = RSM. Edinburgh. Morrison-Low 1; A.D.C. Simpson; Grimaldi. suggest correction
KIRKWOOD 2 England, c.1850, MIM Pairs of Globes = K. and C. 3/19/75, Phillips 5/20/75. RSW. suggest correction
KIRKWOOD 3 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Woller. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
KIRTON, JOHN England, 1696, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1696. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
KITCHEN, JAMES England, c.1840, MIM OIM 105 Fenchurch Street, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
KITCHENMUN, T. England, c.1808, MIM designed a slide rule; sometimes spelled "Ketchenmun." Taylor 2(1171a); USNM. suggest correction
KITCHINGMAN, JOHN England, c.1792, MIM free of the Turners' Company; took apprentices, including Anthony Oldiss Bancks (optician). London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
KITSON, GEORGE England, c.1700, NIM Compass = CLU; Crown Compass = PMM. Wapping Old Stairs, London. Taylor 1(351); RSW. suggest correction
KJERSGAARD, S., AND CO. Denmark, 19th Century, NIM Marine Compass = USNM. Copenhagen. USNM. suggest correction
KLAU MIM Sundial, ivory = Christie 4/18/1899. RSW. suggest correction
KLEIN, JACOBUS Holland, c.1760, NIM Davis Quadrant = AMST. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
KLEIN, JOSEPH see P. Johannes Klein. Czech. Inv. suggest correction
KLEIN, P. JOHANNES Czechoslovakia, 1684-1762, MIM Astronomical Clocks = Prague Observatory (2), DRE (1738); Quadrant, large = PRA. Prague. Horsky and Skopova; Zinner 1; Grötzsch 2. suggest correction
KLEINGER, F.P. Germany, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood and paper = LOS. may be J.P. Kleininger. RSW. suggest correction
KLEINHEMMEL, MELCHIOR Germany, c.1550, MIM see M.K. 1. Annaberg. Pippa. suggest correction
KLEININGER Germany, 18th Century, MIM Terrestrial Globe = RJK. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
KLEININGER, F. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Pocket Sundial = Historical Society of the Tarrytowns, N.Y. probably a misreading of J.P. Kleininger. USNM. suggest correction
KLEININGER, F.P. Diptych Sundial, wood and paper = LOS. probably a misreading for J.P. Kleininger. RSW. suggest correction
KLEININGER, I.C. see J.G. Kleininger suggest correction
KLEININGER, I.G. see J.G. Kleininger. suggest correction
KLEININGER, J. Germany, c.1790, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood = Hayden Planetarium, Boston, Mass., Soth. 2/7/72, P.C. USNM; Heger; RSW. suggest correction
KLEININGER, J.G. Germany, c.1775, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood and paper = EMA, SLM, NOR, ZIT, NYM, TRA, LIE, DRE, OXF, ADL-W71, ADL-W202, etc.; Cube Sundials, wood and paper = NMM, WHI, MUN, LAW, ROM, etc. these dials were mass-produced with printed paper scales glued to wood; they may be found in most museums. Zinner 1; Bryden 16; Michel 3 & 9; Grötzsch 2; NMM 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KLEININGER, J.P. Germany, c.1775, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood and paper = AMST, KRM, NYM, WRAY, OXF, Schrobenhausen Stadtmuseum, Deventer Museum, etc. very likely to be the same as J.G. Kleininger. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Baillie 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
KLEIST, EWALD GEORG VON Germany, fl.1700-48, made an independent invention of the Leyden Jar at the same time as, or earlier than, Pieter von Musschenbroek. G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
KLEMAN, A. Holland, pre-1815, MIM NIM compass maker. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
KLEMAN, H. Holland, pre-1838, OIM Solar Microscope = X. son of J.M. Kleman? Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
KLEMAN, J.M., EN ZOON Holland, fl.1793-1857 = wxy, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM made a wide range of instruments including sextants, octants, quintants, circumferentors, telescopes thermometers, etc.; examples can be seen at AMST, LEY, STK, Frisian Marine Museum, RIJ, Clock Museum, Utrecht, etc. Jan Marten Kleman; instrument makers to the King; the signature often appears as "J.M. Kleman & Zoon, Kon. Inst- Makers, Amst." Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
KLEMAN, JAN MARTEN Holland, 1758-1845, MIM NIM OIM SIM Microscope = Crisp Coll.; Solar Microscope,1798 = LEY; Octants = LEY, AMST; Quadrants = DRE, Osler; Surveyor's Compass = P.C.; Meridian Telescope = LEY; Sextants = STK, Koninklijk College Zeemanshoop, Amsterdam; Quintant = AMST. fl.1781-1830; "Royal Instrument Maker and Supplier for Sea Service to King Louis Napoleon in 1808; in 1814 he received a similar title from King William 1; retired in 1830. Amsterdam. Crommelin 1; Van der Star 1; Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 5; Zinner 1; Daumas 1; Michel 3; Pipping 1; USNM; Gunther 2; RSW. suggest correction
KLEMM, J.M., EN ZOON misreading of J.M. Kleman en Zoon. Amsterdam. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
KLEY, JACOB Holland, 1716-91, MIM NIM PHIM Octants = LEY (1754), ROT, Visserijmuseum, Vlaardinger, Leiden Observatory; Astrolabe = Auction, 1798; Demonstration Models = TEY, UTR; Backstaff = AMST; Pleinschaal = AMST; Inclined Plane = X; Hadley Quadrant = Marine Museum, Horten. a pleinschaal is a form of Gunter rule. Rotterdam. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1, 2 and 4.; G.L'E. Turner 7; Daumas 1; Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
KLEYSER AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). Goswell Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
KLIBER, U. see Ulrich Klieber 2. Bobinger 2; Price 2. suggest correction
KLIEBER 1 Germany, see Ulrich Klieber 1, 2 and 3. RSW. suggest correction
KLIEBER 2 Austria, 1606, MIM Double Horizontal Sundial, 1606 = SPI-2803. Vienna. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
KLIEBER, TOBIAS Germany, 1545-1618, MIM Sundial, round, 1581 = BUD; Astronomical Compendium, 1595 = BM; Sundial = OXF; Celestial Globe, 1576 = lost; Etui for Mathematical Instruments, 1591 = AUG. sundial is signed "T.K." 1; Evans thought he was from Gastein; son of Ulrich Klieber 2 and brother of Ulrich Klieber 3; see "T.K." 2 also. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Price 3; Ward 4; Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 1 and 3; Baillie 1; Nachet. suggest correction
KLIEBER, UDALRICUS see Ulrich Klieber 3. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
KLIEBER, ULRICH 1 Germany, c.1487-1530, MIM sundial maker. Augsburg. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
KLIEBER, ULRICH 2 Germany, c.1511-62, MIM Powder Horn with Compass and Moon Dial, 1533 = X; Sundials, 1541 = Pfalzgrafen, Otto Heinrich's schloss at Neuberg. the instruments are mentioned in the state archives. Augsburg. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
KLIEBER, ULRICH 3 Germany, 1529-1606, MIM made wide range of mathematical instruments including astronomical compendia, sundials, artillery levels, etc., ranging in date from 1554-1606; examples can be seen at KES, OXF, MUN, AUG, VIE, ADL, WHI, BEK, BUD, etc. son of Ulrich Klieber 2; sometimes signed "Udalricus Klieber" or "V.K." 1. Augsburg. Bobinger 2; Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Evans 1; Maddison 1; Michel 1 and 3; Bryden 16; Nachet; Price 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KLIEBER, V. Germany, see Ulrich Klieber 1 and 2. Bobinger 2; Price 2. suggest correction
KLING, E. Austria, c.1845, PHIM Vacuum Pump = KRA. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
KLINGENSTIERNA, SAMUEL Switzerland, c.1762, mathematician; his work led to the discovery of the achromatic lens. Nachet. suggest correction
KLINGER UND BAUER Germany, 1790, MIM Celestial Globe, 1790 = DRE. Johann Georg Klinger and Joh. Bernhard Bauer. Nürnberg. Grötzsch 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
KLINGER, C. ABEL Germany, c.1820, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature = ADL-W59, Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. / Chicago Historical Society (2); Terrestrial Globes = DRE, MAN, Soth. 4/24/72, D.(1976). D.(1976) globe is printed in Dutch. Nürnberg. Grötzsch 2; Garcia Franco 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KLINGER, J.S. England, c.1830, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Jewish Museum, New York, N.Y. made miniature globes; misreading for Johann Georg Klinger? Yonge. suggest correction
KLINGER, JOHANN GEORG Germany, 1764-1806, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature = Royal Library, Stockholm, Christie-SK 4/17/86, DRE (2) (1792), NMM (2), Grimma, Halle, Köthen, Phillips 2/2/84; Celestial Globes = DEU (1790), LOS (1796), BAU, etc; Terrestrial Globe, 5.5", 1790 = Sotheby's 5/11/94. "Chalcogr."; see Klinger and Bauer; Grimma, Halle and Köthen are heimatmuseums; made terrestrial globe, 1790, for Andreas Steib's 1804 astronomical clock in MUN. Nürnberg. Grötzsch 1 and 2; NMM 2; Freiss; RSW. suggest correction
KLINGERT SOHN Germany, 1828, MIM SIM Transit, small, 1828 = KRA. Breslau. RSW. suggest correction
KLOCKSPARGER, JOHANN Czechoslovakia, c.1770, MIM Scale for converting measures, circular = PRA. Prague. Baillie 1. suggest correction
KLOCKSPERGER, T. Czechoslovakia, c.1690, MIM Horizontal Sundial, silver and brass = NYM; Sundial = P. & S. 4/3/1894. Prague. Zinner 6; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
KLONNE, J., AND MULLER, G. Holland, c.1850, OIM Microscope = LEY. J. Klönne and G. Müller. van der Star 1. suggest correction
KLOOS, F.J. Holland, 19th Century, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = Museum Schevingen. T.C. "Leeuhaven Wz. No.163, Manufacturer of Nautical Instruments, Coppersmith, Lamp maker." Rotterdam. RSW. suggest correction
KLOOS, F.J., EN ZOON Holland, 19th Century, NIM Marine Compasses = Museum, Schevingen (2). Rotterdam. RSW. suggest correction
KLOPPENBURG, GERHARD Germany, fl.1713-16, MIM invented and engraved double equatorial sundials made by Gerhard Kremer. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Wynter and Turner; Michel 3; Cousins; RSW. suggest correction
KNABE Germany, 18th Century, MIM Table Sundial = DAR. Darmstadt. Zinner 6. suggest correction
KNABE, C.E. Germany, MIM Perpetual Calendar = BM (lost). Grünsstadt. Price 3; RSW. suggest correction
KNACHERGAARD, N.P. Denmark, post-1827, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. meteorologist and clockmaker. Aalborg. RSW. suggest correction
KNAUSTINUS, HEINRICH Germany, 1578, MIM Astrolabe, 1578 = MUN (ICA-3027). maker or owner? Zinner 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
KNEBEL, F. Holland, fl.1816-27, MIM Astronomical Clocks = LEY (1816), Klokkenmuseum, Zaanse Schans, Utrecht Observatory (2). made chronometers. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
KNIBB, JOHN England, c.1673, MIM Astronmical Clock = X. brother of Joseph Knibb and cousin of Samuel Knibb; apprenticed to William Sutton in the Joiners' Company on Nov. 4, 1664; free of the Company, 1673, in Oxford; took apprentices in Oxford. Oxford. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
KNIBB, JOSEPH England, fl.1670-89, MIM brother of John Knibb and cousin of Samuel Knibb; admitted to the Clockmakers' Company by Redemption in 1670; served as assistant in the Company in 1689. London. Robischon. suggest correction
KNIBB, SAMUEL England, fl.1663-74, MIM see Sutton and Knibb, who in 1664 cooperated to make Morland's trigonometrical machines, now at KEN and FLO; he finished the FLO machine in 1666 after Sutton's death. Threadneedle Street, London. Taylor 1(297); Bonelli 1; Michel 3; G.L'E. Turner 24; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
KNIE, BALTHAZAR Germany; Scotland, fl.1743-1817, PHIM Angle Barometers = X, Soth. 7/19/88 (1787), Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, City of Gloucester Museum, P.C., RSM, KEN, etc; Stick Barometers = Hopetoun House, Edinburgh, Christie-SK 9/11/86, RSM, D.; Double Barometer, 1800 = RSM; Wheel Barometers = X, P.C.; Barometer, 1778 = Traquair House; used thermometers by Charles Moliner; signed "Mr. Knie" (1800), "Knie, Edin.", "Balthasar Knie", "Baltasar Kinny." second door above Mr. Scyth, facing Niddry's Wynd (1776); near Mr. Scyth (1776); opposite the Guard (1782-90); nearly opposite the Guard, High Street (1789); opposite Forrestets Wynd Well (1793-98); Head Seller's Close (1800-03); Lawnmarket (1805-10); 405 Lawnmarket (1811-14); Borthwick's Close (1815); all in Edinburgh. Goodison 1, 5; Bryden 3, 10; Morrison-Low 1; RSW; McConnell 1. suggest correction
KNIGHT 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Braintree. Goodison 1. suggest correction
KNIGHT 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
KNIGHT 3 England?, c.1775, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Sales Cat.(1975). possibly Charles Knight. Dunmow. RSW. suggest correction
KNIGHT, CHARLES England, c.1800, PHIM barometer maker. Baillie 1. suggest correction
KNIGHT, F.C., AND CO. USA, fl..1894-1923, MIM SIM Transits = X (2). Frank Campion Knight. Philadelphia, PA. Miller. suggest correction
KNIGHT, FRANK CAMPION USA, 1856-1923, MIM SIM claimed to be the successor to Edmund Draper. 402 Locust, Philadelphia, Pa. (1894-95). Smart 1; Miller. suggest correction
KNIGHT, GEORGE England, pre-1840, PHIM Chemical Retort = OXF; Balance = Christie 10/31/67. signed "Knight Foster Lane." Foster Lane, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
KNIGHT, GEORGE, AND CO. England, fl.1850-58, MIM PHIM won a prize in the Great Exhibition of London in 1851. 2 Foster Lane, Cheapside, London. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
KNIGHT, GEORGE, AND SONS England, fl.1840-62, MIM PHIM Chemical Balance = OXF. T.C.; see R. and G. Knight; see George Knight. 2 Foster Lane, Cheapsides, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
KNIGHT, GOWIN England, 1713-72, MIM NIM Instrument = OXF; Compass Cards = Uring Sale 6/16/1773 (3). Dr. Gowin Knight; developed and improved a compass in 1745; patented it in 1766; F.R.S.; T.C.; author. Lincoln's Inn Fields, Crane Court, Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(278); DNB; G.L'E. Turner 24; Calvert 2; Schück; RSW. suggest correction
KNIGHT, JOHN England, fl.1812-35, PHIM made barometers, watches and clocks. Mill End, Thaxted. Bell 2. suggest correction
KNIGHT, R. AND G. England, fl.1811-20, MIM PHIM SIM Inclinometer = STT. Richard and George Knight. No. 41 Foster Lane (1811); Foster Lane, Cheapsides (1816); both in London. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
KNIGHT, RICHARD England, see R. and G. Knight. RSW. suggest correction
KNIGHT, T. England, PHIM made barometers. Stone. Bell 2. suggest correction
KNIGHTS, JAMES England, 1739, MIM Hodometer, 1739 = KEN. Ipswich. RSW. suggest correction
KNIP, GEREIT Holland, c.1750, MIM Planetarium with clockworks = DRE. Amsterdam. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KNITTEL, GEORG FRANZ Czechoslovakia, fl.1683-90, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = PRA (1683), BEK (1685); Level, 1690 = DEU. Prague. Zinner 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
KNITTEL, JOH. WILHELM Czechoslovakia, 1701, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1701 = ROM. Prague. Zinner 1; Bonelli 4; Bedini 12; RSW. suggest correction
KNITTL, FRANZ ANTON Austria, 1671-1744, MIM PHIM SIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = BAM (1713), KRM (1713), Linz Stadt Sammlung (1713), NMM, KRM, LIN, KEN (2), etc.; Burning Glass, 1716 = Lambach Stift; Horizontal Sundials = LIN, NOR (2), NMM, CZJ, AMST, KEN, POR; Compasses, 1714 = X (2); Surveying Instruments, 1721 = Lambach Stift. father of Franz Jacob Knittl; Evans noted a ring sundial, 1685, at Kunst und Gewerbe Museum, Berlin. Kremsmünster; Linz. Zinner 1; Baillie 1; Evans 1; Michel 3; Mörzer Bruyns 1; NMM 2; Portaluppi; Wynter and Turner; Wynter 1; W. Eckhardt 3; RSW. suggest correction
KNITTL, FRANZ JACOB Austria, 1729-70, MIM Table Sundials = NMM (1753), SLM (1754), Linz Museum Depot aus Hohenfurth (1751). son of Franz Anton Knittl; see also "F.J.K.S.J." Linz. Zinner 1; NMM 2. suggest correction
KNITTL, JOH. WILHELM Czechoslovakia, 1701, MIM Sundial, 1701 = ROM. Prague. Bedini 12; RSW. suggest correction
KNOTT, ROBERT England, 1683, MIM apprenticed to Clement Forster of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 29, 1683. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
KNOWLES, JEFFREY England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
KNOX AND SHAIN 1 USA, fl.1855-76, MIM SIM Surveying Vernier Compass = P.C.; Transits = U. of North Dakota, D.(1983). Joseph Knox and Charles J. Shain; also made levels. 461/2 Walnut Street (1855); 716 Chestnut Street (1856-76); both in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Coffeen C; RSW. suggest correction
KNOX AND SHAIN 2 USA, fl.1878-91, MIM Henry M. Knox and Charles J. Shain. 716 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
KNOX, HENRY M. USA, fl.1878-91, MIM see Knox and Shain 2. 716 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
KNOX, JOSEPH USA, 1805-77, MIM SIM see Knox and Shain 1; see Draper and Knox. 7 Plum Street (1829-37); 72 Dock Street (1851); both in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
KNYFF, LEONARD England, c.1730, apprenticed to Thomas Heath 1 in the Grocers' Company, 1730; his father may have been the topographer of the same name. J. Brown 1; Tooley 1. suggest correction
KOCH Germany, OIM Microscope = NOR. Berlin. Fürst. suggest correction
KOCH, BARTHOLOME Austria, 18th Century, MIM Inclinable Sundial = OXF; Augsburg-type Sundials = Drecker Coll. = P.C., Christie 4/3/85; Horizontal Sundials = Christie 4/18/1899, P.B. 1/22/54, P. & S. 5/20/1895, Koller 11/17/75. Vienna. Zinner 1; Maddison 5; RSW. suggest correction
KOCH, F.L. Germany, fl.1749-63, MIM SIM Horizontal Sundial, with case = MUN; Level, 1749 = SWE; Level = STT; Laterna Magica = STT; Graphometer, 1763 = DOR. graphometer signed "Koch Berlin." Berlin. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
KOCH, H. Germany, 1751, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1751 = CZO. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
KOCH, HANS Germany, fl.1554-1603, MIM made sundials; see "H.K." 1 and 5. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Boursier; RSW. suggest correction
KOCH, HANS HINRICH ?, c.1776, owner of Leverton Hadley quadrant. Apenrade. RSW. suggest correction
KOCH, I.(T.) L. Germany, 1775, MIM Sector, 1755 = PRZ. see J.L. Koch. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
KOCH, J.L. Germany, 1742, MIM OIM Culpeper-type Microscope = NOR; Sectors = NOR, OXF (1742). related to Johann Koch 1 and K. Koch. Berlin. Pipping 1; Maddison; RSW. suggest correction
KOCH, JOHANN 1 Austria; Germany; Swedenfl.1650-79, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1650 = P. & S. 3/8/1895; Horizontal Sundials, 1665 & 1672 = NOR; Horizontal Sundials = NOR, KEN; Diptych Sundial = NOR; Artillery Level = MADEX-369; Sundial = SKO. instrument and clock maker; J.K. Koch and K. Koch are descendants. Vienna; Berlin; Stockholm (1665-79). Zinner 1; Pipping 1; Baillie 1; MADEX; Sidenbladh; Maddison; RSW. suggest correction
KOCH, JOHANN 2 Austria, 1755, MIM Sundial, 1755 = X; Universal Ring Dial = Kühnelt Coll., Innsbruck; Horizontal Sundial = VAA. Vienna. Zinner 6; Basserman-Jordan 2. suggest correction
KOCH, K. Germany, 1763, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1763 = DOR; Table Sundials = MUN, WRAY-39. related to Johann Koch 1 and J.L. Koch. Berlin. Zinner 1; Price 2; Maddison; RSW. suggest correction
KOCH, MARTIN Germany, c.1700, MIM Analemmatic Table Sundial = GRA. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KOCH, RASMUS Denmark, fl.1765-72, NIM Crown Compass = AMST; Compass Cards = SFM (1765), X (1772). X also marked "R.K." Copenhagen. Mörzer Bruyns 1; Schück; RSW. suggest correction
KOCHANSKI, ADAM ADAMANTY Poland, 1631-1700, MIM Triple Wall Sundial, 1680 = Palace, Wilanow. designed by Hevelius. Warsaw. Maddison 7. suggest correction
KOCHLER Germany, MIM String-gnomon Sundial = Delft Sundial Exhibition (1984). signed on paper compass rose. Stuttgart. RSW. suggest correction
KOCK, BARTHOL. see Bartholme Koch. Christie 4/18/1899. suggest correction
KOCKS, JOHANNES H. Holland, 1761-1849, OIM PHIM made microscopes and philosophical instruments for van Musschenbroek. The Hague. Crommelin 1; Rooseboom 1; USNM. suggest correction
KODANER see Kodauer. Hamilton 1. suggest correction
KODAUER, JOSEPH Germany?, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial = P. and S. 3/8/1895; Equatorial Sundials = P. and S. 3/20/1896 and 5/19/1896, D.(1974), PRA, LAW, MERC, Soth. 4/22/65; Butterfield-type Sundial = OXF. MERC signed "Josephus Kodaner." Carlsbad. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Hamilton 1; RSW. suggest correction
KOEDIJK, ENGELB Holland, c.1817, MIM OIM PHIM Kalverstraat bij de Bagijnenhofsteeg, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
KOENIG, KARL RUDOLPH Germany; France, 1832-1901, MIM PHIM Set of Helmholtz Resonators = TEY. physicist from Königsberg, studied under Helmholtz; moved to Paris in 1851; apprenticed to the violin maker Vuillaume until 1858; made acoustical apparatus thereafter; won gold medal in 1862. Königsberg; Paris (1851). G.L'E. Turner 7 & 24; Poggendorff; USNM. suggest correction
KOERNER Germany, c.1810, OIM Telescope = CZJ. Weimar. RSW. suggest correction
KOGLER, IGNATIUS c.1744, MIM Equatorial Armillary Sphere = Peking Observatory. Ignatius Kögler. Michel 3; Needham? suggest correction
KOGLER, JEREMIAS Poland, 1634-88, MIM PHIM Compass, 1634 = KRM; Sectors = ADL-M87 (1688), KRA (1664), Neusing Coll. and Academy of Science, Gdansk (1668). Kögler; sometimes spelled "Kegeler." Danzig. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Polish Inv.; Daumas 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KOHL, MAX Germany, c.1880, MIM Electrostatic Machines = D.(1971), A.-P. 3/15/76. "Mechaniker." Chemnitz. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
KOHLER, A. Sweden, c.1850, MIM SIM A. Köhler; made surveyor's planimeters; probably a clockmaker. Visby. Pipping 1. suggest correction
KOHLER, CHRISTOPH Germany, fl.1663-80, MIM SIM Graphometers = KEN (1663), DRE; Table Sundial, 1677 = KEN; Diptych Sundials, round = MERC, DRE; Augsburg-type Sundial, 1680 = Merc-30; Artillery Levels = DRE (lost) (1699), MUN; Astronomical Compendium = P.C. (1969); Diptych Sundials = Markisches Museum (1766), Lempertz 6/14/76. Christoph Köhler; Augsburg-type has perpetual calendar on 1b and is signed "Dresten fecit Fluss Köhler"; DRE graphometer has 3" radius. Dresden. Zinner 1; Gunther 2; Price 2; Daumas 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
KOHLER, FLUSS misreading for Christoph Köhler. Hamilton 1 & 2. suggest correction
KOHN RussiaMIM Thermometer = D.(1970). both Fahrenheit and Réaumur scales. RSW. suggest correction
KOLESCH AND CO. USA, MIM SIM Surveyor's Level = GUR. New York City. USNM. suggest correction
KOLL, BERNHART Germany, 1569, MIM member of the compass maker guild; Master in 1569. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
KOLNEP, W. Germany, OIM Microscope = P.C. Berlin. Padgitt. suggest correction
KOLOMET, MENDEL SCHAFFER MIM Watch Dial with Compass = P. & S. 2/28/1896. Kolomet may be a town. RSW. suggest correction
KOLWEIN, M. Austria, 17th Century, MIM Table Sundial = KEN-1880/40. see Mathias Kulwein. Vienna. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
KONIG, D. Switzerland, MIM Meridian Sundial = ROM-7863. Berne. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
KONIG, GOTTFRIED Germany, MIM Universal Horizontal Sundial = Koller 11/17/75. König. Hildburghausen. RSW. suggest correction
KONST, R. Holland, c.1775, MIM Astrolabe = LEY. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
KOOGIES, JAN see Jan Koogje. Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
KOOGJE, JAN Holland, c.1725, MIM Planetariums, miniature = LEY, Soth. 12/17/62 = P.C. (1969). clockmaker Wormerveer. Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
KOOPS, B. Holland, c.1800, OIM Solar Microscope = LEY. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
KOPPELLAR Austria, PHIM Barometer = KRA. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
KOPSEN AND CO. Australia, NIM Marine Compass = American Art Galleries, Chicago 3/18/75. Sydney. RSW. suggest correction
KORDENBUSCH, G.F. Germany, 1773, MIM Plotting Scale, 1773 = OXF. "Math. P. Pa." Nürnberg. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
KORISTKA, F. Italy, c.1850, OIM Microscope = DRE. Milan. Grötzsch 2; RSW. suggest correction
KORN, HARTMAN Germany, 1664, MIM Sundial, circular, with calendar, 1664 = OXF. associated with John Korne? Zinner 1; Taylor 1(521); Dewhirst; Baillie 1; Evans 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
KORNE, JOHN England, c.1700, OIM Telescope = NMM. associated with Hartman Korn? Taylor 1(521); Evans 1; NMM 2. suggest correction
KORNER, FRIEDRICH Germany, c.1824, Körner; invented a barometer, thermometer, air pump, and balance; author; had Carl Zeiss as an apprentice, c.1830. Jena. Pipping 1; Middleton 1; Dawsons 205. suggest correction
KOSBU, F. Germany, c.1850, NIM Octant = AMST; Compass = X. the last letter in Kosbu has a line over it. Hamburg. Schück 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
KOSTENBADER, GEORG Germany, c.1588, MIM Astrolabe Clock = Chateau de Gaesbeek, Belgium. see G.K.B. Zinner 1; Price 2; Michel 2. suggest correction
KOSTER, ANTON Germany, 18th Century, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = Lienz Heimatmuseum. Köster; crude work. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KOSTKOWEGO Poland, invented a type of polyhedral sundial. RSW. suggest correction
KRABBE, JOHANN Germany, 1553-1616, MIM NIM Astrolabes, brass = STO (1579) (ICA-529), D.(1972), Fort Caroline Nat'l Memorial, Fla. (1582) (ICA-581) (NMM-3); Astrolabes, paper = OXF (1583) (ICA-276), LUN (1583) (ICA-612); Nocturnal, 1583 = ROM; Diptych Sundial, 1583 = ZUR; Regiomontanus Sundial, 1584 = NMM-D.228; Mathematical Instrument (1586); Globe (1583). author; he wrote that his planispheric astrolabes were intended for mariners; the Fort Caroline astrolabe is considered a mariner's astrolabe; NMM is the National Maritime Museum Registry of Mariner's Astrolabes; geometer to Henricus Julius, Bishop of Halberstadt, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg. Minden; Wolfenbüttel. Zinner 1; Michel 1, 2 and 3; Gunther 1 and 2; Price 1; ICA 2; Waters 1; NMM 2; MADEX; Stimson 3; RSW; Debeauvais 1. suggest correction
KRAFFT, FRIEDRICH Germany, c.1500, MIM made an astrolabe. Nürnberg. Lunardi. suggest correction
KRAFT, C.E. Austria, c.1790, MIM NIM Protractors = DRE, PRZ; Sextant, miniature = WHI-817. Vienna. Grötzsch 2; Dewhirst; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
KRAFT, E., UND SOHN Austria, MIM SIM Rule = TRE; Compass = P.C. (1969); Mining Compass = P.C.(1987). Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
KRANENBORG, LAMBERTUS DERKS Holland, fl.1773-74, MIM Sundials = Loppersum (1773), Hoogezand (1774). Loppersum; Hoogezand. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
KRANER, CHRISTOPH Austria, 1641, MIM SIM Plane Table Compass, 1641 = VIE. Innsbruck. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KRANEWELTER, JACOB 1755, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
KRAP Holland, c.1830, OIM Telescope = AMST. see Krap en van den Brink; see Arbon en Krap. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; NAMUR. suggest correction
KRAP EN VAN DEN BRINK Holland, c.1830, OIM Telescope = AMST. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
KRAPP, JOHANN Germany, c.1790, PHIM Barometers, recording = DEU (2). Mannheim. Middleton 1. suggest correction
KRATZENSTEIN, BRUNO USA, c.1850 ?, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, with telescope = P.C. Chicago, Ill. USNM. suggest correction
KRATZER, NICHOLAS Germany; England; Belgium1486-1550, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = Corpus Christi College, Oxf.(pre-1624); Garden Sundials = Corpus Christi College, St. Mary's Church, Oxford. mathematical instrument maker to Henry VIII; there is a portrait of Kratzer by Hans Holbein. Munich; Oxford; Antwerp; London. Zinner 1; Taylor 1(1); Maddison 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3; DNB; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
KRAUS, JOHANN PAUL Germany, 17th Century, MIM Table Sundial = BM. signed "Johann Paul Kraus Fürstle : Max : Liechtenstein: Hoffmeister fecit"and marked "J.G. Gutwein sculpsit." Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
KRAUSLER, MATHIAS KARL Austria, 1691, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1691 = Vorau Stift. Pöllau in Steirmark. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KRAUSS, JOHANN THOMAS Germany, 1751, MIM Protractor, glass, 1751 = AUG. RSW. suggest correction
KRAUWINCKEL, HANS Germany, 1580-1610, MIM Nürnberg Counter = USNM. Nürnberg. USNM. suggest correction
KREBS see Nicholaus de Cusa. Nachet. suggest correction
KREICH, JOACHIM Germany, 1598-99, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument, 1599 = DEU; Alidade with compass, 1598 = PRA; Triangulation Instrument, 1599 = NUR. Weimar. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Czech. Inv.; RSW. suggest correction
KREITTMAYER, GEORG Germany, 1660, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1660 = X. Munich. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KREMBER Holland, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = P. and S. 6/18/1894. also signed "gentifori"; probably Philip Kremser which see. RSW. suggest correction
KREMER, GERHARD Germany, fl.1713-16, MIM Double Equatorial Sundials = Bourgeois Sale, Cologne, 1902 = TIM, Christie 4/9/75 (1714), LEI. made sundials invented and engraved by Gerhard Kloppenburg which see. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Michel 3; Cousins; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
KREMSER, PHILIP Holland, 1781, MIM Table Sundial, string-gnomon = MUN; Table Sundial, 1781 = GRA. for 46°30' latitude. Cenifori (Genifori?). Zinner 1 and 6; Price 2; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
KRES, ALBAN Germany, MIM Rule, folding, with hinged bars at ends = ULM. Ulm. RSW. suggest correction
KRIECKEL, G.F. MIM Artillery Rule = STU; Rule = THO. RSW. suggest correction
KRIEGSEISEN, MATHIAS 17th Century, PHIM made demonstration instruments. Nachet. suggest correction
KRIGNER, SALOMON Poland; Germany, c.1694, MIM SIM Augsburg-type Sundials with cams = DRE, SWE, ROS = FIN, P.C., OXF, KRA, PRZ, THO; Equatorial Sundials = NYC, STT, CZJ, EMA, Drecker Coll.; Graphometer, 1694 = DRE. most Augsburg-types are oval. Warsaw; Marienbad. Zinner 1; Grötzsch 2; Pipping 1; Michel 3; Pryzpkowski 1; DES; Körber 1; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
KRITTL, JOHANN WILHELM Czechoslovakia, misreading for Knittel. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
KRUGNER, AL. CR. Germany, MIM Equatorial Sundial, with cam = P. & S. 3/8/1895 = Drecker Coll.? is this a horrible rendering of Salomon Krigner? Marienberg. RSW. suggest correction
KRUINCS misreading for Kruines. P. & S. 2/9/1897. suggest correction
KRUINES France, fl.1800-22, MIM OIM Cannon Sundials = P. & S. 5/19/1896 and 2/9/1897; Telescope = Gersaint, Nantes 10/28/88. "Opticien"; Gersaint also marked "Quai de l'Horloge." au Télescope, Enclos Saint-Denis de la Chartre; 41 Quai de l'Horloge; 61 bis, Quai de l'Horloge (1807); all in Paris. Nachet; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
KRUINES, VEUVE France, c.1822, MIM OIM carried on her husband's shop; maker (?). Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
KRUINES-RAMBAUD France, MIM Instrument = Musée Lombard, Geneva. 21 Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
KRULT, E., UND SOHN Austria, MIM Compass = Technical Museum, Warsaw. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
KRUSE, ABRAHAM Germany, c.1796, PHIM Coin Balances = HAK, DRE, D.(1982). the balances in Dresden and with the dealer are marked "Schwelm in der graffshaft Mark 1796." Schynelium, Westfalia. USNM; Coffeen III; RSW. suggest correction
KRUSE, J. MELCHIOR Germany, 18th Century, PHIM Gold Balance = Libert et Castor 4/28/82; Coin Balances = Christie 4/3/85, Koller 11/17/75. the gold balances are marked "Goldwafenmacher und Eichmeister." Elberfeld. RSW. suggest correction
KUBEL, EDWARD Germany; USA, 1820-96, MIM PHIM SIM Theodolites = USNM, D.(1987); Siderostat = USNM; Gravity Pendulum = USNM; Dividing Engine = Alpha Instrument Co., Washington, D.C. Kübel; worked primarily for the U.S. Government. Bayreuth, Bavaria (pre-1849); Washington, D.C. Smart 1; USNM; Coffeen 15.. suggest correction
KUBISCH MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = MLL. RSW. suggest correction
KUBITSCHEK Austria, c.1800, PHIM Hygrometer = DRE. Vienna. Grötzsch 2; RSW. suggest correction
KUEBLER AND SEELHORST USA, c.1850?, MIM SIM Surveying Transit = GUR. Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
KUGSBERG, AUGUST NIM Crown Compass = STK. the first letter in Kugsberg may be different. RSW. suggest correction
KUHLMANN, G. CH. Germany, MIM Alidade = D.(1971). Kühlmann. Colmar. RSW. suggest correction
KUHLMANN, IN. BIN. MIM Protractor = D.(1972). Roux Devilas 73. suggest correction
KUHNEL, PAUL USA, c.1850?, MIM Pair of Globes = X. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
KUILE, COENRAAD TER Holland, 1781-1852, MIM made a tellurium and a lunarium. Enschede. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
KULICK, MATHIAS England, c.1782, apprenticed to Thomas Garrard 1 in the Grocers' Company, 1782. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
KULIVIN Russia, 1772, invented electrical machine, 1772; Academy of Science. RSW. suggest correction
KULL AND DOWNING England, PHIM Marine Barometer = OMM. "London." London. RSW. suggest correction
KULLBERG, VICTOR England, 1824-90, NIM made self-registering marine compasses, or course indicators; made chronometers and watches. 105 Liverpool Road; 12 Cloudesley Terrace; both in London. USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
KULLSTROM, J.J. Sweden, fl.1830-60, PHIM Stick Barometer = NOR. Kullström. Stora Glasbruksgaten 8, Stockholm. RSW. suggest correction
KULWEIN, MATHIAS Germany, MIM Ring Sundial = MUN. see M. Kolwein. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KUMMER, K.W. Germany, 1836, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1836 = DRE. Berlin. Grötzch 1 & 2; Drechsler 2; RSW. suggest correction
KUNIG, ARNOLD France, fl.1481-1500, MIM thought to have made an astrolabe, 1481, now in the Musée de Rohan, Strasbourg. Strasbourg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KUNINGNANT, M. France?, c.1660, MIM SIM Circumferentor = ADL-M155. marked "Ingénieur." Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KUNN, ANTON Austria, c.1810, PHIM Balance = ADL-M405. Anton Künn. Vienna. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
KURFURST VON SACHSEN, AUGUST J. Germany, see August J. Kurfürst von Sachsen. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KURZ, CHRISTIAN ADAM, UND SOHN FRANZ Germany, 1700, MIM Inclinable Sundial, 1700 = P. & S. 11/21/1894. Reutlingen. RSW. suggest correction
KUTSCH France, c.1792, MIM PHIM Rules = CNAM; Balance = CNAM; Triangular Rule, wood = Berzelius Museum (SWE). made comparators. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
KUTZ AND ADAMS USA, fl.1834-36, MIM rule makers; surely Erasmus A. Kutz 1. 300 Broadway, New York, N.Y. (1834-36). USNM; RSW. suggest correction
KUTZ, ERASMUS A. 1 England; USA, 1778-1856, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = GUR/ Onandaga Hist. Soc., Syracuse, N.Y./ Crestline Hist. Soc.,Ohio, Conn. Hist. Soc., Hartford, Western Reserve Hist. Soc., Cleveland, Ohio; Compass = Cornell University, N.Y.; Sextant = Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Museum, Inc., Va.; Shoe Measure = USNM; Yardstick = USNM; Octants = P.C. (2). Kutz was primarily a rule maker; T.C.; George Bracher in England made telescopes for Kutz. 343 Water Street (1818-19); 248 Water Street (1821); 151 Water Street (1822); 172 Water Street (1824-27); 164 Water Sreet (1828-35); 180 Water Street (1835-36 & 1842-43); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Bedini 8; O'Mara; Brewington 1; Taylor 2(1496); D.J. Warner 10; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
KUTZ, ERASMUS A. 2 USA, 1822-68, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = D.(1973). signed "E.A. Kutz (son)"; rule maker. 2 Stanton (1839-40); 117 Madison (1850-51); 91 Monroe Street (1856); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Moskowitz 106. suggest correction
KUTZ, FREDERICK USA, fl.1827-30, MIM rule maker. 55 Orange (1827-28); 395 Broome (1829); both in New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
KUTZ, THOMAS USA, fl.1829-30, MIM rule maker. 107 Mott (1829); Mott at N. Walker (1830); both in New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
KUTZ, THOMAS E. USA, fl.1823-27, MIM 86 Reed (1823); Nassau, corner of John (1824); 51 Roosevelt (1825); 61 Vesey (1826-27); all in New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
KUYPER, GERHARD Holland, c.1775, PHIM made a new type of electrical machine with Van Marum. Groningen. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
KWIDZYNIA, MIKOLAJ WODKA Poland, 1442-94, MIM Sundial = Cathedral, Wloclawek. professor of astronomy at the University of Bologna. Polish Inventory. suggest correction
KYFFIN, EDWARD England, c.1682, MIM apprenticed by turnover on Nov. 30, 1682 to John Brown 1 of the Clockmakers' Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
KYN, JAMES England, fl.1593-1727, MIM Sundial, ivory, 1593 = X Coll.; Sundial = RSM. the dial in the X Coll. is for 52° and marked "Made for T.B." (1); the dial in the RSM is signed "Kynius." Dewhirst; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
KYNAST, J.F. Germany, c.1700, MIM Horizontal Sundial = Drecker Coll. = P.C.(1969). also marked "I.F.F." Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
KYNFIN, JAMES England, fl.1569-1610, MIM Astrolabe, 1597 = FLO; Astronomical Compendium, 1593 = BM; Geometrical Compass, 1595 = FLO-2516; Graduated Circle, 1595 = FLO-435; Theodolite base, 1597 = FLO-3174. also signed as "James Kenvyn", "Jacobus Kynvin"; made instruments for Sir Robert Dudley; made Blagrave's "Mathematical Jewel" and "Familiar Staff." near Powles (St. Paul's Cathedral), London. Taylor 1(73); G.L'E. Turner 26; Gatty; Gunther 4; Dewhirst; Bonelli 2; Price 1 & 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
KYNIUS see James Kyn. Dewhirst. suggest correction
KYNVIN see Kynfin. suggest correction
KYNVYN see Kynfin. suggest correction
KYNWIN see Kynfin. suggest correction
KYRRHESTES, ANDRONIKOS Macedonia, c.75 B.C., MIM Sundial = Tenos; Tower of the Winds = Athens. Gibbs 1; Price 13. suggest correction
L'ADMIRAL, JACOB see Admiral, Jacob L'. RSW. suggest correction
L'ALLEMAN, DIDIER France, fl.1677-78, MIM made a celestial globe in 1677-78; mentioned in the Royal Society's Philosophical Transactions XII, p. 895; watchmaker. Paris. Evans 1. suggest correction
L'AMAND, R. France, c.1720, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = Evans Coll. Dieppe. Evans 1. suggest correction
L'ASNE, MICHEL see Michael Asinus. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
L'ETANG see Etang. suggest correction
L'HOSTE, JEAN France, fl.1616-31, MIM Terrestrial Globes, 1616 = Bibliothèque de l'Institut de France et de la Musée Lorrain, Nancy; Celestial Globes = Bibliothèque de l'Institut de France (1617) et de la Musée Lorrain (1618). mathematician and author; sometimes signed "Johannes L'Hoste." Nancy. Bonacker; RSW. suggest correction
L'ISLE, DE see Isle, de l'. suggest correction
L. 1 Germany, 1741, OIM Solar Microscopes, 1741 = DRE (2). Hans Löser, Reichsgraf. Zinner 1; Drechsler 2. suggest correction
L. 2 Germany, see L.A.E. Maurice 1; RSW. suggest correction
L.A.E. Germany, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, stone = DEU. might also be marked "L." (2). Maurice 1; RSW. suggest correction
L.A.K. Germany, 1733, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1733 = NMM-D.141 Leonhard Andreas Karner; for latitude 48°; see "L.K." 1. Augsburg. NMM 2; Gouk. suggest correction
L.B. England, NIM Nocturnals, wood = CMY, etc. when found on English nocturnals, L.B. stands for "Little Bear." RSW. suggest correction
L.D.B. USA?, 1785, NIM Backstaff, 1785 = Maine Historical Society, Portland Me. Bedini thought it was 1776. Bedini 14; RSW. suggest correction
L.G. Germany, 18th.Century, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = Christie 6/23/64. L. Grassl or L. Gräf. Augsburg. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
L.G.M. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = P. & S. 5/19/1896. probably a misreading of "L.T.M." RSW. suggest correction
L.H. France, MIM String-gnomon Sundial in medallion = Libert et Castor 4/28/82. might be the owner's initials. RSW. suggest correction
L.I.S. 1646, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1646 = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
L.J.M. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Augsburg-type Sundials = P. & S. 3/20/1896 and 5/19/1896. probably a misreading of "L.T.M." RSW suggest correction
L.K. 1 Germany, fl.1728-30, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory, = Galerie am Neumarkt 10/19/72 = Kugel (1730), Drout 4/7/87 (1728). the mastermark is a glove with cuff; see L.A.K.; see Leonard Andreas Karner. Nürnberg. Gouk; RSW. suggest correction
L.K. 2 Germany, 18th Century, MIM Equatorial Sundial = PRA. Augsburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
L.K.G. Germany, 1631, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1631 = BM. Zinner 1. suggest correction
L.L. France, c.1700, owner's initials with crest on an astronomical compendium, Versailles 11/19/78. RSW. suggest correction
L.M. 1 Germany, MIM either Lienhart Miller, Leonhart Miller, or Leinhart Milner. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
L.M. 2 Germany, 1625, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1625 = ADL-T12. Lienhart Miller. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
L.M. 3 Germany, 1626, marked on an ivory diptych sundial signed "Lienhart Milner, 1626." RSW. suggest correction
L.M. 4 Germany, fl.1636-45, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory, 1636 and 1645 = Huelsmann Coll. also marked on an ivory diptych sundial signed "Leonhart Miller" in the Findlay Sale. Nürnberg. Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
L.M. 5 France, c.1750, MIM marked on a garden sundial signed "Lheureux", in Koller, May 1972. RSW. suggest correction
L.M. ST. fl.1644-48, MIM Pin-gnomon Sundial, 1648 = SKO; Artillery Scale, 1644 = SKO. Price 2. suggest correction
L.M.N. Germany, c.1600, MIM Torquetum = BAM. calendar runs from 1600 to 1639. Nürnberg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
L.R.F. Germany, 1631, MIM Triptych Sundial, 1631 = BM. signed "L.R.f. 1631." Price 3; Ward 4; Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
L.S. 1 Germany?, 1518, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1518 = FIN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
L.S. 2 Germany, c.1600, MIM Horizontal Sundial, stone = REG. Zinner 1. suggest correction
L.S. 3 England, 17th Century, MIM Ring Sundial, expanded = Christie 6/7/72. RSW. suggest correction
L.S. 4 1715, MIM Vertical Sundial, 1715 = ZUS. RSW. suggest correction
L.S. 5 England, c.1800, MIM Bow Dividers = D.(1972). Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
L.T. initials on a telecopic graphometer by Lenoir; probably the owner. Wynter 1. suggest correction
L.T.M. Germany, c.1710-70, MIM Augsburg-type Sundials found in many museums and collections. Ludovicus Theodatus Müller. Augsburg. Bobinger 2; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
L.T.V. surely a misreading of L.T.M Christie 4/3/74. suggest correction
L.X.A. 1593, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1593 = LIE. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
L.Z. 1 Germany, 1741, MIM Hodometer, 1741 = DRE. Löser und Zimmer or Lehmann und Zimmer? Zinner 1; Drechsler 2. suggest correction
L.Z. 2 MIM Compass Sundial = NOR. initials on cover, owner? RSW. suggest correction
L.Z.K. misreading of I.3 K.; see Jacob Karner. Koller 11/7/63. suggest correction
LA HIRE, GABRIEL-PHILIPPE DE France, 1677-1719, OIM Telescope = POB. son of Philippe de la Hire? experimented with barometers. Paris. Nachet; Middleton 1. suggest correction
LA HIRE, PHILIPPE DE France, 1640-1718, de la Hire; wrote on astrolabes and gnomonics; invented a new type of astrolabe projection. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Middleton 1. suggest correction
LA MOTTA Italy, 1767, NIM Compass in gimbals, 1767 = ROM. Price thought the date was 1707. Rome. Bonelli 4; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
LA MOTTE France, c.1690, MIM Sector = P.C.; Square = P.C. Versailles. Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
LA REINE France, OIM Field Glass, pocket = USNM. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
LABBE, J.N. 1826, MIM Garden Sundial, slate, 1826 = LIE. J.N. Labbé. Michel 9. suggest correction
LACAM, B. owner's name on mathematical etui signed "H. Cole maker" for Humphrey Cole, which see RSW. suggest correction
LACKEN, JOHN England, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 6/30/89. Maidstone. RSW. suggest correction
LACOMBE France, MIM Horizontal Sundial = Drouot 4/26/67-38. Toulouse. RSW. suggest correction
LACOUR, CLAUDIUS France, Toricelli Barometer, 1769 = D.(1972). modern work; "opticien." rue du Bac, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LACROIX France, post-1753, "maître serrurier"; received permission to make a perpetual motion machine from the inventor, Arles de Montigny, after Solvaique; see Berin de la Croix. Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
LACY, W. England, 1779, MIM Orrery, 1779 = NMM-P.25. "Invenit et Delineavit." NMM 2. suggest correction
LACY, WILLIAM England, c.1803, PHIM apprenticed to Francis Vandermeulen on July 21, 1803, for seven years. West Street, West Smithfield, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LADD AND OERTLING England, fl.1860-74, PHIM Edward Wilds Ladd and Ludwig Oertling; made balances; the RGO records have a letter announcing the partnership, dated Dec. 1860. 192 Bishopsgate Street Without, London. USNM; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
LADD AND STREATFIELD England, fl. 1847-59, PHIM the partnership of Edward Wilds Ladd and John Streatfield fl. c.1847-Oct. 1859; listed themselves as "successors to R.B. Bate, hydrometer and gauging instrument makers to the Hon. Board of Inland Revenue"; made standard weights and measures. 1 Old Jewry, London. Chaldecott 4; McConnell 4. suggest correction
LADD, EDWARD WILDS England, pre-1847-60, PHIM worked for R.B. Bate; maker of hydrometers and saccharometers to the Honourable Board of Inland Revenue; had John Streatfield as a partner in Ladd and Streatfield c.1847-1859; worked alone, as E.W. Ladd and Co. from Oct. 1859 to Dec. 1960 when he took Ludwig Oertling as a partner, this lasted until c.Aug. 1874. 1 Old Jewry (1859); 192 Bishopsgate Street (1860); both in London. Chaldecott 3 and 4; RGO. suggest correction
LADD, W., AND CO. England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Thermometer = Royal Institution; Microscope, compound = Minnesota Historical Society. William Ladd. 12 Beak Street, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
LADD, WILLIAM England, fl.1847-69, OIM PHIM Microscopes = D., Phillips 2/22/77, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. made barometers and thermometers; optician; devised a method for coarse focusing on a microscope; had a display in the 1851 Great Exhibition in London. 7 Cleaver Street, Kennington (1847); 31 Chancery Lane (1858); 11 and 12 Beak Street, Regent Street W. (1869); 29 Penton Street, Walworth Road; all in London. Goodison 1; O'Mara; Fürst; Moskowitz; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
LADERRIERE France, c.1900, NIM Inclinometer, No. 2 = Versailles 4/17/83; Sextant = WHI. "Service Hydrographique de la Marine Boussole d'inclinason de Laderrière No. 2" is marked on the inclinometer. Bennett 1; RSW. suggest correction
LAENEN, F.A. Belgium?, 1789, MIM Garden Sundial, slate, 1789 = LIE. Michel 9; RSW. suggest correction
LAFFRANCHO, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(4). sometimes spelled J. LaFrancho. Ludlow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LAFONTAINE France, 19th Century, MIM Cannon Sundial, miniature = D.(1988). 18 Galerie Monpensier, Palais Royal, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LAFRANCHO, J. England, J. LaFrancho; see J. Laffrancho. Ludlow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LAGARDE, A. France, MIM Horizontal Sundial = ADL-A32. name stamped inside of lower half of box. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LAGNY France, fl.1665-90, MIM "arquebusier"; made instruments for the Paris Observatory and the Academy. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Augarde. suggest correction
LAGSTINUS, FRANCS. France?, 1602, MIM Armillary Sphere with Ptolemaic Planetarium in center, 1602 = Watney Coll. = Christie 7/12/67. Gunther 2. suggest correction
LAIDIER, FRA J. see Fra J. Lardier. Evans 1. suggest correction
LAIDMAN England, PHIM Marine Barometer = D.(1997). possibly R.T. Laidman, which see. ATG 5/24/97. suggest correction
LAIDMAN, R.T. England, NIM Octant, ebony and brass, case = Christie-SK 7/10/80. West Hartlepool. RSW. suggest correction
LAINTON, SAMUEL England, c.1860, PHIM Angle Barometers = WHI, X; Thermometer = X. thermometer is on a Howorth barometer; may be cabinet maker at 9 King Cross Street (1860). Halifax. Goodison 1; Bell 2; Middleton 1. suggest correction
LAIRD, DAVID WHITE Scotland, fl.1834-51, NIM OIM Octants, ebony = Soth. 6/20/74, FRK = RSM, Dundee Art Galleries; Telescope = Phillips-E 7/31/87. also made clocks and watches; T.C. in Whitby Museum. 4 Bridge Street (1834-42); 58 Bridge Street (1843-51); both in Leith. Taylor 2(2167); Bryden 3; Clarke et al; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
LAK Germany, 1773, MIM Sundial, ivory, 1773 = Debreuil Coll. = NMM-Caird. L.A.K.? Nürnberg. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
LAKE AND SON England, fl.1775-1800, MIM PHIM Pantograph = D.(1972); Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 11/13/86. Taunton. Moskowitz 105. suggest correction
LAKE, THOMAS England, 1770, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1770 = NMM-S.103. instrument made for Martin Walding. Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(738); NMM 2. suggest correction
LALANDE, JEROME LE FRANCOIS DE France, fl.1771-1803, Jérôme Le François de Lalande; astronomer; author; had the analemmatic sundial on the church in Bourg-en-Bresse restored; drew a celestial globe, 1792. Paris. Daumas 1; Howse 2; Cousins. suggest correction
LALAYE, M. France, MIM Planispheres = PBN (2). Destombes 5. suggest correction
LALIGANT France, pre-1843, MIM Balance = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
LALLAERIUS, JACOBUS Italy, 1636, MIM Garden Sundial, slate, 1636 = P.C. (1971). "astronomus fecit An. 1636"; for latitude 47 1/2°. RSW. suggest correction
LALONDE France, PHIM Barometers = Lesoufaché Coll.(2). Maurice 1. suggest correction
LALOY, M. France, 1607, MIM Horizontal Sundial, lead, 1607 = house in Tourcil. Limoges. Gatty. suggest correction
LAMARDELLE France, 18th Century, MIM Baradelle? à la sphère, Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
LAMB, ANTHONY England; USA, 1703-84, MIM NIM Gauging Rod, 1759 = Streeter Coll., Yale U.; Backstaves = PEA (2-one dated 1747), Newport R.I. Historical Society Museum; Surveyor's Compass = USNM; Rule, wood inlaid with brass and ivory, 1759 = P.C.; Magnetic Compasses = D.(1986), Glebe House, Seabury Society; Haviland Instrument, ivory = P.C. apprenticed to Henry Carter, MIM, of London pre-1724; transported to Maryland from Newgate Prison, London, 1724; made Thomas Godfrey 1's octant in 1731. London (1703-24); at the Sign of the Compass and Quadrant, near the New Dock (1730); at the Sign of the Quadrant and Surveying Compass (1745); at the Sign of Sir Isaac Newton's Head (1749); all in New York, N.Y.; Hunter's Key, N.Y. (1753). Taylor 2(191); Smart 1; Bedini 1, 7 and 8; Brewington 1; USNM; Coffeen 13; D.J. Warner 8, 10 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
LAMB, ANTHONY, AND SON USA, fl.1755-60, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Passaic County Historical Society, Paterson, N.J. Anthony and John Lamb. Hunter's Key, N.Y. Smart 1; Bedini 1 and 7. suggest correction
LAMB, JOHN USA, 1735-1800, MIM SIM apprenticed to his father, Anthony Lamb, and was his partner, 1755-60, as Anthony Lamb and Son; very active in the Revolution; became a wine-merchant. Hunter's Key, N.Y. Smart 1; Bedini 1, 7 and 8; Brewington 1. suggest correction
LAMB, JOSEPH England, c.1827, MIM Instrument = OXF; Slide Rule, circular, ivory and silver, 1827 = P.C. author; watchmaker. Taylor 2(1616); Delehar 9. suggest correction
LAMBE Holland, c.1704, PHIM made barometers and gave them names of English makers. Amsterdam. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
LAMBE, LUKE England, c.1684, MIM apprenticed to Johnson Weekes of the Clockmakers' Company on March 25, 1684. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
LAMBERT Ireland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
LAMBERT LE FILS France, 18th Century, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = Soth. 12/12/55. Lambert le fils. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LAMBERT PERE France, 18th Century, MIM Folding Square = ADL-W134; Sector = X; Mathematical Instrument Set = P-B 10/28/63; Protractor = Melun 6/10/79. the protractor is signed "Lambert le Père." Paris. Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LAMBERT, H. NIM Octant = Pugsley Sale = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
LAMBERT, J.S. c.1770, designed a combination horizontal and analemmatic sundial. Ericson. suggest correction
LAMBERT, THOMAS England, c.1727, MIM apprenticed to John Hutton 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on July 3, 1727. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
LAMBRIT, THOMAS see Thomas Gemini. suggest correction
LAMINIT, JAKOB EMANUEL Germany, 1719-60, MIM Augsburg-type Sundials = AUG, HAM, GEL, SPI-2810, Koller 11/17/75. brother-in-law of Johann Martin Willebrand. Augsburg. Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
LAMONBY, GEORGE BURNTHWAITE England, Lamonby may be town; see George Burnthwaite. RSW. suggest correction
LAMONT Ireland, NIM Octant = D.(1969). Belfast. RSW. suggest correction
LAMPLEY, CHARLES England, c.1693, MIM apprenticed to William Howe of the Grocers' Company on Nov. 7, 1683; free of the Company, Sept. 4, 1693. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
LAMPLOUGH England, 1792, NIM Octant, ebony and brass, 1792 = Phillips 5/20/75. Burlington. RSW. suggest correction
LAMY, SIMON France?, MIM Cannon Sundial = D.(c.1968). RSW. suggest correction
LANA, FRA FRANCESCO DE TERZI Italy, 1631-87, developed a microscope; author; physician. Brescia. Nachet. suggest correction
LANCAEUS, BALTHASSAR Italy, fl.1557-71, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument, 1557 = FLO; Artillery Instrument with Calipers, 1557 = FLO. Lanci. Urbino. Bonelli 2 and 5; Evans 1; Michel 3; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
LANCASTER England, OIM Telescope, brass, on steel stand = D.(1987). possibly "Lancaster and Son" or "Jas. Lancaster and Son." Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
LANCASTER AND SON England, OIM Microscope, binocular = Wellcombe Museum (KEN) probably James Lancaster and Son; opticians. Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
LANCASTER AND SONS England, c. 1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1976). may be Jas. Lancaster and Sons. RSW. suggest correction
LANCASTER, CYRUS USA, 1802-62, MIM made many celestial and terrestrial globes, dating from 1825 to 1845; examples may be seen at USNM, Albany Institute of History and Art, N.Y. / Seward House, Auburn, N.Y. / Suffolk County Historical Society, Riverhead, N.Y. / P.C., D.(1975). apprenticed to James Wilson 3; became his son-in-law; taken into firm of James Wilson and Sons in 1826, as manager of Wilson's factory. 110 Washington Street, Albany, N.Y. Bedini 8; Yonge; USNM; Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
LANCASTER, GILBERT England, c.1692, MIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Anderton of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 7, 1683; free of the Company, June 6, 1692. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
LANCASTER, JAS., AND SON England, c.1830, OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 12/1/83. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
LANDECK, ANDREAS Germany, 1589-1663, MIM Vertical Sundial, copper, 1647 = NUR. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Baillie 1; Maurice 1. suggest correction
LANDECK, JOHANN MELCHIOR Germany, 18th.Century, MIM Pedometer with Sundial = BM. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
LANDRINI Italy, c.1750, MIM Air Thermometer = DRE. Drebbel-type. Grötzsch 2; RSW. suggest correction
LANDTECK, ENDRES see Andreas Landeck. Lunardi. suggest correction
LANDTSCHOT, HENDRICK VAN Holland, fl.1682-83, held a 1683 patent on a nautical instrument. Middelburg. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
LANE, H. England, 1776, Terrestrial Globe, with case = Phillips 2/14/79. probably a misreading of N. Lane. RSW. suggest correction
LANE, JOHN England, c.1799, MIM NIM SIM T.C., 1799. at the Blue Coat Boy and Quadrant, in the Great-Minories, London. C.N. Robinson. suggest correction
LANE, NATHANIEL England, fl.1776-1829, MIM made miniature terrestrial globes, many in shagreen cases lined with celestial gores; dates range from 1776 to 1829; examples can be seen at the Chicago Ill. Historical Society, PAM, NMM, and many other museums. they are signed "Lane's Pocket Globe" or "Lane's Improved Globe"; the celestial gores lining the cases of the miniature globes show a geocentric projection. London. Taylor 2(740); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Wynter and Turner; NMM 2; Yonge; Krogt 2; RSW. suggest correction
LANE, NICHOLAS England, c.1783, MIM father of Thomas Lane; globe maker. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
LANE, R.E. England, NIM Octant, mahagony = X. RSWx. suggest correction
LANE, SAMUEL USA, 1718-1806, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1760 = New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, N.H. surveyor; the globe was made to help him in his work. Stratham, New Hampshire. Bedini 8; Yonge. suggest correction
LANE, THOMAS England, c.1801, son of Nicholas Lane, a globe maker; apprenticed to Robert Tangate 1 in the Joiners' Company on Nov. 4, 1783; free in the Company, Mar. 3, 1801. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
LANEN, PIETER JACOBSE VAN DER Holland, c.1740?, NIM Compass = Königl. Institut für Meereskunde, Berlin. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
LANG France, 18th Century, MIM Rule = ADL-M133; Artillery Level = D.(1987). "Mechanicien du Roy pour l'artillerie"; might be the same as Joh. Phil. Lang. Strasbourg. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LANG, JOH. PHIL. France, 1748-62, MIM Quadrant, 3' radius, on stand, 1762 = Musée Lorrain, Nancy; Quadrant, 1748 = STR. both quadrants are made of iron and brass. Strasbourg; Paris. Michel 3 & 14; RSW. suggest correction
LANG, JOHANN CHRISTOFF Germany, c.1600, MIM Astrolabe Clock = ADL-M383. Price dated it at c.1580. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Price 2; Michel 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LANG, JOSEPH England, OIM Microscope = Christie-SK 4/17/86. 43 Eastcheap, London. RSW. suggest correction
LANGE DE BOURBON France, 1753, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1753 = Oudheidkundige Museum, Ghent; Butterfield-type Sundials = Christie-SK 4/17/86, UTO 9/29/75, MERC (rectangular) = Spaulding = Lempertz 6/14/76 = D.(1976); Instrument = Wallace Coll. Paris. Hamilton 2; Brieux 3; F.J.B. Watson; RSW. suggest correction
LANGE DE BOURBON, M. France, c.1710, PHIM Barometer and Thermometer = NYM; Stick Barometer = X. "faiseur de barometres du Roi." Paris. Vincent 2; Hamilton 2; Tyler. suggest correction
LANGENBUCHER, JACOB Germany, 1649-1712, MIM OIM Compass = ADL-M470; Universal Ring Dial = D. also made terrestrial and celestial globes, telescopes, etc. Augsburg. Zinner 1 & 6; Brieux 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LANGFORD, EDWIN England, c.1850, MIM NIM Sector = D.(1935); Octant = D. Bristol. M. Gardner 2 (1935); Bryden 9; O'Mara 2; Moskowitz 106. suggest correction
LANGFORD, J. England, PHIM barometer maker. Bell 2. suggest correction
LANGHANS, HANNS WOLFF Germany, c.1687, MIM sandglass maker. Nürnberg. Lunardi. suggest correction
LANGLANDS, JOHN England, c.1820, MIM Pocket Compass = Soth. 12/3/76. Newcastle. RSW. suggest correction
LANGLEY, LEMUEL USA, 1828, patented a method of adjusting the marine compass in 1828. Gosport or Norfolk, Virginia. Bedini 8; USNM. suggest correction
LANGLEY, W. England, 19th Century, PHIM Grain Balance = Soth. 1/27/75. 46 Tooley Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
LANGLOIS ET LAPIE France, 1815, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1815 = Gonse Coll. = MADEX-26 = NMM-G.114. H. Langlois and Lapie. Paris. NMM 2. suggest correction
LANGLOIS, CHARLES FRANCIS France, c.1700, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = DRE; Pantograph = DRE; Graphometer = DRE. Paris. Grötzsch 2. suggest correction
LANGLOIS, CLAUDE France, c.1730-50, MIM SIM made various types of sundials and surveying, mathematical and astronomical instruments which can be seen at ADL, POB, CNAM, OXF, HAK, NMM, DRE, NYM, LOU, HAY, WHI, Huelsmann Coll., etc. installed the meridian in St. Suplice Eglise in 1744; perfected the pantograph in 1743; "Ingénieur"; most instruments are signed "Langlois" or "C. Langlois"; worked for the Academy of Sciences; succeeded by his nephew, Canivet. Au Niveau; aux Galeries du Louvre; both in Paris. Daumas 1; Grötzsch 2; Körber 1; Michel 3; NMM 2; Engelmann 1; Josten; Bryden 16; Trois Siècles; Evans 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LANGLOIS, H. France, 1815, MIM globe maker; see Langlois et Lapie. NMM 2. suggest correction
LANGLOIS, JEAN France, fl.1720-27, MIM Circumferentor, telescopic, 1720 = de la Mosson Coll. = Buffon Coll.(1744) = D.(1976); Alidade, 1726 = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88; Universal Ring Dial = CNAM; Microscope = RMS; Butterfield-type Sundials = FIT (WHI), Soth. 7/10/67; Circumferentor, 1727 = X; Plane Table with Telescope and Sundial, 1727 = de la Mosson Coll. = D. = LOU; Rule, case, 1726 = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. "élève du Sieur Butterfield." aux Armes d'Angleterre, Paris. Daumas 1; CNAM 2; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Michel 3; Gersaint; A.J. Turner 10; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
LANGLOIS, L. France, 1745-47, MIM Graphometer = MADEX. probably Claude Langlois; instrument marked "L'Ecole Nat. des Ponts et Chaussées." au Niveau, Paris. MADEX; RSW. suggest correction
LANGLOIS, TIMOTHEE France, 1693, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, silver = Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Thimothée Langlois; the Butterfield dial is signed "T. Langlois, siezième"; Baillie listed him as a water clock maker. Paris. Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
LANGREN, ARNOLD FLORENT VAN Holland, fl.1586-1625, MIM Celestial Globes = Lindköping Stiftsbibliothek (1586), NMM (1589 and 1624); Pair of Globes = Plantin-Moretus Museum, Antwerp; Terrestrial Globes = NMM (1589), U. Library of Gand; Armillary Sphere = stolen. Jacob Florent van Langren, his father, engraved the gores; Gand globe signed "Arnold Florent Filius." Amsterdam. Zinner 1; NMM 1 and 2; ART; Belgian Inv. suggest correction
LANGREN, JACOB FLORENT VAN Denmark; Holland, fl.1586-1625, engraved terrestrial and celestial gores; many were made up by his son, Arnold Florent van Langren. Amsterdam. Zinner 1; Belgian Inv.; Globus Dec., 1957. suggest correction
LANGSTON, D. England, c.1825, OIM 116 Cheapside, London. Taylor 2(1617). suggest correction
LANGTHORNE, JOSEPH England, c.1709, MIM apprenticed to John Wood 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 5, 1709. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
LANGWER, P. Germany, MIM SIM Circumferentor = BRE. Zinner 1. suggest correction
LANIER France, c.1750, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = ADL-T59. Paris. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LANSUERG, ANGELUS Italy, misreading for Lusuerg. Evans 1. suggest correction
LANZ, NIKOLAUS Austria, c.1550, MIM Astronomical Clock = VIE. Innsbruck. Neumann 1. suggest correction
LAPIE France, c.1815, MIM Armillary Sphere, wood and paper = Melun 6/10/79. see Langlois et Lapie. Paris. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
LAPP, MARIA CATHARINA 1731, MIM Measure, 1731 = MADEX-564. RSW. suggest correction
LAPPI AND SOLCHA England, fl.1838-51, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be Salvattore Lappi and Lewis Solcha; what about Luppie and Solcha, which see. 17 Robinson Row, Hull. Goodison 1; Loomes 1. suggest correction
LAPREY see Lippershey. Nachet. suggest correction
LARAUX, P. DE England, c.1711, MIM designed a garden sundial which was made in 1711 by J. van der Cloese; see Jacob van der Cloese. Stamford. Evans 1?; RSW. suggest correction
LARBRE, CECILE France, 1867, MIM SIM Alidade with Level, ivory on tortoise shell = TIM. S.G.D.G.; breveté. Reims. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
LARDIER, FRA J. France, 1567, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1567 = Troyes. Evans 1. suggest correction
LARESCHE, ANCIENNE MAISON France, pre-1833, MIM succeeded by Henry Robert, which see. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LARGE England, c.1820, PHIM barometer maker. Melton Mowbray. Bell 2. suggest correction
LARGE, JOSEPH USA, fl.1852-63, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = Maine Historical Society, Portland. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
LARKIN, THOMAS England, c.1800, NIM T.C. Soth. 11/16/87. suggest correction
LARMOUR AND CO. USA, NIM Octant = Seamans Institute, N.Y. Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
LAROCHE France, c.1800, OIM made achromatic telescopes. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
LAROSE FILS France, MIM SIM Theodolite = P.C. chez son père à Clermont. RSW. suggest correction
LAROUE France, 18th Century, PHIM invented and made the first spherometer. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
LARTIGUE France, c.1777, MIM globe maker; engineer. Nachet. suggest correction
LASACHER, JOHANN MICHAEL Germany, MIM Horizontal Sundial = PRA. Zinner 1. suggest correction
LASHBROOK, THOMAS England, c.1701, MIM apprenticed to Richard Conyers of the Clockmakers' Company on April 3, 1693; free of the Company, Sept. 29, 1701; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
LASHBROOKE, HENRY England, c.1727, apprenticed to John Crooke 1 or 2 in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 3, 1727. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
LASNIER France, fl.1693-1740, MIM SIM made a wide range of mathematical instruments including sundials and graphometers that may be seen at ADL, NMM, THO, LIE, HAY, WHI, KEN, VEN, NAC, AMST, etc. aux Deux Globes, Paris. Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Nachet; KEN; Mörzer Bruyns 1; USNM; Michel 1, 3 and 9; Price 2; Engelmann 1; Brieux 3; NMM 2; Dewhirst; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LASSERE, MICHEL Michel Lasséré; see Père Chérubin. Nachet. suggest correction
LASSETER England, c.1810, OIM 8 Green Street, Leicester Square, London. Taylor 2(1375). suggest correction
LATTREE France, c.1771, MIM Celestial Globe = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. "Chez Lattrée graveur ordinaire du Roi, de M. le Duc d'Orléans et de la Ville"; "Autre privilège et approbat de MM. de l'Academie Rle. des Sciences"; the globe was probably prepared by Lalande and published by Lattrée. Chez Lattrée rue St. Jacques à la Ville de Bord, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LAUN, A. EN J. VAN Holland, fl.1816-30, MIM PHIM Orreries = P.C., LEY, DEU (1825); Thermometer = P.C. Abrahan Hartog and Jacob van Laun; sons of Hartog van Laun. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; van der Star 1; RSW. suggest correction
LAUN, H. VAN, EN ZONEN Holland, fl.1802-15, MIM PHIM Horizon Rings and Stands = LRY, RIJ, NMM, Ellburg Museum; Tellurium (partial) = FRA. Hartog van Laun and his sons, Abraham and Jacob. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Zinner 1. suggest correction
LAUN, H. VAN, EN ZOON Holland, fl.1802-15, MIM PHIM Planetariums = Leiden Sternewacht, Zutphen Museum, LEY; Horizon Ring and Stand = TEY; Electrometer = UTR. probably Hartog van Laun and his son Abraham van Laun. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Zinner 1. suggest correction
LAUN, HARTOG ABRAHAM VAN Holland, 1733-1815, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = LEY; Planetariums = LEY, Physics Laboratory, Amsterdam; Attwood Machine = Museum of Education, The Hague. pupil of John Cuthbertson; see H. van Laun en Zon. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Rooseboom 1; van der Star 1. suggest correction
LAUN, JACOB VAN Holland; France, c.1778-1832, MIM PHIM Rule = P.C. worked with his father, Hartog van Laun, 1802-15, and with his brother, Abraham, 1816-32. Amsterdam; Launay, France (c.1800). Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
LAUR, JEAN ANTOINE France, c.1850, MIM exhibited in the 1851 Great Exhibition in London. 4, Rue St. Claude au Marais, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
LAURENS, W.J. Holland, OIM Telescope = P.C. Hoorn. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
LAURETUS, CHRISTOPHER France, 1598, marked "Ex. Mente Christophori Laureti Agendicensis 1598" on an astrolabe, ADL-M31, which is signed "Martinot Fecit", which see. Sens. Engelmann 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Gunther 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LAURIE, JAMES Scotland, fl.1792-98, MIM OIM PHIM see Gardner and Laurie (1792-98); partner with John Gardner 1. Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
LAURIER, FRAN France, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, string gnomon = OXF; Sundial, silver = P. & S. 3/20/1896; Diptych Sundial, silver = P.C. Blois. Evans 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
LAUTERBACH, A.B. Germany, 1716, MIM Münster-type Universal Sundial = X. Jena. Zinner 6. suggest correction
LAUTERBACH, HIERONYMUS Austria, fl.1556-77, MIM Pillar Sundial, 1576 = GRA. Graz. Zinner 1. suggest correction
LAUTERBACH, JOH. BALT. Germany, 1683, MIM Celestial Globe, 1683 = LND. Zinner 6. suggest correction
LAVAL France, 1786, MIM Steelyard, 1786 = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
LAVERACK, HENRY England, c.1830, MIM 35 Bridgewater Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1913). suggest correction
LAVIGNE Belgium?, 1794, MIM Garden Sundial, granite, 1794 = LIE. Michel 9. suggest correction
LAVINGANUS, BRENTEL 1627-29, MIM Cube Sundial, wood and paper, 1627 = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
LAWLEY England, 19th.Century, see Millikan and Lawley. RSW. suggest correction
LAWLEY, W. England, post-1850, OIM Microscope = Soth. 7/12/71. 78 Fardingdon Street, London, E.C. RSW. suggest correction
LAWRENCE England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LAWRENCE AND MAYO England, c.1850, MIM NIM Sextants = Soth.2/22/71, Melun 4/24/83; Cannon Sundial = D.(1977). the sextant sold at Sotheby has the Nat'l Physical Lab. Certificate; the Melun sextant is signed "Lawrence et Maye." London. RSW. WEBDB. suggest correction
LAWRENCE ET MAYE see Lawrence and Mayo. suggest correction
LAWRENCE, A.B.D. England, MIM Nest of Weights = Soth. 4/22/65. RSW. suggest correction
LAWRENCE, BENJAMIN England, c.1750, MIM apprenticed to James Rowley of the Clockmakers' Company on July 6, 1730. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
LAWSON England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer with clock = D.(1984). clock is by J.N. Edwards, London. Bishopsgate Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
LAWSON, HENRY England, fl.1796-1839, OIM brother of Johnson Lawson; apprenticed to Edward Nairne (his step-father), of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Dec. 6, 1788; free of the Company by servitude, April 12, 1796; Master of the Company, 1803-05. 45 Gower Street (1817); 12 Chancery Lane (1839); both in London. Court and von Rohr 3(224); Clay and Court. suggest correction
LAWSON, JOHNSON England, fl.1796-1813, OIM brother of Henry Lawson; apprenticed to Edward Nairne of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1789; free of the Company on April 12, 1796; Master of the Company in 1813. 11 Bedford Street, Bedford Lane, London. Court and von Rohr 3(225). suggest correction
LAYBOURN England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Royston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LAZARS, J. Scotland, c.1838, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 12/2/87. may be Lizars ? Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
LE BAS France, 18th Century, MIM Sector = NMM. probably Philippe-Claude Le Bas. Paris. NMM 2. suggest correction
LE BAS ET MENARD France, post-1650, OIM Le Bas et Ménard. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
LE BAS FILS France, fl.1688-1721, OIM Telescope, Gregorian = Prin Coll. son of Philippe-Claude Le Bas; succeeded his mother, Veuve Le Bas. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
LE BAS, PHILIPPE-CLAUDE France, fl.1669-76, MIM OIM SIM Telescopic Quadrant = ADL-M186; Telescope = ADL-W179; Telescope, large = Bonnier de la Mosson Coll.; Microscope = Père Lami (1703); Proportional Compass, 1669 = X. optician to the King; made very fine lenses; shop carried on by his widow and, later by his son; ADL quadrant is signed "divisé par Le Bas", and has a micrometer attachment by Pierre Le Maire in 1741. aux Galleries du Louvre, Paris. Daumas 1; Ronfort 1; Engelmann 1; Nachet; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LE BAS, VEUVE France, fl.1676-80, OIM succeeded her husband, Philippe-Claude Le Bas; made instruments for the Paris Observatory. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
LE COEUR see Lecour Taylor 2(375). suggest correction
LE FEBURE, ADRIEN France, 1640, MIM Ring Sundial, 1640 = USNM. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LE GENDRE France, MIM Table Sundial (incomplete), with case = P.C. au Pantographe, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LE GROS, PETER JOSEPH Ireland, fl.1835-39, MIM 22 Joy Street (1835); 46 Joy Street (1839); both in Belfast. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
LE JARS France, c.1850, OIM successor to Maison Richer. L'Hermite, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LE LACHEUR AND LENFESTEY England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(Oct. 1975). Guernsey. RSW. suggest correction
LE MAIRE France, fl.1846-c. 90, OIM Telescope, binocular = OXF; Opera Glasses = P.C., K. and C. 11/24/76. K. and C. signed "Le Maire Fabi", for "`fabrique"? rue de Ménilmontant, 22, Paris. USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
LE MAIRE ET FILS France, c.1740, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = Oudheidkunige Museum, Ghent; Rule, folding = Christie 12/18/74. Jacques Le Maire and his son, Pierre Le Maire 2. à la Pierre d'Aimant; au Quartier Anglais; both in Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LE MAIRE FILS France, Gunnery Level = D.(1994). see Pierre Le Maire 2; sometimes signed "Le Maire le Fils." Paris. Coffeen 46; RSW. suggest correction
LE MAIRE LE FILS Pierre Le Maire 2 was the son of Jacques Le Maire. Daumas 1. suggest correction
LE MAIRE, FRANCOIS France, c.1700, MIM Equatorium = Jaipur Observatory. François Le Maire. Paris. Poulle 8; Brieux 2. suggest correction
LE MAIRE, HENRI France, c.1675, MIM father of Pierre Le Maire 1. Paris. Gaines. suggest correction
LE MAIRE, JACQUES France, fl.1720-40, MIM OIM made many sundials of various types including one invented by Julien Le Roy; examples can be seen in many museums including CNAM, TIM, BM, OXF, NMM, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa., WHI, etc. father of Pierre Le Maire 2; some sundials are signed "fait par Jacques Le Maire et inventé par Julien Le Roy de la Société des Arts au Génie, Paris"; developed a variant of the Newtonian telescope in 1728; made a variant of the Hadley quadrant. au Génie, Paris. Daumas 1; Bryden 16; Evans 1; Brieux 2; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; NMM 2; Price 3; Ward 4; USNM; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
LE MAIRE, JEAN France, MIM member of the "Corporation des Fondeurs". Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
LE MAIRE, NICOLAS France, c.1683, MIM Butterfield-type Sundials = HAY, Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88, Lempertz-464; Graphometer = Versailles 11/19/78; Instrument = CNAM; Universal Ring Sundial = A-P 3/15/76. the sundial at Drouot is for 47°33'. Paris. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
LE MAIRE, PIERRE 1 France, c.1675, MIM Pantometer (sighting instrument) = CNAM. son of Henri Le Maire. sur le quai des Morfundus au Cercle divisé, Paris. Daumas 1; Gaines. suggest correction
LE MAIRE, PIERRE 2 France, 1717-85, MIM NIM PHIM made sundials, mathematical instruments and lodestones which can be seen in many museums including ADL, GEP, BASH, MUN, PAK, MLL, USNM, CNAM, NMM, PMM, BM, HAY, Louvre, Cambridge Archaeological Museum, Snowshill, STT, DRE, WHI, etc. added a micrometer in 1741 to the Le Bas quadrant, ADL-M186; the ADL-DPW31 lodestone is dated 1754 and another, from a 1975 sale is dated 1738; a marine compass, 1744 (PMM) is signed "Le Maire le fils quai de l'Horloge, Paris", from And.-SPI. sale; see Le Maire Fils and Le Maire le Fils. au nouveau quartier anglais, quai de l'Horloge du Palais, au coin de la rue du Harloy; à la Pierre d'Aimant; both in Paris. Daumas 1; Price 2 and 3; Ward 4; Pipping 1; Drechsler 2; USNM; Dewhirst; Courtanvaux; Wynter 1; Coffeen A and 46; Engelmann 1; RSW; Bryden 16; Bedini 8; Syndram; ADL. suggest correction
LE MANCHOT, JEHAN France, c.1562, MIM mentioned as maker of sundials. Blois. Michel 3. suggest correction
LE MARIEE France, c.1790, OIM Microscope = LEY. Le Mariée. Strasbourg. Daumas 1. suggest correction
LE NOUR misreading for Lenoir (Etienne). USNM. suggest correction
LE REBOURG France, misreading for Lerebours. RSW. suggest correction
LE REBOURS misreading for Lerebours. suggest correction
LE ROY 1 France, c.1700, MIM Universal Sundial, silver and brass = Spaulding Coll; Universal Sundial, silver = Hamilton = McVitty = P-B 1/22/54. may be single instrument. Paris. Hamilton 2. suggest correction
LE ROY 2 France, c.1714, MIM son-in-law of Jean Pigeon; constructed an armillary sphere with him in 1714. Lyon. Guye et Michel. suggest correction
LE ROY 3 France, c.1800, MIM Armillary Sphere = MADEX; Sundial, oval, silver = P-B 1/22/54. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LE ROY, J.B. England, c.1820, NIM Octant = De Young Museum, San Francisco; Quadrant, ebony, ivory and brass = D.(1981). Jersey. USNM; Moskowitz. suggest correction
LE ROY, JEAN-BAPTISTE France, fl.pre-1751-1800, OIM PHIM son of Julien Le Roy; made electrical machines, microscopes and telescopes; member of French Academy of Sciences, 1751. Moskowitz 122. suggest correction
LE ROY, JULIEN France, 1686-1759, MIM Equatorial Sundial, silver = NMM-D.90; Inclinable Sundials = D.(1986), Drouot 4/7/87. clockmaker; "ancien directeur de la Société des Arts" ; invented an inclinable sundial, "Cadran Universel et à Meridienne. Fait et inventé par Julien Le Roi", also made by Jacques Le Maire, example at WHI,; invented a vertical sundial made by Gérard. la Société des Arts, Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 1; Price 3; Ward 4; USNM; NMM 2; Wynter 1; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
LE SAGE, F. France, c.1856, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 5/19/72. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LE SENEY, SEBASTIAN France; England, fl.1538-47, MIM Astrolabe = BM (ICA-305). instrument maker to Henry VIII. Normandy; St. Margeret's, Westminster, London (1541). Taylor 1(11a); Gunther 1; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
LE TELLIER, JACQUES France, c.1780, MIM Pillar Sundials, ivory = VEN, Evans Coll., P. and S. 4/3/1894. may be c.1660; VEN is marked "A.B." (5) on bottom. Dieppe. Evans 1; Earle; Dewhirst; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
LE TELLIER, NICOLLAS France, 1632, NIM Mariner's Astrolabe, 1632 = CAU. ICA-322; NMM-17; National Maritime Museum Registery of Mariner's Astrolabe; lost in World War II. Honnefleur. Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Waters 1; Anthiaume et Sottas; A. Stimson 3; Evans 1. suggest correction
LE-SECQ France, c.1815, PHIM Barometer = USNM. de la Gorgue, Dept. du Nord. Middleton 4. suggest correction
LEA, ANNE England, fl.1701-30, MIM widow of Philip Lea; globe maker; in partnership with her son-in-law, Richard Glynne, 1712-25; also produced maps. at the Atlas and Hercules in Cheapside (1701-12); at the Atlas and Hercules in Fleet Street (1720-25); both in London. Tyacke 1. suggest correction
LEA, JOHN England, c.1626, apprenticed to John Blighton 1 of the Grocers' Company on June 24, 1626. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
LEA, PHILIP England, fl.1689-1700, MIM Planispheres = Burton Constable (2). apprenticed to Robert Morden of the Weavers' Company in 1675; free of the Company in 1683; father-in-law of Richard Glynne; Lea published maps and globes; succeeded by his widow, Anne Lea in 1701; see Morden, Berry and Lea. at the Atlas and Hercules in the Poultry over against the old Jury (1683-86); at the Atlas and Hercules in Cheapside next to the corner of Friday Street (1687-1700) and also in Westminster Hall near the Court of Common Pleas (1689-95); all in London. Tyacke 1; Elizabeth Hall; NMM 2; Evans 1; Taylor 1(309); Daumas 1; Dawson 216; Crawforth 6; RSW. suggest correction
LEA, R. England, PHIM barometer maker. Ringwood. Bell 2. suggest correction
LEACH England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably George Leach. Salisbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LEACH, CALEB USA, c.1800, MIM Orrery = Pere Fobes (c.1800). clockmaker; Asa Hall assisted in the construction. Plymouth, Mass. Bedini 8. suggest correction
LEACH, GEORGE England, fl.1830-60, PHIM watch and clockmaker; see Leach. Exeter Street, Salisbury (1830). Goodison 1. suggest correction
LEADBETTER, CHARLES England, fl.1715-69, designed a new slide rule with a third slide in 1739; author. Hand and Pen, Cock Lane, Shore-ditch, London. Taylor 2(84); Delehar 2. suggest correction
LEAKE, FAITH England, 1678, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Clockmakers' Company, 1678. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
LEAKE, JOHN England, fl.1650-86, MIM made a globe sundial for Leadenhall Corner (1655); invented a rule for solving spherical triangles. London. Taylor 1(239). suggest correction
LEALAND see Powell and Lealand. G.L'E. Turner 1. suggest correction
LEALAND, P. England, fl.1826-40, MIM OIM SIM Theodolite, 1826 = J. Nixon (1826); Rule, three-foot = ADL-A267. may be connected with Powell and Lealand. 24 Great Clarendon Street, Summerstown, London (1836-40). Taylor 2(1618); G.L'E. Turner 24; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LEAN, JOEL England, c.1790, mine manager; developed an improved miner's dial. Cornwall. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
LEANIE AND CO. England, OIM Microscope = D.(1972). Church Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
LEAR, ANTHONY JAMES England, fl.1828-36, MIM PHIM 4 Arlington Street (1828-29); 36 St. John's Lane (1832-36); both in Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1914); O'Mara. suggest correction
LEAVIT, JACOB USA, 1760, MIM Window Sundial, 1760 = USNM. Massachusetts. RSW. suggest correction
LEAVITT, WILLIAM USA, 1801-83, may have invented a string course protractor. Salem, Mass. Brewington 1. suggest correction
LEBEGUE, J., ET CIE. France, MIM Terrestrial Globes on iron stands = Christie-SK 8/20/87 (2), Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96. "éditeurs fabricants." 30 Rue de Lille, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LEBLI, S. England, c.1825, PHIM Thermometer = D. Portsea Town. RSW. suggest correction
LEBOURS France, MIM Sector = D.(1968). Lerebours? RSW. suggest correction
LEBRUN, ALEXANDRE France, c.1850, MIM displayed at the 1851 Great Exhibition in London; Salomon was his agent at 22 Red Lion Square, London. 3 rue Chapon, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
LEBRUN, JEHAN France, c.1642, MIM "Chez Jehan Lebrun faiseur de sphères, astrolabes et autres instruments géometriques......"; inscription on a paper astrolabe (ICA-220) by G. Picquet at CNAM. Rue St. Jacques, au Globe celéste, Paris. Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Price 1; Gunther 1; ICA 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
LEBUS, LE MAITRE France, 1747, MIM Variation Compass, 1747 = PMM Paris. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
LECLAIR France, c.1680, MIM Calipers, large, gilt-brass = MAD, ROU-166 = Doucet-249 = P.C. hidden signature under the cover of the pivot; Doucet thought the date was c.1780; probably J.-B. Leclair. Rue Dauphine à l'image Nôtre Dame, Paris. Nachet; Daumas 1; Michel 3 & 5; Evans 1; Doucet Cat.; RSW. suggest correction
LECLAIR, J.-B. France, c.1780?, MIM probably the same as "Leclair." Doucet Cat. suggest correction
LECLERC France, 1527, MIM Nocturnal, 1527 = ROU-74. Paris. Michel 3. suggest correction
LECLERC, ALEXIS France, 1715, instrument maker? Paris. Doucet Cat. suggest correction
LECLERC, FRANCOIS France, 1604, MIM François Leclerc; brother of Jacques Leclerc. Doucet Cat. suggest correction
LECLERC, JACQUES 1 France, 1604, MIM brother of François Leclerc. Doucet Cat. suggest correction
LECLERC, JACQUES 2 France, 1715, instrument maker? Paris. Doucet Cat. suggest correction
LECLERC, LOUIS France, 1715, instrument maker? Paris. Doucet Cat. suggest correction
LECLERC, PIERRE 1 France, 1715, instument maker? Paris. Doucet Cat. suggest correction
LECLERC, PIERRE 2 France, 1741, instrument maker? Paris. Doucet Cat. suggest correction
LECOMTE, FRANCOIS France, c.1800, PHIM Barometer with movable scale = CNAM. François Lecomte. Middleton 1. suggest correction
LECOUR, JAMES 1 England, fl.1743-61, OIM apprenticed to Matthew Loft of the Spectaclemakers' Company on July 29, 1736; free of the Company, Oct. 6, 1743; sold anamorphic images. Dean Street, Fetter Lane, London (1761). Taylor 2(375); Court and von Rohr 3(139). suggest correction
LECOUR, JAMES 2 England, c.1770, OIM apprenticed to Peter Dollond of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct 3, 1770. London. Taylor 2(375); Court and von Rohr 3(198). suggest correction
LEDERMULLER, MARTIN FROBIN Germany, 1719-69, Ledermüller; developed a simple microscope; author. Nürnberg. Nachet; Daumas 1. suggest correction
LEE, GEORGE England, c.1830, NIM T.C. 33 The Hard, Portsea. RSW. suggest correction
LEE, GEORGE, AND SON England, fl.1847-80, MIM NIM OIM Artificial Horizon = Soth. 11/9/59. T.C.; "Mathematical, Optical and Nautical Instrument Makers to the Hon. Corporation of Trinity House and the Admiralty"; "established 1847." Ordnance Row, The Hard, Portsea and 3 Palmerston Road, Southsea. Calvert 2; O'Mara; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
LEE, JOHN England, c.1810, citizen and clothworker; William Rise, an apprentice, was turned over to him by John Symons of the Grocers' Company. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
LEE, MRS. PHILIP England, misreading for Anne Lea. Clay and Court; Daumas 1. suggest correction
LEE, NEWMARCH England, 1824, NIM Compass Card, 1824 = in Thomas Smith azimuth compass. T.C. in box of Fairey octant. Hull. NMM 2; Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
LEE, PHILLIP misreading for Philip Lea. Clay and Court; Daumas 1. suggest correction
LEE, S. AND S. England, c.1830, OIM 15 Clement Street, Leamington. Taylor 2(1915). suggest correction
LEECH, ABSOLOM England, MIM Sundial in a walking stick = OXF. Evans 1. suggest correction
LEEK, JOHN see John Leake. Gatty. suggest correction
LEENHARDT Holland, 1779, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1779 = SPI. Nachet thought he was German. Michel 3; Nachet. suggest correction
LEEUWARDEN, WEDUWE SIMON VAN Holland, c.1744, MIM NIM OIM the widow of Simon van Leeuwarden; sold compasses, sandglasses, telescopes, sounding leads, etc. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 5. suggest correction
LEEUWENHOEK, ANTONI VAN Holland, 1632-1723, OIM Microscopes = LEY, NAC, DEU, UTR, Zeiss-Jena, van Heurck Coll., etc. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek; made the first simple microscope for his own research, of which nine are known to still exist, including one in the van Heurck Coll. housed at the Antwerp Zoo. Delft. Rooseboom 1 & 2; van der Star 1; Dewhirst; Bradbury; Nachet; Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 10, 14 and 23; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10; J. van Zuylen; Darius 4. suggest correction
LEFEBIERE France, 1745, MIM NIM SIM Telescope on Graphometer, 1745 = NMM-Si/G.14. Etienne-Jean Lefebvre? au Grand Turc, Paris. NMM 2. suggest correction
LEFEBRISE France, c.1814, MIM misreading for Lefèvre on planisphere at CNAM. Grimaldi(987). suggest correction
LEFEBURE alternate spelling for Lefebvre and Lefèvre. Daumas 1. suggest correction
LEFEBURE, J. France, MIM SIM Surveying Level = Christie 12/18/74. RSW. suggest correction
LEFEBVRE ET POULAIN France, NIM Protractors, marine = Versailles 11/20/83 (2). Or LEFEBVRE ET POULIN, as suggested. RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
LEFEBVRE, ETIENNE-JEAN France, d.1753, MIM NIM OIM SIM Equatorial Sundials = NMM-D.78 and 89, WRAY, CNAM; Butterfield-type Sundials, silver = PEA, PRIN, Soth. 10/19/64; Marine Compass with alidade and level = VNN; Levels = CNAM, P.C.; Magnifier for graphometer, 1745 = NMM; etc. perhaps son of Jean Lefèvre; sometimes signed "Lefèvre" or "Lefebure." au Grand Turc (1745); rue de la Grande-Truanderie (1753); both in Paris. Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Michel 1 and 3; Hamilton 1; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
LEFEBVRE, J. France, MIM Level = Melun 6/10/79. RSW. suggest correction
LEFEVER, CHARLES England, fl.1829-58, MIM PHIM apprenticed to Thomas Lefever in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free of the Company. 14 Duncan Place, Hackney, London. Taylor 2(1620); Crawforth 7. suggest correction
LEFEVER, GEORGE England, c.1823, PHIM made barometers and watches; silversmith; jeweler. Market Place, Wisbech. Bell 2. suggest correction
LEFEVER, THOMAS England, c.1824, MIM PHIM apprenticed to Thomas Ventom in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free of the Company; took apprentices. 1 College Place, Highbury Vale, London. Taylor 2(1621); O'Mara; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
LEFEVRE, J. France, 1798, MIM Garden Sundial, slate, 1798 = LIE. J. Lefèvre. Michel 9. suggest correction
LEFEVRE, JEAN France, 1650-1706, MIM OIM Terrestrial and Celestial Planispheres, wood and paper = CNAM; Quadrant, 1702 = Marseilles Observatory; Level with two Telescopes = CNAM; Level= Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79; Inkstand, travelling = Soth. 1/27/48. Lefèvre; invented a micrometer, 1705; made instruments for the Académie des Sciences including 2 micrometers, a microscope, etc.; inkstand is probably part of an etui, it has the address on it. au deux Globes, Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 3; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
LEFFLER, M. Sweden, NIM Compass Rose, paper = GMM. Göteborg. RSW. suggest correction
LEFRANC, ANDRE France, 1652, PHIM Set of Weights, 1652 = CNAM. André Lefranc. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
LEFRANCOIS, A. France, c.1850, MIM Cannon Sundial = Soth. 1969 = ADL-N35. "Maison Vantier et Marc Ingénieurs-Opticiens, A. Lefrançois successeur." 174 Galerie de Valois, Palais Royal, Paris. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LEGA, GERARD PETRUS RUDOLPHUS Holland, 1773-1845, NIM worked with his father, Ignatius Lega. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
LEGA, IGNATIUS Holland, 1737-97, NIM Compass, 1787 = AMST; Crown Compasses = AMST (1778), Christie 6/7/72. father of Gerard Petrus Rudolphus Lega; the 1787 compass is also marked "A.K." (4). Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
LEGA, IGNATIUS AND GERARD PETRUS R. Holland, c.1799, NIM Crown Compass, 1799 = AMST Ignatius Lega and his son, Gerard Petrus Rudolphus Lega; the compass is also marked "A.K." (4). Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
LEGEY France, pre-1833, MIM NIM Mathematical Instruments = CNAM; Marine Compass = CNAM; Rules = CNAM; Folding Square = ADL-W135. Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LEGGET, DAVID England, fl.1832-34, MIM PHIM 35 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London. Taylor 2(1622); O'Mara. suggest correction
LEGRAND France, c.1725, MIM Graphometer = ADL-A141; Butterfield-type Sundial = P.C. Paris. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LEGRAND, C. France, 18th Century, OIM Microscope = X. Douai. Nachet. suggest correction
LEGRIS France, c.1840, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = La Rochelle 7/16/83; Marine Compass = OMM. "opticien." Le Havre. RSW. suggest correction
LEGROS France, pre-1814, MIM Terrestrial Globe = CNAM. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. suggest correction
LEGRY France, MIM Hygrometer = Drouot 3/9/70. Le Havre. RSW. suggest correction
LEGUIN, STEPHEN England, c.1790, designed a longitude-finding instrument and a new log. Taylor 2(1004). suggest correction
LEHEUX, R. misreading for Lekeux. Christie 7/28/70. suggest correction
LEHMANN Germany, c.1742, MIM Hodometer = DRE. worked for Reichsgraf Hans Löser. Reinharz. Zinner 1; Drechsler 2; Chaldecott 4. suggest correction
LEHMANN, BURKART Germany, 1615, MIM Instrument, 1615 = DEU-5140. Price 2. suggest correction
LEHNBERG, CARL Sweden, fl.1725-68, OIM Achromatic Telescope, 1760 = SWE. optical instrument maker to the Royal Swedish Academy of Science from 1756 to 1768; made the first achromatic telescope in Sweden, 1760; made a member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1756. Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
LEHNER, ANDREAS Germany, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial = BEK. Munich. Zinner 1. suggest correction
LEHNER, THOMAS Germany, 1747, MIM Horary Quadrant, wood, 1747 = DEU; Diptych Sundial, wood = Drecker Collection = P.C. the diptych dial is for 48°. Geiselhöring. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
LEHR, FERDINAND USA, fl.1852-54, MIM NIM PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
LEIBNITZ, GOTTFRIED Germany, 1646-1716, greatly improved the calculating machine by a new method of multiplying, 1671-94; invented a small lens; author; had the idea of the aneroid barometer. Frankfort. Nachet; Von Mackensen 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1. suggest correction
LEIGH, SAMUEL England, c.1830, Urania's Mirror = ADL, Soth. 10/3/88, etc. sets of constellation cards pierced to show star locations. 18 Strand, London. Sperling; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LEITNER, JACOB SIGMUND Germany, c.1775, MIM SIM Graphometer = NUR. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
LEITZ, E. Germany, c.1893, OIM PHIM Microscopes, etc. Wetzlar. RSW. suggest correction
LEJARD ET CIE. France, c.1850, MIM Slide Rule = D.(1972). La Maison Richer, L'Hermite, Paris. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
LEKEUX, RICHARD England, fl.1777-1838, MIM NIM OIM Octants = MAN (1784), GEP (1787), X, DNM, PEA, PMS, OMM, Glasgow Museums and Art Gallery/ Larvik Marine Museum, Norway/ Museo Navale, Madrid, D.(1997), etc.; Sextant = AVI; Telescope = Christie 7/28/70; Hadley's Quadrant = P.C. (1987). apprenticed to Thomas Ripley 1 of the Grocers' Company, 1770; turned over to Walton Willcox, member of the Joiners' Company, 1775; free of the Grocers' 1777 and Fishmongers' Companies; took apprentices; octant at X is signed "R.L." No.137 near Execution Dock, Wapping (1787-88); 137 Hermitage Bridge, Wapping; 138 Wapping High Street; 103 Wapping near Execution Dock; No. 168 near King Edward Stairs, Wapping; 13 High Street (1826); all in London. Taylor 2(862); Garcia 1; Bryden 9; Brewington 1; USNM; Moskowitz 107; Crawforth 7; Coffeen 58; RSW. suggest correction
LELLI, J. England, PHIM Thermometer = Pym Sale. Portsea Town. RSW. suggest correction
LELLI, S. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Chichester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LELLI, S. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 8/12/87. Newport, Isle of Wight. RSW. suggest correction
LELUBOIS, J. France, c.1850, MIM invented an accountant's slide rule; example at OXF. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
LEMAINDRE, N. France, MIM Equatorial Sundials, silver = MERC, P.C., P-B 1/22/54. Blois. Hamilton 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
LEMAIRE see Le Maire. suggest correction
LEMAIRE, NICHOLAS France, c.1730, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = Soth. 4/18/88. probably N. Le Maire, which see. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LEMARDELEY France, 1846-, OIM microscope maker. 127 rue de la Glacière, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
LEMBKE see Gall and Lembke. suggest correction
LEMIERE France, 19th Century, OIM Lorgnette Glass = Soth. 5/27/25; Telescope = Christie-SK 9/11/86; Monocular = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Palais Royal No. 6, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LENAERTS, T.B. France, 1770, MIM Sundial, 1770 = Evans Coll. Malines. Evans 1. suggest correction
LENEL misreading for Lennel. suggest correction
LENELIN, M. 1729, MIM Quadrant, 1729 = Soth. 1973. five-inch radius. RSW. suggest correction
LENELL misreading for Lennel. Cons. Nat'l 1. suggest correction
LENFESTEY England, c.1800, see Le Lacheur and Lenfestey. Guernsey. RSW. suggest correction
LENNEL France, fl.1774-84, MIM NIM OIM SIM Graphometers = D.(1988) (1775), PNM (1781), CNAM, D.(1774), OMM (1774), CZO (1778), VCW (1776), P.C. (1987) (1775), RSM (1774), Chayette 6/28/86 (1778); Meridian Telescope, 1774 = POB; Marine Compass = PNM; Water Levels = D.(1974) (1774), P.C. (1987) (1775, 1776); Mathematical Instrument Set = CNAM; Sector = USNM; Rule, folding, 1774 = CNAM; Surveyor's Compass = WHI; Telescopic Quadrant = CNAM. "Elève et successeur de Me. Canivet à la Sphère"; "Ingénieur du Roi et de la Marine"; succeeded by his widow. A la Sphère, Quai de l'Ecole entre le café de Parnasse et la Miroitier, Paris. Daumas 1; Destombes 4; Cons. Nat'l 1; Nachet; Wynter and Turner; Courtanvaux; USNM; Evans 1; Wynter 1; MADEX; O. Brown 1; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Coffeen 20; RSW. suggest correction
LENNEL, VEUVE France, c.1784, MIM SIM Surveying Level = Phillips 2/2/84; Alidade, box = D.(1976); Set of Drawing Instruments = Koller May, 1972. succeeded her husband; level also marked "Département de Figeac." Paris. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
LENNEP Germany?, fl.1780-90, PHIM Balances = DRE (1780), (1790), (undated). RSW. suggest correction
LENNEP, ELIAS A Germany, fl.1663-94, MIM Astrolabe = Linz Staatsgymnasium (ICA-608). signed "Elias a Lennep Math. Cultor me fe."; mathematician. Lennep. Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
LENNEP, HEINRICH VAN Germany, fl.1667-1710, MIM NIM Mariner's Compass, 1667 = X; Celestial Globe, 1693 = KAS. decorated Diepel's celestial globe in 1683; finished celestial globe that was started by Burgi in 1585; see H.L. 2. Kassel. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Bryden 16. suggest correction
LENNEP, JOHANN HARTMANN Germany, 1685-1753, MIM "mechaniker." Kassel. Baillie 1. suggest correction
LENNIE Scotland, c.1850, MIM OIM PHIM Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86; Aneroid Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Cross-staff = FRK = RSM; Microscopes = FRK = RSM, D.(1872); Telescopes = FRK = RSM (6). Edinburgh. Morrison-Low 1; Moskowitz 105; RSW. suggest correction
LENNIE AND CO. England, OIM Microscope, case = D.(1975). 62 Church Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
LENNIE, E. Scotland, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometers = RSM, Soth.-West Sussex 6/21/83. Edinburgh. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
LENNIE, JAMES Scotland, fl.1830-80, OIM Microscopes = Soth. 12/8/69, 5/21/73, 12/10/73. optician. 46 Princes Street, Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
LENOIR 1 France, c.1830, MIM NIM OIM SIM made cicumferentors, graphometers, Borda circles, meter rods of steel, magnetic compasses, levels, rules, inclinometers, sectors, etc. which can be seen at many museums including ADL, CNAM, VCW, DRE, POB, COO, RSM, SWE, NOR, WHI, etc. can be either Etienne or Paul Etienne Lenoir; T.C. au dépot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine, Rue ci-devant Louis Le Grand, Paris. Daumas 1; Portuguese Inv.; Trois Siècles; Grötzsch 2; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; O. Brown 1; Coffeen 15; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LENOIR 2 France, see "Schwartz dit Lenoir." Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
LENOIR 3 France, Aneroid Barometer = D.(1972). modern work; "opticien." rue des Tournelles, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LENOIR FILS see Paul Etienne Lenoir. suggest correction
LENOIR, ETIENNE France, 1744-1832, MIM NIM OIM SIM Measure = CNAM; Borda Circles = ADL-DPW33, CNAM, PNM, LEY, KEN, STT, USNM; Graphometers = MADEX, etc.; Sextants = KRA, WHI; Protractor with arm = P.C.; Surveying Cross = P.C.; Transit = D.(1986); Slide Rules = D.(1990), P.C., WHI. made a dividing engine, c.1783; claimed to have invented the repeating circle; "Ingénieur du Roi pour les instruments à l'usage des sciences"; T.C.; optician. rue de la Pelleterie (1785); No. 1, rue Basse-des-Ursins (1792); rue Cassette, 14 (post-1792); 301 rue Saint-Honoré (1810); Rue de la Place Vendôme, Hôtel du Dépot, Galerie de la Marine; au Petit Bénéfice, Quai de l'Horloge-du-Palais, No. 59 (1830); all in Paris; some his son's? Daumas 1; Calvert 2; Wynter 1; Pipping 1; Michel 3; Nachet; USNM; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2; Delehar 9; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LENOIR, PAUL ETIENNE France, 1776-1827, MIM OIM son of Etienne Lenoir; made astronomical instruments; fl. 1810-27. Paris; some listed in his father's entry may have been his. Daumas 1; Nachet; J.A. Bennett. suggest correction
LENOIT misreading for Lenoir. suggest correction
LENONE misreading of Zenone or Zenon. Goodison 1; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
LENT, D.E. USA, c.1815, PHIM Stick Barometer = D. Rochester, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
LENTON, JOHN England, c.1830, OIM 14 Waingate, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1916). suggest correction
LENVIE France, c.1810, PHIM Barometer = Società Torricelliana, Faenza. Paris. Middleton 1. suggest correction
LENVIRE France, c.1789, MIM "Ingénieur." Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. suggest correction
LEO DE BALNEOLIS see Levi ben Gerson. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
LEONAE, AMERIGO Italy, 1589, MIM Nocturnal with Rojas Astrolabe, 1589 = NMM-N.17. Rome. NMM 2. suggest correction
LEONE England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LEONE, JOHN England, c.1830?, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3), Soth 12/15/83. see J. Lione 2. Aylesbury. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
LEONI sometimes a variant spelling of Leone. Bell 2. suggest correction
LEONI, F. England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 1/19/73. Andover. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
LEONI, G. USA, fl.1837-46, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = D.(1971). "Manufacturer and importer of mathematical, optical and philosophical instruments. glass-blowing in all its branches, barometers and thermometers." New York, N.Y. USNM; Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
LEORA, P., AND CO. England, PHIM barometer makers. Church Street, Sheffield. Bell 2. suggest correction
LEPAUTE France, c.1780, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 12/13/74. RSW. suggest correction
LEPAUTE, HENRI France, c.1849, OIM Fresnel Lenses = Sankaty Light, Nantucket, Mass., Cape Hatteras Sankaty Light now in the Nantucket Whaling Museum. Paris. Warner 13; RSW. suggest correction
LEPAUTE, JACQUES JOSEPH France, 1779-c.1830, MIM Planetarium Clock = Christie 3/28/73. Jacques Joseph Lepaute de Belle Fontaine. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LEPELTIER France, NIM Mariner's Compass = D.(1973). St. Malo. RSW. suggest correction
LEPERE, GEORGE France, 1744, OIM Telescope, 1744 = ADL-M442. George Lepère. Quai de l'horloge du Palais, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LEPETIT France, NIM Sextant = Melun 4/24/83. signed "Lorieux, Le Petit Suc." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LEPETIT, A. France, 19th Century, MIM SIM Theodolite = Christie 12/18/74. successor of A. Berthélémy. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LEPETIT, ETS. France, NIM Circle and Sextant = Drouot 6/8/70. RSW. suggest correction
LEPETTI France, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, oval, silver = NOR. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LEPINE France, c.1725, MIM Multiplying Machine = USNM. Lépine; devised this type in 1725. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
LEPINE, JEAN France, c.1710, MIM Calculating Machines = CNAM, Conti Coll. = COR; Astronomical Clock = Buckingham Palace. Jean Lépine. Paris. Baillie 1; Grimaldi. suggest correction
LEPRIEUR France, see Derrien et LePrieur. RSW. suggest correction
LERBONI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LEREBOURS ET SECRETAN France, 1845-55, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Holland Circle = DNM; Telescope = GEL; Microscopes = LEY, Ineichen 6/5/75, D.(1972), Cranbrook Institute of Science Michigan, Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79; Level = CNAM; Pantograph = COO; Resonance apparatus = TEY. Noël-Marie-Paymal Lerebours and Marc Secretan. 13 Place du Pont-Neuf, Paris. Daumas 1; Destombes 4; Cons. Nat'l 1; van der Star 1; USNM; Wynter and Turner; G.L'E. Turner 7 & 24; Moskowitz; Portuguese Inventory; RSW. suggest correction
LEREBOURS ET SECRETAN, MAISON France, post-1855, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Auguste and Georges Secretan, cousins; TC.; "Maison Lerebours et Secretan / Secretan Successeur." Paris. Moskowitz 122; Warner 13. suggest correction
LEREBOURS, M.M. France, c.1847, OIM opticians to the Royal Observatory of Paris; sale of their work in London by Bullocks, 8/13/1847. Paris. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
LEREBOURS, NOEL-JEAN France, 1761-1840, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Sectors = CNAM, P.C. (1987); Telescopes = POB, CZJ (1810), Wesleyan U. (1835), USMA (1840), CNAM, La Rochelle 7/16/83, Soth. 12/13/65, ; Piezometer = USNM; Graphometers = USNM, Christie-NY 10/24/83, D.(1968); Horizontal Sundial = Versailles 11/20/83; Alidade = KRA; Rule = P.C. (1987); Standard Meter = D.(1991); etc. appointed engineer to the king, 1789; "Opticien de l'Observatoire Royale et de la Marine et du Bureau des Longitudes"; succeeded by his son, Noël-Marie-Paymal Lerebours; worked under Louvel until 1789. au Cloître Saint-Benoît; 69 Quai de l'Horloge (1789-93); Place de Pont-Neuf; all in Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Daumas 1; Nachet; USNM; Moskowitz 122; Michel 3; Coffeen 35; Warner 13; RSW. suggest correction
LEREBOURS, NOEL-MARIE-PAYMAL France, 1794-1855, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveying Instrument = D; Thermometer = Soth. 10/16/86. son of Noël-Jean Lerebours; succeeded his father in 1840; took Marc Secretan as a partner in 1845. 13 Place du Pont-Neuf, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Poggendorff; Moskowitz 103; Warner 13; RSW. suggest correction
LERGET, C. misreading for Clerget. RSW. suggest correction
LERIEUX misreading for Lorieux. suggest correction
LEROUX France, c.1850, NIM Octants = Randier, P.C. (1971). St. Malo. Randier; RSW. suggest correction
LEROY see Le Roy. suggest correction
LERRA, CARL ANDREAS Denmark, 1786-1871, MIM son of Johannes F.A. Lerra. Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
LERRA, JOHANNES FRANCESCO ANTONIO Denmark, b.1735, PHIM Stick Barometers = OMM, Den Gamle By, Aarhus; Wheel Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus; Thermometer, 1789 = OMM. instrument maker to King Fredrick V, 1761; father of Carl Andreas Lerra; see Ruspinus. Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
LERRA, P. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 4/28/89. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
LERRA, P., AND CO. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Barometer = Christie 1/15/70. Sheffield. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
LERUDE France, Barometer, 1743 = D.(1972). "Opticien"; modern work. rue St. Louis en l'ile, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LESEL, ALBRECHT see Lösel. Michel 3; Gouk 1; Zinner 1; Körber 1. suggest correction
LESEL, MICHAEL Germany, b.1591 fl.1612-29, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = NMM-D.299 (1612), STU (1613), Breslau Schles. Museum für Kunstgewerbe (1624), OXF (1629), Konstanz Rosgarten Museum (1629), GRA (1629), BM (1629), LOS, Pannett Park Museum, Whitby, ADL-N22, etc. his mother was first married to Caspar Karner, and then to Albrecht Lösel, which see; mastermark is a crown. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Baillie 1; Thielmann; NMM 2; USNM; Price 3; Ward 4; Michel 3; Gouk 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LESIEUR France, 1818, MIM Calendar Clock, 1818 = D.(1976). Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LESLIE, JOHN Scotland, 1766-1832, PHIM Hygrometer and Differential Thermometer, Photometer = Royal Observatory of Scotland Sale, 6/19/1848. Sir John Leslie; invented barometric scale to compute heights of mountains; invented the differential thermometer; F.R.S.; author; Professor of Mathematics, Edinburgh U., 1805-; instruments have platina scales. Edinburgh. Middleton 4; Taylor 2(863); USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Gunther 2; Chaldecott 3; RGO; RSW. suggest correction
LESLIE, ROBERT USA, 1793, NIM Navigating Instrument, 1793 = X. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
LESNE France, c.1810, OIM optician and lens maker; see Boucher et Lesné. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
LESPINASSE, DE France, c.1780, MIM PHIM Meridian Sundial on clock = Wallace Coll.; Barometer = Wallace Coll. Paris. Baillie 1; Britten. suggest correction
LESTANG see Etang. suggest correction
LESUEUR France, 18th Century, MIM Butterfield-type Sundials, oval, silver = LIE, KEN. Gisors. Michel 3. suggest correction
LETELLIER France, fl.1769-77+, OIM Microscope = CNAM. engineer and optician; associated with Dellebarre, 1777. rue Saint-Jacques, près Saint-Yves (1777); au Microscope, quay des Augustins, vis-à-vis le Pont-Neuf (later); both in Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
LETH, H. DE Holland, pre-1760, MIM Planetarium = Clifford Coll.(1760). Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
LETTER, J.B. Switzerland, c.1730, MIM Table Clock = ADL-M388. Zug. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LETTI AND CO. England, c.1790, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 10/2/70. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
LETZEN, B. DE Germany, MIM Magnetic Azimuth Sundial, circular = TIM. RSW. suggest correction
LEUNEUX France, 18th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = Christie-NY 4/3/85. Versailles. RSW. suggest correction
LEUPOLD, JACOB Germany, 1674-1727, MIM PHIM SIM Air Pump, 1709 = DRE; Water Levels = KAS. author; most work dated 1699-1709; mechanic; Saxon Commissioner of Works and Mining, 1701-25; made a walking-stick barometer. Leipzig. Grötzsch 2; Michel 3; Dawson 21 (1971); Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
LEUTMANN, JOHANN GEORG Germany, fl.1725-1757, MIM OIM PHIM clergyman; improved the pivot for weather vanes; designed a simple microscope; developed several variant barometers. Dabrun. Nachet; Middleton 1 and 4; Evans 1. suggest correction
LEUTPOLD, JACOB see Leupold. Crommelin 1. suggest correction
LEVASSEUR France, MIM OIM PHIM T.C. rue Grand Pont, No. 5, ci-devant la Rue Beau Voisine, Rouen. RSW. suggest correction
LEVASSEUR, E. France, MIM Terrestrial Globe = CNAM. RSW. suggest correction
LEVER, STEPHEN England, fl.1675-77, MIM master craftsman; made instruments. Duck Lane, London. Taylor 1(384). suggest correction
LEVERTON England, post-1776, NIM Hadley's Quadrants = HAM, Stadt Museum Abenrå, Denmark. one of them marked "Hans Hinrich Koch", surely owner; O'Mara thought he was probably John L. Leverton of Liverpool. O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
LEVERTON, JOHN L. England, fl.1766-83, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrants = NMM (1777), FIN (1783); Stick Barometer = X.; Cuff-type Microscope = Phillips 5/14/74. see Leverton; the NMM quadrant was made for Peter Richards, the one at FIN for William Tyler; most of the instruments are signed "Leverton." Water Street (1766-69); Pool Lane (1772); 30 Pool Street (1774); all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(742); Goodison 1; O'Mara; Bryden 9; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
LEVEY, J. Ireland, fl.1833-35, OIM optician and jeweler. 39 Mary Street, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
LEVI BEN GERSON Spain; France, 1288-1344, astronomer and mathematician; invented the Jacob or cross-staff, the transvesal scale for subdividing angles and the camera obscura; author. Catalonia; Bagnols; Perpignan. B. Goldstein 1, 2, 3 and 4; DSB; Daumas 1; Michel 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
LEVI, ISAIAH England, fl.1822-41, PHIM watch and clockmaker; see J. Levy. Lord Street (1822-35); Silver Street (1841); both in Gainesborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LEVI, JACOB England, c.1775, OIM spectacle maker. 14 Temple Street, Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
LEVI, MOSES England, fl.1839-46?, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), Christie-SK 10/20/89. may be Moses Levy. Ipswich. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
LEVI, SAMUEL England?, pre-1782, invented a calculating machine. Courtanvaux. suggest correction
LEVIL, P. England, OIM Telescope, three-draw = Christie-SK 10/6/83. George Yard, Lombard Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
LEVIN England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 7/3/70, Christie 6/30/89; Marine Barometers = X, Christie 6/30/89, etc. wheel barometer from Christie is signed "Leven Penzance." Penzance. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
LEVIN, M. AND E. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LEVIN, P. France, 17th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, silver = Bernard Coll. = NMM-Caird. probably P. Sevin. Paris. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
LEVITT England, fl.1816-42, PHIM partner with Morris Tobias as Tobias and Levitt, which see. 31 Minories, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LEVY, H. AND L. England, fl.1793-94, OIM opticians. Temple Street, Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
LEVY, J. PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. variant spelling for Isaiah Levi? Gainesborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LEVY, MOSES variant spelling for Moses Levi? Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
LEWELIN, M. England?, 1729, MIM Quadrant, 1729 = Soth. 12/10/73. also marked "M.L." and "T.J." 1. RSW. suggest correction
LEWENBERG, LEON USA, pre-1839, OIM Telescope = X. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
LEWER, JAMES England, T.C.; may have only sold instruments. at ye Elephant and Rising Sun, five doors from Friday Street in Cheapside, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
LEWIS England, PHIM barometer maker. Poole. Bell 2. suggest correction
LEWIS AND BRIGGS England, c.1766, MIM Slide Rule = USNM. made gauging instruments. 52 Bow Line, Cheapside, London. Taylor 2(623); USNM. suggest correction
LEWIS AND ROSS England, c.1820, MIM PHIM 96 Brick Lane, Spitalfields, London. Taylor 2(1624). suggest correction
LEWIS, ELLIS USA, c.1858, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = D.(1982). "clock and mathematical instrument maker." Rockingham County, Va. Coffeen B. suggest correction
LEWIS, JOHANNES Ireland, MIM Compass Sundial = P.C. (1988). John Lewis 2. Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
LEWIS, JOHN 1 England, d.1621, NIM compass maker. St. Katherine's, the Tower, London. Taylor 1(102); RSW. suggest correction
LEWIS, JOHN 2 Ireland, fl.1679-88, MIM SIM Sundial, 1684 = Christie 10/12/65; Circumferentor, 1688 = Maynooth College; Garden Sundial = D.(1966); Compass Sundial = P.C. (1988). the Christie sundial is signed "Johans Lewis Dublin fecit 1684"; the sundial in the private collection is signed "Johannes Lewis Dublin." Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
LEWIS, W. England, c.1727, made metal tubes for telescopes. 2 Rose Street, Covent Garden, London. Taylor 2(192). suggest correction
LEY, JOHN England, c.1707, MIM apprenticed to John Randall of the Grocers' Company on Dec.9,1707. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
LEYBOURN, WILLIAM England, 1626-1716, MIM wrote many books on dialing and surveying; made garden sundials "both fixed and movable." Monkswell Street, Cripplegate, London (c.1645); on the road between Acton and Uxbridge, Southhall, 3 miles from Brainford. Taylor 1(222); G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
LEYDEKKENS, C. Holland, fl.1845-47, NIM PHIM Magnet, horseshoe = LEY. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
LHEUREUX France, c.1750, MIM Garden Sundial = Koller, May, 1972. L'Heureux?; the dial is also marked "L.M." (5). RSW. suggest correction
LIAIS, EMMANUEL France, c.1850, PHIM invented an azimuth instrument made by Jose Maria dos Reis, which see; author; made barometers. Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
LIBAERTS, ELISEUS Belgium, fl.1562-64, MIM Celestial Globe = Historisches Museum, Dresden. on Christian II horse armor. Antwerp. RSW. suggest correction
LIBERATUS, FR. KARL Germany, 1766, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1766 = OXF(?). Augsburg; Baden. Evans 1. suggest correction
LIBHER Germany, c.1850, MIM Magnetic Compass = Christie 12/18/74. Munich. RSW. suggest correction
LIBRERIA ESCOLAR CARBONELL Y ESTERA Spain, c.1850, MIM Armillary Sphere = Neumarkt 6/1/72. the Carbonell and Estera School Library? RSW. suggest correction
LIDDELL, DUNCAN Scotland, fl.1634-37, may have designed a staff for gauging and surveying. Aberdeen. Taylor 1(179). suggest correction
LIDDELL, J.J. Scotland, fl.1840-58, MIM OIM PHIM made levels; exhibited in the Great Exhbition, London, 1851. 3 Hanover Street (1843-57); 91 South Bridge (1858); both in Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
LIDDLE, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1819-33, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. successor to Finney and Liddle, Joseph Finney 2; clockmaker; the barometer is signed "William Liddell Edinburgh." 3 North Bank Street, Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
LIEBERKUHN, JOHANN NATHANIEL Germany England, 1719-69, OIM Telescope, 1755 = DRE. Lieberkühn; doctor; developed a type of simple microscope also a solar microscope with Fahrenheit which was introduced into England in 1740. London (1740). Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Nachet; Evans 1; Dewhirst; RSW; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
LIEBFRIED, CHRISTOPHER Germany, 1596, designed an astronomical compendium in 1596; Lynden made it in 1598. Würzburg. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
LIEBHERR, JOSEPH Germany, 1767-1840, MIM OIM see Utzschneider und Liebherr; Reichenbach, Utzschneider und Liebherr. Immenstadt; Munich. Baillie 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
LIEBHERR, VET Germany, c.1800, PHIM Barometer = DEU. Landshut. Middleton 1. suggest correction
LIEBISCH, F.A. Germany, 1820, MIM OIM SIM Theodolite, 1820 = DRE; Telescope = DRE. Dresden. Grötzsch 2; Drechsler 2; RSW. suggest correction
LIEBLICH Germany, OIM Telescope on stand = KRA. Dresden. RSW. suggest correction
LIEFRING, B. 1795, NIM Octant, 1795 = WHI. RSW. suggest correction
LIERA, FABIO Italy, c.1625, MIM made precision instruments; pupil of Simone Barocci. Urbino. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
LIFORD, JOHN England, post-1740, MIM OIM T.C. in telescope box. at Euclid's Head opposite the New Church in the Strand, London. NMM 2. suggest correction
LIGEON France, 18th Century, possibly a misreading of Pigeon. Paris. Michel 1 & 3; suggest correction
LIGEON, ARON France, 18th Century, MIM Butterfield-type Sundials = LOU, P-B 1/31/53. misreading for Pigeon? Michel 1 & 3; RSW. suggest correction
LIGHTFOOT, PETER England, c.1335, MIM sundial maker. Glastonbury. Baillie 1. suggest correction
LIGNAMINE, CHRISTOPHORUS Italy, 1799, MIM Horizontal Sundial, wood, 1799 = OXF. the initial "L" is part of a complicated logo. Rome. RSW. suggest correction
LILBERRAD misreading for Silberrad. RSW. suggest correction
LILIENFELD, NIKOLAUS Sweden?, 1499, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1499 = Nicholas Church, Stralsund. Stralsund. Zinner 1. suggest correction
LILJEMARK, CARL PETTER Sweden, c.1760, MIM apprenticed to J.Z. Steinholtz, 1760. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
LILLE, MARTIN England, c.1669, apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on May 6, 1669. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
LILLEY AND REYNOLDS LTD England, 1880-, MIM NIM firm of John Lilley and Son(s) merged with William Reynolds in 1880. London. Brewington 1. suggest correction
LILLEY AND SON England, fl.1835-75+, MIM NIM PHIM Patent Course Indicator = LIM; Octant = D.(1974); Sextants = WHI, Soth. 4/26/71, D.(1982); Navigating Instrument = Soth. 4/27/72; Anemometer = WHI; Marine Barometer = X; Folding Square = Musée Lombard, Geneva. John Lilley and son; T.C. of John Lilley in one box where the insrument is signed Lilley and Son; the folding square is signed "Lilley et Fils." 7 Jamaica Terrace, Limehouse, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Goodison 1; Coffeen B; Bennett 1; RSW. suggest correction
LILLEY AND SONS England, NIM Sextants = Phillips 5/20/75, D.(1969). see John Lilley and Sons Ltd. London. RSW. suggest correction
LILLEY, JAMES ARCHER England, c.1801, MIM a carpenter in the Merchant Taylors' Company; took John Lilley (MIM) as an apprentice on Oct. 7, 1801. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
LILLEY, JOHN England, fl.1811-45, MIM NIM apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 25, 1801; re-apprenticed to James Archer Lilley, a carpenter in the Merchant Taylors' Company, Oct. 7, 1801; probably trained by Michael Dancer; free of the Merchant Taylors' Company, Feb. 6, 1811; T.C.; took apprentices; see John Lilley and Son, Lilley and Son, and Lilley and Sons. Jamaica Terrace, Commercial Road, near the West India Docks, London. Brewington 1; Crawforth 1, 7 and 8. suggest correction
LILLEY, JOHN, AND SON England, fl.1826-75, MIM NIM Instruments = KEN, WHI, X; Clinometer = D.(1976). T.C.; see Lilley and Son, Lilley and Sons, John Lilley and Sons Ltd. 7 Jamaica Terrace (1826-63); Commercial Road, Limehouse and 9 London Street, Fenchurch Street (1868-75); all in London. Taylor 2(1625); Brewington 1; NMM 2; Calvert 2; USNM; Roux Devilas 66; RSW. suggest correction
LILLEY, JOHN, AND SONS LTD. England, c.1880, MIM NIM Marine Compass = X. London and North Shields. RSW. suggest correction
LILLY AND CO. Scotland, fl.1834-44, PHIM see S. Lilly 2, Stephen Lilly; made barometers; carvers and gilders. Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh. Bell 2. suggest correction
LILLY AND RIVOLTA Scotland, fl.1844-45, PHIM barometer makers; carvers, etc.; probably Stephen Lilly; Rivolta 1. Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh. Bell 2. suggest correction
LILLY, S. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LILLY, S. 2 Scotland, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), Christie-SK 4/17/86. probably Stephen Lilly. Edinburgh. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
LILLY, STEPHEN Scotland, fl.1812-32, PHIM looking glass and barometer maker; probably S. Lilly 2. Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh. Bell 2. suggest correction
LILY AND SON England, post-1837, MIM "Ecliptic"? instrument with compass = Christie 12/18/74. London. RSW. suggest correction
LIMBACH, F. England, c.1850, NIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Sextant, ebony, ivory and brass = Soth. 10/3/88. Hull. RSW. suggest correction
LINCOLN, CHARLES England, c.1744-1807, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Armillary Sphere = NMM; Stick Barometers = X, Halloway's Auction, Banbury 5/1/90; Microscopes = CZO, P.C. (1869), D.(1975); Telescopes = VCW, Court Coll., Drouot Richelieu 11/28/88; Christie 5/15/73. Soth. 7/29/69, P.C. (1969); Pantograph = D.(1973); Horizontal Sundial = Phillips 7/28/82; Level = Soth. 12/13/65; Cicumferentor = D.(1994). son of Thomas Lincoln; apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1758; free by Patrimony on April 1, 1762; Master of the Company, 1787-90; took apprentices. Cornhill near the Poultry (1763); Head of Sir Isaac Newton, 62 Leadenhall Street (1791-1801); both in London. Taylor 2(624); Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(171); Dewhirst; Bryden 9; Daumas 1; NMM 2; USNM; Moskowitz 107; Garcelon 33; Gemmary III; RSW. suggest correction
LINCOLN, F.W., JR. AND CO. USA, fl.1858-83, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Mariner's Compass = X; Transits = HAR, D.(1976); Tell-tale Compass = Eldred 7/26/73; Octant = PMS. Frederic Walker Lincoln, Jr.; took his apprentice, Charles C. Hutchinson, as a partner; T.C. at the Sign of Mercury and the Quadrant, 126 Commercial Street, corner of Richmond Street, Boston, Mass. Bryden 9; Smart 1; Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
LINCOLN, FREDERIC WALKER, JR. USA, 1817-98, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Transit = GUR; Marine Compass = OMM; Octants and Dry Card Compass = MYS. grandson of Paul Revere; apprenticed to Gedney King, 1830; flourished 1839-58 alone; took Charles C. Hutchinson, his apprentice, as a partner in 1858; T.C.; most instruments signed "F.W. Lincoln, Jr."; Mayor of Boston; T.C. 62 Commercial Street (1839-53); at the Sign of Mercury and Quadrant, 136 Commercial Street (1853-58); 126 Commercial Street (1856-58); all in Boston, Mass. Bedini 8; Smart 1; Brewington 1; Price 2; USNM; Moskowitz; D.J. Warner 10; Garcelon 33; RSW. suggest correction
LINCOLN, FREDERICK USA, MIM Magnetic Compass = D.(1965). probably F.W. Lincoln, Jr. Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
LINCOLN, JOSHUA R. USA, NIM compassmaker; Thomas Wightman engraved the compass cards. Warner 12. suggest correction
LINCOLN, T. 1803, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1803 = P.C. USNM. suggest correction
LINCOLN, THOMAS England, fl.1716-50, OIM apprenticed to Matthew Cooberow of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1709; free of the Company on Oct. 3, 1716; took apprentices; Master of the Company 1746-47. at St. Bartholomew's the Less (1749); Leadenhall; both in London. Court and von Rohr 3(87); Robischon. suggest correction
LIND, DR. England, pre-1781, PHIM Barometer = Martin's Sale, 3/8/1781? probably James Lind. RSW. suggest correction
LIND, JAMES Scotland; England, 1736-1812, PHIM Anemometer = William Wales (1772); Clinometers = RSM, OXF, UTR. scientist; F.R.S., 1777; designed a pocket clinometer and an anemometer in 1775. Edinburgh; Windsor. Taylor 2(504); Bryden 3; Middleton 4; G.L'E. Turner 24; Clarke et al. suggest correction
LIND, NILS Sweden, c.1770, MIM Sundial = STT. made unusual sundials. Stockholm. Pipping 1, pp. 199-200. suggest correction
LINDEN see Lynden. Zinner 1; Ward 4; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
LINDERMAN, HENDRIK Holland, c.1780, PHIM Balance, steel = Christie-SK 11/19/87. Deze Gewigte werden gemaakt on verkogt te Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
LINDERMAN, JAN Holland, 1740-1809, PHIM Coin Balances = D.(1980), Soth. 10/3/88. Amsterdam. Wynter 1; RSW. suggest correction
LINDERMAN, JOANNES Holland, c.1775, PHIM Jeweler's Balance = WHI. op de Beurs en in de Kalverstraat naast de Kerk de Papegay in de Goud Balans, Amsterdam. O. Brown 2. suggest correction
LINDERMAN, WILLEM Holland, c.1811, PHIM balance maker. Nieuwendijk by Dam no. 10, Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
LINDERSTRUB, GOTTLIEB NIKLAUS Switzerland, 1803-73, MIM Instrument, 1840 = BASH. "mechaniker." Basel. RSW. suggest correction
LINDHOLM, C.L. Sweden, fl.1851-64, MIM apprenticed in 1836; in business, 1851. Snickarbacken 5, Stockholm (1864). Pipping 1. suggest correction
LINDIG, M. Germany, c.1800, MIM OIM SIM Levelling Instrument = DRE; Telescopic Alidade = DRE. Dresden. Grötzsch 2. suggest correction
LINDQUIST, C.A. Sweden, 1828-1905, MIM PHIM specialized in laboratory balances. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
LINDQUIST, J.W. Sweden, fl.1830-45, MIM Malm skillnadsgaten 60, Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
LINDSAY, GEORGE England, fl.1728-76, OIM Microscopes = PYM, WHI (1742), Royal Microscopical Society, P.C., Soth. 7/29/69 and 6/9/80; Telescope = OXF; Microscope, pocket, silver = KEN. T.C.; invented a type of simple microscope; held the first patent on a portable microscope in 1743; "Watchmaker to His Majesty and the Princess Dowager"; clockmaker to George II; some of the microscopes are marked "Geo: Lindsay Inv. & Fec." at the Dial, facing the Fountain Tavern, near St. Catherine's Street, in the Strand, London. Taylor 2(193); Evans 1; Maddison 1; Nachet; Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Bryden 11; A.J. Turner 10; Millburn 8; RSW. suggest correction
LINDSON, J. BERGER Norway?, fl.1797-1809, MIM Vertical Sundials = NOR (1797, 1809, undated). many more unsigned. RSW. suggest correction
LINE, FRANCIS see Francis Hall. Taylor 1(133). suggest correction
LINERIIS, JEAN DE see John of Lignères. Michel 3. suggest correction
LINGE, IOHAN Germany?, 1684, MIM Perpetual Calendar, copper, 1684 = MUN. RSW. suggest correction
LINGER, HANS RUDOLPH DEN Germany, 1613, MIM Dividers, 1613 = AMST. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
LINGFORD, JOHN England, fl.1793-1835 ?, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably jeweller and ironmonger (fl.1793-1835). Market Hill (1793-1814); Parliament Street (1835); 5 Milton Street (1835); all in Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LINGKE Germany, c.1850, MIM PHIM SIM Assay Kit = P.C. (1970); Theodolite = P.C. (1987). Freiberg. RSW. suggest correction
LINGKE AND CO. Germany, MIM SIM Theodolite = Illinois State Museum. Berlin. USNM. suggest correction
LINNELL, GEORGE England, fl.1769-1804, OIM probably son of Joseph Linnell 1; free of the Spectaclemakers' Company by Patrimony, Sept. 12, 1769; took apprentices; optician. Goldsmith Street, St. Gough Square; 14 Cowlane (1804); both in London. Taylor 2(625); Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(184); Robischon. suggest correction
LINNELL, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1763-75, MIM OIM PHIM Angle Barometers = X, Christie 5/26/76; Universal Ring Sundial = NMM-D.259. apprenticed to Robert Linnell of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct. 3, 1754; turned over to Avis Sterrop, June 28, 1756; turned over to Mary Sterrop, Oct. 1, 1760; free of the Company on June 30, 1763 (Taylor said apprenticed to James Ayscough in 1754); succeeded James Ayscough in 1763; T.C.; "The Original Shop for Crown Glass Spectacles"; "optician." St, Giles, Cripplegate; the Great Golden Spectacles and Quadrant, 33 Ludgate Street, near St. Paul's (1764); both in London. Taylor 2(505); Goodison 1; Court and von Rohr 3(167); NMM 2; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Crawforth 6; Robischon; RSW; Evans 1. suggest correction
LINNELL, JOSEPH 2 England, c.1774, OIM apprenticed to Robert Linnell of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct. 3, 1774; Robischon thought he was apprenticed to Joseph Linnell 1. Court and von Rohr 3(204); Robischon. suggest correction
LINNELL, ROBERT England, fl.1754-74, OIM apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1747; free of the Company, Oct. 3, 1754; took apprentices. London. Court and von Rohr 3(166). suggest correction
LINNICH, NICLAES Germany, 1766, NIM Crown Compass, 1766 = D.(1986) = Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum. Altoona. RSW. suggest correction
LINSENBARTH, O. Germany, c.1800, MIM Rod for liquid measure = DRE. Eisenach. Grötzsch 2; RSW. suggest correction
LIOBAR France, 1789, MIM Sundial, 1789 = Veynins, Isère. Gatty 1. suggest correction
LIONE AND CO. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). see James Lione. 81 Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LIONE AND CO. 2 England, fl.1820-36, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Dominick Lione. 14 Brook Street (1820); 16 Brook Street (1821-36); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LIONE AND FARONI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LIONE AND SOMALVICO England, fl.1805-20, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 6/6/75 and 7/21/83, Christie-SK 9/11/86 and 1/22/87; Barometers = Soth. 7/3/70 and 7/31/70, Christie 7/6/72; Barometer in clock = D.(1971). Dominick Lione and Joseph Somalvico 1. 125 Holborn Hill (1805-07); 14 Brook Street, Holborn (1811-20; 16 Brook Street, Holborn; all in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
LIONE AND TARONE England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
LIONE, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LIONE, D., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 10/20/89. probably Dominick Lione with Joseph Somalvico 1 or another maker. 81 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
LIONE, DOMINICK England, fl.1805-36, PHIM made barometers; partner with Joseph Somalvico 1, 1805-19, as Lione and Somalvico and as Lione, Somalvico and Co.; see Lione and Co. 2; on his own, 1820-36. 125 Holborn Hill (1805-07); 14 Brook Street (1811-20); 16 Brook Street; all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LIONE, J. 1 England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = P.C., Soth. 2/19/87. probably James Lione. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
LIONE, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see John Leone. Aylesbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LIONE, JAMES England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (4). two are signed "Jas. Lione." 81 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LIONE, SOMALVICO AND CO. England, fl.1805-19, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = P.C., X, Christie 10/5/72, Soth. 3/7/75, 7/16/76 & 12/15/83, Soth.-Pulborough 3/31/83; Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/2/83, D.(1976); etc. opticians; many examples survive from both addresses; Dominick Lione and Joseph Somalvico 1; see Lione and Somalvico, D., Lione and Co., Somalvico, Lione and Co. 125 Holborn Hill (1805-07); 14 Brook Street (1811-19); both in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1378); RSW. suggest correction
LIONI see Leone, Lione. Bell 2. suggest correction
LIPPERSHEY, HANS Holland, fl.1594-1619, OIM Telescope = LUN. spectacle maker; claimed to have made the first telescope; applied, unsuccessfully for a patent for it in 1608; developed a microscope. Middelburg. Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Daumas 1; Wynter and Turner; Nachet; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
LIPPERSHEY, JEAN see Hans Lippershey. Nachet. suggest correction
LISCOMB, JOHN USA, c. 1800, probably owner; marked on a garden sundial signed "I.W." (4) which see. RSW. suggest correction
LISIEUX, PERE ET FILS France, OIM Solar Microscope = D.(1969). Lisieux père et fils. RSW. suggest correction
LISTER, JOSEPH JACKSON England, 1786-1869, OIM invented a new achromatic microscope; F.R.S., 1832. Taylor 2(1174); G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
LISTER, THOMAS England, 1745-1814, MIM Orrery = University Museum, Glasgow. made orreries designed by Joseph Priestley; clockmaker. Halifax; Yorkshire. Taylor 2(282); Baillie 1. suggest correction
LISTER, WILLIAM England, MIM T.C.; sold second-hand chronometers. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
LISTER, WILLIAM, AND SONS England, c.1846, NIM T.C.; made chronometers. Newcastle. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
LISTON, D. England?, 1772, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1772 = BRU. Morpurgo 1. suggest correction
LITTLEWORT England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77. could be George or William Littlewort. Ball Alley, Lombard Street, London. O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
LITTLEWORT, GEORGE England, fl.1826-48, OIM PHIM barometer maker. 11 Ball Alley, Lombard Street, London (1836-40). Taylor 2(2169); O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
LITTLEWORT, WILLIAM England, fl.1824-48, MIM OIM PHIM 7 Ball Alley, Lombard Street, London. Taylor 2(1626); Dewhirst; O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
LITTLEWORTH, W. England, fl.1822-23, OIM optician. 7 Upper East Smithfield, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
LITTMAN, E. Sweden, c.1850, MIM had a display at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Stockholm. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
LITTMANN, CHRISTIAN EDWARD Germany; Sweden, 1804-57, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Microscopes = STT (1836), SWE; Dip Needle = SWE; Rule = SWE; Balance = Berzelius Museum (SWE). instrument maker to Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 1833-56; made many fine instruments. Halle; Munich (1827-32); Stockholm. Pipping 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
LIVEING AND DEWAR England, pre-1880, George D. Liveing and Sir James Dewar; designed a direct vision spectroscope. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
LIVEING, GEORGE D. England, 1827-1924, see Liveing and Dewar. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
LIVINGS, JOHN England, fl.1840-47, MIM OIM optician. 136 Goswell Street (1840); 103 Rahere Street, Goswell Street (1847); both in London. O'Mara. suggest correction
LIVINGSTON, PETER R. USA, c.1781, MIM filed a payment claim for a plane table he had provided to the U.S. Surveying Department; maker or dealer? New York, N.Y. Bedini 8. suggest correction
LIZARS, J. Scotland; Englandfl.1858-1900+, OIM PHIM Microscopes = FRK = RSM (4), P.C., Christie-SK 4/17/86; Barograph with Thermometer = Christie 11/22/78; Telescope = FRK = RSM; Magic Lantern = FRK = RSM; Aneroid Barometer = Phillips 11/16/88. optician; dealer. 16 Glassford Street, Glasgow; Glasgow and London; Edinburgh. Morrison-Low 1; Moskowitz 132; RSW. suggest correction
LLOYD England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Hereford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LLOYD, JOHN 1 England, 1740, NIM Backstaff, 1740 = Christie-SK 11/2/95. RSW. suggest correction
LLOYD, JOHN 2 England, c.1769, apprenticed to John Cuff of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Feb. 14, 1765; turned over to Henry Raines Shuttleworth of the Company on July 7, 1769. Court and von Rohr 3(191); RSW. suggest correction
LOAM, MICHAEL England, OIM Microscope = Christie 3/29/60. Hampton, Middlesex. RSW. suggest correction
LOCK England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Oxford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LOCKE, JOHN USA, 1792-1856, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = USNM. a medical doctor; invented an orrery made by Aaron Willard Jr.; patented a type of surveying compass; invented an electro-chronograph and a collimating level; did research on magnetism; Professor of Chemistry, Ohio Medical College; it may be that there are two John Lockes. Boston, Mass.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Newark, Ohio. Smart 1; D.J. Warner 6; USNM. suggest correction
LOCKERSON, JAMES England, c.1582, MIM worked in wood. near the Conduit at Dow Gate, London. Gunther 4; Taylor 1(64); Michel 3. suggest correction
LOCKWOOD, ANTHONY England, c.1818, designed a new universal compass. Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, London. Taylor 2(1379). suggest correction
LOCKWOOD, J.J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 9/23/88. the Christie barometer is signed "J. Lockwood Preston" and marked "Warranted Correct." Preston. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
LODWICK, ABRAHAM England, c.1695, apprenticed to Isaac Webb of the Clockmakers' Company on April 27, 1695. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
LOEBER, CHARLES Germany; USA, 1826-1906, MIM OIM SIM partner with James M. Shanahan as Shanahan and Loeber, 1853-56; may have also worked for Stackpole and Bro. 181 William (1854-55); 50 1/2 Fulton (1855-56); Fulton Street, New York and 18 Rush, Brooklyn (1873); both in N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
LOEBL, MATTHIAS Germany, MIM Horizontal Sundial = P. and S. 5/20/1895. Weissenburg. RSW. suggest correction
LOESER see Löser. Chaldecott 4. suggest correction
LOEWENSTAMM Germany, c.1768, OIM made telescopes and other observatory instruments. Dresden; Frankfort (1768-). Daumas 1. suggest correction
LOFT, MATTHEW England, 1697-1748, OIM Microscopes = KEN, OXF, NOR, LEY, WHI, LOS, Uppsala U., etc.; Telescopes = U. of Nottingham, D.(1975), etc. apprenticed to Thomas Gay 2 of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Aug. 15, 1711; free of the Company on Jan. 12, 1720; Master of the Company 1744-45; took apprentices; T.C. at the Golden Spectacles in Threadneedle Street, fronting on the North Gate of the Royal Exchange (backside of the Exchange); Reflecting Telescope and Hadley's Quadrant in Cornhill; both in London. Taylor 1(562) and 2(86); Court and von Rohr 3(90); Maddison 1; Chaldecott 1; Fürst; Wynter 2; Daumas 1; van der Star 1; RSW; Clay and Court; Crawforth 6; Robischon. suggest correction
LOFTUS England, c.1850, MIM PHIM Hydrometers = D.(1974), K. & C. 4/7/76, D.(1976), etc. Double Slide Rule = D.(1976); Gauger Set = D.; Stick Barometer = Christie 4/26/90. many of the hygrometers are marked "maker to the Revenue." 146 Oxford Street, London. Moskowitz ; Coffeen II; RSW. suggest correction
LOFTUS, W.R., LTD. England, c.1875, PHIM Sike's Hydrometer = Phillips 7/28/82. also made thermometers; Turner indicated 821 Oxford Street. 321 Oxford Street, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
LOFTUS, WILLIAM R. England, c.1869, MIM PHIM SIM later became W.R. Loftus Ltd. 321 Oxford Street; 146 Oxford Street (W); both in London. O'Mara. suggest correction
LOGEMAN EN FUNCKLER Holland, fl.1859-60, PHIM Hydraulic Press, 1858 = TEY. Logeman en Fünckler. G.L'E. Turner 7 & 24. suggest correction
LOGEMAN, WILLEM MARTINUS Holland, 1835-60, NIM OIM PHIM Barometers = LEY, KAS; Foucalt Pendulum, 1856 = TEY; Resonator, 1848 = TEY; Galvanometer = TEY; Compass, 1852 = P.C. had display in the 1851 Great Exhibition in London; worked with F.W. Fünckler, 1858-60. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Crommelin 1; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
LOISEAU France, 1841, MIM succeeded Huette in 1841. Paris. Nachet. suggest correction
LOKEUX misreading for Lekeux. Garcia 1. suggest correction
LOMAS, H. England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X and Adlington Hall(2), D.(1996). the barometers at Adlington Hall are signed "Lomas." Adlington. Goodison 1; ATG 3/15/97. suggest correction
LOMAS, RICHARD England, c.1794, MIM member of the Wheelwrights' Company; took over Richard Burnell as an apprentice from Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 12, 1794. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
LOMBARDELLUS 1559, see Ioannes Lombardellus Castellanus Masse Lombardy? RSW. suggest correction
LOMBARDINI England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably a dealer. Bristol. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LOMBARDINI AND CASTELETTI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Salop = Shrewsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LOMBARDINI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LOMBARDINI BROS. England, PHIM barometer makers. Manchester. Bell 2. suggest correction
LOMBARDINI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Christie-SK 11/27/86, Soth.-S 4/24/87. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
LOMBARDINI, FRANCIS England, c.1844, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "F. Lombardini Totnes." Fore Street, Totnes. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
LOMBARDINI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Goodison 1. suggest correction
LOMBARDINI, S. England, post-1850, PHIM barometers; looking-glass maker. Lower Castle Street, Bristol. Bell 2. suggest correction
LOMBARDINI, WILLIAM England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1997). Huddersfield. ATG 3/1/97. suggest correction
LOMMEL, JOHANN LEONHARDT Germany, c.1620, MIM Astrolabe Clock = OXF. Gunther No. 345. Nürnberg. Michel 2; Gunther 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
LOMMERS, JACOBUS Holland, fl.1751-65, OIM PHIM Microscopes = UTR (1751), DEU (1760), LEY; Telescope, 1765 = AMST; Optical Instruments = LEY. Utrecht. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Daumas 1; Crommelin 1; van der Star 1; USNM. suggest correction
LOND, B. misreading for Bloud. Marouf 10/3/70. suggest correction
LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO. England, PHIM Kaleidoscope = P.C. "new patent jewel Kaleidoscope." London. RSW. suggest correction
LONE, J.C.P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1975). may be Love. 113 High Holborn, Lomdon. RSW. suggest correction
LONG England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant, ebony and ivory = Bearnes 1/27/88. RSW. suggest correction
LONG AND JOHNSON England, fl.1785-1810, MIM OIM PHIM Spyglasses = WHI-977, P.C. James Long and Johnson. at the North Gate of the Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 2(626); Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(197); Clay and Court. suggest correction
LONG, A.J. England, late 19th Century, PHIM Sike's Hydrometer = Soth.-B 12/21/76. RSW. suggest correction
LONG, ENOCH USA, 1763, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass with Sundial, 1763 = New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord. surveyor. Hopkinton, New Hamp. Bedini 8. suggest correction
LONG, ENOCH, JR. USA, c.1763, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, wood, 1763 = New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord. surveyor. Hopkinton, New Hampshire. Bedini 8. suggest correction
LONG, J. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Tiverton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LONG, J. 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 5/18/89. probably James or Joseph Long. London. RSW. suggest correction
LONG, JAMES England, fl.1781-1817, MIM OIM PHIM Drawing Instrument Set = Soth. 1/22/73; Telescopes = X, CZJ, etc.; Sundials = Soth. 9/20/83, etc.; Stick Barometers = X(4); Wheel Barometers = X (3); Air Pump = CNAM; Microscope = Soth. 10/28/86. apprenticed to Edward Nairne of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Aug. 14, 1769; free of the Company on Oct. 30, 1781; Master of the Company, 1805-07; partner with Johnson, as Long and Johnson, 1785-1810; optician; patented a sympiesometer; T.C.; succeeded by James Smith 1. at the North Gate of the Royal Exchange ; 4 Back of the Royal Exchange (1817-); both in London. Taylor 2(626); Goodison 1; Court and von Rohr 3(197); Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
LONG, JOSEPH England, fl.1820-60, MIM OIM PHIM Sector = P.C.; Stick Barometer = X; Microscope = Christie 11/22/78; Hydrometers = OXF, KEN, WHI, USNM, P.C., D., Norwich Castle Museum; Thermometers = P.C., D.; Slide Rules, ivory = D., Soth. 10/17/60; Slide Rule, double = D.(1973; Rule = D.(1988). Taylor thought there might be two people; "Maker to the Indian and Colonial Governments." 136 Goswell Street, Clerkenwell; 20 Little Tower Street (1820-29); South Tower Street; 43 Eastcheap; all in London. Taylor 2(1631 and 1632); Goodison 1; Bell 2; Moskowitz 106; Calvert 2; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; McConnell 4; RSW. suggest correction
LONG, JOSH England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Joseph Long. 20 Little Tower Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LONG, SOLOMON England, fl.1686-91, MIM erected sundials. near the Pump in Little Britain, London. Taylor 1(444). suggest correction
LONGLAND, WILLIAM England, fl.1674-1722, OIM Telescopes = NMM-O.115/9102c, Stuart Art Exhibition, 1686. apprenticed to Joseph Howe of the Broderers' Company through the Spectaclemakers' Company on Jan. 27, 1668; free of the Spectaclemakers' Company on July 2, 1674; Master of the Spectaclemakers' Company 1686-87 and 1694-95. The Ship, Cornhill, London. Taylor 1(321) & 2(87); NMM 2; Court and von Rohr 3(35); Clay and Court; Evans 1; Dewhirst; J. Brown 1; RSW. suggest correction
LONGMAN, JAMES England, c.1786, OIM free of the Spectaclemakers' Company before 1786; took an apprentice. 26 Cheapside, London. Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(208). suggest correction
LONGONI, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LOOF JUNR, W. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth.-Sussex 9/18/86 and 4/24/82, Bearnes 1/24/90. "Watch and Clockmaker." Tunbridge Wells. RSW. suggest correction
LOOIJ, ARENT Holland, c.1744, NIM made compasses. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2 & 5. suggest correction
LOON, HAN A Holland, c.1680, NIM Quadrant = UTR. "Han à Loon fecit T'Amsterdam by Joannes van Keulen." Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
LOOS 1 Germany, c.1810, PHIM tried to improve Fortin-type barometer; may be same man as Loos 2. Büdingen. Middleton 1. suggest correction
LOOS 2 Germany, c.1825, PHIM tried to improve De Luc-type barometer; may be same man as Loos 1. Darmstadt. Middleton 1. suggest correction
LOOS, DANIEL FREDERICK Germany, 1735-1819, MIM Pocket Almanac, silver, 1805 = Soth. 12/3/76. RSW. suggest correction
LOOS, JOH. GEORG Germany, c.1738, PHIM made nested weights; master mark was three crowns, later used by Carl Gottlieb Lorenz, c.1795. Nürnberg. Koller 11/17/75. suggest correction
LOOT, JOH. Holland, 18th Century, PHIM thermometer maker; probably Johannis Loots. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
LOOTS, JOHANNIS Holland, c.1665-1726, MIM NIM PHIM Cross-staves, = BRO (1716), Museum für Meereskunde, Berlin (1729) (lost); Astrolabe = BOM 3/28/06 or 10; Astronomical Instrument = BOM 3/28/06 or 10; Quadrant, wood = UTR. "Boekverkooper en Graadbooghmaaker." Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1; Belgian Inventory; Darius 4. suggest correction
LOOTSMAN, JACOB THEUNIS Holland, d.1679, NIM cross-staff maker and bookseller. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
LORAIN France, c.1850, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Auction, Honfleur, 6/17/79. RSW. suggest correction
LORDELLE France, fl.1742-46, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = NMM, WRAY, NOR (1743); Graphometer, 1742 = NAC; Mathematical Instrument Set = WRAY; Butterfield-type Sundial = P.C.(1969). Nachet stated that Lordelle was the successor to Bion. à la Sphère, Paris. Nachet; Daumas 1; NMM 2; MADEX; RSW. suggest correction
LORDETTE France, misreading for Lordelle. WRAY. suggest correction
LORENZ, CARL GOTTLIEB Germany, c.1795, PHIM made nested weights; master mark was three crowns, which was used earlier by Joh. Georg Loos. Nürnberg. Koller 11/17/75. suggest correction
LORENZ, JOHN England, c.1850, MIM SIM Level, surveying = Christie-SK 11/19/87. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
LORER, JOH. Switzerland, 1617, author; wrote on a new "Geometrical Instrument." Zurich. Zinner 6. suggest correction
LORICHON France, 1805, PHIM marked on the scale of a Hassenfratz barometer "Divisé et Gravé par Lorichon, floreal an 13", (April, 1805). Paris. Daumas 1; Middleton 1. suggest correction
LORIE, DAVID W. Scotland, 18th Century, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = OMM. Leith. RSW. suggest correction
LORIEUX LEPETIT France, c.1850, NIM Sextant = PMM; Full Circle = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/23/94. surely E. Lorieux; full circle signed "Lorieux Lepetit Succ. à Montrouge N. 666." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LORIEUX, E. France, fl.1825-50?, NIM OIM Sextants = NMM, PMM(2), Gersaint 7/20/96 (891); Borda Circles = VNN, PEA; Telescope = CNAM; Theodolite, telescopic = Christie 3/21/91. succeeded Schwartz; succeeded by A. Hurlimann; Ponthus, Lepetit and Schiavetti-Bellini also claimed to have been the successor; see their entries; address for theodolite was "No. 3, Dépôt des Cartes et Plans de la Marine." Pour du Dépôt des Cartes et Plans de la Marine Imperiale, 30 Rue et Passage Dauphine et Rue Mazarine 27, Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Brewington 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
LORIEUX, E., PERE France, c.1850, NIM Reflecting Circle = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. signed "E. Lorieux Père." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LORIEUX, LEPETIT POULIN France, post-1850, NIM Sextant = Christie-SK 4/14/89. No. 9047. Bagneux, Seine. RSW. suggest correction
LORIMER, JOHN England, c.1795, designed a dipping and variation needle. Taylor 2(1007). suggest correction
LORING USA, fl.1832-46, MIM made many globes, celestial and terrestrial; "From Smith's new English Globe"; see Josiah Loring. Boston, Mass. Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
LORING AND CHURCHILL USA, fl.1859-60, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. Henry Wiliam Loring and Gardner Asaph Churchill; successors to C.G. King. 72 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
LORING, BENJAMIN USA, b.1775, twin brother of Josiah Loring; stationer. Boston, Mass. Yonge. suggest correction
LORING, HENRY WILLIAM USA, 1807-85, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = D.(1976); Compass = P.C. worked alone, 1831-58; Loring and Churchill (1859-60); alone, 1863-65. 7 Broad Street (1850-57), Boston, Mass. Smart 1; Moskowitz. suggest correction
LORING, JOSEPH misreading for Josiah Loring? Bedini 8. suggest correction
LORING, JOSHUA misreading for Josiah Loring. RSW. suggest correction
LORING, JOSIAH USA, 1775-1840, MIM Pairs of Globes = D.(1983)((1833), P-B 10/22/38, P.C.(1833), Rutgers U. Library, Lyman Allyn Museum, New London, Conn. (1838), D.(1987); Celestial Globes = D.(1968)(1832), PEA (1832), PEA (1833), D.(1976)(1833); Babson Institute, Mass., Yale U.; Terrestrial Globes = P.C.(1839), U.S. Naval Academy, Md. (1839), D.(1976). according to Bedini, Loring was a bookseller who sold globes engraved by Annin, under his own name. 136 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Bedini 8; Yonge; Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
LORING, JOSIAH AND BENJAMIN USA, c.1833, MIM Pair of Globes on stands, 1833 = D.(1988). 136 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
LORKIN, ABRAHAM England, c.1736, MIM apprenticed to James Wilson 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 15, 1733; turned over to Thomas Colliber, Feb. 20, 1736. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
LORKIN, JAMES England, fl.1805-22, MIM NIM Sextant = X(USA). 89 New Gravel Lane, Wapping; near New Crane Stairs, Wapping; both in London. Taylor 2(1175). suggest correction
LORKIN, THOMAS England, c.1825, MIM NIM Magnetic Compass, jewelled pivot = RSM; Sextants = Soth. 7/29/69, D.(1971). T.C.; member of the Wheelwrights' Company; took over Thomas Dench as apprentice from Joseph Rust 2 of the Grocers' Company on March 16, 1789. Wapping, New Crane Stairs; 89 near New Crane Stairs; both in London. J. Brown 1; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
LORT, JOHN Ireland, fl.1767-82, MIM may be Lort in Wood and Lort in Birmingham, who were succeeded by Frost and Withnoll in 1767. Walker's Alley (1767); 8 Upper Blind Quay (1776); 8 Exchange Street (1777-78); Plunket Street (1779-82); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett; Taylor 2(553). suggest correction
LOSEL, ALBRECHT Germany, 1610, MIM Diptych Sundials, 1610, = LIE, POTS (Hellmann Coll.). Albrecht Lösel; married Caspar Karner's widow, Elisabeth, in 1590; they had a son, Michael Lesel, which see. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Körber 1; Gouk 1. suggest correction
LOSER, HANS Germany, 1704-63, MIM OIM PHIM Pedometer = DRE. Reichsgraf Hans Löser, Marshall of Saxony; designed a metallic thermometer; see "H.L." 3, "L. 1" and "L.Z." 1. Reinharz. Zinner 1; Grötzsch 2; Chaldecott 4; RSW. suggest correction
LOTHAN England, c.1100, MIM Wall Sundial = Church, Great Edstone. Great Edstone. Gatty. suggest correction
LOTHIAN England, 1829, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1829 = Soth. 5/2/75. RSW. suggest correction
LOTTER, TOBIAS CONRAD Germany, fl.1774-99, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1774 = BAR; Planetarium = BAR; Pair of Globes, 1798 & 1799 = BAR. geographer. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
LOUAGHI see Taroni and Louaghi. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LOUCHET France, 1838, PHIM Barometer, portable, 1838 = Weil. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LOUIS France?, 1716, MIM Gauging Rod, 1716 = NYC. DES. suggest correction
LOUIS, CHRISTIAN KARL Denmark, 1773, MIM compass maker. Copenhagen. Schück. suggest correction
LOUIS, JEAN France, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, silver = Christie 6/7/72. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LOURDEL France, c.1760, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument = X. Lordelle ? Daumas 1. suggest correction
LOUTEAU, PIERRE France, c.1595, MIM Sundial in back of watch = Exposition Maison Wolters Frères, Bruxelles, 1938; Sundial on the base of a clock, mounted on Atlas = SPI-2719. Lyon. Catalogue of the Exposition, 14 May-4 June, 1938; RSW. suggest correction
LOUVEL France, fl.1765-71, OIM Noël-Jean Lerebours worked under him, pre-1787. au Cloître Saint-Benoît, Paris (1771). Nachet; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
LOUVILLE, CHEVALIER DE see Jacques-Eugène d'Allonville, Chevalier de Louville. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
LOVE, J.C.P. see J.C.P. Lone. RSW. suggest correction
LOVEGROVE, F.N. England, invented a quadrant dial. London. L.K. Hirschberg. suggest correction
LOVELACE, W. England, c.1756, NIM PHIM see W. Barrow and W. Lovelace; T.C. at the Golden Lion in St. Martins-Le-Grand, London. Calvert 2; RSW. suggest correction
LOVELACE, WILLIAM England, c.1796, NIM Escapement Timer for Log = PEA. clockmaker. 14 Charles Street, Hoxton. Taylor 2(1007a); Brewington 1; Price 2. suggest correction
LOVI 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LOVI 2 Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Angelo Lovi. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LOVI, ANGELO Scotland, c.1804, PHIM Stick Barometer = RSM; Double Barometer = WHI. glass-blower; may be Lovi 2; RSM is signed "A. Lovi." 82 South Bridge (1804); 16 South Bridge; both in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Bryden 3; RSW. suggest correction
LOVI, MRS. ISOBEL Scotland, fl.1805-27, PHIM Philosophical Bubble Sets = RSM, KEN, CYM. held patent on aerometrical beads (philosophical bubbles) in 1805; probably widow of Angelo Lovi. 82 South Bridge (1806); Geddes Close (1807-11); 79 High Street (1812-13); Strichen's Close (1814-21); 113 High Street (1822); 114 High Street (1823-25); Strichen's Close (1826-27); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; G.L'E. Turner 24; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
LOW, A. Scotland, PHIM Double Barometer = WHI. 16 South Bridge, Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
LOW, EDWARD England, 1763, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1763 = MYS. also marked "A.B.T.C.D." RSW. suggest correction
LOWDEN, GEORGE Scotland, fl.1850-1900, OIM PHIM Telescopes = Soth. 10/15/73 = FRK = RSM, Christie 11/22/78; Microscope = FRK = RSM; Telescope, refracting = FRK = RSM. 25 Union Street (1850-61); 1 Union Street (1864-74); 23 Nethergate (1876-80); 65 Reform Street (1882-1900); all in Dundee. Bryden 3; Morrison-Low 1; RSW. suggest correction
LOWE England, 19th Century, OIM Spyglass, gilt-brass = WHI. Gavin or Joshua Reeve Lowe? London. Dewhirst. suggest correction
LOWE, EDWARD England, 1644, took John Seller 1 as an apprentice in the Merchant Taylors' Company in 1644; Crawforth could find no record of Lowe being an instrument maker. London. Crawforth 8. suggest correction
LOWE, GAVIN England, fl.1803-18, MIM Instrument = WHI. Paradise Row, Islington, London. Taylor 2(1176). suggest correction
LOWE, JOSHUA REEVE England, c.1836, MIM Cherry Tree Court, Aldersgate, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
LOWELL AND SENTER USA, fl.1846-73, NIM SIM Surveying Compass, 1864 = D.(1997). Abner Lowell and William Senter 1; also made watches. Portland, Me. Smart 1; MAD Nov. 1997. suggest correction
LOWELL, ABNER USA, 1812-83, MIM SIM apprenticed to Oliver Gerrish; in business for himself, 1834-36 and 1870-77; was associated with William Senter 1, 1836-70, as Lowell and Senter, then with his two sons until 1877; clockmaker. Exchange Street (1836-66); Pearl Street (1866); Exchange Street (1867-77); all in Portland, Me. Smart 1; Katra. suggest correction
LOWEN, JOHN England, c.1718, apprenticed to John Crooke 1 in the Joiners' Company, June 17, 1718. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
LOWENGARD, JULES France, MIM made astrolabes and nocturnals. Furniss. suggest correction
LOWITZ, G.M. Germany, 1712-74, MIM Celestial Globes, 1747 = KRM, DEU, TRA, Nördlingen Museum, Wasserburg Stadtmuseum. Göttingen. Zinner 1. suggest correction
LOWTHER, G. England, NIM Octant = Kolding Museum; Sextant = Christie 5/26/76. T.C. 31 Quay Side; Docks; both in Newcastle-on-Tyne. RSW. suggest correction
LOYSEL, ECCLESIASTIQUE France, 1671, MIM Peripole, brass, 1671 = OXF. Evans 1. suggest correction
LUBACH, FRANZ 1 Austria, d.1726, MIM Horizontal Sundials, stone = KRM, SEI; Horizontal Sundials = VIE, HAK, KRM (2). some may have been made by Franz Lubach 2, his son. Vienna. Zinner 1; Michel 1; RSW. suggest correction
LUBACH, FRANZ 2 Austria, fl.1710-36, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = X. son of Franz Lubach 1; may have made some of the sundials listed under his father's name. Vienna. Zinner 1; Nachet. suggest correction
LUBACH, JOHAN SIMON Austria, c.1700, MIM Table Sundials = ADL-M270, WHI, KRM; Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = NOR; Universal Ring Sundial = PRA. Vienna. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Bryden 16; Michel 3; Evans 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LUCAR, S. instrument at TIM; is he same as S. Lucas, which see? RSW. suggest correction
LUCAS, JACQUES France, fl.1675-1704, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = NYM-01.21.60. Hugenot; watchmaker in Amsterdam by 1681. La Rochelle; The Rokin, Amsterdam (1704). Furniss; Vincent 2; Baillie 1. suggest correction
LUCAS, S. England, MIM Garden Sundial = D.(1969); String-gnomon Sundial = HAY. London. RSW. suggest correction
LUCAS, WEDUWE Holland, c.1742, NIM the Widow Lucas; compass maker. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
LUCCA Italy, 1767, MIM Bow Compass, 1767 = ADL-M68. town? Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LUCIN, FRANCIS England, c.1839, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; see Francis Lucini. 142 Great Saffron Hill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LUCINI, FRANCIS England, fl.1836-38, PHIM barometer maker. Baldwins Gardens, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
LUCIONI, GIUSEPPE A. England, fl.1851-54, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 36 Ray Street, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LUDEWIG Germany, c.1720, MIM Table Sundials = DRE (lost), ADL-M265, MUN, NYM, OXF. Dresden. Zinner 1; Drechsler 2; Engelmann 1; Chandler & Vincent 1; Maurice 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LUDFORD, WILLIAM England, c.1750, apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on Feb. 5, 1750. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
LUDOVICI, DOMENICO, S.J. Italy, pre-1746, MIM Sundial = X. author of "Horologium Triplex." Boursier. suggest correction
LUDTRING, JOHANN Germany, fl.1680-88, MIM made an armillary sphere, a large planetarium and astronomical instruments for Eimmart. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
LUDWIG, J.C. Germany, c.1742, MIM Table Sundial = KRA; Circumferentor = KRA. Dresden. RSW. suggest correction
LUDY, E.F. England, NIM Sextant = Christie 11/22/78. Grimsby. RSW. suggest correction
LUFKIN USA, fl.1869-to date, MIM made a wide range of rules and tapes. Philip E. Stanley. suggest correction
LUHME, J.F., UND CO. Germany, c.1850, MIM balance makers; had a display in the 1851 Great Exhibition in London. Berlin, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
LUISCIUS, ABRAHAM VAN STIPRIAAN Holland, 1764-1829, Bathometer = APS. invented a barometer which was made by Onderdewijngaart Canzius in 1805. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Multhauf. suggest correction
LUISETTI, I. England, PHIM barometer maker. London. Bell 2. suggest correction
LUKENS, ISAIAH USA, 1779-1846, NIM PHIM Sextant = D.(1978) = P.C. made meteorological, philosophical and chemical instruments; clockmaker. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
LUMLEY AND CO. England, c.1840, PHIM Sike's Hydrometers = Christie-SK 7/10/80, Soth. 3/13/67 (2). see L. Lumley. London. RSW. suggest correction
LUMLEY, L. England, c.1840, PHIM Hydrometers = CMY, Christie-SK 5/10/77; Vacuum Pump = CMY. 121 Minories, London. RSW. suggest correction
LUMLEY, L., AND CO. England, fl.1840-, PHIM Sike's Hydrometers = P.C., Phillips 2/22/77; Thermometer = D.(1974). Phillips and D. are "Ltd." 121 Minories, London. RSW. suggest correction
LUMMEN?, A.K. Holland, 1827, NIM Bearing Compass, 1827 = AMST. marked "A.H." (2) on the gimbals. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
LUNAN, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1824-d.1827, PHIM Electrical Machine, globe = RSM. watch and clockmaker too. 8 Castle Street, Aberdeen (1824-25). Bryden 3; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
LUND, PETER A.J. Also Lundh. Norway, PHIM Stick Barometer = OMM. Drawing Instruments WEBDB Christiania. Oslo. RSW. suggest correction
LUNDBY, F. England, MIM Horary Quadrant = OMM. may be Lundy. Grimsby. RSW. suggest correction
LUNDY, J.F. England, NIM Sextant = Soth. 11/9/70. may be Lundby? Grimsby. RSW. suggest correction
LUPICINI, ANTONIO Italy, fl.1581-91, MIM Armillary Sphere = FLO. invented a surveying instrument; wrote on astronomical instruments and calendars. Florence. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
LUPPIE AND SOLCHA England, c.1840, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; Salvatore Luppie and Lewis Solcha; see Lappi and Solcha. Hull. Loomes. suggest correction
LUPPIE, SALVATORE see Lappi and Solcha. Loomes 1. suggest correction
LURASCO, C. see Gebroeders Lurasco. Crommelin 1. suggest correction
LURASCO, GEBROEDERS Holland, 1793-1850, MIM PHIM Thermometer = LEY; Barometer = Soth.-A March, 1976. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Crommelin 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
LUSNERG, DOMENICUS misreading for Lusuerg. Egger 2. suggest correction
LUSUERG, ANGELO Italy, fl.1744-47, MIM Dividers, 1744 = BRU; Armillary Sphere, 1745 = X; Sundial, 1747 = NYM. Rome. Morpurgo 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
LUSUERG, DOMINICUS Italy, fl.1691-1744, MIM SIM made sundials, mathematical and surveying instruments which can be found in many museums including ADL (1699, 1701, 1716), BM (1694), STU, DRE, KEN, DEU, NYM, FLO, ROM, OXF, PRN (1692), Museum in Bologna (1744), Michel Coll. (1744), NMM, PRA, WHI (1717), P.C. (1723), RSM (1691), etc. Modena; Rome. Morpurgo 1; Baillie 1; Italian Inv.; Michel 1 and 3; Daumas 1; Grötzsch 2; Brieux 3; Price 2 and 3; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; NMM 2; Coffeen B; USNM; Evans 1; Wynter and Turner; O. Brown 1; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LUSUERG, JACOBUS Italy, fl.1668-1719, MIM SIM made sundials, mathematical and surveying instruments which can be found in many museums, including ADL (1672), OXF (1668), BM, FLO, NMM, Liceo Ginnasio, Alatri (1669), MAD, BRU, COO, WHI (1688), USNM, NYM, KEN, ROU, P.C. (1685), etc. some signatures include "Mutinensis" = Modena. Modena; Rome. Bonelli 4; Morpurgo 1; Portuguese Inv.; Price 3; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; Bryden 16; Daumas 1; Baillie 1; NMM 2; Michel 1 and 3; Brieux 3; USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
LUTHER, M. France, 19th Century, OIM Telescope, with case = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96. Neuchatel. RSW. suggest correction
LUTRY, EDMOND France, OIM Telescope = La Rochelle 7/22/78. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
LUTTIG, C. Germany, fl.1844-90, MIM NIM OIM SIM Protractor with scale = DRE; Half Reflecting Circle = NMM; Surveying Compass with Telescope = Technical Museum, Warsaw. Lüttig; won prize in 1851 Great Exhibition in London. Berlin. NMM 2; Moskowitz 110; O'Mara; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
LUTZ Y SCHULTZ Argentina, 19th Century, MIM Equatorial Sundial = X. Buenos Aires. Price 2. suggest correction
LUTZ, C. Switzerland, c.1850, MIM won a prize in the 1851 Great Exhibition in London; watchmaker. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
LUTZ, ED. France, fl.1867-74, MIM OIM SIM Graphometer = USNM; Surveying Cross = USNM; Gregorian Telescope = P.C. Rue des Noyers, 49 (Bd. St. Germain), Paris. Calvert 2; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
LUTZ, JOHAN VALLENTIN Germany, 1680, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1680 = UTO 9/29/75. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
LUVATE, DOMINIC England, fl.1828-34, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(4); Aneroid Barometer = Eldred 7/26/73. all are signed "D. Luvate Preston"; looking glass maker. 43 Friargate (1828); 27 Friargate (1834); both in Preston. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
LUVATTE, D. see Dominic Luvate. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LUZZANO France, 19th Century, PHIM Barometer = STR. Strasbourg. RSW. suggest correction
LYALL see Hay and Lyall. suggest correction
LYDELL, JAMES England, c.1686, MIM compass maker. London. Taylor 1(448). suggest correction
LYETH, A.B. Sweden, MIM NIM Compass in binnacle = K. and C. 3/19/75. Stockholm. RSW. suggest correction
LYFORD, G. England; Russia, c.1730, MIM OIM Universal Ring Sundial = KEN; Telescope = X. the sundial is also marked "B. Scott" and "St. Petersburg." Euclid's Head, near the new Church, Strand, London; St.Petersburg. Taylor 2(285); Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
LYLE, D. England, 1760, MIM Volute Compass, 1760 = KEN. Taylor 2(627a); Chaldecott 1. suggest correction
LYMAN, CHESTER SMITH USA, c.1869, professor at Yale University; invented wave apparatus made by E.S. Ritchie and Sons. D.J. Warner 6. suggest correction
LYNCH Ireland, MIM Surveyor's Compass = RSM; Inclinable Sundial = Christie 11/21/61. see James Lynch 1 & 2. Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
LYNCH AND SON Ireland, fl.1813-25, MIM Armillary Sphere = EGE; Garden Sundials = D.(1971), Soth. 10/23/85 (1824); Terrestrial Globe, miniature, 1813 = Soth. 5/27/82. see James Lynch and Son. Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
LYNCH, GEORGE Ireland, fl., MIM OIM PHIM see James Lynch (2) and George Lynch. 26 Capel Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
LYNCH, JAMES (1), AND SON Ireland, fl.1808-25, MIM OIM PHIM Cuff-type Microscope = EGE. T.C.; "Mathematical, Optical, Philosophical Instrument Makers to Trinity College and His Majesty's Ordnance"; see James Lynch 1. 26 Capel Street, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
LYNCH, JAMES (2) AND GEORGE Ireland, fl.1840-44, MIM OIM PHIM opticians, mathematical and philosophical instrument makers to the University and to the Royal Dublin Society. 26 Capel Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
LYNCH, JAMES 1 Ireland, fl.1760-1807, MIM OIM PHIM Surveyor's Compass = Soth. 11/13/61; Microscope = Wellcome Institute. partner with Edward Spicer, 1760-72, as Spicer and Lynch, which see; also a dealer. 26 Capel Street (1784-1807); at the Sign of the Royal Spectacles, Capel Street; both in Dublin. Taylor 2(743); Calvert 2; Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
LYNCH, JAMES 2 Ireland, fl.1826-39, MIM OIM PHIM T.C.; "optician, mathematical and philosophical instrument maker to the Ordnance and Trinity College" (1832). 26 Capel Street, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
LYNDEN, JOHANN ANTON Germany, fl.1580-1604, MIM Astrolabes = OXF(ICA-274), BRU; Astronomical Plate, 1604 = ZUS; Astronomical Compendium, 1596 = BM; Chalice Sundial, 1594 = LND. the "Astronomical Plate" may be the astrolabe (ICA-572); the compendium was designed by Christopher Liebfried of Würzburg. Heilbronn. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Price 1 & 3; Ward 4; Michel 2, 3 & 7; Evans 1; ICA 2; Dewhirst; Cousins; RSW. suggest correction
LYNE, FRANCIS see Francis Hall. suggest correction
LYON 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. South Molton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LYON 2 Scotland, PHIM Barometer = D.(1772). Edinburgh. John Bell. suggest correction
LYON, BENEVOLO MIM Protractor = P.C.(1965). RSW. suggest correction
LYON, C. England, c.1823, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bridlington. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LYON, DANIEL M. USA, c.1850, MIM Spirit Levels = Craft Auction 5/1/82. tool maker. Newark, N.J. Maine Digest, July, 1982. suggest correction
LYON, HUNTER Scotland, fl.1793-1803, OIM optician. Cross Causeway (1793-95); 118 Nicholson Street (1796 1801); 4 Bristo Street (1801-03); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
LYON, JAS. 1 England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Christie-SK 9/23/88 and 10/20/89. No. 6 Dove Court, Swithin's Lane, Lombard Street, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
LYON, JAS. 2 Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
LYON, JON. England, c.1660, MIM Sector = NMM-CI/S.11. London. NMM 2. suggest correction
LYON, JOSEPH England, c.1708, MIM apprenticed to George Griffith of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 12, 1708. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
LYON, PETER 1 Scotland, fl.1784-88, MIM NIM OIM on the Shore, Leith. Bryden 3. suggest correction
LYON, PETER 2 Scotland, fl.1780-99, OIM optician. at the Cross Well (1782); near the Guard (1784); Head old Assembly Close (1786); High Street (1788-90); Bull Turnpike (1794); Castle Hill (1795); Calton Hill (1796-97); Parliament Close (1799); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
LYONET France, designed a microscope. Daumas 1. suggest correction
LYONET, PIERRE Holland, 1707-89, OIM made a simple microscope; naturalist. Nachet. suggest correction
LYONS, ABRAHAM England, fl.1800-01, OIM 408 Oxford Street, London. Taylor 2(1176a); Dewhirst. suggest correction
LYONS, GEORGE England, c.1850, OIM Telescope = Soth.-B 3/2/79. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
LYONS, MICHAEL Ireland, 1844, MIM Moon Dial, slate, 1844 = Dublin Civic Museum. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
LYTH, A.B. Sweden, NIM Marine Compass in binnacle = K. and C. 3/19/75. Stockholm. RSW. suggest correction
LYTH, GEORG WILHELM Sweden, 1834-1918, MIM NIM Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
M'CALL, JOHN England, c.1830, MIM OIM see A. Chislett and M'Call. 8 Postern Row, Tower Hill, London. Taylor 2(1932). suggest correction
M'COLL Scotland, c.1818, MIM see Miller and M'Coll. 116 Stockwell, Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
M'COLL, HUGH England, c.1846, T.C.; book and instrument seller. 5 King Street, South Shields. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
M'MILLAN, PETER Scotland, fl.1824-51, NIM Sextant = FRK = RSM. 11 Guestrow (1824); Waterloo Quay (1828); 43 Quay (1829-33); 49 Quay (1834-39); 52 Quay (1840-41); 45 Regent Quay, (1842-51); all in Aberdeen. Taylor 2(2180); Bryden 3; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
M'MILLAN, WILLIAM, AND CO. Scotland, fl.1847-48, MIM watch and clockmaker; in partnership with Ogg as Ogg and M'Millan 1844-46. 28 Marischal Street, Aberdeen. Bryden 3. suggest correction
M. 1 Germany, 17th Century, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, round = VIE. Zinner 1. suggest correction
M. 2 NIM Octant = SFM. anchor is mastermark. RSW. suggest correction
M., IOHA Poland, 1637, MIM Wall Sundial, 1637 = Church in Wodzislaw. Wodzislaw. Polish Inventory. suggest correction
M.A.Z.L. 1713, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1713 = AMST. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
M.B. 1 Germany, 1626, MIM Artillery Level, 1626 = NUR-WI1135; Sundial in ivory barrel = MUN-15 Phys; Artillery Level = DEU-49897; Artillery Level = FRA. possibly Michael Bumel. Zinner 1. suggest correction
M.B. 2 see M. Burleigh. RSW. suggest correction
M.B. 3 could be Martin Bayer of Annaberg or Moritz Behaim of Vienna; both were clockmakers. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
M.B.I.N. Germany, fl.1627-30, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1627 = NUR-WI 1758; Graphometer, 1630 = STU- 12870; Quadrant = STU-12867. possibly Michael Bumel. Zinner 1. suggest correction
M.C. 1 Austria (?), MIM Ring Sundial = SAL. Zinner 1. suggest correction
M.C. 2 Germany, 1570, MIM see Michael Chaspar. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
M.C.K.C.R.P. 1601, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1601 = OXF. the initials may be in a different hand than the sundial. RSW. suggest correction
M.D.Z. O.H.P. see O.H.P. Moran 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
M.E. 1 1686, MIM marked on an artillery level signed "H.R." (2) at OXF; there is a crown over the "M." Maddison 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
M.E. 2 Germany, 1802, MIM String-gnomon Sundial, round, wood, lid, 1802 = D.(1987). Coffeen 16. suggest correction
M.E.A. Spain?, MIM Calipers = PRM; Calipers, sliding = D.(1968). RSW. suggest correction
M.E.D.F. 16th Century, MIM Astrolabe = SWF. ICA-634. Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
M.F. Germany?, 1677, marked on mining compass signed "Adamas Dornstrauch." RSW. suggest correction
M.F.P. France, 1770, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1770 = LIM. Dieppe work. RSW. suggest correction
M.G. Germany, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = OXF. star is mastermark. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
M.G.A. MIM Pantograph = D.(1975). also marked "W.V.S." RSW. suggest correction
M.G.C.G. MIM Diptych Sundial = FIN-82 = Thorban. RSW. suggest correction
M.H. 1 may be H.M. 2, which see. RSW. suggest correction
M.H. 2 Germany, 1630, MIM Diptych Sundial, gilt-copper, 1630 = OXF. Michel 3. suggest correction
M.H. 3 USA, 1775, MIM Gunter's Quadrant = PEA. dated "Jan. 3, 1775." Danvers, Mass. Brewington 1. suggest correction
M.H.F. Czechoslovakia, 1630, MIM Diptych, gilt-copper, 1630 = OXF. Martin Habermel? Prague. Zinner 1; Evans 1. suggest correction
M.I.C.A. Germany?, 16th Century, MIM Armillary Sphere, with compass = NUR-WI 1226. Zinner 1. suggest correction
M.I.M. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, stone = Landsberg a. Lech Heimatmuseum. also marked "I.H.S." Zinner 1. suggest correction
M.I.M.R. Germany?, fl.1568-91, this mark appears on finger-ring sundials, one at WHI and the other at NMM; WHI is dated 1568 and marked "H.R." (1) and signed "H.C." (1); NMM is dated 1591 and marked "W.P." (2) and signed "H.C." (1). Btyden 16; RSW. suggest correction
M.J. MIM Dividers, iron = VCW. RSW. suggest correction
M.K. 1 Germany, c.1550, MIM Table Clock with Sundial on bottom = P.C. probably Melchior Kleinhemmel of Annaberg. Annaberg. Pippa. suggest correction
M.K. 2 Germany, 1577, MIM misreading by Engelmann and Zinner for "T.K." 3, marked on ADL-M304 which is signed "M.V.S." 1. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
M.K. 3 Germany, fl.1680-1700, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory 1680 = NOR, Soth. 12/8/69; Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1700 = MUN. Melchior Karner; mastermark is a "4." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 2; Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
M.K. 4 Germany, 1689, MIM Artillery Level, 1689 = OXF. date is "MDCLXXXIX"; may be same as "M.K. 5" but that date is in Arabic numerals. RSW. suggest correction
M.K. 5 France, 1688, MIM Artillery Level, 1688 = Huelsmann Coll. signed "16 M.K. 88"; also marked "A.G." 3, the "A." is under the one and "G." is under the last eight; possibly same as "M.K." 4 but that date is in Roman numerals. Syndram. suggest correction
M.L. marked on an instrument signed "M. Lewelin." RSW. suggest correction
M.N.J. + C. 1772, MIM Dividers, 1772 = Chevau 10/10/75. RSW. suggest correction
M.O. Germany, 1774, MIM Artillery Level, 1774 = USNM. RSW. suggest correction
M.P. 1 1542, MIM Astrolabe, 1542 = USNM. ex-Hoffman Coll; ICA-221; A.J. Turner thinks it was made by F. Michael Piquer. Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Gibbs and Saliba; Michel 2; A.J. Turner 12. suggest correction
M.P. 2 fl.1591-96, see H.K. 3; may be Marcus Purmann; see also "M.P." 3. Dewhirst; Michel 3; Price 2; Evans 1; Technica, March, 1956. suggest correction
M.P. 3 Germany, fl.1591-1616, MIM Horizontal Sundials, round = MUN (1591), MUN; Diptych Sundials = LIE (1594), Soth. 5/11/23 (1595); Cruciform Sundials = OXF (1598), MUN (1601); Sundial, 1597 = Evans Coll.; Sundial, string-gnomon, 1615 = NOR; Sundial with Calendar, 1616 = BM; Chalice Sundial = KEN. probably Marcus Purmann; may be same as M.P. 2; usually signed "*M*P*"; NOR is for 48 °; 1591 MUN has Butterfield-type gnomon; undated MUN is for 48°. Munich. Zinner 1; Price 2; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
M.P. ET ROCHETTE France, c.1780, MIM SIM Graphometer = D.(1993). Quai del'horloge à Paris. Coffeen 41. suggest correction
M.P.S. Germany, 18th Century, PHIM Cup Weight Set = Phillips 5/20/75. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
M.R. 1 1645-46, OIM Telescope, 1645-46 = NMM. attributed to Anton Maria Schyrle, Rheita, Bohemia. NMM 1; RSW. suggest correction
M.R. 2 misprint for "M.P." 4. Koller 11/17/75; RSW. suggest correction
M.S. 1 Germany, 1553, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, with compass, 1553 = BM-1922-7/5-2. also marked "Simon Schmidlkofer der Junger 1577"; owner. Zinner; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
M.S. 2 1597, MIM Sector, 1597 = Soth. 5/11/23. RSW. suggest correction
M.S. 3 England, MIM Ring Sundial, small = Weil 2(29). misreading for "S.W."; summer, winter. RSW. suggest correction
M.S. 4 Germany, 1585, marked on lid of folding mining sundial, ivory and wood, 1585, probably owner; Huelsmann Coll. Syndram. suggest correction
M.S. 5 Germany, 1589, surveying instrument signed "C.T.F. Anno 1589 M.S." at DRE; it is "M.S." (5). Dresden. RSW. suggest correction
M.T.A. Germany, c.1530, MIM Astrolabe Orpheus Clocks = ADL-M377, Luton Hoo; Table Clocks = STU, Bobinet = Soth.-NY 2/11/89. Bavaria. Coole and Neumann; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
M.T.K. 1574, MIM Altitude Sundial, gilt-brass, round, 1574 = Evans Coll. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
M.V. 1 Germany, c.1740, MIM see M.Z. Coffeen 46. suggest correction
M.V. 2 Germany, fl.1751-54, MIM Vertical Sundials = GRA (1751), Koller 11/17/75 (1754). Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
M.V.S. 1 Germany, 1577, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1577 = ADL-M304. "Mechanicus Ulrich Schniep"; also marked "T.K." (3), misread by Engelmann and Zinner as "M.K." 2. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
M.V.S. 2 possibly "Mechanicus Ulrich Schniep" or "Mechanicus Victor Stark." Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
M.Z. Germany, c.1740, MIM Compass Sundial, ivory, round = D.(1994). possibly M.V. 2, which see. Nürnberg ? Coffeen 46. suggest correction
MA Germany, Morgen Abend, morning and night, found on mining compasses. RSW. suggest correction
MA----, D. USA, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Old Colony Historical Soc.,Taunton, Mass. the rest of the name is illegible. RSW. suggest correction
MAAS, F.M. Germany, MIM Sundials = LIE, PRA. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MAASS, HANSS MATTHIAS Germany, NIM Compass Rose = OMM. Hamburg. RSW. suggest correction
MABIRE France, 18th Century, MIM Folding Rule = Soth. 7/8/54; Artificial Horizon = Chayette 6/28/86. pupil and successor of Lenoir. Rue Cassette No. 14, près la Croix-Rouge fg. St. Germain, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MACALL England, c.1770, MIM see Gilkerson and Macall. Tower Hill, London. Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Daumas 1. suggest correction
MACARIUS, IOHANNES Italy, fl.1668-89, MIM Pantograph, 1668 = ROM; Graphometer, 1678 = P.C.; Sectors = ADL-M89o (1678), ADL-W107 (1671), ADL-W108 (1674), MAD (1686), ROU-4 (1685), HAK; Armillary Sphere, 1689 = Liceo Spallanzi, Regio Emilia; Dividers = CNAM (1686); Circumferentor, 1676 = KEN; Proportional Compass, 1685 = HAK. ADL-W107 signed "Ioannes Maccarius." Mirandolanus (Modena). Evans 1; Price 2; Michel 3; Daumas 1; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MACAULAY AND SON USA, c.1850, PHIM Electro-medical Induction Coil = WHI. 39 Redeness Street, New York, N.Y. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
MACDONALD, DR. England, MacDonald; described an instrument to facilitate finding the longitude at sea. 4 Coburg Place, Kennington Lane (London?). USNM. suggest correction
MACDONALD, JNO. Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MACDONALD, THOMAS Scotland, c.1844, Macdonald; invented an optical enlarging and reducing instrument. Glasgow. Practical Mechanics and Engineer's Magazine, Vol. IV, pp. 124-25. suggest correction
MACEY see Benjamin Macy. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
MACGREGOR AND CO. Scotland and England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 1/27/89. MacGregor and Co.; probably misreading for McGregor and Co.; see D. McGregor and Co. Glasgow and Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
MACHIR, JACOB BEN see Profatius. Gunther 2. suggest correction
MACKAY see Berry and Mackay; may be relative of Andrew Mackay. Taylor 2(866); RSW. suggest correction
MACKAY, ALEXANDER SPENCE Scotland, 1857-1914, NIM James Berry took Alexander Spence Mackay as a partner in Berry and Mackay, 1879-90, which see. Aberdeen. Clarke et al. suggest correction
MACKAY, ANDREW Scotland; England, 1760-1819, mathematician; determined the latitude and longitude of Aberdeen in 1781; may be relative of the Mackay in Berry and Mackay; author. Aberdeen; George Street, Trinity Square, Great Tower Hill, London. Taylor 2(866); DNB; J.S. Reid. suggest correction
MACKENZIE AND CO. England, c.1817, MIM OIM T.C. in Mackenzie microscope case; see Alexander Mackenzie. London. Taylor 2(1381); O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
MACKENZIE AND SUGGART England, c.1816, MIM OIM Inclinable Sundial = NOR; Telescope = Soth. 12/2/74. Alexander Mackenzie. 15 Cheapside, London. Taylor 2(1381); RSW. suggest correction
MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER England, fl.1816-58, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Microscopes = D.(1984) (with case), Soth. 10/3/88; Sextant = WHI; Telescope = Phillips 11/16/88. worked with Suggart at Cheapside; microscope case has T.C. for Mackenzie and Co; sextant signed "Mackenzie 15 Cheapside, London"; Clay and Court thought he was "Mckenzie"; Soth. microscope signed "A. MacKenzie." 15 Cheapside, London (1816-30); 38 De Beaur'r Square, Kingsland (1856-58). Taylor 2(1381); Coffeen F; Crawforth 1; Calvert 2; O'Mara; Bennett 1; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
MACKENZIE, CALEB USA, fl.1807-08, MIM 21 Thomas Street F.P., Baltimore, Md. Smart 1. suggest correction
MACKENZIE, COLIN England, c.1791, OIM free of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 5, 1791; made spectacles. Clay and Court. suggest correction
MACKENZIE, MURDOCH England, c.1774, surveyor for the Admiralty; invented the station-pointer in 1774; author. Taylor 2(377); G.L'E. Turner 24; Bedini 8; Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
MACKI AND GOBBI England, PHIM barometer makers. Swaffham. Bell 2. suggest correction
MACKINTOSH, THOMAS England, fl.1780-82, MIM Mackintosh. Archimedes and Globe, opposite Long Acre, four doors from Great Queen Street; 7 Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Field; both in London. Taylor 2(867); Clay and Court. suggest correction
MACKNEIL England, fl.1790-1801, NIM OIM Telescope, three-draw = D.(1984); Sextant = X; Telescope = OXF. "apprentice of the late Mr. Ramsden"; OXF telescope and sextant signed "MacKneil." London. Dewhirst; Taylor 2(1010); Coffeen G; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
MACKROW, J. England, c.1780, NIM Octants, ebony = DRE, P.C.; Hadley's Quadrant = OMM. quadrant signed "Mackrow London." 4 Upper East Smithfield, London. RSW. suggest correction
MACNEAL, THOMAS England, c.1776, apprenticed to Edward Roberts 1 in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 3, 1776. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MACNEIL MacNeil; see MacKneil. RSW. suggest correction
MACQUART ET CADOT France, 1730-1733, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1730 = OXF. Butterfield dial = PC. sundial signed "son genre" or "Cadot gendre de Macquart a Paris"; Henry Macquart was father-in law to Michel Cadot. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MACQUART, H. France, c.1710, MIM SIM Graphometer = P.C. if he is the Macquart listed above, this date may be too early. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MACQUART, HENRY France, fl. 1685-1720, MIM NIM SIM made wide range of instruments including armillary spheres, sundials of various types, quadrants, graphometers, dip needles, gunner's levels, etc; may be seen in LIE, LOU, NMM, ADL, BM, OXF, KEN, WHI, etc. pupil of Pierre Sevin; father-in-law of Michel Cadot and partner; sometimes signed "H. Macquart"; member of the "Corporation des fondeurs"; Master in 1688; received title of "Marchand fondeur, Ingénieur d'instruments suivant la Cour et Conseils de sa Majesté." à l'Astrolabe, Quai des Morfundus, Ile de la Cité, Paris (1720). Michel 3; Price 2 and 3; Evans 1; Daumas 1; Stevens and Aked; MADEX; Olivia Brown 1; Spitzer 1 and 2; Bryden 16; Augarde; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MACQUART, RENE France, c.1730, MIM René was a son of Henry Macquart; apprenticed to Nicolas Bion in 1720; member of the "Corporation des fondeurs." Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
MACRAE England, c.1840, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Soth.-S 7/23/87; Wheel Barometers = D.(1979), X (2). 29 Royal Exchange, London. Country Life, 6/14/79; Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
MACRAE, HENRY England, fl.1832-60, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Telescope = D.(1985); Sympiesometer = Soth. 5/1/86; Stick Barometer = X; Octant = Christie-SK 11/27/86; Sextant = Soth. 3/10/87; Microscope = Phillips 11/16/88. instruments signed "Macrae" plus address. 34 Aldgate Street, London. O'Mara; Goodison 1; Bell 2; Coffeen 9; RSW. suggest correction
MACY, BENJAMIN England, fl.1713-31, MIM NIM Backstaves = PEA (1719), NMM (1720), RSM (1728); Sextant, 1728 = NMM; Compass, dry-card = D.(1994). apprenticed to John Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on June 12, 1704; free of the Company, July 6, 1713; took apprentices; also sold nautical books. Hermitage Bridge, Wapping, London. Taylor 1(523), 2(88a); Hill and Padget-Tomlinson; NMM 2; Brewington 1; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; USNM; J. Brown 3; Coffeen 46. suggest correction
MACY, ROBERT F. USA, b.1822, PHIM Polyangular Kalaidoscope = Seamen's Bethel Museum, Vineyard Haven, Mass. he invented and patented this form of the kalaidoscope, signed "R.F. Macy." Nantucket, Mass.; Westport Point, Mass. before 1868. J. Haring; RSW. suggest correction
MADAUER, BARTHOLOMAEUS Germany, fl.1552-79, MIM Sundial, 1554 = BM. Abbot of Aldersbach. Aldersbach. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MADER, FRAN. JOSE Germany, 1709, MIM Pedometer, 1709 = DEU. RSW. suggest correction
MAELCOTE, ODON VAN Belgium; Italy, 1572-1614, Copper discs (2), stereographic projections for 75° and 66°30' latitude = CNAM C-913. author; are these printer's plates for Regnartius' book on the astrolabe? Zinner thought that there was an unsigned rete in BMR. Brussels; Rome. Zinner 1; Michel 2 and 3; Regnartius; RSW. suggest correction
MAELZEL, JOHANN NEPOMUK Germany, 1772-1838, invented the metronome in 1816. G.L'E. Turner 24; Webster's New International Dictionary, 2nd Ed., 1955. suggest correction
MAENNER, STURT. GUTHIHR Germany?, MIM Plate, copper, for compass rose = HAK. Stürt. Guthihr Maenner. Barth. RSW. suggest correction
MAESTLIN, MICHAEL Germany, 1579, MIM built a fourteen-foot cross-staffin 1579; author. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
MAFFIA England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80. could be A. or C. Maffia. London. RSW. suggest correction
MAFFIA, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAFFIA, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAFFIA, DOMINIC England, post-1850, PHIM barometer maker; see Peter and Dominic Maffia. Monnow Street, Monmouth; Abergavenny. Bell 2. suggest correction
MAFFIA, P., AND CO. England, PHIM barometer makers. Monmouth. Bell 2. suggest correction
MAFFIA, PETER England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). signed "P. Maffia." Monmouth. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MAFFIA, PETER AND DOMINIC England, post-1850, PHIM barometer makers. Monmouth. Bell 2. suggest correction
MAGALHAES, JOAO JACINTO Portugal, c.1790, MIM Jo~o Jacinto Magalh~es; also clockmaker. RSW. suggest correction
MAGAREY, ALEXANDER misreading for Alexander Megary. RSW. suggest correction
MAGARY, ALEXANDER misreading for Alexander Megary. RSW. suggest correction
MAGEAREY, ALEXANDER England, c.1802, apprenticed to William Morris 1 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 2, 1802; possibly same as Alexander Megary and Alexander Megeary which see. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 2; RSW. suggest correction
MAGELLAN, J.H. DE AND FIERI England, MIM London. COO notes, 1968; RSW. suggest correction
MAGELLAN, JEAN HYACINTHE DE Portugal; France; England, 1723-90, NIM Repeating Circle = NMM. invented a type of repeating circle; made Gowin Knight's compasses with George Adams 2; took out a patent for an improvement for the barometer with Henry Pyefinch in 1765; agent for some London instrument makers; F.R.S. Paris; London (by 1765). Taylor 2(378); DNB; Middleton 1; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
MAGER, G. NIM Sextant = MYS. RSW. suggest correction
MAGGI England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. may be J. Maggi or I. Maggi. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAGGI AND CO., MICH England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 6/24/88. London. RSW. suggest correction
MAGGI AND ORTELLI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAGGI, I. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 12/2/87. see Maggi. 15 Union Court, Holborn Hill, London. RSW. suggest correction
MAGGI, J. England, PHIM barometer maker. Grays Inn Lane, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
MAGGI, M. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAGGIAIOLI Italy, 1599, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1599 = Soth. 1972 made for the Company of Saint Matthew in Paltugnones. Hillier, the London Times, 7/22/72. suggest correction
MAGGIO 1 England, PHIM barometer maker. Michael Square, Southampton. Bell 2. suggest correction
MAGGIO 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAGGIRIUS, SILVIUS Italy, c.1700, invented a recipiangle, a surveying instrument made by Petrus Blondeus, ADL-M107. Rome. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL: RSW. suggest correction
MAGINUS, GIOVANNI ANTONIO Italy, 1546-1618, MIM OIM Quadrants = Evans Coll., Soth. 2/13/58 = Christie 3/29/60 (1592). born in Padua; made burning glasses. Bologna; Mantua. Gunther 2; Michel 3; Spargol; RSW. suggest correction
MAGNELLI, JOHANNES BAPTISTA Italy, 1692, MIM Sundial, stone, 1692 = FLO-3189 (99). Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
MAGNI France, pre-1782, OIM Optical Machine = COR; Microscope = COR. probably Alexis Magny, which see. Paris. Courtanvaux; RSW. suggest correction
MAGNI, VALERIO Italy, 1587-1661, experimented with vacuum tube for barometer, c.1645. A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1. suggest correction
MAGNIAC, FRANCIS England, c.1765, apprenticed to Francis Morgan in the Joiners' Company on Feb. 5, 1765. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MAGNIE, JEAN-BAPTISTE France, c.1786, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = PEA-10975. Magnié; "dessin d'un quartier de réduction presenté au Roi, 1786." Dunquerque. American Neptune, Jan., 1975; Brewington 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
MAGNUS, CHRISTOPH, N.P. Germany, 1608, MIM Astrolabes, = BASH (ICA-2071) (1602), HAM (ICA-285) (1608), Krabbe-type retes. Hamburg. Zinner 1; Michel 2; Gunther 1; Price 1; GHP; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
MAGNY, ALEXIS France, 1712-c.1777, OIM Microscope, 1754 = SPI-2926; Microscope, Culpeper-type, No.18, 1755 = NOR; Microscopes = P-B-Monte Carlo 6/23/76 (leather case), P.C., Getty Museum (leather case), FLO. the P-B-Monte Carlo entry said to have been given to Mme. de la Pompadour by Louis XV, probably silver; his microscopes date from 1751-55; see Magni. Paris. Michel 3; Antique Dealer Collectors Guide, August, 1976; Daumas 1; A.J. Turner 10; Ronfort 1; RSW. suggest correction
MAGOR AND CO. England, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80. RSW. suggest correction
MAGRINI, LUIGI Italy, 1802-68, PHIM professor of mathematics; made electrical apparatus. Florence. Brenni 1. suggest correction
MAGWALD Germany, 19th Century, MIM Magnetic Azimuth Sundial = DES. Berlin. Industrial Museum Cat.; RSW. suggest correction
MAHIER see Spinelli, Mahier and Co. RSW. suggest correction
MAHLER, JOSEF Germany, 1795-1845, MIM SIM Theodolite = Dillingen Lyzeumssammlung. managed the Benediktbeuren workshop 1826-38; in partnership with George Metz he managed this workshop fron 1838 to 1845. Mönch in Ottobeuren. Zinner 1; J.A. Bennett 2; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
MAHLER, P. ILDEPHONSUS Germany, 1759, see B.A. 2; manuscript note on paper, "P. Ildephonsus Mahler Monachus Benedictins ursini fecit has Machinas D.P. Domenico beck oxenhusano episde ordinis Religioso, 1759 Ursini Math/esi operadon --- esdem Scib Magistro"; may be replacement as instrument appears to be mid-sixteenth century. Munich. Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
MAHON, CHARLES England, 1753-1816, Viscount Mahon, later Earl Stanhope, designed an arithmetic machine (OXF), a calculator (1777) (KEN, P.C.), microscope lens and a logic demonstrator (OXF); F.R.S., 1807; see James Bullock. Chevening, Kent. Taylor 2(744); RSW. suggest correction
MAHR, JACOB ANDREAS Germany, 1763, MIM Table Sundial, 1763 = Wiesbaden Museum; Sundial = Darmstadt Landesmuseum. Wiesbaden. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MAIEL see Lloyd, Payne and Maiel. RSW. suggest correction
MAIGNAN, EMMANUEL France; Italy, 1601-76, MIM OIM wrote "Perspectiva Hororia" in 1648; mentioned by Bonani in 1690 as an instrument maker; interested himself in barometer experiments. Toulouse (1601-36); Rome (1636-50); Toulouse (1651-76). Dewhirst; Gunther 2; Clay and Court; Middleton 1. suggest correction
MAIGNE, P. France, c.1803, PHIM Maigné; instrument maker; devised a method to make a portable barometer. rue Aumaire, Paris. Middleton 1. suggest correction
MAILE, WILLIAM England, c.1704, apprenticed to John Crooke 1 in the Joiners' Company on May 2, 1704. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MAILHAT France, c.1860, OIM Telescope, large = D.(1976). Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MAILLET, ABRAHAM England, c.1745, apprenticed to John Morgan 2 in the Joiners' Company on March 4, 1745. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MAIN, PETER Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAINGAUT France, c.1763, OIM worked for the Duc de Chaulnes for 20 years; then worked for Dom Noël. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MAIR, JOHN see John Marr 1. Taylor 1(129). suggest correction
MAISON CHEVALLIER see Queslin. RSW suggest correction
MAISON VANTIER ET MARC see Vantier et Marc, Maison; see A. Lefrançois. RSW. suggest correction
MAKEPEACE, G. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 12/15/72 and 5/4/73. London. RSW. suggest correction
MALACIDA, CHARLES misreading for Malacrida. Bell 2. suggest correction
MALACRIDA 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. could be same as Malacrida 2. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MALACRIDA 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 237 Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MALACRIDA 3 England, fl.1805-20, MIM PHIM Compass = X; Platina Thermometers = X (2). made instruments for William Hyde Wollaston. Chaldecott 3. suggest correction
MALACRIDA AND CO. Ireland; England, c.1805, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. see C. Malacrida and Co. Dublin and London. RSW. suggest correction
MALACRIDA, C., AND CO. Ireland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Dublin. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MALACRIDA, CHARLES England, c.1845, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Hydrometers, glass = Christie-SK 3/31/83. barometer signed "Malacrida" with full address; others signed "C. Malacrida Manchester"; see Malacrida and Co. 4 Withy Grove, Manchester. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
MALBY England, 1886, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1886 = Christie 9/11/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
MALBY AND CO. England, fl.1842-48, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature, 1842 = Soth. 2/25/86, Phillips 9/10/86 ; Celestial Globes, 1845 = U. of Utah, N.Y. State Historical Assoc., Cooperstown, New York; Terraqueous Globe = U. of Utah; Celestial Globe = Soth. 4/18/88. Houghton Street, Newcastle Street, Strand, London. USNM; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
MALBY AND SONS England, post 1828-46, MIM Celestial Globes = VNN (one is 1846); Terrestrial Globe, 1846 = VNN. London. Yonge. suggest correction
MALBY'S England, c.1850, MIM Planisphere = Soth. 2/25/86; Terrestrial Globe = Christie-SK 9/11/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
MALBY, CHARLES England, fl.1840-62, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature = La Rochelle 7/16/83 (1842), Melun 4/24/83; Terrestrial Globe, 1848 = D.(1973); Pairs of miniature Globes, 1862 = H.M Queen Elizabeth II, D.(1974); Celestial Globe, 1850 = Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. all signed "Malby"; worked with his sons. 37 Parker Street; Houghton Street, Newcastle Street, Strand; East Stanford (1862); all in London. Yonge; Wynter 1; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
MALBY, THOMAS England, 1854-67, MIM Pair of Globes, 1854 = X; Terrestrial Globe, 1867 = Athenaeum, Philadelphia, Pa. the pair of globes is marked "for the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge", 12" diameter; Thomas may be the son of Charles Malby. London. Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
MALBY, THOMAS, AND SON England, 1877, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1877 = D.(1977). "Makers to the Admiralty." London. RSW. suggest correction
MALCOTIUS see Maelcote. Michel 2. suggest correction
MALE, GEORGE England, c.1721, apprenticed to George Wright 1 of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 31, 1721. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
MALER, JACOB HOFMAN Germany, 1616, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1616 = KAS. for 49°30' latitude. Schwabisch Hall. Basserman-Jordan 1. suggest correction
MALICE France, PHIM Money Balance = La Rochelle 7/16/83. marked "Marchand Balancier." rue de la Ferronière a l'A couronné, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MALIZARD France, c.1850, MIM OIM Inclinable Sundial = Auction, Honfleur, 6/17/79. T.C.; optician. Quai de l'Horloge 37 ter., Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MALLAGANI see Mallugani. Bell 2. suggest correction
MALLETT England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Woodbridge. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MALLING see Melling. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MALLUGANII, MARK England, fl.1830-40, PHIM barometer maker?; umbrellas; perhaps just a retailer. New Street, Dudley. Bell 2; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1926). suggest correction
MALORIDA see J. Gatty and Malorida. Bell 2. suggest correction
MALORIDA, J. England, barometer maker. High Holborn, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
MALT, JAMES England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). one signed "J. Malt Wisbech." Wisbech. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MALTBY see Malby. RSW. suggest correction
MALTWOOD, R. England, c.1790, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 12/6/78 this is probably a too early guess of an instrument by Richard Austen Maltwood. 3, Orange Row, Kennington, Surrey. RSW. suggest correction
MALTWOOD, RICHARD AUSTEN England, fl.1829-59, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. also made thermometers. 19 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1829-44); 3 Orange Row, Kennington Row (1842-45); 22 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1845); 129 Great Saffron Hill (1846-48); 5 Cross Street (1854-59); Shoe Lane. all in London. Goodison 1; Bell 2; Taylor 2 (2174). suggest correction
MANASSER, DAVID Germany, 1635, MIM Dialing Instrument, 1635 = Evans Coll. Augsburg. Evans 1. suggest correction
MANCARROW USA, MIM Bedini 8. suggest correction
MANCHE France, 1775, MIM Horizontal Sundial, octagonal, 1775 = Schuhmann-133. style is triangular with plumb-bob; same as Mancher? Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MANCHER France, Sundial = OXF. same as Manche? Paris. Michel 3. suggest correction
MANCINUS, IOHANNES MAR. Italy, c.1550, MIM Radio Latino = Michel Coll. Michel 3. suggest correction
MANDATO, REGIO Spain, 1787, OIM Telescope, 1787 = MAN-I 182. Madrid. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
MANDER, GEORGE England, c.1838-40, MIM PHIM see Aston. 21 Great Crown Street, Soho, London. Taylor 2 (2175); O'Mara. suggest correction
MANDERN, CARL VON Denmark, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial = OXF; Protractor and Rule = Christie-SK 4/17/86. protractor is marked "Hafnia." Copenhagen. Maddison 5; RSW. suggest correction
MANDL, GEORG Germany, 1759, Georg Mändl; author; wrote on sundials. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MANEGANI, ANTONIO AND PAULO see Mantegani. Bell 2. suggest correction
MANERSPERG, ANTON VON Austria, 1734, MIM Anton von Mänersperg, Abbot of Admont, the sundial at BM is dated 1734 and signed "A.D.G.A.A." = "Ad Dei Gloriam Admonti Abbas." Admont. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
MANFRED, SEPTALA mentioned in Bonanni; misreading for Manfred de Settala. Dewhirst. suggest correction
MANGACAVALI, JNO. England, c.1836, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 5 Greville Street, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MANGAVALI, JOHN see Jno. Mangacavali. Bell 2. suggest correction
MANGAVEL France, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN; Telescope = Melun 4/24/83. signed "Mangavel, opticien à Bordeaux"; also see Manguel. Bordeaux. RSW. suggest correction
MANGHETTI, ANTONIUS Italy, MIM engraved a graphometer by Bernardinus Pavolini which is now at USNM. RSW. suggest correction
MANGIACAVALLI, J. 1 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 12/6/76. 17 Leather Lane, Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
MANGIACAVALLI, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Leeds. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MANGIN, CLEMENT CYRIAQUE DE France, c.1621, author; his pseudonym was "Denis Henrion"; wrote on the sector. RSW. suggest correction
MANGUEL France, NIM Marine Compass = OMM. see Mangavel. Bordeaux. RSW. suggest correction
MANN AND AYSCOUGH England, fl.1743 - 49, OIM Telescopes = KEN, OXF; Solar and Scroll Microscopes, 1743 = Court Coll. T.C.; James Mann 2 and James Ayscough. Ludgate Street; Sir Isaac Newton and Two Pairs of Golden Spectacles, near the West End of Saint Paul's, (1747); both in London. Taylor 2(90 & 2266); Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Maddison 1; Calvert 2; RSW. suggest correction
MANN, I. 1 England, OIM Telescope, pasteboard and brass = VCW. could be James Mann 1, 2, or 3. London. RSW. suggest correction
MANN, I. 2 England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 11/19/87. see William Mann. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
MANN, JAMES 1 England, fl.1660-1730, OIM Microscope = KEN; Telescope = WHI; Pillar Sundial on handle of cane, 1679 = P.C. apprenticed to Thomas King 1 of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Nov. 5, 1674; turned over to John Hicketts of the Company, March 20, 1682; Master of the Company, 1716-17. St. Martins (1693); Angel Street (1695); Sign of the Archimedes and Pair of Golden Spectacles, Butcher Hall Lane, a little nearer St. Paul's, Fleet Street; all in London. Court and von Rohr 3(46); Taylor 1(480) and 2(89); Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Robischon; A.J. Turner 10.. suggest correction
MANN, JAMES 2 England, fl.1707-51?, OIM PHIM Telescopes = Christie 4/9/75 (wood), WHI (3-refracting); Astroscope = Caleb Smith (1734); Stick Barometer = D.(1989). son of James Mann 1; apprenticed to Matthew Cooberow of the Spectaclemakers' Company on April 4, 1699; free of the Company, June 28, 1707; Master of the Company 1725 and 1737; took apprentices; in partnership with James Ayscough as Mann and Ayscough, 1743-47; Ayscough had been his apprentice, 1732-40; T.C.; author; made thermometers and barometers. Archimedes and Two Pairs of Golden Spectacles near the Castle Tavern, Fleet Street (1735); Sir Isaac Newton's Head and Two Pairs of Golden Spectacles, 23 Ludgate Street (1743, 1751); all in London. Taylor 1(480) & 2(90); Court and von Rohr 3(73)(129); Daumas; Bennett 1; Crawforth 1; Calvert 2; Goodison 1; Coffeen 27. suggest correction
MANN, JAMES 3 England, 1763, OIM Telescope, 1763 = P.C. (1979). succeeded his father, James Mann 2; the 1763 telescope might have been made by James Mann 2. London. Taylor 2(89 and 90); RSW. suggest correction
MANN, JAMES 4 England, c.1743, MIM apprenticed to Robert Cole 1 in the Stationers' Company; turned over to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 6, 1743; could he be the same as James Mann 3? Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MANN, JOHN 1 Scotland, fl.1693-1709, MIM succeeded his uncle, James Paterson. at the Sign of the Globe, Cross-staff and Quadrant, Castle Hill, Edinburgh (1694-98); at the Sign of the Globe, Cross-staff and Quadrant, on the Shore, Leith (1699-1704). Bryden 3; Clarke et al. suggest correction
MANN, JOHN 2 England, fl.1723-60, OIM son of James Mann 2; free of the Spectaclemakers' Company by Patrimony, April 1, 1723; succeeded by Samuel Johnson, c. 1760. London Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(96); Dewhirst; Daumas 1. suggest correction
MANN, JOHN 3 Scotland, d.1770, NIM barber and compass maker. Leith. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MANN, W. England?, NIM Octant = Soth. 2/2/70. may be same as W.C. Mann. Gloucester. RSW. suggest correction
MANN, W.C. USA, NIM Octant = MYS. may be same as W. Mann. Gloucester, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
MANN, WILLIAM England, c.1774, MIM NIM Hadley's Quadrant = OMM. 56 Cable Street, Liverpool. Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
MANNASSE, L., AND CO. USA, MIM SIM Surveying Transit = D.(1976). Chicago, Ill. Rinaldo 2. suggest correction
MANNHEIM, AMEDEE France, 1831-1906, Amedée Mannheim; invented the modern slide rule in 1851. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
MANNING AND MANNING England, PHIM Barometer = D.(1971). Malvern; Worcester. RSW. suggest correction
MANNING, CHARLES England, c.1720, MIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Smith of the Clockmakers' Company on April 4, 1720. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
MANNING, J. England, 1861, MIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature = Christie 12/21/71; Planetarium, geared, case, 1861 = Soth. 4/18/88. planetarium marked "published by J. Manning." RSW. suggest correction
MANSELL 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Fakenham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MANSELL 2 England, PHIM see Newcomb and Mansell Wapping and Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MANSELL, JOHN England, 1770, MIM rule maker; had as apprentice, Samuel Haycock, who ran away May 16, 1770. Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
MANSFIELD, BENJAMIN England, fl.1795-1828, MIM apprenticed to John Atkinson 2 of the Grocers' Company on Nov. 6, 1788; free of the Company, Dec. 3, 1795; took apprentices after 1800. 103 Pennington Street, Ratcliffe Highway, London. J. Brown 1 and 2. suggest correction
MANSVELT, PAULUS Holland; France1783-1851, MIM inspector of weights and measures; studied in the Hague; assisted Lenoir in Paris for four years. The Hague; Paris; The Hague. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
MANTAGANI see Manntegani. Bell 2. suggest correction
MANTEGANI, ANTONIO England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). watch and clock maker; X signed "A. Mantegani" and "Mantegani." High Street, Wisbech. Bell 2; Goodison 1. suggest correction
MANTEGANI, ANTONIO AND PAULO England, c.1850, PHIM clock, watch and barometer makers. Wisbech. Bell 2. suggest correction
MANTENANT France, 18th Century, MIM Sectors = Neumarkt, 10/8/71, 5/5/72; Butterfield-type Sundial = P-B 10/3/57 #219. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MANTICHA 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 7/16/76; Wheel Barometer = Christie 4/19/78. may be Dominick Manticha or Manticha 2. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
MANTICHA 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = X, KEN. stick barometers signed "Manticha London." 281 Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MANTICHA 3 England, c.1800, PHIM Bottle Barometer = KEN. McConnell 1. suggest correction
MANTICHA AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X (2), Soth.-S 10/19/89. possibly Dominick Manticha; Soth.-S signed "Manticha and Co. Fecit." Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
MANTICHA, A. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MANTICHA, D., AND CO. England, c.1805, PHIM Wheel Barometers = D.(1968), P.C. (1968). see Dominick Manticha. 11 Ely Court, Holborn, London. Goodison 1 & 5. suggest correction
MANTICHA, DOMINICK England, fl.1781-1805, PHIM Stick Barometers = KEN, D.(1977), Bearnes 9/17/86; Double Barometer, 1781 = KEN. the double barometer is signed "D. Manticha"; see Manticha and Co. and D. Manticha and Co. 11 Ely Court, Holborn, London. Goodison 1 & 5. suggest correction
MANTICHA, J. Scotland, OIM Telescopes = D.(1975), D.(1981), Dossin Great Lakes Museum, Detroit, Michigan; Set of Philosophical Bubbles = RSM. D.(1975) telescope is marked "improved day or night." Greenock. Morrison-Low 1; RSW. suggest correction
MANTICHA, JOSEPH England, c.1800, PHIM Barometer = KEN. Bell 2. suggest correction
MANTICHA, PETER England, PHIM Double Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. the stick barometer is signed "P. Manticha." Crown Feathers Court, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MANTON, JOSEPH England, c.1810, OIM took out a patent on a telescope improvement. Davies Street, Berkely Street, London. Taylor2(1382). suggest correction
MANTOVA, P. England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/4/74; Wheel Barometers = Christie 12/18/74, X (2). Luton. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
MANUEL, JOSEPH England, c.1830, designed a Wye-level made and sold by W. and S. Jones. Taylor 2(858). suggest correction
MANZINI see Ambrosini and Manzini. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MANZOCHI, GIROLAMO England, c.1838, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. looking glass maker. 22 Brook Street, Hull. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MAPLE Francec.1850, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 11/22/72. stamped "Maple 28." RSW. suggest correction
MAPPIN England, c.1880, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 7/20/83. 61 Newhall Street, Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
MAR, ANDREAS Italy, 1589, MIM Diptych Sundial, gilt-brass, 1589 = OXF. Evans thought that "Mar" might be an abbreviation; may be "A.M." 5. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
MARALEE, W.H. England, c.1750, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = OMM. North Shields. RSW. suggest correction
MARBLE see Sibley and Marble. USNM. suggest correction
MARC France, c.1840, MIM see Vantier et Marc; see A. Lefrançois. Paris. Soth. 1969; RSW. suggest correction
MARCEL, ARNOLD Holland, 1672-1748, OIM nephew of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek; mathematician and physicist; made lenses. Dordrecht. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
MARCELLI, J. Italy, c.1600, MIM Dividers, iron = D.(1972). also marked with a combined "IH." Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
MARCHAL, J. France, 1975, MIM Astrolabe, 1975 = D.(1975). astrolabes made to order. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MARCHE, FELIX DE LA France, 1785-1821, MIM Terrestrial Globes = CNAM-3851 (1785), Soth. 12/17/62-131; Celestial Globe = CNAM-7432. Cons. Nat'l 1; RSW. suggest correction
MARCHOIS France, c.1809, MIM SIM Graphometers = D.(1972), X; Table Sundial = Soth. 12/12/55. X may be in the USNM; made a protractor, in 1809, designed by Desagneaux. Paris. Roux Devilas 73; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
MARCHONI, ALBERTO Italy?, MIM Triangular Instrument = OXFB-127. may be owner. Zinner 1; Josten. suggest correction
MARCKS, C., AND CO. India, PHIM Aneroid Barometer with clock = K. and C. 12/12/73. Bombay and Poona. RSW. suggest correction
MARCUS ANTONIUS see Antonius, Marcus. Michel 1. suggest correction
MARELLI Italy, 1818, PHIM Barometer, 1818 = Linceo G. Beccaria, Milan. signed and dated on float. Milan. Middleton 1. suggest correction
MARETZ, J. France, c.1600, MIM SIM Graphometer = ADL-M157; Protractor with sights = P.C.; Graphometer on a rectangular plate = LOS. the LOS graphometer has sine and cosine tables and a list of towns with their latitudes, it is signed "Maretz Aix." Aix. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Israel; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MARGAS, JOHN England; Ireland, fl.1742-67, MIM OIM Solar Microscope = KEN; Compass = Christie-SK 3/5/87; Sundial, 1767 = X; Instrument = WHI. apprenticed to Nathaniel Adams 1 of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1735; turned over to John Cox 2; free of the Company, Dec. 30, 1742; bankrupt in London, 1758; sundial signed "Margas Dublin 1767." Rose Street, Saint Martin in the Fields, Westminster, London (1758); Capel Street, Dublin (1761-67). Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3; Clay and Court; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(634); Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MARGES, JOHN see John Margas Bryden 9. suggest correction
MARGETTS AND NICHOLSON England, c.1803, MIM George Margetts and Nicholson; made a double length sliding Gunter's scale, c.1803. London. Taylor 2(868). suggest correction
MARGETTS, GEORGE England, fl.1748-1804, MIM Astronomical Watches = P.C., NMM, OXF. P.C. is "No 1"; NMM is lost; author of a work on lunar distances; invented a navigational slide rule; watchmaker. 42 Penton Street, Islington (1789); 21 King Street, Cheapside (1792); 3 Cheapside (1801); all in London. Taylor 2(868); Moskowitz 130; RSW. suggest correction
MARGUERY France, 1793, MIM Odometer with clockwork, 1793 = DEU. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MARIANI, IACOPO Italy, 1690, MIM SIM Squadra Mobile, 1690 = ADL-M109. "fac in Galli di D.S.A.S. in Florenza l'Anno 1690." Florence. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MARICOURT, PIERRE DE France, 1269, NIM made a magnetic compass in 1269? Michel 19. suggest correction
MARIE France, 1736-60, OIM Microscopes = CNAM, P.C. furnished a lens to l'Observatoire in 1736. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MARIE PUTOIS, ROCHETTE JEUNE France, c. 1800, MIM OIM PHIM SIM T.C. in box of graphometer signed "M.P. et Rochette", which see; T.C. signed "Mathémathique, Optique et Phisique" plus address. Quai de l'Horloge la 3me Boutique en entrant par le Pont Neuf, à Paris. Coffeen 41. suggest correction
MARIE VEUVE France, c.1760, OIM widow of Marie. Quay de l'Horloge, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MARII, G. misreading for C. Maru. USNM; Thielmann; RSW. suggest correction
MARING, FRANCIS England, c.1654, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1654. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MARINONE, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bedford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARINONI, J.J. Austria, 1676-1755, MIM Mural Quadrant = D.(1965). assembled a large collection of instruments, 1746; quadrant may have been ordered by him. Vienna. Brieux; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
MARION JEUNE France, PHIM Thermometer = P.C. "breveté." passage de l'Opera 15, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MARIOT, JAMES Italy; Scotland, c.1742, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. Sign of the Crown, Gallowgate, Glasgow (1742). Bryden 3; Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARIOTTA, GIG LI Italy, 1589, MIM Nocturnals = LOS (1589), van Alfen Coll. (1591). LI is with a small I half way up the open L; LOS is very similar to the nocturnal ADL-M331 by A. Giamin; probably both are modern work. Rome. USNM; Hollands Glorie; RSW. suggest correction
MARITZ, J. Holland, d.1807, MIM The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
MARIUS, SIMON Germany, 1609, OIM Telescope, 1609 = DEU. Ansbach. Price 2. suggest correction
MARK AND CO. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/19/88. Peterborough. RSW. suggest correction
MARKDAINEL, JOHN England, c.1718, apprenticed to John Urings 1 in the Joiners' Company, Nov. 11, 1718. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MARKE, JOHN England, fl.1664-79, MIM OIM SIM Universal Ring Sundials = TIM, Watney Coll; Protractor = OXF; Sundial, 1679 = Drummond Castle, Scotland; Morland Calculating Machine, 1670 = FLO; Scale = BRU; Sutton-type Quadrant = Koller 11/17/75; Gunter Quadrant = D.(1976); Tympan (52°25') for Humphrey Cole's Astrolabe = SAN; Sector = ADL-A244; Plane Table, 1674 = X.; Telescopic Level, 1674 = X; etc. apprenticed to Henry Sutton in the Joiners' Company, Nov. 5, 1655; free of the Company, April 4, 1664; admitted as a Brother into the Clockmakers' Company in 1667; succeeded Henry Sutton in 1665; took apprentices. at the Sign of the Golden Ball, near Somerset House, the Strand, London. Taylor 1(305); Bryden 15; Gunther 2; Michel 3; Somerville; Wynter 1; J. Brown 1 & 3; Crawforth 7; Daumas 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MARKS AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 1/26/90. may be same as Mark and Co. RSW. suggest correction
MARKS, A.J. England, c.1850, PHIM Barometer = NMM. Bell 2. suggest correction
MARKS, JOHN MATHEW confusion!; the name should be John Marke. Clay and Court; Daumas 1. suggest correction
MARKS, L. England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 5/18/89. York. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
MARKS, SOLOMON England, fl.1822-60, NIM PHIM Octant, ebony and ivory = P.C.; Marine Barometer = X. watch and clockmaker; see Solomon Marks and Co. Broad Street, Cardiff. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
MARKS, SOLOMON, AND CO. England, NIM PHIM Marine Barometer = X; Sextant = D.(1990). Cardiff. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
MARKWICK, JACOBUS England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. probably James Markwick 1 or 2. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARKWICK, JAMES 1 England, fl.1656-98, MIM free of the Clockmakers' Company in 1666; his son was James Markwick 2. Royal Exchange, London. Goodison 1; Robischon. suggest correction
MARKWICK, JAMES 2 England, fl.1692-1730, MIM son of James Marwick 1; free of the Clockmakers' Company in 1692 by Patrimony; Master of the Company, 1720. Royal Exchange, London. Goodison 1; Robischon. suggest correction
MARLAND, MICHAEL see Michael Marlow 2. Taylor 1(142); RSW. suggest correction
MARLO, M. see Michael Marlow 2. Taylor 1(142); RSW. suggest correction
MARLOW, MICHAEL 1 England, fl.1620-50, MIM Compass Card, engraved = Gardener Sale. father of Michael Marlow 2; compass maker. King Edward's Stairs, Wapping, midway between the two Gravel Lanes, London. Taylor 1(142); Evans 1; Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
MARLOW, MICHAEL 2 England, fl.1682-95, MIM son of Michael Marlow 1; apprenticed to John Seller 1 in the Merchant Taylors' Company on Mar. 28, 1666; free of the Company, Dec. 17, 1673; compass maker. Wapping, London. Taylor 1(142); Crawforth 8. suggest correction
MARLOYE France, fl.1840-56, PHIM specializes in acoustic apparatus. Paris. Warner 13. suggest correction
MARNONI, ANTHONI Scotland, fl.1844-49, PHIM spirit hydrometer maker. 34 Brunswick Place, Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MARQUART, BALTUS Germany, 1552, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1552 = P.C. Gunther No. 326. Augsburg; Berlin. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Gunther 1; Bobinger 2 & 3. suggest correction
MARQUART, JAKOB 1 Germany, c.1527-75, MIM Sundial on base of clock, 1567 = VAA. Augsburg. Evans 1; Bobinger 2 & 3. suggest correction
MARQUART, JAKOB 2 Germany, c.1580, MIM Sundial on table clock = ADL-M381. Augsburg. Engelmann 1; Bobinger 2 and 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MARQUIS, T. England, c.1790, MIM Set Square with Rules = D.(1983). invented a type of plotting system much used by the military; "Teacher of the Military Sciences." N° 1 Charing Cross, London. Wynter 1; Coffeen 27. suggest correction
MARR AND ANDERSON Scotland, 1859, PHIM made chemical apparatus; could be either John Marr 2 or Robert Marr. 14 Renfield Street, Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MARR, J. AND R., AND CO. Scotland, fl.1849-58, PHIM made chemical apparatus; John Marr 2 and Robert Marr. 27 North Albion Street, Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MARR, JOHN 1 Scotland, fl.1614-47, MIM made compasses and sundials, possibly the dials in the Hampton Court gardens; father or uncle of William Marr. Taylor 1(129); Evans 1. suggest correction
MARR, JOHN 2 Scotland, fl.1842-45, PHIM made chemical instruments; see J. and R. Marr and Co. 35 Montrose Street (1842-44); 17 Canon Street (1845); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MARR, ROBERT Scotland, fl.1849-61, PHIM worked with John Marr 2 as J. and R. Marr and Co. (1849-58); may have been the Marr in Marr and Anderson (1859); worked as Robert Marr and Co. (1860-61). 27 North Albion Street, Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MARR, ROBERT, AND CO. Scotland, fl.1860-61, PHIM 27 North Albion Street, Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MARR, WILLIAM England, fl.1640-84, MIM Garden Sundials = Royal Garden, Whitehall (c.1660). court dialist; nephew or son of John Marr 1. London. Taylor 1(194); Evans 1. suggest correction
MARRAND England, 1827, MIM Window Sundial, 1827 = Evans Coll. London. Evans 1. suggest correction
MARRATT AND SHORT England, 1860-69, MIM PHIM Rule, boxwood = Christie-SK 11/27/86. barometer makers; see John Marratt. Goodison 1; O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
MARRATT, J.S. England, c.1820-69, PHIM Stick Barometer = P.B. 12/3/48. showed in the Great London Exhibition, 1851; see John Marratt. 63 King William Street, London Bridge, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
MARRATT, JOHN England, fl.1833-60, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometers = X (2); Microscope = Christie-SK 4/17/86. became Marratt and Short in 1860; probably J.S. Marratt; microscope signed "Marratt 63 King William Street, London Bridge, London." 54 Shoe Lane (1833); 15 Great Winchester Street (1841-44); 63 King William Street, London Bridge (1845-60); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1636); RSW. suggest correction
MARRAUD France; England, c.1824, MIM Sundial, vertical, 1824 = OXF. signed "Marraud Londres Février 1824." London (1824). Taylor 2(1824). suggest correction
MARRIOTT France, c.1850, PHIM balance maker. Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
MARRIOTT, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1822-40, MIM OIM 38 New Montague Street, Brick Lane, London. Taylor 2(1639); O'Mara. suggest correction
MARRIOTT, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1822, OIM 12 Market Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1639). suggest correction
MARSCH, ULRICH Germany, fl.1528-pre-1543, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = NUR-L85. compass maker. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
MARSDEN, THOMAS England, 1749, MIM NIM Backstaff, 1749 = Dr. Jobson Horne Coll. Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Taylor 2(380). suggest correction
MARSH, B. England, c.1858, PHIM barometer maker. 83 Coleshill Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARSH, HOWARD England, c.1796, apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company, 1796. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MARSH, HUMPHREY England, c.1690, MIM Wheel-cutting Machine = NMM. Highworth. Taylor 1(468); Evans 1. suggest correction
MARSHALL, JNO., AND CO. England, 1787, MIM Armillary Spheres, cardboard, case, 1787 = ADL-W245. "Published April 12th, 1787, and sold by Jno. Marshall and Co. Aldermany Church Yard, Bow Lane, London": "Special Additions to Miss Cowley's Pocket Sphere." Aldermary Church Yard, Bow Lane, London. Soth. 10/22/76; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MARSHALL, JOHN 1 England, c.1682, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Clockmakers' Company in 1682. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
MARSHALL, JOHN 2 England, fl.1685-1722, OIM Telescopes = ADL-M424, KEN (1715), OXF, etc; Microscopes = KAS, Longleat House, Phillips 10/5/76, Soth. 4/28/69, etc. apprenticed to Jack Dunning, a turner; free of the Turners' Company; worked as a turner in Ivy Lane; not a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; made microscopes for Boyle; T.C.; "Optician to His Majesty" (1720); "Maker of Optic Glasses to His Majesty"; succeeded by John Smith 2. The 3 Keys,Ivy Lane; at the Sign of the Gun, Ludgate Street (1688-89); Archimedes and two Golden Spectacles in Ludgate Street near St. Paul's Churchyard, the house being new built (1693); Two Golden Prospects, Ludgate Street; all in London. Taylor 1(435) & 2(91); Court and von Rohr 3(VIII); USNM; Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Crawforth 1 & 7; Calvert 2; Daumas 1; Engelmann 1; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MARSHALL, JOHN 3 England, c.1758, PHIM Wilson Electrical Machine = Burton Constable. Beverly. Elizabeth Hall; RSW. suggest correction
MARSHALL, JOHN 4 USA, 1730-1802, invented an instrument in 1772 to measure magnetic deviation; Thomas Jefferson called it a "meridian instrument"; surveyor. Fauquier, Va. Bedini 8. suggest correction
MARSHALL, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARSHALL, THOMAS USA, c.1772, invented a type of dip needle; surveyor. Virginia. Bedini 8. suggest correction
MARSHALL, THOMAS HANSON England or USA, c.1830, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument = Soth.-PB pre-1980. RSW. suggest correction
MARSON, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 12/6/78. London. RSW. suggest correction
MARTEL, P.G. Switzerland, MIM SIM Alidade = GEM. Geneva. Delehar 6. suggest correction
MARTEL, PIERRE Switz.; England; Jamaica, fl.1723-61, MIM PHIM Gunner's Instrument Set = USNM; Sector, 1755 = U. of Glasgow in 1756. thermometer maker; the USNM set is signed "Martel à Genève"; author. Lausanne; Genève (1723-43); London (1743-46); Jamaica (1746-61). Taylor 2(381); Middleton 2; Bryden 6; Evans 1; USNM. suggest correction
MARTIGNONI L'AINE France, c.1840, PHIM Stick Barometer = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. Martignoni l'aîné. Mans. RSW. suggest correction
MARTIN 1 see Benjamin Martin. RSW. suggest correction
MARTIN 2 France, MIM OIM SIM Telescopic Level = CNAM. Versailles. Soth. 6/25/68-57 note; Daumas 1. suggest correction
MARTIN 3 France, c.1750, MIM Sundial = HOF-236; Sundial, white enamel = PAK-139. could be two makers; the Parkington Coll. sundial shows the address. 244 rue St. Martin, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MARTIN 4 France, pre-1782, MIM SIM Graphometers = P.C., P.C. (1987); Sector, ivory and silver = ADL-M132d; Butterfield-type Sundial = Soth. 6/25/68-57; Astronomical Ring = COR; Protractor = COR; Logarithmic Rule = COR. sector signed "Martin à Tempel"; graphometer signed "Martin au Temple." à Tempel, or au Temple, Paris. Engelmann 1; Courtanvaux; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MARTIN 5 France, 18th C., MIM not a member of any Corporation; lived in a privileged enclave; could be Martin 3 or 4, which see. Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
MARTIN AND SON England, fl.1779-82, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Microscope = D.(1977). Benjamin and Josua Lovell Martin, 1780; invented the "Dromometer" a type of log. Fleet Street, London. Wynter 1; Bell 2; Court and von Rohr 3(XXX); Clay and Court; Bedini 8; RSW. suggest correction
MARTIN VON HALL see Hall, Martin von suggest correction
MARTIN, BENJAMIN England, 1714-82, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. had a large workshop which produced instruments under his name; made improvements to the microscope and wrote extensively in the field of natural philosophy; T.C.; opposed Peter Dollond's patent in 1764; see Martin and Son; member of the Goldsmiths' Company. Chichester (to 1740); N°. 171 Fleet Street; shop near Crane Street; at the New Invented Visual Glasses (1716); at the Sign of Hadley's Quadrant and Visual Glasses; Newtons Head, 171 Fleet Street; all in Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(289); Millburn 1, 2 & 3; Goodison 1; Engelmann 1; USNM; Crawforth 1; Calvert 2; Wynter 1; D. Bachman; Yonge; Maddison 1; Coffeen 9; Moskowitz; J.A. Bennett 1 and 2; ADL; Daumas 1; Olivia Brown 4; A.J. Turner 10; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
MARTIN, C. FRANCOIS France, c.1807, C. François Martin; invented a slide rule for conversion of weights and measures to the metric system; author. Toulon. Offenbacher 29, 1977. suggest correction
MARTIN, FELIX England, c.1825, MIM NIM Wind Street, Swansea. Peate. suggest correction
MARTIN, FRANCIS England, c.1683, MIM apprenticed to John Wells 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 13, 1683 for eight years. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
MARTIN, HENRY England, c.1850, PHIM scale maker. Reading. RSW. suggest correction
MARTIN, I. Germany, 1693, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1693 = Musée Historique de Neuchatel. probably Johann Martin. RSW. suggest correction
MARTIN, JAMES England, fl.1784-94, MIM probably the brother of John Martin 1; apprenticed to John Troughton 2 of the Grocers' Company on July 5, 1768; free of the Company May 6, 1784; took apprentices. 25 Great New Street, Fetter Lane (1787); Great New Street, Fetter Lane (1792); 23 Dean Street, Fetter Lane (1794); all in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
MARTIN, JOHANN Germany, 1642-1721, MIM SIM made a great variety of sundials of very high quality; examples may be seen in many museums including ADL, OXF, NMM, WHI, USNM, DEU, FLO, AUG, LEY, HAK, etc.; also made pedometers and an astronomical clock at MUN. step-brother of Johann Willebrand; step-uncle to Johann Martin Willebrand; invented the crescent sundial; some of his sundials are signed "Masig"; P. Masig was his agent in London; dated instruments are 1693, 1706 and 1710. Frankfort; Augsburg. Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Zinner 1; Hamilton 1; NMM 2; USNM; Engelmann 1; Daumas 1; W. Eckhardt 3; Syndram; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MARTIN, JOHN 1 England, c.1766, MIM apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 2, 1766; probably brother of James Martin who was also in the Grocers' Company. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
MARTIN, JOHN 2 England, fl.1839-50, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3). watchmaker; clockmaker; jeweler; sometimes signed "Jno. Martin." High Street, Maidstone. Goodison 1; Bell 2; Baillie 1. suggest correction
MARTIN, JOSHUA LOVER England, fl.1774-82, MIM NIM OIM Quadrant = KEN; Telescope = KEN. son of Benjamin Martin; see Martin and Son; patented an improvement on Hadley's quadrant in 1774; took out a patent for drawing brass tubes, 1782; quadrant signed "Martin Invt. et fecit London." Taylor 2(289); H.C. King 2; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Millburn 8. suggest correction
MARTIN, PETER England, c.1800, MIM apprenticed to James Martin of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 6, 1792; free of the Company May 1, 1800. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
MARTIN, THOMAS England, c.1794, apprenticed to James Martin of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 6, 1794. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
MARTIN, W.B. USA, c.1850, engraved globes made by Gilman Joslin. Boston, Mass. Yonge. suggest correction
MARTINDALE, ADAM England, 1623-86, invented a dialing instrument; author. Warrington, Lancashire (1663); Rotherton, Cheshire; Leigh, Lancashire. Taylor 1(211). suggest correction
MARTINELLE, L., AND SONS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 3/28/73. probably a misreading of L. Martinelli and Sons. RSW. suggest correction
MARTINELLI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. London. RSW. suggest correction
MARTINELLI AND SON England, post-1838, OIM PHIM barometer makers; see Lewis Martinelli (3) and Son. 62 King Street, Borough, London. Taylor 2(1929). suggest correction
MARTINELLI, A., AND WM. DAY AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. probably Alfred Martinelli. 70 Union Street, Borough, London. RSW. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, ALFRED England, fl.1839-51, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/18/89. thermometer maker; succeeded by his widow, Mrs. E. Martinelli in 1851. 43 Union Street, Borough (1839); 96 Vauxhall Street, Lambeth (1843-44); 18 Vauxhall Street, Lambeth (1845-51); all in London. Bell 2; Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, D. England, c.1802, PHIM barometer maker. Grays Inn Road, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, JR. England, c.1846, OIM PHIM barometer maker. London. Taylor 2(1929). suggest correction
MARTINELLI, L. England, c.1840, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 1/27/88. marked "Warranted"; could be Lewis Martinelli 1 or 3. RSW. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, LEWIS (3), AND SON England, fl.1838-46, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer, rosewood = Christie-SK 4/17/86. opticians; looking glass maker; thermometer makers; see Lewis Martinelli 3. 62 King Street, Borough, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, LEWIS 1 England, fl.1830-38, OIM PHIM barometer maker. 102 London Road, Brighton. Bell 2; Taylor 2(1929); Dewhirst. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, LEWIS 2 England, fl.1803-11, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 6/27/88 (No. 82). carver; gilder; print seller; barometer and thermometer maker. 82 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, LEWIS 3 England, fl.1834-46, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X (4). thermometer maker; Bell thought that Lewis Martinelli 2 and 3 were the same person; the clock in one of the barometers is signed "T. Combe, Camberwell." 62 King Street, Borough, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, MRS. E. England, fl.1851-53, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; succeeded her husband, Alfred Martinelli, in 1851. 18 Vauxhall Street, Lambeth. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, P. Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, P., RONCHETTI AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. Coventry. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, P.L.D., AND CO. England, fl.1799, PHIM barometer makers. 82 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, W., AND SONS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see William Martinelli. 54 Snows Fields, Borough, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARTINELLI, WILLIAM England, fl.1840-59, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), D.(1970). some of the barometers are signed "W. Martinelli, Snows Fields, Bermondsey", others just "W. Martinelli." 21 Wells Street, Oxford Street (1840); 5 Friars Street, Blackfriars (1841); 120 Snows Fields, Bermondsey (1853-59); all in London. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
MARTINEZ, D. FRANCISCO Spain, 1781, NIM Lodestone, 1781 = MAN-I 23. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
MARTINEZ, JOSE Spain, 1853, NIM Binnacle, 1853 = MAN-I 51; Compass, 1853 = MAN- I 60. Ferrol. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
MARTINOIA, G. England, PHIM barometer maker. York. Bell 2. suggest correction
MARTINOIA, G., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARTINOLA, G. misreading for G. Martinoia. Bell 2. suggest correction
MARTINOT France, MIM Armillary Sphere = X. Paris? Pastoreau. suggest correction
MARTINOT, GILLES France, MIM Instrument = D.(1964). Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MARTINOT, LUDOVICUS France, fl. 1598-1631, MIM Astrolabe, 1598 = ADL-M31; Astronomical Volvelle, 1631 = Soth. 6/25/68-14. ICA-212. Sens. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Gunther 1; Price 1; GHP; ICA 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MARTINS see Pistor and Martins. Weil and Baden; RSW. suggest correction
MARTYN, THOMAS England, late 18th Century, T.C.; ship's chandler. No. 208 near King Edward Stairs, Wapping, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
MARU, G. Italy, fl.1743-47, MIM Armillary Sphere with Planetarium, 1747 = LOS; Astronomical Ring, 1743 = LOS. Louvain-type astronomical ring is c.1580; Maru is certainly owner; armillary sphere signed "G. Maru Caboga"; signed on base of stand "G.M.F.C." and "G. Maru fecit C."; planetarium has two planets, one with a ring. Caboga. USNM; Thielmann; RSW. suggest correction
MARX AND PETLEY Australia, NIM Dividers, navigational = P.C. Sydney. USNM. suggest correction
MARZORATI AND CO. England, PHIM barometer makers. Holborn, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
MARZORATI, E. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MARZORATTI AND RIVOTTA England, PHIM barometer makers; may be Marzoratti and F. Rivolta 2. Reading. Bell 2. suggest correction
MASCAGNE, DANGELO Italy, PHIM Measure = Koller 11/7/63. Certosino. RSW. suggest correction
MASEFIELD, ROBERT England, 1767, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1767 = X. Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MASIC see Masig. RSW. suggest correction
MASIG, P. England, c.1720, Crescent Sundials = OXFB-106, NMM, Roussel-98, OXF, Soth. 9/20/83; Augsburg-type Sundials = ADL-M301, OXF, NMM. these instruments were made by Johann Martin and sold in England by his agent, P. Masig. London. Maddison 5; Engelmann 1; Taylor 1(525); Gunther 2; Michel 3; Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MASKELYNE, NEVIL England, 1732-1811, Astronomer Royal; claimed to have designed a prism micrometer; author. Taylor 2(507); Dawsons 205; Phil. Trans. Vol. LXVII, 1777; Howse 3. suggest correction
MASON 1 England, fl.1809-60, MIM NIM SIM Equatorial Sundial = Christie 12/8/76; Sundial, circular = Christie 5/6/69; Mariner's Compass = EGE; Surveying Compass = Soth. 11/13/61-65. may be Seacombe 2, Jonathan 2 or Thomas 1 Mason; mariner's and surveying compasses show address and signature. 6 Essex Bridge, Dublin. RSW; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MASON 2 see Rabone and Mason. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MASON 3 see Stanley, Belcher and Mason Ltd. RSW. suggest correction
MASON AND CO. Ireland, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometers = Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83, and 12/13/83; Surveying Level = Christie-SK 2/5/87; Microscope = D. see Mason 1. 11 Essex Bridge, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Coffeen; RSW. suggest correction
MASON AND TYLER USA, c.1820, PHIM made small tools. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
MASON AND WRIGHT USA, c.1853, MIM OIM PHIM 13 Quarry, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
MASON, ALVA USA, fl.1834-57, MIM PHIM made chemical apparatus; probably related to T.W. Mason. 24 Greenleaf's Court (1837); 89 South Fifth Street (1844); 91 South Fifth Street (1849); 89 South Fifth Street (1856-57); all in Philadephia, Pa. Bryden 9 and 18; Reingold; USNM. suggest correction
MASON, G. Scotland, c.1850, OIM Telescope = DeLuca 8/1/87. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
MASON, GEORGE 1 England, c.1674, OIM apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers'Company; free in the Company, 1674. London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
MASON, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1832-58, MIM PHIM 52 Squirrus Street, Bethnal Green Road, London. Taylor 2(2176); O'Mara. suggest correction
MASON, J. AND E. England, PHIM barometer makers. Worcester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MASON, JAMES 1 England, 1816, OIM apprenticed to Ebenezer Rust 2 of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 7, 1809, served for seven years. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
MASON, JAMES 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 4/28/89. 14 Capel Street, Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
MASON, JOHN ABRAHAM England, c.1836, designed "Masons' Hygrometer" in 1836; surgeon. Pentonville, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
MASON, JONATHAN 1 USA, 1757-1808, MIM son-in-law of Benjamin King 2; continued King's business after King's death in 1804; sea captain. Lynde Street, Salem, Mass. Bedini 8; Brewington 1. suggest correction
MASON, JONATHAN 2 Ireland, 1784-1849, OIM optician; see T. and J. Mason; on his own, 1809-12 and 1818-22. 8 Arran Quay (1809); 9 Ormond Quay (1811); 14 Capel Street (1819-22); all in Dublin; 6 Patrick Street, Limerick (1846). Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MASON, S. AND T. Ireland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. surely Seacombe 2 and Thomas C. Mason. 3 Essex Bridge, Dublin. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MASON, SAMUEL England, fl.1712-14, MIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Smith of the Clockmakers' Company on June 5, 1704,for eight years; free of the Company Sept. 29, 1712; took an apprentice. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
MASON, SEACOMBE (2) AND THOMAS 1 Ireland, fl.1836-80, MIM OIM PHIM firm still going in 1880. 6 Essex Bridge, Dublin. Taylor 2(2176a). suggest correction
MASON, SEACOMBE 1 Ireland, 1748-1804, OIM established his business in 1780; succeeded by Thomas (1) and Jonathan (2) Mason. 8 Arran Quay, Dublin (1780-1804). Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MASON, SEACOMBE 2 Ireland, 1808-92, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = WHI. optician until 1836, then joined with Thomas Mason 1, making optical and mathematical instruments. 6 Essex Bridge (1838-44); 11 Essex Bridge (1845-64); both in Dublin. Bryden 9; Taylor 2(2176a); RSW; J.A. Bennett 2; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MASON, STANDISH Ireland, fl.1839-41, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 2/15/89. optician; son of Thomas Mason 1. 2 Upper Ormund Quay, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
MASON, T. AND J. Ireland, fl.1805-17, OIM Thomas Mason 1 and Jonathan Mason 2. 8 Arran Quay (1805-08); 3 Essex Bridge (1813-17); both in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MASON, T.W. USA, fl.1850-64, MIM NIM PHIM probably related to Alva Mason. 89 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
MASON, THOMAS 1 Ireland, fl.1780-1840, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = D.(1971). T.C.; succeeded Seacombe Mason 1; established in 1780; listed as an optician until 1836, then as an optical and mathematical instrument maker with Seacombe Mason 2; "Instrument Maker to His Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant and the Irish Court." 4 Essex Bridge (1809) & (1820); 3 Essex Bridge (1810-19) & (1821-36); 6 Essex Bridge (1827-38); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Calvert 2; Taylor 2(2176a); RSW; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MASON, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1852-56, MIM PHIM succeeded Henry Nelson. 2 Gloucester Street, Queen Square, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
MASON, THOMAS H. Ireland, 1877-1958, MIM PHIM Polar Planimeter = OXF. T.C.; "Mathematical and Philosophical Instrument Maker to His Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant and the Irish Court"; surely a descendent of Thomas Mason 1; the planimeter is signed "T. Mason, 5 Dame Street, Dublin." 21 Parliament Street; 5 and 6 Dame Street near the Castle; both in Dublin. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MASPOLI see Soldini and Maspoli Goodison 1. suggest correction
MASPOLI, A., AND CO. England, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Augustus Maspoli. Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MASPOLI, AUGUSTUS England, fl.1826-51, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Wheel Barometers = X (5), Soth.-S 4/24/87, Soth. 12/13/88, etc. also made themometers and telescopes; signed variously "Augustine Maspoli"," Augustino Maspoli" or "A. Maspoli, 79 Lowgate, Hull"; T.C. 49 Salthouse Lane (1826-31); 79 Lowgate (1835-51); both in Hull. Taylor 2(2177); Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
MASPOLI, AUGUSTUS AND JAMES England, fl.1831-35, PHIM barometer makers. 49 Salthouse Lane (1831); 79 Lowgate (1835); both in Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MASPOLI, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably a misreading of James Maspoli. Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MASPOLI, JAMES England, fl.1826-59, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. the barometer is signed "J. Maspoli"; also sold looking glasses and jewelry; partner with Pasqual Soldini as P. Soldini and Maspoli; partner with Augustus Maspoli, which see. 49 Salthouse Lane (1831); 79 Lowgate (1835); 17 Robinson Row (1839-48); 9 Robinson Row (1851-59); all in Hull. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MASPOLI, MONTI AND CO. England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. clockmakers; the partner may have been P. Monti. Sandwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MASPOLI, P. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/6/73. 13 John Street, Westgate, Bradford. RSW. suggest correction
MASPOLI, P. AND V. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Canterbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MASSE, IOANNES Italy, 1559, MIM SIM Surveying Square, 1559 = P.C. signed "Ioannes Masse, Lombardellus Castellanus", the last two names being a region and/or a town. Lombardy. RSW. suggest correction
MASSET, LOUIS Switzerland, c.1857, MIM showed in the Great London Exhibition of 1851. Yverdon. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
MASSEY, EDWARD England, fl.1790-1857, NIM Log = AMST; Sounder = WHI. called himself "the Younger"; invented a mechanical log in 1802 which was used by the Admiralty from 1807 to 1815; invented a deep sea sounder; author; T.C. Newcastle-on-Tyne; Stanley; Newcastle, Staff.; Scholes near Prescot; Liverpool; Coventry; Hanley, Staff.; Saracen's Head, Snow Hill (1818); Clerkenwell (1834-38); last two in London. Taylor 2(1181); Bedini 8; Treherne; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Wynter and Turner; G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 1 & 2. suggest correction
MASSI, CHARLES England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 38 Seward Street, Goswell Street, London. Taylor 2(2178). suggest correction
MASSINO, PETER Scotland, fl.1805-15, PHIM Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X; Set of Philosophical Bubbles = P.C. Canongate (1808); West College Street (1809-11); Fountain Close (1812-14); North College Street (1815); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
MASSUCCI, PAUL Italy, 1604, MIM Goniometer, 1604 = FLO-461. Lucca. Bonelli 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
MASSY, HENRY England, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = Soth. 8/7/54. London. RSW. suggest correction
MASTAGLIO AND MOLTENI England, fl.1841-47, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 24-25 Grainger Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MASTAGLIO AND TACCHI England, fl.1853-62, PHIM T.C.; barometer and thermometer makers. 132 High Street, Bishopwearmouth, Sunderland. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
MASTAGLIO, FORNELLI AND MOLTENI England, fl.1837-41, PHIM barometer makers; Taylor described it as a London firm and spelled Molteni as Moltani; V. Mastaglio, Fornelli and C. Molteni. Grainger Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1; Bell 2; Taylor 2(2179). suggest correction
MASTAGLIO, V. England, fl.1850-60, PHIM barometer maker; probably a partner in Mastaglio, Fornelli and Molteni and in Mastaglio and Molteni. 24 Grainger Street (1851-53); 45 Grainger Street (1855-60); 4 Carliol Square (1857-60); all in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MASTERS, J.N. England, PHIM Aneroid Barometer in clock = K. and C. 7/13/73. Rye. RSW. suggest correction
MATHER England, c.1850, OIM Telescope = MSI. Liverpool. USNM. suggest correction
MATHER, JOHN England, c.1824, MIM see Critchley and Mather. 3 North Side Old Dock, Liverpool. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
MATHER, S.P. USA, fl.1845-60, held two patents for submarine telescopes; may be the same as the Mather from Liverpool. Brooklyn, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
MATHERS, THOMAS Scotland, c.1848, MIM OIM 88 Glassford Street, Glasgow (1848). Bryden 3. suggest correction
MATHESON AND CO. Scotland, NIM Octant = MYS. T.C. in octant box in the Maritime Museum, Horten, Norway. 68 Tolbooth Wynd, Leith. RSW. suggest correction
MATHEWS, JOHN England, c.1742, apprenticed to John Tracy of the Grocers' Company on March 31, 1742. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
MATHEWS, SAMUEL England, c.1694, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Grocers' Company on June 19, 1694. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
MATHIESEN AND RITTER England, c.1840, NIM Marine Compass in gimbals = DeLuca 8/1/87. marked "By Royal Letters Patent." 17 Gracechurch Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
MATINELLI, W. see William Martinelli. RSW. suggest correction
MATLOCK, TIMOTHY USA, c.1734-1829, MIM Bedini 8. suggest correction
MATTEY, JEAN PIERRE France, 1798, MIM Rule, 1798 = Accademia delle Scienze, Turin. signed "In. Pre. Mattey"; also marked "Inspe. re Gene. des Poids et Mesures" and "Piede Liprando di Piemonte"; mechanician. Sartori. suggest correction
MATTHEWS, ALFRED England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Leighton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MATTHEWS, T. Australia, NIM Artificial Horizon = Cabrillo Marine Museum, Cal. Sydney. USNM. suggest correction
MATTHEWS, T.B. England, OIM Microscope = Christie-SK 11/15/79. 9 Athol Place, Pentonville, London. RSW. suggest correction
MATTHEWS, W. AND J. England, c.1834, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably William Matthews a watch and clockmaker of Penrith, c.1834. Burrowgate, Penrith and Kendal. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MATTHEY England, c.1851, MIM see Johnson and Matthey. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
MATTIE, P., BROS. England, NIM Octant, ebony = D.(1974). North Shields and Cardiff. RSW. suggest correction
MATTMULLER, GERVASIUS Germany; Austria, fl.1645-87, OIM Gervasius Mattmüller; made telescopes for Rheita; "Imperial Court Optician", c.1687. Augsburg; Vienna. Daumas 1; Dewhirst. suggest correction
MAUGHAN, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Beverly. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAULEVANT France, c.1750, MIM SIM Pocket Sundial, gilt-brass = Wray; Sectors = BASH, P.C.; Rule = Chevau 10/10/75; Butterfield-type Sundial = ADL-DPW43d; Cube Sundial = WHI. made sundials and topographical instruments. Paris. Michel 3; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MAULEVAUT see Maulevant Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
MAURITJ, JOANNIS, DE TISSOTIS c.1800, MIM SIM Surveying Compendium = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. Drouot said "Italie?". RSW. suggest correction
MAURSTOTTER UND STERR Germany, 1719, OIM Telescopes, parchment = DEU-56898, DEU (1719). Mathies Maurstotter and Johann Sterr; what about Mur und Sterr? same date, same instrument, same town. Freising. Price 2. suggest correction
MAURSTOTTER, MATHIES Germany, c.1719, OIM see Maurstotter und Sterr. Freising. Price 2. suggest correction
MAUTEVAUT misreading of Maulevant. suggest correction
MAVER, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 281 Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAVER, JOHN England, fl.1832-33, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 46 Baldwin Gardens, London. Bell 2; Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAVER, T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 10/8/75. London. RSW. suggest correction
MAVERICK, SAMUEL USA, d.1770, apprenticed to Isaac Greenwood 2; killed in the Boston Massacre. Boston, Mass. Bedini 8. suggest correction
MAVERLEY, T. England, 18th Century, PHIM Balance = Phillips 10/5/76. RSW. suggest correction
MAVERO, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 11 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAW AND SON England, OIM Microscope = D.(1972). see S. Maw, Son and Thompson. Aldersgate Street, London. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
MAW, S., AND SON England, c.1890, PHIM Fitzroy-type Barometer = Meteorological Station, Bracknell. London. Middleton 1. suggest correction
MAW, S., SON AND THOMPSON England, 19th Century, OIM PHIM Microscope = Phillips 2/2/84; Balance = Christie 10/6/76. see Maw and Son; the balance is signed "S. Mawson and Thompson"; probably a misreading! Aldersgate Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
MAWE England, c.1820, PHIM made sets of solids. 149 Strand, London. Bryden 9. suggest correction
MAWSON AND SWAN England, OIM Microscope = K. and C. 12/15/72. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. RSW. suggest correction
MAWSON, JOHN England, c.1860, T.C.; retailer of optical instruments. 9 Mosley Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Calvert 2. suggest correction
MAWSON, S., AND THOMPSON misreading of S. Maw, Son and Thompson. Christie 10/6/76. suggest correction
MAXAM, RICHARD England, c.1655, apprenticed to Hugh Bolter in the Woodmongers' Company in 1645; free of the Company, 1655. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
MAXWELL, JOHN England, c.1712, MIM globe maker; see Senex and Maxwell; also worked with Charles Price; T.C. at the Globe in Salisbury Court, London. Calvert 2; Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
MAY, JOHANNES Holland, MIM Horizontal Sundial, gilt and silver = PAK-126. Amsterdam. Zinner 1; Parkington Cat.; RSW. suggest correction
MAYCOCK, S.M. England, MIM Compass with prism = La Rochelle 7/16/83. RSW. suggest correction
MAYEN, JOACHIM FREDERIK Germany, c.1744, OIM Microscope = NAC. author; described a type of simple microscope. Dresden. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MAYER 1 France, pre-1782, MIM made a stage for a Magni (Magny) microscope. Paris. Courtanvaux. suggest correction
MAYER 2 Universal Ring Sundial = TIM = Soth. 12/3/76. with an alidade instead of a bridge; Williams' work? RSW. suggest correction
MAYER, JACOP Austria, 18th Century, MIM Pedometer = LOS. Vienna. USNM. suggest correction
MAYER, JOSEF DANILE see Josef Danile Mayr. Lübke; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
MAYER, LAURENTIUS Germany, 1648, MIM Cannon Sight, 1647 = SKO; Artillery Level, 1648 = SKO; Table Sundial, 1648 = SKO. marked "Stuckhaubtman." Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
MAYER, MATTHEW JAMES England, c.1811, MIM held a patent for an "instantaneous light machine." Pentonville, London. Taylor 2(1386). suggest correction
MAYER, TOBIAS Germany, 1723-62, MIM SIM Geodetic Instruments = X. invented a repeating circle to be used in his method of determining longitude from lunar distances; author; F.R.S. Göttingen. Taylor 2(636); Forbes; USNM; Bedini 8; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
MAYLIN, JOHN England, c.1770, MIM apprenticed to John Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company on April 12, 1763; free of the company on July 3, 1770. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
MAYNARD, WILLIAM France, pre-1690, MIM mentioned by Bonanni in 1690 as an instrument maker. Paris. Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
MAYNESTONE, JOHN England, c.1661, MIM apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on Jan. 25, 1653 (os); free of the Company on July 5, 1661. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
MAYNOTT England, 1826, PHIM Set of weights, 1826 = Soth. 9/20/83. RSW. suggest correction
MAYO see Lawrence and Mayo. suggest correction
MAYO, HENRY USA, c.1850, NIM T.C. in Spencer, Browning and Co. octant box. No. 28 atlantic Avenue, east of Lewis Wharf, Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
MAYO, THOMAS Scotland, fl.1710-d.1719, NIM ship's chandler; may have made nautical instruments. on the Shore, Leith. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MAYO, WILLIAM England, c.1750, apprenticed to Joshua Bourne in the Joiners' Company, July 3, 1756. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MAYR, JOSEF DANILE Germany, 1713-73, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = KAS. Augsburg. Bobinger 2; Lübke; Zinner 1. suggest correction
MAYR, WOLFGANG Germany, 1604, MIM Multiple Sundial, 1604 = VIE. Munich. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
MAZILIER France, MIM Planetarium on top of clock = Drouot 12/21/66. Metz. RSW. suggest correction
MAZZOLENI, MARC ANTONIO Italy, fl.pre-1597-1610, MIM worked in the Arsenal in Venice, pre-1597-99; made Galileo's military sector, 1599 on; worked in Galileo's home in Padua, 1599-1610. Venice; Padua (1599-1610). Daumas 1; A.J. Turner 10; Bedini. suggest correction
MAZZOLETTI England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 11/16/88. 81 High Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
MAZZUCHI England, PHIM see A. Satorelli and Mazzuchi. Aylesbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MAZZUCHI AND CO. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 5/19/88. see B. Mazzuchi and Co. Gloucester. RSW. suggest correction
MAZZUCHI, B., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Gloucester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MCALL misreading for M'Call. RSW. suggest correction
MCALLISTER 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MCALLISTER 2 USA, c. 1875, OIM Telescope = D.(1987). "optician." New York, N.Y. Coffeen 15. suggest correction
MCALLISTER AND BARETTA USA, c.1850, MIM SIM Transit = X. Smart 1. suggest correction
MCALLISTER AND BROTHER USA, fl.1854-79, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = D.(1971), P.C. (2). William Y. and J. McAllister; moved to New York before 1867. Philadelphia, Pa.; New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 103; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
MCALLISTER AND CO. USA, fl.1838-53, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM telescope, microscope, thermometer, barometer, hydrometer and saccharometer makers; wholesale; firm established in 1783 by William Y. McAllister. 48 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
MCALLISTER, J. USA, fl.1854-79, OIM in partnership with older brother, William Y. McAllister; moved to New York before 1867; see McAllister and Brother. Philadelphia, Pa.; New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
MCALLISTER, T.H. USA, pre-1867, OIM Microscope = D.(1987). may be a misreading for, or a son of, W.Y. McAllister. New York, N.Y. Purtle; Coffeen 15. suggest correction
MCALLISTER, WILLIAM Y. USA, fl.1783-1854, MIM OIM Magnetic Compass = D.(1977). established his firm in 1783; James Queen joined him in 1852, becoming a partner in 1853; the partnership was dissolved in 1854 when William's younger brother, J. McAllister took over; see McAllister and Brother, and McAllister and Co.; the magnetic compass was signed "McAllister." 48 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM; Giordano. suggest correction
MCARTHUR OIM Compact Microscope = Christie 10/6/76. RSW. suggest correction
MCCANN, JAMES USA, c.1837, MIM SIM Circumferentor = USNM. McCann was granted a patent on a circumferenter in 1837; married in 1824. Newmarket, Va. USNM; Smart 1. suggest correction
MCCLUER, H. USA, c.1834, McCluer patented a sundial in 1834. Hamburg, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
MCCORMICK, JAMES USA, c.1854, MIM NIM PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
MCCOSKRIE, JAMES USA, c.1846, MIM won a diploma for a spirit level at the Fair of the American Institute, Oct. 1846; Davenport, Quincy and Co. acted as his New York agents. Cambridgeport, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
MCCREARY, B.F. USA, 1847, PHIM received a silver medal "for the best electric Machines" in 1847. 107 Norfolk Street, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
MCCULLOCH, A. England, c.1840, OIM Microscope = KEN. 18 Blucher Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
MCCULLOCH, KENNETH England, fl.1776-1802, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Azimuth Compass, 1788 = MAN-I 50 McCulloch; T.C.; "Compass-Maker to His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence"; granted a patent in 1788. 38 Minories, London (1791). Taylor 2(869); Crawforth 1; Garcia Franco 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
MCDONALD, JAMES 1 England, 1797, Sextant, 1797 = PEA. probably the owner. Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
MCDONALD, JAMES 2 Scotland, fl.1847-52, PHIM 56 Potteror (1847-48); 36 Lothian Street (1849-50); 4 Hill Place (1852); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MCDONALD, JAMES 3 Scotland, fl.1854-57, PHIM 37 Union Street (1854); 192 Argyle Street (1855-57); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MCDONALD, P., AND CO. Scotland, PHIM Sike's Hydrometer = Christie-SK 7/10/80. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
MCEVOY, GEORGE Ireland, c.1743, NIM Backstaves = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby, X (1743). McEvoy; the backstaff in the Pannett Park Museum was supposedly used by James Cook when an apprentice in Whitby. Temple Bar, Dublin. RSW; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MCGREAVES AND CO. Scotland; England, NIM Sextant = Soth. 12/2/74. Glasgow; Greenock?; Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
MCGREGOR AND GARDNER Scotland, c.1834, MIM PHIM Robert Gardner moved his business to London in 1885, it was carried on by his grandson, Malcolm Gardner, who dealt in rare books. Glasgow. Taylor 2(1934); USNM. suggest correction
MCGREGOR, D., AND CO. Scotland, fl.1848-1900, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant = OMM; Octants = D., FRK = RSM (2), etc; Sextants = D.(1972), FRK = RSM (2); Telescopes = Custom House, Barnstable, Mass., D.(1976), FRK = RSM (2); Stick Barometers = Christie 5/26/76; Christie-Chester 3/9/83; Sympiesometer, Adie-type = Larvik Marine Museum, Norway; Compasses = FRK = RSM (2); Azimuth Compass = FRK = RSM; Tell-tale Compass = Soth. 6/1/88, D.(1989); etc. "Nautical Instument Maker to the Royal Navy." 38, 39 and 40 Clyde Place, Glasgow; branches in Greenock, Liverpool and London. Bryden 3; Calvert 2; USNM; Morrison-Low 1; Rinaldi 23; RSW. suggest correction
MCGREGOR, DUNCAN Scotland, fl.1844-55, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometers = SFM, FRK = RSM; Marine Barometer = VNN; Pelorus = MSI; Telescopes = D.(1968), FRK = RSM; Marine Compass = Soth. 6/21/83; Octant = FRK = RSM; Sextant = FRK = RSM. chronometer maker; became D. McGregor and Co. (1848-1900); T.C.; most instruments signed "D. McGregor"; "Nautical Instrument Maker to the Royal Navy"; see Heron and McGregor. 24 Clyde Place (1844-54); 38 Clyde Place (1855); both in Glasgow; 8 William Street, Greenock (1855). Calvert 2; Bryden 3; Bell 2; USNM; Morrison-Low 1; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
MCHUGH, M. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. McHugh. Staleybridge. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MCINTOSH, THOMAS England, fl.1763-84, MIM OIM Microscope = D.(1983). T.C.; microscope signed "McIntosh Real Maker." at the Archimedes and Golden Spectacles, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields; at the Archimedes and Globe, opposite Long Acre, four doors from Great Queen Street; both in London. Crawforth 1; Calvert 2; Coffeen C; USNM; Clay and Court. suggest correction
MCLACHLAN, JOHN England, 1791, MIM apprenticed to Colin Mackenzie; free of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 5, 1791. Clay and Court. suggest correction
MCNUTT, WM. MIM Bevel Gauge, wood = PMS. RSW. suggest correction
MCPHERSON, R. Scotland, fl.1825-26, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. McPherson, carver and gilder. High Street, Dumfries. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MCQUAY, WILLIAM Ireland, fl.1815-20, MIM 29 Great Strand Street (1815-17); Bridgefoot Street (1818-20); both in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MCQUIBAN, JAMES Scotland?, MIM Orrery, brass = P.C. (1983) = Auction, London. RSW suggest correction
MCQUIBAN, WILLIAM Scotland, NIM Octant, large, ebony = Christie 6/7/72. Forres. RSW. suggest correction
ME 1802, MIM Pocket Sundial, 1802, round, wood = Pugsley Sale. RSW. suggest correction
MEADES, THOMAS England, fl.1687-98, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Brown 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on May 5, 1679; free of the Company, April 4, 1687; took an apprentice. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
MEARS, JNO. England, c.1770, MIM Garden Sundial = P.C. Cloth Lane, London. Queries, S.I.S. Bull. 1, 1983. suggest correction
MEARS, JOS. Water Clock, dated 1697 = ADL-A121. modern work. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MEARS, R. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer and Thermometer = K. & C. 3/19/75; Wheel Barometer = X. Boston. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
MEATING misreading for Heating. RSW. suggest correction
MEBEL misreading for Nebel Mystic Seaport, Conn.; RSW. suggest correction
MEDCALF, S. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Steeple Bumstead. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MEDICI, PETER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Newcastle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MEDICI, RUDOLF Germany, d.1430, MIM Equatorium = Stams Stift. Augsburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MEDINA, PEDRO Spain, c.1540, author of books on navigation. Seville. Michel 3. suggest correction
MEDINGER, EUGENE F. USA, c.1850, MIM NIM T.C.; chronometer maker; see Duren and Medinger; Henry Duren. 115 Broad Street, near Front Street; 130 (or 180) Water Street; both in New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 102; RSW. suggest correction
MEDINGER, F. USA, T.C. New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 101. suggest correction
MEDLAND, WILLIAM England, c.1795, citizen and gunmaker; reported favorably on William Elliot 1 in the hearing to grant Elliot the freedom of the Joiners' Company by Patrimony, on Dec. 1, 1795. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MEDTMAN, ANTONIUS see T.M. Olivia Brown 2. suggest correction
MEEKE England, Garden Sundial, 1665 = Christie 9/11/86. reproduction. Dover. RSW. suggest correction
MEER, I. VAN DER Holland, 1767, MIM Wall Sundial, 1767 = Fundatie van Renswoude. Utrecht. Rooseboom 1; de Rijk. suggest correction
MEEUWIG, H. Holland, c.1865, MIM SIM Surveyor's Cross = D.(1982). Haarlem. Coffeen A. suggest correction
MEGAREY variant spelling for Megary, which see. RSW. suggest correction
MEGARY, ALEXANDER Ireland; England; USA, 1790-1850, MIM NIM SIM Wye Levels = D.(1976), Farmer's Museum, Cooperstown, N.Y., Western Reserve Historical Society, Cincinnati, Ohio, etc.; Surveyor's Compasses = P.C. (1965), P.C. (1958), Pugsley Coll., Butler County Historical Society, Hamilton, Ohio, etc.; Transit = U. of North Dakota, Grand Forks; Dry Card Compass = MYS; Plain Compass = D.(1993). apprenticed to William Morris in London before 1820; variant spellings are Megeary and Mageary; some of his instruments were probably bought, not made, by him. 54 Grand (1825-27); 64 Lispenard (1827-28); 3 Thames (1828-29); 19 Pearl (1829-30); 196 Water (1830-31); 238 Water (1831-35); 190 Water (1835-43); all in New York, N.Y.; Brooklyn, N.Y. USNM; Smart 1; Warner 14; Crawforth 1; Garcelon 33, 34; RSW. suggest correction
MEGEARY, ALEXANDER see Alexander Magearey; see Alexander Megary; may all three be same person; Crawforth said he may have come to the U.S.A. after serving an apprenticeship in London. Crawforth 2; RSW. suggest correction
MEGELE France, MIM Compass Sundial, round = Soth. 5/10/54. Vienne. RSW. suggest correction
MEGELE, JOSEPH Italy, 1775, OIM mechanician at the Milan Observatory, 1775. Milan. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MEGNIE LE JEUNE Mégnié le Jeune; see Pierre Bernard Mégnié. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MEGNIE, PIERRE BERNARD France; Spain, 1751-1807, MIM OIM PHIM Barometers = CNAM (3); Equatorial Telescope = POB. Mégnié; instrument maker for Lavoisier and Cassini IV; made balances, telescopes, etc.; also signed as "Mégnié le Jeune"; Daumas thought it was to distinguish himself from his father and his uncle who were both master locksmiths in Dijon. Paris; Madrid (1786-93); Paris. Daumas 1; Middleton 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
MEHLHOM UND SOHN Germany, fl.1845-46, PHIM Thermometer = DRE. Dresden. RSW. suggest correction
MEHR, GEO. USA, MIM patented and made a type of sundial, made of marble and showing the time of day and the distance of 19 cities from Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
MEIKLE, HENRY England, fl.1819-28, MIM PHIM made a syphon-hydrometer in 1828. London. Taylor 2(1387). suggest correction
MEINUNG, CARL LUDWIG USA, fl.1743-1817, MIM SIM Surveyor's Scale = Old Salem, Inc., North Carolina. surveyor. Salem, North Carolina. Bedini 8. suggest correction
MEISSNER, A. Germany, c.1861, MIM OIM Telescope = Duke's County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass.; Skaphe Sundial, 1861 = Koller 11/17/75 = WHI. sundial invented by H. Schmeisser. Berlin. Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
MEISTER, EDWARD Germany; USA, 1853-1928, MIM SIM successor to F.W. and R. King, 1876; worked in Baltimore from 1876 to 1928. Kassel; 226 West Baltimore, Baltimore Md. (1876-1928). Smart 1. suggest correction
MEKKEN, JAN Holland, MIM made astronomical clocks. Wieringen. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
MELA AND CO. England, PHIM barometer makers. Bell 2. suggest correction
MELBOURNE, RICHARD England, 1631, MIM Astrolabe, 1631, ICA-438 = KEN. another astrolabe, 1631 at the BM is signed "R.M." 1 which see. Taylor 1(167); Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
MELIA France, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1989). RSW. suggest correction
MELLEN see Melling. RSW. suggest correction
MELLER, JOSEPH England, fl.1825-26, PHIM barometer maker. 28 Princes Street, Birmingham. Bell 2; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1642). suggest correction
MELLIN see Melling. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MELLIN, JOHN see John Melling. Court and von Rohr 3(V); Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Goodison 1. suggest correction
MELLING see Dawson and Melling. RSW. suggest correction
MELLING AND CO. England, fl.1846-51, MIM NIM T.C.; successors to Bywater and Co.; "Chart agents to the Rt. Honble., the Lords Commissers. of the Admiralty." 39 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
MELLING AND PAYNE England, c.1850, MIM NIM Sextant, ebony = FRK. see Edward Melling and Co. 39 South Castle Street, Navigation Warehouse, Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
MELLING, EDWARD, AND CO. England, fl.1847-51, MIM Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
MELLING, JOHN England, fl.1680-1703, OIM PHIM made very fine lenses, microscopes and barometers; variant spellings are; Mellins, Mellin or Malling. Abchurch Lane, Lombard Street, London. Taylor 1(359); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(V). suggest correction
MELLINGER, JOHANN Germany, fl.1567-93, MIM Sundial, round, wood = Braunschweig Stadtische Museum. Halle; Jena; Celle. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MELLINS see Melling. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MELLISH, MR. probably Melling. Taylor 1(359); Goodison 1. suggest correction
MELLONI, MACEDONIO Italy; France1798-1854, improved the design of the thermopile. Parma; Paris (1831-39); Italy. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
MELLORIO, JOAO AND M.ALZ Portugal, c.1800, NIM Compass = LIM. RSW. suggest correction
MELVILLE England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Bearne's 2/17/92. London. RSW. suggest correction
MELVILLE, DUNDAS, AND WHITSON England, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument = Soth. 1/27/75. RSW. suggest correction
MELVILLE, GEORGE, AND CO. England, c.1830, OIM 126 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham; 17 Thavies Inn, Holborn, London. Taylor 2(1935). suggest correction
MELVILLE, RICHARD Scotland; England; Ireland, fl.1843-51, MIM Sundial, nine gnomons = RSM; Garden Sundial, slate , "Glasgow" = X; Garden Sundial, slate, 51°31',"London" = Soth. 2/2/76; Garden Sundial, slate, = Phillips 2/14/79; Garden Sundial, stone = Soth. 7/22/64; Garden Sundial, "Liverpool" = D.(1976); Sundials = RSM (5), FRK = RSM, X. most of the dials are signed "R. Melville." Glasgow; London; Liverpool; Dublin. Moskowitz; Bryden 9; Darius 3; Morrison-Low 1; Somerville; RSW. suggest correction
MELVIN, RICHARD Ireland; Scotland, fl.1842-71, MIM Sundials = William Brown Museum, Liverpool, Cathedral of the Isles, Millport (1851); Sundials = X (1864), (1871). his dials are reminescent of Richard Melville. Armagh (1842); 9 Little Wellington Street, Dublin; Glasgow (1846). D. Crawforth; Somerville. suggest correction
MENAN misreading for Menant? Wray. suggest correction
MENANT, T. France, fl.1720-43, MIM SIM made many sundials, mainly Butterfield-type; sundial, large, square, 1743, constructed for Clermont; also made sectors, folding squares and graphometers; his work can be seen in many museums including NOR, PAK, BM, VEN, etc. au Butterfield, Paris. Morpurgo; Moskowitz; Coffeen F; Michel 3; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
MENARD see Le Bas et Ménard. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MENARD, GUILLAUME, L'AINE France, fl.1663-91, OIM Guillaume Ménard l'aîné; made microscopes and telescopes; worked with Philippe-Claude Le Bas as Le Bas et Ménard; worked with Chapotot to make the binocular telescope for Chérubin. Quay de l'Horloge-du-Palais, à l'enseigne du Bon Pasteur, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MENAUT misreading for Menant. Drouot 11/7/75. suggest correction
MENDE Germany, c.1780, MIM Sundial = FIN-177. Freiburg. RSW. suggest correction
MENDELSSOHN England, c.1810, MIM PHIM made air pumps and mathematical instruments. Great College Street, Blackfriars Road, London. Taylor 2(1388); USNM; Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
MENDELSSOHN, KARL THEODOR NATHAN Germany, 1782-1852, NIM PHIM his workshop flourished, 1808-13; it produced sextants, balances and air pumps; Karl Philipp Heinrich Pistor worked for him, and took over the workshop. Berlin. Weil and Baden. suggest correction
MENDENHALL, THOMAS USA, fl.1770-91, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, No.4 = Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, Pa. King and Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. (1770-80); 28 Strawberry Alley, Philadephia, Pa. (1790-91). USNM; Smart 1. suggest correction
MENEELY AND CLATHOUT misreading for Oothout RSW. suggest correction
MENEELY AND OOTHOUT USA, fl.1836-38, MIM SIM Wye Level = Christie 4/3/85; Surveyor's Compasses = P.C.(2), GUR, USNM (1837); Transit = P.C., D.(1838). Andrew Meneely and Jonas Volkat Oothout, who retired in 1838; instruments signed "Warranted" probably were bought elsewhere. West Troy, N.Y. USNM; Smart 1; Giordano 21; Warner 14. suggest correction
MENEELY'S SONS, ANDREW USA, fl.1852-63, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. Edwin Andrew and George Rodney Meneely. West Troy, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
MENEELY, ANDREW USA, 1802-51, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Milwaukee, Wis. Public Museum (1833), D.(1983), Western Reserve Historical Society Museum, Ohio (1850), P.C.,State Education Building, Albany, N.Y., GUR; Theodolites = D.(1984) (1833), RSM. apprenticed to Julius Hanks, c.1817-23; worked with Horatio Hanks; partner of Jonas V. Oothout, 1836-38; T.C.; also made church bells; see Andrew Meneely and Son. West Troy, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Coffeen E & F; RSW. suggest correction
MENEELY, ANDREW, AND SON USA, fl.1849-51, MIM SIM Andrew and Edwin Andrew Meneely, his eldest son and partner in firm, 1849-51. West Troy, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
MENEELY, EDWIN ANDREW USA, 1828-87, MIM SIM elder son of Andrew Meneely; see Andrew Meneely and Son; see Andrew Meneely's Sons. West Troy, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
MENEELY, GEORGE RODNEY USA, 1831-1915, MIM SIM younger son of Andrew Meneely; see Andrew Meneely's Sons. West Troy, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
MENNGER, HANS Germany, 1567, MIM member of compass maker guild; Master, 1567. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
MENNINGER, HANS Germany, 1542, MIM member of compass maker guild; Master, 1542. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
MENUSIER, HIERONIMUS see Jérôme Vize. Michel 3; Evans 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
MENZEL, WILIBALDUS Germany?, 1566, MIM Astrolabe, ICA-630, 1566 = St. Paul Stiftsgym. Price 1; ICA 2; Zinner 1. suggest correction
MENZIES, A. England, NIM Telescope, nautical = D.(1976). King's Parade, Cambridge. RSW. suggest correction
MERAS, HIERONYMOUS Italy, 17th Century, MIM Pin-gnomon Sundial = VEN-14. for 45° latitude. Venice. Price 2; Evans 1. suggest correction
MERCATOR, GERARD Belgium, 1512-94, MIM Terrestrial Globes, 1541 = NMM, DRE, BASH, NUR, POB, HAR, ROM, etc.; Celestial Globes, 1541 = NMM, DRE, POB, NUR, ROM, etc.; Celestial Globes, 1551 = ADL-A255, NMM, BASH, AMST, NMM, POB, NUR, HAR; etc. introduced Italianate script into northern Europe; developed the map projection named after him; real name was Gerhard de Cremer, the globes at the NMM are from the Mensing Collection; he was the director of Gemma Frisius' workshop to 1552. Rupelmondanus; Louvain; Duisberg (1552). Owsley 1; Michel 3; Maddison 2; Wynter 1; Zinner 1; A.J. Turner 10; Rooseboom 1; Yonge; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MERCER, J.H. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Appleby. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MERCHANT, ROBERT England, fl.1740, MIM NIM Backstaff, 1740 = CNAM. might have been a Frenchman. Ithaca; Daumas 1; Taylor 2(383); RSW. suggest correction
MERCKLEIN, CHARLES France, MIM SIM Surveying Instruments = Libert et Castor 4/28/82, CNAM, P.C.(1987). made a surveying instrument for triangulation that was invented by Hennon Dubois; instruments signed "Ch. Mercklein." RSW. suggest correction
MEREDITH, NICHOLAS England, fl.1791-1801, MIM OIM Telescopes = Soth. 2/8/83, La Rochelle 7/16/83; Microscope = X; etc. telescopes signed "Meredith, Bond Street London"; optical and mathematical instrument maker to the Duke of York; author. 91 New Bond Street, London. Taylor 2(1011); Dewhirst; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
MERIDITH, JOHN England, fl.1782-1800, OIM apprenticed to Henry Pyefinch of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct. 6, 1763; free of the Company, Oct. 10, 1782. Court and von Rohr 3(187). suggest correction
MERIGOT France; Englandc.1807, MIM PHIM may be J. Mérigot, a French engraver living in London in 1798; was a partner with Monk, a clockmaker; they made pyrometrical thermometers. London (1798). Taylor 2(747), (1182). suggest correction
MERILL AND DAVIES see Merrill and Davis RSW. suggest correction
MERKLEIN UND ZIMMER Germany, 1742-46, PHIM Metallic Thermometer, 1746 = DRE; Telescope, Gregorian, 1742 = DRE. J.S. Merklein and J.G. Zimmer; telescope marked "H.L." (3). Schloss Reinharz. RSW. suggest correction
MERKLEIN, J.S. Germany; Russia, fl.1742-74, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Thermometer DRE; Artificial Lodestone = DRE; Telescope, 1761 = DRE; Circumferentor, 1774 = DRE; Mathematical Instrument Set, silver = Wray. mathematical and optical instrument maker to Count Hans Loeser at Reinharz; the Wray instrument set is marked "St. Petersburg"; the thermometer and lodestone are marked "Schloss Reinharz"; worked with J.G. Zimmer as Merklein und Zimmer, which see. Dresden; Schloss Reinharz; St. Petersburg. Zinner 1; Chaldecott 4; RSW. suggest correction
MERLIN, JOHN JOSEPH Belgium; England, b.1735-94, MIM PHIM Lever Balance = Soth. 1/22/73. harpsichord maker and inventor; made a mechanical gouty-chair in 1794; invented the first barbecue; made a nail violin in 1785; made fine timepieces. Liège; Hanover Square, London (post-1760). Maine Antique Digest, June 1987; RSW. suggest correction
MERLINE, PAOLI England, c.1858, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 72 Hatton Garden, London. Bell 2; Goodison 1. suggest correction
MERONE, JOSEPH England, fl.1816-41, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer signed "Merone"; looking glass maker. 98 Market Street (1816-22); 28 Market Street (1822-41); both in Manchester. Goodison 1; Bell 2; Taylor 2(1643). suggest correction
MERRIAM USA, 1852, MIM Celestial Globe, 1852 = D. Troy, N.Y. Coffeen II. suggest correction
MERRIAM AND MOORE USA, 1852, MIM Celestial Globe = Maria Mitchell Science Library, Nantucket, Mass.; Pair of Globes, 1852 = D.(1968). the Maria Mitchell globe is also marked "The Franklin Improved Globe." Troy, N.Y. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
MERRIAM AND TROY misreading for Merriam, Troy, N.Y. Coffeen II. suggest correction
MERRIAM, MOORE AND CO. USA, 1852, MIM Pair of Globes, 1852 = D.(1883). it seems odd that Merriam, Merriam and Moore, and Merrian, Moore and Co. all made globes dated 1852? Troy, N.Y. Maine Antique Digest, Oct. 1983. suggest correction
MERRICK, JOHN M., AND CO. USA, post-1857, PHIM Stick Barometers = MYS, BMM, Fall River Historical Society, Mass. Timby's Patent, Nov. 3, 1857. Office No. 7, Central Exchange, Worcester, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
MERRIFIELD AND CO. USA, c.1825, MIM Gunter's Scales, wood = BMM, D.(1996), D.(1982); Rule = MYS. the "Gunter" at the BMM is marked "Boston"; the rules at MYS and D.(1996) are marked "New York." Boston, Mass.; New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 103; Coffeen 55; RSW. suggest correction
MERRILL see Morrell RSW. suggest correction
MERRILL AND DAVIS USA, fl.1835-37, MIM NIM SIM Sandglass, twenty-eight seconds = MYS; Surveyor's Compasses = Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, LOS. label on sandglass reads William C. Davis and Robert Merrill. 36 Oak (1835-36); 255 Front Street (1836-37); both in New York, N.Y. USNM; Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
MERRILL AND SONS see Robert Merrill and Sons. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
MERRILL'S SONS CO., INC., R. USA, fl.1918-23, MIM NIM PHIM T.C.; firm established in 1835. 66 South Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
MERRILL'S SONS, ROBERT USA, c.1860?, NIM OIM T.C.; "Manufacurers and Importers of Nautical and Optical Instruments." 179 Water Street, Cor. Burdon? Slip, New York. Coffeen 56. suggest correction
MERRILL, GEORGE W. USA, 1838-1905 z, MIM NIM younger son of Robert Merrill; see Robert Merrill and Sons. Smart 1. suggest correction
MERRILL, PHINEHAS USA, 1767-1815, invented a type of quadrant which was made by Timothy Chandler and also by John Kennard. Stratham, New Hampshire. Smart 1. suggest correction
MERRILL, ROBERT USA, 1804-76, MIM NIM PHIM Sandglass = D.(1972); Marine Compasses = PMS, PEA(2), P.C. D.(1971), D.(1984), Focke Museum, Germany, MYS, Pacific House, Monterey, Cal.; Barometer = P.C. (1957). made marine compasses; imported sextants, quadrants, etc.; he firm was Merrill and Davis 1835-38; Merrill worked alone from 1838 until 1865; T.C. Newburyport, MA; 255 Front Street (1837-38); 138 Water Street (1838-39); 163 Water Street (1841-42); 141 Maiden Lane (1842-64); all in New York, N.Y.; Brooklyn, N.Y. USNM; Moskowitz 104; Brewington 1; Coffeen F; Smart 1; Warner 12; RSW. suggest correction
MERRILL, ROBERT, AND SONS USA, 1865-99, MIM NIM Dry Card Compasses = MYS (2). Robert Merrill and his sons, William G. and George W. Merrill. 149 Maiden Lane (1865-77); 179 Water Street (1877); both in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
MERRILL, ROBERT, SONS USA, fl.1900-1923, MIM NIM the continuation of the firm "Robert Merrill and Sons" after the death of the sons. 100 Wall Street; 66 South Street; 68 South Street; all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
MERRILL, WILLIAM G. USA, 1828-1898, MIM NIM older son of Robert Merrill; see Robert Merrill and Sons. Smart 1. suggest correction
MERTHEN Germany, 17th Century, MIM Astronomical Compendium = BUD. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MERUAND misreading for Meurand. Roux-Devilas, 1967. suggest correction
MERULA, CAROLUS JOSEPH Italy, 1727, MIM Micrometer, 1727 = ADL-M113. Milan. Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MERZ UND SOHNE Germany, fl.1845-58, OIM Telescope = DRE. Georg Merz with Ludwig and Sigmund Merz; exhibited in the London Great Exhibition of 1851. Munich. USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
MERZ, G. & S. Germany, fl.1850-61, OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 11/27/86. Georg and Sigmund Merz; "vorm Utzschneider & Fraunhofer". Munich. RSW; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
MERZ, G., UND MAHLER Germany, fl.1839-45, OIM Telescopes, refracting, large = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. (1839), Observatories in Pulkova, Kiev, Washington, D.C., Cincinnatti, Ohio; Heliometers = Observatories in Pulkova and Bonn. George Merz und Josef Mahler. Munich. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
MERZ, G., UND SOHN Germany, fl.1857-67, OIM Telescopes, refracting = Harvard, Mass. and Capstadt. Georg and Sigmund Merz; the USNM records show that they worked together from 1845 to 1847; a trade catalogue for the French market in 1857 is under the name "G. Merz et Fils." Munich. USNM; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
MERZ, GEORG Germany, 1793-1858, OIM Telescopes, refracting = Berlin, DEU, Kasan, Munich; Heliometer = Königsberg; etc. worked with Utzschneider and Fraunhofer; director of optical work at the institute after Fraunhofer's death in 1826; Merz and Joseph Mahler bought and ran the Utzschneider optical institute from 1839 until Mahler's death in 1845; work carried on as Merz and Sons (1845-58); succeeded by his son, Sigmund Merz. Munich. USNM; Repsold; Pipping 1; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
MERZ, LUDWIG Germany, 1817-58, OIM worked with his father, Georg Merz and his brother, Sigmund, from 1845 to 1858. Munich. USNM. suggest correction
MERZ, SIGMUND Germany, 1824-xx, OIM son of Georg Merz and his successor at the optical institute; worked with his father from 1845 to 1867; his brother, Ludwig was in the firm from 1845 to 1858. Munich. USNM. suggest correction
MERZ, UTZSCHNEIDER UND FRAUENHOFER Germany, fl.1826-39, OIM Telescope = Palermo Observatory; Refracting Telescope, with case = D.(1995). Munich. Serrio; Chaldecott 3; RGO; Coffeen 51. suggest correction
MESSER, BENJAMIN England, fl.1792-1825, MIM PHIM Sextant, 1792 = Christie 11/22/78; Octants = WHI, Hart Nautical Museum, MIT, Boston, Mass.; Air Pump = WHI. 76 or 75 Bell Dock, Wapping (1792-96); 155 Minories (1810-25); both in London. USNM; Dewhirst; G.L'E. Turner 24; Clay and Court; Bennett 1; Taylor 2(1012); RSW; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
MESSER, J.J. England, c.1845, MIM OIM Telescopes = Seamen's Bethel Museum, Vineyard Haven, Mass., Phillips 4/20/83; Octants = D.(1974), D.(1976), Naval Museum, Faro, Portugal. the telescope at Phillips is signed "Messer, London." London. RSW. suggest correction
MESSIER France, 1800, MIM Celestial Globe, 1800 = CNAM-769. Con. Nat'l 1. suggest correction
MESSIN, C. France?, 1613, MIM Astronomical Compendium, gilt brass and wood, red leather case, 1613 = HAY. RSW. suggest correction
MESSITER, JOHN MIM Dividers, steel points, 1698 = VCW. RSW. suggest correction
MESTREL, ANTHOINE France, 1551, MIM Astrolabe, 1551 = OXF B-22. ICA-414. Paris. Bonelli 1; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
MESTRII, ANTHONY see Anthoine Mestrel. Bonelli 4; RSW. suggest correction
METCALF England, 1652, MIM Sundial, square, copper, 1652 = Soth. 7/7/55 London. RSW. suggest correction
METCALFE USA, 1710, MIM Garden Sundial, 1710 = American Heritage Society Auction, 1972. RSW. suggest correction
METCALFE, JO. England, fl.1765-66, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
METINIER MD. France, c.1825, MIM Sector = Christie 9/11/86. Metinier Md. à la Flotte d'Angleterre, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
METIUS, ADRIAAN Holland, 1571-1635, MIM OIM made a telescope in 1608; microscope maker; desgned mathematical instruments; Michel called him "Adriaan Metius the younger"; author. Alkmaar, Franeker. Daumas 1; Michel 2; Clay and Court. suggest correction
METIUS, JACOB ADRIAENSZ. Holland, c.1580-1628, OIM brother of Adriaan Metius; one of the claimants for the invention of the telescope in 1608; spectaclemaker. Alkmaar. Rooseboom 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
METIUS, JAMES Holland, 1608, OIM claimed to have invented the telescope in 1608. Michel 3; Dewhirst. suggest correction
METTEL, GEORG Germany, fl.1740-75, PHIM Barometer with Thermometer = DRE. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
METTEL, JOHANN Germany, d.1730, MIM Horizontal Sundial = H. Gouse Coll., Paris. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi; MADEX. suggest correction
METTEL, JOHANN-GEORG Germany, MIM Perpetual Calendars = DRE, Gotha, NUR, MUN, Evans Coll.; Rule and Protractor = Evans Coll. Evans thought that ADL-M371, though unsigned, was by Mettel. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
METTELIN, M. see Mettlin, M. Zinner 1. suggest correction
METTLIN, M. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Perpetual Calendars = FIN-109, Evans Coll.(2). one of Evans calendars is the cover for an aide-memoire. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
METZ Holland, early 18th Century, MIM SIM Universal Ring Sundials = Christie-Amst. 10/22/81, Christie 4/3/85; Compass Sundial, ivory box = P.C.; Circumferentor = P.C.; Sector = D.(1994). this is a large family of instrument makers, it is hard to ascribe an instrument only signed "Metz." Amsterdam. USNM; Coffeen 46; RSW. suggest correction
METZ, C. AND D. Zinner thought that this entry was a misreading for C.D. Metz; Rooseboom thought it might be Coenraad Metz 2 and his son, Dirk Metz. Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1. suggest correction
METZ, C.D. Holland, 18th Century, MIM SIM Sector = AMST; Quadrant = UTR; Circumferentors = UTR, P.C. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Van Cittert; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
METZ, COENRAAD 1 Poland; Holland, 1643-1711, MIM OIM Sextant, large, 1685 = Leiden Observatory. Danzig (1643-65); Amsterdam (1665-1711). Zinner 1; Daumas 1; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
METZ, COENRAAD 2 Holland, c.1690-1742, MIM SIM Circumferentors = NMM, ADL-M154, MMG; Chest of Instruments, large = UTR; Chest of Instruments, small = LEY; Quadrant = UTR; Sector = AMST; Universal Equatorial Sundial = MMG; Astrolabe = X; Graphometer = LOS. Kalverstraat, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; Rooseboom 1; Van Cittert; Daumas 1; NMM 2; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
METZ, COENRAAD FIBUS 1 Holland, b.1703, MIM OIM grandson of Coenraad Metz; continued the workshop; may be Coenraad Metz 2; Daumas and Rooseboom thought there were Coenraad Fibus Metz 1 and 2, son and grandson of Coenraad Metz 1. Amsterdam. Daumas 1; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
METZ, COENRAAD FIBUS 2 Holland, b.1732, MIM married in 1753. Kalverstraat, Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
METZ, D.C. Holland, 17th Century?, MIM Ring Sundials = WRAY (2), one of silver; Universal Ring Sundial, silver = Soth. 7/24/45; Sector = MAN-I168. Amsterdam. Garcia Franco 2; RSW. suggest correction
METZ, DIRK Holland, fl.1730-67, MIM NIM SIM Azimuth Compass = AMST; Astronomical Ring = P.C.; Set of Surveying Instruments = X; Circumferentor with sundial = TIM; Sundial, Sutton-type = ADL-W49. friend of Musschenbroek for whom he made instruments. Kalverstraat, Amsterdam (1742-67). Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; Rooseboom 1; Moskowitz; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
METZBER misreading for Metzger. Moreux. suggest correction
METZGER, JEREMIAS Germany, 1564, MIM Astrolabe Clocks, = UTR-UM394 (1564), VIE. many elctrotype copies were made of the "Metzger Clock"; it is possible that the UTR clock is one of them as it has modern works. Augsburg. Van Cittert; Moreux; Neumann 2. suggest correction
MEULAN France, c.1790, dealer in physical and chemical apparatus. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MEULEN, A.H. VAN DER Holland, fl.1850-53, MIM NIM PHIM T.C.; a binnacle, compass, six magnetic bars, barometer and a thermometer were exhibited in Rotterdam in 1852; he was succeeded by his widow. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
MEULEN, CORNELIS JACOBS VAN DER Holland, 1805-78, MIM Tellurium, Lunarium and Planispherium = Eise Eisinga's house, Franeker. Sneek. Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
MEULEN, WEDUWE A.H. VAN DER Holland, c.1853, MIM NIM PHIM continued the firm after her husband's death. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
MEUNIER France, 18th Century, MIM Waywiser = Koller 11/7/63; Folding Rule = BM; Drawing Instrument = D.(1970); Rule = P.C.; Protactor = ADL-A269; Sector = ADL-A270; Folding Square = ADL-A271. "Meunier Md."; protactor probably a forgery; all ADL instruments have "à la flotte française à Paris" as the address. à la Flotte d'Angleterre; à la flotte française; both in Paris. Merzbach; Ward 4; Price 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MEURAND, ANTOINE-JOSEPH France, fl. 1750-80, MIM Garden Sundial, 1777 = Picard, Drouot Richelieu, 12/11/91. father of Charles-Joseph Meurand; Master in the "Corporation des Fondeurs", c.1750; juror, 1770-72; took an apprentice; sun dial made for 48°51'(Paris). au Compas des Génies; Rue de Cloître St. Jacques (1766); Rue Saint Louis, Ile de la Cité (1769); Quay de l'Horloge du Palais, Paris, (1771). Augarde; RSW. suggest correction
MEURAND, CHARLES-JOSEPH France, fl.1771-94, MIM OIM SIM Equatorial Sundials, 1780 =.NMM, GEM, Soth. 3/14/57, etc.; Graphometers = Evans Coll. (1780), Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88, Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88, USNM, etc.; Telescopic Graphometer = VNN; Universal Quadrant = COO; Sectors = ADL-M89d, ADL-M89n, P.C., etc.; Mathematical instrument Sets = Soth. 12/12/62 and 7/15/63; Alidade with Bubble Level, 1788 = ADL-M190; Square, folding = Drouot 4/17/87; etc. never breveted an "ingénieur"; member of Corporation des fondeurs; Master in the Corporation, 1771. Quay de l'Horloge du Palais; also Quai du Nord (1790); both in Paris. (Quai du Nord is the name of Quai de l'Horloge between the French revolution.) Daumas 1; USNM; Pipping 1; Price 2; Gunther 2; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; Augarde; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MEUREUS, G. Italy, fl.1590-1620, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = OXF. Rome. Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
MEURIS, GUILLAUME Belgium, 1683, MIM SIM Quadrants = CNAM (1683), Oliva Museum, Danzig (1681); Augsburg-type Sundial = X; Protractor = MAA; Sundial = BEK; Circumferentor, military = P.C. the Augsburg-type sundial and the protractor are signed "G. Meuris"; there is a very similar circumferentor at OXF signed "G.M." (2). Brussels. Zinner 1; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
MEURON France, 1779, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1779 = Christie 12/18/74. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MEURS, HENDRIK VAN Holland, fl.1742-67, NIM compass maker. Teertuinen (1742); Hoek van de Lestagie en de Oude Waal (1767); both in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
MEURS, RUTGERUS VAN Holland, c.1775, MIM made a clockwork planetarium. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
MEURTHIN, J. Sweden, c.1830, MIM SIM Mining Compass = X. watchmaker. Gärle. Pipping 1. suggest correction
MEWES, PHILIPPE DE France, 17th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, silver = Bernard Coll. = NMM-Caird. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MEYEN see Mayen Daumas 1. suggest correction
MEYER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Abingdon. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MEYER AND FRAUNHOFER Germany, c.1836, OIM Telescope, refracting = U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1836. purchased by Chas. Wilkes for the Expedition. USNM. suggest correction
MEYER, EUGENE MIM Sundial = MYS. RSW. suggest correction
MEYER, HENDRIK Holland, fl.1723-29, PHIM Pyrometer = UTR. Utrecht. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
MEYER, J.S. Holland, c.1750, MIM Instrument = LEY. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; USNM. suggest correction
MEYERS, GEORGE Ireland, fl.1819-20, PHIM barometer maker. 104 High Street, Belfast. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MEYERS, PHILIP see Philip Myers. Taylor 2(1945); Goodison 1. suggest correction
MEYERSTEIN, M. Germany, 20th Century, NIM Borda Circle = BRE. Göttingen. RSW. suggest correction
MEYJES JEREMIASZ, FRANS Holland, 1782-1823, NIM Crown Compasses = AMST, KRO, P.C.,etc. brother of Johannes Meyjes Jeremiasz. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
MEYJES JEREMIASZ, JOHANNES Holland, 1776-1856, NIM compass maker; founded Johannes Meyjes & Zoon, sail makers; brother of Frans Meyjes Jeremiasz. Haringpakkerij, Amsterdam (1816-17). Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
MEYLAN, FELIX Switzerland; Holland, fl.1774-1809, PHIM clock and physical instrument maker; (Charles Louis) Felix Meylan; worked on the Leidse Sphera. Valée du Lac de Joux, Berne Canton; Leiden (1776). Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
MEYLIN, JOHANN Switzerland., 1671-1712, MIM Horary Quadrant = Zurich Observatory. the quadrant is signed "Meylin in Zurich fecit"; also marked "J.H. Vogel delineavit - J. Co. Keller sculpsit." Zurich. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MEYNIER 1 France, 1724, MIM SIM made an odometer in 1724. Paris. Beckmann. suggest correction
MEYNIER 2 see Mégnié. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MEYRICK, WILLIAM England?, 1788, PHIM Guinea Balance, 1788 = Soth. 10/3/88. signed "William Meyrick Cesn (or Cefn) Côch Cir. 1788"; adjusted by Charles de Grave. RSW. suggest correction
MEYSEL, JO. GE. Austria, c.1810, MIM Drawing Instrument = Koller, May 1972. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
MICELI, ANTONIO c.1850, MIM Sandglass, 14-second = D.(1983). Coffeen C. suggest correction
MICHAEL, LEWIS USA, c.1830, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = D. (1992). "Made By Lewis Michael . SOMERSET PA."; clockmaker; bubble level at south point. Somerset, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
MICHALON France, 18th Century, MIM Compass, spherical = SPI-2826. Paris. Michel 3. suggest correction
MICHAULT France, c.1730, MIM Butterfield-type Sundials = D.(1972), Soth.-NY 6/8/87; Augsburg-type Sundial = P.C. (1981); Garden Sundial = OXF-B203. à la Flotte d'Angleterre, rue St. Denis, vis-à-vis celle de la Chanverrerie près St. Magloire, Paris. Maddison 5; Roux Devilas 73; RSW. suggest correction
MICHEL France, fl.1764-94, MIM in 1764 Michel was authorized by the Académie des Sciences to make mechanical devices in metal; first worked for Lennel Veuve; in 1794 he was attached to the Section of Mechanics of the Commission temporaire des Arts. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MICHEL, JOHAN JOST Holland, fl.1763-72, MIM made metal instruments. The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
MICHELL, LEWIS USA, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument, open sights = P.C. patterned after a Rittenhouse instrument. Price 2. suggest correction
MICHL, ANT. JOHANN MIM Sundial, octagonal = FIN-214. RSW. suggest correction
MIDDLETON, CHRISTOPHER England, fl.1720-41, R.N.; F.R.S., 1727; devised an azimuth compass. Taylor 2(290); DNB. suggest correction
MIDGLEY, JONATHAN England, MIM Rule, eight-inch = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
MIELER, LIENHART Germany, fl.1621-25, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = Nouveau Drouot 5/28/88 (1621), NMM, LAW-296 (1625). Helsinki, Nat'l Museum (1621). may be same man as Lienhart Miller. Nürnberg. Vivielle 2; RSW. Joe Paszczyk. suggest correction
MIELLER, LIENHART Germany, 1621, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1621 = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/23/94. surely Lienhart Mieler. RSW. suggest correction
MIGON France, c.1678, MIM OIM Universal Equatorial Sundials = D., Versailles 5/6/79. made an azimuth instrument for Cassini I at the Paris Observatory in 1678. Paris. Brieux 2; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
MILBOURNE, WILLIAM England, fl.1620-43, Leybourne said Milbourne invented the form of slide rule made by Thomas Brown 1; designed other instruments as well. Brancepath, Co. Durham. Taylor 1(143); Evans 1. suggest correction
MILCHMEYER Germany, c.1760, OIM Microscope, simple = X. Frankfort-am-Main. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MILER, JORG Germany, c.1610, MIM Sundial, ivory = Goldschmied Coll. = NMM-Caird. may be Jorg Miller. Zinner 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
MILER, LIENHART variant spelling for Lienhart Miller. RSW. suggest correction
MILER, LINHARD variant spelling for Lienhart Miller. RSW. suggest correction
MILES AND CO. England, PHIM Balance, iron and brass = Christie-SK 11/27/86. RSW. suggest correction
MILES, LAWRENCE England, fl.1717-53, MIM apprenticed to John Crooke l in the Joiners' Company, Dec. 9, 1701; free in the Company, Sept. 3, 1717. Ditchside (1737-42); Fleur-de-Lis Court, Fleet Street (1743-53); both in London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MILES, SEPTIMUS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1976). Ludgate Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
MILESIO, D. Ireland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Belfast. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MILESON, ABEL England, fl.1838-68, MIM PHIM 23 Emmett Street, Limehouse Hole, London. Taylor 2(2182); O'Mara. suggest correction
MILESSIO, D. Ireland, fl.1812-25, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 12/2/77; Stick Barometer = X. carver and gilder; may have been a retailer. Dublin. Goodison 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MILIETUS, CHRISTOPHORUS 1575, MIM Astrolabe, 1575 = P.C. ICA-3038. ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
MILLAR, RICHARD, JR. Scotland, fl.1845-68, NIM also made clocks and watches. 45 Bridge Street (1845-51); 58 Bridge Street (1852-68); both in Leith. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MILLARD AND SON England, fl.1836-38, MIM OIM PHIM Joseph Millard and Son; barometer makers. 24 Coppice Row, Clerkenwell, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
MILLARD AND SONS England, fl.1838-47, MIM OIM PHIM Joseph Millard and Sons; barometer makers. 24 Coppice Row, Clerkenwell and Oxford Street, London. Bell 2; Taylor 2(1645). suggest correction
MILLARD, JOSEPH England, fl.1825-36, MIM OIM PHIM barometer maker; see Millard and Son, Millard and Sons. 24 Coppice Row, Clerkenwell, London. Bell 2; Taylor 2(1645). suggest correction
MILLARD, THOMAS England, fl.1851-57, OIM Telescope, four-draw = D.(1988). "Optician." 334 Oxford Street (London). Rinaldi 22. suggest correction
MILLER see the various members of the German and Scottish Miller family; see also Miler and Müller. Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
MILLER AND ADIE Scotland, fl.1802-23, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Microscope, Cuff-type = RSM; Surveying Compasses = Melun 4/24/83, D.; Compass = Phillips 11/11/81; Theodolites = Soth. 1/27/75, RSM; Sextant = Christie 10/12/65; Stick Barometer = X; Level = FRK = RSM; Telescope, reflecting = FRK = RSM; Telescopes = RSM; Dip Circle = FRK = RSM; Hydrometer = RSM; etc. John Miller and Alexander Adie, his nephew. 94 Nicholson Street (1804-07); 96 Nicholson Street (1807-09); 8 Nicholson Street (1810-11); 15 Nicholson Street (1811-22); all in Edinburgh. Taylor 2(1069); Goodison 1; Bell 2; Clay and Court; Wynter and Turner; Dewhirst; G.L'E. Turner 24; Bryden 3; Morrison-Low 1; RSW. suggest correction
MILLER AND M'COLL Scotland, c.1818, MIM George Miller and M'Coll. 116 Stockwell, Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MILLER, A.P. CARLO see A.P. Carlo Müller. Evans 1. suggest correction
MILLER, CASPAR Germany, 1564, MIM Diptych Sundial = X. member of compass maker guild; Master, 1564. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
MILLER, GEORGE Scotland, c.1819, MIM worked with M'Coll as Miller and M'Coll in 1818. 116 Stockwell, Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MILLER, HANS 1 Germany, d.1555, MIM member of the compass maker guild; may or may not be the same as Hans Müller who compiled an inventory in 1538, which see. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
MILLER, HANS 2 Germany, 1564, MIM member of the compass maker guild; Master in 1564. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
MILLER, HANS 3 Germany, 1613, MIM member of compass maker guild; married in 1613. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
MILLER, HANS 4 Germany, fl.1614-19, MIM member of compass maker guild; married in 1614, 1616, 1618, and 1619; probably more than one man. Nürnberg. Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
MILLER, HANS 5 Germany, 1587, MIM member of compass maker guild; married daughter of Hieronymus Reinmann in 1587; possibly Hans Miller 2 or 6. Nürnberg. Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
MILLER, HANS 6 Germany, Diptych Sundial = X. member of compass maker guild; mark is shield with flower and star. Nürnberg. Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
MILLER, JOHN Scotland, fl.1771-1825, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Circumferentor = Soth. 7/15/63; Stick Barometers = X (2), RSM, etc; Mountain Barometer = KEN; Terrestrial Globes, miniature, 1793 = X, RSM, etc; Surveyor's Compasses = Weschler 5/22/76, Ineichen 5/10/76; Surveying Quadrant = OXF; Orrery = RSM; Cometarium = RSM; Sundial, Air Pump = RSM; Level = FRK = RSM. may have been apprenticed to John Yeoman; journeyman under George Adams 1; took his nephew, Alexander Adie, as an apprentice and later as partner (1804-12). back of Fountain Well (1774); Parliament Close (1775-95); 38 South Bridge (1795-1800); 86 South Bridge (1803-05); George IV Bridge (pre-1803); Nicholson Street, 94 (1804-07), 96 (1807-09), 8 (1810-11), 15 (1811-12); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3, 9 and 17; Goodison 1; Bell 2; Darius 3; USNM; RSW; Krogt 2; Taylor 2(1013); Morrison-Low 1; Taylor 2(675a). suggest correction
MILLER, JORG Germany, 1564, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = X. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
MILLER, JOSIAH USA, fl.1750-75, MIM Horizontal Sundials, pewter = X (1973), D.(1975), D.(1979). X and D.(1979) are for 42°; the dealer in 1979 thought Miller worked near Plymouth Mass. Connecticut. Moskowitz ; RSW. suggest correction
MILLER, JOST France, fl.1609-16, MIM Gunnery Level, 1609 = BM; Sector, 1616 = FLO. Strasburg. Michel 3; Price 3; Ward 4; Bonelli 1. suggest correction
MILLER, LEONHARD Germany, fl.1627-64, MIM made ivory diptych sundials; dates ranged from 1637-51; examples can be seen at BM, OXF, INN, HAK, WHI, EMA, BEK, AUG, ROM, SAL, LIE, KEN, ADL, etc. punchmark is a fleur-de-lys; Zinner and Gouk treated Leonard and Lienhart Miller as one person but we feel the date spread is too wide; Leonhard is some times spelled Leonhart or Leonhardt; sometimes signed "L.M." with insignia in between. Nürnberg. Zinner,1; Gouk 1; Price 2; MADEX; Hamilton 2; Bobinger 2; NMM 2; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MILLER, LIENHART Germany, fl.1600-34, MIM made many ivory diptych sundials dated from 1600 to 1634; examples may be seen at PAK, KES, EMA, NOR, GRA, VIT, DEU, BM, WUR, STU, BASH, STO, NMM, WHI, NUR, LAW, etc. possibly the father of Leonhard Miller; the dials are marked with a fleur-de-lys; the dial in the NMM is signed "Lienhart Mieler", probably a mis-stamping for Miller; LAW is signed "Lienhart Miler 1616." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1; Stewart; Price 2; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
MILLER, NIKOLAUS 1 Germany, 1605, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1605 = X. Zinner thought that Nikolaus Miller 1 and 2 were the same person. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
MILLER, NIKOLAUS 2 Germany, fl.1642-61, MIM made many ivory diptych sundials, dating from 1642-61; examples may be seen at FRA, INN, NOR, VIT, WHI, EMA, MUN, OXF, JENA, etc. the punchmark is a crown; some of his dials are signed "N.M." with the crown. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3; Moreau; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
MILLER, S.R. USA, c.1835, designed a surveying compass; submitted it to the Patent Office on Oct. 22, 1835. Front Royal, Va. USNM. suggest correction
MILLESIO, D. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Bill. 4/21/93. Kendal. RSW. suggest correction
MILLIKAN AND LAWLEY England, 19th Century, MIM Drawing Instrument Set = Christie 4/3/85. 161 Strand, London. RSW. suggest correction
MILLINGTON, JOHN England; USA, c.1832, M.D.; science educator from England; announced he was going to open a shop of philosophical instruments, some to be made by him. Philadelphia, Pa. D.J. Warner 6. suggest correction
MILLIS, WILLIAM England, c.1750, T.C.; wire-drawer. at the Black Horse, opposite the Church in Crooked Lane, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
MILLS, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1790-99, MIM apprenticed to Walton Willcox in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 10, 1782; turned over to William Spencer 1 in the Grocers' Company, May 23, 1783; free in the Joiners' Company, Jan. 12, 1790; took an apprentice. Hermitage Yard, Wapping, London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MILLS, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1825-38, MIM PHIM 82 Parsons Street, Ratcliff Highway, London. Taylor 2(1646). suggest correction
MILLS, HARRIET England, OIM T.C.; widow of Robert Mills. London. RSW. suggest correction
MILLS, J. England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 1/30/84. Bury. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
MILLS, JOHN England, c.1714, MIM apprenticed to Samuel Mason of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 18, 1714. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
MILLS, ROBERT England, fl.1822-46, OIM Telescope, case = Phillips 10/5/76. optician; signed "Mills" plus address. 35 Duke Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields; 49 Southampton Street, Pentonville; both in London. RSW; Taylor 2(1647). suggest correction
MILLS, WILLIAM England, fl.1799-1824, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "W. Mills London." London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MILNE, ALEXANDER England, 1806-96, PHIM Barometers = NMM, KEN. Admiral Sir Alexander Milne. Bell 2; NMM 2; Middleton 1. suggest correction
MILNE, JOHN, AND SON Scotland, c.1767, MIM PHIM Sundial = Mr. Mackenzie (1767); Balance = RSM (2). T.C.; founders and iron-mongers. at the Golden Church Branch, Bishops Land, High Street, Edinburgh. Calvert 2; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
MILNER, HANS 1 Germany, c.1625, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = ADL-W29, BASH. the punchmark is a bat. Nürnberg. Ackermann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MILNER, HANS 2 Germany, 17th Century, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = Flensburg Kunstgewerbe Museum. the punchmark is a shield with a flower and star. Nürnberg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MILNER, JASPER Germany, 16th Century, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = KEN (inv. 1938-371). RSW. suggest correction
MILNER, KASPAR variant reading for Jaspar Milner. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MILNER, LIENHART misreading for Lienhart Miller. Soth. 2/26/62. suggest correction
MILSDOERFFER, JEAN GEORG Germany, c.1750, OIM Berlin. Clay and Court. suggest correction
MINGUET, PABLO Spain, c.1763, OIM T.C.; may be Paulus. Madrid. Calvert 2. suggest correction
MINOLLA, G. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 39 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MINORETTI, JOHN England, fl.1845-50, PHIM barometer maker. Loseby Lane; Hotel Street; both in Leicester. Bell 2. suggest correction
MINOSA, S. England, c.1790, PHIM barometer maker. Leather Lane, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
MINOT France, 17th Century, MIM Astrolabe = CNAM (ICA-219); Capuchin Sundial = CNAM Michel 2; Price 1; Gunther 1; GHP; Cons. Nat'l 1; ICA 2; MADEX. suggest correction
MINSHULLS England, c.1820, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature = Soth. 6/25/68, 6/19/72 and 3/21/73, Christie 7/5/71. some may be duplicates. RSW. suggest correction
MIOTTI, VINCENTIUS Italy, 1717, MIM SIM Sundial, 1717 = X; Alidade = LOS. Rome. Evans 1; USNM. suggest correction
MIRANDA, JOSEP' DA COSTA Portugal, 1711, MIM Marine Compass, 1711 = WHI. Lisbon. Maddison 6; Bryden 17; J.A. Bennett 1. suggest correction
MIRE, LEONHARDT misreading for Leonhardt Miller. Phillips 9/16/81. suggest correction
MIRVAULT France, 19th Century, NIM Repeating Circle = La Rochelle 7/16/83. 47 rue Grenéta, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MITAINE France, c.1855, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Versailles 4/17/83. signed "l'Ingénieur Mitaine Opticien fabricant." Place Vendome No 2, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MITCHELL AND BALE England, fl.1814-15, MIM 65 Lower East Smithfield, London. Taylor 2(1389). suggest correction
MITSDORFER, JOHANN GEORG Germany, fl.1740-60, OIM Microscope = KEN; Heliostat, 1753 = DEU. Mitsdörfer. Berlin. Daumas 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
MITTELSTENSCHEID, JOHANN CASPAR Germany, 1803, PHIM Beam Balance, portable, with case = Christie-SK 2/9/84; Balances = DRE (1803), Markisches Museum, Berlin; Coin Balance = WHI. the case for the beam balance has the maker's label. In der Bergischen Hauptstadt, Lennep. Olivia Brown 2; RSW. suggest correction
MITZKO, HENRY THOMAS England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 36 St. John's Lane, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(2183). suggest correction
MODD England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Donnington. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MODESTIN, JOSEPH Czechoslovakia, 18th Century, MIM Equatorial Mechanical Sundial = KEN. Chrudin, Bohemia. Michel 3. suggest correction
MOELLINGER, K.H. Germany, MIM Berlin. Evans 1. suggest correction
MOFFETT AND BLACKBURN England, PHIM T.C.; scale makers. 126 Minories, London. Calvert 2. suggest correction
MOGEY, W. AND D. USA, c.1850, OIM Telescope, refracting = Soth. 3/10/87. Bayonne, N.J. RSW. suggest correction
MOGG, EDWARD England, fl.1803-48, MIM Globe, dissected, cardboard = D.(1992). "Published March 1st 1812 by Edwd. Mogg" plus address; engraver, publisher and mapseller. 14 Little Newport Street, Leicester Square. Coffeen 36. suggest correction
MOGINIE England, OIM Microscopes = Melun 4/24/83, Christie-SK 5/10/77. 14 Ridinghouse, London. RSW. suggest correction
MOGINIE, SAMUEL England, fl.1820-42, PHIM barometer maker. Pimlico, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
MOISETTE see Gaggini et Moisette RSW. suggest correction
MOLARBY, MICHAEL England, PHIM barometer maker. Builth. Bell 2. suggest correction
MOLBERG, P. MEN. Sweden, PHIM Stick Barometer = NOR. Stockholm. RSW. suggest correction
MOLE, WILLIAM England, c.1740, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 1, in the Joiners' Company, March 13, 1721; made a Leadbetter's slide rule. at ye Axe in Grub Street; at the Mariner and Globe, in Chiswell Street; both in London. Darius 2; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MOLER, JACOB Germany, MIM Sundial = Drecker Coll. = DPW. marked "Aquius Civitas." Aachen. Zinner 1; Evans 1. suggest correction
MOLESWORTH England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MOLETTI, GIUSEPPE Italy, 1531-88, MIM a list of instruments made or designed by him is in the Ambrosiana Library in Milan. Padua. Michel 3. suggest correction
MOLINARI, A. England, fl.1836-40, PHIM barometer maker. Leather Lane, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
MOLINARI, ANTONIO 1 England, fl.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3), D.(1976). also a thermometer maker; the barometers are usualy signed "A. Molinari Halesworth." Halesworth. Goodison 1; Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
MOLINARI, ANTONIO 2 Italy; Denmark, fl.pre-1780- 89, PHIM Thermometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. the firm was in business in Copenhagen, 1787 -1889. Italy (pre-1780); Copenhagen (1787-89). RSW. suggest correction
MOLINARI, B. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. Plymouth. RSW. suggest correction
MOLINARI, D. England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Halesworth. RSW. suggest correction
MOLINER, CHARLES Scotland, fl.1784-1801, PHIM Stick Barometers = X (2); Angle Barometer = X; Barometer = D.(1975). sometimes spelled "Molliner." Baillie Grant's Close (1784); Netherbow (1786-90); High Street (1794); Baron Grant's Close (1799-1801); all in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Bryden 3; Morrison-Low 1; RSW. suggest correction
MOLL, HERMAN Holland; England, c.1680-1732, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature = P.C. (1719), P.C., Hispanic Society, New York, N.Y. (1703), Chicago Historical Society. T.C.; map maker; geographer; "A Correct Globe with Trade Winds"; California is shown as an island. London (1719-27). Calvert 2; Yonge; Warner 2; Krogt 2; Stevenson. suggest correction
MOLLER, HEINRICH MATTHIAS Germany, c.1800, PHIM Gold Balance = HAK. Heinrich Matthias Möller. Hamburg. RSW. suggest correction
MOLLER, JOHANNES Germany, fl.1660-87, MIM Graphometer, 1660 = DAR; Quadrant, 1670 = Colburg Gymnasium; Armillary Sphere, geared, 1687 = DRE. Johannes Möller. Gotha. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
MOLLER, M. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/14/95. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
MOLLINGER, JOSEPH Germany, MIM OIM Microscopes = LEY, DEU; Sundial = Bernal-3962. Neustadt. Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
MOLLISON, ALEXANDER England, c.1825, MIM PHIM 17 Chapman Street, Islington, London. Taylor 2(1651). suggest correction
MOLLO, TRANQUILLO Austria, fl. 1816-34, MIM Mechanical Universe, 1834 = D.(1993); Terrestrial Globe with compass = Soth. 6/9/39. mapmaker. Vienna. Coffeen 42; RSW. suggest correction
MOLT, JOH. ALBERT Germany, 1756, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood, 1758 = ULM. marked "Gnomonicus Lauracensis." Zinner 1. suggest correction
MOLTANI 1 see Molteni Taylor 2(2179); Bell 2. suggest correction
MOLTANI 2 see Mastaglio, Fornelli and Moltani. Taylor 2(2179). suggest correction
MOLTEN, F., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. might be Francis Molton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MOLTEN, JOSEPH Holland, 1779, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1779 = Christie-NY 4/19/89. "inv. et fecit." Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
MOLTENI ET SIEGLER France, c.1851, PHIM Molteni et Siégler; showed at the Great Exhibition, London, 1851. 62 rue neuve St. Nicolas, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
MOLTENI, A. 1 England, fl.1850-58, PHIM barometer maker. 185 Pilgrim Street (1851-53); 154 Pilgrim Street (1855); 152 Pilgrim Street (1857-58); 91 Clayton Street (1857-58); all in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MOLTENI, A. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Wigan. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MOLTENI, A. 3 France, fl.1782-1900, MIM NIM Sextant = LIM; Octant = MYS; Solar Chronometer = D.(1981). the octant is signed "Molteni Molteni" according to Price; Molteni was advertising photography in 1897. 44 rue du Chateau d'Eau, Paris. USNM; Price 2; Moskowitz 122; RSW. suggest correction
MOLTENI, ALEX England, fl.1829-36, PHIM thermometer and barometer maker; see Zerboni, Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli; see Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli; see Mastaglio, Fornelli and Molteni; see Mastaglio and Molteni. 13 Baldwin Gardens, London. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MOLTENI, C. England, fl.1850-60, PHIM barometer maker; may have been a partner in Mastaglio and Molteni. 25 Grainger Street (1851-53); Collingwood Street (1851-53); 47 Grainger Street (1855-60); all in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MOLTENI, J. France, c.1855, NIM Sextant, No. 2429 = Gersaint 7/20/96. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MOLTENI, J. AND A. (3) France, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth., 6/6/96. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MOLTENI, J., ET CIE. France, OIM Telescope = AMST. Paris. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
MOLTENO France, MIM Cannon Sundial = CAS. for latitude 51° 30'; might be a misreading for Molteni. RSW. suggest correction
MOLTEUL, J. France, c.1851, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM USNM suggested that this might be a misprint for J. Molteni. rue du Chateau-d'Eau, 62, Paris. Catalogue Officiel, Section Française, Great Exhibition of 1862; USNM. suggest correction
MOLTHER, JOHANNES Germany, c.1619, designed a tricuspid compass and a proportional compass. Hesse. Offenbacher 37. suggest correction
MOLTIN see Molton. Bell 2. suggest correction
MOLTON, FRANCIS England, fl.1801-42, PHIM Stick Barometer = X (2); Wheel Barometers = X (5), Christie 12/17/75, D.(1975), D.(1976), Soth.-S 7/23/87, Phillips 11/16/88. also a thermometer maker. Dove Lane (1822-30); St. Lawrence Steps; both in Norwich. Goodison 1; Bell 2; Taylor 2(1936); RSW. suggest correction
MOLTON, FRANCIS, AND CO. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1975). Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
MOLYNEUX England, fl.1824-36, MIM Alt-azimuth Instrument = Wesleyan University (1836). made astronomical clocks and chronometers; provided equipment for Charles Wilkes in 1836 for a U.S. exploring expedition; see Molyneux and Cope. London. USNM. suggest correction
MOLYNEUX AND COPE England, fl.1820-40, MIM made sidereal clocks; see Molyneux. London. USNM. suggest correction
MOLYNEUX, EMERY England, fl.1587-1605, MIM NIM Terrestrial Globes, 1592 & 1603 = BM; Celestial Globes = BM, KAS; Astrolabe, paper = P.C.(1970). also a compass and nautical instrument maker; Edward Wright and William Sanderson joined him in making a large terrestrial globe. Lambeth, London. Taylor 1(79); Bedini 8; Wynter 1. suggest correction
MOLYNEUX, SAMUEL England, 1687-1728, OIM Reflecting Telescope = King John V, Portugal. made improvements in speculum metal; F.R.S.; he may have had the telescope made to his order. Kew House, Richmond, Surrey. Taylor 2(94). suggest correction
MOMPUTO MORI Sundial = K. and C. 11/24/76. probably a motto: "Non Puto Mori." RSW. suggest correction
MONAGHAN, JAMES Ireland, fl.1760-62, PHIM weather-glass maker. Winetavern Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MONASTERI, L., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3). Darlington. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MONCONYS, BALTHAZER DE France, 1611-65, designed a microscope with a field lens, c.1660. Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1. suggest correction
MONFRINO England, c.1810, PHIM see Cermenati and Monfrino. Boston. Comstock; USNM. suggest correction
MONGENET, FRANCOIS DE France; Italy, fl.1552-pre-92, MIM Terrestrial Gores, 1552 = X; Celestial Globe, silver, 1552 = ADL-G15; Pairs of Gores = ADL-A344 and A345, BM-Map Room, New York Public Library, PBN; Terrestrial Gores = NUR; Celestial Globes (2) = ROM; Terrestrial Globe = ROM; Pair of Globes = Drecker; Terrestrial Globe with Sundial and watch inside, 1552 = UTC. François De Mongenet; the ADL celestial globe had later additions made to it and is marked "Elaborabat Franciscus De Mongenet 1605" with the original date erased; the globes at ROM were stolen in 1984; unsigned terrestrial globe, ADL-M17, made from de Mongenet gores, c.1560. Vesoul; Besançon; Venice. Fox 1 and 2; Bedini 12; Yonge; Stevenson; Ruge; Karrow; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MONILLER France, MIM Instrument = BM. Paris. Evans 1. suggest correction
MONK England, fl.1772-85, MIM PHIM made pyrometers; clockmaker. Taylor 2(747). suggest correction
MONK AND MERIGOT England, 1807, MIM PHIM Pyrometrical Thermometer = Auction, 1807. Monk and Mérigot. Taylor 2(747). suggest correction
MONNS, ELIZABETH USA, 1820, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1820 = Yale U., Conn. Setauket, Long Island, N.Y. Yonge. suggest correction
MONTANARI, GEMINIANO Italy, 1633-87, invented "stadia", an idea of putting parallel cross hairs in a telescope. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
MONTAUBAN, A. France, c.1720, MIM Water Level = P.C. (1987). RSW. suggest correction
MONTAUDON, J. USA, c.1838, MIM invented an instrument to measure distance. Washington, D.C. Taylor 2(2185). suggest correction
MONTGOMERY, ROBERT USA, fl.1683-1713, NIM Davis Quadrant = P.C. (1978); Davis Quadrant, 1711 = P.C. (stolen). New Amsterdam (New York), N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
MONTHI England, see Barnaschoni and Monthi or Bernaschoni and Monthi. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MONTI see Maspoli, Monti and Co; see Bernasconi and Monti. RSW. suggest correction
MONTI AND BESERGA England, PHIM barometer makers. Bell 2. suggest correction
MONTI, ANTHONY England, fl.1847-60, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (4). watch and clockmaker; the barometers are signed "A. Monti." Palace Street, Canterbury. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
MONTI, FRANCOIS, ET FILS Italy, c.1850, OIM Telescope, refracting = Christie 9/11/86. signed "François Monti et Fils à Turin." Turin. RSW. suggest correction
MONTI, JOSEPH England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 10/19/87, Soth.-S 1/27/88. the Soth. barometers are signed "Joseph Monti Canterbury"; the barometer identified by Goodison, (X), was signed "J. Monti Canterbury." Canterbury. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
MONTI, P. England, c.1835, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2); Marine Barometer = VNN. watchmaker?; possibly a partner in Maspoli and Monti. Sandwich. Goodison 1; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
MONTI, P., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 5/14/87. Lewes. RSW. suggest correction
MONTIGNY, ARLES DE France, 1753, invented a type of perpetual motion machine in 1753; gave permission to make it to Joseph Solvaique, a Swiss, then to Lacroix, later to Sulpice Cuvillier and then again to Solvaique. Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
MONTINI England, PHIM see Vanini and Montini; barometer makers. Peterborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MOODY England, c.1870, Sundial = Evans Coll. also marked "J. Jewsbury Birmingham" a noted manufacturer of reproductions. Birmingham. Evans 1; Price 2. suggest correction
MOODY, JAMES E. USA, 1848-1913, MIM OIM SIM Transits = GUR (2). worked for John H. Temple ; he finished the incomplete instruments Temple left in his workshop. Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
MOOLEN, S. VANDE Holland, 1701, MIM Quadrant, Roias projection on reverse, 1701 = Soth. 11/16/87. RSW. suggest correction
MOON SENR. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 12/8/76. "from Dollonds"; probably John Moon. 215 High Street, Islington. RSW. suggest correction
MOON, J. 1 England, 1786, MIM Garden Sundial, stone, 1786 = VCW. marked "Sarum Lat. 51° 6'." Salisbury. Price 2. suggest correction
MOON, J. 2 England, c.1852, NIM may be the same as John Moon. 31 1/2 Limekiln Hill, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
MOON, JOHN England, fl.1830-52, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sextant = D.(1982); Garden Sundial, 1833 = D.(1979); Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/17/87. sextant signed "Moon" and "Moon from Dollonds"; the sundial is signed "Moon" and marked "Isaac Scartii"; see J. Moon 2 and Moon Senr. 3 Lucas Road, Commercial Road; 28 Green Street, Stepney (1838); 76 Minories (1846) and at Limehouse; all in London. Taylor 2(1937); Coffeen A; RSW. suggest correction
MOON, THOMAS England, c.1669, NIM "an ingenious smith." Bristol. Sturmy; Clay and Court. suggest correction
MOON, WILLIAM England, fl.1791-1811, OIM apprenticed to John Dollond 2 of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Feb. 4, 1782; free of the Company, Oct. 16, 1791. 35 Northhampton Street, Clerkenwell, London. Court and von Rohr 3(214). suggest correction
MOOR, ANN England, c.1762, MIM Set of Regular Solids, boxwood = Burton Constable. Elizabeth Hall; RSW. suggest correction
MOOR, JAMES Scotland, fl.1788-1801, OIM opposite the Guard (1788-90); 17 Parliament Close (1793); 15 Parliament Close (1794); Robertson's Close (1801); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MOOR, WILLEM Holland, c.1600, MIM Astrolabes and Quadrants, 1600 = Jacob van Neck's Expedition. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
MOORE 1 see Merriam and Moore. RSW. suggest correction
MOORE 2 USA, PHIM "Patented Eagle Balance for 1/2 and 1/4 eagles for sale at the office of Moore's"; "Price Current." 12 Merchants Exchange, Philadelphia, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
MOORE AND NIMS USA, c.1850, SIM Terrestrial Globe = D.(1976). see also Merriam and Moore. Troy, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
MOORE AND WRIGHT England, MIM Micrometer = Christie 10/6/76. RSW. suggest correction
MOORE, CHARLES England, c.1862, NIM invented or made an indicator to determine magnetic devation. Quay Parade, Swansea. USNM. suggest correction
MOORE, F. USA, MIM Garden Sundial = P.C. (1975). Kensington, Conn. RSW. suggest correction
MOORE, F.C. England, OIM Telescopes, refracting = Phillips 5/20/75 & 2/22/77. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
MOORE, FRANCIS M. Ireland, c.1830, NIM T.C. in octant case. Belfast and Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
MOORE, GEORGE W. USA, c.1870, MIM Sundial with Compass in watch-form = MYS. signed "Moore's Sundial watch and compass." 44 Farnsworth Street, Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
MOORE, JOHN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Worthington. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MOORE, JOHN G. USA, c.1865, MIM Orrery = D.(1989). patented an "Improved Orrery" in 1865. Philadelphia, Pa. Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
MOORE, JONATHAN England, c.1701, apprenticed to Grace Wells in the Joiners' Company on May 27, 1701. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MOORE, P., AND CO. NIM label in a case for an octant at MYS. RSW. suggest correction
MOORE, SIR JONAS England, c.1681, author; "A New System of Mathematics" (1681) has drawings of nocturnals. Perry. suggest correction
MOORE, THOMAS England, c.1669, MIM Bristol. Taylor 1(336). suggest correction
MOORE, WILLIAM England, fl.1751-88, MIM NIM Backstaff, 1751 = X; Backstaff = Soth. 7/7/55. 55 Paternoster Row, London. Taylor 2(513); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
MOOY, ERVEN VAN HENDRIK Holland, fl.1765-95, NIM Cross-staff, 1775 = ROT. widow of Hendrik Mooy; the cross-staff is signed "H. Mooy 1775"; as this was after Hendrik's death it was from his old stock or made by his widow. Nieuwebrugsteeg, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
MOOY, HENDRIK Holland, 1715-65, NIM made cross-staves; succeeded his second cousin, Isaac Swigters in 1750; firm continued by his widow, Erven van Hendrik Mooy, (1765-95). Nieuwebrugsteeg, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2 and 4; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
MOQUIN ET AMIEL Switzerland, c.1790, MIM Sundial in back of watch = CHF. Geneva. RSW. suggest correction
MORALES, JUAN BAUTISTA Spain, fl.1605-21, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1605 = X; Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1621 = OXFB. Basanta; Maddison 5; Michel 3; MADEX. suggest correction
MORCAR, FRANCOIS France, 1620, MIM Vertical Sundial, 1620 = Church in Murs. François Morcar. Gatty. suggest correction
MORDEN, R., BERRY, W., AND LEA, P. England, c.1690, MIM Celestial Globes = NMM (2); Terrestrial Globes = NMM, WHI. Robert Morden, William Berry and Philip Lea. London. NMM 2, Olivia Brown 3. suggest correction
MORDEN, ROBERT England, fl.1666-1703, MIM globe maker; member of the Weavers' Company, c.1666; may have been apprenticed to Joseph Moxon; worked with John Rowley. At the Atlas in New Cheapside (1669); At the Atlas in Cornhill near the Royal Exchange (1671-1702); both in London. Tyacke 1; Taylor 1(242). suggest correction
MORDENTE, FABRITIO Italy, b.1532, MIM Reduction Compasses = ADL-M69, ADL-DPW36. Mordente invented this type of instrument; designed a type of quadrant, plate found in atlas by Paulus de Furlanis, which see; author. Engelmann 1; A.J. Turner 10; Bonelli 10; Woodward 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MORE, JAMES Scotland, c.1850?, MIM SIM Suveyor's Chain = D.(1985); Level = FRK = RSM. "Chain Maker." Glasgow. Morrison-Low 1; Coffeen 9. suggest correction
MOREAU France, 19th Century, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = ADL-A48. Rue de Seine, 16, Paris. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MOREAU, JEHAN France, 1622, MIM Astrolabes, wood and paper, 1622 = ADL-W98, USNM. Moreau republished Philippe Danfrie's 1584 paper astrolabe in 1622 using the same plates but adding his (Moreau's) name and address; see Philippe Danfrie. "à Paris chez Jehan Moreau rue St.-Jacques à la Croix blanche." Gibbs 2; USNM; Price 1; Gunther 1; Gibbs and Saliba; ICA 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MORELEY AND SONS England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Guildford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MORELLI, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MORELLI, FELICE France, MIM Le Roy-type Inclinable Sundial = WHI (FIT). invented by Julien Le Roy. Paris. Bryden 16. suggest correction
MORETTI England, fl.1826-46, PHIM barometer maker; hardware man, etc. Pierrepont Place; Walcot Street; both in Bath. Bell 2. suggest correction
MORETTI AND ABATTE England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Bearne, 6/29/92, Soth. 6/6/75. Soth. signed "Moretti and Batti"; possibly J. Abatte 1 or J. Abatte 2 of Peterborough or Moretti of Bath. RSW. suggest correction
MORETTI AND BATTI England, c.1780, PHIM probably misreading for Moretti and Abatte, which see. Soth. 6/6/75; RSW. suggest correction
MORETTI, J.C. England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer, Thermometer and Hygrometer = Phillips 1/30/84; Stick Barometer = X. Lynn. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
MORETTI, R. England, c.1850, NIM Octant, ebony = MYS. Cardiff. USNM; Price 2. suggest correction
MORGAN 1 England, pre-1793, NIM Sextant = Herring Auction, May 1, 1793. Inclinable Sundial = Tesseract, Winter 1983 probably John Morgan 2. RSW, Coffeen, D suggest correction
MORGAN 2 MIM Square, iron = VCW. RSW. suggest correction
MORGAN, FRANCIS England; Russia, fl.1764-1804, MIM OIM Inclinable Sundial = OXF; Mathematical Instrument Set, silver = Soth. 12/15/78. apprenticed to his father, John Morgan 2, in the Joiners' Company, 1757; free by Patrimony on testimony by Robert Tangate 1 and Robert Croome in the Company, 1764; took apprentices; emigrated in 1771; scientific instrument maker to the (Russian) Admiralty (1772-1801); T.C. in English and French; the dealer's sundial was made in London, the others were made in St. Petersburg. Carey Street (1765); New Street Square (1766); At the Sign of Archimedes and Three Spectacles, 27 Ludgate Street near St. Paul's, (1767-71); all in London; St. Petersburg (1772-1804). Maddison 1; Crawforth 1 and 7; Calvert 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Taylor 2(748); Chenakal; Millburn 11; RSW. suggest correction
MORGAN, HENRY England, c.1682, MIM clock and watchmaker; member of the Clockmakers' Company, 1682. Robischon. suggest correction
MORGAN, JOHN 1 England, c.1682, MIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Anderton of the Grocers' Company; might have been turned over to another master; free of Nathaniel Anderton on Dec. 6, 1682. J. Brown 1; RSW. suggest correction
MORGAN, JOHN 2 England, fl.1733-58, MIM NIM Gauging Scale = Soth. 10/17/60; Circles (2), Dividers, Protractors = UTO 11/2/76; Plate and Azimuth Circle = Aubert Sale, 1806. apprenticed to Lawrence Miles in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 7, 1726; free in the Company, Dec. 4, 1733; took apprentices; father of Francis Morgan; made compasses, octants, Hadley quadrants, etc.; original maker of Gowin Knight's Patent Compass; had James Watt as an apprentice c.1750-56. Finch Lane, Cornhill, London. Taylor 2(385 & 1665); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
MORGAN, JOHN 3 misprint for John Margas. Bryden 9. suggest correction
MORGAN, JOHN THOMAS England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 7 Crown Street, Hucton Square, London. Taylor 2(2186). suggest correction
MORGAN, SYLVANUS England, 1620-93, MIM he was an accomplished dialist; author. at the Sign of the Coat, behind the Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 1(198). suggest correction
MORGAN, W. DE England, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 7/29/69. RSW. suggest correction
MORGANTI, B. England, c.1825, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Brighton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MORIANI Italy, PHIM Thermometer = WHI. Bryden 11. suggest correction
MORICE, DAVID AND SON England, c.1825, PHIM barometer makers. London. Bell 2. suggest correction
MORICE, DAVID AND WILLIAM England, fl.1804-25, PHIM barometer makers. Royal Exchange, London. Bell 2. suggest correction
MORILLARD France, 1600, MIM Astrolabe, 1600, ICA-528 = MADEX-265. the astrolabe was corrected by Sevin of Paris. Lyon. Price 1; ICA 2; GHP; Michel 2; MADEX. suggest correction
MORIN, HENRI France, c.1880, MIM Rule, wood = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88; Staff Transit = D.(1994); Telescope, marine = Versailles 11/19/78; Surveying Instrument = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96. telescope is signed "3 Rue Boursault"; surveying instrument is signed "Atelier H. Morin et Gensse à Paris." 11 Rue Dulong; 3 Rue Boursault; both in Paris. Garcelon 33; Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
MORIN, J.-B. France, 1583-1656, proposed, in 1634, to use telescopes on astronomical instruments. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
MORISON England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MORITZ AND IMMISCH England, PHIM Thermometer = Christie 5/26/76. "from the inventor to Capt. W.B. Phillimore---." London. RSW. suggest correction
MORK, A.F. Sweden, c.1800, MIM Pantograph = X. A.F. Mörk. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
MORLAND England, 1731, PHIM Angle Barometer, 1731 = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
MORLAND, SAMUEL England, 1625-95, Sir Samuel Morland; invented a perpetual calendar in 1650, example at BM; invented a "Poor man's Dial" (sundial), also a variant of Napier's Rods and a calculating machine in 1666; Sutton and Knibb made examples of the calculating machines now at KEN and FLO; "Master of Mechanics to King Charles II." Bloomsbury; Vauxhall (1677); both in London. Taylor 1(219); G.L'E. Turner 24; Latham and Matthews, Vol. 9; DNB; DSB; Middleton 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
MORLEY England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Cardoza 8/26/89. London. RSW. suggest correction
MORLEY, GEORGE England, 1836, MIM OIM Taylor 2 equated this man with George Motley. 84 High Street, Whitechapel (1836); 80 High Street Whitechapel; both in London Taylor 2(2189); O'Mara. suggest correction
MORLEY, JOSEPH England, fl.1805-06, MIM apprenticed to William Morris 1 of the Grocers' Company on April 7, 1796; Taylor listed a J. Morley with these dates and address. 1 little Thames Street, Wapping, London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(1184). suggest correction
MORRELL 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Whitby. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MORRELL 2 see Baker, Carver and Morrell. RSW. suggest correction
MORRELL 3 England?; USA?, NIM Compass Card = D.(1978). Portsmouth. RSW. suggest correction
MORRICE, JOSEPH England, an ivory turner in the Merchant Taylors' Company; had George Hicks. an OIM, as an apprentice. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MORRIS, G. England, OIM T.C.; spectacle maker. No. 9, Bedford Square, East London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
MORRIS, ISAAC England, c.1830, OIM Kendal. Taylor 2(1940). suggest correction
MORRIS, J. England, OIM Stick Barometer = X. Kendal. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MORRIS, JOHN B. England, fl.1825-43, MIM PHIM Rule, Coggeshall-type, 1843 = Christie-SK 2/9/84. the rule is signed "J.B. Morris London." 14 New Walnut Tree Walk, London. Taylor 2(1652); RSW. suggest correction
MORRIS, JOSEPH England, c.1788, apprenticed to Dudley Adams of the Grocers' Company on July 3, 1788. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
MORRIS, LEWIS England, 1701-65, OIM improved Wilson's pocket microscope. Holyhead, Anglesea. Taylor 2(198). suggest correction
MORRIS, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1771-1803, MIM NIM Octant, 1791 = Museum of Science, Boston, Mass. apprenticed to Tycho Wing of the Grocers' Company on Feb.7, 1764; free of the Company on May 7, 1771; took apprentices. Strand (1771); Cooper's Row, St.Catherine's (1783); St.Catherine's Square (1794-1801); Upper East Smithfield (1802); 54 East Smithfield (1803); all in London. J. Brown 1; USNM. suggest correction
MORRIS, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1801-18, MIM rule maker. Great Charles Street (1801); Summer Row (1808-18); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
MORRISON, A. England, MIM SIM Surveyor's Level = Christie-SK 2/9/84. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
MORS, THOMAS England, fl.1730-50, MIM NIM T.C.; bookseller. at the Sign of the Lute on the Northside of St. Paul's Church Yard, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
MORSE, SAMUEL 1 England, fl.1838-50, OIM T.C.; spectaclemaker. No. 3 Tenter Terrace, Prescot Street, London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
MORSE, SAMUEL 2 England, c.1840, MIM 50 Mansell Street, Minories, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
MORSS, ANTHONY S. USA, fl.1850-80, MIM NIM Rope Guage = PMS; Dry Card Marine Compasses = D.(1961), D.(1972). the rope guage is also marked "Hardware." 210 and 212 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass. Moskowitz 104; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
MORTIMER, CROMWELL England, c.1698-1752, invented a metallic thermometer. London. Chaldecott 2. suggest correction
MORTIMER, JOHN England, c.1862, devised a compass with both azimuth and dip needles. Pippinford Park, Maresfield, Sussex. USNM suggest correction
MORTON AND CO. Scotland, fl.1847-51, OIM PHIM Alexander Morton. 7 South College Street, Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MORTON, A. misreading for Thomas Morton 2. A.J. Turner 1; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
MORTON, ALEXANDER Scotland, fl.1832-46, PHIM 'Windmill Experiment' for Air Pump = RSM. 29 Richmond Place (1832-33); 2 Roxburgh Place (1834-37); 9 Drummond Street (1838); 11 Hill Square (1839); 71 Adam Square (1840-42); 7 South College Street (1845-46); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Taylor 2(2187); Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
MORTON, DANIEL JAMES England, c.1803, apprenticed to Thomas Bourne 1 or 2 in the Joiners' Company. Jan. 11, 1803. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MORTON, JAMES England, MIM chronometer maker; worked with his brother, Thomas Morton 1. Sunderland and South Shields. RSW. suggest correction
MORTON, JOHN, AND CO. Scotland, NIM Marine Compass = Christie-SK 3/31/83. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
MORTON, THOMAS 1 England, MIM worked with his brother James. Sunderland. RSW. suggest correction
MORTON, THOMAS 2 Scotland, 1783-1862, OIM Telescope, wood = P.C. (1974); Telescopes = RSM, FRK = RSM (3). designer and maker of textile machinery. Kilmarnock. Bryden 3; A.J. Turner 1; Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
MORZIERES, JOSEPH LOUIS France, MIM Table Sundial, octagonal = FIN-217. Morzières. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
MOSCHINO, GIUSEPPE Italy, c.1650, OIM Telescope = Roussel-22 = Prin Coll. = NMM-Caird; Opera Glass, ivory = Soth. 3/25/86. . Genoa. Michel 3; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
MOSER Czechoslovakia, 1727, MIM Instrument, 1727 = PRA. Prague. RSW. suggest correction
MOSHAMMER, JOHANN MICHAEL Germany, 1731, PHIM Pyrometer, 1731 = DEU. Regensberg. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MOSLEY Ireland, PHIM Pocket Barometer = K. & C. 7/9/75. Waterford. RSW. suggest correction
MOSS AND WINDRED England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 8 Crescent Street, Southwark, London. Taylor 2(2188). suggest correction
MOSS, BENJAMIN England, fl.1828-36, MIM OIM PHIM Waterloo Place, Commercial Road (1828-29); 7 Catherine Street, Commercial Road (1830); 55 1/2 Houndsditch (1836); all in London. Taylor 2(1941); O'Mara. suggest correction
MOSS, CONRAD Germany, 1588, PHIM Nest of Weights, 1588 = DRE. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
MOSS, J. England, c.1750, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = X. Taylor 2(2188). suggest correction
MOSS, S. England, T.C.; experimental chemist. 150 High Street, adjoining the Arcade, Cheltenham. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
MOSSY France, fl.1780-1821, MIM PHIM Thermometer and Calendar = Ader Picard Tajan 3/15/83; Barometers = CNAM (2, 1780), (1789); Thermometer, 1782 = CNAM; Barometer and Thermometer, 20 Janvier, 1791 = Pescheteau-Badin-Godeau-Leroy -de Ricqlès 7/8/97. worked with Cappy before 1780; see Cappy and Mossy; breveté ingénieur in 1788; "constructeur des instruments de phisique en verre de la Société Roial del' Medicine"; worked for Lavoisier; barometer and thermometer signed "Mossi à Paris" plus date. Quay Pelletier à la Croix d'or, Paris. Daumas 1; Middleton 1; ATG 8/2-9/97; RSW. suggest correction
MOTEL, JEAN-FRANCOIS-HENRI France, 1786-1859, MIM Chronometer = ADL-N62. Jean-François-Henri Motel. Paris. J.A. Bennett 2; Baillie 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MOTLEY, GEORGE see George Morley. Taylor 2(2189); O'Mara. suggest correction
MOTTER, JOHANN Belgium, 1602, MIM Astronomical Rings = BRO (1602), KEN, VIE, NUR. Flanders. Michel 3; Maddison 1; Zinner 1. suggest correction
MOUNT, WILLIAM England, c.1692, MIM apprenticed to Withers Cheney of the Clockmakers' Company on July 20, 1682; free of the Company, Sept. 29, 1692. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
MOUROUX France, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie's 2/19/97. Bordeaux. RSW. suggest correction
MOUY, DE Holland, 18th Century, MIM Artillery Level = ROU-125. Michel put him down as French. Amsterdam. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
MOWER see Short and Mower. RSW. suggest correction
MOWRE England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Chester 1/31/85. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
MOXON, JAMES England; Scotland, fl.1646-91, MIM worked with his brother, Joseph Moxon, in 1646 and 1647 (Bryden thought Joseph was his father); free of the Weavers' Company by Patrimony before 1646; successfully petitioned to become a member of the Stationers' Company in 1646; active in Edinburgh in 1690. at the Sign of the Sugar-loaf in Houn's ditch at the end of Houn's ditch near Bishopsgate, London; Lawrence Ord's Close, foot of the Canongate, Edinburgh (1690); London (1691). Tyacke 1; Bryden 3 and 15. suggest correction
MOXON, JOHN misreading for Joseph Moxon. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
MOXON, JOSEPH England, 1627-1700, MIM Celestial and Terrestrial Globes, including miniatures, which may be seen in many museums including KAS, SKO, ADL, WHI, BEK, Winchester Cathedral Library, etc.; Quadrant, wood and paper, with a Volvelle = Burton Constable. free of the Weavers' Company by Patrimony before 1646; transferred to the Stationers' Company in 1646; admitted to the Livery of the Weavers' Company in 1664; had been taking apprentices in that Company; worked with his brother, James, 1646-47; worked with John Sugar (1653-65); T.C.; F.R.S. in 1678; "Hydrographer to the King"; made "Particular" and Copernican spheres from Blaeu's design; developed the miniature terrestrial globe in England. see Moxon, Joseph (Cont.) see Moxon, Joseph (Cont.) suggest correction
MOXON, JOSEPH (CONT.) terrestrial globe at Winchester designed by Roger Palmer. at the Sign of the Sugar-loaf in Houns-ditch, at the upper end of Houns-ditch near Bishopsgate (1647); the Netherlands (-1651); near St. Michael's in Cornhill, at the Sign of the Atlas on Parnassus Hill (1652-65); on Ludgate Hill near Fleet Bridge at the Sign of the Atlas (1666); Covent Garden (1667); at the Atlas in Russell Street (1670-71); at the Sign of Atlas on Ludgate Hill near Fleet Bridge on the west side of Fleet Bridge; Westminster Hall over against Parliament Stairs (1694); Warwick Lane (1699); all in London. Taylor 1(228); Tyacke 1; Elizabeth Hall; Crawforth 1; USNM; Millburn 5; Wynter 1; Latham and Matthews, Vol. 4; Krogt 2; Edell; Olivia Brown 3; A.J. Turner 10; Yonge; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MUCKLOW, BENJAMIN England, c.1830, OIM Rea Mill, Lawley Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1942). suggest correction
MUDGE, JOHN England, 1721-93, OIM brother of Thomas Mudge; made several reflecting telescopes. Plymouth. Taylor 2(386). suggest correction
MUDGE, THOMAS England, 1717-94, MIM apprenticed to George Graham of the Clockmakers' Company on May 4, 1730; free of the Company, Jan. 15, 1738; took apprentices; clock and chronometer maker; succeeded George Graham; from 1750 Mudge had William Dutton as a partner. 67 (later 151) Fleet Street, London; Plymouth (1771). Dewhirst; J. Brown 3; Clay and Court; Taylor 2(294). suggest correction
MUETER see Motter. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MUGGENAST, SEBASTIAN Germany, 1714, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1714 = GEM. clockmaker. Strengen? Zinner 1. suggest correction
MUIR, JOHN Scotland, fl.1682-d.1695, NIM ship's chandler and nautical instrument maker. Leith. Bryden 3. suggest correction
MULLALLY, LUKE Ireland, c.1751, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. Capel Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
MULLER Germany, PHIM Hygrometer = DEU. Müller. Berlin. Daumas 1. suggest correction
MULLER, F. HENRICH Germany, fl. 1672-78, MIM Sundial, round, silver = OXF; Sundial, octagonal = Zeiss, Jena; Perpetual Calendar (1663-1700) = Evans Coll.-OXF; Horizontal Sundial, round, silver = Soth. 4/16/56-134. F. Henrich Müller; Zinner called him "J. Heinrich Müller." Kassel. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Gunther 2; RSW. suggest correction
MULLER, FRANZ ERNST Germany, 17th Century, MIM Equatorial Sundial, wood = Wolfenbüttel Bibliothek. Franz Ernst Müller. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MULLER, H., AND CO. China, NIM Sextant = Soth. 12/13/71. Shanghai. RSW. suggest correction
MULLER, HANS Germany, 1538, MIM Hans Müller; member of compass maker guild; compiled aninventory in 1538; Linhart Gresel was one of the guardians of his children. Nürnberg. Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
MULLER, JOHANNES see Regiomontanus. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
MULLER, LUDOVICUS D. see Ludwig Theodor Müller. Hamilton 1. suggest correction
MULLER, LUDWIG THEODOR Germany, fl.1710-70, MIM Augsburg-type sundials by this maker can be found in most museums and collections. Ludwig Theodor Müller; or Ludwig Theodatus Müller; the dials are often signed "L.T.M."; an early example of a cottage industry, most examples have assembly marks on the various parts to aid in the final reassembly; they come in leather covered cardboard boxes with instruction sheets in German, French and English with a long list of towns and their latitudes; "Kompassmacher, Mechaniker." Augsburg. Bobinger 2; Zinner 1; USNM; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MULLER, MARTIUS Italy, pre-1690, OIM mentioned by Bonani in 1690 as an instrument maker. Genoa. Clay and Court. suggest correction
MULLER, P. CAROLUS Germany, c.1600, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = ADL-M316; Pillar Sundial = WRAY-97; Pillar Sundial, wood and paper = St. Gall. P. Carolus Müller; Zinner called him "Karl Müller." Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
MULLER, SEBASTIAN Germany, 18th Century, MIM Universal Rule = Stuker 11/22/66. Sebastian Müller. Ebersbach. RSW. suggest correction
MULLER, THEODAT G. misreading for L.T. Müller. RSW. suggest correction
MULLER, WALDEMAR Denmark, PHIM Stick Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. Randers. RSW. suggest correction
MULLINER, ABRAHAM England, c.1712, MIM apprenticed to Joseph South of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1712. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
MUNCK, FRANCIS England, c.1652, MIM apprenticed to John Blighton 1 of the Grocers' Company; free of the Company on Sept.28, 1652. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
MUNDAY, THOMAS England, c.1850, NIM Sextant = Soth. 10/28/86. RSW. suggest correction
MUNGER, ASAHEL USA, c.1835, he received a patent on a pendulum level in 1835. Oberlin, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
MUNNICH, GEORGE Holland, 1766-1829, MIM George Münnich; instruments at LEY. Utrecht. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
MUNRO England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 2/4/77, X. 12 York Place, Lambeth, London. Taylor 2(1943); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
MUNRO, JAMES England, fl.1830-46, MIM OIM PHIM 4/5 High Street Lambeth, London. Taylor 2(1943); Goodison 1. suggest correction
MUNSTER, SEBASTIAN Germany, 1489-1552, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood and paper = Weil = Zeitlin = USNM. author; wrote many books on dialing and mathematics which often included instruments to be cut out and mounted by the reader. Zinner 1; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
MUR UND STERR Germany, 1719, OIM Telescope, parchment, 1719 = DEU. Christian Mur and Johann Sterr; what about Maurstotter und Sterr? same date, same instrument, same town. Freising. Daumas 1; Price 2. suggest correction
MURDOCK, ALBERT USA, c.1835, MIM globemaker; partner with his father, David Clark Murdock; see D.C. and A. Murdock. West Boylston, Mass. Yonge; Bedini 8; USNM. suggest correction
MURDOCK, D.C. AND A. USA, fl.1800-40, MIM Terrestrial Globes = P.C., P.C. David Clark Murdock and his son, Albert; globe makers. West Boylston, Mass. Yonge; Bedini 8; USNM. suggest correction
MURDOCK, DAVID CLARK USA, 1805-86, MIM Terrestrial Globes = P.C. Yale U., P.C. made many globes, 1830 on; second son, Albert, became his partner in 1835; see D.C. and A. Murdock. West Boylston, Mass. Yonge; Bedini 8. suggest correction
MURER, JOHANN Germany, 1556-1641, MIM Sundial, glass = ZUR. Oberwinther (1581); Rickenbach (1612). Zinner 1. suggest correction
MURIS, JEAN DE France, fl.1318-23, astronomer; used a kardaya, a kind of sextant. Paris. Michel 3. suggest correction
MURPHY England, PHIM barometer maker. Cottenham, Cambs. Bell 2. suggest correction
MURRAY see Draper, Murray and Fairman. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1. suggest correction
MURRAY, JOHN 1 Scotland, fl.1824-41, NIM also a clock and watchmaker. 40 Quay (1824-27); 37 Quay (1828-35); 30 Quay (1836-41); all in Aberdeen. Taylor 2(2191); Bryden 3; Morrison-Low. suggest correction
MURRAY, JOHN 2 Scotland, c.1834, NIM compass maker. Dock Street, Dundee (1834). Bryden 3. suggest correction
MURRAY, MUNGO England, fl.1754-72, invented a shipwright's sector; author. His Majesty's Yard, Deptford, Kent; London. Lefkowicz Bulletin No.6, 1977; Taylor 2(514). suggest correction
MURRAY, WALTER Scotland, fl.1945-75, NIM see Berry and Mackay. Aberdeen. Clarke et al. suggest correction
MURRELL, JOHN England, fl.1836-46, OIM 13 Albion Place, St.John's Lane, London. Taylor 2(2192); O'Mara. suggest correction
MURREY, WILLIAM England, fl.1810-21, MIM apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on May 1, 1810. Haymarket, London (1821). Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MURRY, WILLIAM England, c.1755, MIM member of the Joiners' Company; took Robert Bancks 1 as an apprentice in 1755; turned him over to Philip Jones of the Framework Knitters' Company, in 1757. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
MUSSCHENBROEK, JAN VAN Holland, 1687-1748, OIM PHIM Microscope, 1702 = X; Air Pumps = LEY (1708) & (1722), KAS, DEU (1708). made a wide range of philosophical instruments; worked for 's Gravesande; son of Johann Joosten van Musschenbroek and succeeded him in 1707. Leyden. Rooseboom 1; Crommelin 1; Daumas 1; Dewhirst; USNM; RSW; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
MUSSCHENBROEK, JOHAN JOOSTEN VAN Holland, 1660-1707, OIM PHIM Air Pumps = LEY (1698), UTR (1706), DEU; Microscope, aquatic = LEY; Microscopes = KEN, LEY. succeeded his brother, Samuel van Musschenbroek; father of Jan van Musschenbroek; his master mark was a lamp with crossed keys; KEN and LEY microscopes are signed "Johann van Musschenbroek", but with proper master marks. Leiden. Crommelin 1; Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; USNM; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
MUSSCHENBROEK, JOHANN VAN may be same as Johan Joosten van Musschenbroek. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
MUSSCHENBROEK, PIETER VAN Holland, 1692-1761, physicist; invented a pyrometer; son of Johan Joosten van Musschenbroek; interested in the luminescence of barometers. Leiden. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1. suggest correction
MUSSCHENBROEK, SAMUEL VAN Holland, 1639-81, OIM PHIM Air Pump, 1675 = LEY. older brother of Johan Joosten van Musschenbroek; his master mark was a lamp with crossed keys; the keys represent the city of Leiden. Leiden. Rooseboom 1; Crommelin 1; Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; USNM. suggest correction
MUSTON England, c.1850, PHIM Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
MUTH Germany, c.1720, MIM Sector, with compass = P.C.; Universal Ring Sundial = SWE. probably H.L. or J.P. Muth; "Opticus Professor fecit." Kassel. Zinner 1; Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
MUTH, H.L. AND J.P. Germany, 1721, MIM Celestial Globe, silver, 1721 = KAS. Heinrich Ludwig and J.P. Muth were brothers. Kassel. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MUTH, HEINRICH LUDWIG Germany, 1673-1754, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1720 = KAS. brother of J.P. Muth. Kassel. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MUTH, J.P. see H.L. and J.P. Muth. Zinner 1. suggest correction
MUTI Czechoslovakia, 1716, MIM Sun and Moon Dial, 1716 = Christie 4/3/85. Willebrand-type; the first letter of the name is not clear it might be Huti or Vuti. Prague. RSW. suggest correction
MUXTON AND PALLANT England, pre-1843, MIM Bubble Level = USNM. W. Muxton and John Pallant. 44 Museum Street, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
MUXTON, W. England, pre-1843, MIM SIM worked with John Pallant. 44 Museum Street, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
MYBOOM, PAULUS Holland, MIM Compass Sundial, in ivory barrel = Eisinga's house, Franeker. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
MYERS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Yarmouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
MYERS, H. AND J. England, PHIM barometer makers. Winchester. Bell 2. suggest correction
MYERS, P. England, MIM Sector, ivory = Auction, 1960. may be Philip Myers, having moved from Nottingham to London. London. Taylor 2(1945). suggest correction
MYERS, PHILIP England, c.1830, MIM OIM 1 Okeham Street, Nottingham. Taylor 2(1945). suggest correction
MYLIUS, A. DE England, 1791, MIM finished a planetarium invented and started by Philipp Matthaeus Hahn. London. Taylor 2(601). suggest correction
MYLNE, JOHN Scotland, fl.1630-40, MIM Polyhedral Sundials = Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, Stobhall, Perthshire; Obelisk Sundials = Wemyss Castle, Drummond Castle (1630). a stone mason. Perth. Gatty; Somerville. suggest correction
N. 1 MIM Cruciform Sundial, silver = Koller 11/17/75. signed "N. 46" on the cover. RSW. suggest correction
N. 2 c.1809-19, MIM Compass, silver, with case = Drouot 4/26/67. the "N" has a crown over it. RSW. suggest correction
N.A. England, fl.1731-65, stands for New Astronomer, a pseudonym for William Ross which see ; he invented a type of ring sundial called a Rossisphere in 1733; there is an example at OXF; author. Taylor 2(222 & 301). suggest correction
N.C. France, 1797, MIM Horizontal Sundial, cast pewter, 1792 = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. RSW. suggest correction
N.D. Habermel-type Astrolabe = Michel Coll. Price 2. suggest correction
N.G.H. c.1790, MIM marked on a cartographic surveying rule signed "K.L.C." (1) under a crown. Christie-SK 11/27/86. suggest correction
N.H. 1764, MIM Garden Sundial, 1764 = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. RSW. suggest correction
N.M. 1 Germany, 1649, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1649 = Huelsman Coll. Nikolaus Miller 2. Nürnberg. Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
N.M. 2 USA, 1760?, MIM Window Sundial, small = D.(1989). perhaps related to Josiah Miller. Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
N.N. England, 1611, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1611 = Hartshead, Yorkshire. Hartshead, Yorkshire. Gatty. suggest correction
N.V. Italy, 1853, MIM Pillar Sundial, wood, 1853 = ADL-W137. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
NACHET ET FILS France, pre-1851-1881 and 1892 on, OIM Microscopes = K. & C. 6/21/75, Phillips 5/20/75; etc. Camille Sébastien Nachet and son; the firm of A. Nachet changed its name back to Nachet et Fils in 1892. rue Saint-Séverin 17, Paris. USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
NACHET, A. France, fl.1881-92, OIM Microscope = D.(1989). successor to Nachet et Fils; the firm changed its name back to Nachet et Fils in 1892. Paris. Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
NACHET, CAMILLE SEBASTIEN France, 1799-1881, OIM Microscopes = D.(1972), D.(1984); etc. Camille Sébastien Nachet started business with Vincent Chevalier; established his own firm c.1840; made microscopes. rue Voltaire (1819); rue Serpente 16; both in Paris. Daumas 1; Pipping 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen F; Moskowitz 104; Brieux; Warner 13. suggest correction
NAFTEL, PAUL England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77. Guernsey. RSW. suggest correction
NAGLER, JOHN USA, fl.1810-30, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Wachovia Museum, Old Salem, North Carolina. Winston-Salem, North Carolina. USNM. suggest correction
NAHMENS, NAHMEN Germany, 1704-68, NIM Octant with Compass = X. Zinner 1. suggest correction
NAIME misreading for Nairne. Phillips 9/10/86. suggest correction
NAIRN variant spelling for Nairne. RSW. suggest correction
NAIRNE AND BLUNT England, fl.1774-93, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums including FLO, WHI, MLL, COO, BAR, UTR, LEY, SUN, KEN, OXF, CNAM, PMM, Burton Constable, etc. Edward Nairne and Thomas Blunt 1; Blunt had been apprenticed to Nairne from 1760 to 1771. 20 Cornhill, London. Taylor 2(750); Goodison 1; Bell 2; Moskowitz; Wynter; RSW; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Bonelli 1; J.A.Bennett 1 and 2; Middleton 1. suggest correction
NAIRNE, EDWARD England, 1726-1806, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM made a wide range of well engraved instruments including; barometers, electrical machines, telescopes, sundials, rules, a mariner's astrolabe (NMM-52), etc.; examples may be seen at ADL, UTR, MLL, MAN, USNM, FLO, NMM, OMM, SWE, HAR, OXF, WHI. apprenticed to Matthew Loft of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Feb. 2, 1741; free of the Company by Redemption, Jan. 26, 1748; Master of the Company 1759, 1774, 1796-97; took apprentices; partner with Thomas Blunt 1, 1774-93; "Mathematical Instrument Maker to His Majesty"; T.C. at the Golden Spectacles, Reflecting Telescopes and Hadley's Quadrant, in Cornhill, opposite the Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 2(388); O. Brown 1; Calvert 2; Engelmann 1; DNB; DSB; Crawforth 1 & 7; Maddison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Goodison 1; J.A. Bennett 1 and 2; A. Stimson 3; Garcia Franco; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
NAPIER, D., AND SON England, c.1848, NIM Mariner's Compass = AMST. patented "Captain's Registering Compass" in 1848. 8 and 9 Vine Street, York Road, Lambeth. London. Mörzer Bruyns 1; Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
NAPIER, JOHN Scotland, 1550-1617, Baron Merchiston; published a work on logarithms in 1614 and invented two calculating devices called "Napier's Bones" and a more complicated version called the "Promptuary", in 1617. Merchiston. DNB; DSB; G.L'E. Turner 24; Tomash; etc. suggest correction
NARCAL, FEITA Brazil, c.1720, NIM Compass, 1720 = LIM. Rio de Janeiro. RSW. suggest correction
NARCISS, THEODOR AUGUST see Theodor August Narzis. RSW. suggest correction
NARCY MIM Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 1/22/73 = D.(1997). modern work; this looks like the work of the forger Williams. "Paris." Brieux 4; Coffin 58; RSW. suggest correction
NARRIEN, JOHN England, fl.1805-25, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Sectors, ivory and brass = Soth. 12/15/78, Armand 10/11/90; Stick Barometer = D.(1986); Theodolite = D.(1973). Soth. sector is part of a set of drawing instruments. 70 St. James's Street, London. Taylor 2(1186); Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
NARRIEU, JOHN misprint for John Narrien. RSW. suggest correction
NARZIS, THEODOR AUGUST Germany, 1721-73, MIM Sundial, octagonal, 1766 = ULM. compass in lid; marked "Stuckjunker." Ulm. Zinner 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
NASH, F.M. USA, fl.1866-71, MIM SIM a partner in Blunt and Nichols with Edmund Blunt 2 and John H. Nichols who was Blunt's uncle; later was a partner in Blunt and Co. (1868-71), with William Sinclair Blunt; then on his own, made surveying instruments. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
NASH, JOHN 1 England, fl.1664-90, MIM apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company; free of the Company in 1664; admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company, Feb. 24, 1668; took apprentices; also sold maps and globes; had some faulty rules seized in 1672. at the Sign of the Globe, within Aldgate, London. J. Brown 1 & 3; Taylor 1(310); Clay and Court. suggest correction
NASH, JOHN 2 England, c.1717, MIM apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on April 4, 1709; free of the Company, Oct. 7, 1717; J. Brown 1 reported that Nash took over Thomas Clark 1 as an apprentice from Charles Crick 1 of the Grocers' Company on July 16, 1697 though these dates do not agree; it may be that this is John Nash 1, though the dates are off also. London. J. Brown 1 & 3. suggest correction
NASH, REUBEN USA, 1786, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, 1786 = Vermont Historical Society. Benson, Vermont. USNM. suggest correction
NASH, THOMAS England, fl.1717-69, MIM apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 10, 1708; free of the Company, Oct. 7, 1717. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
NATHAN, ADOLPH c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. "opticus." RSW. suggest correction
NATHAN, ELIAS England, c.1830, OIM 1 Old Millgate, London. Taylor 2(1946). suggest correction
NAVARRE, FRANCOIS France, fl.1760-78, OIM Telescopes, Gregorian = Auction, Versailles 5/6/79, CNAM, P.C. in 1760 brevetted "ingénieur Ordinaire en instruments de Physique et de Mathématiqus Privilégié de Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne" elder grandson of Louis XV; worked with Dom Noël. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Daumas 1; Augarde; RSW. suggest correction
NAYLOR 1 England, c.1722, PHIM made weather-glasses. Black Lion, Longacre, London. Smart 1. suggest correction
NAYLOR 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Halifax. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NAYLOR, T. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Hutchinson-Scott Auctioneers, 6/14/94. barometer maker. Lowestoft; Halifax. Bell 2; RSW. suggest correction
NAZE, JEAN France, 1553, MIM Astrolabe, 1553 = Musée, Lyon; Astronomical Table Clock = CLU. ICA-2000 Lyon. Destombes et Brieux; Brieux 3; ICA 2. suggest correction
NEAL, MISTER England, MIM globe maker; probably John Neale. London. Bedini 8. suggest correction
NEALE, HENRY England, fl.1686-95, MIM PHIM Set of Weights D.(1971); Money Balance = Gabb Coll. = NMM. T.C.; Moskowitz thought c.1775. at ye end of St. Bartholomew Lane, near the Royal Exchange, London. Calvert 2; Taylor 1(446); Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
NEALE, JOHN England, fl.1743-58, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Waywiser = X. author; watchmaker; made miniature orreries, globes, electrical machines, etc.; often signed "J. Neal"; he attempted to publish John Bevis' Star Atlas in 1750 but went bankrupt. Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(389); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Lattin; Clay and Court; Gingerich 1. suggest correction
NEBEL France, c.1795, MIM SIM Graphometers = WHI, MYS, Auction, Honfleur 6/17/79; Sector = P.C.; Folding Square = P.C. au Butterfield, Paris. Price 12; Brieux 2; Olivia Brown 1; RSW. suggest correction
NEEVES, RICHARD England, fl.1857-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 3 Regent Place, Grays Inn Road, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NEEVES, WILLIAM England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 17 Great St. Andrew Street, London. Taylor 2(2193). suggest correction
NEFF, W.C. AND J. USA, fl.1848-69, MIM NIM PHIM manufactured electro-magnetic machines. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
NEGELEIN, N.G. Germany, c.1830, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood and paper = UTR, ADL-N15, OXF, D.(1977), P.C., Delft Sundial Exhibition; Magnetic Compass, small, boxwood = D.(1971). the magnetic compass has a multi-colored compass rose printed in English. Nürnberg a Bavaria. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; de Rijk; Giordano 2; Moskowitz 102; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
NEGRATTI, H. England, c.1839, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; possibly Henry Negretti but he is not known at this address. 2 Dorrington Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NEGRETTI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 36 Redcliff Street, Bristol. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NEGRETTI AND CO. 1 England, PHIM Marine Barometer = Gloucester Museum; Wheel Barometer = Phillips 9/10/86; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 6/24/88. Henry Negretti; the barometer at Christie-SK was signed "Negretti & Co., fecit, London." 19 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
NEGRETTI AND CO. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 35 Pike Street, Plymouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NEGRETTI AND ZAMBRA England, 1850-present, MIM OIM PHIM sundials; telescopes; microscopes; barometers; thermometers; hygrometers; etc. Henry Negretti and Joseph Warren Zambra became partners in 1850, this continued until the death of Negretti in 1879; the firm was carried on by the sons of Negretti and of Zambra and still exists under the same name; T.C.; "Opticians and Meteorological Instrument Makers to Her Majesty"; patented an improvement for barometers in 1861. 11 Hatton Garden; 1 Hatton Garden; branch at 122 Regent Street (1862-present); 38 Holborn Viaduct (1870-1941). G.L'E. Turner 24; W.J. Read; Daumas 1; Moskowitz; Middleton1; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
NEGRETTI AND ZAMORA England, c.1773, PHIM Angle Barometer = Christie 4/19/78. the perpetual calendar on the barometer runs from 1773-1872; this must be a misreading for Negretti and Zambra and the early date taken from the perpetual calendar. RSW. suggest correction
NEGRETTI, ENRICO ANGELO LUDOVICO see Henry Negretti. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2194); Bell 2. suggest correction
NEGRETTI, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NEGRETTI, GAETONO England; USA, fl.1841-52, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "G. Negretti, Manchester." 4 Thomas Street, Manchester (1841); New York, N.Y. (1850-52). Goodison 1; Warner 5. suggest correction
NEGRETTI, H., AND CO. England, c.1840, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-Sk 10/20/89. 19 Leather Lane, London. RSW. suggest correction
NEGRETTI, HENRY Italy; England, 1818-79, MIM OIM PHIM Magnetic Sundial, brass case = Soth. 11/13/61; Wheel Barometer = KEN; etc. Enrico Angelo Ludovico Negretti; came to England in 1830; he was apprenticed to Francis Augustus Pizzala 1 in 1838; Read thought he was apprenticed to C. Tagliabue; glassblower, in 1840; Middleton thought he was working with John Ronketti in 1840; worked for M. Pizzi from 1843, and later for his widow; philosophical instrument maker by 1849; formed a partnership with Joseph Warren Zambra in 1850 which continued until Negretti's death in 1879; the firm was carried on by sons of Negretti and of Zambra and still exists under that name. see NEGRETTI, HENRY (cont.) suggest correction
NEGRETTI, HENRY (CONT.) 20 Greville Street (1840); 17 Leather Lane, Holborn (1841-45); 9 Hatton Garden (1849); all in London. Taylor 2(2194); Goodison 1; Bell 2; Daumas 1; W.J. Read; G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
NEGRETTI, L., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NEGRETTI, L., AND SON England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 4/20/83. Portsmouth. RSW. suggest correction
NEGRINI, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). Tenterden. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NEHR, F.C. England, 18th Century, MIM Armillary Sundial = Magdalen College, Oxford. Greenwich. Gunther 2. suggest correction
NEIL, SIR PAUL England, c.1650, OIM telescope maker "of high repute." USNM; Dewhirst. suggest correction
NEILL BROS. Ireland, fl.1850-63, PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN. probably the sons of Robert Neill. 23 High Street, Belfast. Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
NEILL, JR. AND J. Ireland, c.1860, NIM Sextant = Bearne's 1/25/89. may be Neill Bros., which see. Belfast. RSW. suggest correction
NEILL, ROBERT, AND SONS Ireland, fl.1842-46, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer signed "Neill and Sons." 25 High Street, Belfast. Goodison 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
NEIRNE misreading for Nairne. Dewhirst. suggest correction
NELLE MESURE "nouvelle mesure", the new metric measure of the French Revolution. RSW. suggest correction
NELLSON, R. England, 1738, MIM Sundial, 1738 = X. Gatty. suggest correction
NELME, LEMUEL DOLE England, c.1750, T.C.; dealer in ships' merchandise; etc. at his office in Exchange Alley, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
NELSON, JOSEPH England, fl.1703-08, MIM supplied all sorts of sundials; a surveyor. Colchester, Essex. Taylor 1(541). suggest correction
NELSON, OLIVER Ireland, 1771, MIM Sundial, 1771 = Soth. 3/10/87. he was "printer to the Honourable City of Dublin." Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
NELSON, WILLIAM Ireland, fl.1830-62, OIM PHIM Telescope built into a cane = ADL-A56; Marine Barometer = X. barometer signed "Nelson Dublin"; optician, spectacle maker and jeweler. 21 Essex Quay (1830-31); 20 Essex Quay (1832); 24 Essex Quay (1833); 37 Lower Ormond Quay (1834-39); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Goodison 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
NELSON, WILLIAM H. England, fl.1840-62, MIM OIM may be the same as William Nelson or maybe his son. 37 Lower Ormond Quay (1840-44); 42 Lower Ormond Quay (1845-51); 66 Dame Street (1852-62); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
NEMES, JOHN England, fl.1724-53, MIM Sundials = OXF, AMST; Horizontal Sundial = Soth. 9/20/83; Compass Sundials = Soth. 10/18/74, 10/20/75 and 3/10/87-99, WHI-1192. apprenticed to his father, Robert, in the Clockmakers' Company in June, 1710; freed as a Brother in the Company, June 18, 1724; the horizontal and compass sundials are signed on the paper compass roses inside the lids of the cases; some of the signatures show as "I. Nemes." London. Taylor 2(199); Mörzer Bruyns 1; Gunther 2; Evans 1; Weil 25; Crawforth 8; Baillie 1; Britten; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
NEMES, ROBERT see John Nemes. Britten. suggest correction
NEMES, T. England, MIM Compass Sundials = ADL-W231, D.; Diptych Sundial = Einsiedeln Stift. Taylor 2(199); Crawforth 8; Weil 25; Zinner 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
NENZELIUS, OLOF Sweden, 1728-1804, MIM clock and instrument maker, amateur. Lund. Pipping 1. suggest correction
NEPHEW, CHARLES India, 19th Century, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 2/25/86. Calcutta. RSW. suggest correction
NEPHEW, CHARLES, AND CO. India, 19th Century, MIM Pocket Compass = Soth. 4/27/72; Inclinable Sundial = ADL-N24; Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 12/16/63; Horizontal Sundial = Soth. 12/16/63. Calcutta. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
NEPOS GEMMA FRISIUS Gualterus Arsenius, which see. RSW. suggest correction
NERICE, BERNARDO Italy, 1762, MIM Sundial, brass, on a marble base, 1762 = Goldschmied Coll. = NMM-Caird. Lucca. NMM 2. suggest correction
NESBIT, ALEXANDER England, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
NESBITT, JOHN England, PHIM Balance, large = D.(1976). 42 Market Street, Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
NESSY France?, MIM Sundial = Hayden Planetarium, Boston. USNM. suggest correction
NESTFELL, JOHANN GEORG Germany, 1694-1762, MIM Planetaria = Natural History Museum, Vienna (1753), BAM, WUR; Quadrant, (1762) = DEU; Table Sundial = Pommersfelden Schloss. King said Vienna mechanism was very similar to that in the George Graham tellurian at ADL. Bamberg; Würzberg (1753). Maurice 1; H.C. King 2; Michel 3; Zinner 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
NETHERWOOD, JOB England, c.1689, MIM apprenticed to Clement Foster of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec.16, 1689. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
NETINI, PAULUS CONSTANTINI Italy, fl.1820-40, MIM Sundials on papier-maché snuff boxes, 1820 & 1840 = Drecker Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
NEUHAUS Austria, c.1800, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
NEUHOFER UND SOHN Austria, MIM Alidade = Technical Museum, Warsaw. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
NEUMAN, JOHANN-BAPTIST Austria, 17th Century, MIM Sundial, gilt-brass = Michel Coll. Vienna. Michel 3. suggest correction
NEUMANN, BALTHASAR Germany, 1712, MIM Sundial, 1712 = DEU-2829; Sectors = WUR (1713), P.C. artillery officer; P.C. sector is architectural. Price 2; Daumas 1; Zinner 1; RJW; RSW. suggest correction
NEUSSHART Germany, 1750, MIM String-gnomon Sundial, 1750 = ULM. also marked "P.M.L.P.N." Ulm. RSW. suggest correction
NEVE, GUILLIAM DE Holland, c.1623, PHIM balance maker; T.C. dated 1623. Amsterdam. Soth. 11/16/87. suggest correction
NEVE, P. France, c.1820, MIM Planetarium = Soth. 12/16/63; Planetarium, wood and paper = Soth. 12/17/62. rue de l'Hirondelle, 22, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
NEWALL, R.S. England, c.1946, MIM Capuchin-type Sundials = WHI (4). modern. Bryden 16. suggest correction
NEWBERY, WILLIAM England, c.1610, MIM apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 20, 1610. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
NEWBOND AND BULFORT England, OIM Telescope, three-draw = Melun 4/24/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
NEWCOMB AND MANSELL England, PHIM Marine Barometer = X; sextant = PC. Mansell 2. 35, Wapping Liverpool. Goodison 1; WEBDB. suggest correction
NEWCOMBE, F. England, c.1860, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/14/89. London. RSW. suggest correction
NEWDIGATE, FRANCIS England, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Weschler 5/22/76. RSW. suggest correction
NEWELL AND BROWNING USA, c.1803, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich. probably Joseph Newell and Samuel Browning 1. Merchants Row, Boston, Mass. (1803). Smart 1. suggest correction
NEWELL AND SON USA, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses, wood = Andover Historical Society, Mass., Bostonian Society, Old State House, Boston, Mass., P.C. Andrew and Joseph Newell; the compass card in the private collection is also marked "Callender Scp."; some compass cards signed "N. Hurd Sct." East end of Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass. USNM; Smart 1; Rudd; Warner 12. suggest correction
NEWELL, ANDREW USA, 1749-98, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses, wood = PMS, Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn., P.C., D.; Backstaff = P.C. "served his time with the late Mr. Dupee"; worked under "the best Masters in London"; Nathaniel Hurd and Joseph Callender engraved the compass cards. King Street 1 (1773); 61 State Street (1789-96); at the East End of the Market (Faneuil Hall) (1798); all in Boston, Mass. Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; Price 2; Rudd; Giordano 3; D.J. Warner 8 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
NEWELL, CHARLES USA, 1783-1809, MIM NIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Compassses = PEA, South Natick Historical Society, Mass. T.C; son of Andrew Newell. 11 Merchants Row, East side of the Market, Boston, Mass.(1805). Bedini 8; Smart 1. suggest correction
NEWELL, JOSEPH USA, fl.1798-1813, MIM SIM partner with his father, Andrew Newell, 1798; also a ship chandler; partner with Samuel Browning 1 as Newell and Browning. East end of Market (1798); Merchants Row (1800); 11 Merchants Row (1805-1813); all in Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
NEWELL, THEODORE USA, c.1821, MIM made several orreries; farmer; amateur astronomer; held a patent on his orrery. Poultney, Vermont. Bedini 8. suggest correction
NEWMAN AND SON England, c.1851-62, MIM OIM PHIM SIM John Frederick Newman and his son; taken over by Negretti and Zambra in 1862. London. Middleton 1. suggest correction
NEWMAN, A.J. England, MIM Set of Drawing Instruments = Soth.-B 3/2/79. RSW. suggest correction
NEWMAN, ELIZABETH England, 1694, apprenticed to Daniel Thomas in the Clockmakers' Company in 1694. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
NEWMAN, GEORGE 1 England, c.1769, apprenticed to Robert Tangate 1 in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 5, 1769. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
NEWMAN, GEORGE 2 England, c.1808, MIM watch and clockmaker who made the movement in Dec., 1808 for an orrery by Thomas Blunt 1; the movement was later repaired by Henry Voight of Philadephia, Pa.; there is a chance that the two George Newmans are the same man. Wynter 1. suggest correction
NEWMAN, JAMES England, fl.1793-1827, MIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to Thomas Newman 1 of the Grocers' Company, who was possibly his father, in 1793; succeeded him c.1800; made barometers and thermometers. Exeter Exchange, Strand, London. Goodison 1; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Taylor 2(1015); Middleton 1. suggest correction
NEWMAN, JOHN FREDERICK England, fl.1816-60, MIM OIM PHIM SIM made many philosophical instruments including barometers, pyrometers electrical machines, also sundials, surveying instruments, rules, etc; examples may be seen at KEN, VEN, USNM, SWE, Royal Institution, etc. most instruments signed "I. Newman" or "J. Newman"; showed an air pump at the Great Exhibition, London, 1851; he was philosophical instrument maker to the Royal Institution; made instruments for the East India Company; developed a portable barometer in 1833; probably succeeded James Newman; bought out by Negretti and Zambra, 1862; T.C.; see Newman and Son. No. 7 and 8 Lisle Street, Leicester Square (1816-25); 109 Regent Street; 122 Regent Street (1827-60); all in London. Taylor 2(1396); Goodison 1; USNM; Price 2; Moskowitz 103; RSW; Evans 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Chaldecott 3; RGO; Middleton 1. suggest correction
NEWMAN, S. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-Sussex 9/18/86. 122 Regent Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
NEWMAN, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1759-1800, MIM PHIM Pantograph = CMY (Cooke Shop). apprenticed to Tycho Wing of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 5, 1751; free of the Company on Jan. 2, 1759; took apprentices; successor to Heath and Wing; T.C.; took James Newman, possibly his son, as apprentice, 1793; James Newman succeeded him c. 1800. Essex Street in the Strand (1759); Shoe Lane (1764); Exeter Change, Strand (1788); all in London. J. Brown 1; Calvert 2; Taylor 2(516); RSW. suggest correction
NEWMAN, THOMAS 2 England, c.1788, apprenticed to his father, Thomas Newman 1, of the Grocers' Company, on Nov. 6, 1788. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
NEWMAN, W., AND CO. India, c.1880, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 1/27/75; Augsburg-type Sundial, round = WHI. Calcutta. Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
NEWMARCH, LEE England, 1824, signature on the back of the compass card of an azimuth compass by Thomas Smith 2. Hull. Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
NEWSUM, BARTHOLOMEW England, fl.1565-93, MIM Table Sundial = FIN-223 = P.C. = Christie 6/7/72; Case of Drawing Instruments = BM; Compass in Clock = BM; etc. sundial maker to Queen Elizabeth I; a variant spelling is "Newsam." London. Taylor 1(39); Michel 3; Price 3; Ward 4; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON England, fl.1825-50, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Pair of Globes, 1850 = Soth.-B 2/9/72; Orreries = D.(1973), D.(1986)(2); Terrestrial Globes, miniature = ADL-W53, Focke Museum; Celestial Globe = Grimaldi Coll.; Globe = NMM; Orrery, miniature, case = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Mich.; etc. probably William Newton 2; the ADL globe is signed "Newton's new improved Pocket Globe." 66 Chancery Lane, Fleet Street, London. Calvert 2; Grimaldi; Coffeen F; Wynter 1; Yonge; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON AND BERRY England, 1831, MIM Celestial Globe, 1830 = Christie-SK 11/27/86; Terrestrial Globes, miniature, 1831 = Soth. 9/20/83 and 4/18/88; Terrestrial Globe, in box, 1831 = Soth. 1/27/75; etc. successors to J. and W. Newton; succeeded by Newton Son and Berry. 66 Chancery Lane, London. Taylor 2(1397); RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON AND CO. England, fl.1861- 85, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 2/14/79; Barometers = Christie 10/26/72, and 12/6/78 (No-433); Inclinometer = WHI; Telescopes, refracting = D.(1972), Soth.-WS 10/18/83; Microscopes = D.(1975), Christie 4/3/85; Sextant, pocket = Soth. 9/20/83; Dumpy Level = Christie 12/18/74; Gyroscopes = Christie 4/9/75, Soth. 3/10/87; Vacuum Pump = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Inclinable Sundial = Phillips 2/14/79; Terrestrial Globe, miniature = Soth. 7/7/78; etc. succeeded Newton and Son; T.C.; "Opticians and Globe Makers to the Queen." 66 Chancery Lane; 3 Fleet Street near Temple Bar; both in London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Moskowitz 122; Taylor 2(1397); Olivia Brown 1; RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON AND SON England, fl.1840-61, MIM Terrestrial Globes = H. Ford Museum, Mich (1840), Rutgers U. Library, N.J. (1844); P.C. (2), Phillips 7/20/83 (1845), Maria Mitchell House, Nantucket, Mass. (1849), USNM (1852); Terrestrial Globes, miniature = Soth. 7/7/78, Phillips 4/20/83; Celestial Globes = D.(1974)(1845), Maria Mitchell House (1847), Cambridge Geological School (1861); Pair of Globes on stands with compasses = Christie 4/3/85; Orreries = Soth. 1/27/75, Bonhams 12/4/81; etc. John and William (2) Newton; one terrestrial globe is marked "Newtons New and Improved Terrestrial Globe. Published by Newton and Son"; T.C. 66 Chancery Lane, London. Taylor 2(1397); Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Wynter 1; Wynter and Turner; USNM; Olivia Brown 1; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON AND SONS England, c.1845, MIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature = Christie-SK 11/27/86. Chancery Lane, London. Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON BROS. England, NIM OIM Sextant = D.(1976); Telescope = Christie-SK 4/14/89. telescope marked "Impd. Day or Night." Hull. RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON SON AND BERRY England, fl.1830-61, MIM Celestial Globe, miniature = Phillips 10/20/82; Pocket Globe = Soth. 5/6/69; Terrestrial Globes = D.(1987) (1836), Chicago Historical Society, State College, Framingham, Mass.; Celestial Globes = D.(1989) (1839), P.C. (1838). the pocket globe was misread as Newton Sons and Berry; the celestial globe has constellations shown as mathematical instruments, etc.; succeeded Newton and Berry; became Newton and Co. 66 Chancery Lane, London. Taylor 2(1397); Wynter and Turner; Maine Antique Digest, June, 1987; Moskowitz 132; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON, B., SON AND BERRY England, 1830, MIM Celestial Globe, 1830 = Bracketts 4/27/90. probably misreading for "Newton, Son and Berry." ATD 4/21/90. suggest correction
NEWTON, E.T. England, c.1830, MIM SIM Telescopic Mining Transits = P.C. (1982), P.C. (1984); Surveying Instrument = Soth. 10/8/71; Altitude Theodolite = Phillips 4/20/83; Sundial = D.(1974); Surveying Compass = X. the altitude theodolite and the sundial are marked "Camborne"; the rest are marked "St. Day, Cornwall"; T.C.; "Successor to the Maker" (William Wilton). Cambourne; St. Day; both in Cornwall. Bryden 9; Crawforth 4; Rienitz; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON, E.T., AND SON England, c.1860, MIM SIM Theodolite = P.C. (1987). Camborne, Cornwall. RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON, F.M. England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/19/87. optician; probably a retailer of barometers. Leicester. RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON, ISAAC England, 1643-1727, MIM OIM Wall Sundial = Wolsthorpe, Lincolnshire; Reflecting Telescope = Royal Society. scientist; astromomer; author; F.R.S.; designed and made prototype instruments; constructed a seven mirror burning glass. Wolsthorpe, Lincolnshire; Trinity College, Cambridge. Taylor 1(299) and 2(97); DNB; DSB; Gatty; Price 2; USNM; Spargo 1; I. Bernard Cohen 3; G.L'E. Turner 24; Genuth 2. suggest correction
NEWTON, J. AND W. England, fl.1815-20, MIM Celestial Globe = Bowes Museum (1804); Pair of Globes, 1820 = P-B 3/4/39; Terrestrial Globes = Bearnes 9/16/87 (15", 1815), H. Ford Museum, Mich. (1820). John and his son William Newton; Ford Museum marked "Newton's New Improved Terrestrial Globe manufactured by J. and W. Newton." No. 66 Chancery Lane, London. Taylor 2(1397); Wynter and Turner; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON, JAMES England, 1810-68, surely John Newton, which see; some miniature terrestrial globes with cases, marked "Newton's New and Improved Terrestrial Pocket Globe", were thought, incorrectly, by Syndram and Yonge, to be by James Newton; dated 1817-18 at Huelsmann Coll., H. Ford Museum, Mich. VNN and P.C.; celestial globes are at State College, Framingham, Mass., Shelburne Museum, Vt. No. 66 Chancery Lane, London. Syndram; Yonge. suggest correction
NEWTON, JOHN England, fl.1783-1818, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature, 1817 = Phillips 7/20/83, Soth. 10/19/82, D.(1981); Celestial Globe, 1818 = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79; Pocket Globes, 1817 = Soth. 10/21/74; Orreries = Soth. 10/21/74 and 12/3/76; Sector, ivory = D.(1972); etc. brother-in-law of Edward Baker; globes dated 1783 were redrawn from Hill's 1754 plates, signed "Palmer and Newton 1783", a later edition was signed "J. Newton 1783"; T.C.; Palmer and Newton, c.1783; Newton and Son (William 2); J. and W. Newton; Newton, Son and Berry, 1838; see James Newton. No. 128 at the Globe and Sun in Chancery Lane, Fleet Street; No. 56 and No. 66 Chancery Lane, Temple Bar; 3 Fleet Street; all in London. Taylor 2(1397); Wynter 1; Moskowitz 122; Crawforth 1; Krogt 2; Wynter and Turner; Millburn 11; RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON, THOMAS England?, fl.1769-96, MIM Sextant, 1769 and Quadrant, 1796 = Wadsworth Atheneum, Conn. there may be more than one sextant. USNM. suggest correction
NEWTON, W. AND F. England, c.1830, MIM Compass, wood = D.(1981); Sundial = P.C. 3 Fleet Street, London. Coffeen I; USNM. suggest correction
NEWTON, W. LEIGH England, c.1830, PHIM Kaleidoscope = Soth. 3/10/87. RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON, W.E. AND F. England, 19th Century, OIM Microscope = Phillips 9/10/86. RSW. suggest correction
NEWTON, W.E. AND K. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Temple Bar, Fleet Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NEWTON, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1690, Benjamin Owen, an apprentice, was turned over to Newton, c.1687 from Isaac Webb of the Clockmakers' Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
NEWTON, WILLIAM 2 England, 1840, MIM Celestial Globe = D.(1974). marked "Newtons new and Improved Celestial Globe, calculated for 1840"; son of John Newton; see J. and W. Newton; Newton and Son; Newton Son and Berry. London. Wynter 1. suggest correction
NEWTON, WILLIAM, AND SON England, c.1851, exhibited in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. 66 Chancery Lane and 3 Fleet Street, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
NHOLDER, T. misreading for T.N. Holderich, which see. Zinner 1; Hamilton 1; Findlay Sale. suggest correction
NICCOLLSON, JOHN England, c.1629, apprenticed to Thomas Brown 1 in the Joiners' Company on June 30, 1629. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
NICHO, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NICHOL England, 1717, NIM Nocturnal, boxwood, 1717 = TIM. the name might be "Nicholas"; the index is at April 27. RSW. suggest correction
NICHOLAS see Nichol; might be first name on boxwood nocturnal, 1717, at TIM; correction table on the reverse. sSW. suggest correction
NICHOLL, ISAAC England, c.1681, MIM apprenticed to Withers Cheney of the Clockmakers' Company on March 8, 1675; free of the Company, March 22, 1681. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
NICHOLLS, SUTTON England, fl.1692-1731, MIM made 9-inch terrestrial and celestial globes. near Weaver's Arms, by the Postern in London Wall, London. Taylor 1(477). suggest correction
NICHOLSON England, fl.1787-1802, MIM PHIM made four-foot sliding Gunter's scales, sectional log-scales and hydrometers; see Margetts and Nichlson. London. Taylor 2(876). suggest correction
NICHOLSON, BARTHOLOMEW England, c.1711, apprenticed to John Urings 1 in the Joiners' Company on April 17, 1711. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
NICHOLSON, PETER England, 1765-1846, invented a cyclograph and other drawing instruments; teacher; author. London. Taylor 2(877). suggest correction
NICHOLSON, WILLIAM England, 1753-1815, invented a hydrostatic balance in 1784; scientist; author. Soho, London. Taylor 2(753); Multhauf 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
NICKELSEN, JENS Denmark?, 1763, marked on the mirror box of a 1763 octant signed "Beneeden het Lohat", in the Roussel Sale, item No.81; see Beneeden. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
NICKERSON AND BAXTER USA, NIM Compass = MYS. Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
NICOLA, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NICOLAI, GUILIELMUS France, fl.1603-26, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1603 and Celestial Globe, 1626 = Chicago Historical Society. manuscript. Lyons; Avignon. Yonge. suggest correction
NICOLAUS DE CUSA Germany, 1401-64, MIM Celestial Globe = CUS. Nicolaus Krebs; author; cardinal. Cues. Zinner 1; Weil 2(6); Hartmann. suggest correction
NICOLE France, 1742, MIM Horizontal Sundial, pewter, 1742 = R. Wiener Coll., Nancy. Nancy. Boursier. suggest correction
NICOLLET France, c.1738, OIM workman for Passemant; continued the shop with Ollivier, Passemant's brother-in-law. au Louvre. Daumas 1. suggest correction
NICOLOSIO, IOA. BAPTISTA Italy, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Vatican. Price 2. suggest correction
NIDERMAYER, JOHAN-FRANZ Austria, c.1710, MIM Perpetual Calendars = Basserman-Jordan Coll., Soth.-PB pre-1980. Salzburg. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
NIEUWELANT, JAN. Belgium, 1572, MIM Astrolabe, 4 tympans, 1572 = Plantin (1572). Plantin's account also mentioned "cross dials." Louvain. Michel 2 and 3. suggest correction
NIEUWENHUIS, LAMBERTUS Holland, 1741-1810, friend of and collaborator with Eise Eisinga. Enschede. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
NIGHTINGALE, PETER see Petrus Philomena de Dacia. RSW. suggest correction
NIKHEL, JOSEPH France?, 1702, MIM Wall Sundial, 1702 = Ottingue. Ottingue. Rohr 2. suggest correction
NIKOMEDES Greece, 1st Century A.D., MIM Spherical Sundial = Archaeological Museum, Kavalla, Greece. Gibbs 1. suggest correction
NIMBLETT USA?, c.1790, MIM Dividers = Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier. USNM. suggest correction
NIMS USA, c.1850, MIM see Moore and Nims; globe makers. Troy, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
NIMS, H.B., AND CO. USA, c.1858, MIM Terrestrial Globe = USNM. "Improved Globe Boston." Troy, N.Y. Yonge. suggest correction
NISSEN, JULIUS Denmark, c.1851, PHIM Stick Barometers = NOR, Den Gamle By, Aarhus exhibited an air pump at the Great Exhibition, London, 1851. Copenhagen. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
NIXON, J. England, c.1820, NIM PHIM Sextant = D.(1973); Octant = USNM; Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. barometer signed "Nixon 75 Crombies Street, Commercial Road East." Commercial Road, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
NO, D. IO. France, 1710, MIM see Dom Joseph Noto. Brophy. suggest correction
NOAKES, J. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signature is "Noakes Burwash." Burwash. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
NOBERT, FRIEDRICH ADOLPH Germany, 1806-81, OIM microscope maker; designed a dividing engine; showed at the Great Exhibition, London, 1851. Barth, Pomerania, Prussia. Pipping 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
NOBLE, JOHN England, fl.1810-20, OIM Telescope = DeLuca 8/1/87. RSW. suggest correction
NOBLE, NATHANIEL England, fl.1627, MIM above St. Clement's Church, towards the May Pole in the Strand, London. Taylor 1(156); Evans 1. suggest correction
NOBLE, PHILANDER USA, 1772-1845, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, 1839 = P.C. silversmith; clockmaker. Westfield, Mass. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
NOBLET, J.F. England, 1830, MIM Compass, 1830 = Musée Lombard, Geneva. RSW. suggest correction
NODEN, JNO. England, fl.1826-28, PHIM barometer maker. 10 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NODOS France, c.1760, OIM Microscope = Bernard Coll. "fournisseur du roi." Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
NOEL, DOM NICOLAS France, 1712-83, OIM Dom Nicolas Noël; Benedictine; made telescopes with Navarre. St. Germain des Prés; la Muette, Passy. Daumas 1. suggest correction
NOLF, PIETER Holland, c.1597, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = P.C. Rooseboom 1; MADEX. suggest correction
NOLLET, JEAN-ANTOINE France, 1700-70, PHIM Abbé Nollet; a professor who made a large number of philosophical instruments; he had an early interest in electricity; mounted a terrestrial globe in 1728, now at the NMM; technical assistant to Réaumur, 1734; visited London, 1734; F.R.S. Paris. Daumas 1; MADEX; DSB; NMM 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
NOLLI, J.B., AND CO. Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Perth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NOLLI, S., COMOLI AND CO. Scotland, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77. Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
NOLSON, JOHN England, 1689, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Clockmakers' Company in 1689. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
NOONE, THOMAS England, 1669, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
NOOR, F.W. Denmark, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer, No.353 = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. "Mechanius et Opticus." Kongens Nytorr. RSW. suggest correction
NOORDBERGH, PIETER, JR. Holland, 18th Century, NIM Crown Compass = RIJ; Compass = Schiffer-Gesellschaft, Lübeck. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
NOORDIJK, H. Holland, 1753-1828, MIM NIM Cross-staves = AMST (1805), P.C. (1804); Slide Rule, 1810 = Historic Museum, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
NOOTH, DR. JOHN MERVIN England, 1737-1828, PHIM Nooth Apparatus = KEN, Cragside, Burton Constable, Petworth. desgned chemical apparatus. E. Hall; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
NORBERT misreading for Friedrich Adolph Nobert. USNM. suggest correction
NORDBORG, OL. Sweden, 1723, MIM Garden Sundial, 1723 = Ost India Hus, Goteborg. Upsteld. RSW. suggest correction
NORDEN, ROBERT misreading for Morden. Evans 1. suggest correction
NOREDON, JOHN see John Noseda. Fennell. suggest correction
NOREEN, D. Sweden, PHIM Stick Barometer = NOR. Stockholm. RSW. suggest correction
NORETTI AND ABATTI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NORIE AND CO. England, fl. 1816-39, MIM NIM Sextants = MYS, LIM; Octant = Marine Museum, Horten, Norway; Quadrants = PEA, SUN; Gunter Sliding Rule = D.(1996). John William Norie. Navigation Warehouse, Leadenhall St., London. American Neptune, Jan., 1975; Coffeen 55; Clifton 1; RSW. suggest correction
NORIE AND WILSON England, c.1800, NIM Octant = Nat'l Museum of Canada; Sextant = Hart Nautical Museum, MIT; Compass = LIM. John William Norie and C. Wilson. 156 Minories, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
NORIE COMPANY England, c.1830, NIM Sextant = Soth. 7/10/67. surely Norie and Co. London. RSW. suggest correction
NORIE, J.W., AND CO. England, c.1819, NIM Octants = AMST, MYS, Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass., Soth. 7/10/67 & 3/19/73, Auction Melun 11/5/78, P.C.(1977); Sextants = New London County Historical Society, Conn., Hart Maritime Museum, MIT. John Wiliam Norie; Norie bought out the firm of David Steel, nautical publishers, in 1819; by 1937 the firm had become Imray, Norie and Wilson, Ltd. London. USNM; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Taylor 2(1019); Witt; RSW. suggest correction
NORIE, JOHN WILLIAM England, 1772-1843, NIM T.C.; author; used the figure of a little midshipman as his shop sign; may have been only a retailer. Naval Academy, Navigational Warehouse, 157 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(1019); Pipping 1; Lefkowicz 6, 1977; C.N. Robinson. suggest correction
NORIEGA, F. Spain, 19th Century, PHIM Balance = Soth. 6/21/76. Madrid. RSW. suggest correction
NORMAN, C. Sweden, 1787, MIM Almanac on snuff box, 1787 = D.(1995). Runic calendar. Coffeen 51. suggest correction
NORMAN, JOHN England, c.1846, microscopic objects and supplies. 178 City Road, London. USNM. suggest correction
NORMAN, ROBERT England, c.1550-1604, MIM Variation Compass = X. invented a dip needle, c.1576, to measure the vertical component of magnetic force; the compass is illustrated in William Borough's book; author, compass maker. Ratcliffe, London. Taylor 1(29); Michel 3; Evans 1; Dewhirst; G.L'E. Turner 24; Clay and Court; USNM; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
NORRIEN misreading for Narrien. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
NORRIS AND PETERS NIM Sextant, vernier = MYS. RSW. suggest correction
NORRIS, J. England, PHIM Barometer and Thermometer = K. and C. 12/15/72. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
NORRY, N. France, 1620, MIM Britten. suggest correction
NORRY, PIERRE France, fl.1644-79, MIM Sundial, string-gnomon, oval = Phillips 9/16/81; Sundial, string-gnomon, octagonal, 1644 = Ecouen (CLU-18537); Sundials, octagonal, silver = Barnett Coll. (1649), Soth. 3/17/38; Butterfield-type Sundial, 1679 = OXFB-70; Horizontal Sundials = MERC, Lempertz 6/14/76, Libert et Castor 4/28/82, Soth. 2/25/86. the dials are usually signed "Norry" but sometimes spelled "Nory"; Michel thought that Norry moved to Paris about 1679. Gisors; Paris (c.1679). Hamilton 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
NORTH, FRANCIS, BARON GUILFORD England, c.1670, invited to become a F.R.S, but declined; taught Henry Wynne and Henry Jones how to make barometers. Middleton 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
NORTH, LUKE England, 1710, NIM Nocturnal, boxwood, 1710 = LEY; Nocturnal, pearwood = FIN. is this the same instrument? Taylor 2(98); RSW. suggest correction
NORTHEN, EDWARD England, fl.1830-42, OIM PHIM partner with his father, Richard Northen, before 1834; succeeded his father in 1842; made barometers. 46 Lowgate (pre-1834); 50 Lowgate (1835-42); both in Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NORTHEN, RICHARD England, fl.1790-1841, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = Christie-SK 12/1/83; Drawing Instrument Set = WHI. also a barometer maker; took his son Edward as a partner before 1834. Lowgate (1790-91); 46 Lowgate (1803-34); 50 Lowgate (1835-41); all in Hull. Taylor 2(878); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
NORTHEN, RICHARD, AND SON England, 1830-45, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = D. watch, clock and barometer makers; the son was probably Edward Northen; the barometer was marked "46 Lowgate, Hull"; the firm was succeeded by W. White 2, c.1845. 46 Lowgate (pre-1834); 50 Lowgate (1835-41); both in Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NORTON AND TAGLIABUE USA, 1847, PHIM received a diploma of excellence for barometers and thermometers at the Fair of the American Institute, 1847. 240 Water Street, New York N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
NORTON, ELIJAH USA, fl.1817-37, MIM OIM Surveyor's Compass = Division of Archives and History, University of the State of New York, Albany. 64 Whitesboro' Street (1817); 128 Genesee Road (1833); both in Whitesborough; Utica, N.Y. (1837). Smart 1. suggest correction
NORTON, JOHN England, fl.1803-07, MIM described himself as a MIM; patented a new mill and a pump. Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London. Taylor 2(1188). suggest correction
NORTON, ROBERT 1 England, fl.1590-1635, designed a "cosmodelite", a complicated, all-purpose instrument. The Tower, London. Taylor 1(84). suggest correction
NORTON, ROBERT 2 England, c.1845, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/13/88. Stamford. RSW. suggest correction
NORY, PIERRE see Pierre Norry. RSW. suggest correction
NOSEDA, J. AND P. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 12/2/87. Walsall. RSW. suggest correction
NOSEDA, JOHN Ireland, fl.1774-79, PHIM Barometer = X. Belfast. Fennell; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
NOSEDON see Noseda. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
NOT., JOSEPH Germany, see Dom Joseph Noto. RSW. suggest correction
NOTO, DOM JOSEPH Germany, 1710, MIM Astronomical Compendium, wood, 1710 = P.C.; Altitude Sundial = OXF (1785); Sundial, small = LAW-304. the compendium is signed "D. Io. No."; the LAW sundial is signed "Joseph Not."; the Oxford dial is signed "Ame D: Joseph Not:° Pennica." Penig, Saxony. Brophy 1; RSW. suggest correction
NOURRY, JEAN France, c.1671, MIM Inclinable Sundial = OXF; Equatorial Sundial, silver, 1671 = MADEX-108 = Caird Coll. = NMM; Equatorial Sundial = MADEX-92; Horizontal Sundial = History of Science Museum, Geneva; Sundials, octagonal = MADEX-128 and D. the dealer's sundial was marked "Paris", the others, "Lyon." Lyon; Paris. Maddison 5; Brieux 2; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
NOVATI, BORDESSA AND EATON England, fl.1853-54, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; became Bordessa and Eaton in 1855. 54 Exmouth Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NOY, JOHN see John Noyes. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
NOY, WILLIAM England, c.1762, MIM see William Noyes. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
NOYES, JOHN England, c.1789, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on March 7, 1782; free of the Company Nov. 5, 1789; son of William Noyes. Grocers Hall, Poultry, London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
NOYES, WILLIAM England, c.1762, MIM father of John Noyes; apprenticed to James Crick in the Grocers' Company on Aug. 7, 1754; free of the Company, April 6, 1762. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
NOZZI see Comoli and Nozzi. Goodison 1. suggest correction
NUGENT, PATRICK ROONEY England; Nova Scotia, fl.1786-98, MIM NIM Nugent was awarded patents for a steering azimuth compass and for modifications to the octant and sextant; appointed Deputy Surveyor General of Cape Breton, 1786-87, and acting Surveying General in 1796. St. Pancras, Middlesex; Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia (1786-87); Grey's Inn, Middlesex (1794); Cape Breton Island (1796); London (1798). R.C. Brooks. suggest correction
NUNEZ, PEDRO Portugal, 1542, wrote many books on navigation; invented the "nonius" scale for dividing the quadrant; this was a series of concentric arcs, the outer divided into 90 parts, the second into 89 parts, the third into 88 parts and so on to the innermost arc which was divided into 46 parts; the alidade could thus read to within 30" of arc; Tycho Brahe was the only one to make use of the idea, but not very successfully. Daumas 1. suggest correction
NUTZ, L.N. c.1830, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, with vernier = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
NYE, EDMUND England, c.1830, MIM Floating Sundial, Porter-type = Christie-SK 8/20/87. Tunbridge Wells. RSW. suggest correction
NYSTROM Sweden, c.1760, MIM Lund? Pipping 1. suggest correction
NYSTROM, J.W. USA, c.1851, MIM Calculating Machine = USNM. patented in 1851. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
O.H.P. see Ottheinrich Herzog von der Pfalz. RSW. suggest correction
O.H.P.C. Germany, marked on the back of a horary quadrant by Jacob Rabus at NUR, dedicated to Ottheinrich von der Pfalz, 1556. Zinner 1. suggest correction
O.H.S. O.h.S.; see S.h.O. Price 3. suggest correction
O.K.S.P. 1842, NIM Traverse Board, 1842 = OMM. RSW. suggest correction
O.L. Sweden, 1737, MIM Gunner's Scale, 1737 = SKO. Price 2. suggest correction
O.R.B. fl.1567-1612, mark on sand glasses; Vivielle thought they were made by Hans Ducher of Nürnberg. Vivielle 1. suggest correction
OAKES, JOHN USA, 1818-1910, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. in the New York City Directories from 1848 to 1896 as a mathematical, nautical, and philosophical instrument maker; sometimes spelled "Oaks." New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
OAKESHOTT, WILLIAM England, fl.1844-45, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 29 St. John Street, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
OAKLEY, JOHN England, c.1757, apprenticed to John Morgan 2 in the Joiners' Company on May 3, 1757. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
OAKLEY, JOSEPH England, fl.1767-77, OIM Upper Priory (1767); 79 Bull Street opposite the Saracen's Head (1770-77); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
OATES, JOHN England, PHIM Angle Barometer = X. Pump, near Halifax. Goodison 1. suggest correction
OBERHAUSER, G., ET E. HARTNACK France, fl.1847-56, MIM OIM Microscopes = Soth. 9/20/83. D.(1984). Georges Oberhauser and his nephew, Edmund Hartnack. Place Dauphine, 21, Paris. Coffeen F; RSW. suggest correction
OBERHAUSER, GEORGES Germany; France, 1798-1868, MIM OIM Microscopes = HAR, Christie 5/26/76. breveté; made jewel lenses; worked with Henri-Prudence Gambey, 1815; retired in 1856; "opticien." Germany (1798-1815); 19 Place Dauphine, Paris. Pipping 1; Ambler; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
OBERHAUSER, JOHANN Germany, fl.1759-66, MIM SIM Theodolite, 1759 = MUN; Mathematical Instrument Set, 1766 = DEU. Schwaz in Tyrol. Zinner 1; Price 2. suggest correction
OBERKAN, JOHAN HEINRICH Switzland, 1690, MIM Astrolabe, 1690 = Landesmuseum in Grand Hotel, Nancy. ICA-3202. Zurich. Price 1 and 2; ICA 2. suggest correction
OCHS, HANS MIM Diptych Sundial, gilt-bass = LIE. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
ODELEM, ANTOR Germany, 1661-1740, MIM SIM Theodolites = HAK, Braunschweig Stadt Museum; Astronomical Rings = DRE, P. & S. 3/20/96, Evans Coll.; Table Sundial, 1715 = LUN; Sundials = NOR, Triebold Coll. P. and S. and Evans Coll. astronomical rings may be one instrument. Braunschweig. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
ODELL, JOHN England; USA, fl.1800-22, MIM NIM OIM SIM worked for Spencer, Browning and Rust 1 for 20 years; came to USA in 1819; "J. Odell, Maker 1805" is found under the mirror of a Spencer, Browning and Rust octant at the Franklin Institute. London (1800-19); USA (1819-22). D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
ODELSTIERNA, CARL Sweden, 1753-95, OIM fl.1780-95; business continued by Peter Helleström. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
ODENDAL, WILHELM Germany, 1651, PHIM Money Balance, 1651 = DRE. Cologne. RSW. suggest correction
ODENDOLL, M. BERND see M. Berndt Odental. RSW. suggest correction
ODENKIRCHEN, P., AND S. BOSCH Holland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Hawden-Satter House, Nantucket, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
ODENTAL, BERNDT AND JACOB HEUSCHER Germany, 1699, PHIM Balance, 1699 = American Numismatic Society, New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
ODENTAL, M. BERNDT Germany, 1651, PHIM Money Balance, 1651 = DRE. also spelled "Odendoll." Cologne. RSW. suggest correction
ODIORNE, JOTHAM USA, c.1800, SIM Graphometer = D.(1996). may be owner. Gorham, Maine or New Hampshire. Coffeen 55. suggest correction
ODOMALCOT see Odon van Maecote. RSW. suggest correction
OEHLSCHLAGER, ADAM Denmark, 1599-1671, mathematicien; designed the Gottorp globe which was made by Busch; see Busch and Oehlschlager. Gottorp. H.C. King 2; Michel 3; Zinner 1. suggest correction
OERI Switzerland, c.1850, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Western Reserve Historical Society, Ohio. Zurich. USNM. suggest correction
OERLE, FRANCOIS VAN Holland, 1660, MIM Pocket Sundial, 1660 = AMST. "François van Oerle Fec A Bolduc ad Poli 52 Grade voor Cosyn Ambrosius Pool an 1660 November 8." Den Bosch. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
OERTLING Germany, 1758, NIM Sextant, 1758 = Soth. 5/19/60. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
OERTLING, JOHANN AUGUST DANIEL Germany, 1803-66, MIM NIM OIM SIM Dividing Engine = DEU; Sextant, No. 1859 = D.(1989). apprenticed to Karl Philipp Heinrich Pistor c.1819; started his own business in 1826 or 1827; first to build electric dividing engine; brother of Ludwig Oertling. Berlin. Pipping 1; Poggendorff; G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2; Weil and Baden; Coffeen 27. suggest correction
OERTLING, LUDWIG Germany; England, 1818-93, PHIM Laboratory Balances = KEN, Christie-SK 7/10/80. apprenticed to his brother, Johann August Daniel Oertling, in Berlin; by 1847 he was in business in London; the firm is still going; specialized in precision balances; showed at the Great Exhibition, London, 1851; worked for R.B. Bate; he was in partnership with Edward Wilds Ladd as Ladd and Oertling 1860-70. Berlin; 13 Store Street, Bedford Square, (1847-); 27 Moorgate Street (-1874); Turnmill Street near Farrington Street Station (1874-); all in London except for Berlin. G.L'E. Turner 24; Chaldecott 3; RGO; Coffeen 27; McConnell 4; RSW. suggest correction
OGDEN, F.B., AND ERICSSON England, c.1837, patented sea sounding apparatus in 1837. London. USNM. suggest correction
OGG Scotland, fl.1844-46, NIM see Ogg and M'Millan; also a watch and clockmaker. 53 Marischall Street (1844); 30 Regent Quay (1845-46); beth in Aberdeen. Bryden 3. suggest correction
OGG AND M'MILLAN Scotland, fl.1844-46, NIM also made clocks and watches; Ogg and William M'Millan. 53 Marischall Street (1844); 30 Regent Quay (1845-46); both in Aberdeen. Bryden 3. suggest correction
OGILVIE, ROBERT A. England, c.1845, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 19 Upper Wharton Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
OHREN, MAGNUS England, NIM Mariner's Compass = NOR. London. RSW. suggest correction
OKESHOTT, ROBERT England, c.1664, MIM apprenticed to Ralph Greatorex of the Clockmakers' Company on June 7, 1664. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
OLDFIELD, HENRY England, 1821, apprenticed to William George Cook; free in the Masons' Company, March 29, 1821; listed as a victualler. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
OLEARIUS see Oehlschläger. Zinner 1. suggest correction
OLING, LUCAS Holland, 1564, listed as a maker in a 1824 catalogue of books and instruments. Leeuwarden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
OLISIPONE Spain, 1590, MIM Sundial with compass, 1590 = Soth. 11/17/38. "Olisipone elaborat A.R.D." RSW. suggest correction
OLIVA, BONAVENTURA Italy, c.1782, invented philosophical instruments. Mantua. Offenbacher 22(1970). suggest correction
OLIVE, MICHAEL England, fl.1849-56, MIM NIM chronometer, watch and clock maker. Church Street, 26 Arwenack Street, Falmouth. H.M. Brown. suggest correction
OLIVER England, 1892, patented a meantime sundial in 1892. RSW. suggest correction
OLIVER, JOHN England, 1616-1701, MIM Window Sundial, glass, 1664 = ex-Rectory, North-hill, Bedfordshire. may have made the window sundial for the Weavers' Company London, c.1669. Eagle and Child, Ludgate Hill; Sign of the Ship, Great Old Bailey; both in London. Gatty; Taylor 1(186); Daniels. suggest correction
OLLAND, H. Holland, 1825-1901, NIM PHIM Pelorus = AMST. Utrect. Mörzer Bruyns 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
OLLER an elaborate script and much wear caused Engelmann to make this misreading of Coenraad Metz, on ADL-M154. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Rooseboom 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
OLLER, ANTON HENRIK Sweden, 1816-89, PHIM made physical apparatus, 1857 on. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
OLLIVIER France, c.1770, brother-in-law of Passemant; took over his workshop on Passemant's death; employed one of Passemant's workers, Nicollet. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
OLSCHLAGER see Oelschlager. RSW. suggest correction
OLSEN, CHRISTIAN D. Norway?, 1824, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1824 = OMM. RSW. suggest correction
OLSEN, G.T. England, c.1830, NIM Octant = Melun 4/24/83. O.J. Olsen? Grimsby. RSW. suggest correction
OLSEN, O.J. England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = K. & C. 6/21/75. G.T. Olsen? RSW. suggest correction
OLSEN, T. England, NIM Octant, ebony = Christie 12/8/76. Grimsby. RSW. suggest correction
OLSSON Sweden, MIM Drawing Instrument Set = GMM. Goteborg. RSW. suggest correction
ONDERDEWIJNGAART CANZIUS, JACOB HENDRIK Holland, fl.1771-1838, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Circumferentors = D., Soth. 11/1687; Telescope = Frisian Maritime Museum, Sneek; Microscope, Dellebarre-type, 1806 = KEN; Air Pump = UTR; Bathometer = APS. designed and manufactured scientific instruments; he had the first factory in Holland for this purpose, 1797; the microscope in the KEN is also marked "A. Dellebarre." Delft. Rooseboom 1; Brieux 2; Crommelin 1; Multhauf 1; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Nachet; Mörzer Bruyns 2; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
ONION, THOMAS England, fl.1767-1801, MIM rule maker; he worked in both boxwood and ivory. Brickhill Lane (1767); Lancaster Street (1787); Great Hampton Street (1797-1801); all in Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
OOSTERWIJK, SEVERIJN ADAMSON Holland, fl.1658-85, MIM OIM clockmaker; made microscopes ? The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
OOTHOUT, JONAS VOLKAT USA, 1814-60, MIM SIM in partnership with Andrew Meneely from 1836 to 1838 at which time Oothout retired. West Troy, N.Y. Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
OPP, C.H. Germany, MIM Pedometer = Evans Coll. Berlin. Evans 1. suggest correction
OPPELT, I.B. Germany, fl.1785-1800, OIM Microscopes = DEU (2), LEY. the microscopes are dated 1785 and 1800. Anspach. Daumas 1. suggest correction
OPPEN, J.F.B. Denmark?, 1795, MIM Compasses, 1795 = ROS-6886. ROS Cat.; RSW. suggest correction
OPPIN, CH see Choppin. Nachet. suggest correction
ORAM, E. USA, 1831, received a patent for a terrestrial globe, Jan. 12, 1831. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
ORDYNO, GEORGE England, c.1830, MIM OIM Middle Pavement, Nottingham. Taylor 2(1948). suggest correction
OREZ, N. fl.1633-48, MIM SIM Horizontal Sundials, 1633 and 1648 = Evans Coll; Surveying Quadrant = Drouot 4/7/87. the quadrant is marked "Factur", it has a protractor and a shadow square. Evans 1; RSW.. suggest correction
ORIGONI, JOHN England, fl.1830-47, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer maker; see Grassi, Bergna and Origoni; he was working alone by 1837. 34 Dean Street, Newcastle (1837). Taylor 2(1869) & (2195); Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORME, CHARLES England, 1688-1747, MIM PHIM Angle Barometer, three tubes, 1741 = Goodison Coll.; Angle Barometers, two tubes = Gloucester Museum (1742), Soth. 2/24/85 (1741), Auction 1954 (1740 or 42); Angle Barometers, single tube = P.C. (1738), FIT, D.(1968)(1738); Angle Barometer, 1736 = Soth. 7/19/88; Angle Barometer, 1741 = Soth. 5/14/87 ; Rule = City of Leicester Museum. author; may have invented the angle barometer. Ashby-de-la Zouch, Leicestershire. Goodison 1 & 2; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORREGGIO England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTALLY France, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1973). Rouen. RSW. suggest correction
ORTALLY, JOSH. England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Joseph Ortelli and Co. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTALY England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI 1 see Maggi and Ortelli. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI AND CO. 1 England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometers = K. & C. 9/20/71, X; Stick Barometers = Christie 12/17/75, X. the barometer sold at Christie is signed "Ortelli and Co. Macclesfield Warranted"; see P. Ortelli and Co. Macclesfield. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI AND CO. 2 England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably A. Ortelli 2 Oxford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI AND CO. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. surely Ortelli and Co. 1 or 2. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, A. (2) AND D., AND PRIMAVESI England, fl.1846-48, PHIM may be connected to Ortelli and Primavesi in London, 1848; made barometers and thermometers. 114 High Street, Oxford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, A. 1 England, c. 1800, PHIM Barometer = D.(1972); Wheel Barometers = D.(1973), X(2); Stick Barometer = X. D.(1973) signed "Ortelli Buckingham." Buckingham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI, A. 2 England, 1790-1846, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3), Christie 12/17/75. succeeded by A. (2) and D. Ortelli and Primavesi. High Street, Oxford. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI, A.M. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Gloucester Museum. Godalming. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, D. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-Pul. 3/1/83. see A. (2) and D. Ortelli and Primavesi; Defendent Ortelli? Marlborough. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI, DEFENDENT England, fl.1852-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; succeeded Peter Ortelli; see Defendent and John Ortelli. 49 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, DEFENDENT AND JOHN England, fl.1854-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers. 49 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, JOHN England, fl.1854-60, PHIM see Defendent and John Ortelli. 49 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, JOSEPH England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, JOSEPH, AND CO. England, fl.1809-18, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. 20 Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, N. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTELLI, N., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Christie SK 4/17/86. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI, P., AND CO. England, 1805, PHIM Wheel Barometer, 1805 = X; Stick Barometer, 1805 = Christie-SK 4/17/86. see Ortelli and Co. 1. Macclesfield. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ORTELLI, PETER England, fl.1835-56, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; partner in Ortelli and Primavesi. 3 Leather Lane (1835-51); 49 Hatton Garden (1848-51); 15 Leather Lane (1852-56); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ORTIZ, IGNACIO Spain?, 1733, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1733 = D.(1986). marked on the ring is "en la puebla." Coffeen 2. suggest correction
OS, MATHIAS VON Germanyfl.1561-89, MIM Astrolabe, 1589 = HEI. ICA-597; clockmaker. Lübeck. Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
OSBORN, BENJAMIN England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 9 Northampton Square, London. Taylor 2(2196). suggest correction
OSBORN, THOMAS England, fl.1586-93, MIM SIM the maker of Thomas Fale's graphometer; Fale called him "a good workman"; invented a dialing instrument. Taylor 1(75) 2(76); Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
OSBORNE 1 England, c.1830, OIM see Ashmore and Osborne 42 Burgess Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1767) & (1949); RSW. suggest correction
OSBORNE 2 England, OIM Telescope = New London County Historical Society, Conn. London. USNM. suggest correction
OSBORNE, GEORGE England, fl.1625-28, invented a semicircular instrument. Hull. Taylor 1(151). suggest correction
OSBORNE, MURRAY Scotland, fl1776-1817, MIM apprenticed to James Watt. Gallowgate (1783-1801); 406 Gallowgate (1803-17); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
OSBORNE, THOMAS 1 see Thomas Osborn. Fale, "Horologiagraphica"; Clay and Court. suggest correction
OSBORNE, THOMAS 2 England, c.1801, MIM PHIM astronomical clock maker. Vauxhall Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
OSLER, FOLLETT England, 1845, PHIM Anemometer, 1845 = Royal Exchange, London. Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Vol. IV, p.139. suggest correction
OSTERLAND, C. Germany, c.1850, PHIM Mineralogical Kit = KEN; Mining Compass = Soth. 3/10/87. the kit marked "Mechaniker"; the compass marked "Patent." Friedberg, Saxony. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
OSTRAVSKY, JOHANNES ANTONIUS 1719, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1719 = BM. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
OSWALDUS, FRIDERICUS 1636, MIM Measuring Rod, 1636 = DRE. "inv. et fac." RSW. suggest correction
OTERSCHADEN, JOHN Belgium, fl.1580-1613, MIM Pair of Globes = NMM-Caird; Terrestrial Gores = H.P. Kraus; Pair of Gores = Hispanic Society, New York, N.Y. NMM 2; Yonge. suggest correction
OTLEY, JONATHAN England, fl.1818-28, MIM watchmaker; "ingenious mechanic." Kesick. Taylor 2(1399). suggest correction
OTTER, CHRISTIAN Germany, 1598-1660, MIM Table Sundial = Königsberg Städt Kundtsammlung. made linkage nstruments to solve geometrical problems; worked with Van Call, the clockmaker, from 1658-60. Zinner 1. suggest correction
OTTHEINRICH HERZOG VON DER PFALZ Germany, 1502-59, MIM Horizontal Sundials, gilt-brass, 1547 = ADL-M237, van Alfen Coll., D.(1969). the van Alfen and D. sundials are signed "O.H.P." (Ott Heinrich Pfalzgraf); the Adler dial is signed "M.D.Z.O.H.P." (Mit Der Zeit Ott Heinrich Pfalzgraf) and "O.H.P. Auctor" on the back; the dealer's dial is mounted on a stone base; the van Alfen dial is mounted on an ebony base; Mit Der Zeit is said to be Ottheinrich's personal motto; he bought an astrolabe, two ivory sundials and an armillary sphere from Georg Hartmann in 1544. Palatinate. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Moran; Michel 3; Holland's Glorie; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
OTTWAY, JOHN England, fl.1826-70, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = D.(1985); Wheel Barometer = X. T.C. 87 St. Johns Road (1826-33); 5 York Street, Covent Garden (1830-39); 10 King Street, Holborn (1840-41); 11 Devonshire Street, Queen Square (1842-48); 33 Upper King Street (1849-51); all in London. Taylor 2(1950); Goodison 1; Crawforth 1 & 6; RSW. suggest correction
OTTWAY, W. England, OIM Telescope, refracting = Christie-SK 6/2/83. Ealing. RSW. suggest correction
OTTWAY, W., AND CO. England, c.1850, MIM OIM SIM Telescopes, single draw = Christie-SK 3/31/83 & 4/17/86, Phillips 6/15/76; Dumpy Level = Phillips 2/22/77. Ealing, London. RSW. suggest correction
OUDRY France, c.1820, MIM Rule = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
OUGHTRED, WILLIAM England, 1575-1660, invented the double horizontal sundial, now called the Oughtred-type; invented a calculating device which he called his "circles of proportion"and a straight slide rule; author; mathematician; had William Forster as a pupil. Albury; Cambridge. Taylor 1(94); Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
OULD, HENRY England, fl.1791-94, MIM NIM apprenticed to Benjamin Cole 2 in the Merchant Taylors' Company, Nov. 7, 1759; worked for Edward Nairne; had his own business by 1794; T.C.; patented an improvement for a quadrant in 1791. Dartmouth; No.4 New Court, Great New Street, Fetter Lane, London; 59 Lower East Smithfield, London (1794). Taylor 2(1021); Crawforth 6, 7 & 8. suggest correction
OUTHIER, ABBE D.REGINALD France, 1694-1774, Abbé Outhier; invented a drive mechanism for celestial globes in 1727; invented a planetarium in 1727; both types were made by Jean-Baptiste Cattin; Outhier made improvements in odometer invented by Meynier 1. Besançon (1727); rue Genégau, Paris. Cons. Nat'l; Beckmann; RSW. suggest correction
OUVIERE France, MIM Cosmograph, copper = Drouot 4/26/67. Ouvière. Marseilles. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
OVERING, THOMAS England, PHIM Balance = Kendal Museum. T.C.; "Seller of Scales, Weights of all Measures." London. RSW. suggest correction
OWEN see Barrow and Owen. RSW. suggest correction
OWEN, BENJAMIN England, c.1687, apprenticed to Isaac Webb of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1687; turned over to William Newton 1. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
OWEN, JAMES England, c.1803, MIM apprenticed to William Evans 1 of the Grocers' Company on May 7, 1795; free of the Company Jan. 6, 1803. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
OWEN, WILLIAM England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 5/12/72. the barometers are signed "Owen Oswestry." Oswestry. Goodison 1; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
OWENS, OWEN England, fl.1794-1825, NIM OIM Sextants = NMM, PEA (1797); Octants = Saint-Brieuc 8/4/79, Christie-SK 11/2/95; Hadley's Quadrant = Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass.; Quadrant = Pugsley Sale; Telescope = BMM. the Pugsley quadrant is marked for the owner "Daniel Russell 1796"; Christie-SK is marked "Made for Bartholomew Downing ct. 21, 1794." 4 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1400); Bryden 9; Brewington 1; American Neptune, Jan. 1975; RSW. suggest correction
OXENFORD, JOHN England, fl.1713-48, MIM apprenticed to Edmund Blow in the Joiners' Company on Jan. 13, 1704; free in the Company, Dec. 1,1713; took an apprentice. Savage Garden, London (1724). Crawforth 7. suggest correction
OXLY, HENRY England, c.1780, PHIM Coin Balance = WHI. 230 Upper Thames Street, London. Olivia Brown 2. suggest correction
OXMANTOWN, LORD Ireland, fl.1830-40, made specula for microscopes and telescopes; author; F.R.S. Taylor 2(2197). suggest correction
OZANAM France, 1688-1736, author; desgned an instrument and published a book on "L'Usage de l'instrument universelle ou "pantometre"; a rectangular frame with the alidade pivoted at one corner; also published "l'Usage du compass de proportion" in 1736. Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
P. England, 18th Century, MIM Sundial Mould, sandstone = Nat'l Museum of Wales. Wales. Peate. suggest correction
P.A. 1 Germany, MIM Table Sundial = LIN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
P.A. 2 18th Century, MIM Ring Sundial = Drouot 4/7/87. RSW. suggest correction
P.A.F. Germany?, 16th Century, MIM Astronomical Compendium, star-shaped = D.(1983) = TIM. the latitude scale goes as high as 60°; Wynter suggested this might be Petrus ab aggere. Wynter 1; RSW. suggest correction
P.B. 1 c.1580, MIM Horizontal Sundial, string-gnomon = ADL-M247. the case is shaped like a watch. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
P.B. 2 c.1650, NIM Shipwright's Rule = NMM-Gabb Coll. Taylor 1(234a); Dewhirst; NMM 2. suggest correction
P.B. 3 pre-1702, MIM Sundial, hour scale only = "Speaker." found on the pirate ship, "Speaker", which was wrecked off Mauritius, in 1702. Lizé. suggest correction
P.B. 4 Germany, c.1790, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood and paper = UTR, ADL-W194, WHI, Koller May 1972, Christie-G 11/20/79. the initials are found in the compass boxes. de Wijk; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
P.B. 5 Germany, c.1820, marked on globe by Carl Bauer, which see. RSW. suggest correction
P.B.S.P. Austria?, 1663, MIM Vertical Sundial, small, 1663 = SAL. Zinner 1. suggest correction
P.C.P.Z.N. Italy, 1608, MIM Cube Sundial in box-form = ADL-M319. all "N"s are backward. Florence. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
P.D. 1 Germany, c.1780, PHIM Money Balance = DRE. Paulus Dienert or (Dierert). Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
P.D. 2 England, OIM Eyepiece for a 4" Refracting Telescope = D.(1971). Peter Dollond (?). Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
P.D.B. France, c.1800, poids des boulets; marked on sectors. Christie 4/3/85. suggest correction
P.D.M.F. Italy?, 17th Century, MIM Squadra Mobile = WHI-311. O. Brown 1. suggest correction
P.E. marked on an ivory diptych sundial signed "Gois" (1). RSW. suggest correction
P.E.M. Germany, 1767, MIM Azimuth Sundial, stone, 1767 = Heimatmuseum, Landback a. Lech. also marked "1740." Zinner 1. suggest correction
P.F. ET CIE. France, c.1880, MIM Heliochronometers = OXF, Cooke's Shop in the CMY. "breveté, S.G.D.G." Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
P.G. 1 c.1710, MIM Ring Sundial = Koller 11/17/75. punchmark is initials in a shield. RSW. suggest correction
P.G. 2 might be Paulo Galluci; see Ferina. RSW. suggest correction
P.G.P.Z.N. see P.C.P.Z.N. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
P.H. France, 18th Century, MIM Sector = Christie-NY 11/3/85. maker's mark, stamped. RSW. suggest correction
P.I.B. Germany, 1629, MIM Pillar Sundial, 1629 = University Art Museum, Uppsala. Philipp Jakob Berner. Augsburg. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
P.K. "P.K." marked on an ivory diptych sundial signed "H.M." (3), 1616. Zinner 1. suggest correction
P.M.L.P.N. Germany, c.1750, marked on string-gnomon sundial signed "Neusshart" at ULM. RSW. suggest correction
P.R. 1769, PHIM Weights, 1769 = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. crown over initials. RSW. suggest correction
P.S.M. England, c.1845, MIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature, box = D.(1990). place names in English. RSW. suggest correction
PAAUW, JAN, JR. Holland, c.1723-1803, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveying Instrument = UTR; Mathematical Instrument = LEY; Air Pump = van Cleef en Scheurleer, 1799; Microscope = LEY; etc.. made instruments for P. van Musschenbroek; received the degree of D. Phil. at Franeker in 1762; many of his microscopes, mathematical and geodetical instruments survive. Leiden. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; Crommelin 1; Daumas 1; USNM. suggest correction
PACKER, CHARLES England, MIM Garden Sundial = D.(1976). the "Lambourn Church Dial." Lambourn. RSW. suggest correction
PACKEWOOD, CHRISTOPHER England, c.1630, MIM apprenticed to John Blighton 1 of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 25, 1630; made a shipwright's rule. by Alhallowes-Barking Church, London. J. Brown 1; Bryden 9. suggest correction
PACQUELLET, ROCH France, 1567, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1567 = HAR. Laon. Janin 1. suggest correction
PAGANI, ANTHONY England, fl.1812-25, PHIM Wheel and Stick Barometers = X (5). optician; the barometers are signed "A. Pagani Nottingham." Gainsborough; Goose Gate, Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PAGANI, J.M. Holland, c.1790, PHIM Barometer = Soth.-A March, 1975. Groningen. Daumas 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
PAGANUZZI, ANTO. Italy, 1755, MIM Compass for plane table, 1755 = P.C. (1987) = D.(1993). Coffeen 43; RSW. suggest correction
PAGE'S France, PHIM Folding Bar Magnet = OXF. Rue de Chantre, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
PAGE, CHARLES GRAFTON USA, c.1840, M.D.; devised electro-magnetic apparatus, made by Daniel Davis, Jr. Boston, Mass. D.J. Warner 6. suggest correction
PAGE, EDWARD England, 1673, MIM London. Evans 1. suggest correction
PAGE, THOMAS 1 England, c.1656, apprenticed to Henry Sutton in the Joiners' Company on June 20, 1649; free in the Company, July 7, 1656. Crawfirth 7. suggest correction
PAGE, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1750-84, PHIM Angle Barometer = WHI. Norwich. Taylor 2(1952); Dewhirst; Goodison 1. suggest correction
PAGE, WILLIAM England, c.1708, apprenticed to Grace Wells in the Joiners' Company on June 15, 1708. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PAGLAR, SAMUEL England, c.1808, apprenticed to John Corless in the Joiners' Company, Nov.1, 1808. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PAIGE England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Southboro, Tunbridge Wells. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PAINE, CHRISTOPHER England, c.1590, MIM SIM instrument maker; plane tables. Hosier Lane, Smithfield, London. Taylor 1(85); Evans 1. suggest correction
PAINE, JOHN England, c.1689, apprenticed to William Howe of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 5, 1689. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PALLANT, JOHN England, fl.1826-1850+, MIM OIM PHIM Meridian Telescope = D.(1987); Aneroid Barometer = Phillips 10/26/83. apprenticed to John Huggins 2 of the Grocers' Company, Dec. 7, 1826; partner with W. Muxton as "Muxton and Pallant" before 1843; on his own after that date; the telescope is signed "J. Pallant, 44 Museum Street, London"; the barometer is signed "Pallant 51 Strand, London." 44 Museum Street (before 1843); 14 Mercer Street, Long Acre (1843); 51 Strand; all in London. Moskowitz 130; J. Brown 2; RSW. suggest correction
PALLANT, T. misreading for J. Pallant. USNM. suggest correction
PALMER England, fl.1841-46, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. also a thermometer maker; could be Edward Palmer 2. 103 Newgate Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PALMER AND HALL USA, fl.1849-57, PHIM successors to Daniel David, Jr.; the firm became "Thomas Hall" in 1857; made electrical apparatus. Boston, Mass. Romaine; USNM. suggest correction
PALMER AND NEWTON England, fl.1783-97, MIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature, with case, 1783 = NMM. Palmer and John Newton; T.C.; "Successors to the late Mr. Bateman"; the globe was edited from Nathaniel Hill's globe of 1754. No. 128 at the Globe and Sun in Chancery Lane, Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(879); Crawforth 1; Evans 1; Krogt 2; NMM 2. suggest correction
PALMER, AARON USA, fl.1843-47, MIM Palmer's Card Calculator = Soth. 10/3/88. registered a form of circular side rule in 1843 which was made by John E. Fuller; was bought out by John E. Fuller who added his rule to the reverse side, as an improvement, in 1847. Boston, Mass. G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen 15; Delehar 9; RSW. suggest correction
PALMER, ASHUR C. USA, c.1840, MIM partner with Edward Samuel Ritchie, as Palmer and Ritchie, 1839-42. Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
PALMER, EDWARD 1 England, c.1765, apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 6, 1765. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PALMER, EDWARD 2 England, fl.1841-46, PHIM Vacuum Pump = Soth.-S 5/19/88. barometer and thermometer maker; made working models of locomotives, 1842; T.C.; succeeded by Horne, Thornthwaite and Wood at this address. 103 Newgate Street, London. Taylor 2(2196a); Dewhirst; G.L'E. Turner 24; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
PALMER, JOHN England, fl.1631-75, member of the Spectacle Makers' Company; desgned and wrote about an improvement for Blagrave's "Mathematical Jewell"; designed a planetary instrument which was made by Walter Hayes. London. Taylor 1(168); North 2; Evans 1; Crawforth 6. suggest correction
PALMER, ROBERT Scotland, fl.1829-36, MIM Sundial, 1829 = Riccarton Castle, Midlothian; Sundial, 1836 = Churchyard, Currie. Gatty. suggest correction
PALMER, ROGER England, fl.1668-79, MIM Terrestrial Globe = WHI. the Earl of Castlemain; invented a new "English Globe" which was published by Moxon. Bryden 11; Gunther 3; Taylor 1(402) & (406). suggest correction
PALMER, STEELE, YOUNGHUSBAND England, 1813, NIM T.C. "Nautical Instrument Makers"; John Steele. opposite Duke's Dock, Wapping, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
PALMIERI, LUIGI Italy, 1807-96, designed meteorological instruments. Naples. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
PALRONI, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PALURIE, D.F. Spain, c.1850, MIM Celestial Globe = D.(1972). Barcelona. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
PANNETRAT France, pre-1871, MIM Héliade = CNAM-8278. RSW. suggest correction
PANORMI 1634, Horizontal Sundial, 1634 = BM. probably Panormos on Tenos. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
PAOLETTI England, PHIM Marine Barometer = Mitchells, Cockermouth, 12/12/96. Goole, Yorkshire. ATG 12/7/96. suggest correction
PAPIN England, fl.1672-92, PHIM made barometers, hydrostatic balances and hydraulic instruments; worked for Robert Boyle, 1687-91; nephew of Denis Papin. at Mr. Carpenter's, near Bell Inn, Friday Street; at Mrs. Blakies, the Court over against the Crown and Thistle, Blackfriars; both in London. Taylor 1(410); Goodison 1; Evans 1. suggest correction
PAPIN, DENIS France; England; Germany, 1647-1712, PHIM made air pumps; worked for Robert Boyle at Oxford; author; developed an air pump while working with Huygens, 1671-75, as a technical assistant; F.R.S. Paris (1647-75); London (1675-87); Marburg (1687-1712). Daumas 1; Taylor 1(410); A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
PAPON, ESTIENNE France, MIM Sundial in the cover of a watch = Bloch-Pimentel Coll. = P.C. Gien. RSW. suggest correction
PAPPEN alternative spelling for Papin. Evans 1. suggest correction
PARACHINI, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PARACHINI, G. England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 11/13/86. "Warranted." RSW. suggest correction
PARDIE England, pre-1764, MIM designed and made a universal sundial. James Ferguson. suggest correction
PARIS France, c.1763, MIM OIM son of Claude Paris and succeeded him in the business. L'Estrapade, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
PARIS, CLAUDE France, 1703-63, MIM OIM Telescopes, Gregorian = CNAM (1755), Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88; Telescopes = NAC, P.C.; Microscope, Cuff-type = NAC; Telescopes were offered by dealers in 1967, 1970 and 1976. associated with Jean-Baptiste-Charles Gonichon, 1733; made "marchand miroitier privilégié suivant la Cour" in 1740; the privilege passed to his sister, Marie-Michelle Gonichon, upon his death in 1763; it is hard to tell whether it is Claude Paris or his son who made the telescopes offered by dealers. Paris. Daumas 1; Brieux 2 & 3; Nachet; Wynter and Turner; USNM; Augarde; RSW. suggest correction
PARISH, ROBERT England, c.1738, MIM apprenticed to John Foster of the Clockmakers' Company on May 1, 1738. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
PARK, ROBERT Scotland, c.1800, NIM OIM PHIM Barometers = D.(1971), D.(1972); Telescope = FRK = RSM. T.C. in a Spencer, Browning and Co. sextant case. Greenock. Soth.-N.Y. 2/23/79; Morrison-Low 1; RSW. suggest correction
PARK, ROSWELL USA, 1807-69, revised at least two of Josiah Loring's terrestrial globes in 1846. Boston, Mass. Yonge. suggest correction
PARKER 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be the same as Parker 4. Theobalds Street (London?). Goodison 1. suggest correction
PARKER 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Wisbech. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PARKER 3 England, c.1900, Water Clock, 1649 = K. & C. 12/3/75. fake, surely the work of Pearson and Page of Birmingham. Southampton. RSW. suggest correction
PARKER 4 England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. may be the same as Parker 1. Princes Street, Soho, London. RSW. suggest correction
PARKER, BENJAMIN England, c.1753, MIM Slide Rules, Saxspeach-type = OXF (1753), KEN (1753), Christie-Australia 6/5/62. Isaac Newton's Head, next the Great Turnstile, Holborn; Fulwood's Rents, Holborn; Ratcliffe; all in London. Taylor 2(202) and (534); Evans 1; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Holland; RSW. suggest correction
PARKER, EDWARD see E.P. RSW. suggest correction
PARKER, FRANCIS England, c.1690, member of the Bakers' Company; may have had William Roloson turned over to him in 1690. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PARKER, GEORGE Ireland, fl.1761-66, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, silver = EGE. watchmaker; the ring sundial is 2 1/2" in diameter. Cork Hill, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
PARKER, JAMES 1 England, fl.1703-26, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Walpole of the Grocers' Company on March 2, 1696; free of the Company on June 8, 1703; took apprentices. Foster Lane, London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PARKER, JAMES 2 England, fl.1806-25, OIM PHIM Stick Barometers = X(2); Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-P 3/1/83. one barometer is signed "Parker London" the others are signed "Parker" or "J. Parker" plus the Princes Street address. 53 Princes Street, Leicester Square, Soho (1817); 22 Little Queen Street, Holborn; both in London. Taylor 2(1189); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PARKER, JAMES 3 England, c.1817, OIM optician. 333 Oxford Street, London. Taylor 2(1189). suggest correction
PARKER, JOHN 1 England, c.1748, MIM apprenticed to James Wilson 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 14, 1740; free of the Company, Jan. 18, 1748. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
PARKER, JOHN 2 England, c.1830, OIM Sandpits, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1955). suggest correction
PARKER, RICHARD GREEN USA, 1798-1869, MIM educator; made hemisphere globes from c.1827 for the use of his students. Boston, Mass. Warner 4; DAB. suggest correction
PARKER, SAMUEL England, fl.1825-26, OIM 16 Little Hampton Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1658). suggest correction
PARKER, THOMAS 1 England, c.1705, MIM apprenticed to William Sellars of the Clockmakers' Company on July 9, 1705. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
PARKER, THOMAS 2 Scotland, fl.1801-02, MIM Glasgow. Taylor 2(1190). suggest correction
PARKER, WILLIAM England, 1784-1817, MIM OIM Lens = APS. constructed large burning glasses, one just under 3 feet in diameter, another, 16" dia. for Priestly; said to have been of "advanced age" in 1817; usually referrered to as "Mr. Parker." Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(754); Multhauf 1; Clay and Court; Spargo 1; Dewhirst. suggest correction
PARKES AND HADLEY England, MIM Orrery, planets missing = Lub and Himmel, April 1965; Orrery, sun and moon missing = Grimwades 10/25/90. "patented." RSW. suggest correction
PARKES, I. England, OIM Spyglass = P.C.(1967). London. USNM. suggest correction
PARKES, JAMES, AND SON England, c.1850, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Microscopes = Wellcome Museum, D.(1969), D.(1976), Christie-SK 2/8/79, Phillips 2/14/79; Sextant = D.(1975); Surveying Instrument = D.(1977); Telescopes = American Art Galleries, Chicago, Ill. 3/18/75, Christie-SK 7/10/80. showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851, London. 5 and 6 St. Mary's Row, Birmingham. Bryden 9; G.L'E. Turner 24; Moskowitz 112; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
PARKES, JOHN AND SONS England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = Charles 6/10/79. T.C. in sextant box. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
PARKES, SAMUEL England, fl.1777-1818, MIM rule and compass maker. 8 Sand Street (1777); St. Mary's Row (1787); Legge Street (1797-1801); all in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
PARKES, SAMUEL, AND SON England, fl.1808-18, MIM rule makers, worked in boxwood and ivory. Bull Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
PARKINSON AND FRODSHAM England, fl.1800-38, MIM OIM William Parkinson and William James Frodsham; famous for their chronometers. 4 Change Alley, Cornhill, London. Taylor 2(1403). suggest correction
PARKMAN, S.N. USA, NIM Boat Compass = MYS. 174 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
PARKS see Graham and Parks. suggest correction
PARMINTER, GEORGE England, c.1767, apprenticed to his father, John Parminter 1 of the Grocers' Company on Nov. 3, 1767. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PARMINTER, JOHN 1 England, fl.1739-91, MIM apprenticed to John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers' Company on July 6, 1732; free of the Company, Sept. 20, 1739; took apprentices. near the White Hart alehouse in Mansell Street, Goodman's Fields (1739); next door to the Sun and Bell in the Minories (1742); the corner of the Minories (1758); King Street, Tower Hill (1787); all in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PARMINTER, JOHN 2 England, fl.1791-96, MIM OIM apprenticed to Charles Lincoln in the Spectacle- makers'Company; admitted by Patrimony to the Grocers' Company on July 7, 1791; took one apprentice; optician. Crown Court, Wapping (1791); Dog Row, Bethnal Green (1796); both in London. J. Brown 1; Robischon. suggest correction
PARMINTER, SAMUEL England, c.1787, MIM admitted to the Grocers' Company by Patrimony on June 7, 1787; son of John Parminter 1. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PARNALL AND SONS England, 19th Century, PHIM Beam Balance = Christie-SK 11/27/86. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
PARNELL England, c.1830, NIM Octant = Christie-SK 11/2/95. probably Thomas Parnell, or William, his son. London. RSW. suggest correction
PARNELL AND SON England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = Soth. 10/27/74. probably Thomas Parnell. London. RSW. suggest correction
PARNELL, THOMAS England, fl.1776-1811, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/15/83; Telescopes = SWE, X; Octants = MYS, D.(1990), Marine Museum, Horten, Norway, Stadt Museum, Albenå, Denmark, VNN, Bolling Hall, Bradford; Sextants = MYS, Versailles 4/17/83, P.C.; etc. apprenticed to John Blake in the Joiners' Company, Dec. 13, 1768; free of the Company, May 7, 1776; T.C.; most of his instruments are signed "Parnell." at the Mariner and Quadrant, No. 94 (later No. 2) Hermitage Bridge, Lower East Smithfield, London. Taylor 2(1023); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 & 7; Moskowitz 102; Pipping 1; Goodison 1; M.A.D., May 1990; RSW. suggest correction
PARNELL, WILLIAM England, fl.1811-14, MIM took over Thomas Parnell's shop in 1814; might have been his son. Hermitage (1811); No. 94 (later No. 2) Lower East Smithfield (1813-14); all in London. Taylor 2(1023); Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PARRISH, H. England, c.1860, PHIM barometer maker. 6 1/2 Wood Street, Bath Row, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PARROTT, W.T. England, 1790, NIM Octant, ebony, 1790 = Vogel Nov. 1972; Octant = Soth. 9/20/83. Hull. Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
PARRY, THOMAS WILLIAM England, fl.1838-46, MIM OIM Analemmatic Sundial = Christie 6/7/72. 14 Princes Street, Barbican; 24 Holywell Street, Strand; both in London. Taylor 2(2199); RSW. suggest correction
PARSONS England, MIM Circular Slide Rule = Soth. 10/21/74. London. RSW. suggest correction
PARSONS AND TUTTEL England, 1701, MIM William Parsons 1 and Thomas Tuttel; advertised a pair of 36-inch globes for 25 pounds in 1701. London. Taylor 1(411). suggest correction
PARSONS, CHARLES England, 1674, MIM Quadrant Sundial, 1674 = OXF. for 51° latitude. Taylor 1(376); Evans 1. suggest correction
PARSONS, GEORGE England, c.1822, MIM apprenticed to his father, William Parsons 3, of the Grocers' Company on July 4, 1822. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
PARSONS, JAMES England, fl.1820-38, MIM PHIM apprenticed to his father, William Parsons 3, of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 3, 1812. 22 Bull and Mouth Street, London. Taylor 2(2200); J. Brown 2. suggest correction
PARSONS, WILLIAM 1 England, 1658-1723, MIM Protractor, Plotting Scale = OXF. may be Col. William Parsons; see Parsons and Tuttel. Old Palace Yard, Westminster, London. Taylor 1(411) & 2(1660); RSW. suggest correction
PARSONS, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1759, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1759 = NMM; Protractor = OXF. 3.6" in diameter. Taylor 2(1660); O'Mara. suggest correction
PARSONS, WILLIAM 3 England, fl.1799-1822, MIM PHIM apprenticed to James Martin of the Grocers' Company on Nov. 5, 1789; free of the Company, Jan. 3, 1799; took apprentices, including his own children. 9 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden; New Sreet, Fetter Lane (1801-07); Salisbury Court, Fleet Street (1808-12); Paul's Alley, St. Paul's Churchyard (1812-22); Bull and Mouth Street (1822); all in London. Taylor 2(1660); J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
PARSONS, WILLIAM 4 England, c.1809, apprenticed to his father, William Parsons 3 on Feb. 2, 1809. London. J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
PARTON, WILLIAM England, c.1830, NIM compass maker. 40 Low Street, Sunderland. Taylor 2(1956). suggest correction
PASCAL, BLAISE France, 1623-62, mathematician; philosopher; worked with Toricelli's idea of vacuum tube for barometer, c.1650; invented an adding machine in 1642. A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1; DSB. suggest correction
PASCAL, CLAUDE France; Holland, fl.1654-74, MIM clockmaker. The Hague (1654); Paris (1670). Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
PASCAL, DOMINIQUE France, c.1740, PHIM Coin Balances = Soth. 11/16/87 and 4/18/88. Rue de 4 Chapaux, Lyon. RSW. suggest correction
PASCHE, LOUIS Holland, fl.1768-93, MIM Pasché; clockmaker; worked on Leidse Sphere. Leiden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
PASSEMANT, CLAUDE-SIMEON France, 1702-69, MIM OIM PHIM Barometers = Usher Art Gallery, Lincoln, Waddesden Manor, Bucks; Wheel Barometers = NYM, Phillips 9/10/86, Christie N.Y. 6/7/79 (Sèvres porcelain); Thermometer = DEU; Telescopes = WHI, ADL-M434, Spitzer-2891, Valley Forge Historical Society, Pa.; Hygrometer = COR; Solar Micrscope = COR; Planetariums = Palais de Versailles (1749), MLL (1766); Sundials = NMM, CNAM; Pair of Globes = POB; Astronomical Clock = Palais de Versailles; Microscopes = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88, NYM; etc. Claude-Siméon Passemant; author; "Ingénieur du Roi"; made three telescopes for Louis XV (1751, 1755, 1759). rue de la Monnaye à la Pomme d'Or; au Louvre, au dessus de l'Académie Française (1749); both in Paris. Daumas 1; Taylor 2(296a); Ronfort; Brieux 3; Bennett 1; ADL; Michel 3; Stevens & Aked; USNM; Engelmann 1; Augarde; RSW. suggest correction
PASSEMENT misreading for Passemant. suggest correction
PASSEY, D. England, c.1790, OIM Solar Microscope = Soth. 3/25/86. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
PASTEUR, BERNARD FRANCOIS Switzerland; Holland, 1742-1801, OIM PHIM Pneumatic Pump = LEY. Bernard François Pasteur; clockmaker; also made microscopes, thermometers, etc. Geneva (1742-67); Amsterdam (1767); Leyden (1794). Rooseboom 1; Crommelin 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Bowling Street, Westminster, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI AND CETTI England, c.1853, PHIM Pastorelli and Edward Cetti; barometer and thermometer makers; they succeeded John Tagliabue. 11 Brook Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI AND CO. 1 England, 1815-17, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Phillips 11/16/88. Fortunato Pastorelli; became F. and J. Pastorelli in 1817. 4 Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PASTORELLI AND CO. 2 England, fl.1856-63, MIM PHIM SIM Wheel Barometer = X; Dumpy Level = D.(1982). Francis Pastorelli; level is Patent No. 2711, 11/18/1863. 208 Piccadilly, London. Goodison 1; Coffeen A. suggest correction
PASTORELLI AND CO. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably J. Pastorelli. 180 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI AND RAPKIN England, 1750-1900, PHIM Barometer, Fortin-type = Phillips 2/14/79; Hygrometer = Longleat House, Wilts.; Stick Barometer = Soth.-C 6/6/85; Thermo-Hydrograph = K. & C. 9/29/76; Aneroid Barometer = Soth.-S 7/17/96. firm claimed to have been established in 1750; aneroid barometer signed "Pastorelli and Rapkin Ltd." 46 Hatton Garden, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, A. AND F. England, fl.1848-49, PHIM Anthony Pastorelli and his son, Francis. 4 Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, A., AND SON England, c.1848, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 9/23/88. Dawcross Street; 4 Cross Street, Hatton Garden; both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, ANTHONY England, fl.1829-49, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3); Barometer and Thermometer = Phillips 11/11/81; Hygrometer = OXF. philosophical instrument maker; succeeded Fortunato Pastorelli in 1830; took his son Francis as a partner, 1848-49; some barometers signed "A. Pastorelli." 4 Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Phillips 9/16/81. either Fortunato or Francis Pastorelli. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, F. AND J. England, fl.1817-18, PHIM Fortunato and J. Pastorelli; barometer makers. 4 Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, F., AND CO. England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Telescope = D.(1975). Francis Pastorelli. 208 Piccadilly, London. Goodison 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, FORTUNATO England, fl.1805-30, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. the barometer is signed "Pastorelli 156 Holborn, London"; see Pastorelli and Co. 1, F. and J. Pastorelli; succeeded by Anthony Pastorelli. 252 High Holborn (1805); 156 High Holborn (1811); 4 Cross Street, Hatton Garden (1815-30); all in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, FRANCIS England, fl.1848-60, OIM PHIM son of Anthony Pastorelli and his partner, 1848-49, as A. and F. Pastorelli; succeeded him in 1850; see Pastorelli and Co. 2. 4 Cross Street, Hatton Garden (1848-56); 208 Piccadilly (1856-60); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, J. England, c.1817, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. worked with Fortunato Pastorelli, 1817-18, see F. and J. Pastorelli and Pastorelli and Co. 3. 180 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, JOHN England, fl.1837-57, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3), Christie-SK 5/20/88; Stick Barometer = X. 28 Cable Street (1837); 55 Cable Street (1841-47); 61 Cable Street (1851); 10 South Castle Street (1857); all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(2201); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1820-27, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. Leopards Court, Leather Lane, London. Taylor 2(1663); Goodison 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1825, PHIM made barometers. 67 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PASTORELLI, T. AND F. England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77. surely Fortunato Pastorelli and a relative. 4 Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. RSW. suggest correction
PATERNAL, NICOLAS Portugal, 1616, MIM Astrolabe, 1616 = LIM. ICA-217. Price 1; Gunther 1; Michel 2; GHP; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
PATERSON Scotland, c.1803, OIM Calton Hill Observatory, Edinburgh. Bryden 3. suggest correction
PATERSON, JAMES Scotland, fl.1679-93, MIM produced an "Arithmatical Spiral" calculating instrument; wrote almanacs; advertised "weather-glasses of all sorts and sizes"; succeeded by his nephew, John Mann 1. at the Sign of the Sea Cross-staff and Quadrant in the Cowgate (1681-86); Sign of the Sea Cross-staff and Quadrant, Reid House, middle of the Leith Wynd (1689); both in Edinburgh. Taylor 1(424); Bryden 3, 10 & 15; Clay and Court; Goodison 1. suggest correction
PATHRICK, JOHN see John Patrick. Clay and Court. suggest correction
PATIN France, c.1700, MIM Crescent-type Sundial = D. Brieux 3. suggest correction
PATON, DAVID Scotland, c.1824, MIM made a planetarium and lunarium in 1824. Dunfermline. Taylor 2(1664). suggest correction
PATRICK England, 19th Century, MIM Inclinable Sundial = ATG, 7/13/96. ad said 18th century. London. RSW. suggest correction
PATRICK, JOHN 1 England, fl.1686-1722, MIM apprenticed to William Thompson in the Joiners' Company on July 8, 1668; free in the Company, July 6, 1686, on the report of Thomas Eliot; took apprentices; may be the father of John Patrick 2 or there may be only one John Patrick. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PATRICK, JOHN 2 England, fl.1693-1720, MIM PHIM Angle Barometers = P.C. (2); Stick Barometers = D.(1981), NMM, Christie-SK 4/17/86; Pillar Barometer, ivory, brass and silver = BM. author; apprenticed to William Tompson of the Joiners' Company on July 6, 1686; free of the Company in 1693; became a member of the Clockmakers' Company in 1712; specialized in barometers; T.C.; probably the son of John Patrick 1 unless the two are the same person. against Bull Head Court, in Jewin Street near Cripplegate Church (pre-1704); Ship Court, Old Bailey (1704-); both in London. Clay and Court; Goodison 1; Taylor 1(526); Calvert 2; RSW; Bedini 8; Price 3; Crawforth 1; Dewhirst; RSW; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1. suggest correction
PATRICK, THOMAS England, c.1686, apprenticed to John Patrick 1 in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 5, 1686. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PATRIDGE, R., AND CO. USA, c.1830, MIM Circular Calculator for finding interest = D.(1985). Boston, Mass. Coffeen 9. suggest correction
PATRON France, MIM SIM Graphometers = D.(1972), A-P 3/15/76. possibly Pierre-André Patron, which see. Paris. Roux Devilas, 1973; Augarde; RSW. suggest correction
PATRON, PIERRE-ANDRE France, c.1742, Pierre-André Patron; master sword maker; may be same as Patron, which see; may have made instruments. rue de la Petite Sonnerie, Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
PATRONE see Patroni Crawforth 1. suggest correction
PATRONI, PIETRO Italy, fl.1714-22, OIM Microscope, 1715 = LEY; Binocular Microscopes = P.C. (1719), NAC (1722); Binocular Telescopes = DEU (1714), NAC (1719); Telescopes = ADL-M426, Soth. 1/25/84. the binocular telescopes are signed "Sac Coesae et Catae Mais Opticus Mediolani" and "Petrus Patronus"; the Soth. telescope is signed "Pierre Patroni"; the Adler telescope is signed on the objective lens; Patroni is mentioned in an advertisment by James Mann 2. Mediolani = Milan. Daumas 1; Bonelli 1; Price 2; Engelmann 1; Dewhirst; Crawforth 1; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PATTART, IOAN. Germany, fl.1715-52, MIM Garden Sundials, stone = Aschbach Schloss (1752), Cremsdorf bei Höchstadt. Cremsdorf sundial has arms of Christian Ernst von Guttenberg. Bamberg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
PATTEN see Potten. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PATTEN, GEORGE USA, 1820-57, MIM OIM son of Richard Patten; see Richard Patten and Son. New York, N.Y. (1820-42); 23 South Street (1849-51); 38 W. Baltimore (1856-57); the last two in Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
PATTEN, RICHARD USA, 1792-1865, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = ADL-A215, NMM, USNM, D.(1983), P.C., etc; Octant = MYS; Marine Compass = P.C.; Sextant = Fairfield Historical Society, Conn.; Surveying Compass = D.(1993). worked with his son, George, as Richard Patten and Son, 1842-1857; MYS octant is No. 12; Garcelon compass signed "R. Patten, New York"; had a dividing engine; T.C.,"All instruments in the above line made to order and warranted being divided on an Engine after the Plan of Ramsdens." Maryland; 350 Water Street (1813); 184 Water Street (1815-19); 180 Water Street (1821-34); 11 Park Place (1834-37); all in New York, N.Y.; Washington, D.C. (1843-46); Baltimore, Md. (1849-60); Washington, D.C. (1862-65). Smart 1; Bedini 1 & 8; Moskowitz 2; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; ADL; Garcelon 33 and 34; RSW. suggest correction
PATTEN, RICHARD, AND SON USA, fl.1842-57, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Richard and George Patten. Washington, D.C. (1842-49); Baltimore, Md. (1850-57) the years (1856-57) were at 38 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
PATTEN, STEPHEN USA, fl.1834-41, MIM NIM sold nautical items, rules, dividers, etc. Exchange Street (1834); No. 31 Exchange Street (1841); both in Portland Me. Portland, Maine Business Directories. suggest correction
PATTEN, WILLIAM USA, fl.1838-49, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM 6th and Arch, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
PATTERSON, WILLIAM England, c.1808, apprenticed to Ebenezer Hoppé in the Joiners' Company on May 10, 1804. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PATTON see Richard Patten. RSW. suggest correction
PATTON AND GEORGE NIM Sextant = Fall River Marine Museum, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
PATTRICK England, c.1805, MIM Inclinable Sundial = ATG, 7/13/96. surely Thomas Pattrick 1. London. RSW. suggest correction
PATTRICK, T., AND CO. England, fl.1802-08, MIM Pocket Globe in case = D. the celestial gores in the case are signed "Pattrick and Co."; the address is that of Thomas Pattrick 1. 29 King Street, Covent Garden, London. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
PATTRICK, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1802-08, MIM OIM PHIM globe maker; see T. Pattrick and Co.; author. 29 King Street, Covent Garden, London. Taylor 2(1192); Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
PATTRICK, THOMAS 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Wisbeach. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PAU, JOHANN Holland, pre-1762, OIM made a solar microscope. Leyden. Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
PAUL Switzerland, c.1800, PHIM son of Jacques Paul; barometer and thermometer maker, also made other philosophical apparatus. Geneva. Daumas 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
PAUL, JACQUES Switzerland, 1733-98, MIM PHIM SIM Hygrometer, hair = P.C.; Graphometer = GEM; Thermometer = GEM; Standard Meter = GEM; Electrical Doubler = GEM; Stick Barometer, 1763 = GEM. father of Paul; apprenticed to Canivet; pocket compass (P.C.) is signed by both men; difficult to tell the father's work from the son's; GEM instruments are all from the Saussure Coll. Geneva. Daumas 1; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
PAULUS Holland, c.1653, OIM made lenses for Christiaan Huygens. Meester. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
PAULUS DE SURLANIS misreading for Paulus de Furlanis, which see. O. Brown 3; Woodward 1; RSW. suggest correction
PAULUS, JACOBUS MIM Microscope = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Mich. USNM. suggest correction
PAURUS see Ioan and Paurus. RSW. suggest correction
PAVOLINI, BERNARDINUS Italy, c.1750, MIM SIM Telescopic Graphometer = D.(1987); Graphometer = USNM. USNM instrument is signed "Bernardinum Pavolini Fecit" and marked "Antonius Manghetti Incidit." USNM; Coffeen 15; RSW. suggest correction
PAYNE 1 see Melling and Payne. RSW. suggest correction
PAYNE AND CO. England, c.1850, MIM Pedometer = WHI. "3448 Patent"; William Payne. 165 New Bond Street, London. O. Brown 1. suggest correction
PAYNE, A. England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-LA 6/7/76. 6 Little Warner, Clerkenwell, London. RSW. suggest correction
PAYNE, BENJAMIN England, c.1825, PHIM Apothocary Scales = WHI; Balance = WHI. No. 395 Strand, near Southamton Street, London. O. Brown 2. suggest correction
PAYNE, CHRISTOPHER see Christopher Paine. RSW. suggest correction
PAYNE, GEO. P. England, c.1850, NIM Octant, ebony, ivory and brass = D.(1976). 39 South Castle Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
PAYNE, J. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Sussex 9/18/86. Banbury. RSW. suggest correction
PAYNE, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1795-1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "Payne Hadleigh." Hadleigh. Baillie 1; Goodison 1. suggest correction
PAYNE, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1831, MIM Pedometer = D.(1972). patented a pocket pedometer in a watch case in 1831; clock and watch maker. 163 New Bond Street, London.; Navigation Warehouse, South Castle Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1957); Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
PAYNSTON England, c.1815, MIM invented a current meter. Taylor 2(1402). suggest correction
PAYSON, SAMUEL, JR. USA, fl.1844-47, MIM NIM PHIM Boston, Mass. (1844-46); New York, N.Y. (1846-47). USNM. suggest correction
PEACE, PHILIP Scotland, fl.1842-57, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 9/1/70. 61 Broughton Street (1842-45); 71 South Frederick Street (1846); 99 Prices Street (1847-57); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PEACHY, WILLIAM England, c.1786, apprenticed to Joseph Rust 2 of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 5, 1786. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PEACOCK, JONATHAN England, c.1726, MIM sundial maker. the Old George, Penrith. Bryden 9. suggest correction
PEACOCK, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1778-90, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Kimbolton. Baillie 1; Goodison 1. suggest correction
PEACOCK, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1789-1832, PHIM probably a dealer; name is marked on a stick barometer, signed on the back "J. Croce York 1789." York. Baillie 1; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PEAK see Harvey and Peak. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
PEARCE, THOMAS England, fl.1856, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. instrument signed "Pearce Cirencester." Cricklade Street, Cirencester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PEARSON, DAVID USA, c.1760, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, wood = D. the father of Henry Sleeper Pearson; the compass card was engraved by Joseph Callender. Newburyport, Mass. Smart 1; Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
PEARSON, HENRY SLEEPER USA, 1789-1878, MIM NIM SIM Marine Compass = D.(1984); Surveyor's Compasses = P.C. (2). son of David Pearson; T.C.; watch and scientific instrument maker. at Jones Row, 6 Exchange Street, Portland, Me. (1823-77). Smart 1; Coffeen G; RSW. suggest correction
PEARSON, J. England, c.1797, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/16/76, X. barometers are signed "Pearson Towcester." Towcester. Baillie 1; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PEARSON, JOSEPH 1 England, c.1797, OIM optician; father of Joseph Pearson 2. Moor Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
PEARSON, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1801-18, OIM optician; son of Joseph Pearson 1. 129 Moor Street (1801); Moor Street (1808-18); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
PEARSON, RICHARD England, c.1827, MIM NIM OIM North Side, Old Dock, Hull. Taylor 2(1666). suggest correction
PEARSON, ROBERT England, c.1776, MIM apprenticed to John Parminter 1 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 2, 1760; free of the Company, Oct. 3, 1776. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PEARSON, WILLIAM England, 1813, MIM Orrery, showing mean motion, 1813 = KEN. astronomer; constructed an astronomical clock and planetarium; F.R.S., 1819. Whitbeck, Cumberland; Temple Grove, East Sheen; South Kilworth, Lincolnshire. Taylor 2(880); RSW. suggest correction
PEASE, PAUL USA, fl.1750-58, NIM Quadrant, 1758 = Brown University, Rhode Island; Backstaff, 1750 = R.I. Historical Society. Warner said "Probably son-in-law of Nathaniel Folger of Nantucket; it is not known if he was maker or owner of this instrument"; probably maker because of other instruments. Rhode Island? USNM; Bedini 1; Evans 1; D.J. Warner 8; RSW. suggest correction
PECCENINI 1814?, MIM SIM Graphometer = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
PECHE France, c.1840, NIM Marine Compass = PMS. sold sextants made by E. Lorieux. Nantes. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
PEDDELL, JOHN England, c.1722, MIM apprenticed to John Bellinger 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 15, 1722. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
PEDERSEN AND CO. England, c.1850, MIM Azimuth Compass = OMM. Hull. RSW. suggest correction
PEDIS, T. Scotland, c.1790, PHIM Barometer and clock = SPI-Anderson 3/25/27 Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
PEDLIO England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PEDRAGLIO 1 France, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1976); Telescope = Soth. 3/25/86. "Opticien". rue de la Fosse 12, Nantes. RSW. suggest correction
PEDRAGLIO 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Rochester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PEDRAGLIO, BAPTISTA England, c.1800, PHIM Angle Barometer = Bearne's 9/13/89. RSW. suggest correction
PEDRENE England, c.1785, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1977). with thermometer, hygrometer and spirit level. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
PEDRETI, MARIO Italy, 1589, MIM Protractor with pivoted arm, 1589 = BMR. Rome. Michel 3. suggest correction
PEDRETTI, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PEDRETTI, PETER England, fl.1834-51, PHIM barometer maker. Bath Street, Clerkenwell (1834-44); 13 Dorring Street (1844-51); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PEDRONE BROS. AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Carlisle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PEDRONE, LOUIS England, fl.1841-60, MIM OIM PHIM Inclinable Sundial = WHI; Marine Barometer = PMS; Wheel Barometer = X. sometimes spelled "Lewis Pedrone." 57 Lord Street; 27 & 28 Lord Street; both in Liverpool. Bryden 9 and 16; Taylor 2(2202); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PEDRONE, S. AND G. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/13/88. RSW. suggest correction
PEDUZZI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Anthony or James Peduzzi. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PEDUZZI, ANTHONY England, fl.1825-41, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 7/23/87. 23 Picadilly (1834), London?; 31 Oldham Street (1841), Manchester. Taylor 2(1670); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PEDUZZI, JAMES England, fl.1825-41, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), D.(1968), Christie 12/8/74, Christie-SK 11/27/86. all the barometers are signed "J. Peduzzi Manchester"; one has the Newbury Street address. 49 Oldham Street (1825-26); Newbury Street; 97 Oldham Street (1834-41); all in Manchester. Taylor 2(1671); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PEDUZZI, M. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 74 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PEEL, WILLIAM England, c.1717, apprenticed to Lawrence Miles in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 3, 1717. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PEER, JOOST see Joost de Beer. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
PEFFENHAUSER, PHILIPP HEINRICH Germany, 1657-1733, MIM Equatorial Sundial, with cam latitude setting = FRA; Horizontal Sundials with moon scale = Sorfältige Schrift, Budapest, Eichstatt Museum; Crescent Sundials = INN, GRA, BM; Equatorial Sundials = Drecker Coll., D.(1974). Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Wynter 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
PEIA, A. Holland, c.1790, PHIM Stick Barometer = Short Graham and Co., Gloucester. also made thermometers. Amsterdam. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
PELEGRINO, FRAN. England, c.1820, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 9/1/70; Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = X, Christie-SK 9/23/88. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PELL, JOHN England, 1610-85, author; wrote on quadrants. Oxford. Gunther 2. suggest correction
PELLATT AND CO. England, fl.1824-32, Messrs. Green and Pellatt; glass-workers. Falcon Glass House, Holland Street, Blackfriars Bridge, London. Taylor 2(1672). suggest correction
PELLETIER, J.C. Holland, fl.1776-1809, PHIM made a magnetic experiment and physical instruments for cabinets. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
PELLIER France, MIM Vertical Sundial = Lempertz 4/28/61. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
PELLIN, PH. France, c. 1883, PHIM became partner of JulesDuboscq in 1883, carried on firm after 1886. Paris. Warner 13. suggest correction
PELT, JAN VAN Holland, MIM Dividers = Soth. 4/18/88. RSW. suggest correction
PENCOTTI, I. England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. High Street, Dudley. RSW. suggest correction
PENDER AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77. Norwich. RSW. suggest correction
PENDLETON, WILLIAM KIMBOROUGH USA, 1817-99, MIM Terrestrial Globe = P.C. Boston, Mass. Yonge. suggest correction
PENEDO, A. Holland, c.1785, OIM PHIM made camera obscuras, pumps, etc. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
PENER see Bener. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
PENNER see Bener. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
PENNOCK, JOSEPH England, c.1726, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Scott of the Grocers' Company on June 30, 1719; free of the Company, July 27, 1726. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PENNY, WILLIAM England, fl.1816-38, MIM 25 Broad Street, Ratcliff Cross, London. Taylor 2(1407). suggest correction
PENSA, J., AND SON England, c.1835, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Christie-SK 9/11/86, Soth. 12/13/88. John Pensa and Son. 5 Greville Stret; 39 Charles Street; both in Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PENSA, JOHN England, fl.1830-39, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/15/83. thermometer maker. 2 Charles Street; 39 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1830-34); 5 Greville Street (1835-39); all in London. Taylor 2(2204); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PENSA, MARGARET England, fl.1840-48, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; possibly the widow of John Pensa. 25 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London (1846). Taylor 2(2204); Goodison 1. suggest correction
PENSA, T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. Colchester. RSW. suggest correction
PENSOTTI, JOSEPH England, c.1817, PHIM barometer maker. High Street, Dudley. Taylor 2(1959); Goodison 1. suggest correction
PENTHER, FRIEDRICH JOHAN Germany, 1752, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1752 = DRE. author; wrote on gnomonics. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
PEOTE, JAMES see Pioti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PEPPER, JNO. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. instrument signed "Pepper Biggleswade." Market Place, Biggleswade. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PEPYS, SAMUEL devised rule to figure timber volume. Latham and Matthews. suggest correction
PERBY AND BRO. USA, c.1850, MIM Liquid Measure, wood = D.(1976). 51 Fulton Street, New York N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
PERES, JAN Holland, fl.1765-93, MIM repaired Isenbroek's planetarium, ADL-M392, in 1793; clockmaker. Haarlem. Engelmann 1; Fox 1; Rooseboom 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PERESTE misreading by Engelmann of inscription on ADL-M392, should be "Peres te" = Peres in." ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PERIGOT, CHARLES France, 19th Century, MIM Terrestrial Globes = La Rochelle 7/16/83, Melun 4/24/83. sometimes spelled "Périgeot"; the Melun globe is marked "édité par Delagrave à Paris." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
PERIGRINUS, PETRUS 13th Century, wrote a treatise on the astrolabe. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
PERKINS see Spencer and Perkins. RSW. suggest correction
PERKINS, EYSUM England, c.1682, MIM apprenticed by turnover to James Atkinson 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1670; carried on trade as a non-freeman, c.1682. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
PERNAUD France, 1745, forged name and date on #535 G in dial list at OXF. Nancy. Evans 1. suggest correction
PERNER, ADAM Germany, 1596, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial, 1596 = WHI. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
PERNOT, J. France, 1785, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1785 = P.C. Dunkerque. Evans 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
PERRE, J. France, 18th Century, NIM Marine Compass = Gazette de l'Hôtel Drouot, 7/27/90 (No. 30). "J. Perre maître poulier et faseur de compas." Dunkerque. RSW. suggest correction
PERREAUX, L.G. France, fl.1841-62, MIM PHIM firm founded in 1841; made precision instruments, dynamometers, spherometers, etc. rue Monsieur-le Prince, 16, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
PERRENOUD, SAUVEUR France, MIM Mathematical Instrument Set = PRM; Dividers, brass and steel = Bergbau Mining Museum, Bochum, Westalfia. RSW. suggest correction
PERRETT, GEORGE England, c.1799, apprenticed to William Elliott 1 in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 6, 1799. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PERRINS, H. AND F. England, OIM Telescope, four-draw = Versailles 4/17/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
PERRON, R. England, c.1800, MIM Garden Sundial = P.C. (1976). London. RSW. suggest correction
PERRY AND CO. England, NIM Sextant = Soth. 10/18/71; Octant = Christie 12/21/71. probably P.F. Perry. West Hartlepool. RSW. suggest correction
PERRY, ANDREW Ireland, fl.1839-45, MIM optician. 5 Fitzwilliam Place, Grangegorman Lane (1839-42); 21 Grangegorman Lane (1843-45); both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnettt. suggest correction
PERRY, EDMUND England, c.1675, MIM apprenticed to William Howe of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 15, 1666; free of the Company, June 2, 1675. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PERRY, P.F. England, OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 2/8/79. see Perry and Co. Hartlepool. RSW. suggest correction
PERRY, THOMAS Ireland, fl.1835-37, OIM optician. 22 Grangegorman Lane, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
PERSONNE, GILLES France, 1602-75, OIM PHIM mathematician; designed an equal-arm balance; worked on developing a vacuum; put telescopes on surveying and navigating instruments, c.1667; "Gilles Personne de Roberval." Roberval. Middleton 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
PESCHKE Germany, c.1743, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = HAK. Dresden. W. Eckhardt 3. suggest correction
PESCHKU, ANDREAS Austria, fl.1602-41, MIM Calendars, stone = GRA (1602), VIE (1610), Radkersburg Stadtmuseum (1615). Graz. Zinner 1. suggest correction
PETER, C.W. Holland, c.1820, PHIM Marine Barometer = D.(1954). probably G.W. Peter. Rotterdam. RSW. suggest correction
PETER, G.W. Holland, c.1850, NIM Azimuth Compass = OMM. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
PETER, G.W., EN ZOON Holland, c.1850, NIM Octants, (2) = AMST; Sextants (2) = Municipal Museum, Vlissingen; Azimuth Compasses = AMST, Nowegian Maritime Museum, Oslo. the compass at AMST also shows the name D.H. Selter. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
PETERS see Norris and Peters. RSW. suggest correction
PETERS, JAMES England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PETERSEN, C. Germany, c.1860, MIM Mathematical Instrument = HAM. St. Pauli; Hamburg. RSW. suggest correction
PETERSEN, HEINRICH Germany, NIM OIM PHIM T.C.; made barometers and telescopes. Grand Elbestrasse 7, Altona. RSW. suggest correction
PETIT, P. France, 1598-1677, MIM Celestial Globe, 1659 = BM. produced a form of grid micrometer; Intendant of Fortifications at Rouen; experimented with early barometers. Rouen. A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
PETLEY see Marx and Petley. USNM. suggest correction
PETRALI, ANGELO c.1820, NIM Octant, ebony, ivory and brass = Christie 5/10/83. RSW. suggest correction
Petri, Adolf 1819-1895 see Dolberg, Adolf suggest correction
PETRONI Patronus? Dewhirst. suggest correction
PETRUS AB AGGERE Spain; Belgium, fl.1558-62, MIM SIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1558 = RSM (loan) = Soth. 12/4/61 = Zoccali Coll. = Soth. 3/16/67 = ADL-DPW40; Graphometer?, 1560 = FLO-1278; Astronomical Ring, 1562 = OXF. sundial signed "Absolvit Bruxelle Petrus ab aggere in gratiam D. Francisci de Hispania anno salutis humanae 1558"; the graphometer? is signed "Absolvit Toleti Petrus ab aggere Mathematicus Regius"; astronomical ring is signed "Petrus Aggerius Matriti in gratian D. Petri Fajiandi"; Michel said the name might be a latinization of Van Rampart or Van den Dijk; the lists of towns with latitudes always start with "Hispania", as Spain owned the Low Countries at that time. Brussels (1558); Toledo (1560); Madrid (1562). Bonelli 1; Morpurgo 2; Zinner 1 (2nd Ed.); Price 2; Michel 3; Gunther 2; Evans 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PETRUS AGGERIUS see Petrus ab aggere. RSW. suggest correction
PETRUS PHILOMENA DE DACIA Italy; France; Denmark, fl.1286-1303, known as Peter Nightingale; designed an equatorium; author. Bologna (1286-92); Paris (1292); Denmark (c.1303). O. Pedersen. suggest correction
PETTERS' SON, BORSE Sweden, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = GMM. Börse Petters' Son. Göteborg. RSW. suggest correction
PETTERSSON, GUSTAF Sweden, fl.1806-42, OIM PHIM apprenticed to Gabriel Collin; free in 1806. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
PETTIT, JAMES England, fl.1837-44, OIM Telescopes = Soth. 10/18/71 (1837), Christie-SK 12/1/83 (1844). F.R.A.S. RSW. suggest correction
PETZL, JOH. PHIL. Germany, 1709, MIM Sundial, stone, 1709 = REG. Zinner 1. suggest correction
PEUCHOT France, MIM Celestial Planispheres, (3) = CNAM. RSW. suggest correction
PEUERBACH, GEORG Austria; Germany1423-72, astronomer; author; Zinner thought he made astrolabes and shield-type sundials. Vienna. Zinner 1. suggest correction
PEVERELLE, JOHN B. England, fl.1849-54, PHIM barometer maker. 16 Pershore Street, Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
PEVIN, N. France, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = O-F 13. P. Sevin? Paris. Monreal. suggest correction
PEYRONNY, M.M. DE, ET HENRI ROBERT France, 19th Century, MIM Universal Sundial = ADL-W140. "Cadran Solaire universal par M.M. de Peyronny et Henri Robert Horlogers." ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PFAB, ANDREAS Germany, 1760, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, 1760 = DRE. Dresden. Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
PFAEFFTI Switzerland, MIM Protractor = PAM? Berne. RSW. suggest correction
PFALTZ, J. WILLIAM USA, fl.1807-10, MIM clock and watch maker. 39 Fells Street F.P. (1807-08); St. Paul's Lane (1810); both in Baltimore, Md. Smart 1. suggest correction
PFEIFFER, JOHANNES ANDREAS Germany, fl.1717-47, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = OXF; Combination Drawing Compass No. 4, 1742 = Koller, 1972 = P.C. = Christie 4/3/85; Graphometer, 1747 = Huelsmann Coll. Coburg. Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
PFENNINGER, J.C. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Equatorial Sundial = KAS. Kassel. Lübke. suggest correction
PFINZING, PAUL Germany, b.1554, MIM made odometers. Nürnberg. Beckmann. suggest correction
PFISTER, HERMAN Switzerland; USA, 1847-1911, MIM SIM Theodolites = USNM, Butler County Historical Society, Hamilton, Ohio. joined Rasselas Prince Whitcomb in R. Whitcomb and Co., 1877-78; worked alone 1870-76 and 1879-1905; his son, William Henry Pfister, was his foreman in 1905. Schaffhausen; Missouri; 119 W. 5th, Cincinnatti, Ohio (1870-1911). Smart 1. suggest correction
PFISTER, MARTIN Germany; Norway, fl.1537-42, MIM sundial maker. Nürnberg (-1542); Spitzenberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
PFISTER, WILLIAM HENRY USA, 1875-1935, MIM SIM son of Herman Pfister; foreman for his father in 1905. Cincinnatti, Ohio. Smart 1. suggest correction
PHAIDROS Greece, c.200 A.D., MIM Sundial, quiver variant = BM. there are four sundials in one; Gibbs 2544; Phaidros was the son of Zoilos, a Paenian. Athens. Gibbs 1. suggest correction
PHARE, I.E. MIM Compass = LIM. RSW. suggest correction
PHELIZOT, C. France, c.1620, MIM Sundial inside the cover of a watch = Drouot 2/18/60 = P.C. Dijon. Pippa; RSW. suggest correction
PHELPS England, MIM SIM Surveyor's Cross = STM. Royal Exchange, London. RSW. suggest correction
PHELPS AND GURLEY USA, fl.1845-51, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Meridian Telescope, small = P.C.; Surveyor's Compasses = GUR, USNM; Transits = GUR, Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society, N.Y.; etc. Jonas H. Phelps and William Gurley. 319 River Street, Troy, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
PHELPS AND GURLEYS USA, fl.1851-52, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Jonas H. Phelps and William and Lewis Ephraim Gurley; firm became W. and L.E. Gurley; which see. 319 River Street, Troy, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
PHELPS, B.C. USA, 1861, MIM Astronomical Quadrant, 1861 = D.(1984). Coffeen H. suggest correction
PHELPS, JONAS H. USA, 1809-65, MIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. associated with Oscar Hanks from 1833 to 1837; took Lewis E. Gurley as an apprentice in 1844; became a partner with William Gurley, 1845-52; moved to Connecticut and continued to make surveying instruments; see Phelps and Gurley and Phelps and Gurleys. 319 River Street, Troy, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
PHELPS, THOMAS England, fl.1799-1823, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Fetter Lane (1799); 28 Holywell Lane, Shoreditch; 30 Red Lion Street, Holborn (1802-05); 33 Monkwell Street (1817-18); 19 Jewin Street (1822-23); the last 3 in Cripplegate, all in London. Taylor 2(1194); Goodison 1. suggest correction
PHENDLER, ISAAC Germany, c.1590, MIM Sinecal Quadrant = Spitzer Sale = HAK. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
PHILIP, GEORGE, AND SON England, MIM Pair of Globes, 3-inch = Soth. 5/12/75; Terrestrial Globe = USNM. the globe at the USNM is from the Liverpool address. 92 Fleet Street, London; 51 South Castle Street, Liverpool. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
PHILIP, ROBERT England, c.1830, OIM 19 North Street, Brighton. Taylor 2(1960). suggest correction
PHILIPS, HENRY England, fl.1648-77, invented Philips' Tide Ring. London Bridge, London. Taylor 1(229). suggest correction
PHILLIPS England, MIM Globes (3) = K. and C. 4/7/76. RSW. suggest correction
PHILLIPS BROS. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 7/17/96. 31 Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London. RSW. suggest correction
PHILLIPS, CAPT. C., R.N. England, NIM Marine Compass = RSM. RSW. suggest correction
PHILLIPS, J. England, c.1840, OIM Microscope = D.(1986). London. Coffeen 12. suggest correction
PHILLIPS, JAMES Ireland, 1800, MIM Garden Sundial, 1800 = Ulstet Folk Museum. Derriaghy. Clarke et al. suggest correction
PHILLIPS, JOHN England, c.1695, apprenticed to Jonathan Roberts in the Broderers' Company, May 24, 1695. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PHILLIPS, SOLOMON England, c.1838, OIM T.C.; spectaclemaker; practical optician. 43 Rathbone Place; No. 231 Tottenham Court Road, nearly opposite Percy Street; both in London. Calvert 2; Taylor 2(2206). suggest correction
PHILLIPS, WILLIAM England, c.1808, apprenticed to James Clark 1 of the Grocers' Company on May 5, 1808. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PHILOMENA see Petrus Philomena de Dacia. O. Pedersen. suggest correction
PIANCHII, P. AND H. DE Italy, 1764, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
PIANTA AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIAR, SCHOL Austria, MIM Horizontal Sundial, silvered brass = SPI-2844. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
PIATTI, PAULUS AMILIUS Italy, 1728, MIM Rule, 1728 = ADL-M129. the rule is marked "A" and "E", one at each end. Venice. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PICA, JUAN Spain, MIM SIM Theodolite = Soth. 12/19/66. Barcelona. RSW. suggest correction
PICARD France, c.1820, PHIM Barometer = La Rochelle 7/6/83. "opticien." Dreux. RSW. suggest correction
PICARD, EUGENE France, 1865, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1865 = Auction, Honfleur, 6/17/79. worked under Andriveau Goujon. RSW. suggest correction
PICARD, JEAN France, 1620-82, astrononomer; an early advocate for using telescopes on surveying instruments, c.1669; scientist; worked on standardizing weights and measures; invented a new level. Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; Daumas 1; Dawson 216, 1971; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
PICARDI MIM Universal Ring Sundial, silver = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
PICART France, 1733, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1733 = LIE; Gunner's Level = Evans Coll. = OXF; Sector = D.(1997). gunner's level also spelled "Picard", marked "J. Weiler" at a later time. Combrey. Evans 1; Michel 3; Brieux 3; Tesseract X; RSW. suggest correction
PICART, A. France, c.1840, OIM Concave Lens on stand = D. 20 Rue Mayet, Paris. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
PICCARD, CHARLES France, c.1700, MIM Variation Compass = PMM. St. Malo. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
PICK, JAMES Russia, c.1851, PHIM showed at the Great Exhibitiom of London in 1851. Warsaw. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
PICKERING England, see Dixon and Pickering, barometer makers. RSW. suggest correction
PICKERING, JAMES Ireland, fl.1810-34, PHIM Balance = WHI. records show him as a "Scale Maker" (1810-16) and a "Beam and Scale Maker" (1817-34). 73 Pill Lane, Dublin. O. Brown 2. suggest correction
PICKERING, THOMAS 1 England, c.1781, MIM apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners; Company on Sept. 4, 1781; listed as a MIM in the directories; may be the same as Thomas Pickering 2. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PICKERING, THOMAS 2 England, c.1838, MIM OIM may be the same as Thomas Pickering 1. 30 Regent Street, Kensington, London. Taylor 2(2207). suggest correction
PICKERINGE, THEOPHILUS England, c.1642, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1642. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PICKETT, GEORGE England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 4/28/88. 265 Oxford Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
PICQUET, G. France, fl.1627-42, MIM Astrolabes, wood and paper, 1627 = P.C. and D.; Astrolabe, wood and paper, 1642 = CNAM. the astrolabe at the CNAM is ICA-220A and is also marked "Jehan Lebrun." (P.C.) Chez Pierre Mariette rue St. Jacques à lesperance; (D.) Chez Melchior Tavernier, graveur & imprimieur du Roi pour les tailles douces, demeurant en l'Isle du Palais sur le Quay qui regard la Megisserie à l'Espic d'Or; both in Paris. Gunther 1; Price 1; Michel 2 & 3; Dewhirst; Brieux 2; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
PIERCE, SAMUEL England, c.1770, OIM worked for Ramsden for over 30 years; made telescopes. London. Dewhirst; Clay and Court; USNM. suggest correction
PIERCE, WILLIAM USA, c.1639, almanac compiler; mariner. Charles Evans; Bedini 8. suggest correction
PIERRE, DANIEL DE Germany, 1665, OIM Microscope, 1665 = DRE. lens maker. Augsburg. Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
PIERRE, MAISTRE France, c.1551, NIM Master Pierre; "le Compassier"; made Foullon's holometer. rue de la vieille drapperie à l'Enseigne Sainct Geneviève, Paris. Michel 3. suggest correction
PIERRELET, V. France, 1840, MIM Planetarium on clock, 1840 = CNAM. RSW. suggest correction
PIERUCCI, MARIANO Italy, fl.1851-73, PHIM made many physical instruments that are in the Institute of G. Salvemini in Florence; worked for the gabinetto di Fisica U. di Pisa. Pisa. Brenni 1. suggest correction
PIETER, JOHANNES SINT Holland, fl.1773-83, PHIM Scale of a Barometer = Centraal Museum, Utrecht; Stick Barometer = Soth.-A 1977. Utrecht. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
PIETER, JOHANNES SINT, BONGIANI & COMP. Holland, c.1783, PHIM Barometer = P.C. (1912). Utrecht. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
PIETERSZ, REYNIER pre-1597, invented two navigating instruments and a ring sundial. Michel 3. suggest correction
PIETERZE, P. Holland, NIM Compass, wood = Fries Museum, Leeuwarden. Harlingen. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
PIETRO, ORATIO GOVERNA Italy, 1585, MIM Astrolabe, 1585 = P. & S. 4/3/1894 = HOF. ICA-182. Padua. Price 1; ICA 2; Gunther 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
PIFFARETTI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 48 Judd Street, Euston Road, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIGANDOLA England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIGEON 1 France, MIM Sectors = Christie 12/18/74, D.(1976). the dealer's sector is labelled "à commune affranchie." Lyon?; Paris? Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
PIGEON 2 France, c.1690, MIM Folding Square = ADL-M49. modified terrestrial and celestial globes under Coronelli's direction; used a different "g" from Pigeon à Lyon. Place Dauphine, Paris. Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PIGEON 3 France, 1788, MIM Sector = ADL-M89c; Alidade = ADL-M134; Equatorial Sundial = MERC; Butterfield-type Sundials = OXF, P.C.(1968), Soth. 3/27/72; Protractor = Versailles 2/28/82; Chest of Architect's Instruments, 1788 = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. used a different "g" from Pigeon à Paris. Lyon. Daumas 1; Dewhirst; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PIGEON, G. France, c.1780, MIM Armillary Sphere, Copernican, cardboard = X. Paris. Bryden 9. suggest correction
PIGEON, JEAN (1), AND G. LE ROY France, 1714, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1714 = POB. G. Le Roy was the son-in-law of Jean (1) Pigeon. Lyon. Guye et Michel. suggest correction
PIGEON, JEAN 1 France, fl.1714-17, MIM made miniature terrestrial globes. Lyon. Krogt 2; RSW. suggest correction
PIGEON, JEAN 2 France, 1804, MIM Celestial Globe, 1804 = MUN. celestial globe on Andreas Steib's astronomical clock, 1804, at MUN; "Ce Globe du Ciel a été desiné selon l'Observatoire presente de l'Astronom de Paris de trois cens étoiles de Jean Pigeon Mathe: dedié à S.A.R. Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans"; see Jean Pigeon 1. Paris. Friess. suggest correction
PIGGOTT, PETER WILLIAM England, fl.1838-46, MIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to Thomas Ventom in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free of the Company; may be the same man as the holder of a patent on optical instruments. 4 Penton Street, Walworth; Taylor 2(2208); Dewhirst; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PIGOT, FRANCIS England, 17th Century, MIM Astronomical Quadrant = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
PIGOT, JOHN England, 1770-1854, PHIM barometer maker. 7 Noble Street, Wilmington Square, London (1823-36). Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIGUER, MICHAEL see Michael Piquer. RSW. suggest correction
PIK, JAN Poland, c.1850, MIM Cannon Sundial = Clock Museum, Warsaw. optician. Warsaw. RSW. suggest correction
PIKE'S SON, B. USA, fl.1867-1916, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Historical Society of Rockland County, N.Y., Onondago Historical Society, Syracuse, N.Y. Daniel Pike. 518 Broadway (1867-&6); 960 Broadway (1881); 930 Broadway (1878; 1886); 638 Madison Avenue (1913), and 24 East 59th Street (1916); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
PIKE'S SONS AND CO., B. USA, c.1867, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Transit = Old Salem, Inc., Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Daniel and Gardiner Pike. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
PIKE, B., AND SON USA, 1831-41, 1844-49, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Western Reserve Historical Society, VCW, Maine Historical Society, Portland, Chicago Historical Society, Ill., USNM, North Carolina Museum of History and the State Archives, Gunner's Calipers = Harvard U. Observatory; Barometer = USNM; Dip Circle = Soth. 3/10/87; Protractor Set, with case = D.(1993); etc. Benjamin Pike 1 and 2, 1831-41, and Benjamin Pike 1 and Daniel Pike, 1843-50; protractor set signed "Crozet's Protractor"; did not make all the instruments they sold. 12 Wall Street (1831-32); 14 Wall Street (1832-33); 166 Broadway (1833-42); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Coffeen C and 43; Moskowitz 103; Warner 14; RSW. suggest correction
PIKE, B., AND SON'S USA, c.1835, MIM Gunner's Calipers = D.(1992). New York. Coffeen 39. suggest correction
PIKE, B., AND SONS USA, fl.1850-67, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, Sutter's Fort, Sacramento, Cal., USNM, Western Reserve Historical Society Museum, Ohio, D.(1972), GUR, P.C., etc; Transits = WHI, Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society, N.Y., D.(1982); Microscope = D.(1986); Barometers = USNM (2). Benjamin Pike 1 and either Benjamin (2) and Daniel Pike, 1841-43, or Daniel and Gardiner Pike, 1850-67. 166 Broadway; 518 Broadway; both in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Coffeen 14; Moskowitz 104; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
PIKE, BENJAMIN 1 England; USA, 1777-1863, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Rutgers University, New Jersey. took Benjamin Pike, Jr. ( 2) as partner, 1831-41; took Benjamin (2) and Daniel Pike, his sons, as partners, 1841-43; worked with Daniel alone 1843-50; Gardiner Pike, another son, worked with his father and Daniel, 1850-63; firm continued under the old name until c.1893; some of their instruments surely purchased from other makers. England (1777-1798); 147 Pearl Street (1807); 12 Wall Street (1810-30); 166 Broadway; 518 Broadway (1841-67); all but the English address are in New York N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz 103; Warner 14; RSW. suggest correction
PIKE, BENJAMIN 2 USA, 1809-64, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Barometer = USNM; Surveyor's Compasses = D.(1971), P.C. (2); Graphometer, 1850 = USNM; Theodolites = Franklin Institute, Pa., D.(1992). in business with his father and brother, Daniel, 1841-43; then worked alone; known as Benjamin Pike, Jr. 166 Broadway (1841-43); 294 Broadway (1843-64); both in New York, N.Y. Taylor 2(1961); Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz 103; D.J. Warner 10; Coffeen 36. suggest correction
PIKE, BENJAMIN, JR. see Benjamin Pike 2. RSW. suggest correction
PIKE, DANIEL USA, 1815-93, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM son of Benjamin Pike 1; worked with his father, and his brother, Benjamin Pike 2 1841-43; worked with his father 1843-50; worked with his father and his brother, Gardiner, 1850-67. 166 Broadway; 518 Broadway; both in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
PIKE, GARDINER USA, 1824-93, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM youngest son of Benjamin Pike 1; worked with his father and his brother, Daniel, 1850-67, as B. Pike and Sons. 518 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
PIKKER, THOM. D. Holland, c.1742, NIM Thom. D. Pikker; compass maker. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
PILGRAM, BENEDICT Germany, fl.1524, MIM sundial maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
PILGRAM, FRITZ Germany, d.1543, MIM member of the compass maker guild; made ivory diptych sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
PILGRAM, HANS Germany, 1544, MIM sundial maker; Master of the compass maker guild in 1544. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
PILGRAM, SEBALD Germany, fl.1530-47, MIM member of the compass maker guild; made ivory diptych sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
PILKINGTON AND GIBBS England, 1860, MIM Heliochronometers = P.C.(1860), D., Soth. 7/10/67. Soth. signed "Pilkington and Gibbs Ltd." Preston. RSW. suggest correction
PILKINGTON, GEORGE England, fl.1838-46, MIM OIM PHIM 48 St. James's Street, Clerkenwell; 14 Clarence Place, Pentonville; both in London. Taylor 2(2209); Dewhirst. suggest correction
PILLISCHER, MORITZ England, fl.1850-87, MIM OIM PHIM Microscopes = OXF (1855), Phillips 4/20/83 (1887), D.; Telescopes = Phillips 4/20/83 Soth.-S 5/19/88; Stick Barometers = X (2); Fortin-type Barometer = Sotheby 12/15/94; Sunshine Recorder = P.C.; Barograph = KEN. showed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London, where he was listed as "Morrice Pillischer"; Fortin-type barometer (Bond St.) marked "No. 550." 398 Oxford Street (1851); 88 New Bond Street (1854); both in London. Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Dewhirst; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
PILLOT France or Belgium, PHIM devised a type of ballooning stick barometer called "Barometric Simple de Pillot." RSW. suggest correction
PILON, GERMAIN France, c.1575, MIM Polyhedral Sundials = D. 32 faces; one sits on Atlas, the other on a caryatid; invented by "P. Beautemps de St.-Pourcinen Auvergne." Brieux 2. suggest correction
PINAM, JOSEPH MIM Quadrant, wood, 4-inch radius = FLO-1306. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
PINARD, HENRI France, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Mich. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
PINCHBECK England, post-1783, MIM succeeded Christopher Pinchbeck 2. London. Taylor 2(297). suggest correction
PINCHBECK, CHRISTOPHER 1 England, fl.1670-1723, MIM father of Christopher Pinchbeck 2. St. George's Court, St. John's Lane; Sign of the Astronomico-Musical Clock, near the Leg of Mutton, Fleet Street (1721); both in London. Taylor 2(101). suggest correction
PINCHBECK, CHRISTOPHER 2 England, 1710-83, MIM PHIM made thermometers; son of Christopher Pinchbeck 1. Cockspur Street, London. Taylor 2(297). suggest correction
PINCHETTA, A., AND CO. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-Bill. 4/21/93. London. RSW. suggest correction
PINCHETTI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 1/26/90. London. RSW. suggest correction
PINEAU, F. France, 17th Century, MIM Dividers, iron = ADL-M84. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PINHEY AND WOODS England, MIM NIM patent compass correction with azimuth sundial. 58 High Street, Southampton. RSW. suggest correction
PINI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see T. Pini. 13 Baldwin Gardens, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PINI, J. AND L. England, fl.1848-60, PHIM Joseph and Luigi Pini were partners; barometer makers. 23 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PINI, JOSEPH England, fl.1835-60, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), Phillips 2/15/89. thermometer maker; in partnership with Luigi Pini, 1848-60; Phillips signed "I. Pini." 1 Princes Street, Red Lion Square (1835); 3 Princes Street, Red Lion Square (1836); 23 Brook Street (1838-60); all in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PINI, JOSEPH, AND CO. England, c.1838, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer signed "Pini and Co." with no address. 23 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Taylor 2(2210); Goodison 1. suggest correction
PINI, LUIGI England, fl.1848-60, PHIM see J. and L. Pini. 23 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PINI, T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1975). this may be a misreading, see J. Pini. 13 Baldwin Gardens, Leather Lane, London. RSW. suggest correction
PINI, VALENTINO Italy, fl.1598-1607, designed sundials, 1598; author. Venice. Lübke; RSW. suggest correction
PINNEY, FRAN. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). one signed "Pinney Stamford." Stamford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PINNI, FRANCIS, AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = Soth. 10/22/87. Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PIOCHAT France, 1710, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, 1710 = Heinz Coll., Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, Pa.; Butterfield-type Sundials = Soth. 11/17/38 & 3/11/77. "Elève de Butterfield." Paris. Stewart; Gunther 2; Michel 3; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
PIOTI, JAMES England, c.1792, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Soth.-C 10/9/86. stick barometer is signed "Pioty Boston"; the name is sometimes spelled "Peote." Boston, Lincolnshire. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PIOTTE, JAMES England, fl.1806-23, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "Piotte Hull." Queen Street (1806-23); 2 Queen Street (1821-23); both in Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIOTTI, P. England, c.1800, PHIM Barometer = Christie 4/25/91. signed "P. Piotti Fecit." RSW. suggest correction
PIOTTY, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Lincoln. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIOTY, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. London. RSW. suggest correction
PIPER England, 19th Century, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = Phillips 2/2/84. Exeter. RSW. suggest correction
PIPER, GEORGE England, 1809, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1809 = D.(1988). patented Aug. 12, 1809. London. RSW. suggest correction
PIQUER, F. MICHAEL Spain; France; Belgium, 1542, MIM Astrolabe, 1542 = D.; Astrolabe = NMM. the dealer's astrolabe is signed "Opus F. Mich. Piquer / Hisp. Parisiis MDXLII / Ant. Charreton XII Lugd. 1542"; Charreton may have been the owner in Lyon; the astrolabe at the NMM has Louvain as its source, ICA-433, ex-Barbarini Coll; see M.P. 1. Catalonia; Paris (1542); Louvain. Price 1; NMM 2; ICA 2; Michel 3; Gunther 1; Brieux 2; GHP. suggest correction
PIQUIER, D. MICHAEL see F. Michael Piquer. RSW. suggest correction
PIQUOLET c.1790, MIM Sundial on a snuff box = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
PIRELLI, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIRENBRUNNER, ERASMUS Germany, 1574, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1574 = VIG. Augsburg. Neumann 1. suggest correction
PIREON, JEAN misreading for Jean Pigeon 2. Friess. suggest correction
PIRET, J. France, PHIM Barometer = Wallace Coll., London. Paris. F.J.B. Watson. suggest correction
PIRGER, WOLFGANG Germany, 1485, MIM sundial maker in 1485. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
PISA, THOMAS OF see Thomas of Pisa. Dewhirst; Michel 3. suggest correction
PISANI, OCTAVIUS Italy, c.1600, MIM Armillary Sphere = Chauveau Coll. Naples. Michel 3 (?).; check Octavii ! suggest correction
PISONE, B. England, c.1840, MIM Gauging Rod for spirits = P.C. "Liquidometer." RSW. suggest correction
PISTALLA, CHARLES England, c.1805, PHIM barometer maker. 221 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PISTOR UND HIRSCHMANN Germany, fl.1813-15, MIM OIM Karl Philipp Heinrich Pistor and Hirschmann, Senior. Berlin. Weil and Baden. suggest correction
PISTOR UND MARTINS Germany, fl.c.1845-71, MIM NIM OIM Meridian Transit, 1859 = AUI; Three-circle Navigating Instrument = Christie 12/18/74; Reflecting Circles = WHI, Phillips 11/16/76; Prismatic Circles = AMST (4). Karl Philip Henrich Pistor; after his death, Martins continued the firm. Berlin. Mörzer Bruyns 1; Pipping 1; J.A. Bennett 1 & 2; USNM; Middleton 1; Weil and Baden; RSW. suggest correction
PISTOR UND MENDELSSOHN Germany, pre-1813, MIM Karl Philipp Heinrich Pistor and Karl Theodor Nathan Mendelssohn; instrument makers. Berlin. Pipping 1; Weil and Baden. suggest correction
PISTOR UND SCHIECK Germany, fl.1824-36, MIM OIM PHIM listed barometers in their 1829 catalogue. Berlin. Middleton 1; Weil and Baden. suggest correction
PISTOR, KARL PHILIPP HEINRICH Germany, 1778-1847, MIM Sundial, pocket, round = Drouot 11/7/75. started out as an amateur and soon became a professional; received a D. Phil. in 1843; partner with Karl Theodor Nathan Mendelssohn pre-1813; Friedrich Wilhelm Schieck joined his workshop as a journeyman, 1811-19, and in 1824 became a partner and workshop manager in Pistor und Schieck; this partnership continued to 1836; Pistor then had a short partnership with Hirschmann, Senior, and later with Martins as Pistor und Martins until 1871 when Martins died; had visited Tulley in London for five weeks, c.1822. 34 Mauerstrasse, Berlin. Pipping 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Weil and Baden. suggest correction
PITSALLA, CHARLES England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips-Retford. London. ATG 5/10/97. suggest correction
PITT, R. England, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood and ivory = D.(1976). London. RSW. suggest correction
PITTUS, MINIATO Italy, fl.1553-67, MIM Sundial with Quadrant, wood, 1553 = Evans Coll. Florence. Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3; Dewhirst. suggest correction
PITZOLI, ANTHONY Ireland, fl.1831-35, PHIM barometer maker. 86 Pill Lane (1831); 86 1/2 Pill Lane (1832-35); both in Dublin. Bryden 9; Goodison 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
PIXII France, MIM Sector = Drouot 4/26/67-71. either Nicolas Constant Pixii or his son, Anthoine-Hippolyte Pixii. RSW. suggest correction
PIXII ET FILS France, c.1833, PHIM Air Pump = P.C. Nicolas Constant and Antoine-Hippolyte Pixii. rue de Grenelle, St. Germain 181, Paris. Brieux 3; RSW. suggest correction
PIXII NEVEU ET SUCCESSEUR France, c.1825, PHIM Prism, variable angle = USNM. "Pixii Neveu et Successeur de Dumotiez." Rue du Jardinet No. 2 à Paris. Warner 13. suggest correction
PIXII PERE ET FILS France, 1808-35, PHIM Barometer = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88; Air Pump = D.(1976). "Tube de Mariotte"; "Pixii Père et fils; Nicolas Constant and Antoine-Hippolyte Pixii. rue de Grenelle, St. Germain 181, Paris. Warner 13; RSW. suggest correction
PIXII, ANTOINE-HIPPOLYTE France, 1803-35, PHIM Electromagnetic Generator = FLO. son of Nicolas Constant Pixii; invented a magneto-electric machine in 1832; worked with his father, 1832-35. 91 Rue de Jardinet, No. 2, Paris. Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Warner 13. suggest correction
PIXII, NICOLAS CONSTANT France, 1776-1861, MIM PHIM Thermoscope = P.C.; Torricelli Tube, 1830 = USNM; Hygrometer = LEY; Goniometers, Wollaston-type = APS, USNM; Pyrometer = USNM; Thermometer = LEY. nephew of Louis-Joseph and Pierre François Dumotiez; one of the best and most productive makers of physical apparatus of his day; succeeded his uncles, c.1815; worked with his son, Antoine-Hippolyte, 1832-35; see Pixii Père et Fils; see Nicolas Constant Pixii-Dumotiez; U. of Georgia, Athens, bought instruments in 1819. 91 rue de Jardinet, No. 2, Paris. Daumas 1; Multhauf 1; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Warner 13; RSW. suggest correction
PIXII-DUMOTIEZ, NICOLAS CONSTANT France, c.1815, MIM Drawing Instrument Set = PEA. Nicolas Constant Pixii succeeded his uncles, Louis-Joseph and Pierre François Dumotiez, c.1815. Paris. Daumas. suggest correction
PIXU misreading for Pixii. Drouot 4/26/67. suggest correction
PIZZALA England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 1/22/87. could be A. or Francis Augustus Pizzala 2. 20 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. RSW. suggest correction
PIZZALA AND GREENE England, post-1854, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Francis Augustus Pizzala 2 and Greene 1. 19 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIZZALA, A. England, fl.1840-53, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = D.(1977), X; Stick Barometers = Soth. 5/12/72 and 10/16/86; Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 5/21/73. succeeded Francis Augustus Pizzala 1 and was succeeded by Francis Augustus Pizzala 2. 7 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1840-46); 19 Hatton Garden (1847-53); both in London. Taylor 2(2211); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
PIZZALA, FRANCIS AUGUSTUS 1 England, fl.1838-40, MIM OIM PHIM Barometer = Christie 5/24/39. succeeded by A. Pizzala; either A. Pizzala kept F.A Pizzala 1 name and showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London or it was F.A. Pizzala 2 who showed. 7 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Taylor 2(2211); RSW. suggest correction
PIZZALA, FRANCIS AUGUSTUS 2 England, fl.1854-60, MIM OIM PHIM succeeded A. Pizzala in 1854; later a partner with Greene 1. 19 Hatton Garden, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIZZALA, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 84 Leather Lane, Holborn, Lomdon. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIZZI AND CETTI England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). Buckingham. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
PIZZI AND NEGRETTI England, fl.1841-45, PHIM Jane Pizzi took Henry Negretti as a partner after the death of her husband, Valentine Pizzi; made barometers. 19 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIZZI, JANE England, fl.1840-45, PHIM widow of Valentine Pizzi; partner with Henry Negretti, 1841-45; made barometers. 27 Cross Street, Hatton Garden (1840); 19 Leather Lane (1841-45); both in London. Taylor 2(2112); Goodison 1. suggest correction
PIZZI, VALENTINE England, fl.1838-40, PHIM barometer maker; succeeded by his widow, Jane, and Henry Negretti. 27 Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2212). suggest correction
PL., CAR. see Carolus Platus. Michel 3. suggest correction
PLACE, WILLIAM England, 1694, MIM Proportional Rule, boxwood, 1694 = Soth. 5/21/73 = NMM. "made for Benjamen Philliaps." Wynter and Turner; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
PLAGEMANN, JOHAN JOACHIM FRIEDRICH Germany; Sweden, 1740-1806, MIM Cruciform Sundial, 1792 = SWE. Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
PLANCIUS, PETRUS Holland, 1552-1625, MIM Celestial Globes, 1625 = ROM, KEN, SKO; Terrestrial Globe = ANM; Astrolabes = LIE, FLO. Michel thought he was "Platevoet." Dordrecht?; Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Michel 3; Bedini 12; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
PLANKMAN, RUTGERUS ROELEFS Holland, 1748, MIM Pillar Sundial, 1748 = AMST. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. suggest correction
PLANT, JOHN England, c.1724, OIM free of the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1724. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PLANTART, NICOLAS France, c.1619, MIM Sundial inside lid of watch = Drouot 2/18/60. Blois (1619); Abbéville (post-1619). RSW. suggest correction
PLATEAU, JOSEPH ANTOINE FERDINAND Belgium, c.1832, invented the phenakistoscope in 1832; see S. Stampfer, professor. Brussels. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
PLATEL see Platus. Brieux 2. suggest correction
PLATEVOET, PIETER see Petrus Plancius. Bedini 12; Michel 3. suggest correction
PLATH, C. Germany, c.1800, MIM NIM OIM Celestial Globe = LOS; Sextants = D.(1971), LIM, K. and C. 9/20/71, Seamans Institute of New York, N.Y.; Telescopes = PMS, Tower of Gold, Seville. Hamburg. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
PLATT, AUGUSTUS USA, 1793-1886, MIM SIM Transits = Ohio State Museum, Columbus, State Historical Society, Madison, Wis. son of Benjamin Platt; see Augustus Platt and Son; his son was Calvin Platt. New York, N.Y.; Lanesboro, Mass. (1809); Columbus, Ohio (1843-72). Smart 1. suggest correction
PLATT, AUGUSTUS, AND SON USA, fl.1843-62, MIM SIM Augustus and Calvin Platt. Columbus, Ohio. Smart 1. suggest correction
PLATT, BENJAMIN USA, 1757-1833, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio, Ohio State Historical Society, Columbus. father of Augustus Platt; the compass cards have sine and cosine tables; clockmaker; gold and silversmith. Danbury (1757); New Milford (1802); both in Conn.; Columbus, Ohio (1817-33). Smart 1. suggest correction
PLATT, CALVIN USA, fl.1840-70, MIM SIM worked with his father, Augustus, as Augustus Platt and Son, 1843-61; became superintendent of another firm. Columbus, Ohio. Smart 1. suggest correction
PLATUS, CAROLUS Italy, fl.1578-98, MIM Pin-gnomon Sundials = D.(1588), BM (1593), Soth. 10/20/75 (1593); Armillary Spheres = FLO (1588), OXF; Celestial Globe, 1598 = NMM-Barberini; Globe = FLO. sometimes spelled "Platel"; the FLO armillary sphere is signed "Car. Pl." Rome. Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Brieux 2; Evans 1; Dalton; RSW; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
PLATZER, L. Czechoslovakia, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = OXF. Carlsbad. Michel 3. suggest correction
PLEDGER, ELIAS England, c.1731, MIM wrote a pamphlet on the quadrant in 1731. Taylor 2(298). suggest correction
PLEIS, FOERING AND THUDIUM 1840, MIM Garden Sundial, cast-iron, 1840 = Mercer Museum, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
PLIENINGER, ANDREAS Germany, fl.1590-1607, MIM made many large, stone sundials, most with perpetual calendars; examples can be seen at HAK, REG, KRE, MUN, AUG, STU, KAS, GRA, etc. there is a stone sundial at BM, signed "A.P." (2) and marked "Marcus Curtius", which probably is by Plieninger. Regensberg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
PLIMPTON, GEORGE England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM 5 Tysol Street and Lincoln's Inn Passage, London. Taylor 2(1962). suggest correction
PLONINGER, JOH. GEORG Germany, 1720, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, 1720 = Evans Coll. Munich. Evans 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
PLOSSL, SIMON GEORG Austria, 1794-1868, MIM OIM Telescopes = USNM, ADL-A258, APS (1833), KRE, Technical Museum, Warsaw, P.C., D., etc; Dialytical Telescope, 1834 = APS; Microscopes = DRE, Pharmacy Museum, Cracow, Soth. 2/25/86; Camera Lucida = DRE.; etc. Simon Georg Plössl; "Optiker und Mechaniker"; also made solar microscopes. Vienna. Multhauf 1; USNM; Repsold 2; Pipping 1; H.C. King 1; Coffeen 16; Giordano 1; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Chaldecott 3; RGO; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PLUMER, THOMAS England, c.1775, NIM Backstaff = Soth. 5/20/92. signed "Thos. Plumer in Bristol." Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
PLUMMER, FRANCIS England, c.1646, MIM apprenticed to John Blighton 1 of the Grocers' Company c.1639; free of the Company April 8, 1646. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
POCHAINE, JOHN England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 10/16/86 signed "J. Pochaine Warranted"; may be the same as Pochine. Dean Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
POCHINE AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. might be the same as Pochaine. Newcastle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POCHLER, JOH. Germany, 1657, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1657 = X. Joh. Pöchler. Hussum. Zinner 1. suggest correction
POCOCK, EBENEZER England, 1801-36, MIM Terrestrial Globe, on a paper balloon = Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. marked "W. Day Lithog."; probably related to George Pocock; Taylor thought him English; Day and Haghe were lithographers to the King, see George Pocock; the balloon globe is similar to the one proposed by George Pocock; Bedini mentioned Bristol; might have emigrated or might be two people. Bristol. Taylor 2(1963); Bedini 8; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
POCOCK, GEORGE England, 1791-1830, MIM Globe = X; Globe, terrestrial, inflatable, paper = D.(1997). patented an inflatable terrestrial globe; D. signed "G. Pocock, Patentee, Bristol; Author of various other scientific Spheres stationary and revolving; G. Pocock del't; Day and Haghe lith'rs to the King"; Taylor thought he was English and mentioned the globe at an unknown location as well as Bristol as his address; Bedini thought he was an American globe maker who proposed an inflatable globe in 1830; might have emigrated or might be two people. Bristol. Taylor 2(1963); Bedini 8; Coffeen 56. suggest correction
Poeller, F. Munich Telescope, refracting=PC 2 7/8" mirror, 38" long Munich, Germany Erlandson (Urbana, IL) suggest correction
POGGIALI, GIUSEPPE Italy, fl.1850-67, MIM OIM SIM collaborated with Amici and was a mechanic in the Observatory of Florence. Florence. Brenni 1. suggest correction
POIRSON, JEAN BAPTISTE France, 1760-1831, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1814 = Jefferson County Historical Museum, Watertown, N.Y. "Géographe, Membre Légion d'Honneur." Lorraine; Paris. Yonge. suggest correction
POLANSKI, BERNARD Germany?, c. 1728, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, mounted over compass = NMM; Armillary Spheres = ROU = NMM. this particular form of ring sundial was invented by Mathias Hauser. Zinner 1; Michel 3; MADEX; RSW. suggest correction
POLEM fl.1740-60, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
POLENI, GIOVANNI Italy, 1709, MIM made calculating machine in 1709; astronomer, mathematician and author; F.R.S.; French Academy. Padua. RSW. suggest correction
POLHAMMAR Sweden, c.1710, MIM made quadrant for Anders Spole, astronomer at Uppsala. Pipping 1. suggest correction
POLING, Z. see Z. Boyling. Zinner 1. suggest correction
POLLARD, JOSEPH England, fl.1820-38, OIM 59 (later 62) Milbank Street, Westminster; 42 Princes Street, Leicester Square; both in London. Taylor 2(1675). suggest correction
POLLOCK, AARON USA, c.1815, PHIM made meteorological, philosophical and weighing instruments; patented a "balance beam", July 31, 1815. Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
POLLYCOTT, THOMAS England, c.1684, MIM apprenticed by turnover to John Brown 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on May 5, 1684. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
POLTH, JOHANN DE Holland, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Bernal Sale-3961 = BM. The Hague. Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
POLTHER France, Aneroid Barometer, 1732 = D.(1972). "opticien"; modern work. rue St. Opportune, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
POLTI Italy; England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. "from Italy." Goodison 1 and 5. suggest correction
POLTI, C. England, c.1770, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Phillips 4/30/83; Angle Barometer = X. both X barometers signed "Polti Exon." Exeter. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
POLTI, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POLTI, J., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. might be Joseph Polti, which see. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POLTI, JOSEPH England, fl.1822-34, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3). made thermometers; barometers signed "J. Polti Leeds." 7 Kirkgate (1822); Coxon's Yard, 72 Kirkgate (1834); both in Leeds. Taylor 2(1676); Goodison 1; Dewhirst. suggest correction
POLTI, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bristol. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POLTY, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 6/24/88. "J. Polty fecit"; see Joseph Polti. RSW. suggest correction
PONCELOT, J. France, c.1840, MIM Globe on clock = Neumarkt 5/5/72. Morez au Jura. RSW. suggest correction
PONCIA, A. 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Norwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PONCIA, A. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Peterborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PONCIA, A., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. see A. Poncia 1. Norwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PONCIA, J. England, c.1822, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. dealer? Hereford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PONCIONE AND COLUMBA England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Bearne's 3/30/88. see Poncione, Columba and Co. 180 High Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
PONCIONE, COLUMBA AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 180 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PONCIONE, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/15/83. signed "J. Po---one London"; see Jno. Poncione and Co. London. RSW. suggest correction
PONCIONE, JNO., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. may be J. Poncione. 281 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POND, JAMES England, fl.1822-30, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably a dealer. High Street (1822); 35 Broad Street (1830); both in Lynn. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PONGUETA, ALEXANDER Spain, 1633, MIM Sundial, 1633 = D.(1986). Madrid. Queries, SIS Bull., No. 12., 1986. suggest correction
PONISI, G. England, c.1795, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Bearne 4/4/78. Docks, Plymouth. RSW. suggest correction
PONISS, J., AND CO. Scotland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 12/6/78. probably J. Ponisso. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
PONISSO, J. Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PONT, JEAN DES France, MIM Horizontal Sundial, silver = Christie 11/11/70. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
PONTHUS ET TERRODE France, fl.1850-95, MIM precision instrument makers; took over the workshop of Berthélemy in 1895; succeeded by A. Hurlimann. Paris. Calvert 2; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
PONTHUS-LORIEUX France, c.1850, MIM OIM Sextants = D.(1971), D.(1976); Full Circle, #221 = D.(1971). Ponthus claimed to have succeeded E. Lorieux. Paris. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; NMM 2; Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
POOL England, c.1815, MIM Spirit Level on barometer = Christie 8/2/72. the barometer was signed "E. Blunt, London." London. RSW. suggest correction
POOL AND COMPANY USA, c.1840, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Maine Historical Society, Portland. surely John Pool. Easton, Mass. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
POOL, CHARLES USA, fl.1819-36, MIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. also made barometers and thermometers. 295 Broadway (1819); 312 Broadway (1821-23); 280 Broadway (1824-26)(1831-34); 9 Wall Street (1827-30); 189 Reade (1835-36); all in New York, N.Y. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
POOL, FREDERIC USA, fl.1841-45, MIM NIM PHIM alternative spelling was "Frederick." Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
POOL, H.M., AND BROTHERS USA, c.1845, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = DPW, P.C. Horace Minot, John, and presumably Harrison Pool. Easton, Mass. Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
POOL, HARRISON USA, 1816-69, MIM NIM SIM presumably worked with his brothers, John and Horace Minot Pool, as H.M. Pool and Brothers, which see. Easton, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
POOL, HORACE MINOT USA, 1803-78, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = GUR, Clark County Museum, Springfield, Ohio, P.C., D.(1987), D.(1994); Transits = GUR (2), P.C.; Level = P.C. see H.M. Pool and Brothers; see J. and H.M. Pool. Easton, Mass. USNM; Smart 1; Coffeen 15; Moskowitz; Price 2; Garcelon 33. suggest correction
POOL, J. AND H.M. USA, fl.1828-78, MIM NIM SIM Bearing Indicator = Old Colony Historical Society, Taunton, Mass.; Surveyor's Compasses = D.(1971), PEA; Protractor = USNM; Magnetic Compasses = Clark County Historical Society, Springfield, Ohio, D.(1989). John and Horace Minot Pool were brothers. Easton, Mass. Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz 102; Coffeen 27; RSW. suggest correction
POOL, J., AND CO. USA, c.1850, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = P.C., D.(1997). John Pool; signed J. Pool and Comp'y." Easton, Mass. Coffeen 58; RSW. suggest correction
POOL, JOHN USA, 1796-1865, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = D.(1978). worked with his brother, Horace Minot Pool as J. and H.M. Pool; also presumably worked with Horace Minot and Harrison Pool as H.M. Pool and Brothers. Easton, Mass. Smart 1; Rinaldi. suggest correction
POOL, JOHN MURRAY USA, 1824-1904, NIM son of John Pool and nephew of Horace Minot Pool. Easton, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
POOL, T. AND F. USA, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = P-B 10/5/44. Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
POOL, THOMAS 1 USA, fl.1828-43, PHIM made thermometers; called Thomas Pool, Jr. in 1828-30 directories. 568 Pearl (1828-29); 42 Fulton (1830); 31 Fulton (1835-36); 44 Fulton (1836-37); 174 Broadway )1837-39); 509 Broadway (1841-43); all in New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
POOL, THOMAS 2 USA, c.1864, MIM 177 N. Eutau Street, Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
POOLE England, 1667, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1667 = D.(1975). London. RSW. suggest correction
POOLE, JOHN 1 England, PHIM Marine Barometer = X; Sympiesometer = RSM. might be John Poole 2 at an earlier or later address. Upper East Smithfield, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
POOLE, JOHN 2 England, fl.1830-86, NIM OIM PHIM Sextant = Soth. 6/16/75; Wheel Barometer = K. & C. 3/19/75; Marine Barometer with Sympiesometer = D.(1976); Chronometer = ADL-A132; Telescope = Soth. 3/25/86. the sextant and the marine barometer are marked "57 Fenchurch Street, London." 9 York Terrace, Commercial Road; 7 Brunswick Terrace, Commercial Road; 57 Fenchurch Street (after 1855); all in London. Taylor 2(1964); ADL; RSW. suggest correction
POOLE, THOMAS England, fl.1817-18, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Upper North Place, Grays Inn Gate, London. Taylor 2(1408); Goodison 1. suggest correction
POOLE, WILLIAM C. USA, c.1840, MIM NIM SIM patented a mariner's and a surveyor's compass in 1840. Lancaster, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
POOLER England, 18th Century, OIM Microscope = Phillips 2/22/77. might be Richard Turner Pooler. London. J. Brown 1; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
POOLER, RICHARD TURNER England, c.1790-1810, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 1/27/88. apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company on June 1, 1780; free of the Company, Feb. 5, 1790. 6 Great Tower Street, London. J. Brown 1; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
POPE, JOSEPH USA, 1750-1826, MIM Orrery, 1787 = Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. clockmaker; it is reported that he took 11 years to finish the orrery; figures reputed to be by Paul Revere. Boston, Mass. Bedini 8; USNM. suggest correction
POPE, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1813, took out a patent in 1813 on a nautical instrument; might be the same as William Pope 2. Bristol. Taylor 2(1409). suggest correction
POPE, WILLIAM 3 England, c.1829, author; patented a magnetic dip needle; might be the same as Willian Pope 1 or 2. London. Taylor 2(1677); Dawson's 205. suggest correction
POPELL, MATTHAEUS FRANCISCUS Germany, fl.1665-69, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1669 = AMST; Sundial = ROU-109 = NMM; Table Sundial, 1665 = OXFB; Quadrant = Evans Coll. alternative spelling was "Poppel." Evans 1; Michel 3; Gatty; Mörzer Bruyns 1; NMM-2; RSW. suggest correction
POPKES, D. Holland, c.1763, PHIM made physical instruments for the cabinet of the Fundatie van Renswoode. The Hague. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
POPPE, H.B. Germany, 1759, MIM Artillery Level, 1759 = HAM. RSW. suggest correction
POPPEL, H. 16th Century, MIM Mathematical Instrument = NMM-Caird. RSW. suggest correction
POPPENBERG, JOH. PET. Germany, c.1775, PHIM Coin Balances = WHI, DRE. Westfalia. O. Brown 2; RSW. suggest correction
POPPING, GERTRUD MIM Perpetual Calendar, silver, case = WHI ( FIT). Gerdrud Pöpping. Price 2; Bryden 16. suggest correction
PORENSON, ALBERT Germany, 1774, MIM rebuilt a large astronomical quadrant in 1744; the quadrant is now in the Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig, Germany. Schlee; RSW. suggest correction
PORO, ---ITO Portugal, NIM Sextant = LIM. Lourenço, Luiz da Porto. RSW. suggest correction
PORRE VECCHIO AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Porre the Elder and Co. 17 Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PORRI England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. see Porre Vecchio and Co. 17 Great Queen Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PORRI, BENJAMIN England, fl.1834-64, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. his first name may have been "Baldisaro"; his grandson said that Benjamin Porri had been apprenticed to Remundi in Halifax; Benjamin Porri's son-in-law was Innocenti Fattorini; the barometer is signed "B. Porri Skipton." Caroline Square (1834); New Market Square (1841); both in Skipton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PORRI, DOMENICO England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PORRI, F. Ireland, PHIM Wheel Barometer with Thermometer and Hygrometer = Soth. 12/15/83; Wheel Barometer = X. Dublin. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PORRI, G.B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Leicester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PORRO, FRANCISCO Spain, NIM T.C. Gibralter. Calvert 2. suggest correction
PORRO, IGNAZIO Italy; France; Italy, 1795-1875, MIM OIM SIM Prism Monocular with Telemeter, 1849 = SWE; Cylindrical Slide Rule = SWE. invented and made the first prism monocular; retired in 1861. Florence; Paris; Milan. Pipping 1; Dewhirst; Brenni 1; RSW. suggest correction
PORTA, JOHN BAPTISTA Italy, OIM made telescopes and microscopes. Clay and Court. suggest correction
PORTARIS, BOHINI DE see Bohini de Portaris. Italian Inventory. suggest correction
PORTEMAN, ANN England, MIM Sundial, folding style = Soth. 4/20/14 might be owner. RSW. suggest correction
PORTER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/10/90. Wokingham. RSW. suggest correction
PORTER AND CONNER USA, NIM Ship's Mechanical Log = APS. possibly Commodore David Porter and David Conner. Multhauf 1. suggest correction
PORTER, DANIEL England, c.1803, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Fairey of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 1, 1803. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
PORTER, G.E. PHIM Stick Barometer, walnut = MYS. RSW. suggest correction
PORTER, GEORGE England, c.1830, MIM PHIM 14 St. James's Buildings, London. Taylor 2(1965). suggest correction
PORTER, HENRY England, fl.1825-60+, MIM OIM apprenticed to William Cary; succeeded him in 1825 and kept Cary's name; T.C.; "Cary and Co. (Henry Porter) Opticians and Scientific Instrument Makers to the Admiralty established 1765"; "Late of 181 Strand, W.C." 181 Strand; 7 Pall Mall (S.W), 2 doors east of Waterloo Place; both in London. Calvert 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
PORTER, R. USA, MIM SIM Level = Old Sturbridge Village, Mass. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
PORTER, RUFUS USA, 1822, MIM Almanacs with Volvelles = D.(1989), Old Sturbridge Village. signed "R. Porter Del." Billerica, Mass. M.A.D. Sept 1989; Jean Lipman. suggest correction
PORTER, SAMUEL England, c.1824, MIM Cruciform Sundial, Ferguson type = UTR; Floating Sundials = UTR, OXF, NMM, VNN, Maritime Museum of British Columbia, D.(1976), Soth. 12/15/78, ADL-T46 (bone), D.(2), etc.; Table of Time = D.(1997). Porter patented the floating sundial on Feb. 14, 1824; table of time was for 56 years, 1825-1880 and signed "Sam'l Porter Fecit, Entered at Stationer's Hall May 27, 1825." London. Taylor 2(1679); Dewhirst; Michel 3; de Rijk; USNM; Moskowitz; Coffeen 29, 33, 43 and 58; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PORTER, THOMAS England, c.1705, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 5, 1705. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
POSIDONIUS Italy, c.43 B.C., MIM Astronomical Ring or Planetarium = lost. Rome. Cicero; Grimaldi 315. suggest correction
POST, WILLIAM England, fl.1723-52, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Wright 1 in the Broderers' Company; free of the Company, May 1, 1723; Master of the Company, 1752; also a clock maker. on London Bridge. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
POTTEN, JOHN England, fl.1707-37, MIM apprenticed to John Rowley in the Broderers' Company, July 29, 1699; free of the Company, Jan. 9,1707; took one apprentice. under Exeter Change in the Strand, London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
POTTER 1 see Hearn and Potter. RSW. suggest correction
POTTER 2 Canada, c.1850, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, pocket = D.(1972); Microscope = P.C. either Augustus Frederick Potter or Charles Potter 2. Toronto. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
POTTER, A.D. surely a misreading for J.D. Potter. suggest correction
POTTER, AUGUSTUS FREDERICK Canada, c.1860, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = D.(1986). brother of Charles Potter 2. Toronto, C.W. Coffeen 12. suggest correction
POTTER, CHARLES 1 England, c.1813, apprenticed to George Dollond 1 in the Grocers' Company, Dec. 2, 1813. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
POTTER, CHARLES 2 Canada, c.1860, MIM SIM Transit = P.C. brother of Augustus Frederick Potter. Toronto, C.W. Coffeen 12; USNM. suggest correction
POTTER, FRANCIS England, 1594-1678, MIM Quadrant, silver, 1651 = BM. sundial maker; mechanician; mathematician; author. Trinity College (pre-1613-37); Kilmanton Rectory (1637). Feingold; Taylor 1(132); Gunther 2. suggest correction
POTTER, JOHN USA, 1746-1818, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1785 = GUR. clockmaker. Brookfield, Mass. Bedini 1 and 17; Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
POTTER, JOHN DENNETT England, b. 1810; fl.1830-69, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Box Sextant = Phillips 10/5/76; Hadley's Quadrant = NMM; Sextants = Phillips 10/26/83, Bearnes 1/24/90, Christie 7/5/71; Stick Barometer = K. and C. 12/15/72; Parallel Rules = MYS (1851), Whaler's Village Museum, Maui; Sectors = ADL-A285, KEN, Soth. 2/25/86; Telescope = Christie-SK 10/23/87; Octant = Soth. 3/10/87; Station Pointer = NMM. T.C.; shopman to R.B. Bate; "Hydrometer and Mathematical Instrument Maker and Chart Agent to the Rt. Hon.ble the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty"; Maui parallel rules marked "Capt. Fields Improved Reg. Jany 1854"; firm active to 1966. 31 Poultry and Tower Hill; 145 Minories (1866); both in London. Taylor 2(1966); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; G.L'E. Turner 24.; McConnell 4; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
POTTING see Potten. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
POTTS see Rittenhouse and Potts; also Potts and Rittenhouse. Multhauf 1; RSW. suggest correction
POTTS AND RITTENHOUSE USA, c.1773, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = APS. W.L. Potts worked with either David or Benjamin Rittenhouse; Bedini favors Benjamin on stylistic grounds; see Rittenhouse and Potts. Philadelphia, Pa. Multhauf 1; Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1. suggest correction
POTTS, J. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. & C. 2/8/78. London. RSW. suggest correction
POTTS, THOMAS England, fl.1805-14, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. T.C.; barometer signed "Potts London Real Maker." No. 371 Strand near Southhampton Street (1805); 18 St. Martin's Court (1807-14); both in London. Taylor 2(1198); Crawforth 1; Goodison 1. suggest correction
POTTS, WILLIAM LUKENS USA, 1771-1854, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = GUR, P.C., D.(1985). worked with Benjamin Rittenhouse as Rittenhouse and Potts (1796-98); also as Potts and Rittenhouse. Worcester Township, Pa. (1796-98); Pitts Town, New Jersey (1800); Bucks County, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa. (1817). Bedini 8; Smart 1; USNM; Coffeen 10; B.R. Forman. suggest correction
POUILLY, J. France, fl.1683-92, MIM OIM SIM Graphometers = NMM (1686), PAM, D.(1985), P.C.(1987), Christie's 4/3/85, State Library, New South Wales; Sector = X; Microscope = P.C. made microscopes, Butterfield-type sundials, lodestones; Coffeen thinks that Pouilly and Depouilly are the same maker; see also Depovilly. Au Compas Marin, rue Dauphine, Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Coffeen 11 and 46; RSW. suggest correction
POULAIN see Lefebvre et Poulain. suggest correction
POULIEUR France, a rope-maker. RSW. suggest correction
POULLOT, V.N. France, fl.1838-62, OIM lens maker. rue Saint-Louis-en-Marais 35, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
POUND, JAMES England, 1669-1724, helped his nephew, James Bradley, to construct a clock-driven telescope; designed a cylinder sundial; F.R.S. Wanstead, Essex. Taylor 1(470) & 2(103). suggest correction
POUTENSZ, SIMON ABBE JAN Holland, c.1476, NIM compass maker. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
POUVILLION variant of Pouvillon. Nachet; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
POUVILLON France, c.1833, MIM OIM Orrery on Clock = D.(1983). successor to Noël Simon Carochez. Nogent-sur-Oise; 33 Quai de l'Horloge, Paris (1833). Nachet; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
POWELL see Butler and Powell. Bryden 9. suggest correction
POWELL AND LEALAND England, fl.1842-99, OIM made many fine microscopes; made improvements in microscopes. Hugh Powell and P. Lealand. 4 Seymour Place = 4 Euston Square = 170 Euston Road, London. G.L'E. Turner 1, 4, 23, 24; Young 1; Moskowitz 122; USNM; Coffeen 14; RSW. suggest correction
POWELL, HUGH England, 1798-1883, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = WHI. partner of P. Lealand, 1841-83; T.C. 24 Clarendon Street, Somers Town, St. Pancras (1830); 4 Seymour Place = 4 Euston Square = 170 Euston Road (1841); both in London. Taylor 2(1028); G.L'E. Turner 1, 4, 23, 24; Young 1; Crawforth 1; Dewhirst. suggest correction
POWELL, J. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. Worcester. RSW. suggest correction
POWELL, JAMES England, c.1722, apprenticed to John Crooke 1 or 2 in the Joiners' Company on April 5, 1722. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
POWELL, JOHN England, 1753, MIM Calendar, 1753 = Bodleian Library. Birmingham. Gunther 2. suggest correction
POWELL, T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POWELL, THOMAS, AND SONS England, c.1810, MIM SIM Transit = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
POYNER, IOHANNES 1719, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, 1719 = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
POYNET, JOHN England, MIM Sundial = Henry VIII. Earle. suggest correction
POZO, JUAN DEL Spain, 1656, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1656 = O-F Coll. square; similar to Petrus ab aggere sundials. Seville. Monreal; RSW. suggest correction
POZOLY, A. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POZZI AND CO. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie 11/2/72, Bearne's 2/17/92; Stick Barometers = Phillips 9/10/86, Soth.-S 7/23/87. Phillips stick barometer marked "Warranted." London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
POZZI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Wooton Bassett. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POZZI, C. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POZZI, C. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POZZI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POZZI, JOS. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Rochdale. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POZZI, O. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Liverpool. Goodison 1. suggest correction
POZZI, PETER England, fl.1822-30, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Willow Street, Oswestry. Taylor 2(1967); Goodison 1. suggest correction
POZZOLI, FRANCIS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Prittlewell. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PRAC FIOR Italy?, 18th Century, MIM Sector = ADL-M105. Fior-enza ? Florence? Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PRADA, C. England, c.1800?, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/17/87. one wheel barometer signed "Prada High Wycombe and Chesham" the other, "C. Prada High Wycombe." High Wycombe and Chesham. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
PRADA, C., AND CO. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Winterton Auction 9/20/90. Georgian. Worcester. RSW. suggest correction
PRADA, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Chester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PRAETORIUS, D. Germany, MIM Sundial, inclinable = ADL-W229. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PRAETORIUS, JOHANN Germany, 1537-1616, MIM Cube Sundial, 1562 = NUR; Chalice Sundial, 1563 = NUR; Astrolabes = DRE (1568) (ICA-271), NUR (1568) (ICA-554), FLO (1591) (ICA-483); Quadrant, 1571 = NUR; Terrestrial Globe, 1568 = DRE; Nocturnal, 1568 = DRE; Celestial Globe, 1566 = DRE (lost); Astrolabe, date unknown, = DRE (lost); Torquetum, 1568 = NUR; Sundials, 1566 and no date = NUR. the celestial globe was also marked "J. Richter" (his real name); Drechsler thought that he was Johann Prätorius Joachimicus. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Lunardi; Price 1; ICA 2; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Drechsler 2; RSW. suggest correction
PRANDI, F. AND CO. England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Francis Prandi. 26 Church Street, Sheffield. Goodison 1; Dewhirst. suggest correction
PRANDI, FRANCIS England, c.1822, PHIM T.C.; barometer maker; see F. Prandi and Co. No. 32 Church Street, Sheffield. Crawforth 1; Goodison 1. suggest correction
PRATT, WILLIAM England, fl.1616-24, MIM Arithmetical Jewel, 1617 = BM. instrument is a a mechanical calculator; author. London. Taylor 1(135); Price 3; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
PRAUN, JAMES England, c.1710, OIM optician; Uffenbach brothers found him "very cheap and good and, if he takes the trouble, makes a fine polish" (on the lenses?), in 1710. London. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
PRAZMOUSKI, A. France, c.1870, OIM Microscopes = OXF, Phillips 7/28/82; Heliochronometer = Soth. 3/25/86. the microscope at Phillips was marked "E. Hartnack et A. Prazmouski, A. Prazmouski Sucr."; Hartnack and Prazmouski were partners c.1865-70. 1 Rue Bonaparte, Paris. Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
PREDARY England, c.1841, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may have been a dealer. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PREGELL, THOMAS Germany, fl.1617-29, MIM Astrolabe, 1629 = VIE (ICA-560); Diptych Sundial, 1617 = Greppin Coll. = Koller 11/17/75; Sundial, ivory, 1619 = AMST; Sundial, 1617 = de Longrée Coll; Diptych Sundial = P.C.; Sundials = Fremersdorf Coll. (1623), BRE (1629). alternative spelling was "Prögel." Nürnberg (1617); Zwickau. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Michel 2; Price 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; GHD; RSW. suggest correction
PREIST England, c.1782, PHIM Hydrometer = Christie-SK 11/19/87. RSW. suggest correction
PRENLICE, J. misreading for John Prentice. suggest correction
PRENTICE, CHARLES F. USA, 1854-1946, MIM OIM SIM son of James Prentice; worked with his father as James Prentice and Son 1883-97; then incorporated as James Prentice and Son Company until 1924. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
PRENTICE, JAMES England; USA, 1812-88, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Clinometer = D.(1971); Sextant = MYS; Wye Level = D.(1994). apprenticed to John Beal in London for seven years; came to the U.S.A. in 1842; worked alone 1846-83; formed a partnership with his son, Dr. Charles Prentice as Prentice and Son, c. 1883, in New York, N.Y.; 1994 D. is signed "New York." London; 315 Broadway (1853-54), New York, N.Y.(1842-88). Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz 103; Garcelon 33. suggest correction
PRENTICE, JAMES, AND SON USA, fl.1883-97, MIM SIM James Prentice and his son, Dr. Charles F. Prentice. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
PRENTICE, JAMES, AND SON COMPANY USA, fl.1897-1924, MIM OIM SIM incorporated 1897 and dissolved in 1924; Dr. Charles F. Prentice as president. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
PRES. R.L.S.P. 1725, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1725 = NMM-Caird. sundials mounted on base; globe is hand-painted. NMM 2. suggest correction
PRESBURY, WILLIAM England, c.1674, member of the Spectaclemakers' Company, c.1674. London. Crawforth 6. suggest correction
PRESL, MATHIAS J. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = VIE; Theodolite = KRE; Graphometer = KRE. Aussee. Michel 3; Zinner 1. suggest correction
PRESTINARI AND VANINO England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 11/2/72. RSW. suggest correction
PRESTON, E., AND SONS England, c.1861, MIM Slide-Rule, Carrett-type = P.C. Birmingham. Delehar 2. suggest correction
PRESTON, GRANT England, c.1832, NIM made liquid compasses. London. Taylor 2(1968); J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
PRETZFELDER, I.C. Germany, 1746, MIM Perpetual Calendar, pewter, 1746 = WHI (FIT). Nürnberg. Price 2; Bryden 16. suggest correction
PRICE 1 see Hill and Price. suggest correction
PRICE 2 England, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth., 6/6/96. London. RSW. suggest correction
PRICE AND SCOTT England, 1715, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1715 = BM. Charles Price and Benjamin Scott. at the Mariner and Globe at Exeter Exchange Street in the Strand; at the Atlas against Exeter Exchange in the Strand (1715); both in London. Tyacke 1; J. Brown 1; Calvert 2. suggest correction
PRICE, C. see I. Sellars and C. Price. suggest correction
PRICE, C., AND I. SENEX England, fl.1707-10, MIM miniature globes; "Geographers"; "New and Correct Globe with ye Trade Winds, etc." London. Krogt 2. suggest correction
PRICE, C.W. England, c.1850, NIM Sextant = Bearnes 9/17/86. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
PRICE, CHARLES England, fl.1697-1744, MIM Terrestrial Globe, on stand, 1715 = Christie 5/26/76; Terrestrial Globe, miniature, with case = D.(1981). apprenticed to John Seller 1 of the Merchant Taylors' Company in 1694; free of the Company in 1703; partner with Jeremiah Seller, 1697-1705; worked with John Senex, 1710-13; partner of Benjamin Scott, 1714-15; T.C.; see Seller and Price. see Price, Charles (Cont.) see Price, Charles (Cont.) suggest correction
PRICE, CHARLES (CONT.) at the Hermitage in Wapping (1700-05) and at the shop next the Fleece Tavern in Cornhill (1703-06); at their house in Whites-Alley, Coleman Street (1707-10); at the Archimedes and Globe in Ludgate Street (1710); at the Lisbon Coffee-House behind the Royal Exchange (1713-15); at the Atlas against Exeter Exchange in ye Strand (1715); at the Sign of the Mariner and Globe, Strand (1718); of Hammersmith, in Westminster Hall (1727-30); at Strand-Bridge in the Strand (1731); in the Fleet Prison (1731); all in London. Tyacke 1; J. Brown 1; Calvert 2; Wynter 1; Daumas 1; Evans 1; Taylor 1(420) & 2(104); Krogt 2; Wynter and Turner; Crawforth 6 and 8; RSW. suggest correction
PRICE, HENRY England, c.1846, MIM PHIM London. Dewhirst. suggest correction
PRICE, RICHARD England, c.1801, MIM rule maker. Mills Court, Slaney Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
PRICE, WILLIAM England, fl.1830-38, MIM OIM PHIM 115 Fetter Lane, London. Taylor 2(1969). suggest correction
PRICHARD, ZEBEDIAH England, c.1669, MIM apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on July 5, 1661; free of the Company, June 17, 1669. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PRIEST England, c.1835, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Newark. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PRIESTLY, THOMAS England; Russia, c.1830, MIM Sundials = P.C., Christie 12/18/74; Terrestrial Globe = MLL. the sundial in a private collection and the globe are in Russian characters. Moscow. Schmidt; Chenakal 1; RSW. suggest correction
PRIEUR, JEAN-BAPTISTE France, c.1725, PHIM Barometer = MADEX-1197 = PAC. Hooke-type two-liquid barometer, mounted on a carved wooden panel. rue Ste. Marguerite Faubourg St. Antoine, Paris. Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
PRIEUT, G. France, c.1580, MIM Sundial in lid of a watch = X. Moreux. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 1/22/88. Wareham. RSW. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI BROS. 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Gloucester Museum. Poole and Wareham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI BROS. 2 England, c.1875, OIM Telescope = Soth. 9/20/83. Bournemouth. RSW. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI, D. England, c.1850, agent for Robert M. Barrett. Cardiff. RSW. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI, F. England, c.1845, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see F. Primavesi and Son; see F. Primavesi and Sons. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI, F., AND SON England, c.1850, NIM OIM Sextant, ebony = P-B Sale. Cardiff and Swansea. RSW. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI, F., AND SONS England, c.1850, NIM OIM Telescope = PMS. Cardiff and Swansea. RSW. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI, FRANS Holland, fl.1740-60, PHIM Thermometer = UTR. according to Crommelin, thermometer is signed "L. Primavesi." Amsterdam. Crommelin 1; Middleton 1; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI, JEAN Italy; Holland, c.1750, PHIM Barometer = UTR. signed "L. Primaves." Amsterdam. Middleton 1. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI, L.P. Holland, c.1760, PHIM associated with his father, Frans Primavesi. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI, LODK. Holland, c.1771, OIM PHIM Double Barometer = UTR. see Bianchi and Primavesi; see Bianchi, Primavesi and Co.; made thermometers. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
PRIMAVESI, PETER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 7 Greville Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PRIN, GEORGES France, fl.1903-1934, MIM OIM SIM made transit circles and telescope mounts; succeeded Paul Gautier in 1910; for several years the firms of Prin and Secretan were joined as Ets. Secretan, Epry et Jacquelin successeurs. Paris. H.C. King 1; Daumas 1; USNM. suggest correction
PRINCE, A. Ireland, OIM Telescope, three-draw = Christie 11/24/76. Waterford. RSW. suggest correction
PRINCE, JOHN USA, 1751-1836, MIM PHIM Rev. John Prince; made and improved instruments. Salem, Mass. Bedini 1; Burstyn; Genuth 1. suggest correction
PRINE misreading for Prins. RSW. suggest correction
PRINS, HENDRIK Holland, fl.1730-60, OIM PHIM Thermometers, mercurial = TEY, Leigh and Soth. 3/23/1790, Langford and Son 4/5/1769; Thermometers, LEY(3), UTR (1758); Barometers = LEY, UTR; Telescope = LEY. apprenticed to Fahrenheit; succeeded him in 1736. Amsterdam. Crommelin 1; Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; USNM; Dewhirst; Middleton 1; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
PRIO., IO. FRAN. Italy, 1597, MIM Pin-gnomon Sundial, oval, 1597 = Ecouen (Cl. 1312). also marked "S. H.L."; decorated with cherubs. RSW. suggest correction
PRIOR, THOMAS USA, 1760, MIM Sundial, copper, 1760 = Museum, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Antiques, June 1925. suggest correction
PRIOR, W.R., AND CO. England, OIM Microscope = K. and C. 5/23/7? London. RSW. suggest correction
PRITCHARD, ANDREW England, 1804-82, MIM OIM PHIM Microscopes = D.(1971),(1984),(1985),(1986), Soth. 7/10/67, 2/25/86, etc. apprenticed to Cornelius Varley in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1832; free of the Company on Jan. 9, 1839; made first diamond lens with Varley; made jewel lenses; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; T.C.; author. 18 Pickett Street (1827-29) and (1831-35); 312 Strand (1833-34); 263 Strand (1836-37); 162 Fleet Street (1837); all in London. Taylor 2(1199); Court and von Rohr 3(250); Moskowitz 103; Coffeen 14; Dewhirst; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
PRITT England, 19th Century, MIM Garden Sundial, bronze = D. "Maker"; 53° 45'. Moskowitz 121. suggest correction
PROCIOP, A. Italy?, 18th Century, MIM Ring Sundial = Galerie am Neumarkt 10/19/72. RSW. suggest correction
PROCKTER, MARMADUKE LYDE England, c.1786, apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on Jan. 24, 1786. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PROCTOR England, c.1740, MIM Ring Sundial = WHI. see L. Proctor; see Charles Proctor. Bryden 16. suggest correction
PROCTOR AND BEATTIE England, OIM Telescope = MYS. London. RSW. suggest correction
PROCTOR AND BEILBY England, fl.1787-1801, MIM OIM SIM Telescope = PMS; Microscope, Culpeper-type = Soth. 11/27/67; Surveyor's Compass = D.(1980). Price Street (1787); Newhall Street (1797-18)1); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9; Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
PROCTOR BROS. England, c.1740-80, MIM Charles and L. Proctor; made ring sundials. Milk Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(394). suggest correction
PROCTOR, CHARLES England, fl.1760-95, MIM Ring Sundials = Evans Coll. = OXF (1760), Soth. 10/17/60. sundials signed "Proctor Sheffield"; brother of L. Proctor. Milk Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(394); Gunther 2; Evans 1; Michel 3; Earle; RSW. suggest correction
PROCTOR, G. AND W. England, c.1800, OIM Telescope, 3-draw = D.(1986). London. Coffeen 12. suggest correction
PROCTOR, GEORGE England, c.1818, OIM optician; see Proctor and Beilby. Newhall Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
PROCTOR, L. England, 18th Century, MIM Ring Sundial = OXF. for 53° latitude; brother of Charles Proctor; see Proctor. Milk Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(394); Gunther 2; Evans 1; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
PROCTOR, WILLIAM England, fl.1808-30, OIM took out patents for hardware. Bell Street, Trippel Lane, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1200). suggest correction
PROFATIUS, JUDAEUS France, c.1236-c.1304, MIM Profeit Tibbon (Jacob ben Machir); wrote on the universal astrolabe in 1263 and also on the quadrans novus. Provence; Montpelier. Maddison 1; Poulle 2 and 3; Gunther 2; Michel 3; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
PROGEL Prögel see Pregell. Michel 3. suggest correction
PROSCH, ANDREW USA, fl.1846-97, MIM NIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
PROSCH, GEORGE USA, fl.1834-43, MIM PHIM mechanician. 19 Canal Street (1834-35); 44 Watts Street (1835-36); 27 Jones Street (1838-39); 140 Nassau Street (1841-43); all in New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
PRUDENT, L. France, fl.1836-62, NIM OIM "Lorgnettes de théatre de marine et de campagne." rue de Chabrol 20, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
PRUJEAN, JOHN England, fl.1667-1701, MIM Astrolabe, wood and paper, 1670 = OXF; Quadrants, wood and paper = OXF, NMM; Quadrants = ADL-A203, KEN, D.(1974), Soth. 6/9/77, OXF. the astrolabe is ICA-314; the ADL quadrant was found on an English beach. New College Lane, Oxford. Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Michel 2 & 3; Maddison 1; RSW. Dewhirst; Taylor 1(322); ADL. suggest correction
PRYOR, THOMAS USA, fl.1778-1801, MIM NIM loyalist. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 8. suggest correction
PUCHNER, PAULUS 1577, designed an artillery level. RSW. suggest correction
PUGH, FRANCIS ROBERT GEORGE England, c.1841, apprenticed to William Green 2 in the Joiners' Company on July 6, 1841. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
PUKE, I. England, c.1790, MIM Garden Sundial = Soth. 9/20/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
PULHAM, S. England, c.1750, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/16/76. near Harleston, Weybread, Suffolk. RSW. suggest correction
PULLEN, D. England, 1712, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1712 = D.(1967). ten inches in diameter. RSW. suggest correction
PULLEN, JAMES England, c.1669, MIM apprenticed for eight years to William Elmes on Oct. 20, 1669. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
PULMAN, P. England, 18th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Axminster. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
PULMANN, JACOB see Hans Bulmann; Zinner 1. suggest correction
PULSFORD, GEORGE England, c.1848, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer signed "G. Pulsford." 36 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PURCHON, GEORGE England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X (2). Glass House. Goodison 1. suggest correction
PURDEN, J. England, c.1770, PHIM Stick Barometer = P.C.(1975). may be John Purden. London. RSW. suggest correction
PURDEN, JOHN England, c.1764, apprenticed to Thomas Newman 1 of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 7, 1764; may be the same as J. Purden. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
PURMANN, MARCUS Germany, fl.1588-1616, MIM made astronomical compendiums and various types of sundials and clocks dating from 1588 through 1616; examples of his work can be seen at VIE, Prague Alte Sternwarte, NUR, MUN, ex-Coll. Michel, LIE, Geneva Museum, OXF, HAK, DEU, NOR, BM, ZUR, etc. "Uhr und Compassmacher"; see also "M.P." 3. Munich. Zinner 1; Maddison 1; Hamilton 2; Lübke; Michel 1, 2 & 3; Price 2 & 3; Ward 4; Skopova 2; Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
PURMANS, M. Astronomical Compendium = ADL-W58. forgery; the mis-spelling comes from Rohde. Michel 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
PURRINI, BART. Italy, 1780, OIM Microscope, 1780 = D.(1973). Siena. Garisenda Antiquariato. suggest correction
PUSCHNER, JOHANN GEORG Germany, fl.1720-51, MIM Planetarium in an Armillary Sphere, 1751 = BAM; made many terrestrial and celestial globes dated from 1720 through 1751; examples can be seen in most principal museums. engraver and noted mechanician; see Dopplemayr and Puschner. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
PUTMAN, JACOB USA, 18th Century, MIM PHIM Surveyor's Compass = Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier. USNM. suggest correction
PUTOIS ET ROCHETTE France, c.1785, OIM PHIM Goniometer, silver = FLO. Paris. Bonelli 1; RSW. suggest correction
PUTOIS, ETIENNE ANTOINE France, fl.1760-98, OIM supplied Rochon with a telescope for a prismatic micrometer; made achromatic telescopes; succeeded the Veuve Marie, c.1760; breveted in 1788; worked with Grateloup; licensed optician to the king. au Griffon, 67 du Quai de l'Horloge, Paris (1786). Daumas 1; Nachet; Howse 2. suggest correction
PUYRICHARD France, c.1680, invented a level with telescope in 1680. au Faubourg Saint-Germain, Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
PYEFINCH, ELIZABETH England, c.1786, MIM listed as an umbrella maker and mathematical instrument maker in the directories of 1786; kept the China Warehouse at 30 Bucklersbury; possibly succeeded Henry Pyefinch. 30 Bucklersbury; 45 Cornhill (1786); both in London. Taylor 2(642). suggest correction
PYEFINCH, HENRY England, 1739-90, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Telescope, Galilean = NMM; Telescope = G. Washington (1780-99); Sector = Christie 12/8/76; Stick Barometer = VAA; Microscopes = Clay Coll., P.C.; Telescope, Gregorian = P.C. apprenticed to Francis Watkins 1 of the Spectaclemakers' Company, June 28, 1753; free of the Company, March 3, 1763; took an apprentice; made globes; T.C.; tok out a patent, with J.H. Magellan, for an improvement to the barometer, 1765. at the Golden Quadrant, Sun and Spectacles, No. 67 Cornhill, between Bishopsgate Street and the Royal Exchange; 64 Cornhill (1765); 45 Cornhill (1782-91); all in London. Taylor 2(642); Goodison 1; Court and von Rohr 3(164); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Bedini 8; NMM 2; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10; Tyler; RSW. suggest correction
PYM, THOMAS England, c.1721, MIM apprenticed to John Wells 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 18, 1714; free of the Company on Jan. 15, 1721. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
PYOTT, J. England, NIM Sextant = Christie-SK 1/27/86. 74 West India Dock Road, London. RSW. suggest correction
PYPENS Holland, c.1809, MIM Eindhoven. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
QANTAR, ANTHONY England, c.1671, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company in 1664; free in the Company in 1671. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
QUARE, DANIEL 1 England, 1649-1724, MIM PHIM Altitude Sundial = FIN-225; Analemmatic Sundial, 1707 = Soth. 3/11/63; Pillar Barometers = VCW, KEN, OXF, FLO (2), Hampton Court, Wakefield Plantation, Va., Philadelphia Museum of Art; Gloucester Museum, Meteorological Office, Bracknell, D.(1974) (No.28), Christie 12/7/75 (No.64), Soth. 6/27/74 (No.114), VAA, P.C., etc. Watch movement = ADL-A182; Angle Barometer = Hampton Court. admitted as a Brother into the Clockmakers' Company, April 3, 1671; Master of the Company, 1708; received first English patent for a barometer in 1695; watch and clockmaker. Kings Arms, Change Alley, London. Taylor 1(350) & 2(106); Goodison 1 and 6; Symonds; Clay and Court; J. Brown 3; G. Bell; Michel 3; Stevens and Aked; Daumas 1; Dewhirst; USNM; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
QUARE, DANIEL 2 England, 1708, apprenticed to his father, Daniel Quare 1, in the Clockmakers' Company, 1708. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
QUARTIER see Sibenmann and Quartier. USNM. suggest correction
QUEEN AND CO., INC. USA, fl.1893-1912, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Wye Levels = GUR, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.; Transit = GUR. Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
QUEEN, JAMES W. USA, 1815-90, MIM NIM OIM SIM Level = Warren County Historical Society, Pa.; Surveyor's Compass = Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln. he took Samuel L. Fox as a partner in 1860, the firm was James W. Queen and Co. until 1870 when Queen retired. 48 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (1839-60). Smart 1; Moskowitz 102; USNM. suggest correction
QUEEN, JAMES W., AND CO. USA, fl.1860-70, MIM NIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = GUR, D.(1967), Pugsley Sale; Dip Needle = D.(1971); Telescope = Chicago Historical Society, Ill.; etc. James W. Queen and Samuel L. Fox; Queen retired in 1870 ; most of the instruments were probably made by W. and L.E. Gurley at this late date. 924 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. and New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Moskowitz 102; RSW. suggest correction
QUEEN-GRAY CO. USA, fl.1912-25, MIM NIM OIM SIM John G. Gray; successors to Queen and Co.; firm stopped at Gray's death in 1925. Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
QUESLIN, MAISON CHEVALLIER France, c.1810, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/3/88; Telescope = Gersaint 7/20/96. "Maison Chevallier, l'In. Queslin Opt." 1 rue de la Bourse, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
QUEUE, DANIEL misreading for Daniel Quare. Daumas 1. suggest correction
QUEYRAT France, c.1720, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = Soth. 12/1/75. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
QUICK, PAUL England, 1737, MIM Wall Sundial, 1737 = Zennor Church. Zennor, Cornwall. R. Wallington, Country Life, 7/24/75. suggest correction
QUILLET France, fl.1750-89, MIM SIM Graphometer = D.(1976); Field Compass = NUR; Sector = Soth.-S 10/19/87; Etui of Drawing Instruments = Soth. 4/18/88. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; RSW. suggest correction
QUIN 1 England, pre-1802, PHIM hygrometer maker; partner with Robert Atkins. London. McConnell 4. suggest correction
QUIN 2 England, c.1814, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. probably either James or George Quin. London. RSW. suggest correction
QUIN AND ATKINS England, c.1840, MIM PHIM Hydrometer = Auction Sale, London, 1960; Mathematical Instrument = WHI. London. Taylor 2(2215a). suggest correction
QUIN, JAMES AND GEORGE England, 1814, PHIM Hydrometers = Chelsea Fair, 1973 (1814), STM. London. RSW. suggest correction
QUINCEY, J. USA, fl.1783-86, MIM Octant = USNM. ship owner or master, pre-1786; established as mathematical instrument maker in New York; succeeded by John Greenwood in 1786; presumed to have returned to Mass.; octant (perhaps an import) was later sold or repaired by William Hooker, New York, N.Y. Mass.; 199 Water Street, New York, N.Y. (1786); Mass.? Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 14; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
QUINCY see Davenport, Quincy and Co. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
QUINGNET variant spelling for Coignet. RSW. suggest correction
QUINIET, AEGIDIUS see Aegidius Coignet. suggest correction
QUINNIET, AEGIDIUS Belgium, fl.1554-80, MIM Theodolite, 1557 = BMR; Astronomical Compendium = D.(1986); Astrolabes = Ecouen (CLU) (1557) (ICA 2-222), OXF (1560) (ICA 2-224), BM (ICA 2-225), ROM (1556). signed "Aegidius Quinniet Antwerpianus faciabat ao 1557"; varied spellings include Coignet, Quingnet, Cuniet, etc. Antwerp. Zinner 1; Wynter 1; Rooseboom 1; Price 1, 2 and 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Gunther 1 and 6; Michel 1, 3 and 7; Cluny Cat.; Belgian Inventory; Namur; Evans 1; Société Belge; Guye and Michel; Brieux 2; RSW. suggest correction
QUINQUERNAL, ANTOINE, AND ROVERELLI Italy, c.1770, MIM Hodometer = FLO-502. Antoine Quinquernal and Aloys Roverelli. Florence. Michel 3. suggest correction
QUINSEY, G. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Bolling Hall Museum, Bradford (stolen Sept. 1990). Keighley. Goodison 1; M.A.D. Sept. 1990. suggest correction
R. 1 Holland, 1602, NIM Mariner's Astrolabe, 1602 (NMM-56) = AMST. NMM is the Census of Mariner's Astrolabes. Mörzer Bruyns 3; A. Stimson 3; RSW. suggest correction
R. 2 MIM Barrel Measure, wood and ivory, 64 inches = Salem Maritime Nat'l Site. rule now in two pieces RSW. suggest correction
R.C. England, 18th Century, MIM Dividers, iron = Bovet Coll. = NMM. RSW. suggest correction
R.D. Germany, 1838, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
R.D.H.A.E. Germany?, 1765, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1765 = NUR. Zinner 1. suggest correction
R.E. 1 Germany, MIM Astrolabe = DEU. mastermark in shield. D. Bachman 1. suggest correction
R.E. 2 England, fl.1770-1805, MIM Sundials, vertical = the Church and a house on Thomas Street North in Monkwearmouth. schoolmaster; parish clerk. Boldon. Gatty. suggest correction
R.F. 1 Germany, 1590, marked on a stone perpetual calendar by M. Joh. Helsbeccius in the HAK museum. RSW. suggest correction
R.F. 2 France, c.1620, MIM Astronomical Compendium = Evans Coll. = OXF; Diptych Sundial, octagonal, ivory = Soth. 7/7/78 = Soth. 12/15/55-160. initials and punchmark on base of diptych, punchmark is an inverted V with a little circle above it; both instruments have paper or leather lining on 1b and 2a; Soth. has a blue lining on 1b with a list of latitudes in gold, and with a slide to set string at proper latitude. Dieppe ? Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
R.F. 3 England, 1630, initials marked on a quadrant by John Chatfield, 1630. RSW. suggest correction
R.F. 4 France, 1633, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1633 = Vivielle Coll. has a nocturnal on the cover; possibly R.F. 2. Dieppe ? Madex; RSW. suggest correction
R.G. 1 marked on the compass cards in Elias Allen's sundials, surely Ralph Greatorix; marked on paper compass card of horizontal sundial, WHI-1191, probably Ralph Greatorex; other marks on WHI sundial are "H." (4) and "C.P." (2). Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
R.G. 2 MIM Sundial in ivory sphere = Soth. 3/11/63. RSW. suggest correction
R.H. 1612, instrument maker ? Evans 1. suggest correction
R.K. Denmark, marked on 1772 compass card signed "Rasmus Koch." Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
R.L. see Richard LeKeux. Brewington 1. suggest correction
R.L.S.P., PRES. see Pres. R.L.S.P. RSW. suggest correction
R.M. 1 England, 1631, MIM Astrolabe, 1631 = BM. ICA-312. another astrolabe at KEN, 1631, signed "Richard Melbourne", which see. Price 1 & 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Taylor 1(167); Clay and Court; Evans 1. suggest correction
R.M. 2 England, 18th Century, MIM Garden Sundial = Nat'l Museum of Wales. initials added later. Wales. Peate. suggest correction
R.P. 1708, MIM Horary Quadrant, crude, 1708 = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
R.S. 1 England, fl.1631-34, MIM Astrolabe Quadrant, 1631 = Koller 11/17/75; Quadrants = BM (1632), OXF (1634). Evans 1; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Taylor 1(174); Clay and Court; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
R.S. 2 England, 1654, MIM Table Sundial, lead, 1654 = London Museum. RSW. suggest correction
R.S. 3 Germany?, 18th Century, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood = NOR (2), UTR marked "Autor"; the dials in the NOR shows a frock coated figure and a hand; the UTR dial was exhibited in the Delft sundial exhibition of 1984. de Rijk; RSW. suggest correction
R.S. 4 Germany, 18th Century, MIM Miner's Compass = Koller 11/17/75. RSW. suggest correction
R.S. 5 Robert Smith ?; Richard Saunders ? or the father of Henry Sutton ? Taylor 1(174); RSW. suggest correction
R.T. England?, 1531, MIM Pair of Dividers, 1531 = Soth. 4/18/88. RSW. suggest correction
R.V.K. owner!; the initials are on a circumferentor by D. Metz at the TIM, 1987. RSW. suggest correction
R.W. 1 England, 1617, MIM Sundial, sandstone, 1617 = The Washington House, Little Brington, Northhampton. might be Robert Washington. Earle. suggest correction
R.W. 2 MIM Garden Sundial = ADL-W150. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
R.W. 3 England, c.1840, MIM punched in middle of ivory scale on unsigned octant at PMS. RSW. suggest correction
R.Z. Germany, c.1581, marked on 1b of ADL-M258, c.1581. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RAALINI, C. England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Jared Coffin House, Nantucket, Mass., X (2), Soth.-PB pre 1980 and Soth. 12/14/89. Preston. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RABALIO, PETER Italy; England, fl.1760-89 d.1791, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Barometer, multiple tube = X; Stick Barometer = X; Barometer = Soth. 3/7/75. the wheel barometer is signed "P. Rabalio Birmingham"; most are signed simply "Rabalio"; also a thermometer maker. at the Sign of the Barometer, 18 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham; at the Sign of the Dolphin, Coventry; at the Sign of the Golden Lion, in Hamston Gate, Leicester; at Mrs. Dowee's in High Street, near the College-Gate, Worcester; all before 1789. Goodison 1; Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
RABELON, ISAAC England, 1719, PHIM Barometer, 1719 = KEN. Daumas 1. suggest correction
RABONE England, c.1900, MIM Folding Rule = P.C. marked "Warranted Boxwood"; "made in England." RSW. suggest correction
RABONE AND MASON England, fl.1834-37, PHIM barometer makers; firm later became known as "John Rabone." 61 St. Pauls Square, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1972); Goodison 1. suggest correction
RABONE, ELIZABETH England, c.1808, MIM rule maker. Water Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RABONE, EPHRAIM England, c.1818, MIM rule maker. Water Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RABONE, JOHN England, fl.1829-60, PHIM Double Folding Rule, wood = La Rochelle 7/16/83. barometer maker; probably a partner in Rabone and Mason; worked alone in 1829 and 1839-58; took his son into the firm, 1858-60. Ludgate Hill (1829); 61 St. Pauls Square (1839-60); both in Birmingham. Goodison 1; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(1972); RSW. suggest correction
RABONE, JOHN, AND SON England, fl.1858-60, MIM the Rabone firm was established in 1784; makers of boxwood and ivory rules; trade catalogue at OXF. Hockley Abbey Works, Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
RABONE, JOHN, AND SONS England, c.1860, MIM Bubble Level = P.C.; Folding Rule, wood = DRE; Rope Gauge, boxwood and brass = Soth.-WS 12/13/83; some of the instruments are signed "J. Rabone and Sons." Birmingham. Taylor 2(1942); G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
RABONE, T. England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Soth.-S 1/10/90. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RABONE, THOMAS England, fl.1829-60, MIM PHIM barometer maker. 8 Court Water Street (1824); 12 Court, Broad Street (1835); Hockley Hill (1847); 172 Hockley Hill (1849-54); Frederick Street; 63 Great Hampton Street (1858); 61 Great Hampton Street (1860); all in Birmingham. Taylor 2(1972); Goodison 1. suggest correction
RABUS, JACOB Germany, c.1556, MIM Horary Quadrants = NUR (1556), STU. the quadrant in the NUR is dedicated to Ottheinrich von de Pfalz, it is marked on the back "OHPC"; the quadrant in the STU is dedicated to Herzog Wolfgang von Bayern. Memmingen. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RABY, EDWARD England, c.1834, OIM Great Brook Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1976). suggest correction
RAD, CHRISTOPHER Germany, c.1683, MIM Orrery, 1683, was owned by Chr. Treffler in 1683, now lost. Celestial Globe = HAK. goldsmith; the globe at HAK, 54 cm. in diameter, is signed "RAD" at the south pole. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 3; Stevenson. suggest correction
RADEMACHER England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Eccles. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RADFORD England, OIM T.C. over against the East End of the New Church in the Strand, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
RADFORD, JOHN England, fl.1668-95, OIM optician. at the Golden Spectacles without Temple Bar (1668); St. Clement Danes (1695); both in London. Clay and Court; Daumas 1. suggest correction
RADSMA, TJEERD JACOBS Holland, c.1686-1790, MIM he made eight clocks with planetariums. Harlingen. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
RADULF Belgium, c.1025, MIM made a different form of astrolabe c.1025; Magister of Liège. Liège. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RAETOR, JOHN England, c.1801, MIM OIM PHIM 49 Cheapside, Deritend, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RAFFLE France, MIM Protractor = P.C.(1968). Rafflé. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
RAGGETT, JAMES England, c.1830, OIM 21 London Street, Reading. Taylor 2(1977). suggest correction
RAHNE, PETER Germany, c.1740, MIM Sectors = STU, THO. "Peter Rahne Fecit: zu Berlin." Berlin. Hambly 2; RSW. suggest correction
RAHTJEN, G. Germany, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = P.C.(1979). Bremen. RSW. suggest correction
RAIDEL, HANS FRIEDRICH Germany, c.1627, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument, incomplete, 1627 = AUG; Horary Quadrant, 1627 = AUG. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
RAILLE, H. see Evin and H. Raille. USNM. suggest correction
RAIMONDUS, PETRUS Italy, 1375, MIM Astrolabe, 1375 = A.C. Baldwin Coll. = BOS. Cumae. Exhibition of 1876, London; Thorndike; RSW. suggest correction
RAINER FRISIUS see Gemma Frisius. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RAINGO FRERES France, c.1820, MIM Orrery Clock = D.(1976). Raingo Frères; clock makers. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
RAINGO, Z. Belgium; France, c.1824, MIM Orrery Clocks = TIM (1987)(2); Royal Collction, Madrid, Windsor Castle (1824), P.C., Sloan Museum, BMR, Soth. 1/16/62 and 7/12/63, P-B 10/12/64; Planetarium = CNAM. Tournai; Paris. Pippa; Horological Journal, 1960; RSW; etc. suggest correction
RAITTENAU, AEGIDIUS EBERHARD VON Germany, 1605-75, MIM Celestial Globe, 1546 = Harburg Sammlung Hohenlohe; Sundial, triangular, 1666 = KRE; Azimuth Sundial, 1668 = KRE; Logarithmic Machine, 1670 = KRE. made other instruments, dated between 1645 and 1669, whose location is not known; author; Benedictine monk; "Mechaniker, Mathematiker und Architekt"; the globe is signed "Rabus 1546." Kremsmünster. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RAMAGE Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Barometer = D.(1968). probably John Ramage 1 or 2. Aberdeen. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RAMAGE AND CO. Scotland, fl.1837-38, OIM PHIM might have made barometers; see Smith and Ramage; see John Ramage 1 & 2. 41 St. Nicholas Street (1837); 6 St. Nicholas Lane (1838); both in Aberdeen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RAMAGE, CHARLES Scotland, fl.1845-60, NIM OIM PHIM partner in Smith and Ramage; see John Ramage 1 and 2; see Ramage and Co. 45 Regents Quay, Aberdeen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RAMAGE, JOHN 1 Scotland, fl.1806-35, OIM PHIM Telescope, single draw = Christie-SK 11/27/86. made large teescopes; probably was also a barometer maker. 85 Broad Street (1824-29); 39 Union Street (1831-35); both in Aberdeen. Taylor 2(1202); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RAMAGE, JOHN 2 Scotland, fl.1835-36, OIM PHIM might have made barometers; possibly the son of John Ramage 1; see Ramage and Co.; see Smith and Ramage. 39 Union Street (1835); 104 Union Street (1836); both in Aberdeen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RAMAS, P. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. probably P. Ramos, which see. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RAMIRES, FRANCISCO Spain?, 1853, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1853 = Soth. 5/29/61. RSW. suggest correction
RAMME, EDWARD England, c.1634, MIM apprenticed to John Blighton 1 in the Grocers' Company, June 24, 1626; free in the Company Aug. 5, 1634. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RAMMINGER, JAKOB Germany, 1594, MIM Miner's Compass, 1594 = BM; Pedometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. the compass is marked "alias Scriba"; the pedometer is signed "Jac. Ram. D. Scriba"; Ramminger invented this type of pedometer. Stuttgart. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
RAMOS, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see P. Ramas. 281 Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RAMPAART, VAN see Petrus ab Aggere. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
RAMPOLDI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 4/28/88. Huntingdon. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RAMPOLDI, J. England, fl.1851-53, PHIM barometer maker. 22 Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RAMSBECK Austria, c.1772, MIM OIM see Schreibelmayer und Ramsbeck. Vienna. Daumas 1. suggest correction
RAMSDEN, JESSE England, 1735-1800, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM one of the most famous mechanics of his time; developed one of the first dividing engines ever built; made many of the most important astronomical and surveying instruments used in England and on the continent; by 1789 he had made over 1000 sextants; his instruments are to be found in many of the principal museums. apprenticed to J. Burton, MIM, in 1758; started business in 1762; married Sarah Dollond; invented the opthalmometer; made improvements in electrostatic machines & precision balances; some of the optics for his instruments were made by his brothers-in-law Peter and John Dollond 2; made F.R.S. in 1768. 199 Piccadilly, opposite Sackville Street, London. Taylor 2(526); DNB; DSB; Maddison 1; Bryden 11; E. Hall; RSW; Goodison 1; USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Coffeen 27. suggest correction
RAMSEY, HENRY T. England, NIM Octant, case = HAM. Lowgate, Hull. RSW. suggest correction
RAND, J. England, c.1799, OIM patented a micrometrical stadimeter as a 'military and naval telescope'; author. London. Moskowitz 104; Taylor 2(1029); Dewhirst. suggest correction
RANDALL, JOHN England, fl.1689-1707, MIM apprenticed to William Howe in the Grocer' Company on Sept. 1671; free of the Company on Dec. 2, 1689; took apprentices. Great Minories, London (1693). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RANDALL, RICHARD England, c.1799, apprenticed to George Mills in the Joiners' Company, Feb. 5, 1799. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
RANDALL, WILLIAM England, c.1700, apprenticed to his father, John Randall, in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 10, 1700. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RANDOLL see Randall. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RANDOLPH, T.F. USA, c.1860, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, case = Chillicothe Museum, Ohio. 67 West 6th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
RANDOLPH, T.F., AND BRO. USA, c.1867, MIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compass = Transylvania College. 67 West 6th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
RANNOY, P. GELASIUS VISCHER Germany, 1712, MIM Sundial, stone, 1712 = DEU. Price 2. suggest correction
RANSLEY, W. England, MIM NIM Set of nine Rules, ivory = Phillips 4/20/83; Parallel Rules, wood = NMM. 4 Westminster Bridge Road; Stansgate; both in London. NMM 2; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
RAPKIN England, see Pastorelli and Rapkin. RSW. suggest correction
RAPOSA see A. Goys; see Joa~o de Goes. Stimson 3; Guedes. suggest correction
RASPAIL France, c.1770, OIM made micrscopes. Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
RASPON, RAPHAEL Italy, c.1600, MIM Compass, large, shadow square = POB. MADEX. suggest correction
RASTRELLI, AUGUSTINO Italy, 1719, MIM Reduction Compass, 1719 = FLO-1257. Florence. Michel 3. suggest correction
RATCLIFF, BENJAMIN England, fl.1743-59, MIM Sundial, 1743 = St. Mary's Church, Welshpool. father of Owen Ratcliff; clockmaker. Welshpool. Peate. suggest correction
RATCLIFF, OWEN England, fl.1776-80, MIM Sundial = Castle Caereinion, Montgomeryshire. son of Benjamin Ratcliff; clockmaker. Welshpool. Peate. suggest correction
RATH, H. Germany, c.1867, MIM Mining Gradient Level, 1867 = Christie 12/18/74. Munich. RSW. suggest correction
RATH, PETER Germany, c.1840, MIM PHIM Compass, in case = DEU; Thermometer = DEU; Barometer = DEU. Munich. Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
RATHBONE, AARON England, 1572-1618, designed a reducing ruler; author. Yorkshire. Taylor 1(91). suggest correction
RATTENBURY, WILLIAM GEORGE England, c.1816, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1976). apprenticed to James Ripley in the Grocers' Company, Oct. 3, 1816. Stratton. j. Brown 2; RSW. suggest correction
RATTKNECHT, CHRISTOPH Austria, c.1739, MIM Graphometer, 1739 = SAL. Salzburg. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
RATTKNECHT, JOHANN-CHRISTOPH Austria, c.1670, MIM Sundial = X. Salzburg. Michel 3. suggest correction
RATUS, CARL AUG., BAADEN FR. LIBE Germany, 1766, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1766 = Soth. 5/12/75. RSW. suggest correction
RAVILIUS, ALEX Italy, 1542, MIM Skaphe, ivory and brass, 1537 = OXFB; Armillary Sphere, 1542 = ADL-M2. the armillary is also marked "Io. Thomae Manfredo", probably the owner. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Yonge; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RAVIZZA, AMICINO Italy, 1799, MIM corrected a sundial made by Cocart. Cremona. Evans 1. suggest correction
RAWBENGEL, HANS Germany, 1487, MIM made sundials, 1487. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
RAXTOR, JOHN England, c.1818, MIM SIM John Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RAY England, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. possibly Daniel Ray, c.1790 or William Ray, c.1820, both came from Battle and were watchmakers. Battle. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
RAY AND CO. England, NIM Sextant = Phillips 2/14/79. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
RAY, J., AND CO. England, NIM Sextant with case = D.(1976). Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
RAY, J.W., AND CO. England, Sextants = Christie-SK 2/9/84, D.(1968). may be same as J. Ray and Co., and possibly Ray and Co. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
RAYNER, MICHAEL England, c.1717, MIM apprenticed to to John Patrick 1 in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 22, 1706; free in the Company Jan. 7, 1717. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
RAYNOLD Germany, MIM Alidade = Drouot 4/26/67. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
RAYSON, WILLIAM England, 1683, MIM Quadrant, 1683 = Soth. 7/7/55; Horary Quadrant, Sutton-type, 1683 = WHI. may be only one instrument. Leicester. Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
READ, J. England, PHIM Set of Money Balances = Soth. 11/13/64. St. Ann's Lane, Nr. Aldersgate, London. RSW. suggest correction
READ, JOHN 1 England, fl.1582-1610, MIM worked in wood; made Blagrave's staff in 1590 and Arthur Hopton's staff in 1610; made alidades, squares, compasses, etc; partner of John Thompson 1, and succeeded by him. Hosier Lane, London. Taylor 1(68); Daumas 1; Michel 3; Dewhirst; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
READ, JOHN 2 England, fl.1650, MIM presumably son or nephew of John Read 1; Taylor thought he was partner and successor of Anthony Thompson 1 of Hosier Lane, but Edward Fage could have been the successor. Hosier Lane, Smithfield, London. Taylor 1(243). suggest correction
READ, JOHN 3 England, 1688, MIM Sundial, bronze, 1688 = Soth. 12/13/71 = WHI. Bishop Stortford. Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
READ, SAMUEL England, fl.1742-78, PHIM balance maker; chosen to make étalons of weights in 1742 for comparison by the Royal Society and the French Academy; partner of Charles De Grave and succeeded by him in 1780. London. Taylor 2(398); Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
READE variant spelling for Read. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
READE, GEORGE England, c.1762, apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on June 1, 1762. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
READING, THOMAS Ireland, fl.1752-68, MIM surveyer; apprenticed to Gabriel Stokes. Georges Lane, near Stephens Street, Dublin. Bryden 9. suggest correction
REALINI, C. England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Jared Coffin House, Nantucket, Mass., X (2), Soth.-PB pre-1980, Soth. 12/14/89 and 12/14/95. Preston. RSW. suggest correction
REALINI, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). Newcastle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
REARDON, JOHN England, c.1838, OIM 42 Gaston Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(2217). suggest correction
REAUMUR, RENE ANTOINE FERCHAULT DE France, 1683-1757, Réné Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur; designed a thermometer scale, with 0° as freezing and 80° as boiling; physicist. La Bermondiere. USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Daumas 1. suggest correction
REBALLIO EN ZOON Holland, c.1800, PHIM Hydrometer and Thermometer = USNM. Rotterdam. USNM. suggest correction
REBALLIO, A. Holland, c.1790, OIM PHIM Instrument = LEY; Telescope = Christie-SK 4/14/89. Rotterdam. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
REBEIRO, IOZE GABRIEL Spain, c.1790, marked on an English octant; probably the owner. Versailles 4/17/83. suggest correction
RECH, WOLFF Germany, c.1649, MIM sandglass maker. Nürnberg. Lunardi. suggest correction
RECHBERGER, WILHELM Germany, c.1611, wrote about the astrolabe. Augsburg? Zinner 1. suggest correction
RECHTER, JAN 1 Holland, fl.1730-1801, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Planetarium = LEY; Solar Microscope = KEN; Artillery Inclinometers = ADL-M143, Soth. 10/28/63, LEY. Delft. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RECHTER, JAN 2 Holland, 1777-1801, MIM son of Jan Rechter 1. Delft. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
RECORDE, ROBERT England, c.1556, published drawings of portable and standing quadrants. Gunther 2. suggest correction
REDDING, ROSIER England, c.1769, apprenticed to Robert Taylor 2 of the Grocers' Company on July 4, 1769. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
REDMOND Universal Ring Sundial = P.C. (1976). English forgery, probably by Williams; marked "Dublin." Brieux. suggest correction
REED, JAMES USA, 1792-1878, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Alliance Historical Society, Ohio, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C., Michigan Historical Society, Lansing. the Alliance, Ohio instrument is marked "Washington, Pa.", the others "Pittsburgh Pa."; by 1850 the firm was "James Reed and Co."; the later instruments may be by "James Reed and Co." Washington, Pa. (1792-1847); Pittsburgh, Pa. (1847-78). Smart 1; RSW. suggest correction
REED, JAMES, AND CO. USA, fl.1847-78, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Michigan Historical Society, Lansing, Michigan. see James Reed. Pittsburgh, Pa. Smart 1; Multhauf 1; RSW. suggest correction
REED, THOMAS, AND CO. England, NIM T.C. Sunderland. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
REEDER, R. USA, c.1847, took out a patent on a mariner's compass, 1847. Cincinnati, Ohio. UANM. suggest correction
REENS, H.A. Holland, 19th Century, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie, April 1978; Telescope = Auction, Dordrecht, June 1975. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
REES, JOHN England, c.1823, apprenticed to James Hamer in the Joiners' Company, Oct. 8, 1823. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
REEVES AND SONS England, 19th Century, MIM Drawing Instrument Set = Christie-SK 7/24/86; Sector, ivory = Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96. see William Reeves and Co. London. RSW. suggest correction
REEVES, JOHN England, fl.1679-1710, OIM member of the Turners' Company; son of Richard Reeves 1; the objective lens at KEN may be by John rather than Richard Reeves 1, which see; John is probably the Reeves, Jr. mentioned by Pepys. London. Taylor 1(412); Daumas 1; Evans 1; Court and von Rohr; Latham and Matthews; Robischon 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
REEVES, RICHARD 1 England, fl.1641-89, OIM Telescope = KEN. member of the Turners' Company; made microscopes and lenses for telescopes; worked for Hooke; made a spyglass, a microscope and a scotoscope for Samuel Pepys, 1661-64; made very long telescopes; perspective glass maker to the King; made James Gregory's prototype reflecting telescope. against the Foot and Leg, Long Acre, London. Taylor 1(199); Latham and Williams; Dewhirst; Henry King 1; L. Bell; Court and von Rohr 3(I); Robischon 1; Daumas 1; A.D.C. Simson. suggest correction
REEVES, RICHARD 1 AND JOHN COX England, c.1664, OIM telescope makers. London. Henry King 1. suggest correction
REEVES, RICHARD 2 England, c.1666, OIM telescope maker; son of Richard Reeves 1? or is he the same man? London. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
REEVES, W. England, c.1840, PHIM Syke's Hydrometer = P.C. (1989). adjusted by H.R. Loftus in 1943; see William Reeves and Co. London, possibly 69 EASTCHEAP. RSW. WEBDB. suggest correction
REEVES, WILLIAM USA, 1785, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1785 = VNN. "Reeves, Thomaston, Me." is written in the case. Thomaston, Me. RSW. suggest correction
REEVES, WILLIAM, AND CO. England, c.1850, MIM Double Slide Rule = D.(1989). see Reeves and Sons. London. Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
REGHTER, DAVID Holland, fl.1780-97, PHIM Middelburg. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
REGIOMONTANUS, JOHANNES Germany, 1436-76, MIM Johannes Müller; astronomer, author, published a calendar and ephemerides; designed various astronomical instruments; Zinner attributed a ring sundial, ADL-M307, to Regiomontanus; see Johannes. Königsberg. Zinner 1; Maddison 1 & 2; Michel 3; J.A. Bennett 2; DSB; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
REGNARD FRERES France, MIM Clepsydra = CNAM. Regnard frères. Sens. Con. Nat'l 1; RSW. suggest correction
REGNAULT, HENRI VICTOR France, 1810-78, devised a hygrometer similar to Daniell's. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
REGNIER France, c.1800, MIM Meridian Sundial = CNAM. Régnier. Senaur. RSW. suggest correction
REGNIER, EDWARD France, c.1800, PHIM Dynamometers = USNM, Soth. 10/17/60. à Beau Grenelle, Banlieu de Paris. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
REHE, SAMUEL England, fl.1770-92, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Sir John Soane Museum, London. the barometer is signed "S. Rehe London"; the scale has both French and English inches; worked for John Troughton 2 in 1778; made a copy of Ramsden's dividing engine. Shoe Lane, London. Taylor 2(757); Goodison 1; Bedini 8; Daumas 1; USNM. suggest correction
REICHENBACH UND FRAUENHOFER Germany, c.1810, MIM OIM Telescope = DRE. Munich. RSW. suggest correction
REICHENBACH UND UTZSCHNEIDER Germany, fl.1804-15, MIM OIM Meridian Transit = NOR; Meridian, 1815 = Capodimonte Obs., Naples. Georg von Reichenbach and Joseph von Utzschneider. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
REICHENBACH, GEORG VON Germany, 1772-1826, MIM OIM Altazimuth Instrument, 1814 = Naples Observatory; Dividing Engines, = DEU (1804), SWE (1832); Altazimuth Telescope = PRA; Sextant = DEU; Repeating Theodolite, 1810 = DEU. worked with Joseph Liebherr, 1802-14; joined by Utzschneider in 1804; went with Ertel in 1814. Mannheim. Zinner 1; Daumas 1; Pipping 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
REICHENBACH, UTZSCHNEIDER UND LIEBHERR Germany, c.1804, MIM OIM SIM Georg von Reichenbach, Joseph von Utzschneider and Joseph Liebherr. Munich. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
REICHER, GEORG Germany, c.1674, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
REICHERT, JOHANN Germany, fl.1761-68, PHIM Nest of Weights = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. RSW. suggest correction
REICHLE, MELCHIOR Germany, fl.1568-69, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1568 = BM; Cruciform Sundial, 1569 = BM Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
REICHMANN, JOSEPH: FRAN: ANT: DE Germany, c. 1773, the name is marked on an armillary sphere made by Eiler Christian Hogh, ADL-M9; surely the owner. Engelmann 1; Yonge; Habacher; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
REID Scotland, c.1815, MIM patented a trigonometer. Aberdeen. RSW. suggest correction
REID, ADAM England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Woolwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
REID, ALEXANDER Scotland, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 12/8/76. barometer signed "Alex Reid." 66 Nicholson Street, Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
REID, JOHN England, c.1590, MIM John Blagrave referred to him as an able maker. Darius 3. suggest correction
REIFF, GOTTFRIED Germany, c.1750, MIM Pillar Sundials, wood = MERC = WHI, Soth. 4/18/88. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Hamilton 2; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
REIFFEL, C., AND N. THORN USA, c.1848, MIM patented a new form of dividers in 1848. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
REIGER, P.J. Germany, MIM Sector = Evans Coll. Augsburg. Evans 1. suggest correction
REIGNE France, 18th Century, NIM Octant, wood with silver trim = ROU-79. Marseille. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
REIMANN, I. Germany, c.1850, MIM showed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Berlin, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
REINE, R. England, fl.1673-80, OIM made optical glass. Lime Street, between Leadenhall and Fenchurch Streets, London. Taylor 1(367); Evans 1. suggest correction
REINELT, PAUL Germany, MIM Pair of Globes = Stiftsbibliothek, Braunau in Böhmen. Zinner 1. suggest correction
REINERUS GEMMA same as Gemma Frisius, which see. Baillie 1. suggest correction
REINHOLD, ERASMUS 1 Germany, 1511-55, astronomer; author. Wittenberg. Michel 3. suggest correction
REINHOLD, ERASMUS 2 Germany, c.1576, MIM Tycho Brahe used a large wooden quadrant made by Erasmus Reinhold (2), in 1576. Saalfeld and Wittenberg. Michel 2 & 3. suggest correction
REINHOLD, JOHANNES Germany, fl.1588-92, MIM Celestial Globe, with sundials on base, 1588 = CNAM; Terrestrial Globe, 1588 = NMM; Astrolabe, 1591 = HAY. clockmaker; worked with Georg Roll; see Roll und Reinhold. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Aked; Cons. Nat'l 1; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
REINMANN Germany, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = BASH. punchmark is a moon. Price 2. suggest correction
REINMANN, BENEDIKTUS Germany, fl.1564-75, MIM Master in 1564; made ivory diptych sundials; sometimes spelled "Reymann." Nürnberg. Michel 3; Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, GEORG 1 Germany, fl.1527-42, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood, 1531 = X; Diptych Sundials, ivory = WHI (1536). not in Bryden 16. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; Evans 1; Lunardi; Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, GEORG 2 Germany, fl.1551-71, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1551 = Wien Mobiliendepot; Diptych Sundial, wood, 1555 = NUR. Master in 1555; Gouk dated him "1555-71." Nürnberg. Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
REINMANN, GEORG 3 Germany, fl.1575-85, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, HANS 1 Germany, 1547-71, MIM Master in 1565; made sundials. Nürnberg. Michel 3; Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, HANS 2 Germany, d.1627, MIM father of Hans Reinmann 3; made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, HANS 3 Germany, d.1628, MIM son of Hans Reinmann 2; made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, HIERONYMUS Germany, fl.1554-69, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = MUN (1554), OXF (1558), NMM (1562), Beauvais Museum (1563), Koller 11/17/75 (1563), (1573), (1561 partial), Sammlung W. Lüdge, Einbeck (1565), NMM (1566), ADL-DPW28 (1569), Huelsmann Coll. (1558). became Master of the Compassmakers' Guild in 1556. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; NMM 2; Gouk 1; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
REINMANN, JORG see Georg Reinmann. Zinner 1. suggest correction
REINMANN, PAULUS Germany, 1557-1609, MIM made many ivory diptych sundials from 1575 to 1609; examples may be seen at ADL, NYM, NMM, UANM, OXF, DEU, KES, HAM, NOR, WHI, HAK, etc.; Horizontal Sundial, 1591 = Drouot 4/7/87; Artillery Levels = DRE (lost), Soth. 3/10/87 (1600). Reinmann's master mark was a crown; M. Lesel used a crown as his master mark from 1609 to 1629. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Morpurgo 2; Lunardi; Brieux 1; Chandler and Vincent; USNM; Hamilton 2; Spitzer Cat.; Bryden 16; Gouk 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
REINTHALER, CHRIST. FRIED. ERNST Germany, 1783, OIM Solar Microscope, 1783 = DRE. Leipzig. Dewhirst; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
REIS, JOSE MARIA DOS Brazil, fl.1837-73, MIM made the azimuth instrument invented by Emmanuel Liais; won medals at Exhibitions between 1861 and 1871 including first prize in the Great Exhibition of 1862 in London. Rua do Hospico, 67,69 & 71, Rio de Janeiro. RSW. suggest correction
REISCH, LEONHARD Germany, c.1701, MIM Celestial Globe, 1701 = Wien Schottenstift. clockmaker; author; the globe is signed "Leonhardus Reisch Algojus." Oberdorf. Zinner 1. suggest correction
REISSIG Germany, c.1803, MIM OIM instrument maker to the court at Kassel. Kassel. Ashbrook. suggest correction
REITA, ANTHONY MARIA VON SCHYRLE DE Germany, 1597-1660, invented a new telescope eyepiece; author. Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
REITER, M. see Prof. Bohme and M. Reiter. RSW. suggest correction
REITZEL, C.A. England?, c.1850, MIM Celestial Globe = Soth. 4/18/88. ten-inch N. Anderson globe constructed by Reitzel. RSW. suggest correction
RELTING, A. c.1760, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
RENARD 1 see Renaud. Pipping 1. suggest correction
RENARD 2 France, c.1750, MIM SIM Graphometer = Koller, May, 1972. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
RENARD, N. France, 18th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, silver = MERC; Universal Ring Sundial, gilt-brass = P-B 1/22/54. Montauban. Michel 3; Hamilton 1; RSW. suggest correction
RENAUD France; Germany, 1790, PHIM Thermometer, 1790 = GEM. Strasbourg; Berlin. Pipping 1; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
RENAUD, J. France, c.1700, MIM Surveying Instrument = PMM. Daumas thought it was a mariner's astrolabe, but it had been incorrectly restored. Marseilles. Daumas 1; A. Stimson 3; RSW. suggest correction
RENCH, E. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1976). Grey Inn Terrace, London. RSW. suggest correction
RENNISON England, 19th Century, NIM Quadrant = SUN. Station Road, Barry Docks, Sunderland. RSW. suggest correction
RENNISON AND SON England, 19th Century, NIM Octant = D.(1973). North Shields. RSW. suggest correction
RENNOLDSON England, c.1800, MIM Drawing Instrument Set, incomplete = Sotheby's 5/11/94. either J.A. or Isaac Rennoldson; T.C. RSW. suggest correction
RENNOLDSON, ISAAC England, fl.1822-46, MIM OIM succeeded J. Rennoldson, who could have been his father or uncle, in 1822. 5 Cambridge Place, Hackney Road, London. Taylor 2(1682). suggest correction
RENNOLDSON, J. England, fl.1817-22, MIM Sector, ivory = Cooke's Shop, CMY; Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 3/9/64. succeeded by Isaac Rennoldson, which see. 23 Camden Row, Bethnal Green Road, London. Taylor 2(1413); RSW. suggest correction
RENSBERG, NICOLAUS Germany, 1568, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1568 = WUP. the base of the compendium was curved to fit a cannon; a compass was in a Bavarian collection in 1599; mathematician; clockmaker; alternative spelling was "Rensberger." Coburg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Basserman-Jordan 1; RSW. suggest correction
RENWICK, JAMES England, fl.1844-47, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 2 Booths Place, Turnmill Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
REOHAN, THOMAS misreading for Keohan. Taylor 2(2218). suggest correction
REPETTO, M.E., Y CA. Argentina, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. Pulborough 3/1/83. dealers for Negretti and Zambra; barometer marked "Introductones." Buenos Aires. RSW. suggest correction
REPSOLD, A., UND SOHNE Germany, 1867, MIM OIM Adolf Repsold and two of his sons. Hamburg. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
REPSOLD, ADOLF Germany, 1806-71, MIM OIM worked with his brother, Georg; they succeeded their father, Johann Georg Repsold in 1830; the name was changed to A. & G. Repsold; the firm became A. Repsold und Söhne in 1867. Hamburg. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
REPSOLD, ADOLF UND GEORG Germany, fl.1830-67, MIM OIM Heliometer, 1849 = KEN; Telescopes, 1853 = Madrid Observatory. succeeded their father, Johann Georg Repsold in 1830; makers of very fine, large instruments. Hamburg. Pipping 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
REPSOLD, GEORG Germany, 1804-85, MIM OIM worked with his brother, Adolf; they succeeded their father, Johann Georg Repsold, in 1830; the firm was then known as A. & G. Repsold; Georg retired in 1867. Hamburg. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
REPSOLD, JOHANN GEORG Germany, 1771-1830, MIM OIM established his firm in 1802; made precision astronomical instruments; succeeded by his sons, Adolf and Georg Repsold in 1830. Hamburg. Daumas 1; Pipping 1; Pannekoek; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
RESCOW, JOHN England, c.1710, MIM Liverpool. Taylor 2(108); Bryden 9. suggest correction
RESEL, FRANZ Austria, 1759, MIM Table Sundial, 1759 = Linz Museum Depot Hohenfurth; Graphometer = D.(1931); Compass Sundial = MERC-100 = Soth. 12/12/55; Pocket Sundial = BM. compass sundial signed "Fr. Resel Fecit Vienne." Vienna. Zinner 1; Hamilton 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
RESI, HANS name marked on mining compass signed "H.G." (6) at GRA. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
RESLER, ANTON VON Germany, 18th Century, MIM Augsburg-type Sundials = MERC, OXF (2), NOR, Soth. 12/16/63, Munich Auction, 1965. the dial at NOR is signed "Antony Resler." Augsburg. Zinner 1; Hamilton 1; Evans 1; Bobinger 2; RSW. suggest correction
RESTELL England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 1/30/84. Croyden. RSW. suggest correction
RETTING, E. Germany, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = OXF. Zinner 1. suggest correction
REVERE, PAUL USA, 1735-1818, MIM Gunner's Calipers = Bostonian Society, Mass., Paul Revere Memorial Association, Boston, Mass.; Compass Card, 1786 = Yale U. Art Gallery; Balance, weights and case = Paul Revere Memorial Association. silversmith; Revere did the engraving for the paper compass roses for Benjamin Warren's surveying compasses. Boston, Mass. Bedini 8; Price 2; The World of Franklin and Jefferson Exhibition Cat.; Revere Cat. suggest correction
REW, ROBERT England, fl.1755-65, OIM described as one of the workmen of John Dollond 1. London. Taylor 2(528); Daumas 1. suggest correction
REYBORNE, J., AND SONS England, MIM Rule, folding, ivory = Christie-Geneva 11/20/79. RSW. suggest correction
REYMANN see Reinman. Michel 3. suggest correction
REYNERUS, GEMMA see Gemma Frisius. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
REYNOLDS England, c.1850, MIM SIM Level and Inclinometer = D.(1994). probably J.A. Reynolds of J.A. Reynolds and Co. Birmingham. Garcelon 33. suggest correction
REYNOLDS AND CO. 1 England, c.1840, NIM Pelorus = Marine Museum, Horten, Norway; Nautical Instrument = AMST. Tower Hill, London. Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDS AND CO. 2 England, MIM Surveyor's Level = Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83. see J.A. Reynolds and Co. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDS AND WIGGINS England, c.1840, NIM PHIM Sympiesometer = Soth. 12/17/87. William Reynolds and Frederick Wiggins. 82 Minories, London. Taylor 2(2273); RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, G. USA, c.1950, MIM Astrolabe, c.1950 = Pugsley Sale. chief engineer of Winchester Arms Co.; he made many reproductions of instruments for Mr. Edwin Pugsley, the C.E.O. of Winchester Arms Co. New Haven, Conn. Pugsley Sale; RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. St. Austell. Goodison 1. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, J.A., AND CO. England, MIM Rolling Rule = Christie-SK 7/24/86; Surveying Level = Christie-SK 2/8/79. see Reynolds and Co. 2. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, JOHN England, fl.1582-1636, MIM SIM made wooden plane tables, etc; probably a master gunner. Barking Churchyard (All Hallows Church), Tower Street; near Tower Hill; The Tower; all in London. Taylor 1(69); Michel 3; Gunther 4. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, JOSEPH England, c.1691, MIM apprenticed to Richard Whitehead of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 20, 1683; free of the Company, April 6, 1691. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, THOMAS England, c.1719, MIM apprenticed to James Swetman 1 in the Grocers' Company on Mar. 5, 1712; free of the Company, June 23, 1719. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
REYNOLDS, WILLIAM England, fl.1827-80, MIM merged with John Lilley and Son(s) in 1880, as Lilley and Reynolds Ltd. London. Brewington 1. suggest correction
REYNOLDSON England, c.1800, MIM OIM Mathematical Instrument Set = X.; Pantograph = Christie 4/3/85. St. John's Lane, West Smithfield, London. Taylor 2(1203); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
REYNOLDSON, THOS. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 7 Queen Street, Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RHODES, MANOAH England, c.1841, Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "M. Rhodes Bradford"; he was listed as a jeweler; probably a dealer in barometers. 138 Westgate, Bradford. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
RIBALDI, A. Ireland, PHIM Barometer = D.(1955). Limerick. RSW. suggest correction
RIBALDI, J. Ireland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. Limerick. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIBOLDI, JOSEPH Ireland, 1824, PHIM carver and gilder; may be the same as J. Ribaldi, which see. 122 George's Street, Limerick. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
RIBOLDI, L. Ireland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 5/8/85. Limerick. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
RIBON France, PHIM Balance, small = Chateau de Barbie, Albi. "Balancier." à l'Rue Couronné Cour St. Martin N. 8, Paris? RSW. suggest correction
RIBOUT France, MIM Architect's Scales = WHI. RSW. suggest correction
RIBRIGHT AND SON England, fl.1778-82, OIM George Ribright and his son, Thomas Ribright 2. London. Taylor 2(529)(758); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIBRIGHT, GEORGE England, 1730-90, MIM OIM Sets of Drawing Instruments = Christie-SK 4/17/86, DeLuca 8/1/87 (silver). son of Thomas Ribright 1; apprenticed in 1744; admitted as a foreign Brother to the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct. 3, 1751; took apprentices; took his son Thomas Ribright 2 as partner to become Ribright and Son, in 1788. 40 the Poultry, London (1764 1790). Taylor 2(529); Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(150); RSW. suggest correction
RIBRIGHT, THOMAS 1 England, 1712-72, MIM OIM Case of Instruments with Persective Glass = KBV; Microscope, Culpeper-type = Soth. 3/25/86. apprenticed to Thomas Sterrop 2 in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1726; free in the Company, 1734; Master in the Company, 1758-60; took apprentices; "Optician to his Royal Highness, George, Prince of Wales"; T.C.; patented an etui with a telescope in the middle. at the Golden Spectacles, the Poultry, London. Taylor 2(299); Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 & 7; Evans 1; Delehar 6. suggest correction
RIBRIGHT, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1768-1810, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = P.C. the barometer is signed "T. Ribright"; apprenticed to his father, George Ribright of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1768; free of the Company in 1775; partner with his father as Ribright and Son, 1778-82; on his own, 1783-95. 40 Poultry, London. Taylor 2(758); Goodison 1; Court and von Rohr 3. suggest correction
RICCIOLI Ireland, c.1661, MIM Rule = BRP. Price 2. suggest correction
RICE, THOMAS England, fl.1640-60, MIM gunner at the Tower; made many sundials. The Tower, London. Taylor 1(1960; Evans 1; Gatty. suggest correction
RICH, JAMES England, 1771, NIM Backstaff, wood, 1771 = D.(1973). Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
RICH, MOSES England, NIM Octant = Woodman Institute, New Hampshire. London. USNM. suggest correction
RICHARD OF WALLINGFORD England, born c.1292-1335, MIM Abbott of St. Albans; member of the "Merton School"; instrument maker and astronomer; among his inventions are the rectangulus and the albion (1326); made an astronomical clock, c. 1320. Oxford; Wallingford. Gunther 2; North 4; Michel 3 & 5; Needham 1. suggest correction
RICHARD, C.A. USA, fl.1845-60, PHIM barometer maker. High Street, next door south of Mrs. Robinson's City House, Columbus, Ohio. E.D. Beckman. suggest correction
RICHARDS, DAVID England, c.1834, OIM also made chronometers. 27 Church Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1978). suggest correction
RICHARDS, ESTHER England, fl.1801-08, MIM rule maker. 94 Lichfield Street (1801); 95 Lichfield Street (1808); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RICHARDS, JOHN 1 England, c.1802, apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 2, 1800; turned over to Charles Fairbone 2 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 8, 1802; may be the same as John Richards 2. J. Brown 1; RSW. suggest correction
RICHARDS, JOHN 2 England, c.1818, MIM rule maker; may be the same as John Richards 1. Lichfield Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
RICHARDS, WILLIAM England, fl.1787-97, MIM rule maker; worked in boxwood and ivory. 14 Lichfield Street (1787); Lichfield Street (1797); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RICHARDSON, GEORGE England, fl.1807-30, MIM NIM OIM Octant = AMST; Telescope = Christie-SK 7/10/80; Sextant = Cohasset Historical Society, Mass. apprenticed in 1784; T.C., "late foreman to Mr. Chas. Lincoln", "Real Manufacturer." 18 Leadenhall Street (1807); 7 St. Catherines Street, near the Tower (1808-17); 12 Upper East Smithfield (1821); 38 Windham Street, New Road, Marylebone (1826); all in London. Taylor 2(1205); Mörzer Bruyns 1; Crawforth 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
RICHARDSON, JOHN 1 England, fl.1797-1819, OIM held a patent on a machine to polish glasses in 1797; became Richardson and Sons by 1819. 26 Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields (1808); 1 Drury Lane (1810); 22 Little Queen Street, Holborne (1814); all in London. Taylor 2(1031). suggest correction
RICHARDSON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1801-27, OIM apprenticed to his father Winstanley Richardson in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1794; free in the Company, Jan. 15, 1801. 16 Somerset Street, Aldgate, London (1801-27). Taylor 2(1206); Court and von Rohr 3(230). suggest correction
RICHARDSON, JOSEPH USA, PHIM Gold balances (3) in case = Soth. 1/22/25. Philadelphia, Pa. RSW. suggest correction
RICHARDSON, MATTHEW England, fl.1737-52, OIM probably father of Winstanley Richardson; apprenticed to Edward Scarlett 1 of the Spectaclemakers' Company on June 10, 1730, free of the Company Dec. 27, 1737; T.C.; "Optician to his Majesty." at Sir Isaac Newton's Head and Golden Spectacles against York Buildings, in ye Strand, London. Taylor 2(400); Court and von Rohr 3(131); Calvert 2; Clay and Court; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
RICHARDSON, WILLIAM Ireland, fl.1784-86, OIM optician. 4 East Cole Alley, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
RICHARDSON, WINSTANLEY England, fl.1771-1807, OIM apprenticed to Thomas Lincoln of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct. 4, 1753; free of the Company, Sept. 30, 1773; took his son, John Richardson 2 as an apprentice. Irongate, London (1807). Court and von Rohr 3(165). suggest correction
RICHBOURG France, MIM Universal Sundial = Soth. 5/29/61. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
RICHER France, son of Jean-François Richer. Daumas 1. suggest correction
RICHER, JEAN-FRANCOIS France, 1743-1820, MIM NIM SIM Tellurium = BMR; Graphometers = P.C. (1987) (1807) (2), A-P 3/15/76 (1807), D.(1985), Versailles 11/20/83, Soth. 4/29/77; Magnetic Compass, 1807 = Picard, Drouot Richelieu, 12/11/91; Transit Circles = P.C., Ineichen 10/20/75; Sextant = Historical Society of Delaware; Y-Level = Franklin Institute Philadelphia, Pa.; Marine Compass = VNN; Terrestrial Globe = P.C.; Slide Rules = P.C.(1987), D.(1993). Jean-François Richer; all his instruments are signed simply "Richer à Paris"; scale on Mossy barometer of 1789 is marked "Divisé par Richer"; the tellurium was marked "invented by Abbé Grenet." L' Hermite, Paris. Daumas 1; USNM; Moskowitz 103; Coffeen 10 and 43; Darius 4; RSW. suggest correction
RICHER, MAISON France, OIM Telescopic Level = Versailles 4/17/83. the level is signed "Maison Richer L'Hermite Le Jars successeurs à Paris." L'Hermite, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
RICHLOT Germany, MIM Mining Set = HAK. RSW. suggest correction
RICHTER, E.O., AND CO. England, MIM Draftsman's Kit = Weschler 5/22/76. RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
RICHTER, JOHANNES see Praetorius. Michel 3. suggest correction
RICKARDS, JOSEPH England, apprenticed to William Elliot 1 in the Joiners' Company on April 30, 1816. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
RICKETT, W. England, c.1786, OIM Horary Quadrant = KEN. Taylor 2(885); Daumas 1. suggest correction
RIDEL France, NIM Marine Compass = Historical Society of Old Newbury, Mass. Nantes. USNM. suggest correction
RIDER, JOB Ireland, fl.1805-09, partner of Henry Gardner, 1805-09; watch and clock maker. Belfast. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
RIDER, WILLIAM England, fl.1832-34, MIM NIM OIM PHIM advertised sextants. 22 Ashton Street, Poplar, Borough, London. Taylor 2(1684); O'Mara. suggest correction
RIDLEY, MARK England, 1560-1624, MIM author; sundial maker. Cambridge. Taylor 1(56). suggest correction
RIEBENHAUSEN Germany, 17th Century, MIM SIM Circumferentor = Munich Geodätisches Institut. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RIEDIG, M.C.G. Germany, 1820-22, MIM Celestial Globe, 1822 = DRE; Terrestrial Globe, 1820 = DRE. Leipzig. RSW. suggest correction
RIEDIGER, ADAM Switzerland, c.1735, MIM Table Sundial, 1735 = STU; Celestial Globe = Bern Stadtbibliothek. Berne. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RIEFLER, CLEMENS Germany, fl.1841-76, MIM Ellipsograph = Christie 12/8/76. made precision clocks and drawing insruments. Nesselwang; Munich, Bavaria. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
RIEGE, GEORG Germany, c.1699, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory, = Drecker = ADL-DPW23 (1699), D.(1972). the master mark is a three-leaf clover. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 2; Gouk 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RIENKS, SYDS JOHANNES Z. Holland, 1770-1845, OIM Telescopes = AMST (1824), LEY (1825), BRO (1825), Eisinga's House, Franekar (1830); Microscopes = TEY (1825), KEN (1826), etc. worked with Argen Roelofs; worked alone by 1826. Ferwerderadeel; Leiden. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Daumas 1; Insley 1; Dewhirst 1; Clay and Court; Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIEPENHAUSEN, J.C. MIM Analemmatic Sundial = MLL. RSW. suggest correction
RIESEN, A.B. marked on a surveying instrument signed "C.T.F. Anno 1589 M.S." at DRE; it is "M.S." (5). RSW. suggest correction
RIESS, PROF. Germany, 1840, MIM Chronoscope, 1840 = WUP. Stuttgart. RSW. suggest correction
RIGAUD, DE SAINT France, c.1610, designed the capuchin sundial. Cousins. suggest correction
RIGG, CUTHBERT 1708, Instrument, 1708 = University of Miss. owner? Price 2. suggest correction
RIGGS AND BROTHER USA, c.1845, NIM Marine Compasses = MYS, D.(1970); Sextants = MYS, D.(1970). company founded in 1818 by William H.C. Riggs; the firm was also a retailer of navigating instruments; the Philadelphia Maritime Museum has a sextant made by Heather but bearing their name. 310 Market Street, Philadelphia Pa. USNM; Moskowitz 101; RSW. suggest correction
RIGGS AND BROTHERS USA, c.1840, NIM Pelorus, 1840 = Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Il.; Sextant = D.(1972). see William H.C. Riggs. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM; Moskowitz 104; RSW. suggest correction
RIGGS AND CO. USA, c.1825, NIM Marine Compass = D.(1972). Philadelphia, Pa. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
RIGGS, WILLIAM H.C. USA, fl.1818-36, NIM Box Compass, 1836 = Atwater Kent Museum, Philadelphia, Pa. maker and retailer of nautical instruments; established an observatory in 1820. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM; Moskowitz 104; RSW. suggest correction
RIJSMA, A. Holland, MIM Orrery = Phillips 5/20/75. Steijnmoller. RSW. suggest correction
RIKER, J.L. AND D.J. USA, c.1847, MIM PHIM made an orrery and other astronomical instruments; prize winning magnetic apparatus shown at the American Institute Fair, Oct. 1847. 78 Suffolk Street, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
RILEY AND STEVENS USA, PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN. New Orleans, La. RSW. suggest correction
RIMMINGTON 1 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 5/1/86. Lubenham. RSW. suggest correction
RIMMINGTON 2 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. Bradford. RSW. suggest correction
RIMONDI, CHARLES England, fl.1841-66, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3). watch and clockmaker; jeweler; made? and sold barometers; the wheel barometers are signed "C. Rimondi." 1 Union Street (1837); 8 Waterhouse Street (1850-66); both in Halifax. Goodison 1; Loomes. suggest correction
RINALDINI Italy, 17th Century, MIM Quadrant = Geographical Institute, Florence. RSW. suggest correction
RING Germany, c.1800, MIM OIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = WHI. microscope maker. Berlin. Bryden 16; Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
RINGELBERGH, JOACHIM STERCK VAN Antwerp, fl.1499-1536, MIM he was reported to have made a ring sundial. Ringelberg. Zinner 1. WEBDB. suggest correction
RINSEN, ANTHONY Hollandfl.1748-65, MIM PHIM Daumas listed him as English. Leiden. Daumas 1; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
RINSEN, J. VAN Holland, c.1750, PHIM made air pumps. Leiden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
RIPARMENTI France, c.1820, PHIM Marine Barometer = D.(1983). Bordeaux. Wynter; RSW. suggest correction
RIPLEY AND SON England, fl.1800-07, MIM NIM Quintant = X.; Octants = X, VNN, Christie 4/3/85, Christie-SK 2/8/79, Fall River Historical Society, Mass.; Hadley Quadrant = P.C. Thomas Ripley 1 and his son James Ripley; the octant offered by Christie-SK was misread as "Ripley and Sons." 364 Hermitage Bridge Road, Wapping (1797); 335 High Street, Wapping (1805); both in London. Taylor 2(760 & 1208); J. Brown 1; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
RIPLEY, JAMES England, fl.1796-1828, MIM NIM apprenticed to his father, Thomas Ripley 1, in the Grocers' Company, June 6, 1782; free in the Company April 7, 1796; partner with his father 1800-07; worked alone 1807-22; took apprentices after 1800. 15 Warkworth Terrace, Commercial Road, Limehouse; 364 Hermitage Bridge Road, Wapping (1800-05); 352 High Street, Wapping (1805-22); 335 Hermitage Bridge Road, Wapping (1828); all in London. Taylor 2(760 & 1208); J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
RIPLEY, THOMAS (1), AND CO. England, c.1790, MIM NIM may be Thomas (1) and his son, James Ripley. 364, near Hemitige Bridge, below the Tower, London. Clay and Court. suggest correction
RIPLEY, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1763-1807, MIM NIM OIM Hadley Quadrants = PEA (1773), OMM (1775 & 1779), STK (1782), FRK (1770), Soth, 3/25/86; Octants = USNM, Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa.; Telescope, four-draw = Christie-SK 11/15/79. apprenticed to John Gilbert 2 in the Grocers' Company on Dec. 5, 1755; free in the Company, April 12, 1763; took apprentices, including his son James Ripley; James was his partner from 1800 to 1807. Baker's Building, New Broad Street (1763 & 1770); at the Globe Quadrant and Sectacles, near Hermitage Bridge below the Tower, Wapping (1765); 364 Hermitage Bridge, below the Tower (1773; all in london. Taylor 2(760); J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1 & 7; Multhauf 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
RIPLEY, THOMAS 2 England, c.1778, apprenticed to Thomas Ripley 1, his father, in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 10, 1778. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RIPLEY, THOMAS 3 England, pre-1813, MIM Hakney. RSW. suggest correction
RIPLEY, THOMAS BRAND England, c.1805, apprenticed to James Ripley of the Grocers' Company in 1805; grandson of Thomas Ripley 1. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RIQUET France, MIM Wall Sundial = Cie. du Canal du Midi, Toulouse. see Maison Riguet. Boursier. suggest correction
RIQUET, MAISON France, MIM Wall Sundial = house at Echirolles (Haute Garonne). see Riquet. Boursier. suggest correction
RISE, WILLIAM England, c.1806, apprenticed to John Symons of the Grocer's Company, July 3, 1806; turned over to John Lee, April 15, 1810. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
RISSO, JOHN 1 Scotland, c.1783, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. Saltmarket, Glasgow. Bryden 3 & 10; Goodison 1. suggest correction
RISSO, JOHN 2 England, c.1805, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Lotherton Hall; Stick Barometer = Temple Newsham; both in Leeds. Leeds. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RITCHIE, ANDREW ELIOT USA, 1878-1935, MIM NIM PHIM SIM succeeded his father, Andrew Montgomery Ritchie, as head of the firm "Edward S. Ritchie and Sons", 1916-35. Brookline, Mass. (1878-1935). Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHIE, ANDREW MONTGOMERY USA, 1849-1916, MIM NIM PHIM SIM joined his father, Edward S. Ritchie and his brothers, Thomas Pope and John Ritchie in Edward S. Ritchie and Sons, 1872-1916; his son Andrew Eliot Ritchie succeeded him. New Bedford (1849); Boston (1850-86); Brookline (1886-1916); all in Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHIE, E.S., AND SONS USA, fl.1886-1953, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Edward S. Ritchie and Sons changed its name to E.S. Ritchie and Sons in 1886. Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHIE, EDWARD S., AND SON USA, fl.1866-67, MIM NIM PHIM Edward Samuel Ritchie and his son, Thomas Pope Ritchie. Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHIE, EDWARD S., AND SONS USA, fl.1867-1937, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Electrical machine = Searsport Historical Society, Me.; Liquid Compass = D.(19720. Edward S. Ritchie and his sons, Thomas Pope and John Ritchie, 1867-72; after 1872 the youngest son, Andrew Montgomery Ritchie joined the firm; in 1886 the firm became E.S. Ritchie and Sons; Andrew's son, Andrew Eliot Ritchie ran the firm from 1916-35; T.S. and J.D. Negus bought the company in 1937 and sold it to the Sherman Brothers in 1953, they moved to Pembroke, Mass. at that time. Boston (1867-86); Brookline (1886-1953); Pembroke (1953); all in Mass. Smart 1; Moskowitz 104; RSW. suggest correction
RITCHIE, EDWARD SAMUEL USA, 1814-95, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Marine Liquid Compasses = LOS, D.(1972), Maine Historical Society, Augusta, USNM. worked with Ashur C. Palmer as Palmer and Ritchie, hardware, 1839-42; in business for himself, 1842-50, as a ship's chandler; from 1850-54 he worked with Nathan B. Chamberlain as Chamberlain and Ritchie, PHIMs; worked alone, 1854-62; then took John Kehew as partner as E.S. Ritchie and Co. until 1864; by 1866 the firm was E.S. Ritchie and Son, which see; E.S. Ritchie developed a liquid compass, adopted by the U.S. Navy. Boston (1839-42), (1850-86); New Bedford (1842-49), Brookline 1886-95; all in Mass. Smart 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Bedini 8; USNM; Moskowitz 103; RSW. suggest correction
RITCHIE, JOHN USA, 1844-1902, MIM NIM PHIM SIM middle son of Edward S. Ritchie; joined his father and brother, Thomas Pope Ritchie, as Edward S. Ritchie and Sons in 1867. New Bedford (1844-49); Boston (1849-86); Brookline (1886-1902); all in Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHIE, THOMAS POPE USA, 1842-1914, MIM NIM PHIM SIM worked with his father as Edward S. Ritchie and Son, 1866-67; his brother, John, joined them in 1867; in 1872 another brother, Andrew Montgomery Ritchie, entered the firm of E.S. Ritchie and Sons. New Bedford (1842-50); Boston (1850-86); Brookline (1886-1914); all in Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
RITCHINGHAM England, c.1790, NIM OIM Sextant = NMM-S.35. London. Taylor 2(1033); NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE USA, c.1780, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = USNM could be David or Benjamin Rittenhouse. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE AND COMPY. USA, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = New Salem Park Museum, Il. Smart thought this instrument was made by David Rittenhouse, c.1782, basing his opinion on the simplicity of the compass face; Forman felt it was made by Benjamin Rittenhouse and his son, David Rittenhouse 2. Worcester Township, Pa. Smart 1; B.R. Forman. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE AND EVANS USA, fl.1798-1801, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, USNM. Benjamin Rittenhouse and Benjamin Evans, his newphew and former apprentice. Worcester Township, Pa. Bedini 8; Smart 1; Coffeen A; USNM; B.R. Forman; RSW. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE AND POTTS USA, fl.1796-98, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = D.(1982), D.(1996), APS, P.C., Winterthur Museum, Del. Benjamin Rittenhouse and William Lukens Potts. Worcester Township, Pa. Multhhauf 1; Bedini 8; Smart 1; Coffeen A and 55; USNM; B.R. Forman; RSW. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE, BENJAMIN USA, 1740-1825, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Atwater Kent Museum and the Franklin Institute (1786) of Philadelphia Pa., Buffalo Historical Society, N.Y., USNM, P.C. (1790), ADL-A26 (1790), Valley Forge Historical Society Pa. (1790), GUR, Ohio State Museum, Columbus (1787), Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn Mich, D., Michigan Museum of Surveying, Lansing, etc. brother of David Rittenhouse 1; clock and instrument maker; his dated works range from 1786 to 1792; bankrupt in 1801; see Rittenhouse and Evans. Norriton, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa. (1807-25) Multhauf 1; Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; Coffeen 14, 21 and 26; USNM; B.R. Forman; Leiserowitz; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE, BENJAMIN AND J. THOMAS USA, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = D.(1978). Antiques, June, 1978. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE, DAVID 1 USA, 1732-96, MIM OIM SIM Orreries = University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, N.J.; Astronomical Clocks = USNM, APS; Zenith Telescope = USNM; Surveyor's Compasses = USNM, New York State Library, Albany, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and the Germantown Historical Society both in Philadelphia, Pa., Historical Society of Montgomery County, Norristown, Pa., GUR; etc. astronomer, clockmaker; F.R.S.; A.P.S.; built the first American observatory; brother of Benjamin Rittenhouse; the first two surveyor's compasses listed were made for George Washington. Norriton Township, Pa. (1732-70); Philadelphia Pa. (1770-96). Multhauf 1; Smart 1; Bedini 1 & 8; USNM; Rice; B.R. Forman; RSW. suggest correction
RITTENHOUSE, DAVID 2 USA, c.1800, MIM SIM probably the son of Benjamin Rittenhouse; see Rittenhouse and Compy. Worcester Township, Pa. B.R. Forman. suggest correction
RITTER, FRANZ Germany, fl.1609-40, MIM Astrolabe, wood, 1613 (ICA-611) = Lüneburg Museum; Astrolabes = MAA (ICA-465), DEU (ICA-619). author; wrote on the astrolabe; ICA-288 is a plate from Ritter's book on the astrolabe reproduced by Gunther in "Astrolabes of the World." Nürnburg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA-2; RSW. suggest correction
RITTLER, EUSTACH Germany, 1826, MIM Beam Compass, 1826 = AUG. RSW. suggest correction
RITTSON, J. England, c.1820, PHIM Stick Barometers = K. & C. 12/3//75, D.(1977). the barometer offered by the dealer is of padouk wood and was signed "Rittson." RSW. suggest correction
RIVA Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). could be A. (1), C., J., or M. Riva, which see. Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA AND BEARELLI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 1/26/90. may be F. Riva, which see. Reading. RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, A. 1 Scotland, c.1823, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Riva; carver, gilder. 70 East High Street, Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA, A. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Marlborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA, C. Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Riva and Bearelli. Reading. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, FERDINANDO England, fl.1830-34, OIM PHIM barometer maker. 7 Watson Walk, Sheffield. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1979). suggest correction
RIVA, G. AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA, GIOVANNI Italyc.1750, MIM SIM Magnetic Compasses for plane tables = P.C., P.C. (1987); Compass box, 1750 = BM. Venice. Price 3; RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, J. Scotland, OIM Refracting Telescope = FRK, P.C. RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, J. AND M. Scotland, fl.1825-60, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, D.(1976). J. and Michael Riva; probably dealers in barometers. 70 High Street (1825); 143 High Street (1826-50); 147 High Street (1850-57); 63 John Street (1857-60); all in Glasgow. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, MICHAEL Scotland, c.1827, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 2/28/80. see J. and M. Riva; the barometers are signed "M. Riva Glasgow." 143 High Street, Glasgow. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, P. Scotland, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 12/12/89. Edinburgh. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVA, P., AND CO. Scotland, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVA, S. MIM Compass = ROM RSW. suggest correction
RIVARD France, c.1750, author; wrote on sundials. RSW. suggest correction
RIVERS, JOHN England, fl.1822-35, MIM barometer maker. Wind Street (1822); Goat Street (1830); High Street (1835); all in Swansea. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1980). suggest correction
RIVIERO, DIEGO Spain, c.1523, MIM made astrolabes, etc. Seville. Michel 3. suggest correction
RIVINGTON, JAMES USA, c.1778, advertised Peter Dollond's telescopes for sale, May, 1778. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
RIVOLTA 1 Scotland, c.1844, PHIM see Lilly and Rivolta 1; probably Stephen Lilly. Bell 2. suggest correction
RIVOLTA 2 England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1987). RSW. suggest correction
RIVOLTA AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, A. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3). might be A. (2), Alex or Anthony Rivolta as no town is given. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, A. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3), Soth. 7/21/83; Wheel Barometer, Thermometer and Hydrometer = Soth.-C 5/16/85. may be A. Rivolta 1. Chester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, ALEX England, fl.1817-19, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. signed "A. Rivolta 32 Brook Street." 11 Brook Street (1817-18); 32 Brook Street (1819); both in Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, ANTHONY England, fl.1822-61, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 1/27/89. also made thermometers and looking glasses; see A. Rivolta 1; the barometer is signed "A. Rivolta" 1 plus address. 32 Brook Street, Holborn (1822-45); 21 Lower Calthorpe Street; both in London. Goodison 1; RSW.. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, D. 1 PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be the same as D. Rivolta 2, which see. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, D. 2 Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = RSM. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, F. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Macclesfield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, F. 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, F., AND CO. England, c.1775, PHIM Wheel Barometer = 1975 Auction Cat. F. Rivolta (1) and Co. Macclesfield. RSW. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, J., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. might be F. Rivolta and Co. Macclesfield. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RIVOLTA, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RIVOTTA England, see Marzoratti and Rivotta; F. Rivolta 2 ? Bell 2. suggest correction
RIX, J. England, fl.1750-60, MIM Cometarium = USNM; Slide Rules = P.C., D.(1982); Slide Rule, 1758 = X. watch and clockmaker; slide rule signed "Rix maker 1758" and marked "For the excise." in Shrewsbury Court, in White Cross Street, near Cripplegate, London. Taylor 2(530); A.J. Turner 10; Clay and Court; Coffeen F; RSW. suggest correction
RIX, WILLIAM England, c.1740, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 1; made slide rules. at the Mariner and Globe, facing the lower End of the Old Jewry, London. Darius 2. suggest correction
RIZAUD France, instrument maker. Paris. Evans 1. suggest correction
RIZZI, A. England, PHIM T.C. on the back of a wheel barometer. RSW. suggest correction
RIZZO, DOMENICO Italy, 17th Century, MIM Boxed Magnetic Compass = ADL-M224. the name is on the lid of the box, together with the figure of a man; might well be the name of the owner. Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROACH AND WARNER USA, fl.1837-42, MIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = ADL-A118, P.C. John Roach and Henry Warner; they were partners from 1837 to 1842. 293 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROACH, JOHN Ireland; USA, 1813-91, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Mackay School of Mines, Reno, Nev., Michigan State University Museum, East Lansing, P.C.; Y-Level = USNM. worked alone in New York from 1833 to 1837 and again from 1843 to 1861; worked with Warner as Roach and Warner from 1837 to 1842; worked with Joseph Charles Sala from 1861 to 1891 when Sala succeeded him. Cork (1813-33); 116 White (1833-35); 3 Wall Street (1836-37); 293 Broadway (1837-42); 72 Nassau (1842-43); the last five all in New York, N.Y; 720 California Stret (1855-90); 429 Montgomery Street (1891); last two in San Francisco, Cal. Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
ROACH, L. USA, c.1850, PHIM Barometer = Nat'l Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
ROBB, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1776-1816, PHIM Angle Barometers = X (2), D.(1963) (2). one of the X barometers is also marked "David Milne, Carnbegg" and was possibly made by B. Knie; Robb is listed as a clockmaker. Montrose. Goodison 1 & 5; RSW. suggest correction
ROBBINS, J. AND C. England, 19th Century, OIM Microscope = Phillips 10/26/83. 9 Bartholomew Close, London. RSW. suggest correction
ROBELOU, ISAAC England, c.1719, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1719 = KEN. London. Goodison 1; McConnell 1. suggest correction
ROBEQUI, JOSEPH MARIE France, c.1775, invented a plotting protractor which was made by Jules Borromei in 1775, ADL-M98. Daumas 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT France, c.1840, PHIM Barometer = Versailles 11/20/83. signed "Robert opticien" with address. passage Saint-Pierre, N. 4, Versailles. RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT DE VAUGONDY France, fl.1645-50, MIM Planetarium, 1650 = ROU-61. author of book published in 1645; surely related to Gilles and Didier Robert de Vaugondy, which see. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, DIDIER France, 1723-86, MIM son of Gilles Robert de Vaugondy and worked with him; made armillary spheres and globes. Paris. Yonge; Michel 3. suggest correction
ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, GILLES France, 1688-1766, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1750 = CNAM; Pair of Globes = VNN. father of Didier Robert de Vaugondy who worked with him in producing maps, globes and atlases; grandson of Nicolas Sanson; the VNN terrestrial globe was corrected by Delamarche in 1787. Paris. Yonge; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT OF CHESTER England, c.1140, MIM Chester. Gunther 3. suggest correction
ROBERT, HENRI 1 France, 17th Century, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = ROU-103. Marseilles. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT, HENRI 2 see MM. de Peyronny et Henri Robert. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT, HENRY France, 1833, MIM Astronomical Demonstration Device = D.(1985); Horizontal Sundial = Wray-102; Pillar Sundials in cardboard tubes with the equation of time scales = ADL-N27, TIM, WHI(FIT), CHF, BM, NMM, CNAM, WUP, Cranbrook Institute of Science, Mich., D.(1997), Soth. 12/12/55, Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96; etc. "Horloger de la Marine, Breveté S.G.D.G"; D. pillar dial signed "Horloger de la Reine"; pupil of Breguet; advertisement in La Gazette de France (1833) (Price Coll.); Gersaint is for 46°; pillar dials sold for 5 francs au Palais Royal, No. 164 au p/er (anci/ne maison Laresche); Rue du Coq St. Honoré, No. 8; both in Paris. Bryden 16; Michel 3; USNM; MADEX; Dewhirst; NMM 2; Coffeen 56; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERT, JONA FRANCIS Holland, fl.1783-86, made the ecliptic circle for the orrery by Eeckhout. Middleburg. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ROBERT, MASTER France, 1377, MIM sundial maker; made an almanac for the Duke of Burgundy in 1377. Dijon. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
ROBERT, THEODORE England, NIM Sextant = D.(1976). 34 Strand Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
ROBERTS 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Stonehouse. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROBERTS 2 England, NIM see Simpson and Roberts. 34 Strand Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
ROBERTS, EDWARD 1 England, fl.1742-85, MIM Slide Rules = P.C. (1754), (1755), Christie 12/14/89 (pre-1758). apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 1 in the Joiners' Company on April 3, 1733; free in the Company, April 6, 1742; took apprentices; Christie slide rule carries owner's name and date, "Edward Dawson. Mansfield. 1758." Old Jewry (1749-57); Dove Court, Old Jewry (1778-82); both in London. Crawforth 7; Delehar 2; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERTS, EDWARD 2 England, fl.1785-96, MIM Slide Rule, Everard-type, wood, 1791 = X; Slide Rule, three slides, wood = ADL-N37, Christie-SK 6/2/83; Gauging Slide Rule, Verie-type, wood = X; Slide Rule, four slides, wood = D.(1991). apprenticed to his father, Edward Roberts 1, in the Joiners' Company on July 19, 1763; free of the Company, May 3, 1785. (at his father's) 3 Dove Court, Old Jewry (1785); Grocer's Alley; both in London. Taylor 2(1034); Crawforth 7; Bryden 9; Clay and Court; Darius 2; Delehar 9; Gemmary III; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROBERTS, GEORGE England, c.1765, apprenticed to his father, Edward Roberts 1, in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 29, 1765. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROBERTS, HENRY England, c.1834, OIM 48 Inge Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(1981). suggest correction
ROBERTS, JONATHAN England, fl.1681-1727, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Howe in the Broderers' Company; free of the Company, Feb. 3, 1681; took apprentices. at a Cookes against ye Red Cross in East Smithfield (1681); Fleet Street (1700); both in London. Crawforth 7; J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ROBERTS, RICHARD England, 18th Century, PHIM balance maker. Bartholomew Lane, near the Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 2(1036). suggest correction
ROBERTS, SAMUEL England, fl.1755-1800, MIM Sundials = Churchyards at Llonbrynmair, Llanfair Caereimion, and Manafan, Mont. Llanfair Caereinion. Peate. suggest correction
ROBERTS, THOMAS England, pre-1864, OIM Telescope = D.(1989). 3 Strand Street, Liverpool. Rinaldi 23. suggest correction
ROBERTS, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1700-21, MIM apprenticed to Jonathan Roberts in the Broderers' Ccompany on July 2, 1688; free in the Company, Feb. 3, 1700; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROBERTS, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1773, apprenticed to Edward Roberts 1 (his grandfather?) in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 7, 1773. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROBERTS, WILLIAM 3 England, fl.1822-41, MIM made rules of boxwood and ivory. 21 West Bar, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1686); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
ROBERTSON, DR. England, pre-1830, patented an improvement for the marine barometer; an example is in the VNN. London. RSW. suggest correction
ROBERTSON, JOHN England, 1712-76, MIM Table Sundial = Versailles 4/17/83. invented an improved slide rule; F.R.S.; author of book on mathematical instruments, London, 1775. Christ's Hospial, London (1748); Portsmouth Naval Academy (1755-66). Taylor 2(300). suggest correction
ROBERTSON, R. NIM Octant = Brown University, Providence, R.I. USNM. suggest correction
ROBERTSON, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1730-60, OIM Compound Microscopes = Clerk of Penicuik family (2), RMS, WHI, Earl of Bute (1783). the Earl of Bute's microscope was signed "Gul. R. fecit." Edinburgh. Bryden 4. suggest correction
ROBERVAL see Gilles Personne. RSW. suggest correction
ROBIJN, JACOB Holland, 1679, NIM partner with Johannes van Keulen 1 in 1679; is he the same person as Jacobus Robijn? Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ROBIJN, JACOBUS Holland, c.1649-1701, NIM made cross-staves, 1688; succeeded by Joachim Hasebroek Nieuwebrugsteeg, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ROBILOU, ISAAC England, 1719, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1719 = X. London. Tyler. suggest correction
ROBIN, ROBERT France, 1742-1809, MIM PHIM Meridian Sundial, 1789 = CNAM; Wheel Barometer, with clock = Chelsea Fair. "Horloger du Roy." au Galleries du Louvre, Paris. Ithaca; RSW. suggest correction
ROBINS, JOH. England, c.1700, MIM Compass Sundial = D.(1989) = ADL-A289. "I.R." (2) (which see) is punched into the hour scale. Coffeen 25; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROBINSON England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. see Robinson Bros. 53 Bishopsgate Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
ROBINSON AND BARROW England, fl.1842-45, PHIM Thomas Charles Robinson and Henry Barrow; Barrow bought Robinson's business in 1842, after Robinson's death. 38 Devonshire Street, Portland Place (1842); 26 Oxendon Street, Haymarket (1843); both in London. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
ROBINSON BROS. England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Telescope = Soth.-N.Y. 2/23/79. see Robinson. 53 Bishopsgate Street, London and Market Square, Shrewbury. RSW. suggest correction
ROBINSON, B.C. England, c.1854, MIM T.C.; made chronometers. Middlesborough. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
ROBINSON, BURNHAM AND CO. USA, c.1831, MIM watchmakers. Danvers, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
ROBINSON, DANIEL England, 19th Century, PHIM Money Balance = Versailles 4/17/83; Wheel Barometer = Phillips-Leeds 12/16/87. Bradford. RSW. suggest correction
ROBINSON, H. England, c.1860, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. South Shields. RSW. suggest correction
ROBINSON, HENRY England, c.1733, MIM apprenticed to Richard Hutchinson 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on March 3, 1724; free in the Company, June 4, 1733. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ROBINSON, JAMES Ireland, fl.1845-84, OIM optician; philosophical artist; firm was called James Robinson and Sons from 1885 to 1910. Museum of Curiosities, 41 Grafton Street (1845); Polytechnic Museum and Gallery of Curiosities, 65 Grafton Street (1846-55); Poltechnic Museum and Photographic Gallery (1856-84); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
ROBINSON, JAMES, AND SONS Ireland, fl.1885-1910, OIM Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
ROBINSON, JOHN 1 England, c.1743, MIM see (Thomas) Crosby and (John) Robinson (1); they split up in 1743; T.C. Dock Hed, Redriff (1743); London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
ROBINSON, JOHN 2 England, c.1761, MIM apprenticed to Henry Craford in the Grocers' Company on Oct. 4, 1753; free in the Company, Mar. 3, 1761. at Mr. Craford's, Ratcliff Highway, London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ROBINSON, JOHN 3 Ireland, fl.1791-95, MIM 4 Drogheda Street (1791-92); 21 Hawkin's Street (1794-95); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
ROBINSON, L. England, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Naval Training Center Historical Museum, Cal. Liverpool. USNM. suggest correction
ROBINSON, THOMAS CHARLES England, 1792-1841, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Mountain Barometer = X; Dip Circle = RGO; Balances = WHI, RSM, Cambridge University Mining Dept.; Theodolite, miniature = Yorkshire Museum, York; Universal Instrument, 1857 = BRO. developed a type of beam balance; made rock crystal prisms; Henry Barrow bought the business in 1842 and continued it as Robinson and Barrow. 38 Devonshire Street, Portland Place, London. Taylor 2(1687); Goodison 1; USNM; Bryden 8; G.L'E. Turner 24; Stock 1; Dewhirst; Darius 4. suggest correction
ROBINSON, THOMAS ROMNEY England, 1792-1882, Rev. Dr. Robinson; invented the windmill-type anemometer in 1846. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
ROBOTHAN, WALTER England, T.C.; sold instruments. at the Red M and Dagger in Pope's Head Alley against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
ROCCHETTI, PAOLO Italy; England, fl.1840-77; d.1897, MIM PHIM SIM Compass, 1857 = Padua University. showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Padua (Austria) (1851); London (1851); Florence (1861). G.L'E. Turner 24; Brenni 1. suggest correction
ROCHEL, HANS T. misreading for Troschel. Pugsley Sale. suggest correction
ROCHET see Rochette, Gaspard. RSW. suggest correction
ROCHETTE France, c.1820, PHIM Barometer = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. Rochette Jeune ? Quais de l'Horloge, No. 81, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROCHETTE JEUNE France, c.1820, MIM SIM Graphometers = P.C. (1979), P.C. (1987), Libert and Castor 4/28/82; Clinometer = D.(1973); Surveying Instrument = P.C. (1987); Miner's Compass = P.C. (1987). probably the son of Gaspard Rochette. au Griffon, Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Wynter and Turner; Wynter; RSW. suggest correction
ROCHETTE, GASPARD France, 1754-1805, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Circle = D.(1973); Telescopes = P.C., D.(1967; Sectors = P.C., Drouot 11/7/75; Rule = P.C.; Square, folding (metric scale) = Christie 4/3/85; Graphometer = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. probably the father of Rochette jeune; graphometer is signed "Rochet"; see Rochette père. Quay du Nord (1794); Quay de l'Horloge du Palais N.60; 49 Quay de l'Horloge (1805); all in Paris. Daumas 1; USNM; Wynter; Maddison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROCHETTE, PERE France, OIM Telescope = Versailles 11/19/78. Rochette père; may be Gaspard Rochette. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROCHON France, c.1790, MIM OIM developed a micrometer for telescopes. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
RODELLA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Italy, 1749-1834, MIM PHIM SIM Telescopic Level = ADL-M191; Alidade = NMM; Compass, 1814 = Padua University. clockmaker; appointed mechanician to the Specola di Padova, 1794-1802; the ADL instrument is marked "Regio Machinista Padua." Venice; Padua (1794). Michel 3; NMM 1; Engelmann 1; Brenni 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RODELLA, GIUSEPPE Italy, fl.1595-1620, instrument maker. Padua. Evans 1. suggest correction
RODGERSON, W. England, NIM PHIM Marine Barometer = X. T.C.; manufacturer of nautical instruments; printer. 10 St. James Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RODGERSON, WILLIAM England, fl.1835-90, MIM OIM Chathan Buildings, Liverpool. Taylor 2(2222); Crawforth 6. suggest correction
RODRIGAS Spain, OIM Telescope = Observatory, Madrid. Madrid. RSW. suggest correction
RODRIGUEZ, FULGENCIO Spain, fl.1805-06, NIM Sextant, 1805 = MAN-I 121; Sextant = MAN-I 25; Sextant, 1806 = Christie-SK 10/23/87. Ferrol. Garcia Franco 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROE 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer, with watch = Soth.-S 9/18/86. the watch movement is signed "Wm. Sharpe, London." Midhurst. RSW. suggest correction
ROE 2 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 6/27/88. Godalming. RSW. suggest correction
ROE, JOSEPH ADOLPHUS England, fl.1855-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "J. Roe Ipswich"; watch and clockmaker. Tacket Street, Ipswich. Goodison 1 suggest correction
ROELOFS AND RIENKS Holland, c.1825, MIM OIM microscope and telescope makers; Arjen Roelofs and Syds Johannes Z. Rienks. Friesland. Dewhirst. suggest correction
ROELOFS, ALBERT Holland, 1745-1809, OIM brother of Pieter and Arjen Roelofs. Hijum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ROELOFS, ARJEN Holland, 1754-1828, MIM OIM PHIM brother of Albert and Pieter Roelofs; worked with Syd Johannes Z. Rienks as Roelofs and Rienks, 1825; made microscopes and barometers, also made a cometarium and a jovilabium. Hijum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ROELOFS, PIETER Holland, 1742-1801, MIM OIM brother of Albert and Arjen Roelofs. Hijum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ROEMER, OLAUS Denmark; France, 1644-1710, MIM OIM PHIM astronomer; built one of the first transit telescopes; constructed planispheres, a saturnilabium, a jovilabium (1673), while in Paris; produced standard thermometers (1702); Copenhagen; Paris (c.1679); Copenhagen. Cohen 2; North 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10; Drekker; RSW. suggest correction
ROGER, MARK England, c.1814, developed a new slide rule for compounding interest. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
ROGERS, J. England, fl.1755-1828, OIM wrote on telescopes. Taylor 2(532). suggest correction
ROGERS, MARK England, fl.1716-37, MIM apprenticed to John Crooke 1 in the Joiners' Company on May 7, 1706; free in the Company Aug.7, 1716; took apprentices. Long Walk, London.(1737). Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROGERSON AND CO. England, NIM Octant = OMM. 11 South Lombard Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
ROGET, PETER MARK England, 1779-1869, physician and scholar; invented the log-log scale for the slide rule in 1815; F.R.S. in 1815; published the Thesaurus in 1852. Manchester (1798-1810); London. DNB; Delehar 9; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
ROHDE, F., ET FILS Russia, c.1850, MIM OIM Gunner's Square = P.C. "opticiens et mecaniciens." St. Petersburg. RSW. suggest correction
ROHLEIN, CHRISTOFF Germany, 1680, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1680 = P.C. Christoff Röhlein. Dresden. Pippa. suggest correction
ROHR, NIELS see Niels Rohr Bangs. RSW. suggest correction
ROIAS, JUAN DE Belgium; France, c.1550, pupil of Gemma Frisius; invented a new projection for the astrolabe; author of "Commentarium in Astrolabium", Lutetia, 1550. Louvain; Paris (1550). Michel 2 & 3; Maddison 1 & 7; Gunther 1; Perry. suggest correction
ROLANDS, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROLAS VAN VRIES, J. Holland, 1642, MIM Astrolabe, 1642 = X. Amsterdam. Michel 2. suggest correction
ROLFE, SAMUEL England, c.1700?, MIM Compass Sundials = OXF, ADL-W237, Christie 12/18/74 = Christie 4/9/75. the compass sundial ADL-W237 is marked "S.R." (1) at the east point of the compass rose; "1742" scratched on bottom of hour scale; see Samuel Rolt. London. Taylor 1(448); Gunther 2; Michel 3; Evans 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROLL, GEORG Germany, fl.1560-92, MIM Celestial Globe with clockwork, 1588 = VIE. made clockwork globes with Johannes Reinhold; worked for Rudolph II; see the entry for Georg Roll und Johannes Reinhold. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
ROLL, GEORG, UND JOHANNES REINHOLD Germany, fl.1584-86, MIM Celestial Globes with clockwork = VAA (1584), DRE (1586), Naples Observatory (1586), GEL; Astronomical Clocks = VAA (1576), VIE (1584). worked for Rudolph II. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Grimaldi; RSW. suggest correction
ROLOSON, WILLIAM England, c.1698, as an apprentice, turned over to Joseph Wells in the Joiners' Company from William Dixon in 1690; turned over to Michael Savage in 1696 or later; both members of the Joiners' Company; free of the Company, 1698. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROLT, SAMUEL England, c.1714, MIM apprenticed to John Johnson 3 of the Grocers' Company on June 19, 1714; probably Samuel Rolfe, which see. J. Brown 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROM:KAY:MAY: Austria, 1709, MIM Inclinometer, 1709 = VIT. Salzburg. Kirnbauer 1. suggest correction
ROMANS, BERNARD USA, fl.1720-84, made improvements to the marine compass, 1733; geographer and cartographer. Bedini 8. suggest correction
ROMLEY, CHRISTOPHER England, c.1750, founder; T.C. at the Sign of the Three Bells in Horse-Shoe Alley, Middle Moorfields, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
RON, ANDREAS Germany, 1572, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1572 = X. Augsburg. Neumann 1. suggest correction
RONCHATE, BAPTIS England, PHIM Double Barometer = OXF. probably Giovanni Battista Ronchetti, which see. Goodison 1 and 5. suggest correction
RONCHETI England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/22/87. signed "Roncheti fecit." RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETI AND GATTY England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, D.(1965), D.(1990). might have been Bapt. Roncheti or J.M. Ronketti and James Gatty; the dealer's barometer was signed "Ronchetti and Gatty." London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETI, BAPT. England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometers = X (4), Soth. 1/19/73, Daggett House, Edgartown, Mass.; Double Barometer = D.(1971); Wheel Barometers = Soth.-Bearne 4/4/78, Soth. 10/22/87. probably Giovanni Battista Ronchetti, which see; one barometer signed "B. Roncheti Manchester"; another "Bap. Roncheti, 15 High Street, Manchester"; two are signed "Bapt. Ronchetti"; Soth. 10/22/87 is signed "Bapt. Roncheti Fecit." 15 High Street, Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETI, BAPT., AND CO. England, PHIM Angle Barometer = Gloucester Museum; Stick Barometers = X (2). probably Giovanni Battista Ronchetti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETI, T. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Bristol. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. could be either Edmund or Thomas Ronchetti. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI 2 England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 4/22/88; Stick Barometer = D.(1965). could be by J. (1 or 2), John B., or Joshua Ronchetti 1; Goodison favored the latter for the X wheel barometer. 43 Market Street, Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETTI 3 see P. Martinelli, Ronchetti and Co. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI AND SON England, fl.1836-39, PHIM may be John Ronchetti and Son; succeeded by Joseph Somalvico 2 in J. Somalvico and Co. 2 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, BAPST., LOMAS AND CO. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 6/4/92. surely Baptiste Roncheti, which see. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, CHARLES JOSHUA see Joshua Ronchetti 1. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, EDMUND England, PHIM barometer maker. Waterbeer Street, Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, J. 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = RSM. optician; probably Joshua Ronchetti 1 or 2. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, J. 2 England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 12/17/89. J. Ronchetti 1 and 2 may be the same man. Victoria Street, Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, JOHN Italy; England, fl.1836-38, PHIM barometer maker. 25 Hatton Garden, London. Taylor 2(2223); Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, JOHN B. AND JOSHUA (2) England, fl.1841-51, OIM PHIM John Baptist Ronchetti and his brother, Joshua Ronchetti 2; sons of Joshua Ronchetti 1; they were succeeded by their brother-in-law, Joseph L. Casartelli in 1851. 43 Market Street, Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, JOHN BAPTIST England, 1812-80, OIM PHIM son of Joshua Ronchetti 1; he worked with his brother, Joshua Ronchetti 2 from 1841 to 1851; hydrometer and thermometer makers; they were succeeded by Joseph L. Casartelli who married their sister. 9 Cambridge Street, Golden Square; 43 Market Street; both in Manchester. Goodison 1; USNM. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, JOSHUA 1 Italy; England, fl.1817-41, MIM OIM PHIM Mathematical Instrument Set = Soth. 10/28/63; Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = VCW; Azimuth Compass = P.C. (1982). full name was Charles Joshua Ronchetti; son of Giovanni Battista Ronchetti; father of John Baptist and Joshua (2) Ronchetti. 29 Balloon Street (1817); St. Anns Passage (1829); Cateaton Street (1830); 43 Market Street (1832-41); all in Manchester. Taylor 2(1689); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, JOSHUA 2 England, fl.1841-51, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. son of (Charles) Joshua Ronchetti 1; worked with his brother John Baptist Ronchetti, 1841 to 1851. 43 Market Street, Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONCHETTI, THOMAS England, fl.1822-56, PHIM optician; barometer maker. New Bridge Street (1822); 4 Mount Pleasant, Black Boy Road (1830); Black Boy Road (1850-56); all in Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCHETY, I. AND M. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. probably John Merry Ronketti Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONCORONE, FRA. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONDELET France, 1789, instrument maker at PBN. Evans 1?; RSW. suggest correction
RONDINI, JEAN England, c.1815, OIM held a patent on dioptric telescopes. London. Dewhirst. suggest correction
RONKETTI England, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1977). Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
RONKETTI AND CO. England, PHIM see John Merry Ronketti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONKETTI, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Bapt. Roncheti. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONKETTI, J. AND M. England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X.; Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/16/76. misreading for John Merry Ronketti. 6 Peter Street, Bloomsbury, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONKETTI, J.G.H. England, fl.1845-46, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = D.(1975). the stick barometer is signed "I.G.H. Ronketti, 15 Museum Street, Bloomsbury"; see John Ronketti 1 at that address. 102 St. Martins Lane (1845); 116 Great Russell Street (1845); 19 Leather Lane (1846); 15 Museum Street; all in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOHN 1 England, fl.1823-44, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; see J.G.H. Ronketti; became a partner with Henry Negretti, c.1840. 15 Museum Street, Bloomsbury, London. Taylor 2(2224); Goodison 1; Middleton 1. suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOHN 2 USA, c.1850, PHIM may be related to Joshua Ronchetti 1 or 2 of Manchester; see John George Ronketti. New York, N.Y. D.J. Warner 5. suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOHN GEORGE England; USA, fl.1820-53, MIM NIM PHIM may be John Ronketti 2, which see; New York business directory for 1852-53 showed him as an instrument maker. 8 Back Hill, Hatton Garden (1822); Leather Lane; both in London; New York, N.Y. (1852-53). Taylor 2(1690a); Goodison 1; USNM; Middleton 1. suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOHN MERRY Italy; England, fl.1790-1819, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Longleat House, X, Soth. 11/20/70 and 6/6/75; Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/6/73. 180 Holborn (1790-97); 6 Peter Street, Bloomsbury (1800-19); both in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1820-22, PHIM barometer maker. 8 Back Hill, Hatton Garden, London. Taylor 2(1690). suggest correction
RONKETTI, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1854-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 31 Northampton Road, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONKITTE, J.M. see John Merry Ronketti. Goodison 1. suggest correction
RONLEY, JOHN England, MIM OIM Micrometer = WHI. moving-wire eyepiece micrometer. J,A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
RONN, W. VON, UND F.A. HUHN Germany, c.1827, NIM W. von Rönn und F.A. Hühn. Schück. suggest correction
RONQUETTI France, c.1780, PHIM Barometer on clock = Soth. 10/26/73; Barometers = Soth.-Wilkinson and Hodge 6/22/23 and 7/20/23. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROOKE, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROOKER, JAMES EDWARD England, fl. approx. 1850s small pocket telescope=PC 54 Newington Causeway WEBDB suggest correction
ROOKER, JOHN A. England, fl.1810-46, MIM Slide Rule, 1810 = Evans Coll.; Pocket Calendar = Evans Coll.; Pantograph = Soth. 2/7/72. the instruments are signed "John Rooker"; apprenticed to James Martin in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 4, 1794; free in the Company, 1810; divided the log-log slide rules, invented by Peter Mark Roget and sold by Francis West. 27 Bridgewater Street, Somers Town; 49 Guildford Place, Kennington Cross; 1 Little Queen Street; 26 East Street, Lamb's Conduit Street; all in London. Taylor 2(1418); J. Brown 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Delehar 9. suggest correction
ROORISTER, C.V. Germany, c.1843, invented a computing scale made by Ertel und Sohn. Munich. Brieux 2. suggest correction
ROOSE, THOMAS England, c.1828, MIM 16 north Side, Old Dock, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1691). suggest correction
ROOSEBOOM, JAN Holland, c.1809, MIM OIM SIM made telescopes and surveying instruments. Buiksloot. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ROOSENBOOM, JN. Holland, c.1825, NIM Zak Sextant = AMST. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
ROOTS, EDWARD England, c.1728, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Macy of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 20, 1728. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ROPER, ABRAHAM Ireland, fl.1787-93, MIM listed as Abraham Rosser, 1787-88. 8 Bedford Row, Dublin (1787-93). Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9. suggest correction
RORDORF Italy, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 7/20/83. "Toledo N.286 à Naples." Naples. RSW. suggest correction
ROSA, FELIX France, Félix Rosa; worked for Vaucanson, which see. Daumas 1. suggest correction
ROSAI, F. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROSAPINI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ticehurst. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROSATTE, J. England, PHIM this name appears on a printed paper barometer scale. Leeds. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROSCOE, ROBERT England, fl.1696-1730, MIM Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
ROSE, DANIEL England, MIM Sundials = Shutts near Ashopton Hall and Derwent Churchyard, Derwent. Derbyshire. Gatty. suggest correction
ROSE, JOHN England, c.1688, apprenticed to John Toogood in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 11, 1688. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROSELL, JOSE Spain, c.1850, MIM NIM Octant = MAN-I128; Alidade with compass and case = Gersaint 7/20/96. "Gran establecimiento de instrumentos de Jose Sosee." Plaza de Palacionumero 13, Barcelona. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
ROSEN, CARL Norway, NIM Magnetic Compass = NOR. Fahlun. RSW. suggest correction
ROSENBERG, JOHAN PETTER Sweden, fl.1764-77, MIM instrument maker; apprenticed to Daniel Ekström, took over his shop; maker to the Academy, 1764-77. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
ROSENBERG, PETTER Sweden, c.1730, instrument maker to the Corps of Engineers. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
ROSENFALDT, HANS Sweden, 1567, MIM Hans Rosenfäldt made a silver astrolabe for Erik XIV, King of Sweden, for 1,200 marks. RSW. suggest correction
ROSENTALL, I. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. Pulborough 3/1/83. Burton-on-Trent. RSW. suggest correction
ROSENTHAL, GOTTFRIED ERICH Germany, c.1782, PHIM made an improvement for a portable barometer. Stuttgart. Middleton 1. suggest correction
ROSENTHAL, J.C. Germany, 1717, MIM Table Sundial, 1717 = EMA; Sundial, 1717 = Soth. 5/11/23. may be the same sundial. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROSLIN, EUSTACHIUS Germany, c.1537, Röslin wrote an explanation of the astrolabe in 1537. Frankfort. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ROSS England, c.1820, see Lewis and Ross. London. Taylor 2(1624). suggest correction
ROSS AND CO. England, c.1859, OIM Thomas Ross who succeeded his father, Andrew Ross, c.1859. London. RSW. suggest correction
ROSS, ANDREW England, 1798-1859, OIM PHIM Microscope, presentation set = D.(1989). apprenticed to John Corless in the Joiners' Company on July 20, 1813; optician; produced over four thousand microscopes; also made telescopes, stick and wheel barometers, and Wilson-type rain gauges; see Andrew Ross and Co. (1837-41). 15 St. John's Square (1830); 33 Regent Street, Piccadilly (1837); 21 Featherstone Buildings (1840-47); 2 Featherstone buildings (1848-56); all (exept for Regent Street) in Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1983); Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Morrison-Low 1; Moskowitz 132; Tesseract; Coffeen; Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
ROSS, ANDREW, AND CO. England, fl.1837-41, OIM Microscope (1839) = Soth. 7/7/78; Binoculars = D.(1984). Andrew Ross and J.S. Lister; they developed a objective lens. 33 Regent Street, Piccadilly, London. Taylor 2(1983); G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen H; RSW. suggest correction
ROSS, THOMAS England, c.1859, OIM succeeded his father, Andrew Ross, as Ross and Co. London. RSW. suggest correction
ROSS, WILLIAM England, fl.1731-65, MIM Rossisphere = P. & S. 2/28/1896 = OXF. author; invented a type of ring sundial in 1733 called a "Rossisphere"; used a pseudonym "N.A." (New Astronomer), which see. sondon. Taylor 2(222 & 301); Evans 1. suggest correction
ROSSELL, JOSE Spain, MIM NIM Sextant = BAR (2); Artificial Horizon = BAR; Octant = BAR. José Rossell; T.C. Plaza de Palacia N. 15, Barcelona. RSW. suggest correction
ROSSER, ABRAHAM see Abraham Roper. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett.. suggest correction
ROSSI, DE Italy, 1695, MIM Set of Gores for a Celestial Globe, 1695 = NMM-Caird. could be Dominico or Jacobus de Rossi. NMM 1; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
ROSSI, DOMINICO DE Germany; Italy, 1647-1719, MIM Pairs of Globes, 1695 = Hispanic Society of America, N.Y., UCLA. he altered Matthäus Greutter's 1638 globes and re-issued them. Mailand; Rome. Yonge. suggest correction
ROSSI, G. England, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (5), D.(1978), Soth. 5/14/87, Ilbert Coll., Christie-SK 11/17/86. four of the barometers are signed "G. Rossi Norwich"; the barometer offered by Soth. also has a thermometer. Exchange Street, Norwich. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROSSI, GIUSEPPE DE Italy, c.1615, printed pair of globe gores by Joducus Hondius in 1615. Rome. Yonge. suggest correction
ROSSI, JACOBUS DE Italy, 1695, MIM Celestial Globe, 1695 = NYM. "----ex chalcographia Dominico Rubeis preo Jacobus de Rubeis an. 1695"; Yonge thought he was the same person as Dominico de Rossi Rome. Yonge. suggest correction
ROSSI, JOSEF DE Italy, 1615, issued globe gores, 1615; "Josef de Rubeis Mediolanensis." Mediolanus. Yonge. suggest correction
ROSSI, JOSEPH F. Sweden, PHIM Stick Barometer = NOR; Wheel Barometer = NOR. the stick barometer is signed "I. Rossi." Stockholm. RSW. suggest correction
ROSSI, P. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROSSITER England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 10/26/83. signed on the bubble level. Bridgwater. RSW. suggest correction
ROSSITER, GEORGE England, c.1773, apprenticed to John Blake in the Joiners' Company, Jan. 5, 1773. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROSTAND, ED. France, MIM Wall Sundial = Villa Ar-Naga, Cambo, B. Pyr. Cambo, Basse Pyrennées. Boursier. suggest correction
ROSTRIGA Spain, c.1780, MIM PHIM Sector, wood = MAA; Vacuum Pump, double acting = ISI. the pump may be signed "Rostriaga." Madrid. RSW. suggest correction
ROTH France, c.1825, MIM Adding Machine = X. "Roth Bte." (breveté); see Dr. Roth and M. Wertheimber. RSW. suggest correction
ROTH, DR., AND M. WERTHEIMBER France, c.1845, invented an automaton calculator. Daumas 1; Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Vol.14, pp.129-31. suggest correction
ROTHKNECHT, JOH. CHRISTOPH Austria, c.1720, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = OXF. Salzburg. Gunther 2; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROTHWELL England, c.1850, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope, Culpeper-type = Soth.2/25/86; Stick Barometer = X; Barometer = P.C.; Goniometer, stellar = Phillips 11/16/88. Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ROTZ, JEAN France; England, fl.1540-80, MIM made an elaborate compass of variation for Henry VII; developed an armillary ring sundial with sights, mounted over a compass and called by him a "differential quadrant"; his father might have been a Scot. Dieppe; London; Dieppe. Taylor 1(15); A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
ROUCKLEIFFE, JOHN England, c.1722, apprenticed to Charles Crick 2 of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 29, 1722. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
ROUGETTE France, MIM Miner's Compass with Level = USNM. see Rouquette. Nimes. USNM. suggest correction
ROUQUETTE France, c.1820, MIM SIM Graphometer = P.C. see Rougette. Nimes. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
ROUSSE, JACQUES France, 1691, MIM Vertical Sundial, slate, 1691 = Church, Coutures. Coutures. Gatty. suggest correction
ROUSSEAU France, c.1777, MIM Cannon Sundials = P.C., Christie 6/7/72, Ineichen 10/25/75; Sundials in Watch Cases = WRAY, MERC, HAY, Lempertz 6/14/76, McVitty Coll.; Magnetic Sundial = TIM. applied for a patent for a cannon sundial in 1777; most of his work is marked "inv. fec."; collection of material is at Chenonceaux. Price 2; Hamilton 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
ROUSSELLE France, 1741, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, 1741 = NYM. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROUSSELLE, L. France, c.1850, NIM Sextant, small = D.(1975); Marine Compass = MYS. "Opticien"; the sextant case has the trade card of Negus Co. Le Havre. RSW. suggest correction
ROUSSELOT, F. France, 1771, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1771 = P.B. 10/9/43; Protractor with arms = P.C.; Drawing Instrument Set = ADL-N36. Paris. Culver 2; Brophy; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ROUSSEVILLE France, pre-1701, MIM made a dialling instrument. Portaluppi. suggest correction
ROUTLEDGE, ADAM England, fl.1828-34, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. signed "Routledge Carlisle." 32 English Street, Carlisle Goodison 1. suggest correction
ROUTLEDGE, J. England, fl.1805-32, engineer; invented a type of slide rule for engineers in 1810. Leeds. Taylor 2(1211); Moskowitz. suggest correction
ROUX France, c.1703, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, silver, 1703 = D.(1976). Tourraine. RSW. suggest correction
ROUX, JACQUES France, c.1690, MIM NIM SIM Circumferentor = Chadenet Sale. Toulon. RSW suggest correction
ROUX, JOSEPH France, 1725-93, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = VNN; Mariner's Compass = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. sur le port à Marseilles. R. Malley; RSW. suggest correction
ROUX, JOSEPH, FILS, AINE ET COMP. France, c.1760, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = PEA. Joseph Roux, Fils, Aîné et Comp. Le Port vers St. Jean, Marseilles. RSW. suggest correction
ROUY, CH. France, 1817, invented an orrery in 1817, made by Bour. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
ROVERELLI, ALOYS Italy, c.1770, MIM see Antoine Quinquernal and Roverelli. Florence. Michel 3. suggest correction
ROVERENUS, SEXTUS Italy, MIM Sector = VEN. Occulta. Price 2. suggest correction
ROWE, ROBERT England, fl.1703-25, invented a fluid quadrant. Taylor 2(110). suggest correction
ROWELL, JOHN England, fl.1733-34, MIM Sundials, stained glass = Arbury Hall, Warwick (1733), Purley Hall, Berks (1734). Daniels 1. suggest correction
ROWLAND, DAVID England, fl.1814-33, MIM NIM made sextants; patented improvements for sextant and quadrant circles; "an ingenious mechanic." 4 Cats Street, John Street, Edgeware Road; 68 Crawford Street (1833); both in London. Taylor 2(1420). suggest correction
ROWLAND, JOHN England, 1724, free of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1724. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
ROWLAND, RICHARD England, fl.1792-1819, MIM NIM Magnetic Compass, in wood box, with Sundial in cover = PAM; Marine Compass = Old Gaol Museum, York, Me; Horizontal Sundial = Christie 4/3/85. patented improvements in compasses, wheels and binnacles in 1812; made an improved sand glass in 1819; succeeded by Thomas and Edward Rowland. Quay (1793-94); 50 Broad Quay (1807-19); both in Bristol. Taylor 2(1421); Crawforth 6; Bryden 9; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
ROWLAND, THOMAS AND EDWARD England, fl.1825-30, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. succeeded Richard Rowland at this address. 50 Broad Quay, Bristol. Taylor 2(1693); Goodison 1; Bryden 9. suggest correction
ROWLEY England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/19/87. optician. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
ROWLEY, JAMES England, fl.1721-88, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Woods of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 6, 1714; turned over to James Drury of the same Company; free in the Company Feb. 5, 1721; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ROWLEY, JOHN England, fl.1691-1728, MIM NIM SIM made many, beautiful instruments, including mechanical equatorial sundials, orreries, sectors, heliochronometers, etc., dating from 1690 to 1716; examples are to be found at DEU, NMM, WHI, ADL, OXF, TIM, KEN, MAA, etc. apprenticed to Joseph Howe in the Broderers' Company on Oct. 20, 1682; free in the Company on Feb. 26, 1691; took apprentices; Master of Mechanics to George I; succeeded John Worgan; succeeded by Thomas Wright 1. Threadneedle Street, behind the Exchange (1691); Johnson's Court, Fleet Street (1710); under the Dial at St. Dunstans Church (1714-15); all in London. Taylor 1(507) & 2(111); J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7; Taylor and Wilson; Maddison 1; Gunther 2; ADL; RSW; Michel 3; Bryden 11 and 16; J.A. Bennett 2; Gingerich 2; A.J. Turner 10; Wynter. suggest correction
ROWLEY, T. AND SON England, OIM Telescopes, four-draw = Christie-SK 3/31/83, Versailles 11/20/83. probably Thomas Rowley and Son. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
ROWLEY, T., AND SONS England, OIM PHIM Telescope = K. and C. 9/20/71; Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 7/13/73. probably Thomas Rowley. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
ROWLEY, THOMAS England, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 7/13/73; Microscope, No. 198 = Soth. 12/15/78. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
ROYER, ABRAHAM see A.R. 2. Hamilton 1 and 2. suggest correction
RUBEIS see de Rossi. Yonge. suggest correction
RUBERGALL, THOMAS England, fl.1802-54, MIM OIM PHIM made many instruments including stick and wheel barometers, telescopes, sundials, etc; examples are at WHI, NOR, USNM, etc. optician to George III; optician to H.R.H. Duke of Clarence (1789-1830); optician to the Queen. 27 Piccadilly; Princes Street, Soho (1802); 27 Coventry Street 1805-23; 24 Coventry Street (1826-54); all in London. Taylor 2(1423); Goodison 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Moskowitz; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
RUBEUS, THEODOSIUS Italy, 1587, MIM Sundial, 1587 = POB. Rome. Michel 3. suggest correction
RUCKERT, THOMAS Germany; Czechoslovakia, fl. 1575-90, MIM Pedometers = DRE (1575), PRA (1581), BM (1590). may have invented the pedometer. Dresden (1575-81); Prague (1581-90). Zinner 1; Michel 3; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
RUDOLPH Germany, c.1747, MIM OIM mechanical and optical instrument maker to Count Hans Löser. Reinharz. Chaldecott 4. suggest correction
RUDOLPH, J.G. Germany, 17th Century, OIM Telescope = ADL-M446 signed on objective lens. Dresden. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RUELLE France, 1771, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1771 = ADL-M269. "gravé par Ruelle." Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RUFFO, ANDRE Spain, 1648, NIM Mariner's Astrolabe, 1648 = P.C. (NMM-64) also marked "Mel Aluresonovo", probably the owner; NMM is the National Maritime Museum Registry of Maritime Astrolabes. Stimson 3. suggest correction
RUFVEN, I. misreading for John Ruthven, which see. RSW. suggest correction
RUGENDAS Germany, MIM this is a family of sundial and clockmakers; see Nikolaus Rugendas 1, 2 and 3; their work was of the highest quality and it is difficult to differentiate between them except for the few dated instruments; examples may be seen at ADL, NMM, OXF, SAL, PAR, STU, BM, NYM, THO, LOS, AUG, DEU, UTR, HAM, WHI, etc. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Hamilton 1; USNM, deRijk; Gunther 2; Price 3; Ward 4; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RUGENDAS, NIKOLAUS 1 Germany, 1585-1658, MIM made sundials and clocks; Michel thought that Nikolaus Rugendas 1 developed the Augsburg-type sundial and its variant which has a cam to automatically set the latitude. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
RUGENDAS, NIKOLAUS 2 Germany, 1619-94, MIM Calendar Clock, 1661 = Residenz, Munich. apprenticed to his father, Nikolaus Rugendas 1; father of Nikolaus Rugendas 3; sundial and clock maker. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
RUGENDAS, NIKOLAUS 3 Germany, 1665-1745, MIM Sundial = LAW-307; Augsburg-type Sundials = ADL-W47, ADL-A96; Universal Ring Sundial = ADL-DPW44. son of Nikolaus Rugendas 2; sundial and clock maker; his work dates from 1690 to 1745. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RUGGLES, STEVEN P. USA?, 1837, MIM Terrestrial Globe (for the blind), 1837 = Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, Mass. Yonge. suggest correction
RUGHI, GAETANO Italy, fl.1820-30, PHIM made equipment for Leonardo Nobili's electro-magnetic experiments. Regio Emilia. Brenni 1. suggest correction
RUHER, HANS CAROL Germany, post-1674, MIM Rüher; made sundials after 1674. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
RUHMKORFF, HEINRICH DANIEL Germany; France, 1803-77, PHIM Electro-Medical Induction Apparatus = TEY; Eddy Current Machine = Pavia University. "Mechanicien"; succeeded by J. Carpentier. 15 Rue des Maçons Sorbonne, Paris (1840). G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
RUMBALL, SAMUEL England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 5 Crane Court, St. Peter's Hill, London. Taylor 2(2226). suggest correction
RUMPF, PHILLIPP Germany, fl.1822-27, PHIM Balance = DRE; Heliotropes, 1822, 1827 = X; Barometer, Fortin-type, 1823 = DEU. Göttingen. Middleton 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
RUPERT, PRINCE England, 1663, MIM invented a mechanical tracing device. Latham and Matthews, Vol.7 suggest correction
RUPP AND GREGG USA, 1844-53, MIM Michael Rupp and William Theodore Gregg 1. New York N.Y. Moskowitz 122. suggest correction
RUPP, MICHAEL France; USA, 1818-99, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. partner with William T. Gregg as Gregg and Rupp (1844-53); worked alone 1853-99; T.C. France (1818-29); came to USA in 1829; New York N.Y. (1844-99). Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
RUPP, MICHAEL, AND CO. USA, 1853-99, MIM Sextant = D.(1965). T.C.; chronometer maker. 39 South Street, Corner Old Slip, New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 122; RSW. suggest correction
RUSHMER England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth.-S 9/18/86, 7/23/87. Yarmouth. RSW. suggest correction
RUSHTON, WILLIAM England, fl.1801-38, MIM OIM 8 Whittal Street (1801-08); 10 Whittal Street (1818); both in Birmingham. Taylor 2(1695); Bryden 9. suggest correction
RUSPINUS, CAREL Holland, c.1760, PHIM Barometers = LEY, OMM; Thermometer, mercury, 1760 = Exposition, Leiden, 1927. op de Gr. unmonise shigs Amsterdam. Daumas 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
RUSSELL, ALEXANDER, AND CO. Scotland, 1834, MIM Sundial, 1834 = Kirkaldy Museum. "Kirkaldy Foundry." 43 High Street, Kirkaldy. Stevens and Aked. suggest correction
RUSSELL, DANIEL England, owner of a quadrant by Owens, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
RUSSELL, HENRY England, c.1827, PHIM made Taylor-type rain gauges Kings Square, Goswell Street, London. Taylor 2(1696). suggest correction
RUSSELL, JAMES England, c.1840, MIM advertised a planetarium. RSW. suggest correction
RUSSELL, JOHN 1 England, 1745-1806, MIM Selenographias = Burghley House, Soth. (1791), Phillips 2/22/77, KEN (1797), KEN. artist; amateur astronomer and mathematician; R.A.; patented the Selenographia, or moon globe, in 1796. Newman Street, London. Taylor 2(763); Dewhirst; A.J. Turner 10; Country Life, 3/16/78; Millburn 8; RSW. suggest correction
RUSSELL, JOHN 2 Scotland, c.1745-1817, PHIM Stick Barometers = P.C., X (3); Wheel Barometers = VAA, SPI-Anderson 3/25/27, Buckingham Palace (2), National Galleries of Scotland; Wheel Barometers, Royal = Christie 12/6/78, RSM, etc. "Watchmaker to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales" pre-1811; "Watchmaker to H.R.H. the Prince Regent", 1811-17; invented the 'Royal Wheel' type of barometer; made at least 23 barometers; the RSM barometer is marked "inv. et fecit." oppposite the top of Kirk Wynd, Falkirk. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
RUSSELL, WILLIAM USA, c.1809, patented an improved marine compass in 1809. New Bedford, Mass. Bedini 8; USNM. suggest correction
RUST see Spencer Browning and Rust. RSW. suggest correction
RUST AND EYRE England, c.1770, MIM OIM Azimuth Compass = NMM. Richard Rust and R. Eyre were partners, as R. Eyre and R. Rust, until 1785; Rust issued a Trade Card to say that he was on his own as of that date. The Minories, London. J.A. Bennett 2; NMM 2. suggest correction
RUST, EBENEZER 1 England; Holland; England, fl.1771-1800, MIM apprenticed to his uncle, Richard Rust, in the Grocers' Company; free in the Company on Sept 4, 1777; took apprentices; partner with William Spencer 2 and Samuel Browning 2 in Spencer, Browning and Rust 1, 1784-1800. at Mr. Spencer's, 26 Wapping Street (1777), London; Amsterdam (1779-82); at Mr. Spencer's 327 Wapping Street (1782); Green Churchyard, St. Catherine's (1782); both in London; Eaton Ford, Beds. (1784); Eaton Socon, Beds.(1792); Wapping (1795); St. George's in the East (1798); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RUST, EBENEZER 2 Holland; Englandfl.1809-38, MIM apprenticed to his father, Ebenezer Rust 1, in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 3, 1795; free in the Company, June 1, 1809; a partner in Spencer, Browning and Rust 2 with William and Richard Browning, from 1819-38; optician. Amsterdam (1782); 66 Wapping; Bun Street; both in London. J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
RUST, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1785-1801, member of the Grocers' Company; took over his nephew, Joseph Rust 2, as an apprentice from his brother, Richard Rust, in 1785. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RUST, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1786-93, MIM apprenticed to his father, Richard Rust, in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 4, 1777; turned over to Joseph Rust 1, his uncle, in the Company, 1785; free in the Company on Mar. 2, 1786; took apprentices; bankrupt in 1789. St. Catherine's (1788); 15 Free School Street, Southwark (1793); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RUST, JOSEPH 3 England, fl.1809, MIM apprenticed to his father, Ebenezer Rust 1, in the Grocers' Company on Dec. 6, 1798; free in the Company, Dec. 7, 1809. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
RUST, JOSEPH 4 England, fl.1811-16, NIM T.C.; worked with Thomas Jones 2 in Jones and Rust (1811-13), which see. 28 Pool Lane, Liverpool (1816). Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
RUST, MRS. MARTHA England, 1801, MIM widow of Ebenezer Rust 1; took Joseph Fox as an apprentice in the Grocers' Company Feb. 5, 1801. King Street, Sampson's Gardens, London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
RUST, RICHARD England, fl.1752-85, MIM NIM SIM Sextant = TRE; Quadrant, 1758 = Soth. 7/8/54; Octants = ADL-A52 (1770), D.(1974), etc; Universal Ring Sundial = Soth.-N.Y. 2/23/79; Circumferentor = P.C. (1987); Mining Theodolite = HAK; Backstaff = Christie-SK 4/17/86; etc. apprenticed to John Parminter 1 in the Grocers' Company, 1744; free of the Company, 1752; took apprentices; T.C.; partner with John Adams 3, c.1760; invented and made an artificial horizon. at Mr. Thos. Rust's at the Anchor and Bells in the Minories (1752); the Minories (1753); at the corner of St. Catherine Stair, near the Tower of London; St. Catherine's High Street (1781); all in London. Taylor 2(403); J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1; Calvert 2; Gunther 2; Michel 3; C.N. Robinson; Wynter 1; Clay and Court; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
RUTHVEN, JOHN Scotland, fl.1819-40, PHIM Kaleidoscope = Soth. 6/23/87 = 10/3/88. T.C.; Soth. 6/23/87 was misread as "I. Rufven", the other listed as "I. Rufve." Edinburgh. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
RUTSCHMANN, JOSEPH Austria, c.1792, MIM made an astronomical clock with Pater David Cajetano, Capuc., who was Sebastian Rutschmann. Michel 3; Zinner 1. suggest correction
RUTSCHMANN, SEBASTIAN Austria, c.1790, known as Pater David Cajetano, Capuc, which see. Michel 3; Zinner 1. suggest correction
RUTT, RICHARD England; USA, 1799-1859, MIM NIM OIM made or sold nautical compasses; worked with his son, as R. Rutt and Son, 1842; worked alone, 1845-59. England (1799-1830+); 10 Thames Street, Feld's Point, Baltimore, Md. (1842-59). Smart 1; Warner 12. suggest correction
RUTT, RICHARD, AND SON USA, 1842, MIM NIM OIM T.C. 10 Thames Street, Feld's Point, Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; Moskowitz 101. suggest correction
RUTTY, THOMAS England, c.1838, MIM OIM apprenticed to Thomas Lefever in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free in the Company, 1838. 39 Hackney Road, London. Taylor 2(2227); Crawforth 7. suggest correction
RUTZIUS, JOHANN PETRUS Germany, c.1700, MIM Equatorial Sundial = OXF. Friedberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1. suggest correction
RUVOLO, FRANC. Italy?, 1687, MIM Terrestrial Globe, ivory, 1687 = Chicago Historical Society. signed "Franc. Ruvolo Fecit. Joseph Baranca Sculpsit Octob. 1687." Yonge. suggest correction
RUXTON, THOMAS Ireland, c.1817, MIM 64 Aungier Street, Dublin. Taylor 2(1424a). suggest correction
RYBURN, ARTHUR USA?, 1772, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1772 = Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. on loan to a historic house in Salem. RSW. suggest correction
RYCK, ABRAHAM DE Holland, c.1660, MIM Leiden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
RYDBECK, ANDREAS 1729, MIM Perpetual Calendar with Lunar Volvelle, 1729 = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
RYDER, J. USA, 1854, MIM Inclinable Sundial, 1854 = D.(1965). Newark, Ohio. RSW. suggest correction
RYHINER, CHARLES USA, fl.1838-39, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis. 26 Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Mo. Smart 1. suggest correction
RYLAND, THOMAS England, fl.1801-08, OIM optician. Great Charles Street (1801); Mary Ann Street (1808); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
RYLEY, GEORGE England, c.1680, a Lorimer; took Jeoffrey Stagnes as an apprentice, then turned him over to Simon Chapman of the Clockmakers' Company. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
RYTER, A. misreading of Augustine Ryther. Zinner 1. suggest correction
RYTHER, AUGUSTINE England, fl.1582-95, MIM SIM Theodolite, 1590 = FLO; Equatorial Sundial = FLO; Universal Sundial, 1588 = Soth, 10/22/85 = KEN. member of the Grocers' Company by 1582; took Charles Whitwell as an apprentice in the Grocers' Company in 1582; engraved maps; the instruments at FLO were brought to Florence in 1608 by Sir Robert Dudley. a little from Leadenhall next to the Signe of the Tower, London (1590). Taylor 1(47a); J. Brown 1 & 3; Michel 3; Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
S. England?, 17th Century, MIM Calipers, steel = Christie 12/12/72. found at Hampton Court Palace. RSW. suggest correction
S. H.L. marked on a 1597 sundial at Ecouen signed "Io. Fran. Prio." RSW suggest correction
S.A.C. 1689, MIM Slide Rule, wood, 1689 = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
S.B. 1 1578, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1578 = VAA. Gunther 330. Gunther 1. suggest correction
S.B. 2 Germany, 1681, MIM Ring Sundial, 1681 = SLM. Zinner 1. suggest correction
S.B. AND C. Spencer, Browning and Co. Moskowitz. suggest correction
S.B.L. England, c.1850, OIM Microscope = D.(1989). Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
S.B.R. England, fl.1791-1882, MIM NIM Spencer, Browning and Rust; ivory scales on sextants and quadrants marked this way were divided by the firm for a number of different makers. London. Brewington 1; Moskowitz; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
S.F. England?; France?, 1620, MIM Navicular Sundial, 1620 = WHI. Samuel Foster? Bryden 11 and 16. suggest correction
S.G.D.G. sans garantie de gouvernment = patent without a government guarantee of quality. Price 2. suggest correction
S.H.O. Germany, c.1600, MIM SIM Miner's Surveying Set = BM. Price said that the S.h.O. might be read as O.h.S; Ward made no reference to the initials which are on one of the sides. Bavaria. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
S.H.W. MIM Ring Sundial = Soth. 3/10/87 = Kelton Coll. (1990). the initials are marked on three scales inside the ring; summer, winter and ?; S.H.W. also marked on the outside to the left of the bail; M. over M. marked on right side of bail with smaller punch. RSW. suggest correction
S.I. 1613, MIM Sundial, string-gnomon, compass, 1613 = Christie 9/11/86. ivory case with a coat-of arms on the cover. RSW. suggest correction
S.L. 19th Century, MIM SIM Surveying Cross, spherical = D.(1985). candelabra punchmark; slits every 45°. Coffeen 10. suggest correction
S.L.G.V.D. the initials are marked on a cube sundial dated 1647 in the BM and signed "von Dietrichstein." Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
S.P.F. England?, fl.1716-36, MIM Ring Sundials, 1736 = KEN, BM, Huelsmann Coll. (1716). F. may be fecit; the KEN sundial also has the mark "** ++ cc" the same mark appears on a ring sundial dated 1714 at the DEU. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Price 3; Ward 4; Syndram. suggest correction
S.R. 1 England, c.1700, MIM Compass Sundial = D.(1987). may be Samuel Rolfe. Coffeen 17. suggest correction
S.R. 2 Italy?, c.1750, MIM Protractor = ADL-M94. may be "sinistro" and "retto". Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
S.S. England, 1649, MIM Sundial, vertical, stained-glass, 1649 = Bucklebury Church, Berks. Daniels 1. suggest correction
S.W. 1 see M.S. 3. RSW. suggest correction
S.W. 2 Summer and Winter on English and German ring sundials RSW. suggest correction
SABEUS see Zabeus. RSW. suggest correction
SACHSE, ANDREAS Germany, d.1680, MIM PHIM made surveying instruments; see A.S. 3. Clausthal. RSW. suggest correction
SACK, JOHN C. Germany; USA, 1823-95, MIM worked for Thomas Tennett, 1858-88; alone 1889-95. Nürnberg (1823-58); Battery Street (1858-88); # 4 California Street, Room 7 (1889-95); the last two in San Francisco, Cal. Smart 1. suggest correction
SACRE Belgium, 18th Century, MIM Level = BRO. Sacré. Brussels. Insley. suggest correction
SACROBOSCO, JOHANNES DE England; Francec.1220-56, author; astronomer; mathematician; educated at Oxford; went to Paris in 1220; best known for his book "De Sphaera", an astronomical text based on Ptolemy and his Arabic commentators; also known as John of Holywood. Yorkshire; Monastery of Holywood, Nithsdale; Paris. Gunther 2; DSB. suggest correction
SACROW, STAMMER 18th Century, MIM Sundial, string-gnomon = Soth. 5/19/1896. RSW. suggest correction
SADTLER Austria, 18th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = KEN. possibly Satler. Vienna. Michel 3. suggest correction
SADTLER, G.T., AND SONS USA, c.1824, OIM George T. Sadtler; son of Philip B. and brother of John P. Sadtler. Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
SADTLER, JOHN P. USA, c.1824, OIM son of Philip B. Sadtler; brother of George T. Sadtler. Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
SADTLER, PHILIP B. Germany; USA, fl.1800-45, MIM OIM PHIM his two sons, John P. and George T. Sadtler were in the firm by 1824. Baltimore Md. USNM. suggest correction
SADTLER, PHILIP B., AND SON USA, fl.1842-45, MIM OIM PHIM late T. Fenton Hamilton and Co. Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
SAEGELKEN, JOHN HINRH. Germany, MIM NIM Compasses = BRE, D.(1983); Compass Card = BRE. Bremen. Coffeen C; RSW. suggest correction
SAETTA, L'ABBE Italy, 18th Century, NIM Marine Compass = ROM. L'Abbé Saetta. Venice. Price 2. suggest correction
SAFFORD AND WILLIAMS USA, fl.1849-52, PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
SAGER, JOHANN MELCHIOR misreading for Johann Melchior Hager, which see. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
SAHLEENSTEIN, G.V. Germany?, c.1760, OIM Microscope = WHI. may not be German. Daumas 1. suggest correction
SAINT-MARTIN, VIVIEN DE France, c.1850, MIM revised and corrected a terrestrial globe by Schotte. RSW. suggest correction
SAINT-REMY, DE 1 France, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1989). "opticien"; see de Saint-Remy 2. Chateau Thierry. RSW. suggest correction
SAINT-REMY, DE 2 France, late 18th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1990). "opticien"; see de Saint-Remy 1; may be same person. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
SALA, D.A. Holland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth-Amsterdam 3/26/97. Leiden. RSW. suggest correction
SALA, DE Italy; Holland, c.1790, PHIM Barometer = LEY. see D. Salla. Leiden. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
SALA, DOMINICO England, PHIM Double Barometers = Gloucester Museum, P.C. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SALA, JOSEPH CHARLES Italy; USA, 1841-1916, MIM OIM PHIM SIM worked with John Roach, 1861-91; agent for W. and L.E. Gurley 1913-16; listed as Jos. G. Sala in 1915 (Julia); Italy (1841-61); 720 California Street (1861-91); 429 Montgomery Street (1891-1913); 48 Second Street (1913-16); the last three in San Francisco, Ca. Smart 1. suggest correction
SALA, M. England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. RSW. suggest correction
SALA, S. England, c.1807, PHIM barometer maker. Taylor 2(1212). suggest correction
SALAMONI, M. England, variant spelling of Salmoni, which see. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SALDARINI, JOSEPH England, c.1830, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Taylor lists him as Salderini. Long Causeway, Peterborough. Taylor 2(1996); Goodison 1. suggest correction
SALE, THOMAS England, 1629, MIM Garden Sundial, 1629 = Technical Museum, Oslo. Bath. RSW. suggest correction
SALERI, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SALIBOS, BALTHASAR Holland, 1597, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1597 = SWE. Pipping 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
SALKIND, S. England, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/19/88. North Walsham. RSW. suggest correction
SALLA, ANTHONY England, fl.1832-39, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 65 Paradise Row (1832-33); 66 Paradise Row (1836-39); both in Chelsea, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SALLA, ANTONIO England, c.1780, PHIM Double Tube Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77. RSW. suggest correction
SALLA, D. Holland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth-Amsterdam 3/26/97. Signed "D. Salla Fec. Leijde.see De Sala. Leiden. RSW. suggest correction
SALLA, J. BAPT. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = Phillips 4/20/83, Soth.-S 4/24/87; Barometer = D.(1971). the barometers are signed variously "J.B. Salla", "J. Bapt. Salla London" and "Bapt. Salla London." London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SALLA, MARK England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Preston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SALLA, P.B. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 5/20/88. London. RSW. suggest correction
SALLERON, JULES France, 1829-97, PHIM barometer maker; may be related to, or the same as, T. Salleron; had partner, Jules Dujardin who succeeded him in 1888. 1 rue du Pont-de-Lodi; 24 rue Pavée du Marais (1860-88); both in Paris. Middleton 1. suggest correction
SALLERON, T. France, pre-1888, PHIM Barometers = Istituto di fisica, U. of Bologna, Meteorological Office, Bracknell. may be related to, or the same as, Jules Salleron. 24 rue Pavée (du Marais), Paris. Middleton 1. suggest correction
SALMON, ROBERT England, c.1803, MIM NIM received a silver medal from the Royal Society for his combination navigating instrument. Woburn, Bedfordshire. Taylor 2(1213). suggest correction
SALMON, W.J. England, c.1850, OIM Microscopes = P.C., D.(1976). the micrscope in the private collection is signed "Salmon-Warington's Universal" plus address; see William John Salmon, may be the same man at a different address. 100 Fenchurch Street, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
SALMON, WILLIAM JOHN England, c.1850, showed at the Great Exhibition of 1851, London; may be the same as W.J. Salmon at a different address. 254 Whitechapel Road, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SALMONI, MARK England, c.1838, PHIM called himself a "dealer" in barometers; maker? Oxford. Taylor 2(2228). suggest correction
SALMONI, PETER PAUL England, fl.1829-41, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3). stationer; probably a dealer; the barometers are signed "P. Salmoni Bath." 4 Milson Street (1829-30); 24 Union Street (1833-41); both in Bath. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SALOM AND CO. Scotland & England, 19th Century, OIM Telescopes = Phillips 11/16/88, Christie-SK 11/27/86; Student Microscope No. 8491 = Soth. 12/1/75. Edinburgh and 137 Regent Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
SALT, ABRAHAM England, c.1808, MIM rule maker and cutler; see Joseph and Abraham Salt also Abraham Salt and Son. Worcester Street, Birminghan. Bryden 9. suggest correction
SALT, ABRAHAM, AND SON England, c.1815, MIM rule makers. Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
SALT, JOSEPH AND ABRAHAM England, fl.1797-1801, MIM rule makers. Smallbrook Street (1797); Windmill Street, Bristol Street (1801); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
SALTER, GEORGE England, PHIM made spring balances. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SALTERI, ANTONIO England, fl.1805-28, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 7/23/87. looking glass maker; the barometer is signed "A. Salteri" plus address. No. 17 Great Queen Street, London Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SALTERY, F., VECHIO AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. see Frans Saltery and Co. 94 Holborn Hill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SALTERY, FRANS, AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. see F. Saltery, Vechio and Co. 94 Holborn Hill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SALTIERI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SALVADE, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(4), BM. the barometers are signed "P. Salvade" or "P. Salvade Liverpool"; the barometer in the BM is from the Ilbert Coll. Liverpool. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SALVIS, FRANCISCUS DE Italy; Spain, fl.1682-99, MIM SIM Proportional Compass, 1682 = ADL-M75; Universal Ring Sundial, 1695 = OXF; Sector, 1691 = ROM; Circumferentor, 1699 = ROM; Rule, 1691 = MAA. the proportional compass is marked "Neap"; the rule and the sundial are marked "Madrid." Naples (1682); Madrid (1691-95). Gunther 2; Michel 3; Price 2; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SALZIGER Germany, c.1790, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 4" diameter, with case = VNN. Nürnberg. Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
SAMALVICO see Somalvico. Taylor 2(2252a). suggest correction
SAMALVICO, J. AND SON misreading for Somalvico. Taylor 2(2229). suggest correction
SAMBROOK, JOHN England, c.1680, MIM apprenticed by turnover to William Elmes of the Clockmakers' Company on July 30, 1668; free of the Company, Sept. 6, 1680. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SAMOILOVY, ZAVOLACHY Russia, c.1790, MIM Protractor, rectangular, silver, and pair of Compasses, German silver, with case = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. protractor signed in Cyrillic, "pri sor Zavolachy Samoilovy." RSW. suggest correction
SAMPSON, GEORGE BENTLEY England, c.1803, apprenticed to Robert Bancks 2 in the Joiners' Company, Nov. 15, 1803. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SAMSON Norway, c.1800, PHIM see Hirsch og Samson. RSW. suggest correction
SAMUELS AND CO. Ireland, fl.1867-68, OIM 29 Nassau Street, Dublin. Morrison-low and Burnett. suggest correction
SAMUELS, E.J., AND CO. England, fl.1838-46, OIM 73 Great Prescott Street, Goodman Fields, London. Taylor 2(2230). suggest correction
SAMUELSON Germany, 18th Century, MIM Gunner's Calipers = Soth. 3/10/87. Breslau has been in Poland since 1945. Breslau. RSW. suggest correction
SANBROOKE see Sambrook. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SANCTINI, DOMINICUS SANTES c.1680, MIM Armillary Sphere = X. Evans 1. suggest correction
SANDBURG, SAMUEL Germany, MIM Instrument = Museum, Lubeck. Lubeck. Evans 1. suggest correction
SANDER, H.C.D. Germany, MIM Brunswick. Evans 1. suggest correction
SANDERLIN, JOHN England, c.1699, MIM apprenticed to Peter Collins of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 19, 1699. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SANDERS, RICHARD England, c.1656, member of the Joiners' Company; had James Wells as an apprentice who was turned over to him by Thomas Worrall in 1656. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SANDERS, SAMUEL misreading for Samuel Saunders 2 or 3. Daumas 1. suggest correction
SANDERS, THOMAS Ireland, c.1802, member of the Excise Board committee to evaluate hydrometers in 1802; surely same as Thomas Saunders, which see. Dublin. McConnell 4. suggest correction
SANDERSON, WILLIAM England, c.1600, MIM London? Bedini 8. suggest correction
SANDOZ, ABRAM-LOUIS France, c.1743, wrote a how-to book on the making of sundials. La Chaux de Fonds. RSW. suggest correction
SANDRINI, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
SANDS see Hunter and Sands. RSW. suggest correction
SANDWELL, JOHN England, c.1783, NIM Octant, 1783 = NMM. Broadstairs, Kent. Taylor 2(887). suggest correction
SANDY, JAMES Scotland, 1770-1819, OIM made reflecting telescopes and other optical intruments. Alyth. Taylor 2(1037a). suggest correction
SANEHAGEN, O.L. Germany, 1719, MIM Sundial, string-gnomon, with sights, 1719 = Drouot 4/27/79 = Huelsmann Coll. for latitude 52°. Syndram. suggest correction
SANG, JOHN Scotland, fl.1844-52, MIM SIM Platometer = D.(1983). invented the platometer (area measuring device, planimeter) in 1851; showed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; land surveyor. Kirkaldy. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
SANGSTER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SANGSTER, WILLIAM England, c.1820, MIM PHIM Beam Balances = Cavendish Lab, Cambridge. King's Arms, Butcher Row, Temple Bar, London. Taylor 2(2240); Dewhirst. suggest correction
SANGSTRUP, S. Denmark, 18th Century, MIM Protractor = D.(1997). Kiöbenhaun has a tilde over the "u" ("v"). Kiöbenhaun Coffeen 56. suggest correction
SANKEY, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Coalbrookdale, Salop. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SANKEY, JEREMIAH England, c.1693, apprenticed to John Randall of the Grocers' Company on June 12, 1693. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SANSEDONIUS, FRANCISCUS Italy, c.1730, OIM telescope maker. Naples. Daumas 1; Dewhirst. suggest correction
SANSUM, CHARLES England, c.1748, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 6, 1748. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SANTBECH, DAVID NOVIAMAGUS Switzerland?, c.1561, author; instrument designer (?). Basle? M. Gardner?; RSW. suggest correction
SANTEN, A. VAN Holland, fl. c.1826-60, NIM OIM Octant = Veenkoloniaal Museum, Veendam. T.C. Leuvehaven, openhoek van de Zwanesteeg, c. Wijk 36, Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SANTI, A. France, fl.1831-62, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescope = Drouot 12/-/69; Barometer = MAN; Goniometer = Koller 11/7/63; Surveying Level = P.C. rue Saint-Ferréol 6, Marseilles (Bouches du Rhône). Garcia Franco 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
SANTOUT misreading of Sautout. RSW. suggest correction
SANTUCCI, ANTONIO Italy, fl.1577-1611, MIM Armillary Spheres, wood = Escorial, Madrid (1582), FLO (1588-93). the armillary in the FLO is the larger, measuring 7 feet + in diameter; there is an unsigned one in the Huntington Library. Pomerance; Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
SARBON France, 1750, MIM Sun Compass, 1750 = Hof Coll. RSW. suggest correction
SARCHOIS France, c.1790, MIM Horizontal Sundial = MERC. Paris. Hamilton 1. suggest correction
SARGENT, THOMAS CORNELIUS England, fl.1854-79, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = KEN. the barometer is signed "T.C. Sargent." 29 Cannon Street (1854); 4 Thomas Street (1856-79); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SARGENT, THOMAS S., AND CO. England, NIM T.C. in the case of a Hadley quadrant at the OMM. London. RSW. suggest correction
SARJANT, THOMAS England, fl.1710-12, MIM Slide Rule = X. apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 1 in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 21, 1703; free in the Company, Jan. 9, 1710; took one apprentice. London. Taylor 2(112); Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SARON, J.B. GASPARD BACHARD DE France, 1730-94, MIM see Bachard de Saron, J.B. Gaspard. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
SARRAZIN France, NIM Octant = Soth. 3/21/73. this is a variation of the standard octant and was invented by Sarrazin. Marseilles. RSW. suggest correction
SARTON, H. Belgium, MIM Sundial, portable = FIN-213; Horizontal Sundial, watch-form = PRIN = NMM-Caird. Liège. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
SARTORIUS, J.P. 1797, MIM Table Sundial, lead, 1797 = MLL. RSW. suggest correction
SASSE, J.P. Holland, MIM Measuring Rod = LOS. a complicated arranangement of hinged and sliding parts; 200 mm. RSW. suggest correction
SASSI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Chester 3/9/83. Weighton. RSW. suggest correction
SATLER Austria, c.1820, NIM Sextant = DRE. see also Sadtler. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
SATORELLI, A., AND MAZZUCHI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Aylesbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SATORELLI, A., AND MUZZUCHI variant spelling for Mazzuchi? Goodison 1. suggest correction
SAUMAREZ, HENRY DE England, 1695-1729, patented the "Marine Surveyor" (a type of mechanical log) in 1715. Guernsey. Taylor 1(447) & 2(114); Bedini 8; Wynter and Turner; Evans 1. suggest correction
SAUNDERS England, NIM Sextant = Soth. 5/12/75. might be Samuel Saunders 2 or 3. London. RSW. suggest correction
SAUNDERS, CHARLES England, c.1672, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Isaac Carver of the Clockmakers' Company on March 25, 1672. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SAUNDERS, M.A. Ireland, fl.1821-31, OIM "Optician"; "Bristol Packet Office." Eden Quay (1821-22); 27 Eden Quay (1823-29); 6 Aston's Quay (1830-31); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
SAUNDERS, RICHARD 1 England, fl.1681-1715, MIM PHIM made sundials and barometers; published almanacs. Ouston, Leicestershire (1683-95); Leesthorp, near Melton Mowbray (1696-1711). Taylor 1(425); Goodison 1. suggest correction
SAUNDERS, RICHARD 2 England, c.1800, PHIM Air Pump, Cuthbertson-type = Queen's College, Cambridge. Salisbury Court, London. Taylor 2(1038); Dewhirst. suggest correction
SAUNDERS, SAMUEL 1 England, c.1708, MIM apprenticed to Jonathan Roberts in the Broderers' Company on Feb. 5, 1699; turned over to John England in the Stationers' Company on Oct. 4, 1703; freed by Patrimony in the Masons' Company, June 14, 1708; took apprentices in that Company; captain in the Militia, 1743. London. Crawforth 7; Millburn 11. suggest correction
SAUNDERS, SAMUEL 2 England, fl.1730-50, MIM SIM Sundial with Compass = Soth. 3/17/83; Universal Ring Sundial = NOR; Circumferentor = Auction, Honfleur 6/17/79; Sundial, octagonal = Soth.-PB pre-1980. apprenticed to Joseph South in the Clockmakers' Company, Sept. 2, 1723; free in the Company, Oct. 5, 1730; most of the instruments are signed "S. Saunders London"; the circumferentor is also marked with the address. West Holborn, London. J. Brown 3; Daumas 1; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
SAUNDERS, SAMUEL 3 England, fl.1743-83, MIM NIM Mariners' Compass = Auction, London, 1960; Sector = D.(1987). sector signed "S. Saunders"; made and sold quadrants and "sliding canes" telescope tubes; appointed master compass-maker to the Admiralty at Deptford Dockyard; he was succeeded in 1783 by R. Wager; T.C. the Ancient Mathematical Shop under St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(406); Crawforth 1; Coffeen 17; RSW. suggest correction
SAUNDERS, THOMAS Ireland, fl.1793-1819, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Universal Ring Sundial = EGE; Sundial, 1794 = Soth. 11/1/65. the universal ring sundial has a diameter of 185 mm.; see Thomas Sanders. 8 George Street (1793); 7 George Street (1794); 35 College Green (1796); 23 Capel Street (1797); Church Lane (1800-03); Eden Quay (1819); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Goodison 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. suggest correction
SAUNDERSON AND SPEAR Ireland, fl.1831-35, OIM also wax and spermaceti candle manufacturers. 3 Westmorland Street (1831); 48 Grafton Street (1832-33); 25 Suffolk Street (1835); all in Dublin. Bryden 9. suggest correction
SAUR, I.M.L. Germany, 1754, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1754 = Eichstätt Willibaldsburg. the dial is also marked "Clo. Marienstein."s Kloster Marienstein, Eichstätt. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SAURET-ANDRIVEAU France, post-1850, MIM Planetarium = P.C. successor to Charles Dien 2. 8 Rue de Savoie, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
SAUSE, RICHARD USA, c.1797, OIM advertised telescopes. New York, N.Y. (?). Bedini 8. suggest correction
SAUSSURE, HORACE-BENEDICT DE Switzerland, 1740-99, PHIM Horace-Bénédict de Saussure; naturalist; professor of philosophy at the University of Geneva (1762-86); improved several instruments; left a large collection of sundials and other nautical and philosophical instruments which are now in the History of Science Museum in Geneva; invented and made a "cyanometer." Geneva. A.J. Turner 10; Archinard; DSB. suggest correction
SAUTER AND GYLDENSTOLKE Sweden, c.1780, MIM Tellurian = ADL-L34. J.J. Sauter and Count Nils Gyldenstolke; this according to correspondence but the signatures are not yet found; the terrestrial globe is by R.B. Bate, London, 1809. Stockholm. Fox 1 & 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SAUTER, FR. JOHANNES Germany; Sweden, 1723-86, PHIM Balance = Berzelius Museum (SWE). also a clockmaker; Zinner said he was from Ostmettingen; Pipping said he was born in Strasbourg and moved to Stockholm; may have been father of Johann Jacob Sauter, which see. Stockholm. Zinner 1; Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
SAUTER, JOHANN JACOB Germany; Sweden; Russia, b.1770, MIM Heliochronometers = ADL-M302, DRE, KEN, NOR, P.C. (2). may have been son of Fr. Johannes Sauter, which see; married in 1791; court mechanician in Stockholm; made calculating machines; the ADL, NOR and one of the P.C. instruments are signed "JN. JB. Sauter Stockholm; the others have "St. Petersburg" as an address. Ostmettingen; Kornwestheim (1791); Stockholm (1792); St. Petersburg. Zinner 1; Fox 1 and 2; Engelmann 1; Calvert 3; Wynter 2; Delehar 5; M. Sauter; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SAUTERLEITI Germany, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = STU, Konstanz Rosgarten Museum. an alternate spelling is "Sufferleiti." Konstanz. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SAUTOUT France, c.1700, MIM SIM Graphometer with telescope = VNN. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
SAUTOUT L'AINE France, c.1720, MIM Sundials, Butterfield-type = Soth. 2/1/79 (silver), Soth. 12/12/55; Sundials = Evans Coll., Soth. 10/22/56, FIN-58; Sector = X. Sautout l'aîné. Paris. Michel 3; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
SAUTOUT-CHOIZY France, c.1740, MIM SIM Rule, folding = NYM; Graphometer = HAK; Sectors = AMST, HAR; Rule = D. see Choizy; alternate spelling is Choisy. Paris. Evans 1; Nachet; Rohde; Brieux 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Giordano X; RSW. suggest correction
SAUVAGE, L.J., FILS AINE Belgium, c.1850, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = USNM; Compass = van Alfen Coll. the compass in the USNM is signed "L.J. Sauvage fils" and "Aîné à Liège." Liège. USNM; Hollands Glorie; RSW. suggest correction
SAVAGE England, c.1845, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 12/21/72. Shrewsbury. RSW. suggest correction
SAVAGE, GEORGE England, c.1801, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Hemsley of the Grocers' Company, June 4, 1801. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
SAVAGE, JAMES England, fl.1803, MIM member of the Coachmakers' Company; took over Charles Gilbert as an apprentice on June 2, 1803 from William Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SAVAGE, MICHAEL England, fl.1696-98, MIM apprenticed in the Joiners' Company in 1688; free in the Company, 1696; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SAVARIN France, c.1850, MIM Pillar Sundials = ADL-W72, Bernard Coll. "Horologer"; the ADL dial is for 45° lat. Rue Ste. Catherine, No. 57, Bordeaux. Madex; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SAVERY, SERVINGTON England, fl.1730-85, invented a micrometer for a heliometer in 1743, an example was made by Dollond, c.1749. Magdalen College, Oxford. Taylor 2(302); A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
SAVIN, P. France, 17th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, silver = NMM-Caird. probably a misreading for P. Sevin. Paris. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
SAVOI, GIOVANNI Italy, fl.1766-68, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial, 1768 = Christie 4/3/85 = Kelton Coll. (1990); Augsburg-type Sundial = Christie 4/3/85; Equatorial Sundial = FLO; Horizontal Sundial with Compass in gimbals, 1766 = FLO. born in Siena; the horizontal sundial in Florence is signed "Johannes Savoi senensis F. Florentiniae"; one of the Augsburg sundials is signed "Gio. Savoi Fe: in Firenze"; the other "Gio. Savoi F. in Firenze 1768." Siena; Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
SAVORY, THOMAS England, invented a mechanical log. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
SAVVAGE, L.J., FILS see L.J. Sauvage, fils Ainé. suggest correction
SAWTELL, E. Australia, NIM Pocket Sextant = Soth. 12/15/78. Rundle Street, Adelaide. RSW. suggest correction
SAWYER AND HOBBY USA, fl.1840-54, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = GUR (1849), GUR, P.C.; Transit = P.C.; Telescopic Level = D.(1969); Dry Card Compass = X. Horace Sawyer and Jonathan Hobby. 156 Water Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
SAWYER, HORACE USA, 1811-89, MIM SIM worked alone, 1835-40; partner with Jonathan T. Hobby as Sawyer and Hobby, 1840-54; again worked alone 1854-89; made transits, levels, surveying compasses, etc. 214 Biceker Street (1835-40); 156 Water Street (1840-54); both in New York N.Y.; Union Place (1855-88); 185 Woodworth Avenue (1888-89); both in Yonkers, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
SAWYER, WILLIAM England, c.1726, apprenticed to John Oxenford in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 3, 1717; free in the Company April 5, 1726. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SAXPEACH, JOSEPH England, c.1753, invented the "Catholic Organon or Universal Sliding Foot-Rule" (a slide rule with a telescope) in 1753; wrote a booklet about it; Benjamin Parker made them; Suxspeach is a variant spelling. Ratcliff, London. Taylor 2(202) & 2(534); RSW; Holland. suggest correction
SAXTON, JOSEPH USA; England, 1799-1873, MIM PHIM Balance = U.S. Mint, Philadelphia, Pa.; Astronomical Clock, 1825 = X; Clock = Independence Hall Philadelphia, Pa. Electrical Machine = KEN. invented a magneto-electric machine in 1833; self-registering tide gauge devised by Saxton c.1845; automated Mr Troughton's dividing engine for use by the U.S. Coast Survey; etc. Huntington, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa. (1837-73); 94 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; 24 Sussex Street, London (1831-37). Taylor 2(1997); Bedini 8; Frazier; USNM; Coffeen B. suggest correction
SAXTON, NATHANIEL S. USA, c.1855, patented the "Summator", a circular adding machine, in 1855. Riverhead, N.Y. Coffeen 13. suggest correction
SAY, DE France, c.1774, OIM Telescope, three-draw = Versailles 11/20/88. "De Say, opticien du roi". Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
SAYER, ROBERT England, c.1770, Tide Calculator, paper = P.C. volvelles; probably a designer. 53 Fleet Street, London. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
SCALVINO Italy, c.1758, MIM SIM Surveyor's Cross = P.C. Milan. RSW. suggest correction
SCANAGETY France, c.1770, dealer; sold Hadley's quadrants made by Gregory and Son. "Se vend à L'Orient chez Scanagety." RSW. suggest correction
SCANEGATTY 1753, PHIM Thermometer, 1753 = Wallace Coll. F.J.B. Watson suggest correction
SCANTLEBURY, JOHN England, c.1817, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "J.B. Scantlebury Sheffield". Campo Lane, Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SCARLETT, EDWARD 1 England, fl.1705-43, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes, reflecting, miniature = Soth. 6/25/68 and 4/18/88; Microscope, ivory = Soth. 3/27/72; Microscope, screw barrel = P.C.; Wilson-type Microscope = Soth. 10/3/88; Stick Barometer = Dunham Massey, Altringham. apprenticed to Christopher Cock of the Spectaclemakers' Company on June 25, 1691; free of the Company, June 28, 1705; Master of the Company 1720-22; "Optician to his Majesty King George the Second"; T.C. in English, French, and Dutch; visited Paris in 1738; father of Edward Scarlett 2. at the Archimedes and Globe in Dean Street, near St. Anne's Church, Soho, London. Taylor 1(473), 2(115); Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Court and von Rohr 3(63); Crawforth 1; Robischon; A.J. Turner 10; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCARLETT, EDWARD 2 England, 1702-79, OIM PHIM Barometer, 1753 = Evans Coll.; Angle Barometer = D.(1968). apprenticed to his father, Edward Scarlett 1, in the Spectaclemakers' Company on Jan. 10, 1717; free of the Company on June 25, 1724; Master of the Company, 1745-46; made microscopes and telescopes; succeeded his father in 1743; angle barometer might be by Edward Scarlett 1. Maxwell Street (1749); the Spectacles, second house from Essex Street, near Temple Bar; both in London; may have been in reverse order. Taylor 2(209); Court and von Rohr 3(97); Goodison 1; Evans 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
SCARLETT, F. England, 1790, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95. may be mis-reading for Edward Scarlett 1 or 2. RSW. suggest correction
SCARTII, ISAAC England, 1833, marked on a garden sundial by John Moon, 1833 at a dealer's in 1979. Coffeen A; RSW. suggest correction
SCATLIFF, DANIEL England, fl.1759?-1830, MIM NIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1759 = Soth. 2/7/72; a Hadley's Quadrant by Scatliff was owned by a Mr. Hearne in 1796. the date shown for the quadrant in the Soth. sale may have been misread. 6 Wapping Wall, Shadwell, London. Taylor 2(1998); RSW. suggest correction
SCATLIFF, JAMES 1 England, fl.1728-34, MIM uncle of Samuel Scatliff who succeeded him. Friar Bacon's Head, corner of St. Matthew's Alley, Cornhill, London. Taylor 2(210). suggest correction
SCATLIFF, JAMES 2 England, c.1749, apprenticed to Samuel Scatliff in 1749. Robischon. suggest correction
SCATLIFF, JOHN England, c.1765, OIM son of Samuel Scatliff; free of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1765 by Patrimony; succeeded his father. Clay and Court; USNM; Robischon. suggest correction
SCATLIFF, SAMUEL England, fl.1734-64, MIM OIM Telescope = OXF. may be the son of Simon Scatliff 1; Samuel was apprenticed to James Mann 2 in the Spectaclemakers' Company, April 29, 1725; free of the Company on Oct. 2, 1734; Master of the Company, 1751-52; took apprentices; opposed Peter Dollond's patent in 1764; succeeded James Scatliff 1, his uncle, after 1734; he was succeeded by his son, John Scatliff; T.C. Friar Bacon's Head, corner of St. Matthew's Alley, Cornhill; St. Paul's Churchyard (1764); both in London. Taylor 2(303); Court and von Rohr 3(195); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 and 7; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Robischon. suggest correction
SCATLIFF, SIMON 1 England, c.1683, NIM may have been the father of Samuel Scatliff; apprenticed to Walter Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 3, 1683; listed as a compass maker and ship's chandler c.1690; he is listed in J. Brown 3 as Simon Scatliss. London. Taylor 2(1214); J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SCATLIFF, SIMON 2 England, fl.1806-25, NIM compass maker. 23 Wapping; 21 Rotherhithe Street, Southwark; both in London. Taylor 2(1214). suggest correction
SCATLIFF, WILLIAM England, 1759, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1759 = D.(1973). the quadrant is also marked "William Christopher", the name of a ship's captain with the Hudson's Bay Company. RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
SCATTOGLIA Italy, 1784, MIM see I. Alessandri and Scattoglia. Venice. RSW. suggest correction
SCHAAP, TJERK Holland, 1794-1877, NIM compass maker; ironmonger; son of Willem Schaap. Droogbak, Amsterdam; No.5, 1, 2 (1826-51); N0.7 (1852-60); No.UU 45, 43, 46 (1861-62); No.TT 45, 46 (1863-75); No.7, 8 (1876-77); all of the above addresses are at the same location. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SCHAAP, WILLEM Holland, 1754-1822, NIM Compasses = AMST (1798), P.C. (1799), Rijpermuseum, De Rijp (3); P.C. father of Tjerk Schaap; the undated compass in a private collection is marked "in Amsterdam." Droogbak 5, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
SCHABLASS, JOS., UND SOHN Austria, MIM SIM Triangular Scale = D.(1990). "Mechanika; in Austrian inches; box has paper medallion, "Ferdinand Kaiser für Osterreich." Josefstadt Piaristengasse 22, Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
SCHAFFER, MENDEL see Mendel Schaffer Kolomet. suggest correction
SCHALANI, C. England, c.1770, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips-Guilford 8/24/93. Taunton. ATG 8/20/93. suggest correction
SCHALFINO, JOHN England, fl.1840-43, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3), D.(1976), Auction, 1975. the barometer in the 1975 auction was signed "I. Schelfino", plus address. East Street, Taunton. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHALL, JOHANN ADAM, VON BELL Germany; China, 1591-1666, MIM Sundial, ivory = Stonyhurst College, Lancaster, England. Jesuit; chief astronomer and President of the Mathematical Tribunal, Beijing. Cologne; Beijing (1618-66). H.J. Jones; D. Rowe 1. suggest correction
SCHALLER, CHRISTOPHE Germany, fl.1630-42, MIM Wall Sundials = Sungau and Ferrette. the sundials in Ferrette have disappeared. Sentheim. Rohr 2. suggest correction
SCHARASNELLA, P.J. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 9/18/86. Kingswood. RSW. suggest correction
SCHAUFEL, VEIT Germany, 1554, MIM Astronomical Clocks, 1554 = MUN, Feill Coll., Soth.-Amst. May 1981. the example at Soth. has a sundial and compass inside; some of the listings may be the same clock. Munich. Zinner 1; Neumann 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHAURHAMMER, HANS JACOB Belgium; Holland; Austriac.1660, OIM optics specialist; cousin and brother-in-law of Mattmüller. Enghien; south east Holland; Vienna. Habacher. suggest correction
SCHEEFFER, W.D. Austria, 18th Century, marked on a graphometer by Joseph Czech. Vienna. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHEFFELT, MICHAEL Germany, 1652-1739, MIM Sector with full bow, 1694 = ULM; Sectors = HAK (1700), EMA (1705), ULM (1710 & 1716)), KRE (1717), ROU (1730), NAC (1730), SAL (1739); Circumferentor, 1705 = HAK; Graphometers = NUR (1708), ULM (1719); Pantometrum = ULM. the pantometrum is marked "a P. Schott"; author; Zinner's dates for Scheffelt do not agree with the dated instruments. Ulm. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHEFFER, IVO Sweden, 1709, MIM Pillar Sundial, 1709 = SWE. Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHEFFLER, J.C.H. Germany, 1813, NIM Magnetic Compass, 1813 = HAM. Hamburg. RSW. suggest correction
SCHEGA, JOHANN ANTONIUS Germany, c.1700, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = Greppin Coll., PRA, OXF, Koller 11/17/73, P.C.; Equatorial Sundials = München Stadtmuseum, SPI; Table Sundials = MUN, WUR. the instruments are signed "Antonius Schega"; the sundial in the PRA was made in Munich the one listed by Koller was made in Augsburg. Augsburg; Munich. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; W. Eckhardt 3; Horsky and Skopova; Dewhirst; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
SCHEIF, DAVID Germany, c.1610, MIM Augsburg. Evans 1. suggest correction
SCHEIFFELHUET Germany, fl.1700-17, MIM Astrolabe Clock = Kunstgewerbe Museum, Charlottenberg, Berlin. Augsburg. Berlin Cat., 1963; RSW. suggest correction
SCHEINER, CHRISTOPH Germany, 1573-1650, MIM author; astronomer; invented the pantograph, c.1604; made the first Keplerian telescope in 1615. G.L'E. Turner 24; Dewhirst; Daumas 1. suggest correction
SCHEIRLIN, ABRAHAM Germany, fl.1637-52, MIM Table Clock = OXF. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
SCHELFINO, JOHN see John Schalfino. RSW. suggest correction
SCHELNSTAINER, FRITZ Germany, c.1487, MIM made sundials, 1487. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
SCHELTNER, HEINRICH Germany, 1566, MIM made sundials; Master in 1566. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
SCHELTNER, HEINTZ Germany, d.pre-1530, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
SCHELTNER, MICHAEL Germany, fl.1534-38, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
SCHELTNER, SEBALD Germany, d.pre-1534, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
SCHEMIT France, c.1810, OIM Telescope = P.C. Lyon. RSW. suggest correction
SCHENA England, PHIM see J. Gestra and Schena. Newport. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SCHENER misreading for Schöner. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
SCHENER, JOHANN CHRISTOPH see Johann Christoph Schöner. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
SCHERPENSELENSIS, ARNOLD Italy, 1595, MIM Horary and Sinecal Quadrant, 1595 = SWE. the quadrant has a radius of 380 mm.; it was made for Joh. Antonius Magnis and was signed "Arnoldum Scherpenselensem." Bologna. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHIAVETTI, J. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. & C. 9/20/71. Newcastle. RSW. suggest correction
SCHIAVETTI-BELLINI France, c.1840, MIM OIM Parallel Rule = VNN. "opticien de la Marine"; breveté; successor to Colombi; sole successor to Schwartz as the furnisher of maps and plans to the Office de la Marine; the only dispensor of the instruments of E. Lorieux and may have succeeded him. rue d'Aiguillon, no. 19, Paris. Calvert 2; RSW. suggest correction
SCHIAVI, N. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Chesham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SCHICKARD, WILHELM 1 Germany, 1592-1635, MIM mathematician; uncle of Wilhelm Schickard 2, which see; invented and made a tellurium which he called an "Astroscopium"; a modern copy is at the Adler Planetarium, ADL-W147; devised a calculating machine in 1623. Tübingen. Zinner 1; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SCHICKARD, WILHELM 2 Germany, 1692, MIM Astroscopium, 1692 = Lindau Stadtmuseum. nephew of Wilhelm Schickard 1; the instrument is signed "Wilhelm Schickard Junior"; the "Astroscopium" is a form of tellurium which shows either the Ptolemaic or the Copernican system. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHICKERT, HUGO Germany, PHIM Money Balances = Stadtmuseum, Meissen. Dresden. RSW. suggest correction
SCHIECK, FRIEDRICH WILHELM France, 1790-1870, OIM Drum Microscope = UTR; Microscope, compound = OXF; etc. apprenticed to Ludwig Wisskemann, 1808-11; journeymann for Karl Philipp Heinrich Pistor in Berlin, 1813-19; worked on his own, 1819-24; became shop manager and partner to Pistor as Pistor and Schieck, 1824-36; cocentrated on microscopes; made a dividing engine in 1819; had his son, Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann Schiek as an apprentice, 1860-64. Philippsthal (1808-11); 34 Mauerstrasse (1813); 31-g Dorotheenstrasse (1837); 1a Marienstrasse (1838); all in Berlin. Weil and Baden; USNM; Dewhirst. suggest correction
SCHIECK, FRIEDRICH WILHELM HERMANN Germany, 1843-1916, OIM son of Friedrich Wilhelm Schieck; apprenticed to his father, 1860-64; went to London and Paris; worked there for Hartnack as journeyman; entered his father's firm; specialized in developing high-performance biological and travelling micrscopes; entered international various exhibitions from 1873-96. Berlin. Weil and Baden; USNM. suggest correction
SCHIELIUS, GEORGIUS MIM Squadra Mobile = SKO. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
SCHIERBECK, JULIUS F. Denmark, 19th Century, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = Kelton Coll. (1990). Kiobnhavn. RSW. suggest correction
SCHILMLSZKIJ, JOSEPH 1792, MIM Sundial, 1792 = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
SCHINDEL, JOHANN Austria; Czech.; Germany, c.1370-1450, MIM Sundials = X. wrote on the astrolabe, the pillar sundial, etc., made sundials. Vienna; Prague; Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi. suggest correction
SCHINDLER Germany, 17th Century, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Christie 12/18/74; Table Sundial = P.C.; Horizontal Sundial, string-gnomon = ULM. the calendar at Christie and the table sundial are marked "Schmelnitz"; the other instrument may have been made by Christian Karl or C.H. Schindler. Schmelnitz. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHINDLER, C.H. Czechoslovakia?, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = MUN; Table Sundial = ROU; Sundial = ULM. possibly the son of Christian Carl Schindler, which see; the MUN sundial is signed "C.H. Schindler jun." Prague? Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
SCHINDLER, CHRISTIAN CARL Germany, fl.1680-1716, MIM SIM Table Sundials = ADL-M289 (1680), Fürstenstein Schloss, WHI, ROU, BMR, DRE (lost); Nocturnals = DEU (1705), Fürstenstein Schloss; Altitude Sundial = OXF (1716); Universal Ring Sundials = BUD, D.(1993); Calendar = Fürstenstein Schloss; Surveying Instrument = G. Bernard Coll.; Vertical Sundials = Koller 11/17/75, P. and S. 2/28/1896, ADL-M369 (with perpetual calendar). Armillary Sphere Schmidt collection Vienna signed "Schindler M. & M. fecit à Vien", ARMILLARY SPHERE, signed "Schindler M. & M. / fecit"=DOROTHEUM auction October 18th , 2007, Circular Calendar with vertical Sundial=Auction DOROTHEUM April 2002, signed "Schindler Mathematicus et Mechanicus à Wiena", circular Calendar with vertical Sundial=Auction DOROTHEUM APril 2003 signed "Schindler fecit à Schmelnitz", he called himself "Mathematicus et Mechanicus"; ADL is signed "Schindler fecit." Halle. Schmelnitz (Schmöllnitz, Smolnik Slowakia), Dresden (see Schindler, Christian Karl. Metallische Probier-Kunst "MECHANICO in Dreßden" 1697), Vienna? (see à Vien and à Wiena) Zinner 1; Bryden 16; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Schmidt und Egger; Coffeen 43; ADL; RSW.; DOROTHEUM, SCHINDLER, C.C. 1697 suggest correction
SCHIONNING, CHRISTIAN Denmark, PHIM Stick Barometer = Den Gamle By, AArhus Aarhus. RSW. suggest correction
SCHISSLER, CHRISTOPHER 1 Germany, fl.1546-1609, MIM made a wide range of beautiful astronomical compendia, sundials and mathematical instruments dating from 1546 to 1605; examples may be found at ADL, USNM, OXF, BM, KEN, NMM, BASH, INN, AUG, FLO, MUN, DRE, EMA, RSM, DEU, VIE, WHI, etc. from 1580 on he signed "Christopher Schissler Senior" or "Christopher Schissler d. Alt." to distinguish himself from his son; he also used the title "Geometricus ac Astronomicus Artifex"; one of Germany's best and most prolific makers; he also produced instruments for the French and English markets. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 1 & 2; Price 3; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Bassermann-Jordan 1; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SCHISSLER, CHRISTOPHER 2 Germany; Czechoslovakia, fl.1580-1646, MIM Sundials = NMM (1582), P.C. (1583), FLO; Bow Dividers with Compass and Scales, 1586 = DEU; Dividers with Sundial, 1599 = FLO; Proportional Compass, 1586 = DEU; Sundial Calculater, 1591 = Drecker Coll. = DPW; Quadrant, 1595 = FLO; Artillery Levels = HAK (1633), AUG (1646); Celestial Globe = ex-Michel Collection; etc. son of Christopher Schissler 1; Zinner thought his full name was Hans Christopher Schissler; see H.C. Schissler; he usually signed "Christopher Schissler Junior". Augsburg; Prague. Zinner 1; Bobinger 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
SCHISSLER, H.C. Germany, fl.1580-1646, MIM Astrolabe Clock with Sundial = FLO. Zinner thought that the full name of Christopher Schissler 2 was Hans Christopher Schissler. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHKOHR, C. MIM Analemmatic Sundial = D.(1973). RSW. suggest correction
SCHLAGER, JOS. Germany, 1770, MIM Artillery Level, 1770 = ADL-M209. Walthussen. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SCHLAPFY, JOHANN HINRICH Germany, fl.1722-49, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1748 = HAM. RSW. suggest correction
SCHLEENSTEIN, C.V. Germany, 18th Century, MIM SIM Circumferentor = Köln Rheinsches Museum. Cologne. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHLEICHER, CARL, UND SCHULL Germany, MIM Architect's Drawing Instrument Set = Christie 7/5/71. Duren, Rhl. RSW. suggest correction
SCHLICK, BENJAMIN France, c.1850, MIM Vertical Pantograph = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
SCHMALCALDER, CHARLES AUGUSTUS England, fl.1806-38, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Stick Barometers =X(2), Soth.-P 3/1/83; Wheel Barometer = OXF; Pantograph = D.; Surveyor's Compass = Soth. 7/27/64; Prismatic Compasses = WHI, OXF, D.(1993); Terrestrial Globe, miniature, 1815, with case = Christie-SK 11/19/87; Reflecting Circle = WHI; Plotting Protractor = Sotheby's 5/11/94; Pantograph = D.(1992). made and patented a prismatic compass in 1812; made microscopes, etc; his instruments are marked "London" or "82 Strand, London"; T.C. 82 Strand (later 399), London. Taylor 2(1215); Goodison 1; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; Coffeen 36 and 43; RSW. suggest correction
SCHMALCALDER, GEORGE England, c.1829, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Gilbert of the Grocers' Company, Nov. 5, 1829. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
SCHMALCALDER, JOHN England, c.1829, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Gilbert of the Grocers' Company, Nov. 5, 1829. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
SCHMEID, CONRAD Germany, 1750, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1750 = D.(c.1900) = BM. Schmeid was a canon at the College of Wetterhausen. Wetterhausen. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
SCHMEISSER, A. Germany, 1861, MIM Universal Skaphe Sundial, 1861. patented by H. Schmeisser, pre-1861. Berlin. Bryden 16. suggest correction
SCHMEISSER, H. Germany, pre-1861, patented a string gnomon skaphe sundial an example of which was made by A. Meissner, and is at WHI. Berlin. Bryden 16; Koller 11/17/75. suggest correction
SCHMICKHEL, JOHAN M. Austria, c.1740, MIM Inclinometer, mining = UIT. probably the same as Martin Schmickhel. Grecy (Graz?). Kirnbauer 1. suggest correction
SCHMICKHEL, MARTIN Austria, 1741, MIM Inclinometer, 1741 = ADL-M172; Mining Compass = Mining School, Leoban. see also Johan M. Schmickhel. Graz. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Kirnbauer 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SCHMID France, 19th Century, OIM Telescope = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. Lyon. RSW. suggest correction
SCHMID, J.C. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Soth. 2/5/53. surely Josef Christoph Schmidt, which see. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
SCHMIDLKOFER, SIMON Germany, "Simon Schmidlkofer der Junger 1577" marked on polyhedral sundial at BM, signed "M.S. (1) 1553", owner. Price 3; Ward 4; Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHMIDT, GEORG Germany, c.1581-1630, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round = BEK. "compassmacher"; also made automaton clocks; might be Johann Georg Schmidt and or Johannes Schmidt. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 1 & 2. suggest correction
SCHMIDT, J.B. Austria, c.1780, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = WHI. Vienna. Bryden 16. suggest correction
SCHMIDT, JOHANN Germany, c.1600, MIM Compass with silvered wind-vane = Soth. 7/24/45. Neuviedt. RSW. suggest correction
SCHMIDT, JOHANN GEORG Germany, MIM Instrument = Bourgeois Auction, Cologne, 1902. RSW. suggest correction
SCHMIDT, JOHANNES Germany, 17th Century, MIM Pair of Globes on Atlases, silver-gilt = Albertinium, Dresden. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
SCHMIDT, JOSEF CHRISTOPH Austria?, 1728, MIM Spherical Sundial, 1728 = SAL; Perpetual Calendar on a snuff box = Evans Coll.; Perpetual Calendar = AUG. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Esdaille; RSW. suggest correction
SCHMIDT, NICOLAUS Germany, 1593, MIM Astrolabe, 1593 = P.C. (ICA-404). Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Maddison 1; Price 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
SCHMIDTBAUR, JOHANN Germany, c.1750, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = WUP; Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, silver and gilt-brass = P.C. (1974) = USNM. the sundial in the USNM is signed "Schmidtbaur", it looks very much like the work of the best Augsburg makers. Augsburg? Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHMITZ, P. Holland, c.1837, PHIM Hygrometer = UTR. sensitive material is wood; Schmitz was assistant to Prof. J.G. Crahay, Athenaeum at Massricht; later an engineer at Delft; made barometers and thermometers. Maasricht; Delft. Crommelin; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
SCHMOLZ, WILLIAM A. USA, c.1861, MIM SIM made Burt's solar compass. San Francisco, CA. Elgin. suggest correction
SCHNAITMAN, ISAAC USA, fl.1837-59, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM dealer in all sorts of scientific instruments. Philadelphia. USNM. suggest correction
SCHNEEWEISS, URBAN Germany, 1536-1600, MIM the celestial globe cup at NYM bearing his name is thought to be a late 19th century work; Schneeweiss was a goldsmith in Dresden. Dresden. Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
SCHNEID, CONRAD Germany, 1750, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1750 = BM. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
SCHNEIDER, JOSUA Germany, c.1680, MIM Astrolabe Clock = MUN. Augsburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHNIEP, ALEXIUS Germany; Austria, fl.1571-1613, MIM Diptych Sundials = SPI (1571), OXF (1578), Ecouen, Soth. 5/11/23; Sundials = Triebold Coll., Hannover (1583), Upsala Bibliothek (1586), VIE, POB, EMA. clockmaker; son of Ulrich Schniep; the dials in the VIE and the POB were made in Vienna. Munich (1571-82); Vienna (1583-1613). Zinner 1; Gunther 2; Michel 2 & 3; Madex; Dewhirst. suggest correction
SCHNIEP, UDALRICUS see Ulrich Schniep. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHNIEP, ULRICH Germany, fl.1553-88, MIM made many string-gnomon sundials and some artillery levels; his work is dated from 1553 to 1588; examples may be found at ADL, OXF, WHI, VIE, Munich Stadtmuseum, BM, MUN, BEK, HAK, Linz Museum, KEN, WUR, DRE, KAS, ex-Michel Collection, etc. many of his instruments are signed "V.S." 1, others are signed "Ulricus Schniep" or "Udalricus Schniep"; pupil or associate of Christoph Trechsler. Munich. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; Michel 2 & 3; Berlin Cat. 1963; Bryden 16; Neumann 3; Abeler; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SCHNIEP, ULRICUS see Ulrich Schniep. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHOBER, CHRISTIAN Germany, 1714, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1714 = Fürstenstein in Schlesien Schloss; Geometry Set = KAS. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHOENERER, T.A. Germany, 1748, MIM Sundial, 1748 = Evans Coll. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
SCHOENMANN, JOHAN Germany, c.1580, MIM Astronomical Clock, wood and paper = VIE. Constance. Michel 3. suggest correction
SCHOKKING, A.J. Holland, c.1840, MIM Azimuth Compass = AMST. compass made between 1808 and 1814; Kleman label in box. Langestraat (1860-61); Langestraat SS 135 (1862); Martelaarsgracht L.554 (1863-68); all in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
SCHOLES, ROBERT England, c.1748, apprenticed to John Parminter 1 of the Grocers' Company on June 29, 1748. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SCHOLTE, HARMANUS Holland, c.1792, MIM Rule, wood, 1792 = BOM Auction 1906. also marked "Anno MDCCXCII Den VIII September." Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SCHOLTS, J., JR. Holland, c.1742, MIM instrument maker, 1742. Bantammerstraat, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SCHONBERGER, GEORG Austria; Germany; Czech., 1595-1645, Schönberger wrote "Demonstratio et construtio Horologiorum novorum" in 1622; he was a Jesuit professor of mathematics in Freiburg. Innsbruck; Ingolstadt; Freiburg; Prague; Olmütz. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHONER, ANDREAS Germany, 1562, son of Johann Schöner; published an astrolabe (Gunther-270) in his book "Gnomonice", Nürnberg, 1562. Nürnberg. Gunther 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
SCHONER, JOHANN Germany, 1477-1547, MIM Terrestrial Globes = NUR (1520), DRE. Johann Schöner; author. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi; RSW. suggest correction
SCHONER, JOHANN CHRISTOPH Germany, c.1660-1709, MIM Horizontal Sundial = Thorban Coll.; Equatorial Sundial = OXF; Universal Ring Sundial = BUD; Crescent Sundial = ROU-96; Astrolabe Clock = MUN; Astronomical Clock = Munich Residenz. Johann Christoph Schöner was also a clockmaker, he was the father of Joseph Anton Schöner, which see. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHONER, JOSEF ANTON Germany, 18th Century, MIM Sundial = Brünn Stadtmuseum. Josef Anton Schöner. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
SCHOOLING, JAMES England, 1787, PHIM Guinea Balance, 1787 = Phillips 4/20/83. "Scale-Maker." No. 44, Bishopsgate Street, within London. RSW. suggest correction
SCHORT, J.J. France, 1638, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1638 = ADL-M294. signed "J.J. Schört"; also marked "Jacobus de Staney Paris", the owner. Paris. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SCHOTSMAN, SAMUEL Holland, c.1690, MIM Leiden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
SCHOTT, CHARLES Germany; USA, 1821-1903, MIM made instruments while still in Germany; came to the USA c. 1844; was in charge of the Garland Coll. of scientific instruments at Vanderbilt University. Heidelberg (1821-44?); Nashville, Tenn. (1854-1903). Smart 1. suggest correction
SCHOTT, GASPAR Germany, c.1680, OIM microscope maker. Daumas 1. suggest correction
SCHOTTE, ERNST Germany, c.1850, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Versailles 4/17/83; Celestial Globe = AUI terrestrial globe revised and corrected by Vivien de Saint-Martin; see Ernst Schotte and Co. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
SCHOTTE, ERNST, AND CO. Germany, 19th Century, MIM Tellurium = Christie 4/3/85. see Ernst Schotte. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
SCHOTTE, J.H. Germany, 1754, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1754 = Drecker Coll. = DPW. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHRADER Germany; Russia, 1762-1869 ?, OIM Reflecting Telescope, 1794 = X. went to Lilienthal in 1792 to work for Schrötter; the telescope was 26 feet long. Kiel; Lilienthal (1792); St. Petersburg (post-1794). Daumas 1. suggest correction
SCHRADER, BRYGGER R.F. Denmark, MIM Rule, wood = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. RSW. suggest correction
SCHREIBELMAYER UND RAMSBECK Austria, c.1772, MIM Quadrant, 1772 = VIE. Vienna. Daumas 1. suggest correction
SCHRETTEGGER, JOHANN NEPOMUK Germany, fl.1797-1843, MIM made a great many Augsburg-type sundials for the mass market; examples may be seen at ADL, NOR, STU, BM, BUD, KRE, DEU, AUG, EMA, WHI, etc. son-in-law of Andreas Vogler; the instruction sheets which are found with the dials are often printed in French as well as in German. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Hamilton 1; Evans 1; Stewart; Bryden 16; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SCHRODER Germany, 1721, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1721 = KAS. Hannover. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHRODTER, EMIL Germany, c.1850, MIM showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Dusseldorf, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SCHROPP, SIMON Germany, 1826, MIM Celestial Globe, 1826 = DRE. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
SCHROTTER, J.H. Germany, c.1790, OIM Lilienthal. Daumas 1. suggest correction
SCHUBART, CARL Germany, 1681, MIM made sand glasses. Nürnberg. Lunardi. suggest correction
SCHUBLER, JOHANN JACOB Germany, c.1775, MIM Horizontal Sundial = HAK. RSW. suggest correction
SCHULEN AND BOBY 19th Century, NIM T.C. in a sextant box. RSW. suggest correction
SCHULER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 16 City Road (London?). Goodison 1. suggest correction
SCHULL see Carl Schleicher und Schull. RSW. suggest correction
SCHULTES, HANS Germany, 1550-74, MIM Nürnberg Counters = USNM. USNM. suggest correction
SCHULTHESS, AUG. Switzerland, c.1820, PHIM Balance = Koller, May, 1972. "Ingénieur-Mecanicien." Zurich. RSW. suggest correction
SCHULTZ England, pre-1799, MIM described as a mathematical instrument maker at the William Wales' sale of 1799. Taylor 2(1039). suggest correction
SCHULTZE, G.A. Germany, c.1849, designed a recording barometer, c.1849. Middleton 1. suggest correction
SCHULZ, ANDREAS Austria, 18th Century, OIM Telescopes, Gregorian = Breslau Universitätssternwarte, Magdalenen-Gymnasium, Breslau. Vienna. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHULZE, JOHANN WILHELM Germany, 1689, MIM Table Sundial, 1689 = KAS. Kassel. Zinner 1; Evans 1. suggest correction
SCHUSSLER, H.C. misreading for H.C. Schissler. Michel 3. suggest correction
SCHUSTER, HANNS Germany, d.1619, MIM sand-glass maker. Nürnberg. Lunardi. suggest correction
SCHUSTER, JOHANN CHRISTOFER Germany, 1760-1820, MIM Calculating Machines = DEU, Christie 5/19/93 = D.(1993). fl.1785-1820; made an astronomical clock with Philipp Matthäus Hahn in 1785, to whom he was related; Daumas thought Schuster lived in Uffenheim and later in Anspach; Zinner placed him in Westheim where the clock was made; D. machine marked "Ansbach", and made 1820-22. see note. Zinner 1; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHUSTER, PAULUS Germany, fl.1585-1634, MIM Astrolabe Clocks = DRE (1585), DHM (1591). the clock in the Dresden Historical Museum = Gunther-332. Nürnberg. Gunther 1; Lunardi; Britten 1; RSW. suggest correction
SCHUTZE JUN., JOHANN LEONHARD Germany, 1793, MIM Dividing Circle, 1793 = DRE. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
SCHUYLER, HARTLEY AND GRAHAM USA, fl.1854-80, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. Jacob Rutsen Schuyler, Marcellus Hartley and Malcolm Graham; all had worked for Young, Smith and Co. before 1854; firm became Hartley and Graham in 1880; by 1900 it was M. Hartley Company. 13 Maiden Lane (1854); 17 Maiden Lane; 19 Maiden Lane (1863-64); all in New York, N.Y.; and 6 Mary's Row, Birmingham, England (1863-64); and 15 Rue Enghein, Paris, France (1863-64); and in San Francisco, Cal. Smart 1. suggest correction
SCHUYLER, JACOB RUTSEN USA, 1816-87, MIM SIM worked for Young, Smith and Co., 1833-46; was a partner in the firm, 1847-52; partner in Smith, Young and Co. 1852-54; senior partner in Schuyler, Hartley and Graham from 1854 on; this last firm probably dealt in various instruments. 4 Maiden Lane (1833-54); 13 Maiden Lane (1854 on); both in New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
SCHWAB, JOS. Germany, MIM Pillar Sundial, wood and paper = MUN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHWAIGER, ANDREAS Germany, c.1840, MIM Rule = AUG. RSW. suggest correction
SCHWALB, HERMANOS Peru, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 2/25/86; Analemmatic Sundial, round case = X. Soth. is an English sundial drawn for southern latitudes; Schwalb was probably a dealer. Lima. RSW; RSWx. suggest correction
SCHWARTZ see D. and S.; see also Darling and Schwartz. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SCHWARTZ DIT LENOIR Germany?; France, c.1830, MIM NIM Quintant, No. 412 = D.(1989); Reflecting Circles = Versailles 4/17/83 (#39), P.C. (1971)(#99), Bourne 2/27/90; Octants, ebony = Hôtel des Ventes du Minage, La Rochelle 6/5/76, VNN (#8, "La Sibus"); Sextants = P.C. (#501), D.(1977). Paris. Coffeen 27; RSW. suggest correction
SCHWARTZ, ANDREAS Germany, 1617, MIM Sundial, gilt-brass, 1617 = Dresden Kunstgewerbemuseum. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHWARTZ, FRANCISCUS Belgium, c.1760, MIM Protractor = FLO-201. Brussels. Michel 3. suggest correction
SCHWARTZ, J.G., AND SON Denmark, c.1860, MIM Rule, wood = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
SCHWARTZ, JACOB, AND CO. USA, c.1820, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1973). the scale is in both German and English. Alma, Wisconsin. RSW. suggest correction
SCHWEDER, P.A. Sweden, c.1840, MIM Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
SCHWEINFURTER, PETER Germany, MIM SIM Graphometer = Zurich Sternwarte. signed "M. Jak. Meyer Bas. G. Peter Schweinfurter fabricavit." Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCHWENTER, DANIEL Germany, 1549-1612, mathematician; associated with Hans Troschel. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
SCHWERER AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Truro. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SCHYRLE, ANTON MARIA Czechoslovakia, c.1650, MIM OIM telescope maker; made an elaborate planetary machine which he called the "Planetologium"; see "M.R." 1. Rheita, Bohemia. North 2; RSW. suggest correction
SCOLA, I.S. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. and Co. 2/27/25. Alresford. RSW. suggest correction
SCORESBY, WILLIAM England, 1789-1859, PHIM Artificial Magnets = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby. apprenticed into the whale-fishing industry; experimented with and made magnets; F.R.S., 1824; author; see Joule and Scoresby. Whitby; Great Surrey Street, Blackfriars, London. Taylor 2(1217); RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT 1 England, c.1817, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature, with cases = Christie-NY 10/24/83, D.(1986). either George or James Scott. Newgate Street, London. Taylor 2(1427) & (1428); Coffeen 13; RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT 2 England, 1820, PHIM Balance, 1820 = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT 3 England, 1840, MIM Garden Sundial, 1840 = Oxford Botanical Gardens. Dewhirst. suggest correction
SCOTT 4 England, c.1830, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = Soth.-S 5/31/89. London. RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT AND TIRYUTIN Russia, fl.1748-51, MIM Copy of Gottorp Globe = LOM. Benjamin Scott and Fillip Nikitich Tiryutin; globe has diameter of 3.1 meters. St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. J. Brown 1; Chenakal 3. suggest correction
SCOTT, B., AND C. PRICE England, 1718, MIM NIM Globe, 1718 = X. Benjamin Scott and Charles Price 1; T.C. at the Mariner and Globe, Exeter Exchange, Strand, London. Clay and Court; J. Brown 1; Calvert 2; Dewhirst; Tyacke 1. suggest correction
SCOTT, BENJAMIN England; Russia, fl.1712-51, MIM NIM OIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. apprenticed to James Anderton of the Grocers' Company on April 14, 1702; turned over to John Rowley of the Broderers' Company on April 2, 1706; free of the Grocers' Sept. 16, 1712; took apprentices; compass maker to the Russian Navy Ministry, 1733-47; scientific instrument maker to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences; see B. Scott and C. Price; see G. Lyford. Exeter Change (1712); the Mariner and Globe, Exeter Exchange Street, Strand (1715); near Exeter hange in the Srand (1731); all in London; St. Petersburg (1733-51). Taylor 1(577) & 2(116); Tyacke 1; J. Brown 1; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10; USNM; Wynter 1; Crawforth 7; Chenekal; RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT, DAVID Ireland, fl.1825-38, MIM 14 Stafford Street, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
SCOTT, GEORGE England, fl.1804-27, MIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to Thomas Ventom in the Merchant Taylors' Company on Oct. 5, 1796; made free of the Company on March 7, 1804; succeeded James Scott in 1817; may have made miniature terrestrial globes; took apprentices; see Scott 1. 4 Butchershall Lane, Newgate Street (1818); 98 Newgate Street; both in London. Taylor 2(1427); Crawforth 7 & 8; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT, GIDEON Scotland, 1765-1833, MIM OIM PHIM Reflecting Telescope, four-inch = Hawick Museum and Art Gallery. astronomer; inventor; made orreries and various astronomical instruments; invented a calculating rule to determine the number of teeth, the pitch and the diameters of gear wheels. Hawick. McKie; Transactions of the Hawick Archaeological Society, 1870; RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT, J. England, c.1850, NIM PHIM Octant, ebony = Christie-SK 12/1/83; Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/19/87; Marine Barometer = Phillips 7/20/83. 17 Bermondsey Wall, London. RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT, JAMES England, c.1817, MIM may have made miniature globes; see Scott 1; succeeded by George Scott in 1817. 4 Butchershall Lane (Newgate Street), London. Taylor 2(1428); Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT, JAMES GEORGE England, c.1846, MIM PHIM Dewhirst. suggest correction
SCOTT, JOHN USA, 1752-1801, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Stark County Historical Society, Canton, Ohio (1772), P.C. clockmaker; the compass in a private collection was made before 1784. Chambersburg, Pa. Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT, R. Scotland, c.1850, MIM OIM Dumpy Level = Phillips 10/26/83. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT, ROBERT 1 England, c.1739, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Scott of the Grocers' Company on Jan. 12, 1731 (os); turned over to Joseph Jackson of the Grocers' Company on May 22, 1735; free of the Company on June 1, 1739; took one apprentice. at Mr. Jackson's near Surry Street in the Strand, London (1739). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SCOTT, ROBERT 2 England, c.1816, MIM Globe, miniature, with case = D.(1983). Oxford. Coffeen D. suggest correction
SCOTT, ROBERT 3 USA, fl.1853-54, see Hunt and Scott. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
SCOTT, WENTWORTH E. England, c.1850, PHIM Thermometer, self-registering maximum = X. Weatbourne Park, London. USNM. suggest correction
SCOTT, WILLIAM SAMUEL England, c.1806, apprenticed to John Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 6, 1806. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SCRIBA alias for Jacob Ramminger, which see. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
SCRIVENER, HAYTER England, c.1811, apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 2 of the Grocers' Company, on Jan. 3, 1811, for seven years. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
SCULTETUS, BARTHOLOMAEUS Germany, 1532-1614, brother of Zacharias Scultetus; wrote about sundials. Görlitz. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SCULTETUS, ZACHARIAS Germany, 1550, MIM Instrument, 1550 = DRE. brother of Bartholomaeus Scultetus. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
SEABORNE, JOHN England, c.1660, apprenticed to Thomas Aldus of the Joiners' Company on Feb. 16, 1660. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SEAGROVE, E.K. England, OIM Telescope = D.(1976). Rinaldi 2. suggest correction
SEAN, A. Italy; France, fl.1612-17, MIM Surveying Instrument, 1612 = X. Bologna (1612); Paris 1617; Venice. Evans 1 suggest correction
SEARCH, JAMES England, fl.1780-90, MIM SIM Stick Barometer = X.; Magnetic Compass = OXF; Parallel Rules = Soth. 10/17/60; Circumferentor = OXF; Pair of Proportional Compasses = X. succeeded John Bennett 2. Crown Court, Soho and Pultney Street Golden Square, London. Taylor 2(888); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
SEBELIN L'AINE France, MIM Sebelin l'aîné; first name might be Josue; sundial maker; is he the same as or related to Jean Sibelin? RSW. suggest correction
SECHTING, JOHANN GOTTFRIED EWALD Germany, 1749-1814, MIM Astronomical Clocks = Breslau Sternwarte, Breslau Schlesisches Museum. Breslau. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SECOES, JACOB Holland, 1622, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1622 = USNM. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
SECRETAN see Lerebours et Secretan. Daumas 1. suggest correction
SECRETAN SUCCESSEUR France, fl.1855-67, OIM Marc Secretan succeeded Lerebours et Secretan in 1855. Paris. Moskowitz 122. suggest correction
SECRETAN, AUGUSTE France, 1833-74, MIM SIM son of Marc Secretain; worked with his cousin, Georges Secretain, as Maison Lerebours et Secretan, 1867; succeeded by Georges Secretan in 1871. Paris. Poggendorff; Warner 13. suggest correction
SECRETAN, GEORGES France, b.1837, MIM SIM nephew of Marc Secretan; worked with his cousin, Auguste Secretan, as Maison Lerebours et Secretan;; succeeded Auguste in 1871. Paris. Poggendorff; Warner 13. suggest correction
SECRETAN, MARC-FRANCOIS-LOUIS Switzerland; France, 1804-67, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, noted for his telescopes, Borda circles, theodolites, surveyor's compasses, etc. professor of astronomy at Lausanne; worked with Noël-Marie- Paymel Lerebours in Paris from 1845 to 1855; on his own after that; "Opticien de S.A.M. l'Empereur"; did work for the Paris observatory; probably joined by his son and nephew, Auguste and Georges Secretan who later worked under the name Maison Lerebours et Secretan. Lausanne; Paris. Poggendorff; Moskowitz 122; Daumas 1; USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; Warner 13; RSW. suggest correction
SEELHORST USA, see Kuebler and Seelhorst. USNM. suggest correction
SEELIGER, JOHANN Austria?, c.1700, MIM produced mathematical instruments for Antonius Braun. Habacher. suggest correction
SEELING England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM see Whitbread and Seeling. Taylor 2(2039); Crawforth 8; RSW. suggest correction
SEELING, JOSEPH England, c.1817, MIM OIM apprenticed to William John Weeden in the Merchant Taylors' Company, Feb. 5, 1817; optician; probably a partner in Whitbread and Seeling. London. Crawforth 8. suggest correction
SEFTON, HENRY England, c.1632, MIM apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 16, 1620; free of the Company Jan. 11, 1632. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SEGARD France, c.1754, OIM optician. A la Couronne d'or, Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet. suggest correction
SEIDEL, GEORG Holland, c.1750, PHIM Set of Coin Balances = Soth. 10/3/88. carries mastermark of Georg Seidel. RSW. suggest correction
SELDEN, JOSEPH England, c.1694, MIM scale and rule maker; invented a jointed sliding rule; author. Tunbridge Wells. Taylor 1(431). suggest correction
SELLARS, WILLIAM England, fl.1691-1725, MIM apprenticed by turnover to John Clowes of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 5, 1683; free of the Company, Nov. 2, 1691; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3; Robischon. suggest correction
SELLER AND PRICE England, fl.1697-1705, MIM NIM Jeremiah Seller and Charles Price; "Hydrographers to ye Queen"; "Compass makers to the Navy Royall"; made compass cards for Richard Glynne; globe makers. at the Hermitage in Wapping (1700-05); also at their shop next the Fleece Tavern in Cornhill; both in London. Taylor 1(420 & 509); Tyacke; Bryden 9; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
SELLER, JEREMIAH England, fl.1697-1720 d.c.1720, MIM NIM Equatorial Sundial = Evans Coll. apprenticed to John Seller 1, his father, in the Merchant Taylors' Company on Mar. 3, 1686; freed by patrimony, Sept. 1, 1703; T.C.; partner of Charles Price, 1697-1705; John Senex was also a partner, 1703-1705; author. at the Hermitage in Wapping (1699-1705); and at the shop next the Fleece Tavern in Cornhill (1703-05); both in London. Taylor 1(509); Tyacke; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Evans 1; Dewhirst; Crawforth 8; RSW. suggest correction
SELLER, JOHN 1 England, c.1630-97, MIM NIM SIM Marine Compass (fragment) = OXF. apprenticed to Edward Lowe in the Merchant Taylors' Company, 1644; free of the Company, 1654; entered the Livery in 1676; admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company in 1668; Junior Warden of the Company in 1672; father of John Seller 2 and Jeremiah Seller; "Hydrographer to the King." Covent Garden (1654); at the sign of the Mariners' Compass and Hour Glass at the Hermitage Stayers in Wapping (1660-69); at the Mariners' Compass at the Hermitage Stairs in Wapping (1669-75); also in Exchange Alley in Cornhill (1671-75); Pope's Head Alley in Cornhill (1678-81); west side Royal Exchange (1682-86); Westminster Hall (1690); all in London. Taylor 1(273); J. Brown 1 & 3; Daumas 1; Tyacke; Stevenson; Robischon; Clay and Court; Crawforth 7 & 8. suggest correction
SELLER, JOHN 2 England, c.1667-98, MIM apprenticed to John Seller 1, his father, in the Merchant Taylors' Company, Aug. 21, 1681; probably the John Sellers who was admited by Patrimony to the Stationers' Company on Mar. 26, 1686; made compasses and maps; took an apprentice. the Star next the Mercers Chapel in Cheapside (1686); the West End of St. Paul's Churchyard (1687); at the Map of the World at the West End of St. Paul's (1687-89); all in London. Taylor 1(405); Tyacke 1; Crawforth 8. suggest correction
SELLERS, JOHN USA, fl.1760-73, MIM SIM surveyor; made and used a sighting instrument c.1765. Pennsylvania. Bedini 8. suggest correction
SELLIGUE France, c.1824, OIM made achromatic microscopes. Dewhirst. suggest correction
SELTER, D.H. azimuth compass at AMST signed "G.W. Peter en Zoon" is also marked "D.H. Selter 183/673"; this may be a misreading or a misstamping of D.B. Selter. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
SELTER, DIRK BAREND Holland, 1820-99, NIM Dry Card Compass = Frisian Maritime Museum, Sneek; Compass = KRO. T.C. at AMST; see C. Brinkman & D.B. Selter. Binnen-Bantammerstraat N.383 (1860-75); Binnen-Bantammerstraat N.36 (1876-96); 'S Gravenhekje 6 (1899); all in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SELTMAN, JOHAN CAR. Germany, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = P.C. Braunschweig. RSW. suggest correction
SELTOTTE Germany, MIM Armillary Sphere = MAN-I 165. Ptolemaic. Berlin. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
SELVA see also Selvea. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SELVA, DOMENICO Italy, fl.1710-58, MIM OIM SIM Telescopes, reflecting = NMM, D.(1975); Telescopes = NAC, P.C., Rou-37, KRE (1720); Circumferentor with telescope, 1758 = ROU-39. official optician to the Republic of Venice; father of Lorenzo Selva; made several improvements to optical instruments; the telescope in the private collection is marked "No. XXXVI"; KRE signed "Domenico Celvi." Venice. NMM 2; Moskowitz; Daumas 1; J. Hill 38; Michel 3; Nachet; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
SELVA, JOHN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Plymouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SELVA, LEONARDO Italy, c.1778, OIM telescope maker; Daumas lists him as the son of Domenico Selva. Venice. Daumas 1; Dewhirst. suggest correction
SELVA, LORENZO Italy, c.1716-1800, OIM son of Domenico Selva; made improvements in optical instruments; official optician to the Republic of Venice. Venice. J. Hill. suggest correction
SELVEA, GEORGE England, c.1826, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X(2). barometers signed "G. Selva Hull"; succeeded by John Selvea. 25 Grimsby Lane, Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SELVEA, JOHN England, c.1831, PHIM barometer maker; succeeded George Selvea. 25 Grimsby Lane, Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SELWIN, RICHARD England, c.1693, MIM apprenticed to John Seller 1 in the Merchant Taylors' Company on July 5, 1693. Crawforth 8. suggest correction
SEM, LUDOVICUS Italy, c.1612, MIM SIM Armillary Sphere, 1612 = FLO; Surveying Instrument, 1612 = OXF. Bologna. Michel 3. suggest correction
SEMAH see Aboab. RSW. suggest correction
SEMINCOLO, LEONARDO misreading for Loenardo Semitecolo. Christie-SK 9/11/86. suggest correction
SEMITECOLLO Telescope, three-draw, pastboard and horn = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. surely Semitecolo or a copy. RSW. suggest correction
SEMITECOLO, LEONARDO Italy, 18th Century, OIM made a large number of telescopes of cardboard covered with vellum or leather, the lens mounts and rings are of horn, bone or wood; examples may be seen in many museums including ADL (3), FLO, WHI, USNM, OXF, DEU, DRE, etc. Venice? Maddison 1; Daumas 1; Coffeen E; Price 2; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SEMMONDS, H. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be the same as Semmons in Truro. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SEMMONS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Might be the same as H. Semmonds. Truro. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SENEBIER, JACOB Switzerland?, c.1595, MIM Solar Calendar = SPI-2889. might be related to A. Senebier, a watchmaker in Geneva. Geneva? Michel 3. suggest correction
SENECAL France, c.1690, MIM Bloud-type Sundials, ivory = Drouot 4/7/87, Madex, Musée du Chateau, Dieppe, Exhibition of 1000 Years of Navigation, Brussels, 1979. could be Ephraim or Jacques Senécal. Dieppe. MADEX; RSW. suggest correction
SENECAL, EPHRAIM France, fl.1686-99, MIM Bloud-type Sundials, ivory = FIN-90, Evans Coll., NMM, MADEX, WHI. Ephraim Senécal. Dieppe. Bryden 16; Michel 3; Moreau; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
SENECAL, JACQUES France, pre-1660, MIM made a large number of Bloud-type ivory sundials; examples may be seen at OXF, BM, NMM, NOR, HAM, UTR, ADL, etc. the Jacques Senécal sundials held at the Adler are ADL-T55, ADL-T56, and ADL-DPW18; ADL-T56 is incomplete; ADL-DPW18 has an addition of a string-gnomon sundial engraved on a silver chapter ring and fitted over the magnetic compass; the addition is signed "Felix Gervaise 1660", which see. Dieppe. Mörzer Bruyns 1; Tomlinson 1; Madison 1; Evans 1; Stevens and Aked; NMM 2; Madex; RSW. suggest correction
SENEX AND MAXWELL England, fl.1710-c.1724, MIM John Senex and John Maxwell were partners from 1710 to shortly before 1724. London. Tyacke 1. suggest correction
SENEX AND PRICE England, 1706-10, MIM Miniature Globe = X. John Senex and Charles Price. London. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
SENEX, JOHN England, 1680-1740, MIM made many globes, of various sizes, which may be seen at NMM, ADL (A277), Chicago Historical Society, Yale U., LOS, etc. apprenticed to Robert Clavell in the Stationers' Company in 1695; free, 1706; published with Jeremiah Seller and Charles Price, 1703-05; in partnership with Charles Price, 1706-10; with John Maxwell, 1710-c.1724; F.R.S. 1728; map and book publisher; made Whiston's "Copernicus" instrument; succeeded by his widow in 1740. against St. Clements Church in the Strand (1702); next to the Fleece Tavern in Cornhill (1703-06); at their House in White's Alley, Coleman Street (1707-10); at the Globe in Salisbury Court, Fleet Street (1710-21); against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street (1721-40); all in London. Taylor 1(547); Tyacke 1; Crawforth 1; Kroght 2; ADL; Yonge. suggest correction
SENEX, MRS. JOHN England, fl.1740-49, MIM globe maker; continued her husband's shop. London. Wynter and Turner; Bedini 8. suggest correction
SENIN, P. misreading for P. Sevin. Thielmann; Drouot 4/26/67. suggest correction
SENTER, WILLIAM 1 USA, 1813-88, MIM NIM SIM apprenticed to Oliver Gerrish; became associated with Abner Lowell as Lowell and Senter (1836-70); joined by his nephew William Senter 2 in 1875 as William Senter and Co. Portsmouth, N.H. (1813-28); Portland Me. (1828-88). Smart 1. suggest correction
SENTER, WILLIAM 2 USA, fl.1875-88, MIM SIM joined his uncle, William Senter 1 as William Senter and Co. (1875-88). Portland, Me. Smart 1. suggest correction
SENTER, WILLIAM, AND CO. USA, fl.1875-88, MIM NIM SIM William Senter 1 and his nephew, William Senter 2. Portland, Me. Smart 1. suggest correction
SEPP, CHRISTIAAN Germany; Holland, 1700-75, PHIM Hamburg; Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
SEPTALIUS, MANFRED variant of Manfredo Settala. RSW. suggest correction
SERLE, GEORGE England, fl.1656-80, author; devised a quadrant and a dialing scale which was made and sold by Anthony Thompson and by Walter Hayes. London. Taylor 1(268); RSW. suggest correction
SERSON, JOHN England, fl.1735-60, invented Serson's Whirling Speculum, an artificial horizon, in 1752. Taylor 2(305); Bedini 8. suggest correction
SERVILL, J. misreading of J. Sewill. Christie 12/17/75. suggest correction
SESINO, S. England, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/13/88. Norwich. RSW. suggest correction
SETTALA, MANFREDO Italy, 1600-80, MIM OIM Armillary Sphere, 1646 = Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milan. made lenses and burning glasses; formed the Museo Settala which became part of the Ambrosiana in 1751. Milan. Tavernari; Spargo 1; Michel 3; Clay and Court. suggest correction
SETTY Holland, c.1770, MIM Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
SEUTTER, GEORG MATTHAEUS Germany, 1678-1757, MIM Pair of Globes = ROM; Celestial Globes, 1710 = AUG, MUN, ROM; Celestial Globes = DRE, LOS, NMM, Seitenstetten Stift, etc. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bedini 12; USNM; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
SEVERN, WILLIAM England, fl.1838-46, OIM 1 Walbrook Place, City Road, London. Taylor 2(2243). suggest correction
SEVERUS, ALPHENUS c.1500, name marked on an astrolabe signed "Piervincenzo Danti del Rinaldi" in the HAK. RSW. suggest correction
SEVIN, PIERRE France, fl.1662-85, MIM SIM wide range of instruments of very high quality, such as astrolabes, sundials, graphometers, levels, etc., that may be seen in many museums including ADL, NMM, OXF, LIE, PRIN, CNAM, BM, LOS, etc. made instruments for the Paris observatory, 1665-80; several instruments made by Grosselin are marked "Divisé par Sevin à Paris". Paris. Daumas 1; Engelmann 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; Michel 3; Maddison 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; NMM 2; J.A. Bennett 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SEWARD Ireland, MIM SIM Compass Sundial = Soth. 5/11/23; Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 11/13/61; Proportional Dividers = Christie 11/22/78; Surveyor's Compass = D. Dublin. Coffeen I; RSW. suggest correction
SEWARD, C. England, MIM PHIM Compass, wood = Lancaster City Museum; Wheel Barometer = Phillips 8/12/87. Lancaster. RSW. suggest correction
SEWILL AND YOUNG England, 18th Century, PHIM Balance, steel = Phillips 4/20/83. RSW. suggest correction
SEWILL, J. England, 19th Century, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = OMM. also marked "J. Smith London", surely owner; may be either John or Joseph Sewill. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
SEWILL, JOHN England, MIM NIM Double Sextant = Soth. 12/15/78; Sextant with Case = Phillips 5/20/75. a T.C. for "J. Sewill Liverpool" was found in a SBR sextant case; the sextant at Phillips was signed "Sewill Liverpool." Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
SEWILL, JOSEPH England, fl.1835-62, MIM OIM Stick Barometer = LEY; Barometer, 1862 = PMS; Aneroid Barometers = OMM, BMM; Octant = PMS; Sextant = Christie 5/26/76. T.C. "Maker to the Admiralty"; the sextant marked "Liverpool." 15 Canning Place (c.1835), Liverpool; 61 South Castle Street, Liverpool and 30 Cornhill, London. Goodison 1; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
SEXTON, PLINY USA, 1796-1881, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = GUR. the compass is marked "Palmyra, N.Y." Springfield, Mass. (1796-1819); Palmyra, New York (1819-81). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
SEYFRIED, GEORG PAULUS Germany, c. 1773, MIM Cube Sundials, wood = WUR, Leipzig U. Sternwarte, etc; Cube Sundial, brass on wood, 1773 = Drouot 4/7/87. worked with David Beringer as Beringer und Seyfried. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Chandler and Vincent 2; Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
SHADD, CHARLES England, c.1703, MIM apprenticed to John Randall of the Grocers' Company on July 13, 1703. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SHADWELL England, NIM Sextant = Larvik Marine Museum, Norway. the name of the owner, "W. Ford", is shown. 102 High Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
SHAIN see Knox and Shain 1 and 2. Smart 1. suggest correction
SHAIN, CHARLES J. USA, 1822-91, MIM worked alone 1851-55; as partner with Joseph Knox as Knox and Shain 1, 1855-76; worked alone, 1877; as partner with Henry M. Knox as Knox and Shain 2, 1878-91. 72 Dock Street (1851); 46 1/2 Walnut Street (1855-76); all in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Miller. suggest correction
SHALFINO England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = P.C. Taunton. RSW. suggest correction
SHALLAND see Challand. Clifton 1. suggest correction
SHALLER, FERDINAND MIM Magnetic Compass = Buffalo Museum of Science. RSW. suggest correction
SHANAHAN AND LOEBER USA, fl.1852-53, MIM SIM Transit = P.C. James M. Shanahan and Charles Loeber; made theodolites, transits, surveying compasses and drawing instruments. 181 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
SHANAHAN, JAMES M. Ireland; USA, 1824-85, MIM SIM partner with Charles Loeber as Shanahan and Loeber, 1853-56; listed as maker of surveying instruments, 1853-56. 181 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
SHARMAN, JOHN England, c.1786, apprenticed to Samuel Browning 2 of the Grocers' Company, Jan. 6, 1786. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SHARP, ABRAHAM England, 1653-1742, MIM OIM Declining Sundial = Thoresby Coll. (1714); Garden Sundial, 1722 = Bolling Hall, Bradford; Mural Arc Quadrant, 1689 = X; Astronomical Quadrant = KEN; Telescope = NMM; Refracting Telescope, wood = Yorkshire Museum, York. assistant to Flamsteed (1684-90); the refracting telescope has an unusual mount, it is on loan to the NMM (1973); there are 10 instruments at Bolling Hall pertaining to Sharp, given by his heirs, they include the rete from a "Mathematical Jewell" and several unusual quadrants; see A.S. 4; his observatory at Horton Hall was dismantled and the stones numbered and buried in the garden at Bolling Hall. Horton Hall, Little Horton, near Bradford; Greenwich (1684-90). Taylor 1(361) & 2(118); Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
SHARP, HENRY England, OIM made achromatic microscope objectives. 38 Bowden Street, Sheffield. USNM. suggest correction
SHARP, SAMUEL England, c.1825, MIM OIM PHIM 29 Brownlow Street, Drury Lane; 16 Church Row, Pancras Road, Somerstown; both in London. Taylor 2(1699). suggest correction
SHARP, THOMAS 1 England, c.1714, OIM Telescope = Thoresby Coll. (1714). Taylor 1(361). suggest correction
SHARP, THOMAS 2 England, c.1724-1799, MIM Garden Sundial, 1785 = Falcon Hotel, Stratford-on-Avon. scientific instrument maker, wood worker, clock and watch repairer. Stratford-on Avon. RSW. suggest correction
SHARPE, WILLIAM England, 1798, MIM Perpetual Calendar, cardboard, 1798 = Evans Coll. Norwich. Evans 1; Esdaille. suggest correction
SHARPE, WM. England, member of the Clockmakers' Company?; made watch movement in wheel barometer by Roe 1, Soth.-S 9/18/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
SHARPLIN, WILLIAM England, c.1770, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust in the Grocers' Company on May 4, 1762; free of the Company on Dec. 4, 1770. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SHAW 1 England, d.1666, MIM associated with Thompson to make Prince Rupert's perspective instrument; might be Anthony Thompson 2 or William Thompson. London. Daumas 1; Gunther 2. suggest correction
SHAW 2 USA, see Frye and Shaw. Coffeen D; RSW. suggest correction
SHAW, EDWARD England, c.1689, MIM apprenticed to Clement Forster of the Clockmakers' Company on June 24, 1689. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SHAW, JOHN 1 England, fl.1682-1715, PHIM Stick Barometer = D. apprenticed in 1672 in the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company in 1682; Master of the Company, 1712-15. Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Robischon. suggest correction
SHAW, JOHN 2 England, c.1830, PHIM magnet manufacturer. Sheffield. Taylor 2(2001). suggest correction
SHAW, PETER England, fl.1710-61, designed a portable set of chemical instruments and apparatus with Francis Hauksbee 1, F.R.S. Taylor 2(211). suggest correction
SHAW, ROBERT LUDLOW USA, 1813-76, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Barometer = P.C. (1988); Octant = MYS; Telescopes = MYS, Decatur House, Washington, D.C.; Marine Compasses = MYS, Philadelphia Maritime Museum, D.(1971); Sextant = MYS. may have been apprenticed to John H. Wheeler; Shaw and Addington D. Frye succeeded Wheeler in 1836 as Frye and Shaw, which see; the partnership lasted until 1845; the firm had a Ramsden-type dividing engine. 222 Water Street (1836-76); also at 119 Beekman 1858-67); 110 Wall Street (1876); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Preuss and Treworgy 2; Moskowitz 102; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
SHEA, ROLAND H. Ireland; USA, 1829-55, MIM SIM Wye Level = New Bern, N.C. born in Ireland. Ireland (1829); 29 Front Street (ward 2), Brooklyn, N.Y. (1849-53); 167 Broadway, New York, N.Y. (1853-55); 82 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
SHEAHAN, D.B. USA, fl.1900-22, MIM sundial maker; his monumental and wall sundials are found in towns and institutions in the New England states; he also made many pocket sundials which were influenced by Lewis Evans' chapter on portable sundials found in the 4th edition of Mrs. Gatty's book on sundials, 1904; the Tomlinson collection at the ADL contains many examples of his work. New York, N.Y. Tomlinson 1; Wray Cat.; USNM; Fox 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SHEARER, JAMES England, fl.1825-42, MIM Astronomical Clock with two Globes = P.-B. 11/19/42. London. RSW. suggest correction
SHEARS, JOHN c.1920, Water Clock, signed "John Shears Newcastle, 1629" = Clock Museum, Newport, N.H. this looks like the work of Pearson Page Ltd. of Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
SHEFFEL, MICHAEL mis-spelling of Michael Scheffelt. Daumas 1. suggest correction
SHELDON, JOHN England, PHIM made spring balances. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SHELTON, JOHN 1 England, c.1702, free of the Clockmakers' Company in 1702. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SHELTON, JOHN 2 England, c.1721, MIM apprenticed to Henry Stanbury of the Clockmakers' Company on May 20, 1712; free of the Company, Jan. 16, 1721. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SHELTON, JOHN 3 England, c.1745, free of the Clockmakers' Company in 1745. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SHENSTON, J.T. England, fl.1836-46, PHIM Weight, earthenware = OXF. "Manufacturer." 395 Strand, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SHEPARD, ANN England, 1676, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1676 = NMM. see A.S. 4. Bristol. Taylor 1(395); NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
SHEPARD, JOHN England, c.1674, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Robert Starr of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 22, 1674. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SHEPEARD, J.H. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Congleton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SHEPHERD England, c.1820, NIM Octant = Soth. 2/3/76; Sextant, double frame = X. the sextant was shown on the QE 2 menu in 1983; see C. Shepherd. Leadenhall Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
SHEPHERD, C. England, c.1820, NIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = VNN; Telescope, two-draw = Melun 4/24/83. 53 Leadenhall Street, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SHEPPARD, EDEN England, c.1701, MIM apprenticed to John Rowley in the Broderers' Company on Sept. 12, 1701. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SHEPPARD, JOHN England, 1737, NIM Davis Quadrant, 1737 = Ader Picard Tajan 3/7/77. RSW. suggest correction
SHEPPERE, LOUIS DE France; Russia, fl.1690-1700, OIM Frenchman working in St. Petersburg; Chenakal thought he did not take any pupils. St. Petersburg. Chenakal 3. suggest correction
SHERMAN, C.R., AND CO. USA, fl.1865-73, NIM Marine Compasses = MYS (2), Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass. the Whaling Museum compass is signed "Charles R. Sherman and Co."; the "and Co." was his partner James Handley; T.C. reads, in part, "Successor to J. Kehew." 49 North Water Street, New Bedford, Mass. Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
SHERMAN, CHARLES R. USA, fl.1849-73, NIM Mariner's Compass = Daggett House, Edgartown, Mass. he worked for John Kehew, 1849-59; succeeded him in 1865; instruments signed "C.R. Sherman"; see C.R. Sherman and Co. 49 North Water Street, New Bedford, Mass. Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
SHERWOOD England, c.1838, NIM compass maker?; designed a "Magnetic Geometer" for finding position at sea; this was patented by R.M. Hoe, which see. Taylor 2(2245). suggest correction
SHETRINO, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Worcester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SHEW, H. England, c.1800, MIM Pantograph = D.(1972). London. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
SHEWSWELL, THOMAS England, c.1623, MIM apprenticed to Elias Allen in the Grocers' Company between 1612 and 1617; free of the Company on July 29, 1623. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SHIELD, NICOLAS England, fl.1668, Shield had John Yarwell as an apprentice in 1668; Yarwell became a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. Clay and Court. suggest correction
SHIPLEY, GEORGE USA, fl.1797-1801, sold telescopes. New York, N.Y. Bedini 8. suggest correction
SHIPPY, JOHN England, c.1706, MIM apprenticed to John Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on May 6, 1706. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SHIRK, JOSEPH USA, 1814-1902, MIM SIM Tansit = P.C.(1965). surveyor; Mennonite inventor. Churchtown; Union Grove (1841-1902); both in Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
SHIRTCLIFFE England, c.1700, designed a type of slide rule,made by William Wyeth. Cajori. suggest correction
SHORT see De Grave, Short and Fanner. RSW. suggest correction
SHORT AND MOWER England, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = K. and C. 5/23/73. London. RSW. suggest correction
SHORT, JAMES Scotland; England, 1710-68, OIM reflecting telescopes in large numbers; examples may be seen in many museums including ADL, OXF, HAR, LEY, AMST, RSM, Zeiss of Jena, Palermo Observatory, Tashkent Observatory, etc. one of the most successful makers of his era; the earliest dated telescope is 1735; Short marked his telescopes with a serial number which appears as a formula, the production number of that particular focal length, over the total prduction to date, = the focal length of the telescope; he was succeeded by his brother, Thomas Short. Edinburgh (1710-38); Surrey Street, Strand, London (1739-68). Taylor 2(307); Bryden 1, 3, 7, & 19; G.L'E. Turner 3, 6, & 8; A.J. Turner 10; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SHORT, THOMAS Scotland; England, c.1712-88, OIM Reflecting Telescopes = ADL-W18, KEN, etc. succeeded his older brother, James Short in 1768; took out a patent in 1774 for a reflecting telescope with more than two specula. Foot of the Broad Wynd, Leith (1748); Surrey Street, Strand, London (1768-76); Calton Hill Observatory, Edinburgh (1776-88). Taylor 2(308); Bryden 3; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(XIV); ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SHORTGRAVE, RICHARD England, fl.1658-76, PHIM made wheel and stick barometers, thermometers etc.; worked for Robert Hooke; became "Operator to the Royal Society", succeeded in that job by Harry Hunt; devised a new water level. Gresham College, London. Taylor 1(274); Goodison 1; Daumas 1; Evans 2. suggest correction
SHORTGRAVE, THOMAS England, fl.1674-80, PHIM son of Richard Shortgrave; assistant to Robert Hooke. London. Taylor 1(274). suggest correction
SHOTTE, J.N. see J.H. Schotte. Evans 1; Zinner 1. suggest correction
SHREW England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope, three-draw = Christie-SK 11/27/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
SHUTTLEWORTH England, 18th Century, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Universal Ring Sundials = Franklin Institute, Soth. 3/11/77; Surveyor's Compass = Bruce Museum, Greenwich Conn.; Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 12/15/72; Pantograph = Christie 7/23/80; Microscope Barrel = Soth. 5/21/73; Telescope = P.C. instruments signed this way could have been made by either Henry Raines Shuttleworth or Henry Shuttleworth. Goodison 1; USNM; Daumas 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
SHUTTLEWORTH, HENRY England, fl.1787-1812, OIM Microscopes = Clay Coll.(2); Soth.-S 4/24/87. apprenticed to his father, Henry Raines Shuttleworth, in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free in the Company in 1787 according to Crawforth; others think it was 1797. at the Sign of Sir Isaac Newton and Two Pair of Golden Spectacles (No. 23 Ludgate Street) near the West End of St. Paul's, London. Crawforth 1; Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(226); Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
SHUTTLEWORTH, HENRY RAINES England, c.1732-97, MIM OIM Microscopes = Stevens' Auction Rooms 6/14/1782, Soth.3/25/86; Garden Sundial = P.C.(1987); Spyglass = D.(1985). father of Henry Shuttleworth; apprenticed to John Cuff in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1747; free of the Company in 1754; Master of the Company, 1782-87; took apprentices; see Shuttleworth. at Sir Isaac Newton and Two Pairs of Golden Spectacles; The Old Mathematical Shop near the West End of St. Paul's (1791) (otherwise 23 Ludgate Street); both in London. Taylor 2(537); Court and von Rohr 3(153); A.J. Turner 10; Robischon; Coffeen 9; Clay and Court; Goodison 1; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
SHUTTLEWORTH, JOSEPH England, fl.1830-37, MIM Sectors, ivory = X, Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79, Soth. 7/15/63; Drawing Instrument Set = P.C. (1980). Evans noted that he made a microscope c.1786 but this surely is the work of H. Shuttleworth. 73 Lichfield Street, Birmingham; 133 Broad Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(2002); Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
SIBE, JOHANN Denmark, see Brenner and Sibe. Baillie 1. suggest correction
SIBELIN, JEAN France, fl.1706-35, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round = Musée Historique de Neuchätel. "horologer"; is he the same as or related to Sebelin l'aîné, which see. Neuchätel. RSW. suggest correction
SIBENMANN AND QUARTIER USA, fl.1852-55, MIM NIM PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
SIBLEY AND MARBLE USA, fl.1801-07, MIM advertised in 1801 that they repaired (and sold?) swords, clocks, mathematical and surgical instruments, etc. New Haven, Conn. USNM. suggest correction
SICKLER, C. Germany, c.1850, MIM SIM Theodolite = Soth. 3/10/87; Surveying Level = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. Karlsruhe. RSW. suggest correction
SIEBER, MICHAEL Germany, 1744, MIM Equatorial Table Sundials, 1744 = PRA, PAM; Horizontal Sundial = PRA. signed "Pater Michael Sieber OSP fecit." Zinner 1; Astron. Inst.; RSW. suggest correction
SIEFER, KONRAD Germany, 1403, MIM Wall Sundial, 1403 = Strassburg Cathedral. Lübke. suggest correction
SIEGLER see Molteni et Siégler. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SIEMENS AND HALSKE Germany, c.1850, showed in 1851 at the Great Exhibition in London. Berlin. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SIEMENS, CHARLES WILLIAMS Germany, 1823-83, MIM PHIM patented a double cylinder air pump, exhibited at the 1851 Great Exhibition in London with his partner, Halske. Berlin. Chaldecott 3; RGO; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SIENER, G. Germany, c.1860, MIM OIM Telescopic Level = DRE. Darmstadt. RSW. suggest correction
SIETE, LUDOLF DE Germany, 15th Century, MIM Astrolabe = Cracow University Observatory. master of the treasury of the abbey of Einbeck. Einbeck. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SIKES, BARTHOLOMEW England, 1731-1803, PHIM devised a type of hydrometer; collector of Excise. Stourbridge; 5, Wilderness Row, Clerkenwell, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; McConnell 4. suggest correction
SILBERADE Telescope = Phillips 6/15/76. this is probably a misreading for Charles Silberrad. RSW. suggest correction
SILBERMANN JEUNE France, fl.1855-62, MIM PHIM Silbermann jeune; might have been the son of Jean Thiebaut Silbermann; "preparateur de physique au College de France"; found a way to print celestial and terrestrial globes with but one strike ? Paris. USNM. suggest correction
SILBERMANN, JEAN THIEBAUT France, 1806-65, MIM PHIM on his arrival in Paris Silberman apprenticed himself to Jecker, a maker of physical apparatus; Silbermann later became Superintendent of the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers; he developed a form of heliostat in 1843 which was widely adopted; Silbermann jeune may have been his son. Paris. USNM. suggest correction
SILBERRAD, CHARLES England, fl.1801-33, MIM OIM PHIM Microscopes = WHI, CNY; Double Barometer = OXF; Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X; Universal Ring Sundial = Auction, 1961; Instrument = Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Pa.; Telescope = Phillips 11/16/88. the wheel barometer is signed "C. Silberrad", the other barometers are signed "Silberrad." 34 Aldgate within, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1218); Michel 3; Daumas 1; O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
SILIPRANDI, IL Italy, 17th Century, MIM Water Level = D.(1973); Level, large, iron = D.(1971). RSW. suggest correction
SILK, WILLIAM England, c.1762, apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on June 29, 1762. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SILKER Sweden, c.1710, MIM instrument maker; probably a half-brother of Christopher Polhem. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
SILLO AND CO. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. York? Goodison 1. suggest correction
SILLO, S. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1986). York. Antique Collector, Nov. 1986. suggest correction
SILVA, JOAO DA Portugal, late 19th Century, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood = Evans Coll., D.(1967), Lisbon Ethnological Museum. also signed as "J.S." 2, which see; "autor." RSW. suggest correction
SILVA, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SILVANI AND CO. England, PHIM Thermometer = K. and C. 12/12/73. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
SILVANI, G. AND B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Brighton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SILVANI, V. England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer with clock = Christie 12/8/76. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
SILVANI, V., AND CO. England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/15/72. Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
SILVE, J. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. 9 East Street, Plymouth. RSW. suggest correction
SILVER AND CO. England, NIM Octant with telescope = Melun 4/24/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
SILVER, C.W., AND CO. England, NIM Octant = KEN-1872-77. RSW. suggest correction
SILVER, G., AND CO. England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 11/13/86. RSW. suggest correction
SILVER, P.W., AND CO. England, NIM Sextant = Christie 6/7/72. Cornhill, London. RSW. suggest correction
SILVER, S.W., AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Electrical Machine, with ebonite fittings = X. 3 Bishopsgate Street, London. USNM. suggest correction
SILVESTER, JOSHUA England, c.1594, apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 25, 1594. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SIMENCOURT, DE France, c.1850, MIM Vertical, south-facing Sundial = D. No. 341; "Cadran Vertical Indiquant l'avance et le retard sur la Méridienne du Midi vrai." Faubourg St. Denis No. 42 (erased), Paris. Coffeen 55. suggest correction
SIMES, CHARLES England, c.1784, MIM apprenticed to James Martin of the Grocers' Company on June 3, 1784. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SIMKIN, J. England, fl.1781-91, MIM card in Lewis Evans Coll. Burton Wood. Evans 1. suggest correction
SIMMES, ISAAC 1 England, fl. 1609-10, MIM Garden Sundials = KEN (1609), X (1610); Sundial, bronze, square, 1610 = Phillips 2/15/89. goldsmith. Parish of St. Botolf, London. Delehar 1; RSW. suggest correction
SIMMES, ISAAC 2 England, 1735, MIM Horizontal Sundial Plate, 1735 = X. clockmaker. Evans 1. suggest correction
SIMMONS, H. USA, 1852, MIM Garden Sundial, 1852 = D.(1983). for "Lat. 43°". Paris, N.Y. Coffeen E. suggest correction
SIMMONS, THOMAS England, c.1807, apprenticed to William Elliott 1 in the Joiners' Company on June 30, 1807. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SIMMS 1 England, c.1824, MIM OIM Protractor = Soth. 10/28/86; Meridian Transit Telescope, 1824 = X; Altitude and Azimuth Telescope, 1824 = X. London. RSW. suggest correction
SIMMS 2 see Troughton and Simms; Edward Troughton 2 and William Simms 2. Taylor and Wilson; RSW. suggest correction
SIMMS 3 England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95 Chipping Norton. RSW. suggest correction
SIMMS, FREDERICK WILLIAM see William Simms 2. Daumas 1. suggest correction
SIMMS, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1792-99, OIM 4 (later 8) Crooked Lane, London. Taylor 2(1041). suggest correction
SIMMS, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1822-46, MIM NIM OIM PHIM son of William Simms 1; brother of James Simms 2 and William Simms 2; see J. and G. Simms. London. Taylor 2(1042); Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
SIMMS, J. AND G. England, fl.1822-46, MIM NIM OIM James Simms 2 and George Simms 2; the firm made mariner's and other compasses; Francis Barker and Son in their Trade Card stated that they had worked for the Simms' firm for seventeen years and had succeeded them. 4 Broadway, Blackfriars; 9 Greville Street, Hatton Garden (1846); both in London. Taylor 2(1042); Taylor and Wilson; Chaldecott 3; R.G.O. suggest correction
SIMMS, JAMES 1 England, 1711-95, MIM father of William Simms 1 and grandfather of William (2), James (2), and George Simms (2); made drawing compasses. Birmingham. Taylor 2(309); Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
SIMMS, JAMES 2 England, fl.1822-46, MIM NIM OIM PHIM son of William Simms 1; see J. and G. Simms. London. Taylor 2(1042); Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
SIMMS, JAMES 3 England, 1828-1915, MIM OIM PHIM SIM apprenticed to his father, William Simms 2 in 1843; after his father's death in 1860, he became a partner with his cousin, William Simms 3, in Troughton and Simms until 1871 when William Simms retired; James Simms 3 carried on the firm alone until his death in 1915. Woolich Road, Charlton, Kent and 138 Fleet Street, Lomdon. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
SIMMS, JAMES 4 England, 1862-1939, MIM OIM PHIM SIM son of James Simms 3 and brother of William Simms 4; carried on Troughton and Simms Ltd. with his brother, 1915-22; in 1922 the firm merged with T. Cooke and Sons Ltd. of York to become Cooke, Troughton and Simms Ltd. Woolwich Road, Charlton, Kent and 138 Fleet Street, London. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
SIMMS, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1763-1820, MIM son of James Simms 1; father of William (2), James (2), and George Simms (2), which see. Birmingham; Bowman's Buildings, Aldersgate Street, London (1793). Taylor 2(889); Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
SIMMS, WILLIAM 2 England, 1793-1860, MIM OIM Frederick William Simms; son of William Simms 1; may have been apprenticed c.1807 to Bennett (?) of Cork who was one of Ramsden's workmen; after some years on his own he joined with Edward Troughton 2 as a partner (1826-36) in Troughton and Simms; joined by his nephew William Simms 3 in 1836; improved Troughton's dividing engine by adding a "self-acting mechanism"; exhibited standard yard rules at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; author; F.R.S., 1852. The Orrery, 136 Fleet Street (1826-43); 138 Fleet Street (1843-60); both in London. Taylor 2(1430); J.A. Bennett 2; Chaldecott 3; R.G.O.; G.L'E. Turner 24; Goodison 1; Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
SIMMS, WILLIAM 3 England, 1817-1907, OIM son of James Simms 2; joined his uncle, William Simms 2 in Troughton and Simmsin 1836; became partner in the firm with his cousin, James Simms 3 in 1860; retired in 1871. The Orrery, 136 Fleet Street, London; 138 Fleet Street (1841), London and Woolwich Road, Charlton, Kent (1864). Taylor 2(1430); Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
SIMMS, WILLIAM 4 England, 1860-1938, MIM OIM PHIM SIM son of James Simms 3; carried on the firm of Troughton and Simms Ltd. with his brother, James Simms 4 from 1915-22; in 1922 the firm merged with T. Cooke and Sons Ltd. of York to become Cooke, Troughton and Simms Ltd. Woolwich Road, Charlton, Kent and 138 Fleet Street, London. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
SIMONDO England, PHIM Table Orrery = Whitehall, London. Grimaldi. suggest correction
SIMONS, D. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. West Sussex 10/18/83. Trowbridge. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SIMONS, JAMES England, 1774-93, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Theodolites = Bennington Museum, Vermont, Christie-SK 7/10/80; Butterfield-type Sundials = Soth. 5/21/73, D.(1974), D.; Pantograph = Phillips 11/16/76; Stick Barometer = X. one of the sundials shown by dealers had a list of six English cities, the other has a single hour scale; the barometer is signed "Simons London"; his trade card shows that he sold microscopes. Sir Isaac Newton's Head, corner of Marylebone Street and Golden Square, opposite Glasshouse Street (1773-85); Fleet Street; 17 Marylebone Street (1791); all in London. Taylor 2(1042a); Goodison 1; USNM; Wynter and Turner; C.N. Robinson; Clay and Court; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
SIMPSON 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SIMPSON 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SIMPSON AND ROBERTS England, NIM Octant, ebony, ivory, brass, with case = ADL-T50. Roberts 2. 34 Strand Street, Liverpool. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SIMPSON, JOHN England, c.1815, MIM apprenticed to John Browning 1 in the Grocers' Company on Jan. 2, 1800; free of the Company on Dec. 7, 1815; Master; also spelled "Simson". London? J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
SIMPSON, JONATHAN USA, 1787-1863, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = USNM, Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort; Compass = Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis. silversmith; clockmaker. Bardstown, Kentucky. Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 17. suggest correction
SIMSON England, NIM Octant = Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester. possibly John Simpson. Strand Street, Liverpool. Holbrook 2. suggest correction
SIMSON, JOHN see John Simpson. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SINCLAIR, GEORGE 1 Scotland, fl.1654-96, PHIM barometer maker; professor of mathematics and philosophy; author. St. Andrews; Glasgow; Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Bryden 10; Middleton 1. suggest correction
SINCLAIR, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1670-1703, MIM designed a pantograph; might be "St. Clair." at the Sign of the Log, Russell Street, Covent Garden, London? Taylor 1(349). suggest correction
SINDLE, JOSEPH England, c.1800, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = OXF. Taylor 2(1219). suggest correction
SING, MAURITIUS Germany, c.1740, MIM Astrolabe Clock = UTO 11/2/76; Astronomical Clock = UTO 9/29/75. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
SINGELING see Cingeling. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
SINGER England, pre-1881, patented a compass sundial; the siver case is hallmarked 1881. London. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
SINGER, HANS Germany, c.1548, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
SIOLI, L. England, 1807, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1807 = X. Richmond. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SIRE, GEORGES ETIENNE France, 1826-1906, invented a version of the gyroscope. Besançon. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SISSON England, PHIM Barometer = COR. probably either Jonathan Sisson 2 or Jeremiah Sisson. London. Courtanvaux. suggest correction
SISSON, I. variant signature for J. Sisson, which see. RSW. suggest correction
SISSON, J. England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM many instruments are signed "J. Sisson"; these could be by Jonathan Sisson 2 or by Jeremiah Sisson; examples may be found at AMST, KEN, UTR, NYM, WHI, etc; a drawing instrument, ADL-W100, is signed "I. Sisson." London. Bryden 16; de Rijk; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Coffeen F; Wynter & Turner; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SISSON, JEREMIAH England, fl.1736-88, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Microscope = KEN; Mural Arc, 1770 = KEN; Telescope Micrometer = KEN; Octant, 1763 = UTR; Stick Barometers = KEN, WHI. son of Jonathan Sisson 2; succeeded him in 1747; made quadrants used by David Rittenhouse in 1768; instrument maker to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Corner of Beaufort Buildings, Strand London. Taylor 2(411); Goodison 1; USNM; Daumas 1; Clay and Court. suggest correction
SISSON, JONATHAN 1 England, c.1720, MIM apprenticed to Jeremiah Gregory of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 1, 1720; J. Brown thought he was not the mathematical instrument maker, Jonathan Sisson 2 who was the father of Jeremiah Sisson. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SISSON, JONATHAN 2 England, c.1690-1747, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM made a wide range of finely divided instruments dating from 1725-42; examples can be seen at NMM, UTR, WAI, Bologna U. Observatory, etc. chief workman for George Graham; John Bird worked for Sisson; from 1729, instrument maker to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales; added telescopic sights to a theodolite; succeeded by his son, Jeremiah Sisson in 1747; see Graham and Sisson; T.C. at the Sphere, corner of Beaufort Buildings in the Strand, London (1722-47). Taylor 1(580) & 2(120); Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; J. Brown 3; Crawforth 1; USNM; Michel 3; von Cittert 1; Bedini 8; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Millburn 6 & 10; RSW. suggest correction
SIVA, PADRE GAETANO DI see Gaetano NMM 2. suggest correction
SIX, JAMES England, fl.1782-96, MIM PHIM invented a maximum-minimum thermometer; F.R.S., 1792; author. Maidstone; Canterbury. Taylor 2(890); Bedini 8; Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SIZER, NORTON England, NIM Mariner's Compass = Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass. London. RSW. suggest correction
SKIRROW, JAMES England, fl.1783-1814, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Adlington Hall. signed "J. Skirrow Wigan"; clockmaker. Lancaster and Wigan. Goodison 1; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
SLADE AND KEAST USA, c.1842, MIM NIM PHIM may be James Slade, which see. Boston, Mass. (1842). USNM. suggest correction
SLADE, JAMES USA, c.1844, MIM NIM PHIM may be the Slade in "Slade and Keast", which see. Boston, Mass. (1844). USNM. suggest correction
SLATER, THOMAS England, fl.1852-58, OIM ground lenses for 24-inch refracting telescopes for the Rev. J. Craig in 1852. 4 Somers Place, West Euston Square (1852); 136 Euston Road (1858); both in London. USNM. suggest correction
SLEYER, W. England, fl.1674-80, MIM instrument maker and operator with Robert Boyle. Lady Ranelagh's House, Pall Mall, London. Taylor 1(378). suggest correction
SLIPPER see Sloper. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SLOPER, A. England, 19th Century, MIM Plotting Scale, silver = Trinity College, Cambridge. London. Dewhirst. suggest correction
SLOPER, JEREMIAH England, fl.1727-42, MIM apprenticed to Richard Hutchinson of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 4, 1717; free of the Company, Jan. 16, 1727. Maiden Lane, London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SLOT, SYRACH VAN Holland, MIM Sector = Stedelijmuseum, Leiden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
SMALKANDENSIS see Johannes Bamman and H.B.1; Smalkandensis appears as part of the signature on Bamman's 1484 astrolabe, it is the name of the town where he lived. Price 1. suggest correction
SMALL, WILLIAM USA, fl.1819-24, MIM 22 East Pratt (1819); 44 South Gay Street (1822-23); 56 Pitt Street (1824); all in Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
SMART England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SMART, JOHN England, fl.1690-1700, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
SMART, ROBERT England, c.1760, apprenticed to Joseph Hill of the Grocers' Company on May 6, 1760. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SMEATON, JOHN England, 1724-91, MIM NIM PHIM Condensing Steam Engine = Herring Auction, May 1, 1793; Celestial Globe = Herring Auction, May 1, 1793. engineer; surveyor; switched from the study of law to instrument making; worked with Dr. Gowin Knight testing patent logs, etc.; designed an air pump in 1752; produced Smeaton's gyroscopic horizon, c.1760; F.R.S. in 1753. Furnival's Inn Court (1750); South Street, Grey's Inn, Holborn (1772); both in London. Taylor 2(412); A.J. Turner 10; Bedini 8; Loomes 2; RSW; Courtanvaux; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SMEATON, THOMAS 20th Century, Water Clock, signed "Thomas Smeaton, Salisbury, 1625" = BIR. probably made by Pearson Page Ltd. of Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
SMETHWICK England, fl.1674-75, OIM partner of Jack Dunning; turner; glass grinder; made lenses for telescopes and other optical instruments. Charing Cross, London. Taylor 1(379). suggest correction
SMETHWICK, FRANCIS England, fl.1667-85, OIM pupil of William Oughtred; amateur optical instrument maker; worked with Hooke; made a microscope, a telescope, and some burning glasses; F.R.S. in 1667. London. Taylor 1(323); Gunther 2; Daumas 1; Spargo 1. suggest correction
SMION Germany, 1592, MIM Artillery Dividers, 1592 = MUN. Simon? Nürnberg. Price 2. suggest correction
SMISSEN, VANDER Holland, late 17th Century, MIM Inclinable Sundial = BMR; Sector = D.(1994). sector signed "Vander Smissen Maestricht." Maestricht; Brussels. Rooseboom 1; Michel 1; Evans 1; Coffeen 46; RSW. suggest correction
SMIT, FR. ANTON Germany, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial = DEU. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SMIT, J. CHR. Holland, fl.1831-47, MIM NIM instrument and compass maker. Elandstraat 551 (1831-38); Elandstraat over de Franschen tuin 551 (1839-47); both in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SMITH 1 England, fl.1763-74, MIM see Watkins and Smith. London. Moskowitz 122; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH 2 England, 1788, MIM Planetarium = Mr. Didier (1788). optician and instrument maker; member of the Bath Philosophical Society. Bond Street, Bath. Bryden 9. suggest correction
SMITH 3 England, c.1819, PHIM T.C.; see James Smith 1. Royal Exchange, London. Crawforth 1; Calvert 2. suggest correction
SMITH 4 England, c.1830, MIM Terrestrial Globes = Soth. 4/17/61, Soth. 7/15/63, Versailles 2/28/82; Celestial Globe = Christie-SK 4/17/86. probably Charles Smith of Charles Smith and Son. London. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH 5 England, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = KEN. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH 6 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Reading. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SMITH 7 England, OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 4/17/86. see Smith 3. Royal Exchange, London. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH AND BECK England, fl.1847-57, OIM Microscopes = Hunterian Museum, U. of Glasgow, Christie 12/8/76, Phillips 10/26/83 and 2/15/89, Soth. 2/26/68 & 2/25/86, D.(1975), D.(1985), P.C.; Binocular Microscope, No.1527 = Soth. 2/25/86; etc. James Smith 3 and Richard Beck; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; Phillips 2/15/89 was presentation gift in 1852, No. 667. 6 Coleman Street, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Nuttall 2; Moskowitz; Coffeen 9; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH AND CO. 1 USA, 1831, MIM made mathematical instruments and clocks. Canton, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
SMITH AND CO. 2 England, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Christie 12/8/76. 63 Charing Cross, London. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH AND HIND England, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-Scot. 5/11/93. Hartlepool. ATG 5/8/93. suggest correction
SMITH AND RAMAGE 1 Scotland, PHIM Smith and John Ramage 2 Aberdeen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SMITH AND RAMAGE 2 Scotland, fl.1845-60, NIM OIM PHIM Marine barometer = X. Charles Ramage. 45 Regents Quay, Aberdeen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SMITH AND WATKINS England, fl.1764-74, OIM Addison Smith and Francis Watkins 1. London. Clay and Court. suggest correction
SMITH'S England, MIM Celestial Globe = Herschel Home Museum, Bath. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH'S NAVIGATION SHOP England, Hadley Quadrant = D.(1976). Pool Lane (Liverpool). RSW. suggest correction
SMITH'S, PROF., ETABLESSMENT Denmark, c.1843, Quadrant on stand = AUI. Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, ABRAHAM, AND CO. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/15/72. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, ADDISON England, fl.1763-89, OIM PHIM Telescopes = Burndy Library, Conn., Phillips 4/20/83, D.(1982); Microscope = Phillips 4/20/83; Barometer = X. apprenticed to Francis Watkins 1 in the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct. 4, 1750; free of the Company, June 30, 1763; partner with Francis Watkins 1, 1764-68, as Watkins and Smith; opticians and scale makers; opposed Peter Dollond's patent; the shop sign was "Hands and Scales" T.C.; took out patents on spectacles in 1783. St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross (1764); 5 Charing Cross (1764-74); opposite Northumberland Street, 481 Strand (1779); 79 Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place (1783); all in London. Taylor 2(538); Crawforth 1; Goodison 1; Robischon; Clay and Court; Cort and von Rohr 3(160); Coffeen B; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, ANDREW 1 Scotland, 1821, invented the "Apograph", a scale drawing device (pantograph); it was sold by Mason of Dublin; R.B. Bate ried to get the rights. Ayr. Darius 3; McConnell 4; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, ANDREW 2 England, c.1838, MIM PHIM see William and Andrew Smith; William Smith 6 and Andrew Smith 2. 46 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London. Taylor 2(2248). suggest correction
SMITH, AUDLEY England, NIM Sextant = Burndy Library, Norwalk, Conn. London. USNM. suggest correction
SMITH, B. England, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 12/12/89. Bath. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, BECK AND BECK England, fl.1857-66, OIM Microscope, # 3527 = Christie 12/8/76; Binocular Microscope = Soth. 7/10/67; etc. James Smith 3, Richard Beck and Joseph Beck. 6 Coleman Street, London E.C. USNM; Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, CALEB 1 England, fl.1734-45, insurance broker; invented an astronomical sextant, 1734; invented a sea-quadrant, c.1742, of which 2 examples survive. London. Bedini 8. suggest correction
SMITH, CALEB 2 see Ward and Smith. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SMITH, CHARLES England, MIM globemaker; see Smith 4, Charles Smith and Son, and Charles Smith and Sons. London. Taylor 2(1705); Yonge. suggest correction
SMITH, CHARLES, AND SON England, fl.1827-1850, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature = Christie 12/12/72, Soth. 2/12/76 & 2/8/83; Terrestrial Globes = P.C., P.C. (1839); Celestial Globe = Rutgers U. Library, New Brunswick, N.J., Wellesley College Observatory, Mass; Pair of Globes = Soth. 5/30/75. see Charles Smith and Sons; sometimes signed "Smith and Son" or "C. Smith and Son"; Soth. 5/30/75 misread as "G. Smith and Son." 172 Strand, London. Taylor 2(1705); Wynter and Turner; USNM; Wynter 1974; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, CHARLES, AND SONS England, c.1867, MIM Pair of Globes, 18" = Soth. 2/8/83; Terrestrial Globe, miniature, with case, 1867 = Peron & Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. see Charles Smith and Son. London. Taylor 2(1705); RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, CORDIAL USA, c.1775, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, 1775 = Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. Smart 1. suggest correction
SMITH, D.L. USA, c.1870, MIM Floating Sundials = Bliss Coll., D.(1978), D.(1983). "D.L. Smith's Patent, August 23, 1870." Coffeen D; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, EDGERTON (2) AND WILLIAM (1) England, fl.1803-08, MIM NIM succeeded their father Edgerton Smith (1); the elder Smith was probably associated with Edward Massey between 1805 and 1808 and was the author of the booklet on the use of Massey's log. Navigation Shop, 18 Pool Lane, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1220a)(769). suggest correction
SMITH, EDGERTON 1 England, fl.1766-1807, MIM NIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Octants = NMM (2). took out a patent for improvements in binnacles and compasses with his mechanic, Michael Harris; school master and printer, 1766-72; instrument maker and lecturer on philosophy, 1774; succeeded by his sons, Edgerton (2) and William (1) Smith. Church Street (1766-72); Newton's Head, 17 Pool Lane (1774); both in Liverpool. Taylor 2(769); Goodison 1; Bryden 9. suggest correction
SMITH, EDGERTON 2 England, c.1825, NIM Magnetic Compass = Soth. 12/1/75. see Edgerton (2) and William (1) Smith. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, EDGERTON, AND CO. England, c.1819, PHIM Edgerton Smith 2; T.C. Liverpool. Crawforth 1; Calvert 2. suggest correction
SMITH, F., AND SON England, 19th Century, NIM Mariner's Compass = Christie-SK 4/14/89. Frederick Smith. Southampton. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, FREDK. England, 19th Century, NIM Smith's trade card in the case of a Kettlewell sextant says "from Plymouth." Plymouth; 23 Oxford Street, Southampton. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, G., AND SON probably a misreading for Charles Smith and Son. Soth. 5/30/75; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, GEORGE 1 England, c.1674, MIM apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company in 1664; free of the Company in 1674. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SMITH, GEORGE 2 England, c.1803, apprenticed to John Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on June 2, 1803. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SMITH, GEORGES France, 19th. Century, MIM Sundial, round, silver = Lempertz 6/14/76. perhaps a misreading for Monsieur George. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, I. England, 17th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = USNM. USNM. suggest correction
SMITH, J. 1 Holland, 19th Century, NIM Compass, small = Zuiderzee Museum, Enkhuizen. Groningen. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SMITH, J. 2 England, MIM Orrery, pocket sized, = Soth. 11/13/61; Globe, miniature = Soth. 2/26/68. surely James Smith 1. Royal Exchange, London. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, J. 3 Denmark, OIM Spyglass = D. "Dag og Nat" Koebenhaven. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, JAMES 1 England, fl.1812-28, PHIM Stick Barometers = Gloucester Museum, X; Wheel Barometers = X (5), Christie 4/25/91. succeeded James Long; the barometers are signed "Smith Royal Exchange" or "J. Smith, Royal Exchange, London"; see J. Smith 2. Royal Exchange, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SMITH, JAMES 2 England, fl.1820-25, MIM NIM OIM Telescope = OMM. the telescope is signed "J. Smith, 126 Wapping, London"; also made octants; succeeded John Smith 4 at this address. 126 Wapping, London. Taylor 2(1706); Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, JAMES 3 England, fl.1840-66, OIM Microscope, 1840 = Hunterian Museum, U. of Glasgow; Microscope, # 5 = RSM. founding partner of Smith, Beck and Beck; member of the R.M.S. in 1840. 17 Bath Place (later 15 Palace Row), New Road, Fitzroy Square; 56 Tollington Road; both in London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Moskowitz 3; Nuttall 2; Taylor 2(1707). suggest correction
SMITH, JAMES JOHN England, c.1868, OIM Microscope, binocular, Wenham-type = P.C. "late Smith and Beck"; probably a great-nephew of James Smith 3; member of the R.M.S. in 1868. 56 Tollington Road, Islington, London (1868). Moskowitz 3. suggest correction
SMITH, JAMES R. USA, fl.1858-69, probably a dealer; worked with his father, William Henry Smith, in the firm of William H. Smith and son; later his brother, Lewis Bayard Smith joined the firm which became William H. Smith and Sons. 2 Maiden Lane and 77 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
SMITH, JOHN 1 England, fl.1674-94, MIM PHIM Universal Ring Sundial = FIN = Weil = USNM. toolmaker in Lancashire; came to London, c.1673; admitted to the Clockmakers' Company in 1674; wrote two books on horology including the earliest horology book in English and two on "baroscopes"; may or may not have made barometers; clockmaker; Britten said that he died before 1730. Lancashire; St. Augustine, London. Goodison 1; Evans 1; USNM; Taylor 1(413); Britten; Middleton 1; Baillie 1; Aked. suggest correction
SMITH, JOHN 2 England, c.1725, OIM succeeded John Marshall 2 as optician to King George II. at the Archimedes and Three Golden Prospects, Ludgate Street, London. Taylor 2(212); Delehar 4; Clay and Court. suggest correction
SMITH, JOHN 3 England, fl.1740-80, MIM apprenticed to Henry Hindley, assistant to Dr. Demainbray at Kew. York; Richmond, Surrey; Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 2(413). suggest correction
SMITH, JOHN 4 England, fl.1817-22, MIM NIM OIM succeeded by James Smith 2. 126 Wapping, London. Taylor 2(1432). suggest correction
SMITH, JOHN 5 England, 1807-95, MIM Sundial, 1838 = Wesleyan Chapel, Bielby; Sundial = Albert Park, Middlesbrough. astronomer; diallist; made a pedometer. Bielby. Gatty. suggest correction
SMITH, JOHN 6 USA, c.1846, MIM NIM OIM also an engineer and surveyor. Philadelphia, Pa. (1846). USNM. suggest correction
SMITH, JOHN A. Scotland, 19th Century, NIM Lifeboat Compass = D.(1989). Peterhead. Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
SMITH, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1717-22, MIM member of the Clockmakers' Company, c.1717; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SMITH, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1817-46, MIM OIM PHIM partner of James Smith 3. 42 Threadneedle Street (1817); Northgate, Royal Exchange (1822); 17 Bath Placee (later 15 Palace Row, New Road, Fitzroy Square; all in London. Taylor 2(1433). suggest correction
SMITH, JOSEPH 3 England, c.1825, NIM made mariner's compasses and quadrants. Rigman's Rents, Fore Street, Limehouse, London. Taylor 2(1710). suggest correction
SMITH, L.A. USA, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Doyle Americana Auction 11/30/88. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, LAUNCELOT England, fl.1616-23, MIM free of the Joiners' Company before 1623; had already taken Thomas Brown 1 as an apprentice. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SMITH, LEWIS BAYARD USA, c.1860, worked with his father, William Henry Smith and his brother, James R. Smith in William H. Smith and Sons; probably dealers. 2 Maiden Lane and 77 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
SMITH, M.F., AND CO. Holland, 1848, MIM Chronometer = National Museum of Canada. The Hague; Antwerp. USNM. suggest correction
SMITH, MARY England, c.1730, widow of John Smith 1; advertised her husband's books for sale at the Fan and Flower deluce over against Somerset House in the Strand. St. Augustine, London. Goodison 1; Britten. suggest correction
SMITH, MIHILL England, c.1735, MIM apprenticed to James Parker 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 7, 1723; turned over to Benjamin Scott on Mar. 11, 1727; free of the Company on May 13, 1735. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SMITH, MOSES USA, c.1830, developed a new technique to remagnetize compass needles in 1830. New York, N.Y. Bedini 8; USNM. suggest correction
SMITH, NATHANIEL England, fl.1689-1720, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Isaac Carver in the Clockmakers' Company for eight years on May 5, 1680; free of the Company, July 1, 1689; took apprentices. London. Taylor 1(563); Evans 1; J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SMITH, PETER England, c.1793, apprenticed to James Clarke 1 of the Grocers' Company on Jan. 3, 1793. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SMITH, PHILIP England, fl.1686-83, MIM Scale, folding, boxwood, 1670 = ADL-A290. admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 24, 1668; took an apprentice. London. Taylor 1(298); Clay and Court; Robischon; J. Brown 1 & 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, R. England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope = Versailles 11/20/83; Stick Barometer = Bearne's 3/11/97. "cutter and optician." York. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, ROBERT 1 England, c.1604, invented a method for plotting sundials. Taylor 1(110). suggest correction
SMITH, ROBERT 2 England, 1698-1768, designed a reflecting microscope; author. Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
SMITH, S., AND SONS England, MIM Orrery Clock = Christie 3/29/60. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, SAML. ALBT. England, MIM Rule, brass = D.(1984). signed "Maker." Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, SAMUEL B. USA, 1847, PHIM exhibited an electro-magnetic machine at the Fair of the American Institute, Oct. 1847; won a diploma. 197 1/2 Broadway, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
SMITH, T. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1983). may be Thomas Smith, which see. Royal Exchange, London. RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1772-, apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 22, 1772; may be the same as T. Smith, which see. Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1814-22, NIM Azimuth Compass = D.(1971). marked on back of compass card "Lee Newmarch." 53 Old Gravel Lane, Wapping, London. Taylor 2(1434); Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
SMITH, THOMAS S. England, c.1838, MIM PHIM see Thomas Stokes Smith. 11 Goldsmith Street, Hackney Road, London. Taylor 2(2247). suggest correction
SMITH, THOMAS STOKES England, c.1809, MIM apprenticed to William Elliott 1 in the Joiners' Company, Oct. 31, 1809; listed as a MIM in the directories; see Thomas S. Smith. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SMITH, W.A. England, MIM Eidograph = D.(1984). "inv. and made by W.A. Smith"; "sold by Mason, Parliament Street, Dublin." Coffeen G. suggest correction
SMITH, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1803-08, MIM NIM son of Edgerton Smith 1; partner with his brother, Edgerton Smith 2. Liverpool. Taylor 2(769) & (1220a). suggest correction
SMITH, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1822, MIM 54 Red Lion Square, Holborn, London. Taylor 2(1711). suggest correction
SMITH, WILLIAM 3 England, c.1830, MIM compass maker. 5 Briton Side, Plymouth. Taylor 2(2006). suggest correction
SMITH, WILLIAM 4 England, fl.1830-37, MIM 6 Court, Loveday Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(2005). suggest correction
SMITH, WILLIAM 5 England, fl.1835-41, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "W. Smith Crowland"; watchmaker. North Street, Crowland. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SMITH, WILLIAM 6 England, c.1838, MIM PHIM see William and Andrew Smith; Andrew Smith 2. 46 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London. Taylor 2(2248). suggest correction
SMITH, WILLIAM AND ANDREW England, c.1838, MIM PHIM Beam Compass = OXF; Apograph = RSM; Eidograph = D.(1996). William Smith 6 and Andrew Smith 2; apograph sold by Mason of Dublin; eidigraph signed "Invented and made by W. and A. Smith, No. 332." 46 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London. Taylor 2(2248); Coffeen 55; RSW. suggest correction
SMITH, WILLIAM H., AND SON USA, fl.1858-69, MIM PHIM importers; William Henry Smith and his son, James R. Smith; see also William H. Smith and Sons. 2 Maiden Lane and 77 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
SMITH, WILLIAM H., AND SONS USA, 1858-1869, MIM SIM William H. Smith and his sons, James R. Smith and Lewis Bayard Smith; probably dealers. 2 Maiden Lane and 77 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
SMITH, WILLIAM HENRY USA, 1803-69, MIM SIM probably a dealer; see Young, Smith and Co., Smith, Young and Co., William H. Smith and Son and William H. Smith and Sons. 4 Maiden Lane (1830-57); 2 Maiden Lane and 77 William Street (1858-69); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
SMITH, YOUNG AND CO. USA, fl.1852-57, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. William Henry Smith and Henry Young. 4 Maiden Lane, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
SMYTH England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(4); Barometer = Soth. 9/1/70. one X is marked "London." London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SMYTH, ROBERT 20th Century, Water Clock, signed "Robert Smyth, London, 1659" = Local History Museum, Shaftesbury. probably made by Pearson Page Ltd. of Birmingham. Stevens and Aked. suggest correction
SMYTHE, JOHN England, c.1596, apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company on May 1, 1596. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SNART, CHARLES England, c.1795, MIM free of the Haberdashers' Company; scalemaker; reported on William Elliott 1 in 1795. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SNART, JOHN 1 England, fl.1690-1700, MIM PHIM Balances = NMM. T.C. at the Sign of the Heart and Scales, Maiden Lane, against the Goldsmiths' Hall, London. Taylor 1(471); RSW. suggest correction
SNART, JOHN 2 England, fl.1807-30, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = Christie-SK 11/19/87; Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 10/19/87. apprenticed in the Merchant Taylors' Company; trade card read "Telescope Maker to the Trade"; succeeded by Neaziah Snart. Southwark; 215 Tooley Street, London. Crawforth 7; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1221); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
SNART, NEAZIAH England, fl.1830-46, PHIM succeeded John Snart 2 before 1833; sometimes listed as Nehomiah or Neariah Snart in directories. 215 Tooley Street, London. Taylor 2(1221); Goodison 1. suggest correction
SNEEBERGER, MICHAEL Czechoslovakia, c.1600, MIM associated with Jost Bürgi. Prague. Michel 3. suggest correction
SNEEWINS, ANTONIUS Holland, fl.1642-73, MIM NIM SIM made many fine instruments including astrolabes, nocturnals, quadrants, surveying instrument, rules, sundials, etc., dating from 1642 to 1673; examples may be found at AMST, UTR, SKO, CNAM, LEY, KEN, CMY, RIK, etc. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Zinner 1; Michel 2; Price 1; ICA-2; Gunther 1; van Cittert; Hollands Glorie; RSW. suggest correction
SNEEWINS, HENRICUS Holland, fl.1640-75, MIM SIM Universal Ring Sundials = LEY, FIN, Drecker Coll. = DPW, D.(1984); Magnetic Compass, 1651 = SKO; Sectors = NUR, Berg Akademie, Freiburg; Ring Sundial = Evans Coll.; Circumferentor = Soth. 11/13/61. son of Johannes Sneewins; the universal ring sundial listed by the dealer is also marked "Alexander Brouwer"; see H.S. 4. Leiden. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; Evans 1; Michel 3; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
SNEEWINS, JAN. see Johannes Sneewins. Michel 2 & 3. suggest correction
SNEEWINS, JOHANNES Holland, fl.1637-75, MIM NIM Compass = ROT; Sundial = Oude Dordrecht (society)(1905). father of Henricus Sneewins; grandfather of Willem Sneewins; author; wrote on the astrolabe. Rotterdam; Utrecht. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; Evans 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
SNEEWINS, WILLEM Holland, fl.1677-1709, MIM NIM SIM Quadrants = AMST (1697), van Cleef Auction, 1799; Sundials = AMST (1700), Evans Coll. (1703), OXF (1709); Graphometer = LEY; Theodolite = SPI-2762 = AND-11 = Bliss Coll. son of Henricus Sneewins; Rooseboom thought that Antonius Sneewins was his father. Delft. Zinner 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Rooseboom 1; Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
SNELLEN, W. Holland, c.1800, MIM Horizontal Sundial = UTR; Sundial, silver = Zeiss-Jena. Rooseboom 1; de Rijk. suggest correction
SNELLING, JOHN England, fl.1761-1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "J. Snelling Alton." High Street, Alton (1830). Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
SNOW England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ripon. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SNOW-HARRIS, WILLIAM England, c.1838, PHIM constructed a wheel barometer. Middleton 1. suggest correction
SODERBERG, MR. England, late 18th Centuryy., OIM T.C.; "Working Optician." No. 2 Crown Court, Crown Street, Westminster, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
SOHER, JOHANNES Germany, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = AUG. RSW. suggest correction
SOHLBERG, GORAN Sweden, b.1745, MIM Göran Sohlberg; apprenticed to J.Z. Steinholtz in 1760. Pipping 1. suggest correction
SOLARO Holland, 1817, PHIM barometer maker; partner with Donati Butti in 1817; may be A. Solaro or J. Solaro. Amsterdam. Crommelin 1; Daumas 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SOLARO AND BUTTI Holland, c.1817, PHIM barometer makers; Donati Butti came from Milan in 1794; partner with A. or J. Solaro in 1817. Vijgendam 39, Amsterdam (1817). Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SOLARO, A. Holland, c.1800, PHIM Barometer = FML. see Solaro and Butti. Leeuwarden. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SOLARO, J. Italy; Holland, c.1800, PHIM Barometer = FML. see Solaro and Butti. Leeuwarden. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SOLCA, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X(3). Tunbridge Wells. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOLCA, J. AND J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOLCA, JOSEPH England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOLCHA see Lappi and Solcha. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOLCHA, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Kettering. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOLCHA, J. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83. might be a variant for J. and J. Solca, which see. Hull. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SOLCHA, LEWIS England, fl.1851-59, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3). the barometers are signed either "Solcha Hull" or "L. Solcha Hull"; may have been a partner in Lappi and Solcha (Luppie and Solcha), which see. 1 Dagger Lane (1851); 17 Robinson Row (1855-59); both in Hull. Goodison 1; Loomes 1. suggest correction
SOLDINI, A. England, fl.1848-55, PHIM barometer maker. 17 Robinson Row (1848); 9 Robinson Row (1851-55); both in Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOLDINI, GIOSUE England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth.-WS 12/13/83. jeweller; some of the barometers are signed "G. Soldini Wincanton." High Street, Wincanton. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SOLDINI, J. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer and Thermometer = Bearne's 3/11/97. RSW. suggest correction
SOLDINI, P., AND MASPOLI England, c.1860, PHIM barometer makers; Pasqual Soldini and James Maspoli. 9 Robinson Row, Hull (1860). Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOLDINI, PASQUAL England, fl.1855-60, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). see P. Soldini and Maspoli. 9 Robinson Row, Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOLEIL France, c.1790, MIM SIM Graphometer = Soth. 2/25/86. may be the father of Jean-Baptiste-François Soleil, which see. Passage Freydeau, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
SOLEIL FILS France, fl.1834-49, OIM PHIM Telescopes = P.C., Christie 12/12/72, Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96; Polarimeter = USNM. "Opticien du Roi"; Jean-Baptiste-François Soleil, which see; Gersaint and USNM address is "Rue de l'Odèon." Galerie Vivienne No. 23; Rue de l'Odèon No. 35; both in Paris. USNM; Warner 13; RSW. suggest correction
SOLEIL, HENRI France, fl.1849-72, PHIM Polariscope = USNM; Fresnel Lens = USNM. "èleve et successeur de son père"; son of Jean-Baptiste-François Soleil. Paris. Warner 13. suggest correction
SOLEIL, JEAN-BAPTISTE-FRANCOIS France, 1798-1878, OIM PHIM Achromatic Lens and Prism = OXF; Telescope, three-power, miniature = D.(1992); Camera Lucida, miniature = D.(1993); Fresnel Press = USNM. Jean-Baptiste-François Soleil; may be the same as "Soleil Fils", which see; invented the saccharimeter; succeeded by his son, Henri Soleil, and son-in-law, Jules Duboscq, independently, in 1849; camera lucida signed "Soleil" plus address. 21 rue de l'Odéon, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; Poggendorff; USNM; Coffeen 36 and 41; Warner 13; RSW. suggest correction
SOLMS, JOHAN JACOB Germany, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = PRA; Horizontal Sundials = PRA, PRN, SPI-2857, D.(1933). Horsky and Skopova; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
SOLOMON, AARON England, c.1801, OIM optician. Bell Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
SOLOMON, D. England, OIM T.C.; spectaclemaker. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
SOLOMON, JOSEPH England, c.1850, MIM showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851, London. 22 Red Lion Square, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SOLOMON, S. England, fl.1815-30, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be a watchmaker. Lewes. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOLOMON, SAMUEL England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "Saml. Solomon." Devizes. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOLOMONS AND CO. India, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = TIM. 7, Government Place, Calcutta. RSW. suggest correction
SOLOMONS, ABRAHAM England, c.1838, MIM OIM PHIM 6 New Road, St. George's East, London. Taylor 2(2250). suggest correction
SOLOMONS, BENJAMIN England, fl.1838-56, MIM OIM PHIM see Samuel and Benjamin Solomons. 5 New Road, St. George's East (1838); 39 Albemarle Street, Piccadilly (1846); both in London. Taylor 2(2252). suggest correction
SOLOMONS, ELIAS 1 England, c.1832, OIM see George and Elias Solomons. Stepney, London. Taylor 2(2008). suggest correction
SOLOMONS, ELIAS 2 England, fl.1832-46, OIM may be the same as Elias Solomons 1, which see. 36 Old Bond Street, London. Taylor 2(2007). suggest correction
SOLOMONS, G.M. England, c.1838, MIM OIM PHIM 9 East Bedford Square, Commercial Road, London. Taylor 2(2251). suggest correction
SOLOMONS, GEORGE AND ELIAS England, c.1832, OIM took out a patent in 1832; George Solomons and Elias Solomon 1. Stepney, London. Taylor 2(2006). suggest correction
SOLOMONS, SAMUEL AND BENJAMIN England, fl.1838-56, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = Soth. 10/20/75 and 4/29/77, Christie-SK 4/17/86, K. & C. 11/24/76, FRK = Soth. 3/25/86, etc.; Microscope = FRK = Soth. 3/25/86. "Opticians to the Government"; the instruments are signed "S. and B. Solomons"; T.C. 5 New Road, St. George's East (1838); 39 Albermarle Street, Picadilly (1846); both in London. Taylor 2(2252); Chaldecott 3; R.G.O. suggest correction
SOM, LUDWIG Germany, c.1708, MIM Horizontal Table Sundials = BASH, Bern Historical Museum, Lindau Stadtmuseum; Analemmatic Sundial = Lindau Stadtmuseum. Lindau. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SOMALRICO AND CO. misreading for Somalvico and Co. RSW. suggest correction
SOMALVECO, J. misreading for J. Somalvico. Phillips 2/22/77. suggest correction
SOMALVICO see "Lione and Somalvico" and "Lione, Somalvico and Co." Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOMALVICO AND CO. England, PHIM Marine Barometer = D.(1997) possibly J. Somalvico and Co. ATG 5/24/97. suggest correction
SOMALVICO AND SON England, c.1840, OIM Telescope, three-draw = D.(1990). "Day or Night"; on folding stand. London. RSW. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, CHARLES England, c.1820, PHIM Barometer = Phillips 2/3/82; Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 5/14/87; Wheel Barometers = X(6). son of Joseph Somalvico 1; brother of James Somalvico; all the instruments are signed "C. Somalvico." 11 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, J., AND CO. England, fl.1839-60, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometers = Beresford Hotel, San Francisco, Cal., Soth. 12/15/72, Soth.-WS 6/21/83; Chrondrometer = Christie-SK 2/9/81. Joseph Somalvico 2; T.C. states "Manufacturers ------- Opticians"; showed in the Great Exhibition in London in 1851. 2 Hatton Garden; 18 Charles Street, Hatton Garden; both in London. Taylor 2(2252a); Crawforth 1; Goodison 1; Vincent 1; Wynter 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, J., AND SON England, c.1830, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 12/15/72, 5/4/73 and 12/14/89; Marine Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = X(2); Telescope = Larvik Marine Museum, Norway. probably James Somalvico and his son, Joseph Somalvico 2. 37 Charles Street, Hatton Garden; 91 Hatton Garden; both in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, JAMES England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. son of Joseph Somalvico 1; brother of Charles Somalvico; father of Joseph Somalvico 2. 41 Kirby Street; 22 Kirby Street; both in Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, JH. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = Sotheby 12/15/94. Possibly Josh or Joseph Somalvico. London. RSW. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, JOSEPH (1), AND CO. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometers = Phillips 12/2/87 (2). one barometer is signed "J. Somalvico and Co. Improved", it is also marked with the dealer's or owner's name. 81 Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1805-19, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1993). barometer maker; father of James and Charles Somalvico; partner with Dominick Lione as Lione and Somalvico and Lione, Somalvico and Co. 125 Holborn Hill (1805-07); 14 Brook Street (1811-19); both in London. Goodison 1; Bell 2; Ant. Hor. Summer, 1993. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1833-60, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = X, D.(1983); Barometer = Christie 11/6/69. son of James Somalvico and brother of Vincent Somalvico; formed J. Somalvico and Co. and succeeded Ronchetti and Son. 37 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1833-39); 2 Hatton Garden; both in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, JOSEPH 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 5/14/87; Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 5/20/88, Phillips 9/10/86; Stick Barometers = X (2). No. 67 Leather Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, JOSH England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 1/12/89. possibly Joseph Somalvico 1 or 2. 18 Charles Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, JOSH, AND CO. England, c.1869, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), Phillips 2/15/89, Christie 4/28/89; Marine Barometer = D.(1983); Stick Barometers = Soth. 7/21/83, X. marine one also signed "J. Somalvico and Son, Makers, London."; repaired a Nairne and Blunt stick barometer after 1869; perhaps Joseph Somalvico 1 or 2. 81 Holborn; 256 Holborn; 16 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (post-1869); all in London. Goodison 1; Wynter 2; Taylor 2(2252a); RSW. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, V., AND CO. England, c.1856, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. surely Vincent Somalvico, which see. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOMALVICO, VINCENT England, fl.1856-58, PHIM made barometers, thermometers and philosophical instruments. 14 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SOMATIICO, JOSH, AND CO. misreading for Josh Somalvico and Co. K. & C. 7/9/75. suggest correction
SOMMER, AUGUST Germany, c.1850, MIM Augsburg-type Sundials = Przypkowski Coll. descendent of Johann Sommer? Augsburg. Bobinger 2; Maddison ? suggest correction
SOMMER, BALTHASAR Holland; USA, c.1750, OIM Telescope = Assenborch Coll. (1794). succeeded by his widow; also made microscopes. Amsterdam; New York, N.Y. Rooseboom 1; Bedini 8. suggest correction
SOMMER, JOHANN Germany, 1636-1702, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = ADL-T7, GRA, KRE; Sundials = STU, LUN. the universal ring sundial at the ADL is signed on the outer surface of the equatorial circle and the name can not be seen when the dial is folded; some reproductions, in silver, of a universal ring sundial, signed "Johann Sommer" have appeared in the London market. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SOMMER, MRS. BALTHASAR USA, c.1753, OIM advertised that she ground optical glasses for microscopes, spy glasses, etc; succeeded her husband who was trained in Amsterdam. Pot-Baker's Hill, Smith Street, New York, N.Y. Bedini 1 & 8. suggest correction
SONDWAL, AND. Holland, variant of And. Soutwal. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
SONGA, ANTONIO England, c.1772, MIM Cornhill, London. Moskowitz. suggest correction
SONTHALMER, VALENTINUS Germany, an astrolabe is insribed "Valentinus Sonthalmer Georgio Weinmayster dono anno 1535"; it is also marked "H.G." (1) and "1537"; it was formerly in the Nachet Coll.; Zinner thought that Valentinus Sonthalmer was also known as Joh. Gebhart; Nachet thought it was the work of Georg Hartmann. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Nachet; MADEX; Michel 2 and 3. suggest correction
SORDELLI, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 23 Baldwin Gardens, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SORDELLI, I. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 3/7/75. probably J. Sordelli, which see. 37 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SORDELLI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Stick Barometer = X. probably the same as I. Sordelli, which see. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SORDILLI, L. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 10/16/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
SORENSEN, SOREN Sweden, 1806-75, MIM Sören Sörenson. 24 Styckgjutarebacken, Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
SORMANI, PAUL France?, PHIM Barometers and Thermometers = Soth.-PB (Los Angeles) 10/14/74. RSW. suggest correction
SORSBY, WILLIAM England, c.1724, apprenticed into the Joiners' Company, 1724; perhaps to Thomas Cooke 1. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SOULBY, JOHN England, fl.1830-42, NIM OIM PHIM Octants = OMM, Christie-SK 9/11/86. T.C. reads "J. Soulby late Smith"; may have been John Smith 4; see John Soulby and Co. 126 Wapping, London. RSW. suggest correction
SOULBY, JOHN, AND CO. England, fl.1842-56, NIM OIM PHIM Telescope = OMM; Stick Barometer = OMM. 126 Wapping High Street, London. O'Mara; RSW. suggest correction
SOULBY, S., AND CO. misreading of J. Soulby. RSW. suggest correction
SOUTH, JOSEPH England, fl.1709-24, MIM apprenticed to John Hewson of the Clockmakers' Company on July 6, 1702; free of the Company, Nov. 7, 1709; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SOUTHALMER, VALENTINUS misreading for Valentinus Sonthalmer. Gunther 1. suggest correction
SOUTHHOUSE, JAMES England, fl.1856-85, NIM 25 Goodmans Yard, Minories, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
SOUTHHOUSE, ROBERT England, fl.1868-72, NIM 25 Goodmans Yard, Minories, London. O'Mara. suggest correction
SOUTHWELL, THOMAS England, c.1759, MIM apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on July 4, 1749; free in the Company, March 6, 1759. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SOUTHWORTH, BLENDINA USA, fl.1834-35, PHIM widow of Elijah Southworth; made hydrometers and watches. 230 Greenwich, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
SOUTHWORTH, ELIJAH USA, fl.1797-1834, PHIM patented a hydrometer Feb. 28, 1821; made hydrometers, oliometers, saccharimeters and watches; grocer; succeeded by his widow, Belinda Southworth in 1834. 53 Water (1797-99); 135 Broadway (1800-03); 228 Greenwich (1804); 230 Greenwich (1805-34); all in New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
SOUTWAL, AND. Holland, 1742, MIM PHIM made a Bianchi-type air pump. Kalverstraat, Amsterdam (1742). Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
SOWER, CHRISTOPHER USA, fl.1724-40, MIM printer; doctor; author; also made clocks and mathematical instruments. Germantown and Philadelphia; both in Pa. USNM. suggest correction
SOWERBY, J. England, c.1850, MIM PHIM Mathematical Instrument = Soth. 7/15/63; Sector, boxwood = D.; Surveyors Rule, ivory = D.(1976); Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "J. Sowerby London"; the other instruments are signed "Sowerby London." Chiswell Street, London. Goodison 1; Moskowitz; Coffeen II; RSW. suggest correction
SPACKMAN, JOHN England, c.1711, MIM apprenticed to Richard Glynne of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 3, 1711. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SPADA, VIRGILIO owned a microscope now at the ROM (1960); might be Virginio Spada, a member of Pope Alexander VII's household. Price 2. suggest correction
SPAHN AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Leighton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SPANO, ANTONIUS Italy; Spainfl.1593-1615, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1593 = Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, N.Y. patron was Philip II of Spain. Tropea; Spain. Yonge. suggest correction
SPARKES, GEORGE England, c.1715, apprenticed to Edmund Culpeper 1 of the Grocers' Company, on March 5, 1713; turned over to John Wolmesley on Sept. 21, 1715. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SPARROW, W. England, OIM Microscope = Soth. 2/8/83. Eastbourne. RSW. suggest correction
SPEAKMAN, JOHN England, c.1729, MIM apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 6, 1729; Speakman may have been admitted to the Company in 1729 instead of being apprenticed in that year. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SPEAR Ireland, MIM OIM SIM Sector, large, ivory = BM; Pocket Microscope = Crisp Coll.; Inclinable Sundials = WHI, Pugsley Sale; Equatorial Sundial = OXF; Compound Microscope = Wellcome Institute. Dublin. Bryden 9 and 16; Price 4; RSW. suggest correction
SPEAR AND CLARK Ireland, fl.1815-17, MIM OIM Richard Spear 1 and Edward Clark. 27 College Green, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9. suggest correction
SPEAR AND CO. Ireland, fl.1838-64, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometers = UTO 11/2/76, Phillips 2/22/77, D.(1973). Richard Spear 2. 27 College Green (1838-42); 28 College Green (1843-64); both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Egestorff; RSW. suggest correction
SPEAR, PHINEAS USA, c.1830, devised an artificial horizon in 1830. Portland, Me. Bedini 8. suggest correction
SPEAR, RICHARD 1 Ireland, fl.1791-1814, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Compass Sundial = Christie-SK 10/6/83; Clinometer = Phillips 2/2/84; Sextant = P.C.(1982); Stick Barometer = X; Surveyor's Compass = P.C.(1982); Telescope = D.(1981); Gunner's Calipers = Phillips 11/16/88. made William Spear's saccharometer, c.1802; as most instru- ments are signed "Spear Dublin" it is hard to distinguish between Richard Spear 1 and 2; worked with Edward Clark as Spear and Clark (1815-17); was Instrument Maker to His Majesty's Crown [Agent?] in Ireland and to His Ordnance. 29 Capel Street (1791-92); 23 Capel Street (1793-1808); 23 Capel Street and College Green (1809); 35 College Green (1810); 35 College Green (1812-14); all in Dublin. Egestorff; Goodison 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(1046); Moskowitz 122; RSW. suggest correction
SPEAR, RICHARD 2 Ireland, fl.1818-37, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/19/88. succeeded Richard Spear 1; see Spear and Co., as well as Richard Spear and Co.; also a wax and oil merchant. 27 College Green, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Goodison 1. suggest correction
SPEAR, RICHARD, AND CO. Ireland, fl.1820-31, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Richard Spear 1; spermaceti refiners and oil merchants. 27 College Green, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Goodison 1. suggest correction
SPEAR, SAUNDERSON Ireland, fl.1831-37, OIM optician, wax chandler and oil merchant. 3 Westmorland Street (1831); 98 Grafton Street (1832-34); 23 Suffolk Street (1835-37); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
SPEAR, WILLIAM Ireland, c.1802, invented a saccharometer in 1802; a variant spelling was "Spere." Bryden 9. suggest correction
SPEARS Ireland, NIM Octant = P.C.(1978). see Richard Spear 1 and 2. Dublin. Rinaldi. suggest correction
SPEARS AND CO. see Spear and Co. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
SPECHT, JOHANN Austria, 1697, MIM Gunner's Levels = Porte de Hal, Brussels, Huelsmann Coll. Huelsmann signed "Specht fecit Vienna 1697." Vienna. Michel 3; Syndram. suggest correction
SPEER Ireland, c.1791, see Richard Spear 1. 29 Capel Street, Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
SPEETH, JOHANN GEORG Germany, 17th Century ?, MIM Equatorial Sundial = KRE. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SPEIDELL, JOHN 1 England, fl.1600-34, invented rules for special measurements; author; mathematician. Queen Street, Drury Lane, London. Taylor 1(103); Clay and Court. suggest correction
SPELZINI, I. England, c.1770, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Short Graham and Co. 6/16/93. Cirencester. ATG 7/10/93. suggest correction
SPELZINI, J. 1 England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. RSW. suggest correction
SPELZINI, J. 2 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/17/87. 11 Brooks Market, (London ?). RSW. suggest correction
SPELZINI, J. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SPELZINI, J., AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. might be John Spelzini and his son. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SPELZINI, JOHN England, fl.1836-59, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/16/76 & 6/27/88, Phillips 4/30/83; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88; Barometer = Christie 2/5/70. the barometers are signed either "Spelzini Beauchamp Street, Leather Lane", "J. Spelzini, 91 Leather Lane, London" or "J. Spelzini, 11 Beauchamp Street, Holborn, London." 8 Beauchamp Street (1836); 11 Beauchamp Street (1839-48); 74 Great Saffron Hill (1856-59); all in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SPENCER Scotland, OIM Telescope, refracting = Phillips 10/26/83. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
SPENCER AND BROWNING England, fl.1781-84, MIM NIM Octants = Atwater Kent Museum, Philadelphia, Pa., Phillips-NE 7/19/93. William Spencer 2 and Samuel Browning 2; turned into Spencer, Browning and Rust 1 in 1784 when Ebenezer Rust 1 joined the partners; Spencer married Browning's sister. 327 Wapping High Stret, London. J. Brown 1; ATG 7/10/93; RSW. suggest correction
SPENCER AND CO. England, c.1846, MIM NIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, these include, surveyor's compasses, octants, sextants, marine compasses, quadrants, stick barometers, etc. Coffeen and Moskowitz think that this name was used by Spencer, Browning and Rust on certain of their instruments; a sextant at MYS has the address "111 Minories, London"; 3 mariner's compasses show "No. 66 Wapping, London" as does a quadrant dated 1846 at LOS; a sextant, ADL-A257 is marked with the name of the agent, "H. Duren," of New York, N.Y. 66 Wapping; 111 Minories; both in London. Goodison 1; USNM; Coffeen B; Moskowitz 132; Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
SPENCER AND GRENOP England, c.1880, OIM Telescope, refracting = Soth.-Chester 6/10/83. RSW. suggest correction
SPENCER AND PERKINS England, fl.1775-94, MIM made many pedometers; examples may be found at WHI, KEN, OXF, DRE, etc. 44 Snow Hill, London. Taylor 2(770); Coffeen D; RSW. suggest correction
SPENCER AND SON Ireland, fl.1864-86, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. John Spencer 2; also mechanical engineers. 13 Aungier Street (1864-65); 13 Aungier Street and 19 Grafton Street (1866-68); 19 Grafton Street (1869-83); 23 Nassau Street (1884-86); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Goodison 1. suggest correction
SPENCER, ARTHUR England, c.1732, MIM apprenticed to Joseph South of the Clockmakers' Company on July 6, 1724; free of the Company Oct. 3, 1732. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
SPENCER, BARRETT AND CO. England, c.1850, NIM Quadrants = PMS, MYS (2), D.(1972); Sextants = MYS (3), Virginia Historical Society; Octants = Virginia Historical Society, USNM, Hart Nautical Museum, Boston, Mass. the octant at the Virginia Hist. Soc. is also marked "H. Duren, N.Y.", its case has a Duren trade card. London. USNM; Moskowitz 104; RSW. suggest correction
SPENCER, BREWING AND CO. misreading of Spencer Browning and Co. Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. suggest correction
SPENCER, BROWN AND RUST misreading of Spencer, Browning and Rust. Pugsley Sale. suggest correction
SPENCER, BROWNING England, c.1850, NIM Octant = MAN-I126; Quadrants = PMS, Maritime Museum of British Columbia; Barometer = PMS; Compass = PMS. surely a misreading for Spencer, Browning and Co. or for Spencer and Browning. London. Garcia 1; USNM. suggest correction
SPENCER, BROWNING AND CO. England, fl.1840-62, MIM NIM OIM PHIM made octants, quadrants, sextants, compasses, telescopes; a spectroscope at TEY; examples are numerous and may be found at OMM, MYS, MSI, AMST, VNN, Longleat, Wiltshire, Wadsworth Atheneum, Woodman Institute, Maine Historical Society, etc. after Ebenezer Rust 2 died in 1838, Spencer, Browning and Rust became Spencer, Browning and Co. by 1840 (Rinaldi gives this date as 1843); Charles Taber and Co., New Bedford, Mass. were the American agents; T.C. stated that the instruments were genuine if "SBR" was stamped on the scales. 111 Minories (1840); also 6 Vine Street, America Square (1848); both in London. J. Brown 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Goodison 1; USNM; Coffeen 9; Rinaldi 23; RSW. suggest correction
SPENCER, BROWNING AND LIGHT England, c.1860, OIM Telescope = Westerly Public Library, R.I. London. USNM. suggest correction
SPENCER, BROWNING AND RICH England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = USNM. misreading of Spencer, Browning and Rust? London. USNM. suggest correction
SPENCER, BROWNING AND RUST 1 England, fl.1784-1819, MIM NIM OIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums including Octant, 1791 =NMM; Quadrant, 1801 = D.(1983). William Spencer 2, Samuel Browning 2 and Ebenezer Rust 1; the firm divided ivory scales signed "SBR" for other nautical instrument makers; T.C. 327 Wapping High Street (1784-91);123 Wapping (1791); 66 Wapping (1797); all in London. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1 & 7; USNM; Taylor 2(894); Calvert 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
SPENCER, BROWNING AND RUST 2 England, fl.1819-40, MIM NIM OIM made mostly nautical instruments including: Octant, 1820 = Little Compton R.I.; Octant, 1825 = Seamans Institute, New York, N.Y. William and Richard Browning and Ebenezer Rust 2; after the death of Ebenezer Rust 2 in 1838, the firm changed the name to Spencer, Browning and Co. in 1840; it is difficult to tell the difference between the instruments made by Spencer, Browning and Rust 1 and those made by Spencer, Browning and Rust 2. 66 Wapping, London. J. Brown 1; USNM. suggest correction
SPENCER, C.A. AND H. USA, c.1850, OIM microscope makers; Charles A. Spencer and H. Spencer who may have been a son. Canastota, N.Y. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
SPENCER, C.A., AND SONS USA, fl.1877-80, MIM OIM PHIM Charles A. Spencer and sons. Geneva, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
SPENCER, CHARLES A. USA, 1813-81, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. (1858); Microscopes = USNM, St. Barnard College, Alabama; Microscope Objective = USNM. made the first American microscopes; partner with A.K. Eaton, c.1854 for a few years; had Robert B. Tolles as apprentice and collaborator, 1843-58; later in business with his sons until 1873; after his shop burned he moved to Geneva, N.Y. (1877-80). Canastota (1813-75); Geneva (1877-80); both in N.Y. USNM; Ashbrook 2; Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
SPENCER, DEVEREUX England, c.1712, apprenticed to Thomas Sarjant in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 30, 1712. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SPENCER, JAMES Ireland, fl.1861-68, OIM Microscope = D.(1987). made for the French market; signed "J. Spencer." 47 Cullenwood Avenue, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Goodison 1; Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
SPENCER, JOHN 1 England, c.1793, apprenticed to William Spencer 2 of the Grocers' Company on Nov.7, 1793. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SPENCER, JOHN 2 Ireland, fl.1838-63, MIM OIM PHIM see Spencer and Son. 128 Summerhill (1838); 3 Aungier Street (1845-51); 13 Aungier Street (1852-63); all in Dublin. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SPENCER, SAMUEL England, c.1778, apprenticed to William Spencer 2 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 16, 1778. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SPENCER, THOMAS England, c.1634, MIM free of the Joiners' Company in 1634; had Thomas Worrall as an apprentice; Worrall was also freed in 1634. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SPENCER, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.pre-1669-73, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company before 1668. in the Minories (1668); Bermondsy (1671); both in London. Court and von Rohr 3(5). suggest correction
SPENCER, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1773-1819, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust in the Grocers' Company on Nov. 4, 1766; free of the Company on Dec. 2, 1773; took apprentices; George Mills was turned over to him on May 23, 1783 by Walton Willcox of the Joiners' Company; was a partner in Spencer and Browning and in Spencer, Browning and Rust 1. at Mr. Rust's in the Minories (1773); No. 26 Wapping Street (1777); No.327 Wapping Street (1778); Virginia Street(1790); No. 327 Wapping Street (1795); all in London. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SPENCER, WILLIAM 3 England, c.1811, MIM apprenticed to Samuel Browning 1 in the Grocers' Company on July 2, 1801; free of the Company, June 6, 1811. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SPENDER, JOHN England, c.1669, apprenticed to Benjamin Emott in the Joiners' Company, Aug. 2, 1669. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
SPERE see Spear. suggest correction
SPETZINA England, c.1815, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77. London. RSW. suggest correction
SPICER AND LYNCH Ireland, c.1772?, MIM OIM SIM Edward Spicer and James Lynch 1. Capel Street, Dublin. Taylor 2(655). suggest correction
SPICER, EDWARD Ireland, fl.1760-71, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Soth. 3/5/81 & 2/25/86, D.(1985); Cartographer's Chest = Phillips Auction. worked with James Lynch 1 as Spicer and Lynch, which see. Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(655); Coffeen 10; RSW. suggest correction
SPIEDELL, JOHN 2 England, fl.1675-85, MIM A.J. Turner 1 & 2. suggest correction
SPIEGEL, JOHANN Germany, c.1705, MIM Cube Sundial, wood,1705 = Drecker Coll. = DPW; Pillar Sundial, wood = Drecker Coll. = DPW; Cube Sundial = Pressburg Museum. Lindau. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SPIERING, JAN HENDRIK Holland, c.1760, OIM made solar microscopes. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
SPILLER see Tisley and Spiller. Royal Institution Notes, 1971. suggest correction
SPILLETT, JOHN 1 England, fl.1734-72, OIM apprenticed to Thomas Lincoln, OIM, in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1727; free of the Company, Oct. 2, 1734: appointed Beadle Mar. 31, 1743. London. Court and von Rohr 3(124). suggest correction
SPILLETT, JOHN 2 England, c.1757, OIM apprenticed to Thomas Lincoln, OIM, in the Spectaclemakers' Company on Feb. 5, 1750; free of the Company, Oct. 6, 1757. Court and von Rohr 3(158). suggest correction
SPINELLI France, 1815, NIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 3/29/73. see Spinelli, Mahier and Co. Le Havre. RSW. suggest correction
SPINELLI, MAHIER AND CO. France, c.1868, NIM T.C.; won prize in 1868; see Spinelli. opposite the church of Nôtre Dame, Rue des Drapiers, 15, Le Havre. RSW. suggest correction
SPINEUX, J.A. England, c.1760, MIM SIM Circumferentor = Christie-SK 11/19/87. the magnetic needle lock is marked "H.B." (4). RSW. suggest correction
SPINGEL, JOHAN JOACHIM Germany, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = GEL. it is possible that this is Johann Spiegel, which see. RSW. suggest correction
SPINOZA, BARUCH DE Holland, 1632-77, MIM Crommelin said that Spinoza was an instrument maker. Clay and Court. suggest correction
SPIRINX, NICOLAS France, fl.1606-43, MIM Pair of Globe Gores, 1610 = Yale U., New Haven, Conn. engraver and artist. Lyons; Dijon. Yonge. suggest correction
SPITTELL, JOHN ? England, c.1734, OIM apprenticed to John Johnson 1, OIM, in the Spectaclemakers' Company, July 1, 1726; free in the Company on Oct. 2, 1734; Court and von Rohr thought he might be the same as John Spillett 1, but the dates differ. Court and von Rohr 3(120). suggest correction
SPITZ, CASPAR Germany, c.1555, MIM Astronomical Clock = VIE. Schwaz. Neumann 1. suggest correction
SPITZER, ANDREAS Austria, 1764, MIM Ptolemaic and Copernican Planetariums, 1764 = VNL. Jesuit. Vienna. Zinner 1 (Nachträge); Wawrlk. suggest correction
SPLEISS, THOMAS Germany, 1705-76, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Schaffhausen Museum; Celestial Globe = Schaffhausen Museum. also made sundials, terrestrial globes and planetariums; author. Schaffhausen. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SPOFFORTH, R. England, c.1700, "R. Spofforth Sculp." marked on the compass card of a declination compass made by Richard Glynne at OXF. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
SPONG, JOHN England, 1623-69, MIM OIM Microscope = S. Pepys (1664); Pantograph = S. Pepys (1668). may have been an amateur. London. Latham and Matthews, Vol. 5 & 9. suggest correction
SPOONER, E.C. USA, PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN; Barometer = Andover Historical Society, Mass. Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
SPRAT, JOHN England, c.1677, OIM apprenticed to Joseph Howe of the Broderers' Company, through the Spectaclemakers' Company, Feb. 8, 1677; Howe was also a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. J. Brown 1; Court and von Rohr 3(50). suggest correction
SPREIAFICUS, P.D. JACOBUS Italy, 1632, MIM Vertical Sundial, round, 1632 = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
SPRINGER England, c.1795, MIM NIM OIM Equatorial Sundial = Archaeological Museum, Cambridge; Hadley's Quadrant = P.C.; Reflecting Telescopes = CAS, Morrison Planetarium, San Francisco, Cal.; Dry-card Compasses = RSM, Wotton Auction 12/30/96; Hadley's Quadrant, 1795 = P.C. Wotton compass signed "MIM to the King"; may be Joshua or Joseph Springer; Taylor ascribes the 1795 quadrant to Joshua Springer. Bristol. A.J. Turner 10; Dewhirst; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(770a); ATG 2/1/97; RSW. suggest correction
SPRINGER, J. England, c.1790, MIM Sundial, round box, folding gnomon = NMM (Gabb Coll.); Pocket Sundial = Phillips 9/10/86. could be Joseph or Joshua Springer. Bristol. NMM2; RSW. suggest correction
SPRINGER, JOSEPH England, OIM Telescopes, Gregorian = X. recorded by T.H. Court. Bryden 9. suggest correction
SPRINGER, JOSHUA England, fl.1759-1808, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Hadley's Quadrant = HAM; Angle Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = City of Gloucester Museum. T.C. (1760); his shop formerly belonged to Mr. John Wright; see Joshua Springer and Co. at Hadley's Quadrant, in St. Stephan's Lane; 2 Clare Street; both in Bristol. Crawforth 1; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(770a); A.J. Turner 10; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
SPRINGER, JOSHUA, AND CO. England, c.1773, in partnership with George Atwood 1 as hardware manufacturers. Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
SPRINGER, WILLIAM England, fl.1775-94, MIM 24 Charles Street (1775-85); John Street (1787); Charles Street (1793-94); all in Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
SPRONK, D. Germany, MIM Pepetual Calendar = PAK. Cleve. Parkington Cat.; RSW. suggest correction
SPURRIER, AARON England, c.1741, turned over to Thomas Ribright 1, OIM, in the Spectaclemakers' Company on March 28, 1741. Court and von Rohr 3(145). suggest correction
SQUERREL, ROBERT England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88. Stow Market. RSW. suggest correction
SQUIRE see Burgoyne, Burbidges and Squire. USNM. suggest correction
SQUIRE, P. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 4/30/83. "Chemist to the Queen"; surely a retailer. London. RSW. suggest correction
SQUIRREL, W. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bildeston. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ST. Germany, MIM Sundial, round, with lid = Focke Museum, Bremen. the signature is "St."; the master mark is a star. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ST. CLAIR see Sinclair. Taylor 1(349). suggest correction
ST. GOBAIN, CHAUNY ET CIREY France, 1655 -1922, OIM optical and chemical glass makers. Siege social, 1 bis Place des Saussaies, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
ST. JOHN England, 1671, MIM Wall Sundial, 1671 = X. Henslow. suggest correction
ST. JOHN, J.R. USA, c.1852, took out a patent on a compass to find local variation of the magnetic flux, 1852. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
STAB, JOHANN Germany; Austria, fl.1494-1522, designed the large, square sundial in the Lorenzerkirche, Nürnberg, 1502; author. Ingolstadt; Vienna; Graz. Zinner 1. suggest correction
STACKPOLE AND BROTHER Ireland; USAfl.1851-1910, MIM NIM SIM Sextants = Versailles 11/20/83, USNM; Octant = Seamans Institute of New York; Transits = D.(1986), GUR, USNM; Compass, Compass-Transit, Transits (2) = Cornell U.; Theodolites = ADL-A122, Cornell U. (2); Reflecting Circles = MYS (4); Surveyor's Compass = D.(1989); Third of a Circle = MYS. William and Robert Stackpole; supplied nautical instruments to the U.S. Government. Ireland; 41 Fulton (1856-1910), New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Coffeen 27; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
STACKPOLE, ROBERT Ireland; USA1823-73, MIM NIM SIM came to America with his parents and older brother, William, in 1833; worked with William Stackpole as Stackpole and Brother. Ireland; 41 Fulton, New York, N.Y. (1833). Smart 1; Coffeen 27; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
STACKPOLE, WILLIAM Ireland; USA1819-95, MIM NIM SIM came to America with his parents and younger brother, Robert, in 1833; worked alone, 1843-51; see Stackpole and Brother. Ireland; 41 Fulton Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Coffeen 27; D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
STACY, THOMAS England, c.1797, MIM Sundial = Municipal Museum, Newark-on-Trent. Stevens and Aked. suggest correction
STADION, HANS GEORG VON Germany, c.1685, MIM SIM Mining Surveyor's Compass, 1585 = VIE; Surveying Instrument, 1587 = VIE. owner? Bamberg; Augsburg. Michel 3. suggest correction
STADTLANDER, JOHANN Germany, 1686-1742, MIM SIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1730 = Focke Museum, Bremen; Graphometer = Focke Museum, Bremen. "fein mechaniker." Bremen. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
STAES, ROBERT Belgium, c.1609, OIM telescope maker? Brussels. Michel 3. suggest correction
STAFFORD, J. England, fl.1677-84, MIM assistant to John Flamsteed. Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London. Taylor 1(406); Evans 1. suggest correction
STAGNAES 1790, Hadley's Quadrant, 1790 = OMM. this might be the name of a town. RSW. suggest correction
STAHEL, ANDREAS Germany, fl.1586-1634, MIM Horizontal Sundials = Uppsala (1586), Halle. also made clocks. Augsburg. Bobinger 2. suggest correction
STAIGHT, THOMAS England, fl.1829-60, MIM PHIM Floating Sundials = TIM, WHI, D.(1997); Horizontal Sundial, wood and cardboard = Geneva Museum of Arts; Compass Sundial = Phillips 11/16/88. freed by Patrimony in the Fanmakers' Company, 1828; took apprentices; also made barometers and thermometers; Zinner thought the Geneva sundial was signed "T. Stuight"; Evans thought he was T.P. Staight; Straight is alternate spelling; D.(1997) sundial has thermometer with Fahrenheit and Reamur scales. 26 Bartlett Buildings, Holborn(1829-39); 12 Wallbrook (1846); both in London. Bryden 16; Zinner 1; Goodison 1; Coffeen 58; Clifton 1; RSW. suggest correction
STALKER, DAVID Scotland, c.1860, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = D.(1968); Marine Compasses = Den Gamle By, Aarhus, Melun 4/24/83; Marine Barometer = VNN. T.C.; also made watches and clocks. 6 Commercial Place, Leith. RSW. suggest correction
STAMBERG, FRANC. ANTON VON Germany, 1717, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1717 = Düsseldorf Kunstgewerbe Museum. Zinner 1. suggest correction
STAMMER, J. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 12/10/81 = D.(1984) = P.C. Sacrow (west of Berlin). Coffeen G; RSW. suggest correction
STAMPA AND SON England, fl.1802-18, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers; possibly Charles Stampa and Son. 74 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STAMPA, CHARLES, AND CO. England, fl.1802-11, PHIM Stick Barometers = OXF, X. the barometer at OXF is signed "Stampa and Co., London", the other is signed "Stampa and Co." 125 Holborn Hill (1802); 25 Kirby Street, Hatton Carden (1803-11); both in London. Taylor 2(1225); Goodison 1. suggest correction
STAMPA, D. Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometers X(2); Wheel Barometer = X. 14 Leith Street, Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STAMPA, D., AND CO. Scotland, c.1770, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-Scot. 5/11/93; Wheel Barometer = D.(1996). Christie-Scot. barometer signed "D. Stampa and Co."; see D. Stampa of Edinburgh. Edinburgh. ATG 5/8/93; ATG 5/4/96. suggest correction
STAMPER, R. Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = Whalers' Village Museum, Lahine, Maui. 14 Leith Street, Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
STAMPFER, JACOB Germany, 1505-79, MIM Globe with Armillary Sphere, 1539 = X. Michel 3; Stevenson. suggest correction
STAMPFER, S. Austria, c.1832, professor; invented the stroboscope at the same time that Plateau invented the phenakistoscope which was the same thing. Vienna. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
STAMPIOEN, JOHAN JANSZ, DE JONGE Holland, b.1610 fl. 1664-84, MIM Planisphere, paper = ADL-A259. signed "J. Stampioen." The Hague. USNM; D.J. Warner 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
STANCLIEF USA, c.1859, MIM OIM PHIM see Tiensch and Stanclief. Smart 1. suggest correction
STANCLIFFE AND DRAPER USA, fl.1828-32, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Wye Levels = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. and the New York Central & Hartford Railroad which had a Wye Level in 1874; Wye Level and Compass = Hagley Museum, Wilmington, Del. Benjamin Stancliffe and Edmund Draper; T.C. 118 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM; Miller. suggest correction
STANCLIFFE, BENJAMIN England; USA, 1782-1834, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Sextants = APS, P.C., X(3); Surveyor's Compass = P.C., X(3), USNM; Alidades = Coast and Geodetic Survey (1834) 2). apprenticed to his uncle, John Stancliffe, in London, 1796; worked for Edward Troughton 2, 1812-15; took Edmund Draper as an apprentice and later as a partner in Stancliffe and Draper (1830-33; Edward Troughton Hassler worked with him in 1834; Miller says that one sextant is signed "London" and that Stancliffe possibly did not make the other sextants. 13 Bennet Street, Blackfriars Rd., London (1782-1816); 14 Walnut Street (1817); 118 South Front Street (1833); both in Philadelphia, Pa. Multhauf 1; Bedini 8; Smart 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; Miller; RSW. suggest correction
STANCLIFFE, JOHN England, fl.1770-1810, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sextants = WHI, Aubert Auction, 1806, Soth. 3/24/1834, Christie 12/12/73, D.(1982); Quintants = GEM, Phillips 12/12/89; Pocket Sextant = SFM; Stick Barometer = Phillips 2/15/89. may have been apprenticed to Joseph Hindley of York; made a dividing engine, c.1788 while still an apprentice; foreman to Jesse Ramsden; WHI sextant is marked "Divided by J. Allen." York; London. Taylor 2(896); Coffeen A; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
STANDARD USA, Surveyor's Tape = Adirondack Museum, N.Y. the tape is marked "Standard." Brooklin, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
STANDARD RULE CO. USA, fl.1872-1922, MIM Sliding Rule, folding, wood = D.(1972). Unionville, Conn. Philip E. Stanley; Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
STANEY, JACOBUS DE France, marked on a 1638 diptych sundial, ADL-M294, signed "J.J. Schört Paris"; Staney must have been the owner. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
STANFORD, EDWARD England, c.1880, MIM Two Pairs of Globes = NMM. geographer and publisher; one set has a compass in the base; the other set is marked "Malby's." 55 Charing Cross, London. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
STANHOPE see Charles Mahon, Lord Stanhope. RSW. suggest correction
STANLEY 1 see Stanley and Co. RSW. suggest correction
STANLEY 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. Peterborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STANLEY AND CO. England, fl.1853- on, MIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. the instruments are usually signed "Stanley." Great Turnstile, Holborn, London. Moskowitz; RSW. suggest correction
STANLEY AND HARLING England, MIM Drawing Instruments = Phillips 4/20/83. RSW. suggest correction
STANLEY RULE AND LEVEL CO. USA, fl.1855-date, MIM Slide Rule, Coggeshall-type = ADL-W155. "warranted boxwood." New Britain, Conn. Philip E. Stanley; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
STANLEY, BELCHER AND MASON LTD. England, post-1856, PHIM Stick Barometer = P.C. London. RSW. suggest correction
STANLEY, G.I. England, c.1840, MIM SIM Theodolite = Ineichen 10/20/75. G.I. may be part of the address. Turnstile, Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
STANLEY, THOMAS England, fl.1801-26, MIM OIM St. Mary's Row (1801); Bath Sreet (1818); 73 Bath Street(1825-26); all in Birmingham. Taylor 2(1713); Bryden 9. suggest correction
STANLEY, WILLIAM FORD England, 1829-1909, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. went into the tool business in 1853; founded Stanley and Co. Great Turnstile, Holborn; Railway Approach, London Bridge; both in London. G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
STANLY misreading for Stanley. Soth. 1/27/75. suggest correction
STANRIDGE see Staynred. Taylor 1(145). suggest correction
STANTON 1 England, fl.1662-96, MIM free in the Clockmakers' Company, 1662; Master of the Company in 1696; made a calculating machine for Robert Hooke. Seething Lane, near Navy Office, London. Taylor 1(362); Robischon. suggest correction
STANTON 2 England, MIM Rule, two-foot, folding, ivory = X. may be John Stanton, which see; Great Turnstile leads out of Holborn. Great Turnstile, London. Taylor 2(1226). suggest correction
STANTON, JOHN England, fl.1800-22, MIM see Stanton 2. 73 Shoe Lane, Holborn, London. Taylor 2(1226). suggest correction
STARCK, THOMAS Germany?, 1620, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1620 = Ilbert Coll. = BM. RSW. suggest correction
STARK England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Torquay. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STARK, VIKTOR Germany, fl.1628-36, MIM SIM Sector, 1628 = DAR; Theodolite, 1633 = DRE. used the title "Mechanius"; there is an astrolabe signed "V.S.F. 1632" in a P.C., and an artillery level signed "V.S.M.F. 1636" at DRE, which see. Dresden. Zinner 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
STARKE AND KAMMERER Germany and Austria, MIM Planimeter = Technical Museum, Warsaw. Name was also read as Starke and Hammerr RSW; WEBDB suggest correction
STARR, ROBERT England, fl.1667-86, MIM free of the Stationers' Company, pre-1667; admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company, Feb. 24, 1668; took apprentices. near the Golden Tun, Smithfield, London. J. Brown 1 & 3; Taylor 1(324); Clay and Court. suggest correction
STARRAT, WILLIAM England, c.1746, author; described a gunnery instrument and its use. London. C.N. Robinson. suggest correction
STARRE, D. Holland?, MIM Pedometer = MAA. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
STARRETT, HERBERT RISTEEN USA, 1865-1950, MIM NIM worked for S. Thaxter and Son, 1884-1905; he purchased the firm from Abby C. Cushing in 1905; it appears that he closed the firm c.1916. 28 Central Street, Boston, Mass. (in 1916). Smart 1. suggest correction
STASSNIE France, OIM Microscope = Drouot 5/20/69. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
STAUBHAR Germany, 1741, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1741 = STR. Evans 1. suggest correction
STAYNES/STAINES/STANES/STAGNES, JEOFFREY England, c.1680, apprenticed to George Ryley in the Lorimers' Company; turned over to Simon Chapman of the Clockmakers' Company. J. Brown 3, Loomes. suggest correction
STAYNRED, PHILIP England, fl.1621?-69, MIM made measuring rules and gauging rods. Bristol. Taylor 1(145). suggest correction
STEALE AND SON England, c.1800, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = Exhib. 1000 Years of Navigation, Brussels, 1979. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
STEAR, ADAM England, 1660, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1660 = Rev. G.W.W. Minnes (1902). Earle. suggest correction
STEARNS, E.A., AND CO. USA, fl.1833-92, MIM Slide Rule, Coggeshall-type = ADL-W142. made a wide range of wooden rules. Brattleboro, Vt. Philip E. Stanley; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
STEBBING AND CO. England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. "Opticians to the Queen"; J.R. Stebbing. Southampton. RSW. suggest correction
STEBBING AND WOOD England, fl.1851-53, PHIM Stick Barometer with Thermometer = Soth.-Bearne 4/4/78. J.R. Stebbing and Wood. 47 High Street, Southampton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STEBBING, GEORGE England, fl.1805-45, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometers = VNN, X; Wheel Barometer = X(2). took out a patent for improvement of land and sea compasses. Broad Street (1805-08) and (1810-45); 66 High Street; all in Portsmouth. Taylor 2(1435); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
STEBBING, J.R. England, fl.1840-57, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sextants = Nat'l Museum of Canada (case), Christie 12/18/74; Protractor with pointers = P.C.; Marine Barometer = Gloucester Museum; Stick Barometers = X, Christie 5/26/76; Telescope = Detroit Historical Museum. protractor invented by Cmdr. Hay, R.N. 47 High Street (1845); Dock Chambers (1857); both in Southampton. Goodison 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
STEBBING, J.R. AND H. England, c.1833, MIM NIM OIM PHIM T.C. No. 63 High Street, Southampton. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
STEDMAN, CHRISTOPHER 1 England, fl.1747-72, MIM NIM OIM Telescope, small, case = D.(1989); Sundial = Ed. Jones Coll.; Slide Rule, boxwood = D.(1983); Backstaff, 1760 = Marine Museum, Horten, Norway; Magnetic Compass, round box = Huelsmann Coll. member of the Stationers' Company; took apprentices; Huelsmann signed "Stedman London" on printed paper compass rose inside lid, also marked "R. v. Graffen 1786" in center of printed rose in compass box; succeeded by his widow, Elizabeth Stedman, who was in turn succeeded by Christopher Stedman 2 in 1786; T.C. at the Globe on London Bridge (1750); 24 Leadenhall Street (1761); both in London. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7; Calvert 2; Daumas 1; Wynter; Clay and Court; USNM; Moskowitz 132; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
STEDMAN, CHRISTOPHER 2 England, c.1784, MIM son of Christopher Stedman 1; apprenticed to George Adams 2 in the Grocers' Company on Oct. 2, 1777; free of the Company, Oct. 21, 1784; succeeded Elizabeth Stedman, his mother, in 1786. 24 Leadenhall Street, London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(541). suggest correction
STEDMAN, ELIZABETH England, fl.1780-86, MIM succeeded her husband, Christopher Stedman 1 in 1780; succeeded by Christopher Stedman 2 in 1786, probably her son. 24 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(541). suggest correction
STEDWELL, JOHN England, c.1752, OIM apprenticed to Thomas Lincoln, OIM in the Spectaclemakers' Company, June 27, 1745; free of the Company on Oct. 5, 1752. Court and von Rohr 3(151). suggest correction
STEEL AND GODDART England, fl.1714-1780 (?), NIM Quadrant = Pugsley Sale. London. RSW. suggest correction
STEEL, DAVID England, 1819, nautical publisher; firm was bought out by J. W. Norie and Co. in 1819. London. RSW. suggest correction
STEEL, P. England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = Soth. 6/9/77. Tower Hill, London. RSW. suggest correction
STEELE see Palmer, Steele and Younghusband. RSW. suggest correction
STEELE, JOHN, AND SON England, fl.1829-47, MIM OIM PHIM Instrument = OXF; Wheel Barometer = X; Marine Barometer = Dundee Museum. see Palmer, Steele and Younghusband. 9 and 10 Duke's Place, Liverpool. Bryden 9; Taylor 2(2011); Goodison 1. suggest correction
STEER, JOHN England, c.1830, OIM Rotten Row, Derby. Taylor 2(2012). suggest correction
STEFANI, GIUSEPPE Italy, c.1802, MIM OIM SIM Plane Table Alidade = ADL-M134. succeeded Giovanni Battista Rodello as mechanician to the Specola di Padova in 1802. Padua. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; Brenni 1; RSW. suggest correction
STEFFANI, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Eyre Street Hill, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STEFFANI, WILLIAM DE England, fl.1829-39, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-WS 6/21/83. also made thermometers. 33 Exmouth Street, Spitalfields, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
STEFFENONI, JOSH. misreading for Stefferoni. Phillips 7/20/83. suggest correction
STEFFERONI, JOSH. England, c.1810, PHIM Marine Barometer = VNN; Wheel Barometer = Phillips 7/20/83. the Phillips barometer was misread as "Josh. Steffenoni." 74 Leather Lane. Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
STEGMANN, JOHANN GOTTLIEB Germany, 1725-95, MIM OIM SIM Magnetic Azimuth Sundial = MLL; Circumferentor = KAS; Mining Compass = KAS; Surveying Instrument = Braunschweig Stadt Museum; Magnetic Sundial = DRE; Solar Microscope, 1759 = D.(1986) = Soth. 11/16/87. mathematics professor; made the meridian telescope for the Kassel Observatory in 1754; the microscope was signed "fait par Stegmann à Cassel." Kassel; Marburg (1786). Zinner 1; Wynter 1; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
STEIB, ANDREAS Germany, 1752-1828, MIM Astronomical Clock with pair of Globes, 1804 = MUN. Master in 1792; pupil of and journeyman for Philipp Matthäus Hahn; clockmaker; terrestrial globe is by J.G. Klinger of Nürnberg, celestial one by Jean Pigeon of Paris. Ofen (1752); Munich (1778-80); Mainz (1787-89); Würzburg (1789-1828). Friess. suggest correction
STEIGER, WILLIAM T. USA, fl.1838-pre-1855, took out a patent for a protracting table in 1838. Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
STEINER Germany?, 1723, MIM Artillery Level, 1723 = ADL-M212. may be Philipp Jakob Steiner; or perhaps may be the father or older brother of Johann Ludwig Steiner. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
STEINER, JEAN MICHEL Switzerland, c.1760, OIM PHIM clockmaker; made barometers, thermometers and physical apparatus; optician. Zurich. Daumas 1. suggest correction
STEINER, JOHANN LUDWIG Switzerland, 1711-79, MIM mechanician; clockmaker; author. Zurich. Michel 3. suggest correction
STEINER, PHILIPP JACKOB England, 18th Century, MIM Sundials = MEM, MUN. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
STEINER, PHILIPP JACOB Germany, 1709-79, MIM Sundials = MUN, Memmingen Stadtmuseum. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
STEINHEIL, ADOLPH Germany, 1832-92, MIM OIM worked with his father, Carl August Steinheil, 1855 on; Adolph Steinheil's son, Rudolph, took over the business in 1892. Munich. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
STEINHEIL, EDUARD Germany, 1830-78, MIM OIM younger son of Carl August Steinheil; entered the firm in 1862. Munich. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
STEINHEIL, KARL AUGUST Germany, 1801-70, MIM OIM Telescopes = OMM, MYS (No. 8259); Telescope, with right-angled prism = TEY. father of Adolph and Eduard Steinheil; grandfather of Rudolph Steinheil; established an independent optical workshop in 1854; he was joined by Adolph Steinheil in 1855 and by Eduard Steinheil in 1862; he also made microscopes; professor of mathematics and physics; it is hard to tell which instruments were made by the son or the grandson by the signatures. Munich. G.L'E. Turner 7 & 24; J.A. Bennett 2; Chaldecott 3; R.G.O.; RSW. suggest correction
STEINHEIL, RUDOLPH Germany, 1865-1930, MIM OIM son of Adolph Steinheil; joined the firm in 1892. Munich. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
STEINHOESUR, JOHN LEBERECHT England, fl.1812-20, MIM called himself a MIM; patented a hardware improvement in 1812. Piccadilly, London. Taylor 2(1437). suggest correction
STEINHOLTZ, JOHAN ZACHARIUS Sweden, fl.1733-76, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Circle = SWE; Microscope, No.4 = NOR. apprenticed to Daniel Ekström; ran the Academy workshop with Ahl, 1755-62. Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
STEISEL, J.P. Luxemburg, 1773, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1773 = P.C. signed "J.P. Steisel Pyrotechnicus." Pippa. suggest correction
STEITZ, ADAM Holland, fl.1759-66, MIM PHIM Rule, 1759 = AMST; Water Jet = Ebeling Coll.; Centrifugal Machines = TEY, UTR (1766), etc. see J. Kampman and Adam Steitz. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 7. suggest correction
STEIZ, JOSEF Germany, 1768, MIM Table Sundial, 1768 = MUN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
STENGLIN, JOHANN PHILIPP I. Germany, 1636-1706, MIM Perpetual Calendar, silver = Huelsmann Coll. carries mastermark; goldsmith; Master in 1661. Augsburg. Syndram. suggest correction
STENNE, SAMUEL England, c.1672, MIM apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1664; free in the Company, 1672. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
STENSON, JOHN England, c.1782, PHIM Angle Barometer = Phillips 2/22/77. author. Derby. Goodison 1; Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
STEPAN, D. Italy, 1572, MIM Pillar Sundial, ivory, 1572 = WHI. also marked "Flo. M.M.F."; almost certainly Don Stephanus of Florence. Florence. Bryden 16. suggest correction
STEPHANUS, D., B.F.F. Italy, fl.1572-87, MIM Pillar Sundials , ivory = ROS (1572), Soth. 6/25/68 (1573), KEN (1587); Quadrant, ebony = FLO-2499. see also D.S.B.F.F., D.S.F.F., D. Steph. B.F.F.,D. Stepan; possibly all Don Stephano Buonsignori. Florence. Bonelli 1; Bryden 16; Lübke; RSW. suggest correction
STEPHENS AND CO. USA, fl.1854-1901, MIM Rule, wood = D.(1976). made a wide variety of wood and ivory rules; merged with Chapin in 1901 to form Chapin-Stephens. Riverton, Conn. Philip E. Stanley; RSW. suggest correction
STEPHENS, ALEXANDER Ireland, fl.1747-81, MIM NIM Backstaves = WHI, Soth. 18/6/85 (1747). the backstaff at the WHI was made for George Waddington, the Soth. example was made for Gyles Fearon. Temple Barr, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9. suggest correction
STEPHENS, ALEXANDER AND JOHN Ireland, fl.1760-81, MIM NIM Temple Bar (1760-74); 31 Temple Bar (1775-81); both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9. suggest correction
STEPHENS, JOHN Ireland, fl.1760-93, MIM NIM worked with Alexander Stephens, 1760-81. 31 Temple Bar, Dublin (1782-93). Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9. suggest correction
STEPHENSON, GEORGE Scotland, 1781-1848, MIM father of Robert Stephenson. Killingworth. Earle; DNB. suggest correction
STEPHENSON, GEORGE AND ROBERT Scotland, c.1830, MIM Wall Sundial = Stephenson home, Killingworth. father and son team. Killingworth. Earle; DNB. suggest correction
STEPHENSON, NICHOLAS England, fl.1674-80, devised a mechanical orrery; author. The Tower, London. Taylor 1(380). suggest correction
STEPHENSON, ROBERT Scotland, 1803-59, MIM son of George Stephenson. Killingworth. Earle; DNB. suggest correction
STEPHENSON, WM. England, 1782, NIM Octant, ebony, 1782 = Soth. 12/15/78. RSW. suggest correction
STEPNEY, WILLIAM England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Dreweatt-Neate Auction, Newbury 3/21/90. Horsham. A.T.G. 3/10/90. suggest correction
STERCK see Ringelbergh. Zinner 1. suggest correction
STERLING England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STERNE, THOMAS England, fl.1619-31, MIM globe maker. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Taylor 1(140). suggest correction
STERR, JOHANN England, 1719, OIM see Maurstotter and Sterr. Freising. Price 2; Daumas 1. suggest correction
STERROP England, 18th Century, MIM NIM OIM Microscopes = D.(1973), Soth. 5/25/86; Solar Microscope = Clay Coll.; Octant, wood = Exhibit "1000 Years of Navigation", Brussels, 1979; Telescopes = NMM, DRE, D.(1977); Garden Sundial = Victory Museum, Portsmouth. the garden sundial is drawn for 17°18', it belonged to Nelson; it is hard to determine which Sterrop was the maker of any item signed that way. London. Clay and Court; Wynter 1; RSW. suggest correction
STERROP AND YARWELL England, fl.c.1697-1708, OIM T.C.; partners sometime between 1697 and 1708; Ralph Sterrop and John Yarwell. at the Archimedes and Three Pair of Golden Spectacles in Ludgate Street, the second Shop from Ludgate, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
STERROP, AVIS England, fl.1756-60, OIM widow of George Sterrop of the Spectaclemakers' Company; the widow may have also been made free of the Company; Joseph Linnell 1 was turned over to her from June 28, 1756 to Oct. 1, 1760; she was succeeded by Mary Sterrop. St, Paul's Churchyard, London. Court and von Rohr 3(173); Robischon. suggest correction
STERROP, GEORGE England, 1715-56, NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant, No.525 = HAR; Octant, No.529 = Soth. 7/15/63; Sexant, No.528 = P.C.; Solar Microscopes = Court Coll., OXF; Microscopes = VCW, D.(1972)(1745); Telescopes = D.(1981), Soth. 3/25/86. son of Thomas Sterrop 3 and Mary Sterrop; apprentice to his mother in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1730; free in the Company, 1737; took an apprentice; nephew of Ralph Sterrop; succeeded him in 1734. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Taylor 2(122); Goodison 1; Court and von Rhor 3(132); Robischon; Clay and Court; Moskowitz 122; Hillier; Wynter 1 & 2; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
STERROP, JANE England, fl.1715-33, OIM in the Spectaclemakers' Company; ran her husband's business for 18 years after Thomas Sterrop 1 died; took apprentices. Little Britain, London. Crawforth 7; Robischon; Court and von Rohr 3(84). suggest correction
STERROP, MARY England, fl.1729-71, OIM widow of Thomas Sterrop 3; probably a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took apprentices, including her son George; succeeded her husband in 1729, ran the shop untill 1737; later succeeded her daughter-in-law Avis Sterrop in 1760, she then ran the shop until 1766; see Mary Sterrop and Co.; Joseph Linnell was turned over to her from Avis Sterrop in 1760. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Robischon; Court and von Rohr 3(118). suggest correction
STERROP, MARY, AND CO. England, c.1767, OIM Peter Dollond took over the shop in 1767. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Robischon. suggest correction
STERROP, RALPH England, fl.1685-1736, OIM son of Thomas Sterrop 1; apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1678; free in the Company Sept. 30, 1685 by paying 13s 4d; Master of the Company, 1705-06; wrote an instruction book for his microscopes; partner with John Yarwell, 1697-1708; succeeded Yarwell; succeeded by his nephew, George Sterrop. St. Paul's Churchyard (1695); Archimedes and Golden Prospects, Ludgate Street; both in London. Taylor 1(513), 2(123); Crawforth 1; Court and von Rohr 3(52); Robischon; Goodison 1; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
STERROP, RICHARD England, c.1677, brother of Thomas Sterrop 1; apprenticed to James Throgmorton in the Spectaclemakers' Company on June 28, 1677. Court and von Rohr 3(51); Clay and Court. suggest correction
STERROP, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1679-1715, OIM apprenticed to Thomas King 1 of the Spectaclemakers' Company in Dec. 1669; free of the Company, June 26, 1679; took apprentices; father of Thomas Sterrop 3; Master of the Company, 1701-02. Little Britain, London (1693). Court and von Rohr 3(42); Robischon; Clay and Court. suggest correction
STERROP, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1683-1734, OIM probably a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company by 1683; took apprentices; Court and von Rohr thought he might be the same as Thomas Sterrop 3. Court and von Rohr 3(57). suggest correction
STERROP, THOMAS 3 England, fl.1708-29, OIM apprenticed to his father, Thomas Sterrop 1 in 1701 in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free in the Company, (by Patrimony) April 1, 1708; took apprentices; succeeded by his widow, Mary Sterrop. St. Paul's Chuchyard, London. Court and von Rohr 3(76); Clay and Court; Robischon. suggest correction
STEUR, JACOBUS DE Holland, fl.1659-72, MIM SIM Sundial with two compasses, 1667 = Leoben Montan Hochschule; Sundials = Drecker Coll.(1672), Ley; Circumferentors = DOR, WHI, Van Alfen Coll., USNM, NOR (2),; Instrument = NUR; Holland Circle = WHI; Sector = ROM; Protractor = Hammer Coll.; Astrolabe = WHI; Pantograph = SWE. one of the NOR circumferentors is only the base plate. Leiden. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Pipping 1; Hollands Glorie; Daumas 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
STEVENS see Riley and Stevens. RSW. suggest correction
STEVENS, EDWARD England, c.1717, apprenticed to John Patrick 1 in the Joiners' Company on May 7, 1717. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
STEVENS, GEORGE England, c.1718, apprenticed to John Johnson 3 of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 22, 1712; turned over to John Gilbert 1 on Feb. 3, 1718. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
STEVENS, JEREMIAH England, c.1825, MIM SIM made sundials and surveying instruments. 2 Bell Court, Doctors Commons,, Bloomsbury, London. Taylor 2(1714). suggest correction
STEVENS, JOSEPH England, c.1718, apprenticed to John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 3, 1718. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
STEVENSON Scotland, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. 51 George, Forth Bridge, Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
STEVENSON, DAVID Scotland, c.1844, civil engineer; made improvements on leveling instruments; "Practical Mechanics" referred to him as D. Stevenson and T. Stevenson in the same issue. Edinburgh. Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Vol III, pp. 408-10. suggest correction
STEVENSON, PETER Scotland, fl.1835-86, PHIM apprenticed to Alexander Allan; succeeded him in 1835. 9 Lothian Street, Edinburgh. Taylor 2(2256); Dewhirst. suggest correction
STEVENSON, T. see David Stevenson. Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Vol. III, pp. 408-410. suggest correction
STEVENSON, THOMAS Scotland, 1818-87, PHIM devised a thermometer screen in 1864. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
STEWARD, HENRY England, fl.1823-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "Steward York." 6 Low Ousegate, York. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
STEWARD, J.H. England, c.1850+, MIM OIM PHIM SIM made microscopes, telescopes, sundials, stick barometers, etc.; examples may be found at MMA, NMM, Cambridge Zoological Laboratory, WHI, and in numerous auctions. WHI signed "J.H. Steward Ltd." 406 and 66 Strand and 54 Cornhill; 406 Strand and 56 Cornhill; all in London. Bryden 16; Lübke; Dewhirst; Moskowitz; Coffeen C; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
STEWART, CHARLES England, c.1791, apprenticed to Dudley Adams of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 3, 1791. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
STIBBING misreading for Stebbing. Christie 5/26/76. suggest correction
STIEREN, W.E. USA, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, vernier = P.C. Pittsburg, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
STILES, J.J. England, NIM Octant = Christie 12/18/74. T.C.; "Nautical and St--- Schools, Charts and Navigation Warehouse." 196 High Street East, Sunderland. RSW. suggest correction
STILES, WILLIAM MASON England, fl.1830-60, MIM PHIM Demonstration Apparatus = USNM (3); Orrery = Brown University, R.I. also made barometers and thermometers. 29 Seward Street, Goswell Street (1830-46); 70 Ossulston Street (1853-60); both in London. Taylor 2(2013); Goodison 1; Price 2; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
STILL, OLD, AND CO. England, c.1812, NIM Navigational Charting Device = D. Bristol. Coffeen 55. suggest correction
STIPRIAAN, LUISCIUS Holland, see Abraham van Stipriaan Luiscius. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
STIRRUP, THOMAS England, fl.1651-59, "Description and Use of the Universall Quadrant", London, 1655; he had designed it; Anthony Thompson drew the plate. London. Taylor 1(248); Gunther 2; Dewhirst. suggest correction
STOAKES see Stokes. RSW. suggest correction
STOCKERT Germany, 18th Century, MIM made many wooden cube and diptych sundials; examples can be seen at ADL, BAR, VNN, Clock Museum, Newport, R.I., etc; the name appears on some floating sundials. some are marked "à Bavaria" or "in Bavaria" for the French or the English market; either Ernst Christophe Stockert or Johann Paulus Stockert. Bavaria. Zinner 1; Wynter 1; Coffeen B; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
STOCKERT, E.C. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Cube Sundials, wood and paper = WHI, NMM, CNAM, NOR, WUR, Zürich Sternwarte, Lindau Stadt Museum, etc. surely Ernst Christophe Stockert, Zinner 1. suggest correction
STOCKERT, E.D. surely a misreading for E.C. Stockert. Wray. suggest correction
STOCKERT, ERNST CHRISTOPHE Germany, 1730-1806, MIM made many wooden diptych sundials, floating sundials and wooden cube sundials; the wood is covered with printed paper scales; examples can be seen in many collections including the ADL, NUR, NOR, WHI, CNAM, WUR, NMM, NYM, Spaulding Coll. (1806), etc. surely E. C. Stockert; these are inexpensive sundials made for the mass market. Nürnberg in Bavaria. Zinner 1; Hamilton 2; Bryden 16; Gillingham 6; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
STOCKERT, JOHANN PAUL Germany, c.1780-90, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood and paper = ADL-W212, Geneva Museum of Horology, CNAM, STU, Linz Museum, Huelsmann Coll., etc.; Sundials, round, wood = NOR, Geneva Museum of Arts, P.C., Linz Museum, etc; Horizontal Sundial = Geneva Museum of Arts; Floating Sundial = ADL-N9. the sundials are signed "Johann Paul Stockert", "Johann Paulus Stockert", "Stockert", or "Stockert a Bavaria"; made "räderlosen uhren." Bavaria. Zinner 1; ADL; Syndram; Stuttgart Cat., 1913; RSW. suggest correction
STOCKL, I. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = ADL-M300. I. Stöckl. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
STOCKTON, GEORGE England, fl.1830-37, NIM 9 Long Row, South Shields. Taylor 2(2014). suggest correction
STOCKTON, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STOER, WILHELM TOBIAS Germany, 1812, MIM made sandglasses. Nürnberg. Lunardi. suggest correction
STOFFLER, JOHANNES Germany, 1452-1531, MIM Celestial Globe, wood, 1493 = NUR. Johannes Stöffler; author; wrote on the astrolabe, the calendar, etc.; professor of mathematics at Tübingen; see I.M.S. 1. Justingen; Tubingen. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; RSW. suggest correction
STOKER misreading for Stockert. RSWx. suggest correction
STOKER, FRANZ Germany, MIM Sundial = Evans Coll. Nürnberg. Evans 1. suggest correction
STOKES, GABRIEL Ireland, c.1682-1768, MIM NIM Horary Quadrant, 1738 = NMM; Slide Rule, 1713 = NMM; Gunter Sliding Rule, 1719 = WHI; Sundial, 1742 = Willis Museum, Basingstoke; Miner's Theodolite, 1717 = Court Coll. invented the "Pantometron", a surveying instrument; wrote pamphlet about his latitude-finding invention for the univrsal ring dial. Essex Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(657); NMM 2; Coffeen 51; RSW. suggest correction
STOKES, WILLIAM Ireland, fl.1842-50, OIM worked for Spear and Co., 1846-50; optician. 3 Upper Leeson Street (1842-45) Dublin; 3 Ballygihen, Sandy Cove, Kingstown; 28 College Green, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
STOLLE, HEINRICH Czechoslovakia, fl.1607-13, MIM OIM Triangular Instrument = Zurich Sternwarte; Graphometers = DRE, Breslau Schlesisches Museum; Instrument = NUR; Sectors = VIE, DEU (2); Telescope = BM; Pair of Compasses = DEU; Mathematical Compendium, silver = Soth. 7/29/69. clockmaker; the compasses are also marked "Th. Teuffel Czeilbergk." Prague. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
STONE, ARCHIMEDES England, c.1735, apprenticed to Joseph Jackson 2 of the Grocers' Company on May 15, 1735. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
STONE, EDMUND England, fl.1700-68, mathematical practitioner; translated Bion's book on mathematical insruments from French to English and added a supplement. London. Taylor 1(582). suggest correction
STONE, JOSHUA England, c.1760, NIM OIM Sextant, 1760 = P.C. Taylor 2(659). suggest correction
STONE, NICHOLAS England, fl.1619-22, MIM Sundial, 1619 = St. James, London; Sundials, 1622 = Privy Garden, Whitehall, London and Holbourn. London? Gatty. suggest correction
STONE, RICHARD England, c.1763, apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on June 7, 1763. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
STONE, S USA, c.1835, MIM SIM patented a device to measure distance with a theodolite in 1835. Long Green, Maryland. USNM. suggest correction
STONE, WILLIAM Scotland?, c.1684, MIM Nocturnal, wood = EMA. Taylor 1(437); RSW. suggest correction
STOPANI see P. Wachano and Stopani. RSW. suggest correction
STOPANI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STOPANI, JOHN Scotland, fl.1824-50, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 11/27/86, Phillips 8/12/87. the barometers are signed "J. Stopani" or "J. Stopani Aberdeen." 38 North Street (1824-25); 42 Queen Street (1827-40); 44 Queen Street (1841-43);68 Broad Street (1844-50); all in Aberdeen. Goodison 1; Bryden 3; RSW. suggest correction
STOPANNI Holland, PHIM see Butti Gebroeders en Stopanni. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
STOPPANI, F. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 9/10/86. 25 Red Lion Street, Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
STOPPANI, NICHOLAS England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3). the barometers are signed "N. Stopani Sheffield" or "N. Stoppani Sheffield.. Orchard Street, Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STORDY, JON. England, 1789, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round, 1789 = Phillips-Leeds 6/24/87. folding gnomon. Orton. RSW. suggest correction
STORER, WILLIAM England, c.1780, OIM PHIM Camera Obscura = DRE; Telescope, refracting = Soth. 3/25/86. the telescope is signed "Storer Professor of Optics to his Majesty no.176 The Subscription Telescope by the King's Patent Warranted to be adjusted by Wm Storer and delivered to the Subscribers at Chas. Lincoln's No. 62 Leadenhall Street"; invented the "Royal Delineator", a type of camera obscura. No. 14 Lisle Street, Leicester Fields, London. Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
STORR England, 18th Century, MIM Perpetual Almanacs = KEN, Law-290. York. RSW. suggest correction
STORR, B. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. may be Batty Storrs, which see. Beverley. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STORRS, BATTY England, 1710-93, PHIM Stick Barometers = X(4); Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. all the barometers are signed "B. Storrs York" or "B.Storr (York)". Minster Gates, York. Goodison 1; RSW. WEBDB. suggest correction
STORRS, NATHAN USA, 1768-1839, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Heritage Foundation, Deerfield, Mass. clockmaker; apprenticed to Jacob Sargeant of Springfield, Mass. in 1791, of Storrs it was said "He was lately from New York"; partner in Baldwin and Storrs, 1792-94, with Jedidiah Baldwin; partner with Benjamin E. Cook, as Storrs and Cook, 1827-34; succeeded by Cook. Springfield, Mass.; New York, N.Y.; King Street, Northampton, Mass. (1791); Shop Row, Northampton Mass. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
STORRS, SHUBAEL USA, 1778-1847, MIM SIM gold and silversmith, in business for himself 1808-47; his nephew, Charles Storrs was also a siversmith. 30 Genessee Street, Utica, N.Y. (1803-47). Smart 1. suggest correction
STOTT Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometers = X(2). Dunfries. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STOTT, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STOTTRUP, M.J. Germany, MIM Nocturnal = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
STOYLE, J. England, fl.1817-19, MIM may have been a designer and not an instrument maker. Taylor 2(1438). suggest correction
STRACHAN, A.F. England, c.1810, MIM Perpetual Calendar, silver = Soth. 7/21/75. London. RSW. suggest correction
STRAIGHT see Thomas Staight. RSW. suggest correction
STRALENDORF, PETER HENRICH VON, R.P. Germany, 1612, MIM Astrolabe, 1612 = Ecouen (Cl.24146). rete has contellation figures; no tympans; ICA-286. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA-2; RSW. suggest correction
STRAN, THOMAS F. USA, fl.1819-23, MIM Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
STRASY, STEVEN see Steven Stacy. Michel 3. suggest correction
STRATTON, J.P. USA, c.1848, PHIM made electrical apparatus. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
STRATTON, JOHN 1 England, c.1750, MIM OIM T.C.; optician. at ye Golden Spectacles in Sidney's Alley near Leicester Fields, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
STRATTON, JOHN 2 England, 1819, MIM Counter, 1819 = D.(1975). Devizes. RSW. suggest correction
STRATZ AND FEHRENBACK Scotland, PHIM Barometer = D.(1972). Perth. John Bell. suggest correction
STRAUB see Brugger and Straub. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STRAUB AND HEATING England, c.1850, MIM Wheel Barometers = Phillips 10/26/83 and 2/2/84, K. & C. 2/8/78. signatures misread as "Straub and Meating" and "Straub and Itebting." Possibly Straub and Hebting (WEBDB). 77 Blackman Street, Borough. RSW. WEBDB. suggest correction
STRAUB, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Norwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STREATFIELD England, c.1750, MIM SIM Graphometer = KEN. London. Daumas 1. suggest correction
STREATFIELD, JOHN England, fl. pre-1847-59, PHIM partner with Edward Wilds Ladd, c.1847-59; made hydrometers in R.B. Bates workshop. London. McConnell 4. suggest correction
STREBIN Germany, c.1840, MIM see Strebin und Ferchel. RSW. suggest correction
STREBIN UND FERCHEL Germany, c.1840, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = Soth.-Geneva 4/8/76 = TIM. signed "Strebin und Ferchel Erfinder"; Erfinder means inventor; instrument patented in 1840; may be Joseph Ferchel, which see. Soth.-G 11/8/76. suggest correction
STREET, R.W. England, c.1860, MIM SIM Theodolite = D.(1976). Commercial Road, Lambeth, London. Moskowitz. suggest correction
STREET, THOMAS England, fl.1830-46, MIM OIM SIM Telescopic Level = D.(1975); Theodolite = Soth.-B 9/18/81; Pocket Compasses = Christie 12/21/71 and 6/7/72; Surveying Instrument = Soth. 12/15/78; Dumpy Level = Phillips 10/26/83. 39 Commercial Road, Lambeth, London. Taylor 2(2015). suggest correction
STREET, THOMAS AND SON England, MIM OIM Telescope, stand, case = D.(1983). 39 Commercial Road, Waterloo Bridge, London. RSW. suggest correction
STREETE, THOMAS England, 1621-89, MIM devised a reflecting instrument; made planetary instruments and tables. New Buildings, Tower Hill, near the Surgeon's Arms (1652); popping Court, Fleet Street; both in London. Taylor 1(206); A.J. Turner 1 & 2. suggest correction
STRELER, BERNARDUS Germany, 1745, MIM Block Sundial, wood, 1745 = Dillingen Lyzeum. the dial is signed "Bernard Streler CRW FECIT Anno 1745." Zinner 1. suggest correction
STRETTEGER see Schrettegger. Parke-Bernet 12/16/71. suggest correction
STRETTON, WIDOW England, fl.1819-22, MIM presuably succeeded her husband. Platform, Rotherhithe, London. Taylor 2(1439). suggest correction
STRIGEL Holland, pre-1745, MIM Rule, with case = D.(1993). scale on each side, "Pouc. d. Roy", "Pouc. de Rhyn", "Antwerp Fer Calibre" and "Antwerp Piere Putre"; signed "Strigel a la Hay" and "Nicolas Mercator 1745", owner; both "ys" have an umlaut over them; see J.C. Strigelius. The Hague. Coffeen 43. suggest correction
STRIGELIUS, J.C. Germany, 1742, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1742 = DES. with compass and level; see Strigel. Crailsheim. Zinner 1; Michel 3; DES Cat. suggest correction
STRINGA AND CAPELLI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Newport. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STRINGAL, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. Carmarthen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STRINGER, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Brecon. Goodison 1. suggest correction
STRINGER, WILLIAM England, pre-1761, apprenticed to Christopher Jacob; ran away before July 20, 1761. Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
STRODE, THOMAS England, fl.1642-97, MIM dialist and author. Maperton, Somerset. Taylor 1(202). suggest correction
STRONG, TIMOTHY England, 1781, MIM Capuchin Sundial, 1781 = D.(1986). Coffeen 13. suggest correction
STROPE JEUNE France, MIM OIM Armillary Sphere, wood and paper = Auction, Honfleur 6/17/79. "opticien et luthier", lute maker. Chartres. RSW. suggest correction
STROSSER, J.P. Belgium, MIM Brussels. Evans 1. suggest correction
STUART, BERNARD Scot.; Germ.; Austr.; Russ., 1706-55, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1735 = VIE; Horizontal Sundial, 1736 = SAL. born Alexander Stuart in Scotland; became a priest in the Regensburg Abbey; in 1725 he took the name Bernard. Regensburg; Salzburg; St. Petersburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
STUART, GEORGE England, c.1837, MIM 82 Westgate Street, Newcastle. Taylor 2(2257). suggest correction
STUCKHAUBTMAN a title; see Laurentius Mayer. Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
STUCKJUNKER Germany, title; see Theodor August Narzis. Zinner 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
STUDER, J.G. Germany, c.1840, MIM SIM Theodolite = DEU. Freiberg. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
STUIGHT, T. see Thomas Straight. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
STUIJVENBERG, J. VAN, EN ZOON Holland, 19th Century, MIM Bevel = AMST. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
STUKELEY, WILLIAM England, 1687-1774, MIM invented and made a "lunaesolarium" in 1747. Stamford (1730-47); London (1747-74). Millburn 5. suggest correction
STUMPFF, J.A. England, c.1780, OIM Microscope = Royal Medical Society. London. Taylor 2(898); Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
STURGEON, WILLIAM England, 1783-1850, PHIM apprenticed to a boot-maker; soldier at Woolich; made electrical apparatus; invented an electro-magnet, c.1825. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
STURM, JOHANN CHRISTOPHORUS Germany, fl.1678-85, invented philosophical instruments including a differential thermometer; author. Altdorf. O'Neal. suggest correction
STURMEN, REUBEN England, c.1803, MIM apprenticed to James Gardner on Jan. 6, 1803, for 7 years. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
STUTCHBURY, JOSEPH England, fl.1791-1826, MIM Slide Rules = OXF, X; Gauging Rule, four slides = P.C.; Slide Rule, proof, boxwood = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Excise Rule = OXF. apprenticed to Edward Roberts 2 in the Joiners' Company on Feb. 3, 1784; free in the Company Mar. 1, 1791; took an apprentice. Dove Court, old Jewry, London (1803-15). Taylor 2(897); Crawforth 7; Delehar 2; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
SUCCA, IAC. DE Belgium, c.1600, MIM Astronomical Ring, 1600 = OXF; Horizontal Sundials, round, 1601 = Ruben's House, Antwerp, P.C. the astronomical ring is also marked "I.A.D.", "C.A.B.", and "A", see A. 2. Antwerp. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Maddison 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
SUDLOW, JOHN England, fl.1750 ->, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Jackson 2 in the Grocers' Company on Dec. 7, 1736; free of the Company May 3, 1750; took an apprentice. Ball Alley, Lombard Street, London (1750). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SUESS, W. Germany, c.1850, MIM showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851, London. Marburg, Hesse, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
SUFFELL, CHARLES 1 England, fl.1839-77, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Stick Barometer = X; Protractor = Phillips 11/16/76; Circular Protractor, ivory = D.(1972); Diagonally divided Scale = Phillips 11/16/76. T.C.; Suffell was a salesman, 1839-43; a MIM, 1844-77. 132 Long Acre (1839-65); 122 Long Acre (1866-77); both in London. Delehar 1; Crawforth 3; Goodison 1. suggest correction
SUFFELL, CHARLES 2 England, fl.1864-70, MIM 11 Bridge Street, Westminster, London. Crawforth 3. suggest correction
SUFFELL, CHARLES 3 England, fl.1864-66, OIM optician. 45 King Street, Westminster, London. Crawforth 3. suggest correction
SUFFERLEITI alternate spelling for Sauterleiti. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SUGAR, JOHN England, fl.1645-65?, MIM globe maker and seller; worked with Joseph Moxon (1653-65?). near St. Michael's in Cornhill at the Sign of the Atlas on Parnassus Hill, London (1653-65?). Taylor 1(254); Tyacke 1; Evans 1; suggest correction
SUGGART see MacKenzie and Suggart. Taylor 2(1381). suggest correction
SULLIVAN, J.L.D. USA, 1878, MIM "Solaragraph", 1878 = Clock Museum, Newport, N.H. 26 School Street, Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
SULLIVAN, PATRICK England, fl.1738-43, PHIM Stick Barometers = NMM, X(2); Thermometer = NMM. one barometer signed "Pat Sullivan London", the other is signed "P. Sullivan without Temple Barr, London." Wickham Court (1738-43); at ye South back of St. Clemonts Church near Temple Bar: both in London. Goodison 1; Symonds. suggest correction
SULLY, HENRY England; Holland; France1680-1728, MIM Backstaff, No. 143 = Soth. 5/29/61 watchmaker; worked in Amsterdam in 1711; put a meridian sundial in Saint-Suplice, Paris in 1722; may be two people. Amsterdam (1711); Versailles (by 1722). Taylor 2(126); Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
SUMERAU, BARTHOLEMEW England, fl.1840-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 27 Lisle Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SURGETT, CHARLES England, fl.1830-38, OIM 12 Beauchamp Street, London. Taylor 2(2016). suggest correction
SURLANIS, PAULUS DE see Paulus de Furlanis. O. Brown 3; D. Woodard 1. suggest correction
SURRIDGE, A. England, c.1850, MIM Parallel Rule, boxwood = D.(1976). 12 1/4" long. London. RSW. suggest correction
SUTHARD, THOMAS England, c.1788, apprenticed to Edward Troughton 2, his uncle, in the Grocers' Company on June 5, 1788. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SUTTER Germany, c.1890, NIM Sextant = Auction, Saint-Brieuc 11/12/78. Berlin SW 68. RSW. suggest correction
SUTTER, JOHN Scotland, fl.1811-22, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. signed "John Sutter, Edinburgh." Toddrick's Wynd, Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Bryden 9. suggest correction
SUTTON England, OIM Telescope, single draw = Christie-SK 6/2/83. Great Newport Street (London?). RSW. suggest correction
SUTTON AND KNIBB England, fl.1664-66, MIM Calculating Machines = KEN (1664), FLO (1664-66). Henry Sutton and Samuel Knibb; Knibb was workman for Sutton; machines were Sir Samuel Morland's invention in 1663; both are signed "Henricus Sutton et Samuel Knibb Londini fecurent 1664"; FLO given to Cosimo II in 1669. London. A.J. Turner 10; G.L'E. Turner 24; Michel 3; Daumas 1; Bonelli 1. suggest correction
SUTTON, BAPTIST England, fl.1636-53, MIM instrument maker; father or uncle of Henry Sutton? Chancery Lane, Holborn, London. Taylor 1(184); Evans 1. suggest correction
SUTTON, GEORGE England, fl.1838-46, OIM 14 Bridge Street, Lambeth, London. Taylor 2(2259). suggest correction
SUTTON, HENRY England, fl.1648-69, MIM made a wide range of fine, interesting instruments including astrolabes, sundials, horary quadrants, sectors, globes, etc; examples may be seen at ADL, OXF, CMY, AMST, VNN, CNAM, BM, KEN, WHI, USNM, RSM, etc. apprenticed to Thomas Brown 1 in the Joiners' Company, 1638; free of the Company in 1647-1648; took apprentices; made calculating machines with Samuel Knibb; some of the horary quadrants are printed from a copper plate, to be mounted on wood by the customer. Threadneedle Street at the back of the Royal Exchange, near St. Christopher's Church, London. Crawforth 7; Gunther 1; ICA 2; A.J. Turner 10; J.A. Bennett 2; Michel 3; Mörzer Bruyns 1; USNM; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; Clay and Court; Taylor 1(188); Maddison 1; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
SUTTON, J. name marked on slide rule of 1777 by Walter Field at BM; owner. Price 3. suggest correction
SUTTON, SAMUEL England, c.1782, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust in the Grocers' Company on May 5, 1774; free of the Company, March 7, 1782. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SUTTON, WILLIAM England, fl.1656-78, MIM brother or relative of Henry Sutton; apprenticed to Thomas Worrall in the Joiners' Company on May 4, 1642; free of the Company, Feb. 2, 1656; took apprentices. a little beyond the church, in Upper Shadwell, below Wapping, London. Taylor 1(259); Crawforth 7; Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
SUXPEACH, JOHN misreading for Joseph Saxpeach. Clay and Court. suggest correction
SUYWENS, VICTOR France, c.1830, NIM Magnetic Azimuth Compass = D.(1989). "Poulieur", pulley-maker. Dunkerque. Coffeen 27. suggest correction
SWAIM, JAMES USA, 1833, MIM held a patent for an "astronomical machine", 1833. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
SWAIN, B.O. USA, 1849, MIM held a patent on an astronomical planetarium, 1849. Annisquam, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
SWAN 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Carlisle. Goodison 1 suggest correction
SWAN 2 see Mawson and Swan. King and Chasemore 12/15/72 suggest correction
SWAN, ALEXANDER Scotlandfl.1829-36, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 75 High Street (1829); 22 Gallowgate (1830); 112 Gallowgate (1831); 106 Gallowgate (1834-36); all in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Bryden 3. suggest correction
SWAN, OWEN 1762, MIM Magnetic Compass, 1762 = D.(1957). RSW. suggest correction
SWAN, THOMAS England, fl.1790-1837, MIM NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1791 = OMM. T.C.; Crawforth thought the name was Swann and had thirteen addresses for him. 34 Barnastre Street (later 3 Bridge Water Place); 43 Banastre Street; 3 Manns Island; 57 Freemason Row, Vauxhall Road; 54 Barnastre Street; all in Liverpool. Crawforth 1 & 6; Taylor 2(1718); Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
SWAN, WILLIAM England, c.1700, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Tompion in the Clockmakers' Company. Robischon. suggest correction
SWANN see Swan. RSW. suggest correction
SWART, JACOB 1 Holland, fl.1840-63, NIM partner in the firm of Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1840-63; succeeded J. Staats Boonen and was succeeded by his son, Jacob Swart 2. Nieuwebrugsteeg-Nieuwebrug, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SWART, JACOB 2 Holland, fl.1863-85, NIM partner in the firm of Gerard Hulst van Keulen; succeeded his father, Jacob Swart 1; the firm closed in 1885. Kampasteiger, hoek Nieuwebrugsteeg No. 171, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
SWEENEY, EDWARD Ireland, 1763, MIM Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
SWEENEY, ELIAS USA, c.1802, MIM Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
SWEENEY, NATHANIEL Ireland, 1763, MIM Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
SWEET England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
SWEETMAN see Swetman. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SWESCHNIKOW, W. Russia, c.1740, MIM Inclinable Sundial = Ineichen 10/18/74. Ws. Pe. RSW. suggest correction
SWETMAN, JAMES 1 England, fl.1702-35, MIM apprenticed to William Howe in the Grocers' Company on Mar. 5, 1694; free of the Company, Mar. 9, 1703; took apprentices; rulemaker. Glasshouse Yard, Minories (1707); Minories (1711-12); both in London; Stepney (1725); Penington Street, Ratcliffe Highway, London (1730-35). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SWETMAN, JAMES 2 England, c.1730, MIM apprenticed to his father James Swetman 1, in the Grocers' Company, Sept. 28, 1722; free of the Company on Aug. 19, 1730. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SWETMAN, JOHN England, c.1735, MIM apprenticed to his father, James Swetman 1 in the Grocers' Company on Mar. 25, 1725; free of the Company July 3, 1735. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
SWIFT, JAMES England, post-1856, OIM Microscopes = Christie 11/22/78, Phillips 2/22/77, Christie-SK 2/8/79 & 7/10/80; Field Microscope = Christie-SK 5/10/77; Binocular Microscope = Soth. 2/7/72; Microscope, small, with box = P.C.(1978); Stage Illuminator = Christie 12/18/74. made improvements in mechanical construction of microscopes. 3 Matson's Terrace, Kingsland Road; 43 University Street, W.C.; both in London. suggest correction
SWIFT, JAMES, AND SON England, post-1860, OIM Microscopes = Christie 5/26/76, Phillips 2/22/77, 2/14/79 and 12/12/89, Soth. 12/15/78, Soth.-Torquay 7/8/81, Christie-SK 12/1/83. 81 Tottenham Court Road, London. RSW. suggest correction
SWIFT, JAMES, AND SONS England, post-1860, OIM Microscope = Soth. 10/21/74. London. RSW. suggest correction
SWIGTERS, ISAAC Holland, d.1750, MIM NIM last partner in Inde Jonge Lootsman (at the young pilot's), a business dealing in charts and navigating instruments including cross-staffs and pleinschaals (a type of Gunter scale); he was succeeded by his second cousin, Hendrik Mooy. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 4. suggest correction
SWINDEN, JEAN HENRI VAN Holland; France1746-1823, professor at Franeker, pre-1785; mathematician, astronomer and physicist; studied the metric system in Paris, 1798-99; author. Franeker; Amsterdam (1785); Paris (1798-99); Amsterdam. USNM. suggest correction
SWYGGART see Suggart. Taylor 2(1381). suggest correction
SWYGGETT, JOSEPH England, fl.1830-38, MIM OIM PHIM 43 Edmund Street, King's Cross, London. Taylor 2(2018). suggest correction
SYBENGA, S.P. England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = USNM. North Shields. USNM. suggest correction
SYCHEN, JAN VAN Belgium, 17th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = P.C. (1988). Gandavi (Ghent). RSW. suggest correction
SYEDS AND DAVIS England, fl.1817-35, MIM NIM Hadley's Quadrant = OMM; Compass Rose in Binnacle = D.(1975). Agnes Syeds and Davis 5; compass makers; succeeded Agnes Syeds and Co. 379 Rotherhithe; Fountain Stairs, Rotherhithe; both in London. Taylor 2(1047); RSW. suggest correction
SYEDS, AGNES, AND CO. England, fl.1810-17, MIM NIM OIM T.C.; "Mathematical Instrument Makers to His Majesty's Navy"; "Inventors of the Boats Betticle"; succeeded John Syeds, her husband. 379 Rotherhithe Street near Kings Stairs, London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Taylor 2(1047a). suggest correction
SYEDS, JOHN England, fl.1790-1810, NIM T.C.; "Syeds' Patent Quadrant"; took out patent No. 1789 in 1791; compass maker; succeeded by his wife, Agnes Syeds. No. 25 Parker Row, New Road, Dock Head; at No. 17, near East-Lane Stairs, Rotherhithe (1794); Fountain Stairs, Rotherhithe (1805); all in London. Crawforth 1; Calvert 2; Taylor 2(1047). suggest correction
SYKES England, c.1840, invented a type of hydrometer, made by Loftus and others. London. RSW. suggest correction
SYKES, H. England; France, fl.1780-90, MIM OIM Butterfield-type Sundials = X, D.(1986), Bernard Coll.; Sector = Soth. 2/25/86. optician; made telescopes; Englishman living in Paris; agent for English instrument makers; "privilégié du roi." Place du Palais-Royal, Maison du Caffé, Paris (1782). Taylor 2(899); Michel 3; A.J. Turner 10; Brieux 2; RSW. suggest correction
SYLVESTER II, POPE see Gerbert of Aurillac. Maddison 2; Michel 2. suggest correction
SYM, JAMES Scotland, c.1837, MIM 167 High Street, Glasgow. Taylor 2(2260). suggest correction
SYMMES, ISAACK see Isaack Simmes. Delehar 1. suggest correction
SYMONS, JOHN England, fl.1800-1810, MIM apprenticed to John Troughton 2 in the Grocers' Company on June 4, 1799; free of the Company on Nov. 6, 1800; took apprentices after 1800. Salmon and Ball Court, Bunhill Row, London. J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
SYMPSON, JOHN England, fl.1702-14, MIM Master of Mechanics to Queen Anne. London. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
SYPE, LAURENTZ VAN DE Germany, MIM Astrolabe (ICA-2075) = St. Paul Gymnasium, Görlitz Kunstsammlung. in the ICA this instrument is listed under "Van de Sype." Zinner 1; ICA 2. suggest correction
T. 1 Germany, 17th Century, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = VIE; Horizontal Sundial, in barrel- shaped case, ivory = VIE. Zinner 1. suggest correction
T. 2 1606, MIM Division plate on the back of a Sundial = D.(1982). Coffeen B. suggest correction
T. 3 England, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = Ost India Hus, Göteborg. RSW. suggest correction
T.B. 1 England, 1627, MIM marked on ivory sundial, 1593 in X Coll., "Made For T.B." (1). London. Evans 1. suggest correction
T.B. 2 c.1900, Horizontal Sundial = ADL-T20. modern copy. Tomlinson 1; Fox 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
T.C. England, 1831, MIM Sundial, slate, square, 1831 = P.C.(1982). RSW. suggest correction
T.D. 1 Germany, c.1600, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = Drecker Coll. (1600) = DPW, ADL-T10, ADL-T11, ROM, HAK, OMM, WHI, Huelsmann Coll., Soth. 3/27/72 = TIM, FIN-84; Skaphe Sundial = OXF. surely these are by Thomas Ducher 1, which see; master mark is a crowned serpent; the sundial at OMM has two compasses, marked "Wegweis Kampsus" and "Marinus Kampassius", it is in a leather case. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1; Price 2; Bryden 16; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
T.D. 2 possible reading for "J.D.", which see. RSW. suggest correction
T.E. these initials are marked on a circular slide rule at the BM signed "J.D." Price 3; Ward 4; Gunther 2. suggest correction
T.G. England, 1551, MIM Quadrant, 1551 = BM. Thomas Gemini; it is also marked "J.C." (1) and "W.B." (3). London. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
T.H. England, MIM Nocturnal, boxwood = Soth. 7/26/65. RSW. suggest correction
T.I. c.1680, MIM Ring Sundial = Evans Coll. Evans 1. suggest correction
T.J. 1 c.1729, marked on a 1729 quadrant signed "M. Lewelin." RSW. suggest correction
T.J. 2 c.1900, Horizontal Sundials = ADL-T69 (falsely dated 1775) and ADL-T70 (falsely dated 1807). both were made by D.B. Sheahan; by implication, by Thomas Jefferson; the address for both is "Va." Tomlinson 1; Fox 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
T.J.H. 1827, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood, 1827 = VNN. RSW. suggest correction
T.K. 1 Germany, c.1581, MIM see Tobias Klieber. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
T.K. 2 Germany?, 1581, MIM Artillery Rule, 1581 = BRP. might be Tobias Klieber. Price 2. suggest correction
T.K. 3 marked on ADL-M304, signed "M.V.S." (1); Zinner and Engelmann reported it as "M.K." (2); may be the owner or the initials for "Tag Kalendar." Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
T.M. 1 England, 1799, MIM Garden Sundial, 1799 = P.C. Adlington. Strand Magazine, 1893, pp. 308-18. suggest correction
T.M. 2 England?, c.1970, MIM Horary Quadrant = Christie 12/12/72 = WHI-1638. possibly an English forgery. London. Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
T.P. 1 Germany, c.1600, MIM Compass Sundials in ivory barrels = ADL-W39, VIE, Soth. 11/16/87. the sundial at the ADL has a punch mark of T and P conjoined on the hour-scale and also printed on the compass rose. Zinner 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
T.P. 2 marked on a terrestrial globe, ADL-M14, signed "I.", see I. (2). ADL; RSW. suggest correction
T.R. England, late 18th Century, PHIM Set of Cup Weights = Phillips 5/20/75. RSW. suggest correction
T.R.W. 1593, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round, ivory, 1593 = van Heusen Coll. #25. RSW. suggest correction
T.S.S. Germany, 1555, signed on a woodblock of a horary quadrant, 1555, at the Munich Staatsbibliothek. Zinner 1. suggest correction
T.V.B. Germany, 1620, MIM Diptych Sundial, brass, 1620 = DRE. Zinner 1. suggest correction
T.W. 1 1600, MIM Pocket Sundial, 1600 = CCG. RSW. suggest correction
T.W. 2 England, c.1730, MIM Ring Sundials = Evans Coll. (2)(1730), NYM-Tucker Coll., D.(1982), WHI(3). Coffeen wondered if "T.W." might stand for Thomas Wright. Gunther 2; Coffeen A; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
T.W. 3 1741, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1741 = WRAY = Soth. 6/28/68. RSW. suggest correction
T.W. 4 England, 1753, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1753 = D. Moskowitz 121. suggest correction
T.W. 5 Scotland, 1825, MIM Garden Sundial, 1825 = Amisfield, Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire. Gatty. suggest correction
T.W. 6 MIM Sand Glass = OMM. RSW. suggest correction
TABER, ABRAHAM, AND BROTHER USA, 1869, NIM successors of Charles Taber and Co.; agents for Spencer, Browning and Co. 49 Union Street, New Bedford, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
TABER, C. AND A. USA, 1849, Charles and Abraham Taber; advertised nautical instruments for sale in 1849. New Bedford, Mass. D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
TABER, CHARLES USA, fl.1845-65, advertised nautical instruments for sale and repair; see Willuam C. Taber and Son. New Bedford, Mass. D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
TABER, CHARLES, AND CO. USA, fl.1825-69, NIM Mariners Compasses = Seamans Institute, New York, N.Y., Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass.; Octants, ebony and ivory = P.C.(1974), D; Sextant = Portsmouth Historical Society, New Hampshire. agents for Spencer, Browning and Co.; succeeded by Abraham Taber and brother; dealers. New Bedford, Mass. USNM; Giordano 9; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
TABER, WILLIAM C., AND SON USA, fl.1845-49, William C. Taber and Charles Taber; advertised nautical instruments for sale. New Bedford, Mass. D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
TABORSKI Poland, MIM Sundial = KEN-inv. 1894-8. Cracow. RSW. suggest correction
TABRAR, WILLIAM England, fl.1832-36, PHIM made barometers and thermometers. 38 Laystall Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TACCHI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 5/12/72. Bedford. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TACCHI, JOHN Italy; England, PHIM barometer maker; see Mastaglio and Tacchi. Lake Como; Sunderland. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
TACCHINI, ANTONIO Italy, fl.1822-55+, PHIM appointed mechanician to the Specola di Padovo in 1855. Pavia; Padua. Brenni 1. suggest correction
TACHI, F. Holland, 18th Century?, PHIM Barometer and Thermometer = Mak van Waay Auction, May, 1975. Zierikzee. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE USA, c.1847, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; see Norton and Tagliabue; may be John Tagliabue 3. 240 Water Street, New York, N.Y (1847). USNM. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE AND CASELLA England, fl.1830-46, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 9/23/88; Stick Barometer = Mallams, Cheltenham. Mallams signed "C. Tagliabue and Casella"; Caesar Tagliabue and Louis Paschel Casella; became Casella and Taglibue in 1846. 23 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; ATG 3/18/95; RSW. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE AND CICERI England, c.1849, PHIM barometers; Anthony Tagliabue and perhaps P. Ciceri. 31 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE AND CO. 1 England, fl.1807-14, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Christie-SK 4/17/86; Stick Barometer = X. Caesar Tagliabue; earliest directory date for the Tagliabues; the first immigrant is supposed to have arrived in 1769. 26 High Holborn, London. Taylor 2(1229); Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE AND CO. 2 England, fl.1832-54, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Anthony Tagliabue. 31 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE AND CO. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 12/16/82. could be either Tagliabue and Co. 1 or 2. Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE AND NEGRETTI USA, 1847, PHIM received silver prize in 1847 at Fair of American Institute, for barometers, hydrometers and wet bulb thermometers. 236 Water Street, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE AND ZAMBRA England, fl.1847-50, PHIM John Tagliabue 1. 11 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, A. England, fl.1832-54, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Christie 5/5/83, P.C., X. probably Anthony Tagliabue; Christie barometer is listed as "A. Faglibue." 31 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2262); RSW. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, A. AND A. England, fl.1829-31, PHIM Wheel Barometer, Thermometer, Level and Humidistat = D.(1983). Angelo and Anthony Tagliabue. 11 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, ANGELO England, fl.1829-48, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. partner with Anthony Tagliabue, 1829-31, as A. and A. Tagliabue, which see; barometer is signed "A. Tagliabue 19 Leather Lane." 11 Brook Street, Holborn (1829-33); 19 Leather Lane (1835-40); 91 Leather Lane (1841-44); 3 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1845-48); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2261). suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, ANTHONY England, fl.1829-54, PHIM made barometers, thermometers and philosophical instruments; in partnership with Angelo Tagliabue as A. and A. Tagliabue, 1829-31. 11 Brook Street (1829-31); 31 Brook Street (1832-54); both in Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2262). suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, B., GAGGIA AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, C. 1 England, c.1799, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer signed "Tagliabue" plus address; see Tagliabue, Torre and Co. 294 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, C. 2 England, c.1820, PHIM barometer maker; probably Caesar Tagliabue. 68 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, C. 3 England, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 5/18/89. 11 Brook Street, Holborn (London). RSW. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, C.B.J., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Caesar Tagliabue? 26 Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, C.J., MANUFACTURING CO. USA, PHIM Thermometer = Pacific House, Monterey, Cal. Brooklyn, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, CAESAR England, fl.1807-46, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 7/21/83; Stick Barometer = X. Soth. barometer has thermometer by L. Giana; with Casella in 1838; see C. Tagliabue 2. 26 High Holborn (1807-14); 28 Cross Street, Hatton Garden (1822-29); 23 Hatton Garden (1829-46); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1720); RSW. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, CATHERINE England, c.1838, PHIM barometer maker; succeeded John Tagliabue 2, probably his widow. 25 Eyre Street Hill, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2263). suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, CHARLES, AND CO. England, fl.1835-36, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers. 11 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, FRANCIS USA, fl.1852-56, advertised his Navigation Warehouse in 1856. San Francisco, Cal. D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, GIUSEPPE England; USA, 1812-78, MIM PHIM Ruler = N. Carolina Museum of History; Marine Barometer = D.(1976); Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. son of Caesar Tagliabue; apprenticed to his brother Giovanni; went to New York in 1834; won numerous awards; see John Tagliabue 3. Pearl Street, New York, N.Y. D.J. Warner 5; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, J. AND J. England, fl.1817-19, OIM PHIM made barometers and philosophical instruments; one of the partners was John Tagliabue 1. 11 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, JOHN 1 England, fl.1817-52, PHIM made barometers and philosophical instruments; see J. and J. Tagliabue; see Tagliabue and Zambra. 11 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1440). suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, JOHN 2 England, fl.1826-38, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; succeeded by Catherine Tagliabue, probably his widow. 44 Leather Lane (1826-28); 23 Hatton Garden (1829); 25 Eyre Street Hill (1834-38); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2263). suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, JOHN 3 USA, fl.1838-87, MIM NIM PHIM 269 Water Street, New York, N.Y. D.J. Warner 5; USNM. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, JOSEPH USA, fl.1853-54, MIM NIM PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, TORRE AND CO. England, c.1802, PHIM Stick Barometer = X(2); Wheel Barometer = X. see C. Tagliabue 1. 294 High Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAISNIER, JOHANNES Belgium, 1509-62, designer of "spherical rings" which were useful in surveying, artillery, astronomy and navigation. Offenbacher 22, 1970. suggest correction
TALBOT, EBENEZER USA, 1810-1902, MIM SIM Level = P.C. "Improved builder's level warrented. E. Talbot No. 6 Windsor Locks, Ct." Windsor Locks (-1863); East Granby (1863-90); Windsor Locks (1890-1902); all in Connecticut. Smart 1. suggest correction
TALBOYS, JAMES England, c.1817, apprenticed to John Corless in the Joiners' Company, Sept. 11, 1817. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
TAMBURINI, GIOVANNI DOMENICO Italy, c.1700, PHIM Barometer = FLO. Middleton 1. suggest correction
TANCKINS, JOACHIMUS Germany, 1596, MIM Instrument, 1596 = NUR. Perleberg. Evans 1. suggest correction
TANGATE, ROBERT 1 England, fl.1761-1804, MIM apprenticed to John Morgan 2 in the Joiners' Company on April 7, 1752; turned over to George Adams 1 in the Grocers' Company, April 4, 1758; free in the Joiners' Company, April 7, 1761; took apprentices. Shoe Lane, Fleet Street (1770-73); 4 Bride Lane (1774); 9 West Square (1800); 42 Elliott's Buildings, St. Georges Field (1804); 9 West Square; all in London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
TANGATE, ROBERT 2 England, c.1781, apprenticed to his father, Robert Tangate 1, in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 4, 1781. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
TANGUY France, fl.1665-80, MIM OIM "arquebusier"; worked in the Paris Observatory and for the Academy. Paris. Daumas 1; Wolf; Augarde. suggest correction
TANNER, JOSEPH England, c.1856, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 5/15/96. watchmaker, silversmith; the X barometer is signed "Tanner Cirencester", the other one "J. Tanner, Cirencester." Market Place, Cirencester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TANNON, W.F. misreading of W.F. Cannon. RSW. suggest correction
TAPLEY, ROBERT USA, c.1850, NIM Pelorus = PMS. the pelorus at the PMS was designed by Tapley. West Brooksville, Me. RSW. suggest correction
TAPPENDEN AND HANBY England, c.1768, MIM T.C.; tool makers. at the White Lion the Corner of George Street in Foster Lane, Cheapside, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
TARA, I. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Louth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARADELLI Italy, 19th Century, OIM Naples. Brenni 1. suggest correction
TARDIN France, 19th Century, MIM Sector = Drouot 4/7/87. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
TARELL England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARELLI 1 England, c.1850, OIM Telescope = Phillips 11/16/88. RSW. suggest correction
TARELLI 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 5/14/87; Wheel Barometer = BMM. probably Charles Tarelli 2. Northampton. RSW. suggest correction
TARELLI, A., AND SON England, fl.1853-60, PHIM Marine Barometer = X. Anthony Tarelli and his son. 42 Dean Street (1853); 65 Grey Street (1855-60); both in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARELLI, ANTHONY England, fl.1827-60, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). the barometers are signed "A. Tarelli"; see also A. Tarelli and Son. 41 Dean Street (1827-44); 42 Dean Street (1847-55); 65 Grey Street (1855-60); all in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARELLI, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. could be Charles Tarelli 1 or 2. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARELLI, CHARLES 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Banbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARELLI, CHARLES 2 England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(5), Christie 4/28/89. the barometers are signed variously, "Chas. Tarelli", "C. Tarelli Northampton" or "Charles Tarelli, Northampton." Woodhill, Northampton. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TARELY England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. a variant spelling of Tarelli. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARLETON, JEREMIAH England, c.1690, MIM apprenticed to Walter Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on June 12, 1690. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
TARONE see Lione and Tarone. Bell 2. suggest correction
TARONE AND CO. England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/16/76, X; Stick Barometer = X. No. 7 Grevil Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TARONE, A. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. probably Andrew or Anthony Tarone. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARONE, A., AND CO. England, fl.1802-45, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. Andrew Tarone and Co. 7 Grevil Street (1802-19); 39 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1842-44); 4 Back Hill (1843); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARONE, ANDREW England, fl.1802-19, PHIM barometer maker; looking-glass maker. 7 Grevil Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
TARONE, ANTHONY Scotland, fl.1818-46, PHIM barometer maker. 37 Murraygate (1818-29); 32 Murraygate (1834); 12 Castle Street (1840); 90 Nethergate (1842); 12 Murraygate (1846); all in Dundee. Goodison 1; Bryden 3. suggest correction
TARONE, FRA. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARONE, JNO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie 1/26/90. 281 Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TARONE, JOHN Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARONE, P.A. England, fl.1809, PHIM Stick Barometers = X(2); Wheel Barometer = X. the barometers are signed "P. Tarone Bristol" or "P.A. Tarone Bristol." Tucker Street, Bristol. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARONE, P.A., AND CO. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 11/16/76. Bristol. RSW. suggest correction
TARONI Holland, c.1790, PHIM barometer maker. Daumas 1. suggest correction
TARONI AND LOUAGHI England, c.1829, PHIM barometer makers. 9 City Road, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARONI, A. AND G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Hanley. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARONI, F. England, c.1815, PHIM Stick Barometer = Milford Haven. clockmaker. Heverfordwest. Peate. suggest correction
TARONI, GEORGE England, fl.1842-51, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. watch and clockmaker. 62 Whitefriargate, Hull. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TARONI, P. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth.-Chester 3/9/83, X. Jersey. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TARR, HENRY S., AND SON USA, MIM Level with plumb-bob = X. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
TARTS England, c.1750, PHIM Stick Barometer = 1975 Sales Cat. London. RSW. suggest correction
TASKER, WILLIAM England, fl.1813-53, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3), Soth.-S 1/10/90. also made thermometers. High Street, Banbury. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TASKEY, W. misreading for William Tasker. Soth.-S 1/10/90. suggest correction
TATAMANZA England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 12/8/76. Colchester. RSW. suggest correction
TATE misreading for "late Ramsden, Berge, London" on sextant in auction, 1989, in New England. RSW. suggest correction
TATLOCK see Baird and Tatlock. RSW. suggest correction
TAUBER, M. Germany, c.1780, OIM PHIM Barometer = DRE; Telescope = DRE. M. Taüber. Leipzig. RSW. suggest correction
TAVENIER-GRAVET France, c.1870, MIM Slide Rule, Mannheim-type = P.C. successors to Gravet-Lenoir. rue Mayet 19, Paris. Delehar 2. suggest correction
TAWS, CHARLES USA, c.1795, MIM Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
TAYLOR, ALFRED England, 1863-1940, MIM OIM SIM Frederick Cooke retired in 1894 in favor of Alfred Taylor,who joined his brother, Dennis Taylor, in T. Cooke and Sons. York. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
TAYLOR, BROOK England, fl.1701-31, author; mathematician; wrote on "Linear Perspective"; two instruments, once owned by Taylor while a student at St. John's College, Cambridge, are now at the Adler Planetarium, a Butterfield-type sundial, ADL-W219, and a brass rule, ADL-W221, both were signed and dated by him in 1701. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
TAYLOR, C.H., AND CO. England, c.1860, PHIM barometer maker. 12-13 Buckingham Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAYLOR, DENNIS England, 1861-1943, MIM OIM SIM Dennis Taylor was in charge of the optical shop at T. Cooke and Sons; he was joined by his brother, Alfred Taylor, in 1894. York. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
TAYLOR, EDMUND England, fl.1825-27, MIM OIM PHIM 15 Whitehorse Yard, Drury Lane, London. Taylor 2(1721). suggest correction
TAYLOR, FRANCIS England, c.1738, MIM member of the Vintners' Company; reported on John Urings 2, Aug. 2, 1738. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
TAYLOR, G. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = CMY. 108 Minories, London. RSW. suggest correction
TAYLOR, G.R. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Sunderland. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
TAYLOR, GEORGE England, fl.1833-45, NIM author; see G. Taylor; E.G.R. Taylor thought that he was the husband or a close relative of Janet Taylor and that he succeeded her, however the dates are wrong for that possibility. 9 Fenchurch Street (1833); Navigation Warehouse, 103-4 The Minories, London. Taylor 2(2021); RSW. suggest correction
TAYLOR, J.B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAYLOR, JAMES England, c.1830, PHIM magnet manufacturer. Sheffield. Taylor 2(2022). suggest correction
TAYLOR, JANET, AND CO. England, NIM Sextant = Allan Knight Maritime Museum, Monterey, Cal. London. RSW. suggest correction
TAYLOR, JOHN 1 England, c.1823, OIM succeeded Thomas Taylor 3. 17 Corner Hennings Road, London. Taylor 2(1722). suggest correction
TAYLOR, JOHN 2 England, fl.1825-27, OIM 1 Lower Castle Street, Leicester Square, London. Taylor 2(1723). suggest correction
TAYLOR, JOHN 3 England, c.1845, invented a cometarium and a "Perennial Celestial Globe" in 1845. Liverpool. Chaldecott 3; RGO. suggest correction
TAYLOR, MRS. JANET England, fl.1833-59, MIM NIM PHIM Octants = X (1840), Pannett Park Museum, Whitby, D.; Sextants = Allan Knight Maritime Museum, Monterey, Cal., Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa., Soth. 11/16/87; Sympiesometer = Christie 5/5/83; Instruments = NMM, KEN. patented an improved instrument to measure angles and distances; Taylor describes herself as a retailer; author; those of her instruments which show an address list "104 Minories, London"; she also ran a Nautical Academy. 1 Fen Court, Fenchurch Street; 6 East Street, Red Lion Square; The Nautical Academy and Warehouse, 103-4 Minories; all in London. Taylor 2(2023); Coffeen II; Moskowitz 133; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
TAYLOR, POSSIBLY JAMES. England, NIM Sextant = PMS. Mercury barometer = PC. 104 Minories, London. RSW. suggest correction
TAYLOR, ROBERT 1 Scotland, 1717, bookseller, charts, slide rules, small telescopes, etc; maker(?); T.C. Berwick-on-Tweed. Bryden 3. suggest correction
TAYLOR, ROBERT 2 England, c.1769, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust in the Grocers' Company on Jan. 18, 1758; free of the Company July 4, 1769; took one apprentice. Somerset Street, Whitechapel, London (1769). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
TAYLOR, SAMUEL USA, c.1810, MIM Baltimore, Md. USNM. suggest correction
TAYLOR, T.L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. Pontefract. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TAYLOR, THOMAS 1 England, c.1692, MIM took John Eastland as an apprentice in 1692. London. Michel 3. suggest correction
TAYLOR, THOMAS 2 England, c.1727, apprenticed to Edmund Blow in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 8, 1727. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
TAYLOR, THOMAS 3 England, fl.1815-22, MIM OIM Sector = D.(1984). succeeded by John Taylor 1. 17 Corner Hennings Row, St. Martin's Lane, london. Taylor 2(1442); Coffeen F; RSW. suggest correction
TAYLOR, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1682, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Isaac Webb of the Clockmakers' Company, Dec. 7 or 21, 1674; turned over to the Widow Peirce of the ? Company; free of the Company April 3, 1682. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
TAYLOR, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1825-27, MIM 13 Chamber Street, Goodman's Fields, london. Taylor 2(1724). suggest correction
TAYLOR, WILLIAM 3 England, fl.1825-27, MIM OIM PHIM 11 Little Newport Street, London. Taylor 2(1725). suggest correction
TEATLEY, ROBERT England, c.1764, OIM although not a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company, he opposed Peter Dollond's patent. Fleet Street, London. Court and von Rohr 3(XXVII). suggest correction
TECKER misreading for Jecker. Soth. 6/8/70. suggest correction
TEDMUN, BENJAMIN England, c.1759, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on Nov. 27, 1759. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
TEEKES see van der Vliel. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
TEIXEIRA, ANTONIO Portugal, 1769, MIM Square and Protractor, ivory, 1769 = LIM. RSW. suggest correction
TELAMANZI England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Colchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TELFER, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1801-2, MIM took out a patent relating to textiles. Glasgow. Taylor 2(1231). suggest correction
TELFORD England, OIM Telescope, four-draw = Christie-SK 7/10/80. Chester. RSW. suggest correction
TELFORD, W.N. England, c.1855, PHIM T.C. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
TEMPLE, JOHN H. USA, 1812-77, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Cross = WHI; Transit = GUR (No. 1). worked for Nathan B. Chamberlain (1832-38); worked for himself (1839-77); built a dividing engine which finally ended up with C.L. Berger and Sons; employed James E. Moody as a workman; Moody finished many incomplete instruments after Temple's death. Princeton (1812-30); Sterling (1830-38); Court Street, Boston; 11 Cornhill, Boston (1839-66); West Roxbury (1866-77); all in Mass. Smart 1; Coffeen II; J.A. Bennett 2; USNM. suggest correction
TENGAY, GREGORY England, fl.1675-79, OIM apprenticed to Henry Haslom of the Spectaclemakers' Company on April 2, 1668; free of the Company, July 1, 1675. Court and von Rohr 3(36). suggest correction
TENNANT, G. England, fl.1814-15, MIM 126 Wapping, London. Taylor 2(1443). suggest correction
TENNANT, THOMAS USA, c.1822-c.1890, MIM NIM Sextant = MYS. apprenticed to William J. Young; Tennant was the first in the USA to mass-produce protractors; moved to San Francisco where he made and sold nautical instruments including those made by Young; had John C. Sack as a workman, 1861-88; showed an imported solar compass at th San Francisco Mechanics Institute Fair of 1858; T.C. Newburyport, Mass.; at the Sign of the Wooden Sailor, Long Wharf, Battery Street (1849), San Francisco, Cal. Smart 1; Bedini 8; D.J. Warner 10; Elgin; RSW. suggest correction
TERONI, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TERRIL, J. RITTSON 1744, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1744 = Soth. 5/12/72. RSW. suggest correction
TERRODE see Ponthus et Terrode. Calvert 2. suggest correction
TERRY, FRANCIS England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Masham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TERRY, JOS. NIM Octant = Fall River Historical Society, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
TERRY, WILLIM England, c.1790, PHIM Barometer with watch, No. 395 = Neumarkt 10/8/71 = Neumarkt 5/5/72 = UTO 11/2/76; etc. surely William Terry. London. RSW. suggest correction
TERTRE, CH. DU France, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-Rome 11/29/79. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
TERZA England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see A. Terzza. Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TERZZA, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Terza. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TESSA, A. Switzerland ?, PHIM Bottle Barometer = Landesmuseum, Zurich. Middleton 1. suggest correction
TESSAROLO, FRANCESCO Italy, fl.1810-42, MIM PHIM SIM Heliostat = U. of Padua; Oligocronometro = U. of Padua. worked for Giovanni Battista Rodella at the Specola di Padovani. Padua. Brenni 1. suggest correction
TESTI, J, & CO England, c.1822, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Signed "J Testi & Co, 49 Leatherlane, Holborn, London." 49 Leatherlane, Holborn, London WEBDB suggest correction
TESTI, J. 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Chester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TESTI, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 15 Great Saffron Hill, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TESTI, JOSEPH England, c.1822, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3); Stick Barometer = X. the barometers are signed "Testi", "J. Testi 19 Leather Lane, Holborn, London" and "J. Testi 10 Leather Lane, Holborn, London." 19 Leather Lane, Holborn; 10 Leather Lane, Holborn; both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TETAMANZI, SANTINO England, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-Bearne 4/4/78. 81 Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
TETTAMANZI, S. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Colchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TEUFFEL, TH. Germany, c.1607, MIM SIM Theodolite = DEU. his name is also marked (as owner?) on a pair of compasses at the DEU made by Heinrich Stolle, which see; Price listed this maker as "F. Teuefel." Czeilbergk. Zinner 1; Price 2. suggest correction
TEXTOR, JOHANN Austria, c.1710, MIM PHIM Sundials, chalk-stone = MUN, DRE; Horizontal Table Sundials = GRA, VIT. father of Johann Martin Friedrich Textor; made sundials, compasses, barometers and thermometers; city supervisor of barometers and thermometers. Vienna. Zinner 1; Habacher. suggest correction
TEXTOR, JOHANN MARTIN FRIEDRICH Austria; Germany, c.1725, MIM PHIM Table Sundial, chalkstone, map, 1725 = DRE; Horizontal Sundial, marble, map = DRE. son of Johann Textor; made barometers and thermometers; engineer. Vienna; Dresden. Zinner 1; Habacher; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
THACHER, CHARLES MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, wood = VNN. RSW. suggest correction
THACHER, EDWIN USA, c.1881, invented and patented a cylindrical slide rule, 1881. Pittsburgh, Pa. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
THACKER, JEREMY England, c.1714, amateur instrument maker. Yorkshire. Taylor 1(578). suggest correction
THACKER, ROBERT variant of Theaker. Evans 1. suggest correction
THAXTER, JOSEPH HELYER USA, 1801-35, MIM NIM partner with his father, Samuel Thaxter, in S. Thaxter and Son, 1822-35. 125 State Street, Boston, Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
THAXTER, S., AND SON USA, fl.1822-1916, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. Samuel Thaxter and his son, Joseph Helyer Thaxter, were partners from 1822 to 1835 when the son died; Samuel Thaxter worked alone fron 1835 to 1842 when a grandson, Samuel Thaxter Cushing, came into and took over the business until 1882; his widow, Abby Cushing, managed the firm until 1905; at that time Herbert Risteen Starrett, who started with the firm as a clerk in 1884, took over the management; the business went on until 1916 as Samuel Thaxter and Son (H.R. Starrett). 125 State Street, Boston, Mass. Smart 1; USNM; Moskowitz 104; Coffeen A; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
THAXTER, SAMUEL USA, 1769-1842, MIM NIM SIM wide range of navigating and surveying instruments that may be seen in many museums. probably apprenticed to William Williams whom he succeeded and whose niece or daughter, Mary, he married in 1792; took his son, Joseph Helyer Thaxter as a partner, 1822-35; worked alone, 1835-42, then took Samuel Thaxter Cushing, a grandson, into the firm; T.C. at the Head of Long Wharf (1792); 125 State Street (1796-1842); both in Boston, Mass. Smart 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Bedini 8; Coffeen I; USNM; D.J. Warner 8 and 10; RSW. suggest correction
THEAKER, ROBERT England, 1665, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
THEILER, M., AND SONS England, OIM Pocket Microscope = Soth. 12/2/74. London. RSW. suggest correction
THELOTT, OLOF Sweden, fl.1695-1713, MIM Elvius-type Quadrant, wood and paper = SWE. son of Philip Jacob Thelott. Uppsala. Pipping 1; Sidenbladh. suggest correction
THELOTT, PHILIP JACOB Sweden, c.1670, MIM Nocturnal = NOR; Universal Ring Sundial = NOR; String-gnomon Sundial = NOR; Butterfield-type Sundial, silver = NOR; Table Sundials, Horizontal and Equatorial = NOR,(3), one is dated 1676; Horizontal Sundial = Blekinge Museum. father of Olof Thelott. Uppsala. Pipping 1; Sidenbladh; RSW. suggest correction
THEODULE, P. France, 17th Century, MIM Vertical Sundial, pocket = TIM. marked "E.A. 6." RSW. suggest correction
THEVENOT, MELCHISEDECH France, c.1666, Melchisédech Thevenot; may have invented the bubble level; he described it in 1666. Wynter and Turner; Daumas 1. suggest correction
THIBAULT, SEBASTIAN France, 1588, MIM Diptych Sundial, gilt-brass, 1588 = OXF. Michel lists him as Spanish. Dreux. Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
THIELE, F.A. Denmark, OIM Telescope = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. Copenhagen. RSW. suggest correction
THIERFELDER, DANIEL Austria, 1594, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1594 = Linz Landesmuseum. signed "1594 Daniel Thierfelder S und R." Zinner 1. suggest correction
THIERY, FRANCOIS France, fl. 1683-92, MIM Sundials, slate, 1692 = Bernard Coll., D.(1994). signed "François Thiery, chanoin de Maisieres 1683." Rocroy et Maisieres (modern Mézières?). Michel 3; Coffeen 46. suggest correction
THILLAYE, N. France, c.1800, PHIM made air pumps. Rouen. Daumas 1. suggest correction
THODEY, SAMUEL England, c.1783, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 8, 1774; free of the Company Sept. 4, 1783. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
THOMAS France, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Versailles 11/20/83. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
THOMAS OF PISA Italyc.1370, Michel 3. suggest correction
THOMAS, CHARLES XAVIER, CHEVALIER France, 1785-1870, MIM Arithmometers = KEN, Christie 12/21/71, Phillips 11/16/88 (o. 1778). Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar; invented the Arithmometer, a multiplication machine, c.1820; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Colmar, Alsace; 13 Rue du Helder, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
THOMAS, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Carmarthen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
THOMAS, DANIEL England, fl.1682-1711, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. apprenticed Aug. 2, 1675, by turnover, to John Brown 1 of the Clockmakers' Company; free in the Company, Aug. 7, 1682; took three girls as apprentices. Minories, London. Crawforth 7; J. Brown 3; Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
THOMAS, E. England, MIM London. Evans 1. suggest correction
THOMAS, EDWARD USA, 1806-32, OIM published designs for achromatic objective lenses for microscopes. New York State. USNM. suggest correction
THOMAS, FRANCIS England, c.1626, apprenticed to Thomas Brown 1 in the Joiners' Company, Jan., 1626. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
THOMAS, GEORGE England, 1758-1802, NIM "Master compass maker at the Deptford Naval Dock"; succeeded Samuel Saunders in 1783. Deptford. Taylor 2(777). suggest correction
THOMAS, H.J. England, c.1830, OIM Henrietta Street, Cavendish Street, York. Taylor 2(2024). suggest correction
THOMAS, J. USA, see Benjamin Rittenhouse and J. Thomas Pennsylvania. RSW. suggest correction
THOMAS, J.B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Southampton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
THOMAS, WILLIAM FRITH England, c.1820, MIM apprenticed to William Spencer 1 in the Grocers' Company on Dec. 4, 1800; free of the Company on Feb.3, 1820. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
THOMPSON 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). one of the barometers is signed "Thompson". Yarmouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
THOMPSON 2 see S. Maw, Son and Thompson. RSW. suggest correction
THOMPSON AND CO. England, c.1850, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Sector, ivory and brass = ADL-W112. see John Thompson 4. Manchester Street, Liverpool. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
THOMPSON, A. England, MIM Taylor lists an instrument by A. Thompson at the WHI but that instrument was made by Anthony Thompson 1, which see. 125 Cock Hill, Ratcliff, London. Taylor 2(1445). suggest correction
THOMPSON, ANTHONY 1 England, fl.1638-65, MIM made many instruments in wood and brass, these included rules, Gunters' quadrants, sundials, universal ring sundials, sectors, etc.; examples may be seen in various museums such as ADL, WHI (FIT) (1652), etc; made instruments for Samuel Pepys; succeeded John Thompson 1, possibly his father; T.C.; succeeded by Edward Fage or John Read 2. Hosier Lane, Smithfield, London. Taylor 1(190); Bryden 16; J.A. Bennett 2; Crawforth 1; Calvert 2; USNM; Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Latham and Matthews; Michel 3; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW; Dewhirst. suggest correction
THOMPSON, ANTHONY 2 England, c.1660, MIM son of Anthony Thompson 1. Hosier Lane, Smithfield, London. Clay and Court. suggest correction
THOMPSON, BENJAMIN, COUNT RUMFORD England, 1753-1814, invented the differential air thermometer at the same time as John Leslie. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
THOMPSON, HENRY A. England, c.1850, MIM Level, Gardner Patent-type = D.(1989). T.C.; ironmonger, engineer, smith, founder, etc; he may have retailed this item. Lewes, Sissex. Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
THOMPSON, ISAAC 1 England, fl.1672-95, MIM OIM may hve been the father of Isaac Thompson 2, who was turned over to him as an apprentice by Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company; Isaac Thompson 1 would have been a foreign instrument maker at that time; made mural quadrants and other instruments. Bedford Street, near Covent Garden (1675); Sign of the Engine, against Montague House in Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury; both in London. Taylor 1(363); Robischon; Evans 1. suggest correction
THOMPSON, ISAAC 2 England, c.1699, MIM apprenticed to Henry Wynne in the Clockmakers' Company; turned over to Isaac Thompson 1, his father ?, a foreign instrument maker; free of the Company in 1699. Bloomsbury, London. Robischon. suggest correction
THOMPSON, ISAAC 3 England, fl.1701-04, MIM apprenticed to John Crooke 1 in the Joiners' Company on May 3, 1694; free in the Company, Feb. 3, 1701; took an apprentice. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
THOMPSON, J. England, fl.1810-15, NIM advertised compasses and quadrants; see A. Thompson 1. 124 Cock Hill, Ratcliff, London. Taylor 2(1445). suggest correction
THOMPSON, JOHN 1 England, fl.1609-48, MIM in the Stationers' Company; made wooden instruments and rules; took apprentices; partner and successor of John Read 1; succeeded by Anthony Thompson 1 who was possibly his son; T.C. Hosier Lane, Smithfield, London. Taylor 1(121); Crawforth 1; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 9 & 10; Clay and Court; Evans 1. suggest correction
THOMPSON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1825, MIM may have been succeeded by Joseph Thompson. 34 Wapping, London. Taylor 2(1726). suggest correction
THOMPSON, JOHN 3 England, c.1830, OIM PHIM Telescope, three-draw = Christie-SK 2/9/84. Nottingham. Taylor 2(2025); RSW. suggest correction
THOMPSON, JOHN 4 England, c.1850, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Theodolite = Christie-SK 8/20/88(?); Aneroid Barometer = D.(1973). see Thompson and Co.; the barometer is signed "J. Thompson 2 Manchester Street, Liverpool"; the theodolite is signed with both the Manchester Street and the Lord Street addresses. 2 Manchester Street and 65 Lord Street; both in Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
THOMPSON, JOSEPH England, fl.1830-38, MIM NIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant = MYS. the quadrant is signed "Thompson 36 Wapping, London." 36 Wapping High Street, London. Taylor 2(2026); RSW. suggest correction
THOMPSON, PISHEY USAc.1822, imported optical, mathematical, surveying instruments and books. Pennsylvania Avenue between 11th and 12th, Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
THOMPSON, RICHARD England, 1751, MIM Gunter's Scale, boxwood, 1751 = D.(1972). this might be the name of the owner. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
THOMPSON, ROBERT England, c.1764, apprenticed to Francis Morgan in the Joiners' Company, July 3, 1764. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
THOMPSON, SAMUEL England, c.1770, OIM optician. in a yard between 18 and 19 Dudley Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
THOMPSON, SIMON England, c.1830, NIM compass maker. Great Yarmouth. Taylor 2(2027). suggest correction
THOMPSON, WILLIAM England, fl.1662-86, MIM apprenticed in the Joiners' Company in 1651; free in the Company, 1662; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
THOMS, WILLIAM England, PHIM barometer and philosophical instrument maker. 289 Strand, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
THOMSON 1 see White, Thomson and Co. suggest correction
THOMSON 2 variant of Thompson. RSW. suggest correction
THOMSON, DAVID England, 1789-1834, Capt. Thomson invented a Lunar Corrector, c.1820; made by Bate in 1816. Coffeen 35. suggest correction
THOMSON, T. Scotland, PHIM Double Barometer = Christie 12/8/76. Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
THOMSON, THOMAS Scotland, c.1821, Professor at Glasgow University; worked on improving the saccharimeter; taught Alexander Allan to make it. Glasgow. McConnell 4. suggest correction
THOMSON, WILLIAM Scotland, 1824-1907, became Lord Kelvin of Largs in 1892; invented an electrometer and made major improvements in magnetic compasses. DSB; DNB; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
THON, IO. H.S. Holland?, 1721, MIM Sundials, 1721 = D., P.C.(1975). reproductions in silver or brass, dated 1721 were for sale at the Musée d'Horologie at Chaux-de-Fonds in 1978; Mörzer Bruyns thought the name was Dutch. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Brieux 1; RSW. suggest correction
THORN, N. see C. Reiffel and N. Thorn. USNM. suggest correction
THORNDIKE, WILLIAM S. England, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Lefever in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free of the Company. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
THORNE, BAPTIST England, c.1719, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Heath 1 of the Grocers' Company on March 4, 1719. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
THORNELOE, C. England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. RSW. suggest correction
THORNER, WILLIAM England, c.1691, apprenticed to Thomas Walpool of the Grocers' Company on April 6, 1691 J. Brown 1. suggest correction
THORNTHWAITE, W.H. England, c.1850, OIM PHIM partnership with Horne as Horne and Thornthwaite; also one of the partners in Horne, Thornthwaite and Wood; T.C. London. Chaldecott 3; RGO; Calvert 2; Goodison 1. suggest correction
THORNTON, A.G. England, OIM Transit = Christie-SK 3/31/83; Telescopic Level = Christie-SK 11/27/86; Theodolite = Soth. 7/31/67; Level = Phillips-Leeds 6/24/87; Graphometer = D.(1970). the telescopic level is marked "Premier Level." Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
THOROWGOOD, EDWARD England, fl.1669-70, MIM free of the Plumbers' Company; admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 18, 1669; took an apprentice. London. J. Brown 3; Clay and Court. suggest correction
THORP England, c.1811, PHIM Thermometer on a barometer by Horrod = P.C. (1968). Bath. Goodison 5. suggest correction
THORP, JOSEPHUS Denmark, MIM Compass Sundial, silver, in an ivory box = Soth. 10/16/60. RSW. suggest correction
THORPE, JAMES England, c.1830, OIM 17 Westbar Green, London. Taylor 2(2028). suggest correction
THORSEN, O. ELEV. Norway?, 1768, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1768 = OMM. RSW. suggest correction
THOURY, JACQUES France, c.1700, MIM Butterfield-type Sundials, silver, oval = P.C., Bernard Coll. = MADEX-112 = NMM; Butterfield-type Sundials = Soth. 5/16/57 (octagonal), Drouot 4/7/87; Terrestrial Globe = CNAM. Paris. MADEX; NMM 2; Brophy 1; RSW. suggest correction
THOUVEREZ, JUREWIT France, 1788-1825, MIM Planetarium on clock, 1797 = Rasmussen 2/6/68. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
THRASI, STEVEN see Steven Tracy. Rooseboom 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
THRASIUS see Steven Tracy. Rooseboom 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
THROGMORTON, JAMES England, fl.1676-1716, OIM son of John Throgmorton and apprenticed to him in the Spectaclemakers' Company, Oct. 6, 1669; free of the Company in 1676; Master of the Company in 1688, 1695 and 1697; took Richard Sterrop as an apprentice in 1677. The Minories, London (1693). Court and von Rohr 3(41); Clay and Court. suggest correction
THROGMORTON, JOHN England, fl.1669-93, OIM apprenticed to John Jenkinson in the Spectaclemakers' Company, Oct. 20, 1644; member of the Company Oct. 6, 1669; took his son, James Throgmorton as an apprentice in 1669; fought for the Restoration. Tower Hill (1669); St. Katherine's (1693); both in London. Court and von Rohr 3(10). suggest correction
THROUGTON AND SIMMS misreading for Troughton and Simms. Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. suggest correction
THUDIUM see Pleis, Foering and Thudium. RSW. suggest correction
THURET ET BELNET France, 1861, MIM Terrestrial Globe, in relief, 1861 = Soth. 2/28/80. Dijon. RSW. suggest correction
THURET, ISAAC France, fl.1678-80, MIM Planetariums = PBN (1680), ROS; Eclipsareons = PBN (1680), ROS. clockmaker to Louis XIV; made Roemer's planetarium, eclipsareon and Jovilabe designs; worked with Huygens and Roemer. H.C. King 2. suggest correction
THURLOW, E. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Hyde. Goodison 1. suggest correction
THURNEISSER, LEONHARDT Germany, c.1574, author; one of his works on astrology contains a very complicated set of planetary volvelles. Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
THURNER, JOHANN Czechoslovakia, fl.1671-79, MIM SIM Graphometers, 1679 = WHI, OXF. Prague. Zinner 1; Daumas 1; Michel 3; Evans 1. suggest correction
TIBBON, PROFEIT see Profatius. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
TICADELL (?), WM. Scotland, c.1800, PHIM Thermometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. a signed thermometer on a wheel barometer by W. Cooper. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
TICKELL, GEORGE Ireland, fl.1827-40, OIM optician. 74 Great Britain Street (1827-28); 24 Upper Sackville Street (1828-40); 48 Beresford Street 1840); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; suggest correction
TICKNER, JOHN England, c.1796, apprenticed to John Parminter 2 of the Grocers' Company on July 7, 1796. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
TIDDER, ROWLAND England, fl.1791-1808, MIM apprenticed to William Morris 1 in the Grocers' Company in May, 1783; turned over to James Bradley 2, a member of the the Feltmakers' Company on Sept. 12, 1786; free of the Grocers' Company, April 7, 1791; took apprentices. No. 7 Butler's Buildings, East Smithfield (1791); East Smithfield (1793); both in London. J. Brown 1; RSW.. suggest correction
TIDDLER see Tidder. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
TIEDEMANN Germany, 18th Century, OIM Microscopes, Cuff-type = KEN (2). Stuttgart. Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Daumas 1. suggest correction
TIENSCH AND STANCLIEF USA, c.1859, MIM OIM PHIM SIM T.C. in the box of a surveying compass by Adolph Tiensch. 88 Third Street, near Post Office, Louiville, Ky. Smart 1. suggest correction
TIENSCH, ADOLPH Germany; USA, 1818-1895, MIM OIM PHIM Wye Level = P.C.; Surveying Compass = D.(1989). listed in the Cincinnati directories, alone for 1849-51; worked for Harig and Jones in 1852; by himself from 1856 on; his son Gustav Adolph worked for him; Stanclief must have been a partner at some point, see Tiensch and Stanclief. Baden-Baden, Germany; Cincinnati, Ohio (1849-51); Louisville, Ky. (1852); Third Street opposite the Post Office, Louisville, Ky. (1856-60); Memphis, Tenn. (1860?-95). Smart 1; Coffeen 27. suggest correction
TIENSCH, GUSTAV ADOLPH USA, 1853-1949, MIM SIM worked with his father, Adolph Tiensch, from 1871 to 1895; listed as an instrument maker through 1936. Louisville, Ky. Smart 1. suggest correction
TILLEY AND SON England, NIM Course Projector = Portsmouth Shipyard Museum, Va. course protractor ? USNM. suggest correction
TIMBY 1857, MIM PHIM Timby Solar Clock = P-B 10/5/44. patented an improved stick barometer, Nov. 3, 1857. Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
TIMMINS see Wynn and Timmins. RSW. suggest correction
TIMMINS, JOS. England, 1761, apprenticed to Christopher Jacob, a rule maker; ran away before July 20, 1761. Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
TIMMINS, THOMAS England, c.1830, OIM 33 Lower Arcade, Bristol. Taylor 2(2029). suggest correction
TIMMONS, THOMAS England, fl.1777-1818, OIM optician and spectaclemaker. 1 Old Hinckleys (1777); 19 Fleet Street (1801); Bromsgrove Street (1818); all in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
TINNON see Daniel Ducommun-dit-Tinnon. RSW. suggest correction
TIRYUTIN, FILIPP NIKITICH Russia, fl.1737-71, MIM PHIM SIM Circumferentor = LOM; Sundial and Globe = State Armoury, Moscow; etc. Tiryutin was a pupil of Golynin at the Academy of Sciences from 1737 to 1747; an apprentice from 1747 to 1756; made a copy of the Gottorp Globe with Benjamin Scott, from 1748 to 1751; he was named a "master of the instrument-making art" in 1756 by the Academy; assigned to the "School of Arts" in the Artillery Engineering Cadet Corps; was an ingenious innovator and a good manager; made and repaired various drawing and surveying instruments; he was dismissed in 1771. St. Petersburg. Chenakal 3; J. Brown 1. suggest correction
TISLEY AND SPILLER England, 19th Century, OIM PHIM Microscope = Christie-SK 2/9/84; Monocular Microscope = Phillips 2/2/84; Tyndall Audibility of Sound Machine = Royal Institution. 172 Brompton Road, London. RSW. suggest correction
TLUMATSNAVV Poland?, 1756, MIM Astronomical Ring, 1756 = TIM (1972). Olmitz. RSW. suggest correction
TOALDES, GIUSEPPE Italy, 1719-97, MIM Regiomontanus-type Sundial, 1760 = Michel Coll. = Soth. 3/17/38 = Percy Webster = OXF (Bilmeier Coll. #195). author of "Metodo facile per descrivere gli orlogi Solari", Venice, 1790; professor of astronomy at U. of Padua, 1760. Padua. Maddison 5. suggest correction
TOBIAS AND LEVITT England, fl.1816-42, MIM PHIM Morris Tobias and Levitt; clockmakers. 31 Minories, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TOBIAS, M.J. England, MIM Pocket Watch = ADL-A107. Liverpool. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
TOBIAS, MORRIS England, c.1815, MIM PHIM Marine Barometer = X; Chronometer = USNM. signed "Tobias 31 Minories, London"; partner with Levitt, 1816-42. 31 Minories, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TOBIAS, R.P. Austria, 1752-54, MIM assembled the 1688 Coronelli globe now at NMM-Caird. Vienna. NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
TOCHETTI, C. Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Aberdeen. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TOD, S. Scotland, c.1765, PHIM Stick Barometer = P.C. Edinburgh. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TODD, ROBERT England, 1685, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Clockmakers' Company, 1685. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
TOGNIETTI, G., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Worcester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TOGNIONI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bristol. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TOGNOLA, JAMES England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ipswich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TOIA, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. Farringdon. RSW. suggest correction
TOLDER, ANDREAS Austria, MIM Azimuth Sundial = Koller 11/17/75. "fecit Viene." Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
TOLLES, ROBERT B. USA, 1822-83, MIM OIM PHIM Lenses, 1873 = Army Medical Museum; Binocular Eyepiece = USNM. apprenticed to Charles A. Spencer, 1843-51; collaborated with him, 1851-58; started his own business in Canastota in 1858; moved to Boston in 1867 and organized the Boston Optical Works, became its supervisor and in 1871 its owner; patented a binocular eyepiece. Canastota, N.Y. (1822-67); Boston, Mass. (1867-83). USNM. suggest correction
TOLLEY, EDWARD England, c.1838, OIM 8 Tavistock Row, Covent Garden, London. Taylor 2(2264). suggest correction
TOMLIN, WILLIAM England, c.1738, apprenticed to Henry Craford of the Grocers' Company on June 27, 1738. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
TOMLINSON, JAMES England, c.1746, OIM spectaclemaker; took Thomas Watkins as an apprentice, Oct. 2, 1746; he was probably a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. London. Clay and Court. suggest correction
TOMLINSON, JOHN England, fl.1835-41, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "Jno. Tomlinson, Horncastle"; watch and clockmaker. Bull Ring, Horncastle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TOMPION AND GRAHAM England, 1711-13, MIM PHIM Tellurian = OXF. Thomas Tompion and George Graham, his nephew. at the sign of the Dial and three Crowns, at the corner of Water Lane and Fleet Street, London. J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
TOMPION, THOMAS England, 1638-1713, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = Royal Collection (2), (one at Hampton Court); Stick Barometers = Hampton Court, Soth. 2/4/77; Marine Barometer = Greenfield Village, Mich.; Inclinable Sundials = BM (gold, 1703), (silver). admitted as a Brother in the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 4, 1671; free in the Company, by redemption on April 6, 1674; Master of the Company in 1703; took George Graham as a partner in 1711; on Tompion's death in 1713 Graham succeeded to the business; Tompion was associated with Robert Hooke for many years; as one of the best clockmakers of the era Tompion made Flamsteed's clocks and mural quadrants. the Dial and Three Crowns, Water Lane, Fleet Street, London. Taylor 1(283); Goodison 1; Crawforth 7; J. Brown 3; Ward 4; Baillie 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Price 3; Britten; R.W. Symonds. suggest correction
TOMPSON, THOMAS England, 1638-1713, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
TONNELOT France, PHIM Stick Barometer = P.C. Thermometers made for the Yale Observatory January 1884 and April 1879. 25 Rue du Sommerard Paris RSW. suggest correction
TOOGOOD, ELIZABETH England, fl.1693-1700, MIM in the Joiners' Company; succeeded her husband, John Toogood by 1693; testified to the freedom of John Crooke l in the Company on July 4, 1693; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
TOOGOOD, JOHN England, fl.1678-90, MIM apprenticed to William Sutton in the Joiners' Company, June 3, 1669; free in the Company Sept. 3, 1678; took apprentices; succeeded by his wife, Elizabeth Toogood, before 1693. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
TOOKE, CHRISTOPHER England, c.1609, OIM ground lenses for Thomas Harriot; made "perspective glasses". London. Taylor 1(120); A.J. Turner 10; Wynter and Turner; Evans 1. suggest correction
TOPANI, JOHN England, PHIM Barometer = D.(1971). RSW. suggest correction
TOPHAM see Choate, Alder and Topham. D.J. Warner 10. suggest correction
TOREY, ANGELO England, c.1830, MIM Salisbury. Taylor 2(2030). suggest correction
TORNAGHI AND CO. Australia, c.1860, NIM Sextant = Seamans Institute of New York, N.Y. see Angelo Tornaghi and A. Tornaghi and Co. Sydney. USNM. suggest correction
TORNAGHI, A., AND CO. Australia, c.1860, MIM Protractor = Phillips 11/16/76. Angelo Tornaghi. Sydney. RSW. suggest correction
TORNAGHI, ANGELO England; Australia, fl.1850-64, MIM NIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Level and Compass = Soth. 4/18/88. "optical and mathematical instrument maker to the Surveyor General Department Observatory, etc."; worked with Negretti and Zambra. London (1858); 28 Bridge Street, Sydney (1861); 312 George Street, two doors from Hunter Street, Sydney, (1864). RSW. suggest correction
TORPORLEY, NATHANIEL England, 1564-1632, designed the sundial made by Charles Whitwell in 1593 which is now at OXF; designed a graphometer and a perpetual calendar; author. J. Brown 1; Taylor 1(74); Michel 3. suggest correction
TORRE 1 France, c.1778, PHIM Double Barometer = COR; Thermometers, 1778 = POB(2). Torré. Paris. Daumas 1; Courtanvaux. suggest correction
TORRE 2 England, PHIM Double Barometer, boxwood = OXF; Multiple Tube Barometer = D.(1976); Barometer, folding = OXF. all the barometers are signed "Torre fecit." Taylor 2(1234); Goodison 1; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
TORRE AND CICERI England, fl.1780-82, PHIM Anthony Torre and Ciceri; barometer makers. 44 Market Lane, Pall Mall, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TORRE AND CO. 1 England, c.1805, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 12/15/83 and 7/21/83, X(2); Stick Barometers = X(2). opticians; see Anthony de la Torre; the barometers are signed "Torre and Co., Leigh Street, Red Lion Square, London" or "Torre and Co. 12 Leigh St. Red Lion Square." 12 Leigh Street, Red Lion Square, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TORRE AND CO. 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 12 Holborn, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TORRE AND CO. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/16/76, 7/21/87 and 4/28/88; Stick Barometer = X. surely Torre and Co. 1 or 2. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TORRE BROS. England, c.1783, PHIM Anthony Torre and brothers; barometer makers. 44 Market Lane, Pall Mell, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TORRE, ANTHONY England, fl.1767-88, PHIM son of Giovanni Battista Torre; he was associated with the firms "Torre and Ciceri" (1780-82); "Torres Bros." (1783); he may have been a partner in "Tagliabue, Torre and Co." 44 Market Lane, Pall Mall (1767-86); 132 Pall Mall (1786-88); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TORRE, ANTHONY DE LA England, fl.1805-23, OIM PHIM barometer maker; succeeded by della Torre and Barelli; see Torre and Co. 1. 12 Leigh Street (1805-11); 4 Leigh Street (1815-23); both in Red Lion Square, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TORRE, DELLA England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Gloucester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TORRE, DELLA, AND BARELLI England, fl.1826-33, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. barometer and thermometer makers; succeeded Anthony de la Torre; the Torre was probably Joseph della Torre. 9 Lamb's Conduit Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TORRE, DELLA, AND CO. Canada, OIM Telescope = D.(1976). Halifax and St. Johns, New Brunswick. Rinaldi 2. suggest correction
TORRE, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Italy; France; Englandfl.1753-80, MIM PHIM had a shop in Paris in 1760 to produce barometers and other instruments; opened a London branch in 1767; father of Anthony Torre. Italy; Paris (1760); 44 Market Lane, Pall Mall, London (1767). Goodison 1. suggest correction
TORRE, J. DELLA Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Scone Palace, X(4); Barometer = Henry Ford Museum, Greenfield, Mich. barometer in Scone Palace is signed "I. della Torre Perth." Perth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TORRE, JOSEPH DELLA, AND CO. England, fl.1834-51, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Barometer = Soth. 9/1/70. the barometers are signed "Joseph Torre and Co., London." 9 Lamb's Conduit Street, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
TORRELLI, CHRISTOPHER England, c.1830, OIM Wood Hill, Northampton. Taylor 2(2020). suggest correction
TORRES Spain, NIM Sextant = MAN-I27. Santander. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
TORRI AND POZZI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Wooton Bassett. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TORRIANO Spain, c.1550, MIM Sundial = Convent in Yuste. Gatty. suggest correction
TORRIANO, GIANNELLO Italy, see Iancellus Cremonensis. Cremona. North 2. suggest correction
TORRICELLI, EVANGELISTA Italy, 1608-47, MIM OIM PHIM mathematician, and briefly a pupil of Galileo; Torricelli's work with air pressure led to his invention of the mercury barometer. Florence. G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1; A.J. Turner 10; Daumas 1 suggest correction
TORRICELLI, JOSEPH Italy, 1739, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1739 = FLO. Price thought the inventory number of this instrument was 117, Michel thought it was 1283. ?? Florence. Price 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
TORTONA, CARLO ANTONIO Italy, c.1685, OIM author; invented the screw-barrel microscope in 1685. Rome. Dewhirst; Clay and Court. suggest correction
TORTONI see Carlo Antonio Tortona. Nachet. suggest correction
TOSCANELLI, PAOLO DAL POZZO Italy, 1397-1487, MIM Sundial = dome of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence. Florence. Bonelli 6. suggest correction
TOTTENHAM, EDWARD Ireland, fl.1844-47, OIM optician, watch and clock maker; "late of Spear and Co.". 38 College Green, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
TOULMIN, SAMUEL England, fl.1757-83, PHIM Angle Barometer = X. Signed "Saml. Toulmin"; also a watchmaker. Strand, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TOURNANT, ALEXANDRE France; Germany; Englandc.1730-92, OIM glass-grinder and turner; worked in France and Germany, then moved to England; worked for Matthew Boulton, 1770-72; succeeded by his widow and daughter; invented machines to reproduce and to polish lenses. Paris; Berlin; Birmingham (1770-72); Paris. Taylor 2(543); Daumas 1. suggest correction
TOURY, I. France, 1790, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial, silver, 1790 = Thomas Barnett Coll. two silver proof marks for 1790, an axe and a fasces. Paris. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
TOWARD, WILLIAM GEORGE England, c.1808, apprenticed to William Parson 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 4, 1808. London. J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
TOWNLEY, RICHARD England, fl.1660-1705, MIM improved Gascoigne's micrometer; instrument designer and maker; had his own workshop; came from the North Country. Townley Hall. Taylor 1(288); Evans 1; Middleton 1. suggest correction
TOWNLEY, ROBERT England, c.1738, apprenticed to Joseph Jackson of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 4, 1738. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
TOWNSEND, C.H. see Charles Hervey Townshend, Capt. Moskowitz A; Kelton 1. suggest correction
TOWNSHEND, CHARLES HERVEY, CAPT. USA, 1833-1904, NIM Double Reflecting Circles = MYS, Kelton Coll. (1990). patented a double reflecting circle in 1888, signing "C.H. Townsend" on patent; model is in the New Haven Colony Historical Society; Moskowitz had one unsigned but marked as based on Townshend's 1888 patent; five reflecting circles are at Mystic Seaport; later ones were made by Stackpole and Bro., New York, N.Y.; at least one of the MYS circles may be signed "Capt. Henry Hervey Townshend." New Haven, Conn. RSW. suggest correction
TOWNSHEND, HENRY HERVEY, CAPT. see Capt. Charles Hervey Townshend. RSW. suggest correction
TOZIEGUY France, c.1780, PHIM Wheel Barometer and Thermometer = Drouot 11/19/70. Bolbec. RSW. suggest correction
TRACY, JOHN England, fl.1735-42, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Scott in the Grocers' Company on Nov. 17, 1715; turned over to Thomas Heath 1 on Nov. 15, 1720; free of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 15, 1735; took apprentices. Shoe Lane, Fleet Street (1735); St. Bride's lane, Fleet Street (1739-42); both in London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
TRACY, STEVEN Holland, fl.1670-1703, MIM Copernican Planetarium, geared = LEY; Celestial Globe, geared = ROT (destroyed in 1940); Armillary Sphere = LEO; Broadside, 1711 = USNM. the planetarium is known as the "Leidse Sphera"; Tracy was an Englishman living in Holland, he sometimes used a latinized form of his name, "Thrasius." Rotterdam. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Michel 3; Grimaldi (817); Drekker; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
TRALLE USA?, invented a glass hydrometer; there is an example in the Salem Maritime Nat'l Historic Site, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
TRAPP, DAVID Holland, c.1750, MIM Compass Sundial, brass hour-scale and ivory box = Evans Coll. = OXF. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
TRAUBAUD France, c.1850, NIM Traubaud's T.C. in the case for an octant by Buron of Paris. Marseilles. RSW. suggest correction
TRAUGHTON SIMMS misreading of Troughton and Simms. A-P 3/15/76. suggest correction
TREACHER AND CO. India, PHIM Combined Barometer, Thermometer and Altimeter = Christie 12/21/71. Bombay. RSW. suggest correction
TRECENSIS see I. Aubrius. Hamilton. suggest correction
TRECHSLER, CHRISTOPH 1 Germany, fl.1572-1624, MIM SIM made a wide range of mathematical instruments including sundials, octants, artillery levels, etc.; examples can be seen at ADL, DRE, OXF, SST, KES, VAA, BEK, STU, SKO, BM, HAK, POB, FLO, VIE, etc. from 1605-24 signed as "der Elder", showing that his son, Christoph Trechsler 2, had joined him; "Mechanicus." Dresden. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; Hollands Glorie; Vincent 2; Michel 3; Evans 1; Abeler 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
TRECHSLER, CHRISTOPH 2 Germany, fl.1611-24, MIM Altitude Insrument, 1623 = DRE; Sundial, 1624 = Göteborg Museum. son of Christopher Trechsler 1; the instrument at Dresden is signed "C.T.S.M.F." (Christopher Trechsler Sohn Mechanicus Fecit); the sundial is signed "C.T.S.M." (Christopher Trechsler Sohn Mechanicus). Dresden. Zinner 1; Vincent 2. suggest correction
TRECOT, CHARLES France, PHIM Stick Barometer = P.C.(1982). Charles Trécot. Rue de la Carpe, (Paris?). RSW. suggest correction
TRECOURT ET GEORGES OBERHAUSER France, c.1850, OIM Grand Microscope Achromatique = Phillips 11/16/88. "Brevet d'Invention." Place Dauphine No. 19, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
TRECOURT, ACHILLE France, fl.1834-40, OIM Achille Trécourt worked with Bouquet and Georges Oberhauser to develop a new form of microscope; optician; Pipping lists him as R. Trécourt. Paris. Nachet; Pipping 1. suggest correction
TREE, JAMES England, c.1850, MIM Slide Rules, Ewart-type = P.C., D.(1984); Rules (16), silvered brass = Phillips 2/2/84; Clinometer = Phillips 6/15/76. the Ewart-type slide rules are marked "The Cattle Gauge and Key to weighing machine arranged by J. Ewart, Newcastle-on-Tyne"; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. 22 Charlotte Street, Blackfriars Road, London. Delehar 2; Coffeen H; G.L'E. Turner 24; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
TREET, JAMES misprinting of James Tree. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
TREFFLER, CHRISTOPH Germany, fl.1676-83, owned a clockwork globe, dated 1683, by Christopher Rad of Augsburg; globe now lost. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
TREFFLER, JOHANN PHILIPP Germany; Italyfl.1625-97, MIM PHIM Night Clocks = KAS, MST, TIM; Hydrometer = FLO. turner; clockmaker; worked for Archduke Ferdinand II of Florence, 1656-64, as a clock and mathematical instrument maker; developed a pendulum clock and invented a vibration counter. Augsburg (1625-56); Florence (1656-64); Augsburg (1664-97). Bedini 2 & 15; Michel 3; Baillie. suggest correction
TREFFLER, MARCUS a ghost; this error was started by Perelli, the astronomer at the U. of Pisa, in 1771; continued by Baillie and Michel. Baillie 1; Michel 3; Bedini 2. suggest correction
TREMEL France, fl.1763-1775, MIM OIM PHIM Trémel; "mechanicien." Daumas 1. suggest correction
TREMLETT, RICHARD England, fl.1852-58, PHIM made barometers, thermometers, air pumps and other philosophical instruments. 7 Guildford Place; 9 Albermarle Street; both in Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1; USNM. suggest correction
TRENDELL England, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1976). Maidenhead. RSW. suggest correction
TRESOLDI, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TRESOLDI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). 6 Union Bldgs., Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TREVITT, ROBERT England, 1706, MIM Cruciform Sundial = Middle Moorfields, London (1707). London. Cousins. suggest correction
TRIBBLE, W.F. USA, NIM Liquid Compass = MYS. New York, N.Y. RSW. suggest correction
TRIEWALD, MARTEN Sweden, 1691-1747, MIM Mårten Triewald. Arvet. suggest correction
TRIGG England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 6/1/88. Guilford. RSW. suggest correction
TRITSCHLER, W. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1973). Carlisle. RSW. suggest correction
TROAKE, HENRY England, 1831, MIM Weather Prognosticater, four dials, paper, 1831 = Soth. 9/20/83. Topsham. RSW. suggest correction
TROEMER, HENRY Germany; USAfl.1840-?PHIM Set of Weights = OXF. balance maker; German locksmith who came to Philadelphia, Pa. in 1838; firm still in business in 1959 at original address. 911 Arch Street (1840-?), Philadelphia, Pa. USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
TROGER, JOSEF Austria?, 1732, MIM Horizontal Sundial, chalk-stone, 1732 = SAL. Zinner 1. suggest correction
TROLIER 1795, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1795 = BM. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
TROLLAY, ROBERT England, 1655, MIM Folding Rule, three sections, 1655 = RSM. "Free Mason." Yorke. RSW. suggest correction
TROMBETTA, CHARLES England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3). one of the barometers is signed "Trombetta Norwich"; the others are signed "Charles Trombetta." Norwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TROSCHEL, HANNS Germany, 1599?-pre-1634, MIM made many ivory diptych sundials dated between 1614 and 1631; examples may be seen at ADL, WHI, MERC (1628), KAS, MUN, FLO, BASH, Gotha Landesmuseum, Ecouen (CLU), CHF (1631), etc. son of Hans Troschel; Hanns Troschel's master mark was a star; Gouk listed him as "Hans the Younger." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1; Vincent and Chandler; Stewart; Hamilton 1 and 2; A.J. Turner 10; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
TROSCHEL, HANS Germany, 1549-1612, MIM made many ivory diptych sundials dated between 1580 and 1612; examples may be seen at ADL, NYM, KEN, OXF, DRE, MUN, BM, BEK, NOR, Ecouen (CLU), WHI, etc. master mark was a thrush on a twig: he was made a Burger of Nürnberg in 1578. Bamberg; Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Gouk 1; Vincent & Chandler; Hamilton 1 and 2; Bryden 16; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
TROUGHTON England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM a great many instruments are signed this way; probably most are the work of Edward Troughton 2. London. USNM; Coffeen 10; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Skopova; RSW. suggest correction
TROUGHTON AND SIMMS England, fl.1826-1922, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums; including, ADL, BRO, CNAM, Brown U., USNM, KEN, BM, West Point Museum, N.Y., OXF, WHI, PMS, MLL, COO, AMST, MYS, VNN, STM, Horten Marine Museum, etc. Edward Troughton 2 took William Simms 2 as a partner to form Troughton and Simms in 1826; the firm name continued until 1922; Edward Troughton 2 retired in 1831; William Simms 3 joined his uncle in 1836 until 1860 when William Simms 2 died; William Simms 3 became a partner with James Simms 3, his cousin, from 1860 until 1871 when William Simms 3 retired; James Simms 3 ran the firm alone until his death in 1915; see Troughton and Simms (cont.) suggest correction
TROUGHTON AND SIMMS (CONT.) (cont.) William Simms 4 and James Simms 4 took over the firm and incorporated it as Troughton and Simms Ltd. in 1916; they merged with T. Cooke and Sons Ltd. of York in 1922 as Cooke, Troughton and Simms; Vickers Ltd. had acquired control of T. Cooke and Sons Ltd. in 1916 and that of Troughton and Simms Ltd. a few years later; firm was later renamed Vickers Instruments Ltd. 136 Fleet Street, London (1826-41); 138 Fleet Street, London (1841-64); Woolwich Road, Charlton, Kent and 138 Fleet Street, London (1864 on). Taylor 2(1728); J.A. Bennett 2; Goodison 1; Darius 4; Insley 1; Coffeen 13; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Taylor and Wilson; USNM; ADL; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
TROUGHTON, EDWARD 1 England, fl.1740-64, MIM divided and engraved mathematical instruments; uncle of John Troughton 2, Joseph Troughton 1, and Edward Troughton 2; John Troughton 2 joined his uncle's firm in 1760. Lancaster; Surrey Street, Strand, London. Taylor and Wilson; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(419); Daumas 1. suggest correction
TROUGHTON, EDWARD 2 England, 1753-1835, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Dividing Engine, 1793 = KEN; one of the most important instrument makers of his era; he made a wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including ADL, NMM, OXF, RSM, FLO, ROM, PEA, KEN, MLL, COO, LIM, DRE, etc. apprenticed to his brother, John Troughton 2, in the Grocers' Company on Dec. 2, 1773; free of the Company on May 6, 1784; was a partner with his brother, John 2, from 1788 to 1804, as J. and E. Troughton; (Crawforth , Goodison, and Taylor & Wilson indicated that this partnership started much earlier ??); T.C.; Edward Troughton 2 took William Simms 2 as a partner in 1826, as Troughton and Simms; Troughton received the Copley Medal in 1809 and was made F.R.S in 1810. see Edward Troughton 2 (cont.). suggest correction
TROUGHTON, EDWARD 2 (CONT.) Surrey Street, Strand; the Orrery, 136 Fleet Street; both in London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(778); Taylor and Wilson; Goodison 1; Skempton and Brown; DNB; DSB; Bryden 9; Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Crawforth 1; NMM 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
TROUGHTON, FRANCIS England, c.1763, apprenticed to John Troughton 1, his uncle or granduncle, in the Grocers' Company on Mar. 1, 1763. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
TROUGHTON, J. AND E. England, fl.1782-1804, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Garden Sundial, 1795 = Trinity College Cambridge (?); Sextants = WHI, KEN, NMM; Slide Rule = KEN; Orrery, miniature = KEN; Reflecting Circle = NMM; Level = P-B 9/24/38. John Troughton 2 and his brother Edward Troughton 2, (1782-1804); Taylor & Wilson and Goodison state that this partnership started earlier, before the takeover of the Benjamin Cole and Sons firm in 1782 Surrey Street, Strand (pre-1782); The Orrery, 136 Fleet Street (1782-1804); both in London. Taylor 2(662); J.A. Bennett 2; Goodison 1; J. Brown 1; Skempton and Brown; Dewhirst; Taylor and Wilson; RSW. suggest correction
TROUGHTON, J. AND J. England, fl.1764-70, MIM OIM PHIM there are two possibilities: John Troughton 2 and his brother, Joseph Troughton 1 or John Troughton 1 and his nephew (or grandnephew), John Troughton 2; J. Brown found that Joseph Troughton 1 was apprenticed to his uncle (or granduncle), John Troughton 1 in the Grocers' Company on Oct. 16, 1765; she found no record of his freedom in the Company; we think that the second possibility is more likely. Surrey Street, Strand, London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(663); Goodison 1; Taylor and Wilson; RSW. suggest correction
TROUGHTON, JAMES misreading for John Troughton 2. Clay and Court. suggest correction
TROUGHTON, JOHN 1 England, c.1716-88, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Heath 1 in the Grocers' Company, Jan. 17, 1735; free in the Company, Nov. 25, 1756; took apprentices, including his nephews or grandnephews, John Troughton 2, Francis Troughton, and Joseph Troughton 1. Surrey Street, Strand, London; Lewisham (1788). J. Brown 1; Skempton and Brown. suggest correction
TROUGHTON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1764-1807, MIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to his uncle (or granduncle), John Troughton 1, on Jan. 27, 1757, in the Grocers' Company; free of the Company, July 3, 1764; became a partner in J. and J. Troughton,(1764- 70); the other J. Troughton could have been John (1) or Joseph (1); took over the business of Benjamin Cole 2 in 1782 and moved to Cole's shop at The Orrery, 136 Fleet Street, London; took his brother, Edward Troughton 2 as a partner, 1788-1804; Taylor and Wilson, Goodison and E.G.R. Taylor thought the partnership with Edward Troughton 2, came earlier. see John Troughton 2 (cont.). suggest correction
TROUGHTON, JOHN 2 (CONT.) Standgate lane, Lambeth (1752); at his uncle's in the Strand (1764); Crown Street, Fleet Street (1768); Dean Street, Fetter Lane (1773); Queen's Square, Bartholomew Close (1779-80); The Orrery, 136 Fleet Street (1782-1807); all in London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(662); Skempton and Brown; Taylor and Wilson; Goodison 1; Wynter 1; Crawforth 1; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
TROUGHTON, JOSEPH 1 England, c.1765, MIM apprenticed to his uncle (or granduncle), John Troughton 1, in the Grocers' Company on Oct.16, 1765; Taylor and Wilson, Goodison and E.G.R. Taylor state the Joseph Troughton 1 was a partner with his brother, John Troughton 2, as J. and J. Troughton (1764-70); however it is possible the other partner may have been John Troughton 1. Surrey Street, Strand, London. J. Brown 1; Taylor and Wilson; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(663). suggest correction
TROUGHTON, JOSEPH 2 England, c.1780, son of Joseph Troughton 1; apprenticed to his uncle, John Troughton 2, of the Grocers' Company on July 6, 1780. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
TROW, ISAAC England, fl.1830-37, MIM Rule, boxwood = Soth. 10/15/73; Sector, ivory = Soth. 10/15/73. "late R. Bakewell, Birmingham." 8 Court, Loveday Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(2031); RSW. suggest correction
TRUEG, L.I. USA, c.1869, took out patents on sundials in 1869 and 1870. Saint Vincent's, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
TRUNDY AND JONES USA, NIM "Makers"; John Trundy 2 and Jones; T.C. in marine compass by John Trundy 2, ADL-W186. Portsmouth, N.H. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
TRUNDY, JOHN 1 USA, 1774-1802, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = DPW, DeLuca 8/1/87. the compass cards were engraved by Thomas Wightman. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Bedini 8; Warner 12; RSW. suggest correction
TRUNDY, JOHN 2 USA, 1800-73, MIM NIM SIM Marine Compasses = Portsmouth Historical Society, New Hampshire, ADL-W186; Surveyor's Compass = New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, N.H. worked with Jones; see Trundy and Jones. 18 Bow Street (1851); 50 Bow Street (1860-61); both in Portsmouth, N.H. Smart 1; USNM; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
TRUSCOTT 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. St. Austle. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TRUSCOTT 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. St. Columb. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TSCHIRNHAUS, EHRENFRIED WALTER VON Germany, 1651-1708, OIM Burning Glass = DRE; Double Burning Glass, large = DRE. Klesslingswaldo, Saxony. RSW. suggest correction
TSCHLER see Haalstatt und Tschler. RSW. suggest correction
TUCHER see Ducher; all instruments that we have seen by this family are Ducher or T.D., etc; Zinner and Gouk put them under Tucher. Zinner 1; Bryden 16; Gouk 1; RSW. suggest correction
TUCHER, HANS see Hans Tucher 3. Gouk 1; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
TUCKER, ROBERT England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). the barometers are signed "R. Tucker, Taunton"; jeweller. 41 North Street, Taunton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TULLEY England, c.1826, OIM Microscope, 1826 = Wellcome Coll., KEN; Telescopes = Christie-SK 8/20/87, Baily Sale 4/25/1845. probably Charles Tulley. Islington, London. Chaldecott 3; RGO; Nuttall 3; RSW. suggest correction
TULLEY, C., AND SONS England, fl.1800-30, OIM Telescopes, refracting = Phillips 10/26/83, Soth. 5/21/73 & 3/25/83; Telescope, achromatic = Baily Sale 4/24/1845; Microscope = Baily Sale 4/24/1845. Charles Tulley and his sons, William and Thomas Tulley Turrel Court , Upper Street (later 7 Church Row), Islington, London. Taylor 2(903); Chaldecott 3; RGO; RSW. suggest correction
TULLEY, CHARLES England, 1761-1830, OIM Telescopic Eyepieces (2) = D.(1971). father of Thomas and William Tulley, which see; may have served his apprenticeship with the Dollonds; made large, achromatic telescopes, up to twelve feet long; not a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; T.C. dated 1817. London; Turrel Court, Islington, London. Crawforth 1; Court and von Rohr 3(XL); Moskowitz 102; Clay and Court; H.C. King 2; Thoday; J.A. Gould; RSW. suggest correction
TULLEY, EDWARD England, OIM not a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. Court and von Rohr 3(XLI). suggest correction
TULLEY, HENRY England, 1793-1833, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 11/27/86; Pantograph = Christie-SK 5/10/77; Instrument = WHI. optician; son of Charles Tulley; (Taylor indicated that he was the grandson). London; 5 Kingston Bldgs. (1822-22); 3 Pulteney Bridge (1830-33); both in Bath. Taylor 2(903); Bryden 9; Goodison 1; J.A. Gould; RSW. suggest correction
TULLEY, THOMAS England, 1791-1846, OIM son of Charles Tulley; brother of William Tulley; partner in C. Tulley and Sons and later in William and Thomas Tulley. London. Taylor 2(903); J.A. Gould. suggest correction
TULLEY, WILLIAM England, 1789-1835, OIM son of Charles Tulley; brother of Thomas Tulley; partner in C. Tulley and Sons; later a partner in William and Thomas Tulley; produced an achromatic microscope lens in 1826; worked with Joseph Jackson Lister. Turrel Court, Islington, London. Taylor 2(903)(1235); Clay and Court; Daumas 1; J.A. Gould. suggest correction
TULLEY, WILLIAM AND THOMAS England, c.1820, OIM brothers; sons of Charles Tulley. Islington, London. Taylor 2(1235)(903). suggest correction
TUNG, L. England, MIM Vertical Sundial = WRAY. similar to the Zappech-type. Evans 1. suggest correction
TUNSTED, SIMON England, 1326-69, "Donostadius"; improved the Albion and the Rectangulus. Norwich; Oxford; Suffolk. Michel 3. suggest correction
TURCHETTI, PETER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Dorchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TURELLI, ANTHONY England, fl.1830-37, PHIM barometer maker. 41 Dean Street, Newcastle. Taylor 2(2019). suggest correction
TURNBULL AND CO. Scotland, NIM OIM Sextants = Soth. 10/18/71, D.(1972). opticians; the sextant at Sotheby's was # 9593. Edinburgh and Leith. RSW. suggest correction
TURNBULL, CHARLES England, fl.1556-1608, MIM Pillar Sundial, 1605 = Corpus Christi College. diallist; author; constructed stone polyhedral sundials; see C.T. 4. Lincolnshire. Taylor 1(49); Gatty; Earle. suggest correction
TURNBULL, THOMAS England, fl.1818-40, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "Thos. Turnbull." Whitby. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
TURNER, CHARLES England, 1703, NIM Nocturnal, 1703 = PAK-117. RSW. suggest correction
TURNER, CHRISTOPHER England, c.1635, MIM free in the Joiners' Company; took apprentices. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
TURNER, JOHN England, fl.1817-25, OIM "working optician". 64 Upper King Street, Bloomsbury, London. Taylor 2(1448). suggest correction
TURNER, JOSEPH England, fl.1717-38, MIM apprenticed to Richard Hutchinson of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 5, 1709; free of the Company, July 1, 1717; worked with John Barston to produce Barston's "Universal Astronomi- cal Quadrant", c.1738. Hatton Garden, London. Taylor 2(314); J. Brown 3; Evans 1. suggest correction
TURNER, REV. T. England, fl.1742-60, MIM Perpetual Calendars = BM (1742), Evans Coll. (1760). the calendar in the Evans Coll. is of cardboard and is signed "Rev. Turner Worcester". Worcester. Esdaille; RSW. suggest correction
TURNER, THOMAS England, c.1823, MIM Timber-measuring Instrument = NMM. Marlborough. A.J. Turner 3. suggest correction
TURNHOUT, JOH. Germany, 1671, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1671 = Drecker Coll. = DPW. Herzogenbosch. Zinner 1. suggest correction
TUSTIAN AND CO. England, fl.1840-82, MIM rule makers; 18 Princes Square, Ratcliffe Highway (1840-46); Princes Square, St. George Street, East (1847-82); both in London. Crawforth 5. suggest correction
TUSTIAN, THOMAS England, fl.1836-39, MIM Slide Rule, boxwood = P.C.; Rule, folding = X. the folding rule is marked "No. 2 Princes Square ----"; see Tustian and Co.. 18 Princes Square, Ratcliffe Highway (1836, 1839); Princes Square, St. George Street, East (1838); 2 Princes Square, Ratcliffe Highway; all in London. Delehar 4; Crawforth 5. suggest correction
TUTHER, JOHN England, fl.1817-25, OIM PHIM Telescope = Soth. 5/19/83; Microscope, aquatic = KEN; Balance = KEN; Electrical Machine = CMY; Stick Barometers = X (2). 64 Upper King Street, Bloomsbury (1817); 221 High Holborn (1819-25); both in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1449); G.L'E. Turner 24; Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
TUTTELL, THOMAS England, fl.1695-1702, MIM NIM PHIM SIM made a wide range of sundials, mathematical instruments, etc, including a presentation set in ivory of a cross-staff, a backstaff, and a Gunter's rule all at NMM; examples can be seen at NMM, BM, OXF, VAA, Norwich Museum, WHI, KEN, etc. apprenticed to Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company on April 2, 1688; free of the Company, July 1, 1695; took apprentices; invented a type of analemmatic sundial; Trade Cards, one in French; "Mathematical Instrument Maker to the King's most Excellent Majesty", 1700-02 (King William); Tuttell drowned in 1702 while on a marine survey. at the King's Arms and Globe at Charing Cross and at his shop facing the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, London. J. Brown 3; Taylor 1(497); Crawforth 1; Robischon; RSW; A.J. Turner 10; Michel 3; Bryden 16; Goodison 1; Stevens and Aked. suggest correction
TUTTLE USA, fl.1820-40, PHIM see Dillon and Tuttle. RSW. suggest correction
TWADELL, WILLIAM Scotland, c.1850, PHIM Hydrometers, glass = Christie-SK 3/31/83, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge (5); Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. is he the same as Twydell, which see? Glasgow. Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
TWEER, HANS Belgium, MIM Antwerp. Evans 1. suggest correction
TWYDELL Scotland, c.1790, PHIM Stick Barometer = P-B 10/7/44. see William Twadell, may be the same man. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
TYCHER, HANS Germany, 1583, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1583 = Soth. 9/20/83. misreading or miswriting for Tucher (Ducher). RSW. suggest correction
TYCOS/SHORT AND MASON LTD England, c.1900, PHIM Compass Stand for universal ring sundial = ADL-T32. "Tycos" is over the other name; Tycos had recently bought the firm. London. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
TYLER England, PHIM Stick Barometer = K. and C. 9/20/71. probably James or John Tyler. London. RSW. suggest correction
TYLER, JAMES England, fl.1844-56, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; succeeded by Mrs. F. Tyler in 1857, probably his widow. 5 Charles Street (1844-55); 21 Charles Street (1856); both in Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TYLER, JOHN England, fl.1829-36, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 15 Great New Street, Fetter Lane (1829-33); 22 1/2 Kirby Street (1838); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TYLER, MRS. F. England, fl.1857=60, PHIM barometer maker; succeeded James Tyler; probably his widow. 21 Charles Street (1857-58); 23 Charles Street (1859-60); both in Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
TYLER, RUFUS USA, c.1828, MIM received a patent for a dividing engine in 1828. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 8; USNM. suggest correction
TYLER, WILLIAM owner of a Hadley's quadrant made by John L. Leverton in 1783, in Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
TYZACH, EDWARD England, 1713, NIM Nocturnal, wood, 1713 = Evans Coll.? Bristol. Evans 1. suggest correction
TZECK, JOSEPH see Josef Czech. Habacher. suggest correction
U.P. Austria, 1600, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1600 = Melk Stift. for lat. 48°. Zinner 1. suggest correction
U.S. Germany, fl.1582-87, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1582 = D.(1976); String-gnomon Sundial, 1587 = Koller 11/17/75; Horizontal Sundial, 1586 = Lempertz 6/14/76; Astronomical Compendium = DRE (lost). Ulrich Schniep ? Brieux 3; RSW. suggest correction
U.W.W. England, c.1900, MIM Rolling Parallel Rule = D.(1972). Birmingham. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
UL. KL. see Ulrich Klieber 3. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ULMER, J.C., CO. USA, MIM SIM Wye Level = GUR. Cleveland, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
ULPIUS, EUPHRONSYNUS Italy, 1542, MIM Terrestrial Globe, copper, 1542 = New York Historical Society. artist and engraver; D.J. Price thought he was Volpaia; Maccagni and Yonge said that his name was also known as Vulpius or Volpaia; possible that he could be Euphrosynus Vulparia? Rome; Venice. Price 2 (1964); Maccagni 1; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
UMFREVILLE, C.H. England?, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = Phillips 2/2/84. RSW. suggest correction
UNDERHILL, JOHN England, MIM Magnetic Compass = Christie-SK 10/6/83. Wolverhampton. RSW. suggest correction
UNDERHILL, T. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. might be Thomas Underhill, which see. 4 Old Mill Gate, Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
UNDERHILL, THOMAS England, c.1841, MIM PHIM 70 Bridge Street, Deansgate, Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
UNSELD, JOHANN MARTIN Germany, 1685- 1765, MIM Protractors = ADL-M110, STU, OXF; Sectors = ULM, Bautzan Stadtmuseum. the sector in the Bautzen Stadtmuseum was made in Augsburg; all the other instruments listed were made in ULM. Ulm; Augsburg. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
UPPIFRAN, SEDD Sweden, MIM Gauge = STK. Sedd Uppifrän. RSW. suggest correction
UPSON NUT CO. USA, c.1860, MIM Rule, wood = D.(1976). Philip E. Stanley; RSW. suggest correction
UPTON, NATHANIEL England, c.1675, MIM apprenticed by turnover to John Nash 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 18, 1675 for eight years. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
URBINAS see Balthassar Lancaeus. RSW. suggest correction
URE, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1812-22, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "W. Ure, Glasgow"; also see William Ure and Son. 15 Deanside Lane (1812-18); 40 Stockwell (1819-22); both in Glasgow. Goodison 1. suggest correction
URE, WILLIAM, AND SON Scotland, fl.1822-40, MIM PHIM 40 Stockwell (1822-23); 85 Candleriggs (1824-25); 40 Candleriggs (1826-29); 120 Brunswick Street (1830-35); 109 Candleriggs (1831-35); 3 Brunswick Court (1837-40); all in Glasgow. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2266). suggest correction
URIENT, JAKOB Germany, 1724, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1724 = Linz Staatsgymnasium; Universal Ring Sundial = Linz Staatsgymnasium. Jesuit. Zinner 1. suggest correction
URINGS, JOHN 1 England, fl.1709-38, MIM apprenticed to Grace Wells in the Joiners' Company, May 28, 1702; free of the Company on Oct. 4, 1709; took apprentices; father of John Urings 2 and Robert Oulton Urings; author. East Smithfield, London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
URINGS, JOHN 2 England, fl.1738-72, MIM NIM OIM Backstaves = D.(1983)(1751), Abroath Museum (1752); Hadley's Quadrants = PEA (2), NMM, D.(1989), FRK = Soth. 3/25/86; Octant, 1763 = KRO; Microscope = LEY; Telescope, Gregorian = LEY; Sundial, round = Soth. 12/16/63 # 127. son of John Urings 1; brother of Robert Oulton Urings; free of the Joiners' Company by Patrimony on reports of Francis Taylor and Charles Crick on Aug. 1, 1738; took over an apprentice from Barbara Gilbert, widow of John Gilbert 1, in the Grocers' Company, Feb. 5, 1752; ship chandler; author St. Catherines (1738); Minories; at ye Hermitage (1751); 174 Fenchurch; at ye Hermitage, Catterns (St. Catherine) (1757-72); all in London. Taylor 2(315); Crawforth 7; NMM 2; Moskowitz 120; Wynter; Brewington 1; Clay and Court; Daumas 1; J. Brown 1; RSW. suggest correction
URINGS, ROBERT England, c.1766, MIM possibly Robert Oulton Urings. Liverpool (1766). Crawforth 7. suggest correction
URINGS, ROBERT OULTON England, fl.1738-1810, MIM apprenticed to his father, John Urings 1, or to his brother, John Urings 2, in the Joiners' Company; listed as a mathematical instrument maker in 1750; possibly Robert Urings of Liverpool (1766). London ?; Liverpool ? Crawforth 7. suggest correction
USSLAUB, DAVID Germany, MIM Magnetic Declination Instrument = FLO. possible alternate spelling is Utzlaub. Michel 3. suggest correction
USTONSON, JOHN England, OIM apprenticed to Onesimus Ustonson, a fishing-tackle maker, in the Merchant Taylors' Company. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
USTONSON, ONESIMUS England, a fishing-tackle maker in the Merchant Taylors' Company, he took John Ustonson (OIM) as an apprentice. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
UTZSCHNEIDER UND FRAUENHOFER Germany; Austriafl.1824-26, MIM OIM Telescopes = DRE, Madrid Observatory, Versailles 4/17/83, Soth. 4/24/1845; etc.; Universal Instrument = WHI. Joseph von Utzscheider and Joseph von Frauenhofer. Munich; Benediktbeuren. J.A. Bennett 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; USNM; Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
UTZSCHNEIDER UND LIEBHERR Germany, 1814-24, MIM OIM SIM Joseph von Utzschneider and Joseph Liebherr. Munich. G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
UTZSCHNEIDER, JOSEPH VON Germany, 1763-1840, MIM OIM SIM partner in Reichenbach, Utzschneider und Liebherr, 1807-14; Utzschneider und Liebherr, 1814-24; Utzschneider und Frauen- hofer, 1824-26; resigned from the original Munich Institute in 1814; firm became Merz, Utzschneider and Frauenhofer from 1826 to 1839. Munich; Benediktbeuren. G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
UTZSCHNEIDER, REICHENBACH & FRAUENHOFER Germany, fl.1809-14, MIM OIM SIM Joseph von Utzschneider, Georg von Reichenbach and Joseph von Frauenhofer. Benediktbeuern. J.A. Bennett 2. suggest correction
UTZSCHNEIDER, REICHENBACH UND LIEBHERR Germany, fl.1806-09, MIM OIM SIM Joseph von Utzschneider, Georg von Reichenbach and Joseph Liebherr. Munich. J.A. Bennett 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Repsold. suggest correction
V.A. 1519, MIM Miner's Compass, 1519 = MUN. Price 2. suggest correction
V.B. E.F. France, 1821, MIM Wall Sundial, 1821 = house in Chantignan. Berton. suggest correction
V.C. 1 England, fl.1554-57, MIM Astronomical Compendia = OXF (1554), ADL-M363 (1557). the instrument at the Adler Planetarium was previously ascribed to Humphrey Cole, but it must have been the work of the, as yet unidentified, "V.C." Engelmann 1; Gunther 2; Jane Turner; Michel 3; Dewhirst; ADL; Janin 1; RSW. suggest correction
V.C. 2 1784, MIM Dividers, 1784 = Soth. 6/23/69. RSW. suggest correction
V.G.H. 1751, MIM Ring Sundial, 1751 = LEY. Zinner 1. suggest correction
V.G.M. 1731, MIM Ring Sundial, 1731 = LEY. RSW. suggest correction
V.H.M. Germany, c.1800, MIM Table Sundial, book-form = POTS. also marked "IIII. R.G." Körber 1. suggest correction
V.K. 1 Germany, 1557, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1557 = MUN. Ulrich Klieber 3. Augsburg. Bobinger 2; Zinner 1; Price 2. suggest correction
V.K. 2 Holland?, 1777, NIM Backstaff, 1777 = LEY. could be van Keulen. RSW. suggest correction
V.K. 3 Germany, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = BASH. Augsburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
V.M.N. Germany, 1579, MIM Horizontal Sundial on finger ring, 1579 = OXF; String-gnomon Sundial, 1579 = VAA. the sundial at OXF has the arms of Franciscus Padoanis; the sundial at VAA is marked "Vergis Me in Nicht." Zinner 1; Scarisbrick. suggest correction
V.R.3 1756, marked on a Zappeck-type sundial signed "F.S.P." (1), dated 1756 at ZAG. Zinner 1. suggest correction
V.S. 1 Germany, fl.1572-88, MIM Pedometer = HAK; Horizontal Sundials = ADL-M243 (1572), DEU (1587); Diptych Sundials = HAK (1576), Soth 5/11/23 (1576), ADL-DPW9 (1577), BASH (1582), ADL-M244 (1582), Ecouen (1582), Soth. 3/27/72 (1586), DEU (1587), Christie 4/3/85 (1588), etc. Ulrich Schniep. Munich. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
V.S. 2 Germany, late 16th Century, MIM Pedometer = D.(1973). the S is twisted around the right arm of the V. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
V.S. 3 Viktor Stark, which see. Zinner 1. suggest correction
V.S.F. Germany, 1632, MIM Astrolabe, 1632 (ICA-2073) = P.C. "Viktor Stark fecit." Dresden. Zinner 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
V.S.M.F. Germany, 1635, MIM Artillery Level, 1635 = DRE. "Viktor Stark Mechanicus fecit." Dresden. RSW. suggest correction
V.S.W. Germany, c.1600, MIM Table Clock with Sundial = ADL-M379. the signature is V.S. over W., as in a fraction; the "W" may be a city. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
V.T. marked on horizontal sundial, dated 1739, signed "J.J.K.H.", at KRM. RSW. suggest correction
VACANO, JOSHUA PHIM Stick Barometer = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
VACCANO, HIACINT Germany, c.1800, PHIM Siphon Barometers = DEU (2). Munich. Middleton 1. suggest correction
VACHON, GM. VL. France, NIM Compass Roses (2) = D.(1972). Honfleur. Brieux 3. suggest correction
VAGNARELLI, LAURENTIUS Italy, 1639, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1639 = SPI-2765 = HAK. ADL-M153 is surely from Vagnarelli's workshop. Urbino. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Spitzer 1 & 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VAGO, F. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2); Soth.-S 10/19/89. Leeds. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
VAGO, F. 2 Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Sussex 9/18/86. marked "Warranted." Perth. RSW. suggest correction
VAGO, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VALE, GILBERT USA, 1788-1866, MIM Combination Terrestrial and Celestial Globe = Historic New Harmony, Indiana. combination globe patented in 1843. New York, N.Y. Bedini 8; USNM; Warner ? suggest correction
VALEE France, OIM Valée. Rouen. RSW. suggest correction
VALERIUS, JACOBUS Holland, 1558, MIM Astrolabe, 1558 (ICA-446) = BMR. signed "Jacobus Valerius Rectificata Anno XPI 1558." Oudewater; Utrecht. Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Rooseboom 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
VALERIUS, PTOLOMAUS VON Germany, c.1565, MIM Planetarium, Ptolomaic = DRE (lost). Coburg. RSW. suggest correction
VALERIUS, RENNERUS Belgium, 1607-87, Latin form of Remy Wouters; wrote a treatise on sundials. Malines. Michel 3. suggest correction
VALK EN SCHENK Holland, c.1700, MIM Southern Celestial Map = D.(1973). Gerhard Valk and P. Schenk. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
VALK, GERHARD Holland, 1650-1720, MIM Pairs of Globes = NMM-Caird (1750), D.(1973); Celestial Globe = DRE. father of Leonard Valk; worked with P. Schenk making atlases 1683-1700; see Gerhard and Leonard Valk. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; Zinner; Bagrow-Skelton; Yonge. suggest correction
VALK, GERHARD EN LEONHARDT Holland, fl.1715-50, MIM Celestial Globes = MUN, Wolfenbüttel Offentl. Biblioteck, Linz Stadtmuseum, KAS, Harburg Schloss (1715), Freiburg Museum (1715), Pommersfelden Schloss (1715), AMST (1750), LEY (1750); Pairs of Globes = NMM (one dated 1745), Hispanic Society of America, N.Y. (3) (1715, 1715, 1750), P.C. (1750); Terrestrial Globe = AMST. Leonhardt was the son of Gerhard; the terrestrial globe is the center of an armillary sphere by Covens; 1750 Hispanic Society pair marked "Revis. A. 1750" surely by Leonhardt Valk as his father had died in 1720. Amsterdam. Zinner 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Krogt 2; Edell 1; Bagrow-Skelton; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
VALK, LEENDERT Holland, fl.1804-06, NIM Compasses, 1804 and 1806 = Northern Maritime Museum, Groningen; Compass Cards = KAS, Altoona Museum. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
VALK, LEON Holland, 1742, NIM compass maker, 1742. Houttvinen, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
VALK, LEONHARDT Holland, 1675-1755, MIM globemaker; worked with his father, Gerhard Valk. Amsterdam. Zinner 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Bagrow-Skelton; Yonge. suggest correction
VALLANT, M. France, c.1590, MIM Sundial with Compass in lid of a watch case = Soth. 5/27/54. Webster Sale, part 1. RSW. suggest correction
VALLEE, P. France, 1759, MIM took Noël-Simon Carochez as an apprentice, 1759; member of the "Corporation des fondeurs." Paris. Augarde. suggest correction
VALLOT France, c.1808, MIM PHIM Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
VAN DE SYPE see Sype, Laurentz van de. ICA 2. suggest correction
VANANDETSI, LUKAS Armenia; Holland, late 17th Century, MIM made an astrolabe. Amsterdam. USNM. suggest correction
VANDERMOELEN, PH.-M.-G. Belgium, 1825-69, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 80 cm. = Congo Museum, Terruren, Belgium. Brussels. Michel 3. suggest correction
VANDOME, FILFORD AND CO. England, 19th Century, PHIM Coin Balance = Phillips 2/2/84. see Richard Vandome. Leadenhall Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
VANDOME, RICHARD England, c.1840, MIM PHIM Balances = WHI; Weights = WHI; Balance, steel = Christie-SK 8/20/87. T.C.; took apprentices. 117 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(2032); Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
VANDOME, RICHARD, AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM balance makers; T.C. 117 Leadenhall Street, London. Calvert 2; G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
VANETTI AND BENZZONI England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie's 2/19/97. thermometer and hygrometer. 22 North Street, Brighton. RSW. suggest correction
VANINI AND MONTINI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Peterborough. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VANINO England, see Prestinari and Vanino. RSW. suggest correction
VANNINI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 25 Spring Street, Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VANNINI, ANTHONY England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2). 7 Orange Street, West Street, Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VANNINI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VANTE, L. MIM Protractor = DPW. RSW. suggest correction
VANTIER ET MARC France, c.1840, MIM "Ingénieurs-Opticiens"; succeeded by A. Lefrançois, which see. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
VARA, PULGADAS Spain, 1806-07, MIM Standard Meter, 1807 = MAA; Sliding Calipers, 1806 = MAA. RSW. suggest correction
VARLEY England, c.1850, MIM Horizontal Pedestal Sundial, plaster = WHI. possibly Cornelius Varley. London. Bryden 16. suggest correction
VARLEY AND SON England, c.1850, MIM OIM showed at the Great Exhibition of London in 1851; surely Cornelius Varley and Son. 1 Charles Street, Clevendon Square, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
VARLEY, CORNELIUS England, 1781-1873, OIM "Graphic Telescope" = OXF; Telescope = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.; Microscope = Christie-SK 12/1/83. not a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took Andrew Pritchard as an apprentice and later worked with him to cut the first diamond lens; had his son as a partner, c.1851; took his father, Samuel Alfred Varley as a partner in 1862; took out a patent in 1811 for a "Graphic Telescope." Junction Place, Paddington, London. Taylor 2(1236); Chaldecott 3; RGO; G.L'E. Turner 24; Court and von Rohr 3(XXXV); USNM; RSW. suggest correction
VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED England, c.1862, PHIM Watch Wheel Depthing Tool = Soth. 10/21/74. retired in 1862 from the Electric and International Telegraph Co. to become a partner of his son, Cornelius Varley. 7 York Place, Kentish Town. Chaldecott 3; RGO; RSW. suggest correction
VARNEY, GEORGE D. USA, c.1843, MIM SIM Theodolites = D.(1971)(2). marked "Patented June 24, 1843". Moskowitz 102. suggest correction
VARTY, THOMAS England, c.1830, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Christie-SK 8/20/87. 31 Strand, London. RSW. suggest correction
VASSALI see the entries on Vassalli. suggest correction
VASSALLI, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. might be Jerome Vassalli. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VASSALLI, JEROME England, c.1841, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(4), Christie 12/16/82; Stick Barometer = Phillips 2/2/84. the barometers are variously signed "Vassalli Scarborough", "J. Vassalli Scarborough" and "Vassali Scarborough, jeweler." 49 Merchants Row, Scarborough. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
VASTENHOUT, AS. VAN Holland, fl.1783-1828, NIM Mariner's Compass = AMST; Hanging Compass = Zuiderzee Museum, Enkhuizen. the AMST compass is marked on the case "I.V.B. 1783." Haringpakkerij (1816-17); Texelse Kaai 18 (1826-28); both in Amsterdam; Oost Vriesland. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
VASTENHOUT, VAN WEDUWE Holland, c.1820, NIM widow of As. van Vastenhout. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
VASTENHOUT, VAN, EN ZOON Holland, c.1828, NIM As. van Vastenhout en Zoon. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
VASTRIK Holland, c.1705, NIM compass maker; father of Jan and Jacob Vastrik. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
VASTRIK, JACOB Holland, c.1705, NIM compass maker; worked with his father, Vastrik and his brother, Jan Vastrik. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
VASTRIK, JAN Holland, c.1705, NIM compass maker; worked with his father, Vastrik and his brother, Jacob Vastrik. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
VAUCANSON France, had Félix Rosa as a worker. Daumas 1. suggest correction
VAUGONDY, DIDIER ROBERT DE France, 1756, MIM Pocket Globe, 1756 = in a Paris museum. à la Marché, rue du Foin, Paris. Edell 1; Howse 2. suggest correction
VAULX, J. DE c.1590, MIM SIM made a form of theodolite. X. suggest correction
VAYRINGE Italy, MIM Sector = D.(1976). marked "a Florence". Brieux 3. suggest correction
VAYRINGE, PHILIPPE France, 1685-1746, MIM Tellurian = Natural History Museum, Vienna. born at Longuyon; professor of physics. Lunéville. H.C. King 2; Mucke; Michel 3. suggest correction
VEALE, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Exmouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VEBRANDI c.1900, MIM Astrolabe = ADL-A111 (falsely dated 1595). this instrument is somewhat reminescent of the astrolabes signed "Johannes Bos"; there is reference to a Vibrandi of Leeuwarden, Holland. Rooseboom 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VECCHI, GIUSEPPE Italy, 1784-1846, PHIM Instruments = Museo Civico, Modena. Modena. Brenni 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. the stick barometer is signed "Vecchi, Nottingham." Nottingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Shaftsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 22 Union Passage, Bath. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO, DEL, AND DOTTI England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). one of the barometers is signed "del Vecchio and Dotti." Shrewsbury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VECCHIO, J. DEL England, fl.1810-38, PHIM listed as a barometer maker in 1820-22. 26 Westmoreland Street (1810-38); 187 and 188 Great Brunswick Street (1837-38); 6 D'Olier Street (1837-38); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
VECHIO, F. SALERI, AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1972). 34 Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
VECHIO, J. SALTERY, AND CO. England, c.1820, Stick Barometer with Thermometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95. Misreading for F. Saleri Vechio and Co. 94 Holborn hill, London. RSW. suggest correction
VECTIOLI, FRANCISCUS DI Italy, 1577, MIM Astronomical Quadrant, 1577 = OXF; Square, 1577 = BMR. Michel listed the name as Vectiosi, Price showed him as di Vitioli. Gunther 2; Michel 3; Evans 1; Price 2. suggest correction
VECTIOSI see Vectioli Michel 3. suggest correction
VEDY, FELIX France, c.1850, NIM Sextants = Christie 3/9/65 Versailles 11/19/78; Quadrant, "No. 3" = D.(1988). Védy showed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; Versailles is signed "No. 911." 52 Rue de Bondy, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen 20; RSW. suggest correction
VEEN, AADRIAN see Henricus Hondius and Veen. RSW. suggest correction
VEITCH, JAMES Scotland, 1771-1838, OIM PHIM Telescopes = Schumacher, Altona (c.1830), Nisbit 4/4/1860, RSM; Stick Barometer = RSM. plowwright and telescope maker; made microscopes, clocks and jewel lenses; Inspector of Weights and Measures for Roxburgh. Inchbonny, Jedburgh. McKie; Chaldecott 3; RGO; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Clarke et al. suggest correction
VELAZQUEZ, JOAQUIN Mexico, 1732-86, MIM made astronomical instruments, c.1750. USNM. suggest correction
VELDE, JOHANNES VAN DE Holland, fl.1810-23, NIM OIM partner in the firm of Gerard Hulst van Keulen; telescope maker. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom. suggest correction
VELDER AND GROENENDAAL Holland, fl.1672-1702, NIM Crown Compass = AMST. Pieter de Velder and Joannes van Groenendaal. Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1. suggest correction
VELDER, PIETER DE Holland, 1713-84, NIM Crown Compass = AMST. the reverse side of the compass card is marked "Johannes van Groenendaal tot Rotterdam." Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
VELENNEL probably a misreading of Ve (veuve) Lennel. RSW. suggest correction
VELLINGTON misreading for Wellington. Christie-SK 1/31/85. suggest correction
VENEBRUCH Germany, pre-1859, OIM made and modified Cuff-type microscopes. Berlin. Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
VENETIANI, CAN. Italy, 1778, MIM Inclinometer, 1778 = ADL-M188. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VENEZIA, OLIVE Italy, 17th Century, OIM Telescope = Gersaint, Nantes 10/28/88. Venezia = Venice? RSW. suggest correction
VENTOM England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VENTOM, AZALIAH England, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Venton in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free of the Company. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
VENTOM, THOMAS England, MIM free of the Merchant Taylors' Company; took apprentices. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
VENTURINI, JULIANUS Italy, fl.1793-1807, MIM NIM Mariner's Compass, 1807 = Evans Coll.; Architectural Quadrant, 1793 = DPW; Gunner,s Level, 1793 = D.(1997); Dividers, 1785 = Sotheby's 5/11/94. Dividers and gunner's level signed "Julianus Venturini fecit Romae", plus dates; dividers had box. Rome. Evans 1; Coffeen 58; RSW. suggest correction
VERBIEST, FERDINAND Germany; China, 1623-88, Armillary Sphere = Museum, Beijing. Jesuit; Chinese name was Nan-Hoai-Gin; made six large astronomical instruments for the Emperor in Peking, including the one listed above, a 6' celestial globe, a quadrant, a sextant, an azimuth circle and another armillary sphere. Beijing. H.S. Jones; Hickey. suggest correction
VERDY France, c.1690, OIM Telescope = NMM. the telescope is marked "Verdy à l'Observatoire." Paris. Daumas 1. suggest correction
VERGA, J. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bath. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VERGA, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 7/30/25; Barometer = D.(1972). Chester. Goodison 1; John Bell. suggest correction
VERGA, J. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VERGA, J. 4 England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Exhibition, Park Street Antiques, Berkhamsted, May 8-16, 1993. ATG, 1/5/93. suggest correction
VERGA, J.L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VERGA, JOHN MARIE England, fl.1828-34, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 12/17/87. listed as a "carver, gilder"; one of the barometers is signed "J.M. Verga Macclesfield." Market Street (1828); Mill Street (1834); both in Macclesfield. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
VERGA, L. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer, mahogany = Soth.-Chester 1/31/85. RSW. suggest correction
VERGA, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Huntington. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VERICKE, C. France, OIM Microscopes = Christie-SK 6/2/83, La Rochelle 7/16/83, Christie 4/3/85 (No. 346), BIL. "Elève special de E. Hartnack, Paris"; La Rochelle signed "C. Verick." rue de la Parcheminerie N° 3, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
VERIE, MR. England, pre-1739, excise officer; modified a type of slide rule; sometimes called "Mr. Vero." Delehar 2. suggest correction
VERMUNT Holland, c.1811, MIM Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
VERNEDE France, 1777, MIM Micrometer, 1777 = ADL-M56. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Daumas 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VERNET, JEAN Germany, 1701, MIM Cruciform Sundial, silver, 1701 = KAS. mathematics teacher to the Cadet Corps in Kassel. Kassel. Zinner 1; Abeler 1; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
VERNEY, JOHN England, fl.1667-76, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; Master of the Company, 1671-72. London. Crawforth 6; Court and von Rohr 3(12). suggest correction
VERNIER, A. France, fl.1607-30, MIM SIM Graphometers = NMM (1607), (1630), WHI (1607). type of graphometer invented by Dulac. Hamilton 2; Whipple 1; Daumas 1; NMM 2. suggest correction
VERNIER, MICHAEL France, c.1700, MIM Horizontal Sundial = OXF. Paris. Michel 3; Nachet. suggest correction
VERNIER, PIERRE France, 1584-1630, MIM in 1631 invented a subsidiary scale to accurately subdivide the principal scale; it is still in use today; wrote a book on the quadrant. Ornans. A.J. Turner 10; Michel 3; Daumas 1. suggest correction
VERTHINGTON AND ALLAN misreading for Worthington and Allam. Christie 11/24/83. suggest correction
VERWER, G.L. Holland, 1789, MIM Gauge, 1789 = BOM Auction, 1910. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
VESDY France, c.1650, OIM Binocular Telescope = GEL; Telescope = NMM. "à l'Observatoire"; GEL is signed "Vesdi." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
VESOUL, P. THEODULE DE France, 16th Century, MIM Vertical Sundial, ivory = D.(1975). also marked "Capucin." Wynter 1. suggest correction
VETTER, CHR. Germany, fl.1630-39, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1630 = GRA; Sundials, 1639 = MERC, Christie 4/3/85; Astronomical Compendium, 1639 = Soth.-NY 10/5/83. the sundial in the Mercator Catalog was signed "Chr. Wetter." Zinner 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
VETTER, J.G. Germany, MIM SIM Graphometer = NOR. Ansbach. RSW. suggest correction
VEVIN, PIERRE misreading for Pierre Sevin. Evans 1; P. and S. 6/18/1894. suggest correction
VIAL, J. France, c.1914, OIM telescope maker; successor to Maison Bardou; Ingénieur E.C.P. 55 rue Caulaincourt, Paris. USNM. suggest correction
VIALL, NATHANIEL England, fl.1699-1730, MIM NIM Nocturnal, 1724 = PEA. Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
VIANEN 1619, MIM Globe, silver, 1619 = Trippenhuis, Amsterdam. Grimaldi(800). suggest correction
VIANI, MATTEO Italy, 18th Century, MIM Pair of Globes = ROM. Venice. Bedini 12. suggest correction
VIARD France, c.1800, PHIM Balance = DPW. "Viard Balancier Ajusteur rue des Tapissiers 21, Rouen." rue des Tapissiers 21, Rouen. RSW. suggest correction
VIBERG, A.D. Sweden, c.1850, PHIM balance maker; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Falun. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
VIBRANDI see Wijbrandtszn, Wijbe. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
VICK, CHARLEMAGNE 1 see Viet, Charlemagne 1. Evans 1. suggest correction
VIDE marked on mariner's astrolabe, NMM 39, signed "A. Goys", at Museu de Marinha, Lisbon. A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
VIDIE, LUCIEN France, 1805-66, invented the aneroid barometer, patented it in 1845; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Brewington 1; Middleton 1. suggest correction
VIEBIG, FRANCISCUS see Franciscus Fiebig. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VIERBUCHEN, J. USA, fl.1855-62, MIM worked in the Instrument Shop of the U.S. Coast Survey; listed as "master instrument maker" in 1862; surely related to P. Vierbuchen. Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
VIERBUCHEN, P. USA, fl.1855-90, MIM listed as an apprentice in 1855, and instrument maker later; employed in the Instrument Shop of the U.S. Coast Survey until 1890; surely related to J. Vierbuchen. Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
VIET, CHARLEMAGNE 1 France, fl.1673-95, MIM Sundial, 1680 = Soth. 3/14/57. Blois. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
VIET, CHARLEMAGNE 2 France, fl.1680-1720, MIM son of Charlemagne Viet 1. Blois? Michel 3; Gunther 2; Evans 1. suggest correction
VIGLOZZI, A., AND CO. England, OIM Telescope, brass and mahogany = Phillips 8/12/87. "Day or Night". London. RSW. suggest correction
VILLASANTE Spain, PHIM Barometer = MAN. Madrid. Garcia Franco 1. suggest correction
VILLETTE, MONSIEUR France; Belgium, c.1690, OIM "ingénieur, mecanicien"; optician to his Electoral Highness of Cologne, the Bishop and Prince of Liège; Villette's father was also known as Monsieur Villette. Lyons; Liège. RSW. suggest correction
VILLETTE, MONSIEUR [FRANCOIS] France, 1621-98, OIM Burning Glass, 34" = POB; Microscope = WHI. François Villette; microscope and telescope maker; worked with his two sons, one of whom was also known as Monsieur Villette; WHI signed "F. Villette à Liège." Lyons; Liège. Daumas 1; Spargo 1; RSW. suggest correction
VIMERCATO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Italy, 1557, designed sundials; author. Venice. Lübke. suggest correction
VIN see Joseph à Vin. Michel 3. suggest correction
VIN DROI France, c.1790, MIM Sector with caliber scales, iron points = Soth. 2/25/86. RSW. suggest correction
VINCARD France, 1783, MIM SIM Graphometers = DPW, Christie-SK = 10/24/83; Sector = P.C. (1968); Folding Square = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88; Goniometer, 1783 = X. Vinçard. à la Boussole, Paris. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
VINCENT, MR. France, c.1830, PHIM Hygrometer = P.C. thermometer maker; Bougloux was first his pupil, then his successor. Quay Pelletier, 30, Paris. RSW. suggest correction
VINCENT, SAMUEL USA?, NIM Backstaff = Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Pa. probably owner. RSW. suggest correction
VINCHS, CORNELIS Belgium; Italyfl.1599-1623, MIM Astrolabes = BM (1599) (ICA-223), BM (1600) (ICA-444), Specula Vaticana, 1616 (ICA-3029) = Johns Hopkins U.; Armillary Sphere, 1601 = OXF; Sundials = NMM (1623), LIE; Trigonometer with Sundial in handle, 1690 = ROM. the 1660 inventory of the Bishop of Toledo showed another armillary sphere; the Specula Vaticana astrolabe was given to the Space Telescope Project at Johns Hopkins U., Baltimore, Md. and is signed "Vinck"; LIE is signed "Vinckx"; the 1560 astrolabe listed by Zinner as at BM was not listed by Price 3 or Ward; Zinner thought the 1599 BM astrolabe was dated 1559. Antwerp; Naples (1601-23). Zinner 1; Gunther 1 and 2; Price 1, 2 and 3; ICA 2; Michel 3; Maddison 1; Rooseboom 1; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
VINCINO, RINALDO Italy, MIM Proportional Compass = Brescia. Price 2. suggest correction
VINCKX, L. 16th Century, MIM Sundial = X. is this a ghost? Rooseboom 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
VINER AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 23 Regent Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VINET, ELIE France, 1525, MIM Moreux. suggest correction
VION, E. France, c.1900, MIM OIM Telescope, two-draw = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79; Telescopes = D.(1977), D.(1978); Universal Equatorial Sundial = WHI. 38 Rue de Turenne, Paris (1930). Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
VIRET France?, c.1840, MIM Sector, case = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. one meter in length; "pied mètrique", "pied ancien." RSW. suggest correction
VISCHER, GELASIUS Germany, 1712, MIM Horizontal Table Sundial, chalk stone, 1712 = DEU. Raunou. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VISMARA, G.B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bury. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VISSER Holland, 1767, MIM Perpetual Calendar, copper, 1767 = P.C. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
VITALIS, P. 1753, MIM Horizontal Sundial, chalk-stone, 1753 = SAL. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VITELLI, ALESSANDRO Italy, MIM Bonelli 1. suggest correction
VITIOLI, FRANCISCUS DI see Franciscus di Vectioli. Price 2. suggest correction
VITRUVIUS Italy, fl.50-41 B.C., Marcus Vitruvius Pollio; author of the era's pricipal work on architecture and engineering in which he discussed astronomy, sundials, waterwheels, etc.; invented a hodometer. Rome. Hellemans and Bunch; Pottage. suggest correction
VITTA, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = P.C. (1978). Stafford. RSW. suggest correction
VITTORY AND DANNELLI England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
VITTORY AND LANETTI England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1990). Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
VIVIEN, NOEL France, 17th Century, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = SPI-2795. Noël Vivien. Paris. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
VIZE, JEROME France, fl.1567-86, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1567 = SPI-2906 = BM. Jérôme Vize; "Hieronimus Vize, Menusier" (woodworker). Pau; Paris. Michel 3; Evans 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
VLIET, SIEBRAND TEEKES VAN DER Holland, 1740-1806, OIM PHIM Gregorian Telescope = Eisinga's house, Franeker; Telescope = van Cleef en Scheurleer Auction, 1799. Franeker. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
VOGEL, J.H. Switzerland, "J.H. Vogel delineavit" is marked on a horary quadrant made by Johann Meylin. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VOGL., AND. see Andreas Vogler; the signatures on many of Vogler's sundials are abbreviated in this way. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VOGLEN see Vogler. Evans 1. suggest correction
VOGLER, ANDREAS Germany, fl.1766-1808, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round = OXF; Universal Ring Sundial = Linz Museum; Table Sundial, square = Zeiss Jena; Globe Sundial = STU; made many Augsburg-type sundials for the mass market, including ADL-W239. the brother of Johann Georg Vogler, took over his workshop; the instructions are in French as well as in German Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; USNM; Pipping 1; ADL; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
VOGLER, JOHANN GEORG Germany, fl.1740-65, MIM Sundial, 1740 = Würzburg Luitpoldmuseum; Equatorial Sundial, octagonal, 1750 = BM; Horizontal Table Sundials = Berne Historical Museum, Mainz Altertumsammlung; Equatorial Sundials, square = AUG, MERC; made many Augsburg-type sundials for the mass market. brother of Andreas Vogler; "Compassmacher" in 1745; many sundials are signed "I.G.V." or "J.G.V."; Ward did not list the 1750 sundial. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Hamilton 1; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
VOGLER, JOHANN MICHAEL Germany, 1719, MIM Equatorial Sundial = NMM; Astronomical Clock, 1719 = DEU; Sundial, gilt brass = Amsterdam Sale, 1933. "Uhr- und Kompassmacher." Ellingen. Zinner 1 (Nachträge); Michel 3; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOGLER, JOHN USA, c.1830, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = Old Salem, Inc., Wachovia Museum, North Carolina. Salem, North Carolina. USNM. suggest correction
VOGT, GEORG, UND M. ZACH. WAGNER Germany, 1754, MIM Azimuth Quadrant, 1754 = Breslau Sternwarte. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VOIGHT, F.W. Germany, fl.1798-1802, PHIM author; barometer maker. Jena. Middleton 1. suggest correction
VOIGHT, HENRY Germany; USA, 1738-1814, MIM OIM SIM Transit = USNM; Clock = U.S. Senate; Telescope, equal altitude = USNM. repaired an orrery by Thomas Blunt 1; associated with John Fitch 2, 1786-92; Chief Coiner at Mint, 1793-1814; clockmaker. Saxe-Gotha; Norriton, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa. (1786). Bedini 8; USNM; Wynter 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOIGHT, JOHANN HEINRICH Germany, 1613-91, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, wood and paper = MUN. Stade. Abeler 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER Austria, MIM SIM Alidade = RSM. probably Johan Christoph Voigtländer. Vienna. Darius 3. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER UND SOHN Austria, c.1850, OIM Microscope = DRE. see W. Voigtländer. Vienna. RSW. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER, BRUDER Austria, c.1840, MIM SIM Mining Compasses = ADL-M176 (No. 356), ADL-M177 (No. 555); Proportional Dividers = Christie-SK 4/17/86. dividers signed "Pol. Brüder Voigtländer in Wien." Vienna. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER, FRANZ Austria, MIM SIM son of W. Voigtländer; "Mekaniker"; may have worked with his father. Engelmann 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER, J.F. Austria, 1759-1839, patented double Galilean achromatic opera glasses. Dewhirst. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER, JOHAN CHRISTOPH Austria, fl.1757-79, MIM SIM Surveyor's Levels = X, Pressburg Museum; Magnetic Compasses = Christie-SK 4/17/86, UTO 9/29/75 (2), Pressburg Museum. Johan Christoph Voigtländer. Vienna. Daumas 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOIGTLANDER, W. Austria, MIM SIM Alidade Transit = Technical Museum, Warsaw. W. Voigtländer; also signed "sel sohn Franz Mechaniker." RSW. suggest correction
VOLANTERIO, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), D.(1976). one of the Xs signed only "G. Volanterio"; may be same as Joshua Volanterio, which see. Doncaster. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
VOLANTERIO, JOSHUA Italy; England, fl.1822-41, PHIM barometer maker. Italy; Frenchgate (1822); High Street (1834); Baxter Gate (1841); last three in Doncaster. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1730). suggest correction
VOLKMER, JOHANN GEORG Germany, 1616-93, MIM probably the son of Johann Melchior Volkmer; discovered that the magnetic variation of Nürnberg in 1677 was 5° W instead of the 8° E used since the time of Hans Reinmann; made sundials. Nürnberg. Michel 2 & 3. suggest correction
VOLKMER, JOHANN MELCHIOR Germany; Austria, fl.1634-47, MIM Sundial, square, 1634 = P.C.; Sundial, 1647 = OXF; Mathematical Set, 1642 = VIE; Astronomical Compendia = ADL-M477 (1633), Lehmann Sale (1634). goldsmith; OXF signed "Volkmair"; VIE signed "Volkmayer"; probably the son of Tobias Volkmer and the father of Johann Georg Volkmer. Nürnberg; Vienna. Zinner 1; Michel 2; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VOLKMER, TOBIAS Germany, fl.1581-1645, MIM SIM made a wide variety of mathematical instruments including astrolabes, sundials, geometrical quadrants, artillery levels, surveying instruments which date from 1582 to 1645; examples may be seen at MUN, KRE, FLO, OXF, UTR, BUD, HAK, STU, WHI, DRE, BM, MAN, etc. sometimes spelled "Volckmer"; mathmatician and goldsmith; probably the father of Johann Melchior Volkmer. Braunschweig. Zinner 1; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; Bryden 11 and 16; Garcia Franco 1; Michel 3; Hollands Glorie; de Rijk; Gunther 2; Daumas 1; ICA 2; RSW. suggest correction
VOLLAND, LIENHART Germany, c.1544, MIM "compassmacher." Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
VOLMAR, HANS Germany, 18th Century, MIM Globe Sundial = WHI. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi; Bryden 16. suggest correction
VOLONTE, C. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. Crown Inn, Devizes. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VOLPAIA 1 the colloquial Italian form of Vulparia. Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
VOLPAIA 2 see Ulpius. Yonge. suggest correction
VOLPELIUS, CASPAR see Caspar Vopel NMM 2. suggest correction
VOLTZ, JOHANN JAKOB Germany, 1621, MIM clockmaker; delivered a sextant and a clock to Philipp of Hessen-Butzbach in 1621. Butzbach. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VONCARD, V. France, 18th Century, MIM Goniometer = Lempertz 6/14/76. Paris. RSW. suggest correction
VOODT, A. VAN DER Belgium, NIM Sextant = Phillips 5/20/75. Antwerp. RSW. suggest correction
VOOGHDIO, NICOLAS J. Holland, c.1684, MIM Planisphere, paper = ADL-A286. designed an astronomical quadrant, made in wood by Han a Loon; two examples at UTR; there was a wood and paper quadrant at DRE (now lost) that was said to have been designed by Vooghdio and made by Johannes van Keulen 1; ADL signed "Auct N. Vooghdio Amsterdam by Johannes van Keulen (1) met privlégie vor 15 iaaren"; also marked "C.I. Voogt Geometra't Amsterdam by Johannes van Keulen (1) boekverkooper aand i nieux Brugh in de gekroon de Lootsman." Amsterdam. Zinner 1; van Cittert 1; Michel 3; D.J. Warner 2; Krogt 2; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
VOOGT, CLAES JANSE Holland, fl.1684-96, "C.I. Voogt Geometra't, Amsterdam", marked on Nicolas Vooghdio's planisphere, ADL-A286. Krogt 2. suggest correction
VOPEL, CASPAR Germany, 1511-61, MIM Astrolabe, 1561 (ICA-614) = Harburg Schloss; Armillary Sphere with manuscript gores on Globe, 1543 = Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; made celestial globes, nocturnals, quadrants, etc, dating from 1532 to 1561; examples may be seen at the Köln Rheinisches Museum, KEN, USNM, NMM, SAL, DEU, BM, OXF, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., etc. globe maker; variant is Volpelius. Cologne. Zinner 1; Price 1, 2 & 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Maddison 1; Michel 3; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
VOPEL, GASPAR see Caspar Vopel. suggest correction
VOS, WEDUWE J. Holland, 1742, MIM the widow Vos. Warmoesstraat, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
VOSSIUS, ISAAC Holland, 1618-89, OIM mentioned by Bonani in 1690 as an optical instrument maker; made a microscope with a high-power single lens; Monconys also refered to him. the Hague; Leyden; Amsterdam. Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
VOSTER, ANN Ireland, 1760, MIM name known from an ad. Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
VOSTER, DANIEL Ireland, fl.1742-51, MIM Slide Rule, three-foot, 1742 = KEN; Sundial = X; Horizontal Sundial, 1751 = P.C. P.C. signed "D. Voster Corke Fet 1751 Non regio nisi regar." Cork. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett; Mollan. suggest correction
VOSTER, ELIAS Ireland, 1760, MIM Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
VREAM, WILLIAM England, fl.1710-27, MIM PHIM author; made barometers, air pumps, etc; worked for Francis Hauksbee 1. Earl Street, near the Seven Dials, within two doors of the Royal Oak, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 1(559) & 2(127); A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
VRETSCHER, MATTHIAS, P.S. Germany, 1754, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1754 = Weinmuller 10/28/70 = WUP. Mannheimer; RSW. suggest correction
VRIES, JAN ROELLAS VAN Holland, c.1641, MIM Astrolabe = Michel Coll.; Sundial = Friesch Museum, Leeuwarden; Zappeck-type Sundial, 1641 = Eisinga's House, Franeker. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
VROESEN, ADRIEN Holland, 1711, astronomical broadside at USNM; description of a 1711 planetarium. USNM. suggest correction
VRYTHOFF, LAMBERTUS Holland, c.1650, MIM Astronomical Compendium, ten centimeters square = Spaulding Coll. (pre-1929) = Lempertz 6/14/76 = D.(1976). The Hague. Hamilton 2; Brieux 2; RSW. suggest correction
VUER, JAN CORNELYZ VAN Holland, 1775, NIM Octant, 1775 = MADEX = NMM. Jan Cornelyz van Vüer; ex-Seguin Coll. Bryden 9; Rooseboom 1; MADEX; NMM 2; RSW. suggest correction
VUILLAUME France, c.1858, violin maker; had Karl Rudolph Koenig as apprentice until 1858, which see. Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
VULLIAMY England, c.1787, MIM PHIM Clock, 1787 = VAA; Barometer = VAA. probably Benjamin Vulliamy, which see. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VULLIAMY, BENJAMIN England, fl.1775-1820, MIM PHIM son of Justin Vulliamy and succeeded him; clockmaker to George III. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VULLIAMY, BENJAMIN LEWIS England, fl.1812-54, MIM PHIM probably son of Benjamin Vulliamy; clock and barometer maker; Richard Thomas Jump worked for him; took Joseph Jump as apprentice; clockmaker to Queen Victoria. London. Goodison 1; Britten; Middleton 1. suggest correction
VULLIAMY, JUSTIN England, fl.1730-90, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Nostell Priory, etc. father of Benjamin Vulliamy; also made clocks. Pall Mall, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
VULPARIA, AMELLI Italy, fl.1580-1600, MIM Palermo. Gunther 2. suggest correction
VULPARIA, BENVENUTUS Italy, 1486-1553, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1516 = Phillips 2/22/76 = TIM. "Laurentii filius"; clockmaker; see B.V.; author Florence; Rome. Maccagni 1; Morpurgo 4; RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, CAMILLUS Italy, 1484-1560, MIM Sundial, wood, 1542 = FLO. father of Hieronymus Vulparia; clockmaker. Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Maccagni 1; Morpurgo 4; Evans 1. suggest correction
VULPARIA, EUPHROSYNUS Italy; France, b.c.1500-53+, MIM Astrolabe, 1525 (ICA-175) = BM; Nocturnals = NMM (1516), FLO (1520); Armillary Sphere, 1553 = VIE. son of Laurentius Vulparia 1; NMM nocturnal from MADEX; made map of Roman country in 1547, now in Vatican; also a geographer and clockmaker; see Ulpius. Florence; Lyon. Bonelli 1; Michel 2 and 3; Morpurgo 1 and 4; Gunther 1; Price 1, 2 and 3; ICA 2; MADEX; Maccagni 1. suggest correction
VULPARIA, EX OFFICINA Italy, MIM Nocturnal and Sundial = Paris Auction, 6/22/79. could this be misreading for Euphrosynus Vulparia? Florence. RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, GIROLAMO see Hieronymus Vulparia. RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, HIERONYMUS Italy, c.1527-1614, MIM made astrolabes, armillary spheres, planetary Ptolemaic models, and a wide range of sundials, including ADL-M4, ADL-DPW11 and ADL-W91; other examples can be seen at FLO, BMR, Perugia Museum, OXF, HAR, KEN, etc. son of Camillus Vulparia; clockmaker; author; worked in both ivory and brass; dates range from 1554-90. Florence. Bonelli 1; Maddison 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; Maccagni 1; Gatty; Yonge; ADL; Morpurgo 1 and 4; RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, HIERONYMUS CAMILLI Italy, early version of Hieronymus Vulparia; armillary sphere (KEN, 1554) and planetarium (FLO, 1557) are signed thus; see Hieronymus Vulparia. Maccagni 1. suggest correction
VULPARIA, LAURENTIUS 1 Italy, 1446-1512, MIM Nocturnal and Sundial, 1511 = FLO. father of Benvenutus and Euphrosynus Vulparia; clockmaker. Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Maccagni 1; Morpurgo 1 and 4; RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, LAURENTIUS 2 Italy, c.1500-66, MIM Pin-gnomon Skaphe, 1560 = Josten Coll. = Soth. 3/14/57 = ADL-DPW14. son of Camillus Vulparia; clockmaker. Florence; Lyon (1553). Michel 3; Maddison 3; Maccagni 1; ADL; Morpurgo 1 and 2; RSW. suggest correction
VULPARIA, LORENZO see Laurentius Vulparia 1. A.J. Turner 10; Maccagni 1. suggest correction
VULPIUS see Ulpius. Yonge. suggest correction
W. England, 1823, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1823 = D.(1983). the barometer in signed "W" in a triangle on the scale and on the back. RSW. suggest correction
W. AND W. England, c.1725, NIM Backstaff = NMM. Taylor thought this entry might have been William Wright. Bristol. Taylor 2(220). suggest correction
W. M. F.S England, 1838, MIM Cruciform Sundial, wood, 1838 = D. "W. m. F.s Sculp. 1838"; latitude is 53° 21'; painted wood. Moskowitz 121. suggest correction
W., THOMAS England, c.1330, MIM Sundial, on the back of the Rosenwald astrolabe = USNM (ICA-2006)(ex-N. Giles Coll.). the dial is signed "Thomas * W. fecit"; for lat. 53° 15'. Price 1 & 2; ICA 2; USNM. suggest correction
W.B. 1 Germany, c.1650, MIM Artillery Level = ADL-M214. three punches in a row are assembly marks on ADL; "W.B." also marked on artillery level signed "W. Burucker" at OXF. Engelmann 1; ADL; Tarrasuk 1; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
W.B. 2 initials marked on side 1b of an Elias Allen compendium. Soth. 7/7/78. suggest correction
W.B. 3 William Brown or William Buckley; the initials are marked on a 1551 quadrant signed "T.G." in the British museum; the quadrant is also marked "J.C." (1). Price 2 & 3; Ward 4; Evans 1; Dewhirst; Taylor 1(18); Clay and Court. suggest correction
W.B. 4 England, 1781, MIM Sundial, wood, 1781 = Lancaster City Museum. a magnetic compass is inset into the cover. RSW. suggest correction
W.B.N. Scotland, PHIM Balance = K. and C. 12/15/72. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
W.C.I.V.E. Holland, MIM Perpetual Calendar on a silver writing tablet = Soth. 6/25/68. signed "W.C.I.v E." RSW. suggest correction
W.C.J. 1612, NIM Azimuth Compass, 1612 = OMM. it does not look that early. RSW. suggest correction
W.C.S. c.1850, NIM Azimuth compass = OMM. RSW. suggest correction
W.D. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Cloth Measure, wood = ADL-M489. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
W.F. 1 Germany, 1563, MIM Pillar Sundial, rock crystal and silver, 1563 = Soth. 12/8/69 = TIM. calendar on parchment inside the rock crystal cylinder; dubious. RSW. suggest correction
W.F. 2 1707, MIM Garden Sundial, 1707 = D.(1972). RSW. suggest correction
W.F. 3 England, owner's initials on a nocturnal by Humphrey Cole in the BM. Gunther 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
W.G. Holland, c.1850, NIM Log = AMST. possibly William Geissler. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
W.G.B.B.V.E. marked on a 1584 astrolabe by Jost Bürgi in the KAS. Zinner 1. suggest correction
W.H. 1 marked on a 1641 garden sundial signed "G.R." (2). Strand Magazine, 1893, pp. 308-18. suggest correction
W.H. 2 Ireland, 1741, MIM Ring Sundial, 1741 = WRAY-99. Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
W.H. AND S. Germany, MIM Ring Sundial = Soth. 7/31/67. RSW. suggest correction
W.J. MIM Dividers = ADL-M136 Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
W.O. USA, c.1780, MIM Garden Sundial, slate = American Heriage Society Auction, 1972. made for Charleston, South Carolina. RSW. suggest correction
W.O.R. 1722, MIM Pillar Sundial, wood, 1722 = Koller 11/17/75. the "W" is written as two overlapping "Vs." RSW. suggest correction
W.P. 1 Germany, fl.1591-98, MIM Mining Compasses = NUR-WI1033 and NUR-WI1149; Instrument, ivory, 1598 = NUR. made four engravings of sundials; an instrument, dated 1591, appears in a painting by von Kessel in the NUR. Nürnberg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
W.P. 2 marked on a finger ring sundial, signed "H.C." (1), at the NMM. RSW. suggest correction
W.R. 1 England, 1620, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1620 = Melun 4/24/83. fake ? RSW; Morrison-Low ? suggest correction
W.R. 2 Ireland, 1667, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, wood, 1667 = OXF. also marked "Dublini latitude 53°20'". Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; Simcock 1. suggest correction
W.R. 3 1794, OIM Telescope, 1794 = Military Museum, Warsaw. RSW. suggest correction
W.R. 4 England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. Last Acle. RSW. suggest correction
W.S. on English and German ring sundials, in most cases it stands for "Winter" and "Summer." Michel 3; Josten 1; RSW. suggest correction
W.V.S. marked on a pantograph signed "M.G.A." RSW. suggest correction
WACHANO, P., AND STOPANI Germany, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. Hamburg. RSW. suggest correction
WACHTER, ALBERT Germany?, c.1850 ?, MIM French Curve = D.(1985). Coffeen 9. suggest correction
WACHTER, EGBERT JACOBSEN Holland, c.1600, NIM delivered compasses and sounding lines to Jacob van Neck's expedition. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WADDINGTON England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. Leeds. RSW. suggest correction
WADHAM England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bath. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WADSWORTH, HENRY USA, 1877, MIM SIM Circumferentor = MYS. patented, 1877. Duxbury, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
WAECHTLER, FERDINAND FREDERICK Germany, c.1600, MIM Celestial Globe box, silver = LAW-300; Pairs of Globes = Soth. 12/7/51, MADEX-28 (silver), (ex-Chadenat). Furth. Zinner 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
WAGENAER, MAERTEN JOOSTEN Holland, c.1617, Enkhuisen. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WAGER, R. England, 1783, MIM NIM appointed master compass-maker to the Admiralty at Deptford Docks, succeeding Samuel Saunders 3. RSW. suggest correction
WAGER, RICHARD England, fl.1728-56, MIM NIM compass maker. Naval Dockyard, Deptford. Taylor 2(216). suggest correction
WAGNER, JOHANN Germany, fl.1538-40, MIM Astrolabe, 1538 (ICA-257) = OXF; Armillary Sphere, 1540 = NUR. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Michel 1, 2 and 3; Lunardi; GHP. suggest correction
WAGNER, M. ZACH. see Georg Vogt und M. Zach. Wagner. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WAHLBOM, ANDERS Sweden, c.1755, MIM apprenticed to Daniel Eckström; worked in his shop untill 1755. Stockholm. Pipping 1. suggest correction
WAIT, GREENE AND CO. USA, c.1828, sold books, globes, etc. Boston, mass. USNM. suggest correction
WAITE, JOHN England, fl.1668-95, MIM apprenticed to Walter Hayes in the Grocers' Company on Feb. 17, 1679; free of the Company on May 17, 1688; took an apprentice. at Smithfield Bar, London (1688-95). J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WAKE, CHARLES England, c.1833, MIM made drawing instruments. 11 Silver Street, Golden Square, London. Taylor 2(2269). suggest correction
WAKELIN England, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Soth. 10/17/60. RSW. suggest correction
WAKELY, ANDREW England, fl.1631-65, author; advertized in 1633; Taylor lists Wakely as a member of the Joiners' Company who took James Akinson 1 as an apprentice; Crawforth found no record of this; see A.W. 1 for possible instruments. Redriff Wall, near Cherry Garden Stairs, London. Taylor 1(169); Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WAL, JACOBUS VAN DE Holland, d.1782, OIM had an observatory at Leiden and made a large telescope. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WALCHERLING, B.J.R. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundials = BRA, P.C.; Analemmatic Sundial = BRA; Horizontal Sundial and Table Sundial on square plate = BRA; Azimuth Sundial = BRA. Braunschweig. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
WALDEN, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Jersey. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WALDING, MARTIN England, c.1770, marked on a Hadley's quadrant at NMM, made by Thomas Leake, 1770. Taylor 2(738); NMM 2. suggest correction
WALDSEEMULLER, MARTIN Germany; France, c.1470-1518, MIM Terrestrial Globe Gores, 1507 = Kraus, N.Y., U. of Minnesota; Gores for Globe, 1509 = X. Waldseemüller. Rudolfzell; St. Dié; Freiburg. Edell 1; Yonge. suggest correction
WALDSTEIN, H. Austria; USA, c.1840, OIM Vienna and New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WALES, WILLIAM England; USA, fl.1850-93, OIM pupil of Smith and Beck; came to America in the late 1850's; made microscope objectives. Fort Lee, New Jersey (1891-93). USNM. suggest correction
WALFORD, JOHN GEORGE England, 1790-1832, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. clockmaker. Banbury. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
WALGRAVE, WILLIAM England, fl.1668-81, designed an artillery instrument. Two White Posts, near Little Queen Street, in Newton Street, St. Giles, London. Taylor 1(329). suggest correction
WALKER 1 Ireland, c.1799, MIM Horizontal Sundial = MERC-154; Set of Drawing Instruments = Soth. 10/27/69. Dublin. Hamilton 1 & 2; RSW. suggest correction
WALKER 2 England, NIM see J. and A. Walker and Walker and Son (2). Liverpool. Taylor 2(1731a); Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
WALKER 3 England, c.1800, NIM Octant = Exhibition "1000 Years of Navigation ", Brussels, 1979. RSW. suggest correction
WALKER AND SON 1 Ireland, c.1800, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. (1982); Sundial = KEN. see Walker 1. 16 1/2 Temple Bar, Dublin. Egestorff 1; RSW. suggest correction
WALKER AND SON 2 England, NIM Octant, ebony and brass = Phillips 5/20/75. see Walker 2. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, ALEXANDER England, fl.1810-47, MIM NIM OIM partner with John Walker in J. and A. Walker. 33 Pool Lane (later 34 Castle Street), Liverpool. Taylor 2(1731). suggest correction
WALKER, ALEXANDER, AND CO. England, fl.1857-79, MIM NIM OIM see J. and A. Walker. 72 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WALKER, EZEKIEL England, fl.1771-1816, OIM amateur optician, interested in telescopes and micrometers. Lynn, Norfolk. Taylor 2(781). suggest correction
WALKER, F. England, c.1820, PHIM Marine Barometer = VNN. see Francis Walker. London. RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, F., AND J. HALL England, 1834, NIM Octant, ebony, brass and ivory, 1834 = Phillips 2/2/84. London. RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, FRANCIS England, fl.1810-46, MIM PHIM see F. Walker. 35 (later 17) Wapping Wall, London. Taylor 2(1453). suggest correction
WALKER, FREDERICK Ireland, fl.1832-50, MIM 7 Trinity Place (1832-33); 31 Clarendon Street (1834-40); 29 Clarendon Street (1841-50); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
WALKER, GEORGE Ireland, fl.1841-48, MIM OIM 6 Fade Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
WALKER, J. AND A. England, fl.1823-79, MIM NIM OIM Sextant = WHI. John and Alexander Walker; could be dealers; T.C. 47 Bernard Street, London; Navigation and Stationery Warehouse, 33 Pool Lane, Liverpool (1823-27); 34 Castle Street (formerly Pool Lane), Liverpool (1837-39); 72 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1731a); Bryden 9; Moskowitz 102; Crawforth 6. suggest correction
WALKER, JOHN England, fl.1823-79, MIM NIM OIM partner with Alexander Walker as J. and A. Walker, which see. Liverpool. Taylor 2(1731). suggest correction
WALKER, JOSEPH England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 43 Skinner Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(2270). suggest correction
WALKER, MATHEW Ireland, fl.1721-22, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Georgia Historical Society, Atlanta. Dublin. USNM. suggest correction
WALKER, RALPH Jamaica; England, 1749-1824, NIM Azimuth Compass = NMM; Universal Ring Sundial, mounted over a Compass = PEA. invented a tide calculator that was made by George Adams 2, an example is at the NMM. Jamaica; London. Taylor 2(782); J.A. Bennett 2; Dewhirst; Bedini 8; Brewington 1; RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, SAMUEL England, 1739, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1739 = The Holmes, Rotherham. RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, THOMAS England, 1805-73, NIM Harpoon Log = WHI; Patent Log = ADL-A57; Log, Model A-2 = D.(1972). nephew of Edward Massey; the A-2 model log was patented in 1866; it was marked "London." Birmingham; London. J.A. Bennett 2; Moskowitz 104; G.L'E. Turner 24; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WALKER, THOMAS FERDINAND England, fl.1861-1912, NIM son of Thomas Walker; joined the firm in 1861; made taffrail logs. Birmingham; London. J.A. Bennett 2; Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
WALKER, WILLIAM 1 Ireland, fl.1775-1819, MIM Miner's Dial, 1792 = Phillips 2/2/84; Circumferentor, 1797 = P.C.; Mathematical Instrument Set, etui, 1779 = Soth. 10/22/69. see William Walker and Son (1805-19); father of William Walker 2. 15 Temple Bar (1776-88); 17 Temple Bar (1791-1819); both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9. suggest correction
WALKER, WILLIAM 2 Ireland, fl.1805-26, MIM son of William Walker 1; see William Walker and Son. 17 Temple Bar, Dublin (1819-26). Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
WALKER, WILLIAM, AND SON Ireland, fl.1805-19, MIM Circumferentors = P.C., P.C. (1802), DUB (1807). William Walker 1 and his son, William Walker 2. 17 Temple Bar; 16 1/2 Temple Bar; both in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
WALKINS, W. misreading for W. Watkins. James Street, London. Bonelli 4. suggest correction
WALL, COL. GEORGE USA, 1788, invented "Wall's Trigonometer" in 1788. Bucks County, Pa. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WALL, THOMAS USA, 1797-1854, MIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio (1845-54). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
WALLACE, JAMES Scotland, OIM Telescope = D.(1978). Androssan. RSW. suggest correction
WALLACE, WILLIAM Scotland, 1768-1843, invented the Eidograph in 1801; professor of mathematics at Edinburgh University. Edinburgh. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WALLER 1 Germany, c.1690, OIM Double Burning Glass = DRE. Tschimhaüs. RSW. suggest correction
WALLER 2 see Woller. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WALLINGFORD, RICHARD OF see Richard of Wallingford. Michel 3; Gunther 2; North 4. suggest correction
WALLIS, JAMES England, 1790, MIM Vertical Sundial, 1790 = house in St. Ives. St. Ives. Gatty. suggest correction
WALMSLEY, W.H. USA, OIM microscope importer and dealer. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WALPOLE, CHARLES England; USA, c.1746, MIM London; Wall Street, New York, N.Y. Bedini 1. suggest correction
WALPOLE, THOMAS variant spelling for Thomas Walpool. suggest correction
WALPOOL, THOMAS England, fl.1683-1703, MIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Anderton in the Grocers' Company on March 7, 1677; free of the Company on March 7, 1683; took apprentices. at the Mariner and Compass, Minories, London (1696-1715). J. Brown 1; Taylor 1(505) & 2(128); Evans 1. suggest correction
WALTER Ireland, 1792, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, 1792 = Phillips 2/2/84. Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
WALTER, BERNHARD Germany, 1434-1504, MIM sundial maker. Nürnberg. Lunardi; Gatty. suggest correction
WALTER, JAMES England, PHIM made barometers and other weather indicators. 14 Water Street, Liverpool. USNM. suggest correction
WALTON England, wheel barometer signed "J. Browning Walton Glastonbury"; Walton was probably a dealer who carried the work of John Browning (3). Glastonbury. Soth. 7/21/87. suggest correction
WALTON, JAMES England, OIM Instrument = KEN. Taylor 2(2271). suggest correction
WALTON, JOHN England, c.1713, MIM apprenticed to John Wood in the Clockmakers' Company on July 6, 1713. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WANNCK Germany, 17th Century, MIM Table Sundial = Drouot 6/2/49. Michel 3. suggest correction
WANSCHAFF Germany, NIM Reflecting Circle = KEN-1876-998. RSW. suggest correction
WARD England, fl.1843-51, barometer maker. 79 Bishopsgate Within, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WARD AND SMITH England, c.1735, William Ward and Caleb Smith; designed a sextant in 1735 which was made by Thomas Heath 1. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARD, HENRY England, fl.1755-1820, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. watch and clockmaker; author; the barometer is signed "H. Ward Blandford." Blandford. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
WARD, JAMES 1 England, fl.1675-1711, MIM consructed sundials; engineer. Langley. Taylor 1(388). suggest correction
WARD, JAMES 2 England, c.1792, apprenticed to Ebenezer Rust 1 of the Grocers' Company on June 7, 1792. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARD, JOHN 1 England, fl.1722-55, OIM apprenticed to Timothy Brandreth of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1714; free of the Company, Jan. 11, 1722; Master of the Company from 1737 to 1744. Court and von Rohr 3(94). suggest correction
WARD, JOHN 2 England, c.1734, MIM apprenticed to James Parker in the Grocers' Company on Feb. 26, 1714; free of the Company, Jan. 22, 1735 by Mrs. Elizabeth Parker. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARD, JOHN 3 England, c.1783, apprenticed to Robert Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on July 3, 1783. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARD, MACOCK USA, 1702-83, MIM made and repaired mathematical instruments; clockmaker; loyalist. Wallingford, Conn. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WARD, WILLIAM England, c.1735, worked with Caleb Smith to design a new sextant; see Ward and Smith. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARDEN, WILLIAM England, fl.1767-70, MIM also a casemaker. High Street (1767); Market Place (1770); both in Walsall. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WARE AND HIREMAN USA, fl.1855-58, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Henry Ware and the brothers, Hy W. and John H. Hireman. 25 East 4th Street, Cincinnatti, Ohio. Smart 1. suggest correction
WARE, HENRY USA, 1810-85, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = DPW. worked alone, 1839-55; partner with Hy W. and John H. Hireman as Ware and Hireman (1855-58); alone again (1858-85); early maker of Burt's solar compass; bought a transit from Gurley in 1864. at Shawk's boards, corner of 5th and Sycamore (1839-55); 25 East 4th Street (1855-56); East Fourth Street (1858-85); all in Cincinnatti, Ohio. Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WARE, RICHARD England, c.1716, MIM apprenticed to John Crooke 1 in the Joiners' Company on July 6, 1708; free in the Company, June 5, 1716 London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WAREHAM, ROBERT England; USA, 1825-92, MIM Surveying Compass = X; Transit = X. apprenticed to Edmund Draper c.1839, and was his foreman until Draper died in 1882. England; 226 Pear (1867-90); 402 Locust (1891); both in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Miller. suggest correction
WARLTIRE England, 18th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. possibly the owner. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WARMAN, THOMAS England, c.1696, apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company, 1696. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WARMELO, JOH. Holland, 1742, NIM made cross-staffs. Utrechtschestraat, Amsterdam (1742). Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WARNER 1 England, 18th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 12/13/71. Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. RSW. suggest correction
WARNER 2 see Roach and Warner; see Henry Warner. Smart 1. suggest correction
WARNER, HENRY USA, 1810-57, MIM NIM PHIM worked alone from 1834 to 1840 and from 1846 to 1857; took John Roach as a partner, 1841-45; the firm was known as Roach and Warner. 293 Broadway (1838-42); 105 Fulton (1842-43); 68 Fulton Street; all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
WARNER, JOHN 1 England, c.1672, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Edward Fage of the Clockmakers' Company on July 4, 1672. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WARNER, JOHN 2 England, fl.1682 to + or - 1700, MIM PHIM apprenticed to Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company on March 29,1675; free of the Company, April 3, 1682; took apprentices; author; barometer maker; made improvements to the type of slide rule which he manufactured; Taylor and Goodison indicate that he was in business until 1722 but this is not confirmed. at the Sign of the King's Arms and Globe, Little Lincols's Inn Fields, end of Portugal Row, London. Taylor 1(449) & 2(129); Goodison 1; Robischon; J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WARNER, JOHN 3 England, fl.1697-1705, MIM apprenticed to Edward Norris of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company Jan. 8, 1697; may have taken Richard Hamilton as an apprentice, Sept. 1705. Lomdon. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WARNER, JOHN 4 England, c.1712, MIM apprenticed to Richard Glynne of the Clockmakers' Company on April 7, 1712; may have been turned over to Richard Hamilton of the Clockmakers' Company. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WARNER, JOHN 5 England, post-1856, MIM OIM PHIM 72 Fleet Street, London, E.C. USNM. suggest correction
WARRANTED used by American instrument makers to guarantee the instrument they either made or bought. Warner 14. suggest correction
WARREN, BENJAMIN USA, 1740-1825, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, wood = Streeter Coll., Yale University. compass card printed by Paul Revere. Plymouth, New Engd. (Mass). Smart 1; Price 2; Bedini 8 & 16; USNM; Warner 12. suggest correction
WARRENER, SOLOMON England, c.1787, apprenticed to John Karmock of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 6, 1787. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WARRICK, ENOCH England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. RSW. suggest correction
WARRINER, CHAUNCEY USA, c.1846, MIM Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
WARRIS, WILLIAM England, fl.1804-22, OIM held a patent on a mount for opera glasses. Burgen Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1239); Dewhirst. suggest correction
WARWICK, WILLIAM England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM 16A Sloane Square, Chelsea, London. Taylor 2(2036a). suggest correction
WASH, EDWARD England, c.1801, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Mansfield of the Grocers' Company on May 7, 1801; free of the Company June 2, 1808. London. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
WASHBOURNE England, OIM Lucernal Microscope = Clay Coll. Clay and Court; Dewhirst. suggest correction
WASHINGTON, ABRAHAM England, c.1650, MIM may be the maker of several instruments signed "A.W." (1); alternate choices would be Andrew Wakely or Abraham Watlington; the instruments are quadrants dated 1639, 1640 and 1644, also a terrestrial globe dated 1652. Taylor 1(214a); Weil 2 (17). suggest correction
WASSERLEIN, R. Germany, OIM Microscope = Christie-SK 6/2/83. Berlin. RSW. suggest correction
WAST, PAULUS Holland, c.1793, MIM OIM PHIM Barometer = van Cleef en Scheurleer Auction, 1799; Plate from Thermometer = OXF; Barometer = LEY. Langebrugsteeg over O.Z. Heenenlogment, Amsterdam (1793). Mörzer Bruyns 2; van Cittert 2; Maddison 1; Daumas 1; USNM. suggest correction
WAST, PAULUS, EN ZOON Holland, c.1800, MIM OIM PHIM Barometer = Fries Museum, Leeuwarden; Triple Tube Barometer = Bonhams 9/2/77. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. suggest correction
WATER AND CO. England, 19th Century, MIM Sundial = Christie-SK 4/17/86. marked "Caernarvon Lat'e 53° 7', Long. 4° 15' west." Caernarvon. RSW. suggest correction
WATERMAN, GURDON see Gurdon. Pugsley Sale; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS 1 England, 1730, PHIM Angle Barometer, 1730 = VAA. London. Grimaldi. suggest correction
WATKINS 2 England, 1803, MIM Pocket Compass, 1803 = Soth. 10/21/74. could be Jeremiah or Francis (2) Watkins. Charing Cross, London. RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS 3 England, fl.1825-30, MIM Miner's Dial = D.(1967). see William Watkins 1. 16 Augustine's Parade, Bristol. Bryden 9; Dewhirst. suggest correction
WATKINS 4 England, c.1790, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM many instruments are signed "Watkins Charing Cross, London." several instrument makers named Watkins used this address, it is difficult to differentiate between them. Charing Cross, London. RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS 5 England, c.1790, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM many instruments are signed "Watkins London"; could be the same as Watkins 4; the same comments apply. London. RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS AND HILL England, fl.1819-56, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, examples at TEY, OXF, KEN, VNN, WHI, etc. the firm started as Jeremiah Watkins and a descendant of Nathaniel Hill (1819-28); their trade card says they were "Mathematical, Optical and Philosophical Instrument Makers to Their Royal Highnesses The Dukes of York and Clarence"; they succeeded J. and W. Watkins; c.1828 Jeremiah was replaced by Francis Watkins 3; MIMs to the University of London; the firm's air pump won a prize at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; they were succeeded by the Elliott Brothers, c.1857. 5 Charing Cross, London. Taylor 2(423); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Goodison 1; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Moskowitz 122; Wynter 1; Coffeen C and 43; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS AND SMITH England, 1764-77, MIM OIM PHIM Gunner's Calipers = Evans Coll.; Telescope = X; Odometer = Soth. 4/29/77; Stick Barometer = Audley End; Angle Barometers = D.(1978), KEN (1763). Francis Watkins 1 and Addison Smith. Charing Cross, London. USNM; Evans 1; Goodison 1; Middleton 1; Moskowitz 122; McConnell; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, A.W. England, c.1808, PHIM Inclined Barometer = USNM. St. James Street, London (1808). USNM. suggest correction
WATKINS, FRANCIS 1 England, before 1723-84, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Microscopes = KEN, LEY, Christie 12/17/75; Telescopes = KEN, CMY; Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 5/12/75; Circumferentor = Soth. 5/12/75; Angle Barometers = OXF, D., Christie 12/6/78 (1753), Phillips-Scot. 3/29/90; Stick Barometers = VCW, KEN; Theodolite = WHI; Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96; etc. apprenticed to Nathaniel Adams in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1737; free of the Company, 1746; took Addison Smith as an apprentice in 1750 and as a partner from 1764 to 1777; succeeded by Jeremiah and William (1) Watkins (Sons?) in 1782; balance maker; introduced the angle barometer in 1752. T.C. Sir Isaac Newton's Head, Charing Cross, London. Taylor 2(423); Crawforth 1; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Moskowitz 122; Goodison 1; Pipping 1; Court and von Rohr 3(142); Robischon; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, FRANCIS 2 England, c.1763, OIM PHIM nephew of Francis Watkins 1; apprenticed to Addison Smith in the Spectaclemakers' Company on July 6, 1763. Charing Crosss, London. Taylor 2(1733); Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3186); G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WATKINS, FRANCIS 3 England, fl.1828-35, MIM OIM PHIM replaced Jeremiah Watkins in Watkins and Hill, 1828. 5 Charing Cross, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WATKINS, HENRY M. USA, c.1847, PHIM received a diploma for his electromagnetic machines at the Fair of the American Institute, Oct., 1847. 167 William Street, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WATKINS, J. AND H. misreading of J. and W. Watkins. Cristie-SK 4/17/86. suggest correction
WATKINS, J. AND W. England, fl.1784-98, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescope = D.(1976); Solar Microscope = D.(1973); Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Ellipsograph = Phillips 9/10/86; Garden Sundial, 1785 = Soth.10/19/64; Theodolite = Soth.7/15/63; Graphometer = PEA; Hodometer = RSM. Jeremiah and Walter Watkins; they succeeded their uncle, Francis Watkins 1 in 1784; instrument makers to the Duke and Duchess of York and to the Duke of Clarence; T.C.; Taylor listed this firm as Jeremiah and William (1) Watkins. 5 Charing Cross, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1052) & (1053); Moskowitz 122; Wynter 1; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, JEREMIAH England, fl.1785-1828, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hodometer = Christie-SK 8/20/87; Hadley's Quadrant = CMY; Case of Drawing Instruments = DPW; etc. nephew of Francis Watkins 1; brother of Walter Watkins; cousin or brother of William Watkins 1; worked with his brother, Walter Watkins, from 1784 to1798, as successors to Francis Watkins 1; worked alone 1799-1819; took Hill as a partner in Watkins and Hill in 1819; T.C.; instrument makers to their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York and Clarence and to the Hone. East India Company. No. 5 Charing Cross, London. Taylor 2(1052) & (1053); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Moskowitz 122; Court and von Rohr 3(XXXV); USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, JOHN England, c.1722, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Heath 1 of the Grocers' Company on Nov.28, 1722. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WATKINS, THOMAS England, c.1746, NIM PHIM Stick Barometer = VCU. apprenticed to James Tomlinson in the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct. 2, 1746; the barometer is signed "T. Watkins." Clay and Court; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, WALTER England, fl.1784-1808, MIM OIM PHIM from 1784 to 1798 he was a partner with his brother, Jeremiah, as J. and W. Watkins; they succeeded their uncle, Francis Watkins 1, 5 Charing Cross, London. Goodison 1; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
WATKINS, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1784-1809, MIM OIM PHIM Hodometer = OXF; Microscope = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Telescope = Christie 12/18/74; Instrument = NMM; Sundial = ROM; Angle Barometer = USNM; Stick Barometers = Earl Spencer Coll., X. grandson of William Berry; brother or cousin of Jeremiah and Walter Watkins. 22 St. James (1784-99); 70 St. James (1800-09); both in London. Taylor 2(1053a); Middleton 1; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WATKINS, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1825-30, MIM OIM PHIM Sundial, wooden case = OXF; Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 11/9/59; Wheel Barometer = X; Instrument = NMM; Telescope = D.(1978). 16 Augustine Parade; St. Augustine's Back; both in Bristol. Taylor 2(1734); Evans 1; Dewhirst; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WATLINGTON, ABRAHAM England, 1644, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1644 = BM. signed "Abraham Watlington fecit umbra sum"; see A.W. 1. Ward 4; Price 3; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
WATSON 1 England, c.1815, OIM Telescopes = KEN, D.(1973), Soth. 4/24/45. probably James Watson 2. 4 Saville Place, opposite Lambeth Terrace, London. Clay and Court; Dewhirst; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WATSON 2 USA, c.1856, MIM see William Burt and Watson. Detroit, Mich. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON 3 England, post-1865, PHIM Barometer and Altimeter = Christie 12/18/74. marked "invented by H.A.H., 1865." 4 Pall Mall, London. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON AND SON England, OIM Microscope, # 1273 = Christie 12/8/76. might be William Watson 1. 313 high Holborn, London. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, D. FRASER England, c.1905, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = Soth.- Pulborough 3/1/83. Manchester. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, HENRY England, c.1860, made Armstrong's hydro-electric machine. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. USNM. suggest correction
WATSON, JAMES 1 England, c.1719, apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company in 1708; free in the Company, 1719. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WATSON, JAMES 2 England, fl.1771-1824, OIM Telescopes = P.C. (1975), P.C. (1982), KEN, Soth. 3/25/86, Christie 12/17/75, D.(1976). the telescopes are often signed "J. Watson London"; he was also a telescope maker for the trade. London. Taylor 2(1241); Moskowitz ; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, JOHN England, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Ventom in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free of the company. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WATSON, N., AND SONS LTD. misreading for W. Watson and Sons Ltd. Soth. 7/18/73. suggest correction
WATSON, R. England, MIM SIM Surveyor's Sight = Christie 7/5/71. Newcastle. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, ROBERT 1 England, c.1690, MIM apprenticed to John Warner 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 24, 1690. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WATSON, ROBERT 2 England, c.1830, MIM Level = P.C. Manchester. Delehar 4. suggest correction
WATSON, ROGER England, c.1634, apprenticed to Thomas Brown 1 in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 14, 1634. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WATSON, SAMUEL England, fl.1674-1712, MIM NIM Garden Sundial, 1688 = TIM. devised a machine to find longitude at sea; made astronomical clocks. Coventry; Long Acre, London. Taylor 1(381); Evans 1; J. Brown 3; RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, THOMAS USA, 1832-1906, MIM partner with William Burt, 1857-58, worked alone, 1859. 214 Jefferson (1857-58); 34 Montcalm (1859); both in Detroit, Mich. Smart 1. suggest correction
WATSON, THOMAS N. USA, fl.1867-70, MIM SIM partner in William J. Young and Co. with William J. Young and Charles S. Heller. 43 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
WATSON, W., AND SON LTD. England, post-1850, OIM Microscope = Phillips 2/14/79. might be William Watson 1. RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, W., AND SONS England, fl.1837-99, MIM OIM Eidograph = Christie 7/23/80; Microscopes = D.(1972), Christie 12/8/76 (# 1150) & (# 2761), Christie 5/26/76 (#3380), Phillips 4/20/83 (# 1578) and 12/12/89, K. and C. 9/29/76; Sundial = Christie 12/8/76. might be William Watson 1. 313 High Holorn, London. Taylor 2(2272); RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, W., AND SONS LTD. England, fl.1900-27, MIM OIM Microscope, # 66907 = Christie 12/8/76; Binocular Microscope, # 69798 = Christie 12/8/76; Telescope, 1918 and Microscopes (3) = Christie 5/26/76; Microscopes = D.(1972, Soth. 7/18/73; Telescope = D.(1976); Oxford Astrolabes, aluminum and paper = WHI, P.C., etc. this firm may have been started by William Watson 1; the 1927 catalogue was the 41st edition; the astrolabe was designed by Jenkin. 313 High Holborn, London. Moskowitz 104; USNM; Bryden 16; Gunther 1; RSW. suggest correction
WATSON, WILLIAM 1 England, MIM OIM apprenticed to Thomas Ventom in the Merchant Taylors' Company; made free of the Company; may be the founding Watson in W. Watson and Son(s). Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WATSON, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1755, NIM Compass Card = X. T.C.; compasses and nautical instruments. Church Lane Stairs, Hull. C.N. Robinson; Bryden 9. suggest correction
WATSON, WILLIAM 3 England, d.1857, MIM Vertical Sundials (2) = Church and house in Seaton Ross, East Riding, Yorkshire. farmer. Seaton Ross, Yorkshire. Gatty; Flamank. suggest correction
WATT, JAMES Scotland; England, 1736-1819, NIM Sextant = Christie-SK 5/8/86; Sector = John Rathbone and Sons, Brmingham, 1880. apprenticed to John Morgan 2 in the Joiners' Company, c.1750-56; trained to be a rule maker; worked with Matthew Boulton in Birmingham. London. Rathbone 1; RSW. suggest correction
WATT, JAMES 1 Scotland; England, 1736-1819, MIM PHIM Sector = KEN; Stick Barometer = RSM; Set of register plates = KEN. apprenticed to John Morgan in London; returned to Glasgow in 1756; "Mathematical Instrument Maker to the College of Glasgow", 1757 to 1771; the engineer who developed the steam engine; invented several mathematical instruments; worked with Matthew Boulton in Birmingham, 1775. Greenock; London; Saltmarket, Glasgow (1759-64); Irongate, Glasgow (1764-71); Birmingham (1775); Heathfield. Taylor 2(548); Bryden 3 & 11; Goodison 1; Delehar 2; Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
WATT, JAMES 2 Scotland, fl.1827-63, MIM SIM made measuring lines and survey chains. 407 Argyll Street (1827-35); 179 Argyll Street (1836); 7 South Albion Street and 179 Argyll Street (1837-40); 11 St. Enoch Square and 179 Argyll Street (1841); 3 and 11 St. Enoch Square (1842); 3 St. Enoch Square (1843-53); 16 Croy place (1854-61); 11 Turner's Court (1862-63); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3. suggest correction
WATTLEWORTH England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Whitehaven. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WATTS England, 19th Century, MIM NIM Dip Needle = Melun 4/24/83. see E.R. Watts. London. RSW. suggest correction
WATTS, E.R. England, c.1880, MIM NIM SIM Pocket Sextant = Phillips 5/20/75; Theodolite = Auction, Honfleur 6/17/79. London. RSW. suggest correction
WATTS, E.R., AND CO. England, MIM SIM Theodolite = Soth. 1/27/75. London. RSW. suggest correction
WATTS, E.R., AND SON England, post-1850, MIM SIM Theodolites = Phillips-Leeds 6/24/87, K. & C. 4/7/76; Self-Adjusting Level = Phillips-Leeds 6/24/87; Sextant = Soth. 6/21/76. London. RSW. suggest correction
WATTS, J. USA, MIM Gauge, wood, 45" and Rule, wood, 48" = Salem Maritime Nat'l Historic Site. the gauge is shod in steel. corner of City Square and Chelsea Street, Charlestown, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
WATTS, JOHN England, c.1712, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on April 4, 1698; free of the Company, Nov.3, 1712. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WATTS, W. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WAULMAN, G.S. USA, MIM OIM PHIM T.C. 116 Fulton Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
WAUN, ABRAHAM HARTOG Holland, 1769-1833, MIM PHIM worked with his father, Hartog Waun (1802-15), and with his brother, Jacob Waun (1816-33). Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
WAUN, HARTOG Holland, fl.1769-1815, MIM PHIM worked with his son, Abraham Hartog Waun, 1802-15. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
WAUN, JACOB Holland, fl.1816-33, MIM PHIM worked with his brother, Abraham Hartog Waun, 1816-33. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. suggest correction
WAUQUIER France, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/15/72. the barometer is signed "Wauquier-Soleil Paris." Paris. RSW. suggest correction
WAUTHIER, JULES England, fl.1853-55, PHIM barometer maker. 45 Wilmington Square, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WAWEN, GERVAS England, c.1689, MIM apprenticed to Richard Conyers of the Clockmakers' Company on Nov. 14, 1689. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WAWRZNEIC, LAURENCE Poland, 17th Century, MIM Astronomical Clock = Polish Nat'l Collection, Montreal, Canada (1955). Thorn. Connoisseur, Sept. 1955. suggest correction
WEABER England, c.1850, OIM Cary-type Microscope = Soth. 10/3/88. London. RSW. suggest correction
WEARDEN variant of Warden. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WEATHERILL, WILLIAM USA, c.1800, mathematician. 62 Broadway, New York, N.Y. (1800). USNM. suggest correction
WEATHERSTON, JOHN England, fl.1787-1801, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. clock and watch maker. Woolmarket, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WEBB 1 England, MIM SIM Theodolite = Soth. 2/26/68. London. RSW. suggest correction
WEBB 2 see Killick and Webb. Bell 2. suggest correction
WEBB, AMBROSE England, c.1722, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 10, 1712; free of the Company, March 5, 1722. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WEBB, HENRY England. naturalist; prepared microscope slides. George Street, Balsall Heath, ca. 1858-66. USNM; WEBDB. suggest correction
WEBB, ISAAC England, fl.1669-95, MIM admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 18, 1669; took apprentices; turned Benjamin Owen over to William Newton 1. London. J. Brown 3; Clay and Court. suggest correction
WEBB, J. England, MIM Inclinable Sundial = P.C. (1982). London. RSW. suggest correction
WEBB, JOHN England, 1760-1846, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X; Theodolite = Phillips 2/2/84; Instrument = X. T.C. Old Established Shop, 408 Oxford Street; 192 Tottenham Court Road, opposite the chapel (1817); 28 Francis Street; all in London. Goodison 1; Crawforth 1; Taylor 2(665); RSW. suggest correction
WEBB, JOSEPH England, c.1751, MIM apprenticed to Joshua Bourne in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 2, 1744; made free in the Company on Christopher Stedman's report on Nov. 12, 1751. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WEBB, JOSEPH BENJAMIN England, fl.1825-28, MIM NIM PHIM 13 Charles Street, City Road, London. Taylor 2(1737). suggest correction
WEBB, RICHARD England, c.1842, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = Denton. Denton. Gatty. suggest correction
WEBB, THOMAS England, c.1793, MIM Rule, folding, wood = D.(1988). rule maker. 8 Earl Street, St. James, Bristol. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WEBBER, JOHN England, c.1800, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. clockmaker; the barometer is signed "Webber London." Woolwich. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
WEBBERS, ZACHARIAS Holland, 1639, MIM Pillar and Spherical Sundial, 1639 = SWE. the sundial is signed "Zacharias Webbers Lipsiensis ad Elavationem Poli 52 Graden Amsteldami: Anno 1639." Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Pipping 1; RSW. suggest correction
WEBSTER England, c.1835, improved the beam level; might be Henry Webster. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
WEBSTER AND HAVENS USA, c.1852, PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
WEBSTER, HENRY England, fl.1843-60, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. looking-glass, and thermometer maker. 3 Vineyard Walk, Clerkenwell (1843-46); 37 Coppice Row (1847-60); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WEBSTER, J. USA, fl.1853-56, PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
WECHIO, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Exeter. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WEDDERBURN, THOMAS see Adie and Wedderburn. Bryden 3. suggest correction
WEDDIGEN, H.G. Germany, c.1700, MIM Polyhedral Sundial on ivory cube = KAS. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WEDGEWOOD, JOSIAH England, 1730-95, PHIM ceramicist; introduced a pyrometer consisting of fusable clay cones in 1782. Burslem. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WEED, B. England, c.1850 z, NIM Sextant = D.(1972). Liverpool. Moskowitz 104. suggest correction
WEEDEN, JOHN England, c.1822, OIM 18 Baldwyne Street, City Road, London. Taylor 2(1738). suggest correction
WEEDON, WILLIAM JOHN England, fl.1822-32, MIM OIM PHIM 7 Norman Street, St. Luke's, London. Taylor 2(1739). suggest correction
WEEKES, JOHNSON England, fl.1683-84, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Robert Cooke of the Clockmakers' Company on June 5, 1671; free of the Company Dec. 3, 1683; took an apprentice. London. J. Brown 3; Clay and Court. suggest correction
WEET, JOHN England, 1728, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1728 = BM. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
WEETS, JOHNSON misreading for Johnson Weekes. Dewhirst. suggest correction
WEGELIN, BARTHOLOMAEUS Switzerland, 1683-1750, author; wrote on cosmography and armillary spheres. St. Gallen. Michel 3. suggest correction
WEGELIN, JOSUA Germany, 18th Century, MIM Sundial on table clock = Auction, Munich 1933. Augsburg. Michel 3. suggest correction
WEHMANN, H. Germany, NIM Octants = BRE, D.(1976); Compass Card = BRE. instrument maker and dealer; the dealer's octant was marked "sold by." Vegasac. RSW. suggest correction
WEHMANN, T.E. Germany, PHIM Stick Barometer = OMM. Vegasac. RSW. suggest correction
WEICHERT, WILLIAM England, c.1830, NIM Octant = Christie pre-1987; Sextant = D.(1978). T.C. Cardiff. J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
WEICKERT 1 Germany, c.1650, PHIM Nest of Weights = DRE. Cologne. RSW. suggest correction
WEICKERT 2 Germany, c.1780, MIM Protractor = DRE. Leipzig. RSW. suggest correction
WEIGEL, ERHARD Germany, 1625-99, MIM Celestial Globes inside Armillary Spheres, 1699 = BASH, KAS, Breslau Universitäts Sternwarte, NUR, etc.; Globe, silver with coat-of-arms and weather vane = MUN; Celestial Globes, 1699 = NMM, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. (copper); Terrestrial Globe, 1699 = FLO; Celestial Globe = FLO. author; wrote on globes. Jena. Zinner 1; Price 2; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
WEILBACH, JOHAN PHILIP Denmark, c.1830, NIM Crown Compass = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. made liquid compasses. Copenhagen. J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. suggest correction
WEILER, J. marked later on gunner's level by Picart, at OXF. RSW. suggest correction
WEILER, MARTIN 1 Germany, 1590, MIM Astrolabe, 1590 (ICA-3025) = SKO. "Iochemus Haertsberch Lybeck.....", owner. Eisleben. Zinner 1; ICA 2; Price 2; Brieux 2; RSW. suggest correction
WEILER, MARTIN 2 Universal Ring Sundial, (falsely dated 1590) = X. fake, probably by the London forger. Brieux 2. suggest correction
WEINMANN, CHRISTOPH Germany, fl.1678-88, MIM SIM Sector, 1678 = HAK; Rules (2), 1688 = ROU; Graphometers = Schloss Moosham, Salzburg, the Königsberg Stadt. Sammlung; Artillery Level, 1685 = DRE. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Lunardi; RSW. suggest correction
WEINMAYSTER, GEORGIO astrolabe ICA-256 is inscribed "Valentinus Sonthalmer Georgio Weinmayster dono 1535"; it is also marked "H.G. 1537" (1); the long inscription is marked in the mater; the astrolabe was formerly in the Nachet Coll. Price 1; ICA 2; Gunther 1; Zinner 1; MADEX; Nachet. suggest correction
WEIR, ROBERT Ireland, fl. 1785-1846, OIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1785 = Ardrossan, Ayr. 17 Bridge Street, Coleraine. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Somerville. suggest correction
WEISS AND SON England, c.1850, PHIM showed in the Great London Exhibition of London in 1851. 62 Strand, London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WEISS, GEORGE USA, fl.1853-54, MIM NIM PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WEISS, GOTFRIED Germany, c.1730, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = VIE, GRA, OXF; Equatorial Sundial = Breslau Sternwarte; Table Sundial = KEN; Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 11/16/87; Particular Sundial, with case = Soth. 4/17/61; Equatorial Sundial = GRA. Nürnberg Zinner 1; Maddison 1; Lunardi; RSW. suggest correction
WEIZSAEKER, V. France, NIM Sextant = Seamans Institute, New York, N.Y. Dunkerque. USNM. suggest correction
WELCH, BENJAMIN England, c.1700, apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 of the Joiners' Company in 1700. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WELCH, GEORGE England, c.1796, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on Jan.4, 1781; free of the Company on April 7, 1796. London. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WELCH, J. England, 1716, MIM Perpetual Calendar, silver, 1716 = WHI. Bryden 16. suggest correction
WELCH, WILLIAM USA, fl.1838-43, PHIM Atwood Machine = USNM. 54 Chrystie (1838-39); 43 Eldridge (1841-43); both in New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WELDON Weldon Range Finder Patent = Christie 5/26/76. RSW. suggest correction
WELDON, EDWARD England, OIM Telescope, refracting = Christie-SK 11/27/86. Tunbridge Wells. RSW. suggest correction
WELKER, JOHN USA, 1797, MIM clock, watch and instrument maker. Market Street; across from Mrs. Kimboll's Tavern, Patrick Street (1797); both in Washington, D.C. USNM. suggest correction
WELLER England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie's 2/19/97. Littlehampton. RSW. suggest correction
WELLINGEN, H.G. Germany, MIM Ivory Sundials (2) = STU. RSW. suggest correction
WELLINGTON, ALEXANDER England, fl.1792-1825, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octant = D.(1978); Telescope = Phillips 2/22/77; Pantograph = Soth.-S 4/24/87; Microscope = Phillips 4/20/83; Sundial in case = Soth. 7/10/67; Drawing Instrument Sets = Soth. 5/6/69, Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88; Stick Barometer = P.C. most of his instruments signed simply "Wellington" but one of his microscopeswas signed "Alex Wellington, Mathematical Instrument Maker, Crown Court, Soho, London"; had one of the Jones' as an apprentice; joined by his son 1814-15; T.C.; succeeded by Laban Cooke in 1825. Crown Court, Abinger Street, St. Anne's, Soho, London. Taylor 2(1056); Crawforth 1; Wynter and Turner; NMM 2; ATG 1/16/93; RSW. suggest correction
WELLS AND FOSTER 1 USA, pre-1838, MIM OIM PHIM L.T. Wells and James Foster 1. Cincinnatti, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
WELLS AND FOSTER 2 USA, fl.1838-52, MIM OIM PHIM William Wells and James Foster 2. Third Street, near Sycamore (1838-); Walnut, between third and Fourth Streets (-1852); both in Cincinnatti, Ohio. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
WELLS, GRACE England, fl.1690-1708, MIM member of the Joiners' Company; widow of Joseph Wells, Joiner; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WELLS, JAMES England, c.1664, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Worral of the Joiners' Company in 1656; turned over to Richard Sanders in the Company in 1656; free in the Company, 1664; took an apprentice. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WELLS, JEREMIE England, fl.1703-35, MIM apprenticed to his mother, Grace Wells, in the Joiners' Company on Mar. 3, 1690; free of the Company, Sept. 7, 1703. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WELLS, JOHN 1 England, fl.1606-35, author; designed accurate sundials. Deptford. Taylor 1(114). suggest correction
WELLS, JOHN 2 England, fl.1682-1714, MIM "Rulemaker"; apprenticed to John White 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on March 13, 1672; free of the Company, Sept. 29, 1682; took apprentices; London? J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WELLS, JOHN 3 England, fl.1748, PHIM Angle Barometer = NMM. glass toy maker. Moor Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WELLS, JONATHAN England, c.1676, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Isaac Carver of the Clockmakers' Company on June 1, 1676. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WELLS, JOSEPH England, fl.1667-90, MIM apprenticed to John Brown 1 in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 20, 1660; free of the Company July 6, 1668; Brother in the Clockmakers' Company, 1668; succeeded by his widow, Grace Wells; took apprentices; rulemaker. London. Taylor 1(333); Clay and Court; Loomes; J. Brown 1 & 3; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WELLS, L.T. USA, pre-1838, MIM OIM PHIM partner with James Foster 1 as Wells and Foster (1). Cincinnatti, Ohio. USNM. suggest correction
WELLS, NUGENT England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope = Phillips 11//16/88. Newport. RSW. suggest correction
WELLS, SAMUEL England, fl.1817-30, MIM PHIM 3 Clerkenwell Green; 139 Old Street, St. Luke's; both in London. Taylor 2(1455). suggest correction
WELLS, WILLIAM USA, fl.1838-52, MIM OIM PHIM see Wells and Foster 2; was the partner of James Foster 2. Cincinnatti, Ohio. Smart 1. suggest correction
WELPER, EBERHARD Germany, 1619, MIM Quadrant, paper on wood, 1619 = DOR. Strassburg. RSW. suggest correction
WELSH, WILLIAM USA, 1832, PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WELTIN, MELCHIOR Austria, 1744, MIM Equatorial Sundials = HAK (1744), VIE; Artillery Level = VIE. HAK has sights for gnomon. Vienna. Zinner 1; W. Eckhardt 3; Rohde; Evans 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
WELTZIEN, DANIEL Germany, fl.1754-77, MIM SIM Graphometer = HAK. Hamburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WENCKEBACH, EDUARD Holland, 1813-74, NIM Prismatic Compass, Schmalcalder-type = AMST; Azimuth Compass = NMM; Quintants = TEY (# 46), P.C. (# 27); Bearing Compasses = Auction BOM 1906 & 1910; Sextants = TEY, P.C., Christie 6/17/72; Reflecting Circles = LEY (2), UTR, Poly- technic School, Delft. Oude Teertuinen 30 (1841-42); Hoek Nieuwebrug en Nieuwe- brugsteeg (1843-52); both in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1, 2 & 5; Rooseboom 1; G.L'E. Turner 7. suggest correction
WENGEMAYER, ODDO Germany, 1622-1703, MIM Horary Quadrant, wood and paper, 1695 = KRM. Kremsmünster. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WENHAM, F.H. England, OIM Binocular Microscope = X. convertible to a single microscope. Effra Vale Lodge, Brixton. USNM. suggest correction
WENL, EMANUELL England, c.1686, MIM apprenticed to Jonathan Roberts in the Broderers' Company, July 5, 1686. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WERMELANDS BERGMASSARE CONTOIR an agency which stamped its name on a magnetic compass made by I.G.H. RSW. suggest correction
WERNER Universal Ring Sundial = D.(1971) = P.C. Diameter = 5 Rhineland inches = 14 cm.; "Werner fecit Köln"; a modern forgery. Brieux 4; RSW. suggest correction
WERNER, J. Germany, 1574, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1574 = DRE. "er J. Werner oder Hartmann"; master mark shows crossed swords on a shield. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
WERNER, JOHANNES Germany, 1468-1522, MIM Astrolabe, 1516 (ICA-551) = NUR. author; sundial maker; made improvements to the cross-staff in 1514. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; ICA 2; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Lunardi; Price 1; Behaim Cat.(1957). suggest correction
WERNHER Universal Ring Sundial = P.C. (1976). modern English forgery. Brieux 2. suggest correction
WERNLE, JOHANN GEORG Germany, c.1750, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = ADL-M297. may have been item 58 in the Puttick and Simpson Cat., 6/18/1894. Pressburg. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Fischer; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WERTHEIMER, M. France, c.1845, see Dr. Roth and M. Wertheimer. Daumas 1. suggest correction
WESE England, late 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 12/17/75. West (?). Fleet Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
WESLEAK, WILLIAM England, c.1691, apprenticed to John Patrick 1 in the Joiners' Company on Mar. 31, 1691. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WESNLE, TOH. GEORG misreading for Wernle. P. & S. 6/18/1894. suggest correction
WESSCHAGL, MANUEL Germany, d.1728, MIM Screw-Cutting Tool = USNM. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
WESSELL, I.J. Norway, NIM Traverse Board = OMM. Christianafiord. RSW. suggest correction
WESSLER INSTRUMENT CO. USA, MIM SIM Wye Level = GUR. St. Louis, Mo. USNM. suggest correction
WESSMAN, GUSTAVE USA, fl.1852-53, MIM NIM PHIM New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WEST 1 England, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = D.(1971); Stick Barometers = Christie 11/16/55, D.(1988); Surveying Instrument = ADL-T40; Universal Ring Sundial = D.(1976); Walking Stick Barometer = NMM; Microscope = Christie-SK 7/10/80. could be Charles or Francis West. London. Goodison 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WEST 2 England, Protractor = Phillips 4/20/83. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
WEST, CHARLES England, fl.1814-30, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = WHI, Phillips 2/2/84, Soth. 5/21/73, D.(1971); Stick Barometer = X. T.C.; may have been in partnership with Charles Robert West. Serle's Passage, Lincoln's Inn; 5 Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane and 83 St. James Street, Pall Mall (1814-25); all in London. Taylor 2(1456); Crawforth 1; Court and von Rohr; Goodison 1; Moskowitz 102; RSW. suggest correction
WEST, CHARLES ROBERT England, fl.1806-24, OIM Telescope = P.C. may have been associated with Charles West; worked with William Bruce on a portable telescope; received a patent on it in 1806. 78 Cornhill and Plow Court, Fetter Lane; Gateway of Lincoln's Inn and St. James, Pall Mall; all in London. Taylor 2(1242). suggest correction
WEST, FRANCIS England, fl.1828-59, MIM OIM PHIM Barometer = KEN, Meteorological Office, Bracknell; Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 2/24/83; Camera Lucida = Exeter; Adams Universal Microscope = Soth. 4/28/69; Horizontal Sundial = Pugsley Sale; Inclinable Sundial = ADL-T40; Cuff-type Microscope = Soth. 10/3/88. apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' company in 1821; free of the Company, July 8, 1828; sold the log-log slide rule for accounting, invented by Peter Mark Roget in 1815, and divided by John Rooker. 17 Rupert Court, Drury Lane; 83 Fleet Street (1830-44); 41 Strand (1844-56); 92 and 93 Fleet Street (1849-59); all in London. Taylor 2(1243); Goodison 1; Middleton 1; Court and von Rohr 3(247); Tomlinson 1; Delehar 9; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WEST, FRANCIS LINNELL England, c.1850, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer, oak = Soth. 5/1/86; Equatorial Sundial = Christie 12/17/75; Microscopes = D.(1972), Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83. 31 Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WEST, J.C., AND CO. England, NIM T.C. in octant box. RSW. suggest correction
WESTBERG, CARL HINDRIC Sweden, 1720-69, OIM Telescope = STM. instrument maker; apprenticed to Daniel Eckström; active from c.1750 untill 1763 when he retired. Stockholm. Pipping; RSW. suggest correction
WESTERMANN, B., AND CO. USA, OIM advertised a pocket microscope. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WESTERN, GEORGE England, 1812, MIM Map Meter, 1812 = X. Delehar 3. suggest correction
WESTIN, JOHANN FIEDLER VON see Johann Fiedler. RSW. suggest correction
WESTIN, LUDW. EDW. England, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = NOR. owner?; the name is stamped twice in the case for the dial. RSW. suggest correction
WESTLEY England, see Carpenter and Westley. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Coffeen B; Dewhirst. suggest correction
WESTLEY, F. England, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Soth.-S 1/27/88. 27a Old Bond Street, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WESTON, W. England, c.1840, MIM Rule, 48", folding, wood = D.(1983). Coffeen C. suggest correction
WESTON, WILLIAM England, 1722, MIM Horizontal Sundial, gilt-brass, 1722 = D.(1973). for latitude 52°. RSW. suggest correction
WETELING, JAN Holland, fl.1760-71, NIM "I. Weteling" is marked on a cross-staff signed "J.V.K. 1760"; pupil in the Utrecht Society. Utrecht. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WETHERED, GEORGE England, c.1677, MIM apprenticed to Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1677. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WETHERELL, JOHN England, 1690, apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company, 1690. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WETTER, CHR. see Chr. Vetter. Hamilton 1 & 2. suggest correction
WETTES, DE Holland?, 1639, MIM Sundial, ivory, 1639 = Spitzer-47 (2806). might be a variant of Wetter or Vetter. Michel 3. suggest correction
WETTON England, c.1800, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Lempertz 6/14/76. 21 Fleet Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
WEYDMAN, LUCAS Poland, 1648, MIM Instrument, 1648 = BM. Cracow. Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
WEYER, JOHN Poland, MIM Table Clock = ADL-A11. Danzig. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WEYERMAN, J.H. Germany, 1747, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1747 = OXF. Ronsdorff. Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
WEYGAND, F.J. Holland, c.1816, MIM Terrestrial Globe Gores (attached) = Free Library, Philadelphia, Pa. "Globe artificiel et méchinique à l'usage du Petit Géographer à Amsterdam." Amsterdam; The Hague. Yonge. suggest correction
WEYK, JACOBUS Holland, 1767, MIM in de Kalverstraat bij de Luciessteeg, Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WEYMAN, DE 1676, NIM Tell-tale Compass, 1676 = Christie 6/7/72. the compass is also marked "int. bos." RSW. suggest correction
WEYS see Weiss. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WHALEY England, c.1840, NIM PHIM Octant = D.; Sympiesometer = Soth. 7/19/88; Marine Barometer and Thermometer = Soth.-Bill. 4/21/93. Hartlepool. RSW. suggest correction
WHEATON, JOSEPH England, c.1717, apprenticed to Edmund Blow in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 6, 1717. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WHEATON, SETH USA, 1779, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1779 = Richard Bourne Auction 8/9/79. Providence, R.I. RSW. suggest correction
WHEATSTONE, CHARLES England, 1802-75, physicist; developed an electric telegraph in 1831; invented the stereoscope in 1832; developed the Wheatstone bridge in 1843; many other philosophical instruments. Gloucester; d. Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1. suggest correction
WHEELER England, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = La Rochelle 7/16/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
WHEELER, EDMUND England, OIM Microscopes = D.(1975), Melun 4/24/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
WHEELER, JOHN England, c.1806, apprenticed to John Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on June 5, 1806. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WHEELER, JOHN H. USA, fl.1825-36, MIM NIM OIM Octants, ebony and ivory = ADL-N55, D.(1983); Marine Compass, dry-card = PEA. T.C.; in the trade card he claimed to be a "real manufacturer" of instruments; Robert Ludlow Shaw may have been his apprentice; succeeded by Addington D. Frye and Robert Ludlow Shaw. 7 Thames (1825); 218 Water (1825-26); 220 Water (1827); 156 and 220 Water (1828); 220 Water (1829-35); 222 Water (1835-38); all in New York, N.Y. Preuss and Treworgy 2; USNM; Coffeen D; ADL; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
WHEELHOUSE AND BERCINI England, c.1860, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers; succeeded John Cetta. 40 Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WHIBLIN, JOHN England, fl.1669-76, MIM carpenter; made scales, rules and models. Taylor 1(340); Evans 1. suggest correction
WHIFORD England, c.1800, MIM Rule, ivory, part of an architect's etui = Soth. 12/15/78. London. RSW. suggest correction
WHIPP, THOMAS England, c.1834, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. clockmaker; the barometer is signed "Whipp Rochdale." Yorkshire Street, Rochdale. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WHIPPLE, SQUIRE USA, 1804-88, MIM SIM made and sold surveying instruments after he moved to Albany, N.Y.; graduated from Union College in 1830. Hardwich, Mass. (1804-); Albany, N.Y. (-1888). Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
WHISTON, WILLIAM England, 1667-1752, author; designed several instruments including one called the "Copernicus." Clare College, Cambridge; London. Taylor 1(461) & 2(132). suggest correction
WHITAKER England, MIM Sector, ivory & brass = ADL-W114. 12 Long Lane, Smithfield, London. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WHITALL, HENRY USA, c.1830, MIM produced a "Movable Planisphere of the Heavens." D.J. Warner 6. suggest correction
WHITBREAD AND SEELING England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM 2 King Street, St. Luke's, London. Taylor 2(2039). suggest correction
WHITBREAD, GEORGE England, fl.1828-50, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant = NMM; Artificial Horizon = NMM (2); Quintants = AMST (2); Octant, ebony = Soth. 6/19/75; Sextant, pocket = Soth. 10/20/75; Sextant, case = Soth. 10/3/88 = Soth.-C 7/25/90. apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1821; free of the Company on July 17, 1828. 11 Exmouth Street, Commercial Road, London. Taylor 2(17410; Court and von Rohr 3(248); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW. suggest correction
WHITCOMB, RASSELAS PRINCE USA, 1808-84, MIM SIM Transit Compass = P.C.(1863). fl.1851-78; took Herman Pfister as a partner in the firm "R. Whitcomb and Co"; sold out to Pfister in 1878; 121 Walnut (1851-52); 137 W. 5th (1855); northwest corner of 5th and Plum (1856); southwest corner of 5th and Race (1857-77); 119 W. 5th, Room 6 (1877-78); all in Cincinnati, Ohio. Smart 1. suggest correction
WHITE England, MIM Analemmatic Sundial = KEN. RSW. suggest correction
WHITE AND CO. Scotland, c.1850, NIM Sextant = Soth. 3/10/87. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, JAMES Scotland, fl.1850-56, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Mining Compasses = D.(1972), D.(1974); Rolling Parallel Rule = D.(1972); Microscope = D.(1976); Altimeter and Aneroid Barometer = Christie-Geneva 11/20/79; Dry Card Compass = Maritime Museum of British Columbia. made instruments for Lord Kelvin; see Kelvin and James White Ltd. 24 Renfield Street (1850-52); 14 Renfield Street (1853-56); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Wynter and Turner; Moskowitz 112; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, JOHN 1 England, c.1670, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Loomes of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 3, 1663; turned over to Thomas Bagley of the same Company; free of the Company, Oct. 7, 1670; took John Wells 2 as an apprentice. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WHITE, JOHN 2 England, c.1668, MIM apprenticed to Humphrey Peirce of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 8, 1668. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WHITE, JOHN 3 England, 1668, admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company in 1668. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WHITE, MR. England, 1661, MIM John Brown 1 reported that White had invented a slide rule; might be John White 3. Taylor 1(407) or (489); J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WHITE, PEREGRINE USA, 1747-1834, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = P.C.(1957), P.C.(1975), USNM, Old Sturbridge Village, Mass. (2), etc; Protractor with Rule = P.C.; Surveying Instrument = Old Sturbridge Village, Mass. silversmith; clockmaker; instruments are dated from 1774-1834. Woodstock, Conn. Smart 1; Bedini 8; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, PHILIP England, c.1817, apprenticed to John Corless in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 28, 1817. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WHITE, S. England, fl.1830-38, NIM see William and S. White. 17 Anchor and Hope Alley, Wapping, London. Taylor 2(2041). suggest correction
WHITE, SAMUEL England, 1707, NIM compass maker for the Navy. Ratcliff Cross, London. Taylor 1(543). suggest correction
WHITE, THOMPSON AND CO. Scotland, NIM PHIM Mariner's Compass = Christie 7/5/71; Barometer and Sympiesometer = Soth. 7/19/88. Whyte ? Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, W. 1 England, 1839, MIM White's Plane Spherical Globe, 1839 = Phillips 9/10/86. a planisphere. 210 Brook Hill, Sheffield. RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, W. 2 England, c.1845, NIM Octant = Christie-SK 10/23/87. T.C.; "late Northen"; succeeded Richard Northen and Son, c. 1845. 50 Lowgate, Hull. RSW. suggest correction
WHITE, WILLIAM Ireland, c.1824, OIM 17 Crow Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
WHITE, WILLIAM SAMUEL England, fl.1830-38, NIM made sextants and quadrants. 17 Anchor and Hope Alley, Wapping, London. Taylor 2(2041). suggest correction
WHITEAR, T. England, 1770, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1770 = P.C. RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHEAD England, 19th Century, PHIM Barometer = Phillips 11/16/88. Market Harborough. RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHEAD, CHARLES England, c.1693, MIM Gunner's Calipers = D.(1997). apprenticed to his father, Richard Whitehead, of the Clockmakers' Company on July 3, 1693; instrument signed "Cha: Whitehead Fec." J. Brown 3; Clifton 1; Coffeen 56. suggest correction
WHITEHEAD, JAMES England, c.1811, apprenticed to Joseph Fairey of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 5, 1811. J. Brown 1 & 2. suggest correction
WHITEHEAD, RICHARD England, fl.1671-93, MIM SIM Butterfield-type Sundials = ADL-W203, P.C. (1990), Soth. 11/9/59 & 12/20/28; Sundials, silver = OXF (1671), Barrett Coll.; Circumferentor = WHI. apprenticed to Henry Wynne of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 5, 1663; free of the Company, Sept. 29, 1671; took apprentices, including his son, Charles; his name is shown as Charles Whitehead in the apprenticeship papers; worked for George Graham. Gunpowder Alley, Shoe Lane, off Fleet Street, London. Taylor 1(300); J. Brown 3; Robischon; Evans 1; Baillie 1; Dewhirst; J. Evans 1; Clifton 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE 1 England, OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 2/9/84. London. RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 8 Coventry Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE 3 England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 1/27/89 43 Warwick Street, Pimlico, London. RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE, HON. GEORGE LEIGHTON USA, 1797-1887, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses, wood = P.C., D.(1989), P.C., D.(1983); Surveying Compass = P.C.; Magnetic Compass = Gun House, Old Sturbridge Village, Mass. land surveyor. Farmington, N.H. (1824-87). Smart 1; Coffeen C; Moskowitz 132. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE, J. England, MIM Protractor = Phillips 6/15/76. RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE, JOHN T. England, fl.1830-38, OIM 13 St. John's Lane, London. Taylor 2(2042). suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE, NATHANIEL England, fl.1825-46, OIM PHIM Telescope = D.(1974); Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. 2 Cranbourne Street, Leicester Square; 3 (1) Cross Street, Hatton Garden; 1 Castle Street, Great Newport Street; all in London. Taylor 2(1742); USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHOUSE, S. England, fl.1814-16, OIM PHIM made magnets. 3 Green Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1459). suggest correction
WHITEHURST England, c.1750, PHIM Chemical Balance = LEY. could be James Whitehurst 1 or John Whitehurst 1. Derby. Daumas 1. suggest correction
WHITEHURST AND SON England, fl.1810-34, PHIM Stick Barometers = Christie 5/5/83, Christie-SK 10/20/89, Phillips 12/12/89; Wheel Barometer = X. John Whitehurst 2 and his son, John Whitehurst 3. 22 Irongate, Derby. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHURST, JAMES England, c.1775, PHIM father of John Whitehurst 2; brother of John Whitehurst 1; clock and barometer maker. Derby. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WHITEHURST, JOHN 1 England, 1713-88, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1977); Angle Barometers, 1749,1768, 1772 = X; Angle Barometer = Hardwick Hall; Angle Barometer, 1772 = Salford City Art Museum (lost0; Wheel Barometers = Luton Hoo, D.(1988), X; Angle Barometer, 1776 = P.C. made F.R.S. in 1779; "Stamper of Money Weights" at the London Mint, 1775; probably succeeded in Derby by his brother, James Whitehurst of Derby and then by his nephew, John Whitehurst 2; clockmaker; made a member of the American Philosphical Society in 1786; friend of James Ferguson 1. 22 Irongate, Derby; 4 Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London (1776-88). Taylor 2(318); Gunther 2; Goodison 1; Symonds; R.J. Morris; DNB; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
WHITEHURST, JOHN 2 England, 1761-1834, PHIM Wheel Barometers = P.C.(2), Untermyer Coll., P-B 1962; Angle Barometers = OXF, BM, X; Stick Barometer = X; Wind-vane, 1791 = X. see Whitehurst and Son; succeeded his father, James, and later his uncle, John Whitehurst 1; clockmaker; Middleton thought John Whitehurst 1 had made OXF barometer. 22 Irongate, Derby. Goodison 1; MacQuoid and Edwards; Middleton 1. suggest correction
WHITEHURST, JOHN 3 England, 1788-1855, MIM PHIM son of John Whitehurst 2; partner with his father, 1810-34; clockmaker, also made barometers, thermometers, etc. 22 Irongate; 1 Cherry Street (after 1843); both in Derby. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WHITELEY, FRANCIS USA, c.1836, MIM Surveying Instrument, No. 147 = P.C. patented a compass quadrant and protractor, Dec. 6, 1836. Standardsville, Va. Smart 1; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WHITESCARVER, G.H. USA, c.1850, MIM Protractor with Rule, electrum = D.(1995). signed "G.H. Whitescarver's Calculating Protractor." Coffeen 51. suggest correction
WHITESCOVER, G.H. USA, patented a quadrant compass. USNM. suggest correction
WHITFORD, SAMUEL England, fl.1750-72, MIM OIM PHIM barometer and hygrometer maker; probably father of Thomas Whitford; T.C. Archimedes and Three Spectacles, 27 Ludgate Street, London. Taylor 2(549); Goodison 1; Coffeen 41. suggest correction
WHITFORD, THOMAS England, fl.1743-92, MIM OIM Telescope = D.(1993). apprenticed in 1736; probably related to Samuel Whitford, which see; John Bleuler succeeded him, still at the same address; T.C. 27 Ludgate Street, St. Paul's, London. Taylor 2(549); Calvert 2; Clay and Court; Crawforth 6; Coffeen 41. suggest correction
WHITING, W.G. England, OIM Telescope, four-draw = D.(1988). 6 Market Street, Manchester. Rinaldi 22. suggest correction
WHITMORE AND SON England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 11/16/88. Gold Street, Northampton. RSW. suggest correction
WHITNEY, JOHN USA, c.1801, MIM OIM succeeded Thomas Whitney, might be his son. 70 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WHITNEY, THOMAS England; USA, fl.1790-1821, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Chicago Historical Society, D.(1987) (No. 321, 1817), Franklin Institute, P.C., D.(1984) (1818), GUR (1810), P.C. (No. 63, 1810), D.(1994) (1815); Magnetic Compasses = USNM, Winterthur Museum, apprenticed to Samuel Browning 2 in the Grocers' Company on Sept. 5, 1782; free of the Company, Jan. 7, 1790; went to Philadelphia, Pa. before 1798; owned a dividing engine made by George Adams 2; took William J. Young as an apprentice in 1813 until 1820; T.C.(2)(one in 1798); succeeded John Gould. London; 72 South Front (Mr. Gould's); 74 South Front Street; North Sixth Street, continued a little above the Mill Pond; 70 South Front Street; all in Philadelphia, Pa. J. Brown 1; Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 1 & 8; J.A. Bennett 2; Coffeen I; R.W. Miller; Moskowitz 130; Garcelon 33; RSW. suggest correction
WHITON, ELIJAH USA, 1799-1871, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1824 = GUR; Instrument, No. 33 = Markle Museum, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Gurley serviced a surveying compass in 1874. Groton; Hingham; both in Mass. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
WHITSON see Melville, Dundas and Whitson. RSW. suggest correction
WHITTAKER, THOMAS USA, late 19th Century, MIM Planisphere = D.(1982). 2 and 3 Bible House, New York, N.Y. Coffeen A. suggest correction
WHITTEMORE, AMOS USA, 1759-1828, received a patent for a "nautical perambulator" in 1796; perhaps a type of patent log. Mass. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WHITTEN, D.E. USA, c.1850, NIM Mariner's Compass = D.(1971). Boston, Mass. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
WHITTON, BENJAMIN England, c.1750, T.C.; copper and brass plate maker. at the Crown in New Street, Shoe Lane, London. Crawforth 1. suggest correction
WHITWELL, CHARLES England, fl.1590-1611, MIM NIM Quadrant, 1595 = FLO; Astrolabe, 1595 = FLO; Nautical Hemi- spheres = FLO (2); Vertical Sundial with Perpetual Calendar, 1595 = SPI = OXF; Universal Sundial, 1606 = OXF; Astronomical Compendia = NMM (1600), WHI (1604); Diptych Sundial = BM; Drawing Instrument = FLO; Noc- turnal = FLO; Computing Instrument on a Plane Table = WHI; Compass Rose = FLO. apprenticed to Augustine Ryther of the Grocers' Company, Dec. 17, 1582; free of the Company on Nov. 10, 1590; took apprentices; engraver; cartographer; the FLO instruments belonged to Sir Robert Dudley in 1608, the astrolabe is very similar to ADL-M33; the 1593 sundial at OXF was designed by Torporley; also see C.W. (1). see Whitwell, Charles (cont.). suggest correction
WHITWELL, CHARLES (CONT.) over against Essex House (1597); Without Temple Bar, against St. Clement's Church (1598); both in London. Taylor 1(88); J. Brown 1; Hamilton 1; Price 3; Ward 4; GHP; G.L'E. Turner 26 & 29; A.J. Turner 10; J.A. Bennett 2; Evan 1; Michel 3; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
WHITWORTH AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM balance makers; awarded a prize at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. London. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WHORLETT, EDWARD England, c.1767, apprenticed to Tycho Wing of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 6, 1767. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WHYTE, THOMSON AND CO. Scotland, 19th Century, NIM PHIM Liquid Compass in Binnacle = PMS; Marine Barometer = Christie- SK 11/27/86; Compass and Aneroid Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
WHYTOCK Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Dundee. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WICKINS, JOHN England, c.1672, OIM polished mirrors for Isaac Newton A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
WIDDESFIELD USA, OIM Telescope with stand = Campobello Nat'l Monument, New Brunswick, Canada. misreading for Widdifield. Boston, Mass. RSW. suggest correction
WIDDIFIDD AND CO. misreading for Widdifield and Co. Soth.-PB pre-1980. suggest correction
WIDDIFIELD AND CO. USA, fl.1847-68, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980; Telescopes = Eldred 10/11/75, Maria Mitchell Science Library, Nantucket, Mass. Boston, Mass. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WIDDIFIELD, D.B. USA, fl.1828-37, MIM OIM see Widdifield and Co.; see Widdesfield. Boston, Mass. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WIDDIFIELD, D.B., AND CO. USA, fl.1838-56, MIM OIM see D.B. Widdifield, Widdifield and Co., and Widdesfield. Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
WIDEMAN, JACOB Germany, c.1650, MIM Table clock = OXF. Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
WIDENHAM, R. England, c.1824?, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. clockmaker; the barometer is signed "Widenham Lombard Street, London." Lombard Street, London. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
WIDERROITER, SIGMUND Germany, 1589, MIM Horizontal Sundial and Calendar, chalk stone, 1589 = MUN. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WIEDHOLT Germany, 18th Century, MIM Equatorial Table Sundial = DOR. Münster. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WIEKERA, CS. VAN Holland, 1794, OIM PHIM Hygrometer, 1794 = TEY. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1; G.L'E. Turner 7. suggest correction
WIESEL, JOHANNES Germany, 1583-1660+, OIM Telescope = SKO. the telescope is also marked "I.W.A.O.F."; pupil of and instrument maker to Rheita; microscope maker; Daumas lists him as the father-in-law of Campani; refered to as an instrument maker by Bonami in 1690; variant spellings were Wiselius or Wiseling. Augsburg. Daumas 1 & 6; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Wynter and Turner; RSW. suggest correction
WIGGINS see Reynolds and Wiggins. RSW. suggest correction
WIGGINS, FREDERICK England, 1814-87, NIM PHIM apprenticed to Mrs. Janet Taylor; worked for Imray and Co., c.1835; partner with William Reynolds as Reynolds and Wiggins, c.1840. 102-104 Minories (Mrs. Janet Taylor's address); 102 Minories (c.1835); 82 Minories (c.1840); all in London. Taylor 2(2273). suggest correction
WIGHT, E. USA, c.1848, PHIM also listed as a machinist. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WIGHTMAN, JOSEPH MILNER USA, fl.1830-61, MIM NIM PHIM Air Pump = D.(1982). Wightman made a self-registering tide-gauge that was used by the U.S. Coast Survey c.1845; partner with Timothy Claxton as Claxton and Wightman; they made philosophical apparatus for schools; he succeeded Claxton. Boston, Mass. D.J. Warner 6; Coffeen B; USNM. suggest correction
WIGHTMAN, THOMAS USA, c.1800, "Wightman Sculp." appears on the compass cards of wooden surveyor's compasses by John Trundy 1. RSW. suggest correction
WIGLIUS, D. England, 1626, MIM Sectors = London Museum (1626), P.C. (1988). the sector in the London Museum came with a collection of Cromwelliana. Didcock 1; Brieux 2; RSW. suggest correction
WIGMORE, T. c.1900, Water Clock (falsely dated 1680) = X. surely the modern work of Pearson Page of Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
WIJBRANDTSZN, WIJBE Holland, c.1600, MIM made clocks and astronomical instruments; variant form is Vibrandi from which the name "Vebrandi" on ADL-A111, a fake, was taken. Leeuwarden. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WIJK, C. VAN Holland, 1756, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1756 = Delft Exhibition of Sundials in 1984 = UTR. Utrecht. de Rijk; RSW. suggest correction
WIJK, CORNELIS VAN Holland; France, fl.1779-88, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Microscope, 1783 = UTR; Holland Circle, 1785 = UTR; Pneu- matic Pump, 1787 = UTR. Utrecht; Haarlem; Paris. Mörzer bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
WIJK, JACOBUS VAN Holland, fl.c.1750-70, MIM NIM Octant, 1763 = AMST; Azimuth Compass = ROT. Kalverstraat bij de St. Luciessteg, Amsterdam (1767). Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WIJK, JAN VAN Holland, fl.1759-85, MIM NIM SIM Octants = LEY, P.C., Göteborg Maritime Museum, Schleswig- Holstein Landesmuseum (1785); Surveying Instrument = AMST; Circumferentors = P.C. (2); Holland Circle, 1759 = Christie-SK 11/19/87. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Rooseboom 1; RSW. suggest correction
WIJK, JOHAN VAN Holland, 1655, OIM Huygens reported in 1655 that Jan van Wijk was grinding lenses. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. suggest correction
WIKBOM, STEN Sweden, 1767, MIM Elvius-type Quadrant, wood and paper, 1767 = NOR. Uppsala. RSW. suggest correction
WIKKERA, WEDUWE VAN Holland, c.1823, MIM the widow Wikkera; probably the widow of Cs. van Wiekera, which see. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WILCKENS, C.O. Germany, PHIM Barometer = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. Altona. RSW. suggest correction
WILCOX AND COYSGARNE England, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = VNN. Hermitage, London. RSW. suggest correction
WILCOX, J. England, pre-1731, MIM made? and sold Gunter's quadrants. at the Green Dragon in Little Britain, London. Leadbetter. suggest correction
WILDBOARE, TOBIAS England, c.1683, MIM Triangular Quadrant, wood = KEN. London. Taylor 1(432); Calvert 3. suggest correction
WILDER USA, PHIM Thermometer = Vermont Historical Society. Troy, New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WILDER, CHARLES USA, c.1860, PHIM Stick Barometers = MYS, USNM, P.C. "Woodruff's patent, 1860." Peterboro, New Hampshire. USNM; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
WILDPRET, JACOB Austria, 1738, MIM SIM made astrolabes, quadrants, compasses, surveying instruments, etc. Lothringen; Vienna. Michel 14. suggest correction
WILHELM VON HIRSAU Germany, fl.1071-91, MIM Astronomical Teaching Device, stone = Ulrichmuseum, Regensberg. Hirsau. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WILKENS, JOHN England, 1614-72, John Evelyn stated that Wilkens devised instruments. Chester; Oxford. Taylor 1(181). suggest correction
WILKES, THOMAS see Thomas Wilks. Taylor 2(425). suggest correction
WILKINS, JOHN England, fl.1851-52, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 1 Cropley Street, Hoxton. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILKINSON England, c.1824, NIM Sextant = X. London. USNM. suggest correction
WILKINSON AND SONS England, c.1830, NIM Quadrant = D.(1971). London. Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
WILKINSON, ANTHONY England, fl.1774-82, PHIM Money Balances = Christie-SK 7/10/80, Christie 3/31/83, Phillips 9/10/86, Versailles 11/20/83, Soth. 4/16/56, Koller 11/17/75, D.(1985), etc. invented the folding gold balance c.1775; succeeded by Stephen Houghton and Son. Kirkby; Ormskirk. Taylor 2(1057); Coffeen 9; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
WILKINSON, JOHN England, c.1830, OIM Telescope, single-draw = Phillips 1/30/84. the telescope is signed "J. Wilkinson." 54 Briggate, Leeds. Taylor 2(2044); RSW. suggest correction
WILKINSON, THOMAS England, c.1643, devised an instrument similar in principle to an astrolabe and printed it in his almanac. Northampton. Taylor 1(207). suggest correction
WILKS, I. England, MIM Horary Quadrant = Aubury Coll. = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
WILKS, THOMAS England, fl.1725-47, MIM Sundial = OXF; Sundial, 1725 = Christie 12/12/72 Evans states that Wilks made a geared sundial for Lord Lichfield. Pebworth. Taylor 2(425); Evans 1; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
WILL, JOHANN Germany, fl.1731-50, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1750 = DEU; Sundial, octagonal = KEN. Heidelberg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WILL, JOHN England, 1757, MIM Rowley published "A treatise containing a description and use of a curious quadrant made by John Will", London, 1757. USNM. suggest correction
WILLANS, THOMAS England, c.1739, apprenticed to Robert Scott 1 of the Grocers' Company, on July 25, 1739. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WILLARD, AARON, JR. USA, 1786-1864, MIM Orrery, 1821 = West Chester County Historical Society, Pa. author; clockmaker; made orrery invented by John Locke and a cometarium invented by James Dean. Boston, Mass. D.J. Warner 6; Bedini 8; USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WILLARD, ALEXANDER TARBELL USA, 1774-1850, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = New Ipswich Historical Society, N.H. clockmaker; also made theodolites etc. Ashburnham (1774-1800); Ashby (1800-50); both in Mass. Smart 1. suggest correction
WILLARD, NICHOLAS England, 1759, MIM Slide Rule, 1759 = P.C. signed "Nick Willard 1759"; deputy searcher for the Excise. Delehar 9. suggest correction
WILLATS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Benjamin, Richard or Thomas Willats, which see. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLATS, BENJAMIN England, c.1849, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 55 Bartholomew Close, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLATS, RICHARD England, fl.1850-60, OIM PHIM barometer and thermometer maker; partner with Thomas Willats as Thomas and Richard Willats (1850-53). 98 Cheapside (1850); 28 Ironmonger lane (1851-56); 2 Church Lane, Homerton (1857-60); all in London. suggest correction
WILLATS, THOMAS England, fl.pre-1850-53, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "T. Willats"; see Thomas and Richard Willats. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLATS, THOMAS AND RICHARD England, fl.1850-53, MIM OIM PHIM barometer and thermometer makers. 98 Cheapside (1850); 28 Ironmonger Lane (1851-53); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLCOX, WALTON England, fl.1772-83, MIM apprenticed to John Urings 2 of the Joiners' Company on Sept. 3, 1765; free of the Company, Nov. 3, 1772; took apprentices; Richard Lekeux was turned over to him, Aug. 22, 1775, from Thomas Ripley 1 of the Grocers' Company. Hermitage, London. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WILLDEY, GEORGE England, fl.1702-37, OIM apprenticed to John Yarwell in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1695; free of the Company, March 26, 1702; Master of the Company in 1722 and 1733; took apprentices of both sexes; partner with Timothy Brandreth, 1707-10; partner with Charles Price 1, 1710-13; published and sold maps. at the Archimedes and Globe in Ludgate Street, the corner next to St. Paul's (1707-09); at the Archimedes and Globe next the Dog Tavern (1709-13); and at the Archimedes and Globe over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill (1711-13); at the Print Shop the corner of Ludgate Street next St. Paul's and at his Spectacle and Toy Shop next the Dog Tavern in the same street (1718-37); the West end of St. Paul's; all in London. see Willdey, George (cont.) suggest correction
WILLDEY, GEORGE (CONT.) Taylor 1(498) & 2(134); Tyacke 1; Crawforth 1 & 7; Court and von Rohr 3(70); Evans 1; Robischon; Clay and Court. suggest correction
WILLDEY, THOMAS England, fl.1739-48, MIM OIM son of and successor to George Willdey; apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1732; free of the Company on Oct. 4, 1739, by Patrimony. Ludgate Street, London. Taylor 2(319); Court and von Rohr 3(134); Crawforth 6; Robischon. suggest correction
WILLEBRAND, JOHANN Germany, fl.1682-1720, MIM Calendars = P.C., Frankfort Gewerbe Museum; Pedometers = AUG, ADL-M228; Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = OXF (2), AUG, HAK, KAS, LIE, PAM; Globe Sundial = WHI; Universal Ring Sundials = ADL-A95, ADL-DPW5, ADL-W85, AUG, OXF, BM, SAL, VIE; made many beautiful Augsburg-type sundials which may be found in most of the principal museums, one of the ones at WHI has a cam. he was one of the most accomplished instument makers of his time; step-brother of Johann Martin; probably the father of Johann Martin Willebrand. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Bobinger 2; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Monreal; Maddison 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; Wynter; USNM; Abeler 1; Bryden 16; Syndram; Coffeen 46; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WILLEBRAND, JOHANN MARTIN Germany, fl.1720-26, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = NMM, INN, STU; Equatorial Sundials = BEK, MUN; Augsburg-type Sundials = AUG (4), Evans Coll., etc; Crescent Sundial = AUG. probably the son of Johann Willebrand; Willebrand made a miniature Augsburg-type sundial in gold to fit the back of a pocket watch by Nicholas Della at TIM. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; NMM 2; Evans 1; Syndram; RSW. suggest correction
WILLEMSZ., CORNELIS, JR. Germany, 1716-90, NIM Octants = KRO, Schleswig-Holstein Landesmuseum. Föhr, Schleswig-Holstein. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WILLET AND JEWEL England, c.1825, OIM Microscope = D.(1973). West Street, Gravesend, London. Moskowitz 107. suggest correction
WILLEVAUX, P. PETRUS FRAN:US DE France?, 1703, OIM Telescope, parchment, 1703 = ADL-M430. "P. Petrus Frañ:us de Willevaux; also marked "Sacerdus Capuccinus Fecit Anno. 1703." Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WILLHELIM see Haase and Willhelim. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS 1 England, c.1835, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = D.(1987). London. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = x. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLIAMS 3 USA, PHIM see Safford and Williams. USNM. suggest correction
WILLIAMS AND HAYDON England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 9/11/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, DAVID USA, c.1780, PHIM Stick Barometer = Newport Historical Society, R.I. clockmaker. Newport, R.I. Newport Historical Society Bulletin, Vol. 45 # 1; RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, ED. England, c.1770, MIM Sundial in watch lid = OXF. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, GEORGE England, c.1828, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Mansfield in the Grocers' Company, Feb. 7, 1828. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, J.F. England, 1832, NIM Marine Compass, 1832 = National Museum of Canada; Octant, ebony = Christie 7/28/70. 63 Broadquay, facing the Sun Dial, Bristol. Bryden 9; USNM. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, RICE England, PHIM Barometer = X. Somerset House, by the New Church, Strand, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, SAMUEL PORTER USA, 1807-77, may have been a partner in Young and Co. was partner in Young, Smith and Co. by 1837-43;apparently worked alone as a dealer in hardware from then on. 4 Maiden Lane (1837-43); 17 Maiden Lane (1844-45); 19 Maiden Lane (1846-49); 74 Broadway (1850); 29 Maiden Lane; 15 John Street (1875); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, T.J. England, NIM Sextant, lattice framed = Christie-SK 4/14/89. chronometer maker and optican; sextant signed "T. Williams" plus address. Bute Dock, Cardiff. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, THOMAS 1 England, apprenticed to Thomas Brown 1 in the Joiners' Company, June 25, 1627. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, THOMAS 2 England, MIM "late apprentice and successor to Mr. Harrison dec'd"; T.C. J. Collins 1. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, W. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Devonport. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, W.R. England, c.1825, NIM PHIM Sextants = Phillips 4/20/83, Soth. 5/11/23, MYS, Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Pa.; Stick Barometer = MYS; Octant = MYS. 9 Dock Street, Newport, Monmouthshire. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM 1 USA, 1738-92, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Backstaff, 1768 = PEA. succeeded by Samuel Thaxter who married Williams' niece, and may have been his apprentice; advertised nautical compasses, Boston, 1770. King Street, two doors east of the Sign of Admiral Vernon, near the Head of Long Wharf, Boston, Mass; the Mathematical Shop, next door to Major Read's, opposite the Town House, Marblehead, Mass. (1774); Boston, Mass. Bedini 1 & 8; Brewington 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Price 2; USNM; D.J. Warner 8, 10 and 12; RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1850, PHIM Balances = D.(1976), Soth.-C 9/22/83. T.C. 71 Cannon Street and 4 Alschurch Yard; both in London. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM 3 England, c.1801, MIM free in the Coopers' Company; reported on Thomas Bourne of the Joiners' Company with Michael Dancer of the Joiners' Company in 1801. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM PAYNE England, c.1825, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Fairey in the Grocers' Company, Oct. 6, 1825. J. Brown 2. suggest correction
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, AND SONS England, c.1860, PHIM William Williams (2) and Sons; balance makers; T.C. 127 Cannon Road and 4 Alschurch Yard; both in London E.C. RSW. suggest correction
WILLIAMSON, JOHN England, c.1777, watchmaker; noted as a mechanic a mathematician and a chemist. Cumberland. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WILLIAMSON, ROBERT England, fl.1766-69, stationer and dealer in optical, philosophical, mathematical and musical instruments. Near the Exchange, Castle Street, Liverpool. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WILLING, A., AND CO. England, c.1840, NIM Sextants = DOR, D.(1976). West Hartlepool. RSW. suggest correction
WILLINGTON England, NIM Sextant = Soth. 3/24/1834. misreading for Wellington? RSW. suggest correction
WILLIS, ARTHUR USA?, 1674, MIM Plotting Rule, 1674 = Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. Price thought it might have come from Sutton's workshop. Bedini 1 & 8; Price 2; USNM. suggest correction
WILLIS, ROBERT England, c.1830, MIM Odontograph = OXF. invented an odontograph; F.R.S. Taylor 2(2046). suggest correction
WILLSMERE, JESSE England, c.1827, MIM PHIM apprenticed to James Gardner in the Grocers' Company on March 1, 1827. 2 Gloucester Terrace, London. Taylor 2(2275); J. Brown 2. suggest correction
WILLSON see Wilson. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WILLSON AND DIXEY England, c.1800, MIM OIM Telescope, pocket = Christie 4/3/85. marked "late Appre to J. Ramsden"; T.C. 9 Wardrobe Place, Doctors Commons, London. Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
WILLSON, GEORGE England, fl.1810-25, OIM Telescopes = D.(1974), Christie-SK 11/15/79, Soth. 7/23/87. "working optician" in directory; telescopes usually signed "G. Willson London." 44 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, London. RSW. suggest correction
WILLSON, JOHN England, c.1772, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Hill in the Grocers' Company on June 4, 1765; free of the Company, July 7, 1772. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WILMOT, GEORGE England, fl.1844-46, PHIM barometer maker. 46 Gee Street (1844); 14 Willow Row, Gee Street (1845-46); both in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILS, PIETER Holland, 1670, MIM Nocturnal with Lansberg-type Quadrant, 1670 = DRE; Astronomical Compendium, 1670 = WHI. Haarlem. Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON 1 see Christie and Wilson. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON 2 see Norie and Wilson. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON 3 USA, 1850, MIM Celestial Globe, 1850 = D.(1988); Pair of Globes = Norwich University, Conn. probably James Wilson. Albany, N.Y. Rinaldi 22; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON 4 England, OIM Telescope = Soth. 6/21/76. possibly Jac. Wilson, which see. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON AND GILLIE England, 1893-1900, NIM Sextants = D.(1971). certificates dated 1893 and 1900. Quay, North Shields. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILSON'S AND CO. USA, fl.1820-22, MIM Pair of Globes = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Michigan. James Wilson 3. Albany, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WILSON, ALEXANDER England, 1714-86, invented the use of glass beads to measure specific gravity. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WILSON, C. England, c.1850, NIM Quadrants, ebony and ivory = SUN, D.(1976). "late Norie and Wilson". London. Rinaldi 2; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, DAVID USA, pre-1833, MIM partner with his father, James Wilson 3, and his brothers, Samuel and John Wilson; globe makers; business closed in 1833. Albany, N.Y. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WILSON, G. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. 4 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, London. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, GEORGE 1 England, c.1825, NIM Binnacle = D.(1955). 20 Glasshouse Street, Picadilly Circus, London. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, GEORGE 2 England, c.1838, MIM 25 Merlin Place, Wilmington Square, London. Taylor 2(2276). suggest correction
WILSON, GEORGE W. USA, 1821-1910, MIM OIM SIM Surveying Cross = GUR; Transit, 1886 = D.(1971); Wye Level = D.(1970). Bradford, Vt.; Concord, N.H. (1864-1901). Smart 1; Moskowitz 103; USNM. suggest correction
WILSON, HUGH Scotland, MIM Sundial = Fenwick, near Falkirk. Gatty. suggest correction
WILSON, J. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Folkestone. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILSON, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Stamford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILSON, J., AND SONS USA, fl.1825-30, MIM Celestial Globes, 1826 = Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass., P.C.(1973); Terrestrial Globes, 1828 = Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass., P.C. (1973); Celestial Globe, 1831 = Nat'l Geographic Society. James Wilson 3 and his sons, David, Samuel and John (3). Albany, N.Y. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, J.G. USA, c.1830, "J.G. Wilson patent" appears on a wooden square made by Belcher Brothers. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, J.J. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88. 19 Hudson Road, Sunderland. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, JAC. England, pre-1731, OIM Telescope, wood = OXF. Orrery Coll; may be James Wilson 1 or , less likely, James Wilson 2. London. A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, JAMES 1 England, fl.1665-1723, MIM OIM Telescope, reflecting = OXF; Microscope = OXF. author; developed the screw-barrel microscope in England; a microscope at KEN, signed "I.W." (6) is by this maker. at the Sign of the Willow Tree, in Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. Taylor 1(450) & 2(137); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Daumas 1. suggest correction
WILSON, JAMES 2 England, fl.1723-59, MIM apprenticed to John Sedley of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 19, 1707; turned over to Cuthbert Lee of the same Company; free of the Company July 1, 1723; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WILSON, JAMES 3 USA, 1763-1855, MIM Pairs of Globes = New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, N.H., D.(1982); Terrestrial Globes = Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., USNM (1811). the first American globemaker, 1799; Wilson sold his first globes in 1809; dated ones range 1809-45; by 1815 the factory was in Albany, N.Y.; the firm became "J. Wilson and Sons" when his sons, Samuel, John, and David Wilson joined as partners; the direction of the business was turned over to Cyrus Lancaster, his son-in-law, after 1833; made a planetarium in 1846. Bradford, Vt.; Albany, N.Y. Bedini 1 & 8; Yonge; USNM; D.J. Warner 6; RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, JAMES AND SONS USA, fl.1826-33, MIM James Wilson 3 and his sons, Samuel, David and John (3) Wilson. Albany, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WILSON, JOHN 1 England, fl.1714-59, MIM apprenticed to Richard Glynne of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 4, 1707; free of the Company, Jan. 17, 1715; took apprentices. King's Head Court, Holborn, London. J. Brown 1 and 3; Robischon. suggest correction
WILSON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1816-41, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. watchmaker. Peterborough (1816); Narrow Bridge Street; Peterborough (1830-41). Goodison 1. suggest correction
WILSON, JOHN 3 USA, d.1833, MIM globe maker; partner with his father, James Wilson 3 and his brothers, Samuel and David Wilson. Albany, N.Y. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WILSON, JOHN 4 England, 19th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 12/12/73. Appleby. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, SAMUEL USA, d.1833, MIM globe maker; partner with his father, James Wilson (3) and his brothers, John and David. Albany, N.Y. Bedini 8. suggest correction
WILSON, T. England, c.1780, MIM Gunter's Rule, boxwood = ADL-A247. marked "Navigtion Scale - improved by B. Donn." First name "Thomas". London. ADL; RSW. WEBDB suggest correction
WILSON, W.W. USA, MIM Garden Sundial = P.C. Pittsburgh, Pa. Price 2 (1965). suggest correction
WILSON, WARDEN AND CO. England, PHIM Barograph = Bearnes 12/6/71. London. RSW. suggest correction
WILSON, WILLIAM England, c.1663, MIM Vertical Sundial = Moat House, Sutton Coldfield, Warwick. assistant to Christopher Wren. Gatty. suggest correction
WILTON, WILLIAM 1 England, 18th Century, MIM NIM apprenticed to Jonathan Eade in the Merchant Taylors' Company; partner with Eade and Allen, as Eade, Wilton and Allen. London. Crawforth 8; RSW. suggest correction
WILTON, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1825-66, MIM NIM SIM Surveying Instrument = Soth. 1/22/73; Miner's Level = OXF; Full Protractor = D.(1982); Dip Circle = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby; Theodolite = D.(1982). T.C.; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; clockmaker; succeeded by E.T. Newton in St. Day and also by A. Jeffery in Cambourne. St. Day and Cambourne, Cornwall. Taylor 2(1246); Coffeen B; Bryden 9; Crawforth 1 & 4; H.M. Brown; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
WIMBEE, N. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Jersey. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WIMHURST, JAMES England, 1799-1886, PHIM Electrostatic Machine = D.; Electrical Machine, belt-driven = Royal Institution. the Wimhurst Machine was invented c.1882; F.R.S. Moskowitz 104; RSW. suggest correction
WIN see Wynne. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WINCH, W. England, c.1700, name marked on a quadrant signed by John Rowley; Taylor and Wilson stated that Rowley might have been Winch's apprentice, while other sources give Joseph Howe as Rowley's master; it is likely that Winch was the owner of the quadrant. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
WINCKFIELD, EDWARD England, c.1629, apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 29, 1629. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WINCKLER, JOHANN Germany, 1703-70, made improvements to electrical machines. A.J. Turner 10. suggest correction
WINDRED see Moss and Windred. Taylor 2(2188). suggest correction
WINEMAN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Plymouth. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WINEMAN, MOSES England, c.1830, OIM 38 Butcher Street, Portsea. Taylor 2(2047). suggest correction
WINFIELD, ROBERT WALKER England, fl.1829-60, PHIM Postal Balance = P.C. Birmingham. G.L'E. Turner 24. suggest correction
WING, JOHN England, c.1673-1715, MIM made sundials; designed a portable plane table. Pickworth, County Rutland. Taylor 1(396). suggest correction
WING, TYCHO England, 1726-76, MIM NIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to Thomas Heath 1 in the Grocers' Company on May 27, 1741; free of the Company, Sept. 5, 1751; became Heath's partner and son-in-law c.1751; the firm continued as Heath and Wing untill 1773; see Heath and Wing. the Strand, London. Taylor 2(320); J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WINGFIELD, JOHN England, fl.1669-71, MIM instrument maker?; see I.W. (1). against St. Olaf's Church in Crutched Friars, London. Taylor 1(341). suggest correction
WINKEL, R. Germany, OIM Microscope = Phillips 2/22/77. RSW. suggest correction
WINKLER, G. Germany, c.1740, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = Drecker Coll. = DPW; Plane Table with Compass = DPW; Sundial = FIN-213. Berlin. Zinner 1; RSW. suggest correction
WINKLER, GEORGE Austria, c.1821, developed a type of barometer. Middleton 1. suggest correction
WINNE, HENRY England, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = D., USNM. Henry Wynne? Brieux 2; USNM. suggest correction
WINSLOW, SETH E. USA, c.1840, PHIM Balance = USNM. the balance was patented by Winslow in 1840. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WINSOR AND NEWTON England, c.1850?, MIM Drawing Instrument Set = D.(pre-1982). London. Coffeen I. suggest correction
WINTER, CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH Germany, 1696-1753, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = P.C.(1903); Equatorial Sundials = MUN, OXF, KAS; Augsburg-type Sundial = MUN. goldsmith. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Evans 1; Michel 3; Abeler 1; RSW. suggest correction
WINTER, J.B. England, c.1840, MIM OIM Protractor = Versailles 4/17/83. probably T.B. Winter. Newcastle-on-Tyne. RSW. suggest correction
WINTER, J.F. Germany, 1750, MIM Equatorial Sundials = KAS (1750), OXF (1750), MUN. compassmaker. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
WINTER, T.B. England, fl.1857-78, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Garden Sundial = Wallington Museum, Northumberland; Clock and Barometer = Crayside, Rothbury, Northumberland; Sympiesometer # 2811 = Soth. 10/22/88; Level = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Surveyor's Compasses = ADL-A185, D.(1983), DPW; Sextants, miniature = D.(1983), D.(1988); Full Protractor = ADL-N48; Stick Barometers = Soth.1/19/73, Phillips 12/12/89. T.C.; "Winter late Cail." 21 Grey Street; 27 Grey Street; 55 Grey Street, corner of High Bridge; all in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Crawforth 1; Rinaldi 22; Coffeen C; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WINTER, T.B., AND SON England, c.1860, PHIM Barograph = Soth.-WS 6/21/80; Air Meter = Christie-SK 7/10/80; mining dial plate = PC. Newcastle-on-Tyne. RSW; WEBDB. suggest correction
WINTER, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1797-1810, OIM 6 Brewer Street, Golden Square, London. Taylor 2(1060). suggest correction
WINTER, THOMAS 2 England, c.1810, MIM apprenticed in 1810. Clay and Court. suggest correction
WINTER, THOMAS 3 England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM may be the same as Thomas Winter 4. 4 Ebenezer Place, Commercial Road, Limehouse, London. Taylor 2(2048). suggest correction
WINTER, THOMAS 4 England, fl.1830-46, MIM OIM PHIM Instrument = WHI. 9 Wells Street, Oxford Street; 5 Market Street, Oxford Street; both in London. Taylor 2(2049). suggest correction
WINTERHALDER, J. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 4/20/83. Bishopsgate without, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WINTHROP, JAMES USA, c.1786, PHIM Barometer = X. Middleton 1. suggest correction
WINWOOD, DANIEL England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISBERG, C.H. PHIM Air Pump Frame = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
WISE England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISE, J. England, c.1900, NIM Octant = Ineichen 10/20/75. Hull. RSW. suggest correction
WISELING, JOHN see Johannes Weisel. Dewhirst. suggest correction
WISELIUS Germany, pre-1690, see Johannes Weisel. Clay and Court. suggest correction
WISEMAN England,MIM Rule, wood, square, four-foot = RSM. 81 ----------Road, London. RSW. suggest correction
WISENPAITNER, GEORG IGNATIUS Germany, 1776, MIM OIM Telescope, 1776 = NUR; Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = BM. Eichstätt. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
WISENPAITNER, JOHANN ANTON Germany, 1782, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = WUR, ROU; Pedometers = DEU, OXF (1782); Atwood Machine = DEU; Elasticity Law Machine = DEU. Eichstätt. Zinner 1; Michel 3. suggest correction
WISKER England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = Christie-SK 4/17/86, X(3); Wheel Barometer = X. York. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WISKER, ELIZABETH England, fl.1822-27, PHIM barometer maker; widow of John Wisker; succeeded him and took their son, Matthias, into the firm. Spurriergate, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISKER, J.T.R. England, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "J. Wisker York." 13 Spurriergate, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISKER, JOHN England, fl.1804-22, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Garden Sundial = D.(1975). succeeded his father, Matthew Wisker; was succeeded by his widow and his son, Elizabeth and Matthias Wisker. Spurriergate, York. Goodison 1; Wynter 2; RSW. suggest correction
WISKER, MATTHEW England, fl.1777-1804, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. succeeded Berry, an optician; succeeded by his son, John Wisker. Spurriergate, York. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISKER, MATTHIAS England, fl.1822-51, OIM PHIM with his mother, Elizabeth Wisker, he succeeded his father, John Wisker; he worked with his mother from 1822 to 1827; he worked alone from 1827 to 1851. Spurriergate (1822-29); 13 Spurriergate (1830-51); both in York. Taylor 2(2050); Goodison 1. suggest correction
WISSKEMANN, LUDWIG Germany, fl.1800-11, MIM OIM PHIM made microscopes, telescopes and pumps; took Friedrich Wilhelm Schiek as an apprentice from 1808 to 1811; "Court Optician and Mechanic." Philippsthal. Weil and Baden. suggest correction
WISSLER USA, c.1880, MIM SIM Wye level = GUR. St. Louis, Mo. Moskowitz 104; USNM. suggest correction
WISTHOFF, JOHAN misreading for J. Wüsthof. RSW. suggest correction
WITHAM, NATHANIEL England, fl.1713-20, MIM Garden Sundial = Ripple Churchyard, Gloucestershire; Universal Ring Sundials = NMM-D223, Christie-SK 4/17/86; Sundial, gilt-brass = Soth. 11/9/59; Ring Sundial = NMM-Caird; Magnetic Compass = KEN. Chancery Lane, London. Taylor 1(568) & 2(140); Gatty; RSW. suggest correction
WITHERING, WILLIAM England, 1741-99, author; designed a folding botanical microscope. Clay and Court; Wynter and Turner; Dewhirst. suggest correction
WITHERSPOON see Holland and Witherspoon. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WITHNOLL England, see Wood and Withnoll. Delehar 2. suggest correction
WITHNOLL, T. England, c.1767, see Frost and Withnoll; Bryden lists him as William Withnoll. Birmingham. Taylor 2(591); Bryden 9. suggest correction
WITHNOLL, WILLIAM England, c.1777, MIM see Frost and Withnoll; rule makers; Taylor lists him as T. Withnoll. 20 Anne Street, on Mount Pleasant, Birmingham. Bryden 9; Taylor 2(591) & (671a). suggest correction
WITJE, JOHANNES Holland, c.1760, MIM Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WITT, SIMEON DE Holland?, 1780, MIM Astrolabe, paper, 1780 = USNM (Archives). for latitude 41° north. USNM. suggest correction
WITTEVEEN, SYBRAND Holland, 1793, NIM Crown Compass, 1793 = USNM. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; USNM. suggest correction
WOLF England, PHIM Stick Barometer in gimbals = New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, Mass. Castle Street, Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
WOLF, ANDREAS Germany, fl.1750-1800, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument = NUR. Munich. Evans 1. suggest correction
WOLF, CARTEN Germany?, 1775, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1775 = DEU. RSW. suggest correction
WOLF, DIRK DE Holland, c.1742, NIM Mariner's Compass = Frisian Maritime Museum, Leeuwarden. Buitenkant, Amsterdam (1742). Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
WOLF, EZEKIEL England, c.1854, PHIM barometer maker. 206 Sherlock Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOLF, JOHANN Germany, c.1625, MIM SIM Alidade = USNM. Ulm. USNM. suggest correction
WOLFE AND CLARK'S USA, c.1870, OIM Telescopes = St. Genévieve Museum, Missouri, D.(1989). the telescope in the St. Genévieve Museum is said to have been used to watch the race between the Natchez and the Robert E. Lee in 1870. New York, N.Y. Moskowitz 132; RSW. suggest correction
WOLFE, JOHN England, c.1729, MIM apprenticed to Edward Preston in the Clockmakers' Company; turned over to William Bennett of the same Company; free of the Company on Jan. 20, 1729. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WOLFF, HEINRICH A. Germany, 1770, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1770 = KAS. the dial is also marked "H.A.W." Lübke; RSW. suggest correction
WOLLASTON, WILLIAM HYDE England, 1766-1828, devised a logarithmic slide rule for chemical equivalents in 1814, made by William Cary; designed a goniometer in 1809; invented a form of camera lucida in 1806; first to produce a doublet lens. G.L'E. Turner 24; Multhauf -; Clay and Court; Delehar 9. suggest correction
WOLLER England, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1975); Wheel Barometer = D.(1997). could be either Charles or Matthew Woller. Birmingham. ATG 3/29/97; RSW. suggest correction
WOLLER, CHARLES England, fl.1839-58, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 63 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOLLER, MATTHEW England, fl.1809-17, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 11/27/86; Stick Barometer = X. T.C.; clock and watch maker. 51 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. Goodison 1; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
WOLMESLEY, JOHN England, c.1715, MIM George Sparkes was turned over to Wolmesley by Edmund Culpeper 1 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 21, 1715. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WOLRICHE, CARYE England, c.1608, apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company on June 24, 1608. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WOLSCHOTGESWORE, J.F. Holland, 1750, PHIM Balance, 1750 = DPW. "J.F. Wolscholgeswore ycker van haere maiestyt munten en Balancan." RSW. suggest correction
WOLTHUYSEN, HENDRIK Holland, d.1797, NIM compass-maker. Foelistraat 20/21, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
WOOD 1 England, NIM OIM Octants, ebony = Christie-SK 11/15/79; D.(1976); Telescope = MYS. could be Benjamin or Benjamin J. Wood. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
WOOD 2 see Horne, Thornthwaite and Wood. Taylor 2(2196a). suggest correction
WOOD AND CO. England, c.1800, OIM near the Mermaid, Hackney, London. Taylor 2(1247). suggest correction
WOOD AND LORT England, c.1767, MIM Jointed Rule with slide = OXF. "New Improved Sliding Rule"; succeeded by Frost and Withnoll in 1767. Taylor 2(553); Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD AND WITHNOLL England, c.1770, MIM Slide Rule, Coggeshall-type = P.C. Delehar 2. suggest correction
WOOD, BENJAMIN 1 England, fl.1810-45, MIM NIM PHIM Octant = Phillips 10/26/83; Wheel Barometer = X. "teacher of navigation." 41 Wapping (1810); 51 Wapping (1816); 50 Wapping (1822-32); 21 Bath Street and 49/50 Wapping (1834); all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1464); Bryden 9; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WOOD, BENJAMIN 1 AND BENJAMIN WOOD 2 England, c.1845, MIM NIM OIM Benjamin Wood and Benjamin Wood Jr. 7 Bath Street, Liverpool (1845). Taylor 2(1464); Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, BENJAMIN 2 England, fl.1834-47, MIM NIM OIM son of Benjamin Wood 1, he was known as Benjamin Wood Jr.; the entry for Benjamin J. Wood in Taylor probably refers to Benjamin Wood Jr.; see Benjamin Wood 1 & Benjamin Jasper Wood. 46 Wapping (1834); 7 Bath Street (1845-47); both in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1464); Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, BENJAMIN JASPER England, fl.1796-1828, MIM apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 2, 1788; free in the Company, Feb. 2, 1796; the London directories show him as a MIM from 1797 to 1820; the Liverpool directories show a father and son, Benjamin Wood 1 and 2 and Crawforth thought that the first one could have been B.J. Wood, but he (B.Wood 1) had started in Liverpool in 1810. 10 Pared Buildings, Leaden Hall Market, London (1797-1800); Liverpool (1828). Crawforth 7; RSW. suggest correction
WOOD, CHAS., AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOOD, E. England, OIM Microscope = Phillips 5/20/75. probably Edward George Wood. London. RSW. suggest correction
WOOD, EDWARD England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 15 King Street, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(2277). suggest correction
WOOD, EDWARD GEORGE England, fl.1852-93, OIM PHIM Microscope = Versailles 4/17/83; Telescopes = Phillips 10/26/83, Christie 11/15/79; Stick Barometer = Soth.-Pul- borough 3/1/83. his instruments are usually signed "E.G. Wood" with one of his addresses; was he a partner in Horne, Thornthwaite and Wood? 7 Shepperton Street, New North Road; 74 Cheapside; both in London. Taylor 2(2278); RSW. suggest correction
WOOD, GEORGE England, pre-1761, MIM rule maker; succeeded by his widow, Mary Wood. Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, HENRY England, c.1777, MIM rule maker. 29 Great Charles Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, I.V., AND SONS England, MIM Rope Gauge = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby. Might be John Wood 2. Birmingham. RSW. suggest correction
WOOD, JOHN 1 England, fl.1701-13, MIM apprenticed to John Nash 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 20, 1690; free of the Company on April 7, 1701; took apprentices. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WOOD, JOHN 2 England, c.1777, MIM rule maker. 19 Lonon'-prentice Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, JOHN 3 USA, c.1790, advertised pocket compasses, needles and magnets; probably a dealer. Philadelphia, Pa. (1790). USNM. suggest correction
WOOD, JOHN 4 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOOD, MARY England, c.1761, MIM the widow of George Wood; she continued the business under his name. Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOOD, RICHARD England, c.1723, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 in the Joiners' Company in 1711; free in the Company in 1723. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WOOD, THOMAS England, fl.1767-70, MIM rule maker. Brickhill Lane (1767); Brick-Kiln Lane (1770); both in Wolverhampton. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WOODALL, THOMAS England, c.1604, MIM free in the Grocers' Company from Charles Whitwell on April 27, 1604; never formally bound as an apprentice. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WOODE, JOHN England, c.1627, MIM Pearl Gauge = OXF. Taylor 1(158); Evans 1. suggest correction
WOODHEAD, JOSEPH England, fl.1858-60, PHIM barometer maker. 10 Little Warner Street, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOODROFFE, GEORGE, SEN. USA, c.1845, MIM NIM PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM. suggest correction
WOODRUFF England, c.1825, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. watchmaker; barometer dealer. High Street, Margate. Goodison 1; Baillie 1. suggest correction
WOODRUFF, L. USA, c.1860, patented a stick barometer made by Charles Wilder. Ann Arbor, Mich. Middleton 1. suggest correction
WOODS 1 see Pinhey and Woods. RSW. suggest correction
WOODS 2 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. London. RSW. suggest correction
WOODS, H. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Warrington. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOODS, ROBERT CARR England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Christie-SK 9/23/88, X; Barometer (incomplete) = KEN. "Meteorological Instrument Maker"; an original member of the Meteorological Society. 47 Hatton Garden, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
WOODS, THOMAS England, c.1714, clockmaker; had James Rowley (MIM) as an apprentice in the Clockmakers' Company, in 1714, but turned him over to James Drury of the same Company. London. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
WOODSIDE, PATT. England, c.1755, MIM NIM Nocturnal, wood = D. made for Robert Jackson. Wynter and Turner. suggest correction
WOODWARD 1 USA, PHIM earliest maker of philosophical apparatus in New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. USNM. suggest correction
WOODWARD 2 England, 1846, MIM Terrestrial Globes = Soth. 2/7/72 and 5/21/73 (1846). the 1846 globe is 5" d.; see George Woodward 2. RSW. suggest correction
WOODWARD, GEORGE 1 England, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 7/6/73. 18 Leather Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WOODWARD, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1851-60, MIM PHIM made barometers, thermometers and globes; see Woodward 2. 5 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOODWARD, JOHN THOMAS England, fl.1823-56, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 1 Clements Inn Passage (1823-28); 8 Clements Inn Passage (1830-56); both in London. Taylor 2(2051); Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOOLER see Woller. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOOLEY, JAMES England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips-Guilford 8/24/93. Manchester. ATG 8/20/93. suggest correction
WOOLF England, PHIM Marine Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WOOLF, LEWIS England, NIM Sextant = Eldred 10/11/75. Liverpool. RSW. suggest correction
WOOLMAN, G.S. USA, c.1852, MIM OIM PHIM T.C.; his instruments were sold in the U.S.A. by James W. Queen and Co. and by W. & L.E. Gurley; in Britain his agent was R. & J. Beck of London. 116 Fulton Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
WOOLY see Louis Hooly. RSW. suggest correction
WORBEY, T.G. England, c.1850, NIM Parallel Rule with Protractor = Soth. 9/20/83. London. RSW. suggest correction
WORBOYS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ashwell, Baldock. Goodison 1. suggest correction
WORGAN, JOHN England, fl.1682-1714, MIM SIM Circumferentor = OXF; Gunter's Quadrant, 1695 = OXF; Gunter's Quadrant and Sundial = ADL-W88; Sectors = Soth. 7/10/67, DPW, OXF, ADL-W246; Universal Ring Sundial = ADL-W86; Plane Table, 1696 = OXF; Box Compass, 1696 = Soth. 4/22/65 = D.(1994); etc. apprenticed to Nathaniel Anderton in the Grocers' Company on Nov.8, 1669; free of Walter Hayes of the same Company on Dec. 6, 1682; took apprentices; author; "Master of the Mechanics to King George I." Under the Dial of St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street (1688); Fetter Lane against Clifford's Inn back gate (1693); Fleet Street (1700); all in London. Taylor 1(451); J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7; Gunther 2; Michel 3; A.J. Turner 10; Taylor and Wilson; Coffeen 32 and 46; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WORKMAN, BENJAMIN England, c.1750, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Augsburg-type Sundial with cam for latitude setting = BM. "late servant to Mr. Hauksbee"; T.C. near Tom's Coffee-House in Russel Street, Covent Garden, London. Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. suggest correction
WORRALL, THOMAS England, fl.1634-56, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Spencer in the Joiners' Company in 1627; free in the Company in 1634; took William Sutton as an apprentice in 1642. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WORTH USA, c.1850, OIM in 1849 Worth started a shop in New York making lenses and telescopes for engineering instruments; the business was bought by a Mr. Young who moved it to Philadelphia where it continued at least until 1911 as Young and Sons; Worth broke off and started a new optical shop. New York, N.Y; Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WORTH, BENJAMIN 1794, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1794 = Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass. might be the owner. RSW. suggest correction
WORTH, E.B.S. England, c.1850, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 11/16/87. RSW. suggest correction
WORTHING England, c.1830, NIM Sextant, Ramsden-pattern = Soth. 2/25/86. London. RSW. suggest correction
WORTHINGTON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Nathaniel Worthington. London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
WORTHINGTON AND ALLAM England, fl.1821-46, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 7/7/55; Telescopes = Christie 5/26/76, Versailles 11/20/83; Sextants = MAN, Soth. 10/20/75; Stick Barometers = X, Christie 11/24/83; Marine Barometer = Soth.-S 1/10/90. Nathaniel Worthington and Allam; probably successors to Matthew Berge. 196 Piccadilly, London. Taylor 2(1749); Goodison 1; Garcia Franco 1; RSW. suggest correction
WORTHINGTON, NATHANIEL England, c.1838, MIM NIM OIM Sextant, # 2071 = D.(19830; Beechley's Improved Sextant, 1838 = X; Sundial = X; Inclinable Sundial = Soth. 9/20/83; Telescope = D.(1993). worked for Ramsden; successor to Berge; one sundial is marked "Explorer's dial; telescope is signed "Worthington, London." London. Taylor 2(1749); Wynter 2; Coffeen 43; RSW. suggest correction
WOUTERS, PYBE Holland, fl.1580-1635, MIM Astrolabes = GRO, Friesch Museum, Leeuwarden (1606), Eisinga's House, Franeker (1606); Globe = Franeker. Franeker astrolabe signed "P. Gualtherus Matheseos studiosi",is Louvain-type; a variant of the name is Pibo Gualtheri. Franeker; Leeuwarden (1603). Michel 3; Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Baillie 1; RSW. suggest correction
WOUTERS, REMY see Rennerus Valerius. Michel 3. suggest correction
WRAGER 1695, MIM Pedometer, 1695 = SPI-183. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
WRAY, WILLIAM England, 1829-85, OIM Telescopes = K. & C. 3/28/73, Christie 4/9/75, Phillips 6/15/73 and 11/16/88. showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; the telescopes are signed "Wray"; F.R.A.S. in 1862. 43 Havering Street, Commercial Road East, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
WREN, CHRISTOPHER England, 1632-1723, MIM Vertical Wall Sundial = All Souls College, Oxford; Reflecting Sundial, 1648 = X. Sir Christopher Wren; architect, mathematician and astronomer; invented a mechanical tracing device in 1663. London. Gatty; Latham and Mattews (vol. 7); Middleton 1. suggest correction
WRENCH'S England, MIM Pair of Globes, 6" = Phillips 4/20/85. marked "Wrench's Six Inch Globe, Constructed from the Latest Authorities, London"; probably Edward Wrench. London. RSW. suggest correction
WRENCH, EDWARD England, fl.1822-53, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Pantograph = Christie-SK 11/27/86; Telescope = Christie 12/18/74; Surveyor's Compass = D.(1973); Theodolite = Soth. 7/15/63; Wheel Barometer = D.(19760; Marine Barometer = Phillips 12/12/89; Terrestrial Globe, miniature = D(1996). globe signed "Wrench's Miniature Globe, London." 6 Gray's Inn Terrace, London. Taylor 2(2280); Wynter 2; Coffeen 55; RSW. suggest correction
WREY misreading for Wray. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT 1 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = SPI-Anderson 3/25/27, Soth. 10/19/87. Ongar. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT 2 see Gregory and Wright; Gilbert, Wright and Hooke; Gilbert and Wright; Gregory, Gilbert and Wright; Moore and Wright. Taylor 2(839); Clay and Court. suggest correction
WRIGHT 3 England, c.1760, MIM Inclinable Sundial, with case = BM. Taylor 1(96); Price 3; Ward 4. suggest correction
WRIGHT 4 England, post 1858, see Baxter and Wright. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT AND COLE England, pre-1748, MIM Thomas Wright and Benjamin Cole 1; see T. Wright and B. Cole; Cole succeeded Wright in 1748. London. Taylor and Wilson. suggest correction
WRIGHT AND HOOKE England, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. repaired by Gurley in 1930; owner lived in Roanoke, Va. Smart 1. suggest correction
WRIGHT, A. England, PHIM Barometer = P.C.(1977). Westminster, London. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, BENJAMIN 1 England, fl.1596-1613, MIM probably an instrument maker; worked for John Blagrave. Taylor 1(96); Evans 1. suggest correction
WRIGHT, BENJAMIN 2 England, c.1663, apprenticed to Henry Sutton in the Joiners' Company, March 25, 1663. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WRIGHT, DAVID England, c.1830, OIM partner in Chadburn and Wright. 94 Fargate, Sheffield. Taylor 2(2054). suggest correction
WRIGHT, E. USA, c.1850, MIM PHIM listed in the 1850 business directory. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
WRIGHT, EDWARD England, 1558-1615, MIM OIM designed and made mathematical instruments using telescopic sights; made the "Celestial Automaton." Caius College, Cambridge. Taylor 1(53); Waters 2; North 2; Bedini 8. suggest correction
WRIGHT, G. see Gabriel Wright and George Wright 3. Milburn 8. suggest correction
WRIGHT, G., AND WILLIAM BARDIN England, 1782, MIM Celestial Globe, 1782 = Chicago Historical Society, Ill. "Wright's New Improved Celestial Globe, ----- G. Wright and William Bardin, London, 1782." London. Yonge. suggest correction
WRIGHT, GABRIEL England, fl.1781-1803, member of the Girdlers' Company; claimed to have worked for Benjamin Martin 1 for eighteen years; author; patented a universal gimballed compass, c.1790; invented a universal sundial in 1781. Millburn 8 and 11; Coffeen E. suggest correction
WRIGHT, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1720-39, MIM apprenticed to James Swetman 1 in the Grocers' Company on April 8, 1707; free of the Company on Jan. 21, 1720; took apprentices; turned over John Atkinson 2, an apprentice, to John Farmer 2 of the Joiners' Company on Sept. 25, 1739. Clerkenwell, London (1736). J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7; Millburn 8. suggest correction
WRIGHT, GEORGE 2 England, 1740-1805, MIM NIM Terrestrial Globes = PEA, Soth. 11/16/87; Pair of Globes = Manchester Historic Association, N.H. author; associated with W. Bardin; invented a heliochrono- meter which was made by B. Martin; possibly invented Wright's Patent Quintant but this may by another Wright; see Wright 2; see Gilbert and Wright. Mr. Martin's Fleet Street; The Navigation Warehouse, 148 Leadenhall Street; both in London. Taylor 2(909); Calvert 2; Wynter and Turner; USNM; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, GEORGE 3 a ghost; this is realy Gabriel Wright who published a paper on a universal sundial that he had invented. Millburn 8. suggest correction
WRIGHT, GEORGE E. USA, 1892, MIM Sun's Altitude Calculator, 1892 = ADL-G21. Chicago, Ill. ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, JAMES England, 1808, MIM French Curve, 1808 = Phillips 11/11/81. London. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, JOHN 1 England, 1740, MIM Sundial, 1740 = Blaise Castle Folk Museum, Henbury. this might be John Wright 2 if the date on the sundial was misread. Bristol. Stevena and Aked. suggest correction
WRIGHT, JOHN 2 England, fl.1753-60, MIM possibly related to Thomas Wright 1; apprenticed to Benjamin Cole 1 in the Merchant Taylor's Company, c.1753; by 1756 he had moved to Bristol; succeeded by Joshua Springer by 1759; T.C.; see John Wright 1. London; The Sphere and Hadley's Quadrant, near St. Stephen's Church, Bristol (1756). Goodison 1; Crawforth 1. suggest correction
WRIGHT, JONAS England, MIM made a Ptolemaic armillary sphere. North 2. suggest correction
WRIGHT, R.W. England, OIM Microscope = Borough Museum, Newbury, Berks. London. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, ROBERT England, fl.1821-32, author; invented a hypsometer. Jesus College, Cambridge; Winwick, Lancashire. Taylor 2(219). suggest correction
WRIGHT, SUSAN England, c.1730, NIM Backstaff, lignum vitae and boxwood = Soth. 9/20/83. signed "Made at Sus. Wrights in Bristol"; might be the widow of William Wright. Bristol. Taylor 2(220); RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, T. c.1900, Sundial = ADL-T42. signed "T. Wright, Dublin" but is the work of D.B. Sheahan of New York, N.Y. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, T. AND COLE, B. England, fl.1740-48, MIM Grand Orrery = Dr. Coopman's house, Franeker, Holland. Thomas Wright 1 and Benjamin Cole 1. at the Orrery in Fleet Street, London. RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, T. AND HUSBANDS (2) England, T.C. Calvert 2. suggest correction
WRIGHT, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1715-48, MIM OIM PHIM Wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums including grand orreries at KEN, OXF, BRM, Royal Academy, Portsmouth and Dunham Massey, Altringcham (also armillary sphere); mechanical equatorial sundials at ADL, NYM; hodometers at VCW, Longleat House; microscope at RSM. apprenticed to John Rowley in the Broderers' Company, April 13, 1707; free in the Company by testimony of Rowley and John Coggs 1, Feb. 1, 1715; took Benjamin Cole 1 as an apprentice; MIM to George, Prince of Wales; MIM to the King; took over Rowley's work shop; partner with William Wyeth and later with Benjamin Cole 1; author and publisher; Wright was succeeded by Benjamin Cole 1 in 1748; T.C.; see Thomas Wright 1 (cont.) see Wright, Thomas 1 (cont.) see Thomas Wright 1 (cont.) suggest correction
WRIGHT, THOMAS 1 (CONT.) armillary sphere has two civil calendars. at the Orrery and Globe, next the Globe and Marlborough Head Tavern, Fleet Street (1718); at the Orrery and Globe, Fleet Street, opposite Water Lane; at the Orrery and Globe, near Salisbury Court, Fleet Street; all in London. Taylor 1(552), 2(143); Goodison 1; Crawforth 1 & 7; Michel 3; Chandler and Vincent; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Price 2; Brieux 3; USNM; A.J. Turner 10; Clay and Court; Taylor and Wilson; Cajori; Royal Oak brochure; Coffeen 46 and 56; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WRIGHT, THOMAS 2 England, 1711-86, MIM PHIM author; trained as a philosophical instrument maker; worked at Heath's and Sisson's workshops; taught astronomy. London; Biar's Green, near Brancepeth, Durham. Taylor 2(321); Michel 3. suggest correction
WRIGHT, THOMAS 3 England, fl.1830-38, MIM Instrument = OXF. the following addresses may be for two different makers. 28 City Terrace, City Road, London; 1 Worship, Finsbury, London. Taylor 2(2055). suggest correction
WRIGHT, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1720-30, MIM NIM made a backstaff signed "W. and W." ? Bristol. Taylor 2(220). suggest correction
WRIGHT, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1797-1801, MIM rule maker. Philip Street (1797); 14 Philip Street (1801); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9. suggest correction
WRIGHTMAN, THOMAS USA, c.1800, engraved compass cards for Gedney King, Baker and Hooper, Joshua R. Lincoln, and John Trundy. Warner 12. suggest correction
WRIGHTSON, WILLIAM England, c.1593, apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 25, 1593. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
WRIGLESWORTH, WILLIAM England, fl.1688-91, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1688 = WHI. sold a small astrolabe which "registered perpetual time." Rising Sun and Globe, Upper Moorfields, London. Taylor 1(462); Bryden 16. suggest correction
WULPARIA misreading for Vulparia. Gatty. suggest correction
WURDEMANN, WILLIAM Germany; USA, 1811-1900, MIM NIM OIM SIM Theodolites = P.C., Hagley Museum, Del.; Meridian Telescopes = West Point Museum, Bureau of Land Management, Dept. of the Interior; Transits = Cornell University, ADL-L31; Sextant = MYS. Würdemann; studied in Heidelberg; came to the U.S.A in 1834 and worked for the U.S. Coast Survey; on his own from 1840; made many improvements to instruments; made his own dividing engine. Bremen (1811-34); Washington, D.C. (1834-1900). Smart 1; Bedini 8; USNM; ADL; D.J. Warner 10; RSW. suggest correction
WURSCHING Germany, c.1790, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood & paper = ADL-A150, Phillips 2/14/79, Christie 12/18/74 & 4/9/75, X. Würsching. Furth, Bavaria. Zinner 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WURSTER, CHR. FRIEDRICH Germany, fl.1748-61, MIM Cube Sundial, 1748 = Neuenstein Schloss; Regiomontanus-type Sundial, wood = STU. pastor. Wiltendorff. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WURTZELBAU, JOHANN PHILIPP VON Germany, 1651-1725, MIM Sextant, wood, six-foot radius = DEU. he was reported to have made quadrants and rules which are now lost, as well as many astronomical instruments. Nürnburg. Zinner 1; Lunardi. suggest correction
WUSTHOF, J. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Altitude Sundial and Perpetual Calendar = ADL-A106; Perpetual Calendar = Soth.10/28/86. "J. Wüsthof fecit" signed on ADL; Soth signed :J. Wisthof." ADL; RSW. suggest correction
WUSTHOFF, CHRISTOPH Germany, 1693, MIM Augsburg type Sundials = KES (1693), HAK. Christoph Wüsthoff. Hamburg. Zinner 1; Price 2; Rohde; RSW. suggest correction
WYBARD, JOHN England, fl.1630-74, designed a surveying instrument. Taylor 1(165); Evans 1. suggest correction
WYCK, J.J. VAN Holland, OIM Dissecting Microscope = P.C. could be J. or T. van Wyck. RSW. suggest correction
WYDLER, CONRAD Germany, c.1720, MIM Pantograph = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
WYE, JOHN England, c.1704, MIM apprenticed to Jonathan Roberts in the Broderers' Company, Aug. 8, 1704. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WYET, WILLIAM England, c.1653, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1653. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WYETH, WILLIAM England, fl.1715-41, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = P.C. (1978). apprenticed to John Coggs 1 in the Pewterers' Company; free of the Company c.1715; became partner of John Coggs 1; later was partner with Thomas Wright 1; made Shirtcliffe's slide rule. Globe and Sun, near St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street; Orrery and Globe, Fleet Street; Orrery near Water Lane; all in London. Taylor 1(463) and (581), 2(144); Cajori 1; Crawforth 7; Taylor and Wilson; RSW. suggest correction
WYK, J.V. see Jan van Wijk 2. RSW. suggest correction
WYLAN, HENRY England, c.1629, MIM free in the Joiners' Company; took apprentices, c.1629. London. Crawforth 7. suggest correction
WYLD, J. AND W. England, c.1858, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Christie-SK 11/19/87. see T. Wyld. Charing Cross, East London. RSW. suggest correction
WYLD, T. England, 1858, MIM Celestial Globe, 1858 = D.(1972). T. might have been read for J., or vice versa; see J. Wyld. Charing Cross East, London. RSW. suggest correction
WYNN AND TIMMINS England, MIM Bow Gauge = VCW. RSW. suggest correction
WYNNE, ELLIS England, 1670-1734, MIM Garden Sundial, 1711 = Welsh Folk Museum. Wales. Peate. suggest correction
WYNNE, HENRY England, fl.1662-1709, MIM PHIM Universal Ring Sundials = P.C.; Soth. 7/27/64; Sundial, silver = Soth. 12/13/71; Garden Sundials = GEL, D.(1976), Soth. 7/7/55, Windsor (near the Star "building"); Quadrants = P.C., ADL-L14 (returned); Protractor and Pantograph = Pepys (1669); Oughtred-type Sundial (1692) = Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries. apprenticed to Ralph Greatorex in the Clockmakers' Company in 1654; free of the Company in 1662 and Master in 1690; took apprentices; worked with Richard Glynne, according to Clay and Court; ADL-L14 returned to lender. near the Sugarloaf, Chancery Lane; near Searjeant's Inn; near the Rolls; at the Pope's Head, Chancery Lane; all in London. Taylor 1(266); J. Brown 3; Latham and Matthews, Vol. 9; Goodison 1; Taylor and Wilson; A.J. Turner 10; Bryden 9; USNM; Earle; Robischon; Clay and Court; ADL; RSW; Somerville. suggest correction
X. 1 marked on the alidade of a mariner's astrolabe, 1555, NMM-2, in Dundee City Museum. A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
X. 2 marked on the back of a mariner's astrolabe, NMM-37, dated 1628, at Western Australian Museum, Perth. A. Stimson 3. suggest correction
YARWELL, JOHN England, fl.1669-1712, OIM Telescopes = KEN, WHI, OXF, Soth. 12/16/63, etc.; Microscopes = KEN, WHI, OXF, etc. apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company on Dec. 9, 1662; turned over to Nicholas Shield of that Company on April 2, 1688; free of the Company in 1669; Master of the Company in 1684; took apprentices; had Ralph Sterrop as a partner from 1697 until 1708 under the name Sterrop and Yarwell; T.C. at ye Archimedes and Spectacles in St. Paul's Churchyard (1672-83); Archimedes and three Golden Prospects, in St. Paul's Churchyard; at the Sign of Archimedes in Ludgate Street, the first Spectacle Shop next Ludgate (1697); at the Archimedes and Crown (1698); all in London. Taylor 1(343); Crawforth 1; Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(29); Dewhirst; USNM; Whipple 2; Robischon; RSW. suggest correction
YARWOOD, JOHN England, c.1680, first to illustrate his trade card; misprint for Yarwell? Darius 3. suggest correction
YATES misreading for Yeates. RSW. suggest correction
YEAMAN, JOHN Scotland, c.1756, OIM Level = RSM. may have taken James Clark 1 and John Miller as apprentices. Behind the Weigh-House in the Lawn-Market, Edinburgh. Taylor 2(675a); Morrison-Low 1. suggest correction
YEATES 1 Ireland, c.1843, MIM the name is stamped on the gnomon of a garden sundial by John Cruise. Dublin. Moskowitz 122. suggest correction
YEATES 2 Ireland, c.1800, MIM PHIM SIM Theodolite = Christie 11/22/78; Dumpy Level = Phillips 2/22/77; Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. possibly Samuel Yeates. Dublin. RSW. suggest correction
YEATES AND SON 1 Ireland, fl.1834-39, OIM Samuel Yeates and Son; T.C. 2 Grafton Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Crawforth 1; RSW. suggest correction
YEATES AND SON 2 Ireland, fl.1865-1922, MIM OIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = WHI. Yeates and Son (2) succeeded George Yeates 2 and Son; Stephen M. Yeates may have been the "son" in Yeates and Son (2); the firm was "Mathematical Instrument Makers to the University." 2 Grafton Street (1865-1922); and 136 St. Stephen's Green West (1875-79); and 33 Nassau (1911-13); and 51 Nassau Street (1914-22); and 32A Dawson Street (1914); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 16; RSW. suggest correction
YEATES, ANDREW Ireland, fl.1823-40, MIM SIM Transit = DPW. son of Samuel Yeates; worked with Edward Troughton 2 in 1832. Dublin (1823); 12 Brighton Place, New Kent Road, London (1832). Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
YEATES, GEORGE 1 Ireland, fl.1825-37, OIM PHIM might be the same as George Yeates 2. 70 Camden Street (1826-27); 70 Charlmont Street (1828-37); both in Dublin. Morrisom-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; RSW. suggest correction
YEATES, GEORGE 2 Ireland, fl.1843-58, MIM OIM PHIM made air pumps; exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; "Mathematical Instrument Maker to the University"; see George Yeates and Son. 2 Grafton Street, Dublin (1840-46) & (1859-64). Morrison-low and Burnett; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. suggest correction
YEATES, GEORGE, AND SON Ireland, 1840-64, MIM OIM George Yeates 2 and Son; succeeded George Yeates 2 and were succeeded by Yeates and Son 2; "Mathematical Instrument Makers to the University." 2 Grafton Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9. suggest correction
YEATES, HORATIO Ireland, fl.1859-64, OIM 29 Wicklow Street (1859-62); 23 Dawson Street (1863); 13 Leinster Street (1864); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
YEATES, KENDRICK Ireland, fl.1804-39, OIM listed as an optician through 1826; brass founder and brass merchant from 1827-39. 22 Henry Street (1804-11); 27 Stafford Street (1816); 26 Stafford Street (1819-35); 24 Suffolk Street (1836); 26 Stafford Street (1837-38); 33 Stafford Street (1839); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9. suggest correction
YEATES, SAMUEL Ireland, fl.1790-1834, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = Crisp Coll.; Equatorial Sundials = Bearnes 12/6/71, Linton Sale 10/9/80; Garden Sundial = Cristie 9/11/86; Stick Barometers = X(2); Wheel Barometer = X. see Samuel Yeates and Son, Yeates and Son (1). 4 Upper Ormond Quay (1790-94); 29 Capel Street (1795-1810); 89 Dame Street (1811-26); 2 Grafton Street (1827-31); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
YEATES, SAMUEL, AND SON Ireland, fl.1832-39, MIM OIM PHIM Dissecting Mocroscope = Wellcome Institute; Wheel Barometer = X; Sundial = D.(1976). see also Yeates and Son (1); T.C. 2 Grafton Street (1832-39); and 9 Nassau Street (1839); both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; Crawford 1; Goodison 1; Moskowitz 122; RSW. suggest correction
YEATES, STEPHEN M. Ireland, fl.1865-1902, MIM OIM perhaps the son in Yeates and Son (2); grandson of George Yeates 2 ? 2 Grafton Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
YEATES, THOMAS Ireland, c.1848, OIM 119 Abbey Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
YEATES, WILLIAM Ireland, fl.1827-28, OIM 18 Capel Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett. suggest correction
YEFF, ROBERT England, fl.1702-12, MIM NIM Nocturnals, wood = NMM, KEN (1702); Gunter's Rule, 1712 = WHI. Bristol. Taylor 1(535); J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
YEOMAN, JOHN England, check on him in cards and old print-outs. RSW. suggest correction
YERMOUTH, WILLIAM England, c.1797, apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 in the Grocers' Company on May 4, 1797. J. Brown 1. suggest correction
YLLMER, ANDREAS Austria, 1559, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1559 = INN. Innsbruck. Neumann 1. suggest correction
YORKE, THOMAS England, c.1738, took Joseph Jackson 3 as an apprentice c.1738. Clay and Court. suggest correction
YORKE, WILLIAM England, c.1669, MIM apprenticed to Hilkiah Bedford in the Stationers' Company on June 6, 1662; free of the Company in 1669. A.J. Turner 9. suggest correction
YOULE, WILLIAM England, fl.1822-60, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Theodolite = Christie-SK 11/19/87; Map Pointer = Soth. 12/15/78;; Sextants = MYS, D.(1989); Inclinable Sundial = LIM; Wheel Barometer = X; Drum Microscope = D.(1983). 22 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel (1822-33); 79 Leadenhall Street (1845); 83 Leadenhall Street (1845-60); A1 Grace- church Street; all in London. Taylor 2(1752); Goodison 1; Coffeen C; Rinaldi 23; RSW. suggest correction
YOUNG 1 see Sewill and Young. RSW. suggest correction
YOUNG 2 England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1995). Swaffam. ATG 7/22/95. suggest correction
YOUNG AND CO. USA, fl.1830-74, MIM SIM Henry Young and his son, James Hyde Young; James continued the firm after his father joined with William Henry Smith in 1834. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
YOUNG AND SON 1 England, c.1840, PHIM Balances = OXF, Phillips 5/2/75; Diamond Balance = Phillips 4/16/76; Balances and Weights = CAR. T.C.; balance makers to Queen Victoria. 5 Bear Street, Leicester Square, London. Taylor 2(2282); Dewhirst; RSW. suggest correction
YOUNG AND SON 2 Scotland, NIM PHIM Marine Barometer = OMM. possibly David Young or R. Young and Son. Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
YOUNG AND SONS USA, fl.1881-1918, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Transits (# 8589) & (# 88090) = GUR. the firm was founded by William J. Young in 1820; Alfred Young, his eldest son, ran the business in 1881 and 1882, his son, Alfred C. Young took over at the death of his father in 1882; the firm was sold to Keuffel and Esser of Hobken, N.J. in 1918 when Alfred C. Young died. 43 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM. suggest correction
YOUNG, DAVID Scotland, NIM Sextants = D.(1975), K. & C. 6/12/75. South Shields and Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
YOUNG, HENRY USA, 1792-1874, MIM SIM fl. 1817-58; Henry Young and his son, James Hyde Young, were together, 1830-34 as Young and Co.; listed as Young, Smith and Co., 1834-45, when firm was Henry Young and William Henry Smith; became Smith, Young and Co. from 1852-57; retired in 1858. 4 Maiden Lane, New York, N.Y. (1820-58). Smart 1. suggest correction
YOUNG, JAMES HYDE USA, fl.1830-74+, MIM SIM was a partner with his father, Henry Young, from 1830 to 1834; he continued to run the firm, as Young and Co. until after 1874. New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
YOUNG, R. AND SON Scotland, c.1850?, NIM Sextant = D.(1968). 59 Clyde Place, Glasgow. RSW. suggest correction
YOUNG, RICHARD England, c.1669, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Edward Fage of the Clockmakers' Company on June 4, 1669. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
YOUNG, SMITH AND CO. USA, f.1834-45, MIM SIM Henry Young and William Henry Smith. 4 Maiden Lane, New York, N.Y. Smart 1. suggest correction
YOUNG, THOMAS England, 1773-1829, Optometer, 1801 = Royal Institution. author; wrote on optics and experimented with barometer tubes. London. Middleton 1; RSW. suggest correction
YOUNG, WILLIAM J., AND CO. USA, fl.1867-70, MIM SIM William J. Smith, Thomas N. Watson and Charles S. Heller continued the firm under its old name. 43 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1. suggest correction
YOUNG, WILLIAM J., AND SONS USA, fl.1871-80, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Oklahoma Historical Society. the firm was formed by Alfred and T. Benton Young after the death of their father, William J. Young, in 1870; T. Benton Young left the firm in 1880 and Alfred Young changed the name to Young and Sons, which see; William J. Young left his dividing engine to Alfred Young. 43 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; J.A. Bennett 2; USNM; Moskowitz 103. suggest correction
YOUNG, WILLIAM JAMES Scotland; USA, 1800-70, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM made a wide range of surveying and drafting instruments; the earliest are dated 1835; examples are found in many museums. apprenticed to Thomas Whitney, by then, of Philadelphia, from 1813 to 1820; remained a journeyman to him until 1823; he got a dividing engine made by George Adams from Whitney; he invented a new transit in 1831 for the Baltimore and Ohio RR; was the first maker of Burt's Solar Compass; founded the firm of William J. Young and Co. in 1867, with Thomas N. Watson and Charles S. Heller as partners; on his death the firm became William J. Young and Sons, ie. Alfred and T. Benton Young. 224 South Second Street (1825); 9 Dock (1837-55); 43 North Seventh Street; all in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Bedini 8; J.A. Bennett 2; Moskowitz 103; Coffeen 14; USNM; D.J. Warner 11; RSW. suggest correction
YOUNGHUSBAND see Palmer, Steele and Younghusband. RSW. suggest correction
YOUNGS' England, c.1850, PHIM Letter Balance = Christie 12/21/71. surely Young and Son 1. London. RSW. suggest correction
YPELAAR, ABRAHAM Holland, 1736-1811, OIM Microscope = P.C. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
YSAEUS, MAGNUS MIM Protractor, silver, in etui = NOR. RSW. suggest correction
YSENBROEK, PIETER Holland, 1701-76, MIM PHIM Planetarium, 1738 = ADL-M392; Tellurian = UTP; Pyrometer = LEY; Barometer = X; Heliostat = X. "textiel fabrikant"; author; itebtingf Ledenlijst Natuurkundig College, c.1737-76; the 1738 planetarium was improved in 1793 by Jan Peres in Haarlem. Haarlem. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Fox 1 & 2; Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; USNM; Crommelin 1; Middleton 1; ADL; Teyler Museum Exhibition, 1988; RSW. suggest correction
Z. Germany, 1741, MIM Pedometer, 1741 = DRE. the work of J.G. Zimmer. RSW. suggest correction
Z. ET B. MIM Terrestrial Globe = A-P 3/15/76. the globe is marked "Edit." RSW. suggest correction
Z.B. owner's initials on a 1773 Spencer, Browning and Rust octant in the HAK. RSW. suggest correction
Z.G.F. Italy, c.1840, see Giovanni Francesco Zarbula; also see G.Z.F. and Z.J.F. Piedmont. Gatty. suggest correction
Z.J.F. Italy, c.1840, see Giovanni Francesco Zarbula; also see Z.G.F. and G.Z.F. Gatty. suggest correction
ZABEUS, BERNARDINUS Italy, fl.1552-59, MIM Astrolabes = DES (1558), ADL-M21 (1558)(ICA-177); Horizontal Sundial, 1552 = Goldschmied Coll. = MADEX-52 = NMM-Caird. the astrolabe at the Adler planetarium is signed on the rim. Padua. Engelmann 1; Gunther 1; Michel 3; Price 1; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ZACH Germany, 18th Century, MIM Table Sundial = DRE. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2. suggest correction
ZACHARIUS Germany, 1550, MIM Wall Sundials, 1550 = Görlitz. the dials are signed "Zacharius Scultetus." Görlitz. Lübke. suggest correction
ZACHARY, JOHN England, 1687, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 of the Clockmakers' Company in 1687. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
ZACUTO, ABRAHAM Portugal, c.1510, MIM NIM made mariner's astrolabes for Vasco da Gama's voyage. Maddison 6. suggest correction
ZAHN, JOANNES Germany, c.1685, author; designed telescopes. Dewhirst. suggest correction
ZALLINGER, JOS: G. A: LEON: Italy, 1755, MIM Sundial, 1755 = Christie-SK 4/17/86. the dial is also marked "G 46 Z M 30." Bolzano. RSW. suggest correction
ZAMBRA 1 see Negretti and Zambra. RSW. suggest correction
ZAMBRA 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3). see J.C. Zambra. London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ZAMBRA, CESARE England, fl.1820-22, PHIM barometer maker; father of Joseph Warren Zambra. Saffron Walden, Essex. Taylor 2(1755). suggest correction
ZAMBRA, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, K. & C. 9/20/71. 51 Spear Street, Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ZAMBRA, G.J. England, fl.1919-21, PHIM partner with M.W. Zambra 2 and P.E. and H.N. Negretti. London. W.J. Read. suggest correction
ZAMBRA, J.C. England, fl.1879-92, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), Soth. 2/19/87. eldest son of J.W. Zambra, and his partner together with H.P.J. Negretti from 1879 to 1888; the firm was run by H.P.J. Negretti, J.C. Zambra and M.W. Zambra from 1888 to 1892. 23 Brook Street, Holborn, London. W.J. Read. suggest correction
ZAMBRA, JOSEPH WARREN England, 1822-97, MIM OIM PHIM son of Cesare Zambra; apprenticed to a glassblower in Hatton Garden; worked for C. Tagliabue; formed a partnership with Henry Negretti in 1850 which lasted until 1879; was a partner with H.P.J. Negretti and J.C. Zambra fron 1879 to 1888; Joseph W. Zambra retired in 1888. London. W.J. Read; G.L'E. Turner 24; Taylor 2(1755); Goodison 1. suggest correction
ZAMBRA, M.W. 1 England, fl.1888-1909, MIM OIM PHIM J.W. Zambra retired in favor of his second son, M.W. Zambra 1 in 1888; he was a partner with his brother, J.C. Zambra and H.P.J. Negretti from 1888 to 1892; then a partner with H.P.J. Negretti from 1892 until 1909 when M.W. Zambra retired. London. W.J. Read. suggest correction
ZAMBRA, M.W. 2 England, fl.1909-35, PHIM a partner with H.P.J. Negretti and his sons, P.E. and H.N. Negretti from 1909 to 1919; the partners were, M.W. Zambra 2, P.E. and H.N. Negretti together with G.J. Zambra from 1919 to 1921; the firm was, M.W. Zambra 2 plus P.E. & H.N. Negretti from 1921 to 1935. London. W.J. Read. suggest correction
ZAMNITZER misreading for Jamnitzer. RSW. suggest correction
ZAMORA the name "Negretti and Zamora" was read on a barometer with a perpetual calendar starting at 1773; this is surely a mis- reading of Negretti and Zambra. Christie 4/19/78. suggest correction
ZAMORANO, RODRIGUEZ Spain, c.1528, MIM Seville. Michel 3. suggest correction
ZANDRA, G. surely G. Zambra. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ZANETTI England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Victoria Hall, 8/11/97. ATG 8/2 & 9/97. suggest correction
ZANETTI AND AGNEW England, fl.1817-25, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = P.-B. 4/14/38. Vittore Zanetti and his former apprentice, Thomas Agnew. 94 Market Street, Manchester. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ZANETTI, JOSEPH England, c.1841, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. probably the son of Vittore Zanetti; partner with Thomas Agnew as Agnew and Zanetti. 100 King Street, Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ZANETTI, V. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = New House 9/10/93. surely Vincente or Vittore Zanetti, which see. Manchester. ATG 8/28/93. suggest correction
ZANETTI, VINCENT England, fl.1822-26, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (4). may be the same as Vincente Vittore Zanetti. 5 Wrights Court, Market Street, Manchester. Taylor 2(1756); Goodison 1. suggest correction
ZANETTI, VINCENTE VITTORE England, PHIM barometer maker; may be the same as Vitto Zanetti and Vittore Zanetti, which see. 98 Market Street Lane; 87 Market Street Lane; both in Manchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ZANETTI, VITTORE England, fl.1810-25, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Vincent Vittore Zanetti; had Thomas Agnew as an apprentice in 1810; took him as a partner from 1817 to 1825 as Zanetti and Agnew. 94 Market Street; 87 market Street Lane; both in Manchester. Goodison 1 & 5. suggest correction
ZANFRINI AND GUGERI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Blandford. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ZANG Holland?, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Evans Coll. Maijnstockheim. Esdaille; Evans 1. suggest correction
ZANGIUS, PHILIPP Belgium, 1602, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1602 = ROM. Louvain. Zinner 1; Price 2. suggest correction
ZAPPA, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ZAPPECK, F. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Zappeck-type Vertical Sundials = BUD, Linz Museum (2), OXF, PRZ, Prague Narodni Museum, GRA, WUP, Soth. 12/16/63, etc. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Price 2; Ithaca; Czech. Inventory; RSW. suggest correction
ZARBULA, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO Italy, c.1840, MIM mason and painter; designed and painted many sundials in Dauphiné. Piedmont. Gatty. suggest correction
ZAVAGLIA, SEBASTIANO Italy, 1823-76, PHIM doctor; made mechanical models and electrical apparatus; director of the Gabinetto Aldini in Bologna, 1863. Bologna. Brenni 1. suggest correction
ZECH Czechoslovakia, 1525, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1525 = James Ferguson = Society of Antiquaries. Prague. Grimaldi. suggest correction
ZECH, IGNATZ JOSEPH Germany, c.1791, MIM Bobinger 3. suggest correction
ZECH, JAKOB Germany, 1550, MIM Clock, portable = OXF. Augsburg. Bobinger 3; RSW. suggest correction
ZECH, JEREMIAS Germany, c.1600, MIM Sundial = DRE (lost). Augsburg. RSW. suggest correction
ZECH, JOHANNES GEORGIUS Germany, 1699, MIM Ring Sundial, 1699 = D.(1974). Wynter 1. suggest correction
ZECH, ZACHARIUS Germany, MIM Equatorial Sundial, large = Ehrensberger Coll. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ZEELST, ADRIAN Belgium, fl.1569-1602, MIM Astrolabe, 1569 = MAA (ICA-462); Cruciform Sundials, = MAN (1572), P.C. (1573), OXF (1588); Surveying Instrument, 1593 = P.C.; Astronomical Ring = D.(1972). Zinner put him under E. Zeelstius but the instruments are signed "A. Zeelstius" or "A. Zeelst." Louvain. Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Garcia Franco 1 & 2; Rooseboom 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Brieux 2; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
ZEHAVA Russia, 1850, MIM Mathematical Instrument Set, silver, 1850 = GEL. Tula. RSW. suggest correction
ZEIHER, JOHANN ERNST Russia, fl.1762-98, designed a metallic thermometer and a marine barometer. St. Petersburg. Chaldecott 4; Middleton 1. suggest correction
ZEILMAKER, KEIMPE EN TJEPKE BLOK Holland, c.1796, NIM maritime compass makers. Harlingen. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
ZEINER see Hen. Dewhirst. suggest correction
ZEISS, CARL Germany, 1816-88, OIM apprenticed to Friedrich Körner in Jena; opened shop in 1846; developed various types of microscopes; firm still running in East and West Germany. Jena. Pipping 1. suggest correction
ZEITZ AND CO. USA, 1850, MIM PHIM Philadelphia, Pa. USNM. suggest correction
ZENONE AND BUTTI Scotland, fl.1823-24, Refracting Telescope = FRK = RSM. John Zenone and Louis Joseph Batti were dealers. 5 Calton Street, Edinburgh. Clarke et al. suggest correction
ZENONE, JOHN Scotland, fl.1823-32, Stick Barometers = X (2); Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/21/83, Phillps-E 10/28/88; Telescope = Phillips 7/23/88. carver, gilder and looking glass maker; partner with Louis Joseph Butti in 1823; probably dealer; one of the stick barometers is signed "Lenone"; other stick barometer and Soth. wheel barometer are signed "I. Zenone." 5 Calton Street 1823-30); 7 Calton Street (1827-30); 5 and 6 Calton Street and 77 Princes Street (1830); 9 Calton Street (1832); all in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Clarke et al; RSW. suggest correction
ZENTMAYER, JOSEPH Germany; USA, 1826-88, OIM Microscope, No. 621 = Soth.-NY 2/23/79. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM; RSW. suggest correction
ZERBONI AND CO. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 4/28/88. London. RSW. suggest correction
ZERBONI, ANTHONY England, fl.1833-36, PHIM barometer maker; partner in Zerboni, Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli. 24 Cross Street, Hatton Garden; 13 Baldwins Gardens; 106 Hatton Garden; all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ZERBONI, BATTISTESSA, MOLTENI, ETC England, fl.1835-36, PHIM Anthony Zerboni, Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli; barometer makers; by 1840 the firm was Battistessa and Co. 24 Cross Street, Hatton Garden (1835); 13 Baldwins Gardens (1835); 106 Hatton Garden (1836); all in London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ZERBONIE, BATTISTESSA AND CO. Scotland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/22/87. Calton Street, Edinburgh. RSW. suggest correction
ZEYDLER, PANGRATZUS Germany, c.1557, MIM made sundials; Master in 1557. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
ZEZEL, MICHAEL 1628, MIM Evans 1. suggest correction
ZICK, JOHANNES ANDREAS Germany, 1664, MIM Sandglass, 1664 = VIU. Nürnberg. Lunardi; Abeler 1; RSW. suggest correction
ZICKH, JOHANN Germany, fl.1760-90, MIM Planetarium with Armillary Sphere and Sundial, 1760 = WUR. Würzburg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ZIEGENGEIST, ALBRECHT Germany, c.1700, PHIM weight maker. Nürnberg. RSW. suggest correction
ZIEHNER Germany, c.1780, MIM OIM Telescopic Quadrant = DRE. RSW. suggest correction
ZIMMER, J.G. Germany, fl.1741-60, MIM OIM PHIM Pedometer, 1741 = DRE; Löser-type Metalic Thermometer, 1747 = DRE; other undated thermometers at DRE, KEN; Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = DRE. mathematical and optical instrument maker to Count Hans Löser at Schloss Reinharz; see Merklein und Zimmer. Dresden; Schloss Reinharz. Zinner 1; Chaldecott 4; RSW. suggest correction
ZIMMERMAN, A. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, triangular = OXF. Augsburg. Evans 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3. suggest correction
ZIMMERMANN, ERHARD Germany, 1568-88, MIM Leveling Compass, 1568 = X; Artillery Level, 1588 = DRE. Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
ZIMMERMANN, JOHANN JAKOB Germany, 1644-93, MIM Celestial Astroscopicums, 1692 = Lindau Stadtmuseum, DEU. Rosicrucian; astronomer; astroscopicums translate as cones or gores; Zimmermann once held the "Bowl of Ahaz" which was made by Chrisopher Schissler and is now in the APS. Heidelberg. Zinner 1; Multhauf 1. suggest correction
ZINGG, MICHAEL Switzerland., 1599-1676, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1648 = X. Glarus. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ZIPFEL, GEORGE England, c.1822, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "G. Zipfel 11 Cockey Lane, Norwich." 11 Cockey Lane; Little Cockey Lane; both in Norwich. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ZIRKEL the name of the instrument; marked on a pair of dividers in the USNM; also marked "Nürnberg." USNM. suggest correction
ZOLLSTOCK Germany, c.1760, MIM Hamburg. Rohde. suggest correction
ZONDERVAN, H. Holland, PHIM Barometer, mahogany = Soth.-Mak van Waay, March 1976. Sittard. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
ZORN, GEORG Germany, fl.1609-28, MIM SIM Sectors = KRE (1609), BEK (1613), AUG (1614); Sundials = FLO (1613), NUR (1624); Astronomical Compendia, 1628 = Drecker Coll. = ADL-DPW15 (1628), UTO 11/2/76 (1626); Artillery Levels = BM (1619), OXF (1624), Berlin Zeughaus (1625), P.C. (1628); Surveying Instrument = STU; Reduction Compass = FLO (1618); Quadrant = P.C. (1611); etc. see G.Z. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Price 3; Ward 4; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ZUBLER, LEONHARD Switzerland, 1563-1609, MIM SIM Vertical Sundial = WUP; Recipiangle = WHI; Pedometer = NUR. author; designed a surveying instument with Phillipp Eberhart in 1602. Zürich. Zinner 1; Bryden 11; Michel 3; RSW. suggest correction
ZUCCANI, EMILIO England, fl.1841-60, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, D.(1977). the X barometer is signed "Emilio Zuccani London." 41 Brick Lane (1841-45); 32-33 Mansell Street (1849); 17 Mansell Street (1851-60); all in London. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
ZUCCHI, NICOLO Italy, 1586-1670, Jesuit; experimented with mercury, filled tubes for barometers. Rome. Middleton 1. suggest correction
ZUMBACH, LOTHAR, VON KOESFELD Germany; Holland, 1661-1727, MIM Planetolabiums, cardboard = KAS, Leiden Sternwarte; Lunaelabium = KAS. Trier (1661); Leiden; Kassel (1708). Zinner 1. suggest correction
ZURAGHI, FELIX England, fl.1832-33, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 9 City Road, London. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ZURNER, ADAM FREDERICK invented an odometer. Beckmann. suggest correction
ZWICKER, CHRISTOPH Germany, c.1660, author; wrote on sundials. Danzig. Zinner 1. suggest correction

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